xx-ames-xx · 5 months
this is genuinely how some ppl will talk about the show
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Do you know about constellations?
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TT: Sorry. I have got to stop getting carried away like that!
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amesliu · 8 months
I am so scared right now
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thegreatyin · 29 days
help The Lady has spent one single day in the neath and already has nightmares 1
is this normal
oh don't worry. everyone in the neath is a little bit insane by default. it's part of our charm
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dryemiddi · 1 year
Anyone got good Undertale AU fanfics they can recommend? SFW only please <3 
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sollilua · 1 year
grrrrrrrr the feral urge to run
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underchargedau · 2 years
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New sans, new sans! Who is this guy, you might ask (or might not)?
His name is Borealis, and he’s a Timeline Traveller (Kind of like TK!Sans, as an example). A good chunk of his traveling experience is in the pursuit of Magical Knowledge, and one of the resulting places he eventually found himself in was the UnderCharged AU (hence his art being posted here instead of on my main blog). He’s a bit of a nerd, and has a hell of a collection of books stored in a Tower that now sits in a timeline that’s not even his home AU!
He has a brother who is a rival for one of the guardians (Lyor, who I haven’t posted here yet), and he has a pair of mothers (Both of them are Gasters from separate timelines, so he may not have a particular home AU to speak of anyway. oops?)!
I do hope you guys like him!
Bonus stuff - You can probably guess what this implies when you see these:
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(Yes, Bori and Sparky are a thing - This was established in a friend’s server and I’m rolling with it C:)
Oh and Sparky’s adopted multiple characters in this one timeline. Why? Because WHY NOT. He retains his dad instincts from previous events but doesn’t remember any of it (In the previous timeline, he had two kids canonically, hence the mention)!
Here’s a little something involving the kids mildly lol (Just Sparky here, but it’s relevant to Bori I promise)
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and yeah these doodles are uncolored mostly, don’t worry about that either lol
Bori was originally created to ship with Sparky specifically as I’ve wanted to pair Sparky with another character again for a while, but had a hard time settling on how to go about that until a friend or two mentioned the idea of creating one instead (I wouldn’t normally do this, but they helped me with the creation process through and through!) - From there, I built up what brought him to meet Sparky in the first place and then how they got together! (You’ll find out the details later, this is already getting to be pretty lengthy lol)
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faerieorbitars · 1 year
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i still haven’t watched the uhm. towel house. but i think i have the general gist of it :beams:
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dissidiacloudstrife · 2 years
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Day 9 - Healer Atsui Iro
Despite their body being so composed of Light aether, Melchyor and Malchoir do not use their abilities to heal others like Aleksey does. He sees them as being too over cautious, and regularly use their gas mask to increase their power. He’s an incredible scholar, but trusts his instincts a bit too much.
Start here!
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kiraeyed · 17 days
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playing around
just playing
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solar-plague · 1 month
best friend just told me her new friends are really picky about new people. so she doesnt want to introduce me to her yet
i know what she means and she tells me she wants me to learn better emotional control before i meet new people, so i dont "burn the bridges before [i] make them" and its solid advice and all
i just cant get over this feeling that she just thinks theyre cooler than me or something. i dont know. i feel like the weird kid again. not a fan.
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ninjuice · 7 months
yuh keep it workin keep it scrolling.
Thinkin i might have ocd. an epiphany this afternoon reflecting and realizing things.
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lighthouseborna · 1 year
I feel compelled to say Henry's been drinking since he was probably like. at least 14, but quite likely even earlier, depending on what, exactly, one qualifies as "drinking". And while being drunk (obviously) erodes his already scant niceties and lowers his pretty-damn-low-already defenses and scrambles up his ability to guide someone through his thought process on how things are related, he's incredibly unlikely to be (and hasn't been in any of these replies) rendered to a state of unawareness of what he's saying/doing/where he is/etc. with alcohol. I think you'd give him like, critical-care worthy levels of blood poisoning before he got to 'too drunk to know what's going on' he's just. He's so used to it. Legitimately part of his culture.
Which also is why I think.... it escapes being linked at all to that dislike he has of like, how some medicines etc. will make you feel detached from your body? He doesn't hold that opinion of alcohol. And I think it's because he was so familiar with it before the possession but also like. (only been slightly drunk one time disclaimer) while it makes you clumsy and stuff to me it was less 'because you aren't connected to yourself' and more like 'like you would be if you were very relaxed and sleepy' so it's just. it's different.
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lennydavillain · 2 years
Why the fuck am i listening to lemon demon at 2am??
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hajihiko · 1 year
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Physician/therapist/chemist/etc, heal thyself
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vellichorom · 2 months
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spooky month 6 was wild with all these cameos man
( ft @tomiechu's lovely OCs & @lemoneychicken's bob !!! )
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