#Chicago 1893
cleabellanov · 3 months
And when I'm back in Chicago, I feel it
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Another version of me, I was in it...
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I wave goodbye to the end of beginning
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(goodbye, goodbye)
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twilight-zoned-out · 7 months
"Seven years ago we all went through the flames; and the happiness of some of us since then is, we think, well worth the pain we endured."
Although Dracula was published in 1897, some think that it takes place in 1893 because of the way the days and dates used line up. If that's the case, Jonathan Harker's epilogue, seven years later, would have been added around 1900. A new era bubbling with new change and new conventions. The story ends with Jonathan looking ahead to a new century filled with the unknown and being able to look on the past, despite its darkness, "without despair."
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harrowitzer · 2 months
If you know me, you know I'm a nerd for historical research. I found this great 3d model of the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago. There are even videos! Look at these great views.
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kaesaaurelia · 5 months
Love to be scrolling the Chicago tag and getting posts about that bonkers conspiracy theory that all classical and neoclassical architecture is what remains of an ancient civilization of giants and the reason most of the stuff built for the 1893 World's Fair is no longer standing is because (((they))) don't want you to know history and not because that shit was always temporary, was slated for demolition, and then burned down by accident before that.
"Oh but it's sooo detailed and pretty! How could it be temporary?" Tell me you never worked in tech theater without telling me. Tell me you know jack shit about the long history of making pretty scenery that's not meant to last long for all kinds of fucking reasons.
And it's not like there's detailed documentation of what was and was not standing in Chicago in 1871 that doesn't fucking include any of these supposedly ancient structures - oh, wait, there fucking is! There's also janky 19th century attempts at BEFORE AND AFTER 3D IMAGES of that shit, believe it or not. Because oh yeah, there was a big goddamn fire then too, because fire was a huge problem in 19th century cities generally.
(Love to see San Francisco also included in this "oh suuure there was a fire" bs. No fucking shit, their flag has a goddamn phoenix on it, there sure fucking was a fire.)
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Doing research on the 1893 Chicago World Fair and goddanm what didn't happen at this fair? It had the first ferris wheel that was apart of what later inspired the first major amusement park, George Washington Carver showed some art there and he was pretty young at the time, a song was written for belly dancers performing there that would end up beings sampled in probably hundreds of songs including Take It Off by Kesha??? All sorts of shit was introduced there like Juicy Fruit gum, Shredded Wheat and Cracker Jacks to name a few, the fucking mayor died (didn't just die, GOT SHOT), it lasted for almost a year for reasons I can't fathom, and the other versions of this fair where mostly failures. what was in that Chicago air in 1893??
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heich0e · 2 years
if your fav was a vampire what major historical event were they present for
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I’m playing through HYSC right now, and I just finished the chapter where they all go to the world’s fair. And as cheesy as it was to read them all explain the historical context to each, so we the modern audience can understand it, it was actually one of my favorite parts of the story so far. Cause I’m thinking about them going to the World’s Fair in context, and this is where a lot of things were debuted for the first time. This is a big showcase of Progress™ in the western world. And like imagine. It’s the first time you’ve ever experienced an ice cream float. PBR didn’t exist before, and now it does and it’s the best beer you’ve ever had for some reason. The whole goddamn fair is powered by electricity, and how is that even possible to generate so much electricity! There’s a Ferris Wheel what the fuck is that I don’t know but it’s huge!! Idk something about Edith’s, Layla’s, and Joshua’s joy at experiencing for the first time things I take for granted in my daily life got to me. I know the story’s about to go downhill for them all very soon, but damn that unbridled joy.
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idealrenaissancecity · 11 months
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jhsharman · 1 year
Turtle Power
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"Silly girls" is deemed okay versus "stupid girls". Obnoxious relationship either way.
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The former coloring scheme has the benefit of laying out seaweed and swamp gunk. Now watch the date and consider its relationship to the year of publication, either 1964 or 2004.
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Makes more sense for an old reclusive woman to have been around in 1893 in one year than the other year. I suppose there is no reason to dump it to 1933 -- even as a reference to a fair moves from being a historic one and Chicago's coming out party to being some generic fair and presumably her dad now bought a small forty year turtle -- maybe a 40th anniversary commemoration of the Chicago World Fair?
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... So... Sixty years ...
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Or, running up into the narrative of time lost from granny. Little Archie watches no shows about World War 2 any more.
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"Let my turtle go" is good in its brevity but makes for an interesting conscious choice to extend past its declaration given it is a reference to a spiritual connecting the story of Moses and the Israelites with African American slavery. I am reminded of seeing it in the early 1990s used in a public service ad in regarding pet animal abandonment and finding it... out of place. Though, the Wikipedia page on "Go Down Moses" offers up more irreverent reference examples -- Ferris Bueller and Easy A.
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dlyarchitecture · 1 year
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Chocolate-Menier Pavilion, World’s Columbian Exposition,
Chicago, Illinois, Perspective View
Peter Joseph Weber (American, 1863-1923)
C. Graham (American)
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princetonarchives · 1 year
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Menu Monday: On June 19, 1893, Princeton student Emory Leyden Ford (Class of 1896) ate at the Golden Door Cafe and Roof Garden at Chicago’s Transportation Building and pasted the menu from the trip in his scrapbook. The Golden Door was how visitors were welcomed to the 1893 World’s Columbian Exhibition. Princeton had its own exhibition booth at the fair. This $1 meal would be about $35 today.
Scrapbook Collection (AC026), Box 199
The entire Menu Monday series
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creature-wizard · 2 years
Tartaria believers claim that the buildings for the 1893 Chicago World Fair were built by Tartarians. I guess they missed out on learning how the buildings were hastily built from cheap materials because they were always meant to be temporary, and that’s why the damn thing caught on fire.
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kiradical · 3 months
#I wish all flat earthers and “truthers” a very die#very very annoyed by a video a friend sent me about Chicago#where this idiot claimed the 1893 worlds fair was how Chicago looked BEFORE the great fire#but famously that happened AFTER THE FIRE#IT WAS A PRETTY BIG FUCKING DEAL THAT IT HAPPENED AFTER THE FIRE#plus all those pretty (and white mind you—that’s not lost on me) building he shows and alleged were permanent structures#were quite literally and again famously not permanent#they were basically paper mache buildings#meant to last only the duration of the exposition 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃#and famously were left to rot#like#come on man this shit isn’t even hard and is not even slightly obscured in history#like you wanna say the Statue of Liberty looks like a painting of Lucifer…. sure#that’s not like…. provable I guess#(it’s sorta dumb but who doesn’t have dumb little pet theories sometimes)#but this shit is verifiable facts and isn’t obscured because all of it was a Big Deal#also he acts like the golden statue from the exposition is still around and it very much is not#and I know this sounds like I’m mad specifically about the Chicago thing#(which tbf I am p mad about because the exposition and Chicago history in general are some of my special interests)#but like he also has a video like this about new york and how it’s big apple nickname is satanic#and has flat earther as his name#like I just know he’s spreading wild misinformation and lies about so much shit#and it makes me TRULY angry#so like yeah I’m mad about the Chicago thing but that’s because I KNOW THE STUFF#I KNOW HES WRONG#AND I HAVE DONE THE RESEARCH TO KNOW HES WRONG#but what if someone else out there comes across literally any of his other videos and doesn’t know this stuff? a kid maybe?#someone in the right place mentally to be radicalized into this shit?#it just breeds more of it and I wish we would do something about this shit but idk what could be done#other than censorship but that’s just a whole other can of worms
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dragons1re · 3 months
Haven’t stopped thinking about how my friends told me that I’m ”what hipsters wish they were“.
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theworkprint · 8 months
Loki and Sylvie go round and round in “1893”
Loki and Sylvie go round and round in “1893”
Welcome to Chicago, IL. 1868 where Miss Minutes has a clandestine mission for Ms. Renslayer. Fans of classic sci-fi will appreciate the “Bootstrap Paradox” that occurs here when Renslayer provides a young Victor Timely (our Kang variant for this season) with a TVA handbook. Meanwhile, back at the TVA, despite the mass pruning, new branches have started springing up again—causing O.B. major panic.…
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