#Chladni patterns
publicdomainreview · 25 days
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"Chladni figures" from 1787 created by German physicist and musician Ernst Chladni, showing nodal patterns made by drawing a bow along the edge of a sand-covered plate. More here: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/chladni-figures-1787
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mothlady-garden · 1 day
So hear me out (this is all a big maybe): Plant-Song as a way to communicate, that manifests in their bodies
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A Chladni figure these are created when a vibrating surface (usually a metal plate) is covered with sand and excited by different frequencies. The sand accumulates at the nodal points where there is no movement.
Now for comparison the Plant pattern we see in the Anime Opening:
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And now as a comparison, the Plant markings in the manga, which display kinda similar characteristics, further reinforce this connection: (Manga spoiler)
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If we analyze the pattern, in Stampede it could correspond to a higher frequency or a complex superposition of different vibrations. However, it is difficult to determine an exact frequency or a specific tone based solely on the pattern. Such shapes typically arise at certain harmonics, and if they are symmetrical, regular shapes, they usually correspond to sounds like sine tones. The shape could indicate a sound between 500 Hz and 2 kHz, which would fall into the range of high-pitched tones (e.g., violin or flute).
In the *Trigun Stampede* soundtrack, there is a song titled "Plant Song on Erhu" that would fit well within these frequencies.
In general, Plants can communicate through primitive sounds accessible to us, but they only do so in moments of extreme emotion, such as in Trigun Vol. 2 Ch. 9.
Additionally, communication through vibrations and frequencies would be far more efficient than the human linguistic. Let’s assume that the singing of their sisters falls below 20 Hz, into the infrasound range. In this case, they could communicate over thousands of kilometers without humans perceiving it.
The audible spectrum for humans covers less than 1% of all possible frequencies.
My theory is that the Plants use the dimension available to them as a kind of resonating body, and a shadow of their song is reflected into the lower dimensions through these intertwined vibrations. On top of that, other beings (especially those who have been enhanced) may possess the ability to sense the aura and emotions of the twins.
This would also explain why Vash can "feel" his twin. The terror WW repeatedly experiences could be linked to the idea that the experiments have improved him enough to partially perceive these frequencies, and/or that his instincts as Homo erectus are awakening, urging him to flee from the "predator" before it’s too late.
Additionally, the *Song of Humanity* mentioned in the manga would thematically fit very well with this idea.
Edit: This could also explain why Vash and Legato can communicate throu some kind of "telepathy". Maybe the blue mother fucker can also recieve/send out something similar to Plant-Song
They are angel-like beings that communicate through song, shaping their bodies with their tunes. I find that a very beautiful concept.
I know the theory has MANY holes, but I still thought it was worth writing about. Sorry when this theory is old.😅
Thank you for taking the time to listen.
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scientific-dog · 4 months
Is JJ a Flying Polyp?
I am a Lovecraft fan and did you read his “The Shadow Out of Time”? I think that JJ has peculiar similarities to the Flying Polyp race.
(There, Flying Polyps were extraterrestrial race which devoured and exterminated another alien race named there as Yithians or The Great Race)
It’s just a speculation I made for fun, nothing special. Just compared two aliens. For fun.
1. I always wondered why no remains/prints of the Yithians were found anywhere (according to the lore of the story).
If the Polyps had the similar digestive tracts as JJ has, then there was nothing left of the devoured victim. Literally. They digest everything. No bones/cartilage/other hard parts for you, no waste products, they spit out metal or so as much as possible.
Devoured to nothing.
2. Returning to the first: the weapon of the Great Race against the Polyps. Polyps are only vulnerable to electricity. Jean Jacket, according to the canon, flies due to the electromagnetic field that he creates himself (obviously for this he has a special organ, I suspect it places somewhere on the sides and on the top like stingrays have), this is also why he interfered with the electronics. Let's say the Yithians used weapons that resonated/oppositely suppressed/something like that with the field of the Polyps. Then, if we consider JJ, these interferences not only deprived him of normal movement and they fell down, at least it could directly harm their organs, because if they flew due to this field, then it is clear that other systems of their body also depend on it. They could have been paralyzed by such a blow, or killed outright. That is, yes, this is indeed a very effective weapon against Jean Jacket
3. Polyps controlled the winds and other things. Well, everything is simple here: this is a beautiful metaphor for how JJ eats sand and creates winds and hurricanes. This is literally what he did in his spare time.
4. Polyps left huge marks on the ground (without touching it)
Idk, can we say that JJ has an image of a flying saucer? -> reference to crop circles -> back to the Polyp tracks? Maybe these traces are a consequence of the influence of the JJ’s electromagnetic field, which interacts to the surface sand when he flies close above the ground, like Chladni’s patterns
5. The polyps are semi-material and freely mixed through the air, and their shapes are indescribable.
Let's assume that the shape of a flying saucer is not necessary for the JJ-likes. In his open form, he indeed looks somewhat semi-material, and his body is very unusually shaped and truly indescribable.
And moving through the air is quite feasible for him thanks to the field + the fact that he is light.
6. But the saucer shape is already a modification, which allows him to quickly cut through the sky. Yes, exactly in the form in which he appeared in the end, he will not be able to fly quickly, this is the most non-aerodynamic form. But if he shrinks into a disk, it will be easier for it to fly at supersonic speeds. Let me remind you that he is probably very heavy, what makes a multi-ton predator need extra drag in an indescribable form. Plus it's easier to hide.
But the same Lovecraft had no talk of any plates. Well, yes, but they didn’t have to: there were a lot of them, you don’t need to hide or hunt, your crowd won’t drive you crazy
6. «…and of strange winds and whistling noises associated with them. And I thought of the tales, wherein the horror of great winds and nameless subterrene ruins was dwelt upon...» (quote from the story)
This is an addition to point 5 (winds).
But about the sounds: JJ has a very wide vocal range of sounds. In reality, they are whistling, clicking, grinding, etc.
«And all the while cold fingers of damp vapour clutched and picked at me, and that eldritch, damnable whistling shrieked fiendishly above all the alternations of babel and silence in the whirlpools of darkness around.»(quote from the story)
Those moments where JJ eats people are really similar. It creates a wind current to suck in the victim.
7. Flying polyps are an aggressive and predatory species. It is unknown how intelligent they are. Having no vision, they felt in some special way through any matter.
Yes, Jean Jacket is very aggressive. Fact. Especially if you make a visual contact with him. But even without this, he's crazy.
Yes, in the film's FD, of course, it is generally accepted that Jacket is just an animal. I used to think so too. But now it seems to me that his behavior is more aggressive than animalistic. At the very least, he did some things and clearly did them on purpose. Yes, destroying the Jupe’s show is an act of aggression. Drenching OJ's house with blood (intentionally! He deliberately vomited all over his ranch) is an act of aggression. Gobbling up a reporter and flying above OJ, while the guy is screaming inside Jeans' stomach is an act of aggression. And much more, as well as the intonation of some of its sounds. Yes, JJ is not a ruthless monster. But then he clearly went on the offensive and tried to show his dominance here. This also supports the first scene of the film with Gordy: the monkey lived calmly until he went crazy from the constant abuse and killed everyone. In fact, JJ demonstrates aggression only for the reason that your “attention” to him drives him crazy and he is mad, cuz that Jupe allegedly “deceived” him. That is, we clearly have awareness and he enjoys his “revenge.”
And he is mad by the fact that they are looking at him, it drives him into rage, just like Polyps.
Or how aggressively he behaved when he saw the ball. The whole bitch is exhausted.
Remark: I know that all the actions of JJ also can be explained that he wanted to lubricate his throat/hungry/etc but let it be, of course that’s all true, I just want to note that the fact that he are the horse decoy instead of real horse made him suffer from pain and made him aggressive, really agressive towards the person who “fed” him before and the whole crowd from the SLE only made it worse
8. Lack of vision in Polyps. Yes, it seems like the plates don’t even have glasses (but he still has something like eyes, but it’s still, like, and these “eyes” are well hidden)
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transmechanicus · 2 years
*puts a salt circle around the fairy circle*
*puts a salt circle inside the fairy circle*
*magically surrounds the fairy circle in a sphere of salt*
*salts the fairy circle directly*
*eats the fairy circle mushrooms*
*salt and eat the Primordial Fungal Choir of Ürn*
*develops higher dimensional salt circles with chladni plate resonance patterns*
*cultivate fairy circles in my own mortifying flesh*
*allow extradimensional fungi to consume treatises*
*rot into a higher plane*
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krisp-xyz · 1 year
Found your work. You inspired me to take another shot at technical art and graphics programming. Do you recommend any specific resources for getting started and beyond?
Thanks so much! Really glad I could inspire you to do that bc graphics and tech art things are so much fun :D
(Also sorry for the late response. I've been a bit busy and was also thinking about how I wanted to format this)
I'm mostly self taught with a lot of stuff and have done lots of research on a per-project basis, but Acerola and Freya Holmer are two of my favorite channels for learning graphics or technical art things. Shadertoy is also an amazing resource to not only create and view other's shaders, but learn about algorithms and see how people do things!
While I don't have many general resources. I'll steal these resources for graphics programming that Acerola shared in his discord server:
For getting started with graphics engine development: DX11: https://www.rastertek.com/tutdx11s3.html OpenGL: https://learnopengl.com/ DX12: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d12/directx-12-programming-guide Vulkan: https://vulkan-tutorial.com/
For getting started with shaders: catlikecoding: https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/rendering/ the book of shaders: https://thebookofshaders.com/ daniel ilett's image effects series: https://danielilett.com/2019-04-24-tut1-intro-smo/
For getting started with compute shaders: Kyle Halladay: http://kylehalladay.com/blog/tutorial/2014/06/27/Compute-Shaders-Are-Nifty.html Ronja: https://www.ronja-tutorials.com/post/050-compute-shader/ Three Eyed Games (this one teaches ray tracing AND compute shaders, what a bargain!): http://three-eyed-games.com/2018/05/03/gpu-ray-tracing-in-unity-part-1/
I also wanted to talk a little bit about I do research for projects!
A lot of my proficiency in shaders just comes from practice and slowly building a better understanding of how to best utilize the tools at my disposal, almost like each project is solving a puzzle and I want to find the most optimal solution I can come up with.
This is definitely easier said than done and while a lot of my proficiency comes from just doodling around with projects and practicing, I understand that "just practice more lol" is a boring and kinda unhelpful answer. When it comes to projects like my lighting engine, I came up with a lot of the algorithm stuff myself, but there were certainly lots of details that I learned about from past projects and research like ray marching (calculating the ray intersection of a distance function) and I learned about the jump flood algorithm from a tech artist friend (calculating distance functions from textures)
Each new algorithm you learn in various projects ends up being another tool in your toolbox, and each project becomes a combination of researching new tools and applying the tools you've learned in the past.
One last example. I made a Chladni plate simulation in blender (that thing where you put sand on a metal plate and play noises and it makes patterns) and it started with me researching and looking up chladni plates, I watched youtube videos related to why the sand forms the patterns it does, which ended up being due to how the sound waves displaced the plane. I googled some more and found the actual equation that represents it, and used it to simulate particle motion.
Figure out some projects you want to do and just do some googling or ask for help in game dev discord servers or whatever. Lot's of research on a per-project basis is honestly how you'll learn the most imo :3
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everysoulsbigbro · 4 months
The Effects of Words and Vibration on Water as it Freezes
The interaction between sound, words, and water is a fascinating subject that combines physics, chemistry, and metaphysics. Studies have explored how external stimuli like words, sounds, and vibrations influence water crystallization during freezing.
Scientific Background
Water's unique properties are due to its molecular structure and hydrogen bonds, which play a critical role in freezing. When water freezes, its molecules form a crystalline structure, usually hexagonal ice, influenced by environmental conditions.
Theoretical Underpinnings
The idea that words and vibrations affect water crystallization comes from Dr. Masaru Emoto's controversial work. Emoto's experiments, detailed in "The Hidden Messages in Water," suggest that positive words, music, and intentions create aesthetically pleasing and well-defined ice crystals, while negative stimuli produce distorted crystals.
Key Experiment and Findings
1. Emoto's Water Crystal Experiment:
Emoto froze water samples exposed to various words, phrases, or music. He reported that positive stimuli (e.g., "love" and "gratitude") resulted in symmetrical crystals, while negative stimuli (e.g., "hate" and "anger") led to malformed crystals.
Cymatics and Vibrational Influence:
Cymatics studies the visual representation of sound waves. When water is subjected to specific frequencies, patterns like Chladni figures emerge, suggesting that sound vibrations can organize matter into distinct, ordered structures.
Criticism and Scientific Scrutiny:
Emoto's work has faced criticism for lacking rigorous controls and not being consistently replicated. Despite this, the popularity of his findings has spurred interest in the relationship between water and external stimuli.
Implications and Broader Significance
The concept that words and vibrations influence water has implications beyond scientific curiosity, touching on quantum physics, consciousness, and holistic health. If water molecules are influenced by human emotions and intentions, this could profoundly affect our understanding of consciousness and physical reality.
Quantum Physics and Consciousness:
Some link Emoto's findings to quantum physics principles, like the observer effect, suggesting a potential bridge between human consciousness and the material world.
Holistic Health and Well-being:
In holistic health, water quality is crucial for well-being. Positive intentions and words enhancing water structure align with practices like prayer and meditation, believed to promote health.
Environmental and Social Impact:
Understanding how environmental factors and human emotions affect water can influence environmental conservation and social interactions. Positive community engagement could potentially improve water quality and, by extension, ecosystems and human health.
While the scientific validation of Emoto's claims is contentious, exploring how words and vibrations influence water as it freezes opens intriguing possibilities. It challenges conventional scientific paradigms and invites deeper inquiry into the physical and metaphysical relationship.
Continued research with rigorous scientific methods is essential to substantiate or refute these claims. Regardless of the scientific outcome, the idea that positive energy manifests tangibly resonates deeply, emphasizing life's interconnectedness.
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dividedsingularity · 5 months
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Various doodlings. "Murom zęby krat", a noise marine, a sword that was supposed to be Nightblood, Chladni plate patterns and just a pair of scissors.
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CYMATICS Science Vs Music
On July 8, 1680, Robert Hooke was able to see the nodal patterns associated with the modes of vibration of glass plates. Hooke ran a bow along the edge of a glass plate covered with flour, and saw the nodal patterns emerge.
The German musician and physicist Ernst Chladni noticed in the eighteenth century that the modes of vibration of a membrane or a plate can be observed by sprinkling the vibrating surface with a fine dust.
Full video 👇
Everything is frequency, everything is energy, everything is not what it appears to be. It's time to change your thinking⁉️🤔
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Note to self: Chladni lines.
Then you wonder…hmm. Nazca Lines. In another world, would the melodic vibrations of a planet’s heartbeat create intricate patterns on the surface landscape? Like earthquakes and mountains and faults and volcanic activity but different.
Something cool to put in a story later or never ~
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theestervashti · 1 month
"The Tomorrows." From Esther 4: 6-8.
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Society must be slapped together, like a breadmaker slaps dough in order to make loaves. We are not going to do it on our own, nor are we apparently capable of understanding how to do it even if the law says we must. The answer is we must petition the masses in order to get them to cooperate.
To petition mankind is to ask it to identify with its greatest fears. The greatest of these is fear of death, after that comes fear of poverty, of loss of income, housing, or loved ones. All of these are comprised within a loss of fear of law and order in society and the subsequent loss of freedom.
So the petition is to rebirth, to protect all life from a lawless country and the persons that are proponents of it. Esther seems reluctant to tell the King of Persia she wants to petition him to enforce laws outlawing oppression but she doesn't want to tell him. She wants him to guess, to figure it out and act on his own. Otherwise there will be war. She proposes a banquet instead of a war:
So the king and Haman went to the banquet Esther had prepared. 6 As they were drinking wine, the king again asked Esther, “Now what is your petition? It will be given you. And what is your request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be granted.”
7 Esther replied, “My petition and my request is this: 8 If the king regards me with favor and if it pleases the king to grant my petition and fulfill my request, let the king and Haman come tomorrow to the banquet I will prepare for them. Then I will answer the king’s question.”
The matter of half the kingdom surfaces again. The Jewish concept of the soul is doubling by cutting things in half. If we give half of our energy to the rules, to the way things are required, the other half of life is safe to be explored as we see fit. So we get an entire life if we surrender much of ourselves to the ways civil societies function at their optimum levels. For this to happen there have to be two sets of rules, one for the Self and the other for the selves.
The Values in Gematria are
v. 6: So the King went. When they go somewhere, we need to know where they went. To went in Judaism is to understand how and why the things we see on the surface are driven by the causal DNA.
"We don't quite know why or how the universe produced DNA, but (judging from these patterns), the chances are excellent that it happened when clouds of atoms began to resonate with Chladni patterns of standing gravity waves, due to rotating black holes. That would mean that the original ancestral DNA was the universe whittled down to its constituting code, its Word, if you will. Cells formed when scores of less complex molecules congregated around DNA — which probably sailed down to earth from space: the panspermia hypothesis as hinted at in Exodus 32:15.
The Law on the two tablets, in the Ark, in the tabernacle, at the heart of subsequently self-organizing Israel, is rather obviously self-similar to DNA in a nucleus in a thus governed cell. This also solves the problem of the "missing" Ark, which never actually went missing (the Ethiopian Tabot tradition has that right).
Consciousness is all about the ability to link an externally observed phenomenon with an internally stored bit of code. If the brain does not contain that code, it literally does not see the phenomenon.
We humans excel among the animals by our ability to imitate each other. But that's really our brain using uploaded data to refine stored data, so that with every iteration, the stored data increasingly resembles the observed data. When the observed data matches retrieved data, we know the phenomenon, and we can distinguish it from its environment. If not, we can't."
"Where did the Law go?"
The Number is 14963, ידטו‎‎‎ג, "palsy."
The Law was silenced, by paralysis. That is where it went.
So long as we allow the world to exist within the delusion that liars and losers are eligible to run things and murder and impoverish and wreck this planet without a single care in the world, the Torah says we are and shall remain soulless.
There is a very famous passage in the Torah that explains, from Shlach:
30 Then Caleb [the dog] silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”
31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” 32 And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. 33 We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.”
When good and evil, the past and the present start to look the same in spite of a significant amount of Torah, we must begin to look very foolish on our own eyes. This planet belongs to the wise and the righteous and the just. That must be understood thoroughly, and evrerything that can be done to relieve the suffering of the oppressed and the poor must be done. We are not without our capabilities. It is all the self-talk and bullshit that is keeping us from being fully alive.
v. 7: Come tomorrow. Tomorrow in Judaism is always now. What you are doing today is already happening tomorrow. To a Jewish person, tomorrow and today are the same things. The Number is 10068, י'‎סח‎‎, Y'sah, "Do not be distracted."
Other human beings have the legal right to exact certain behaviors out of the rest. While a petition, an appeal to compliance for the sake of the greater good and welfare of others is wise, still the law has a duty and it is not being heeded. The laws of nature do not need to petition us for our agreement. The temperatures, the abuses of the land, the overpopulation of the planet, these also require attention to the details of duty.
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picpalace · 3 months
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Cymatics, this phenomenon occurs when sound waves of particular frequencies are played through a metal plate causing it to vibrate which creates geometrical shapes in the sand. If frequencies can change the shape of sand, what else can they change?
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publicdomainreview · 1 year
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"Chladni figures" from 1787 created by German physicist and musician Ernst Chladni, showing nodal patterns made by drawing a bow along the edge of a sand-covered plate. More here: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/chladni-figures-1787
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allyouknowisalie · 5 months
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Visualizations of vibration patterns from 1787 by Ernst Chladni
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k00299537 · 7 months
Artist Research : Ernst Chladni
Ernst Chladni (1756–1827) was a German musician and scientist who made significant contributions to the study of vibrations and acoustics. Chladni, who was born in Wittenberg, Germany, made important advances to our knowledge of sound and the mechanics of vibrating plates and membranes. The contemporary study of resonance and acoustics was made possible by his work.
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In Chladni's most well-known work, sound waves were visualised using what are now referred to as "Chladni patterns" or "Chladni figures." He showed how the particles will arrange themselves into clear geometric patterns when a thin layer of sand or other small particles was sprinkled over a vibrating plate and then exposed to particular frequencies. These patterns gave rise to a visual depiction of the standing waves on the surface by revealing the nodes and antinodes of the vibrational modes.
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antonyad3 · 8 months
Transform + Translate presentation / Feedback / Reflection
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During my presentation, I guided the audience through the study of cymatics, showcased the journey of my experiments and the evolution of my concept.
my tutors suggested that I highlight my narrative more and clearly explain why family's laughter ended up being put on placemats.
considering where I can take it next would be my next move if I was considering this for my major project.
is there a way to highlight the differences in the patterns more, as currently the crosses stand out the most.
To enhance the visibility of the differences in the patterns, I could experiment with adjusting the parameters of my Chladni plate. I could also try varying the frequencies or amplitudes of the sound vibrations to produce more distinct patterns for each family member's laughter. Additionally, considering the incorporation of different visual elements or colours to differentiate between the patterns more effectively would be a good solution. Finally, exploring alternative formats or mediums could provide new opportunities to showcase the uniqueness of each pattern.
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Chladni Patterns - Adjust your volume!
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