#Cheshire soul
avicryptidbard · 9 months
tell me what’s going on in your wonderland au!!!!!!! aaaaaaaa!!!!
Oh boy !!!
I have so much about this au stored in my brain or dms with friends lol one of these days I’ll make some master posts on details of the characters, but for now, essentially, it’s Alice in wonderland !!!! /lh
Basically, we’ve got Hatter Heart (The Mad Hatter), King of Spades/Spades Mind (queen of hearts), Cheshire Soul (the Cheshire Cat), and Tycho/Whole (Alice)
I’m gonna go into a bit of detail here under the break, so PLEASE feel free to ask questions, give any thoughts or theories or anything <3
All three have gone considerably insane over time. Heart has quite lost their mind, often not even remembering events in their past until there are moments of clarity, which sends them into a sort of still spiral for a bit. Otherwise he is quite eccentric and talks in elaborate words and senseless sentences.
Mind is stubborn and cold outwardly, but he is quite lonely. He has his card subjects who fold and bow to his every word in fear, when really he misses his brothers. He tries to ignore the falseness of his rule.
Soul is highly eccentric and carefree, often pulling little pranks, being an annoying little shit for his own entertainment. He is very catlike, with ears, a tail, and her hands forming more like paws with claws and pads on his hands. The classic Cheshire smile is in the form of a bandana he often wears over his mouth, which becomes a strange, warped mouth/smile.
Tycho is caught in a loop of going through wonderland, he comes and goes again and again. Time for Tycho spent in wonderland does not pass any time in the real world. If it’s June 1st, for example, when Tycho falls back into wonderland, and he spends say 12 days in this particular loop, when he gets back out, it will still be the exact same time as when he fell in. Time will move on until he falls back in. No real time passes for Tycho when he’s wonderland. He will age in wonderland, but be “reset” when he gets back to his time/world.
Time passes continually for HMS in wonderland, though I don’t think they quite age, time comparisons are confusing, and frankly, I haven’t the energy to think that far in detail. The point is, HMS do not loop when Tycho does, the continue on.
HMS have an interesting relationship here. It’s more of a Soul and Mind and then Soul and Heart; Heart and Mind are almost fully separated and distant here, going back to The Blinding. I am keeping the details of The Blinding secret for now as I’m commissioning the beloved duck sky social climb to draw it, so that will be shown eventually.
All that needs to be known there is Heart is very distant from Mind, and this causes tension between all three because they all want to come back together and exist all together in wonderland. I’ll share more details again later.
Soul is often found hanging around Mind’s palace or Heart‘s tea table in the forest.
And yeah like I said, I have SO MUCH about this all, so PLEASE ask any questions, I want to try and draw some bits and scenes and stuff for this too, so please come talk to me about it!!
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socialc1imb · 4 months
Wonder who these guys belong to
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( aka cryptidbard’s wonderland au )
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ephemeralhatred · 4 months
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ladycathastrofe · 2 months
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💚 T H E VV I T C H 💚
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chaotictoon · 1 year
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^ ̳ᴗ ̫ ᴗ ̳^ Kitten ^ ̳ᴗ ̫ ᴗ ̳^
Cartoon girls + cat girls
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quaveyllc · 2 months
My friend @fierrochaseist4t suggested I watch Batman: Soul of the dragon and let me tell ya'll. If you love blaxplotation and kung fu movies, you're gonna love this. The whole thing is just batman but a 70's Kung fu movie. The movie has some crazy deep cuts for comic fans.
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Like they had Judomaster, Richard dragon, Jade Nguyen, and O sensei
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Highly recommend this movie man solid 9.9/10
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cheshirewrites · 8 months
Cheshire Writes || intro post🌙
Hello! My name is Cheshire, though most people call me Ches. My pronouns are she/they, and I'm currently a college student studying creative writing.
My main goal as a writer is to create the queer representation that I always wanted to see growing up, and what that means for different people. I mostly dabble in fantasy and horror, or anything that catches my eye, honestly, and this blog is mostly to ramble about that!
Current Wips!
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Set in a world where technology and magic are on equal standing, but never can be combined. Rue, a mechanist, accidentally discovers a secret at the heart of the city, and along with his two partners and mechanical companion, has to get to the center of it all.
ocs: Rue, Oliver, Felix, Rose, Tori
Other Things
I am queer, neurodivergent, and disabled, and my characters often reflect that.
Most of my posts are either rambles related to specific stories (tagged with story and characters) or reblogs based on characters, but I may post snippets once I've started writing.
Feel free to reblog or respond to this if my stories sound like something you'd be interested in!
Follow backs will come from my main, @aconfusedkitten :D
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valhelos · 5 months
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bex-saysike · 10 months
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Another Smiler drawing, I was basically listening to some retrospective videos about old Disney villains from bronze/silver age Disney films and thought "hey, how about I draw Smiler with their psychedelic spiralling eyes acting all spooky". And so I made this, really proud of how this turned out :]
I managed to make it look like something out of a Ride Souls film. Where it's all dark and spooky in the forest of the Ride Souls realm, echoed giggling is probably heard from above in the trees, until a smile is seen above one of the branches, followed by a pair of spiralling eyes and a cat that giggles in between their sentences...... yeah, some spooky stuff-
I might try getting back into stuff like this more, this was really fun to make- and it would fit in also with the whole "old Disney film" theme I have going on for Ride Souls. Cuz if there's one thing I know, is that Disney had some spooky imagery in their films-
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partyswirl · 6 months
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somehow this is the most cursed drawing of her i've made i always draw her so happy and even with all the different depictions of her she has a soul she has the same soul and that's how you can tell it's her. i don't think i see her soul here
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avicryptidbard · 9 months
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locked out
little wonderland au lore doodle (there’s like 3 metaphors in here; if you have theories, they are very welcome)
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victorluvsalice · 10 months
AU Thursday: Valicer In The Dark -- First(ish) Meeting
I have been really into Blades In The Dark and thus my Valicer In The Dark AU lately, so I figured this week, I'd share a little bit of fanfic from the verse with you all! Namely, how Alice and Smiler first met Victor -- because, if you recall from previous posts, Alice and Smiler were actually already somewhat acquainted from Alice's previous trips to Silkshore (the pleasure district, and thus the Advocates' main stomping grounds and where Smiler peddles their Joy Serum) to visit Nan. The context is that Alice recently finished her trip through this world's version of A:MR, and has thus realized that Bumby is the one responsible for the deaths of her family AND that he's selling the children under his car to despicable sorts. HOWEVER, in this world, she can't just confront him at a handy underground station and shove him under a train -- not only are subways not a thing in Duskwall, killing Bumby the wrong way in this world might leave a ghost, and the last thing Alice wants to deal with is Bumby ghost! So instead she chose to head to Nan at The Manged Mermaid to discuss with her what to do. She's making her way through Silkshore, wrapped up in dark thoughts about Bumby, when suddenly...
“Hi Alice!”
Alice damn near started right out of her skin, hand automatically heading for her knife – then her brain caught up with her reflexes and provided her with a name to go with the voice. “Oh,” she said, shaking her head as she turned toward the source. “Hello, Smiler.”
“Gave you a bit of a fright, huh? Sorry about that.” Smiler grinned at her over the top of their little carry case/makeshift display for their Joy Serum samples. “You looked awfully deep in thought just then,” they continued, snapping the lid shut and reaching down to fold up the legs. “Everything all right?”
“I. . .” Alice ran her fingers through her hair, staring at the cobbles nearby. “Not really.”
Smiler’s expression in her peripheral vision softened, becoming concerned. “What’s wrong?”
Uh-oh – how safe is it to tell an Advocate that you’re feeling blue? On the other hand, they haven’t tried to stick me with a syringe yet. . .in fact, Smiler’s always been quite respectful of my boundaries. More so than Dr. Bumby, that bastard. . .should I tell them what I’ve learned? I mean, I don’t know them that well. . .but they’ve always been a friendly face around here for me. Quite literally. Always ready with a smile for anyone who needs it. . .and they did just give me a handful of slugs one day when I mentioned I wasn’t sure how I was going to pay for my lunch. Never said a word about if or when I should pay it back. Bloody hell, that probably makes them the closest person I could call a friend in this world, after Nanny. Oh, but would they even believe me if I told them? Bumby’s got such a good reputation, and I’m. . .lucky not to be Hollow.
“You’ll never find out if you keep dithering,” Cheshire told her, batting her foot with his paw. “Thought before action, yes, but you must eventually move to action. I would say the devotee of Mar-Mal can be trusted this far – if only because they have a duty to their less-than-forgotten god to stamp unhappiness out. And Bumby has caused a lot of unhappiness.”
Fair. “It’s – Dr. Bumby,” she began, turning to face Smiler properly. “I’ve – I’ve got reason to believe he’s done something terrible. Is actively doing something terrible, in fact. You see–”
At least this time when she started, Smiler was right there with her. They both whirled around to see a pale man with dark hair and an equally-dark suit lying on the cobbles just behind them, surrounded by mist and fog. He lifted his head slowly, revealing a thin, pointed face with large brown eyes so dark they were almost black. He stared back at them, expression tight with desperation. “Oh,” he breathed, stumbling to his feet like he was unaccustomed to having them. One white hand reached out, almost glowing in the light of the streetlamp. “I. . .are – a-are you alive?”
Oh SHIT – Alice’s hand plunged into her pocket, digging around desperately for the spiritbane charm that lived in there. The pale figure swayed closer as she did, forcing her back a few terrified steps. Not what I need, not what I need –
“Alice!” Suddenly Smiler’s hand was plucking at her sleeve, pulling her out of her own head. “No, it’s okay, look! He’s breathing!”
Alice did look. Sure enough, as she watched, the pale man’s breath fogged in the air, same as theirs. And now that her senses weren’t overtaken with terror, it dawned on her that he looked far too solid to be a ghost. “So he is,” she said, relaxing slightly. “But – where did he come from?”
“Though that – oh. . .” The man frowned at a nearby wall, hand still half-raised to point. “I – um – t-there was a door there. . .”
Smiler ventured closer for a look. “Huh. . .I think I can see an outline,” they reported, squinting. “But if there is a door there, it’s been bricked up for ages.” They glanced back at the man, one eyebrow raised. “So I haven’t the slightest how you got through it.”
“I’m n-not sure either. . .m-maybe it only matters that t-there was a door there once,” the man said, shaking his head. “T-the world looks so m-much different on the – the other side. . .”
“Other side?” Alice repeated. “Of what?”
“Of the f-field. . .please, y-you’ve got to help me,” he pleaded, hands clasped before him. “I – I w-woke someone up I s-shouldn’t have and I’ve been t-trapped on the wrong side of r-reality and I don’t–”
“Victor, darling. . .”
Alice hadn’t thought anyone with skin that white could blanch, but this fellow managed to pull it off. It was honestly impressive. “No,” he whispered, lurching toward Smiler as the closer option. “No, no, p-please, don’t let her f-find me, it’s not her f-fault but don’t let her find me–”
“Hey, hey, it’s fine,” Smiler assured him, wrapping an arm around him. “It’s going to be all right. You’re safe now. We’ll get you out of here, don’t worry. Alice, you were heading toward the Mangled Mermaid anyway, right?”
“I was,” Alice confirmed. “And I don’t think Nanny will mind be bringing along someone who obviously needs a blanket and something fortifying put down his throat.” She waved the two along. “Follow me – we’ll get you there safely, Mister. . . ?”
“Victor,” the man said, shooting them both a grateful look. “Victor Van Dort.”
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ephemeralhatred · 3 months
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pastel-rights · 2 years
Had the sudden thought of. what if the hallways Amy lived in wasn’t located in the normal universe but in the swap AU where Naib would be a hunter…
And I think I’d be safe to say that AU’s Amy would be SCREWED.
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cheshire387 · 2 years
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More SE AU with Law being a cursed sword that drains its meisters of life force if used for too long
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knightscanfeeltoo · 1 year
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Oscar in Wonderland??
(maybe anri of astora would be better but there’s no cats in dark souls 3 and i love oscar more...)
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