#Chin Implant Treatment
iamjeanninetaylor · 6 months
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Top Reasons to Consider Botox Treatments
As a form of treatment, Botox treatments are non-surgical injections applied into the skin. The neurons that instruct the muscle to contract are momentarily blocked by a small amount of the solution. Since the muscles are relaxed, facial expressions are lessened. They actually eliminate wrinkles while preventing the emergence of new ones. Additionally, the appearance of new wrinkles is lessened. People routinely get Botox because they like the effects.
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You shouldn't be concerned by the word "toxin" because Botox is not toxic when administered properly.
At Hilton Head Plastic Surgery & MedSpa, you can talk to us, and we'll listen. Before you decide to schedule your treatments, feel free to get in touch with us to schedule a consultation.
It is safe
Botox injections are entirely made of natural components and are risk-free. As long as the procedure is correctly carried out by a licensed physician, it is safe.
Occasionally, allergic responses happen. However, you should let the doctor know if you are currently taking any medications, have any allergies, other medical conditions, etc.
Tiny bruises may develop when a needle and syringe are used during therapy. They are going to disappear in a day or two.
If you're concerned that Botox will stay in your body, you should know that while the procedure's cosmetic effects remain for several months, the substance itself vanishes within a few days.
We at Hilton Head Plastic Surgery & MedSpa can assist if you’re searching for “Botox near me”.
You Look The Same, Only Younger
Because it reduces deep wrinkles, Botox is frequently employed. Additionally, it prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. Nothing about you changes at once; the only thing that changes is that you appear composed and collected. Your inherent attractiveness is enhanced by Botox treatments, and you also appear younger and more energetic.
Most frequently, the forehead, the area around the eyes (sometimes called "crow's feet"), between the brows, on the neck, and around the lips are treated with botulinum toxin. Additionally, Botox reduces facial wrinkles and relaxes tense facial muscles.
Simple And Fast Procedure
The procedure is not annoying. The rapid and frequently painless process is finished in a matter of minutes. Although everyone has a different threshold for discomfort, getting a Botox injection is not typically thought of as unpleasant.
Be it Botox, chin and cheek implant, mdpen microneedling, or facial cosmetic surgery, our board certified plastic surgeons at Hilton Head Plastic Surgery & MedSpa can deliver unmatched results.
Long-Lasting Results
The effects may last three to six months, depending on your body, the quantity of Botox used, and other factors. It will give your face time to heal from the greater amount of facial expression because you won't wrinkle throughout this period. There's also no need to worry about the treated areas developing wrinkles again.
These were some of the reasons to consider Botox treatments. To know more, you can get in touch with Hilton Head Plastic Surgery & MedSpa.
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swaps55 · 7 months
Mezzo - 09 - Silent Shout
Pairing: mshenko | Rating: M Tags: Canon-typical violence, trauma, dealing with your problems poorly, body autonomy struggles   Summary: The twists and turns of ME2, through the eyes of everyone but Commander Shepard. Chapter Summary: Krogan, shackled AI, and collectors, oh my! AKA, I’m not sorry. Not even a little bit.   Thank you to @sinvraal for betaing!
Chapter 9: Silent Shout | Read on Ao3
24 November, 2185, Eagle Nebula, Imir System, Korlus Orbit, Normandy SR-2
“I’m fine.”
Karin bites her tongue as Shepard glares up at the ring of onlookers arguing quite vehemently to the contrary. He sits perched on a medical bed, waiting rather impatiently for her to verify the bone knitter has successfully mended the fractured shoulder, broken clavicle, and fractured ribs. She had to reprogram it twice to accommodate for the greater bone density Cerberus gifted him.
Of course, once that had been sorted she’d had to deal with the lacerations earned from an exploding YMIR mech. And yet the hardest part of it all wasn’t the treatment – it was keeping him still and on the table. She’s almost thankful for the presence of Taylor, Lawson, and Garrus. They hover around the biobed like a perimeter fence. She is very thankful, however, they didn’t invite the krogan currently stored in a tank down in the cargo hold.
Lawson likely doesn’t feel thankful. Poor thing is getting a master class in how difficult it is to converse with Shepard when he isn’t interested in listening.
“Shepard, if the implant is malfunctioning—”
“I said I’m fine.”
“You collapsed in the middle of a mission.” 
Karin almost pities her. Can’t be easy to learn your heroic medical marvel comes with as many vexations as he does heroic commendations.
Taylor scowls, opening his mouth, then shutting it again with an irritated shake of his head before taking a few steps away from the others. The questionable conclusion to the Korlus mission has done nothing to dissipate the thundercloud that had descended upon him after Lawson took his place on the ground team.
But right now, Taylor is not her concern. Shepard is.
Garrus hums from the spot he staked out beside Shepard’s bed, rather strategically between Shepard and the medbay door. “Call me crazy, but it might have to do with the spontaneous teleporting.”
The furrows in Lawson’s brow deepen. “People don’t teleport. That isn’t how biotics work.”
“Of course I didn’t teleport.”
“Then what happened?” Taylor asks, in the clipped tones of someone diligently removing the barbs from each word before they’re uttered.
Shepard rolls the freshly mended shoulder, grimacing and putting a hand to his ribs. “Let me worry about it.”
Hardly. Karin gets her scanner back out. Surely the ossification process on that last cycle had been sufficient. Then again, Shepard has always had an oddly low tolerance for bone knitters.
“You were the bullet,” Garrus says, a low rumble in his subvocals. They all turn to stare at him. His brow plates shift. “Look, I don’t know how any of it works. But I know how my gun works. Shepard didn’t fire a projectile. He didn’t make someone else a projectile. He was the projectile.”
For several seconds, the only sound in the room is the hum of the scanner. It chirps the results. Bone knitter cycle was indeed successful.  
Lawson turns back to Shepard, fingers to her chin, gears turning. “How?”  
“I said don’t worry about it.”
Read from the beginning | Read the rest on Ao3 | The Mezzo Playlist
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pkmn-smashorpass · 8 months
Hope this isn't too long I wrote as I thought of it I'm tempted to take 🐖 for an emoji anon
Fucking Spoink is a logistical problem we can't solve without the knowing the intricacies of Spoink biology and considering the standard Nintendo has set for their lore I'd say we might never see that.
First, we'd have to know the absolute basics of Poké Reproduction, which is impossible to do while keeping an E rating. Secondly, and more importantly, we'd have to know what exactly about bouncing pumps blood in a Spoink's body. Sure, the PokéDex says it's the shock and to be fair Spoink does jump fairly high, reaching up to Professor Oak's chest. But Spoink stops for a second to attack the professor in his Lectures segment from the Diamond and Pearl anime and does so twice. Once to bounce into his chin and another to watch how far he goes.
From that we can infer that Spoink is an organic paint can and shaker but that still begs the question of the involvement of the coil. On what level is this coil needed to generate shock for biological function? If a Spoink were to somehow lose this coil, are there implants available that use say, hammers that can keep a rhythm going and how does evolution treat them? If such surgery isn't covered by Pokémon Centers then who can afford these treatments? To get back on topic, Spoink with a vigorous enough partner might not need to bounce at all and may be able to use these moments to rest. Though if this idea now asks if Spoink can survive mating with another Spoink or if bouncing is at all taxing in the first place. I assume there might be dialogue hidden in a PMD game could give a definitive answer but without wanting to put in more than two seconds of effort for this long-winded ask, I believe the latter simply because relying on other Pokémon just to sit down for a few minutes isn't a sound way of propagating a species.
Anyway, dissertation over. Tl;dr you know the clussy onahole? There's probably a similarly perverted gag gift in universe that squeals instead of honking and the clamperl pearl is a bubble that collects everything for easy cleaning.
Sources: Bulbapedia, JickNonsense Pokémon Sun Spoink solo playthrough (timestamps 0:17 and 0:49)
Footnote: If I had to guess an exact Mystery Dungeon game I'd say Explorers of Sky due to it combining parts of Time and Darkness. Also, I've been getting notifications from Pokémon Go and I don't know how to tell them what I've been doing for the past hour instead of answering their raid invites since they follow me on here. (PoGo got me out of the house during covid and now it's a habit, don't judge me.)
This is the kinda shit that keeps me running this blog. Overly in depth analysis of the possibility of smashing Pokémon.
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sinead-smith-3 · 10 months
He had panicked.
That was the only true explanation for his actions.
But that wasn’t possible. He was Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith, and Right Hand of the Emperor. He was feared in every system of the Galaxy. He was the Scourge of the Jedi and Enforcer of Imperial Peace. He was unmatched in power and he Did. Not. Panic.
That somehow didn’t change the fact that he was currently sitting in the meager med-center of his T-4 shuttle, staring down at the unconscious 10-year-old boy that he had absolutely zero idea of how to care for. He had experienced more emotions in the last rotation than he had in the entire last decade, and his ordeal was still far from over.
What had happened was this:
The Grand Inquisitor arrived unannounced at his stronghold on Mustafar, bringing with him the corpse of the traitor Reva and the terrified young boy. Despite his fury at the interruption, Vader acquiesced to hearing his servant out. The Grand Inquisitor boasted about hunting Reva down and in the process discovered the child, who was clearly Force-sensitive. Vader had mostly tuned the Inquisitor out, his attention caught by the boy who, despite clearly being terrified, was doing his best to put on a brave face.
The boy was indeed strong in the Force. Rather too strong, actually. Vader’s Jedi hunters should have found the boy cycles ago. There was also something oddly, uncomfortably, familiar about the child’s sun-bleached hair and bright, blue eyes.
“Where did you find him?” Vader demanded, cutting the Inquisitor off mid-sentence. Accustomed to such treatment, the Inquisitor changed tack flawlessly. “Reva led us straight to him, my Lord. He was on Tattooine.”
Vader’s train of thought screeched to a halt like a runaway eopie approaching a canyon edge.
“Tattooine,” he echoed slowly, ominously.
“Yes, my Lord,” the Inquisitor confirmed, wisely moving back out of striking distance. “He was being protected by a farmer named Lars.” Vader would have stopped breathing if the apparatus implanted into his throat would have allowed it.
He leaned forward on his throne and beckoned the child closer. The boy raised his chin defiantly and marched to Vader’s side like a soldier marching to certain doom. He stopped close enough to be able to touch Vader’s knees if he had wanted to and tried to meet Vader’s eyes through the mask.
“What,” Vader asked carefully, trying for the first time ever to minimize the inevitable terror his voice caused, “Is your name?”
The boy braced himself as if he knew the answer to this question determined the course of the rest of his life because it most certainly did.
“My name is Luke Skywalker,” the boy declared.
The next few moments were a bit hazy. Vader would have to work out the details later. The next thing he knew, the Grand Inquisitor lay scattered around his throne room in still-steaming chunks, the entire fortress was riddled with cracks down to the foundation, and the boy was unconscious (but unharmed!) in Vader’s arms.
The most logical thing he could think of to do was to get the boy to his shuttle and watch his stronghold crumble into the lava pits as he set a course for the middle of absolutely nowhere.
Which is how he had come to be here, drifting in empty space while he waited nervously for the boy to wake up. The medical scan told him there was nothing physically wrong with the child beyond mild exhaustion and a bit of dehydration, but he had been asleep for going on seventeen hours and Vader was fairly certain that was not a normal amount even for a child who’d been through some very traumatic events.
When the child finally did begin to stir, Vader belatedly realized that waking up to find Darth Vader looming over him was probably not going to be beneficial for the boy’s mental state and retreated to the cockpit. He left all the doors between the med-bay and the cockpit unlocked, however, so the boy could seek him out if he chose to. Not like he would. No rational person would willingly seek an audience with Darth karking Vader.
Yet somehow, about a half hour later, he heard the shuffle of tiny feet, and someone cleared their throat behind him. He turned in the pilot’s chair; slowly so as not to startle the boy. Luke Skywalker stood in the doorway, his tan robes wrinkled and his blonde hair disheveled, rubbing his eyes with one hand.
“Where am I?” he asked in a voice still thick with sleep. The sound of it acted like a pass card in Vader’s brain that bypassed a decade’s worth of walls and barriers to crank his protective instincts into overdrive.
“We are in space,” Vader replied tersely.
Luke blinked slowly at him. “Am I in trouble?” he asked cautiously.
Vader had to delay answering while he wrestled the instinctive flare of parental rage back into submission. “No, you are not,” he said finally. “Why would you think you are?”
Luke shrugged. “Cause Uncle Owen always says that if I misbehave the Stormtroopers are gonna come and take me away. Only this time I don’t think I was bad. Aunt Beru told me to run and I did. I ran and ran but then I fell down and… And I don’t remember what happened after that.”
Vader allowed himself three breaths before attempting to explain. “You are not being punished, Luke. I am… I am trying to protect you.”
Luke tilted his head, his eyes going narrow and suspicious. “From who?”
“From people who would wish to use you for their own purposes.”
Luke’s expression cleared as understanding set in. He nodded confidently. “You mean like slavers.”
“Yes,” Vader said, and then paused while he thought about that. “Exactly like slavers.”
Luke bit his lower lip and looked down. “Does this mean I can’t go home? Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru are real worried about me, I’m sure. They don’t like it when I’m gone all night.”
There was a less than zero chance that Owen and Beru Lars would ever have to worry about anything ever again, but Vader was not going to tell that to Luke right now. “No. You cannot return home, for your safety. Your aunt and uncle… would want you to be safe.”
“Okay,” Luke whispered. He shuffled his feet. “May I have something to eat?”
Vader was out of the pilot’s chair and ushering Luke to the galley before the boy could process the sight of the Emperor’s Most Faithful bearing down on him with the intensity of a clawbird swooping over its prey. Within minutes he had the boy seated on the prep counter as he dug through the storage units for anything that was not a tasteless ration bar.
He found a hoska steak that was probably intended for his own meal, as well as some dehydrated vegetables and self-rise bread. Each item had helpful instructions printed on the packages, so Vader was able to present the boy with a decent-looking meal in a reasonable amount of time.
There was nothing suitable onboard for the boy to drink other than plain water, but when Vader set the bottle on the table by the boy’s elbow, Luke’s eyes went impossibly round.
“For me?” he asked breathlessly, staring at the single-serving bottle. “That’s all for me?”
Vader barely quelled the urge to break something large and heavy into teeny tiny pieces. “Yes,” he said with difficulty. “You may drink the entire portion.”
Because of course the child had never been given the luxury of more than a few sips of water a day. Of course the cycle of poverty that trapped moisture farmers into little more than indentured servitude forced them to sell most of the harvest except the bare necessity they needed to survive. Luke had grown up relying on bantha milk for his main source of hydration; water being a privilege he was rarely able to indulge in.
Luke tore into his food with a healthy appetite, a sight that did wonders to calm Vader’s seething rage at the thought of what the boy’s childhood must have been like. He seemed to enjoy the meat particularly, and Vader remembered that meat that had not been desiccated into jerky was a rare find on Tattooine.
Luke ate every scrap on his plate and drained the bottle of water. Better to hydrate now than to save it for later and risk losing it. This was a lesson every child on Tattooine learned at an early age. Once his plate was clean and his bottle empty, Luke folded his hands in his lap and turned his blue-eyed gaze to Vader’s mask. There was still trepidation in that gaze, born mostly from uncertainty, but the fear had faded into caution.
“Do you have any chores for me to do?” Luke asked politely. “I’m pretty good at chores. Aunt Beru says so, even though Uncle Owen sometimes disagrees.”
Vader stared back at the boy. The boy, he forces himself to think, because he will not give voice nor substance to the hope that had flared up in the empty void of what had once been his soul when he had heard the boy’s name. The boy wanted to do chores. The boy wanted to be useful. The boy wanted to pay back Vader’s kindness for feeding him and keeping him safe.
Kindness. From Vader.
What in the Sith hells was he doing? Vader was in no position to care for any being, much less a tiny, fragile, Force-sensitive one! He had no safe haven he could take this child, no resources to provide for him, and no one he could request help from. By now word had to have reached the Emperor of his deeds. It would be noted that the transponder of his personal shuttle was no longer functioning. He had permanently disabled communications to prevent any Imperial from even trying to contact him. He was currently spending most of his limited energy trying to dampen his Force signature so that Palpatine could not find him that way, either.
No Imperial system was safe for him anymore. He had heard the rumors, as many others had, of pockets of resistance to the Empire, but those were mostly that: rumors. And even if these pockets actually existed, they did not have the power to shelter him from Palpatine. And if, by some miracle, they did, not a single one would be willing. Not for him, Lord Vader: Conqueror of a Thousand Worlds, Death Incarnate, Harbinger of Darkness.
He was alone in this mission, to protect this boy from Palpatine. Alone in a way he had never truly been. Vader clenched his right fist so tightly he could hear the servos protesting. If that was how it must be, then he would find a way to succeed or he would forge one. There was no other possibility. Despite his misgivings, Darth Vader was now the sole guardian of one Luke Skywalker.
Force have mercy on anyone who stood in his way.
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jhanvi-health · 6 months
చిగురు సమస్యలకు Bone Grafting ఎలా ఉపయోగపడుతుంది ? | Types of బోన్ గ్రాఫ్టింగ్ ? | FMS Dental Web Source: https://fmsdental.com
Bone grafting is a valuable procedure in the treatment of gum disease, particularly in cases where the disease has led to bone loss around the teeth. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can cause the destruction of the bone that supports the teeth, leading to tooth mobility, tooth loss and aesthetic concerns. Bone grafting helps to restore lost bone tissue, providing a stable foundation for the teeth and supporting the overall health of the gums.
Bone grafting is beneficial for gum disease in several ways: 1) Restoring Bone Density: Bone grafting involves placing bone graft material into the areas where bone loss has occurred due to gum disease. This graft material serves as a scaffold, promoting the growth of new bone tissue and restoring bone density in the affected areas.
2) Enhancing Stability: By replenishing lost bone tissue, bone grafting helps to improve the stability and support of the teeth. This can prevent further tooth mobility and reduce the risk of tooth loss associated with advanced gum disease.
3) Facilitating Dental Implants: In cases where tooth loss has occurred due to gum disease, bone grafting may be necessary to augment the bone structure in preparation for dental implant placement. Dental implants require sufficient bone support for successful integration and bone grafting helps to create an optimal environment for implant placement.
There are several types of bone grafting procedures used in the treatment of gum disease, including:
1) Autograft: In an autograft procedure, bone graft material is harvested from the patient's own body, typically from the hip, jaw or chin. Autografts are considered the gold standard for bone grafting as they offer excellent compatibility and promote natural bone growth.
2) Allograft: Allografts involve using bone graft material sourced from a donor, usually from a bone bank. Allografts are processed to remove any living cells, reducing the risk of rejection and disease transmission while still providing structural support for bone regeneration.
3) Xenograft: Xenografts utilize bone graft material derived from animal sources, such as bovine or porcine bone. Xenografts are processed to remove organic components, leaving behind a scaffold of mineralized bone that promotes new bone growth in the recipient.
4) Synthetic Graft: Synthetic bone graft materials, such as calcium phosphate or hydroxyapatite are biocompatible materials that mimic the properties of natural bone. These materials provide structural support and promote bone regeneration without the need for tissue harvesting from the patient or donor.
ఈ వివిధ రకాల బోన్ గ్రాఫ్టింగ్ విధాలు రోగికి అనుకూలంగా ఉపయోగపడతాయి మరియు పరిష్కరించడంలో సహాయకమైంది.
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rikki-roses · 8 months
Fluffy February Day 7: Recovery
Pairing: Setra Rowan/Theron Shan
Time period: During the second half of KOTFE
Soft TW for mention of health issues
Setra took two steps before she tumbled down again, the vertigo making the room spin. It had become a daily occurrence since Lana had freed her from the carbonite, though of course some days were better than others. Unfortunately, because it was a side effect from the carbonite poisoning, traditional treatments did nothing to alleviate it; time was the only cure. Or so she hoped.
Theron was at her side in an instance, though she tried to wave him off as she pulled herself into a sitting position. Even sitting cross-legged, Setra's head was still swimming, and she swayed slightly. Theron, determined and concerned, sat down next to her as her nexu braced itself behind her.
"Set, this is the third time this morning. I'm clearing the rest of your schedule."
"Don't, I'm fine. I just need a few minutes, and I'll be good to go. Besides, we're too busy for me to take the day off."
"Yeah, until you tumble and hit your head on something sharp. You can take it easy on the Hope Everlasting, or I can drag you off to the medbay and have Dr. Og do another diagnostic."
Setra shuddered and hissed; she wasn't the biggest fan receiving medical treatment, despite her comfort with providing it to others. "Doc Og has better things to do, they're not going to catch anything new this time."
"Maybe, but it'll force you to slow down and actually give yourself time to recover."
"I'll have time to do that when the Alliance stops needing me. Or when I'm dead."
Theron blinked and paused.
He used his implants to clear both his and Setra's schedules.
Theron also sent a message to her therapist.
Once both tasks were done, he pulled Setra into his arms and carried her to the ship's lounge, depositing her gently on the couch before stalking off to the kitchen to get tea going. He spent several minutes choosing one of her oversized travel cups (a hideous, glittery, hot pink one with an equally-hideous neon purple straw from Naboo that Setra reserved for dealing with the Republic Military) before bringing the tea back out to her.
His efforts were rewarded; Setra brightened up noticeably when she realized which cup Theron had chosen. He settled down on the couch next to her, letting Setra tuck herself into him how she wanted before draping one of the lap blankets over her; he could feel how cold she was. Another side-effect of the carbon poisoning.
"I'm sorry."
Theron looked down at his girlfriend in surprise. Setra was avoiding his gaze. He let her keep talking, but reached over and brushed the hair out of her face.
"You waited five years for me, and I'm still not better."
Theron reached down and put a finger under Setra's chin to force her to look at him. He gently kissed her forehead.
"And I could have bailed at any point. I knew when Lana pulled you out that there were going to be complications; we were tracking your vitals leading up to it. The vertigo and temperature dysregulation weren't a total surprise, and you were already having issues with your hearts before you went under. I knew going in that this would be a long road."
"Yes, but -"
Theron stopped her with a gentle kiss. "No buts. I like you. I chose you. Health issues and all. I'm not going anywhere."
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
Liposuction: Why Do You Need It?
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If you've tried everything from diet plans to exercise routines and still can't seem to shed those stubborn belly fat or love handles, it's time to consider a cosmetic surgical treatment called Liposuction, also known as suction-assisted Lipotomy.
What is liposuction?
A surgical technique that helps to preserve the right form and contour of our bodies by removing excess undesirable fat from specified locations.
The distribution of fat in our bodies varies by gender and individual, as do the liposuction areas.
Chest, arms, abs, and buttocks in males
Back, inner thigh, under the chin, and buttocks in women.
According to the patient's needs, a surgeon can plan the target area for liposuction.
A cannula, a hollow thin tube-like structure implanted deep beneath your skin and connected to a high-pressure vacuum on the other end, helps to 'suck' fat from your body.
How can we help you with the treatment?
If you need to undergo facelift treatment in India, we act as your guide throughout your treatment journey and will be present physically with you even before your treatment is started. We will provide you with the following:
Expert physicians and surgeon’s opinions
Transparent communication
Coordinated care
Prior appointment with specialists
Assistance in hospital formalities
24*7 availability
Arrangement for travel
Assistance for accommodation and healthy recovery
Assistance in emergencies
We are committed to providing the best health care services to our patients. We have a team of trained and highly dedicated health experts who will be there by your side right from the beginning of your journey.
Conclusion- In India, we have world-class hospitals that offer the most advanced cosmetic treatment options that exceed international standards. So, if you're thinking of taking a trip for liposuction surgery in India, you can count on us. Our effectiveness as a center for cosmetic surgery in India has been demonstrated by our treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.
But before going through such a procedure, if you are interested to know about the surgery, then you are on the right page. Here we will discuss the same with our eminent liposuction surgery specialist in India.
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rajatgupta9898 · 2 years
Chin Augmentation Procedure
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If you are not happy with your chin and feel that it needs some perfection, then chin augmentation is apt for you. This treatment is open for everyone, male and female, who feel they need chin lifting or perfecting. Chin augmentation in Delhi is a safe procedure. Always make sure that you get Chin Augmentation Procedure done from a well-reputed, board-certified plastic surgeon. As our in-house board-certified expert Dr. Rajat Gupta states, the surgeon and the center the surgeon operates defines the quality of the final result. Thus, at RG Aesthetics, we follow all the ethical practices binding by the rules and international standards of care. Many people who are not aware of the procedure, their requirements, ethics, and standard practices make the mistake of either trusting a bad aesthetic center or go for a temporary solution. The danger here is that complications could persist after the treatment or during recovery. At RG Aesthetics, we make sure to stay with our patients right from the beginning of helping them clear the doubts, if any, preparing them with pre-surgery requirements, explaining the procedure, getting physical examination done, and even support them post the surgery with any queries they have. During the surgery, we use certified and tested implants and fillers, which are completely safe for the body. Even after the surgery, we advise our patients about the pros and cons and take care of them. We provide them with the correct list of dos and don’ts. In any rarest of rarest case of any infections or after surgery inflations, we prescribe the right set of antibiotics as well. more info:
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To get best experience of chin and cheek implants surgery, book an appointment from Hilton Head Plastic Surgery & MedSpa. All of our surgeons and dermatologists are certified and experienced so you don't need to worry about the treatment's side effects. Get in touch with us Today!
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Facial Implant Surgery in the USA: Enhancing Facial Contours
Facial implant surgery has grown in popularity across the USA as a means to enhance and define facial features, improve symmetry, and boost self-confidence. These implants are designed to augment or reconstruct facial contours, often targeting areas like the cheeks, chin, or jawline.
For those seeking a more harmonious facial appearance, facial implants offer a long-lasting solution that helps to address issues like underdeveloped facial structures or age-related volume loss. The procedure is relatively safe, with advancements in surgical techniques leading to quicker recovery times. Facial Implant Surgery in USA continues to evolve, with surgeons utilizing both silicone and porous polyethylene implants to achieve natural-looking results.
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: Restoring Function and Aesthetics
Reconstructive plastic surgery is a critical field aimed at repairing and restoring both the function and appearance of body parts affected by trauma, disease, or congenital anomalies. Unlike cosmetic procedures that focus solely on aesthetics, reconstructive plastic surgery serves a dual purpose.
Patients who have suffered injuries from accidents, undergone cancer treatments, or were born with deformities can benefit greatly from these procedures. For example, breast reconstruction after a mastectomy or cleft lip repair are among the most common forms of reconstructive plastic surgery. The emphasis in this type of surgery is on returning the patient to a state of normalcy, both physically and psychologically, which makes it a vital aspect of modern medical care.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Balancing Art and Science
Plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery, while related, have distinct goals. Plastic and reconstructive surgery combines the precision of medical science with the artistic eye for aesthetics. Surgeons in this field must balance both functionality and appearance, whether the procedure is reconstructive or purely cosmetic.
Reconstructive procedures are essential for patients who need to restore form and function, but plastic surgery procedures also address aesthetic improvements. Surgeons performing these complex operations must have a deep understanding of anatomy, along with advanced skills to achieve desired results. Whether reconstructive or cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery offers patients the opportunity to improve their quality of life.
Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures in the USA
With the rise of aesthetic awareness, more individuals are turning to plastic surgery procedures to improve their physical appearance and boost their self-confidence. Among the most sought-after surgeries are rhinoplasty (nose reshaping), liposuction, breast augmentation, and facelifts. These procedures offer long-term results, helping individuals enhance their natural beauty or restore youthful features.
The field of plastic surgery continues to innovate, with non-invasive options like Botox and dermal fillers becoming increasingly popular as alternatives to traditional surgery. However, for more significant changes or corrections, plastic surgery procedures remain the preferred choice for those looking to make permanent enhancements. Each procedure is tailored to the individual’s needs, ensuring that the outcome aligns with their personal goals and desires.
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CPR and First Aid Training Empowers You to Act in an Emergency
CPR and first aid training empowers you to act in an emergency, helping people in the'minutes that matter'. You may even save a life!
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is administered to patients suffering from cardiac arrest, which involves sudden heart dysfunction and an unconscious victim who cannot breathe. First aid, on the other hand, covers many different conditions like strokes and seizures, as well as injuries and choking.
What is CPR?
CPR is a series of steps to keep oxygen flowing to the brain. Without it, the brain starts to die in three minutes and permanent brain damage can occur in nine. Performing high quality CPR helps prevent this.
A lot of people go into cardiac arrest outside a hospital setting and many of those victims die before medical professionals get to them. It is estimated that 70% of those episodes happen in a home or private residence. Knowing how to perform first aid and cpr is the only way that family members, friends, coworkers, and strangers can save lives.
CPR training is also useful for healthcare professionals because it allows them to stay composed in high-pressure situations and provide lifesaving care quickly. Continuing education on this topic often leads to professional advancement and is sometimes a regulatory or job requirement. It also increases self-confidence and a sense of empowerment. This is especially true for children and infants.
How to Perform CPR
When the person has a cardiac arrest or is unresponsive, check their pulse and breathing. If they are not breathing, begin CPR. Push down on their chest 2-2.4 inches at a rate of 100-120 beats per minute. It’s important to keep a rhythm so that you don’t go too fast or too slow. You can use popular songs to help you maintain a steady pace such as Staying Alive by the Bee Gees, Dancing Queen by ABBA, or even Baby Shark by Pinkfong.
After thirty compressions you can start giving rescue breaths. Make sure the airway is open by tilting the head back and lifting the chin. Remove any visible obstructions and seal your mouth over theirs, blowing steadily and firmly until you see their chest rise.
It’s crucial to get CPR right away because the brain dies in a matter of minutes without oxygen. With first aid and CPR training you will be confident that you can act in a life-threatening emergency.
What to Do in a Cardiac Arrest
A person in sudden cardiac arrest needs emergency treatment right away. The first step is to call Triple Zero and ask for help. Then, check to see if the person is breathing or not. If they aren't, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by placing your hands in the middle of the chest and pushing hard and fast -- about 100 to 120 pushes per minute. If you're in a public place, look for an automated external defibrillator (AED).
Then, use it to give the person an electric shock if needed. This helps restore the heart rhythm and may improve the chances of survival.
Once at the hospital, health care providers will run tests to find out what caused the cardiac arrest. They'll also treat the cause, if needed. That might include medicine, procedures, and physical therapy. Some people will need an implanted device to monitor their heart and deliver a lifesaving shock if it goes into an abnormal rhythm.
What to Do in a Seizure
When someone is having a seizure, it’s important to keep them safe from injury. Check to see if they’re wearing a medical bracelet with their medical history and emergency contacts. Ease them to the ground and turn them gently on one side with their mouth pointing to the ground (to keep the airway clear). Move away anything that could fall on them or block their breathing and put something soft under their head (like a jacket) to prevent injury to the neck. Try to time the seizure to track how long it lasts.
Don’t try to make the person stop convulsing or hold them down, Dr. Rubinos says. This can cause injuries to the casualty and to you if you get caught in the movements. Don’t put anything in the person’s mouth because they will not swallow their tongue and placing an object in their mouth can injure the teeth or jaw. If the person doesn’t return to consciousness after a few minutes, call 911.
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crossborderscare · 4 days
Male To Female Sex Change Surgery: Understanding Key Procedures
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A transformation from male to female is a big decision that requires the proper guidance in each step. Male-to-female sex change surgery is a life-changing process for any individual. There are many names for sex change surgery, such as gender-affirming surgery or sex reassignment surgery (SRS). 
This surgery is essential for many people in aligning their physical looks with their gender identity. The procedure aims to achieve the desired appearance, which is both functional and aesthetic. 
Here, we will uncover the key procedures in male-to-female sex change surgery or gender confirmation surgery (GCS). 
Essential Procedure of Sex Change Surgery Male To Female
Generally, sex change surgery is of two kinds: sex change surgery from male to female and female to male. Today, we will discuss how male-to-female surgery is conducted. 
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy is one of the initial steps of the transition process. A transgender woman goes through this to feminize the body by inducing estrogen and anti-androgens, which block testosterone. It helps the body develop and reduces the need for cosmetic treatments. 
Dr. Nadeem Khan, the esteemed owner of Cross Border Care and a leading medical consultant in India, is renowned for his exceptional expertise in brain tumor surgery in India, Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery india, corneal transplants in India, heart valve replacements surgery in India, and scoliosis treatments. His commitment to excellence extends beyond diagnosis and treatment; he adeptly connects international patients with top doctors and hospitals in India,
A surgical removal of the testicles is known as Orchiectomy. This procedure is crucial and done for patients who don't want full genital reconstruction but ask to reduce the production of testosterone in the body. Sometimes, it is also performed as a part of Vaginoplasty.
One of the most challenging and complex procedures of gender confirmation surgery is Vaginoplasty. The process is a construction of a vagina and vulva using penile and scrotal tissue. Creating female genitalia is the aim of this surgery. 
It is a surgical procedure that changes the shape and size of the labia minora. Excess skin, which can create discomfort, is twisted and pinched. Ultimately, the process enhances the appearance of the vulva. 
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is the next step of hormone replacement therapy. Most of the transgender women go for breast augmentation to get a desired and fuller breast. The placement of silicone or saline implants gives patients a better appearance.
Facial Feminization Surgery
Facial feminization surgery (FFS) is a combination of different procedures that define the patient's facial features. Most transgender females need to get a proper feminine look. Some standard procedures in FFS are forehead contouring, rhinoplasty, cheek augmentation, jaw and chin reduction, etc. 
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Voice Surgery and Therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy can't help in the voice changing from muscular to feminine. But it can be altered and actively changed. Surgery like voice feminization and voice therapy can help people gain the desired voice.
Voice Surgery involves adjusting the voice to match the female pitch. Voice therapy also helps modify pitch. 
Conclusion: Step into New Life 
Male-to-female sex change surgery is an overwhelming procedure for many transgender women. With the right healthcare provider, one can expect the best results. The method consists of a lot of challenges, but having the best consultant can help you in each step of the transformation. 
If you are considering gender confirmation surgery (GCS) and looking for the best consultation, Cross Border Care can help you in each step. We offer you world-class facilities with experienced surgeons and high-tech technology. Contact Cross Border Care today to know more! 
Read Also This Blog :- What are The Advantages of Robotic Prostatectomy in India? 
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The Benefits of Chin Fillers London At Leading in Clinics
Chin fillers in London at leading clinics offer numerous benefits, including enhanced facial harmony, improved jawline definition, and a more balanced profile. These non-surgical treatments use FDA-approved hyaluronic acid-based fillers, providing natural-looking results with minimal downtime. Expert practitioners in London's top clinics customise each procedure to suit individual facial structures, ensuring precision and safety. Chin fillers are a quick, effective way to achieve a more defined and youthful appearance without invasive surgery.
Introduction to Chin Filler London Why It's a Popular Choice ? 
Chin fillers have become a popular non-surgical option for individuals seeking to enhance their facial contours. "Chin filler London" is widely recognized for its ability to create a more defined and balanced profile. Leading clinics in London offer top-tier treatments that help reshape the chin, improve jawline definition, and restore symmetry, all without the need for surgery. These benefits have made chin fillers a go-to procedure for aesthetic enhancement.
How Chin Filler London Improves Facial Symmetry Structure for Better Proportion?
One of the key benefits of "chin filler London" is the ability to create a more harmonious facial structure. For individuals with a receding or weak chin, fillers can help add volume and projection, bringing the chin into better proportion with other facial features. By enhancing facial symmetry, chin fillers can also improve overall attractiveness, making it an excellent solution for those looking for subtle, yet impactful results.
The Non-Surgical Advantage of Chin Filler London Treatments Are Non-Invasive,  
"Chin filler London" treatments are non-invasive, offering a significant advantage over surgical options like chin implants. The procedure involves precise injections of dermal fillers, usually hyaluronic acid-based, to sculpt the chin. This non-surgical approach requires no incisions, anaesthesia, or lengthy recovery periods. Clients can enjoy immediate results with minimal discomfort, making it a convenient option for busy professionals and anyone seeking a quick aesthetic improvement.
Natural-Looking, Long-Lasting Results of High-quality Dermal  of Chin Filler in London  
Clients who opt for "chin filler London" can expect natural-looking and long-lasting results. Leading clinics in London use high-quality dermal fillers that integrate seamlessly with the skin, ensuring that the chin enhancement looks subtle and organic. Depending on the type of filler used, results can last between 9 to 18 months, providing a long-term solution without the need for frequent touch-ups. This longevity makes chin fillers a cost-effective choice for aesthetic refinement.
Customised Treatments with Chin Filler London to Treatments Deliver Optimal Results,  
Leading clinics in London provide personalised chin filler treatments to meet the unique needs of each client. Practitioners carefully assess facial structure, taking into account individual goals and preferences to tailor the filler placement. This customised approach ensures that "chin filler London" treatments deliver optimal results, enhancing the chin while maintaining a natural balance with other facial features.
Minimal Downtime and Fast Recovery with Chin Filler London of Mild Swelling or Bruising A Few Days 
Another significant benefit of "chin filler London" is the minimal downtime involved. Most clients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment, experiencing only mild swelling or bruising that subsides within a few days. The quick recovery makes chin fillers an appealing option for those looking to enhance their appearance without interrupting their busy schedules.
Why Leading Clinics Offer The Best Chin Filler London Experience of Top Clinics Provide Clients With Safe,
In conclusion, "chin filler London" at leading clinics offers a range of benefits, including improved facial symmetry, natural-looking results, and a non-surgical, minimally invasive approach. With expert practitioners, high-quality fillers, and personalised treatments, London’s top clinics provide clients with safe, effective, and long-lasting chin enhancements. For those seeking to define their chin and refine their facial contours, chin fillers offer a convenient, reliable solution that delivers impressive aesthetic results.
Chin fillers in London at leading clinics offer a safe and effective non-surgical solution for enhancing facial symmetry and achieving a more defined chin and jawline. Using FDA-approved dermal fillers, these treatments provide natural-looking results with minimal downtime, making them ideal for busy individuals seeking quick aesthetic improvements. Expert practitioners at top clinics customise each procedure to suit individual needs, ensuring a personalised approach that delivers balanced, long-lasting results. Whether you're looking to improve facial harmony or achieve a more youthful appearance, "chin filler London" treatments provide a convenient, low-risk option with impressive outcomes.
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drmonishakapoor · 1 month
Exploring Excellence in Aesthetic Surgery: Dr. Monisha Kapoor - A Leading Female Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
When it comes to aesthetic enhancements, finding a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon is crucial. Among the top choices in Delhi, Dr. Monisha Kapoor stands out not only for her expertise but also as a leading female plastic surgeon in the region. Her clinic, Dr. Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics, has become synonymous with quality, safety, and unparalleled results.
For more information please visit - female plastic surgeon in delhi
The Rise of Dr. Monisha Kapoor in Aesthetic Surgery
Dr. Monisha Kapoor has made a significant impact in the field of plastic surgery, both in India and internationally. Her journey began with rigorous training and education in some of the most prestigious institutions around the world. With a strong foundation in surgical techniques and a passion for aesthetic beauty, Dr. Kapoor has dedicated her career to helping patients achieve their desired appearance while maintaining a natural look.
Her clinic, Dr. Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics, is located in the heart of Delhi, attracting patients from all over the country and abroad. The clinic is known for its state-of-the-art facilities and a team that shares Dr. Kapoor’s commitment to excellence.
Why Choose a Female Plastic Surgeon?
In the realm of aesthetic surgery, choosing a female plastic surgeon can offer unique benefits, especially for women seeking cosmetic enhancements. A female surgeon like Dr. Monisha Kapoor can provide an understanding and empathetic approach to procedures that are often intimate in nature. Patients may feel more comfortable discussing their concerns and desires with a female surgeon who can relate to their experiences.
Dr. Kapoor’s approach is patient-centric, focusing on understanding the individual needs and aesthetic goals of each patient. She spends considerable time in consultations, ensuring that her patients are fully informed and comfortable with their decisions.
Comprehensive Range of Services
Dr. Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics offers a comprehensive range of surgical and non-surgical procedures tailored to meet the diverse needs of her patients. Whether you are looking for facial rejuvenation, body contouring, or skin treatments, Dr. Kapoor’s clinic provides cutting-edge solutions with a personal touch.
Facial Surgery:
Rhinoplasty: One of Dr. Kapoor’s specializations, rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, can enhance facial harmony and correct breathing issues.
Facelift: For those looking to reverse the signs of aging, Dr. Kapoor offers facelift procedures that provide a youthful appearance without compromising on natural expressions.
Chin Implants: Chin augmentation surgery can balance facial features and improve the overall profile.
Body Contouring:
Liposuction: Dr. Kapoor’s liposuction techniques help in sculpting the body by removing excess fat deposits.
Tummy Tuck: Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery is perfect for those wanting to achieve a flat and toned abdomen.
Breast Surgery:
Breast Augmentation: Enhancing breast size and shape is possible with Dr. Kapoor’s expert breast augmentation procedures.
Breast Reduction: For women suffering from discomfort due to large breasts, Dr. Kapoor offers breast reduction surgery that not only alleviates pain but also enhances the breast’s aesthetic appeal.
Non-Surgical Treatments:
Botox and Fillers: Dr. Kapoor also provides non-surgical treatments like Botox and dermal fillers for those seeking to smooth out wrinkles or enhance facial contours without surgery.
Patient-Centered Care at Its Best
Dr. Monisha Kapoor’s approach to plastic surgery goes beyond just achieving aesthetic goals. She believes in holistic care, ensuring that her patients are physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared for their procedures. This is evident in the thorough pre-operative consultations and the personalized post-operative care that her clinic provides.
Patients at Dr. Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics often commend the clinic for its warm and welcoming environment. The team is known for its professionalism, ensuring that every patient feels valued and cared for throughout their journey.
Safety and Innovation: The Hallmarks of Dr. Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics
Safety is a top priority at Dr. Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics. The clinic is equipped with the latest technology and adheres to international standards of care. Dr. Kapoor continually updates her skills and techniques through international workshops and conferences, ensuring that her patients benefit from the latest advancements in plastic surgery.
Innovation is also at the core of Dr. Kapoor’s practice. She is known for adopting new techniques and technologies that enhance patient outcomes and minimize recovery time. This forward-thinking approach has earned her a reputation as one of the most innovative plastic surgeons in Delhi.
Building Confidence and Empowering Patients
For many of Dr. Kapoor’s patients, undergoing plastic surgery is not just about changing their appearance; it’s about building confidence and embracing a new chapter in their lives. Dr. Kapoor takes pride in empowering her patients, helping them to look and feel their best. Her work has transformed countless lives, giving her patients the confidence to pursue their dreams and goals.
In the competitive world of plastic surgery, Dr. Monisha Kapoor has established herself as a leader and innovator. As a female plastic surgeon, she brings a unique perspective to her practice, combining empathy, skill, and artistry to deliver exceptional results. Dr. Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics is more than just a clinic; it’s a place where patients can trust that they are in the best hands, whether they are seeking subtle enhancements or dramatic transformations.
Click here - https://g.co/kgs/jokDhDu
If you are considering plastic surgery in Delhi, Dr. Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics should be at the top of your list. With a focus on safety, innovation, and patient satisfaction, Dr. Kapoor and her team are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with confidence and care.
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