#Chapter fifty sneak peek
since0202 · 2 years
Sneak peek: chapter fifty
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The only living girl in New York
Maya clutched the slender champagne glass in her right hand and took a tentative sip as she glanced around the expansive room dotted with industry and academics alike. She let out a sigh through her nose and glanced around again, feeling wholly overwhelmed in this sea of experts and very much feeling like an imposter when a gentle hand rested on the middle of her back. 
She glanced up and smiled at the tall, solid figure next to her. 
“Ready to wow them?” he said conspiratorially. Maya gave her best smile and nodded. 
“Ready.” He guided her through the throng of people toward a group of important looking city suits. Maya braced herself, pasting that brilliant smile on her face and smoothed out the skirt of her short white dress that flared out around her coppery warm thighs. 
“Arden!” One of the suits pronounced as they approached. “Good to see you!”
“Good to see you,” Arden nodded, his older handsome features pulled into a smile. He glanced down at Maya reassuringly and she had to catch her breath for a moment. That warm reassuring hand shifted a little on her back: “There’s someone I want you to meet.” 
The three suits now laser focused in on Maya and she steeled herself. Shoulders back, head high, warm smile. Look approachable, but not too stiff. Confident, but not too overly full of yourself. That hand disappeared from the middle of her back as Arden now said: 
“This is my second year student, Maya Sunriviere,” he always emphasized her last name with some French twist. It made Maya shift a bit uncomfortably, like she was some sort of fraud. “Maya specializes in sustainable biomechanics that will help improve the green building practices in more rural and indigenous areas. It’s groundbreaking stuff what Collins is teaching these kids and Maya is going to help put it on the map,” Arden shot her a warm look which Maya returned before she turned her attention back to the suits. 
One raised his scotch glass somewhat before he said, “Great stuff.” He was less than impressed but polite nonetheless. Maya gave him her most charming smile and nodded. As she opened her mouth though to pitch, he interrupted her, “Not much of that needed on this coast though, is there? Seems like that’s mostly western go-green propaganda,” he turned to his other suits who chuckled a bit alongside him. Maya pursed her lips, and shifted on her nude heel. 
“Yeah, remember when Remy pitched the green garden effect to Trump tower people? Total disaster,” the other suit scoffed. Maya glanced with alarmed eyes at Arden. He was watching the three men before him with an unreadable look on his face. 
“Actually, I—” Maya tried to butt in, but there was a guffaw from the third suit as he said: 
“They ran the numbers on that thing, did I tell you? Wouldn’t have even scratched the surface of what they’d need to get those green energy credits to offset the property tax. Total waste of concept development and manpower, in my opinion.” 
Arden glanced at Maya, his face urgent as he nodded toward the group of men who were devolving further into laughter and swapping stories of other failed projects poised as ingenious to their development firms. Maya swallowed hard, suddenly feeling ridiculous in her white poofy sleeved Givenchy baby-doll dress. She should have worn pants, and done a sharp cat eye to look formidable. Instead she felt kind of like a chic cupcake, at least that’s what the lady in the store said the other day. 
“Oh, Arden, I forgot to ask the other day, did you get those blueprints greenlit from legal?” The original suit who had interrupted her swiftly changed the subject and Maya felt boxed out. 
She wrapped her other hand around her champagne glass and grimaced, taking a sip as she waited for Ardent to speak. He glanced down at her one last time as if trying to give her one last opening before carrying on with the suits. 
Twenty minutes later, Maya leaned against the bar and caught the eye of the young blonde bartender. 
“Whiskey, neat, splash of water,” Maya grumbled. 
“Yeesh,” Noah said, leaning against the bartop and taking a swig of his Modelo. “That looked like it went…” 
“I fucking blew it,” Maya groaned as the bartender slipped the short glass a whiskey across to her with a sympathetic smile. Maya gave her an apologetic grin and spun to look out across the room. “I feel like a fucking idiot.” 
“Nah,” Noah said, drawing out the sound of his dissent. “It’s probably fine. Professor Arden will smooth things over. You’ll get another shot.” 
“I look like an idiot, I feel like an idiot,” Maya knocked back more whiskey than she meant to and grimaced. “Egh.” 
“Jesus, slow down cowgirl,” Noah took another sip and laughed at her a little. Maya couldn’t help the smile that quirked on her lip in response. “You’ll get another shot. Don’t worry,” he said reassuringly. Maya didn’t answer. 
“Did you get to talk to those guys from Horton and Sons?” Maya asked. Noah just nodded, scanning his eyes across the crowd of people. “And?” Maya prompted. 
“I’m a shoe-in. Obviously,” he threw his head back, his hair swishing back in an unapologetically endearing way and Maya rolled her eyes as she smiled over her whiskey glass. 
“Obviously,” she echoed. She looked back to the crowd, but could still feel Noah’s eyes on her. He did that sometimes—just watched her like he was trying to figure her out or something. Or maybe he just thought she was hot. Whatever it was, Maya couldn’t say that it bothered her all too much. It had been awhile since she’d hung out with someone who didn’t seem to think they knew everything about her. 
“Let’s get out of here. You’re done, right?” Noah offered, setting his half finished beer down. “We can go swing by and pick up Beez and head to Carter’s or that one bar you like where we had pasta at like 2 a.m.” Maya was watching Arden laugh and talk to the suits. She’d let him down, she knew that, and she wasn’t used to failing so publicly. 
“No, I should probably stay in case Arden wants me to glad hand, right?” Maya asked uncertainly. This was her first industry event outside of the conference she went to in November. But she had volunteered and spent most of the time running drinks and getting people checked in to the event, rather than making connections. 
“Absolutely not,” Noah said. This wasn’t Noah’s first industry event by any means. He was a year ahead of Maya, a third year, and he’d been to dozens of these things at this point and secured internships over the past two years in which to get his foot in the door. “This thing is going to be over in like twenty minutes tops. These guys roll the party into strip clubs and bars on the west end to really get hammered. The gladhanding is basically done. Unless…” Noah paused and Maya shot him a look. 
“Unless what?” she raised an eyebrow at him and downed the rest of her whiskey, reveling in the burn. 
“Unless you’re…you know…getting picked up,” Noah said with an eye roll. Maya let out a small laugh and set her glass down on the bartop before digging into pockets of her dress for her phone. 
“Obviously,” Maya mocked. She typed a quick message and saw the three dots pop up quickly in response. “Alright, let’s go,” Maya said, clearing some notifications she was putting off and smiling up at Noah. 
“Yesss!” he exclaimed throwing his arm over her shoulder and pulling her toward the elevator that would lead them down to the lobby. Maya glanced at Arden as she went and he shot her a reassuring smile. She tried to swallow the thick lump in her throat. 
When they exited the lavish art building and hurried down the stone steps, they were greeted with sleek black Aston Martin. The blacked out passenger window rolled down and jazz music poured from the interior. 
Maya ducked down and gave a hearty wave. Naoh was positively buzzing with excitement behind her. 
“Hey! Thanks for coming to grab us,” Maya said. 
“Get in, we can probably make it to Chinatown in fifteen minutes if we hurry,” Rosalie ran a hand through her shimmering golden hair and turned down the music in the car. “You’re bringing the serf?” Maya let out a laugh and tugged open the front door. Noah piled into the back. 
“He’s not a—,” Maya started. 
“I will have you know that my family runs a moderately profitable print shop back in Columbus. We’re upper middle class at the very least…in Ohio.” Noah scoffed, not taken aback by Rosalie’s ribbing. Rose just rolled her eyes and waited for Maya to buckle her seatbelt. 
“Where’s Emmett?” Maya asked. 
“He went to see his friends in Queens,” Rosalie responded before sliding into the roadway and speeding down toward their intended destination. 
“Ah,” Maya replied. Seeing a friend in Queens meant hunting. 
Maya’s phone buzzed in her pocket and she fished it out before looking at the notification on the screen. She quickly swiped over the message to clear it from her home screen. Rosalie glanced over, her eyes never really leaving the road. Maya shot her a look, one that begged her not to say anything. Not in front of Noah. 
Rose got the message loud and clear from Maya’s pained eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. In her pocket, her phone continued to buzz quietly as it did most nights.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 months
For Eternity, Chapter 9 of 13 (Alastor x Wife!OC)
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Alastor x Angel!Wife Oc (Isabel) Rated: Adult - this fic contains content inappropriate for minors. Chapter Warnings: A little bit of controlling? Alastor's slightly unstableness.
@impulsivethoughtsat2am Was darling enough to beta <3 Many thanks, Dearheart.
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Isabel took a deep breath and tried to push her fear out of her mind. Though she did not know this side of Alastor, she had loved him in life and in the decades after her death. There was so much she didn’t know about him and the realm that was going to be her home from now until the end of eternity, but she had to trust in their love. 
It was better that so focused on the things she knew, so that’s what she focused on. She knew the way he would say her name on air, always mentioning her if he’d play her favorite songs. It was the same way he said her name now.
“Why do you sound like you’re on air?” Finally, she asked him a question that didn’t have earth shattering consequences. 
“Because I want to.” He answered, voice naked of the static and distortion. It was the voice that would eagerly sing whatever tune the radio was playing as he twirled her around their modest living room. It was a piece of her Alastor, under all the bloodshed and red.
Closing her eyes, she focused on the way his hands felt on her. Not the hard points of his talons, but the softness of his palms and the way he would caress her. That was the same too. 
“I never stopped loving you,” He whispered as her eyes slowly slid open again, looking timidly at his red and pink eyes. “Not for a single heartbeat.” 
“Neither have I,” he was so close now. When had he gotten so close? 
“I know,” he teased, “The princess told me.” 
The kiss was soft at first, his lips caressing hers with a sweetness that she had remembered. He pulled her into him tighter as he indulged in the feeling of her in his arms. His fingers wrapped around her wing firmly, holding the proof of her purity from sin in his hands. 
He gripped the wing tighter as her hands ran up his chest, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. A shudder ran down his spine as, for the first time in over fifty years, her fingers danced up the back of his neck, caressing the soft hair at the base of his skull. 
His undercut was too short for her to run her fingers through the hair, instead she ran her nails over the hair, softly scratching at his scalp. It was a different feeling, having her hands on him than it had been in life. He was taller, with more extreme contrasts in every way, but she didn’t find that as unappealing as she would have thought. 
He was too broad in places, too thin in others and yet all she felt under her hands was the ever strong feeling of Alastor that she remembered from life. His lips parted as he sucked her lower lip between his. 
Nipping at the tender flesh as he had done countless times in life earned him the same sharp gasp. He chuckled, delighted to know he could still play her masterfully as he dipped his tongue between her parted lips.
She arched into the kiss as he tasted her with a too long, too thick tongue. She battled against him, pushing back to taste him. It was strange. His teeth violently pointed and sharp, scratched at her easily while she clung to him.
As he reluctantly drug his lips from hers and rested his forehead against her, she chased his lips. Pecking them again and again, she tried to seduce him into something deeper as he chuckled again. 
“Ma chérie, we have all the time in the world for that. Your presence is requested inside,” Alastor stepped aside, turning and tucking her into his side as he led them away from the mass grave, holding what little remained of the man who dared touch her where she should have been safest. 
In a way, though, he would thank Adam before killing him if he stood before Alastor now. It was the evidence left by Adam’s hands that told him that regardless of what Isabel may accept of his sins, Heaven was no promise of her safety. It was his marks that told him he could indulge in selfishness and not seek a way to return her to her rightfully earned heavenly home. 
“I fear the others are eager to meet you.”
“How do you know that?” She let him lead her toward the tall building, slowly making their way around to the front. 
“I have my ways,” Alastor smiled down at her before pointing at his shadow, walking alongside them, cast on the side of the building somewhat unnaturally. 
It shifted, leaning forward. A wide smile and two eyeholes cut out of the darkness as slightly larger antlers grew atop the shadow head. Then the shadow lifted its arm in a wave while Alastor’s arms remained as they were. 
“Oh, my,” she flinched away from the shadow as it waved at her. “Is- what is that?”
“My shadow,” Alastor looked at it and for a moment, he and his shadow wore matching wide grins. 
“It moved when you didn’t.” 
“Oh yes, he does that.” Alastor watched as the shadow peeled itself off the wall, becoming more solid as it approached Isabel. “You do not have to fear it. It is simply a part of me, a manifestation of my power.” 
“Do you control it?” She asked as it held out its hand for hers.
When Alastor nodded, she slipped her hand into the pitch black hand. It was cold and just solid in a way she couldn’t explain. It brought her knuckles to its shadow grin and kissed them as black hearts erupted around it, beating in the air surrounding its head. 
“I can, to a degree, when I wish to. Regretably, he largely acts on his own and, with little care for appearances or propriety.” Alastor let her arm fall from his as the shadow tugged her to it, wrapping an arm around her waist and leading her through a burst of dance, twirling her before returning her to the red Alastor’s side. “At his core, he is me and I am him. He knows what I know and acts on that. You have no reason to fear him.” 
“Can he speak?” She glanced between Alastor and the shadow that had partially returned to its proper place, strolling along the wall. 
The shadow shook its head negatively as Alastor answered verbally, “No, he’s mute mostly.”
Holding the door open for her, Alastor ushered her inside the hotel where she was instantly enveloped in four pink arms. 
“Thank fuck, what took you so long?” Angel Dust lifted her off her feet and twirled her. 
“That’s enough of that.” Alastor said, as he quickly reclaimed his wife. 
“Scared the fuck outta me when I got back, and you hadn’t brought her in yet.” 
“I’m sorry,” Isabel squeezed one of Angel Dust’s hands before fully rejoining Alastor’s side. “We were catching up in the garden.”
“Oh, my gosh, you’re here!” The Princess of Hell herself rushed up to them as if they were best friends. 
“Allow me to properly introduce you,” Alastor’s hand found Isabel’s shoulder as it had countless times in life. “Isa, this is Princess Charlotte Morningstar, owner and founder of this darling facility and crown princess of Hell. Charlie, this is my beloved wife, Isabel.” 
“I am so sorry for what happened to you!” Charlie wrapped Isabel up in a tight hug, squeezing the air from her lungs in a high-pitched wheeze. 
“It’s hardly your fault.” Isabel struggled to say as she tried to once again fill her lungs with air. “It is lovely to see you again. Thank you for bringing him my message.”
“It really was for him?” The woman who had visited Heaven with Charlie said. 
“This is my girlfriend, Vaggie” Charlie said, presenting the smaller woman with much pride. “She’s also an angel!” 
“A heaven-born?” Shock washed over Isabel’s face.
“Fallen, but yes- I was of Adam’s army.” Vaggie clarified her status. “I fell for showing mercy to sinners. Adam and his lieutenant found that unforgivable.”
“I’m so sorry for what they put you through.” 
“Don’t be,” Vaggie smiled, looking up at Charlie as she continued to speak, “They left me here, where she found me. It was worth everything to end up with her.” 
There could be love in hell, Isabel realized. Vaggie looked at Charlie the same way Isabel spent not nearly enough nights looking at Alastor. She had much time to make up for. 
“Ah!” Alastor swept out a hand as he lead her deeper into the lobby. “This little darling is Nifty, the hotel maid.” 
The woman buzzed a greeting and was off in a flash, leaving Isabel dazed as she was moved on through the space, trailed by the others. It was a novelty to see Alastor with someone outside of their circle and none were eager to give up the tender sight. 
“Is that man a cat? With wings?” Isabel leaned into Alastor as she whispered for fear of causing offence. 
“I am,” the man grumpily answered, earning a shocked squeak from Isabel, “And I can hear you.” 
“This good fellow is Husker, a long-time associate of mine,” Alastor swept out his arm far more dramatically than he had for the others.
“Associate? Is that what we’re calling it now?” The cat-bird-man-thing grumbled. 
“Should you require anything and I am not around, he will be most gracious in assisting you.” Alastor continued, not missing a beat. 
“Not like I’ve got a fuckin choice,” Husk grumbled again, eyes hardly leaving the glass he was cleaning. 
“Husk, you’ll do for her as you would do for me, going forward. Is that understood?” 
“Yep,” the man softened as Angel Dust leaned on the bar, not having to ask for a drink before one was poured for him. 
“Be nice, Whiskers, she’s good.” Angel Dust offered, grabbing up his drink before turning to Isabel, “He’s good too. Even if he works for ol creepy face, you can trust him.” 
“Are you alright though?” Isabel reached out, resting a hand on one of his arms. “We just left you there.” 
“Nothing I can’t handle. It’s my job.”
“My darling has had an eventful few days. I think we’ll do well to retire for the night so that she may rest.” Alastor again directed, controlling her interactions with the others. 
Isabel waved goodbye to the group she had just met as Alastor led her away. 
“Is she going to be okay with him?” Vaggie asked as she and Charlie joined the others at the bar. 
“I think so, actually.” Angel Dust wasn’t the biggest fan of Alastor, but he had seen the way Isabel looked at him and him at her. Hell, he had listened to the way she had talked about her husband. There was no denying Alastor’s reaction to hearing that she was in danger either. “I think she’ll be just fine.” 
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“This way, my dear,” Alastor lead the way down the hallway with ease and comfort that told of a great deal of time spent in the space. 
“Do you live here?” Isabel felt strange asking her husband such a question. For decades, their lives had been separate, but they should have always been two people living their lives together.
“Indeed, I do. I suppose you do now as well.” Alastor smiled down at her. It wasn’t optional for her to live her life in hell anywhere but where he spent the vast majority of his time. “I am the facility manager of this fine establishment. While I hold a residence elsewhere, this functions as my primary residence for the time being.” 
“I never would have pictured you as a hotelier,” 
“I do maintain my broadcast tower as well. My studio is in the radio tower attached to the building for ease of access. I broadcast my radio show frequently enough to satisfy the desire.”
“Always a man of the radio,” Isabel smiled softly, charmed at this part of her husband that had seemingly remained unchanged. “Jazz still?” 
“Ha! Indeed! Among other things,” Alastor failed to elaborate what those other things were. “Here we are, ma chérie- this one is us. If you follow the hall down to the end, you’ll find my broadcast tower.”
Alastor pulled out the silver pocket watch from his pocket, catching the way Isabel’s smile grew at the sight of it. On the chain was the simple key for the door. It was an unneeded precaution, the primary lock when he was away from the residence was magical, but he was a man of habit. 
Opening the door for her, he watched with pride as shock painted her face at the room holding a pocket dimension on the far wall. 
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TagList: @preciousbabypeter, @catticora, @alastor-simp, @alastorthirsty, @bufaunfu
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jerzwriter · 27 days
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Mono-Poly - Chapter 6 Sneak Peek
Featuring: Tobias x Casey Carrick, Ethan Ramsey, Diana Ellington-Rourke (F!OC)
The gallery was abuzz with activity, and for once, Ethan was actually enjoying himself until the worst occurred. He lifted his drink to his lips, hiding his words from prying eyes. His eyes, now tinged with disdain, locked onto Casey's. "Incoming donors," he grumbled.
Casey discreetly turned to see Dr. and Mr. Boylan heading their way. "Ethan," she said, a wide smile quickly forming on her lips, "they're funding fifty percent of our project, so be nice." She placed her drink on a passing server's tray and grabbed Ethan's hand. "Come on, dear, it's showtime."
Ethan glanced at Tobias, silently pleading for sympathy—or a quick rescue. "Your wife has no idea how much I hate mixing business with pleasure, does she?" he groaned.
But Tobias merely smirked. "You do pleasure? Who knew? You two kids go have fun now," he pat his friend on the back. "I'll be here."
As Tobias turned to examine a nearby painting, Diana noticed he was now alone. With a graceful stride, she crossed the room.
"Tobias," she said, her smile warm and inviting. "I hope you're enjoying yourself."
He returned her smile, every bit as charming.. "Very much so. Your work is incredible. I'm impressed, and I don't impress easily."
A waiter passed by, and Diana handed Tobias a flute of champagne. "That means a lot, coming from you."
"Does it?" he teased with a playful tone. "Then you’ll have to explain how Ethan Ramsey managed to score an invite to this soirée while I'm only here as my wife's plus-one."
Diana's melodic laughter floated above the room's ambient chatter. "Don't blame me. Blame my event planner. But," she paused, tapping a manicured finger thoughtfully against her glass, "how about a behind-the-scenes tour? I could show you the new series I'm working on if you promise to keep the details under wraps. Would that make it up to you?"
Intrigued, Tobias raised an eyebrow and downed the rest of his champagne. "It just might," he grinned. "Lead the way."
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lovelymagnoliarose · 2 months
New fic! Colin and Pen's relationship changes over the course of a decade, but one tradition stays with them.
Sneak Peek
"So go on, what was it?”   “Oh. That.” Penelope blushed, it was tinged with embarrassment. “It was nothing. Just something silly.”   “I’m sure it wasn’t.”   “Oh trust me, it was.”   “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” He questioned. Colin smirked as an idea struck him, he fished a fifty pence coin out of his pocket. “Here!”   She glanced at the coin in his hand and then back at him, confusion shining bright in her eyes. “Uh…?”   “Penny for your thoughts.” He explained with a grin. “Get it? Penny, Penelope?”   “But nobody calls me Penny.”   “Come on, Pen, it’s for the bit.” He chuckled, nudging her playfully.   “Alright, fine. Although, for the record, you just called me Pen, not Penny.” She rolled her eyes playfully before taking the penny from his hand.   “So? What were you thinking?”   “It was…” She trailed off for a moment. “Have you ever thought about the fact that the word ‘mirror’ has six letters, and half of them are r’s?”
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seriouslysam8 · 9 months
Brumous Sneak Peek!
All right, so I mentioned that I was going to switch up the format of the next chapter. I think it works really well. The first half of the story is going to be letters between Sirius and Marlene. The second half of the chapter is going to be a viewing of one of Jily's memories. I'm super happy with the way it turned out and I'm super excited to share it with you guys this weekend!
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Letters
29 December 1996 Marlene McKinnon, Potions Mistress Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Your presence at the Black and Potter Estate is requested by Mr Harry Potter. James and Lily Potter left memories that were found in their Godric’s Hollow home shortly before Christmas. Harry would like to watch them with the both of us.
Kindly provide three dates which would be convenient for you between now and the start of term for us to gather and support our godson.
Wishing you a pleasant holiday.
Sincerely, Sirius Black 
30 December 1996 Sirius Black, Freeloader Heir Posh Black and Potter Secret Family Estate
Greetings, Mr Sirius Black, Heir to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black,
I formally accept your invitation to your posh estate to gather and support our godson. Is it traditional dress robe only? Should I wear a hat? Is there any restrictions that I should know about ahead of time or certain etiquette you expect?
While you said to provide three dates, I can make any date work from now until the beginning of term. I know that’s not what you requested, but I am easy going. Please forgive the lack of manners of someone not of an Ancient and Noble house. 
Wishing you and yours a most pleasant end to the holiday season.
With sincere thanks, Ms Marlene McKinnon, Heiress to the Filthy Bloodtraitor House of McKinnon
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
We Abide: Chapter One Sneak Peek
The sound of a motor caught your attention, Mars’ ears perking alongside you. Your head snapped towards the water, watching as a small motorboat made its way towards the dock just a little ways ahead of you. You saw two figures on the boat, one steering and the other looking out over the edge towards where you stood.
As the boat drew closer, you began walking once more, albeit faster this time and with Mars hot on your tail.
The boat docked as you trotted up onto the wood of the platform, your steps echoing as you approached.
“Ain’t ever seen you ‘round these parts,” one of the men said as his companion tied the boat to a post. “Wasn’t sure if you was snapper or friend.”
“Friend, I hope,” you offered smoothly, earning a grunt from the same man. The other finished tying his knot, standing straight to look at you. Both men were older, perhaps somewhere in their late forties or early fifties with graying hair and weathered faces. The man who spoke to you had clear, blue eyes that assessed you with curiosity, the man next to him watched you with caution in his dark eyes.
The first man brought a hand up to scratch his bearded chin thoughtfully.
“You the one then?” He asked gruffly, eyes drifting down to watch Mars seated next to you. “The one my buddy up in Cassville radioed me about? What’s it they call you? The Wanderer?”
You held back a scowl at the mention of the moniker you had earned on your travels. No one traveled as far as you did, if they did at all. The only ones that moved outside of the communities these days were those running supplies to and fro.
“I’d rather you didn’t call me that, actually,” you told them, supplying them with your name instead. The man repeated it, mulling it over before nodding slowly.
“Alright then, little miss. I suppose you’ll be wanting a place to stay then, hm?” He asked. His friend stepped past him and onto the dock, grabbing a box that jangled with its contents before walking down the dock and towards a shack that lay past the water’s edge.
“It’d be nice,” you agreed, watching as he grabbed a box of his own to carry towards the shack. “I don’t have much to barter with at the moment, though.”
“Well, we can worry about all that later. How’s about you grab a box or two and help us unload? The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can head back to LaRue and get you settled.”
You followed suit, grabbing a box that was much heavier than it looked and catching yourself before you stumbled back into the water. You fell into an easy rhythm between the blue-eyed man—Bill as you would later learn his name was—and Les.
About a half hour later, the boat was fully unloaded, and you sat on the back bench across from Bill as Les prepared the boat for departure. The sun sank lower towards the horizon now, level with the treeline around you. You bounced your leg in a nervous habit that you had never quite been able to shake, only stopping when you caught Bill watching you.
“You nervous?” He asked finally. In the short time you had known the two men, it was clear that Bill was the talker.
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lis4ux · 7 months
this last chapter of together was amazing! literally had me on my toes i loved it. im sooo excited for the next chapter!!! need a sneak peek 🤭
Oh it was so heavy wasn't it?! So happy to hear you loved it! Was one of my favorites 🖤
Being honest, I am not done with the chapter yet and this may be amended when I edit it later. Who knows I may delete it all or completely rewrite it, but for now here's a small portion.
Hope you like it 😘
Two weeks after Kiara was attacked by Travis, she's trying to sleep in her bed. Key word: trying. Because unlike it was before Travis attacked, she doesn't sleep alone anymore. Both of her parents are laying in bed with her. Her dad on one side, her mom on the other.
She loves them, she really does, but they were being a little...clingy. Couldn't blame them, really. They almost lost her.
Kiara doesn't like thinking about that though. Doesn't like thinking about any of it actually. It wasn't like she was avoiding reminders of what happened, but the more she thought about it the more disgusted she felt.
Thinking about Travis' hands around her neck made her shudder. The reminder of him slamming her against the car made her wince. Remembering his voice yelling in her face made her want to scream back.
It wasn't just the memories themselves that bothered her, but any time one creeped up she had to push away the thoughts that filled her mind. That was what bothered her the most. The ones that told her she was weak, feeble, defenseless.
She didn't want to be any of those things, but, logically, being at least fifty pounds lighter than her assailant, it was expected that she was the prey in that situation. So she lays in bed and thinks about the things that could have happened differently. If she only—
A soft tap on her window has her thoughts interrupted and her lifting her head off her pillow, turning towards the sound, knowing exactly who it is.
She looks at both of her parents, sleeping soundly on either side of her. At least they are getting some sleep. She pulls herself up, unwrapping her mom's from around her waist. Both her parents are heavy sleepers, she's figured out. No way she's worried about them hearing JJ in her room ever again.
She crawls out of bed, tip toeing across the floor and grabbing her sweatshirt before descending the stairs. When she gets around the corner of her house, JJ has just stepped down from climbing her house, wiping at his pants. He grins, "Evening."
"You mean middle of the night," she returns his smile.
He steps towards her, hands coming to her face. She pulls him into her, kissing him and feeling his smile against her lips when they pull apart.
She doesn't actually ask him why he's here. Doesn't have to, she already knows.
"You okay?"
She shrugs a shoulder, looking up at her bedroom window. "Be a lot easier to get some sleep if they didn't insist on sleeping in my bed," she complains. "I think I have a bruise from my mom kicking me."
JJ chuckles. "Now we know where you get it from."
Her mouth drops open. "Takes that back," she demands.
"And if I don't?" he mock wonders, causing her to scrunch her face in faux anger.
She gets a causal look on her face. Kinda bratty too. "I'm just gonna go inside, sleep with my parents," she tells him. Before she can even fully turn from him he's grabbing her wrist, delaying her attempted departure. "Yes?" she asks, smugly.
"Not goin' anywhere," he informs, stepping into her space, purposefully not pulling on her. Grabbing her wrist was a risk as it is.
He's noticed she's been a little skittish since that night. Knew she was trying to fight through it, too. Pretended she didn't jump when she heard a loud noise or someone touched her unexpectedly. She'd daze off, getting a worried look on her face. When he'd nudge her she would just smile, like he brought her back from reliving the moment.
He understood it, too. He didn't like thinking about what happened either. Would rather pretend it didn't happen honestly.
Would rather not have recurring nightmares of her being strangled to death, him watching and unable to make a move to save her. Would rather not remember how he had to check her pulse, seriously wondering if he was holding her body instead of her.
Always brings a softball sized lump into his throat that he has to force down.
His gaze crosses her face and body. He always caught himself giving her a visual check. Slowly watching over time as the bruises on her neck faded from red to black and blue to yellow and brown. Her wrist was out of its splint, the mild sprain well on its way to recovery. Her bruised side was supposedly doing better as well, but he has to just take her word on that since he hasn't seen her shirtless in a minute.
His touch is far more gentle than he needs to be, afraid that he'll scare her. Kie doesn't flinch when his fingers hold her though. Never did, and he takes comfort in that. Like he was a safe place for her. It's why he's here after all.
Kie hums at him, a soft challenge, chin lilting upwards. "Got something better to do?"
He shrugs, head nodding back to where Shoupe's truck is parked. "Wanna go night surfing?"
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armandssilkshirt · 15 days
posted chapter 2 yesterday but here's a sneak peek of chapter 3
“I went to the Marché Enfants Rouges before it opened this morning, while it was still quite dark. I had the florist put together an early bouquet. Do you like them? I feel natural things brighten a place, especially when I am mostly confined to odd hours. You remember my magnolia tree, of course.” Daniel remembers the tree. He remembers Louis’ little gray rocks around it, too. Not quite a soothing feature.  “Sure,” is all he says.  There’s a pause. Armand hovers, as is his habit. Daniel grips his coffee mug and drags his eyes over Armand’s face; his high cheekbones, the way his brushed-back curls frame his jawline. The sweater is scoop necked, shows off just a hint of Armand’s delicate collarbones. It’s fifty-fifty whether Armand mind-tricked the poor florist at the market, or simply showed up and charmed the woman into doing his bidding. Daniel can’t decide. How often does Armand need to use the mind gift, and how often do people fall over themselves, just because he looked in their direction?
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salllzy · 2 months
changes chapter 9 sneak peek #2
Lucifer looked at the plans for the ball that he was planning, he wanted it to be perfect and as much as he would love to bring the two deer demons onboard he knew that it wasn't the time. He didn't know what their preferences were and as much as he would love to see the ball decorated with the dead bodies of their enemies, it wouldn't send a good message to the rest of the noble families and it would cause problems. The other noble families would assume that they were uneducated and easily manipulated when that was the farthest thing from the truth. Since Lucifer was the one organising the ball, it would send a message, that he was supporting them and any attacks on them would be treated as attacks on him. It should in theory make the noble families think twice before doing anything stupid. However, there was no guarantee that they wouldn't try anything, all he could do was dissuade them from doing anything too damaging. However, if anyone wanted to be foolish enough to go against his wife and eldest daughter? Then that was on them and he wasn't going to stop them, he would, however, enjoy the show. But the ball was still a few weeks away and there was no point in worrying about it now, there was no point in borrowing unnecessary trouble. There was still a fair amount of work to do, he needed to order the pair of them clothing for the ball and he had no idea if he would be able to get Sarah into a dress or if she would rip his arms off and beat him with them. It was a fifty-fifty split as to what she would do. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable but he knew that nobles wouldn't accept her in a suit, steeped in tradition that they were. They really needed to modernise. 
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sparkle-d · 2 years
waiting game | daniel ricciardo
pairing: daniel ricciardo x you
summary: in which you switch your phone with daniel's without knowing
tags: falling in love; chatting and messages; kind of enemies to friends to lovers
warnings: insecure reader; f!reader; dumb people
chapter: 5/?
(you: blue/ daniel: orange)
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✧.* tag list: @bloodyvalentine93 @organasith @verstappens-hat @idkiwantchocolatee @landhoe @theplobnrgone @iamasimpingh0e @chiliwhore @buendiabebeta @icecoldtiress @holy-macncheese-balls @caosfanblr @cxliforniadream @calmleclerc @hannahholland1811 @dr3lover @charlewiss @moneymasnn
chapter 5 - dearly
hot stuff said: my morning is way better after i message you
hot stuff said: my team just made the worst coffee i’ve ever had the unpleasure to put on my tastebuds 
hot stuff said: only talking to you can save the bitter humor i’m feeling right now
ma fraise said: i’m sorry about the coffee hahah
ma fraise said: i drink way too much coffee 
ma fraise said: so one day
ma fraise said: (not now or any time soon)
ma fraise said: i can make you the perfect mug of coffee to brighten up your day
hot stuff said: damn it
hot stuff said: you sound like we are only gonna meet when we are already in our fifties  and living in new york
hot stuff said: then we will run into each other by coincidence 
hot stuff said: but i accept your offer
hot stuff said: when the time comes i hope i can taste your delicious coffee
hot stuff said: and i can make you muffins
hot stuff said: or cupcakes if you like that nasty frosting on top of it
ma fraise said: maybe that’s how it’s meant to be
ma fraise said: for us to meet in new york and drink coffee with muffins
ma fraise said: i like the frosting because i like sweet things
ma fraise said: but muffins are fine too
ma fraise said: whatever you think you do best
hot stuff said: i’ll note that
hot stuff said: when the time comes
hot stuff said: don’t make me forget about it
hot stuff said: this talk is making me hungry af
hot stuff said: oh to eat a slice of bread right now
ma fraise said: you don’t have bread?
ma fraise said: bad coffee and now no bread to eat in the morning
ma fraise said: i’m eating bread with strawberry gem right now
ma fraise said: i could leave a slice on your team’s door
ma fraise said: dksjsjdf
hot stuff said:: probably this isn’t a good option
hot stuff said: i would try to take a sneak peek of you if you decided to leave bread to me
ma fraise said: well weren’t you the mister “you-can-trust-me-with-anything” 
hot stuff said: you can trust
hot stuff said: but i’m a curious person and i can’t change that
hot stuff said: maybe i could but i don’t know where to start
hot stuff said: but anyways 
hot stuff said: i think i’ll go to a cafeteria and grab something there
hot stuff said: talk to you later, ma fraise :)
You have had a hell of a day. It’s probably your fault for not sleeping a good amount of hours last night, leading you to be tired the next whole day. You can feel a headache starting to grow around your temples and there’s nothing you want more than taking a shower and going to bed. 
But you still have three full laps to watch before the racing ends. You wouldn’t say you totally hate these three last laps, but you’re certainly not in the day to endure a race so long as this one, pay too much attention and debate topics by the end of it.
At least you have Charles to cheer the too-tired you during the meetings.
“Don’t worry about the meeting, you’re the best engineer I know.” Charles hugs you “You know, it amazes me sometimes, you’re so good at what you do.”
You sigh “I needed to be good at something, right? At least my brain still works properly.” 
Charles lightly punches you in your rib area “Stop saying that, you’re not only a smart ass, but a cute face too.”
The comment Charles makes automatically has a reaction in you and you grimace at your best friend.
“Not in a flirty way, okay?” Charles giggles at himself, knowing you would never even consider that type of compliment as some kind of flirt coming from Charles.
“Thanks for clearing that matter up for me, I thought I would need to tell you you’re not my type.” You, even if you are tired, can give a small smile to your friend. Charles always knows how to bring joy to your time together.
You feel like running away. But Piere is already talking to his friends and introducing you to the group.
“Ok, these are Mick and Oscar.” You give a small wave in their direction and they greet him too.
There’s no way you will socialize with these people. 
With this kind of thought surrounding your head, it becomes very difficult for you to focus on anything else than the fact that you can’t be on their level. Mick is very elegant, his glasses perfectly fit the frame of his face and the bridge of his nose. His hair is silk and so shiny, in a good way. Oscar is definitely a sportist, with broad shoulders, very strong arms and he’s with a lollipop moving inside his mouth from side to side. And with them are faces that you’re more familiar with. Carlos and Lewis are way too pretty for their own good. Carlos is from your team, but you only see him sometimes, never interacted with him outside of the garage. He has beautiful lips and a mesmerizing smile. Lewis’ skin seems to glow under the light, golden and healthy. He’s the most intimidating one for you.
But you… you are bland. You’re normally wearing Ferrari’s sweatshirts, your hair isn’t the nicest - especially because you don't do anything to it. The bags under your eyes are looking darker because you didn’t have enough sleep. You know you’re not good looking, you know it very well.
Pierre and Charles fit nicely with them, but they fit in with everyone. There’s nothing difficult about it to them.
You’re in the diner of the hotel, having dinner and the boys are deciding where they will go to celebrate the race. The mood is good and you’re in the middle of them after Charles and Pierre dragged you there with them. You think you will get used to these drivers one day, but it’s the opposite, it’s always a reminder that you’re in the middle of famous and gorgeous drivers.
“Staring at them this hard won’t make you read their minds, if that’s your intention.” Daniel gets closer to you, with a little smirk. He takes a seat next to you, bringing his burger with him “Actually, Lando has an empty head, so it’s easier to know what is going inside there, you might have a shot.”
Lando is frowning at the menu on his hand. He has a lollipop too and he’s pointing to the lines he’s reading with his finger. He looks confused.
Daniel continues, “George, help me pick my drink.” Daniel mocks the way he said the words, letting a whine get through his voice.
Lando sighs, “George, help me pick my drink.” 
Daniel laughs when his friend says exactly what he imagined. You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes from it. You’re amazed at how much Daniel knows about his friend, to even know what he will say eventually. That’s something you will only develop if you pay a lot of attention to the people surrounding you. Daniel is a very observative person then, you think.
Is he already studying you and how you act around other people? Will he guess what you are thinking or what you have to say?
Stop thinking about it, then.
You sense when Daniel leans in your direction again, making your faces get closer and you blink a couple of times, adjusting to the sudden approach.
“You should come too.” Daniel isn’t actually smirking, but you can see a trace of a smirk starting to show around his lips. Daniel is whispering, making sure your conversation isn’t being heard by the others “It will be fun.”
You are quiet for a second, not very sure if you’re supposed to just deny it, or think about an excuse to tell Daniel. You never had to think about it, with Pierre it is a simple no, but Pierre knew how you were, he wouldn’t be offended by it.
“Clubs aren’t exactly my favorites.” You start saying, whispering back at Daniel.
Daniel studies your face for a moment and twists the tip of his nose “Have you ever gone to a club with us before?”
“No.” You simply say.
Of course you’ve been to clubs once in a while, you’re Pierre’s best friend after all. But you preferred to avoid it, clubs are too crowded and small for your liking. There’s something different about the lights, the air, the people. You enjoyed a lot more other types of socialization.
“Then how would you know it’s not your thing? We are good company.” 
Because I just know, you think.
But you can’t say that, not to Daniel. You had a couple of debates with Daniel before, you can’t exactly guarantee to Daniel that you don't like something, if you’ve never done it before. That’s a debate you will lose for sure, so you won’t start it.
“I know… It sounds boring when you think about what kind of public attends the after parties, but I can assure you we won’t get closer to them.” 
That’s not what bothers and scares you, actually, but explaining it to Daniel would be necessary to go too deep in a matter you can’t discuss with someone you’re not even friends with.
“You and your friends look like the kind of public that attends the clubs, so I have no idea what that means, actually.” You shrug.
Daniel raises both his eyebrows, a small smile forming around his lips, “Do we?”
“If I set a celebrity stereotypical beauty and standards, then yes, you do.” You try not to sound so boring, even if you think everything you’ve said is boring.
Daniel smirks and leans even closer to you “Did you just say you think I’m handsome?” Daniel laughs softly “Or maybe attractive?”
You get flustered and you can hear a gasp escaping your lips. You look away from Daniel’s eyes, trying to not blush with his proximity and Daniel assuming you think he’s handsome. He is. But Daniel doesn’t need to know it.
You try to control the things inside your body and look at Daniel again, who is still intensely staring at you, or you think it’s an intense stare because you’re not used to stares normally.
“I could say you just pass the standard bar, but your friends make up for you, I guess.” You manage to say it and Daniel seems to have even more fun.
“So… you think they are way more handsome than me…” Daniel starts “Who’s your top tier, then? Now I wanna know.”
Now you make sure to not look at anyone else but deep in Daniel’s eyes. You can’t look around and give any wrong ideas to Daniel. Actually, you can’t come to a good motive in your head for Daniel to want to know who is the most attractive in your opinion in the room. Daniel’s stare is piercing you, really invested in knowing your answer to his question, even if you don't have an answer for it - you weren't thinking about that and you still aren't.
Appearance is not something you notice at first, at least not in others.
“Ermmm…” Lando makes a loud noise with his throat in your and Daniel’s direction, and both of you look at him “Okay, thank you for finally giving me your attention.”
You didn’t know, but you can feel even more embarrassed than before, because everyone is eyeing you and Daniel. They gathered around your table to talk, but you were closed in your little world with Daniel. Everyone spotted your small conversation and how close you were. 
Daniel seems okay with the situation, probably used to it especially with his friends, but all of it is new to you. You’re  not used to getting everyone’s attention, even if it’s only a few people.
Lando continues “As I was saying, we should eat and then go, everyone agrees?”
One by one, all of them agree with it, even moody Charles said he will meet them at the club. There's silence and all the heads turn in your direction again, you being the only one that didn’t agree or say anything at all. You play with your fingers and can’t decide if you should say something or not, you might stutter if you try to open your mouth.
You are so bad with these things, and when everyone can notice you’re terrible with social interactions it makes you uneasy. People acknowledging your struggles is not something you enjoy on a daily basis.
“She will be there too.” Pierre finally says, getting up from his seat and going in your direction, side hugging his best friend “You won’t miss tonight’s party, it will be your first this season!”
Then the conversation turns into how you didn’t go to other parties that year, as expected. You can’t exactly tell when, but you are just watching them talking about it, your brain isn’t focusing on the words, nor if one of them is talking to you at the moment. You can only think about how you will completely disappear from everyone’s sight until ten p.m.
You didn’t have the opportunity to disappear from Pierre’s sight that night, because Pierre was stuck to your side all the time, probably already knowing you would try to escape from him any time soon. Pierre even went to your room to get changed.
The club is near the hotel, so you can walk there. It’s only a couple of blocks until you can already hear the music playing.
Drinks, ice and empty bottles were next to the rest of the group when you and Pierre arrived at the club. You managed to greet all of them, even Daniel with his cold bottle of beer touching the nape of your neck.
You are panicking inside, but trying to hold it in the best he can. There’s so many people there, you had only been to such crowded places in your life a few times, and under the circumstances you were really obligated to go, like work. But there it wasn’t only crowded, it was filled with young adults, with too many hormones bottled up inside of them, and that’s the least type of people you want to have connections with. 
You can hold it back for a couple of hours, and when the opportunity appears, when Pierre is too busy dancing with his friends, you slide away from the crowd, the club, from Pierre and his too-pretty-for-nothing friends. 
It’s the first time you notice how chilly it is that night. Until that moment, you were so nervous your body was almost feverish. Now, the wind is blowing against your face and you can feel the cold breeze around your body and enjoy it a little.
You walk away from the club, but you don't know where you’re going. You don't want to go to your hotel room because that will be the first place Pierre and Charles will search for you when they notice you are missing, and you don't want to deal with it right now. 
You take your cell phone from your pocket and unlock it.
ma fraise said: are you there
ma fraise said: i’m alone in an unknown event right now and feeling sad
hot stuff said:  right now??? alone??
hot stuff said: it’s not very safe you know
hot stuff said: maybe you should call a friend
hot stuff said: i was about to say me because i’m free
hot stuff said: but we can’t meet
hot stuff said: so ~another~ friend
You stop for a second.
ma fraise said: would you come if i asked?
hot stuff said: well… sure
hot stuff said: but only if you wanted some company too
hot stuff said: i don't like bothering others
hot stuff said: i’m just very protective sometimes
hot stuff said: skdjfng
You smile.
ma fraise said: i want to be a little alone at the moment
ma fraise said: but if the situation was different i would gladly enjoy your company
ma fraise said: it wouldn’t be a bother at all
hot stuff said: may i ask you why you want to be alone at the moment
hot stuff said: if it’s a personal matter i get it
ma fraise said: it’s complicated
hot stuff said: it always is ksdjnf
ma fraise said: well for me is very simple but if i tell you 
ma fraise said: you might not understand it fully
hot stuff said: try me
You bite your lip, thinking of a not so weird way to tell what you’re feeling.
ma fraise said: i’m not very used to social events 
ma fraise said: being around too many people makes me panic sometimes
ma fraise said: because i don’t like when people look at me 
ma fraise said: and in crowded places people will probably look at me 
ma fraise said: and this night my friend made me attend an event with him
ma fraise said: it’s overwhelming
ma fraise said: too overwhelming actually
ma fraise said: now i just want to breath slowly until my heart goes back to its normal beat race
hot stuff said: that’s very normal, ma fraise
hot stuff said: i understand what you mean and i’m sorry you were in this situation today
hot stuff said: but...
hot stuff said: if he’s your friend why did he make you do something he obviously knows you don’t feel comfortable doing?
hot stuff said: uncomfortable is the least, you said you were panicking during it 
hot stuff said: that’s not very cool
ma fraise said: he wants to help me
ma fraise said: in his very extroverted way of doing things, i think
ma fraise said: he wants me to enjoy the things he enjoys
ma fraise said: he knows i want to let this fear go and he thinks this is the right way of doing it.
ma fraise said: in some ways, it might be i guess. i need to face the fear and notice how this is a
ma fraise said: whole twisted concept i created inside of my head
ma fraise said: i’m not mad at him for trying to help me with it
ma fraise said: i think i should be mad at myself that this was a complete failure
hot stuff said: it wasn’t a failure
hot stuff said: you went there, right?
hot stuff said: you said you NEVER do this, so it’s normal that the first time it will be a little more difficult
hot stuff said: sorry for judging your friend like that i just thought he dragged you there without asking you
ma fraise said: that’s almost what he did skjdfng
ma fraise said: but i know he means no harm
ma fraise said: especially to me
ma fraise said: he’s one of the only people i learned to trust like this
hot stuff said: if i can help you
hot stuff said: when you try to face your fear again
hot stuff said: you can message me 
hot stuff said: if i’m here
hot stuff said: i’ll send you a cheering message to you to give some courage
hot stuff said: what you think?
ma fraise said: i would really enjoy it
ma fraise said: would really help
You wait a little longer, but it seems like hot stuff won’t answer your message any time soon. Near the club you notice there’s a McDonald’s open. That’s better than being outside alone in the dark - and there’s a place where you can sit comfortably and maybe even take a nap after such a draining and exhausting day. You choose a seat, where you can rest your legs too and watch the midnight McDonald’s lovers come and go.
ma fraise said: thank you for listening to me
ma fraise said: it means a lot
ma fraise said: i hope we continue talking, for a long time 
ma fraise said: i really like you, hot stuff
You feel suffocated inside the diner, the air is not circulating too much in there, so you decide to leave. That’s the problem when you don’t interact much with other people - you always get anxious with the minimal things, even if it’s something related to someone you don’t even know who they are in real life.
Hot stuff hasn't answered yet and after reading your own messages too many times, you can’t look at your phone anymore.
You shouldn’t have sent those messages, you aren’t close enough for you to say anything like that, especially that you like him. You opened up, a little, with him at your own risk - because you, out of free will, wanted to do that.  That doesn’t mean anything. You take a deep breath, and try to put some sense into your mind. Hot stuff has never been rude to you, or treated you in a bad way, there’s no reason for him to act any differently in this situation.
If hot stuff said he liked you, you wouldn’t be mad at him about saying it.
Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic.
You take another deep breath, deciding to go out a bit, for some fresh air.
You look up to the sky, it’s mostly clear, only a few clouds dancing around with the wind. “Oh, Pegasus.” You can see the constellation above you, recognizing it a couple of minutes later. The lights around the city are so faint, you could see the stars perfectly above you.
It’s peaceful for a moment and you can feel your heart calming down. Your breathing is going back to normal and your body doesn’t feel as tense as before. You are taking control of your own again and your mind is quiet for once that day. Even if you like to be alone most of the time, you wish you could share this moment with someone, the very rare kind of moment where you aren't worrying about your surroundings.
The only things watching you are the stars and they are shining brightly to you that night. You go back inside the McDonald's, deciding to order a chocolate milkshake. By now, you should’ve messaged your friends about where you are, but you totally forgot about it. They aren’t your parents, you shouldn’t tell them every step of yours anyways.
“Hey!” You hear a voice shouting from somewhere near you. The door closes and you're not alone anymore with the employees of the McDonald's, it seems like someone has found you already. When you notice who is calling for you, you almost roll your eyes “I finally found you.”
Daniel is walking in a funny way, his legs too loose for a walk and you could easily imagine him tripping on his own foot and falling to the ground. 
“You’re very bad at looking for things then, I wasn’t even hiding.” You say, convincing yourself it wasn’t a lie - but it wasn’t the truth either. Your milkshake is already gone, so you go up to throw it in the trash.
Daniel smirks.
“Actually, all of us were looking for you.” Now that Daniel is closer to you, you could see that Daniel’s eyes are lazyly open, his ears are bright red, and from the smell of his breath, it indicates he had more than just a couple of beers “Everyone freaked out when we noticed you disappeared.” 
You try to gulp a bitter feeling you always get when you notice how much people miss you. You have been gone for hours, maybe. The party probably already ended a while ago, but only now they decided to search for you. You don't have an outstanding presence and you know it, but you’re pretty sure if it was any other in his place, things would’ve happened way faster.
When you let this feeling fade away, you start to think that all of them were looking for you around. It was not Pierre and Charles alone, losing every strand of their hair because you decided to play hide and seek, but everyone tried to help them find their reckless and weird best friend on a sunday night.
“I decided to go for a walk.” You justify yourself, not admitting you ran away to be alone and drink a milkshake in an empty McDonald’s “I didn’t notice I was gone for so long.” 
Daniel’s body is acting weird and you found it amusing how much booze could make a person change. You’ve seen him drunk before, but you like to spot the differences. Daniel wasn’t the most composed person, but he gave the very in control aura to others - he looked like he owned things even when he wasn’t in control of it. You thought that it was very different from yourself, even sober you can hardly control all the emotions inside of you. 
The smell of beer and sweat are very present in Daniel, but you could still sense a hint of cologne on him. Since the beginning of the party, you didn’t have the opportunity to be around Daniel too much, now being the first time that night you’re side by side with said boy.
You like Daniel's smell, but you can’t recognize for sure the mixture of smells from his perfume.
The two of you leave the McDonald’s, going back to the streets. 
“I’ll call Charles and tell him I found you…” Daniel hiccups, his fingers not responding to the actions he wants them to do. He types on his phone very slowly, bringing it closer to his face so he can see better. “Oh wait, that’s definitely not Charles.”
Daniel tries to cancel the call, his phone trembling on his hands as he tries to act way faster than he should in his condition. That makes you giggle a bit, you wonder who Daniel was calling instead of Charles, maybe someone he wasn’t supposed to call at all… Some girl?
“So I managed to make you finally laugh?” Daniel stops what he’s doing on his phone and looks up at you, you don't even try to hide that you found it funny how clumsy Daniel was acting, but the giggles turned into a fade smile.
Whoever Daniel is calling, answers and he immediately puts the phone against his ear “H-Hi mom!” Daniel clears his throat and even straightens his posture. You watch him have a very awkward call with his mom “Yeah, I’m so sorry, I know it’s way too late for me to call you, but… But I missed you.”
You can hear Daniel’s mom from the other side repeating that she’s missing him too. Even if it’s only a faded voice in a phone call, you can imagine how happy she is. Maybe Daniel really knows how to be heartwarming with others, and how caring he can be with the ones he cherishes the most.
You are probably thinking way too much into this, especially with a person you only hung out a couple of times.
“Yes, mom, I love you too!” Daniel tries to finish the call “Love you to the moon and back.” He has a small smile when he looks at his phone screen, ending the call “It’s so difficult to sound sober to your parents when you’re anything, but sober.”
Daniel’s voice goes back to the same tone from before, and you feel like laughing again, but this time you manage to control yourself.
“Let me help you help me find Charles again.” You say, taking your phone out of your pocket “I think I’m in a better condition to use my cell phone and will actually manage to call Charles.”
You haven’t touched your phone since you arrived, when you were too nervous because of what you sent to hot stuff. When your phone screen lightens up in front of your eyes, the first thing you see are Pierre’s and Charles’ messages to you and many calls from your best friends.
But your eyes go to a couple of messages below the calls and messages. As soon as you read the messages, your face turns red instatelly. You feel your heart pounding harder against your ribcage and you gasp.
Daniel notices the flustered look in your face “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
Before Daniel can have the chance to have a glance at your phone screen, you hug your phone against your chest, hiding the messages from Daniel’s eyes “My… My battery is dying, can I borrow your phone? I can call Charles from it.”
You don't let your phone go even when you’re calling Charles from Daniel’s phone. You speak a few words with your best friend, your voice sounding more like a whisper, but Charles seems to be used to it by now. Daniel is leaning against one of the buildings’ walls, waiting for you to finish your call with Charles, trying his best to sober up. 
He’s not even that close to you anymore, but he notices that you are still almost hugging your phone, holding it so tight that the knuckles in your hand are turning white with the pressure around the lilac phone case you’re using. Daniel can see how startled you are, your breath is not even as it was a moment ago. You are restless, your legs not stopping for a second in the same place.
“Charles said they will be waiting at my room’s door.” You didn’t want to see any other than Pierre and Charles.
“Please, show me the way then.” Daniel gets closer to you again, now having more control over his members - his legs don’t seem like jelly anymore. At least, not that much.
You start walking on the sidewalks, the hotel isn’t far from where you are, but it’s definitely way too far for you. Your head isn’t in your walk with Daniel, or in anything around you at all. You can only think about those messages, and everytime you remember the words from it, your face gets warm with the thought. 
“You didn’t catch a cold, right?” Daniel stares at you too close, looking directly into your eyes. You have to make sure you don't trip or get more flustered with Daniel’s proximity, you already have too much going on inside of you at the moment “Your face and ears are soooooo red right now. Is it maybe a fever?”
Daniel touches your forehead, his hands gently caressing the sides of your face. You make sure to slap his hand away from your face, feeling something weird happen inside your stomach “I’m not sick or with a fever, stop.”
“You’re so hot, are you sure you’re okay?” Daniel continues and you start to walk faster “Maybe I could borrow you my jacket.”
When you look at Daniel, he is trying to take off his jacket and walk at the same time, still being a little drunk. The result is that Daniel is almost shirtless, bringing his shirt off with his jacket. You try to stop him with your hand, but accidentally rub your palms for a second against Daniel’s warm and soft skin. Your hand seems as if you touched fire with your fingertips and you quickly bring your hand back to the side of your body.
“Daniel, I mean it. There’s no need for you to give me your jacket. I’m not sick.” You use a serious tone when saying this to Daniel, and Daniel stops trying to get off his jacket and continues walking normally “But thank you for offering.”
Daniel just nods, leaving the silence to grow between you. You wish he would continue to talk or do something to maintain you with your head full, because your mind went back to the point where it was before and your heart is pounding hard once again.
Pierre and Charles are waiting for you in front of your room. 
“You!” Charles almost screams. You feel like a small kid that ran away from her house, worrying her older siblings until they found her in the park next to their house “Jesus, where have you been?” 
You feel embarrassed, because you didn’t imagine you would make Charles this worried about you “I was… eating something and lost track of time, I guess.” 
Charles sighs, but he and Pierre hug you very tight, rubbing your back, as if they’re trying to comfort you.
“I’m sorry for making you go with us, I know you don’t like these places.” Pierre whispers to you with a way too drunk voice “But when you want to leave, please, tell me and I will go with you. I got so nervous because you weren’t answering your phone.”
You can’t say anything else, you want to tell Pierre he doesn’t need to worry this bad about you, but you think that if you were in Pierre’s position, you would’ve gone insane in a couple of minutes.
“Now that you are safe, I will help these ones.” Charles looks at Pierre and Daniel. None of them seem to be sober yet. Charles isn’t too, but he seems to be the least drunk amongst them.
Pierre is shirtless, but Daniel doesn’t offer him his jacket.
“Excuse me sir, I can completely walk alone.” Pierre says, slapping Charles’ hands away “See?”
Pierre says it before losing his balance, but managing to stay on his feet.
“Is it okay if I help Charles l with him?” Daniel asks you “He will surely need some help, I think.”
“Sure.” You don't mind being alone, actually you prefer this way. You’re feeling way too strange about this situation, you want to show them you can take care of yourself alone. You aren't dependent.
You aren’t weak.
They leave together, laughing as the legs start to tangle on each other. You try to imagine yourself in between them, like that. Drunk, happy and having fun with your friends. For some reason, you don't seem to fit in.
You seem better where you are standing in that moment, only watching them from afar.
hot stuff said: ma fraise, i like you dearly too
hot stuff said: with all my heart
hot stuff said: hey i was wondering 
hot stuff said: i know it’s not your thing, but do you wanna come to a party?
hot stuff said: it’s a halloween party
hot stuff said: so i won’t know who you are
hot stuff said: it’s safe for us me thinks
hot stuff said: but only if you’re comfortable with it
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Copia Slow-burn sneak peak 👀
So yesterday my follower count hit a number that wouldn't ordinarily be a considered a milestone, but because I'm in the Ghost fandom it definitely is 🎉
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BUT I don't have any fics ready to go to celebrate... So I figured I'd share a little sneak peek of the multi-chapter project I've been working on instead.
It's a slow-burn Cardinal Copia romance, and I've chosen the below section because it makes me giggle and I also think it's a pretty good introduction to the reader character.
I'm not going to be giving away the full summary or title just yet, but all you need to know right now is that our sweet, naive, accident prone reader is attempting to break into the Ghost Ministry grounds in the dead of night...
[I hope you enjoy. Any feedback at this stage is super welcome 🙏🏼]
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[Unedited draft - may be subject to change]
You adjust your rucksack and turn back towards the Ministry to examine the iron fencing which encircles the grounds. It must be around eight or nine feet tall. The twisting spikes which adorn the top are blunt – more decorative than an actual measure to prevent trespassers – but the vertical bars ensure there are no footholds with which to climb.
You gnaw at your lip. Going home is not an option. You refuse to admit defeat before you’ve even begun. You could wait until morning – find somewhere to hunker down out of the wind until someone comes to unlock the gates – but a well timed duet of thunder and lightning sends that idea scattering. The storm is fast approaching, and you’ve no choice but to find a way in. You’ll be of no use to anyone if you die from exposure.
This is merely the first trial on your pilgrim’s journey.
The sky flashes once more, and the light bounces off a tree trunk fifty yards or so down the perimeter of the fence; a gnarled old oak, with several branches overhanging the very barrier you’re looking to cross. Perfect.
You assess your route as you jog over; plenty of protruding knots and handy branches to grab. You’ve always been a strong climber, and you’re halfway up the trunk in almost no time at all. The lichen-touched bark is thick and tough beneath your palms, and the smell of sap and budding young leaves is bitter-fresh. A tiny, unconscious smile curls the edges of your mouth. It’s so much nicer to climb without someone scolding you from below. 
Before long you’re swinging a leg up and over to sit astride one the thicker branches that breaches the Ministry grounds. You start scooting yourself forward, bit by bit.
Ten feet away from the fence. Eight. Six.
The branch begins to bow beneath your weight. 
You scoot faster.
Four feet. Two—
A splintering snap at your backhas you diving forwards with a panicked yelp. Your fingers latch over the top of the fence just as the wood gives way beneath you; sending your body swinging straight into the iron bars with a resounding clang. You maintain your grip, even though the impact turns your entire skeleton into a glorified tuning fork, and you pray that your kneecaps only feel like they’re broken.
It takes a bit of heaving, but you manage to pull yourself up into an awkward crouch atop the fence; feet slotting in the gaps between the decorative spikes. You peep back over your shoulder towards the branch, now hanging by a few feeble splinters. You wince.
“Sorry tree,” you apologise softly.
The drop you’re now faced with isn’t exceptionally far, but it’s high enough to give you pause. You squeeze your eyes shut, but that only makes your head swim, and your muscles tremble with the effort of stabilising your gradually withering balance. 
“Comeoncomeoncomeon,” you mutter. You can hardly squat here like the world’s most graceless monkey all night. You puff out several quick breaths that don’t actually do anything to help calm your nerves, and then you tip forward.
For a surreal half-moment you’re completely weightless, legs extending, ready to meet the ground—
An almighty rip sunders the nighttime peace, and you jerk to an abrupt halt; shoulders hitching right up to your ears and feet dangling freely beneath you. With some difficulty you manage twist your head to peer upwards from the corner of your eye. 
Yup. Backpack. Spike. Seems you’ve been promoted from graceless monkey to idiot scarecrow.
“Fiddlesticks,” you curse beneath your breath.
You wriggle in midair in an attempt to dislodge yourself. And when that doesn’t work you try kicking backwards off the railings. Of course that only succeeds in swinging you out over the lawn, where you somehow manage to twirl a full circle in the air, (thus twisting the straps into a hopeless muddle above you), before your spine crashes back into the iron fence. Hard.
“Son of a mongoose.”
Why is it that stuff like never happens to anyone else but you?
The bag tears a little more, and you drop an inch lower. You begin frantically cycling your legs, threshing around like a fish out of water— 
The fabric gives way, dumping you into an undignified pile upon the Ministry lawn. 
In the grand scheme of things it’s far from your worst ever landing. The ground is spring-time soft at least, and your panicked squawk could have easily been mistaken for a fox or some other nocturnal creature. Still, you take a moment to lay face down and reevaluate your existence.
The contents of your bag lay scattered around you; nothing more than a few items of clothing and some toiletries. A cheap flip-phone with only a single stored number. A small book, bound in black calfskin leather…
The grass flashes brilliant emerald, and a clap of thunder follows barely a second later. You push yourself up onto your knees with a groan and tug what’s left of your rucksack off your back; grimacing at the pitiful scraps in your hand.
Only the heavens aren’t content to let you sulk for long. They open upon you.
A sheet of rain sweeps across the grounds. A torrential curtain of chilled water that freezes your shocked gasp in your throat and plasters your hair to your skull within seconds. You scramble around the grass on your hands and knees, gathering your meagre belongings and shoving them unceremoniously into your tattered rucksack, hugging the haphazard bundle to your chest as you clamber to your feet—
—and promptly slip back over.
The sky blazes and crashes overhead.
“Not! Helping!” You yell pointedly out into the night, but the blustering wind snatches your voice and carries it away to nowhere. 
You push to your feet, quickly grabbing the sweater and socks which escaped your bundle when you fell again, and manage to remain upright this time as you begin your sprint up the lawn. The rain drives against you with a vengeance, slicing at your skin like tiny knives and leaving you squinting as you battle your way through its ceaseless assault.
The Ministry complex looms just ahead, and you make a dash for what looks to be the main entrance. But as you draw near, you’re greeted with a sight that until now had remained hidden by the crest of the hill. A white-hot needle of terror pierces straight through you, and you skid to an unbalanced halt mere feet away from the promise of cover. You clutch your belongings tighter against your chest, as though they might muffle the pounding of your heart, and you stare wide-eyed down at the marble tiling set in front of the porch. 
A giant, gothically-ornate rendering of a crucifix. Or it would be… were it not upside down.
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the-silence-agenda · 1 year
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IT’S FINALLY HERE, The Silence Agenda Ch 1-3 drops tomorrow, 4/10/23!
It’s taken a bit longer than expected to get this project off the ground, but I am so so so excited to finally be sharing this with the world! Tomorrow, I will be dropping the first THREE chapters of the book for you all to enjoy! After that, regular updates will take place Wednesdays/Fridays/Sundays until the book is complete!
Nyx is a trained assassin. Avery is a struggling grad student. When two strangers move in together to save on rent in Seattle, they are determined to stay out of each other's lives. Avery isn't looking for a friend; they just want to finish grad school so they can start their life for real. Nyx is just trying to take out their latest target without arousing suspicion, and it could be their chance to get out of the murder business once and for all. Some things just aren't simple. Tensions immediately run high and Nyx and Avery soon find that you can only share a small apartment for so long before secrets start to slip through the cracks. Some of them may be deadly.
Over the next couple of months, I will be slowly releasing this book, a few chapters a week, until the entire book is available to read on Wattpad! Once the entire book is up, I’ll take it off Wattpad to publish as a regular e-book. Which means that RIGHT NOW, during its time on Wattpad, it’s COMPLETELY free! It also means it’s kind of in beta stages still, and subject to possible changes before it is actually published. Which really means you’re getting to read a sneak peek!  
Any support you can give is welcome, whether by reading, dropping a comment or two (or fifty) on Wattpad, messaging me to yell about it, or interacting with me on other platforms! Currently, The Silence Agenda is completely free to read, but you are more than welcome to drop support on my ko-fi at https://ko-fi.com/win0813 ! Also follow me here, or on my Instagram, @ winsketches_ for more information OR join my mailing list via my website https://prfletcher.weebly.com/
Tumblr hates links so please spread the word if you can! And thank you again for reading!
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New POV chapter on April 22 and More Updates
Hi everyone,
I got a new POV chapter for one of the Twisted characters for April 22. Won't say who, but keep a look out!
Also, Pomefiore chapter is about 65% done. After some thinking, I decided to combine two chapters into one, so the writing progress is going to take just a bit longer. Here's a sneak peek of what's to come!
Hope you are all doing great and take care!
“Hey, you two!” a voice called out.
Claire flinched as two staff members came over. Both had the VDC logo on the back of their jackets with the word ‘Staff’ printed in large words.
“VDC rehearsals are about to start now,” one of them said in a polite but firm voice. “Unauthorized personnel are not allowed on site.”
“Oh, s-sorry,” she said, bowing her head, “But I…”
“That potato and beast are with me,” a cold voice cut through the air. Vil came over, towering over the two men. “I believe you can see their backstage passes around their necks.”
Almost immediately, Claire held hers up with both hands. She hid her face behind it as if the little badge would shield her from the sharp gazes. However, the two staff members were distracted by Vil’s presence.
“Vuh-Vil Schoenheit…!” one of them said with awe before managing to gather himself, “I’m very sorry. We had trouble in the past with fans trying to sneak in for the rehearsals. Apologies, for the confusion, Miss.” The two staff members gave a nod in apology to Claire and quickly left.
“Thank you,” Claire said, as soon as they were out of earshot.
“Seriously,” Vil sighed, shaking his head, “You should stop looking like that in front of other men. It will give them the wrong impression.”
“And you must be pretty high up on the food chain to show up at the last minute, Manager,” Vil said with an evil smirk, and Claire had a sinking feeling that she was going to have to do fifty laps around the school when this was over.
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breaniebree · 2 years
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ASC Chapter 347 -- The One Where This Is Our Life, This Is Our Home
Seamus and Dean were standing guard over the North Tower.  
They had eight archers with them, all third years, who were sending arrows down at the approaching army very successfully.  Kellan Cork had arrived with another fae from the Royal Guard that they didn’t know and the fae were working alongside of the students, their bows ready.  Two magizoologists had appeared ten minutes earlier with a large trunk between them.  Dean and Seamus hadn’t had a chance to do more than nod in their direction as they gave orders to the archers and listened to Cork explain where they were going to fire the arrows in the first volley.  
When the first few Death Eaters managed to make it pass the bridge, Seamus’ eyes met Dean’s.
Dean tapped his wand over the record player and the moment they attempted to reach the front doors, the charm on the music activated, blaring it out at them as the loud honking took over.
We’re not gonna take it!
Oh no, we ain’t gonna take it!
We’re not gonna take it, anymore!
“Now!”  Seamus yelled.
Flaming arrows sailed down into the front courtyard as fireworks erupted overhead to the beat of the drums; the lights bright enough to blind someone.   
Seamus’ eyes widened in shock as fifty long necked birds sprung out of the trunk and dove down in front of the castle, honking obnoxiously.  Their wings flapped loudly and Dean’s mouth hung open in surprise as they dive bombed the Death Eaters and the army below.
“What the fuck are those things?”  Dean demanded.
“Those would be geese,” the woman said.  “Canadian geese to be exact, but the locals like to call them Cobra Chickens.”
The honking grew louder and someone screamed.  
Dean looked down, angling his omnioculars in time to see two geese chasing a Death Eater down the bridge.  Its long neck stretching in its attempt to beak the chased.  The robed figure tripped and fell on the cobblestone, the birds pecking at his robes, tearing into his hair and into his robes with such ferocity, it surprised him.
“Fuck!  Vicious little bastards, aren’t they?”  Seamus exclaimed.
“Yeah, no, for sure,” the woman said.  “I’m Reagan, by the way, and let me tell you, their bite is more like a pinch, but it’ll draw blood well enough.  Those suckers have wings that hit harder than a body check into the boards, bud.  Trust me, it’s more of a shock than anything, eh.”
Dean snorted.  “I’ll say.”
Seamus raised his arm as the Canadian geese flew off back towards the tower.  “Fire!”
Another wave of flaming arrows landed below, leaving a fiery path preventing entrance into the castle.
Reagan whistled and the man on the tower across the way sent blue sparks into the air.  Suddenly the geese were circling back and diving back down towards Voldemort’s army.
Seamus shot a sheepish look over at Reagan.  “You know, I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice.”
“We are,” Reagan said with a smile.  “The rumour is that all of our animosity went into our geese.”
The loud honking was followed by more screams as five geese took a troll down.
“Hey, St Louis!”  Ouellette called out.  “Let’s send half towards the forest.  There’s another set of hosers coming in from the back.  We can have them do it like the drills we practiced out on Boblo!”
“Yeah, no, for sure!”  Reagan agreed.
“What’s a Boblo?”  Dean asked.
Reagan chuckled.  “Abandoned Muggle amusement park on Bois Blanc Island.  We trained the Cobra Chickens there.  Didn’t we, Raph?”
“Yeah, no, for sure,” Ouellette exclaimed.  “We sent pucks flying as bait.  They hit those biscuits harder than a slap shot into the net and let me tell you, they were right pissed off when they found out we’d tricked them.  Eh, Reagan?”
She laughed.  “You don’t want to mess with the Cobra Chickens.”
“I thought they were called geese?”  Seamus asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.
“Sorry, it’s a nickname we call them,” Ouellette said.  “And let me tell you, it suits those fuckers.”
Dean looked over at Seamus, shaking his head in amusement.  “Next wave, mate?”
Seamus nodded.  “Next wave.  Fire!”
More arrows rained down as fireworks cracked in the sky, blinding those below from seeing where the arrows were coming from and the music kept playing.
We’re not gonna take it!
Oh no, we ain’t gonna take it!
We’re not gonna take it, anymore!
Then there was a load roar.  
Dean’s eyes widened in amazement as a huge dragon sailed down from the sky.  A man with flaming red hair sat astride it; fire shooting from the large jaws of the dragon, and burning a path in the stone.  Dragon fire burned so hot that it made a flaming wall, blocking off the entrance to the front of castle.
Seamus grinned.  “Looks like the cobra chickens aren’t the only weapon we’ve got. Reload, babe!”
Dean ordered his unit to turn towards the back of the castle to let the next volley of arrows loose and the castle shook from the roar of the dragon.
No, it looked like they had a few more tricks up their sleeves after all.
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seriouslysam8 · 7 months
Brumous Sneak Peek!
You all are going to hate me. 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Essence
Ginny chewed on her bottom lip, her eyes staring at the clock on the wall in Gryffindor Tower. The time ticked by excruciatingly slow to the point where Ginny was certain the fucking clock was broken and a week had actually passed. Maybe even a month. Fuck, with the way she felt, maybe a bloody year. 
Harry never returned to school after his procedure. He also had not contacted her or Ron on the mirror. Ginny knew she hadn’t missed a call, because she made sure to keep her mirror on her all day. She was fairly certain Ron had as well. Ron sat pensively next to her, oddly stoic the entire evening. He hadn’t even cracked a smile at Demelza’s inappropriate Demiguise joke that she knew would normally have him in stitches. If Ron was worried, then it must be bad. 
By midnight, Ginny’s friends and Cepheus called it a night. Ginny stayed stubbornly in her spot, not feeling like sleeping when she had no idea if Harry was even alive or not. Crossing her arms over her chest, she settled in for the long haul. How could she sleep in her bed without Harry right now? She knew she’d be plagued with nightmares the entire night. 
Ginny was in her right mind to call Sirius. She wondered how awkward that would be. Would Harry call her parents for an update on her? Honestly, he’d probably just head for the Burrow himself, but Ginny wasn’t exactly sure where their new house was in Seifton. She supposed she could grab Cepheus and demand he tell her. Or she could call Sirius. That seemed like the best bet. She knew Sirius. She had chatted and joked with him plenty of times over the past couple of years. It wouldn’t be awkward at all.
“We should call Sirius,” Ginny decided. 
Ron glanced at her. “Do you think he’d tell us anything?”
Ginny huffed. “Of course, he will!”
Ron scooted closer to her as Ginny held the mirror up so they were both in the glass. At this point, she didn’t even care if she woke Sirius up. It’s not like he slept anyways. She just needed to hear Harry was all right. 
“Sirius Black,” Ginny said, her jaw setting. 
Ginny tapped her foot, waiting for Sirius to answer the bloody mirror. A few seconds went by and she called his name again. A beat passed and their reflections disappeared and all Ginny saw was darkness. 
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universitypenguin · 2 years
I’m just going jump on the bandwagon and say that I love Princess and the Lawyer 💖 I agree with the other anon that it’s rare to get established relationships in fiction, especially for a virginal character. It’s always instant attraction and then sex and all the other typical boring stuff (Fifty Shades of Dull). However, this is amazing and I love it. Established connection and non physical intimacy is so important before the physical aspect. I would hope that a little more kink/play shows for these two 🤞🏼Also, I would love oral in the office but after everyone leaves the office 🤣🤣🤣 I would be to vocal 🎤🎶😜 can we get another background story of them just flirting and annoying Andy Barber? Thank you and can’t wait for the next installment! 🫶🏼
Thank you so much for your message!
I just couldn’t write a Lloyd story without an established relationship to back up the plot. As a character, his decisions wouldn’t make sense with any other motivation. Lloyd is just one of those tough nuts who have to be emotionally invested before they’re able to fall in love. Or in his case, admit that he’s fallen in love.
Fifty Shades of Dull 😂
Truer words never spoken. One of my best friends loved that book, but I couldn’t even finish chapter one. The prose was so bad it hurt my eyes.
I would love to do another background story with them annoying Andy! Just for context, her relationship with Andy is more of a friendship / fatherly instinct on his part. She looks up to him in a similar way to how she looks up to Lloyd, but isn’t physically or emotionally attracted to him. On Andy’s side, he sees Princess as about the same age that Jacob would have been if he’d survived the accident. In this story Andy’s not necessarily jealous, but he’s aware that Lloyd is a dangerous person and he worries about Princess being safe with him.
I have a few entertaining ideas about a short story dealing with an evening trial prep. Here’s a sneak peek at what I’m working on for your ask:
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The Staircase Dilemma
“He physically couldn’t have done it,” Andy said.
Lloyd crossed his arms.
“He absolutely could have carried her up five flights of stairs. The security cameras were out of service, and the building security officer was flirting with the delivery woman at the front desk.”
“Come on. Carrying an unconscious woman up five flights of stairs in less than ten minutes? She would have been dead weight. It’s impossible.”
“You spend too much time in the swimming pool and not enough on real workouts.”
Andy’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t take the bait.
“He had to climb five flights of stairs with a dead body over his shoulder. It’s an older building and the stairs are steeper than regular. Also, with the high ceilings in pre-war buildings, each flight being twenty-seven steps. In total, there’s 135 steps up to his floor.”
Lloyd shook his head. “I could do it in under four minutes. He had ten. That’s plenty of time to move a dead body.”
The amount of confidence with which Lloyd delivered the statement was a bit concerning. You had to wonder if he had practical experience on the subject. Andy sent you a sidelong glance, evidently wondering the same thing. You looked down at your notes to avoid meeting his eyes.
“What size did you say the victim was?” Lloyd asked.
Andy repeated the information. The young female victim was about the same height and weight as you. Lloyd turned and scanned you up and down. He smirked.
“How about a little experiment?”
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