#Cheezi is playing by his own rules
spottedmischief · 4 months
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Cheezi core honestly
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melyaliz · 7 years
Sunflower Girls
Summary: Thor and Jennifer come up with a way to get Maia laid. Bachelor style! 
Pairing: Roy Harper x OC, Thor x OC, Loki x OC
Notes: Part two! Because… I don’t have enough story ideas or anything like that -she said sarcastically as she drowns in a million story ideas- Not to mention this is over 9 pages long -shoot me- 
Also because -much like how I treated real school- I am procrastinating my Highschool AU
Maia owned by @royslittleharper​
Annabella owned by @the-shadow-of-atlantis​
Mentions of Layla which is owned by @jayne-writes​
Tagging:  @guns-n-lilies @coffee-randomness @daisyboobear @werewitchling @nightwing-rules​
“I had to get sunflowers instead of roses,” Jen said as she walked into the bar greeting a smiling Dick Grayson, Jason was behind him already on his first beer.
“How are roses going to get Maia laid.?” Dick asked.
“Perfect those are Drifa’s favorite flowers!” Thor billowed behind the two men as he suddenly appeared. Dick almost jumped out of his skin letting out an unearthly shriek. Next to him, Jason started choking on his beer.
“Meet my new partner in crime,” Jen said beaming as she gently patted Jason on the back as he gasped for air. “So are the challenges ready partner?”
“Unfortunately they would not let us use any sort of weaponry but Annabella suggested other feats such as beer pong and darts.”
“Well I’ll be at the Pool table,aignal” Jason said taking his beer with him while Dick still sat in shock looking up at the God of Thunder who was dressed in civilian clothes. A black t-shirt that read Gotham across the chest with the bat signal in the sky and a pair of clean blue jeans.
“Those sound much safer if not as interesting as what I’m sure you had in mind.” Jen said picking up her drink from the bar.
Thor nodded looking down at her, a small smile on his face, “you are so true, humans truly don’t know how to have real fun.”
“Aww I don't’ know I thought we had fun last night.” This earned her another thunderous laugh.
“That we did Jennifer!”
At the sight of Maia walking into the bar, the large Asgardian waved excitedly taking the large bouquet of sunflowers. Behind Maia was Annabella and Loki who wasn’t looking too thrilled to be in this disgusting hovel filled with Midgards.
“Wait, what did you guys do last night?” Dick asked as Thor took Maia’s hand leading her back to the bar to get a good seat.
“Watched the Bachelor, think I could win at a game of Pool against Jason?”
“Depends, did you read a book on how to win?”
Jen couldn’t help but laugh lightly as she pushed him, “oh shut up.”
“Make me, bookworm,” he said leaning forward playfully messing her hair.
Having an Asgardian try and start an impromptu competition in the middle of a bar may not have worked out if it wasn’t Gotham and he wasn’t the famous Thor. The people of Gotham love anything that would distract them from the dangers of living in the city. They also love heroes and Thor was one of the big ones.
The DJ had the games set up and couldn’t even finish saying the rules before a ton of beautiful girls were clamoring for the God of Thunder’s favor. It didn’t help that Thor was a friendly drunk complimenting every woman and telling them how talented and smart they all were. Making everyone just excited to compete and have fun.
“He always does this,” Loki said, arms folded over his chest, “Making everything about him.”
“I think it’s cute” Maia giggled as Thor was showing a girl who to play darts while telling her she was a worthy opponent. It was all praise and compliments as he handed out sunflowers to each girl.
Next, to them, Annabella couldn’t help but laugh as she face-timed a rather salty Faith who was in New York with Gigi. To say the youngest Batsis was jealous was an understatement.  
“I can’t believe I’m missing this!” She cried as Jen came up next to Annabella to say hi while Dick took her turn at the pool table.
“Little Warrior! I brought you a gift last night.” Thor bellowed as he came up as well hearing the young girl’s voice.
“You did! What is it?”
“You will have to see when you return from your adventure with the Pink Princess”
“Hi Thor!” Gigi giggled waving from behind Faith as she held a large bowl of ice cream covered in pink strawberry syrup and rainbow sprinkles. The red-haired girl sat down next to her best friend taking a bite out of her ice cream while Faith frowned.
“I want to compete in the Thor games!”
“Yeah, you’re too young,” Jen said taking the phone from Annabella, “Just have fun on your sleepover with Gigi.”
“It’s going to be so much fun!” Gigi squealed, “I got masks and the Notebook, Amber said every sleepover needed that… and Ice Cream!” she held out her bowl. Maia winced at the sight of the sugary mess.
“I love ice cream but what you do to it should be illegal.” Gigi was about to respond when Thor took the phone to show them around the bar and meet the contestants.
“Hurry up and get back here!” Jason shouted from the pool table, “I challenged you not Dick!” Jen laughed walking back to the table.
“I don’t think I’m going to get my phone back,” she said glancing over her shoulder as Thor.
“He really spoils Faith doesn’t he.”
Jen was about to respond when she was cut off by Thor letting out yet another thunderous laugh at something that was said on the screen.  
“He has a nice laugh,” Jen remarked shooting the cue ball missing her mark.
“Oh no,” Jason said lining up his shot, “I know what that means…”
“I already slept with him if that’s what you’re insinuating,” Jennifer said as Jason made his shot, “also, for your information, not every person who’s laugh I like I sleep with”
“Oh really?” another ball went in.
“Yeah, I like your laugh.”
“You do?” Jason asked looking up at her, an eyebrow raised.
“I honestly just like seeing you happy”
This earned her an eye rolled and poke with his pool stick. “You are so cheezy.”
“What about my laugh?” Dick asked looking up from her phone that he had been furiously texting and sending pictures too.
“It’s ok”
Jen snickered taking a sip of her jack and coke, “you have a nice laugh too Grayson”
“Thank you, Jennifer,” Dick said before going back to texting. Jen frowned as she noticed Dick take another picture in Maia’s direction before typing something else.
“Who are you texting?
“No one”
“If you’re texting Roy don’t.”
“Your texting him aren’t you”
“Why can’t I text my good friend?”
“Maia needs to get laid tonight not deal with the endless emotions that come with her relationship with Roy Harper.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means when those two are together they spend the whole time trying to prove that don’t want to bang each other senseless” Jason said making another shot at the table.
“What he said,” Jen said handing Dick her pool stick “also help me, Jason is kicking my ass.”
Back at the bar Annabella was now had Jen’s phone and was snapchatting with the two young girls while Maia added commentary. Around her several guys were cheering the women on. They had a betting pool going. The bartender was even giving out shots had had fondly named “The Asgard” to anyone who could guess who would win and how they won. Loki had ended up joining in on the fun winning himself several shots. Maia was more worried about what would happen when he lost but when another guy, Sam, word for word guessed how a game of beer pong would go Loki gladly handed him his shot.
“You win this time Midgard”
Sam laughed while the other men looked on nervously. However, the victor didn’t seem fazed at the idea that he had just beaten the God of mischief who had always tried to take over the world more than once.
“To my Good luck charm!” he said handing it to Maia, “I’m more of a beer guy.” he added winking at her. Maia giggled as she took her drink.
“Roy?” Maia choked on the delicious shot she had just taken as she looked up at the red-haired man standing in front of her. Behind him, at the pool table, Jen was hitting a very apologetic Dick while Jason laughed.
“I’m swear to god Dick! I’m going to tell Layla all your deepest darkest secrets!”
“Oh come on Jen, don’t be mad at me!” Dick cried at Jason’s phone buzzed. Picking it up he answered it before handing it over to Jen. Faith’s voice was on the other end.
“Listen sis, I have an idea.”
“A new contestant has arisen!” Thor’s voice thundered and the small group of onlookers watched as he walked up to Roy handing him a sunflower. Roy just looks at him totally confused.
Next to him, several of the bar patrons erupted into cheers. “Roy, Roy, Roy!”
How they knew his name, was beyond him.
“Ok, why is my brother having Roy compete?” Maia asked concern written on her face as Jen came to sit next to her.
“Just drink your mead or whatever and don’t worry about it.” Jen said handing her another drink. Next, to her Sam laughed.
“Oh hey, Jen I didn’t know you were here.”
“Hi Sam, how are you?”
To have a sober Roy compete against a bunch of drunk girls wasn’t fair. Not that Roy stayed sober long. However, that made it worse since Roy seemed to have better aim and agility when he hits a certain level of drunk.  
He quickly became a fan favorite between both the onlookers and other contestants which meant the drinks continued to flow in a steady stream. 
“If I don’t win I hope you do,” a pretty brunette said handing him a large beer.
“Yeah,” another girl said nodding, “I always knew Thor swung both ways.”
Roy paused his drink halfway to his lips, “He what?”
“I mean it’s pretty obvious, the looks he would give Captain America on the TV…”
Roy felt himself sweat as his drunk mind suddenly pieced together what was going on. All the comments on Thor’s amazing body. The fact that he was the only man competing, “What, what do we win?”
“It wasn’t really specified but since this is a Bachelor game I’m assuming a night with the blonde god.” the brunette said shrugging as she took a sip of her blue drink.
“Hmmm and is he EVER a god” her friend giggled glancing over at Thor who was handing a sunflower to another girl.
If Roy had been sober he might have bowed out gracefully. However, he wasn’t. 
So with the cheers of the bar, he decided he couldn’t back out now. Mine as well win the game and just live with the jokes later. Or that was what his drunk mind decided.
And win he did. 
And there was much rejoicing throughout the bar.
“Does this mean Roy has to sleep with my brother?” Maia laughed taking another drink of her Asgard cocktail. The bartender, at Jen’s request, had made her a full glass instead of a shot.
“Nope!” Annabella said pushing Roy toward Maia, “It means he get’s the Asgardian of his choice, and we all know who he would choose.”
“Yep, you guys are a fan favorite,” Jen said holding up her phone where Gigi and Faith are sitting on Gigi’s floor with a large sparkly sign that read “Team Dumbass” with a sunflower next to it. Both girls had dark green goop on their smiling faces. “Seems like you were a hit at the sleepover”
Roy walked slowly toward the bar, completely drunk at this point. All the sunflowers in his arms and a goofy smile on his face. “I win,” he said showering Maia with them. Maia giggled gathering up the few that had fallen onto her lap.
“My hero.” she said Roy leaned closer to her.
“You saved my heart” he whispered
Maia looked up at him blinking a small smile on her face, “My heart was waiting for you.”
“I love how beautiful you look tonight”
“I like the way that shirt hangs on you.”
“I love how you take care of Lian.”
“I love how much you love her.”
“I couldn’t be happy when you were gone.”
“I thought about you every day.”
Roy leaned forward gently kissing her, “I love you with everything” he whispered as he kissed her again pinning her to the bar.
Dick, who had been filming Roy’s victory laughed as he zoomed in on the passionate makeout session. “This will make amazing blackmail” he snickered.
“Yeah, and now they can’t act like they aren’t in love” Jason added slinging his arm over a pretty blonde he had befriended after she had lost during the third round, “We’re a couple of friends my ass”
The idea hit Jen like a bus, “Dick can you send me that video?” she asked
“Of course, but it’s my leverage,” he said, Jason turned to Jen, confused.
“You’re not the blackmail type… what are you planning”
“Nothing that concerns you.”
“Wow you sleep with a god once and now you’re totally rude.”
“Wait you slept with a GOD?” Annabella said, “What…” she suddenly paused her gase turning to Thor who was lifting his arms several girls hung off his biceps. “You’re sleeping with Thor?”
“Slept, there’s a difference.”
Jen signed as she walked into her apartment pulling high heels off tossing them aside. Guardian let out a joyful bark running up to her. Cleopatra watched the peasant dog from her perch on top of the counter. Her long fluffy white tail moving back and forth with annoyance.
“I’m so glad to see you too” Jen cooed kneeling down to pet the dog, “Wana go snuggle, my true love?” she added burying her face in the dog’s soft fur.
“We did it!” Thor cried appearing in Jennifer’s apartment nearly giving her a heart attack. Guardian let out a growl backing up slightly startled. Jen let out a soft laugh stroking the dog calming her.
“Faith really is an evil puppet master when she wants to be isn’t she.”
“The Little Warrior will become a great leader someday.” Thor said proudly.
“Yeah, if she ever starts believing in herself.” Jen added fondly. “But I’m glad she has people like you in her life helping her.”
Thor blinked unsure of what to say to that. It was such high praise coming from the Little Warrior’s only family. The way, Faith talked about her sister it was obvious that they were both very important to each other.
They stood in silence for a few moments, both lost in their own drunken thoughts.
“Ah, and before I forget,” he said pulling out a sunflower from his back pocket. Slightly crumpled and broken. He had been saving it all night for her. She had seen him doing it. Guarding that one flower as he told every girl they were worth it. Cheering everyone one on and even if they lost a game making them feel like they had won. Jen hadn’t been sure why he had kept that one flower to himself until now
“The final sunflower,” he said holding it out for her.
Jennifer took it feeling her heart drop. Fuck, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this. She wasn’t the girl who got the flowers. She was the one who helped everyone else get their flower. Find their true love. Learn to be happy.
She wasn’t the girl who got the rose in the end.
She wasn’t the girl who was supposed to fall in love.
‘So did you guys have fun last night?’
Maia groaned as she sat up looking at her phone as Jen’s text popped up. Shoot what had she done?
'We just ended up passing out, nothing special' she lied as she glanced over at Roy’s naked sleeping form.
'Oh really….? Because that wasn’t what it looked like was going to happen when we shoved you in that cab.'
Maia gritted her teeth, dang it Jen! Why did your nights always end up like this? Although to be fair, the older O'Neal sister had promised she would get Maia laid.
'What about you? I had a feeling Thor didn’t leave alone last night and it wasn’t with a sunflower girl.'
Jen sighed looking over at the god passed out next to her in bed. Running her fingers through her hair she looked back at her phone before shooting off one last text. 'Let’s just say he ended up with a sunflower girl and I may have broken my one and done rule.’  
Thor mumbled in his sleep burying himself deeper into the pillow snuggling up closer to Jen’s body wrapping his strong arm around her waist. Gently, as to not wake him, Jen laid back down curling up next to him.
Maybe just this once she could be someone’s force to be reckoned with.
Two days later a rather awkward Roy and Maia sat in Jennifer’s office.
“I don’t know why we are having a session.” Maia said looking around the room, anywhere but Jen’s eyes. “I haven’t had an episode in a while.”
“Yeah and if you wanted to hang out with us just ask.” Roy laughed trying to look relaxed on the couch. Jen sighed looking down at her phone pulling up a video.
“I have something to show you guys.” she said before pressing play and holding it up for them to watch.
“My hero” Maia’s voice echoed from the speakers.
Both Maia and Roy sat there slightly pale as they watched themselves pour out their very souls to each other and everyone else in the bar.
“I love you with everything,” Roy’s voice said before the video went black.
“Shit” Roy whispered cracking his knuckles, Maia looking as taken aback.
“I don’t remember any of that” she mumbled.
Jen gave them a weak smile as she put her phone away, “I figured and I won’t tell anyone but… really guys?” she looked at both of them studying them, praying her words would make the impact she wanted. “You should put aside all this denial and just be happy.” Then, getting up, she walked out leaving Maia and Roy just sitting there in stunned silence. 
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