#Chanelle Corn
jezabatlovesbats · 2 years
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It’s been such a long time since I last watched Mao Mao, jeez…
(I’m rewatching it right now before starting Maya and the Three.)
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honeyrosepetals · 6 months
you cant just mention your snakes and then not post pictures!! snake pic tax effective immediately. btw. please and thank you
omg my apologies you're so right, i actually have 4 snakes!! (and 2 cats and a crested gecko and an axolotl and 8 tarantulas)
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the black mexican kingsnake is named chanel (boy) 🖤 and the scaleless corn snake is clementine (girl) 🍊
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the spider ball python is theodore and he's going to be 10 in july!!! ive had him since he was 3 months old, he's my special boy 💗and the albino ball python is named mango (girl) 🥭
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aloysiavirgata · 11 months
For all of the anons who have asked for more in The Fisher King universe, here you go. New chapter below, main fic linked.
A man takes a woman and she disappears. It’s an old story.
The media will tell you she’s pretty, always. Sometimes she is and sometimes she isn’t, but she’s given the grace in her tragedy.
Dana is, though. In the way of Celtic priestesses and Roman goddesses and Renaissance women so achingly beautiful they were allowed to let their hair flow like corn. Like gold. Like rivers.
She has cheekbones like granite hillsides in winter.
Like Persephone in spring.
“She’s dead,” says the Captain. Says Margaret. Says Bill. Charlie calls with non-committal love from from Venezuela. Charlie calls with non-committal love from Norway.
If she’s alive she’s raped. She’s tortured, she’s broken But Catholics love the sanctified dead.
“She’s alive,” says Melissa, over an uncut celadon nested in a swirl of tarot cards..
Tara looks away in disgust. In fear.
Duane Barry was Mulder’s own particular monster, his brother in arms and paranoia.
An empty place in him wants to welcome Barry, wants him to fill the lacuna of Samantha. He imagines smoothing neatly over him, like spackling drywall.
But Barry takes Dana and, that, Mulder cannot forgive. He wants to hurt Barry for a long time in a way that they discuss in hushed awed voices after battlefield frenzies. He wants all of Barry’s insides on the outside, twitching and wet.
He gathers Dana’s animals to him, brings them into his home. He strokes their fur in his bed, he loves their angled predators’ faces that, like his, have eyes at the front of their heads.
Mulder fucks a suspect with the mindless short term satisfaction of scratching a mosquito bite until it bleeds. He hates himself and god, it’s good, the hating. He fucks her below the pagan sun and the Captain’s god and dares the universe to punish him. It’s a ripped hangnail, it’s his tongue against a toothache, it’s boxer briefs against a hardon at his desk.
He suffers with relish and, like most of the Scullys, he believes that his suffering will provoke tenderness from the universe. He bites the golden cross like an X-ray plate.
He wonders if anyone can see inside him at all.
He claps Bill on the back at the airport. He kisses Tara’s silky cheek, smells her knockoff Chanel #5.
Bill looks at him like a boy at Christmas, like Mulder’s the Grownup and can promise him everything.
“I love my sister,”. Bill says, as though it’s a shibboleth.
“So do I,” Mulder replies.
It’s the first time he talks about someone else’s sister and means it.
She turns up at the hospital like a message in a bottle. She is soft and pale and bloated and alive. He kisses her cheek like a Torah. He kisses her cheek like the earth of his true homeland.
Mulder holds a vigil for her as though she’s bound to Yggdrasil. Nine days and nine nights and perhaps she’s gained all knowledge. Perhaps she understands the runes.
Or maybe he does - who is the sacrifice and who is the sacrificed? Odin, spear-pierced, died for himself like Dana’s own god.
Melissa holds her sister’s hand. She holds his hand too, at the same time, her mass of red hair like ivy in the fall. She murmurs nothingness to the cold white stone of the moon.
“The moon is female,” Melissa confides to him at 2 AM over cheap wine and shrimp fried rice. “She’s the spiritual mother-guardian off all women.”
He says that he agrees, because it’s as true as any other fucking thing.
Margaret’s gaze is the sky before a shuttle launch, the Captain’s handshake the last thing you feel before your soul is ferried across the Acheron and the Styx.
Odin gave up his eye for the deep knowledge. Mulder would give up his eye for surety of her safety. He’ll give up both for what he brought to her. He understands why people suffer for communion with their gods now.
He understands why they surrendered hearts to bleed down the stones. He understands that prayers are a way to articulate fear.
Dana opens her eyes like a Marian apparition.
“Mulder?” she says, frowning.
He feels her voice the way magnets feel true north. “Hi,” he breathes, after days of planning the perfect response for this moment.
She blinks. “Did I fall asleep?” she mumbles. “Where are we? What happened?”
He kisses her knuckles, the delicate papyrus inside of her blue-tinted wrist. He marvels at the engineering of her thumb.
“You took a nap,” he says, rather breathless. Rather choked.
“Mmmm,” Dana says. She laces her fingers through his, she curls onto her side. She takes in the hospital room, frowning.
Then she seems to remember. “Ohhhh,” she whispers, eyes wide. “Am I okay?”
He nods. “Nothing serious.”
Mulder watches her breathing, watches her come back to life. He’ll press the call button in a moment, will alert the cavalry. He will make the Appropriate Telephone Calls.
Through the open blinds he sees the moon peer in. He says a prayer of thanks to its blank silver face, just in case Melissa is right.
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thosedangnuns · 10 months
Assigning d&d alignments to Warrior Nun characters
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This was not as easy as I thought it would be - feel free to disagree! Many characters change throughout the course of the show - so often I'm giving a before/after. WTH am I talking about? --
Ava starts CN - caring only for herself, without a moral compass but no malice to her actions.
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But as she starts to care for her sisters she is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice: CG
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Bea starts as the paragon of LG, fighting for good (and God) even at the expense of her own identity
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But when the usual methods fail to protect Ava and her sisters she says to hell with the rules: NG
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Camila starts LN - the rule follower at the OCS, doing her job even if it's not always the right thing to do.
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But when she receives her message from god she slips to NG, willing to bend the rules and her faith for her sisters.
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When we first meet Superion she is a solid LN, burned by rejection but still faithful to the church (if not god)
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But after the betrayal she positively rejoices in breaking the rules to protect her daughters: CG
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Mary is the epitome of CG - she is doing the right thing, for the right reasons, but she is doing it her way
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And if you disagree with that you can talk to her two shotguns.
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Lilith is LN throughout - fueled by her own righteousnous, for better of for worse - morals be damned.
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Even final Lilith I don't believe is inherently evil, just misguided, fighting for her own justice.
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Yasmine is NG throughout - willing to go against the church when necessary but still appreciating traditions.Traditions say not to eat anything that looks like a penis but corn on the cob is ok I guess ily Yasmine
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Everything Shanon did she did for her sisters, and while she hid secrets from the OCS...she did so only because she knew about Vincent. She's definitely a G - probably an LG.
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Fight me on this one Vincent is NG throughout, despite what is perhaps a CN or CE past. Even 'evil' Vincent's actions are for his version of the greater good. He is under a classic charm person spell (which is btw NOT mind control)
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Duretti, power hungry, is a textbook LN. He wields it to get what he wants. While most of what he does is good, he is willing to commit atrocities to achieve it.
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Salvius is the epitome of TN, while she loves her son her sacrifices for him are not even close to selfless.
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And even her assistance to the sisters is more self-preservation and hope for Michael than altruism.
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Kristian starts LN, using power to his own ends, but not malevolently. And by S2 he is classic LE, corrupted by power and clearly enjoying it.
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JC and pals are classing CN, they're out for themselves, without intent to harm anyone else. While you could argue that JC started to drift towards CG he was just smitten with Ava (we've all been there)
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(Chanel is an exception, because while she appears to be in it for the grift, she's the only one of the gang who shows Ava selfless and unconditional love). She is also objectively perfect. CG.
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Miguel has some of that Lilith righteousness to him, so while his sacrifice is for the greater good... I'm not sure it was good that motivated him rather than duty. Iffy LN.
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Adriel talks a big game, but he's only looking out for one man - Adriel. As a petty thief he may have once been TN, but he is now blatantly evil, though whether NE or LE is maybe unclear.
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Can you assign an alignment to a god? If Reya has an alignment I haven't seen it. Just like ants probably can't tell if the human that stepped on their nest by accident is actually a decent person.
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My man Carl will prob plead the Nuremburg defence but assuming he has free will then his actions are his. Even his final defeat of Adriel comes at Reya's behest, not his own. Carl is LN at best.
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enchanted-moura · 9 months
"The opposite of luxury is not poverty because in the houses of the poor you can smell a good pot au feu. The opposite is not simplicity for there is beauty in the corn-stall and barn, often great simplicity in luxury, but there is nothing in vulgarity, its complete opposite." - Chanel
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unrulysynergy · 1 year
Sculpture inspired by maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus aka "wolf with the Chanel boots"). Foraged tree branch, acrylic paint, corn silk.
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Its kind of better if you can move around it, because it's three dimensional and kind of had these cool different perspectives. The branch is responsible for that though, not me.
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ellavaday · 1 year
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Hello! We're back to Sandra talking too much about DRES3.
I promised myself to make these shorter unless something truly horrific happens in the subtitles lol (which is, thankfully, not usually the first episode, so this is relatively short and sweet)
Here's the reference post for the first episode.
I have a drinking game for you. Take a shot each time someone mentions Torremolinos. (Disclaimer you might die of alcohol poisoning). Think of Torremolinos as the equivalent of Palm Springs. Where all of the gays go on holiday and where all the drag queens go to die retire.
Pinkchadora makes a joke of Supremme's pictures in the work room bc her name is also the name of a McDonald's burger here (yes, the entire name, Supreme Deluxe, hence the bbq sauce comment). People Pinkchadora mentioned as inspiration/references for her drag: Lola Flores (flamenco singer); Sonia and Selena (one hit wonder duo of the early 00s)
Pakita's intro line in the work room is a pun 'i whisked my milk so much' (de tanto batir la leche) ((yes yes masturbation joke)) 'i ended up whipped' (he terminado montada) we call the act of getting/being in drag as montarse/estar montada in Spain
Pakita said she's what happens when you put a Furby and Falete in a cocktail shaker. Falete is a nb flamenco singer.
Bestiah says she comes from the cultural capital of the province... Leganés. Which is a joke but we love Madrid working class neighborhood pride in this blog (sidenote there's a lesbian and a nonbinary flag in their entrance look and they're my comfort punky this season)
Pitita's name comes from Pitita Ridruejo, a socialité (that reported seeing various Marian apparitions when she was alive for which it's safe to say she was not only filthy rich she was also more than a little insane)
María Edilia came dressed like the logo of Harina Pan (the Venezuelan precooked maize corn flour used to make arepas) and in the colors of the Venezuelan flag
When Chuchi entered they talk about how they won the Canarian drag gala of 2019. There's nothing to compare Canarian drag to and it's like saying you won the most ferocious drag competition @supremmedeluxe did a post about Canarian drag if you wish to know more but like. Suffice to say it really is a league of their own
Chanel's intro line in the work room is a pun with badmouthing ("turning someone green") ((she's the one in green skin ofc))
In the mini challenge Pitita says her rat is named Obregón and it's a ref to Ana Obregón, an actress that is better known for the 'sexy sexy sexy' bit Pitita mentions (it's from the romcom Ana and the 7, in which she's a stripper that gets a job as the nanny of the seven children of a widow man, a raunchier version of The Nanny lol)
A bonus fact about how insanely talented Clover is (bc I'm in love and they talk about people thinking cis girls can't do drag): Last year there was an official viewing party hosted by Pupi in which there were also local drag performers and there were mini contests w the audience (think butch queen realness, dance offs, lipsyncs, all that, it was amazing). Clover won that thing when she was like 3 months into drag, she's really that bitch
I don't think there's much to explain for the talent shows but just in case...
Vania Vainilla mentions an app called To Good to Go that I don't know if it exists outside of Europe so we'll just mention it, it's for restaurants to sell a bit more cheaply the food that is still perfectly good but might get thrown away
Spain is Different. Alright. Welcome to my history class. So you might be familiar with how Spain was in a dictatorship for about 40 years. After WW2 Franco realized he needed to get friendlier with the US government if he wanted to keep in power bc money ((Spain was neutral in WW2 so it didn't qualify for the Marshall Plan in the beginning but it got in basically bc Franco was a massive prick that hated anything remotely Communist leaning and the USA gov... Is what it is))
Pitita's was my favorite talent show but I do realize it was the hardest to understand without references. The women in the wheel she was spinning are pop culture icons here, and she was imitating stuff that represents them. The first one was Manuela Trasobares (a mezzo-soprano trans activist) who got famous for getting very angry when discussing LGBT rights on tv on an interview and breaking a glass. Then Carmen Lomana who is a filthy rich woman that made an ad for BK that went viral bc seeing such an elegant woman in that ad was kind of camp. Then there's Terelu, there was a reality tv about how was her life and her mother's (a well known newswoman) called Las Campos (they tried to make it something akin to The Kardashians) and she famously told her mother to go fuck herself bc she asked her if she wanted a churro which became a meme so her eating churros became viral. Ana María Aldon however is a little less clear to me (the time she got COVID maybe? The fact that her disgusting ex who is the one that was actually in the wheel is one of those super macho man and famously said in an interview his sperm was still strong and wanted another kid w her??? Eh still insanely funny)
Part of said efforts was making a very strong tourist campaign under the slogan "Spain is Different" which was used to promote... Literally every single stereotype you know about the country. Toros. Flamenco. All that. So that's how you get Bestiah dressed like jamón serrano, Macarena as a comment against bullfighting (which *chef's kiss*), Hornella in a Goya/locomia inspired fan look, Maria Edilia as a flamenco souvenir doll, Vania and Kelly as homages to Sara Montiel (la Violetera and Sandra Montiel the official Sara Montiel impersonator and an icon of Torremolinos), Chuchi as a disco ball representing the party scene (very Paco Rabane too), Chanel as the dumb tourist shirts, Clover as the 12 grapes tradition on NYE, Visa as La Sagrera and then the Parc Güell in BCN
But we also now use it as a very sarcastic way to talk about things that suck but of fucking course happen in Spain. Like Pitita making a commentary on corrupt politicians (listen people trying to get away w illegal money in trash bags is a surprisingly common occurrence I'm not even going to mention a case there's a dozen), Pinkchadora talking about the Spanish cinema dedicated specifically to juvenile delinquency and in a very heartwarming example, Pakita and her homage to Ocaña (LGBT icon from the 80s that we love and adore thank you very much)
María Edilia's exit line was for me and me alone (and every other Venezuelan bc no one else would have understood it lmao). The national beauty pageant is a huge deal in my country and she sang the hymn song of the contest. It's extremely catchy and I'm now humming it lol.
I think that's all for this episode 😊 if you made it this far, thanks 💖 lmk what you thought about the episode
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childhood90snostalgia · 11 months
90s/00s Makeup
Art Stuff Roll on Glitter Berry Lips Blue/Purple Eyeshadow Body Glitter Bonne Bell Gear Bonne Bell Gear Flip Shades Brown/Burgundy/Wine Lipstick Chanel “Vamp” Nail Polish Clinique’s Almost Lipstick in Black Honey Dark Lips Dark Lip Liner Eyebrows (Thin) Frosted Lip Gloss Frosty Eyeshadow Glitter/Metallic Eyeshadow Grunge Hard Candy Hard Candy Nail Polish “Sky” J.A.N.E Cosmetics Lip Glow Kissing Fruit Gloss Lip Smackers L’Oreal Toasted Almond Lipstick Matte Foundation 2 Shades lighter than skin tone Maybelline Great Lash Mascara Midnight Blue Nails Revlon Colorstay Lipstick Revlon’s Toast of New York lipstick Rimmel Lipstick in Heather Shimmer Stila Lip Glaze Sugar flavored Lip Gloss Urban Decay Urban Decay Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner Wet ‘n’ Wild Nail Polish Wet n Wild Lip Liner in Brandywine 666
Skin Care
Bath & Body Works Bath & Body Works Country Apple Bath & Body Works Cucumber Melon Lotion Biore Pore Strips Herbal Essences Shampoo and Conditioner Johnson's Baby Oil Neutrogena Fresh Foaming Cleanser Neutrogena Facial Cleansing Bar Noxzema Olay All Day Moisturizer Oxy Pads St Ives Apricot Scrub Teen Spirit Deodorant
Perfume/Body Spray Adidas Eau de Toilette Body Shop White Musk Calvin Klein Obsession & Eternity Candie's for Her CK One Clinque's Happy Coty Perfume Exclamation Davidoff Cool Water Debbie Gibson Electric Youth Drakkar Noir Elizabeth Arden's Sunflowers Estee Lauder's Pleasures Gap Dream & Heaven Perfume Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio Gucci's Rush & Envy Jean Paul Gaultier's Classique Juice Bar Spray Liz Claiborne Curve Love's Baby Soft Ralph Lauren Ralph Revlon's Charlie Red Spice Girls Impulse Body Spray The Body Shop's Vanilla Perfume Oil Thierry Mugler's Angel Tommy Hilfiger Freedom Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Girl Vanilla Fields Versace Red Jeans Victoria's Secret Pear Glace & Love Spell Body Spray Hair Styles
Accent Braids “Bed Head” (Messy, wavy hair) Chunky Highlights Corn rows Crimped Hair Flat Twists Fountain flipped Hair Mini Buns Mushroom Cuts “Porcupine” Updos Tendril Bangs Unnatural Colors Hair Products
Beach Blonde Sea Waves Sea Salt Spray (John Freida) Butterfly Clips Conair Hot Sticks Flexible Hair Rollers Infusium 23 Manic Panic Hair Dye Rave Hairspray Scrunchies Spider Comb (Accordion) Headbands Sun in Hair Lightener
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brookston · 1 month
Holidays 8.19
August Revolution Day (Vietnam)
Coco Chanel Day
Daguerreotype Day
Daughters of the American Revolution Foundation Day
Dahi Hangi (Maharashtra, India)
Disney PhotoPass Day
819 Day (Japan)
Festival of Random Access Memory
Haikyuu Day (Japan)
Hanawa Bayashi (Japan)
Have a Boke Day
Ibumin Earoeni Day (Day of the Tribes; Nauru)
International Bow Day
International Giant Dork Day
International Orangutan Day
International Sheet Music Day
International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day
International VPN Day
Janamasthami (Parts of India)
Little Mix Day
Manuel Luis Quezón Day (Philippines)
Millet Day (French Republic)
National Aviation Day
National Day of Lesbian Pride (Brazil)
National Flight of the Monarch (Canada)
National Old Man Young Woman Day
National Patient Advocacy Day
National Photography Day
National Sandcastle and Sculpture Day
National Tuberculosis Day (Philippines)
Penguin Awareness Day
Revolution Commemoration Day (Vietnam)
Russian Telnyashka Day (Russia)
Sharknado Day
Shree Krishna Janmasthami (Bangladesh, Nepal)
Snuffleupagus Day
Soap Box Derby Day
Tesla AI Day
World Humanitarian Day (UN)
World Orangutan Day
World Photo Day
Zella Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Cow Day
International Hot and Spicy Food Day [also 1.16]
Life Savers Day
National Potato Day [also 10.27]
National Soft Ice Cream Day
Root Beer Float Day
Savior of the Apple Feast Day
Independence & Related Days
Afghanistan (from UK, a.k.a. Jeshen, commemorates the Treaty of Rawalpindi, 1919)
Lytera (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
3rd Monday in August
Cupcake Day (Australia) [3rd Monday]
Discovery Day (Yukon Territories, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Hartjesdagen (Little Hearts Day; Amsterdam/Haarlem, Netherlands) [Original holiday 3rd Monday]
Manic Monday [3rd Monday of Each Month]
Meatball Monday [3rd Monday of Each Month]
Meditation Monday [Every Monday]
Monday Musings [Every Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
RSPCA Cupcake Day (UK) [3rd Monday]
Stay Home With Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 19 (3rd Full Week of August)
Aviation Week (thru 8.25)
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Week [3rd Week]
Weird Contest Week begins (Ocean City, NJ) [3rd Monday thru Friday]
Festivals Beginning August 19, 2024
Beaver County Fair and Cow Chip Celebration (Beaver, Oklahoma) [thru 8.24]
Cumberland County Fair (Millville, New Jersey) [thru 8.24]
Democratic National Convention (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 8.22]
Stamford Summer Restaurant Weeks (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 9.2]
Feast Days
Apple Feast of the Saviour (Slavic Pagan)
Apples Feast (Russian/Georgian Orthodox Church)
Bernardo Tolomei (Christian; Saint)
Bertulf of Bobbio (Christian; Saint)
Boohoo (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Brian Mulrooney Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Buhe (Ethiopian Orthodox Church)
Calminius (Christian; Saint)
Columbus (Positivist; Saint)
Cumin (Christian; Saint)
Dennis Eichhorn (Artology)
Ezequiél Moreno y Díaz (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Transfiguration (Julian calendar)
Frank McCourt (Writerism)
Full Moon [8th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Black Cherries Moon (Traditional)
Corn Moon (England)
Dispute Moon (Celtic)
Dog Day’s Moon (Colonial)
Fruit Moon (Cherokee)
Grain Corn Moon (Alternate)
Green Corn Moon (Alternate)
Green Moon (North America)
Harvest Moon (China)
Hunger Moon (South Africa)
Lightening Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Native Wild Rice Harvest (Algonkian, Northern Cree, and Ojibwa Native Americans)
Nikini Full Moon Poya Day (Sri Lanka)
Raksha Bandhan (Parts of India, Nepal; Hindu)
Ricing Moon (Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Hunger, Snow, Storm, Wolf
Sturgeon Moon (Amer. Indian, Traditional)
Was Full Moon (Myanmar)
Women’s Moon (Choctaw)
Wyrt Moon (Wicca)
Ganesha Chaturthi of Vinayak Chaturthi (Hindiusm)
Gerbrand van den Eeckhout (Artology)
Gustave Caillebotte (Artology)
Jan Fyt (Artology)
Jean-Eudes de Mézeray (Christian; Saint)
John Dryden (Writerism)
King’s Best Things Day: Merit, Peace & an Army (Celtic Book of Days)
Kiss Someone Day (Pastafarian)
Louis of Toulouse (Christian; Saint)
Maginus (Christian; Saint)
Magnus of Anagni (Christian; Saint)
Magnus of Avignon (Christian; Saint)
Sebaldus (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Suffleupagus (Muppetism)
Noruz (Zoroastrian New Year's Day)
Ogden Nash (Writerism)
The Royal Birds (Muppetism)
Sebaldus (a.k.a. Sebald’s Day; Christian; Saint) [Bavaria]
Vinalia Rustica (Festival to Venus & Ripening Grapes; Ancient Rome)
Watch-the-Pot Wednesday (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [33 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [46 of 71]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [24 of 32]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 38 of 60)
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [36 of 60]
Nearly Asleep (Disney Cartoon; 1955)
The Big Blue (Film; 1988)
Bronco Buster (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Bulldozing the Bull (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
Cape Kidnaveral (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1961)
Conan the Barbarian (Film; 2011)
Day Dreams Come True at Night, by Dick Jurgen (Song; 1939)
Easy Money (Film; 1983)
Enter the Dragon (Film; 1973)
The Fame, by Lady Gaga (Album; 2008)
The 40-Year-Old Virgin (Film; 2005)
Frosty the Snow Man, by Annie North Bedford (Children’s Book’ 1950)
Horse Feathers (Film; 1932)
The Hunting Season (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
I Am a Bunny, by Ole Risom (Children’s Book; 1963)
Islands in the Stream, by Dolly Parton (Song; 1983)
It Started with a Kiss (Film; 1959)
I Was a Male War Bride (Film; 1949)
Kleo (German TV Series; 2022)
Kubo and the Two Strings (Animated Film; 2016)
A Lady Takes a Chance (Film; 1943)
Lullaby Land (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Midnight Special (Music TV Series; 1972)
Mr. Mom (Film; 1983)
The Pied Piper of Guadalupe (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
The Saint Bids Diamonds (a.k.a. Thieves’ Picnic), by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1937) [Saint #19]
Saucy Sausages (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Shark Tank (TV Series; 2009)
Turning the Fables (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
Valiant (Animated Film; 2005)
Vincent (Animated Film; 1988)
Today’s Name Days
Emilia, Johann, Julius, Sebald (Austria)
Ivan, Jordan, Magna (Croatia)
Ludvík (Czech Republic)
Selbadus (Denmark)
Maano, Maanus, Magnus, Mango, Mauno (Estonia)
Mauno, Maunu (Finland)
Jean (France)
Bert, Johann, Julius, Sebald (Germany)
Huba (Hungary)
Giovanni, Magno, Mariano (Italy)
Imanta, Marlene, Melanija (Latvia)
Argaudas, Balys, Boleslovas, Tolvina (Lithuania)
Sigvald, Sigve (Norway)
Bolesław, Emilia, Jan, Julian, Juliusz, Ludwik, Piotr, Sebald (Poland)
Lýdia (Slovakia)
Ezequiel, Juan, Magín (Spain)
Magnus, Måns (Sweden)
Sade, Sadie, Salina, Sally, Sara, Sarah, Sarai, Sari, Sarina, Zarah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 232 of 2024; 134 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 34 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 16 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 15 Av 5784
Islamic: 13 Safar 1446
J Cal: 22 Purple; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 6 August 2024
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 7 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Columbus]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 61 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 29 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Holidays 8.19
August Revolution Day (Vietnam)
Coco Chanel Day
Daguerreotype Day
Daughters of the American Revolution Foundation Day
Dahi Hangi (Maharashtra, India)
Disney PhotoPass Day
819 Day (Japan)
Festival of Random Access Memory
Haikyuu Day (Japan)
Hanawa Bayashi (Japan)
Have a Boke Day
Ibumin Earoeni Day (Day of the Tribes; Nauru)
International Bow Day
International Giant Dork Day
International Orangutan Day
International Sheet Music Day
International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day
International VPN Day
Janamasthami (Parts of India)
Little Mix Day
Manuel Luis Quezón Day (Philippines)
Millet Day (French Republic)
National Aviation Day
National Day of Lesbian Pride (Brazil)
National Flight of the Monarch (Canada)
National Old Man Young Woman Day
National Patient Advocacy Day
National Photography Day
National Sandcastle and Sculpture Day
National Tuberculosis Day (Philippines)
Penguin Awareness Day
Revolution Commemoration Day (Vietnam)
Russian Telnyashka Day (Russia)
Sharknado Day
Shree Krishna Janmasthami (Bangladesh, Nepal)
Snuffleupagus Day
Soap Box Derby Day
Tesla AI Day
World Humanitarian Day (UN)
World Orangutan Day
World Photo Day
Zella Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Cow Day
International Hot and Spicy Food Day [also 1.16]
Life Savers Day
National Potato Day [also 10.27]
National Soft Ice Cream Day
Root Beer Float Day
Savior of the Apple Feast Day
Independence & Related Days
Afghanistan (from UK, a.k.a. Jeshen, commemorates the Treaty of Rawalpindi, 1919)
Lytera (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
3rd Monday in August
Cupcake Day (Australia) [3rd Monday]
Discovery Day (Yukon Territories, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Hartjesdagen (Little Hearts Day; Amsterdam/Haarlem, Netherlands) [Original holiday 3rd Monday]
Manic Monday [3rd Monday of Each Month]
Meatball Monday [3rd Monday of Each Month]
Meditation Monday [Every Monday]
Monday Musings [Every Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
RSPCA Cupcake Day (UK) [3rd Monday]
Stay Home With Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 19 (3rd Full Week of August)
Aviation Week (thru 8.25)
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Week [3rd Week]
Weird Contest Week begins (Ocean City, NJ) [3rd Monday thru Friday]
Festivals Beginning August 19, 2024
Beaver County Fair and Cow Chip Celebration (Beaver, Oklahoma) [thru 8.24]
Cumberland County Fair (Millville, New Jersey) [thru 8.24]
Democratic National Convention (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 8.22]
Stamford Summer Restaurant Weeks (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 9.2]
Feast Days
Apple Feast of the Saviour (Slavic Pagan)
Apples Feast (Russian/Georgian Orthodox Church)
Bernardo Tolomei (Christian; Saint)
Bertulf of Bobbio (Christian; Saint)
Boohoo (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Brian Mulrooney Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Buhe (Ethiopian Orthodox Church)
Calminius (Christian; Saint)
Columbus (Positivist; Saint)
Cumin (Christian; Saint)
Dennis Eichhorn (Artology)
Ezequiél Moreno y Díaz (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Transfiguration (Julian calendar)
Frank McCourt (Writerism)
Full Moon [8th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Black Cherries Moon (Traditional)
Corn Moon (England)
Dispute Moon (Celtic)
Dog Day’s Moon (Colonial)
Fruit Moon (Cherokee)
Grain Corn Moon (Alternate)
Green Corn Moon (Alternate)
Green Moon (North America)
Harvest Moon (China)
Hunger Moon (South Africa)
Lightening Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Native Wild Rice Harvest (Algonkian, Northern Cree, and Ojibwa Native Americans)
Nikini Full Moon Poya Day (Sri Lanka)
Raksha Bandhan (Parts of India, Nepal; Hindu)
Ricing Moon (Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Hunger, Snow, Storm, Wolf
Sturgeon Moon (Amer. Indian, Traditional)
Was Full Moon (Myanmar)
Women’s Moon (Choctaw)
Wyrt Moon (Wicca)
Ganesha Chaturthi of Vinayak Chaturthi (Hindiusm)
Gerbrand van den Eeckhout (Artology)
Gustave Caillebotte (Artology)
Jan Fyt (Artology)
Jean-Eudes de Mézeray (Christian; Saint)
John Dryden (Writerism)
King’s Best Things Day: Merit, Peace & an Army (Celtic Book of Days)
Kiss Someone Day (Pastafarian)
Louis of Toulouse (Christian; Saint)
Maginus (Christian; Saint)
Magnus of Anagni (Christian; Saint)
Magnus of Avignon (Christian; Saint)
Sebaldus (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Suffleupagus (Muppetism)
Noruz (Zoroastrian New Year's Day)
Ogden Nash (Writerism)
The Royal Birds (Muppetism)
Sebaldus (a.k.a. Sebald’s Day; Christian; Saint) [Bavaria]
Vinalia Rustica (Festival to Venus & Ripening Grapes; Ancient Rome)
Watch-the-Pot Wednesday (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [33 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [46 of 71]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [24 of 32]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 38 of 60)
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [36 of 60]
Nearly Asleep (Disney Cartoon; 1955)
The Big Blue (Film; 1988)
Bronco Buster (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Bulldozing the Bull (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
Cape Kidnaveral (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1961)
Conan the Barbarian (Film; 2011)
Day Dreams Come True at Night, by Dick Jurgen (Song; 1939)
Easy Money (Film; 1983)
Enter the Dragon (Film; 1973)
The Fame, by Lady Gaga (Album; 2008)
The 40-Year-Old Virgin (Film; 2005)
Frosty the Snow Man, by Annie North Bedford (Children’s Book’ 1950)
Horse Feathers (Film; 1932)
The Hunting Season (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
I Am a Bunny, by Ole Risom (Children’s Book; 1963)
Islands in the Stream, by Dolly Parton (Song; 1983)
It Started with a Kiss (Film; 1959)
I Was a Male War Bride (Film; 1949)
Kleo (German TV Series; 2022)
Kubo and the Two Strings (Animated Film; 2016)
A Lady Takes a Chance (Film; 1943)
Lullaby Land (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Midnight Special (Music TV Series; 1972)
Mr. Mom (Film; 1983)
The Pied Piper of Guadalupe (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
The Saint Bids Diamonds (a.k.a. Thieves’ Picnic), by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1937) [Saint #19]
Saucy Sausages (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Shark Tank (TV Series; 2009)
Turning the Fables (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
Valiant (Animated Film; 2005)
Vincent (Animated Film; 1988)
Today’s Name Days
Emilia, Johann, Julius, Sebald (Austria)
Ivan, Jordan, Magna (Croatia)
Ludvík (Czech Republic)
Selbadus (Denmark)
Maano, Maanus, Magnus, Mango, Mauno (Estonia)
Mauno, Maunu (Finland)
Jean (France)
Bert, Johann, Julius, Sebald (Germany)
Huba (Hungary)
Giovanni, Magno, Mariano (Italy)
Imanta, Marlene, Melanija (Latvia)
Argaudas, Balys, Boleslovas, Tolvina (Lithuania)
Sigvald, Sigve (Norway)
Bolesław, Emilia, Jan, Julian, Juliusz, Ludwik, Piotr, Sebald (Poland)
Lýdia (Slovakia)
Ezequiel, Juan, Magín (Spain)
Magnus, Måns (Sweden)
Sade, Sadie, Salina, Sally, Sara, Sarah, Sarai, Sari, Sarina, Zarah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 232 of 2024; 134 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 34 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 16 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 15 Av 5784
Islamic: 13 Safar 1446
J Cal: 22 Purple; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 6 August 2024
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 7 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Columbus]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 61 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 29 of 31)
1 note · View note
jezabatlovesbats · 2 years
More About The Cresselions and Corns
- Eugene and Edgar (Annette's father) are good friends, and they've been that way since high school. They were on the same lacrosse team.
- Annette actually knew Eugene as well. She stood in his and Sonara's wedding with her family when she was just three years old, that taking place before she entered her cringy childhood phase. Up until she and Adorabat became friends, Annette had forgotten about him even if Edgar and Eugene were still keeping in touch.
- The Cresselion parents hold respect for Eugene since they both live in really nice-looking houses.
- Eugene hasn't visited the Cresselion-Corn house in a while. He has heard about the Corns moving in with the Cresselions, but he hasn't met them yet.
- The reason Annette wanted to be Adorabat's friend in the first place was to keep her company after she lost her mom. That's a very important detail, so let it sink in.
- Annette met Adorabat when the former was in junior high school.
- Adorabat was born the day Annette had her tonsils removed.
- Because their respective dads were close pals, Annette and Adorabat thought of themselves as "cousins."
- It took Annette a while to cool off after the "accident" tore her apart inside. She was doing okay before Mao Mao and Badgerclops came to Pure Heart Valley. When they first arrived in "I Love You Mao Mao," Annette and her housemate/best friend Chanelle were on their way to spend the summer at magic camp, the site of which was halfway up the Ruby Pure Heart spire. However, the shockwave from Mao Mao and BC crashing into the Ruby Pure Heart caused their bus to break down. Annette and Chanelle got a great view of what was happening in the main square from where they were, and when Annette saw Adorabat, let's just say that it dredged up some old memories.
- Back in kindergarten, Annette's classmates were intimidated by how fast she was picking up the violin. This sort of had a lasting effect on them, and it kinda explains why Annette didn't have a lot of friends. She still had a decent number, though.
- One of Annette's grandmothers made a wedding present for Penny and Benny. It's a china set with watermelon designs painted on them.
- Chanelle's father, Dr. Cloudtail, works at the local hospital Dr. Cuddlestein was seen working at, along with Forest County's hospital.
- Annette really liked Lucky Ducky in her youth- when she was in the first grade, to be exact.
0 notes
sushideception · 7 months
Scent Memories: The Rubin Museum
A few months ago, I visited the Rubin Museum, a beautiful little gem of a place exhibiting Himalayan Buddhist art. One floor of the museum is dedicated to interactive exhibits; when I went, there was a row of monitors and a table at the back with books.
Each monitor had a little aperture at the top that sprayed a scented mist, and a screen that played a brief video presentation about the smell and what it meant to the artist who designed it (who knew there were scent artists?). One was the smell of earth after rain, one was the smell of a waterfall, I don't remember the others. The exhibit was about the link between smell and memory. The multimedia presentations were nice, but my favourite part was the back of the room, where there was a red table strewn with books and pencils.
They were blank white paperbacks, square, and each page was the same template: WHEN I SMELL ________, I REMEMBER _________
I couldn't stop reading the entries that visitors had filled out. They were funny, heartfelt, nostalgic, sweet, sad, homesick, beautiful. I wanted to steal one of the books but I knew it wouldn't be right--instead I scrawled my own entry and took photos of as many as I could before moving on. I've included all the photos I took, as well as transcriptions below.
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WHEN I SMELL Patchouli, I REMEMBER My mother
She was always wearing something that smelled this even if it was a cologne. I didn't like it. It embarrassed me because it was so strong. Now I miss it and think of her anytime I smell it
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WHEN I SMELL My grandmother's perfume, I REMEMBER the fun and special times we had together. I remember us doing movie night and making sandwiches + all sorts of fun.
I wish I knew what it was called.
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WHEN I SMELL wood/paint, I REMEMBER... [drawing of a hardware store]
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WHEN I SMELL Lilac, I REMEMBER the Lilac Bush in the driveway by the side of our house-- it was my moms favorite--
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WHEN I SMELL a smoke, I REMEMBER... home (Delhi), the smell of agarbhati always brings me back
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WHEN I SMELL Bushell's leaf tea, I REMEMBER My Nana's clothes and gifts she brought us when she visited. She would pack cardboard boxes of Bushell's leaf tea in between her clothes in her suitcase so we would have plenty of Australian tea in the US. We would gather round in our dressing gowns as soon as we got up and sip tea together. I still take Bushell's wherever I go in the world, and its scent and taste are calming and centering as I start my day.
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WHEN I SMELL Rose, I REMEMBER My grandmother who always wears Rose scented lotion. She is my inspiration and one of my favorite People.
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WHEN I SMELL chicken + rice, I REMEMBER my mom making her African chicken and rice on days when she didn't plan out dinner. My older sister and I hated when we could smell it cause we wanted to eat out at Chipotle or Chick-fil-a. Now I crave that meal and ask my mom to make it everytime I'm home from college
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WHEN I SMELL bleau (?) by Chanel*, I REMEMBER my old friend/prom date
*This is not an ad!
I moved to a new school for my senior year of high school & became good friends with this one boy. He liked to wear Bleau by Chanel and I'd steal his jacket from his locker - which we shared - and wear it for the rest of the day. He was also my date for prom - it was one of the best nights I've ever had.
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WHEN I SMELL corn chip, I REMEMBER my dog Jade and taking a nap with her. Very peaceful she always smells like corn chips :)
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WHEN I SMELL ~20°F cold winter air, I REMEMBER walking home from the bus stop in the suburbs of Illinois. I like winter but also one of my most vivid memories walking home is slipping on black ice + falling on my ass. [my mind creature]
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WHEN I SMELL Diptyque OLENE, I REMEMBER... Oo. I think of you, and that summer that seemed endless. I remember the sunshine and the green grapevines
I remember you smoking in front of me, speaking out your feelings about me. I remember me knowing nothing about our path but still feel infinite happiness. Sometimes I hope I could stay there and never wake up from that sweet dream. I'll just keep this a secret.
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WHEN I SMELL apples, I REMEMBER San Francisco
I spent a summer working in SF. Nothing glamorous, but I was in love. With a new city, my newfound individuality, with possiblity. That summer I developed an allergy to apples, which made me more sad than I'd like to admit. I also got my heart broken. I always remember SF fondly, though.
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WHEN I SMELL stinky tofu, I REMEMBER summers in my childhood spent running around Beijing with friends I had made off of the street without a care in the world
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WHEN I SMELL mitsubishi wall AC, I REMEMBER...
[Chai! Chai! Chai!
The motherland right after power comes back on]
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WHEN I SMELL Jazz Club, I REMEMBER... Christmastime datenight in a rooftop glass cabin in the South Seaport. Red wine flowing, fake fire burning, grad school fatigue and covid anxiety, brussel sprouts and mac n cheese.
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WHEN I SMELL Contradiction, I REMEMBER The bottle of Calvin Klein perfume I received from a lover during a getaway in Venice in 2000. The perfume has since been discontinued but I keep the 23-year old bottle in a drawer in my old bedroom in Brooklyn to savor at random times when I want to think of that life-altering trip. I recall the mist over the lagoon at dawn as my vaporetto brought me close to shore. Then my mind drifts to the bedroom in the Hotel Campanello where I received the bottle...
I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did. I didn't take a photo of what I added to the book; but when I smell basil, I remember going out to the backyard to pick basil in the summer so my mom could make pesto. I would fill up a big metal bowl with the shiny leaves. My hands always smelled fragrant and floral afterwards.
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returntosaturn271995 · 9 months
Sunday, January 7th, 2024: Weekend Wrap-up
Outfit: Sheer black blouse with black coverage over the breasts, dark grey frayed jeans, black booties, cropped back leather jacket, chanel necklace
Activities: Coffee at Elixer Cafe, pedicures, and Flamingo Deck lunch with burrata, pear, and prosciutto salads. Bayside landing going away party for Natalie, met her adorable sister Andora (Andy) who is like a little me and getting her masters at LSE. Hung out at Connor's watching a truly ridiculous/amazing movie "Sanctuary" and ordering a Mediterranean pizza.
Mood: *After not being able to get a pedicure but enjoying the massage and foot bath* "The med spa is half-full".
Outfit: Black and white workout outfit. Adidas leggings, Nikes, and burgundy cable knit turtleneck.
Activities: Hannah's move-out day. Makenna and I took a hot girl walk for coffee, we built a ton of furniture for the living room and it's looking GORGEOUS already. Connor came over to put the dining room table together (green flag), believes in therapy (green flag), asked Makenna questions about herself (green flag), and regularly listens to Pod Save America (green flag). Our neighbor Grace stopped by to borrow our oven, which felt very cute and 1950's. She's 27 and has a chill yogi-girl vibe. Then Connor and I watched a crime documentary that was CAMP as hell.
Mood: New furniture, new me.
Outfit: Workout fit in teal, Gay for Soccer hat
Activities: I woke up at noon to a beautiful breakfast nook with fresh flowers and Blue cuddling on one of the new suede chairs I put together. Hit my cardio goal of slightly over 5 K today on an epic beach run and meditation. Made an amazing dinner (see below) and then binge-watched Sex and The City while she ordered a new fabulous lamp for the beautiful living room. YAY!
Mood: Sunday reset bliss
Meals I made this weekend:
Five cheese ravioli and truffle sauce with mushrooms, onions, spinach and pancetta
Steak tacos and chipotle-glazed vegetables with orange salad and lime sour cream
Southern pork chops and crispy corn cakes with marinated apple and braised kale
Goals this week:
7:30 am average wake-up times
10 K running goal
1 book
5 meals
Read poetry every day
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tenaciouspostfun · 11 months
Theater Review
Off Broadway
"Ode To The Wasp Woman" at Actors Temple Theatre is a very up and down play that has as many good things in it as it does pitfalls. The story has its premise in four actors who died prematurely. Sean Young who plays Susan Cabot, Douglass Everett Davis is George Reeves, Payton Georgiana is Barbra Payton and Josh Alscher is Alfalfa from "The little Rascals" fame.
Rider McDowell has written this interesting play that points to the difficulty of making it in Hollywood; once you make it, if your lucky enough, it is staying on top that becomes the real challenge. As a childhood star, Carl Switzer could not find success beyond The Little Rascals, George Reeves was typecast and had difficulty getting any jobs after his role in "Superman". Both Switzer and Reeves would die from gunfire. In the case of Barbra Payton and Susan Cabot, their lives would take a turn for the worse because of life circumstances.Payton would face sexual abuse as a thirteen year old and her wild ways led to her downfall once she became a starlit. In Cabot's case, her world would fall apart when she delivered a baby that would be a Dwarf. Obsessed with making her son, Timmy taller by using human growth hormones, it drove him insane at the same time. He would eventually kill his mother in a fit of rage.
Rider McDowell who wrote and directed this play has some inconsistencies in both. Some of the blocking in this play are questionable, as is the sound in the play. Where simple movements become overdone, the prerecording in the play were awful. The lighting was very supportive throughout the evening (Maarten Cornelis) and the costumes were well done by Pearl Gopalani. In Christian Fleming's scenic design, the constant changing of the room was a distraction to the flow of this production.
While there were four stories, two were exceptional; the first (Alfalfa) and the third (George Reeves). Payton Georgiana and Anna Telfer were outstanding as were Davis and Alscher. As the lead bill Sean Young at times struggled with her lines and her acting consistency.David Wenzel was consistent in his various roles as was Rita Louise. Jonathan Hartman was erratic in his performance throughout the play.
As a former investigative reporter, Rider McDowell gave us that feeling in his play. He approaches the writing with a macabre angel to it. The lives of the actors before us are laid out as a TV police show with not a lot of emotion from the actors which stems from the shows direction. In the shows 120 minutes we get a potpourri of the four actors lives and not a lot of depth to them.
"Ode" was a very mixed bag... it brought back the old time actors which had a good vibe to it and yet it just didn't go deep enough into the lives. A good example of this is the writing on actor Barbra Payton. We get a small feel into her abuse as an adolescent but writer Rider McDowell only scratches the surface as to how it affected her in later years. We see that she became a B actor, was that solely of her bad choices in picking movies? Was it because she lacked talent? We are told she is blackballed after coming out with an affair with Bob Hope but we never fully are told the whole reason as to why she went into abject poverty and self destruction.
Sean Young, Actors Temple Theatre, Off Broadway, New York City, Barbra Payton, George Reeves, Superman, Hollywood Land, WPIX Chanel 11, Sweeney Todd, Will Swanson, Some Like it Hot, Hamilton, The Lion King, Harry Potter, Aladdin, Spamelot.
Words: 618
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newagesispage · 1 year
                                                                      MAY    2023
32% of the country is now Atheist, Agnostic or has no religious affiliation.
Asa Hutchinson and Robert Kennedy Jr. have thrown their hats into the Presidential ring.
So intrigued by the Broadway production of Shucked. We have always joked here in the Midwest about the corn that is everywhere. The corn is held in high regard, not quite the Dark Secret of Harvest Home but it rules.
Summer Camp will come back to Chillicothe, il for May 26, 27 and 28th with Willie Nelson and family, Moe and many others.
Brandon Johnson is the winner in the Mayoral runoff election in Chicago.
May 1, 2011: We got Bin Laden. Thank You.
There are armadillos taking up residence in Illinois!!
Jon Stewart showed up for Roy Wood Jr’s turn at the Daily Show desk. An endorsement?? I do have to say that Wood, Sarah Silverman and Leslie Jones seemed like the best choices to me. They were good at every part of the show. All would be great permanent hosts but some say that permanent revolving hosts would be better. The biggest ratings have come from Al Franken and Roy Wood Jr. And BTW, Roy Wood Jr. Killed it at the White House Correspondence Dinner!! Biden did a great job too.
Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell. - Justice Hugo Black
Check out A Fever in the Heartland by Tim Egan. The book chronicles the rise of the KKK in the center of the country.
Days alert: C’mon let’s get Tripp and Wendy together. They are so perfect so let’s get Johnny out of there and back to Chanel!! ** Surely they will kill off Sloan?!** Let’s bring Mimi and some more of Bonnie’s family to town.** Xander and Chloe?? I don’t know but when is her sister going to come to town??  
Look for the new flick about David Johansen from Scorsese.
Wicked is taking over the 4th spot on the Broadway list of success. The others are Chicago, The Lion King,  and Phantom of the opera. Cats will move to 5th.
If you watch enough true crime, you begin to notice that it is usually the significant other that did it. It also seems that a lot of Police have to be prodded into actually taking murder seriously. There are great cop shops out there but not so many on the true crime shows.
I wonder why Marjorie Taylor Green and Trump are such snowflakes. We can be hopeful that he will finally have to pay for some of his crimes but in reality, he may not get much from these charges. It will give him his favorite things: headlines. Fox and Friends keep saying that if this could happen to Trump, it could happen to any of us. I hope that if we break the law, we have to pay. Why is that so hard for them to accept? They must have a lot of lawbreakers at Fox! The 34 charges include creating shell companies and misdemeanors that became felonies. Scary Clown 45 or criminal defendant # 4913961R showed up over 2 hours late for court. Please let President Fraud pay for all his crimes!!  And don’t let anything happen to the Judge or his Fam since Don Jr. Is calling the out. JAIL THE THUGS! **MTG compared Trump to Jesus and Nelson Mandella. She did a 60 Minutes interview in which she was very defensive. If someone tweets things on their account or says something in public, they should be able to explain their position without being so cruel and dismissive. People just want you to stand by what you say not act bewildered and confused. And I wonder if New York will ever forget how much she claims to hate them? Jim Jordan makes no bones about how much he also hates NY. Toughen up Buttercups!
Can we get a Librarians movie??
A guy’s in an ad saying the phone company he “owns” will keep its rates low. In reality he has a 25% share and it’s being sold to a larger competitor. - Harry Shearer
Th EU would not sell Miller High Life because the bottle says, “the champagne of beers” and they take champagne seriously. A bottle must actually hold real champagne to say it.
Danny Trejo has a new cookbook, Cantina.
It seems the flood protection system in New Orleans is corroding. The 35- year life span of the pumps that were put in at a cost of $14 billion are a mess after only 5 years.
Phone booths were so cool and I miss them.
Idaho has signed into law an abortion trafficking bill which restricts interstate travel.
Are you watching The Diplomat?? Fucking awesome!! Go Mckean!! Keri Russell picks the best material.
Forced birth in a country with no universal health care, no universal childcare, no paid family medical leave and one of the highest rates of maternal mortality among rich nations. This isn’t about “life”. It's about control.  - Robert Reich
I sometimes wonder if anybody besides Trump lost their shit when Seth Meters hosted the WH Correspondent’s dinner. ** This year the dinner was hosted by Roy Wood Jr.
Check it out: Elon Musk’s companies have received more Federal Government funding than NPR has in it entire existence. - Kaivan Shroff** Musk’s spacecraft exploded. ** Musk was on Real Time and boy, did Bill Maher kiss his ass. I found Musk’s talking style very halting and he only seemed to be talking in circles.  
Just as we were hearing word that Don Lemon is a diva prick, he is let go at CNN. Tucker Carlson has also been forced out at Fox.
Clarence Thomas is being looked into for ethics violations after he has accepted big gifts for decades. Being shady and greedy has become a sick art form. Why do soo many who have soo much take pleasure in all this trickery? And why are there no consequences? ** There are rumblings that he may not be the only Justice that has issues. ** In 1969, Justice Abe Fortas was forced to resign because of his rich friend. ** Other judges have to comply with a code of ethics but not the highest court in the land?? Dick Durbin introduced a bill similar to the circuit court of appeals. We must have a threat of legislation.
Everything that Dan Rather used to tell us has come true. There are so many that do not seem to know fantasy from reality.
Sadly, the only thing easier to buy in America than a gun is a Republican politician. Especially if you’re a billionaire who collects nazi memorabilia and owns a mega-yacht.
The Super Mario movie is breaking records.
Why does it sometimes seem like we often got along better in the 70’s when everybody was telling terrible ethnic and dead baby jokes?
***** There was a breech in intelligence from the Air National Guard. How does this 21- year old, Jack Teixeira have that kind of clearance? Is he that special or smart? Does he know somebody? Info in a gaming chat room? This is a 2023 problem.
In Seattle, several pot farms were shut down due to high levels of old pesticides in the ground.
James Corden did a bit with other late- night hosts, past and present for his final show. Where was Conan??
Moms for Liberty is just a new name for an old lie. - Jane of the North
Support the Drag Defense Fund.
Yamiche Alcindor is pregnant with a baby boy.
The newest stars on the walk of fame are: Martin Lawrence, Courtney Cox and Michael B. Jordan. Carrie Fisher will be inducted on May 4.
Aaron Rodgers will be joining the NY Jets.
Love the opening for the John Mulaney special, Baby J and thrilled to see David Byrne did the music.
Hooray!! Houses with History is back for season 2 and they brought along a ghost hunter.
Texas Republican Rep Bryan Slaton, leader of the anti-groomer campaign has been caught for sex and a drink with an under 21 intern that is not his wife.
Chicago is getting the Democratic convention. The city has held more conventions than any other.
MAGAzine is a satirical take on what a Trump rag might look like. It is brought to you by former Spy mag people led by Graydon Carter.
It looks like the charges in the Rust movie case against Alec Baldwin have been dropped.
North Carolina is trying to entice Disney to their state.
SCOTUS has lifted the ban on the abortion plll, mifepristone. ** Will citizens start suing Doctors if they cannot get an abortion and it causes harm or death? First do no harm, right?
Dominion is getting $787.5 mil and Fox sort of admitted they lied. Courts and money are all these scammers seem to understand. People are lining up to sue. Dominion is also suing Rudy, Newsmax, Sidney Powell and Lindell. Smartmatic is next on the Fox docket.. ** Mike Lindell has to pay $5 mil. to the guy who proved that his election nonsense was just that. We have a winner in the Prove Mike Wrong contest!!** Fox news is like its own horror story.  The things they say are scary to the informed. Those that they preach to are hiding in fear from the rest of us they have been told are monsters.
Tyre Nichols family is suing Memphis for $550 mil. over his shooting death.  
Red Table Talk has been cancelled. “Good.” -Nick Cannon
Trump asked people if they would like a slice of pizza that he had eaten on.
A fund raiser for child prodigy Ralph Yarl, yet another shooting victim, has raised over $3mil. He was shot by Andrew Lester when he rang the doorbell.  There have been many instances like that since the beginning of the year from wrong driveways to balls in yards to mistaking a car in a parking lot.
The U.S. got all the diplomats out of Sudan.
2,571 books have been challenged since 2021. Sex, gender and race are being severely banned in 37 states. ** ONLY COWARDS BAN BOOKS.
Iowa loves child labor!!!
Tennessee seems to have violated the equal protection clause when they threw 2 members out of the house. The Jason’s (Pearson and Jones) have since been reinstated. This all came about because they protested gun violence.
When I think of Jan. 6, I can’t help but think of Andrew Jackson’s inauguration. They just seem so similar what with all the simple folk running roughshod over the town.
American Horror Story: Delicate will be the offering for season 12. It does sound like a real life horror.  I stand with Patti Lupone!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bryan Cranston and Allison Janney will star in Everything’s going to be great.
It looks like the George Santos syndrome continues with Nicholas Alaverdian. More tricksters to ruin more lives. How wonderful would the world be if people used all their con energy for good?
25% of the U.S. population is Jewish. 55% of hate crimes in the U.S. are against the Jewish people.
Can we stop with the clothes tags. I thought we had the ability to stamp that info onto fabric.
Bill Hader and Ali Wong are a cute new super couple!!
I loved this piece I saw from Mo Rocca about wasteful meetings. I have been saying this for years. Why are there so many ridiculous meetings in the work place?  This just seems like work for people who do not want to work. And it is even worse when dealing with art. Creative work takes focus. Stop interrupting the flow. It is simple : Reduce meetings and raise productivity.  
Check out RIP Medical Bills.
R.I.P. Leo D. Sullivan, Howell Wayans, Ben Ferencz, Mark Sheehan, Murray Melvin, Michael Lerner, Mary Quant, Keith Reid, Todd Holmes, Hedda Kleinfeld, Barry Humphries, Ahmad Jamal, Moon Bin, Jerry Springer, Harry Belafonte, Ginnie Newhart and Connie Friedan.                                ��                                       
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laresearchette · 2 years
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
LGT WORLD WOMEN’S CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP (TSN/TSN4) 9:00am: Canada vs. Switzerland (TSN/TSN4) 2:00pm: New Zealand vs. Canada
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Tigers vs. Yankees
NHL HOCKEY   (SNWest) 7:00pm: Wild vs. Devils (TSN2) 7:00pm: Lightning vs. Habs (TSN5) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Bruins (TSN4) 7:30pm: Leafs vs. Islanders (TSN3) 8:00pm: Coyotes vs. Jets (SNWest) 10:00pm: Flames vs. Ducks (SNPacific) 10:30pm: Knights vs. Canucks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 7:30pm: Nuggets vs. Raptors (TSN) 7:30pm: Cavaliers vs. Nets (SN360) 10:30pm: Thunder vs. Clippers
CHUCK AND THE FIRST PEOPLES' KITCHEN (APTN) 7:30pm: Ekuanitshit, QC: In Ekuanitshit, Chuck learns all about harvesting and cooking whelk, a sea snail; he meets Rita Mestokosho, a writer, poet, and councilor for culture and education in the Innu Nation; Chuck meets Guy Vigneault, the director of a 10-boat fleet.
22 MINUTES (CBC) 8:00pm:  Wonder drugs and a Juno streaker!
CANADA'S GOT TALENT (City TV) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Host Lindsay Ell and judges Howie Mandel, Lilly Singh, Trish Stratus and Kardinal Offishall return to Niagara Falls in hopes of finding a Canadian talent worthy of becoming an international star.
MARY MAKES IT EASY (CTV Life) 8:00pm: Picnic and Choose. What does that mean?
WILD ROSE VET (Cottage Life) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): A turtle named Knuckles needs help with some shell issues and a pig named Missy has a bad case of the flu.
SON OF A CRITCH (CBC) 8:30pm: When Fox’s father gets arrested, Mark lobbies his father not to report on the crime. Meanwhile, Pop and Mary steal cable with a descrambler.
WORKIN' MOMS (CBC) 9:00pm:  A Jenny-organized school fun fair brings everybody together for a day of festivities and life-changing decisions.
HUDSON & REX (City TV) 9:00pm: When Jesse's sister contacts him for help, Jesse, Sarah and Rex head to Northern Ontario and find themselves in the middle of a deadly situation.
MEET, MARRY, MURDER (Lifetime Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Despite a rocky start, Savannah and Trent Paschal seem like the perfect suburban couple; their romance ends in suspicion, jealousy and a countrywide police hunt after murder is caught on camera.
PAWN STARS (History Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Rick prepares for battle over a pair of vintage posters; Rick and Chum check out a large Battle Cat toy; Corey takes a look at an old fireman's megaphone; Chum heads over to a photo gallery to see a shot of a lifetime.
GOLD RUSH: PAY DIRT (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): With added scenes and bonus features; Parker drops a bombshell on his crew to make up for the debacle in Alaska; Fred faces off with his son over the night shift; Tony's crew cashes out for the season.
HAUNTINGS (T&E) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  When Andrea Perron moved into her new home in Rhode Island with her parents and four sisters, the previous occupants seemed in a hurry to leave; "for the sake of your family, leave the lights on in this house at night," they told her father, Roger.
A DATE WITH DANGER (Super Chanel Fuse) 9:00pm: A single mom is looking for a fresh start in a new town when she befriends a boutique owner. After her new friend goes missing, she begins to suspect her neighbor of the crime.
CASUAL (CBC) 9:30pm: Alex’s secret profile gets its first real match. Laura bonds with Michael after her sex tape goes viral at school. Valerie gets closure with her ex-husband.
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