scientific-dog · 5 months
Is JJ a Flying Polyp?
I am a Lovecraft fan and did you read his “The Shadow Out of Time”? I think that JJ has peculiar similarities to the Flying Polyp race.
(There, Flying Polyps were extraterrestrial race which devoured and exterminated another alien race named there as Yithians or The Great Race)
It’s just a speculation I made for fun, nothing special. Just compared two aliens. For fun.
1. I always wondered why no remains/prints of the Yithians were found anywhere (according to the lore of the story).
If the Polyps had the similar digestive tracts as JJ has, then there was nothing left of the devoured victim. Literally. They digest everything. No bones/cartilage/other hard parts for you, no waste products, they spit out metal or so as much as possible.
Devoured to nothing.
2. Returning to the first: the weapon of the Great Race against the Polyps. Polyps are only vulnerable to electricity. Jean Jacket, according to the canon, flies due to the electromagnetic field that he creates himself (obviously for this he has a special organ, I suspect it places somewhere on the sides and on the top like stingrays have), this is also why he interfered with the electronics. Let's say the Yithians used weapons that resonated/oppositely suppressed/something like that with the field of the Polyps. Then, if we consider JJ, these interferences not only deprived him of normal movement and they fell down, at least it could directly harm their organs, because if they flew due to this field, then it is clear that other systems of their body also depend on it. They could have been paralyzed by such a blow, or killed outright. That is, yes, this is indeed a very effective weapon against Jean Jacket
3. Polyps controlled the winds and other things. Well, everything is simple here: this is a beautiful metaphor for how JJ eats sand and creates winds and hurricanes. This is literally what he did in his spare time.
4. Polyps left huge marks on the ground (without touching it)
Idk, can we say that JJ has an image of a flying saucer? -> reference to crop circles -> back to the Polyp tracks? Maybe these traces are a consequence of the influence of the JJ’s electromagnetic field, which interacts to the surface sand when he flies close above the ground, like Chladni’s patterns
5. The polyps are semi-material and freely mixed through the air, and their shapes are indescribable.
Let's assume that the shape of a flying saucer is not necessary for the JJ-likes. In his open form, he indeed looks somewhat semi-material, and his body is very unusually shaped and truly indescribable.
And moving through the air is quite feasible for him thanks to the field + the fact that he is light.
6. But the saucer shape is already a modification, which allows him to quickly cut through the sky. Yes, exactly in the form in which he appeared in the end, he will not be able to fly quickly, this is the most non-aerodynamic form. But if he shrinks into a disk, it will be easier for it to fly at supersonic speeds. Let me remind you that he is probably very heavy, what makes a multi-ton predator need extra drag in an indescribable form. Plus it's easier to hide.
But the same Lovecraft had no talk of any plates. Well, yes, but they didn’t have to: there were a lot of them, you don’t need to hide or hunt, your crowd won’t drive you crazy
6. «…and of strange winds and whistling noises associated with them. And I thought of the tales, wherein the horror of great winds and nameless subterrene ruins was dwelt upon...» (quote from the story)
This is an addition to point 5 (winds).
But about the sounds: JJ has a very wide vocal range of sounds. In reality, they are whistling, clicking, grinding, etc.
«And all the while cold fingers of damp vapour clutched and picked at me, and that eldritch, damnable whistling shrieked fiendishly above all the alternations of babel and silence in the whirlpools of darkness around.»(quote from the story)
Those moments where JJ eats people are really similar. It creates a wind current to suck in the victim.
7. Flying polyps are an aggressive and predatory species. It is unknown how intelligent they are. Having no vision, they felt in some special way through any matter.
Yes, Jean Jacket is very aggressive. Fact. Especially if you make a visual contact with him. But even without this, he's crazy.
Yes, in the film's FD, of course, it is generally accepted that Jacket is just an animal. I used to think so too. But now it seems to me that his behavior is more aggressive than animalistic. At the very least, he did some things and clearly did them on purpose. Yes, destroying the Jupe’s show is an act of aggression. Drenching OJ's house with blood (intentionally! He deliberately vomited all over his ranch) is an act of aggression. Gobbling up a reporter and flying above OJ, while the guy is screaming inside Jeans' stomach is an act of aggression. And much more, as well as the intonation of some of its sounds. Yes, JJ is not a ruthless monster. But then he clearly went on the offensive and tried to show his dominance here. This also supports the first scene of the film with Gordy: the monkey lived calmly until he went crazy from the constant abuse and killed everyone. In fact, JJ demonstrates aggression only for the reason that your “attention” to him drives him crazy and he is mad, cuz that Jupe allegedly “deceived” him. That is, we clearly have awareness and he enjoys his “revenge.”
And he is mad by the fact that they are looking at him, it drives him into rage, just like Polyps.
Or how aggressively he behaved when he saw the ball. The whole bitch is exhausted.
Remark: I know that all the actions of JJ also can be explained that he wanted to lubricate his throat/hungry/etc but let it be, of course that’s all true, I just want to note that the fact that he are the horse decoy instead of real horse made him suffer from pain and made him aggressive, really agressive towards the person who “fed” him before and the whole crowd from the SLE only made it worse
8. Lack of vision in Polyps. Yes, it seems like the plates don’t even have glasses (but he still has something like eyes, but it’s still, like, and these “eyes” are well hidden)
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vintagerpg · 11 months
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The 1978 Jove/HBJ paperback The Colour Out of Space, one of two Lovecraft collections the publisher licensed from Arkham House’s 1963 collections. Hot damn, look at that cover painting by Rowena.
That is a Yithian, from “The Shadow Out of Time.” Always been a big fan of Yithians, they are suitably ridiculous aliens, recognizably so but also largely free from modern alien design conventions and certainly not a man-in-suit. Just about any painting of a Yithian is going to be a winner for me, but this one is the tops. Just absolutely astounding, all those textures, just an absolute disregard of sense. Extremely like the sundew skirt of the cone, that’s a perfect touch.
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tenebris-metallum · 8 months
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First set of my Cthulhu Mythos tarot card designs! We've got the card back, and then The Fool (Randolph Carter), The Magician (Nyarlathotep and the Shining Trapezohedron), and The High Priestess (A Yithian)
This is a big-ass project, and I'm very pleased with this first set. Next set will be The Empress, The Emperor, The Heirophant, and The Lovers!
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blackmarketvoices · 6 months
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From the talents of:
SSJTrinity | @late-to-the-magnus-archives Kraiva | @sepiabandensis Somniate | @sparklyandheroic Flamia | @flamdoodles Vmprsm | @vmprsm Jasper | @captaincravatthecapricious Igneousfrizzle LynnLarsh Isi | @eldritch-asmr Fish | @unsafewaters
(Poster by Alexis!)
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Yithian by Quico Vicens-Picatto
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shoggothing · 5 months
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just silly memes ,,,,,
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quoththeowl31 · 5 months
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"I don't know what you are, but I'm not letting you in!"
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enddaysengine · 1 year
Yithians (Paths Beyond)
My feelings around Lovecraft are complicated and probably deserve their own essay one day. Today, I’ll say I despise his worldview but enjoy building on the shared Mythos he was a part of, so I’m happy to talk about Yithians. They are one of my favourite aliens of all time (the others are Elder Things), which probably comes as no surprise for long-time readers.
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I’ve mentioned before that I love how Pathfinder folded Yithians into its setting by identifying the Xiomorns as the bug creatures they are destined to inhabit. With resistance to acid, cold, fire, and physical damage, Yithians have greater freedom to explore many environments hostile to humanoids. Most of the time, this means they are encountered in the void of space, but it is entirely valid to meet them exploring the planes, especially its strange places.
However, you are unlikely to encounter the average Yithian on the Outer Planes. With training in Arcana, Nature, and Occult, most Yithians know much about the planes, but faith, religion, and the afterlife are relative blind spots. Of course, that doesn’t mean they know nothing; an average Yithian is still a genius compared to the average elf or dwarf.
There is also the question of whether players will know when they’ve encountered a Yithian, given their propensity for mind-swapping their way through time and space. Yithian can literally show up anywhere, including in the body of your closest friend or worst enemy. If GMs want to lay the seeds for a Mythos-inspired game without tipping their hand too early, introducing characters possessed by a Yithian consciousness is an excellent route. Try not to let the paranoia get to you.
In recent months, an alarming number of Chelexian histories and contracts have been uncovered as forgeries. While this is not unprecedented given Thrune’s redactors, even they were unaware these documents were false. Worse, they all seem to be commuted by the same person, stretching back to Cheliax’s initial conquest by Taldor. As adventurers investigate the mystery, they uncover that the forger is the Yithian /Yssm, although what end the alien is working towards remains unclear.
Not every member of the Great Race eschews studying the divine. Pnassic is obsessed with recovering Yithian souls (and their minds) from the afterlife. Their research into the outer planes and River of Souls eventually drove them to become a witch and seek out the Dowager of Illusions as their patron. Backed by the Infernal Queen, Pnassic works to undermine the psychopomps and return lost Yithians to their vessels before they even reach the Boneyard.
Mindscapes rarely form naturally, so something is definitely afoot when the Dark Archive discovers an entire town with fully fleshed-out mindscapes. The mindscapes are the handiwork of Tsaooul, a Yithian with prodigious psychic powers. Rather than swap minds with humanoids, Tsaooul uses their mental abilities to explore them through the mindscapes they construct in the Astral Plane. While there is no evidence of malicious intent, Tsaooul cares little about violating the privacy of others, while other occultists and arcanists aware of their experiments are more than willing to take advantage of the leftover mindscapes after the Yithian moves on.
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era-arts · 2 months
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Another one
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Experimental Weapon Prototype Mechanic (Mechanic Alternate Class Feature)
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(art by Nano-Core on DeviantArt)
 And so we reach the end of the mechanic alternate class features with “experimental” in the name (though there is one other), and we end off with the sister option to armor: I present to you experimental weapons!
We’ve all wanted a cool sci-fi weapon at some point, a real big gun or laser sword or something similar, and with this option, not only do you have one, but it is uniquely your own, something you custom build to be better than any other weapon of it’s class.
Much like the armor prototype and even the experimental vehicle, this option let’s the character improve one or several different designs for advanced technological weapons. Some may have additional doodads bolted on which grant additional abilities, while others may simply allow the preexisting technology to be used in a new or novel way. There is no flat upgrade to damage though. For that you have to rebuild your experimental weapon with a newly acquired weapon as the base.
In any case, we’ll soon see exactly what these weapons and their wielders are capable of.
 Like other experimental prototypes, this weapon has so many quirks and extra bits that it’s impossible for anyone else to use. It also takes the form of an advance melee weapon, heavy weapon, or longarm, one such category the mechanic learns to use effectively.
By tuning the weapons output to the form of an enemy, adjusting one’s aim to target weak spots, or other esoteric methods, these engineers can calibrate their weapons to be effective against a single foe of their choice.
If their weapon uses battery power or ammunition, they master how to fit more inside it, cycling out old batteries, storing extra ammo in a way to offset the weight, and so on, effectively doubling their capacity.
With special armatures, stripping down unnecessary weights, and the odd anti-grav generator, these mechanics can effectively wield their weapons with one hand, no matter how big they normally are.
Where things really get interesting is when they get to add special qualities to their weapons, which can range from an easy-access magazine for faster reloading, a longer handle to let a weapon be used to block, and so on. Obviously some modifications wouldn’t make sense, so keep that in mind.
Later on, they can apply two of these modifications, which expands to include projected force integrated into the weapon. Or they can choose to replace one with an extra critical effect, which has an ample list that expands later on. Unlike other abilities that add a second critical effect, however, you get both critical effects at once, rather than picking one each time you crit with the weapon. At the zenith of their ability they can change these modifications on the fly, though they must still pick one basic one.
Speaking of on the fly changes, these mechanics also integrate four weapon fusion circuits into the weapon which can be switched between fairly quickly, letting them change their weapon further with technomagic to suit the situation.
They also integrate tech to switch between damage types, essentially transforming the weapon into a modal one, or adding a third damage type to an already modal weapon. They can even have both active at once.
The most powerful of these mechanics can improve the calibration circuits to save the data from multiple foes at once, reactively switching between settings as they swing at that foe. Of course, one must take the time to set up the targeting data one at a time, but this can make them quite effective against multiple foes at once.
This option promises not only some increased damage, but also a lot of versatility, not just due to the bonus abilities you can grant, but also in you initial weapon category choice. Perhaps you want a plasma sword with multiple blades that can block strikes, catch and disarm other weapons, and more, or maybe you want a heavy laser cannon that can unleash every element under the sun? The sheer number of options is truly staggering, so if this appeals to you, by all means give it a try!
 While many characters may name their weapons or show some level of affection towards them, to these mechanics, their weapon truly is their baby, their brainchild. Now obviously they don’t all express animistic feelings towards their weapons, it can be an interesting quirk of the character. It can also be fun to keep track of the various marks and models of weapons (or armor, or vehicle) that experimental mechanics create and tinker with.
  Since ancient times, the yithians were a mighty advanced people, capable of not just sending their minds out across time and space, but also developing advanced weapons with which to fight truly alien horrors. However, some young yithians feel that their technology has stagnated in the modern era, and seek to improve further to protect their strange people from any and all threats, even improving upon their storm coil weapons.
 Despite their clear superiority to similar weapons, the prototypes of many experimental engineers never see the light of an assembly line, being too complicated and gimmicky for the average consumer to use. However, clearly some such designs survive critique in some form or another. They say that petrol converters were one such weapon, able to convert their pyrophoric fuel into acid on the fly to burn foes in another way.
 Piboqa the entu symbiote has always been fascinated by the way living weapons form a sort of symbiosis with their wielders, particularly those with natural telepathy. As such, they have begun cultivating a neural lash, utilizing genetic modifications of their own design to try and improve upon the creature. Where exactly this leads, Piboqa has no idea, but they are eager to see it through.
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artapir · 2 years
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Ancestral Yithian host, and a contemporaneous relative of the lost clade that gave rise to same.
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scientific-dog · 2 months
Pov you’re taking an anthropology exam In Miskatonic university
(Yithian hum by @makosxa)
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And side glowing effect
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sidestories · 5 months
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tenebris-metallum · 11 months
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"The Yith's size and shape make them unmistakable"
Very very pleased with this one! I was feeling the need for something a little bit creepier, and the body-stealing space wizards that make up the Yith seemed like a good choice.
Available on my redbubble (link in bio)
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blackmarketvoices · 6 months
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From the talents of:
SSJTrinity | @late-to-the-magnus-archives Kraiva | @sepiabandensis Somniate | @sparklyandheroic Flamia | @flamdoodles Vmprsm | @vmprsm Jasper | @captaincravatthecapricious Igneousfrizzle LynnLarsh Isi | @eldritch-asmr Fish | @unsafewaters
(Poster by Alexis!)
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clambanana · 1 year
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Lewdtober 2023 Day 7: Cosmic Whore-or
Something for the discerning and sophisticated monster fucker.
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