#i need to do more with that jerkish side of him to begin with
spottedmischief · 4 months
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marsmarvel02 · 6 months
"What Manny Can't Fix" Review: Chapters 18 and 19
Welcome back and welcome again to my review of "What Manny Can't Fix" a Handy Manny fanfic that- well, if I'm reviewing it, you know it's got to be bad.
Last time ended with me having to suffer through another insertion of Snow While into what's supposed to be a fanfic based on Handy Manny; today, we enter in to a new section of the fic.
And that section is, obviously, the part of the fanfic where chapters are so short that almost every post is going to end up being a double feature.
What, that wasn't what you were expecting? Oh, right, I guess something else does begin in Chapter 18 too...
(And as always, if you'd like to start this review series from the beginning, Chapter 1 is here.)
There’s no heading for it, but this is the start of Part 2.
My personal theory as for why there isn’t a heading is that the part headings state the character the section is focusing on, and in this part of the story our lead guy turning out to be a Canon Character All Along is actually supposed to be a plot twist.
Although that doesn’t explain why the author couldn’t just write “Part 2” and not list a character there, and their brilliant plan also falls apart because the plot twist is more obvious than the obvious bad guy from “The Secret Of Anastasia” turning out to indeed be a bad guy, and this ploy was also completely pointless because the author’s note at the beginning of the fanfic listed which characters would get which parts, so we already know that part two is about Rusty.
And now, without further ado,
Chapter 18
A silver monkey wrench-
Okay, there’s going to need to be a bit of further ado while I explain some tool terminology.
Properly, “monkey wrenches” are a specific kind of obsolete wrench popular in the early 1900s. The kind of tool everyone seems inclined to call a “monkey wrench” is actually called a pipe wrench.
I know this naming issue was in Handy Manny proper and isn’t the fanfic author’s fault, but it’s still worth pointing out.
- anxiously approached a battery carrier,-
I have no idea what that’s supposed to be, beyond presumably something that carries batteries of some sort.
- a bunch of dandelions in his jaw.
It appears Schrodinger’s Toolikinesis has struck again.
Seriously, writer, I don’t care if you let the tools “hold things” the way the snakes in Far Side cartoons do, but at least be consistent about it!
“H...Happy anniversary, Carrie.” He said, dropping the flowers in front of her.
1. Oh joy, more romance.
2. Har har har, the “battery carrier” is named “Carrie”.
“Oh, these are lovely Iron Grip!” The battery carrier said, excitedly. She may have only given him a small kiss on the cheek, but that didn’t stop his face from turning bright red.
What the- now that’s a weird action description.
“I’ve got something for you too!” Carrie said. She grabbed a box and pushed it towards him.
Iron Grip pulled out a small pair of orange earmuffs. 
I’d laugh, but given that in this story’s world the humans know about living tools it’s actually perfectly logical that someone would make tool-sized earmuffs.
“Since the noises around the garage bug you, I thought these would help.” Carrie said.
“Aww thank you.” Iron Grip said, blushing even more. 
Nearby an air ratchet rolled his eyes before going over.-
I think “air ratchet” is supposed to mean “pneumatically-powered ratchet wrench”, but given that I looked up “battery carrier” and got nothing consistent, who knows?
- “Yeah, then noises like cars honking, tires rolling, and air pumps...y’know….. All normal noises in a garage !”
Iron Grip whimpered a little bit and hid behind Carrie.
“Leave him alone, Wisp!”-
Man, “Plunker” was already a bad enough name, but “Wisp”? You can’t give a character who’s supposed to be jerkish and tough a name that connotes innocence and ethereality!
- Carrie snapped, as she literally snapped her jaws shut.
So a “battery carrier” is something that’s supposed to have jaws. Interesting.
“Whoa, whoa no need to get so angry.” The air ratchet chuckled. “I was just pointing out ol’ Iron Grip here needs to stop being afraid of common sounds around here.”
“Well I uh...uh..” Iron Grip sputtered out.
“That’s none of your business!” Carrie said. 
“All I’m saying is if he’s going to work here, he needs to…”
“No! I know why you’re doing this!” She said. “You’re not trying to help him! You’re trying to make him feel bad about being anxious!”
Hey, didn’t Handy Manny proper have a “monkey wrench” whose sole character trait was being really anxious all the time?
Eh, I’m sure it’s not important.
Wisp sighed dramatically. “Oh, sweet, sweet Carrie….the world is cruel...isn’t it?”
Carrie glared as she went back over to Iron Grip.
“He has to get used to this at some point.” Wisp said. “And you’re just hindering him by giving him a crutch like that.”
“Come on Iron Grip, let's get some fresh air.” Carrie said, heading towards the front of the garage.
There was a nice spring breeze in the air as they stood on the sidewalk, looking at the town. Clouds started to form in the sky.
“Do you think Wisp is right?” Iron Grip whimpered.
“No.” Carrie shook her head 
“But...but...what about me being scared of the sounds...like...like the engine… or...or car horns!” Iron Grip whined.
“It’s okay to be scared.” Carrie reassured him.
Iron Grip sniffled. “Thanks.”
A light drizzle started and they backed up under the protection of the awning. 
“We better get back inside before we rust.” Carrie said.
Gee, that “monkey wrench” from the actual show… wasn’t he named Rusty or something?
Also, love how Turner and the rest of Teeth’s gang could take a dip in the fountain in Part One and be just fine but now in Part Two Iron Grip and Carrie are afraid that being caught in a drizzle will make them rust up.
Iron Grip nodded. “Right.”
The two tools headed back inside as the rain started to pick up.
Wow, that chapter was short.
Chapter 19
The tools gathered around as a car backed into the garage for a repair. The mechanic carefully opened the hood of the car and examined the engine. 
“I’m ready when you are Anne!” Wisp called out to the mechanic.
“And hey, have you seen my comma?”
“How do you know she’ll need you?” Carrie asked.
“Why wouldn’t she?” Wisp scoffed. “I’m used in over half of the repairs around here!”
As someone who knows absolutely nothing about car repair, I’m not sure what to say here other than that I suspect the author doesn’t actually know anything about car repair either.
“So am I.” Carrie said flatly. “And I think Iron Grip is even used more than both of us combined.”
Wisp scowled as he looked at the monkey wrench. “At least I’m not scared of a car engine.”
“Oh, don’t bring this up again!” Carrie snapped.
“And see! He can’t even defend himself! He needs someone else to do it for him!” Wisp shouted.
I know he’s supposed to be unlikable, but Wisp is actually getting hard to read about.
Iron Grip whimpered as the two of them kept fighting. He hopped off the worktable and headed over to a toolbox on the ground. He laid inside and shook slightly.
The box rocked as Iron Grip shivered anxiously. He didn’t want to see Wisp, let alone be on the workbench until the repair was over,
However Wisp and Carrie’s arguing drifted over to the toolbox, loud and clear:
“Well, maybe if he put in effort to be part of the team, he would-”
“Knock it off!” Carrie interrupted. “He’s a better team player than you are!”
“Oh really now?” He challenged.
Apparently, Anne subscribes to the “Mr. Grover” approach to conflict resolution: Don’t bother doing anything. 
Iron Grip exhaled deeply and clenched his eyes shut. Just go to your happy place Iron Grip….Go to your happy place….
Oh no. I feel a flashback coming on.
He managed to zone out the arguing and clear his mind.
Iron Grip was alone with his thoughts, almost in a void. 
Just Iron Grip and the void…...and…..
No flashback? Oh greatest of joys upon the earth!
“Iron Grip!”
He turned around to see Carrie rushing towards him.
Aaand the joy’s gone.  
“Carrie!” He said, excitedly, before heading over to her.
The two of them hugged, staying in each other’s embrace. Iron Grip leaned closer and kissed her cheek.
He felt safe and secure with her. It was like nothing else mattered, not the noises around the garage, not the fear of failing, not even Wisp. 
What Iron Grip felt was pure love and safety. 
Carrie was everything to him.
Yeah, something’s going to happen to drive a rift between them.
Iron Grip snapped out of his fantasy when he heard screaming across the garage.
“You’re just as bad as he is!” Wisp snapped.
“Please Wisp, calm down. It’s really not a big deal….” Anne said.
Wow, Anne is actually trying to do something! Impressive!
“No! She dropped a battery!” Wisp shouted. “These are expensive!”
Hey, at least she didn’t drop it over a waterfall like a certain toaster…
“Wisp...please…” A voice whimpered.
“You don’t belong in this garage either!” He continued. “We can’t afford to make mistakes like this! You agree with me, don’t you Anne?”
“Wisp….I told you it’s not a big deal. I can just grab another battery.”
I’m confused. Did Carrie drop the battery just now so she could go comfort IG, or is Wisp bringing up an old incident?
“What, so this klutz can just drop it again!? Maybe you should throw her into the scrap metal bin, and actually get a battery carrier who’s competent at her job!”
Iron Grip felt anger brewing inside of him, something he’d never felt before.
Slowly he got out of the tool box and made his way over.
Oh boy, I feel a fight scene coming on! I can’t wait to find out how the author will botch one of those up!
(My review of the next two chapters is now up.)
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #859: Meeting the WarioWare Gang (SSBU X WarioWare)
4:23 p.m. at WarioWare Inc.....
Ashley: (Fixes Up Lucas' Bow Tie) How are you feeling, Lucas?
Lucas: Nervous.....Shaky.... Maybe even a little terrified.....(Turns to Wario) I-Is there a word for all of this?
Wario: (Shrugs) I don't know. Fidgeted?
Lucas: Yeah. That's the one. Fidgeted. I am feeling definitely fidgeted right now.....(Turns to Ashley) Hey, how do I look by the way?
Ashley: (Smiles Softly) You look very handsome today. You really didn't have to wear the bow tie though.
Wario: Yeah. We're only having a picnic at the park.
Lucas: ('Sigh') I know. But Big Sis Ann insisted that I need to look my best for the occasion. This.... isn't too much, is it?
Ashley: It isn't. (Gently Grab Both of Lucas' Hands) And you have nothing to worry about here, Lucas. Everything is going to be just fine.
Wario: Ashley's right, squirt. I known these people for as long as I can remember. They're the most annoying and gullible- (Gets Startled Once He Notice Ashley's Dark Glare Is Pointing Directly at Him) I-I mean, they're the nicest people I know! A-And you don't need to worry about making a bad impression on them or anything. Just stay calm, be yourself, and everything will go good from there.
Ashley: (Genuinely Surprised) Wow, Wario. That's.... actually good advice.
Lucas: Yeah. (Smiles a Little) Thanks, Wario.
Wario: Eh. (Wave his Hand While Rolling his Eyes) It's whatever. I only did it to stop you from being a wuss. (Starts Picking his Nose)
Lucas: (Gets A Bit Grossed Out By Wario)
Ashley: (Gives Wario a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Stop picking your nose, Wario.
Wario: I do whatever I please. (Starts Wiping his Hand on the Side of his Pants)
Ashley: ('Ugh') (Starts Rolling her Eyes) Horridness aside, you think you're ready to do this, Lucas?
Lucas: (Sighs While Nodding) As I'll ever be. (Turns Towards the Office Door)......Y-You don't mind if I count to three before going in, do you?
Ashley: (Giggles Softly) Not at all, Lucas.
Lucas: Thanks! (Takes a Deep Breath) Okay. One......Two....T-
Wario: (Walk Past Lucas to Open the Door) One, two, three. We're going in. (Shoves Lucas Inside the Office) Move it already.
Lucas: Okay! Okay!
Wario: Wahahahaha!- (Gets Stomped on the Toe By Ashley Before Wincing in Pain) YEOOUUCH!!! (Starts Hopping on One Toe) You.... little....yauughh!
Lucas' eyes begins in widened in genuine surprise at the sight of everyone present in the office. Each of which are as colorful, energetic, and lively as Ashley described them to be.
Lucas: Are they really the employees of this company?
Wario: Yep. Each and everyone of them.
Ashley: Pretty lively, aren't they?
Lucas: Yeah..... They're so cool.....
Wario: (Already Getting Impatient) Hurry up and say something already!
Lucas: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) R-Right!....U-Um!
Everyone in the office came into a complete halt at what they were respectively doing while turning their heads at the timid boy with a bowtie.
Lucas: I...u-um...(Smiles Nervously While Waving Hello to the Employees) H-Hi. I'm not sure if Ashley and Wario told you about me beforehand, but....my name is-
Everyone: LUCAS!!~
Without any hesitation, the employees excitedly rushes over to Lucas and pulls into a group hug/gathering.
Ashley: (Sighs While Having a Deadpinned Look on her Face) So much for toning the excitement.....
Wario: Yep.
Mona: (Giggles Awkwardly While Making her Way to the Duo Along with Penny) Sorry about that, guys.... They've been excited to see Lucas since we first heard about him.
Penny: (Smiles Sheepishly While Watching the Scene Play Out) It's kind of changeling for most of us to maintain our excitement for this long, ya know?
Ashley: It's fine. (Starts Smiling a Little at the Crowd) I'm glad they're taking a liking to him at least.
Mona: Us too.
5-Volt: (Makes her Way to the Trio While Holding a Megaphone in her Hands) Do you mind covering your ears for a second, dears? I got this covered. (Clears Her Throat Before Screaming her Heart Out on the Megaphone) QUIIIIIIEEEETTTTT!!!!!
Everyone stopped what they were doing and have their attention directly towards 5-Volt while letting Lucas go.
5-Volt: ('Sigh') Look, I'm happy to see our guest here as much as you guys are right now, but could you please start settling yourselves down before you give this poor boy a panic attack?
Everyone: Yes, ma'am......Sorry, Lucas.....
5-Volt: (Gives Lucas a Hand With a Soft Smile on her Face) We're sorry about all of that, sweetheart. Are you okay?
Lucas: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly While Getting Back up on his Face) I'm okay, ma'am. A-And there's really no need apologize for all of that. You all just took me by surprise is all.
5-Volt: Well, as long as you're okay, allow me to properly introduce myself: My name is Mrs. 5-Volt.
Mona: (Smiles Brightly at Lucas) And I'm Mona!
Penny: (Happily Salutes to Lucas) Penny Crygor, at your service! Ashley here told us quite a lot about you as of late~
Ashley: (Eyes Widened While Blushing)
Lucas: She has?
Mona: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm~ She told us about how much of a sweetheart you are, how much she admires you since day one....
Penny: Ooh! She even told us she has dreams of marrying you som-
Ashley: (Already Flustered in Bright Red) OKAY! How about we introduce everyone else in this room, yeah? (Gives Mona and Penny a Dark Glare) Before my patience starts to dwindle....
Mona: (Shivers in Fear by the Glare Before Giggling Awkwardly) Y-Yeah....That uh....seems to be a good idea right now, right Penny?
Penny: Yep! L-Let's Introduce everyone! (Turns to Lucas with a Bright Smile) Lucas, we want you to meet our whole gang!~ Jimmy T!
Jimmy T: Yo.
Penny: Young Cricket and Master Mantis!
Young Cricket: (Bows Towards Lucas in a Polite and Martial Arts Like Fashion Along with his Master) Please to meet you.
Penny: 9 and 18-Volt!
9-Volt: Hiya!
18-Volt: How's it going, little dude?
Penny: Dribble and Spitz!
Dribble: 'Sup, kiddo!
Spitz: Nice meet ya on this fine day, squirt!
Penny: Kat & Ana!
Kat/Ana: Kon'nichiwa!~
Penny: Our alien friend, Orbulon!
Orbulon: Greetings, young, timid youngling.
Penny: A little girl from Luxeville name Lulu!
Lulu: I'm the hero of my hometown!~
Penny: My grandpa, Dr. Crygor and his assistants, Mike and Doris 1!
Dr. Crygor: It is such a pleasure to finally meet Ashley's future hus- (Gets Startled Once He Noticed Ashley's Dark Glare) I-I-I MEAN boyfriend! Yes.... That's what I meant to say.
Mike: Greetings, Ashley's Boyfriend.
Doris 1: Hello.
Penny: And this is our new addition to the team: Pyoro!
Pyoro: (Happily Squeaks at Lucas)
Lucas: Aww~ Hi, little guy. (Pulls Out his Hand) Nice to meet- (Suddenly Felt Pyoro's Tongue Touching the Palm of his Hand For a Few Seconds Before Putting Back in his Mouth) You.....
Pyoro: (Claps his Arms Happily)
Penny: He can shoot his long tongue to any direction he wants! Neat, huh?
Lucas: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) Yeah. He...kind of reminds me of Yoshi in a way.
9-Volt: Hey Lucas! (,Shows Lucas a Tiny Yellow Figure Standing on the Palm of his Hands) I want you to meet my pet: Fronk!
Lucas: Oh uh. Hello, Fronk. (Pulls Out Finger as a Friendly Gesture) It's nice to meet you.
Fronk: (Uses Both of his Hands to Hold Lucas' Finger While Shaking Him Up in Down in the Mid Air Must to His Surprise) The pleasure is all mine, Master Lucas. (Finally Lowers Lucas Down) And I must say, that bowtie of yours looks magnificent on you.
Lucas: T-Thanks, Mr. Fronk....You look great too. (Turns to 9-Volt While Whispering to Him) How is he THIS strong?
9-Volt: (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of Head Back and Forth) I.... might've modified him to have superhuman strength.
Lucas: Woah......B-But anyways, it's really nice to finally meet you all today. My name is Lucas a-and after today......(Closes his Eyes and Shout) I-I HOPE CAN WE BE THE BESTEST OF FRIENDS!
Everyone: (Cheers in Rejoice) YEAH!!!
Ashley: (Sighs While Smiling Sheepishly at Lucas) My darling Lucas~
????: Awwwwwww~
Ashley quickly comes back to reality as her eyes begins to widened before turning around to see Mona and Penny smirking at Her In a teasing fashion.
Mona: Staring at him with that lovey-dovey eyes of yours already?~
Penny: Hmmmmmmmmm?~
Ashley: (Groans in Annoyance While Walking Away) Let's just get this picnic over with.....
An Hour and a Half Later at the Diamond City's Picnic.........
Lucas: Wait. So..... You're telling me that Wario set an entire stadium contest, mistakenly stole a portable potty, and almost cheated all of you out of your money....just to order pizza?
Penny: Yeah.....It was pretty chaotic in those a two and a half days. But at least we had good time regardless. Even after Wario tried to steal our share of the deal afterwards.
Wario: Hey! In my defense, that Gold Challenge was all my idea from the very beginning.
Mona: Yeah, but we still helped.
Everyone (Except For Lucas and Ashley) Yeah!
Lucas: I...gotta agree with them, Wario. That was a pretty jerkish move on your part.
Wario: (Crosses his While Looking Away in Annoyance) Ehh Whatever! I can always scam you losers anytime I want....
5-Volt: (Place her Hand on Wario's Shoulder While Giving him the Dark Glare Herself) What was that?
Wario: (Gets Startled) AHH! N-N-Nothing!! W-Wario didn't say anything! I swear!
5-Volt: (Sighs While Calming Herself Down) I sure hope not....
Everyone: (Giggles Softly at Wario's Dispense)
Lucas: If you don't mind me asking, when was the first all of you have met each other?
Mona: On the day we first started working with Wario. It was supposed to be one time thing, but.....oddly enough, the more we started working on the company together, the more we got more closer to one another than we ever thought we would.
Ashley: (Nodded in Agreement) It's true. While Red and I met them shortly after, our entire relationship with one another has gotten more close overtime. In fact.....(Starts Smiling Softly) Besides the Smash Family, everyone here is.... practically like a family to me. Even if they do get on my nerves sometimes.
Penny: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Oh, Ashleyyyy~ (Pulls Ashley into a Loving Hug) Thank you!~
Everyone (except for Wario and Lucas) begins to join in on the group hug. Showing Ashley how much she means to each and everyone to them as well.
Ashley: ('Sigh') Thank you so much, everyone.....Now, get off.
Everyone: (Chuckles Lightly as They Pull Away From their Group Hug)
Lucas: (Chuckles Lightly) Even as co-workers, you guys managed to form a close bond with one another. You really are amazing.
9-Volt: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks, man. Ooh! Speaking of which, what's your family like back home? You know, besides the one back in the Smash World.
Wario: (Starts Choking Up on his Food a Little)
Ashley: (Eyes Widened in Horror) Oh no.....
Lucas: Oh. Well, umm....Back at my universe, I have a dad, grandfather, a really great dog named Boney, and a mom and twin brother......(Slowly Starts Frowning Sadly) Or.....at....least I used to have mother and brother.....
9-Volt: Wait. (Starts Frowning a Little in Worry) "Used to"?
Mona: (Frowns as Well) What do mean, Lucas?
Lucas: Well.....um....My mother and brother uh.... They're......gone.
Everyone: ('Gasps')
Penny: (Almost Speechless) G-Gone?
Lucas: Yeah...W-Well, I mean.... They weren't.... "gone" per say. They were....killed if anything.....
Everyone: ('GASPS')
5-Volt: (Covered her Mouth in Anguish) Oh my god.....
18-Volt: H-How!? What happened!?
Everyone: (Starts Rambling On About What is Happening Right Now)
Ashley: Everyone!
Everyone: (Stops at What They Were Doing and Turns to Ashley)
Ashley: ('Sigh') Look, I know all of you have questions in all of this, but... could you please not overwhelm Lucas here? He's been through a lot....
Lucas: (Gives Ashley a Sad Yet Reassuring Smile) It's okay, Ashley. I don't mind telling them what happened.
Ashley: Are you sure you wanna go through with this?
Mona: Yeah. You don't have to force yourself to tell us.
Lucas: (Simply Nodded) I'm sure. It's....not gonna be easy to tell, but... I'll do my best to stay strong throughout it all. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) Okay. So....it all started back in Tazmily Village, my hometown, it was morning time and.....
Regardless of how challenging it was in a few areas, Lucas continues to tell everyone almost everything that happened to him in the past. About Porky, the night that took his mother's live away, the disappearance of his twin brother and the sacrifice he took for Lucas in the later half of his tragedy adventure. As he told them each details, it wasn't long before tears begins to fall down on everyone's faces. Even Ashley started to shed a tear or two as she held Lucas' hand throughout the whole process. The explanation itself only lasted around fifteen minutes as Lucas mentally sighs in relief for lasting this long without breaking himself down.
Lucas: ......And that just about sums up everything that happened. It was.....a rough time for me back then. Losing love ones, getting out of a near death experience....It was a miracle dad and I managed to pull through till the very end without losing our minds. But....on the bright side....(Starts Smiling a Little) It....did taught me to be more brave and mindful over the years. And in a way, I'm kind of thankful for that, cause.... I don't think I would've become the person I am right now it weren't for that and all of the new friends and family I've made along the way. Kuma, Duster, Ness, Red, the Smash Family....(Smiles Down at Ashley) Even you, Ashley. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me.
Ashley: (Smiles Softly at her Boyfriend) It's really no problem at all, Lucas. If anything, I should be thanking you for being my friend to begin with....(Starts Blushing Again) A-And for being my boyfriend afterwards~ I love you for that....
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) I love you too, Ash-
Before Lucas could finish saying his girlfriend's name, him and Ashley suddenly gets pulled into a hug by Penny, while she's still in tears.
Lucas: P-Penny!?
Ashley: (Glares at the Gender Girl) What has gotten into you!?
Penny: Sorry! ('Sniff') Didn't mean to ruin the moment. ('Sniff') My emotions are already running all over the place. So....('Sniff') I thought maybe hugging it out....('Sniff') Would help it go down a little, you know? ('Sniff')
Ashley: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Whatever helps you feel better, Penny....
Penny: Thank you! ('Sniff') And Lucas?
Lucas: Y-Yeah?
Penny: ('Sniff') I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that in past and I'm so happy you're doing a lot better now. ('Sniff') And I know what it feels like to lose someone who's close to you, so....('Sniff') If you ever need someone to talk you, I'll always be there to listen and help, okay?
Dr. Crygor: (Joins in on the Group Hug) That goes for me as well, young man.
Mike: And me.
Doris 1: And for I as well.
Young Cricket: We would be honored to help you anyway we can as well.
9/18-Volt: Don't forget about us!
Kat/Ana: And us!
Lulu: And me!!
Mona: And me as well. We'll always be there for whenever you need us, Lucas. Promise.
Ashley: You guys are too helpful....Can you believe them, Lucas?.....Lucas?
Lucas: (Already in Tears) I know we just met and everything, but.... ('Sniff') I'm so glad.....('Sniff') THAT WE'RE FINALLY FRIENDSSS!~
Penny: Oh buddy! Don't cry!~
9-Volt: Yeah! Of course we're friends!~
Ashley: (Sighs Once More as She Hears her Friends Rambling on About Their Newfound Friendship) (So this is where my life has gotten to at this moment.... Being surrounded by a bunch of hyperactive fools and a cute, emotional boyfriend.....) (Smiles Softly) (I love it already.)
5-Volt: (Smiles Tearfully at the Kids Getting Along) ('Sniff') This is do sweet.....
Mantis: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Agreed. I believe this will be a start of a beautiful friendship together.
Dribble: (Noticed Wario is Sniffing Right Beside him) Hey man, you getting emotional there too?
Wario: N-No! ('Sniff') I-I'm not crying! ('Sniff') I just got something in eye!
Spitz: Yeah? Like what?
Dribble: (Starts Snickering) So much for not caring.
Spitz: (Snickering as Well) Yeah. Guess you really do have after al- (Felt Wario's Snot Coming Out on his Sleeve Before Sighing) Nevermind.....
Ness: So.... Lucas met these guys yesterday and you're saying that ALL OF THEM wants to join the squad as well?
Ashley: (Sitting Next With All of the WarioWare Crew While Giving Ness Simple Nodded) Yes. All of them.
Mona: (Smiles Softly at the Boy) I hope you don't mind.
Ness: N-Not at all! I was just.... surprised by how many of you are there, you know? But....(Sigh Slowly Turns to Wario) Are you sure letting him join is a good idea?
Wario: (Glares at Ness) HEY! I can be nice and trustworthy as much as any of you losers in this stupid mansion! (Starts Eating his Chips While Looking Away)
Mona: (Smiles Sheepishly) W-We'll make sure he's on his best behavior.
Ashley: Yeah. (Slowly Starts Moving Herself Over to Ness) We'll...make definite sure about that....(Whispers into Ness' Ears) Write his name in the Unofficial category. I don't trust him one bit.
Ness: (Whispers Back to Ashley) Neither do I. (Writes Down Wario Name Down his Clipboard Before Smiling Brightly at the Gang) Welcome aboard, guys!
Everyone: (Happily Cheers in Rejoice)
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daresplaining · 4 years
A Few Thoughts About the Current Run
    I feel like I ought to say a few things about my feelings on Zdarsky’s run, as of right now (August 2020, pre-Annual-- that may be important). I haven’t said much about this run, and I should admit that I actually stopped reading it for a while. At a certain point, I realized I was dreading the release of each preview, and took that as a sign that maybe I should take a break and just re-read some back issues instead. This is, above all, supposed to be fun; I never, ever want reading DD to feel like a chore.  
    That said, I am now caught up and feel ready to begin untangling exactly why this run is so distasteful to me. I’ve been fortunate to have other DD fans to chat with about this, which has helped me to pinpoint what my problems are... because on paper, this run seems like something I’d enjoy. Matt accidentally kills a guy; that’s always fun. Marco Checchetto is great. The story explores Daredevil’s relationship with the citizens of Hell’s Kitchen, which I love. Foggy helps Matt with an action-y Daredevil thing; that’s awesome. There are some very cool fights. Elektra is in it. Stilt-Man is (briefly) in it. It has all the trappings of an interesting narrative. But there is a giant hole in the middle of this run, and that hole is Matt Murdock-shaped and impossible to ignore.     
    I read Daredevil comics for a lot of things (anyone who’s been following me for the past few years might think I read Daredevil comics for Mike Murdock, and you may have a point there) but first and foremost, I read them for Matt. There is a lot that makes a good DD story great-- historically, the comic has featured great supporting casts, and that’s another problem with this run that I’ll get back to in a minute-- but Matt is always the anchor. One of the greatest strengths in Daredevil comes from the fact that the protagonist is such a compelling character. You are interested in what he’s doing. You want to follow his story. You enjoy being inside his head. I’m not saying that you can’t write a good Matt-free Daredevil story-- you definitely can. But if Matt is present and written poorly, the whole story will collapse around him, and that’s been my experience with Zdarsky’s run. Part of the reason I’ve taken so long to write this post is because I’ve been trying to figure out if my complaint comes from my own personal taste-- which is not a basis on which I can critique this comic-- or whether the problem is inherent in the work itself. Having discussed it with other people, I feel comfortable saying that I think the problem is in the writing. 
    Zdarsky’s Matt feels profoundly unfamiliar to me, and that in itself isn’t necessarily a problem, but I don’t find this new version of my favorite superhero interesting. I actually find him a little repellant. If this run had been my introduction to Daredevil, I would’ve said “Nope” and read something else. Matt is a character with depth. He is intensely multifaceted. His relationship to superheroing is complicated, his views on justice and morality are rich and often contradictory. Zdarsky somehow missed all of that and has crafted a one-dimensional character with a blatantly black-and-white sense of morality. Matt’s reaction to accidentally killing someone seems to be to decide that all superheroes are bad-- something I complained about at the beginning of the run and which, unfortunately, only grew more annoying as the story progressed. Zdarsky’s Matt is painfully self-righteous, to a degree that makes him extremely unlikeable (at least to me). And yes, Matt has been written as unlikeable before. I actually love when Matt behaves badly; I find that fascinating from a narrative perspective. But I’ve realized that the key reason that has been effective in the past is because the story has never condoned that behavior. When Matt was emotionally abusive toward Heather Glenn, Frank Miller went out of his way to show us-- via the side characters, via blatant expressions of Heather’s pain-- that Matt was in the wrong. When Matt was a jerk in Bendis’ and Brubaker’s runs, when he drove his friends away, when he acted irrationally and harmfully, the narrative commented on that jerkiness and irrationality. 
    But Zdarsky does not do that in his run. He presents Matt’s irrational and jerkish behavior without comment or nuance, as if it’s a perfectly normal, reasonable way for Matt to act under the circumstances, and I have been surprised to realize how distasteful I find that, and how bad it makes Matt look. There’s a difference between having a character who is comfortably flawed-- whose behavior you’re supposed to occasionally question-- and a character who is just unpleasant and unlikeable, seemingly by accident. In the most recent issue (#21), Matt has an extremely upsetting interaction with Spider-Man, one of his oldest friends, and Matt is positioned as heroic for behaving this way, and it made me feel a little ill, because there’s no textual examination or questioning of this behavior. It’s just Matt, pushing people away, being Angsty(TM) and Gritty(TM) and lone wolf-y just because, in a way that is grating and unpleasant and completely lacks nuance. 
    The other major element of Zdarsky’s characterization of Matt is religion. I’ve mentioned before (as have other DD fans before me) that Matt is not generally written as religious, and it’s a strange phenomenon that this characterization has appeared in multiple adaptations (the movie and the Netflix show) while having very little actual presence in the source material. But it was a key theme in the Netflix show, and while hopefully that influence will disappear from the comics as more time passes, we are still in a honeymoon phase wherein MCU elements are still popping up in the 616 universe. It’s clear that Zdarsky really liked the show, and Soule as well; I’m certainly not letting Soule off the hook here, because the idea of Matt being devoutly Christian showed up his run first. But there, you could get away from it if it wasn’t your thing (which, for me, it’s not). Soule had whole story arcs that didn’t mention it. But Zdarsky has made it 75% of Matt’s personality. When he isn’t fighting or sleeping with someone in this run, Matt is angsting about God. 
    I hesitate to complain about this because it’s Zdarsky’s right as a DD writer to change the protagonist however he likes. It’s frustrating, yes, but not actually a sign of bad writing per se. Plus, not everyone is me. Many people-- probably including many people who were fans of the Netflix show and are entering the comics via that connection (which seems to be the target audience for this run)-- may be religious and may connect to MCU/Zdarsky Matt in that way. And that’s wonderful. I want to be very clear: it’s not the religiousness itself that I’m complaining about. My complaint is this: if you’re going to drastically alter a character, you need to back it up. You need to dig into it, make that new personality element feel powerful and real, and integrate it into the character’s pre-existing personality. And if you’re going to base the entirety of that character’s emotional journey on that new trait, you need to work to make sure it’s accessible to your readership. I, as a non-religious person, have no sense of why Matt is so upset about God. I have no frame of reference for his pain, either from my own experiences or from previous Daredevil continuity, and Zdarsky does nothing to develop or explore the basis of Matt’s faith, and so it all just falls flat. I feel alienated by this run. I see an angsty, self-righteous, prickly jerk ranting about needing to do God’s will, and then I put the issue down and read some She-Hulk instead. If Zdarsky (or Soule-- again, he could have done this too) had made an effort to actually explore and explain Matt’s feelings about his religion, rather than lazily shoving that characterization in there and assuming readers will just accept it, it wouldn’t bother me nearly as much as it has. 
    Also, I feel I have to mention; this is a fantasy universe. Matt went to Hell and yelled at Mephisto in Nocenti’s run, and it was awesome. Maybe this is just me, but if you’re going to bring in religion, at least have some fun with it! Bookend Nocenti’s run: Matt goes to Heaven, runs into God, and she gives him some free therapy and a souvenir t-shirt (or, I don’t know, something). To give Zdarsky credit, he did at least hint at that sort of thing in Matt’s conversation with Reed Richards in #9. 
    I'm going to cut this post short, because I really don’t enjoy writing negative reviews. I’d much rather post about things I love, and over the next few weeks I do plan to highlight aspects of this run that I’ve enjoyed. But I’ll end by saying that the weaknesses in Matt’s characterization could have been mitigated by a great supporting cast. Having prominent secondary protagonists would have provided outside perspectives on Matt’s behavior and given the reader other characters to root for when he got too out-of-hand. They would have drawn out the human elements in Matt’s character and helped give him that nuance he so desperately needs. But this run, just like Soule’s before it, is woefully underpopulated. Foggy’s presence is extremely weak and his appearances far too infrequent. Apart from brief cameos in MacKay’s Man Without Fear mini, Kirsten McDuffie and Sam Chung have both vanished, and I’m worried that Kirsten might have joined Milla Donovan in the limbo of still-living-but-permanently-benched ex-love interests. The women in this run are all either villains or people for Matt to sleep with (I was pumped about Elektra’s return and the idea of her training Matt, but her characterization was disappointing (I may write a separate post about this), and Mindy Libris could have been really compelling as a moral person trying to survive life in a crime family, but instead she was just a one-note, underdeveloped victim for Matt to lust after). To Zdarsky’s credit, he has clearly been trying to give the Kingpin a humanizing story arc, but even that I haven’t found compelling enough to want to keep reading (though that could just be me). Cole North was intriguing at first, but he ended up feeling more like a concept than an actual person. And none of these characters engage with Matt on a human, emotional level, which is what a good supporting cast needs to do. I commented early-on that this run felt like all flash and no bang (Is that a term? It is now.) and I think I still stand by that-- it’s all bombastic plot concepts and big ideas without any of the actual development or nuance necessary to make them work. There is nothing in this run that has pulled me in and held my interest; in the absence of a Matt I can connect to, I need something, and so far I haven’t found it. 
    I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point. This run was nominated for an Eisner for best ongoing series, so apparently someone likes it, but it has become clear that-- so far, anyway-- it’s just not right for me.  
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cry-stars · 4 years
For that ask meme (character), how about Joshua from TWEWY?~
YES!! Thank you so much for asking; I’ve never really talked much about TWEWY on here before, but it’s one of my favourite games ever, so I’m happy to talk about it! Sorry, this is super long.
How I feel about this character: 
I absolutely LOVE Joshua. I’ve loved him for years, ever since I played TWEWY for the first time when I was fifteen. He’s hilarious, and mysterious, and such a complex character that I’ve been thinking about him for years, trying to figure out why he did what he did, and what his motivations are… I always have a soft spot for that kind of jerkish character, and Joshua is right at the top of the list. He always makes me laugh, and makes me think a lot, too.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
I don’t really ship him with anyone. I’d probably be okay with reading a ship fic for him if it had a good story, but I prefer friendship for him.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Josh and Neku is my favorite, bar none. Their relationship is such a ride… Their relationship got off to such a rocky start, but throughout week 2, they had so many good bonding moments where it seemed like they were developing a friendship, like the Tin Pin tournament, and helping solve the ramen shop problem. Then Joshua would drop another bombshell, some new horrible revelation to hold over Neku’s head, and Neku’s resentment would grow. And then Joshua sacrificed himself for Neku, and Neku felt so horribly guilty; he’d been wrong! Joshua was a hero, and he’d failed him. 
And then the ending, when everything fell apart, and Joshua was the mastermind all along… and yet, somehow, Neku can’t kill him, and somehow, Joshua breaks all of the rules to bring Neku and all of Shibuya back from the brink of destruction. And somehow, they still want to meet again. It’s just… wow. It’s such a ride, and it has so much potential to develop even more, if Joshua is just willing to reach out and accept the second chance that Neku is giving him. Their banter is so funny too, and I love the way that they actually seem to work together really well when Joshua isn’t mercilessly teasing Neku.
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
I’m not really involved enough in the fandom to know what would be an unpopular opinion, but I do often see fics that start with Neku being horribly angry with Joshua (as he has a right to be!), and when Joshua decides to try talking to Neku again, Neku pushes him away. I don’t see that happening though; the whole ending to TWEWY made it really clear to me that Neku, despite all that Joshua did to him and all that he went through, truly does want to see him again. I think that the barrier to them ever meeting again would be Joshua himself, feeling that he can’t ask for forgiveness, or that he’s somehow done nothing wrong and doesn’t need to beg for forgiveness (even though he knows in his heart that he needs to).
 I think that Neku would be the reason that the relationship begins again and grows. Sure, there would be some arguing and some explaining to do, but it’s obvious that they want to see each other again; Joshua just feels like such an outsider, and doesn’t know how to approach this group of friends that he wants to be a part of.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: 
Honestly, I wouldn’t change much about TWEWY at all; it’s one of the closest things to a perfect story for me. I really wish that we’d get to see the story of how Joshua became the composer, though; I want to know more about his history with Mr. H. Did he really used to be like the “Yoshiya” we saw in A New Day? I really want to know more about his past. (Now that we’ve got a sequel, I’m begging for a prequel, haha).
 my OTP:
Joshua/making friends and being happy, haha
my cross over ship:
Not romantic, but I really liked his interactions with Riku and Sora in DDD. I never finished playing the game (I only really played it for the twewy moments… I’m sorry… I really need to finish it)  and I don’t know a lot about Kingdom Hearts, but I really liked seeing that softer side of Joshua, and seeing his concern for his friends, and I feel like he was able to show a side to Riku and Sora that he doesn’t feel able to show to his Shibuya friends.
a headcanon fact:
I’m almost convinced that Joshua, Minamimoto, and Coco are all siblings, or at least, they were as humans before they died and became Reapers. I think Coco and Sho being siblings isn’t a big stretch, since Coco decided to go all “zetta” and resurrect Sho. Coco seems to know a lot about Joshua as well, though; she had the very different “Yoshiya” in her false world, and knew that the Composer was named Joshua. 
Joshua and Sho seem to have an interesting relationship too; Joshua understands all of Sho’s math quips, and the two banter as if they knew each other before Sho wanted to become composer. Also, Joshua seems to be really fond of Ken Doi the ramen guy, and seems to be a ramen connoisseur, haha. Since Ken seemed to be Sho’s dad in Another Day, I wonder if Joshua is connected to him too? Also, Ken is really connected to the Reaper’s Game despite being a human, which you might expect if three of his kids are involved in it.
My idea is that all three of them died at the same time, but Sho and Coco were partners, while Joshua was partnered with someone else. This started the big rivalry of them vs. him, and explains why they know who the Composer is when it’s not something just any Reaper should know. I’m still thinking more about this, but it’s one of my favourite theories/AUs that I really want to write someday when I get over my fear of writing for a new fandom.
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masterfuldoodler · 4 years
Tag Game
Rules: Name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
Was tagged by: @redfirefox-55 so guess here we go! this gonna be so hard to choose but I'll try. might just settle for not TOP top because too much brain power. :( Also tagged by @festivepeppermint so I really need to finish this lol
Sora from Kingdom Hearts. I really like Sora's story, his personality, the role he fills in the story, and how he grows through the story. He's our main character and hero, but not really for any of the classic reasons. He wasn't "the chosen one" (he did become it, but that's too much detail for this) he isn't a super smart guy, he's not all that tough, even in the world he's in and the strength that's most important he lacks in. His heart is weak, but it's not his strength that makes him great. It's his will, determination, and compassion. He can see where the Light is and the path you need to walk to get there. And he is gonna walk it, and he'll drag everyone he can with him. And if they can't jump the cliff well then he'll give you a boost, even if that means he'll fall. He's a hero and he never wavers.
Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings. Sam is just a simple gardener, he works for the family his family has always been employed to, a happy man with his flowers and trees. When he gets swept up on this adventure that he had no idea would be anything like it was. Through that whole life-threatening adventure he was by Frodo's side as much as he could. Through the whole year they traveled together he only wavered twice in leaving him, once because he thought he was dead. The part he plays is so simple, but so important. Without him, Frodo would not have succeeded, there would have been no happy ending. Sam had one simple role "Don't you ever loose him, Samwise Gamgee." It may seem small, but he was faithful and loyal to the end, he followed him to the crack of Mount Doom and back. He followed him to the end of all things.
Alistair from Tales of the Goldstone Wood: Dragonwitch & Shadowhand. I really like the story for him, how he grows and what he does. Not only is he just one of those lovely types of characters, but he's a kind I really like. In a fantasy setting where there's faerie and humans it's important to show us why the human character is "human" but just as able as our magical character, and he's one of those characters very well done. He's very human, and maybe the best example of one. He has almost all of the best qualities (he's not a genius or anything, but he has his brains where they're needed) and plenty of their faults as well. And what I like about him is how he starts his story as an "okay" human. He's fine, there's many men better than him. But through his story he's pushed to be better and grows. You can see at the beginning he had those marks in his character but they're not present and there. But by the end you can really see why a faerie would tell him he's the only human he likes. He's that type of "stupid" character that really isn't dump, he just doesn't think too much before moving. Meaning he stumbles a lot, through sentences and hallways. But it's a loveable clumsy, and you like him better for it. And at the end of the day even though he's not thinking too well he's better at acting in the moment and doing the right thing, because he doesn't get hung up on how "the right thing" hurts him, it's the right thing.
Picket Longtreader from The Green Ember. Picket, he is my bunny son. Kind of like a different branch of Alistair's character growth we watch him grow as well. But he starts off at square one. We're introduced to a fussy boy and later we get boy who's become a man (or buck, since he's a rabbit) Through his story he's had a lot of rough things happen, many tough choices, sometimes he chose the right then, and maybe not. And because of that he grew and learned. He started out wishing he could be this great hero and by the end we see that great hero he's become, not because he strove for glory but because of the selfless acts he did, the fights he fought, and the lives he saved. I'm just so proud of this boy ;-;
Huon from The Great and Terrible Quest. Now, how does one describe this man? I can't really do that without spoilers so this is hard. Through the whole book, the whole time you're read it you're always surprised by him. At every turn he shows a different dimension to himself, and just when you thought you knew everything he pulls something else out. And the end of the book you go online and look up to see if there's a sequel because, you want to read more about this man! Huon is a real gentleman, and how every knight should be. He's a happy man, amuses many and laughs loud. He brings joy to those around him. But he cries as well. He allows himself and those around him to feel the emotions presented to them. He mourns for the pains of others and seeks to help them. And if he had a mind to do it, he will. Nothing you throw at him will hinder this man. Even death.
Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender. Do I even need to explain myself? Zuko, is a really good character. The story he has and the growth he goes through is very well executed. He was masterfully crafted, and you don't see many characters like him. What I love the most about him it that yeah he's a grouch, has a temper, and can just be unpleasant sometimes, but his good qualities and the side of him that we love wasn't something that he gained when he became good, he always had that. Zuko has always cared for other people, he's naturally kind. That trait just wasn't allowed to blossom and so it's a weaker trait. But the thing is it's always been there. And when he isn't spending all his energy and everything he has just to be loved he will do things for other people just, to be nice. This boy is determined and when he sets out to do something he gives it his all, risking his neck to accomplish his tasks. He's loyal and once he's decided he's for you he'll throw all that determination into helping you. All he needs is just some help setting him on the right path.
Patzu from Castle in the Sky. This lil son is just a big ball of fierce loyalty to the end. He'll do anything and risk everything for those he cares about. This young boy is trying to be a man and I think he's doing a fair job! He's just a loveable little passionate guy and deserves so much. He's kinda a simple character, but I love what they simply portray with him.
Howl from Howl's Moving Castle(movie). Howl is one of those loveable jerk characters. Yeah he's selfish, a coward and liar. But you just can't help but like him. He's a very dramatic and talented man, but under all his flamboyant clothes and mannerisms he's still a 11 yr old kid at heart. He never really grew up, and he gets just as excited as a kid would, and just as jerkish as a kid. He's just a little boy who needs a mom to love and take care of him.
Spike from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I stopped watching the show a few years ago, mostly because I didn't like the direction it was taking and I was busy. But! What Spike was like when I was watching it I really liked! He's a very underappreciated character, even in the show. And I feel like nobody really realizes just how much he helps and supports the other characters. He's very loyal and a great righthanded dragon. He just needs some more affirmation and love.
Artham from The Wingfeather Saga. I was really close to choosing Janner, but, I think I like Artham better. But once again I can't talk a lot about why I like him because spoilers. I love his attitude through the whole series, he's very protective and caring, and takes his duty very seriously. He's a terribly interesting character and you really want to learn more about him as we see him show up more. All around he's a great guy, and I really enjoyed his character. I wish I could say more but :/
You can probably tell now my favorite tropes in characters lol. All these stories are really good and I highly suggest you read/watch/play them! Except for My Little Pony, that wasn't that great.
Man I'm sorry that this took so long, I think I way over did it but, I felt I needed to explain why I chose them? Hopefully you'll at least enjoy reading my weird ramblings about why I like them, maybe make up for taking MONTHS.
Tagging: @echoheart0324 @honrupi @daylilydoodles @granny-griffin @squishidoodles @starsora @finchcritter @a-w-tuscany-archive @hero-of-dork @conquering-the-carnival @thetwilightroadtonightfall I'm not gonna force you to do this, it was hard enough for me, so only if you feel like it! And yeah, you don't have to do a blurb explaining why, you're good if all you wanna do is list em. I'm just stubborn and take every opportunity to ramble lol.
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likeshipsonthesea · 5 years
don’t fuss over me
happy two am i stayed up writing this instead of the *checks smudged writing on my hands* smirfteen different wips on my desktop enjoy the angst
title from hozier’s cherry wine bc. i felt like it
warnings for homophobia and anxiety mentions
         In the spring, Nursey and Dex drive up to Maine over a long weekend.
         One of Dex’s cousins is having a baby and the shower happens to coincide with a rare day off from classes and only one practice, which someone convinces Dex to miss despite his captainly insistence he be there. They pack up Dex’s pick-up and make the three hour drive with Nursey misreading directions and dictating the playlist and Dex tapping away at the steering wheel while ignoring mostly everything but the road.
         Nursey does his best to distract, when they reach Dex’s childhood home and his parents welcome them in with step-late smiles and frequent breaks of silence, when Dex’s brother Jay drops by with his girlfriend and makes just-a-bit-off jokes as they talk in the living room, when they get ready for bed ignoring his parents’ intent glances at the fact they’ll be sharing a bed.
         “I should probably sleep on the couch,” Dex says, sitting on the closed toilet seat as Nursey brushes his teeth.
         “That’s dumb,” Nursey says, gargled. “They know we’re dating.”
         “I know, but.” Dex curls his hands over his bare knees. He’s in a pair of boxers and an old t-shirt. He’s soft and smudged looking and Nursey wants to wrap his arms around him. “I want to make it easier on them. They’re—trying.”
         Nursey spits. “Then let them get used to reality,” he says, rinsing in between sentences. “They’re adults, Dex. They can handle their son sharing a bed with his boyfriend.”
         Dex shrugs and stands, stretching. “I guess.”
         Nursey hands him his toothbrush. “If they can deal with Kelsey and Jay canoodling on the couch all night they can deal with us sharing a bed in a separate room.”
         Dex huffs, smiling. “They were pretty gross, huh.”
         Dex shakes his head and takes his toothbrush. His fingertips, callused in places from his guitar playing, skim Nursey’s. Nursey inhales sharply, quietly, and his chest flutters the way it did in the beginning of their relationship every time Dex so much as bumped their shoulders.
         Dex turns on the faucet, wetting the brush, and does not appear to notice.
         Nursey sits down on the toilet lid and folds his knees into his chest, watching Dex apply toothpaste. It’s only been a few hours here, in Maine, amongst Dex’s family, but already Nursey’s body aches at the need to be touched. In a totally non-sexual, totally not needy, totally chill way.
         It’s just. Nursey fiddles with the cuff of his pajama pants. It’s just that he hadn’t realized until they got to Maine how much Dex touched him on a regular basis.
         Nursey hasn’t been in many relationships aside from Dex—the people at Andover were Not Great and there was only a short window of time between when he arrived at Samwell and when he became rather obsessed with a jerkish ginger—so he doesn’t have much to compare with re: the amount of touching. How much Dex touches him is just how much Dex touches him. Nursey doesn’t exactly know how to quantify it, relatively.
         It’s also difficult to tell what’s intentional boyfriend touching and what’s just the byproduct of living around one another full-time. Who knows if the brush of fingers as Dex hands him a plate as they wash dishes is intentional or not? Bumping shoulders after practice could just be an encouragement thing from a proud captain on Dex’s part. Team movie nights basically necessitate cuddling if they’re all to fit on the scant sitting space.
         The intentional boyfriend touching is easier to distinguish, as Nursey’s unchill chest tends to get all fluttery at those things. Like, side hugs before leaving in the morning with an added temple kiss, if Dex is particularly mushy that day. Or the curl of Dex’s fingers around Nursey’s ankle when he shoves his feet in Dex’s lap while they study together. Or that thing Dex does when Nursey buries his nose between Dex’s shoulder blades as he cooks and Dex will reach behind him to squeeze Nursey’s hip and leave his hand there despite how one-handedness negatively affects his maneuverability.
         And it isn’t that Nursey doesn’t acknowledge any of this touching, the ambiguous and certain alike, but, well. They’ve been dating for almost a year now. It’s all kind of started to bleed together into normalcy. The fluttering and slight breathlessness at the beginning, at every little brush of hands, has now become a sort of seeping warmth, mellow and soft in Nursey’s chest, his body settling instinctively at the comfort.
         Dex swishes water around in his mouth, divesting it of all the toothpaste taste. Nursey smiles into his knee. Dex hates the taste of mint but says his mouth doesn’t feel clean unless he uses a mint toothpaste, so he suffers and then spends a year washing out his mouth, every morning and night. One time he tortured Nursey after a pack of mint gum by refusing to kiss him.
         Dex spits out his last wash and turns to Nursey. “Ready to sleep?” he asks, hip propped against the sink.
         Nursey drops his feet to the floor and spreads his knees apart. “Come here,” he says, making mild grabby hands.
         Dex huffs, his not-quite-a-laugh-but-not-quite-not-one, and steps forward. Nursey presses his palms into Dex’s lower back and tugs him closer, resting his cheek against Dex’s lower belly. Dex’s hands come up to encircle Nursey’s head.
         “You okay?” Dex asks, quiet.
         “Yeah.” Nursey nuzzles into Dex’s pilfered Sharks t-shirt. “I just missed you.”
         A soft rumble of laughter buzzes against Nursey’s cheek. “I’ve been next to you all day.”
         Nursey hums and tugs him closer.
         Dex pets at the back of Nursey’s head lazily. Nursey can somehow tell by the way his fingers drag that Dex is falling asleep on his feet. Nursey squeezes once more and releases him. When he tilts his head back to look up at Dex, Dex’s eyelids slide heavy and low.
         “Come on, sleepy.” Nursey nudges him back until there’s room to stand. “Let’s get you in a bed before you collapse.”
         Dex yawns and does not protest. He leans into Nursey as they walk the scant feet to the door of the bathroom, but pulls back once they’re in the hall. Nursey can hear the Poindexters fiddling about downstairs, but that does not seem to matter.
         Inside Dex’s bedroom, Dex crawls instantly to the far side of the bed. Nursey lets the door slip shut on its own and follows.
         “I’m little spoon tonight,” he whispers across the pillow.
         Dex frowns, eyes closed. “You got to be little spoon last night.”
         Nursey pokes his hip and begins turning over. “Yes, and I’ll be it tomorrow, too, because I am a wonderful boyfriend who endures the harsh Maine weather for you.”
         Dex grumbles, “It’s fifty degrees out,” but wraps his arm around Nursey’s side anyway. Nursey wriggles back until he’s comfortably pressed against Dex’s front and reaches out to turn off the light, settling into bed. “Goodnight, Nursey,” Dex says, breath warm against Nursey’s ear. “Sweet dreams, or whatever.”
         Nursey laughs, and by the time it’s settled in his chest, Dex is softly wheezing into Nursey’s skin. Nursey smiles into the darkness and presses his hand into Dex’s, resting over his stomach.
         In the moments of loss, it’s hard to feel anything but. When Nursey passes Dex the peas at dinner and no part of their hands brush. When they sit on the couch next to one another without knees pressed together, even momentarily. When they walk up the stairs, Nursey in front, and Dex doesn’t pinch his butt as they’ve taken to doing for maximum boyfriend annoyance.
         The space between them, the chasm where their shared warmth should be, fills Nursey’s chest much like anxiety. He knows, logically, that it isn’t him. He knows about the silences and the looks and the phone calls that end with tentative I love yous unsure of their unconditional reciprocation, and a part of him hates Dex’s family, this town, for it all. But Nursey’s anxiety is something of an opportunist, and logic so rarely is consulted in anxious matters.
         Nonetheless, with Dex’s arm around him in this dark, wheezing room, Nursey allows himself the solace. He fills his chest with every point of contact and tells himself that, tomorrow, it will be enough.
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kazemon15 · 6 years
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So, chatting with my friend, Moezy, we were listing our top 10 (.5) anime guys that we liked in all anime and/or manga that we have watched/read...here is my list starting from 10.
10. Kogami Shinya from Psycho-Pass.
Badass and intelligent. I just love this guy. His backstory is a sad one, but it’s not something that he regrets. He can be a bit emotional, but really, who isn’t? What I like about him is that he knows what the right thing is morally, but he just can’t help his emotions. He knows when he is doing the wrong thing, but won’t run from it either and accepts the consequences of his actions. And he isn’t bad to look at either!
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9. Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
This guy is such a dork, but also badass. Powerful and smart, with a cool head (most of the time, which is funny, considering he uses fire). Like Shinya, he can also be a pretty emotional guy, and he uses his past as a reminder to not stray from his goal. He is also in one of my favorite ships, but that’s for another post. Also, did I mention he’s such a dork? lol
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8. Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia.
Now this guy is how you do a likable main character. Cocky and sarcastic and loves teasing his friends. He is also has a strong belief in stepping in and doing something about whatever wrongdoings is happening right in front of him, even if it means breaking the law and becoming a vigilante. He’ll do anything he can to set things right for those around him. Not so much of a sad past, but still a fun character! I love his sarcastic attitude at times.
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7. Kai Hiwatari/Ray Kon from Beyblade 2001/V-force/G-Revolution
Okay I’m cheating a little bit here, but I just couldn’t decide who I liked more. Let’s begin: Kai: The cold emo Russian/Japanese boy with blue/gray hair. His past is extremely sad and it is understandable why he is such a cold jerk. However, I found his growth in the series amazing. He started off being forced to be a Team Captain for his group. This annoyed him to no end as he wanted nothing to do with the happy bunch. As time went on, however, he gained a soft spot for them and even started to become a real captain, giving advice and caring for their well-being. At first, he was prideful, so very prideful... but as time went on, that pride still remained, but only changed. He takes pride in beating his opponents fair and square and defending his comrades. (Despite betraying them 3 times in 3 seasons but...I chalk up the very first time to PTSD and mind-control of his past...other 2 times... well, that pride problem right?). Also, the irony, a cold emo FIREUSER. Right? lol
Ray: My Chinese catboy! Ray is very friendly and reserved. I was instantly drawn to him when I first saw him. Ray is one of the reasons why white tigers are my favorite animal. He will do anything for his friends and even a stranger if they need help. He always listens to both sides of the story before making a judgement and is the guy to go to for advice. Though later in the series, he does have his own personal battles which causes him to become a bit cocky and jerkish at times, but what can you expect from a nice guy who always put himself last and just wanted to do something for himself for once? Self-care, Ray! Self-care. And he isn’t the only catboy on this list...
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6. Kimura Kouichi from Digimon Frontier
Another emo boy! But not a jerk like Kai. Kouichi’s past made me like this character so much and his struggle with his inner demons throughout the series is what made me love him. He was the first character to show me that the power of Darkness does not have to be evil, for without Darkness, there is no Light. He always holds a place in my heart is one of my favorite digi characters.
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5. Eizen from Tales of Berseria
I wasn’t sure where to place Eizen. I had to think long and hard. At first I thought at putting him at 7, but then I realized I just loved this dork just a little more than the other characters. The comically serious... no seriously, this guy can fanboy at the silliest things with a straight face, like arguing over the name of a bug...or wanting to build underground tunnels...on an island... ...yeah... ANYWAY, I just love this guy because of his morals and creed. He never compromises his ideals and always faces the consequences of his actions. Yeah another one of those huh? Hm, starting to see a pattern here... Oh yeah, touch his little sister, and he’ll beat your face in and break all 10 of your fingers. Seriously, just...don’t touch Edna. Why couldn’t he be 1,000 years younger (2,000 in Zestiria...)? Such a badass long living adult!
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4. Narumi Ayumu from Spiral. It’s a shame this manga isn’t that popular as Ayumu is a great character and his growth is amazing in the manga (not so much in the anime..) His growth is both sad and inspiring. He is such an inspiring character for me. He starts off as a stoic, with having no confidence in himself at all because of his brother, since he is constantly being compared to him and is reminded he can never be as good as his brother (I can relate)... but by the end of the series, despite all the sad things that has happened to him, he learned to smile in the end, no matter how painful. I really can’t go into details about why I love him so much, but you’ll just have to read the manga to find out why!
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3. Niwa Daisuke and Dark from D.N.Angel
Yes I’m cheating again, but this is my list, okay?! Daisuke: I love this guy to death. A bit clumsy and timid, but never gives up. Always smiling and managing to find the best in people, even those who keep convincing him he is the enemy, he can end up friends with and change anyone with just that smile. However, even he is not all smiles and has his own concerns... even so, Daisuke doesn’t let such things get him down for long. He is a naturally empathetic person, and I have never seen him cry for himself. He cries for others, but also knows when to be reserved.
Dark: I wasn’t sure if I wanted Dark here or Hiwatari Satoshi, as they both have equally sad pasts. However, seeing as Dark lived for over 400 years and still manages to put up a cocky womanizing front to spare the feelings of others, Dark won out in the end. Again, can’t go into much detail, but the manga is amazing. I like Manga Dark so much more than his anime counterpart.
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2. Sawada Tsunayoshi from Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Ah yes my favorite series of all time....so then why is Tsuna at number 2?! Well, I’ll get to that when I get to number 1. Like Daisuke, Tsuna is a pretty empathetic person who cares for his comrades. He doesn’t necessarily have a sad past, but his growth is amazing in the series. Because he is around, he managed to help his friends through their own emotional turmoils and is just the light of the series to everyone.
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1.5 Zeno from Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona
Zeno and my number 1 favorite have ALOT in common, which is why I put him at a 1.5. Despite this, Zeno does have alot of things I like him for him. I love the fact that Zeno does not hesitate to help his family or be in pain for them when the situation calls for it. It is the only thing he can do to help and despite always being in pain, he would rather have all the pain in the world than to have pain inflicted on his family. That is what I love about him most. Of course, his silly childish side is so lovable too! Him and Eizen can talk about the suckiness of living a long life together...
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1. Train Heartnet from Black Cat.
Of course, for this guy, I strictly talking about the manga, not the anime...the anime just does not show how awesome and badass he is.
Like Zeno, he is also a very empathetic person who always wants to protect his family. What I like about Train the most is, though, like Zeno, despite having one of the saddest pasts, and has all the reason in the world to go around being bitter and emo, he decides not to. He decides it’s better to smile, have fun, and make the most out of life. He does have some tendencies to become emo, but only when the situation calls for it. And despite being childish and silly, always having fun, he never let’s that get in the way of being serious and protecting those close to him when needed. He always tries to cheer everyone up in a bad situation, and is not above asking for help when he really needs it. Not to mention, he’s a catboy and left-handed at that, like me! All my favorite things in one!
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the-angry-pixie · 6 years
Ok but what if... Mike was really homophobic...
Bear with me, I’m going somewhere with this I swear. And the way is  BYELER. 
Major Warning - this fic explores and deals with homophobia, abusive behaviour, self-destructive/self-hate behaviour, bullying, hate speech/slurs and dub-con. Let me be explicit, MIKE displays all of these tendencies in this fic. Please do not read if you don’t think this will be your cup of tea. Please keep yourself safe and heed the warnings. 
ETA BECAUSE PEOPLE STILL DON’T SEEM TO BE GETTING IT: Mike in this story is very OOC. Like it says right there in the title - this is a WHAT IF story. I don’t actually think Mike’s character is like this. Oy vey.
This started as a story prompt for other writers. Then it became like a HC post, and now its like a weirdly formatted 6000 word wholeass story under the cut. I didn’t mean for it to get so long....
- ok so its like an AU where the upsidedown and Eleven didn’t happen
- what if Mike broke from the group when they entered high school
- like what if instead of puberty hitting him in all the wrong ways, it instead hit him in all the right ways. maybe those long limbs earned him a spot on the basketball team and he becomes a bit of a jerkish popular jock
- further to that, what if... what if he joined in on the bullying of Will in a BIG way
- Will was being teased for being a “fairy” before any of that upsidedown business happened. That’s a canonical fact.
- Of course Will is devastated the first time Mike calls him a “fag” and stands by as two other jocks push him to the ground and throw his bag in the garbage 
- Of course he doesn’t know what to do when he sees Mike among the group of individuals hightailing it away from his locker, spray-paint can in hand, as Will approaches and beholds the slurs and horrible drawings graffiti-ed across his own and the neighbouring lockers
- he can take the other guys being jerks but Mike, who he has practically known all his life... he doesn’t know how to respond to that, he doesn’t know how to fight back against that. 
- Its not even like he ever even told Mike the truth about his sexuality. Will was careful to hide his feelings. There’s no way he could know... so why does Mike always act like this is personal? Like Will is personally offending him just by existing?
- it goes on for years. Will getting by as best he can with the constant bullying and the help of Dustin and Lucas who remain by his side, even after he tells them the truth, that all the rumours are true, that he is what they say he is.
- it all comes to a head one night. Will walking through town after seeing a movie with the guys. He thinks he will go visit his Mom at work and bum a ride home hopefully. He see’s the group of jocks hanging out in the street, Mike among them, arm around some anonymous girl. They look rowdy, they look drunk. Will is nervous and crosses the road ducking into an alley to take an alternative route. He doesn’t know that Mike saw him.
- He thinks he’s home free when he emerges from the mouth of another alley, but Mike is waiting for him, leaning against the wall in the shadows. He pushes him back into the alley with a “where do you think you’re going Byers?”
- Will is somewhat relieved to see Mike is alone, maybe he can be talked out of whatever he has planned. And so he isn’t ready for the first shove that smacks him back against the brick wall. 
- “I asked you a question Byers! Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!” and Will can see fire blooming in Mike’s eyes as he tries to sidestep him but only gets shoved back against the wall again, this time banging his head so hard that black splotches swim in front of his eyes
- And suddenly all of Mike’s 6′3 frame is pinning Will against the wall and he can smell the alcohol on his breath
- “Please Mike...”
- “Shut up faggot! Is that what you’re doing back here. Meeting one of your faggoty friends? Sucking his cock like the fucking disgusting queer you are?”
- The terror is building inside Will. He never thought he would ever feel this way around Mike but here they are and he feels like his lungs might be collapsing
- “Mike...”
- “You think you’re better than me don’t you. That you’re above it all. The way you walk around that school. Looking the way you do. But you’re wrong. I know what you are. You’re nothing. I am better than you, in every fucking way. I am.”
- “Mike please...”
- But there are fingers clutched around his jaw and Will’s eyes are wide open as there are suddenly lips mashed against his. A tongue violently invading his mouth and teeth clacking painfully against his own.
- The kiss is brutal and furious and tastes of cheap booze. Nothing gentle or affectionate about it. But for a moment Will forgets every horrible thing that has ever happened to him at the hands of the boy in front of him because... 
... because he doesn’t think he has ever heard anything as... as sad as the anguished groan that almost sounds like it is being ripped from Mike’s throat. 
- Will remains perfectly still, neither participating in the kiss or pulling away from it. He couldn’t even if he wanted to. Mike’s grip is just so desperate.
- Slowly the taller boy pulls away. His eyes are bright and wild as he steps back panting heavily.
- Will can’t move, can barely think, his head is throbbing and he needs time to process what just happened. Mike’s voice is low and threatening and slashes through the silence.
- “If you tell anyone, I’ll fucking kill you.”  And with his sleeve rubbing harshly against his mouth, he runs away.
- So now Will knows Mike’s secret. And everything makes a little more sense, but not a lot.
- And he could have left it at that. Gone on as usual and never acknowledged what had happened in that alleyway ever again.
- But Will cant. This is Mike... and no matter what he’s become... to Will he is still that boy that was his best friend for years. Who he used to patch up whenever he would do something reckless like ride his bike with no hands or climb a tree that was way too flimsy to hold his weight. The boy who had cried and admitted to him that he sometimes felt so lonely when he went home from sleepovers it was like his insides were clenching in on themselves... trying to turn him inside-out, or maybe make him disappear altogether. The one who never made fun of him for being afraid of the dark and sometimes even held his hand as they fell asleep beside each other...
... the one he had been well on his way to falling in love with before Mike had... become what he’d become.
- So he pursues it. He approaches the bear completely ready to poke. But Mike doubles down on either pretending he doesn’t exist, or throwing insults at him like he is being paid for it. Will can’t seem to get a moment alone with him.
- and so Will bites the bullet and sneaks into Mike’s room to wait for him to get home from practice one night. It’s no trouble, they used to climb through each others windows all the time before... 
- at first Mike does not react well. He rages, he threatens, he denies. But he doesn’t lay a hand on Will. And that is his trump card. As long as Mike doesn’t physically hurt him, he can take the verbal beating. He knows Mike is confused. And he knows how scary that can be.
- and so he accepts Mike’s weak-at-best excuses. That he was drunk and didn’t know what he was doing. That he was horny because Sally Davidson had cock-blocked him earlier that night. That Will was so goddamn girly looking that anyone could get switched around on a dark night. Will sits on Mike’s bed and nods with a wry eyebrow raised that he knows Mike sees and then.... he leaves. He makes sure to make eye contact with Mike before ducking out the window though. Tells him if he ever needs to talk, he’ll be there.
- things don’t necessarily improve for Will after that... but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t notice that Mike is no longer an active participant in his bullying. Maybe its just a coincidence that Mike just happens to never be around. Will chooses to believe it isn’t. But he has to test the theory. He has to push a little harder.
- So he takes another chance and climbs through Mike’s window a second time about a week later. He doesn’t allow Mike enough time to cuss him out this time. Just sits on the edge of his bed and starts chatting away as if they are good friends. As if nothing’s changed. He asks him about Holly. He asks him about Nancy. His parents. He asks how practice went. Has Mike thought about college yet. Etc etc.
- To his utter surprise, Mike stares at him for a long time, sighs, collapses into his desk chair, spins around a bit staring at the ceiling and... begins to talk
- He finds out that Holly is an insufferable terror that Mike hates to love. That Nancy stopped checking in after awhile and barely ever comes home for holidays. He finds out that Mike still hates Ted’s fucking guts and also hates that he wants to impress him so much. He finds out that Karen drinks too much and that Mike keeps a stash of confiscated bottles under his bed that he has no guilt about dipping into on nights where he feels like it. He doesn’t learn anything about basketball practice because “what the fuck would you know about sport faggot?” And he learns nothing about college because apparently Mike doesn’t like to think about the future too much because “whats the point...?”
- Will leaves again the way he came. There are no pleasantries, no “we should do this again”. Just an instinctual knowing that Will has to keep pushing whatever this is. Because there is something desperately wrong with Mike. He can feel it.
- but he doesn’t know what he can do. He talks about it vaguely with Dustin and Lucas, carefully leaving Mike’s name out of it. It is Dustin that first floats the word “depression” into the conversation. And it fits. And it scares Will.
- Will hasn’t had cause to observe Mike closely for a long time. But he observes him that week. Observes how he almost seems glassy-eyed and not present when he sits at lunch with his friends. How a frown creases between his eyebrows when Sally leans over to kiss him that disappears before she leans back and has a chance to see it. That the only time he seems genuinely happy is when he is on the court and he is concentrating so devastatingly hard on bringing his team success.
- And if Will’s heart just happens to flutter a bit with the new intimate knowledge of just how sharp Mike’s cheekbones have become, or the cute way he wipes sweat from his brow, or how his lips go cherry red after he’s been chewing on them... well that’s another thing entirely and not what matters right now.
- Will was just considering whether he should visit Mike’s windowsill a third time when a mysterious note appears in his locker. “Come help me with my science homework nerd. Wednesday night. I’ll leave the window open. - M” and Will’s heart just might do a little dance.
- It quickly becomes apparent that Mike does not need any help with his science homework. He knows most of the answers when Will tries to quiz him. Maybe Will shouldn’t be surprised. Mike had always been smart, no matter what sort of meatheaded company he keeps these days. But then if he didn’t need help, then why was Will here?
- He keeps the charade going though because he can’t deny, Mike being nice to him is a bit of an addictive activity. And he is being nice, all condescending comments about nerdism aside. He hasn’t called him faggot once tonight. Thats progress!
- He even asked about Will’s mom as he was leaving that night. And so, with one leg hanging out the window, bewildered expression on his face, Will tells him that Joyce is well. That she smokes too much and worries about Jonathan at college, and puts too much effort into yelling at Lonnie on the phone to pay child support, and wishes Will and the boys would hold their D&D campaigns at their house instead of Lucas’s because she doesn’t like Will biking home late at night
- Is it just Will’s imagination or does Mike’s face almost look wistful as he talks on? Mike blinks it away pretty quickly though as he scoffs and turns away from the window. “whatever, later nerd”. And that’s that.
- Life goes on. Mike still pretty much ignores him at school. But Will will take that over the bullying any day.
- The second time things come to a head is again late at night with Mike drunk, and Will completely sober. He’s just finished a campaign, but chosen to not sleepover at Lucas’ like Dustin. And so he’s walking his bike in the dark, enjoying the crisp evening and the view of Ursa Major. Must be close to 1am when a car screeches past him. 
- Curious, he pauses at the end of a cul-de-sac. Of Mike’s cul-de-sac he notes with interest. He watches as the car pulls up outside Mike’s neighbour’s house. Watches as a figure stumbles out of the car. Notes a few laughs and cheers emerging from inside the car and then watches in horror as the car pulls away and drives off.
- He knows instinctually that the figure is Mike, and he can gather that he must be drunk by the slumped way he is down on one knee, hands to the grass and appears to just be staring at the ground breathing.
- What kind of fucked up friends just leave like that?! Not even helping him inside?! Not even making sure they are in front of the right fucking house!! 
- Will is full of indignant anger! And it is this anger that drives him to march over and bend down and ask if Mike is okay. 
- “Where the fuck did you come from??”
- “Doesn’t matter, can you walk? C’mon big guy, lets walk.”
- Will is so fucking grateful the door to the basement is unlocked. The state that Mike’s in, he’s fairly sure they couldn’t have handled a quiet entrance through the front door, and definitely not sneaking through Mike’s second story bedroom window.
- He does not expect the rush of nostalgia that momentarily overtakes him as soon as he lays Mike down on the same old couch that was there when he was 10 fucking years old.
- Rinses out a cup at the same old laundry tub and fills it with water for Mike. Walks past the same old shelves laden with familiar board games - though they appear to be collecting dust... its all a bit discombobulating
- There are a few differences of course. Will can see the old playing table and chairs stacked into a corner. The comics that used to stand proudly on the shelves by the board games have disappeared. Probably in storage or maybe even given away...
- He looks to the boy in front of him as he puts the cup on the coffee table. Probably the most changed thing of all in this dusty old basement.
- “Do you still write Mike?”
- “Huh?” Mike’s head doesn’t even lift from where it is leaning against the back of the couch. Will stands awkwardly off to the side. Not sure if he should sit or not. He feels like he’s invading.
- “Like short stories. You used to write these really neat short stories. Do you still do that?”
- He watches as Mike’s brow furrows in concentration. After a short silence Mike utters vehemently “Course not. Writing’s for faeries”.
- Of course it is. Will thinks sourly. Why do I even fucking bother? He feels angry and tired and suddenly a great yearning to be home. To be away from here.
- He starts to shuffle towards the door, not really looking forward to the cold ride home, but he feels like he’s done all he needs to do here. Time to go-- 
- “At least, that’s what Ted always says...”
- Will pauses at the doorway and looks back. Mike’s head has popped up over the back of the couch. His eyes look wide and stricken, like he’s shocked to see Will leaving. 
- “Ted’s an asshole” Will murmurs.
- Mike chews on his lip for a few moments. “I know. I hate him. But... he doesn’t like me either so I guess fairs fair.” Mike turns and sits properly on the couch. With only the view of the back of his head, Will hears him mutter. “It’s funny, I always thought parents were meant to at least like their children but I guess mine are the exception...” 
- He sounds more sober. And Will considers keeping on walking but... the way Mike is sitting... he looks so small, so lonely and so... haunted. Will carefully approaches and sits at the very opposite end of the couch.
- “I’m sure Karen likes you...” he tries to reassure but Mike is already shaking his head.
- “Karen is in no state to like anyone. She checked out on emotions a long time ago... I guess she passed that along to me right? Not just the drinking habits. How twee.”
- “Mike...” Will doesn’t really know what to say.
- “Nancy definitely doesn’t like me... doesn’t talk to me anymore. She says I’ve changed. Says who I’ve become is ugly or rotten or... something like that so... that’s another person to add to the party.” At this Mike pauses to stare at his clasped hands before letting out a barking laugh that has Will worrying about him waking the people upstairs. “Fuck man!” Mike exclaims. “I’m pretty sure even my friends don’t even like me all that much! So there we have it! Nobody likes Michael Andrew Wheeler! Game, set, match!”  
- “I like you...” Will whispers and the words are out before Will even realises he’s the one talking.
- He watches as Mike’s head whips around to stare at him intensely. Feels caught by the dark gaze. Mike is moving closer to him, sliding along the couch until he is directly next to Will. Making Will feel pinned like a small struggling animal inside a trap.
- “Do you really?” Mike’s voice is deep and serious.
- All Will can manage is a slow nod.
- Mike bites his lip releasing it into a small predatory smile.
- “Good. Prove it.”
- And they are kissing. Will kind of knew it was coming this time. Doesn’t mean he is prepared for the harsh way Mike grips at his face and then his neck, moving eventually down to his shoulders jerking him forward. His sharp breaths that Mike seems to swallow as his mouth seals itself against Will’s. This isn’t the first time Will has french kissed, but this time there is nothing caressing or gentle about what Mike’s tongue is doing in his mouth. Will isn’t sure if he likes it. Kissing shouldn’t feel like a fight should it? he thinks dazedly.
- He tries to retreat from the kiss, to pull it back just a little. Make it something not so... not so aggressive. But Mike just grips at his shoulders all the more desperately.
- A throaty moan, a mirror to the one Mike uttered in the alleyway that night. The one that almost sounds like its laced with pain. And suddenly Will’s hand is being grabbed and unceremoniously thrust against the front of Mike’s jeans where he can feel the hard line of his erection.
- Whatever trance Will had been operating under breaks at that. He wrenches himself backwards, feels the hot lines of broken skin where Mike’s fingernails drag against his hand that he pulls away.
- Will tries to sound firm even though he currently feels like he might shatter if pushed too hard. “You can’t keep doing this to me Mike. I-Its not appropriate and its not... nice!”
- Mike looks... Mike looks upset... then he looks annoyed, then he looks thunderous.
- “Fine. Fuck off then faggot.”
- “Mike...” Will could feel tears gathering in his eyes.
- “No really. Fuck off. I thought all of you queers were meant to be begging to get something in your mouth. I must have the most prudish fag in town right in front of me here.”
- “Stop it. You don’t mean that. Any of it.” Will hated the quaver in his voice. The trembling in his shoulders.
- Mike looked murderous as his face twisted into a sneer.
- “Oh boo hoo. Did you think I actually gave a shit about you faggot? I was just trying to get my dick wet. A mouth’s a mouth after all. Sally doesn’t let me do anal with her. Thought I might get to finally give it a go if I got you drooling enough for it...”
- Will was feeling so much. Why was Mike being like this?! Lately he had been so... and Will had thought that maybe he was...  
- Then again, why was he surprised?? Wasn’t this consistent with the behaviour he had experienced for the last 4 or so years? Wasn’t this par for the course? 
- “You’re a coward” Will finally managed to get out past his swollen tongue. He was sobbing openly now, he felt like the insides of his lungs were burning. “You’re just a scared little boy who doesn’t like himself and so you take it out on others. Take it out on me! Fuck you Michael Wheeler. I hope you die!”
- He was up and moving before he even recognised his legs were working. If Mike said anything after that, he did not hear it. It was like there was wind whistling in his ears and he could not grab his bike fast enough, could not pedal hard enough. He just needed to escape. Escape the words and the taunts and just... all of it.
- Escape Mike...
- Will spends the rest of the weekend in a strange funk. He replays the events over and over. Mike’s face swims in front of his eyes. Angry, sad, lascivious, lonely, desperate.... Will feels sick to his stomach. He shouldn’t have said what he said to Mike. No matter how horrible he was being, Will should have kept his cool. He knew how unstable the teen was and yet he still pushed him. He just had to push him. 
- Will knew no matter what, he had to talk to Mike on Monday. He would do it in front of all of his jock friends if he had to. He would take the abuse and the bruises. He just had to tell Mike that he didn’t mean it, that he still cared.
- But... he couldn’t find him... he didn’t appear to be in any of his usual spots or in fact anywhere inside Hawkins High that bright sunny Monday. It made Will’s teeth itch and his stomach tumble with anxiety. First period, second period, all the way through to lunch.
- Will gathers a tray of food but doesn’t think he can eat. He’s staring solemnly at his tater tots when he feels his friends slide into the table across from him.
- “Will, did you hear about Mike Wheeler?”
- “What?” Will’s head snaps up, his eyes wide. “What about him?!”
- Lucas looks to Dustin who looks equally as surprised at Will’s reaction.
- “Dude’s in hospital...” Dustin says carefully.
- “Dude whats wrong? Why do you care so much?!”
- Will feels like he is going to throw up. “Tell me Dustin!”
- “I don’t know all the details. Apparently he fell and cracked his head open or something.” 
- “Yeah I could hear the ambulance sirens from my place on Sunday morning” Lucas added. “Apparently it was some sort of bathroom freak accident. But like, not in the shower, he had his clothes on and everything. But apparently there was blood everywhere.”
- “Oh God...” Will’s head is buried in his hands. His worst fears coming to fruition right in front of him. “Oh God he did it he tried to do it. And its my fault.” Because he knows. He knows it wasn’t an accident. Mike tried to hurt himself and it was all Will’s fault because he practically told him he wished he were dead.
- And then Will is sure he’s going to throw up and so he flees the cafeteria, much to the astonishment of his friends. He empties the contents of his stomach into the nearest toilet with just a moment to spare. And even after there is nothing left to come up he still retches. Over and over again. It feels like punishment. Except its not enough. He hears the door open behind him but he just doesn’t care. 
- “Will what is going on? What’s gotten into you” Will feels a soothing hand against his hair. 
- “You mean what has gotten out of him?”
- “Shut up Dustin.”
- Will rolls over and looks up blearily at his two friends squished into the stall with him. “Is he okay?” he asks his voice trembling, dreading the answer.
- Dustin looks worried again. “I-I don’t know. Nobody does. But if something really bad had happened we’d hear about it right?”
- “Something really bad HAS happened. And its my fault. I need to go, I need to see him.”
- “Wait Will. Hold up. You’re not making any sense. Since when do you give a shit about Wheeler?! He’s one of the assholes that makes your life hell!” Lovely Lucas. Beautiful, sensible Lucas. He just doesn’t understand. Will needs to leave right now.
- “I-I can’t tell you. Its private. But I need to go see him. I think he tried to do something to himself and I think its because of something I did.”
- “What the fuck? What are you talking about?!”
- But its actually Dustin who shushes Lucas, pushes past him to help Will will up. He gives Will a long probing look and then rubs his shoulders a few times. “You’ll explain to us later right?”
- Will nods enthusiastically. “Cover for me?”
- Dustin smiles. “’Course bud.”
- And Will is flying. Well really, he wished he could fly. He pumps his legs as fast as they can go but it feels like he is riding through quicksand. So slow, what if its too late? What if Mike slips away from him?? He arrives at the hospital and in a daze demands the room number for Mike’s room. He doesn’t think he’s ever been so curt and rude in his life. But there is just no time.
- Until he’s in the doorway and he see’s the figure in the bed and BLESSED HALLELUJAH the figure turns to look at him with wide, surprised eyes. If Will’s cheeks weren’t already flushed from exertion he knows he would be blushing right now. But its almost like he doesn’t care.
- He rushes the bed. Thankfully there are no parents present but he thinks he would have done this even if they were.
- He pulls the boy on the bed into a hug. Clings to him. Lets desperate little cries creep out of his throat as he starts up a mantra of “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry.”
- He feels some fingers come up and kind of pat at the back of his head. “Where the fuck did you come from?” They are the same words Mike said two nights ago, but the tone is so different, so gentle.
- “School?” Will answers lamely as he leans back into a standing position.
- Mike chuckles slightly. His eyes wandering to the corner of the room. 
- “I heard about your accident. W-what... what happened?” 
- Mike shrugged, still staring at the edge of the room. “Head trauma. I fell and my head hit the edge of the bathtub. It was stupid.”
- “Bullshit.”
- “What?”
- “I call bullshit. Tell me what really happened Mike.”
- Mike met his gaze and his face kind of looked like he had sucked on a lemon. “I’m telling the truth goddammit! That’s what happened!! Besides what difference does it make?! Does it really matter if I tell you that after you left I got stuck into a bottle of vodka? Or that I got it into my head to take a bunch of my mother’s sleeping pills? Or that I’m now on suicide watch and they won’t let me go home? No! It makes fuck-all difference! Its not like you care you fucking son of a bitch!”
- “Don’t be thick Mike. Of course I care. What do you think I’m doing here?!”
- It’s at this point that Karen Wheeler comes wandering through the room door, styrofoam coffee in hand and Mike just rounds on her. She looks stunned when she see’s Will standing beside her son’s bed. But Mike is having none of it.
- “Get the fuck out Karen! Out! Byers and I are having a conversation!”
- Karen’s mouth falls open at her son’s violent outburst but she retreats without saying a word. 
- Mike watches her go then turns his icy gaze on Will. “Right. Like I was gonna say, I know exactly why you are here. It’s guilt. Guilt for what you... what you said right before you left. Don’t try and dress it up as anything else. You just feel like maybe I did it because of what you said.”
- “Well... did you?” Its probably the least tactful thing to say but Will is feeling a bit too raw from, well, from everything.
- Mike fiddles with the bandage on his head, avoiding eyecontact. “Don’t flatter yourself. I was thinking about killing myself way before your candyass came along.”
- “But why?! How-- how could you?”
- “Because I hate my life alright?! You have no idea what it is like to be me. I’m not a good person. I bring exactly nothing positive to this world. It’s like Nancy says, I’m rotten. Good for nothing. And apparently a faggot on top of it all!”
- Mike’s last sentence hangs in the air, sharp like a knife. Filling the room with a heavy tension. The unspoken truth that felt like it had been standing in the corner of the room of every single interaction that Mike and Will had had in the last month or so. Will had known this very thing for so long but to hear Mike speak it... to see from the look of miserable horror on his face how it was slowly tearing him apart. It broke Will’s heart.
- Slowly, carefully, like dealing with a spooked animal, Will sat in the chair beside the bed. “It’s called being gay Mike. And it’s not a bad thing.”
- “It’s-- it’s disgusting...” but even Mike sounded half-hearted and defeated, the words rasping out as though on autopilot.
- “Well. I’m gay. Do you think I’m disgusting?” Will regretted the question as soon as he said it. He knew the answer. Had had it spat at him on many occasions by this very person. Maybe it would feel different this time though, now that the real truth was out in the open for once. He braced himself for the hurt.
- “No...” 
- Will eyes raised to find dark brown ones fixed upon his face. 
“I-I don’t think you’re disgusting... I never did... I think you’re--”
- But he never got to finish that sentence. From outside the room both boys heard the hooting and hollering that could only be achieved by adolescent boys. Many adolescent boys.
- Will recognised the voices of some of the notable figures of the Hawkins High Senior Basketball team. They sounded close.
- He suddenly felt a bruising grip on his forearm where it was lying on the mattress. Stunned, he turned to see Mike staring at him, fear in his eyes.
- “Hide!” he hissed. “They can’t see you here. Quick, the bathroom.”
- Will is about to protest. Is getting ready to argue but Mike grips him harder, almost looking like he is about to cry. “Please Will.”
- Its probably the first time Mike has said his name in... well... years. And so Will quickly darts into the adjoining bathroom, glad for his forethought to grab his backpack too. It’s gotta only be seconds later, just as he is sliding the lock home that he hears the obnoxiously loud entrance of what must be about six people.
- The comments are a-plenty. Will cringes as he takes a seat on the closed toilet seat lid. He almost feels ill when he hears Mike’s voice, so unlike the soft tone of just moments before, greeting his “friends”.
- The back and forth is not particularly interesting. Will quickly grows bored of it. Mike spews his story of slipping over in the bathroom again. One of the anonymous jocks accuses him of trying to suck his own dick and that’s how he fell. Another one asked what pain meds he’s on and whether he could score him some. And yet another truly romantic soul asks if it’s okay for him to claim Sally if Mike dies because apparently that “pussy is tight as shit”.
- Will rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth. He didn’t know how Mike could do this day in and day out. The Mike who guffawed along with those brainless wonders and slapped their hands in highfives and told them to “fuck off from my girl, that’s my piece of ass”... was so, so different from the Mike that sometimes would come out around Will. The Mike that reminded him achingly of the little nerd kid with the gap where his two front teeth should be and the lego Millennium Falcon figure that he had painstakingly put together all by himself. How... how was Mike not exhausted from the whole thing?? Having to act like that every, single day. 
- Will can almost begin to understand how Mike’s path could have led him to where he was now. Will might not have an easy life, but at least he had people who truly loved and understood him. Who did Mike have...?
- Not one of his so-called friends have even asked how he’s feeling, whether he’s doing better. The closest they have gotten is asking him if he will be at practice this week, to which Mike answers “No. Doc says I have to take a break from basketball for awhile...” The responses range from “Fuck that!” to “You’re gonna get as soft as that Byers queer.”
- It makes Will mad. Not the comment about him. Just the fact that he’s the one hiding in he bathroom when its so glaringly evident that these boys don’t give a shit about Mike. He’s the one Mike doesn’t want to be seen with, like he’s some sort of disease. It’s not fucking fair!
- Eventually, Mike’s company leaves. Will hears Karen come back in for a moment and Mike sends her away again. Then he hears him call “You can come out now.”
- Will enters the room. He’s still feeling weird. He looks at the boy in front of him who is staring stubbornly back at him. Daring him to judge. I hate this boy, but I also kind of love him. But maybe that’s not the best thing for me... Will thinks forlornly.
- “You have shit friends.”
- “I know.”
- “They’re not real friends.”
- “I know.”
- You should not hang out with them anymore.”
- “I...”
- “You could come sit with me Lucas and Dusty again?”
- “Will...”
- “Just think about it. And you should... you should start writing again. Maybe keep a journal or something. Something to get all of those thoughts out of your head. I dunno...”
- “My therapist said the same thing.”
- “Hmm.”
- “Yeah...”
- Silence befalls them. Will sways in place, not really knowing what to do but feeling like he should do something.
- “You’re going to be okay you know.” he offers quietly, trying to sound confident in his words.
- “Sure.” Mike doesn’t seem convinced as he stares down at his blanketed lap, suddenly finding his fingers very interesting.
- “You are. Things are shitty right now. But...” Will inhales deeply, thrusting himself out into the open one last time. Giving the stupid boy in front of him a clear target to shoot him down once again. “... you have me alright? I’m here for you... if you want.”
- “Okay.” Mike doesn’t look up. But its something at least.
- “Okay... I’m gonna go...”
- “Okay...”
- Will gives an awkward wave, a hug seems a bit too much right now, and exits the hospital room. The interaction leaves an odd taste in his mouth, but deep down he knows he can only do so much. It’s up to Mike now. No more pushing.
- Mike is out of school for the rest of the week. Not that Will is looking out for him or anything. He doesn’t go back and visit him again, is not even sure if he’s been discharged from hospital or not. These days he’s living on faith a lot. Lucas and Dustin grill his ass and he tries to be honest with them. He doesn’t out Mike, but tells them pretty much everything else. They’re his best friends after all. They sit there with stunned expressions as the whole story unfolds. 
- But that’s nothing compared to the looks on their faces on the following Monday when a nervous voice speaks from behind Will’s slumped form at the lunch table.
- “Can I sit here?”
- Will turns and is met with dark brown, hopeful eyes.
A.N. Ba-BAM! I have no idea what the fuck this was. And I am sorry for the weird formatting. Oh and the angst. Very sorry about that. But it would make my day if you would let me know what you thought! Thank you. Hope you enjoyed. :)
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Post Crisis Cassandra Cain - A Summary
Well, folks, this is it – we have gone through all of Cassandra’s Post Crisis material (at least that of certain chronology)! What a ride! Now it is time to take one more look at the tag counter, before we reset everything for the New 52/Rebirth. Without further ado, here’s the final tally (with changes from the previous counter summary in brackets):
Aphasia: 88 (+16)
Living Emoji: 78 (+2)
Little Lady Of War: 53 (+13)
Batdad: 52 (+6)
Batmom: 50 (+6)
Dubious Characterization: 49 (+33)
Fast As Lightning: 45 (+3)
Fiercely Assertive Protector: 26 (+1)
Ghost Of Failures Past: 25 (+9)
Symbolism!: 24 (+6)
Creepy Bat: 24 (+8)
Cass Sass: 23 (+9)
Plight Of Permanent Perfectionism: 14
Better Off Dead: 13
Unusual mannerisms: 9
Made Of Steel: 9
Retchcon: 9 (+9)
Ballet Battler: 2
Spells ‘Team’ With An ‘I’: 2
First of all, as we can see, there were some traits to Cass’ character that can best be labelled as a case of Early Installment Weirdness and disappeared from her characterization after her defeat of Shiva.
Secondly, damn that Retchcon and Dubious Characterization counter! Late Post Crisis was really not kind to Cass, with Beechen in particular running her into the ground at every opportunity. Even just looking at it now hurts.
Thirdly, ignoring all the crappy Retchcons and Dubious Characterization, we now have a very clear picture of who Cass is. Her most defining traits remain:
Her aphasia, which resulted in her being very expressive with her body language and continued being an issue of varying degrees of severity, even after  she learned to understand spoken language. Cass does not give grand speeches and reading is a very taxing process for her, but she did improve over the course of her Post Crisis history.
Her insane combat skills (Little Lady Of War), which, combined with her very assertive style of handling problems, her insane speed, and her very tacit nature, often caused people to be at least intimidated and sometimes even downright terrified of her.
Her tendency to blame herself for past failures, whether they are people she failed to save or mistakes she made while on the job. This is especially relevant since Cass’ loyalty is not towards any one person, but towards what the bat symbol represents.
Her tendency to sass out her opponents (and sometimes allies) with what little words she uses.
Now, as for her relationship with the Batfam, the following can be said in summary:
Bruce was both a mentor and a father figure to her, from the beginning to the end, with varying degrees of heartwarming/jerkish behavior. The latter was usually a result of post Jason’s death causing Bruce to be an emotional brick and put the mission before everything else. For most of the story… Cass did not mind all too much, at least if you can ignore Beechen’s retcons, although she was still happy about her eventual adoption. That said: if you ever want to trigger the Batdad in Bruce, let someone catcall after Cass and he’ll probably break the guy’s jaw.
Barbara was essentially Cass’s mother figure and trying very hard to nurture Cass’ civilian identity, much in contrast to Bruce’s and Cassandra’s approach. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Cass established a similar, if brief, relationship with Brenda while in Blüdhaven – another redhead with a kind, but firm approach to encouraging Cass to actually live her life for her own sake. It is a crying shame that the Barb and Cass had very few interactions after War Games, but it is hardly surprising, given that DC was in the process of writing almost every single woman/girl in the Batman stories out of these stories. One thing that should be mentioned: barring that single brain fart in Birds of Prey Vol 2, Barbara has always had Cass’ back, even during times when other members of the family did not trust her.
Speaking of which: Dick Grayson. Oh boy. This relationship started relatively neutral, with Dick being very much ok with Cass in their first interaction, despite Cass’ disability and her related quirks. Then it became heartwarming on screen, with Dick quickly coming to Cassandra’s aid and making sure she was okay during the “Soul” drug storyline in Batgirl and being very upset when she let him hit her during the Bruce Wayne: Murderer? storyline, as well as off screen, since he apparently acted out all the parts of Cinderella for her at one point. Then it took a complete nose dive into the opposite direction following Cass’ asinine turn to evil, which led to Dick being openly hostile towards her and not trusting her with… well, pretty much anything. It took Alfred shouting at him to reconcile the two and while their last few interactions were of the reasonably friendly nature again, it was too little too late. What a mess.
As for Tim, he went from not trusting her during their initial interaction to gradually accepting her as a member of the family to being very supportive of her and a very good friend, especially following War Games, when the two of them worked together in Blüdhaven. In contrast to Dick, Tim was much more willing to forgive Cass for her actions during her turn to evil and maintained a good, friendly relationship with her, even after she moved to Hong Kong. He was the one who gave her the Blackbat suit and reminded her that she was family and he was also the one who worked with her the most. Last but not least, he did not put up with Damian’s bullshit about Cass in Gates of Gotham. Good job, Tim! You’ve been a very good brother to Cass.
Speaking of Damian, he had very little interaction with her and went from “she sounds wonderful” before they met to being very abrasive towards her after they met and calling her “spineless, naïve and fragile”. Honestly, it comes across very unconvincingly and much more like Damian’s bruised ego trying to defend himself from someone who does actually live up to her reputation may be legitimately better than him in certain aspects. Either way, there is not much love lost between the two of them.
Next up: Stephanie. During their first meeting, Cass was rather cold towards Stephanie, mostly because of their difference in skill level. Cass’ concern about Stephanie not being strong enough to do the job remained for a long time, but she still grew to like and respect her as a friend and partner eventually, to the point where Stephanie could arguably be called Cass’ best friend. They chatted about boys, they played rooftop tag together, they discussed important changes in their lives, such as Stephanie becoming Robin. During War Games, Cass wanted to go looking for Steph because she was worried about her and only didn’t because Bruce promised he’d do it instead. Steph’s ‘death’ hit Cassandra hard, to the point where she hallucinated Stephanie being the one to greet her and comfort her on the other side of the pearly gates during two (near)death experiences. During Convergence, Stephanie and Cass lived together for a full year, supporting each other both physically and emotionally. Stephanie is, without the doubt, the best friend Cassandra ever had.
Finally, there is Alfred (because DC were cowards and never gave us Cass & Jason). Alfred, as always, was a real treasure. At first, he merely took care of Cass’ own Batcave home and later her apartment near Gotham U as per Bruce’s request. Then he went through the trouble of finding her the perfect apartment/secret cave combination in Blüdhaven. He was shocked to hear of her supposed death and upon her return to the Batfam and her moving into Wayne Manor was quick to point out that Cass felt like she did not belong there and that they should do more to reassure her that this was really her home and her family now, with no strings attached. More than anybody else in the family, Alfred recognized the often self-destructive need Cass felt to redeem herself for past failings and it is only thanks to his intervention that Dick reconciled with Cass. In short, over time, Alfred has come to care deeply about Cass, as he does about all the children that ever fought alongside Bruce/Batman.
Last but not least, a few notable mentions about other relationships Cass had with various people:
Cassandra has a complicated relationship with her father, if you ignore Adam Beechen’s horrible retcons. For eight years, Cain was all she had, and while she recognizes that he is a horrible human being and a lousy father (she beat him into a pulp over this), she also recognizes that he does actually care about her. As a result, Cass is not friendly with him, but she is not cruel towards him either.
Her mother, Lady Shiva, barely had anything to do with her and left her in Cain’s hands an hour after Cass was born. She mainly saw Cass as a tool (someone to finally defeat her in combat and later someone to help Nyssa Raatko lead the League Of Assassins), but showed at least some motherly concern when it was believed that Cassandra had been killed and Shiva helped Tim investigate her murder.
One of the few people she was close to before operating independently as Batgirl was Leslie Thompkins. Cass has insane respect for Leslie, because of her iron pacifist nature and was deeply saddened when Leslie broke ties with her during War Games. We sadly never got to see reunite on page.
Cassandra has had a rocky relationship with Huntress, mostly because Cass is staunchly anti-killing and because Batman took the Batgirl mantle from Huntress and gave it to Cass. Mind you, Barbara never approved of Helena as Batgirl.
She got along very well with Onyx, thanks to Onyx having been with the League Of Assassins before and thus actually being a challenge for Cass, while being a genuinely good person. Sad we didn’t get to see much of these two together.
Azrael (Jean-Paul) had a crush on her, which Cass did not quite reciprocate, but she wasn’t unfriendly to him either.
The first boy she ever kissed was Connor Kent (Superboy), even though she was annoyed with his way-too-carefree nature and his focus on her physical attractiveness. They broke up amicably.
She had three more dates with guys, none of which went anywhere.
And to round off our summary, here are some nice little bits and pieces of Cass
The first words she learned were, in chronological order: (thanks - incomplete), (goodbye - incomplete), stop, no, me, shutup, what, why, stay, instinct
She was 17 years old at the time of her introduction. Her birthday is January 26th.
Her favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate.
Cass is a big and messy eater.
Her home is very untidy and while in the manor she did not customize her room at all (no pictures or other mementos).
She likes horror movies (she really enjoyed Alien).
She is probably the only person in the family who really wants to be the next Batman and actually became Batman in some timelines/alternate universes.
She likes rice krispies, Assam tea, and long showers.
Cass can’t hold her liquor.
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toghairm · 4 years
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It’s time I write about beating the literal shit out of Yuna--- well, to the point.
Trigger Warnings!! This will mention blood, torture, whipping, branding, mind fuckery, chains, water-boarding., choking.
It will all be under read more.
I am mainly to going to write about Yuna as there are other people who RP as other main characters, and I want to respect their headcanons of what happens to their muses in Via Purifico.
I really just want Yuna to suffer more than usual lets be honest.
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» ⑆ ❀ A Summoner’s journey was never the easiest one. It was glorified. Those who manage to succeed in their pilgrimage were hailed as saviors, heroes, and destined by Yevon. They were the ones where people of Spira look up to-a group of people who swore an oath knowing that at the end of their journey against Sin, they would gladly die and lay their lives down for Spira.
  Yuna was no different. She held that same belief and followed precisely the same path as her father, Braska. Of course... Things were never simple. What they went through- those trials, those practicing years, hardships to allow an Aeon’s soul to bond and melt into a mere human’s took an amount of strength and stamina. 
 Being labeled as traitors is considered an insult, a fate worse than death in the land of Spira. It is a status that is looked down upon, way worse than being an Al Behd.
 Traitors were sentenced to death, on sight, or brought to Maesters, Monks of the Temples. Anyone aiding them would also meet the same fate. To turn their backs against the teachings after all that Yevon has provided them was something they could never accept.
 The moment the Yuna Squad were taken to the dungeons for their trial, hell began anew. This journey was already challenging as it required dedication and motivation. It took a lot of strength to not stop and call it quits as Yuna visited these places, knowing that this would be the last time she would ever see it. The last time she would ever speak to these individuals knowing that they looked up to her, was placing their faith into her.
 Before their trial, they were all separated to keep any foolery and idea of escaping to a low. 
 Yuna was shoved into a dusty bricked room with a solid oaked door as the exit. No windows, no vents. Fresh air would be stained with hideous smells of sweat, screaming will echo throughout the bottom with a follow of faint yells of her name. 
 At first, they gave her the sweet option of “coming clean” about her crimes of trying to kill Seymour, about her turning against Yevon by allowing her Guardians to use forbidden machina, and even losing her temper against Maesters before her.
 Yuna kept her mouth shut, shaking her head. “You’ll use my words to turn them against me when we start our trial.”
 It then began. Shoving her against the wall, chained her arms above her head so Yuna couldn’t use her staff as it was tossed to the side of the room. It would be useless as they had taken her staff away during the arrest.
 It started off as hitting her stomach, kicking her, choking. Her head became bruised, finger-shaped bruises along her dainty little neck, purple colored spots littered her body.
 Yet, her spirit remained.
 It was hours before the trial will begin as they desperately wanted answers from Yuna (and her guardians, who no doubt were going through some things) to make the trial much more unfair for the group.
 It didn’t take long until they brought out a bucket of water. Uncuffing Yuna, she fell harshly onto her knees, bruising automatically. A potato sack upon her head as her hands was tied tightly with rope, head shoved into the bucket of water causing jerkish movement from her.
 Every half a minute, they pull her up for air, screaming for answers as she coughs water out of her throat, burning sensation as her eyes were swelling in tears. Raspy pleas for them to stop before being shoved back into the water.
 This would continue on for a couple of rounds. Leaving her to be stranded on the floor shivering cold, sack removed from her head and ankles chained up to the wall in case she would try to reach for her staff.
It was there to mock her for her lost freedom. 
Within half an hour-- they bring in another monk, holding sharped metal ends of a whip, going to town after they removed her top to save some dignity for her. Beads of blood began to appear. All over her arms, back, and even across her face by mere accident, but it didn’t matter. Head shoved back in the water as they shouted at her, demanding what they wanted.
Yuna still refused to give up until they mentioned if she didn’t come clean- despite knowing that no matter what she did would be fruitless, her friends would be harmed. Yuna began to tell them everything that had happened. 
 Of course, hearing that the Maesters knew of Seymour’s secret of being an unsent, and still blamed her for killing him when he had killed Jyscal, and tried to cause disorder for the people still in need hope for Spira, they had sentenced her to death.
 She screamed out, saying it was unfair for them to be suffering in torture for how they knew the truth and still wanted to kill them. Realizing that they were too unsent and wish to continue on this false belief, said nothing more. 
When taken downstairs, they were deciding on how to kill every single of them, whether publicly or privately; they had decided to brand Yuna with Yevon’s symbol, recently taken out of fire, right on her right palm. If she did ever somehow escape, she would forever be symbolized as a traitor, and anyone who didn’t know her- would see that symbol and do the “right thing.”
It fucked with Yuna’s mind as she sat there in the green, dull hallway of Via Purifico. Tears streaming down her face knowing that everything about this was wrong; she didn’t know who to believe. Did Braska had to go through this? Did Auron know? Did anyone who knew of this was killed or forced to join them?
0 notes
akaiikowrites · 7 years
to build a home pt 3
Summary: “I’m just… Fucking… Look, my heart burns for you.” Katara’s the most terrifying girl in the world. Zuko’s kind of in love with her.
Notes: It took almost ten months but we're back at it again with more High School AU. Light on the "high school" in this chapter. But for a good cause? There's going to be one more chapter after this, so we're in the home (ahahahaha bad puns) stretch. Thank you again for all the kind feedback on my trash.
Rating: PG-13/T for cussing, sexual(ish) content, and pure old fashioned Wisconsin cheese.
Part: One and Two
Uncle doesn’t complain that he spends a lot of their remaining vacation taking pictures and texting. Actually, once Uncle catches on that it’s Katara on the other end, he makes a game out of finding things for Zuko to tell Katara about. It’s both obnoxious and endearing. Because he feels generous, Zuko decides it’s more endearing than obnoxious, and humors his Uncle.
(It helps that Uncle found the weird statue of a crab in hula gear that had Katara laughing so hard that Sokka was able to steal her phone and get a picture of her mid-cackle.)
But their last night in Ember Cove, Zuko leaves the phone in their room and goes out onto the porch. It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to Katara it’s just that he’s realized soon they’re going to have to actually talk about things that matter again instead of whatever dumb thing they just snapped a picture of. Uncle is out on the porch with a cup of tea. When Zuko takes a seat on the porch steps, Uncle says, “It is a beautiful night. Very peaceful.”
With a sigh, Zuko lets his head thump back against the railing and wonders how he’s supposed to explain any of this. Part of him had hoped Uncle would pry. Instead, it seems that his Uncle is feeling philosophical enough to let Zuko come to him. Fuck.
It takes almost a half hour for Zuko to figure out what he needs to say. During that time Uncle finishes his first cup of tea in slow, deliberate sips. Then rises and disappears back into their rented cabin to make himself another cup. Zuko finds the exact words as Uncle emerges back into the humid night and takes a seat in the well-worn rocking chair he favors. There’s a creak from the chair and a satisfied hum from Uncle as he takes the first sip of his fresh cup. Zuko breathes in deep and says:
“Katara knows about Mom. I didn’t tell her but she knew. That’s why she became my friend. Because she felt bad for me and wanted to fix me. Help me. I don’t know.” The old frustration surges up. Fresh and raw as it had been the first time. He can feel his hands curling into fists but he doesn’t try to stop it. Just lets the feeling rush through him because he needs to do this. Bleed the poison out of this wound. He just doesn’t want to hurt her again. “That’s why I didn’t talk to her. Because it’s fucked up. Making someone your friend so you can fix them. But she called. Christmas morning. Told me that her mom died and she blames herself and that’s why she does it. Fixes people. Helps them. Whatever it is she does. I don’t want to be a fucking project to her but she needs me and I don’t know how to forgive her but I can’t—”
There are no more words and he’s honestly amazed he made it this far. It feels like the inside of his mouth has been all cut up with razor blades, like he needs to punch something to focus the pain, like he’s exactly the kind of wounded creature who needs a beautiful girl to save him. Zuko knows his eyes are pleading as he looks at his Uncle.
“Katara is?” Uncle says. Philosophically.
Zuko launches to his feet and begins to pace across the width of the porch. “I don’t know. Katara’s…Katara.” Pacing isn’t helping but he knows he can’t vent his anger by hitting something. So he growls, and tangles his fingers in his hair, and clenches his eyes shut. “Katara is someone gentle, and smart, and fierce. She sees all the worst things about life and then decides she can somehow change it. She takes in people because they need it, not because they deserve it. She stays kind even though nothing else is kind. She demands a better world.” Without meaning to his feet come to a stop. He opens his eyes. His hands slide from his hair to fall to his sides. “She makes me want to demand a better world.”
Out here the light is pretty shitty. Reliant on the small lamps that light the pathways between cabins and the heavy moon above them. But Zuko’s pretty sure he’s not imagining the faint gleam to Uncle’s eyes. Or the hoarse edge as he says, “Then the question is, nephew, if your pride is worth more than all that Katara is.”
No. It’s not.
Zuko Himura 11:48PM we need to talk when i get back
Katara Foster 11:49PM i know
It takes them all day to get back to Republic City. They nearly die once because Uncle sees a tea shop and whips their car across five lanes of traffic to get at it. When they pull into the driveway there’s a good six inches of fresh snow that’ll need to be cleared tomorrow. Zuko goes straight upstairs because a week and a half solid of socializing with Uncle is exhausting. (It’s good, too, in a way that he can’t articulate.) After kicking the door shut and dropping his bags, he collapses face first onto his bed, ready to take the world’s longest nap.
The world’s longest nap is only about three hours long.
Zuko wakes up blearily to the faint whine of the tea kettle. It stops but he’s awake, now, so he half rolls onto his side. For a while he just lays there. Cocooned in the warm dark, looking out the window, at fresh snow that swirls backlit against streetlights. Somehow the room feels safe, and cozy, and less like a place he just goes to fall asleep or do homework. The therapist would call that progress if he still went to them every Tuesday.
Falling snow reminds him of Katara. Of that day when they went to the coffee shop. With a groan that sounds more like a growl he rolls onto his back and puts an arm behind his head. The hand resting on his stomach taps out a rhythm.
Even a month later his body remembers her—warm and small and laughing—cuddled against him. It had seemed like too much to handle at the time. What kind of loser jerks off to the memory of giving a girl a piggy back ride? But now he wonders what would’ve happened if he’d pulled her into an alley that day and kissed her. Maybe everything would’ve been different if he’d been braver. Probably not.
Reaching into the front pocket of his jeans, he fishes out his phone and turns it on. Light flares brilliant and white and makes him squint. It’s almost eight. He ignores the next texts from Sokka, the Ultimate Frisbee group chat, and an unknown number to pull up Katara’s conversation.
Katara Foster 2:49PM text me when you get home k?
Feeling a little like a jerk, he taps in, got home a couple hours ago but needed a nap. Then he erases that and sends home instead. That makes him feel more like a jerk but he’s barely had time to feel the full weight of his jerkish behavior when the three little dots that signal an incoming response pop up.
Katara Foster 7:53PM good
Katara Foster 7:54PM are you like super tired?
Even with the nap he feels kind of worn at the edges. But he dutifully says not really why? She reads the message immediately but it takes a full six minutes for her to reply. Zuko imagines it might be because Sokka started doing something obnoxious or GranGran needed help with something. That doesn’t help the nerves. Especially when the three dots pop up and just. Stay there. Taunting him.
Katara Foster 8:02PM meet me at the coffee shop
Katara Foster 8:02PM please
Of course she’s beaten him there. She’s hunched over a steaming cup of coffee that’s cradled in her hands. When the bell above the doorway goes off she looks up, instinctively but not hopefully, like she’s already done this a few times. Except this time it’s actually him. Or at least he assumes that’s why her entire face lights up and she straightens her shoulders and the coffee cup is left forgotten on the table. Zuko barely has time to brace himself and open his arms before she’s in them, face pressed tight into his chest, fingers digging deep into his leather jacket.
“Hey,” he says. It feels like the air’s been knocked out of his lungs and it’s not just because she slammed into him. One arm’s curled around her waist reflexively but he tries to smooth the other over the back of her skull because he’s fairly certain she’s shaking. “Hey, are you okay?”
Katara pulls back very carefully but stays in his arms. It’s okay. Now that he’s touching her, he’s not sure he could let her go, even with everyone in the coffee shop eyeing them. He can’t remember if she’s always felt this delicate or if maybe he only thinks she feels that way because he knows she’s not invincible now. Zuko wants to pull her closer and wrap her up in his jacket. Keep her safe for once.
“I’m okay, I’m just so glad you’re here,” she says. There’s a very soft lilt to her voice that makes him think she’s holding back tears.
Not thinking about the consequences, he leans down and presses a soft kiss to her forehead, lets himself stay there for a moment as he breathes in the scent of her. He pulls back. Katara’s got her eyes closed. The lines of her face are still and easy in a way they hadn’t been before and he realizes suddenly how tense she’d actually been. Slowly, like someone coming up from a deep dive, she opens her eyes.
“I’m here,” he says. Their eyes lock. It occurs to him that she is steel and glass layered together so firmly that he’s not sure if he’s glimpsing the vulnerability beneath her strength or the courage beneath her fragility. “I’m here,” he promises.
Somehow they manage to completely avoid talking about it.
At first, in those hazy moments in the coffee shop in the hour before closing, Zuko thinks maybe it’s because they’re still too raw. Or because the coffee shop is too public. Or even because they’re too enamored of being around each other again, their knees bumping under the table, her hand eventually settling on his bare forearm like an anchor.
But the last three days of winter break go by and they’re around each other constantly. They have the opportunity. It’s just that they don’t want to, maybe. So it’s like:
One day, they’re sledding in the park with everyone from the Foster’s neighborhood, including one boy with a shaved head who watches Zuko with intense suspicion. Another day, they’re walking through the mall with Sokka and Suki, playing with the Christmas decorations that haven’t been stripped down yet. That last day, they’re going to the indoor pool at the local YMCA so Katara can do some back to school thing for underprivileged elementary students, and Zuko can���t even remember how he got dragged into this when he hates the pool but it’s worth it for the way Katara smiles at him over the heads of thirteen shrieking eight year olds.
After the YMCA, Katara offers to drive him home but Zuko says he’ll walk. It’s only a mile and a half. It’s not even snowing now. What he doesn’t say is he needs time to think because it finally occurred to him as she ruffled her towel over his chlorine damp hair that she’s waiting on him.
Walking is a bad idea. He wakes up the next morning with a sore throat, a stuffy nose, and the kind of vague headache that feels like being underwater. Uncle takes one look at him and says to text Katara for the homework.
The door to his bedroom creaks open. Uncle left him alone after lunch to nap. He’s not sure if he actually slept. It feels like maybe he has.
“No more tea,” he groans. Uncle force fed him an entire pot, he’s pretty sure, and his throat feels better but if he never has to drink another cup it’ll be too soon.
Someone laughs and says, “You sound terrible.” Dread, or mucus, clogs his airways as he turns over to face the doorway. Hazy winter sunlight softens her edges. Zuko watches, feeling bemused and enchanted, as she pushes up the sleeves of her loose cable knit sweater to her elbows and puts her hands on her hips. Purposeful. Amused. Fond. Home improvement stores don’t have paint that can match the blue of her eyes. Zuko can’t breathe and he’s pretty sure it’s not just because he’s needed to blow his nose for the last nine minutes. “You look terrible.”
“You’re awful,” he says. Rolling away from her, he fishes around in the covers for his little packet of Kleenex. Nothing immediately meets his fingers. So he tries to sniffle without it being loud just to get the worst of the snot controlled. Which of course means it seems to echo off every available surface.
Another laugh, muffled this time. “Wait, I need a picture for Sokka.” Floorboards creak beneath her weight and he hears a heavy bag dropping to the floor. The bed dips beneath her as she puts a knee on the edge.
“No,” Zuko says. With great feeling.
“Aw, c’mon,” she says. One day he’s going to figure out how she can sound teasing and worried at the same time. Leaning over him, she grabs the packet of Kleenex and puts it into his hand. “A picture for me then?”
“No,” he says. With even greater feeling.
Katara’s lower lip juts out just a bit. If she’s trying for a convincing pout then she’s failing because he knows what he genuine pouts look like. They involve a slight crinkle at the corners of her eyes, like she’s trying not to cry. It’s a manipulative pout and he’s on to her. “But…” she says. “I need it.”
One of her shoulders lifts in a shrug. “To prove a point. Mostly to Song and Jin. This would prove that you are not handsome and brooding at all times.” Arguably, he’s not handsome at any times. He can’t say much about the brooding. Why Katara would care about any of this in the first place he can’t imagine. “None of the girls at school would think you were some mysterious bad boy if they could see you with a runny nose.”
Since he clearly has no fucking dignity left as she looms over him and confirms that he looks exactly as pathetic as he feels, and that she plans on letting everyone relevant in his age group know as much, he makes deliberate eye contact and blows his nose in a fresh Kleenex. Being herself, Katara maintains eye contact, and then once he’s done goes, “Feel better?” It’s a challenge. Like he’s ridiculously gross and she knows they’re both acknowledging that fact. But also like she wants him to know she saw that petty display of pissiness and she’s above it. Zuko could tell her she doesn’t have to bother. Everyone already knows she’s the most terrifying girl in school. Reaching toward his nightstand, she grabs an entire box of Kleenex, probably one that Uncle left during one of Zuko’s many naps. Handing it to him, she says, “I think you need these.”
“I might hate you,” he says, batting the box away so it thumps onto the floor.
There’s a flicker behind her expression. Fleeting helplessness writ large in the way her eyebrows nudge toward one another and her teeth catch her lower lip. Gone before most people would really catch it. But he caught it and now he’s reminded that she’s not the most terrifying girl in school when it comes to him.
Feeling like a jerk, again, he reaches out and wraps a hand around her wrist. It’s cool to the touch because of his fever. Rubbing a thumb over the soft skin of her inner arm, he says, “I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Don’t be,” she says. “I shouldn’t have pushed. You don’t…” It kills him a little, how she pauses, her eyes settled on some loose thread in his comforter. Even though he knows she won’t say it he knows what she’s thinking. You don’t let yourself be vulnerable. Disappointment clings to those unspoken words. Because Katara’s waiting on him. After giving him all the rawest parts of herself on a silver platter. Katara’s waiting on him. Or maybe not, because her eyes are shuttered and her smile now is strained, and she’s saying, “I’m sorry,” like it’s an absolution.
Panic claws at him and he fumbles for explanations. Zuko’s never been good with words and sick muddled as he is they refuse to come at all. In his mind there are the memories—of being sick after his mother left and burning his hand on the stove while he made chicken noodle soup because his father would not feed him if he was weak and he hadn’t eaten for two days—that he needs to share with her so she’ll understand but he can’t figure out how and she’s standing up with that same strained smile as she murmurs goodbyes about letting him rest.
If he lets her go now, he thinks, there will never be another chance.
Zuko uses his grip on her wrist to tug her hand to his face. Most of the skin of his scar is dead, nothing to feel there but pressure and the occasional pain that comes with sudden weather front, but he swears he can feel the rasp of her fingertips as they settle over the ruined skin. Katara doesn’t look like she’s breathing. “Stay.”
Now she sucks in a shaky breath. Her free arm wraps around her own waist like she’s trying to hold herself together. “Why?” she asks. “You haven’t forgiven me. You haven’t even asked if I still—”
Focusing on her glassy eyes, he says, “It doesn’t matter.”
Katara lets out a choked sound and pulls her hand free of his grasp. Wraps her other arm around herself. “The hell it doesn’t,” she says.
Later, he thinks he’ll try to figure out how things went this bad this fast. How they got from gentle teasing to restrained tears. How they even managed to reach this point in the first place instead of exploding or fizzling out so much earlier.
But this, at least, he has words for. Zuko’s voice is hoarse and awful and steady and he tries to gentle it for her but he has to say it, whether she wants it or not, because he can’t lose her like this. “I realized I’m going to choose you being in my life because I can’t imagine not choosing you.” In the hazy winter sunlight, she’s still soft at the edges and so beautiful it aches, and he’s willing to beg. “Please,” he whispers, “Stay.”
Tears build like a flash flood in her eyes and go spilling down her cheeks. One of her knees bumps his ribs as she scrambles onto the bed and tumbles into him. Ignoring that he’s sick and gross and wearing a sweat stained tee she crawls under the covers and presses against him full length. All their limbs are tangled up together. It feels natural to wrap his arms around her and pull her closer. Anchor her into him so that maybe the world will stop tilting wildly on its axis or maybe that’s just his inner eardrums protesting. But when she touches his scar again it’s achingly gentle and she’s saying “I’m here, I’m here, I’m here.”
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joo-heo-n · 8 years
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Member: Changkyun 
Word Count: 2,375
a/n: SURPRISE!! sorry for keeping you all waiting but it’s finally here, also, originally this part was 5k but i felt like that was too long so i ended up cutting it in half and will post this section tonight and the other section... I’ll think about when to post ;) so enjoy!
Drabble / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 (Final)
affinity-  a spontaneous or natural liking for someone or something
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You knocked at the bathroom door as Changkyun showered, “I need to brush my teeth” you said, leaning close to the door. “Go for it” he replied and you opened the door and stepped inside, the steam fogging up the mirror above the sink. You reached for your toothbrush and put the toothpaste on it, “Um…” you said quietly, inaudible due to the sound of the water running from the shower-head. You were tempted to tell Changkyun you had finally ended things with your date, but you considered your rant from the other night to be the cause of your annoyance from that day’s argument and the alcohol.
You stared at your toothbrush for a second before putting it in your mouth and beginning to brush. Shaking your head, you continued brushing as the water stopped, making you turn towards the shower curtain. “Can you give me my towel?” Changkyun asked and you left your toothbrush in your mouth to hand him his towel, throwing it over the curtain. “Thanks” he said and you hummed, finally finishing up and rinsing your mouth.
As you rinsed off your toothbrush, Changkyun pushed aside the shower curtain and stepped out with the towel around his hips. Water dripped from his hair as you offered him a quick side glance and turned back to your own task. As Changkyun stepped out of the bathroom you smirked to yourself and dried your hands, “Nice washboard abs!” you said loudly for Changkyun to hear. “Didn’t think you cared!” you heard Changkyun shout from his room, making you cackle. “I don’t!” you shouted back, stepping out onto the hallway. As you made your way into your bedroom, Changkyun left his own, already changed and with a towel over his head as he followed after you, laying down on your bed while you stood at its end, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“What do you want? Scoot” you said with a smile as you gestured for him to move. Changkyun moved and you laid next to him, hugging your pillow to your chest as you leaned against your headboard. “We should cook something” Changkyun stated, getting comfortable under your blankets. “Cook something as in scrambled eggs or cook something as in reheat leftovers?” you said sarcastically and turned to him. Changkyun rolled his eyes and scoffed, “No like actually cook something or burn the apartment trying” he said and you chuckled. 
“Ah I see, well we need to go buy stuff for it” you said, slouching down and extending your legs. “Obviously. I highly doubt we can make much with leftovers and like, ramen” Changkyun commented almost through a mumble.You grinned and threw your pillow at him, “Smartass” you said, catching a glimpse of a small grin on Changkyuns lips. You turned away and stared blankly at the wall, finding it in you to just get the gossip over with because you were roommates but you were also good friends too. “I ended things with the guy” you blurted and the room suddenly felt too quiet. 
Changkyun sat up slowly and leaned against the headboard as well, “Oh… Are you, okay?” he asked hesitantly, eyes glancing over at you before he looked away. You nodded reassuringly and smiled, “Yea it was better like this” you stated and Changkyun offered you a smirk and nodded. “What now?” he then asked as he turned to you expectantly. You met his gaze and noticed his hair was still dripping, but rested lightly on his forehead without sticking. You realized the closeness between the two of you as you shifted and felt your arms rub, making you avert your gaze from his quickly and shrug. “Don’t know, moving on I guess” you said through a small chuckle.
Changkyun nodded, “Moving on it is” he let out with an exhale a he stood up and stretched. You looked up at him and smiled, “So, are we going grocery shopping or?” you questioned. Changkyun ran his hands through his hair, pushing it away from his forehead and you raised your eyebrows, “Wow, you need to push your hair away from your face more often” you commented in awe. Changkyun furrowed his eyebrows together and stared at you, “What?” he asked and you could tell he was confused, making you giggle. “Like, you should do your hair away from your face, you got a nice forehead” you joked and Changkyun grinned, “First my abs and now my hair? I didn’t think you cared” Changkyun said with a wink as he headed for your bedroom door.
You reached for your pillow and threw it at him once more, “I don’t!” you shouted as he laughed, throwing the pillow back at you and leaving your room. “Are we getting groceries or not?”
“It’s been like, a month, where have you been lately?” you asked softly as Changkyun ate across from you while you drank coffee. He stared at his plate as he took another bite, leaving a few seconds of silence hang between the two of you. “Busy” was all he said and you brought your coffee to your lips, taking a sip as you watched him.
“Is it your girlfriend?” you asked and Changkyun visibly tensed before you. The reaction made you want to crack a smile but you refrained from doing so and looked away. “Does this mean you two are doing better now?” you asked tentatively in worry that all this might be you crossing a line. Changkyun chewed his food with patience and finished off the last of his meal, standing up and taking his plate with him. “Yea, I dunno, it’s whatever” he said and you knitted your eyebrows in surprise as you looked at him. “Wow, um, that’s kind of… Jerkish of you” you said and Changkyun shrugged, washing his plate.
“Didn’t take you for the jerk type” you muttered as you took another sip of your coffee. You held back from scolding him for being a bad boyfriend and instead let curiosity gnaw at you. Things were probably really bad between them two but you wondered why you’d been seeing so little of him or why he’d been so distant. 
Maybe she was the jealous type? Did she even know he had a girl as a roommate? Was that why he was having problems with her? Was he going through the same thing you had a month ago?
That same day, as you and your friend ate lunch during your break, those same questions bombarded you from her end. “But then again, if I were him, I wouldn’t tell my girlfriend I had a female roommate, that’s like, a death wish” your friend concluded and you groaned as you placed your hand on your chin while resting your elbow on the table. “I dunno… I mean, ever since we found out about each other’s relationships and all, things are just weird” you commented, taking another bite of your sandwich. Your friend wiggled her eyebrows at you and grinned. “You mean cuddle sessions are getting cold or what?” she said and your eyes widened. “What are you even saying? We’re just friends and we share a couch” you retorted and she guffawed. “Y/N, I love you, but my god you need to stop being so oblivious or stop pretending to be” your friend stated, her words sending a small pang of pain to your chest.
“You lost me” you said, your voice small while you sat back in your chair and frowned. Your friend sighed and bit her bottom lip, “Look, I didn’t say anything before because I’m your friend and I root for you all the way but from the things you’ve told me that you and Changkyun do together, I can totally see why date guy was paranoid and why Changkyun’s girlfriend might want to dump him” she replied and you stared at her stupefied. “What?” you managed softly, almost timidly, feeling yourself shrink in your seat. Your friend sighed, her smile diminishing as her face took on sympathy. “All I’m saying is that, whether you label your relationship as a friendship or roommates, there’s no hiding that your dates are gonna have to know how to share” she stated and you further furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
Your friend seemed to notice your puzzlement and groaned, running her hands through her face before speaking again. “Y/N, roommate guy and you cuddle, watch movies together, share the bathroom at the same time, know each other's likes and dislikes, eat from the same fork, know your schedules, and see each other every day. I don’t want to sound mean because frankly I’m envious, but the only things from full on making this a relationship is the fact that neither of you is gay and that there are separate beds to keep you apart at night” she said through a chuckle. “I mean, you even wear his clothes sometimes and he’s totally okay with it” she added, sitting back and drinking from her coffee.
You gaped at her and held your head in your hands. ”Oh my god I’m a friggin idiot” you said through a whine. “Barely noticed? I think there’s something more about this too” your friend added confidently as she gave you a side glance. “Please don’t say it” you begged, not able to finish up your sandwich as you dreaded and nearly feared whatever was about to come out of her mouth next. “Y/N, maybe he doesn’t have a girlfriend” she commented and you nearly fell off the chair you were sitting on. “What the hell?” you blurted and your friend snorted. “Not what you thought I’d say?” she asked and you looked down at your lap as you picked at your nails with a shake of your head. 
“You need to end it” Changkyun’s friend said as he leaned back onto the couch, taking a swig from his beer. Changkyun ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “How am I supposed to just walk out on her like that after all this time?” he asked and his friend hummed. “Well, you should’ve thought about that before falling for her” his friend commented with a shrug. Changkyun pressed his knuckles to his lips in thought and shook his head. His friend watched him and patted Changkyun’s back, “Why haven’t you told her anything?” he asked and Changkyun’s jaw tightened. “Because, I never planned for this to happen…” his voice trailed off, making his friend sigh loudly. “Wait, does she think you’re-” his friend started but Changkyun cut him off. “Gay? No, she doesn’t” he said, cocking one eyebrow as he stared at his friend incredulously.
“Okay that’s good” his friend nodded but then chuckled, “How the fuck did you get her into thinking you’re with someone?” he asked and Changkyun whined and covered his face. “I don’t know... I hate myself…” he said, laying down on the couch and putting his legs on his friends lap, just as he always did with you. His friend pushed his legs off of him and grinned. “Dumbass” he remarked, getting another beer bottle for himself.
It was around four in the morning when you heard the slamming of doors and harsh shuffling in the living room. You sat up in your bed and squinted in the dark, rubbing your eyes and scooting  off the bed. You moved slowly towards your bedroom door and opened it slightly, peeking through the gap to see if Changkyun was anywhere.
The noise continued so you stepped out and headed towards the living room where you found Changkyun sitting at the couch. He slouched over onto his knees and ran his hands through his hair in an exasperated manner. “Changkyun” you whispered and he turned his head to look over his shoulder. You knitted your eyebrows together in concern as you approached him and sat by his side. “Are you drunk?” you asked softly and Changkyun shook his head slowly. “Are you okay?” you asked as he ran his hands through his hair again, this time slower and lazier.
“I’m fine, sorry for waking you” he said, suddenly rising to his feet and leaving. He made his way to his bedroom and shut the door. You sat in your spot, hugging your arms and frowning. He didn’t sound drunk, and he didn’t smell like alcohol either.
After vacuuming, cleaning, dusting off furniture, getting rid of old papers and organizing books through the apartment and your bedroom, you moved into Changkyun’s room, deciding you would be generous and at least help him straighten up his stuff. While making his bed, you spotted a pile of papers on his night stand and carefully began piling them neatly. As you shuffled them in your hands, you read the list of addresses and phone numbers on the topmost paper. You knitted your eyebrows at the names of the addresses, recognizing the locations as apartment complexes near  your area or further in the city. Just then, Changkyun entered the room. “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice filling the room and you gasped in surprise, dropping the papers to the floor.
“Shit, you scared me, I thought you’d get here way later?” you said, kneeling down and grabbing all the papers. Changkyun kneeled as well and picked them up quickly, “I’ll get them” he said in a rush, making you look at him as you pressed your lips together and stood up. “I was just cleaning up a bit, try keeping it tidy for a few days yeah?” you said and Changkyun hummed. “Do any of your friends need help finding an apartment or did you get tired of having me clean after you?” you joked but Changkyun stiffened at your words, clearing his throat and stacking his papers together only to shove them into his top drawer hastily.
“You don’t clean after me, liar. Today is just one of those days when the impostor takes over and cleans” Changkyun stated and you glared at him. “Well maybe you’re tired of having the impostor clean after you” you retorted and Changkyun grinned. “Get out impostor, I wanna nap and your nagging only makes me sleepier” he said and you smacked his chest, making him chuckle as he took off his shoes and lied down. “You’re such a jerk” you stated and Changkyun shrugged, “I guess I am”.
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As Simon drew closer, he saw that Isabelle was leaning against the side of the van, one leg drawn up, the heel of her boot braced against the van’s blistered side. She could have been helping with the teardown, of course—Isabelle was stronger than anyone else in the band, with the possible exception of Kyle—but she clearly couldn’t be bothered. Simon would hardly have expected anything else. She looked up as he came closer. The rain had slowed, but she had clearly been out in it for some time; her hair was a heavy, wet curtain down her back. “Hey there,” she said, pushing off from the side of the van and coming toward him. “Where have you been? You just ran offstage—” “Yeah,” he said. “I wasn’t feeling well. Sorry.” “As long as you’re better now.” She wrapped her arms around him and smiled up into his face. He felt a wave of relief that he didn’t feel any urge to bite her. Then another wave of guilt as he remembered why. “You haven’t seen Jace anywhere, have you?” he asked.  She rolled her eyes. “I ran across him and Clary making out,” she said. “Although they’re gone now—home, I hope. Those two epitomize ‘get a room.’” “I didn’t think Clary was coming,” Simon said, though it wasn’t that odd; he supposed the cake appointment had been canceled or something. He didn’t even have the energy to be annoyed about what a terrible bodyguard Jace had turned out to be. It wasn’t as if he’d ever thought Jace took his personal safety all that seriously. He just hoped Jace and Clary had worked it out, whatever it was. “Whatever.” Isabelle grinned. “Since it’s just us, do you want to go somewhere and—” A voice—a very familiar voice—spoke out of the shadows just beyond the reach of the nearest streetlight. “Simon?” Oh, no, not now. Not right now. He turned slowly. Isabelle’s arm was still loosely clasped around his waist, though he knew that wouldn’t last much longer. Not if the person speaking was who he thought it was. It was. Maia had moved into the light, and was standing looking at him, an expression of disbelief on her face. Her normally curly hair was pasted to her head with rain, her amber eyes very wide, her jeans and denim jacket soaked. She was clutching a rolled-up piece of paper in her left hand. Simon was vaguely aware that off to the side the band members had slowed down their movements and were openly gawking. Isabelle’s arm slid off his waist. “Simon?” she said. “What’s going on?” “You told me you were going to be busy,” Maia said, looking at Simon. “Then someone shoved this under the station door this morning.” She thrust the rolled-up paper forward; it was instantly recognizable as one of the flyers for the band’s performance tonight. Isabelle was looking from Simon to Maia, recognition slowly dawning on her face. “Wait a second,” she said. “Are you two dating?” Maia set her chin. “Are you?” “Yes,” Isabelle said. “For quite a few weeks now.” Maia’s eyes narrowed. “Us, too. We’ve been dating since September.” “I can’t believe it,” Isabelle said. She genuinely looked as if she couldn’t. “Simon?” She turned to him, her hands on her hips. “Do you have an explanation?” The band, who had finally shoved all the equipment into the van—the drums packing out the back bench seat and the guitars and basses in the cargo section—were hanging out the back of the car, openly staring. Eric put his hands around his mouth to make a megaphone. “Ladies, ladies,” he intoned. “There is no need to fight. There is enough Simon to go around.” Isabelle whipped around and shot a glare at Eric so terrifying that he fell instantly silent. The back doors of the van slammed shut, and it took off down the road. Traitors, Simon thought, though to be fair, they probably assumed he would catch a ride home in Kyle’s car, which was parked around the corner. Assuming he lived long enough. “I can’t believe you, Simon,” Maia said. She was standing with her hands on her hips as well, in a pose identical to Isabelle’s. “What were you thinking? How could you lie like that?” “I didn’t lie,” Simon protested. “We never said we were exclusive!” He turned to Isabelle. “Neither did we! And I know you were dating other people—” “Not people you know,” Isabelle said, blisteringly. “Not your friends. How would you feel if you found out I was dating Eric?” “Stunned, frankly,” said Simon. “He really isn’t your type.” “That’s not the point, Simon.” Maia had moved closer to Isabelle, and the two of them faced him down together, an immovable wall of female rage. The bar had finished emptying out, and aside from the three of them, the street was deserted. He wondered about his chances if he made a break for it, and decided they weren’t good. Werewolves were fast, and Isabelle was a trained vampire hunter. “I’m really sorry,” Simon said. The buzz from the blood he’d drunk was beginning to wear off, thankfully. He felt less dizzy with overwhelming sensation, but more panicked. To make things worse, his mind kept returning to Maureen, and what he’d done to her, and whether she was all right. Please let her be all right. “I should have told you guys. It’s just—I really like you both, and I didn’t want to hurt either of your feelings.” The moment it was out of his mouth, he realized how stupid he sounded. Just another jerkish guy making excuses for his jerk behavior. Simon had never thought of himself like that. He was a nice guy, the kind of guy who got overlooked, passed up for the sexy bad boy or the tortured artist type. For the self-involved kind of guy who would think nothing of dating two girls at once while maybe not exactly lying about what he was doing, but not telling the truth about it either. “Wow,” he said, mostly to himself. “I am a huge asshole.” “That’s probably the first true thing you’ve said since I got here,” said Maia. “Amen,” said Isabelle. “Though if you ask me, it’s too little, too late—” The side door of the bar opened, and someone came out. It was Kyle. Simon felt a wave of relief. Kyle looked serious, but not as serious as Simon thought he would look if something awful had happened to Maureen. He started down the steps toward them. The rain was barely a drizzle now. Maia and Isabelle had their backs to him; they were glaring at Simon with the laser focus of rage. “I hope you don’t expect either of us to speak to you again,” Isabelle said. “And I’m going to have a talk with Clary—a very, very serious talk about her choice of friends.” “Kyle,” Simon said, unable to keep the relief out of his voice as Kyle came into earshot. “Uh, Maureen—is she—” He had no idea how to ask what he wanted to ask without letting Maia and Isabelle know what had happened, but as it turned out, it didn’t matter, because he never managed to get the rest of the words out. Maia and Isabelle turned; Isabelle looked annoyed and Maia surprised, clearly wondering who Kyle was. As soon as Maia really saw Kyle, her face changed; her eyes went wide, the blood draining from her face. And Kyle, in his turn, was staring at her with the look of someone who has woken up from a nightmare only to discover that it is real and continuing. His mouth moved, shaping words, but no sound came out. “Whoa,” Isabelle said, looking from one of them to the other. “Do you two—know each other?” Maia’s lips parted. She was still staring at Kyle. Simon had time only to think that she had never looked at him with anything like that intensity, when she whispered “Jordan”—and lunged for Kyle, her claws out and sharp, and sank them into his throat.
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