#Chicago Bulls Bucket Boys
capstoverogers · 3 years
Pick Up Games - A 90s Avengers Fic
Synopsis: In a universe where Carol Danvers stays her ass put on Earth and the entire MCU takes place during the greatest decade, I present to you: the Avengers in the 90s, playing street ball
Pairings: Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau, BestFriends!Maria Rambeau & Sam Wilson, Implied Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes, V Subtle BlackHill
Warnings: Allusions to the traumatizing singing animatronics at Chuck E. Cheese
Word Count: 1,156
In 1996, Sam Wilson is always wearing his Scottie Pippen Chicago Bulls jersey.
“MJ would be nothing without Pippen,” he constantly and confidently explains to anyone who will listen. “Every Michael needs his Scottie.”
Sam thinks he’s a much better basketball player than he actually is, but he can hold his own if he can keep his trigger-happy hands from launching an unnecessary three-pointer in pick-up games. He’ll maybe make one per game (and will consider himself the next Steve Kerr because of it), but he makes up for it because he’s the absolute king of assists.
Sam and Carol Danvers lead the charge to get some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the Avengers together to play pick-up every Saturday morning at the closest park. Maria and Monica Rambeau always dutifully watch from the bleachers (the former acting like its her greatest weekend inconvenience, though they all know she loves it). Monica insists on bringing the boombox, acts as the official DJ as she switches back and forth between the local hip hop and classic rock stations, because Carol swears nothing gets her in the game like glam metal.
Steve Rogers can always be seen nervously pacing the sidelines (he doesn’t think it’d be fair if he and his bulging chest join the game; besides he’s always been more of a baseball kind of guy), acting as the unofficial referee, no matter how many times they explain to him that the very nature of street ball is no rules.
“I just don’t want anybody to get hurt,” he whines with a pout so unintentionally puppy-like that they can’t help but keep letting him ref.
They call Bucky Barnes “the silent assassin” because you forget he’s there until suddenly he’s dropped twenty buckets on you out of nowhere. He grumbles every time Sam smacks his ass after a good play, but they all share secret smirks at the way he also flushes.
Rambeau alternates between heckling Sam every time he bricks a shot and hollering, “Hell yeah, that’s my best friend!” whenever he does his signature fake right, dish left to a wide open Hawkeye who sinks the three or lobs a perfect ally oop to Thor for the slam dunk.
Speaking of Hawkeye, Clint Barton is absolutely useless unless he’s behind the arc. Can’t dribble worth shit, but no one’s ever seen him miss a shot. Not ever.
Natasha Romanoff doesn’t play but can always be found wearing the shortest shorts anyone’s ever seen as she lounges on the bleachers, bobbing her head to the radio and trading jokes with Monica. When the game ends, she husks out a ‘good game, boys’ until an insistent cough draws her attention to a playfully glowering Maria Hill (who is an absolute beast on defense and in the post with that delightfully long torso of hers).
Without fail, Natasha flashes her the kind of smirk that’ll make you have to gulp down an entire gatorade in one go.
“But of course as always, the ladies did it better.”
“Thank you.” That would be Carol interrupting the moment. She’s the self-proclaimed captain every week and takes pick-up games way too seriously. Peter Parker’s no longer allowed to play with them because everyone’s afraid her competitiveness with crush his tiny little earnest spirit.
Carol’s absolutely radiant when her team wins, though, immediately beelining it to the bleachers to hoist a cheering Monica onto her shoulders as she quirks an eyebrow at the girl’s pretending-not-to-be-impressed mother.
“Don’t I get something for winning?” Carol baits.
“Yeah, you get to follow this ass to the car so you can buy us lunch.”
There’s a chorus of “oooohs” and Carol pouts until Rambeau breaks down and plants a kiss on her lips. Monica scrambles off Carol’s shoulders to leap into the arms of an approaching Sam (in a frankly very dangerous maneuver that Maria side eyes with pursed lips) as they all head for the parking lot. Bruce Banner - who shows up late and smothered in sunscreen - consoles a ruddy faced Thor with an awkward pat on the back, because the God of Thunder is absolutely a sore loser.
(“These silly Midgard games have nothing on the grand arena events we’d hold on Asgard each century! There I am the undisputed champion!”)
Carol and Maria jump into their neighboring convertibles, playfully competing to see who can get Monica to ride with them until the girl proclaims “I want to ride with Uncle Sam!” Carol gapes and Maria rolls her eyes fondly as Sam triumphantly cackles.
“You raising her right, Rambeau,” Sam teases. “She knows quality when she sees it.”
Carol putting her middle finger on display in his direction just makes Sam laugh louder as he carries Monica over to his trusty blue Camry, followed a little too close by Bucky (everyone does them the courtesy of pretending not to notice). Steve throws his ham-hocked leg over his Harley, and the rest pile into Barton’s mini van (Natasha forgoes claiming her usual assumed position of shot gun to instead press her thighs against a self-satisfied Maria Hill in the backseat).
They make their way to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch because let’s be real, Monica calls the shots (and Sam honestly likes their pizza, he doesn’t care how the super soldier Brooklyn Boys give him shit for this “blasphemy”). Tony Stark, Pepper Potts and little Morgan Stark meet them there and Stark spontaneously decides to buy a birthday party package, even though it’s nowhere close to anyone’s birthday and the Chuck E. Cheese is technically already fully booked for the day. But he’s Tony Stark - like they’re really gonna say no. With a slice of pizza in one hand and a fountain coke in the other, Tony babbles on about how he could improve the animatronic technology to make it less creepy.
“I better not go into the garage later and see one of those things,” Pepper warns as she warily eyes the stuttering movements of robotic Chuck and gang as they sing an honestly not terrible cover of the Beatles “Eight Days a Week.”
Carol and Monica go on a rampage through all the games and absolutely clean out the place, earning enough tickets to win a huge Captain Marvel plushie that Carol cheekily gifts Maria (who rolls her eyes but secretly pulls out to cuddle against every time Carol’s called up to space for long periods of time) and Thor talks excitedly about the nine realms with a creature he swears he recognizes from space until Bruce has to gently point out that it’s just a human in a giant rat costume.
That night, Carol gets an AOL instant message from NicholasNotNickFury:
NicholasNotNickFury: thanks for inviting me to your little Saturday pick up games
CaptainHotStuff: but we didn’t invite you
The end.
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heresathreebee · 4 years
Garrote part 3
[Starz Power Diego Jimenez X Jazmine Mann (Black!OC)]
Word Count: 2,700 words
Warning(s): Rated Mature, language, partying, mentions of sex and drugs. Previous Masterlist Next
AN: I am constantly mere clicks away from releasing everything I have at once but I know if I do I will lose momentum for the plot. 
Edit: I. Forgot. The tags again.
@nicke0115 @1zashreena1 @mental-bycatch
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The week that followed was heaven and hell. Diego went back to throwing parties nightly, fucking girls coked out of his mind, and in general trying to forgot all about Healy and his pretty bait, but Tommy Eagan was threatening war over a dead partner unless Alicia met his ridiculous demands. Thanks to Tommy's new right hand man, there was an opportunity to gain instead of lose now. All they had to do was wait and see if Dre could pull through. 
There were two new numbers in Diego's phone. One unsaved that sent cryptic messages about their deal, and the other marked as an emoji rather than a name. Jazmine's texts seemed forced– like she was reaching out on behalf of Healy's instructions. So of course Diego elected to simply ignore them both. They were buzzkills anyways. 
Diego was showing something important on his phone to his sister when Jazmine sent another text. 
Remember when you scared off Haagen? I miss that every time I see him. 
On the other end of the line, Jazmine felt pathetic sending the text. Healy hadn't even asked her to write this time, she was just so… bored. She hadn't been sleeping well, pulling double shifts involuntarily since her boss found out she closed the store when her coworker didn't show up. She carried her stress in her shoulders– the tightness in her neck caused her daily migraines and there was a new pinching sensation between her shoulder blades to accompany the rest of her pain. In the shower, she massaged whatever she could reach and thought of Diego's big hands doing it for her. 
She literally shook herself to clear the thought and pelted the shower curtain with water in the process. Diego Jimenez wasn't some faux bad boy with a secret soft side– he was the leader of a cartel. If he hadn't killed people himself, he definitely had people killed for him. He was beyond dangerous to even fantasize about. 
Her phone called out to her from the bathroom counter and she realized it was past time to get out. Her fingers were pruned to the point of over-sensitivity and there was a rapidly closing window to apply the leave-in conditioner to the best of its use. Still, she wiped her hands on the towel to read the text. 
Come out and party. Wear something nice. 
Alicia boxed his ear over the last sentence but he brushed her off. Jazmine declined anyways claiming exhaustion and went to bed. There were people to socialize with already– what was the absence of one little minimum wage laborer going to do?  Apparently she was important enough to occupy a corner of Diego's head. He was still bent about the way she had reacted to his identity. Who the hell did she think she was? As they discovered in the ungodly hour after the party ended, she was also important enough to drag Healy out of whatever hole he hid in. 
"Diego, we need to talk." 
Alicia had gone home– Diego expected she would likely never attend another one of her brother's parties as it wasn't her brand of debauchery– and she'd cleared the place out in her disgust, so his penthouse was empty for once. 
"What's the matter," Diego poured himself yet another drink, "am I not being a good boyfriend?" 
"We don't care what you do when you're not operating," Healy reprimanded. "But we need you to cooperate. Be a presence in Jazmine's fake life. You've been established as a rival for her affections, and you need to become an obstacle standing between the bait and the target. Jazmine walks home from work every single morning by herself. I don't know if you noticed it's been pouring buckets for three days straight." 
Healy almost sounded like he was shaming Diego. It wasn't his fault she was poor. She wasn't his real girlfriend and therefore not his real problem. "Please don't make me regret making this deal, Diego. We will never get an opportunity to dismantle Haagen like this again. Need I remind you that you've got a missing child on your hands?" 
Diego glared fiercely over the rim of his cup. Healy smoothed his hands down the front of his shirt and returned to his neutral position as righteous commander. 
"Schedule more time to spend with Jazmine, especially in public spaces. We have it on good authority that Haagen is going to put a detail out to give him updates on Jazmine in the near future, and he needs to see you in these updates." Healy turned on his heel and reached the elevators, stopping them from closing dramatically and fixing Diego with a stare. "And no more ignoring us." 
Jazmine woke up the next morning to one new notification. 
I'm coming over. 
"Oh shit." The woman threw herself out of bed and looked around. This wasn't fair. Cleaning day was a bi monthly ritual where she took a day off to deep clean the entire apartment, blasting music and stepping around her dog to get things done. Hercules wandered into her bedroom looking chipper as ever. "I guess we better get started then, huh?" 
The fucker showed up on her doorstep not ten minutes after she got out of bed– she wasn't even dressed for the day. Her hands nervously tried to cover the broth stain on her jeans as she cleared a space for him to sit and wait while she finished her morning routine. She worried while brushing her teeth that Diego might be a psycho like her last boyfriend. Psycho enough to kick her overly friendly pet, but no sound of yelps filtered through the paper thin walls and when she finally emerged, the pit-bull was settled with her head on his lap. 
Diego turned his head at the sound of a huge sigh. Jazmine was gazing at him but quickly turned when she realized she'd been caught. She began to flit about the room, picking up lost things and piling them up until she could figure out what items went where. He watched, making absolutely no move to help other than keeping the dog out of the way. Hercules– as the tag on her collar read– laid as much in his lap as he would allow. 
"Buena perro," he muttered, and if she still had a tail, she would have wagged it. Growing bored, Diego rose and stalked over to the fridge. "Do you have anything to eat?" 
The white void in the fridge answered for her, but she still called out, "no, it's empty." 
"I'm ordering pizza." 
"What about Chinese?" 
Diego looked at the lonely, days-old Chinese boxes in the fridge and shivered. "I'm getting pizza." She didn't complain. He returned to the couch to do just that. Distractedly, he admired the curve of her spine as she bent over. She wore jeans again and another band shirt, this time it was a baggy Chicago thing. He licked his lips thinking about taking them off her. 
Healy’s meddling had repercussions– mainly that it would made taking girls home harder, or at least less frequent. Diego still felt great suspicion towards this Jazmine, but it didn’t stop his body from wanting her under him. Or over him, on him, riding him… he tried to blink the images out of his head. 
“What kind of dirt does Healy have on you?,” he found himself asking. “My sister and I have been dying to know.” 
Jazmine shrugged, keeping her back to him. “No dirt.” 
“So you’re just helping out of the goodness of your heart?” Pizza arrived in time for her not to answer, and they returned to their positions for further interrogation. “Anything to get that creep Haagen away from you for good? Or are you an agent as well?” 
“No,” she said. She slipped rubber gloves on to begin maintenance on the tower of dishes piled on the side of the sink. She seemed to live alone– there was no reason to have so many dishes. Maybe he had been wrong in his assessment from earlier? Or maybe she was just a hoarder. “To tell you the truth, I’m about as fond of Healy as I am Haagen. I take that back– Healy’s a step up but not by much.” 
“Because you don’t trust him?” 
“I don’t know…” That mountain of plates and glasses seemed to disappear quicker than he expected and she began to scrub out the sink and the cleared counters, grunting with effort as she did so. “I trust I know the kind of man Haagen is, more so than I do with Healy. Partnerships like the one I have with Healy– they’re subject to change, and not always for the better. He’ll always do what’s in his best interest. What’s good for him is good for me.” 
For Now. The implication that she may harbor the same feelings towards Diego was not lost on him. In fact, he stood up from the couch and approached the windows with their blinds down to peek out at the street. There was nothing quite so conspicuous as a black SUV with a mean mugging thug staring back at him. Even his own protection didn’t roll that sloppily. 
Jazmine objected to the windows being opened but Diego insisted. “Need our relationship on display, right? Haagen’s got to know I’m here.” 
She relented quickly and threw her gloves aside, plopping her butt on the couch to rest a moment. The leftovers in the box were room temperature but she hardly seemed to mind. God, he wanted to run his hand up her shirt just to see if she was wearing a bra. They twitched in his lap and he realized there was no way she missed the hunger in his gaze as he did. 
“Did you bring those beers,” she laughed as she noticed the case on the coffee table for the first time. “Can I have one?” 
The beer seemed to quell the tiny tremor in her fingers. She kicked her feet up on the coffee table permitting Diego to do the same. "What the hell are we even doing? Hanging out? What exactly is this accomplishing?" 
Jazmine gave it some thought as she took a pull from her drink. "Putting on a show. We need Haagen to think I'm in love with you, like you're no good but I'm not ready to let you go for something 'better.'" 
"And Haagen is something," Diego put his fingers up like claws, "better." 
"He certainly needs to think he is." She noticed Hercules whining and let her out the door unaccompanied. "We've got his 'gentleman' ego to work with." 
Diego followed her to the window and grasped her hips from behind. She half turned, gazing up at him with a question in her eyes. He leaned into her space to whisper into her ear. 
"Those eyes Healy thinks Haagen sent to watch you? Well they're watching right now, and they're not being subtle about it." 
She doesn't try to look like he expected her to. Instead, she stepped away from him and pointedly crossed her arms. "You don't look very comfortable if you're still wearing that." 
She nodded her head at his coat. 
"So take it off me." 
That startled her. Jazmine's eyebrows lifted, and her feet shuffled when he gave her nothing but a smirk in return. Finally, she did as he suggested. She did not miss the way his hands seemed to brush lightly over her rib cage. These small, fleeting touches that left her breath audible and her stomach warm. He didn't even give her a chance to put the coat on the hangar when he dragged her back against him. 
"What are you doing?" She didn't mean to sound breathless, turning her head to the side and exposing more of her neck at the behest of his pushy nose and allowing him to trail kisses on her skin. 
"Putting on a show," he said against the shell of her ear. 
He felt her stiffen a little against him. The tent on his pants was preventing a lot of important blood from entering his brain, but he was conscience enough to feel how conflicted she was. Diego slipped his hand up her shirt like he wanted, cupping her bare breast and sucking a mark into her neck. She allowed it, but it felt more like compliance than enjoyment. All at once and against the protest of his body, he let her go. He watched her shoulders relax and her hands find a home beneath her armpits. 
Jazmine nodded in answer to a question left unasked. She did grab his hand and pull him away from the window, backwards into the tiny hall separating the front room from the bedroom and bathroom. She dropped his hand as soon as they were out of sight of the window. 
"I appreciate the enthusiasm," she said. "Just hang out for twenty more minutes and you can leave. I'll text you tomorrow and we can makes plans for another 'show.' You can stay in my room while I clean the bathroom." 
Diego sat heavily on her bed. Just as he was about to get comfortable, someone knocked at the front door. Jazmine brushed invisible dirt from her knees as she got up to see who it was. He followed from a distance. The peep hole was almost out of her reach, but she stood on her toes to see outside. Suddenly, the woman looked back at him with wide eyes. It's Haagen, she mouthed. As soon as her head was turned to the task of confronting him, she missed the part where Diego began to undress. 
"Hey!" She flung the door open and yelped when Hercules barreled through her legs to get inside. "You... found my dog!" 
"Indeed," Haagen said, folding his hands over his heart. "I saw this poor creature wandering and I returned him using the address on its collar. I am astounded to learn that he belongs to you." Nice cover story. The man continued, "since you have the day off, I was wondering–" 
Haagen's wondering was cut off by the appearance of a half naked boyfriend. Diego wound his arm around Jazmine and leaned down so he could engulf her clothed nipple with his hot mouth. She gasped, pushing his head away on instinct and he pressed her into his side like a vice. 
"Come back to bed, baby," he purred, then pretended to take notice of Haagen watching in the doorway. "Oh, you're that guy, right? James, Jeff, Jebediah or whatever." 
"Jeremy," the man hissed through his teeth. "Hello Di-e-go." 
"Right right right." An embarrassed Jazmine buried her face into Diego's nude shoulder, acting unconsciously but playing into her role perfectly. "Kinda crazy how I start hearing about you and then all of a sudden you're showing up on my girl's doorstep, isn't it?" 
Haagen made a move to defend himself but Jazmine was quicker. "He found the dog, honey! Jeremy was just bringing her home, he didn't know I lived here." 
"Right," Haagen cleared this throat. 
Diego's smile bordered on a threatening mania-- there were far too many teeth displayed to suggest any sort of friendliness. "Life is so full of strange coincidences…" 
No one missed the way he squeezed Jazmine harder. It sent a message to be sure. Vague enough for Haagen to infer whatever he deemed necessary to the story in his head. It was quite brilliant actually. 
"Well I ought to," Haagen swallowed, "leave you to it then. I'll see you around the shop, then?" 
"Bye–" she barely managed to say before Diego dragged her into the apartment and slammed the door shut. He kept dragging her all the way back to her bedroom, and all the while she protested being treated like a misbehaving child. It wasn't until he'd slammed the door and collected his shirt from the floor that she realized what exactly had transpired. 
"Oh." She brushed the frizzing curls invading her eyes, "oh that was perfect. Healy was right to pick you." 
Diego rolled his shoulders once his shirt was tucked back into place. "Come over tonight. I'll text you my address and we can capitalize on this. Wear something nice." 
She was about to protest his leaving but realized it wouldn't matter. If Haagen expected a fight from the noises he'd heard, he would probably just assume it had ended quickly if he saw Diego storm out alone. He crafted his own version of events. She let the pieces fall where they lie and made arrangements to meet Diego tonight. 
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dpinoycosmonaut · 4 years
by Reuel Hermoso / 02 October 2020
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Two of the best all-around swingmen in the game - Heat star Jimmy Butler and Laker legend LeBron James - square off for all the marbles.  (Photo from slamonline.com)
               The smoke has cleared from both the Eastern and Western Conferences, and expectedly, the Los Angeles Lakers cinched their conference finals and the first NBA finals berth.  But in the Eastern Conference, an unlikely winner emerged – the Miami Heat, who just defeated the fancied Boston Celtics.  
               Eric Spoelstra’s troops are now marching on to the NBA finals, that glorious Nirvana that they have not been to since 2014 when they had current Lakers superstar LeBron James.  They lost that series to the San Antonio Spurs, winning just a game (to the Spurs’ four) in the seven-game series, and James returned to his homestate and its team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, the following year, and even conspired with celebrated backcourt wizard Kyrie Irving to give Cleveland its first NBA championship in 2016.  The Heat last won the NBA crown in 2013.  That makes for a really hungry team longing to feast on a championship glory.
               But if a seven-year fast looks bad, the Lakers are in a worse famine, last appearing – and winning – the NBA finals in 2010, when the late great Kobe Bryant was still their unquestioned leader.  Acquiring James’s services after he left the Cavs was a watershed event for the Lakers in their quest to finally end that 10-year title drought.  And signing up the highly-prized former New Orleans Pelicans power forward-center Anthony Davis was the last key to unlock the display chest holding the Larry O’Brien trophy for the Lakers to finally take home.
               Getting other pieces like former Houston Rockets big man Dwight Howard and young gunners Kentavius Caldwell-Pope and Alex Caruso to pace the backcourt, as well as versatile wingmen like the young Kyle Kuzma and the more experienced Markieff Morris to beef up the frontline, helped to complete this powerful Laker roster. Coach Frank Vogel, acquired just last year, has done some pretty admirable work in that short period, piloting the Lakers to a 52-19 win-loss card in just his first season – the best record in the Western Conference and the third-best in the entire league.  This is a team that was put together precisely to restore the Lakers’ lost glory, and with this ticket to the Big Dance, they’re just four wins away from accomplishing that.
               The Heat, however, are looking to spoil the Lakers’ date with destiny, believing that they have their own destiny to meet – and have proven they will not be denied that other finals slot.  The face of the Heat today, Jimmy Butler, is himself a story that mirrors the struggles of his team to get back its own former glory.  Thrown out of the house by his mother at the age of 13, Butler spent the following year hopping from house to house, living with friends who would take him in for a day, a week, or more if he was lucky.  Finally, a friend’s family decided to adopt him.
               They sent him to school, and later saw him off to college to fulfill his dreams of playing varsity basketball.  Initially, he played for Tyler College in his home state of Texas, and was later offered an academic scholarship at Marquette, a perennial March Madness contender in the US NCAA, for which former Heat superstar Dwyane Wade also played.  In his junior year, Butler helped the Golden Eagles to an 11-7 win-loss card that season in the NCAA’s Big East Conference and a fifth consecutive March Madness appearance.
               In the NBA, Butler became a journeyman of sorts, suiting up for the Chicago Bulls, which drafted him in 2011.  Although he played well in his long stint with the Bulls – at one point breaking Michael Jordan’s team record for most points in a half in a game they won against the Toronto Raptors on January 3, 2016 –Butler was plagued by injuries.  In 2017, he was traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves, and the following year he was again traded to the Philadelphia 76ers.  Finally, in a sign-and-trade deal, the guy famously known as “Jimmy Buckets” “moved (his) talent to South Beach,” in the famous words of James himself when he first left the Cavs in 2010 to join the Heat.
               With all this moving and seeming lack of rootedness even from his early adolescence, any lesser man would probably have called it quits.  Certainly not Butler though.  He couldn’t care less how people felt about him, whether they felt pity on him or hated his guts.  As sportswriter Garth Johnson put it in fansided.com: “A lot of guys in the league view basketball as a way to a lifestyle.  Jimmy Butler viewed basketball as a way to a life.  On his own since 13 in a small Texas town outside Houston, Butler had more to worry about than rubbing some people the wrong way.”  Read more about it in https://fansided.com/2020/02/29/jimmy-butler-heat-sledgehammer-greatness/.
               To cut to the chase, this Heat squad today is now Butler’s team – his and his alone.  Sure, he had his chances to carve out a leadership position with the Bulls, but that wasn’t meant to be.  He wasn’t exactly welcomed in Minnesota, and some like Johnson even think Butler broke the Timberwolves apart during his stint there.  But even then, as Johnson observes, “in his one season there they made their first playoff appearance in 14 years.”  The Timberwolves even had their first winning season in 13 years and had a win-loss card of 38-24 with Butler while going 9-11 without him.  They even fell from third in the West when he hurt his knee, to eighth going into the playoffs.
               “You don’t have to be a stat geek to see how they are (now) faring without him,” Johnson argues.
               More importantly, though, it’s what the Heat braintrust decided to do to get those other pieces they needed to put together a team that’s primed to surprise the NBA by achieving what it has in so short a time.  Butler is their crowning recruitment achievement in the offseason, but consider as well coach Spo’s starting five to give you an idea of this team’s ability to continue perplexing the league and its fans.  
               As civil engineer and casual basketball pundit Ramby Nolido observed, they first cornered Kentucky Wildcat sniper Tyler Herro – who now comes off the bench as a deadly sixth man – ahead of their Eastern Conference finals opponents, the Celtics, who were hoping the Heat would overlook him before making Herro the 13th overall draft pick, depriving the Celtics of a chance to get him in the next draft slot at 14th.  Then they acquired former Golden State Warriors small forward Andre Iguodala and two former Celtics – Jae Crowder and Kelly Olynyk – with Crowder playing with an ax to grind against his former team in the just-concluded Eastern Conference finals.  Heat management then brought up deadshot Duncan Robinson from their G-League team to light things up from rainbow country.
               “That’s four steps in the season that they got things right,” says Nolido.  And from their previous roster, they kept Bam Adebayo and Goran Dragic, a deadly frontline-backcourt tandem on both ends of the floor.
               The question thus inevitably surfaces: Who will win the NBA title – the first held in a “bubble” in its long history?  Who will get to take the Larry O’Brien trophy out of the bubble?
               Clearly, the advantage is in LA’s favor.  The combined firepower alone of James and Davis in the 2019-20 season is a whopping 51.5 points per game on the average.  The supporting cast is just as potent, with inside-outside threats Kuzma and Caruso combining with Davis, who has decent three-point shooting numbers and can take the ball inside with his vaunted size and athleticism.  Caldwell-Pope is also another recognized perimeter threat, but is a solid slasher as well.  Morris, JaVale McGee, and even Howard are also known to be able to hit it from the perimeter, although that isn’t their strong suit.
               What is their strong suit – and that of the rest of the Lakers – is their astounding inside scoring and, on the defensive end, their protection of the shaded lane.  Indeed, LA has dominated the paint throughout much of the season, and obviously the Lakers will continue to use their size and length to their fullest advantage.  Because despite the timely three-point bombs that guys like Kuzma, Caruso, Caldwell-Pope, and even the superstars James and Davis have unleashed with deadly accuracy during the playoffs, the Lakers are not exactly an outside scoring juggernaut, averaging just 34.9 percent from trifecta range (averaging home and road three-point shooting percentages prior to the lockdown, according to https://www.nba.com/lakers/stats/team).  In the bubble, that percentage has dropped even lower to 30.6 percent in July and 30.2 percent in August.  
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 Source: https://www.nba.com/article/2020/09/28/2020-playoffs-numbers-preview-lakers-heat-finals
                In contrast, the Lakers own the low post.  They are monsters in the restricted area, scoring a gargantuan 88 points underneath the basket compared to the Heat’s 74.  Here’s the thing though – elsewhere in the paint, Miami outscores LA but not by much.  Total points in the shaded area will expectedly go the way of the Lakers.  This accounts for many of their wins, since inside points are higher-percentage shots compared to perimeter attempts.
               Still, the numbers for outside points seem to be going the way of the Lakers.  Total mid-rangers and three-balls have them up 26 points over the Heat.  But where the boys from South Beach have the upper hand scoring-wise is from the free-throw line.  There, they outscore the Hollywood boys by a whopping 18 markers.  They also run the break better, beating LA in transition by nine points – both crucial advantages in the clutch.  Where the Lakers are better off with the game on the line is in second-chance points, where they lord it over the Heat by 20 points.
               Indeed, offense and offensive efficiency will spell the difference for both teams, despite their respective claims to being defensive juggernauts.  As John Schuhmann of nba.com wrote: “Both teams have had success on both ends of the floor, but offense was the story in the conference finals. The Lakers and Denver Nuggets combined to score 115.3 points per 100 possessions, while the Heat and Boston Celtics combined to score 114.1.  Those were the third- and fourth-most efficient series of the 14 we've seen thus far.”
               We should thus expect that offense will remain the most compelling reason for their respective coaching staffs to continue as that is what has brought them both this far.
               Or is it?  Perhaps both teams will be wise to revisit their defensive narrative and give it more of the importance it truly deserves.  As University of Alabama legendary football coach Bear Bryant (no relation to Kobe) famously said (and which Ateneo sniper Jai Reyes repeated after his Blue Eagles successfully wrested the UAAP men’s basketball title from the La Salle Green Archers in 2008): “Offense wins games, but defense wins championships!”
               The team with the better defensive strategy will take the series – and the championship.  As Schuhmann of nba.com correctly observes: “To win their 17th championship, the Lakers will have to keep up with the Heat's ball and player movement.  To win their fourth, the Heat will have to protect the rim.  In both cases, it's much easier said than done.”  (As an aside, as a Celtics fan, I just want to say that this is one reason why I’m rooting for the Heat; it’s not just because of our natural aversion to the Purple-and-Gold but also because Boston diehards want to keep that record of most number of NBA titles ever.  Touché!)
               Each game, each quarter, maybe even each possession, will boil down to how the individual and roster matchups will fare between these two protagonists.  Key here will be the substitution patterns of Messrs. Vogel and Spoelstra, and how they can effectively use the chess pieces they each have.  
               Coach Vogel has largely stuck with his starting five of James as point forward, Davis at the forward spot, Caldwell-Pope as swingman, JaVale McGee at center, and Danny Green as shooting guard, while coach Spo has from time to time experimented in his backcourt lineup, but with schoolboy charm Duncan Robinson and Dragic in the perimeter, Adebayo at center, and Butler and Dragic in the wings as the mainstays.  He has a potent bench, with boy wonder Herro as his sixth man and Crowder at the forward spots (the latter’s versatility allows him to play both the small and power positions), with both players having reliable deep-three shots that can spread the Laker defense to its limits.  It is a fast lineup, well, at least faster than that of the Lakers, and should leverage on that speed to run the floor before the Lakers’ transition defense can react.
               What’s also interesting and has been fun to watch thus far is the Butler-Adebayo tandem.  Schuhmann at nba.com notes that, when the two are on the floor together, the Heat outscore their opponents by 10.6 points more per 100 possessions.  But they’ve been outscored by their opponents by 3.0 points per 100 possessions in 103 minutes with just Adebayo without Butler on the floor, and by 14.4 points per 100 possessions in 99 minutes of play with just Butler without Adebayo.  It would seem that, if coach Spo had to keep either one on the bench longer, it would have to be Butler.  
               Indeed, as Schuhmann demonstrates, “the Heat have scored 16.9 more points per 100 possessions with Bam Adebayo on the floor (116.1) than they have with him off the floor (99.2).  That's the fourth-biggest on-off offense rating differential among 73 players who've played at least 200 total minutes in the postseason.”
               Adebayo clearly has proven himself to have a greater impact on the game for the Heat, and the last game against Boston in the Eastern Conference finals showed the value he brings to the table.  Though a center, Adebayo moves like a power forward with the way he screens and passes (especially his interior passing), and even his turnaround jumper in the key is cash.  And that's how he could wreak havoc on the Lakers' post defenders like Howard and McGee – maybe even Davis as a rim defender.  
               On the offensive end, those guys may also have fits trying to score against him in the post, Adebayo being the most athletic big on the Heat roster, with more than ample length and heft.  Of course, we can’t forget Iguodala, who brings with him championship experience from Golden State, having been with the Warriors in all their three NBA championships thus far in the 21st century (2015, 2017 and 2018).  It will be remembered that in the 2015 title series, Iguodala fashioned a defensive masterpiece on James, limiting the latter to 38.1 percent field-goal shooting compared to 44 percent when Iguodala was on the bench.  Both Iguodala and James are in their mid-30s, and have had their fair share of NBA glory.  For sure, James will look at settling an old score, while Iguodala will look at putting the cuffs on The King once again via his tried-and-tested lockdown D that made James bleed for every point, giving the Warriors a superior 3-1 finals win-loss card in all their NBA finals showdowns that only saw a failure in 2016.
               So who will be the Bubble Champions of the NBA?  The numbers coming out of the Las Vegas bookies give the clear advantage to the Lakers, if only for the James-Davis pairing.  But as many hoops pundits have seen through decades of watching this game, stranger things have happened in basketball.  Just last August, the Milwaukee Bucks were the indubitable favorite to win the NBA crown among the bookies and oddsmakers.  Everyone and his mother now know Giannis Antetokounmpo, Khris Middleton, Eric Bledsoe, the Lopez twins and company are now vacationing wherever.
               Actually, folks were looking at a Bucks-Lakers finals.  And I thought we’d be having a revival of the famous Celtics-Lakers rivalry of the ages.
               The bottomline: sit back, relax.  Or stand up, and bite your nails.  Either way, this will be a great series.  James up against his old team.  Or Heat president Pat Riley up against the old team that he coached.  No plot could have been better contrived.
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youngandhungryent · 5 years
“Big Mouth” Season 3 & Tons Of Other Titles Arriving On Netflix In October
The last couple of weeks has seen lots of great movies and shows added to Netflix’s plethora of streaming content. From the revival of Drake’s favorite show Top Boy, Sacha Baron Cohen’s The Spy, Dave Chappelle’s special among many other titles, the streaming giant has seemingly proven just why they need to up its subscription price to keep up with the never-ending content. 
Since already announcing a Netflix & Chills category for Halloween next month, the official list of new titles to arrive on the platform has arrived as well as a list of titles to say goodbye to. Such adds to look forward to are Big Mouth: Season 3, El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, Men in Black, Dolemite Is My Name and of course, the anticipated Netflix Original series, Rhythm + Flow that sees Cardi B, Chance The Rapper and T.I. search for the next hip-hop star. 
As for titles to stream one last time, Scream 4, A.I. Artificial Intelligence and Pineapple Express will be gone by before Halloween arrives – peep the full list below.
October 1 Carmen Sandiego: Season 2 Nikki Glaser: Bangin’ 93 days A.M.I. Along Came a Spider Bad Boys Bad Boys II Blow Bring It On, Ghost: Season 1 Charlie’s Angels Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Cheese in the Trap: Season 1 Chicago Typewriter: Season 1 Crash Exit Wounds Good Burger Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay Honey 2 House of the Witch Lagos Real Fake Life Men in Black II Moms at War No Reservations Ocean’s Thirteen Ocean’s Twelve One Direction: This Is Us Payday Rugrats in Paris: The Movie Scream 2 Senna Signal: Season 1 Sin City Sinister Circle Supergirl Superman Returns Surf’s Up The Bucket List The Flintstones The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas The Island The Pursuit of Happyness The Rugrats Movie The Time Traveler’s Wife Tomorrow with You: Season 1 Trainspotting Troy Tunnel: Season 1 Unaccompanied Minors Walking Out
October 2
Living Undocumented Ready to Mingle (Solteras) Rotten: Season 2
October 3
Seis Manos
October 4
Big Mouth: Season 3 Creeped Out: Season 2 In the Tall Grass Peaky Blinders: Season 5 Raising Dion Super Monsters: Season 3 Super Monsters: Vida’s First Halloween
October 5
Legend Quest: Masters of Myth
October 7
Match! Tennis Juniors The Water Diviner
October 8
Deon Cole: Cole Hearted The Spooky Tale of Captain Underpants Hack-a-ween
October 9
After Rhythm + Flow — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
October 10
Schitt’s Creek: Season 5 Ultramarine Magmell 
October 11
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie The Forest of Love Fractured Haunted: Season 2 Insatiable: Season 2 La influencia Plan Coeur: Season 2 The Awakenings of Motti Wolenbruch YooHoo to the Rescue: Season 2 
October 12
October 15
Dark Crimes
October 16
Ghosts of Sugar Land Sinister 2
October 17
The Karate Kid THE UNLISTED 
October 18
The Yard (Avlu) Baby: Season 2 Eli Interior Design Masters The House of Flowers: Season 2 The Laundromat Living with Yourself MeatEater: Season 8 Mighty Little Bheem: Diwali Seventeen Spirit Riding Free: Pony Tales Collection 2 Tell Me Who I Am Toon: Seasons 1-2 Unnatural Selection Upstarts 
October 19
Men in Black
October 21
Echo in the Canyon
Free Fire
October 22
Jenny Slate: Stage Fright
October 23
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Dancing with the Birds Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy
October 24
Daybreak Revenge of Pontianak
October 25
A Tale of Love and Darkness Assimilate Brigada Costa del Sol Brotherhood Dolemite Is My Name  Greenhouse Academy: Season 3 The Kominsky Method: Season 2 Monzon Nailed It! France (C’est du gâteau!) Nailed It! Spain (Niquelao!) Prank Encounters Rattlesnake It Takes a Lunatic 
October 28
A 3 Minute Hug Little Miss Sumo Shine On with Reese: Season 1
October 29
Arsenio Hall: Smart & Classy
October 30
Flavorful Origins: Yunnan Cuisine 
October 31
Kengan Ashura: Part ll Nowhere Man Raging Bull
October 1
A.I. Artificial Intelligence All the President’s Men Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Bring It On: In It to Win It Cabaret (1972) Casper Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Cloverfield Deliverance Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood Empire Records Evolution Forks Over Knives Frances Ha Free State of Jones Get Carter Gremlins Hoosiers Impractical Jokers: Season 1 In Bruges Julie & Julia Lakeview Terrace Midsomer Murders: Series 1-19 Obsessed Pineapple Express Platoon Quiz Show She’s Out of My League The Dukes of Hazzard The Nightmare The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
October 5
Despicable Me 3
October 7
David Blaine: What Is Magic? Scream 4
October 9
Little Witch Academia Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade Sword Art Online II: Season 1
October 15
El Internado: Season 1-7
October 20
Bridget Jones’s Baby
October 25
The Carrie Diaries: Season 1-2
October 29
The Fall: Series 1 The Imitation Game
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2IikO2L via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/3531IqX via Young And Hungry Ent.
source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/yahblogger/~3/y0CtroJup1A/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_21.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/32S2eGo via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_42.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2VabH9n via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_88.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2NqSz67 via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_52.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/34Yt3e0 via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_22.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2ABsUPF via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_60.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/30fJfrT via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_2.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/30diXax via Young And Hungry Ent. source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/yahblogger/~3/dVRsW-8zww0/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_89.html
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thestalkerbunny · 7 years
Master Post of OCs
Hell Hostel Edition
Hell Hostel
Ruby Hulme: A human who left her family and home town to seek fame and fortune in New Chicago. However due to the racism of the times, she was turned down from nearly everything; but found work at the Hostel thanks to Sheeper. She's currently a Dancer; but she also is doing the Hostel's every other errand as a part of her Induction.
Grimhold 'Grim' Sheeper: Half Reaper, Half Succubi, All friend shapes, he is a lanky being who only wishes to sing and dance than reap the souls of the dead. He only does so to win his father's approval. Ruby is the first friend he's had in years and he considers her his musical partner.
Grimwald: Sheeper's usually stern, silent and annoyed looking father and Lamby's currently seperated husband. He's the embodiment of 'Im going to WORK MYSELF TO FUCKING DEATH.' He's usually smoking and has a dead lilly in his buttonhole. Sheeper desperately wants his approval.
Lamby Sugars Sheeper: A Buxom busty beautiful Succubi noted for her prominant sheep like features. She's the Grim Sheeper's husband and Grimwald's currently seperated Wife. She's the head liner of the Dante Lounge in the Hostel
The Brothers Black: Lamby's musicians, a group of black cat brothers who came up to New Chicago with Lamby from Louisana. They'd do anything for their girl
Cho: A chinese American Succubi who dyes her hair blonde. She's very dedicated to dancing and does burlesque to save money so she can one day attend a ballet school
Tina: A Very timid Succubi with a cute little nose, she's still very hesistant of the whole exhibitionism thing even though she's been doing it for over a year. She's eager to do her best and doesn't speak up much.
Bella Bell: Lamby's prodigee, she's being groomed to be a headliner one day like a lamby. She's rather naieve about things, but a geniunely sweet person. She's best friends with Charlotte.
Charlotte: Retired the day Ruby showed up because she was in the bathroom vomiting from morning sickness. A very beautiful succubi and the southern belle type, she wants to try and get married to her boyfriend and baby daddy next spring.
Billy the Bull: The Bouncer for the Dante Lounge, no humans get in without a pass. He's apparently Charlotte's baby daddy and plans to marry her as soon as they get enough money together.
White Widower: A FtM Spider monster who runs the bar on his own. He's apparently Kelly's Stepbrother and they are the best of friends. He's the sympathetic ear for all the drunken patrons.
-The Heathens: A group of murderers for hire that seem to operate from out of the hostel.
Kelly Rosie Marple: A pink mothman who aspires to be a musical comedian; but sticks to gunning people down to keep himself in the latest of fashions. He can switch very fast from joking to killing
Johnny Thompson: A church Grim who was raised by a mobster after his church was torn down as a puppy. He has very sociopathic tendancies and has manipulative behaviors beneath a layer of innocence.
Miss Jackson: A gorgous Were-Cat, Miss Jackson is a paid gun for the highest bidder. She often prefers stabbing her victims over shooting them.
Nobody Noone: A shapeshifting being whose default form is unstable and lacks a nose. He spends his days either being a cheap but damned good lawyer for hire and an agent for talent. He seems to work with the Heathens.
Ida 'Itsy Bitsy' Bitten
Glasgao: The Mysterious silent smiling Kunoichi get away drive for the Heathens. She operates a cab service out of her modified hearse; most rides end in her eating her fares.
Hostel Management and Workers
Helena: The Hostel's owner. She was in a very terrible car crash when she was young to the point where she is wheelchair bound and horribly scarred. She refuses to leave her room because of this, but still manages to operate the hotel to maxmium efficencey.
Nurse: Apparently, the being who takes care of the beloved owner of the hostel, Nurse is a Shadow, a symbiotic being who forms an intense bond with a human. Nurse is the eyes and ears of Helena, so she knows everything that goes on in the Hostel. It's possible she's big enough to cover the entire vent and pipe work of the Hostel.
Salvador: A dead small time mobster who was gunned down in the very lobby of the hotel, he lingers around still and acts as the Consierre. He's responsible for making sure everyone is doing what they need to be doing.
Sexy Knickers: A notably purple lust demon who has abstained from following her predcessor's job choices. She runs the elevator and is well known for her dry british accent.
Walled Up Wally: A BellHop who died in the hostel for spying on a mobster's girl thru a peephole. His body is still stuck in the wall and he still spies on people
Boucher: The head of the kitchen and chef, Boucher is actually the first monster brought into the Hostel when Helena was a little girl. He was a Gluttony demon traded in and is actually very depressed over this still. All the vampire waitstaff answers to him and Dimitri is his favorite boi.
Carrigan, Edmund,Killroy and Arthur- Vampires, Waiters, and a Colony, they dutifully serve the Hostel's residents their meals. They do tend to suck dry the steaks which upsets Boucher greatly. They all rag and sort of bully each other around in a 'bro' way.
Dimitri-Damphire and busboy, he's Boucher Favorite. As a Damphire, he is fated to live a half life and will most likely not live long enough to see adult hood. He aspires to be great chef like Boucher
-Hostel Inhabitants/ frequent visitors
Ledago LeDago: a Voodoo Priest who apparently has the money to afford the top penthouse apartment on the top floor. He hosts lavish parties for his godly sponsers and often works as a tailor for the mob.
Mimi Dregwood: the Hostel's Necromancer, she has an entire floor to herself so she can expermint. A cross between a mad scientist and a whore, Mimi is a woman of the world and of science.
Asmodeus Luxuria: A very extravagant Lust demon who no one is really sure what he DOES, but he has money to spare and he spends it very liberally.
Goodhuman: A boogeyman who plays the Piano in the Lobby in the evenings. Is a real gentleman and class act; is somehow related to Asmodeus
Jina: an Ouija board headed spirtualist, she runs a racket doing tarot readings, crystal ball scryings and connects people to the realm of the spirits via spirit skype.
William Peartree: One of the police's top investigative detectives, Peartree is actually a blood slime, capable of identifying any kind of blood. He is a very neat and tidy individual and leads a quiet romantic domestic life with Hackles that he will laugh off if anyone brings it up.
Hackles: A Were-Corgi with temper to spare, he works with the police and is one of their best officers because of his sensitive nose. Although he's the embodiment of literally 'vibrating with anger' he leads a quiet romantic domestic life with Peartree that he will absolutely deny if anyone asks.
Maxim Tentrill: A hardboiled PI who has been recently Inducted into monster society by force. A Shadow being's essance has been tattooed to his arms which will peel of and form defenseive tentacles. Usually works along side Peartree and Hackles; but is unaware of their relationship
Skoll Wilder: Apparently a priest and spiritualist for a church called New Hope. Although fully human, he was inducted into monster society as a child.
Sin: A tiny nun who follows Skoll around constantly. She is actually a Sin Eater, which is an ancient beast capable of purging sin from someone's soul. She was brought down from the mountains to the city by Skoll.
Father Garrett: The head of New Hope Church and Orphanage, he is a kindly werewolf who wishes to help all those in need. He and Skoll have worked together to find homes for Vampires who have been rejected or had to leave the vampires who bit them.
-Two Tailed Yakuza: CAT MOB
Mr Deuce: The leader of the Two Tail Yakuza (basically the Nekomanta mob.) He is immensely ruthless and will kill anyone who gets in his way. His first name is apparently Egg. He runs his operations out of Worth Manor.
Natalia Deuce: Deuce's devoted big wife, when Mr. Deuce is away, she runs the show.
Kristen Worth: Apparently, she's the human who saved Mr Deuce as a kitten from drowning in a bucket. She was in an abusive marriage for the longest of times until her husband mysterious dissapeared and Mr. Deuce became her benifactor. Now she and her daugter are members of the New Chicago Elite
Anna 'Babe' Worth: Deuce's human ward, she's the one who named Mr. Deuce 'Egg.' She doesn't remember her birth father clearly, but sees Mr. Deuce as her father figure (although she doesn't know he's a cat.) She lives on a cat covered house with her mother and is extremely happy with all the kitties.
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krissysbookshelf · 7 years
Free Ebooks (6/22/17)
  Don't forget to check my Free Ebook page on Pinterest for more Free Ebook titles and genres not listed below!
      A Coffee Lover’s Guide to Coffee by Shlomo Stern: A friendly guide to coffee with the valuable information any coffee lover must know. A Coffee Lover’s Guide is an accessible, comprehensive, easy-to-read and enjoyable guide, written with love and made especially for anyone drinking, making, selling or buying coffee.
This book is Free on June 22, 2017
  Into The Darkness Laughing by Patrice Chaplin: The Story of Jeanne Hebuterne and Amedeo Modigliani, doomed lovers and artists of Montparnasse in early twentieth century Paris.
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  7 Day Cleaning And Organizing by Samantha Olwen: Learn to stay clutter free and organize in just 7 days! In this eBook, you will learn what to do every day to make your home absolutely spotless, get rid of those allergies and dust, and stay healthy as well as feel fresh inside your own home using these cleaning and organizing tactics!
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    City of Gods: Horsemen (Book 2) by Jonathan Maas: This is the sequel to the award-winning epic fantasy ‘City of Gods: Hellenica,’ which will also be free during this time!
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  The Haunting of Rachel Harroway by J.S Donovan: The discovery of a serial killer’s burial ground rocks the peaceful town of Highlands, North Carolina. Rachel Harroway, a tragic detective with the ability to see the dead, and her brilliant atheistic partner, Jenson Peak, are put on the case. Only through the use of their unique talents can the orphaned dead find rest and the reinvigorated killer be brought to justice.
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  The Shattered Bull by Patrick Kanouse: The first book in the Drexel Pierce series. Mixing police-procedural and hard-boiled genres, Chicago homicide Detective Pierce, struggling to overcome the death of his wife, investigates the murder of an up-and-coming politician and felon known as the Bull. As his commander demands an arrest, Pierce risks his career to prevent a rush to judgment.
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  Everett by Jenifer Ruff: Dark psychological suspense at a New England college when a coed disappears. A must-read for fans of Gone Girl. “A beautifully written thriller with mesmerizing characters, Everett takes the reader on a nail-biting journey that builds with suspense until its shocking conclusion.” – Author David Robert
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  Redemption Cove by David Calder: A terrific, hi-tech crime-adventure novel set in the wild Canadian North-West, filled with action, hair-raising backwoods flying, and a deep and profound love, but above all, the telling of a man’s second chance and ultimate triumph and redemption despite the odds.
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  Twisted Trees by Tony Berry: Former spy Bromo Perkins has long been ‘retired’ to Australia where he runs a one-man travel agency. His clients are a select group – including other ‘sleepers’, acting on orders from London, people like businessman Dave McCoy. But Bromo soon discovers somebody has it in for the Melbourne McCoys. Can Perkins figure out who’s behind the deadly attacks before he himself is targeted?
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  Arctic Warriors by Ken Bangs: Arctic Warriors… a story about the struggle between the defenders of freedom and the forces of tyranny in America’s northernmost outpost. They were alone. Trespassers, come to kill or retrieve a traitor.
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    Rise of The Iron Eagle: The Iron Eagle Series (Book 1) by Roy A. Teel Jr.: Justice has evolved! A new anti-hero for the 21st century, who sends his murder victims to their deaths with these final words, “May God NOT have mercy on your soul.”
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viralnewstime · 4 years
Chicago festival Lollapalooza is not going ahead as it usually would this year – obviously – but the festival has announced a huge virtual, live-streamed event to take place instead with an absolutely gargantuan lineup.
The event will air legendary sets from previous years from an array of headliners, including Outkast, Metallica, Paul McCartney, Lorde, LCD Soundsystem, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Arcade Fire – the latter of whom is celebrating the 10th anniversary of their seminal album The Suburbs.
However, it’s not all archived content – a slew of huge acts from around the world will be performing live sets for the festival. These include H.E.R., Kali Uchis, Louis The Child, Pink Sweat$, Vic Mensa, YUNGBLUD and ZHU.
In addition, Australian acts like Alison Wonderland, Skegss and Wafia will also be taking part in Lollapalooza 2020.
On top of the absolute smorgasbord of performances, special guests like Michelle Obama, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, LL Cool J and Lars Ulrich will also be making appearances.
The event will broadcast for free on the festival’s YouTube channel from Thursday, 30th July – Sunday, 2nd August, with the full streaming schedule dropping Wednesday, 29th July.
View the lineup, in its colossal entirety, below.
Lollapalooza 2020 Virtual Lineup
In alphabetical order
4B Alabama Shakes Alec Benjamin Alison Wonderland (live set) Ana Cristina Cash Arcade Fire A$AP Rocky Bboy Pop BeccaTheCreator Becky Hill Boombox Cartel Briston Maroney BROCKHAMPTON Brownies and Lemonade & Friends Buck Rodgers Carnage Chance The Rapper Chicago Bulls Bucket Boys CloZee Cults Cypress Hill Da Odd Couple DaniLeigh Dave Shaw (of the Revivalists) DJ Premier Drew Coleman Elderbrook Elena Rose Elephant Heart Ellie Goulding Elohim Emon Fowler Fontaines D.C. Future G Jones b2b Eprom Gary Clark Jr Grace Potter & The Nocturnals Gunna Heavy Steppers with Jamal Smallz H.E.R. Illiterate Light Imagine Dragons J. Ivy Jac Ross Jamila Woods Jane’s Addiction Jiggz John Carter Cash Jonas Blue Josh Homme KAINA Kali Uchis KayJay Keller Kaskade Kehlani Khalid Kid Glyde Kind Heaven Orchestra LADIPOE LCD Soundsystem Lido Linda Sol LL Cool J Lonr. Lorde Louis The Child (Watching Paint Dry) Lupe Fiasco Magic City Hippies Maisie Peters Marc Rebillet Mark Bowen from IDLES Masego MAX Metallica Michigander Mike Garson Milky Chance Miquela Mista Sinista Monsieur Periné Mt. Joy mxmtoon Nile Lansana NGHTMRE Norah Yarah Rosa – Let It Happen OutKast Paul McCartney Peach Tree Rascals Peter CottonTale Pink Sweat$ Polo G Porno For Pyros Portugal. The Man Princess Nokia Quiet Storm Raye Rebirth Poetry Ensemble Riarosa Rob Swift Royal & The Serpent Run The Jewels SAYMYNAME Scarypoolparty SHAED Shoreline Mafia Sideah Garrett Simone Reynolds Skegss Starcrawler Tank and the Bangas Tarrey Torae TeaMarrr Tenacious D The Clause The Cure The Era Footwork Crew The Front Bottoms The Ivy The Neighbourhood The Struts The Vixen Tom Morello Toni Cornell Toosii Tove Lo Tyler, The Creator Valentino Khan Vic Mensa Wafia Whipped Cream White Reaper William Black Wynne X Lovers Yeah Yeah Yeahs YehMe2 YelloPain YUNGBLUD ZHU
The post OutKast, Metallica & Paul McCartney To Headline Lollapalooza’s Virtual 2020 Festival appeared first on Music Feeds.
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shervonfakhimi · 5 years
What I Learned From Attending Lakers-Thunder
When I was sitting on my family’s couch on the night of December 28th, 2019, I had no idea what awaited for me as my brother had been touting a gift that would knock my socks off, to put it lightly. Turns out, he was right, because he helped get me (and himself) tickets to see my beloved Los Angeles Lakers play the surging Oklahoma City Thunder on January 11th, 2020, my first live sporting event of the new decade. I was much more thrilled then than the afternoon of the game itself, where we both learned that LeBron James (my brother is quite the LeBron stan) would not play due to the flu on the second night of a back-to-back after another stunning performance against the Luka-led Dallas Mavericks. Learning that Anthony Davis and Danny Green would not play a few hours later seemingly set the stage for what looked to be a potential blowout of the Lakers, but we drove through slight elements anyway to one of the most shocking results of the season at essentially its midpoint, with the Lakers stunning the Thunder, on the road, on the second night of a back-to-back 125-110. It was a blast. Not only did we have a great time, but I learned a thing or two that I didn’t quite know for sure beforehand.
Forgot About Kuz
As Kyle Kuzma went to the free-throw line after getting fouled on a jump shot, the stadium ops at Chesapeake Energy Arena briefly played the ‘Forgot About Dre’ instrumental by Dr. Dre featuring Eminem, surely referencing Kuzma’s Slim Shady-esque blonde hair. Well, that only got him going as he went full renegade mode, dropping a season-high 36 points. What was most impressive was the variety of the buckets he served on the Thunder defense. Pick-and-pops, transition, put-backs, even being the primary ball-handler at times. He was electric and filled the gaping scoring hole LeBron and Davis left behind and showed exactly why either the Lakers shouldn’t trade him or did them a favor by boosting his trade value. I’ve always been in the camp of the former, for a myriad of reasons: 1) he’s still only on the third year of his rookie-scale contract with restricted free agency coming in the summer of 2020. Having young players in tow is key to sustain great teams and I believe he can be a part of those said teams. 2) Because he is on that contract it is hard for the Lakers to match salaries to bring back an impact player for him. 3) He has a skill-set the Lakers could very much use. Consistency has been an issue for Kuzma throughout his brief NBA career, but I’ve seen him have games like this and now just saw one live to reinforce my belief in him. The trade talk surely must be inescapable for him if even fans in the arena were chirping him about in the game. Who knows what will happen between now and the trade deadline. I understand Kuzma is not a perfect player and why he can be had in trade talks. But at least for one night, Kyle Kuzma showed his game, his worth and his potential as an impact player… for the Los Angeles Lakers.
Playoff Rondo Lives?
Rajon Rondo has not been all that great this season. Some nights, he’s been flat-out bad, a caricature compared to the mythical ‘Playoff Rondo’ figure who rears his head in April, May and sometimes June. Well, Saturday gave perhaps a sneak preview, as Rondo out-floor general-ed longtime buddy Chris Paul to the tune of a near triple-double with a 22 point, 12 rebound, 8 assist outing, repeatedly pushing the ball and setting his teammates up for success. He did most of his scoring damage in the first quarter but slowed down in that area in the second half (In the third quarter, he apparently injured his finger, which I didn’t know until after the game had ended. He also shot an airball on a three, which prompted the esteemed gentleman sitting to my right to proclaim ‘we know Rondo can’t shoot!’ as he proceeded to put a dip of tobacco in, which I guess is allowed in NBA arenas?). Scoring from the perimeter has been the glaring weakness of this Lakers team this season and Rondo has been the unofficial poster boy from fans, myself included (I repeatedly nudged my brother, asking him ‘where the hell has this been!’ when Rondo is pouring bucket after bucket early on. I still think the Lakers need another perimeter ball-handler capable of creating his own shot, though Quinn Cook stepped up big in that role as well alongside Kuzma and even Troy Daniels running off screens and hitting timely shots. Maybe Rondo is saving himself for the postseason, where the last two times he’s been a participant he was a major positive for the New Orleans Pelicans and Chicago Bulls. I don’t know. But the fact he let me and the world know he still has it and can change a game for the better was quite the welcome surprise.
The Lakers Defense Is Real and Is Spectacular
It was fascinating to watch the Lakers defend in real life. To hear the communication and watch them swarm from one defender to another, to help and make the proper rotations, etc. Anthony Davis is *the* major factor as to why the Lakers are dominant on that end, but they truly do defend on a string. Watching Jared Dudley as the backline of defense from the back of their basket recognize in an instant he had to protect the rim to alter the shot of a rampaging Hamidou Diallo was amazing. They were tremendous. Sure, Oklahoma City shot just 29% from three and missed shots they normally would make, but the Lakers did everything in their power to make those as difficult as possible. Saturday Night was the crowning jewel of the Frank Vogel Coach of the Year campaign.
Lakers Team Depth and Chemistry
The Lakers’ depth has been brought into question this year, but this performance should quell some of those concerns. Perhaps the Thunder took this game lightly after James, Davis and Green were ruled out, but the Lakers withstood a late Thunder push when they made it a 12 point game. The Lakers played 10 players and all of them made an impact. They can use another piece or two, but the Lakers have plenty of guys right now outside of the dynamic duo who can contribute. But outside of that, what really stood out was the team chemistry they have. Any time someone would do something the bench would get up. They played together as a team knowing they don’t have their two best, most dynamic players. LeBron even got up off the bench to whisper something to Alex Caruso during the game as if LeBron was a coach. Anthony Davis interviewed Rajon Rondo after the game for the local Los Angeles TV crew. They’re a legit team through and through, on and off the court.
Shai’s Got the Goods, Dude
I mean, two teams did in fact play, so I might as well talk about the other team. The Chris Paul / Danilo Gallinari two-man game was able to put the Lakers’ defense in compromising positions, but the biggest thing to me was how easy Shai Gilgeous-Alexander was able to score. He’s one of those guys who can just glide to wherever he wants to go and score at any level. That is especially impressive to me considering I believe his playmaking is at the very least on the same level and perhaps better than his scoring ability. He is going to be very good for a very long time.
(By the way, I typed this *BEFORE* Shai delivered a 20-20-10 performance in his next game)
A Brief Soliloquy on Load Management
When fans and analysts would go after players and teams for their load management tactics, I would normally just shake my head in disgust because they would not put the players’ health in front of their own self-interests. And then… LeBron James and Anthony Davis didn’t play in a game I went to in very large part to see them do their thing. Load management is real, y’all. After this game, the only time this regular season the Lakers will play in an area close to where I live in Fayetteville, Arkansas is in Memphis on February 29th. I don’t mind and very much understand why they did, in fact, sit out: Anthony Davis hurt his butt (of course he did) defending a Julius Randle shot at the rim and LeBron conveniently caught the flu the night before when he played the Mavericks. To say our mood was shot getting the news neither would play was an understatement. I even offered to just stay at home and not risk travel through some snow that came down the night before in the Arkansas/Oklahoma area. I still very much wanted to go because the Lakers are the team that I’ve rooted for my entire life but I felt especially bad for my brother, the two little kids I met at the end of the game who also traveled from Fayetteville and the numerous others in attendance who wanted to see LeBron and Davis play. It sucks, but that’s just the way it is. Teams don’t have us fans in mind when gauging whether their players should play on a back-to-back in January; they have their players’ health and championship quest as their priority and rightfully so. I don’t know what the solution is. At least we knew LeBron was not playing before we left and pretty much knew Davis would follow suit. You have to figure if the NBA were to lower the amount of regular-season games and carry on with their sort of ridiculous in-season tournament that no one seems to want that there still would be *some* back-to-back games. My brother didn’t know that two weeks after he bought the tickets that Anthony Davis would injure his butt and LeBron would get sick essentially the night before we wanted to see him. I really wanted to see them play, but even just seeing them, in general, conversing with teammates was really cool to see. Even going made my night, personally (especially since it had been over half a decade since I had gone to an NBA game live), but I don’t know if I can say the same for everyone else. The fact that the Lakers won *without them* made that night even more special for me. It was a blast and was a night I don’t think I’ll ever forget. Go Lakers!
0 notes
As I lobbed a plate against the wall, I wondered: When was the last time I broke something on purpose? There must have been some moment in childhood when I smashed something in a primal rage, but nothing came to mind. Maybe I don’t remember, but I’ve always been a rule abider, and it’s entirely possible I’d never broken anything on purpose in my life.
I was demolishing dishes at the Wrecking Club, New York City’s original rage room. A rage room, for the unfamiliar, is a place where you pay to go break stuff. It’s one part fitness phenomenon, a kind of anti-yoga, but it’s much less about working out than about the unusual experience of smashing things to smithereens.
Female rage is all the rage these days. It has launched a thousand think pieces and served as the subject of two recently released books — Rebecca Traister’s Good and Mad and Soraya Chemaly’s Rage Becomes Her — that treat the centrality of rage in the feminist movement, and mad women more generally. Anger has been a clarion call of sorts for women on the left since the 2016 election: Get mad.
The Brett Kavanaugh hearings — and perhaps especially a still photo that circulated of Kavanaugh with his mouth wide open, eyebrows furrowed, face contorted into a tableau of indignant anger — have prompted related discussions about white male rage. First: Does it exist? (Conor Friedersdorf thinks no; Paul Krugman thinks yes.) If so, what does it look like and how does it manifest? What is its relationship to “I like beer,” and what is its relationship to violence against women?
I was intrigued by rage rooms against the backdrop of these conversations about anger. Smashing stuff with baseball bats seemed more akin to what some are now calling “white male rage” than the now politically fashionable rage of liberal women (also most accessible to white women). It made me think of the (mostly male) social media stunters who filmed themselves smashing Keurig coffee makers in response to the company’s boycott of Sean Hannity, or burning their Nikes in response to the sportswear brand’s ad campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick. Physical, violent, irrational, uncontained — I was interested in what it would be like to act out those things, for a few minutes. I decided to try.
The Wrecking Club opened its doors in midtown Manhattan in 2017, and a similar space, called the Rage Cage, opened nearby in September. There are now rage rooms in Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and other cities around the country. You pay a fee for a timed session, often a relatively high one; the lowest rate for 30 minutes at the Wrecking Club is $79.99 for a one- to two-person package. (Anger is lots of things, but it’s also marketable.) In exchange, you get an offering of electronics, furniture, dishes, glasses, and other household items; whacking implements including a baseball bat and a sledgehammer; and a room of one’s own.
Penelope Green of the New York Times described the aesthetic of the Wrecking Club’s rooms as “part CBGB’s basement circa 1977, part Stasi interrogation room,” which is nearly perfect. I would add that when I entered my rage room — where a printer, an ancient-looking computer monitor, and a bucket of dishes were balanced atop dented kegs, next to a battered foam model of a man’s torso — I thought immediately of a frat house.
There are a few rules: Don’t throw the kegs. Wear closed-toe shoes, goggles, gloves, long sleeves, and a helmet. Otherwise, you’re unsupervised and can do what you want.
How to begin? Tentatively, for me. I put on a Spotify playlist of female pop anthems that a friend had made post-election, titled “Nasty Women.” I selected the baseball bat and brought it down gently on the screen of the computer, which I expected to shatter. It barely registered the hit, or the next one. I decided to warm up with some glass; I have accidentally broken many glasses in my life, so I was confident I could do it. I perched a vase on top of a keg. I brought my bat down. It exploded instantly in a single incandescent burst. It was thrilling.
I began to rage in earnest, taking big swings at the printer with the bat and then the heavy sledgehammer. It felt like a psychopathic challenge — I had to be able to conquer this machine. Every splintering of plastic felt like a victory, and its innards of wiring began to spill out. When I got discouraged, I turned to the dishes. I threw them against the walls, where they broke instantly. It was hard to stop, even as I sweated and my right shoulder began to ache alarmingly. (Raging is extremely physical, and I’m not entirely convinced it’s good for the body.) Meanwhile, “There You Go” by Pink and “Not Ready to Make Nice” by the Dixie Chicks blared.
There’s a sense in which this phenomenon is totally bizarre: Why pay for a space like this when you could theoretically break whatever you want in the privacy of your own home? It feels more like you’re paying for license to go wild for a little while, outside the confines of the socially acceptable.
Nearby, the Rage Cage has a cheaper deal — $44.99 for 25 minutes — for a much smaller package of breakable goods. It has a more Instagram-oriented vibe; there’s a mount for your phone in the room that allows you to film yourself, and a spray-painted bull’s-eye on the wall. But in most respects, it’s similar: a private box for your sustained smashing, four walls and empty space, and permission to do as you please.
As I smashed, I thought of a party I’d been to during my sophomore year of college. It was hosted by a sports team dominated by Very Big Guys. It was the dead of a New England winter, and they were roasting a lamb in the backyard of a house where they lived, which people ate with their hands. There were not many girls at the party. There was an excess of beer. At some point — after hours of warming ourselves with beer as we saw our breath emerge in white puffs — boys started throwing stuff off the roof. I can’t remember what, at first, but then I looked up to see a TV hurling down. I was filled with a mixture of fear and awe at the base masculine impulse to throw something. I was that guy now, and I liked it.
The impulse to destroy objects — as the Keurig smashers and Nike burners did — always seemed inexplicable. I remember wondering: They know that their Keurig will be broken now, right, and that it’s their fault? But as I became increasingly enraged at the printer’s refusal to snap, I understood it as more of a wild release of primal energy, the inanimate object as a focal point for everything else.
The question I found myself testing, as I swung a sledgehammer into a printer: Is it good or bad that I enjoyed this? One psychologist, writing in Psychology Today, theorized: Rage Rooms Not a Good Idea. He wrote that they may fuel aggression, particularly for those with anxiety and anger issues, rather than serving as a release — and I see his point. Maybe for someone like me, whose anger feels cloudy and often inaccessible, this space was freeing, but for someone who struggles to control their anger, it could be toxic.
Perhaps — related to the political discussions about rage and who’s permitted it — the utility of rage rooms varies depending on who’s doing the raging. For many women, it’s a chance, albeit an expensive one, to play a character of sorts: the frat bro, the Keurig smasher. But for others, it might be a kind of sinking into the darkness of real rage.
The rage room is a wellness product, even if it’s aesthetically anti-wellness. Like all wellness products, it sells a kind of balm to our discontents: in this case, our rage. It solves nothing, but it may be worth the money anyway, for the sweaty, wild relief of smashing stuff.
Toward the end of my session, I ran out of dishes. I couldn’t help it: I absurdly paid $20 to add on another bucket of glass and dishes. One after another, I threw them against the dented steel walls of the room. It was incredible, sublimating my anger into fireworks of broken glass. I surveyed the wreckage at the end, sweating, in the empty room.
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Original Source -> Rage rooms are the latest self-care craze that won’t make us feel any better
via The Conservative Brief
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junker-town · 7 years
Kyle Kuzma torched the Rockets, and 12 other things from Wednesday night
Houston’s winning streak is over!
Lakers’ rookie Kyle Kuzma swooshed his first five, three-point attempts and never slowed down. In just the 28th game of his career, he took off for 38 points, and did something only Magic Johnson had ever done as a rookie in an L.A. uniform by adding seven rebounds and four assists to that total. That’s how Luke Walton’s team snapped the Rockets’ 14-game winning streak, and gave Chris Paul his first loss in Houston.
Kyle Kuzma resets his career high once again with 38 points, shooting an efficient 70% from the field with 7 triples #LakersWin http://pic.twitter.com/C1X1ieY1Me
— Los Angeles Lakers (@Lakers) December 21, 2017
The Lakers put on their best Rockets impression, draining 15 threes out of 35 attempts (seven belonged to Kuzma). Though James Harden went off for 51 points, Houston never seemed within reasonable range to pull this one out down the stretch.
It was an impressive win for L.A.’s youth.
Brandon Ingram contributed 13 points, six assists and six rebounds, and Lonzo Ball had 16 points, nine rebounds and four assists.
With Nikola Mirotic back in the lineup, Chicago is on a SEVEN game winning streak. They beat the Magic, 112-94, behind 15-point outings by Nikola Mirotic and Jerian Grant, and a 16-points, 10-rebound night from Denzel Valentine.
Winning is bad for a team looking to score a top-3 or better pick in the upcoming draft. There is solace in all of the winning though, or at least that’s what our resident Bulls fan wants to believe.
Who’s going to stop the Warriors?
Don’t look now, but they’ve officially got the longest winning streak in the NBA for the first time this season. They’ve won 10 in a row and could make it 11 when they play the Lakers on Friday. And here’s the kicker: They’ve done most of this work without Stephen Curry and Draymond Green. This team is incredible.
I’m not sure when the next time they’ll lose is. They don’t go back on the road until 2018. The only challenge it looks like they’ll have in the next week is against the Cavaliers.
This team is hitting their stride at a great time and they’re just getting started. Watch out, Houston, here they come.
J. Cole showed up for Dennis Smith, Jr.
And he got super excited when he made this tough shot.
Dennis Smith Jr. nails the bucket and J. Cole approves #NBARooks http://pic.twitter.com/1v61uGVxeg
— NBA Draft (@NBADraft) December 21, 2017
Smith showed out for the Mavericks with 15 points, five assists and five rebounds for the Mavericks in a win over the Pistons with Cole in the crowd. The two North Carolina natives are both from Fayetteville, so you know it’s all love.
Fayetteville NC proud, @Dennis1SmithJr and @JColeNC. http://pic.twitter.com/hxkSmgDxgg
— Brad Townsend (@townbrad) December 21, 2017
Now, if only Cole would drop an album.
Russell Westbrook: Still a great dunker
RUSSELL WESTBROOK. http://pic.twitter.com/QIt4KJJMjz
— Bonner MVP (@BonnerMVP) December 21, 2017
NBA rims should fear this man.
James Harden cooked up four Lakers defenders in one half.
Jayson Tatum’s dislocated finger looks SO awful. But he’s all good, though.
Isaiah Thomas looked so hurt after he was traded.
Zach LaVine surprised a young fan with an adorable new puppy
Lonzo Ball slipped into Kyle Kuzma and it was hilarious
James Harden was unstoppable on his way to 30 first half points
Kyle Kuzma’s sublime performance should have Lakers fans excited
Klay Thompson looked unstoppable to start against the Grizzlies
Raptors 129, Hornets 111 (Raptors HQ recap | At the Hive recap)
Pacers 105, Hawks 95 (Indy Cornrows recap | Peachtree Hoops recap)
Heat 90, Celtics 89 (Hot Hot Hoops recap | Celtics Blog recap)
Kings 104, Nets 99 (Sactown Royalty recap | Nets Daily recap)
Bulls 112, Magic 94 (Blog a Bull recap | Orlando Pinstripe Post recap)
Lakers 122, Rockets 116 (Silver Screen and Roll recap | The Dream Shake recap)
Thunder 107, Jazz 79 (WTLC recap | SLC Dunk recap)
Mavericks 110, Pistons 93 (Mavs Moneyball recap | Detroit Bad Boys recap)
Timberwolves 112, Nuggets 104 (Canis Hoopus recap | Denver Stiffs recap)
Spurs 93, Trail Blazers 91 (Pounding the Rock recap | Blazers Edge recap)
Warriors 97, Grizzlies 84(Golden State of Mind recap)
Clippers 108, Suns 95 (Bright Side of the Sun recap)
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youngandhungryent · 5 years
“Big Mouth” Season 3 & Tons Of Other Titles Arriving On Netflix In October
The last couple of weeks has seen lots of great movies and shows added to Netflix’s plethora of streaming content. From the revival of Drake’s favorite show Top Boy, Sacha Baron Cohen’s The Spy, Dave Chappelle’s special among many other titles, the streaming giant has seemingly proven just why they need to up its subscription price to keep up with the never-ending content. 
Since already announcing a Netflix & Chills category for Halloween next month, the official list of new titles to arrive on the platform has arrived as well as a list of titles to say goodbye to. Such adds to look forward to are Big Mouth: Season 3, El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, Men in Black, Dolemite Is My Name and of course, the anticipated Netflix Original series, Rhythm + Flow that sees Cardi B, Chance The Rapper and T.I. search for the next hip-hop star. 
As for titles to stream one last time, Scream 4, A.I. Artificial Intelligence and Pineapple Express will be gone by before Halloween arrives – peep the full list below.
October 1 Carmen Sandiego: Season 2 Nikki Glaser: Bangin’ 93 days A.M.I. Along Came a Spider Bad Boys Bad Boys II Blow Bring It On, Ghost: Season 1 Charlie’s Angels Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Cheese in the Trap: Season 1 Chicago Typewriter: Season 1 Crash Exit Wounds Good Burger Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay Honey 2 House of the Witch Lagos Real Fake Life Men in Black II Moms at War No Reservations Ocean’s Thirteen Ocean’s Twelve One Direction: This Is Us Payday Rugrats in Paris: The Movie Scream 2 Senna Signal: Season 1 Sin City Sinister Circle Supergirl Superman Returns Surf’s Up The Bucket List The Flintstones The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas The Island The Pursuit of Happyness The Rugrats Movie The Time Traveler’s Wife Tomorrow with You: Season 1 Trainspotting Troy Tunnel: Season 1 Unaccompanied Minors Walking Out
October 2
Living Undocumented Ready to Mingle (Solteras) Rotten: Season 2
October 3
Seis Manos
October 4
Big Mouth: Season 3 Creeped Out: Season 2 In the Tall Grass Peaky Blinders: Season 5 Raising Dion Super Monsters: Season 3 Super Monsters: Vida’s First Halloween
October 5
Legend Quest: Masters of Myth
October 7
Match! Tennis Juniors The Water Diviner
October 8
Deon Cole: Cole Hearted The Spooky Tale of Captain Underpants Hack-a-ween
October 9
After Rhythm + Flow — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
October 10
Schitt’s Creek: Season 5 Ultramarine Magmell 
October 11
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie The Forest of Love Fractured Haunted: Season 2 Insatiable: Season 2 La influencia Plan Coeur: Season 2 The Awakenings of Motti Wolenbruch YooHoo to the Rescue: Season 2 
October 12
October 15
Dark Crimes
October 16
Ghosts of Sugar Land Sinister 2
October 17
The Karate Kid THE UNLISTED 
October 18
The Yard (Avlu) Baby: Season 2 Eli Interior Design Masters The House of Flowers: Season 2 The Laundromat Living with Yourself MeatEater: Season 8 Mighty Little Bheem: Diwali Seventeen Spirit Riding Free: Pony Tales Collection 2 Tell Me Who I Am Toon: Seasons 1-2 Unnatural Selection Upstarts 
October 19
Men in Black
October 21
Echo in the Canyon
Free Fire
October 22
Jenny Slate: Stage Fright
October 23
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Dancing with the Birds Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy
October 24
Daybreak Revenge of Pontianak
October 25
A Tale of Love and Darkness Assimilate Brigada Costa del Sol Brotherhood Dolemite Is My Name  Greenhouse Academy: Season 3 The Kominsky Method: Season 2 Monzon Nailed It! France (C’est du gâteau!) Nailed It! Spain (Niquelao!) Prank Encounters Rattlesnake It Takes a Lunatic 
October 28
A 3 Minute Hug Little Miss Sumo Shine On with Reese: Season 1
October 29
Arsenio Hall: Smart & Classy
October 30
Flavorful Origins: Yunnan Cuisine 
October 31
Kengan Ashura: Part ll Nowhere Man Raging Bull
October 1
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October 25
The Carrie Diaries: Season 1-2
October 29
The Fall: Series 1 The Imitation Game
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source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/3531IqX via Young And Hungry Ent.
source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/yahblogger/~3/y0CtroJup1A/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_21.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/32S2eGo via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_42.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2VabH9n via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_88.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2NqSz67 via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_52.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/34Yt3e0 via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_22.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2ABsUPF via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_60.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/30fJfrT via Young And Hungry Ent. source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_2.html
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emblem-333 · 7 years
MJ vs Sir Charles & The Glide
Settling on my cushy chair on a hot summer day, the sun shining brilliantly in the clear blue sky I thought there isn’t a better time to stay indoors. Flipping on “Hardwood Classics” on ESPN Classic I did just that. Game 6 of the 1997 NBA Finals was on, Sir Charles and Clyde “The Glide” Drexler going up against their nemesis Michael Jeffery Jordan. MJ beat both when separate, Drexler shrank from the stage; Barkley rose to the occasion only to be smacked down in six-games when all signs pointed towards an epic Game 7 on the horizon before John Paxson’s left of center three-pointer hit nothing but net. Ending the best opponent Jordan ever faced since the “Bad Boy” Pistons. Charles and Clyde when separate Jordan ate them alive. Together: maybe they could beat him.
The 1996-97 Rockets did what the Lakers of 1969 did: took the most simplest approach to how to go about beating one team. How do you neutralize Dennis Rodman? Why just trade for the “Round Mound of Rebound” of course. Slot him next to the third greatest center of all-time and suddenly the Bulls are relying on Luc Longly more than anybody would want. The 1996-7 Rockets were the classic case of a team not giving a fuck about their future, maxing out all their assets for one-year for their franchise player before he moved on to another phase of his career. Olajuwon and Drexler were both 34, Barkley was 33, Mario Ellie was 33, backup center Kevin Willis was 34, backup wing Eddie Johnson was 37. Unlike the Jordan’s teammates - mostly referring to Pippin and Kukoc - neither of the players named had much in the take for future seasons. They did not have the demonic devotion to conditioning that Jordan did.
For Charles and Clyde their original situations fell apart. Hamstrung by crappy ownership Barkley kicked and screamed till the infamous twenty-five cents on the dollar deal that sent him to Phoenix happened. The Blazers, for all their brilliance on offense, missed their window once Jordan came of age after 1991. Phil Jackson affirmed the Blazers tendency to “self-destruct” late in games prior to the start of the ‘92 Finals. And low and behold in a do-or-die Game 6 in Chicago up fifteen heading into the fourth the Bulls outscored the Blazers by a margin of 33-14. Thus the last nail was put in the Drexler-Kersey-Porter era Blazers coffin. Never again to contend for a title until 1999 with a different cast all together. Ironically the same issues of unnecessary turnovers, poor decision-making among other cancerous mistakes cost them a chance at the NBA Title against the Phil Jackson coached Los Angeles Lakers; star small forward Scottie Pippen was in the same chase for a ring situation Barkley-Drexler-Olajuwon were a few years only with arguably a better supporting cast and a undeniably worse coach in Mike Dunleavey. Even more ironically, Pippen was supposed to PREVENT another meltdown.
It took the star-studded Rockets seven-games to end the Supersonics reign as Western Conference champions, and another seven to push back the ever so valiant Stockton & Malone Jazz, edging the duo out on a Barkley-led 7-0 run in the last minute-twelve seconds of the game by a score of 88-91. By the skin of their teeth the AARP Houston Rockets were back in the NBA Finals against the opponent they wanted all along. To silence all the doubters who devalued Olajuwon’s two championships in '94-'95 because Jordan wasn’t waiting in the wings. The last hurrah of late-80s, early-90s basketball to begin in June of 1997.
Never before had Jordan had so much on the line in an NBA Finals, gone against such a loaded team that forced his squad to rely on the likes of Steve Kerr and Luc Longly. Jordan-Pippen-Rodman were enough to win 141 games over the last two seasons, set a season record for victories in a season and breeze through two playoff runs seemingly without breaking a sweat. All of the NBA were ants compared to the Chicago Bulls, like the Celtics made the league feel in the days of Bill Russell. Every season beginning with a “why even bother” feeling, only proven true by season’s end. In 1968 the Lakers were sick of losing to the same guy over and over, they finally pulled the trigger to become the second team to get Chamberlin on a ten cents on the dollar trade for him. Thinking if Elgin and Jerry weren’t enough to beat Russell, perhaps his greatest foe could push them over the top?
Well, that didn’t happen. Despite Jerry West’s ballin’ for 37.9 points, off 49% shooting, and 7.4 assists in the greatest series of his storied career, Russell knew Wilt like the back of his hand. Even with the rehabilitation Wilt went under in 1967 in Philadelphia, utilizing his passing skills converting himself into an assist-whore, since earlier Wilt only cared about points and rebounds. He sprained his angle in Game 7, came out for a little while. The Lakers went on a little run and when Wilt asked coach Butch van Breda Kolff stubbornly replied “we’re doing better without you,” and his posturing cost them the title and his job. Can’t also underestimate the psychological edge Boston held over LA couldn't be matched to any one-sided rivalry in sports at the time.
Houston’s core battled their inner demons of past failures and the ghost of Michael Jordan’s success. His Airness subsumed all of what Charles, Clyde and Hakeem accomplished in their long careers. All that mattered in that time in basketball was the Bulls. The allure of the bright red and losing yourself in the dark as the night sky 23. When the time for talk ended and the tip-off proceeded as planned a wave washed over all those in Chicago, in Houston, those in the arena, on the floor and even the announcers. A cathartic resolution was to be brought in the coming weeks. Eight All-Stars in the NBA Finals, shattering all expectations when it didn’t seem possible.
Stealing Game 1 on the road behind Olajuwon and his 31 points, twenty rebounds and three blocks and emasculating Rodman for thirty-six minutes. Jordan and Pippen roared back for fifty-five points and sixteen rebounds combined in a 102-91 thrashing. More of the same followed in a game 3, ensuring the series wouldn’t end in the Lone Star State. Ellie and Penn State rookie Maloney hit nine 3s, the point guard posting fifteen assists, Barkley grabbed thirteen boards en route to the Rockets tying the series in a 95-99 squeaker.
Game 5 is usually when Jordan doesn’t play around. These things don’t last longer than six-games typically. Forty-six points, eleven rebounds and eight assists wasn’t enough from the GOAT, Barkley-Clyde-Hakeem combined for eighty-six of their team’s points, barley pushing the veteran Rockets over the defending champions 113-105, setting the stage for Game six.
Legacies are formed and broken in Game sevens, but Game sixes are almost always better for whatever reasons. Even with all the accolades Jordan could not stand losing. This is the guy who lost to a friend at ping-pong once at college, bought his own table me trained until he was the best player on the team. The time of experimentation was over, Phil decided to go with what he knew worked. Taking advantages of size matchups wherever he could find them.
Sporting three inches over Mario Ellie Pippen made a joke of Ellie guarding him in the first half, hitting six of his first nine, 15 points and 5 rebounds when the buzzer signaled a change of sides. Michael couldn’t fly like he did in the early 90s when he and Pip made Magic and Worthy look as if they regretted picking basketball for a career; they just kept attacking them like a pack of crazed dogs. But he could hit the fadeaway with such consistency your knees buckled just from watching. Mother of all Christ, how can you stop this guy? It didn’t matter Hakeem and Charles clogged the paint, Jordan found his spots. Drexler responded to this by doing his best impression of a watered up corpse.
Barkley and Rodman battled for every rebound, every put-back, for every positioning on defense. For the brute force Rodman exhibited under the basket, Barkley knew how to score. 12 points, 10 rebounds for Barkley to Rodman’s 0 points and 14 rebounds. For the entirety of the first half the juice in the building was palpable, Jordan’s veins pulsating through his wrist, even i could see it and we’re talking 1997 television graphics. Maloney came up big where Drexler shrank, posting six points and four assists to give Houston the slim lead of 49-52, Jordan leading the game in scoring (22) and steals (5) and confirmed kills. Half of those points coming from the charity stripe because Barkley was tossing him around like a rag doll at every opportunity. Olajuwon brought down twelve boards, three blocks and two steals, not even committing a single foul.
Second half, Rudy T decided enough is enough and moved Ellie on to Jordan, Maloney on Kerr, Barkley on Pippen, Hakeem on Rodman and try to Jedi Mind Trick Luc Longly into firing off twelve-footers. Chicago’s first three possessions are punctuated by the energy being seeped out of the building and Longly front rimming everything. A Super Mario three and a Barkley and-one gave Houston a 49-58 lead before Phil burns his first time out of the half.
Drexler walks out of the huddle and sinks a twenty-six footer and mugs right in front Jordan’s face. Bad move. MJ says “fuck this,” drives like a freight train to the basket for a bucket and foul, nails a three of his own, and a sixteen-footer. Time out Rockets, 57-61 Rockets. There isn’t an adjustment you can make for Michael Jordan having enough of your shit. Just hope he simmers down.
Rudy T comes out of the timeout with Randy Livingston in place of Matt Maloney who’s earned a rest chasing Jordan like Wile E. Coyote hunting the Road Runner on switches. Before the huddle breaks Rudy emphasizes to Randy Livingston not leave his defensive assignment - Steve Kerr - under any circumstances, and tells Drexler to take on MJ. After a short dribbling exhibition Jordan gives it to Pippen on the right elbow, Barkley picks him up, forcing him to throw it to a wide open Jordan beyond the arc, seeing this Livingston closes out and manages to get MJ to get rid of the ball…right to Steve Kerr for the twenty-seven foot triple. 60-61. Barkley looks like he’s about to body slam Randy through the announcer table.
For most part thus game couldn’t have gone better for Houston up till this point. Pippen hadn’t scored since the 3:29 mark of the second quarter. Rodman’s been relegated to the bench due to his four fouls and Barkley hasn’t launched any ill-advised threes.
Scratch that. Speak of the devil. Barkley from the right corner hits the side of the rim, leading to a Harper-Pippen fast break, Longly taps it in for the put-back, Bulls take their first lead of the second half. Since the Drexler poking of the bear the Bulls have enjoyed a 13-0 run. Jordan contributing eight points and a crucial assist and continued to lockdown Clyde. Houston needs to get this game back to the inside, goad Pippen and Jordan near the basket. Olajuwon hasn’t allowed a point by either of them in his territory.
On offense the Rockets do just that, Livingston floats a pass over Pippen’s head and into Barkley’s hands, count it and the foul on Longly, his third of the night. Barkley sinks the extra and the Rockets now lead by a full possession. Barkley and Pip jaw at each other, earning a technical for both parties. Michael wants a piece of Charles for that elbow he threw at him in the second, having to be restrained by MMA master Robert Parish, a man Jordan wouldn’t - or shouldn’t even think about fighting. Charles has played like a nasty SOB all night. He hit the back of Longly’s head, tossed Jordan around the parquet and somehow got away with a kick to Bill Wennington’s left knee. One foul was called on Charles prior to the tech. One. Good job, Ed, you earn that dough.
A hesitation dribble done by Harper, he pulls up for a nineteen-footer, hits the left side of the rim, Hakeem gets the rebound ripped from his hands by MJ, and is given a forearm to the cheek in return. Two shots for Jordan. Nice guy my ass. Jordan makes both free throws bringing his point total to 32, and tying to game at 64 a piece.
Halfway thru the third and Rudy brings back in Ellie after two-minutes and twelve seconds of play time passing. I must say, moving Ellie on to Jordan worked great. It couldn’t have been done without Rodman on the bench, Pippen ate Mario alive before the rotation change. Now with Barkley breathing down Scottie’s neck, the best duo in basketball suffered its worse stretch of the night. For the rest of the third quarter, Pippen and Jordan would go scoreless, Houston would enjoy a 10-3 run and lead 74-67 at period’s end. Kevin Willis scored 7 of those ten points and ripped two boards from Longly’s clammy hands.
I’m stunned Kukoc hasn’t seen the floor yet. Is he even alive?
The Rockets are unafraid and even celebratory, while the Bulls look as tight as an otters anus. Kerr and Jordan bark at one another, MJ wants the ball, Kerr tells Jordan to “shut the fuck up,” at least that’s how I read his lips. Kerr brings the ball up to the floor on the right side, bounce passes it to Pippen in the post draped by Barkley, jump hook goes in.
Ellie goes down the floor, passes up a contested layup to Maloney for three and sinks it. 77-69, Rockets. Second triple of the night for Matt, 14 total points, five assists. Timeout Chicago. The fans at the United Center are in desperate need of a B12 shot. Barkley’s slapping hands with the rookie Maloney. What’s eluded him all his career is just seventeen minutes away. By the end of the third Houston’s lead was 83-75, Maloney hit one more three for good measure, Pippen tried to respond by going inside and getting blocked by Barkley making sure he’d never again go under the basket.
Jordan on Drexler, MJ looked to have mentally scarred “The Glide”, eight points, 3 turnovers, and didn’t see much of the floor in the third. Rudy T is going to have to go back to him soon. Ellie and Maloney are going to wear down. The 4th period starts with Jordan getting to his spot at the free throw line on back-to-back possessions getting Chicago within four. Drexler tries to throw it to Olajuwon in the post, deflected by Jordan, throws it to a streaking Randy Brown for the clear path layup. Houston up by two, timeout Rudy T, 9:48 left.
Rodman’s back in, five fouls for him now and is relegated to just being the an enforcer at this point. He returns and barrels through Barkley for his first bucket of the night. Tie game. Barkley tries to get payback, Pippen and Rodman stuff him on the double-team in the pinch post, ball comes free and is scooped up by a Ron Harper and dunks. Bulls lead. That B12 shot finally made its way to the United Center. This crowd has become unglued and are smelling blood. This long from being over. Jordan is anything but complacent. Pippen wants to go to war against Barkley and settle the “who’s the best forward” argument.
Hakeem’s back in, Bulls go with Rodman at center and dare Barkley to shoot. All his points tonight came courtesy of his fat ass so this strategy makes sense. Barkley pumps fake at the elbow, dishes it to a cutting Ellie for the uncontested layup, Rockets tie the game at 85. Bulls come down the court, Pippen takes the pass from Kerr at the baseline and drains the corner three. Jordan’s singing Scottie’s praises as he gets the crowd to go from unglued to fucking ballistic. In the commotion Maloney heaves it over Olajuwon’s head out of bounce. Deer in the headlights look on Maloney.
Bulls waste no time taking advantage of the Rockets mistake, Pippen again takes a long-range shot from the corner this time it rims out, a bunch of “ooohs” and “ahhs” followed by collective groans from spectators, Rodman pulls the ball to his chest, Jordan open at the free throw line and drains it. Two possession lead for Chicago, 90-85. Jordan has 38 and leads the game in scoring. Timeout Houston, they only have two left and there’s four-in-half left in the ballgame. Just judging by the body language who do you think is up 3-2 in this series? Livingston has his shoulders slumped, Barkley looks gassed. On the other end MJ, Scottie and Harper look ready to run a marathon when this is over.
Jason Caffey is in for Rodman, don’t know how I feel about this substitution. I don’t think the Rockets know he has five fouls otherwise they wouldn’t have guarded him as poorly as they did. Houston trots out Willis-Johnson-Barkley-Ellie-Maloney, I think Rudy’s seen enough of Drexler tonight. 3/12, eight points in the biggest game of his career.
Barkley’s played thirty-six minutes, Hakeem thirty-three, you notice the two’s contrasting body characteristics. Sir Charles glued his hands on his knees, Hakeem stands tall with both hands square on his hips. Noticing this, Maloney uses Olajuwon for a pick & roll and drains a three from dead center. 90-88. I see big things for Matt Maloney. On the other end Pippen sees a physically used up Barkley and drives into him for a trip to the line. Charles’ fourth foul of the night. Pippen makes 1 of 2 from the stripe, 91-88 Chicago, 3:13 left to go.
Taking control of this game Maloney does what should’ve been done the moment Rodman stepped back on to the parquet: run into Rodman and get that damned sixth foul…and the bucket. Maloney clanks the game-tying free throw, its rebounded by Charles, the putback is stuffed, Ellie picks up the loose ball eleven-feet from the basket and sinks the jumper. 92-91 Houston, 2:20 left. Jackson calls for timeout and suddenly the United Center became quieter than a funeral parlor - again.
Phil’s trying to draw up a ATO, kinda pointless. These sorts of games dwindle down to one-on-one, how much your best players have left in the tank. Rewatch last year’s Game 7 of the Finals the Warriors moved the ball better than any team I’ve ever seen. But in the biggest moment of the season, a 73-win season on the line, Steph couldn’t get passed Love off the dribble. Suddenly all the ball movement stopped and Cleveland was gifted with the Warriors going scoreless in the final four-minutes.
Jordan takes the inbounds from Pippen, goes under the basket, Jordan holds the ball with Ellie showing respect by guarding him in-front of the free throw line. Kicks it into high gear and drives it through the basket like it was nothing. 93-92. Okay, that wasn’t the play Jackson drew up, but like I said: these things come down to who has the most talent and energy left…maybe a fluke here and there just for good measure.
Drexler is back in, Maloney is out. NO! Takes it out from half court, Rudy draws up a redundant ATO that is of course ignored. Hakeem calls for it, Wennington trying his damnedest to keep him as far as from the basket, Pippen is sagging off Barkley beyond the arc ready to be the help defender. Drexler manages to thread the needle to Olajuwon on a bounce-pass, takes to his left, Pippen closes in, Hakeem dumps it to a wide-open Barkley - NO!
“Barkley for the lead…YES!” He did it! He fucking did it! Pigs have been confirmed to be flying in Hell on a cold day! Twenty fucking years later and I still can’t believe it!
Remember 'Forget Paris’, Billy Crystal is an NBA ref, falls in love with a girl or whatever. The voice actors for Marge Simpson and “Fat” Tony are in it. Anyways, the movie starts with Sir Charles hitting a three-pointer against the Spurs to send the Suns back to the NBA Finals. It’s waived off, Charles barks at a stern Billy Crystal that his waiving off his game-winner was “Turrible” in his classic Sir Charles drawl, the e being converted to a u. I feel like the writers didn’t want to put that in there because Barkley and myself would shoot the same percentage if the NBA let me play.
But now here it is, happening right before my very eyes. Ellie doesn’t know what to do with himself so he calls back to the “Kiss of Death” he infamously became known for - ironically against Barkley’s Suns in '95. This time Mario makes a point to do it across the court to Michael Jordan and he sees it. Gulp. Timeout Chicago, 42.8 ticks left.
Was that by design? Did Rudy Tomjanovich (see, I know how to spell his name. I’m just too lazy to do it) ignore all logic and reason and scribbled a play where Hakeem draws a double-team on the high pinch post, Ellie and Clyde isolate their respective defenders into the corners, 'Keem gives Wennington a little “Dream Shake” before Pip comes for the help, leaving Barkley open to make the most improbable shot in NBA history???
Nah. He probably just told his team to give it to Olajuwon and get the hell outta the way. That’s what I would do. What’s the point in even telling basketball players what to do in the waning seconds of a close game. Pride and masculinity takes over, in Charles’ head he HAD to take that shot. To the rest of us sane people: he didn’t.
Quick question: how much did that shot do for Barkley’s legacy? Is that one spot alone the reason in Simmons’ book put Barkley above Kevin Garnett and Karl Malone in the Pyramid?
Clyde stays in, Maloney is still out. That’s good. Never rely on a rookie in these moments. Especially with Jordan on the floor who’s made it his mission to hunt down Maloney all night. Oh, look, Toni’ on the floor! Hello, Toni! Look at him, folks. The only person in the building that won’t need a shower when this is all over.
Kukoc inbounds it to Jordan, Harper calls for the ball but he isn’t going to get. Ellie is doing one of two things: either he’s trying to goad Jordan into a fifteen-footer, he’ll leave with the result of it. Or, he wants Jordan to go for the win, trusting the larger sample that suggest Jordan isn’t a good three-point shooter. (34% was his percentage after the '97 regular season. Below average, but this was before teams even noticed the three-point line. If Michael played today he’d make them with the consistency of Klay Thompson)
Barkley and Hakeem stand pat in the paint, Michael blows past Ellie and into Barkley’s somewhat flappy torso, the ref swallows his whistle and the ball grazes the rim, rebound Hakeem. As the seconds dwindle down the Bulls scramble to find the worst free throw shooter on the Rockets and settle on Barkley (69.4 ft%). Fifteen-seconds left, Houston’s up two, chance to make it four and do what Charles couldn’t do in Phoenix: beat Michael.
Seriously, though, how was that not a foul? Barkley is clearly out of the restricted area…I think I seen a shove. What was the thing I said before about these things being decided by fluke-like occurrences?
Marv Albert, Matt Guokas and Bill Walton are not on the same page. Marv is rambling about how much a title would mean to Charles, why he signed in Houston when the writing was on the wall that the Suns’ window was closed. How Clyde wanted so badly after '92 to get “another crack” at Jordan and the Bulls. Guokas is whining about the no-foul call. Bill is busy dissecting the feel in the building. “It’s about as smooth as a horror movie”, what does that even mean?
The first free throw rattled in after all of Houston and Chicago felt their hearts nearly leap outta their chest. Charles looks shocked that shitty attempt even found its way to the bottom of the net. The next one goes left, Pippen grabs it and wastes no time giving it to Harper on the fast-break, Drexler does his second useful thing all night and picks him up, Harper stumbles and the ball rolls out of bounce and suddenly: the Houston Rockets are your World Champions!
How about that. This team looked ready to cave to the Supersonics a couple of weeks ago after nearly blowing a 3-1 lead, Drexler didn’t show up and they needed the rookie to step up big when it was clear the Bulls figured out what to do against the Rockets best three players on offense.
Jordan briskly walks towards Barkley and Clyde hugging one another in a totally not gay way. Shakes their hands like he finished runner-up at the British Open and gets the fuck out of the arena. I could almost hear him saying “I’ll show them, I’ll stick around until I’ve proven my point to the world that this doesn’t mean anything. I’ll over stay my welcome and leave a bitter taste in fans’ mouths when I begrudgingly hang it up.”
Confetti doesn’t fly. The Chicago faithful remained stunned in their seats. Someone shoves a microphone in front of Charles’ sweaty face, he cries out “I’ve saved you, Chicago, you’re welcome!”
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pressography-blog1 · 8 years
LaVar Ball and his boys are here to alternate the arena
New Post has been published on https://pressography.org/lavar-ball-and-his-boys-are-here-to-alternate-the-arena/
LaVar Ball and his boys are here to alternate the arena
CHINO HILLS, Calif. — If you concept LaVar Ball sounded outrageous when he said his son Lonzo, a freshman point project at UCLA, is higher than Steph Curry, nicely, you have not heard whatever but.
                                                 LaVar Ball 
Human Balls
“Again in my heyday, I might kill Michael Jordan one-on-one,’’ said Ball, the 49-yr-old basketball dad who’s 6-6 and 270 kilos and has a mouth to healthy his length. The elder Ball has spent his time touting his son as the next big thing in outrageous style (see: Curry comments) and trading verbal jabs with TNT analyst and ex-NBA superstar Charles Barkley.
The mouth was motoring in the course of a recent interview with United states of America Today Sports activities while LaVar Ball stood within the kitchen of his home here, approximately 35 miles east of la and heaven only knows how some distance from fact.
“I might simply Back (Jordan) in and lift him off the floor and contact a bad each time he fouls me once I do a soaring hook to the right or the left,” Ball said. “He can not stop me one-on-one. He higher makes each shot ’reason he can’t cross round me. He’s no longer rapid enough. And he can best make such a lot of shots outdoor before I make each bucket beneath the rim.” It’s really worth noting that Ball played basketball for the Washington Kingdom at some stage in the 1987-88 season and averaged 2.2 points, 2.3 rebounds a sport earlier than shifting to Cal-State Los Angeles searching for extra playing time. Jordan, meanwhile, averaged 35 points and 5.five rebounds for the Chicago Bulls that equal season and is widely regarded because of the best player in basketball records.
“Now in a sport of five-on-5, (Jordan) might do a little damage, however, I’m going to perform a little harm too,’’ Ball added.
Air Jordan vs. Warm Air is how the critics may bill the sort of showdown, now not that Ball minds the tag. Look — and pay attention — for him when the NCAA event starts of evolved this week.
Billion-dollar boys
all through the interview, Ball additionally stated he is prepared to package Lonzo and his different sons — LiAngelo, an excessive school senior who has signed with UCLA, and LaMelo, a high faculty sophomore who has committed to UCLA — for an advertising cope with Nike, Adidas or beneath Armour.
“One billion greenbacks, it has to be there,” Ball said. “That’s our quantity, A billion, straight out of the gate. And also you don’t even give it to me all up to the front. give us $one hundred mils over 10 years.”
Free Film Arena
The Ball boys already are using in fashion — as a minimum the 2 which have motive force’s licenses. Lonzo and LiAngelo each drive $a hundred,000 BMWs, said Ball, who is a self-employed private trainer and whose spouse, Tina, is a center school physical schooling trainer.
“To get my boys a little $100,000 automobile, that’s nothing,’’ he said. “I don’t need to pay for schooling. I’m saving over $1 million dollars.”
The math is sketchy. UCLA’s training for in-Nation residents is $34,000 a yr, meaning Ball may want to keep about $four hundred,000 if each of his sons stayed at UCLA for 4 years. Lonzo is anticipated to move pro after this season and is projected as a top-5 choose for the NBA draft.
in the meantime, Ball dismisses the belief that his comments could have a poor effect on Lonzo, a United states of America Nowadays Sports first-crew all-American who is averaging 14.6 factors, 7.7 assists and six.1 rebounds in keeping with the game.
“They try to twist him up,’’ Ball stated. “ ‘Ah, guy, your dad’s distracting you. What’s he doing? His dad ain’t out right here on the court without hula hoops going, Hey, make a shot through right here. That’s distraction.’ ”
Ball’s mouth and his sons’ fulfillment have become him right into a celeb. At UCLA’s normal season finale at Pauley Pavilion, as an example, he posed for as a minimum a dozen pix. Charles Barkley will not be among the ones inquiring for a selfie with Ball.
“I know you could be proud of your son,” Barkley told Carrying Information, “but at some point, it will become stupidity.”
Showing he may have a better hazard going mouth-to-mouth with Barkley than one-on-one with Jordan, Ball instructed Colin Cowherd of Fox Sports activities 1, “If Charles thought like me, perhaps he’d win a championship.”
And to America These days Sports activities, Ball stated, “You talking approximately a dad, me, that talks an excessive amount of? I recognize some of these dads aren’t even there. Alcoholics, drunks, awaiting their son to make it. Hurry up, son, we in poverty right now, hurry up.”
A brand new Ball sport
Reputedly there’s no hurry for the Ball boys. The own family lives in a five-bedroom residence with a pool nestled in a quiet community — quiet, this is, except LaVar Ball is exterior. He was in height from March 4 at Pauley Pavilion.
Standing out of doors of UCLA’s locker room after the Bruins’ seventh seven-68 victories over the Washington Kingdom, Ball greeted UCLA head coach Steve Alford in inimitable style.
“Steve Alford!” Ball boomed. “Hiya, man, you all proper? I were given some tissue for you.”
It became Senior Night, and Ball said he’d noticed tears in Alford’s eyes for the duration of the pregame right when Alford’s son Bryce, a senior guard, walked throughout the arena floor.
“To make me cry,’’ LaVar Ball stated, “you’ve got to hit me with a 2-by way of-4.”
The punchline brought about laughter from Ball’s entourage, and an exciting entourage its miles. The individuals include:
► Darren Moore, a circle of relatives buddy who LaVar stated he has paid to stay in Westwood this season and preserve tabs on Lonzo. Moore said he has attended every UCLA exercise and UCLA avenue game.
► A photographer and videographer chronicling the lifestyles of LaVar Ball and his boys for a capacity Television display.
► Alan Foster, a family friend who stated he’s helping develop a signature basketball shoe to be bought below the circle of relatives’ apparel line, huge Baller Emblem, that drew scrutiny from the NCAA.
at the internet website, bigballerbrand.Com, the family sells T-shirts for as a good deal as $60, hoodies for as plenty as $70 and hats for as tons as $a hundred. In February, LaVar stated, UCLA informed him he could need to remove a photograph of Lonzo from the website or else Lonzo’s eligibility could be at risk.
NCAA policies prohibit scholar-athletes from using their call or picture to put it on the market, advocate or promote immediately the sale or use of a business service or product of any type. And LaVar Ball, who stated UCLA changed into privy to the web page lengthy earlier than it asked for the image to be eliminated, turned into no longer pleased.
“I was going to inform them, huge Ballers style, see if you may cross win this (NCAA) match without my son,” Ball stated. “I stated, ‘Permit me to tell you guys something proper now, If I come down there, it ain’t going to be no complaints. I’m coming all the way down to get my son.’ And that’s after they changed into like, ‘LaVar, it wasn’t us. It become USC.’ ”
Tim Tessalone, USC’s Sports information director, confirmed USC contacted UCLA about the internet website online, however, said UCLA indicated it changed into aware about the problem and already working on it. On Saturday, the NCAA issued an announcement said it had labored with UCLA on the matter and no movement would be taken towards Lonzo.
‘He’s sort of boastful’
The son of a personal protection guard, Ball said he developed his brash way even as growing up in South Principal L. A.. And he stated he conceived of the idea of his personal Ball boys — three sons he would groom to be basketball stars — earlier than they have been conceived.
“You handiest need 3,” Ball said. “You want one down the middle and down the perimeters.’’
Arena PLM Sign In
He said he discovered his ideal companion in 1989 while he spotted his destiny wife, Tina, then a 6-1 basketball participant at Cal-Country La.
“I used to be one of the maximum famous dudes inside the school,” Ball said. “All the girls become like, ‘God dang, that’s the one that’s split with the green eyes.’ And Tina turned into like, ‘Good day, he’s form of smug.’
“when I first saw her strolling down the hall, I simply stopped and I stated, ‘I don’t know what I and you’ll do collectively, but we’re going to do something.’ ”
They gave delivery to the now-celebrated Ball boys.
“Glaringly his wife have to have fantastic skills,’’ cracked Kelvin Sampson, who coached Ball at Washington Country. “The element I bear in mind about LaVar is … he gave the look of King Kong out there.”
Even though less muscular than their father, the Ball boys are making almost as a great deal noise on the courtroom as LaVar Ball is off the court docket. This season, while Lonzo has set up himself as one of the pinnacle university games in the united states of America, LiAngelo scored 72 points in a game for Chino Hills in November and LaMelo topped that with ninety-two points in a recreation for Chino Hills in February.
Ball said his wife became unavailable to be interviewed, but he said she handles all of their son’s academic affairs and Ball takes care of athletics. He said he has coached the boys on account that they first started dribbling and, alongside the manner, matched them up against players as a good deal as seven years older than they were.
They were unstoppable, Ball stated, and could have been exceptional football games. In fact, Ball said Dennis Erickson, the previous football educates at Washington State, requested him to pop out for spring exercise and attempt out for the team as a good stop.
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touristguidebuzz · 8 years
10 Restaurants and Bars Based on Your Favorite TV Shows
If you’ve ever longed to drink a beer at a bar where everybody knows your name, celebrate a Bayside Tigers victory with a burger and milkshake or thank your gal pals for being a friend over a shared cheesecake, you’re in luck. All around the world, hit television shows have been providing inspiration for restaurateurs and bar owners, so whether your small-screen tastes lean toward classic sci-fi or cheesy ‘90s teen dramadies, there’s a place for you. Here are 10 of our favorites, based on all your favorite TV shows.
1. Rue La Rue Café from The Golden Girls
Though she amassed more than 100 acting credits throughout her nearly-50-year career, the late Rue McClanahan will always be best known for her role as randy retiree Blanche Devereaux in the beloved NBC series The Golden Girls. Though McClanahan passed away in 2010, her legacy lives on at Rue La Rue Café, a European-style café that just opened in Manhattan’s Washington Heights neighborhood last month. The brainchild of Michael J. LaRue, a longtime friend (and dare we say “con-fi-dant”) of McClanahan’s, LaRue described the eatery — which has been jam-packed since it opened — as “a museum with good food.” Among the many cherished items on display are various pieces of clothing she wore both on the screen and stage, her 1987 Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series and a replica of the feisty foursome’s Florida kitchen. Save some room for cheesecake!
You can see photos of actress Rue McClanahan on display at the restaurant. Image courtesy of Rue La Rue Café via Facebook.
2. George’s Bar from Seinfeld
Though the show was set in New York City and filmed in Los Angeles, if you want to pay tribute to Seinfeld’s most lovable loser, you’re going to have to head to the Land Down Under. In early 2016, George’s Bar — a tribute to all things George Costanza — opened in Melbourne’s Fitzroy neighborhood. Though its façade belies the Seinfeld obsession within, it doesn’t take more than a quick look at the art on the walls — as well as an entire entryway filled with George’s best quotes, written in sharpie by visitors — or a glance at the menu to realize you’ve been transported to Costanza-land. In addition to a menu of more than a dozen beers and ciders, there’s also a small menu of toasties — like the Art Vandelay, a tasty ham and cheese sandwich — or you can order signature Seinfeld favorites like Snickers, Twix and pretzels (because, hey, “These pretzels are making me thirsty!) There’s no secret handshake needed to get inside, but we’d recommend learning the Van Buren Boys’ sign, you know, just in case.
A visit to the bar about nothing should be on every Seinfeld fan’s bucket list. Image courtesy of George’s Bar via Facebook.
3. Saved by the Max from Saved by the Bell
In early 2016, it was announced that the Bayside Tigers would be coming to Chicago’s Wicker Park via Saved by the Max, a Saved by the Bell-inspired pop-up restaurant that was scheduled to open — and close — last summer. Summer came and went, but the crowds remained, and nearly a year later, it’s still open and reservations are still strongly recommended. The restaurant is a pretty close replica of The Max, Zack Morris and the gang’s favorite diner, complete with retro video games, a jukebox and even a row of lockers. Who needs to pop caffeine pills when there’s all this excitement?
Go Bayside! Image courtesy of Saved by the Max via Facebook.
4. Central Perk from Friends
If you ever wondered whether the very specific humor of Friends got lost in translation when it aired in international markets, consider this: Beijing is home to its own version of Central Perk, the coffee shop favored by the friends of Friends. But rather than create an exact replica, the café is set up more like a set, a subtle reminder that makes it feel a bit like a studio tour — there’s even a laugh track. In addition to that big orange couch, there’s a resident feline named — you guessed it — Smelly Cat, and the series plays on a loop. A separate room recreates Joey and Chandler’s apartment, foosball table and dartboard included (but no Duck and Chick). Amazingly, the Beijng café is not the only time Central Perk has sprung to life — there’s one in Singapore, too. In honor of the show’s 20th anniversary in 2014, a pop-up version of the café opened for about a month in New York City, and Gunther was there to welcome guests.
Image courtesy of Central Perk Singapore via Facebook.
5. ABQ London from Breaking Bad
It may not have the Sandia Mountain views, but ABQ London has created a pretty powerful formula for replicating the Breaking Bad experience — in a bar — and best of all, it’s a completely interactive experience. For £30 (~$37) apiece, guests can book an hour and 45 minutes of time in ABQ’s RV-turned-cocktail lab. With Walter White’s chemistry manual as your guide, you can cook up a few batches of cool cocktails like The Gale, a mix of tequila, mezcal, Kahlua, cold-brewed coffee and cinnamon espresso topped with green cardamom and pink peppercorn hydrosol air. Unfortunately, there’s no Los Pollos Hermanos around (though a short-lived version of the chicken joint will pop up at SXSW in Austin later this month). Yeah, science!
Say my name. Image courtesy of ABQ London via Facebook.
6. Walter’s Coffee Roastery also from Breaking Bad
Somewhere between the aforementioned Central Perk and ABQ London is Walter’s Coffee Roastery, a Breaking Bad-style coffee laboratory — or Coffee Super Lab — that takes a more scientific approach to java. “From extraction and brew temperatures to espresso machine pressure and grinder configuration, we have coffee down to a science,” states the company’s website. After beginning its life in Istanbul in 2015, a second outpost opened in Brooklyn’s Bushwick neighborhood in September, while a third recently opened in Dubai.
Formulating the perfect brew. Image courtesy of Walter’s Coffee Roastery via Facebook.
 7. Cheers from, well, Cheers
Given Cheers’ popularity throughout the 1980s and into the early 1990s, it was really only a matter of time before someone thought to create a replica bar. And that does exist, in Boston’s Faneuil Hall. But then there’s the “real” Cheers, the Beacon Hill bar formerly known as the Bull & Finch Pub, which has been around for nearly 125 years and was the inspiration behind the series. It kept its original name until 2002, when it was renamed for the series it inspired. (We know, it’s confusing.)
The bar where everybody knows your name. Image courtesy of Achim Hepp via Flickr.
8. The Pandorica from Doctor Who
Whether your allegiance lies with The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) or you’re more of an old-school Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) type, Doctor Who fans of every stripe can come together to celebrate their favorite Time Lord at The Pandorica, a restaurant in Beacon, New York, named after the fictional prison built under Stonehenge to contain The Doctor. According to the website, it’s a place where “you can enjoy watching Doctor Who whilst indulging in an eclectic menu of intergalactic comfort foods starting with ‘spoilers’ and ending with ‘sweeties.’” And yes, The Doctor’s favorite dish — fish fingers and custard — is on the menu.
A post shared by Liz Sterling (@coupesirenade) on Feb 6, 2017 at 3:59am PST
9. The Way Station also from Doctor Who
90 minutes from The Pandorica (or even faster if traveling via TARDIS) is The Way Station, another ode to the BBC’s long-run sci-fi series in Brooklyn. More of a music venue than a straight-up fan hotspot, the bar’s main feature — a TARDIS at the bar — makes for a great photo op.
The perfect photo-op for Dr. Who fans everywhere. Image courtesy of The Way Station via Facebook.
10. The Black Lodge from Twin Peaks
More than 25 years after it went off the air, David Lynch’s Twin Peaks still maintains a devoted following. And while fans don’t have long to wait until the May 21 series’ revival on Showtime, they can get their fix of a damn good cup of coffee in one of two places: Twede’s Cafe in North Bend, Oregon, which played the part of the Double R Diner in the original series, or The Black Lodge, a charmingly rustic and appropriately Lynchian bar and (vegetarian) restaurant located in a cabin in Vancouver, British Columbia about 500 miles north. In addition to a nice selection of local beers, The Black Lodge features a Twin Peaks-inspired cocktail menu. We like the Dr. Jacoby, a mash-up of coconut rum, banana liquor and pineapple juice that feels strangely out of place surrounded by all this rusticity. Then again, predictability isn’t one of Lynch’s strong suits anyway.
Have you been to any of these places? Tell us about your experience, below.
Featured image courtesy of Central Perk Singapore’s Facebook page.
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christopheralanfox · 8 years
Tumblr media
We are back in the van on our way to Las Vegas, NV to play the first show of the Febrewary Tour at The Garth! This tour is quick but holy moly is it going to be a doozey! So many super fun shows with rad bands! We even brought a banjo! Hope to see you all at a show. @bossdaughter 2/15/2017 - Las Vegas NV - The Garth 2/16/2017 - Idyllwild CA - American Legion Post 800 - w/ Throw The Goat 2/17/2017 - Pomona CA - VLHS - w/ Bad Cop / Bad Cop, Decent Criminal, Gentlemen Prefer Blood, Lysolgang 2/18/2017 - San Pedro CA - Godmother's Saloon - w/ Bad Cop / Bad Cop, Decent Criminal 2/19/2017 - Santa Cruz CA - Streetlight Records - Santa Cruz Music Festival - w/ The Randy Savages 2/20/2017 - Chico CA - The Chum Bucket - w/ Celluloid, The Hecks, Killjar 2/21/2017 - Eugene OR - Old Nick's Pub - w/ The Athiarchists 2/22/2017 - Portland OR - The White Owl - w/ John Underwood, Shootdang, Dogtooth and Nail 2/23/2017 - Medford OR - Bamboo Room at King Wah's - w/ John Dough Boys, Steaksauce Mustache 2/24/2017 - Sacramento CA - The Hideaway - w/ Bad Cop / Bad Cop, Decent Criminal, M Section 2/25/2017 - Reno NV - Jub Jub's Showroom - Skate Jam - w/ Bad Cop / Bad Cop, Fall Silent, Decent Criminal, M Section, The Randy Savages and more 3/26/2017 - Reno NV - Shea's Tavern - w/ American Pinup, Urban Wolves 4/6/2017 - Reno NV - Jub Jub's Thirst Parlor - w/ The Kegels 4/7/2017 - Klamath Falls OR - The Pikey 4/10/2017 - Sacramento CA - Press Club - w/ Slutzville 4/14/2017 - San Jose CA - Caravan Lounge 4/17/2017 - Las Vegas NV - The Dive Bar - w/ Hans Gruber and the Die Hards 4/21/2017 - Austin TX - Bull McCabe's - w/ Yikes! 4/22/2017 - Houston TX - Fitzgerald's - Houston Punkfest - w/ Hans Gruber and the Die Hards 4/25/2017 - Memphis TN - Growlers 4/26/2017 - Nashville TN - The Springwater - w/ Stuck Lucky 4/27/2017 - Carbondale IL - Taco Stand 4/29/2017 - Des Moines IA - The Fremont 5/2/2017 - Milwaukee WI - The Up and Under 5/3/2017 - Chicago IL - Liar's Club 5/4/2017 - Wyandotte MI - The Rockery 5/5/2017 - Kent OH - Michel's - w/ Rational Dads 5/6/2017 - Buffalo NY - The Mohawk - w/ The Clockers 5/8/2017 - Portland ME - Matthew's Pub (at Fallon, Nevada)
0 notes
youngandhungryent · 5 years
“Big Mouth” Season 3 & Tons Of Other Titles Arriving On Netflix In October
The last couple of weeks has seen lots of great movies and shows added to Netflix’s plethora of streaming content. From the revival of Drake’s favorite show Top Boy, Sacha Baron Cohen’s The Spy, Dave Chappelle’s special among many other titles, the streaming giant has seemingly proven just why they need to up its subscription price to keep up with the never-ending content. 
Since already announcing a Netflix & Chills category for Halloween next month, the official list of new titles to arrive on the platform has arrived as well as a list of titles to say goodbye to. Such adds to look forward to are Big Mouth: Season 3, El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, Men in Black, Dolemite Is My Name and of course, the anticipated Netflix Original series, Rhythm + Flow that sees Cardi B, Chance The Rapper and T.I. search for the next hip-hop star. 
As for titles to stream one last time, Scream 4, A.I. Artificial Intelligence and Pineapple Express will be gone by before Halloween arrives – peep the full list below.
October 1 Carmen Sandiego: Season 2 Nikki Glaser: Bangin’ 93 days A.M.I. Along Came a Spider Bad Boys Bad Boys II Blow Bring It On, Ghost: Season 1 Charlie’s Angels Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Cheese in the Trap: Season 1 Chicago Typewriter: Season 1 Crash Exit Wounds Good Burger Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay Honey 2 House of the Witch Lagos Real Fake Life Men in Black II Moms at War No Reservations Ocean’s Thirteen Ocean’s Twelve One Direction: This Is Us Payday Rugrats in Paris: The Movie Scream 2 Senna Signal: Season 1 Sin City Sinister Circle Supergirl Superman Returns Surf’s Up The Bucket List The Flintstones The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas The Island The Pursuit of Happyness The Rugrats Movie The Time Traveler’s Wife Tomorrow with You: Season 1 Trainspotting Troy Tunnel: Season 1 Unaccompanied Minors Walking Out
October 2
Living Undocumented Ready to Mingle (Solteras) Rotten: Season 2
October 3
Seis Manos
October 4
Big Mouth: Season 3 Creeped Out: Season 2 In the Tall Grass Peaky Blinders: Season 5 Raising Dion Super Monsters: Season 3 Super Monsters: Vida’s First Halloween
October 5
Legend Quest: Masters of Myth
October 7
Match! Tennis Juniors The Water Diviner
October 8
Deon Cole: Cole Hearted The Spooky Tale of Captain Underpants Hack-a-ween
October 9
After Rhythm + Flow — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
October 10
Schitt’s Creek: Season 5 Ultramarine Magmell 
October 11
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie The Forest of Love Fractured Haunted: Season 2 Insatiable: Season 2 La influencia Plan Coeur: Season 2 The Awakenings of Motti Wolenbruch YooHoo to the Rescue: Season 2 
October 12
October 15
Dark Crimes
October 16
Ghosts of Sugar Land Sinister 2
October 17
The Karate Kid THE UNLISTED 
October 18
The Yard (Avlu) Baby: Season 2 Eli Interior Design Masters The House of Flowers: Season 2 The Laundromat Living with Yourself MeatEater: Season 8 Mighty Little Bheem: Diwali Seventeen Spirit Riding Free: Pony Tales Collection 2 Tell Me Who I Am Toon: Seasons 1-2 Unnatural Selection Upstarts 
October 19
Men in Black
October 21
Echo in the Canyon
Free Fire
October 22
Jenny Slate: Stage Fright
October 23
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Dancing with the Birds Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy
October 24
Daybreak Revenge of Pontianak
October 25
A Tale of Love and Darkness Assimilate Brigada Costa del Sol Brotherhood Dolemite Is My Name  Greenhouse Academy: Season 3 The Kominsky Method: Season 2 Monzon Nailed It! France (C’est du gâteau!) Nailed It! Spain (Niquelao!) Prank Encounters Rattlesnake It Takes a Lunatic 
October 28
A 3 Minute Hug Little Miss Sumo Shine On with Reese: Season 1
October 29
Arsenio Hall: Smart & Classy
October 30
Flavorful Origins: Yunnan Cuisine 
October 31
Kengan Ashura: Part ll Nowhere Man Raging Bull
October 1
A.I. Artificial Intelligence All the President’s Men Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Bring It On: In It to Win It Cabaret (1972) Casper Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Cloverfield Deliverance Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood Empire Records Evolution Forks Over Knives Frances Ha Free State of Jones Get Carter Gremlins Hoosiers Impractical Jokers: Season 1 In Bruges Julie & Julia Lakeview Terrace Midsomer Murders: Series 1-19 Obsessed Pineapple Express Platoon Quiz Show She’s Out of My League The Dukes of Hazzard The Nightmare The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
October 5
Despicable Me 3
October 7
David Blaine: What Is Magic? Scream 4
October 9
Little Witch Academia Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade Sword Art Online II: Season 1
October 15
El Internado: Season 1-7
October 20
Bridget Jones’s Baby
October 25
The Carrie Diaries: Season 1-2
October 29
The Fall: Series 1 The Imitation Game
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2IikO2L via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/3531IqX via Young And Hungry Ent.
source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/yahblogger/~3/y0CtroJup1A/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_21.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/32S2eGo via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_42.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2VabH9n via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_88.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2NqSz67 via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_52.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/34Yt3e0 via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_22.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2ABsUPF via Young And Hungry Ent. source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2019/09/big-mouth-season-3-tons-of-other-titles_60.html
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