#Chass Hunter
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sonjatwogreyhounds · 4 months
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La chasse au faucon
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luhman16 · 7 months
hunter chasse galerie, just a little sketch, might expand on it, maybe, ahhhh, yeah, GUYS do NOT make a deal with the DEVIL if you want to celebrate new years with your WIFE who lives 500 years later than you by jumping in the DEVILS flying CANOE!!!!!!!!! do NOT get it TWISTED, your soul WILL be BANISHED to HELL!!!!!! O_O
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puppy-minnie · 2 years
Chan: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one.
Minho: Erm... it’s nice see your smile when you win!
Chan: He's probably just staring at my ass, isn't he?
Seungmin: Bingo.
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steph-photographie · 11 months
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Photo originale par Steph-Photo
Trophées de chasse
Au sommet d'une porte dans le village de Montmeyan (Var, Provence, France)
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armasugartechea · 2 years
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Model 1078 EX is a masterpiece. Engraving in gold is optional.
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se-no1976 · 3 months
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huntingdogart · 10 months
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The Pudelpointer Shot Glass https://www.zazzle.com/z/lk2bz46h?rf=238438942129975274
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skirazed · 1 year
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How do Bears Hunt and Tips As the 2023 hunting season approaches, outdoor enthusiasts and hunters alike are gearing up for exhilarating adventures in pursuit of one of nature's most formidable creatures - bears. Bears, with their immense strength, keen senses, and elusive behavior, present a thrilling challenge to those who dare to enter their domain. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the fascinating world of bears, exploring their hunting techniques, habitats, and behavior, while providing essential tips for a safe and successful bear hunting experience.
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frnndlcs · 1 year
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La Chasse au lion à l'arc, Jean Rouch, 1967
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thatswhywelovegermany · 6 months
Frau Gauden
In the German region of the Prignitz, Frau Gauden (Mrs. Gauden) is the leader of the Wild Hunt. She leads this army of supernatural hunters together with her 24 dog-shaped daughters.
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The Wild Hunt, also known as the Wild Army or the Wild Ride, is the German name for a folk tale widespread in many parts of Europe, particularly in the north, which usually refers to a group of supernatural hunters who hunt across the sky. The sighting of the Wild Hunt has different consequences depending on the region. On the one hand, it is considered a harbinger of disasters such as wars, droughts or illnesses, but it may also refer to the death of anyone who witnesses it. There are also versions in which witnesses become part of the hunt or the souls of sleeping people are dragged along to take part in the hunt. The term “Wild Hunt” was coined based on Jacob Grimm’s German Mythology (1835).
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The phenomenon, which has significantly different regional manifestations, is known in Scandinavia as Odensjakt (“Odin's Hunt”), Oskorei, Aaskereia or Åsgårdsrei (“the Asgardian Train”, “Journey to Asgard”) and is closely linked to the Yule season here. The reference to Wotin/Odin in the name Wüetisheer (with numerous variations) is also clear in the Alemannic and Swabian dialects; In the Alps, people also speak of the Ridge Train. In England the train is called the Wild Hunt, in France it is called Mesnie Hellequin, Fantastic Hunt, Hunt in the Air, or Wild Hunt. Even in the French-speaking part of Canada, the Wild Hunt is known under the term Chasse-galerie. In Italian, the phenomenon is referred to as caccia selvaggia or caccia morta.
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The Wild Army or the Wild Hunt takes to the skies particularly in the period between Christmas and Epiphany (the Rough Nights), but Carnival, Corporal Lent and even Good Friday also appear as dates.
Christian dates have superseded the pagan dates, which see the Wild Hunt moving, especially during the Rough Nights. This period of time is assumed to be originally between the winter solstice, i.e. December 21st and, twelve nights later, January 2nd. In European customs, however, since Roman antiquity, people have usually counted from December 25th (Christmas) to January 6th (High New Year).
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The ghostly procession races through the air with a terrible clatter of screams, hoots, howls, wails, groans and moans. But sometimes a lovely music can be heard, which is usually taken as a good omen; otherwise the Wild Hunt announces bad times.
Men, women and children take part in the procession, mostly those who have met a premature, violent or unfortunate death. The train consists of the souls of people who died “before their time”, that is, caused by circumstances that occurred before natural death in old age. Legend has it that people who look at the train are pulled along and then have to move along for years until they are freed. Animals, especially horses and dogs, also come along.
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In general, the Wild Hunt is not hostile to humans, but it is advisable to prostrate yourself or lock yourself in the house and pray. Whoever provokes or mocks the army will inevitably suffer harm, and whoever deliberately looks out of the window, gaping at the army will have his head swell so much that he cannot pull it back into the house.
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The first written records of the Wild Hunt come from early medieval times, when pagan traditions were still alive. In 1091, a Normannic priest named Gauchelin wrote about the phenomenon, describing a giant man with a club leading warriors, priests, women and dwarfs, among them deseased acquaintances. Later references appear throughout the High and Late Middle Ages.
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frenchlitclub · 11 days
vocabulaire de lecture: Trois oboles pour Charon, (chapitre 1, 2e partie)
guéable: Qui peut être traversé à gué, c'est-à-dire à pied ou en véhicule par une rivière peu profonde. = when a place divided by a body of water is still walkable or driveable to cross it peu ou prou: Environ, approximativement = about/approximately un gué: Lieu où il est possible de traverser un cours d'eau à pied ou en véhicule. = place where you can cross a stream on foot or with a car la baugue: Masse de végétaux marins accumulés sur le littoral méditerranéen par l'action des courants. = mass of sea plants brought by the currents to mediterranean shores nimbée: Cerner d'une auréole lumineuse ou symbolique. = encircled with a halo hardes trempées: vieux habits très usés = soaked rags/old clothes gourds: engourdi = numb sépulcral: lié aux tombes = sepulchral (related to tombs) tertre: monticule de terre/lieu destiné aux enterrements = small hill/burial mound tumulus: monument funéraire sous la forme d'un monticule de terre (petite colline) burial mound sarments: rameaux de vigne = vine shoot hallali: cri de chasse/mise à more lors d'une chasse = the kill or scream of the hunters after a kill se mirer: se regarder/refléter = to mirror/look at your reflection la curée: moment où l'on nourrit les chiens lors d'une chasse = feeding time for hunting dogs rapineurs: voleurs = thieves chenu: blanchi par l'âge = white with age râblé: costaud = sturdy/well-built
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pompadourpink · 2 years
Les virelangues
Seize chaises sèchent - Sixteen chairs are drying
Le petit chat chassait les souris qui sont sous les coussins - The little cat chased the mice that are under the cushions
Didon dîna dit-t-on du dos dodu d’un dodu dindon - Dido dined, or so they say, on the plump back of a plump turkey 
Si six scies scient six cyprès, six scies scient six cyprès - If six saws saw six cypresses, six saws saw six cypresses
Choisis 600 chouchous et si ces 600 chouchous sont chouettes, choisis-en 600 autres - Choose 600 scrunchies and if those 600 scrunchies are nice, choose 600 more
Piano, panier, panier, piano - piano, basket, basket, piano
Un pâtissier qui pâtissait chez un tapissier qui tapissait, demanda un jour au tapissier qui tapissait : vaut-il mieux pâtisser chez un tapissier qui tapisse ou tapisser chez un pâtissier qui pâtisse ? - A pastry chef who was baking at an upholsterer who upholstered's once asked the upholsterer who upholstered: Is it better to bake for an upholsterer who upholders or to uphold for a pastry chef who bakes?
Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches ou archisèches ? - Are the archduchess's socks dry or very dry?
Tu t'entêtes à tout tenter, tu t'uses et tu te tues à tant t'entêter - You persist in trying everything, you wear yourself out and kill yourself by being so stubborn
Trois ogres ocre griment trois autres ogres d’encre ocre - Three ochre ogres scratch three other ogres with ochre ink
Trois tristes tigres trônaient dans un arbre qui trônait au milieu d'un trianon - Three sad tigers were seated in a tree that was seated in the middle of a trianon
Ah ! pourquoi Pépita, sans répit, m'épies-tu ? Dans les bois Pépita, pourquoi te tapis-tu ? Tu m'épies sans pitié, c'est piteux de m'épier ! - Ah, why do you spy on me, Pepita, without respite? In the woods, Pepita, why do you lurk? You spy on me without mercy, it's pitiful to spy on me!
Un chasseur sachant chasser sans son chien est un chasseur qui chasse sans chien mais qui chasse quand même - A hunter who knows how to hunt without his dog is a hunter who hunts without a dog but who still hunts
Si vous voulez vous venger, rendez-vous vite - If you want to get revenge, surrender quickly
Douze douches douces - Twelve sweet showers
Je veux et j'exige les joyaux de ces jolis et joyeux oiseaux jasant - I want and demand the gems of these pretty and cheerful chattering birds 
Étant sorti sans parapluie, il m'eût plus plu qu'il plût plus tôt - Having gone out without an umbrella, I would have liked it better if it had rained earlier
Satan montant des cendres s’attend à descendre mon thé. Sentant mon thé, je monte. Satan m’entendant monter, redescend cendres et mon thé, mais Satan s’étend, et cendres et mon thé descendent - Satan rising from the ashes expects to down my tea. Smelling my tea, I go upstairs. Satan hearing me coming upstairs, brings down ashes and my tea, but Satan extends, and ashes and my tea come down
Fait faire à Fabien fourbe et fautif force farces fausses et fantasques - Makes the deceitful and faulty Fabien play many false and fantastic pranks
Le cri du cygne qui crissait dans le cristal des cris d'oiseaux qui crissaient - The cry of the swan that was screeching in the crystal of the cries of birds that were screeching
Seize jacinthes jaunes sèchent dans seize sachets sales - Sixteen yellow hyacinths are drying in sixteen dirty bags
Un généreux déjeuner régénérerait des généraux dégénérés - A generous lunch would regenerate degenerate generals
Le chaton qui chassait le chat qui chassait la souris qui chassait le rat qui mangeait du fromage - The kitten who chased the cat who chased the mouse who chased the rat who ate cheese
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Movie: Les demoiselle de Rochefort - Jacques Demy, 1967
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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usafphantom2 · 28 days
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There is a geography of hunting, that's for sure. Places that every hunter has already flown over and recognizes as a marker of collective culture. Mont Ventoux, the beacon of Vaucluse, is one of them.
Here, the first planes of EC 1/5 salute the giant.
@Escadron Chasse via X
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mtreebeardiles · 7 months
Get to Know Your Mutuals
Tagged by @rotschopf-thedrow — thanks!
Let’s see, let’s see…
Fave ships: mshenko, mreyder, Robbie x Kelly (Green Creek), Phaedra x Lucien (Lumatere), Yrica x Chass (Alphabet Squadron), Luc x Oliver (Boyfriend Material), Firstprince, Tennal x Surit (Ocean’s Echo)
Fave color: hunter green, mint green, Tiffany blue
Song stuck in head: so far so good by great good fine ok
Fave food: !!!!!!! So many! Ah! Let’s say mac n cheese cuz I’m still on the quest for the Perfect Mac n Cheese 🤔 and I’ve had many delicious contenders in my search 😌
Last song listened to: Fading by morgxn
Last tv show: leverage
Spicy/sweet/savory: sweet
Currently reading: rereading Light of the Jedi so I can catch up on the high republic books
Last googled: hmmm not sure, maybe a Mac n cheese recipe 😂
Tagging let’s see… @urdnotflexthejedibard @aleiocus @solstheimtxt @pastelroyce @theoriginalladya @mynerdylordship @thewonderofliving @cronusamporaofficial
No pressure as always! Not sure who else has been tagged so this is also open to any who wanna participate! (Tell me your jams and tbr lists 👀)
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vulturesouls · 3 months
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Camouflaged hunters with bows waiting to shoot deer, from a Livre de la Chasse, France, 1330s.
Getty Museum s. 27 (87.MR.34), fol. 109
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