#Chris Cerulli x reader
yournecessaryevil · 11 months
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☆These Games We Play☆
Summer has officially started, and to kick off the season before their tour, Ricky's decided to throw a party for you and the guys at his place. But you decide to test Chris's patience halfway through the party, and... he isn't having any of it. Then again, maybe that'll work in your favor...
• NSFW; Daddy kink; adult themes (Dom/Sub relationship); fluff; language
☠️ TAGLIST: @synthetic-wasp-570 @darigyu @veroxbarnes @nixwolfe
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It was the one season people looked forward to the most, a season holding the promise of adventure and other good things to come.
And oh, were there ever so many good things to come for you this time of year. You were getting ready to embark on yet another tour with your boyfriend and his bandmates, and this was sure to be the best one, yet.
But that time wouldn't arrive for at least another two weeks, so to kick off the season (and to give you and everyone else a chance to unwind and take some time off), Ricky had decided to host a backyard gathering at his place.
You had immediately taken a liking to the idea; a break from the stress of touring was much needed, not just for you. Everyone had been rather on edge lately, despite the good show they were all putting on to hide it.
No, today would be a day to just relax, unwind, and share some good laughs... and maybe something else, too. You and Chris were as close as ever, but lately you'd been feeling rather... neglected, if you were being perfectly honest. You knew he couldn't help it, his music was one of the most important things to him, it was what drove him, he needed it.
But lately, you'd been really needing him.
The two of you had a rather unconventional relationship when it came to the bedroom. He had a bit of a dominant streak, not that you minded, of course. You yourself were known to be kind of a brat both in and out of the sheets, something that drove him utterly crazy in all the right ways.
He knew (most of the time) how to tame your inner brat, he'd proven this to you on more than one occasion. It was one of the many things you loved most about him, the way he always knew how to leave you both satisfied and wanting more, all at once.
And it was that very thing you'd been craving all week from him.
So today, you had a plan.
Was it a good one? In retrospect, probably not. Would it get you in trouble with him? Most definitely. But was that exactly what you wanted? Fuck, yes.
It wasn't even a want, at this point.
No, it was a fucking need.
So today you were going to see just how far you could push him, before that dominant side of his would come out to play, before he'd snap and give you exactly what it was you needed: Chris putting you in your fucking place.
A slight grin turned up the corners of your mouth as you snuck a glance over at the empty driver's seat, your mind running through all sorts of scenarios as to how today would go for you. He had no idea, the poor guy...
Leaning over, you laid on the horn for a few seconds, until you saw Chris emerge from the house you two shared, your boyfriend giving you a raised eyebrow as he got into the car. "Someone's impatient today," he teased you, turning the key in the ignition.
You stuck your tongue out at him, unable to hide your grin. "Not my fault you walk slow, old man," you shot back. That earned you a look from him, the look, in fact. It was the look that was a warning, a threat, and a promise all rolled into one.
"Do not be a brat today. I mean that, Y/N. I want you on your best behavior while we're at Ricky's party. Play nice, or it's gonna be a long fucking night for you," Chris warned you, as he pulled the car out of the front driveway.
Ha, you knew that side of him would eventually come out to play! Although, you were more than a little surprised by how quickly it had happened. You tugged your bottom lip between your teeth for a moment to hide your grin before you reached across the center console, resting your hand atop Chris's.
"No promises," you teased him.
You could practically feel the look he gave you then, and you had to try your hardest to hold back your laugh as the two of you drove out to Ricky's place. Today was going to be something else, that was for damn sure...
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"Two more weeks, man. And then we leave."
Chris's answering groan brought a smile to your lips as you sat there by the edge of the pool, your shoes off and feet buried in the water.
"Come on, dude, I don't want to think about that right now," he answered with a shake of his head. Ricky shot him a grin, raising one eyebrow. "Sick of tour life already, are we?" he asked.
"No, see, if that was the case, I'd be like 'Who are you and what have you done with the real Chris?'" you interjected with a grin of your own. Laughter rang out from around the pool, and you winked at Chris, his answering smile creating a sense of warmth in you, a feeling completely different than the warmth brought on by the sun beating down on you all.
He shrugged, running one hand through his blonde hair. "I don't know, I mean, don't get me wrong here. I'm beyond thrilled to be doing another tour with you guys, but... two weeks. That's gonna come fast," he said.
You couldn't help the small laugh that escaped unbidden from your mouth at that moment. Apparently you weren't the only one; both Vinny and Ricky snickered from across the pool as soon as they got the joke, each of them exchanging a furtive look with you.
Chris shot you a questioning look, and a slow grin spread across your face as you quickly raised both eyebrows at him. "You know what else is gonna come fast?" you began, exchanging another sly glance with the boys before your gaze slid back to Chris.
In that moment, it must've finally clicked for him, because he gave you a warning look, similar to the one he'd given you in the car.
"Y/N..." he started, raising one dark eyebrow at you. His eyes remained locked on yours, but the longer you stared back, the more you noticed certain things, little things.
One corner of his mouth twitched up briefly, like he was fighting back a smirk, as he continued to stare at you. Oh, so he had found it funny, though, hadn't he? Your grin widened a little as you scooted closer to him, leaning over to whisper in his ear.
"I bet you can make me come fast."
The timing couldn't have been better; you leaned back just in time to see Chris's mouth fall open in shock, those brown eyes widening, a barely audible gasp the only thing being heard above the faint music drifting over from the small portable speaker by the pool.
"What? What'd she say?"
"Dude, what did she tell you?"
The guys' questions went ignored as Chris sat there, stunned and speechless for a moment. He wasn't the only one; a quick glance around the edge of the pool showed you that every single one of his bandmates was watching, waiting to see what Chris's next move would be... or what your next move would be.
"You did not just go there, not here, at Ricky's-?" Chris started, trailing off for a second.
"Y/N, you-" he began again, but like before, he stopped mid-sentence.
"Damn, Y/N, I think you broke him," Justin suddenly spoke up, trying not to laugh.
"Dude, he's fucking speechless!" Vinny laughed.
"What did you say to him?" he added with a grin, raising a brow at you.
You grinned back at him, shrugging.
"Ask Chris," you answered, sneaking another glance at the man in question beside you.
He was still staring at you, but now there was a hint of something darker in those brown eyes of his.
"Say it again, I'm gonna toss you in the pool," he warned you. And yet, despite the warning, there was that same hint of a smirk from before.
"Go ahead, I'll pull you in with me," you shot back, sticking your tongue out at him with a cheeky little grin.
One dark eyebrow arched up, and he leaned in to whisper in your ear this time.
"At least then you'll already be wet for me."
Now it was your turn to be rendered speechless for the moment.
Chris leaned back with a satisfied smile, looking all too pleased with himself.
Shooting you a wink, he got up from the edge of the pool, nodding over at Ryan.
"I need to go help him with food prep, do me a favor and behave, Y/N," he told you.
You were still too stunned to speak, merely nodding in response and watching him walk away.
Game fucking set and match on his end, then. You'd have to get a bit more creative...
Ricky's laugh broke through your thoughts, as he sat down next to you.
"Sounds like someone's in trouble," he teased you, lightly nudging you with his shoulder. You snuck a glance behind you, watching Chris, unable to help the soft smile that made its way onto your face.
There was just something about the way he moved, gods, you could watch him all day.
And then he happened to look up at that exact second, his eyes meeting yours. A slow smile spread across his face, and he winked at you before going back to helping Ryan with getting lunch prepped for the day.
Turning back around, you nudged Ricky with your shoulder. "Hey, don't tell him this, but... I've been kind of a brat today because I'm actually sort of hoping he'll reach his breaking point and... you know," you told him.
He grinned, casting a quick glance in Chris's direction before his eyes met yours again.
"Ah. Yeah, no, I get it. We've been kind of busy with touring and I know you guys haven't exactly had any time to be alone together," he started, an awkward little smile tugging at one corner of his mouth.
"I mean, I will say this: if things do work out for you today, I've got the extra guest room you guys can use, just so you know. Just... clean up when you're done," he said, trying not to laugh.
"Also, if you really wanna get him to his breaking point quick, let me know, I'll gladly help you out," he grinned. You were unable to keep from laughing at that, the sound drawing Chris and Ryan's attention.
"What're you Girl Scouts laughing about over there?" Ryan asked. His question only made you laugh a little harder, you and Ricky exchanging a furtive look with each other.
"You gonna?" he asked in a voice low enough for only you to hear.
You grinned in response, merely nudging him in the side and nodding in Chris's direction.
Getting up from the edge of the pool, you turned to face Chris, your heart racing with anticipation of what you were about to do.
"Eyyo, Christopher! Lemme get that dick!" you called out, heat flooding your cheeks as you waited for his reaction.
And oh, was it ever the reaction you were hoping for.
He turned around to face you, his mouth open, eyes wide, and brows raised to the fullest extent.
"What did you just say??"
He took a warning step towards you, giving you that look you loved so much, his head tilted ever so slightly to the right.
But you weren't going to let him rattle you that easily. No, you were going to see this through.
"I mean, I can say it again if you'd like?" you answered, biting back a grin. He took another step forward, that warning look still in place. Silence once again settled over the group, the only sound being that of the music streaming softly from the speaker by the pool.
Your gaze shifted to land on Ricky; he was watching the two of you with a poorly concealed grin on his face, and when his eyes met yours, his smile only grew wider, like he was on the verge of laughing.
Immediately, you glanced back at Chris, your eyes widening when you noticed he'd gotten more than a step or two closer to you still.
"First of all, wildly out of line of you to ask me that, here in front of the guys. And secondly... excuse the ever loving fuck out of you, that's not how you ask me, now try again," Chris spoke firmly, his eyes never wavering from yours.
You started to sneak a glance over at Ricky again, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw Chris shake his head at you.
"No, don't look at him, he's not gonna help you. You wanted to start this little game of yours, now you're gonna finish it," he said. Before you could stop yourself, you blurted out the first thing that came to your mind.
"Oh, I'll definitely be able to finish, will you?" you grinned, waiting for his reaction.
Someone laughed, and Chris shot them a sideways glance, before those brown eyes met yours again. "That's one. Try again," he said, his voice dangerously low and smooth.
You bit your lip in anticipation, mentally weighing your options here.
On the one hand, if you played this his way, there was no guarantee that you would get what you wanted, what you needed. But on the other hand, if you played this your way... well, there was still no guarantee of that, either.
You supposed you'd just have to fuck around and find out, then.
"Er, um... may I please get that dick?" you repeated your earlier request, albeit a little more politely this time around.
The expression on Chris's face seemed to soften, and he took another step towards you. "There, see? Now wasn't that a much better way of asking me?" he said softly.
"Pfft, no," you answered, before you could stop yourself.
Almost immediately, both eyebrows were raised again, before he narrowed his eyes at you, though you could swear you saw him smirk for the briefest of seconds.
But then with three more steps, he was suddenly in front of you, picking you up and holding you over one shoulder, like one would with a disobedient child.
"That's two. You're done," you heard Chris say.
Your mouth fell open in protest, and you turned to look over your shoulder at him as best as you could.
"Wait, what happened to three?? You know, three strikes and you're out?? You don't play fair, Cerulli!" you protested.
"Nope, you're done. And I don't want to hear it, you don't exactly play fair either, Y/N," he answered.
You could hear the slight amusement in his voice, could practically see the smirk on his face, at this point.
Ricky laughed, getting up from the edge of the pool. "Tour update: Y/N is a brat, and Chris... is not having it," he teased.
"Yeah, not helpful, Olson," you heard Chris say, but even he couldn't keep the smile out of his voice. "You wanna finish helping Ryan out for me? I've got a brat I need to take care of," he added.
Ricky nodded, and you heard Vinny laugh from where he was sitting by the edge of the pool. "Ooh, you're in trouble!" he called out, grinning.
A few catcalls and laughs ensued from the rest of the group as Chris began heading towards the house, still carrying you rather unceremoniously over one shoulder.
As soon as the two of you were in the house and out of earshot of the others, Chris set you down, a dark look now present in those warm and (usually) gentle brown eyes.
"You wanna explain to me why you're being such a little brat for me today, Y/N?" he asked, casting a quick glance over his shoulder.
Ooh, did he really want the honesty? Or was it perhaps better not to clue him in? To be fair, you were already this far, it wouldn't make sense to back out now, right?
Biting back a smirk, you shrugged.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, I've been so mild today," you said, trying to remain casual.
On the inside, you were a mess. He was reaching his breaking point, you could feel it.
Just a little more...
"Besides, if I'm such a brat, why don't you do something about it?" you sassed him.
Something in his gaze hardened; this was it...
"Yeah, you know what, I think I will. Bedroom. Now. Go," Chris answered, voice firm.
Ha, this was it, finally...!
You stood your ground, waiting.
And he promptly picked you up, putting you over one shoulder again and carrying you down the hall, towards the guest bedroom Ricky had told you about earlier.
He tossed you down onto the bed, not giving you any time to catch your breath before he was leaning over you, quickly pinning your wrists above your head with one hand, the other curling gently around your throat.
"You gonna behave now?" he asked, his voice low and face mere inches from yours.
You stared back at him, your gaze rather defiant as you shook your head at him.
"Mm. Wrong answer, Y/N," Chris breathed.
He closed the distance between the two of you, his mouth finding yours in an instant, all tongue and teeth and dark seduction, the promise of being left unable to walk lingering behind every rough kiss he pressed to your lips.
A groan slipped unbidden from your throat, and you heard him groan in response, his mouth moving urgently against your own. "Mm, safeword?" he breathed out, in between harsh kisses. "Porcelain," you breathed back, earning a hum of approval from Chris.
"Good girl," he muttered, his words sending a chill down your spine. His grip on your throat tightened briefly before he let go, pulling back to admire the way you were still pinned beneath him.
"Fuck, I've missed seeing you like this," he sighed, running his free hand through his blonde hair. The hint of a smirk rested on that perfect mouth of his, a mouth that was as sinful and dirty as it was pretty.
Releasing your wrists, he stood up, staring down at you with that familiar look in his eyes.
You knew that look, it was only the same one he'd worn in the countless scenes you two had done together since you'd learned of his dominant side.
Fuck, did you love his dominant side...
"Stay still. We're gonna play a game, you and me. You're not allowed to move, you're not allowed to make a single fucking sound. Understand?" he said.
The minute you opened your mouth to answer him, he raised a brow at you.
"I mean it. Not a sound. Trust me, you make the prettiest fucking noises for me, but that's just it: they're for me. Not my bandmates. Got it?" he asked. You nodded, earning an approving little pat on the head from him.
"Better, that's my good girl," he murmured.
With that, he leaned down, leaving little kisses along the exposed skin of your throat, finding your sweet spot so easily. It took everything in you to hold back your moan, the noise instead escaping as a barely audible whimper.
And yet, Chris still heard it.
He paused for a moment, lifting his head to give you a warning look, before leaning down again, marking up that sweet spot at the base of your throat. "Better be quiet..." he warned you, in between kisses.
You were trying, honestly! He was making it ever so difficult, though. One more kiss here, one more kiss there... fuck, he really wanted you to suffer, didn't he?
Another small whimper slipped free from your mouth, and you could both see and feel the smile that briefly turned up the corners of his mouth as Chris glanced up at you again.
"Do I need to gag you? Is that what you want?" he asked. You shook your head at him, and he raised an eyebrow at you. "Then I need you to stop, and be quiet for me. Be a good girl, or you lose the game. Understand?" he said.
You nodded, Chris's answering smile of approval bringing a smile of your own to your face. "Up, now. I want this off," he told you, tugging on the hem of your shirt. You did as you were told, keeping eye contact with him the entire time. "Everything?" you asked, biting back another smile as you let the shirt fall to the floor.
"Everything, everything. All of it," came Chris's answer, his voice trailing off as he watched you undress for him. But when you went to undo the ties at the sides of your swim bottoms, he shook his head at you. "No. Down," he ordered you.
Lying back against the bed for him, you watched with baited breath, your teeth digging into your bottom lip, as he leaned down and took the ties between his teeth, tugging them free. Fuck, that had to be the hottest thing you'd seen him do all day...!
He did the same thing to the ties on the other side before standing up again, his hands making quick work of discarding your swim bottoms, casting them aside. You now lay exposed before him, every inch of you waiting to be ravished and ruined by him, just like you wanted, like you needed.
"Fuck," he swore under his breath, staring down at you in awe, like a blind man seeing the sun for the very first time. "So fucking beautiful, Y/N," he murmured, leaning down to kiss you. His touch was no less gentle than it had been earlier; he wanted this just as much as you did, he needed this too.
"Chris," you moaned his name, reaching down to grasp the hem of his shirt, but he stopped you before you could get any further than that. "Mm, no, Y/N, I thought I told you not to move," he murmured, breaking the kiss to stare down at you, those warm brown eyes holding you captive and scorching your very soul alive.
"But I want to touch-" you started. He shook his head at you, a hint of a smirk playing at the edges of his lips. "Only good girls get to touch," he answered. Leaning down, he whispered in your ear, his voice low and full of amusement.
"And you haven't been a good girl for me today, have you, baby?"
Before you could stop yourself, you shook your head no, staring up at him with wide eyes. Gods, he already had you tiptoeing the line into subspace for him. Fuck, he was good...
You watched as he stripped himself of his shirt, and your breath caught in your throat when you saw the inked up expanse of his bare skin. You wanted him so bad, you wanted to run your fingers over his ink, trace every line, every curve, you wanted to taste him, you needed him so fucking bad...!
A whine escaped unbidden from your throat, earning you a chuckle from Chris. "Aw, my sweet girl's all pent up, isn't she?" he teased you, before finally ridding himself of his swim trunks. You sucked in a rattling gasp, nodding frantically as he leaned over you, kissing up the side of your throat, eventually finding the spot below your right ear.
"It's too bad she's been a brat all day," he whispered in your ear, his words only working to pull another whine from the back of your throat. "Shh, lucky for you, I'm not mean enough to just leave you like this," he added, leaning back to look down at you, his gaze softening.
"But," he added with a grin, "I'm also not gonna sit here and just give you what you want, not that easily." Leaning forward again until his face was inches from yours, he placed a soft kiss on your lips.
"You want this dick so bad, Daddy's gonna make you fucking work for it," he told you. His words sent a hot spike of arousal straight to your core, where you needed him the most, and it took every ounce of whatever self control you had left to not sink all the way into subspace for him.
"Oh, but it'd be so easy!" your inner thoughts protested, pleaded, even.
Fuck it.
You stared up at him, your gaze locked with his. Chris knew, too. He knew in that moment, he had you exactly where he wanted you. Fucking checkmate, right?
"You gonna be a good little whore for me, Y/N?" he asked, staring down at you. Fuuu- if he kept talking like that, you wouldn't last long around him. You nodded, too stunned and too far gone to speak properly.
Not that he minded, of course. No, he was in full Dom mode, he knew exactly how much power he held over you right now. "That's my good girl," he muttered, before reaching out and tapping you twice on your inner thigh.
"Up, I want you on your knees. Now," he told you. You complied ever so easily, the prospect of you getting what you want lingering around the corner, just out of your reach. He wanted you to be a good little whore for him, you could do that, no problem...
You knew what he wanted without him even having to ask, you two had done this dance many, many times before. That, and he was making it ever so obvious; he was already so aroused and so hard for you. Kneeling down, you took him easily into your mouth, all the way to the back of your throat.
Fuck, you could already taste him, you'd missed this so much. The minute you had your hot little mouth wrapped around his dick, Chris released the dirtiest, ungodliest of moans, one of his hands finding its way to the back of your head, his fingers winding themselves through your hair and holding you in place.
"Fuck, good girl, fuck, just... just like that," he groaned, watching you go down on him, take him, every fucking inch, all the way to the back of your throat-- fuck, you were doing so good for him-!
He watched with a mix of arousal and awe, his grip on the back of your head tightening slightly, his hips rising ever so carefully to meet you halfway. Brown eyes widened, Chris's head falling back as you moaned around him, an echoed groan of his own filling the hushed silence of the room.
Holy- how the fuck could you take him as deeply as you were?? Then again, he wasn't sure why this should surprise him, you'd always done so well for him, more than deserving of any and every ounce of praise he'd ever given you.
"There we go, good... fuck, good girl," Chris panted softly, every exhaled breath trembling on his tongue. "Not such a brat now, are we?" he added with a breathless laugh. You paused a moment, lifting your head to meet his gaze, making a face at him and baring your teeth.
He smirked, trying hard to hide his laughter. "Aw, little kitten thinks she's so tough. But look at her, such a pretty baby, kept all quiet with her mouth around my dick," he cooed at you. God, the filthiest things that could come out of this man's mouth-!
You could feel the heat rush to your cheeks, your blood pounding a frantic staccato within your veins, Chris's words echoing in the forefront of your mind. You gave him your best doe-eyed expression, watching intently as his own expression shifted, his grin faltering as the cracks started appearing in his calm facade.
In the few beats of silence that followed, you could hear the sharp hiss of breath escaping his lungs, his eyes locked intently on yours. The minutes seemed to tick by before he finally spoke, his voice trembling and his words seeming to stumble over each other in their haste to get out.
"D-don't... don't do that, don't look at me like that, kitten..." he pleaded with you in a breathless whisper.
Ha... who was in control of who, again?
A smirk playing at the edges of your mouth, you cast your eyes downward again, your hands moving up to grip the tops of his thighs, fingers digging in as you pulled him in deeper once more, a low groan rising up from the back of your throat.
Any further pleas Chris may have had for you died out on his tongue, another sharp exhale hissing from between his teeth as he watched you, his entire being held wholly and utterly spellbound by your every fucking move.
You could feel his grip on your hair loosen, his hand falling to rest at his side, his self-control starting to slip ever so much further with every touch of your hands, your tongue. You could tell the moment he was close, his fingers tensing and gripping tightly at the bedspread beneath him, his hips rising to meet you halfway.
"F-fuck, Y/N-!"
The way your name left his mouth, spoken like a swear word, like a sort of forbidden oath--
You were completely done for after that, all self-control you may have had, just... gone.
You only had the briefest of warnings from him, before he was coming undone for you, the taste and feel of him heavy on your tongue and in the back of your throat, as sweet and addictive as novocain...
He was your drug, your fix.
And you doubted you'd ever be able to get enough of him.
His climax easily added fuel to the fire of your own, but you knew better. If you came now, that was it, game over. You knew how he was as a Dom, he'd make you wait...
Holding back a groan, you let your eyes drift upwards, meeting his. "Don't swallow yet, baby, I wanna see," he told you, head falling back as he tried to catch his breath, one hand rising to run through his hair.
You slowly pulled back, releasing him from your mouth as you sat up on your knees for him, waiting patiently and trying your hardest not to swallow. His composure regained and that smooth, calm facade back in place once more, Chris reached out with one hand to gently grab you by the chin as he leaned forward, his gaze intent on yours.
"Open up, pretty little brat, let me see..." he breathed.
Eyes wide, you nodded, easily giving in to his demands, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out for him, putting on full display the mess he had created for you.
Chris stared back at you in awe, taking note of the way his cum dripped from the tip of your tongue, spilling down your chin, your throat, his hand...
"Look at that, look at you, you beautiful, messy little girl," he whispered, pride in his voice, his brown eyes softening as he smiled down at you.
Ah, and there it was... that feeling you always craved, the part you most looked forward to whenever you two did this together.
The way he would give you praise, it was indescribable. He wouldn't just praise you for the sake of doing it, no, oh no. He would go so much further than that, always.
He had a certain way of making you feel so completely special, like everything about you mattered, everything about what you did and who you were just mattered.
Because to him, it did matter. You did.
The softest of whimpers left your mouth, your gaze held captive by his own.
This was one of the parts Chris secretly loved too, seeing you like this, so soft and sweet and pure for him... even though he knew better, you both did.
The moments where you were so open for him like this were incredibly rare, this show of vulnerability was something only he got to see.
Another small noise left your open mouth, regaining his attention. "Shh, I know, baby. Swallow for me, every last drop," he spoke softly, leaning forward to kiss you gently on the forehead.
You did as you were told, swallowing the taste of him, a bittersweet feeling of emptiness lingering behind afterwards. That was the part you hated, no longer being able to taste him, to feel him on your tongue, in the back of your throat.
But Chris knew the feeling just as much as you did, he always knew.
With the softest of touches, he used his thumb to clean up what was left, pushing lightly at your lips, watching as you eagerly opened up for him, taking him into your mouth, indulging in what remained of the taste of him.
Releasing his thumb from your mouth with the smallest of bites, you sat back on your heels, staring up at him with those doe eyes. He smiled back at you, reaching out to stroke the side of your face.
"Such a good girl for me, you did so good. Here, come here, pretty baby," he cooed, beckoning you to him. You climbed up into his lap, one leg on either side of him as you wrapped your arms around him, holding on to him like he was your only lifeline.
"Let me take care of you, Y/N, give you what you need," he whispered in your ear, drawing you close to him. You only too easily complied, letting him have full control, slipping as far into subspace as he could get you to go.
He entered you slowly, wanting you to feel every fucking inch of him, down to the last. Unified groans echoed through the quiet of the room, his fingers digging in to the velvet softness of your hips, clutching you to him like he was going to lose you.
Only he wasn't; you were his as much as he was yours, you were here to stay...
His name left your mouth, a hushed plea for him, all of him, everything he could ever give you.
"Shh, I know, I'm here, m'gonna make you feel so good..." came Chris's muffled reply, his face buried against the side of your neck as he placed soft, slow, open-mouthed kisses along the skin there.
You let your head fall back, eyes closing and lips parting in a silent groan, fingertips brushing along Chris's back, nails digging in ever so slightly to leave tiny half-moons patterned over the surface of the skin.
His breath left him in a quiet hiss, one of his hands moving up to cradle the back of your head, holding you close to him as he left deep kisses along the exposed skin of your throat, leaving his mark on you, taking claim to what was his.
A bit ironic, wasn't it? He'd always told you purple was a good color on you...
The sweetest of noises left your mouth for him to hear, drawing out a mirrored echo of his own, as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, biting softly at your shoulder.
Fuck, he didn't think he'd ever be able to get enough of you, even as close as he was to you in this moment, right here and now...!
He wanted you in every way he could have you, he had every fucking intention of it, you'd asked him so nicely before, hadn't you?
Sure, you'd also been kind of a brat and gotten him entirely too riled up all day, but-- wait. Was that why you-? Is this what you had been after the entire time, what you had craved so badly from him-??
A low groan slipped free from his throat as he bit at your shoulder again, before soothing the bite with the gentlest of kisses. His fingers dug into you as his hips rose to meet yours, pushing him deeper into you than he'd ever been, than he could ever hope to be.
The softly exhaled swear word that left your mouth at the miniscule movement was enough to make him slip up and smile, a quiet laugh rising from his throat.
"Is this what you were after, huh, baby? Is this what you've been wanting, why you were such a brat for me earlier, hmm?" he breathed, thrusting up into you and earning another whispered expletive from you.
You were too far gone, too far entrapped by him to be able to answer properly. A mere nod was all you could manage, your head falling forward so you could bury your face against the side of his neck, choking out your soft moans.
"You poor, sweet baby, all you had to do was tell me that you needed to be fucked, you didn't have to be a brat to get my attention..." Chris said softly, trying not to laugh.
"I ddnt knw cld..." came your muffled reply.
"Hmm?" Chris breathed, waiting for you to repeat yourself.
"I didn't know I could," you reiterated softly, lifting your head to meet his gaze. Chris's answering laugh caused the heat to flood your cheeks again, as you blushed.
"Y/N, sweetheart... you know you can ask me anything, yeah? Mm, you've got to tell me if I'm not giving you enough attention," he answered, leaning forward to kiss you on the cheek, your chin, down towards your throat, your shoulders.
"Doesn't matter if I'm with the guys, if you need me, pull me aside and let me know you need some time away..." he added, brushing soft kisses along your collarbones. "I'm sure they'll understand, at least half of them know what it's like," he continued in a murmur, dotting more featherlight kisses along your skin.
"What what's like?" you gasped softly, head falling back again as Chris's hips rose to meet yours in another particularly deep thrust. He had to choke back a groan before he was able to answer you, his fingers flexing tightly along your hips for a moment.
"Fuck..." he groaned, eyes closing as he sat there, buried deep within you, forehead resting against your shoulder for a second.
"They know..." he breathed out, eyes reopening as he lifted his head to look at you, "they know what it's like to have a girlfriend to come home to, someone they're just so incredibly desperate, so hard up for, the entire fucking time we're on tour..."
His hand slid from the back of your head, down, down to instead grip the back of your neck, fingers flexing softly, tightening ever so gently, holding you in place as he slowly fucked you, every thrust deeper and more sensual than the last one before it.
You cried out as the waves of dark ecstasy ebbed away just at the surface, threatening to overtake you and drown you in their depths at any given moment. You were close, you were so very close, he was so good, too good, everything was too warm, too stifling, fuck-!
Chris's answering moan fell in perfect synchronicity with your own sweet sounds, creating a seductive little symphony only the two of you would ever be able to hear.
"Fuck, I know, baby, you're so close, Daddy's close too, fuck..." he groaned, his head falling forward to rest against your own.
"Just a little more, hold out a little longer for me, hmm? Gonna make you feel so fucking good, fuck you so full of my cum, breed you 'til you fucking drip for me, baby..." he added, keeping up the dirtiest stream of whispered profanities against your skin, his hand tightening on the back of your neck.
"Chris, please-!"
Your begging only added fuel to the blaze growing hotter between the two of you, your desperate pleas sending him chasing after that high, right over the edge--
And you fell down with him, oh fuck, did you fall fast and hard with him--
Chris barely had time to growl out the words "Cum for me, Y/N", before you were doing just that, his name leaving your mouth in the loudest of cries. You were sure if his bandmates hadn't heard the two of you before, they would now.
But you didn't give a fuck.
You were so lost in those waves, so lost in him, to even care.
The way he held you down tightly against him, the way he was so intent on making you feel every inch of him, every drop of seed he had to give you--
It was too much, it wasn't enough, it was... it was everything--
"Fuck, Chris, fuck--!" you ground out, your breath leaving you in sharp, gasping exhales as you clung tightly to him, holding on desperately.
Your thighs trembled beneath you, and yet... you didn't drown, not completely. Chris held you as tightly as you held him, the two of you keeping one another aloft through it all, riding the high until there was nothing left to take, nothing left to give.
The inside of your head felt blissfully like radio static, as if someone had left it carelessly unattended between channels, the white noise filtering through to your brain, to your very nerve endings.
Chest heaving, breaths trembling, you collapsed against him, the weight of Chris's embrace a comforting presence as you came down from your high. Little did you know your very presence was of great comfort to him as well, the two of you guiding each other back home.
"You- I... fuck," you gasped out in a breathless whisper, unable to find the right words. But at this point, words became unnecessary, a sort of unspoken agreement forming amidst the aftermath. Chris knew, he always did...
He sat there for a while afterwards, holding you close to him, not quite ready to let you go, not just yet. If he was being honest, he felt rather selfish in that moment. It wasn't enough, he still needed you, needed to feel you, to taste you...
"Here, lie down for me, baby..." he murmured, helping you up as he slowly withdrew from you. The sharp hiss you let out at the feeling of emptiness afterwards, oh, how he hated that sound. But he'd make up for it, he'd see to it, you'd see...
The minute you were lying prone and soft for him, Chris gently parted your legs, immediately leaning down to kiss you in that most intimate of places, working with tongue and teeth to cleanse you, but fuck, the taste-!
He groaned against you, the muffled sound being unwillingly ripped from his throat, his fingers digging into your hips to hold you in place as he instead devoured you, every taste of your essence and his heavy and seductive on his tongue... he wanted more.
No, fuck that, he needed it.
And the way your fingers tangled tightly in his blonde hair, pulling harshly as he ate you out so deep, fuck-- he needed more of it, he needed all of it.
And you-!
You'd swear up and down, Chris was practically made for eating pussy, holy fuck-
It was one of the things he was particularly skilled in, the way he could have you coming unraveled at the seams for him just like that...
Your thighs shook, a harsh cry tearing itself free from your parted lips as you came for him, Chris using that sinful mouth of his to fuck you through not one, but two orgasms, holy-!
You tugged harshly at his hair, his answering hiss sending a flush of heat straight through to your core, shoving you carelessly, blissfully, over the edge one last time, before Chris decided to show you mercy.
"N-no... more..." you gasped out, panting softly for him. "Safeword?" he breathed, lifting his head to stare up at you through heavy eyes, those warm brown irises scorching through to your soul.
You shook your head at him, unable to respond vocally. But much like before, words were unnecessary with the two of you. He leaned back, taking you by the hands and gently pulling you up to cradle you to his chest, hugging you tightly.
You were done, you had reached your limits.
But that was okay with him, you had done more than what he'd expected of you, much like you always did.
It was one of the things he had come to grow fond of, with the relationship you two had.
"Fuck, you did so good for me, baby. 'M'so proud of you," Chris murmured against the top of your head, his fingers tracing light circles along your back, tracing up your spine, working to bring you back down to earth, back to him.
You were much too exhausted to respond, instead settling for a soft hum of acknowledgement, your breathing eventually returning to normal as you left your high behind.
Only then did you finally take note of one minute detail that had previously escaped your notice.
The door to the guest bedroom had been left open, the entire time you and Chris had fucked.
Anybody could have walked past, could have seen you and Chris like that...
"Fuck..." you mumbled.
"Hmm?" came Chris's soft reply.
"The door. It got left open," you answered in a tired murmur.
There was a moment's silence before you and Chris both looked at each other, neither one of you suddenly able to keep from laughing.
When the laughter had died down, Chris cast a look over his shoulder at the door. "Probably a good idea to close that next time, yeah?" he remarked, turning back to grin down at you. You nodded, your cheeks flushing at the thought that one of his bandmates might have seen the two of you.
And then Chris's words clicked into place.
"Wait, next time? You mean that?" you asked softly, a hopeful look in your eyes. He nodded, smirking down at you. "You don't think I'm gonna let you get away with this twice, do you?" he teased you, leaning down to kiss you.
You grinned, shrugging as you kissed him back. "Maybe? I got you this time, didn't I?" you teased him in response. "Mm, no," he answered, tugging your bottom lip between his teeth for a moment before releasing it, "no, baby. I got you."
You leaned back to pout at him, earning another laugh from him. "Alright, how about this? Truce?" he asked, holding out a hand. You eyed it dubiously for a second, before finally relenting, shaking his hand. "Alright. Truce," you agreed. "For now," you added a moment later, unable to keep from smirking.
Chris raised both brows at you, before calling you a brat. Although, judging by the faint smile on his face, you knew he didn't mean it.
And you were right, he didn't mean it. You were his good girl, you'd always been, always would be...
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"I mean, you guys cleaned up in there, right? I'm not gonna find anything... questionable... later?" Ricky asked, raising an eyebrow at Chris. There was some light laughter amongst the rest of the guys, as they all sat gathered around the open, brightly blazing fire-pit.
The last rays of the dying sun had long since bled out, leaving nothing but ink and gemstones and a silver smile gracing the skies. Food had been eaten, drinks had been had, laughter had been shared, and now that things were winding down, you had ended up falling asleep in Chris's lap, your head resting on his shoulder.
Chris made a face at Ricky, earning more laughter from his bandmates. "Of course we cleaned up. Besides," he said, glancing down at your sleeping form in his lap, "I think she needed this today."
"How long had it been for you guys again?" Ryan asked, arching an eyebrow. "Too fucking long," came Chris's instant reply.
A few low catcalls and whistling ensued from some of his bandmates, earning them all an eyeroll from Chris. "Sooo... tour update: Y/N's no longer a brat?" Ricky teased, grinning.
Unable to hide his own grin, Chris shook his head, glancing down at you again and placing a soft kiss atop your head as you slept. "No... she just needed a little extra attention from me today, that's all..." he answered.
"Dude, you're so fucking soft for her," Vinny grinned. "Yeah, man, I don't think I've ever seen you like this with anybody, our fans included," Justin agreed.
Ricky snorted, casting a sideways glance at his friend. "It's cause he loves her," he said with a wink. Chris waved him off with a smile, but he knew his bandmate was right.
He did love you, more than he ever thought he could, more than he thought he deserved to. How he'd ever been lucky enough to land someone as special as you... that was still, and probably would always be, a mystery to him.
"Oh and by the way, you guys were totally loud," someone suddenly spoke up, earning another round of laughter from everybody.
"Shut up, we were not!"
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A/N: I know this one was a bit of a long read, I do apologize. But for those of you who stuck around and made it all the way to the end, I want to very humbly thank you and hear what you thought of this one! (Also, if you think I should do more of these, please let me know in the comments and REBLOG! Every little bit helps! Thank you so much, fellow Creatures! 🎃
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chemical-killjoy · 6 months
Eternally Yours
Chris Motionless x Female Reader
Warnings: smut
Word count: 4.4k O_O
Summary: Basically a fanfic of the eternally yours music video, if the reader was the girl in the video
Author's Note: I know I have a bunch of asks, and I'm getting to them, I swear, but I finally finished this after like, 4 months... so... ta da?
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It was tough watching the love of your life, your best friend, getting it on with someone you hate. But you soothed yourself with the fact that it was all for the cameras.
Motionless in White were shooting the music video for their new song 'eternally yours', and being his best friend, Chris jumped to have you on the project. You were one of the best light technicians after all... Plus it was fun to work with you. Chris wouldn't admit it, but he missed you.
And while working with Chris was always fun, having a tall, skinny, blonde model (who thought she was God's gift to the world) making out with him... it didn't exactly help your self esteem. He was perfect. So was she. Why would he ever like you? He'd never go for someone like you when he could have Chloe.
Speak of the devil, you thought, as Chloe sauntered up to you.
“Y/N, I need my skinny mocha.” She demanded.
“I do lights?” You said, frustrated and waiting for her to understand.
“And I'm needed on camera. Hurry up.” The blonde walked away before you could argue.
You rolled your eyes and mentally cursed her. Then you heard a thump and a scream.
“No! My ankle!!” Chloe was on the floor, screaming over a mildly twisted ankle and performing the tantrum of her life. “I can't do this stupid job, I deserve better!”
And that was the fastest working karma you'd ever seen... It also came back to bite you on the ass.
“What?! Me? There's no way. I am NOT that pretty, or seductive, I can't do it!” You begged.
“Come on Y/N, please. There's no one else to do it, and you look perfect for the part! Please, we need this video shot by the end of the day, you know that. Plus, there's no one I'd be more comfortable with.” Chris begged you to step in.
“I don't know.”
Chris smiled at you with pleading eyes and you knew you were done.
“Fine. But I'm going to need hair and makeup.”
You looked in the mirror. The reflection you saw, you hated. It wasn't some succubus, it was gross. You hated seeing yourself in such a small outfit. You were too insecure, what were you thinking agreeing to this?! Plus, you'd have to actually kiss Chris. While you desperately wanted to, did you really want it to all be fake? What if it makes things awkward? You were in the midst of a mental spiral when you heard and knocking on the door and a familiar voice.
“Y/N, you decent?” Chris asked.
“Um, yeah. You can come in.”
Chris slowly opened the door, and his eyes widened when he saw you. You hugged your stomach nervously.
Chris made a kind of sputtering noise before mumbling “wow”, which you weren't supposed to hear. The word make your lips turn up.
“Uh, Y/N, you look spectacular.” He said, standing next to you in the mirror, and admiring you. You looked away, blushing.
“No, I don't. You have to say that. You're my friend.”
“Friend...” Chris said softly. “No, I don't have to say that. You truly look phenomenal. Dare I say, sexy.” Chris brushed some hair over your shoulder, turning to face you. Right then, the buzzer rang, summoning you to the set.
You cleared your throat.
You were about to walk out the door when you turned back to Chris.
“Can you promise me something?”
“Anything,” he said, without missing a beat.
“This won't change our friendship right? I just don't want things to be weird.”
A voice called from down the hall, asking you to hurry up.
You walked away.
It took a bit, but after some friendly cat-calls and whistles from the crew, you had the confidence to try to be seductive. You felt a little awkward, walking around the red and blue lighting and just looking around dramatically, but you trusted the director.
Next, you got in the coffin. With David, the director, shouting orders, you got into the part and began to have fun with it, playing model. Your confidence grew and your performance got better and better, until David decided enough was enough.
“Alright, Chris, get in there.”
Suddenly the anxiety returned.
You watched Chris in his suit walk around mysteriously in the lights and tried not to allow a shiver to go through you when he looked down at your lips and removed his glove.
“Y/N, you're the woman, you're not supposed to be so hard.”
The crew chuckled and you rolled your eyes, embarrassed that your anxiety was so obvious.
“Hey, you OK with this?” Chris whispered.
“Ye-yes. Yeah. Just. Out of my comfort zone.” You replied, before raising your voice. “Any directions, boss-man?”
“Just, act like you're a complete whore. You would die to touch him, you need him like oxygen. You're excited, get a little wiggle going on, yes?”
Mentally screaming at him, you nodded your head, and looked at Chris with daggers in your eyes. He couldn't hold in the laugh. Suddenly you were both laughing so hard you nearly fell back into the coffin, and Chris nearly fell in on top of you, making you laugh so hard your eyes watered.
“Oh come on, now your make up is all crinkled, everybody, take five! Y/N, go to hair and make up, and Chris... never mind.” David trailed off, you and Chris still giggling as he helped you out of the coffin. You fumbled a little in the stilettos, but Chris held you around your waist til you got your balance.
“Let's go.”
“David was right, you know,” Chris said, words you thought you'd never hear as you walked to hair and make up.
You raised your eyebrows.
“Not like that! I mean, you just seemed super tense, stiff.” You chuckled at the innuendo. “C'mon Y/N, I'm serious. Am I doing something wrong? I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, OK? So just tell me.”
“... I- complete honesty?”
“Always, you know that.”
“I'm scared... I'm scared that if we kiss you'll be disgusted by me or it'll change our friendship and I'll lose you. I don't want to kiss you for the first time in front of cameras and people—I mean, I don't want to kiss anyone for the first time in front of cameras—I mean, your opinion matters to me, and-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Y/N. Breathe. Yeah?” Chris said, stopping walking to grab you by the shoulders and look you in the eye with a half smile that made you melt. “Would it help if, uh,” Chris looked to the side and nervously rubbed his hands. “If we kiss now, before cameras or anything. You can tell me what you like and what you don't so I don't fuck up,” he said before adding “It'd look better on camera if we're actually enjoying it, right?”.
You bit your lip and stepped closer. Chris brushed your hair behind your head and you couldn't help but turn into his hand a bit as he did, before looking up to his dark brown eyes. He stepped in til your bodies were nearly against each other, and lent down to softly brush your lips with his. You felt your breath catch in your throat as he snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You looped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips hard against him. The kiss was fire, and within moments you felt Chris's tongue against your lips, asking for entrance. You stood frozen in time, exploring each other as much as you dared before eventually breaking away for air.
You both stood there, entangled and breathing hard, looking away with small smiles.
“Um, so yeah, if you just do that it'll be fine.” You said, with a breathy voice and a little laugh. Chris joined in, and to your dismay, pulled away.
“Yeah, yeah definitely like that.” He said with a wink, before continuing the walk to hair and make up with his hands in his pockets. You stood still for a moment, hand to your lips, before walking fast to catch up.
You re-filmed the start of the shot after talking with Chris about what you were comfortable with (“well, we're in character, right? Just go for what feels right, and if I'm uncomfortable I'll stop you. Same goes for you.” to which Chris replied “You better let me know, I never want to hurt you.”). Chris walked up to you, and took his glove off. The look in his eye sent a shiver down your spine as you arched your back and lent across the coffin, convincing yourself you were leaning into the part and not Chris. But instead of kissing you, Chris brushed the hair from your face, and placed his head against yours, shutting his eyes. The tension was too much for you to bear as he lent down and rubbed his face against yours, kissing you without doing so, breath against your neck sparking electricity through your veins. You returned the motion, nuzzling into the man. But where Chris's hand had been around the back of your neck, he shifted his hands to be around your throat, lifting you up for better access to surprise you with a fierce, open-mouthed kiss.
It was like the man was trying to torture you. Or ruin you in the best way. You lent further into the kiss, deepening it.
“And cut! Perfect, we'll get all the kissing done at the same time to not waste the lipstick, yeah?” David said, ruining everything.
Chris helped you out of the coffin and you prayed you wouldn't slip and suffer the same fate and Chloe (not that you'd let a sprained ankle stop you now), and David guided you both to an empty area with a few blue lights around.
“OK. Now. I want you guys to make out. Just go for it. Chris, I want you to ravish her.” David directed.
At this point, you looked at Chris and just shrugged. He laughed and pulled you flush against him by the waist, both of you with cheeky grins.
“You ready to start filming?” Chris asked, an air of mischief in his voice.
Before David even said yes, Chris's lips were on yours again. It started a little sloppy and silly, but turned slower and more passionate fast, your hands cupping Chris' cheek, his arms around you only drawing you in closer, impossibly so. Chris broke the kiss and whispered in your ear.
“I'm going to do something, if you don't like it, just stop me, OK?” he spoke in a low whisper, and you didn't have to pretend to be turned on.
“I trust you.” You breathed back.
Then suddenly Chris was kissing your neck, then your chest. You arched your back to grant him better access, and stroked his neck as he sucked on the soft skin of your collarbone. It was all you could do to hold back a moan. When he pulled away and looked up at you, you could have died. Suddenly you felt too tense to kiss him again, scared you'd convey how much you need him, as Y/N, not the character in the music video. You turned your away, and then it was time to touch up your lipstick and a break before once more getting in the coffin.
You were drinking icy water and trying to calm yourself down from the growing heat and anxiety within you. You tried to compose yourself. You didn't want to be a creep, it's not exactly like he's consenting to you getting off from his acting. And that's all it was. Acting. Just... really convincing. You tried to reason with yourself and prepare yourself for the sex scene.
There was another knock on the dressing room door.
“Come in.”
Chris walked in, immaculate in his suit, but a concerned look in his dark eyes.
“What happened?”
“What do you mean?” You responded, feigning innocence.
“Did I do something wrong? I thought everything was OK. Did I cross a line? You know you can always stop me Y/N, I know you've been through shit and I don't want to ever hurt you, I'm really sor-”
“Chris, Chris, it's fine. You didn't cross a line or anything. I just. Um. Fuck,” you looked away, a blush spreading across your face. “I- Look, you did nothing wrong, OK? You did everything right. Maybe too right, if you get what I mean? I guess I just kinda froze up. But trust me, you didn't do anything wrong. You're... perfect.” You looked back up at Chris with imploring eyes, only to be met with a cocky smirk.
“Too right, huh? Man's got moves.” He laughed to himself, and you rolled your eyes with a smile.
“Don't get all proud of yourself,” you said and walked past. “Show time.”
Once you two opened the coffin and climbed in, it was up to you.
“I have one direction. Make me feel something. Action!” David boomed.
You started simple, Chris climbing on top of you, but you decided to take control. You lent back and put one heeled foot on Chris's chest, pushing him down slowly. He looked up at you with such an intense lust you could have moaned from that alone. You kissed for a moment before sitting up and helping Chris to take his jacket off. His eyes never left yours, piercing into your soul. The world didn't matter; nothing was real but this moment.
The pair of you moved in time, shifting seductively as Chris whispered to you, hand in your hair.
“Would it be too far if I,” he slid his hand across your face, and you understood his gesture. When his thumb slipped into your mouth, you sucked, fully getting into it. You were determined to make him as desperate as you were. He held both sides of your face and was about to kiss you, but you wrapped your arms around his wrists and tried to pull him down. But Chris was not one to obey. He pulled his hands away and brushed some hair out of your face, before pulling you up against him. Chris scooped you up, one hand cradling your neck delicately, the other gripping your ass for stability and control. You felt immediately how badly Chris wanted this when he grinded into you. The thin fabric of your costume and his suit was not enough to conceal his arousal. You gasped and grinded back as Chris lent in for a kiss that felt like fire. He guided you down into the coffin, as you felt his tongue slip past your lips. After just a moment of kissing, Chris sat up, both of you coming up for air, and double checking consent.
But you just grabbed his shirt and pulled him down. He kissed you lips, your neck, down your chest, even kissing your thigh, then lifting your leg up to caress as he kissed you deeply and passionately, grinding occasionally and trying to control himself. After a few more kisses, you broke apart.
“Perfection! Now we just need to close the lid.” David stated.
“I'm sorry, what?” you asked.
“We're going to close the lid. Well, Chris is. Make it extra dramatic, that's the ending of the video. Two lovers in their final bed.”
Normally you'd fight this, as the idea of being shut in a coffin—even for a moment in a music video—gave you anxiety, but in your current state, the idea made a shiver go through your spine.
The last scene was shot, you snuggled into Chris as he looked up into the camera and closed the door. For just a few moments, you remained just like that. Head on Chris's shoulder and hand on his chest, his arm around you and hand on your ass. You looked up at him and though you couldn't see it, he was looking down at you too.
Chris cleared his throat and tried to find something to say.
“Wow.” He stated, eloquently. You laughed quietly, knowing the camera was still filming.
Before you could lose your nerve, you reached your hand up to find his lips. You heard Chris breathing harder as your fingers found his lips. You just started to shuffle closer when you heard a voice.
“That's a wrap for tonight guys. Everyone fuck off home, it's going to be another big day tomorrow.” David said, walking off and dismissing the crew. The crew (most of whom your were friends with) thought it would be funny to leave you both in there rather than helping you out. Which meant you had to untangle yourselves and find a way out.
Someone tapped the coffin twice.
“See you tomorrow guys!” the voice was Ricky. Then, quieter, “Don't have too much fun.” You could feel the smirk through the coffin.
“Motherfucker!” Chris yelled, and only get a distant laughter in response.
You heard nothing but Chris' heartbeat and your head rested on his chest.
For a second, you just looked up at Chris, unsure what to do. You wanted to tell him, but you were scared. You wanted to kiss him, but what if he freaked out, what if it was only for the video, and he was just another actor? But could you live with yourself if you didn't take the chance? Before you could do anything, Chris tried to pull his arm out from under you to push up on the lid of the coffin, and in doing so ended up half on top of you. Chris breathed in sharply as you felt what was most definitely not his leg pressing on yours.
“Ah, sorry, I just, uh, you know,” Chris laughed nervously before looking into your eyes, “You were too good too.” He meant to joke, but his emotions leaked out through the words.
“Trust me, if I was a man, I'd be apologising for the same thing,” you laughed, trying to ease into talking again, and letting Chris know it was all OK. “I mean, when you pulled me in and like, thrust into me? Fuck, I know you said you have moves but damn, you really have moves!” You joked—or tried to make it seem that way.
“I mean, I'm happy to show you more, if you want.” he said with a wink, leaning into it in a joking manner.
“Bold of you to assume I don't want that.” you returned. The joke slipped out, challenging him, but you weren't expecting his facade to drop as he looked at you with total sincerity.
“Y/N, I—I need to ask you something. Was this, ah, was this just for the video? Cause I could swear I felt something real, and I'm hoping it's not just because I want there to be.”
“I- Thank God I wasn't imagining it.” You smiled and pulled him in. But this wasn't like when the cameras where on you. This was soft. Hesitant. Fragile and delicate but determined to push yourself. Because you couldn't let this slip away. Him slip away. While you were aiming for just a short kiss, a peck, wordlessly checking it was OK, Chris had other ideas.
Suddenly his hands were in your hair, his lips on yours, and instead of passion, there was a soft declaration of love. Just taking time to memorize the feel of your lips. But you were both still worked up, and then the heat came in moments, the kiss like fire. As your tongues danced, Chris slid a hand down your body, stopping to squeeze your ass as he grinded into your leg. You moaned into the kiss, rocking your hips against his.
“Chris,” you moaned, as he started to grind his cock against your clothed core.
“Dammit, how do you get this thing off?” He asked, tugging at your costume, and you laughed.
“Fuck, this stupid costume, we're gonna need to get out of here to get it off... Dressing room?” You suggested.
“I don't know,” Chris said darkly, breathing against your ear. “I was looking forward to fucking you right here in this coffin.”
The statement sent a shiver down your spine. Chris didn't miss this.
“I knew you thought this was hot too,” he said, voice low and leaving a hickey on the small of your neck. Chris slid his hand down to rub against your heat, and you bucked your hips into his hand immediately.
“Fuck, you're a lot darker than I gave you credit for, kitten.” Chris' low voice forced a whimper out of you. Then he stopped. “If I go too far, stop me, OK? I don't want to hurt you... well, unless you want me to.”
“Chris, if you stop now, I will fucking murder you.”
“Can't think of a better way to go.”
With that, Chris tore the fabric connecting the top and bottom of the costume, sliding your panties off at the same time. Before you could even register the destroyed costume, his thumb was rubbing circles on your clit and you cried out.
“Yes! Just there!” You moaned, and Chris slowed his pace. You were about to protest when you heard the zipper of his of his pants. You reached down and pulled his cock out of his pants, and he groaned as you pumped him slowly.
“Shit, I'm not going to last if you keep touching my like that, Y/N,” Chris moaned airily as he thrust into your hand.
“I'm only teasing you back, baby,” you smirked, letting go and kissing him harshly.
“Uh, I don't have a condom, are you OK with that?” Asked Chris, ever the gentleman.
“I'm on the pill, just fuck me, please.” The last word slipped out before you could stop yourself. As hot as this was, you knew your friend would never let you live this down.
“'Please?' Don't tell me,” Chris said, melodramatic, “you're a sub!”
“Chris, don't make me do it, don't ruin the moment.”
“I'm not ruining anything, all I'm saying is-”
“that you have to beg.”
“I am not-” You stopped as Chris rolled on top of you, grinded his cock against your wet core, and bit the spot just below your ear, causing you to let out a high pitched whimper.
“Are you sure about that, darling?” Chris asked in a low voice.
You whimpered more as he rubbed circles on your clit with his thumb.
“Please Chris, I'm begging you, please fuck me!”
With that Chris thrust his full length into you without any warning.
You cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain, the later only making the first more intense. Chris was far bigger than any other guy you'd had, both in length and width, and the stretch was perfection. You could've cum then and there when Chris hammered into you without waiting, groaning into your ear. The noises that man was making could drive you insane. Each thrust was deeper, and took you to a new level as you ran your nails down Chris's back, legs wrapping around him for more, more, more. You were in such a state that neither of you could even feel or hear the coffin jolting with each thrust. You wished you could see more of Chris, but the darkness of the coffin only heightened your other senses. Each thrust felt more powerful, as Chris hit your g spot without fail each time.
It wasn't long before you Chris stopped kissing your neck to groan into your ear, slowing his pace.
“Y/N, I'm gonna cum,” He warned, asking without words what you were comfortable with.
“Cum in me,” you said without missing a beat, and you could've sworn the man whimpered a little. “Please.”
With that, Chris returned to his brutal pace, kissing your lips like he needed you like air. He pinched your nipple, and as a gasp escaped, Chris used this to his advantage for further access. After a moment, you felt his thumb toy with your clit again, slow circles getting faster, and as you felt yourself clench around Chris, the tightness in your stomach released and you felt ecstasy as you bucked wildly, desperate to stay in this moment. Just as you started to come down from your high, Chris released into you, losing control. You couldn't help but climb higher as the man you'd die for moaned into your ear, holding your hips and just losing himself into you.
You two cooled down, breathing hard against each other, the scent of sex heavy in the coffin. Though you could hardly see it, you could feel Chris looking into your eyes. Then his hand brushed some hair from your face and he kissed you sweetly, still inside you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him lovingly. When the kiss ended, Chris slipped out, and let out a sigh.
“You have no idea how long I've wanted you, Y/N. How much I need you.” Chris's voice was soft and gentle, a stark contrast what took place mere moments ago.
“I feel like I could say the same. Chris, I-” You stopped yourself before you could say how you feel. Because even after all this, the fear remained. But Chris wasn't going to let that get in the way.
“You what?”
“I've liked you for the longest time.” You chickened out.
“Well, I've loved you for years.”
Even in the dark, you looked over at him.
“I wrote this song for you, actually. I'm eternally yours. If you'll give me the honour of being so.”
“I love you.” Was all you could say before your lips crashed to his once more in the beautiful blackness.
Taglist: @fedorable-killjoys @horrorolson As always if anyone wants to be added or taken of the taglist please let me know! <3
If you read this and liked it, please reblog!! Or if you reeeally liked it, here's my kofi <3
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horrorolson · 6 months
To Be Yours (Deal pt2)
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Part 1
The man, because he is a man now, (again?) reaches out, and you sigh as his hand brushes against your arm, real skin against real skin. You lean forward, your forehead meeting a solid chest made from flesh and bone, with a heartbeat beneath it. His arms come up to hold you against him, and they’re warm against your back. His head comes to rest atop yours, and you can feel the weight of it. His chest rises with each inhale and falls with each exhale that moves your hair just the slightest bit. You wrap your arms around him in turn, hyper aware of the slight scratch of his shirt against them, the way it scrunches beneath your hands.
You just stand there like that, just holding each other, until your feet start to hurt from standing still for so long. You shift between your feet, trying to be subtle, hoping he won't notice and let go of you.
After a minute of this he pulls back, raising an eyebrow in question. “My feet hurt.” You grumble in explanation, pushing your face back against his chest.
He laughs, pulling you closer against him, his arms squeezing you, strong, but obviously being careful with you. After another moment he pulls away, taking your hand. He leads you toward the sitting area, bypassing the couch and falling into the overstuffed chair you favor, pulling you down into his lap.
You smile and roll your eyes at his decision, though you certainly aren't going to complain. You settle into the chair with him, your legs thrown across his, your arms wrapped around his torso and head resting against his shoulder, your lips ghosting against the exposed skin of his neck. He sighs in contentment, one hand holding onto your legs, fingers spread across the skin of your thigh, the other moving to run through your hair, soothing you rather quickly to sleep.
After a few minutes of indulging in a good pout, perhaps even a slight mope, you pull yourself out of bed. As your brain finally starts to wake up a little, you realize you seem to have slept in your clothes from the night before and you can't seem to think of why you would have done that. In fact, now that you're actually thinking about it, you don't remember going to bed at all.
You wake the next morning tangled in the blankets of your bed just like every morning. You sit up, looking for Chris, wondering if the night before could have been just a dream. You flop back onto your mattress when you don't see him, glaring at your ceiling in your disappointment at waking up alone again.
You eventually wander toward the kitchen, in search of breakfast, and more importantly caffeine. You make it through the living room and are about to cross into the kitchen, when you freeze, backtracking as your brain catches up with your eyes.
Chris is asleep on your couch. While the couch is perfectly comfortable for you to lay on, Chris is taller than you by no small margin, leaving him almost comically squished onto the cushions. You stifle your laugh, thinking how sore he's going to be when he wakes up, and wondering why he didn't join you in the bed.
You turn and head back toward the kitchen, starting coffee, and taking stock of your breakfast options (you really should go grocery shopping soon). You settle for toast and spread, and a mug of coffee for yourself and the same for Chris, though you leave both his toast and coffee plain for now, not sure how he prefers them, or if he even knows himself.
You leave the food set out on the table and go to wake Chris. You kneel next to the couch, shaking your head again at how uncomfortable he looks. You reach out and brush a few strands of hair away from his face, quietly calling his name. His hand flies up to grab your wrist, his eyes snapping open. After a second he processes that it's just you and he relaxes, releasing your wrist, a smile sliding onto his face. You start to apologize but he shakes his head, waving it away. “Good morning.” He whispers into the space between you, his voice gravely from sleep, and you find yourself again wishing he was there when you woke up, though breakfast would have likely been much later in the day if he had been.
“I made breakfast.” You whisper back, “Well. I half made breakfast. I have no clue what you like to eat. So right now it's plain toast and black coffee.”
He laughs and unfolds himself from the couch, groaning as he stretches, his back making a truly impressive series of pops that you're certain would have made you lightheaded.
As he sets about fixing his breakfast to his tastes (you can't quite decide if he knows exactly what he wants or if he's just picking things at random), you sit and sip your coffee, feet propped up onto one of the spare chairs. After he finally seems finished and also sits, your curiosity finally gets the better of you, and you ask why he slept on the couch when he would have been much more comfortable in the bed.
He finishes chewing his bite of toast before responding, “You fell asleep, and I knew you'd be more comfortable in your bed. I didn't want to assume I would be welcome.”
You reach across the table and take his hand in yours. “It was very considerate of you, but I wouldn't have agreed to your deal, to be yours, if I didn't want you with me.” He squeezes your hand with a nod and a quiet, "ok." and you let go, both refocusing to your breakfasts.
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Free time before tour - Part 4 (Chris Motionless x Reader)
HELLO EVERYONE! I am finally back and writing. It took too long, I know. But I was just so incredibly busy. All it took me to write is to get sick and be stuck at home.
This is another part of the story. It is a longer one so I hope you like it. There will be one more part at least.
I am also working on a new project for you guys so it's all so exciting.
Let me know what you think about this part. Let me know what do you want me to write. Love you guys!
Gifs are not mine. Imagine is!!
Warnings! There is a graphic smut under the cut. You have been warned.
MASTERLIST         PART 1      PART 2       PART 3
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Y/N's point of view
I am so tired. It really was a long day and we did a lot of things, more than we thought we would be able to. We got back to the house. Everyone is as tired as I am. Except for Chris. Or he looks better than the rest of us.
“I will take a shower.” I said to Chris when we got to our room.
“Yeah sure. Just don't put your pj on. I have a surprise for you. We will be leaving for the evening.” he smiles at me.
I don't question it. I know I can trust him more than anyone. I get excited about what he has in store for me.
I do as I am told. I don't know where we will go, what we will be doing so I am dressed ready for anything. Black jeans with a white dress shirt. You know, something I am comfortable in, something formal.
“I am ready.” I say to get Chris' attention. He is sitting on the bed with his phone. He looks up and smiles at me.
“I get some of your things in the car just so you know.” his slender fingers started to play with my arms. He was so tender and caring. It came to me so funny. I am with him all this time and still I miss him. “Let's go if you are ready.” he tells me after a moment of silence.
“How long will we be gone? Should I take something? And boys know?” I panic a little as I am guided outside of the building we are staying at.
“I said I put our staff in the car.'' His iconic laugh makes me more relaxed. I trust him, I just feel unprepared.
“Okay.” I give up and let him take me to the car that is waiting for us. “Boys also know?”
“Oh yeah. Don't worry they will not miss us that terribly.” he opens the door for me and waits for me to get in. Which I do and let him close the door behind me.
He gets in and starts the car. He is always the driver when we go somewhere. I mean I do have a license but after another driver pushed me off the road I tend to not like driving like I used to. I am just nervous and looking too much around me to drive. Also after the accident Chris makes it his task. We are both calmer that way.
When we pull out of the driveway I can see Sharon coming outside of the house. She looks beyond pissed. “Oh so you did tell everyone we are leaving?” I laugh.
“No.” Chris puts his tattooed hand on my knee. “I told the boys. That was the question.” We both laugh. I can tell he is not at ease in Sharon's company. As a band leader and artist he needs space and peace.
Everyone in the band needs that so the mood in the house was a little tense. It's nice to be away from it. As many of us as there are on tours we are all very similar people. We can have fun but we also need a little space of our own.
“She is not happy. We may not have to deal with it now but we will when we come back.” I sadly speak my mind and let Chris know I am on his side. “This little peace is worth it tho. I will talk to her when we come back.”
I am playing with Chris' fingers without paying it mind. It is so calming. His cold skin and the metal off his rings.
“You don't have to do anything. I spoke to Josh. He will deal with it in the morning. She is not staying.” He looks at me to reashore me. “I will make sure everyone is comfortable. You no longer have to worry about her.”
“You want to go on tour without Josh's assistant?” I ask because I want to know. I want to support his decisions.
“We did that before. The assistant was in mind to make things easier, not harder. Josh is not happy with her anyway. I just speeded up the process. It doesn't change anything.” he takes my hand in his and just holds it.
“I am not worried.” I let him know and just closed my eyes. I am enjoying the ride. “When will you let me know where we are heading?” I change the subject of conversation.
“We are almost there. It is not far. I just wanted to take you away from all the noise. To rest, with me.” he let me know.
“Thank you.” my heart is beating faster. All that means so much to me. The fact that he knows what I enjoy and he goes the extra mile for me. What we have is really special. And I am ready to do the same for him. No matter what he needs. I am here.
“You don't have to thank me for anything.” I feel the car stop. At first I thought that we were at a red light but he stopped the engine. “You have to get up, love” I laugh and do as he says. When I get out of the car I am in front of another house. A little different from where we are staying with the band. It is beautiful. A little bigger even.
“Come on.” Chris reaches for me and guides me to the door. “We will be staying here tonight and tomorrow.” He opens the door for me and locks them back when we are inside.
“You didn't have to do this, Chris.” I feel bad. Did I make him think I was unhappy with the band in the other house? Maybe I made it look like that. “This is too much.”
“Come here.” He drops our back on the floor and takes me in his arms. “We have been busy and you have given my band all your time. You accepted these children no matter what. You train in style you never performed in and write for my band. You need this. We need this. A little moment from all that craziness. Before the other starts. I know you are tired. And I know you miss us. I feel the same. This is not too much. This is barely enough.” After his little speech he buries his face in my neck. This little cuddle is sweet.
“They are my band and my responsibility as well Chris. If you guys want me to be part of it. Even if you don't, I understand. The band is your family. And I don't need to be part of it to love it as much as you do.” I run my fingers through his raven hair.
“You are part of the band. It scared me a little at the beginning. With the boys and how they will accept you. If they scare you. I wanted this to work so much. And it did immediately. Boys love you. Fans love you.” he lets go of me a little to look into my eyes. “I love you.”
I want to be as close to him as possible. I just need to feel him hold me close so I can feel as safe and as accepted as he only knows to make me feel. “I love you so fucking much.” Chris doesn't let me finish. Just grabs me and kisses me. There are so many emotions passing through us right now. “And the band. And the fans. All of it.” I goucky say when he pulls away. I know where this is going and I am more than happy with it. I just want him to know.
“Yeah yeah. They are all just so lovable.'' He makes sarcastic remarks. “I think I am just gonna focus on us now.” he lifts me up and carries me inside. He knows this place. Must have been here when he left for a moment. “Now look at that.”
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I turn my head and see a pool light up inside. I am amazed. It looks so pretty. It's not a pool for swimmers. It's a lot smaller which makes it romantic in a way. There is a bar in its proximity. A few chairs with a TV set up.
“Well haven't you planned it out amazingly.” I smile at him when I turn back in his arms. I steal another kiss from him before he puts me down, not breaking it.
“Let me get you a drink.” he breaks the kiss but still holds me close to him. “Get in the water for me in the meantime.” he lets go of me and goes to said bar.
“If only I knew what was the plan I would bring a swimsuit.” The room is not big enough for Chris to not hear me across.
“We will not be needing them here. Do as you were told.” he turns to look at me. “Be good. Go on.” His eyes make me want to jump in. He is in the mood and I am more than needy. I miss his touch and attention.
So I do as I was told. I slowly walk in the water. It is not warm but not cold. It is nice this way. I can relax like this.
“Look at you.” I turn around to see Chris watching me closely. “How did I miss you. And you are so good for me.'' He takes his pants off which is the last article of clothing he has on. With drinks in hand he follows me into the water.
“Thank you.” I took one drink from him. It is alcohol. Some time of brandy. I like the smell. “What are we drinking for? Another successful tour?” We are close enough for our skin to touch. His tattoos shine on his pale skin. He is beautiful. Water reflects his eyes and his deep stare into mine.
“That's too far ahead. Let's drink for this trip.” he tells me.
“This trip? We drink it without the band?” I let him grab a hold of me and pull me closer. I am much smaller so he sits down with me inside the pool.
“I mean this little trip. Our little piece of heaven. We will enjoy it, trust me angel.” And so we drink to it. It is nice. I put the glass at the edge of the pool when I felt Chris' lips on my neck. I sit in his lap and let him do with me as he pleases.
“Are you the owner okay with us doing this in his pool?” I ask between moans. My will to be respectful and not do this at a place like this is losing all its power.
“I am sure he will be okay with this.” Chris gets up and turns me around. I know what he wants and I comply. “There you go my good little girl.” He gets behind me as I put my hands on the edge of the pool for support.
My y/h/c is in a way for Chris to access my neck. His body is pressed against mine. I can feel his breath against my neck even with the hair. With his first move he gets access to back off my neck by pulling my hair at a side. His lips ghost on my skin. Makes me let the breath out I didn't realize I was holding.
“I missed your taste.'' I hear a growl that comes from his chest.
His big hands travel from my waist to my chest. Fingertips brushing against my hardened nipples. One of my hands meets his. I love this sensation. All of his attention is on me. I wouldn't be able to notice if someone had walked in. My mind is focused on one thing and one thing only.
I back my ass into him. I know what I am doing. And it is working. I can feel his body respond to me. “Don't misbehave.” A strong warning is given but I don't move away from him.
“Please.” I try a different tactic. I am used to us taking our time with things like this. We can go for hours before he penetrates me. I love the way he is and how he guides me through our passionate hours. But it has been so long since we could do something like this.
“I missed you.” I plead again.
His hands let go of my body and travel into my hair. He makes me look at him before he grips my neck. Just one of his hands is enough to get a hold of me. Even if I struggled it would not work. And I enjoy that as well. I sometimes love putting up a fight to make him tame me in a way.
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“I know baby doll. I neglected you.'' His hold on me is firm. It lets me know that he is in control. And I love every second of it. “So I will let this little misbehavior go without notice. But don't think that you don't have to behave.” After he scolded me he allowed me to kiss him.  Before I can get greedy he pulls me away by the hold he has on my neck.
Never letting go of me his other hand travels to the place I need him the most. His fingers tested my folds and when he got pleased by how my body responded to him he dived into my heat.
“Oh well look at you.” His whisper in my ear is followed by his wet lips. That makes me whimper and move from him. My ears are so sensitive and he knows that. That is why he is testing me like this. He knows I want to be good for him but this can be too much.
“Be good.” the hand that is resting on my neck gets a better grip. Making me move by his lead. When I am back in place his fingers that are hiding in my debts move faster.
“Chris.” I moan out. I can't hold back anymore. “Please. You are gonna make me cum.” I protest. I don't want to yet so I try to move again.
“Where do you think are going, hmm.” his grip on my neck makes me dizzy. My attems fall back unsuccessfully. The pressure I feel is getting too strong. “Let go. Make me proud. Come on.”
I lose all control over my body and I orgasm. My neck is now almost free. I need to take a breath and Chris knows that. When I come back to myself I feel his touch on my breast. My body is fully supported by Chris'.
“There is my good girl. What do we say?” He is so close to me. I can feel his breath on my face.
“Thank you.” I lean with my face into his. His lips drag on my skin by that action.
“Thank you, what?” His dominant hand is back on the roots of my hair. Grabbing me. Making me comply.
“Thank you, Master.” I know my manners. I also know my partner. If we started like this without me having to hold back I know it will be a long night.
“There is my good bunny.” he smiles into the kisses he is leaving on my skin. Slowly traveling lower into my neck. “I love your neck. So soft. It makes me wanna grab you and never let go.” His breathing got faster. He is like an animal wanting to mark me and it is the next thing he does. His teeth are sharp.
“Don't fight it.” He lifts me up so I can not move from him anymore. “You are not strong enough.  Just let go.” After being warned his teeth finds my soft skin again. It hurts but just enough to make me feel warm in my core again. Moaning again. I can't control myself around him. I tried so many times.
“There we go bunny.” a soft kiss on the marked skin makes me wince. There is going to be a purple mark in a couple of hours. I will have to hide it with a hoodie. Chris knows that I love when he does this but at the same time I want to look professional. So he never marks me to heigh for me to hide them.
Our relationship is full of passion but is built on trust and understanding.
“Now come here, bunny. Let me see you.'' He goes down so we are submerged in the water. The coldness feels so good against my warm folds. I moan a little at the feeling. “Does it feel good, bunny? Hmm.”
My body falls into his arm. It makes me turn to face him. “Answer me, bunny. How does it feel? Use your words. Come on.” his eyes are staring into my souls yet I never felt safer in my life.
“It feels so good, master. Makes me want you more.” I let my arms snake around his neck. I want to be close to him but I let him call the shots. He knows me well enough to give me what I need.
“Lean back. Let's get you wet fully, bunny.” I do as I am told and it feels amazing. When I am back in his arms I see his smile. “Now give me those plump lips.” Pulled into him his lips take mine. Hip lip rings are cold and take my attention. I know he loves it when I play with them. Suck on them.
“Oh you want to suck on me, hmm. Come here then.” he lets go of my body and stands up. He is tall enough for me to be able to please him in the pool.
His hand tilts my head back. “Do you want this?” He knows but teasing me is too much of a fun for him.
“Yes, please. Let me. I was good. Please, master.” he knows I love doing this. I want to make him enjoy himself with me. That is my only task right now.
“No, bunny. You have not been good. You Have been all over the place today. Don't lie.” his fingertips brush against my lips. I use this opportunity to kiss them. After I hear his hum I continue. One finger after the other.
“Let me make it up to you master, please.” He is going to let me suffer here until he is satisfied with his teasing.
“You want to make it up to me, bunny. Open.” I do as I am told again and he puts two of his fingers in my mouth. I don't close yet. I wait for him. “Good girl. Now show me what you wanna do to make it up to me.” That is when I close my mouth around him. I give him a good suck. Letting my tongue play with his fingers.
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Even when my eyes are on Chris' face I can see that his big member is getting hard. I take pride in that. Letting out a little moan but never stopping sucking on his long fingers. In the beginning I had trouble taking his fingers and his huge dick but he has been training me. I still have issues sometimes but he is patient with me.
“Make it up to me, bunny.” he lets his fingers out of my mouth. Taking his member in hand instead. “Show me you are sorry.” I open my mouth again. To give him the satisfaction of seeing himself disappear in me. “You're gonna need to open a lot more for me, bunny.”
I do and he lets himself in on my tongue. His size always amazes me. Like he gets bigger every time. I let him take the lead. He is very slow. Allowing me to take as much as I can. I know he is enjoying himself. I love the noises he makes when I am pleasing him.
“Relax, bunny.” he spoke to me before he acted. “Tilt your head. There.” Getting me in a better position before he pushed himself fully into my throat. Trying to relax as much as possible my eyes started to tear up. “There you go. My good little bunny.” Chris' finger brushing my tears away he stayed in place. His heavy member was resting in my throat. I was enjoying it as much as he did. I loved him. All of him.
“And out.” he pulled himself out of my mouth. I caught a little but still looked at him. “You are doing so well, bunny.” He was looking at me lovingly as he pumped himself. “Tell me, bunny, are you loving this? You look so eager. Do you want me back in your throat?”
“Yes, I do. Please let me.” Looking at his penis my mouth watered. I loved doing this.
“You love it so much you forget your manners again, bunny.” Making me look back at him I realized. “Keep your pretty y/e/c orbs on me, bunny. Don't forget yourself.”
“I am sorry, master.'' Being a good girl I make puppy eyes that he can not resist.
“Open up, bunny. I am not done with you.” Eager to do so I let him fuck himself by my mouth. The sweet is glittering on his skin. He looks like an angel. Before I know it he beats himself in my throat again as he comes in warm thick streams. I swallow all of him.
I look at him trying to collect his thoughts. I let him. It took me more than just a moment to collect myself. In the meantime I clean him up nicely.
“My good little, bunny.” he sits down by the poolside with me in my arms. “You did so well. Making me so proud.” I want to be as close to him as possible. I take a lead and kiss him. I know when I can push him and when to just let him have his way.
“Look what you did, bunny.” He preast me in his lap to make me feel how hard he is again. “Come here. Let me take you.” Parting my legs and probing my sweet spot with his pink head was next. “There there.” I sit at him fully but that makes me squik. “Breath, bunny.”
I take a moment to adjust to him. The burns make me wanna cum again but I hold myself. Chris took my chest into inspection in the meantime. Massaging my breast. Pinching my nippless. He makes it so hard for me to focus. I have difficulty with all the stimulation. Chris is loving it. Reading me is like an open book. Taking one of my hardened nippless into his mouth.
I take action into my hands and start to ride him. I have to take it slow because of his size.
“Look at you go, bunny. My good girl.” He starts to meet my thrust with his hips.
“Chris fuck.” I can no longer control myself. I feel like I should be ashamed of my actions but it has been so long.
“I have been so busy, bunny. I know. Enjoy this like a good girl. Take what I have. All of it.” His arms close on me, bringing me closer to him. His lips devour my neck again. “Don't fight against it, bunny. Make me happy. Cum again.”
Being this close to him everything feels more intense. I want to hold it and cum with him. “Slow down.” I breathe out. Trying to get a hold of myself. Chris doesn't do it. He wants to have me fucked out on him. “Honey.” I try to speak again but it is in wail.
“Do it, bunny. Cum. Don't make me do it for you.” He doesn't slow down. Only gets a better hold of me to make sure I can't stop.
“It's too much.” I keep on complaining until I reach my top. I let out a scream and threw my head back. Only then Chris stops slowly.
“There she is.” I am being held in the position for a moment before he brings me back to him. “Come, bunny, give me a kiss.” With him still bearded deep inside me I comply.
“There is my good girl. I am gonna take you upstairs and stuff you like a good bunny you are.” I try to argue but in his hold I can not. When he feels my attempt he trusts himself into me.
“Chris.” I scream as I feel him go impossibly deep inside my folds.
“Be good or I will make you. Remember who is your halder, bunny. We have a lot of catching up to do.” He gets up from the water with me in his arms. “I am gonna fuck you out of your mind little one. Don't make me break you first.” his growl is heard through the walls.
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ladyveronikawrites · 3 months
So I want to try something
If you all lovely souls can get @nerdraging4point0 fic Underdog to 100 notes, I will write up a part two to Dominate the Game. cough Coach crossover cough
I will love you forever💜Happy reading👑
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beaker1636 · 5 months
Busted - Chris Motionless Smut
A light cry escapes your lips when there is a knock on your hotel door, ripping you away from the orgasm that you were just falling over the edge of.  You were so close and now you are having to wrench the toy out of yourself with a sigh.
“Give me just a minute, I am just getting out of the shower,” you call.  Trying to buy yourself a few moments to collect yourself before you have to answer.  You finally have time off and one of the bastards has to interrupt your alone time.. The alone time that you desperately need.  Luckily right before you started you had showered so your hair is still pretty wet, making your lie somewhat believable.  You slip a shirt on and quickly throw on a pair of shorts before you rush to answer the door, being greeted by Chris standing in front of you.
“Oh, hey. What is up Chris?” you ask, trying not to look annoyed, or to let it show that you were just getting yourself off to the thought of being underneath him, lightly moaning his name as you fucked yourself with a toy in your hotel room.
It’s not your fault that he is so fucking attractive, that he likes to keep fucking around with the microphone stand on stage… that his makeup lately has gotten more and more attractive in your opinion.  And that fucking purple hair, you don’t know why it is so fucking hot to you, but it is.  
“The guys all went off somewhere, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something.  If not it is no big deal, just figured we both were staying behind so,” he says, giving you a smile.
“Uh yeah sure, we can find a movie and watch it,” you say, opening the door up more to try and let him in.
He walks in and takes a seat in one of the chairs in your room, watching you walk in before glancing away from you… suddenly turning bright red and glancing away from where he was looking, making you wonder what the hell just happened.  You quickly look towards your bed where his eyes were and instantly turn red, covering your face with your hands as you realize what he just saw.
“Oh my fucking god, Chris, I-sorry.  I thought I put it away, fuck.  This is so embarrassing, I am so sorry, shit,” you start rambling, rushing to put the dildo that you had left out on your hotel bed away in your suitcase.  Embarrassed to the point of almost tears, wishing the ground would eat you alive right now.  You swear you put it away, how the hell did you forget to do so when you were in your suitcase before answering the door.
“Did I interrupt something? I can leave if you need me to,” he says, glancing over at you.  Feeling almost as uncomfortable as you are right now, both of you struggling to figure out what to say or do next.  
“Uh no, that’s fine.  We can skip to the movie and pretend that this never happened,” you answer, refusing to look at him. “I don’t want us to be awkward, fuck I’m so embarassed right now.” You mumble, glancing down at your feet before taking a seat on the bed and grabbing the tv remote.
“Why, we all do it.  It’s just easier for us guys…. So did it do the job or do you want some help?” He asks, glancing over to you out of the corner of his eye.  Hoping that you might take him up on this offer, allow him to help you get the relief you clearly needed… and get himself some much needed relief as well.  Especially now when he saw that, and the thought of you fucking yourself with the toy has him slightly worked up, has him half hard if he is being honest, but he won’t say that outloud.  Fuck, he would be lying if he said that he didn’t find you attractive, he wouldn’t be against doing things with you if you let him.
He notices how stiff you go when you hear his words, that you tense on the spot and look like you have no clue what to think, how to respond.  Your eyes get large as you process what was just said, the shock visible on your face.
“I-I’m sorry, what?” You ask, there is no way that you just heard his question right, that he just offered to help you get off.
“I asked if you wanted some help.  Sometimes it is better to let someone else get you off than yourself, and we could help each other relieve some stress and relax? I help you, you help me and then we act like it didn’t happen…. Shit I shouldn’t have asked, pretend that I didn’t.  This is a bad idea,” he says with a groan, his hand now running through his hair in frustration and embarrassment.
You know this is stupid, that there is no way that you should say yes to this, let him touch you like this when you already have a crush on him.  But part of you wants to say yes, recognizes that this could make things messy, but when would you have this chance again? 
“I, I mean okay.  If you wanted to, just two friends helping each other out right? It doesn’t have to be anything weird.  So I mean, if you want to we can,” you respond.  This time you are watching him, waiting to see how he responds. Praying that he takes the initiative and does something, anything because you know that you could never make the first move yourself. You can see the wheels turning in his head and can't figure out what he is thinking, it is making you anxious.
“Yes, two friends helping each other,” he says softer this time.  You can see the bulge forming in his pants and debate going over to him to help try and relieve it, but you just can’t bring yourself to make that first move.
A few moments later, after both of you sit there awkwardly and don’t acknowledge each other he mumbles a fuck it and makes his way over to you.  You glance up at him from where you are sitting, him towering over you as he stands in front of you.  A couple seconds of him just standing there and he moves to sit right next to you.  Instantly grabbing the back of your head and crashing your lips to his, no hesitation, no holding back.  You give in almost immediately, letting him take what he wants from you when his tongue meets yours, clashing and harsh as the two of you search for the pleasure the other could bring.  
His hands quickly settle on your waist, one slipping up underneath your shirt before he gets annoyed and just lifts it off of you, groaning when he realizes you have no bra on.
“Can I ask you something, were you doing this when I knocked on your door? Is that why you didn’t answer the door right away?” He asks you, his eyes meeting yours as one of his hands starts to toy with one of your nipples, bringing it to a stiff peak and making you shudder from how sensitive you currently are.  When you don’t answer he pinches it rather harshly. “I asked you a question.”
You whine, enjoying the sting but not wanting to admit it to him. “I, yes.  I was so close when you interrupted me,” you admit, throwing your head back when he lightens his touch, moving his fingers to your other one, leaving teasing touches around it. You squirming in your place, feeling so sensitive that you could almost finish just from him playing with your tits, why does that feel so good when he does that?
“What were you thinking about while you were fucking yourself? Were you thinking about someone?” He asks you, his lips now nipping at your ear while he speaks.  
You let out a shuddered breath, not wanting to admit to him that it was him that you were thinking about but scared if you don’t answer him that he will stop what he is doing and that idea scares you even more at this point.
“I-fuck-I was thinking about you, pretending that it was you who was fucking me, not the toy,” you admit, regretting your words the second that they left your mouth.
His hands still for a moment, one of them moving to push you down onto your back while he settles himself over the top of you, watching you with half lidded eyes.  Just hearing you say those words could have just made him cum in his pants, hearing that you were thinking of him touching you, fucking you.  That you want this too, fuck, you are going to be the death of him.
He slips his own shirt off before his face is in your neck, leaving kisses along your throat while one of his hands snakes down your torso, settling on your shorts.  He dips his hands below the waistband right as he starts sucking a mark into your skin.
The groan that he lets out when he feels you, feels how wet you are is the most sinful thing you have heard in your life, the most erotic and you pray you never forget how it sounds. He peels his lips away from your throat, bringing his fingers away from your folds to look at it, noticing the sheen of your arousal on them.
“Fuck, you’re so, thinking of me touching you got you this wet.  Fuck,” he says, glancing at your face before his gaze returns to his fingers, slipping them into his mouth so that he can taste you.  Making sure that you are watching him do so, that you can see just how much he is craving you like you are him.
“Can I, I want to use the toy on you.  Make you come with it before I fuck you and prove to you that the real thing is better, can I do that, please?” He asks you, making sure that your eyes meet his, that you can see how much he desires you right now.
When you nod your head he slowly lifts himself away from you, stepping towards your suitcase to pull the toy back out before settling by your feet.  Silently urging you to spread your legs and let him see how wet your cunt is before he slowly slides the dildo inside of you, being met with absolutely no resistance.  
You throw your head back against the mattress when he begins to slowly, teasingly, slide the toy in and out of you, making you ache for more.  Your hips are bucking to try and get more from the toy when he doesn’t give it to you.
“You like that, it’s not enough though is it? Beg for it, beg me to fuck you with it,” he demands, watching you closely when you let a little whine out.  He wants to see you give in, let him take charge and take care of you.  Wants to hear how much you want it.
“I, please Chris, I, I need more.  Please will you?” You ramble, struggling to form a coherent thought as he continues to barely rock the toy inside of you, tormenting you with how slow he is being.
“Please what?” He asks, eyes meeting yours as you let out another whine.
“Please, fuck me with it Chris,” you mumble, covering your face with your hands because you feel shy asking, no begging him for what you need right now.
The second the words are out of your mouth he thrusts the toy inside of you roughly, starting a pace that makes your toes curl almost instantly.  It feels so much better with him doing it to you, he is able to get it deeper and harder than you can yourself.  You throw your head back and close your eyes, feeling yourself get closer to the edge, but not quite there.
One of your hands subconsciously settles on your breast, pinching and kneading your nipple yourself without realizing what you are doing.  Seeking out more pleasure than you are already receiving, craving touch there.
“Oh shit, that is hot.  Yes, play with your tits for me,” Chris groans, watching you do so for a few moments, overtaken by the thoughts that the sight of you is bringing him right now. 
You listen and continue, letting out a gasp when you feel his thumb from his free hand begin to circle your clit, unable to ignore just how close you are now.  Everything is getting to be too much, you just want to cum.
“Fuck, please, I’m close,” you whine, shifting your hips while seeking out the release that you need.  
“Okay, let go. Cum for me,” he groans, watching you closely as you do.  Your chest heaving, your legs clenching, you panting as you breathe through it, letting out sounds that will haunt his wet dreams for months while continuing to fuck you through it until you start to come down from the high. 
When you come down and nudge him away he leans back over you, giving you a kiss while he chuckles, watching you open your eyes.  “Welcome back, now, should I show you how much better my cock is than this toy? Ruin it for you so that you will always think of me when you get yourself off from now on?”
You can’t find the words to speak so you just nod, giving him your permission to keep going.  
“On your hands and knees for me,” he says, moving to slip his jeans and underwear off while you do as he asks.  Him admiring your ass while you get into the position he asks you to, no hesitation on your part.  Makes him want you that much more seeing how submissive you are for him, maybe you two need to do this more than just this time.  
Clearing those thoughts from his head he kneels on the bed behind you, one hand settling on your ass as he gives it a light slap before it moves, settling on your hip as he helps position himself, barely nudging the tip in before stopping.  You instantly whine, growing desperate you rock your hips back into his, forcing him to enter you further as you take him inside of you completely.
“Needy little thing aren’t you, I don’t even have to do any work,” he breathes out, watching you begin to work yourself on his cock.  He lets you do so a few more times before his grip on your hips tighten and he thrusts harshly inside of you, taking the charge from you while setting a relentless pace, taking you hard and rough in ways that you have never experienced before.  
Your mind shuts off while you focus on how great he is making you feel, on how hard and deep his thrusts are inside of you, touching you in ways you have never been touched before.  You never would have thought that you would enjoy being taken so roughly, enjoy letting a man use your body for what he wants.
His fingers find themselves around your throat, applying light pressure around it. Another first that you are enjoying way too much, he isn’t even cutting off your breathing but just knowing he can has you growing even wetter, if that's possible, around his cock.
“Fuck, I’m getting close y/n.  Touch your clit, make yourself cum around me,” he says, moving his hand to grab yours, making it settle between the apex of your thighs.  Encouraging you to do as he asked, which you do without a passing thought.  Feeling yourself grow close, starting to clench around him as you come closer and closer to the edge. 
His hand finds its way around your throat again, this time applying more pressure and that does it for you.  The stimulation of him fucking you, rubbing your clit and now that is too much, making you cum abruptly, with no warning around him.  You tighten and clench around him, milking his cock as you finish with a loud moan, unable to help yourself as you are hit with the strongest orgasm you have felt in your life.
A few moments later you feel him pull out of you, hear him panting as he jerks himself, finishing on your back with another groan before letting himself fall next to you on the bed.  Both of your chests heaving as you catch your breath from what just happened, as your minds begin to realize what the two of you just did together and it all hits you.
A few moments later Chris speaks up, “I’m going to get something to clean you, I’ll be right back.”
He returns with a towel and helps wipe the mess off your back for you, not wanting you to try and miss some or to stretch too much, because after how rough he was with you he’d be shocked if you were not sore soon.
Both of you lay there, quiet for a moment while you try to come up with what to say, with what you think and want.  Finally he breaks the silence.
“So, I know this is out of order but am I allowed to take you on a date the next time we have a day off?” He asks, glancing at you with a shy smile that makes you giggle.
“Of course you can… but don’t think that you are going to get any again any time soon, I think I may be slightly out of commission for awhile,” you joke, moving to give him a soft kiss.  “I’m kind of glad that you caught me, would have made sure you did sooner if I knew it would lead to this.”
“I’m glad I caught you too,” he says with a laugh.
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ciginatree · 6 days
Olive Bough
Grim reaper/death!Chris Motionless x unnamed, gender neutral character
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Content Warnings: language, abuse, domestic violence, death, angst, alcoholism
Word Count: 2.4k
Author's Note: PLEASE READ THIS: I really debated writing this story at all, let alone posting it. It's based heavily on a poem I wrote in college, which is one of my favorite pieces of media I've written. The way death (Chris) is portrayed in this is also heavily inspired by The Book Thief. This is a lot darker than any other fic I've written so far, but I really felt like I should write it. I don't even feel like I did the idea justice, but who knows. Y'all are seeing a piece of my soul with this one. <3
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The day had an air of finality to it. The kind of day where you can’t really picture another one coming, but you can’t place why. A solemnity, I suppose. I had just clocked off from work, waiting for the bus. The sun was low in the sky, melting off the mountain line and onto my skin so it could rest. My eyes felt hollow, the skin protecting them was thin and weak much like my bones. A sharp hiss of air alerted me to the bus I hadn’t seen coming. I waited for the doors to screech open before climbing the stairs, fishing my bus pass out of my pocket as I did so. I trudge to the middle of the bus, sliding into the musty seat and leaning my head back with a heavy sigh. I look to my left and see a girl with a backpack at her feet, earbuds wedged in her ears, bobbing her head to an unknown melody. A college student. I should have a backpack at my feet, I should be running myself into the ground with theses and slideshows. I check my phone, opening my banking app to check the balance. My heart aches. Soon. I turn my head to the dusty window, everything blurring past like a zoetrope. 
Eventually, it slows and the familiar greenery of the downtown park comes into view. I stand, bracing myself on the chair in front of me as the bus jolts to a stop. I trod down the steps and onto the sidewalk, the sun barely draping over the rocky cliffs. I proceed down the crumbling path back to home. The evening breeze tangles itself in the overgrown bushes and I plug the hole in my jacket pocket with my fist before it can dance its way in. The trailer park peeks around the corner and I enter through the fence, trudging along the gravel until I travel the rotting steps of the stained white trailer home. The paint is flaking and the stair railing is armed with exposed nails. I shove my key in the lock, opening the door with a sighing creak before clicking it closed behind me. I kick my shoes off next to the mud caked boots by the door. He’s home. I take three steps before the violent sound of a door being thrown into a wall halts me. A quick current of adrenaline stabs through me and my heart is pitched into a panic, but I don’t move. Heavy footsteps thunder around the corner as a sweaty, precarious figure stumbles into the main room. 
His pace quickens and I take a short step back before being thrown into the wall next to the door. I ricochet off the surface, but a calloused forearm pins me back to it by my chest. He leans in and the smell of pungent rot and body odor permeates around him, invading my nose. As he snarls out his words, his beer belly pushes into my abdomen. 
“Where’s my fucking money?” His eyes are bloodshot, watery, and wild. I turn my head so my cheek is pressed against the wall and my eyes turn down, staring at the musty carpet. 
“I don’t know,” I mumble. A curled fist strikes a myriad of colors into the side of my head and I yelp.
“Speak the fuck up.”
“Dad, I don’t know!” The last syllable of my reply trembles as I’m shoved harder into the wall and the wall trembles with me. 
“There’s five dollars missing from that jar over there on the counter. Do you wanna tell me where it went or do you wanna keep getting smacked around like a pussy?” 
I choke on a sob. “I didn’t have enough cash for lunch I was gonna pay you back with my tips the second I got home I swear, you always-!” My rambling is cut off by a blow to my stomach and I gasp for air. His hand crushes my wrist between us and I cry out as he blows more of his intoxicated breath between his fat, stubbled lips.
“I’m fucking tired of you takin’ my shit.Takin’ my money, takin’ my space. I’ve fucking had it!” He bellows, accentuating his last sentence by hurling me around his body and back into the trailer. I stumble, feet scraping the floor and my heart plummets as I fall. I register what’s about to happen right as my head smacks the iron rim of the coffee table, then follows my body to the floor with a wet thump. 
I feel numb. Crimson tattoos my vision and I take a rattling breath. Dark gray static overtakes the blood pooling beneath my eye and narrows until all I can see is the coffee table leg in the foreground of a shit brown couch. I hear a deafening nothing in my ears as the static overtakes all of me. 
* * *
I feel cold, rigid. Like waking up on the hard floor of a tent after a chilly night of camping. I’m on my side, and it’s dark. Well, it’s more of an emptiness; like being surrounded by thick clearness. A fog, I suppose, and it has stained my vision.  My head is dazed and I start to tremble. I expect to feel my heart rate increase, but there’s nothing there. No warmth, no beating. I try to take a breath, but my lungs have vanished. My airway is empty; filled to the brim with a lead-like weight, I am permanently holding my breath. I can’t move, save for my eyes and I flick them around desperately to find anything to anchor myself to.
And there. In the distance. There’s a glow, a shadow surrounded by a fuzzy, warm yellow tinted light. It’s out of focus, but growing bigger, getting closer. A man. He comes into focus and everything about him counters the aura he portrays. His hair is long and black, matching the shade of his lipstick and color on his eyes. He has piercings decorating his lips and tattoos painting every inch of his skin. He crouches down beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder, and I can see his eyes now. They’re kind. A soft mossy brown that seems to luminate in the darkness shrouding me. 
“Shh, it’s ok now. I’ve got you,” he whispers as his hand trails along my arm. His touch leaves a soothing warmth that spreads throughout me. It drips into me and I close my eyes. It fills the emptiness where my heart and bones should have been, supporting me. I feel him gather me in his arms, lifting me into a sitting position. In his embrace, the fog starts to dissipate leaving only the glow of his candle like warmth. I open my eyes and look up at him.
“Are you Satan?” 
He chuckles. “No, I’m not Satan.”
I take in his appearance with an even more bewildered expression. “Are you God?”
“No, no, I’m not God either.”
“So, who…?”
He takes a breath, sitting down in a cross legged position in front of me. “Think of me like an olive bough. Your olive bough, a sign that there’s hope after your previous life.” 
Fear spreads suddenly throughout me. “So I’m dead?” 
The man gives a sympathetic nod that makes my chest heave. I suppose I had known, but the confirmation sealed my suspicions. I knot my fingers in my hair, shaking. “No, no, no I was so close. I was so close. I-” I sob as a tear blooms in my eye, sliding down my cheek like rain. Through my tears the man seems to flicker like an aurora. He watches me with sad eyes before reaching out to brush away the tears with a feather light touch.  
“I know,” is all he says. It’s simple, just two words. And yet, there is so much unsaid that eases my mind. I sniff wetly and exhale through my mouth. He brings me back into his embrace, holding me to him. The black sweater that adorns his body is comfortable against my cheek and I cling to it, inhaling staccato breaths followed by long exhales. Somehow, I feel at peace here with this strange man, my Olive Bough. I cling to him like a leaf clinging to a branch in a storm, afraid that if I let go the fog will come back to consume me. 
“Is there any way you can send me back?” I sob. 
“Would you want to go back?” I think back to the musty trailer housing my drunken father. To dreading the walk home from work everyday, trembling in my bed as I hear my father stumbling around, and to never quite having enough money to sustain myself. 
I shake my head against his chest, crumpling in defeat. He tightens his grip around me, his cheek pressing against the top of my head. More of his warmth seeps through the crown of my head and into my mind creating a pleasant fuzzy sensation. The tears that haven’t already been absorbed into his sweater start to dry. I hiccup softly and bring a hand to dab at my puffy eyes and he pulls away slightly to look at me.
“Why don’t you tell me a happy memory you have?” He suggests as he tucks away a wet, stray piece of hair stuck to my cheek. 
“I don’t really have that many,” I sniff.
“There’s got to be something. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, just something simple that makes you happy.” I look down at his tattooed hands, thinking hard. I sniff and chuckle under my breath before answering.
“One time when I was a kid, before everything went to shit, we visited the Oregon coast. I couldn’t have been older than six, so I only remember bits of it. We rented a trailer and stayed right on the beach. I mean, it wasn’t much of a tourist type beach. There wasn’t any sand, just rocks, and it was really cold. But it was nice. It was really quiet and I was able to run right up to the shoreline to chase the seagulls and throw rocks into the waves,” I smile and laugh at the memory, another tear slipping down my face. He laughs softly, offering his kind smile as he listens. “We went and saw the cliffs too. It was really green and there were some jellyfish that washed up on the rocks. I’d never seen a jellyfish before then, it was really cool.” My words settle and we sit in momentary silence before I ask the dreadful question.
  “So, do I get to go to heaven?” I’m scared of the answer, gripping the hem of my shirt without looking at him. He takes a breath and pulls away a little more, holding me at arms length. 
“I’m sorry, but… it doesn’t really work like that.” I look at him warily, my eyes filling with dread and he hurries to explain. “It’s not the kind of heaven you’re thinking of is what I mean. It’s not really a place. It’s more of… a feeling.”
“I don’t understand,” I shake my head, trying to comprehend what he means. The man thinks for a moment before answering.
“You know when you’re watching a sunrise and that first warm beam of light hits your face? Or when you finally drift off to sleep after crying for hours? It feels like that.”
I think of those moments, trying to imagine it. “Does it feel like you holding me like you were?”
He chuckles, rubbing my arm. “Yeah, I suppose it could feel like that too,” he says softly. 
“I don’t really have any family or friends, who will I see there?” His expression turns solemn and compassionate again.
“You won’t see anyone. You won’t see anything really. Essentially, you melt into a feeling.” My eyebrows furrow and my chest flutters with anxiety.
“Well, will I ever see you again? No one’s ever been this gentle with me,” my eyes start to waver and I blink quickly to dissipate the tears. “I don’t want to be alone again, I really like being here with you. It feels so nice, I’ve never felt that before I-” he shushes me gently, taking both of my hands in his.
“I’ve always been with you and I’ll always be with you. I’m the only thing that’s ever been certain in your life, the only thing you could ever hope for that will, without a doubt, come true. I’ve been there all those times your father has wandered home drunk and every time you’ve held a blade right on the verge of giving up. I’ve been there, waiting to catch you. Every time. I’ve been waiting to hold you like this and let you know that everything is ok. That I’ve got you.” He smooths his thumb in circles over the back of my hand, gazing at me with more empathy and kindness than I could muster in a lifetime. “It’s going to be ok, I promise,” he whispers, barely audible. I nod, blowing out a breath.
“Do you have a name?” I ask. I want to have a name I can think of that will conjure up his image in my mind. A tangible word to pin his being to.
“Not exactly.”
“Can I give you one?”
“You might get too attached to me if you give me a name.”
“I already am, besides you said you’d always be with me.” His mouth twitches up.
“Then if you’d really like to, go ahead.” I think for a bit, analyzing him.
“You look like a Chris.” His smile widens and he lets out a breathy laugh. 
“Chris it is then. I like it,” he says, squeezing my hands and falling silent for a moment. “Are you ready?” he asks gingerly. I shake my head, holding tighter to his hands. “I know.” He pulls me back into his embrace. I cling to him again as I bury my face into his neck and try to memorize the feel of him holding me. 
“I don’t wanna leave,” my voice shakes. Chris keeps one arm tight around my back, trailing the other up to tenderly pet my hair. 
“Don’t think of it as leaving, think of it as moving forward. Things will only get better, I promise,” he whispers into my ear. His affection seems to surround me, drawing me impossibly closer to him. The sunset of his aura absorbs my senses and everything else starts to fade away. I don’t feel my limbs anymore, there’s no stiffness, no pain. I can’t see the fog anymore, only warmth. With no heartbeat to keep track of time, I sit in the feeling and drift away.
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Tags: @abiomens @rumoured-whispers
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windhamsrotunda · 2 years
With Those Angel Eyes - Chris M.
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(picture of Chris is NOT mine, credits goes to the original owner).
Pairing: Chris Motionless x Female! Reader
Summary: It's late at night and you decide to facetime your boyfriend when he's away on tour.
Warnings: Language, Fluff / Sexual Themes, SMUT, Fingering, Jack Off! Facetime Sex! Flustered!Chris, Visuals, Edited, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: LONG
Tagging: @abadamn and @pitiful-anonymous-vampire
Your mind surrounded the thought of wanting to facetime your boyfriend, Chris late at night. Your eyes focused on the contact's name you put into your phone. "Christopher 🖤".
How would he respond to your facetime request, especially this late at night? What if you wake him up?
Fuck it. We're doing it.
You positioned your camera on your phone, and pressed "Facetime Christopher 🖤".
You rested your calloused hands on your face, and waited for an answer. Without expecting it, Chris answered the phone.
"Hey babe." He greeted over FaceTime, lightly rubbing his eyes.
"Hi baby. Did I wake you?"
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"Nah, you didn't. I was just taking a shower. Another concert finished." Chris chuckled, resting his palm on the side of his face, giving you a content look.
Your black lipstick covered lips curled into a smile, you tapped your fingers onto the surface of the bed as you gave out a sigh.
Chris was laying in his bunkbed on the tour bus, half covered up in his blankets as you saw parts of his tattooed arms and chest area over FaceTime.
"What's wrong?" He asked, his bottom lip puffed out and eyebrows furrowed.
"I can tell you anything, right?"
"Of course you can."
You hid half of your face in embarrassment, your cheeks began to turn a rosy pink while you were gathering your thoughts together. An awkward silence broke, he patiently waited on what you were going to tell him. Chris was most known for being a patient guy when he was talking with his best friends, bandmates, or even you.
Twiddling your thumbs, Chris gazed through the screen with no judgement on his face at all.
''It's okay, Y/N. I can be on the phone with you all night, I wouldn't mind doing so.'' He stated to you, running hands through his bleached blonde hair.
''U-uhh, is there anyone with you right now?'' You randomly asked out of the blue, feeling a bit panicky because of what happened last time between you and him.
He looked behind him
''Nope. No one.'' He replied.
''Not even your band mates?'' You chuckled nervously, swiping a hand through your h/c hair.
Remember when you and your boyfriend got caught having sex by the rest of the band?
You have.
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''Mhh, fuck Y/N!'' Chris moaned, his hips aligning with yours, your head arched back hitting the wooden headboard.
''F--fuck!'' You exclaimed,
''K-k-keep going, please---''
Justin, Vinny, Ryan, and Ricky all happened to walk in at once, one of them had froze up. Which was Justin.
''What in the---''
Chris dead stopped, and looked back like a deer in the headlights at a laughing Vinny, a screaming Justin, along with Ryan and Ricky standing there with their mouths hanging open.
''OOO, CHRISTOPHERRR I'M CALLING YOUR MOTHER,'' Vinny yelled dramatically, laughing and pointing at him.
Your face flushed a deep red, quickly covering you and Chris up.
''I thought the door was locked?'' He whispered while he gave you a stern glare, ignoring the comment Vinny just made.
''I thought it was also---''
Justin cut you off,
''Next time, leave the door locked, will you? 'Cause you almost gave us a heart attack!''
''Earth to Y/N.''
''Oh, right. Sorry babe.'' You snapped out of your thoughts, feeling a bit embarrassed from zoning out on him.
Chris chuckled, sitting up from his bunkbed, revealing his mesmerizing tattoos on his chest that was no longer covered by the blankets.
''I promise there is no one here, I checked already while you were daydreaming. Besides, it won't be like last time if you know what I mean.'' He commented, giving a charming smile to you.
Your heart began to skip beats in and out of your chest, it's been quite a while since you and Chris had a sexual encounter with each other. You didn't want to be caught and humiliated ever again by some people----
''So, uhh, Chris. What do you think about FaceTime sex?''
You did not just go there, what the fuck Y/N? you thought.
''I actually never done it with anyone. If I had to do it with anyone, it would only be you, guaranteed.'' He laughed under his breath.
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You couldn't believe him.
You just couldn't.
''Let's pretend I have never brought up the subject, and move forward with a normal conversation. Yeah, disregard what I just asked--''
He cut you off short of your sentence, you saw him run a hand down the side of his hair again.
Damn you.
''Uh, Y/N? are you sure you want to proceed with a normal conversation instead? You know I am up for anything, anytime, anywhere.''
Your mind was now racing quicker than your heart, you brought the topic up, and now you have to keep your word. Well--
A creaky sound came from the call, it was Chris getting up quickly from his bunkbed, you could hear him mutter something quietly to himself.
''What was that?'' You scratched your head.
''Oh, I was going to request something very dumb for you to do, since you wanted to do FaceTime sex.'' He snickered.
''Well, spill it babe.'' You urged while you felt your legs spread apart, seeing your boyfriend this flustered made you question humanity.
An abbreviated sigh came out of him, he tilted his head back up to give you the attention you've been craving from him.
''I'm going to count to the start of ten and go down from there. I want you to pleasure yourself in any way you do when I am not there. Pretend that your fingers are my cock. No questions asked.''
You nodded, and proceeded to do so.
He switched the camera view to aim down on one of his large, tattooed hands appearing to be resting on the surface of a kitchen counter.
''Yeah.'' You uttered, biting down on your bottom black lipstick covered lip, watching your boyfriend's hand grip the edge of the marble kitchen counter, then lazily sliding it off of the counter as both of his tattooed covered hands now appearing in the camera. You weren't able to see what his facial expression was because he didn't have it aiming at his face. All you could see and hear were his large hands getting into position to count, and his heavy breathing in the background. Oh, how you wanted those hands all over your body.
You inserted one of your fingers inside your wet, pulsating garden.
Picking up the pace of your rhymtic finger, you slid in another one, your e/c eyes tightly shut. You tried to add a picture in your head, how Chris looked after his band's concert.
As you listened in on his counting, you felt high off of his voice, you needed him more than ever. His voice was so... hot.
"Ahh, f-fuck I need you here s-so ba-bad." You stammered, knowing Chris was watching like a hawk, probably fantasizing about wishing those fingers of yours were his veiny cock.
"Si-six." He continued, his hand gestured into a "Six" count, while the other hand worked its way down slowly to his throbbing cock, enough to tease you.
You moaned aloud, shaky ghost hands pointing the camera down at your pussy.
"Fi-five. Fuck, po-point the c-camera back a-at your fuckin' face! W-want to see y-your face, I-I want to ruin it!" He let out a growl, the sounds of him pumping his cock being heard from the background.
"C-Chris, b-baby, I'm so c-close!" You warned, practically crying out for him to fuck you mercilessly on the bed you laid out on, knowing he wouldn't be home until one more day.
"F-four, don't c-cum yet."
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"Thre-three, f-fuck!"
Your eyes were wandering all over the place, you couldn't hold it in much longer, goddamn it Chris!
"Tw-two, a-almost." The sound of him leaning his body weight against a wall now, with quickening paced breathing, with your toes beginning to curl onto the sheets.
"O-one!" Chris yelled, releasing into his own hand.
"Oh my god!" You exclaimed to the heavens, the bundle of nerves in your legs beginning to jitter following your orgasm after him.
''Fuck, look what you made me do, Y/N. Now I got to go clean up,'' He set his phone down, which was now facing up towards the pitched black ceiling, his heavy footsteps could be heard distantly, getting farther and farther away.
Your sigh escalated through you, you lifted your phone off the bedsheets, bringing it with you to the bathroom waiting for your boyfriend's return.
Setting your phone straight up on the bathroom counter where the sink was, you hummed slightly to yourself.
''I'm back, baby.''
Chris lifted his phone off of the kitchen counter, putting front view again on his camera.
You checked the time on your phone, ''1 am''.
''Oh shit,'' You quickly said to yourself, surprised at what the time was.
''What? What? Is there a spider?'' He assumed, you laughed and rubbed your eyes.
''No Chris. It's 1am here, and you should get some sleep, don't you think?'' You suggested, getting a little tired.
''Okay, I will see you tomorrow when I get home, baby. I love you, goodnight.''
''I love you more, goodnight.''
A/N: I am probably gonna do a part 2 of this, but with Chris coming home to the reader, and it's going to be fluff <3
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yournecessaryevil · 4 months
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...Chris and Ricky trying to get you to finally fall asleep after a long day while on tour...
• fluff; language; very light NSFW (if you squint)
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"But I don't want to go to bed yet!"
You let out a quiet huff, clutching the pillow tighter against your chest as you cast a pleading look at the two men in front of you. Both gave you a raised eyebrow, neither one of them seeming to be impressed by your whining.
"Babygirl, you look so fucking tired-" Ricky began. "Yeah, you need sleep," Chris cut in, nodding in agreement. You stuck out your bottom lip in a slight pout as you continued to give them your best pleading look.
"Do I have to?" you asked, earning an immediate synchronized response of "Yes!" from both of the guys.
Ricky reached up to adjust his beanie before shaking his head at you, a smile playing at his lips. "It's been a long day for all of us, but especially you," he pointed out.
Chris grinned, the piercings in his bottom lip briefly catching the light from the dim interior of the bus. "Yeah, you're not used to the tour life like we are," he teased you.
This earned an eyeroll from his bandmate, who lightly elbowed him in the side. "It's been years, dude, and I'm still not used to it," he retorted, though his former smile still remained in place.
Chris shrugged, before winking at you. "I'm telling you, sleep's gonna be your best friend while you're with us."
You buried your face in the pillow, grumbling to yourself. "Slp fckng sks..."
"What was that?" Chris laughed.
You raised your head, scowling at him.
"I said, sleep fucking sucks."
"True, but-" Ricky began, before casting a sideways glance towards Chris, who returned the gesture. A smirk slowly appeared on both men's faces before Chris turned to look at you, leaning forward until his face was a foot away from yours.
"-If you be a good girl for us and go to sleep like you're supposed to-"
"-Like we want you to-" Ricky cut in.
"-Then we'll make sure to reward you for it," Chris finished, his smirk growing a little.
This caught your attention.
It was no secret (especially to the rest of the band) how much of a certain... fondness... you'd developed for Chris and Ricky.
Although at this point, anyone would say it had become a little bit more than that...
You sat there in silence, contemplating the idea Chris had now planted in your mind.
"I think we've got her," Ricky laughed, exchanging a conspiratorial look with his bandmate, who nodded in agreement.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Chris get up from his spot on the couch, moving to sit behind you. You glanced down to see tattooed arms and hands grabbing the pillow out from between your fingers, placing it behind you on Chris's lap, before those same arms were pulling you closer to the man himself.
"Come on, Y/N," you heard Chris purr softly in your ear, "be a good girl for us, for me. Stop fighting it and just give in, go to sleep for me."
His words were accompanied by a gentle kiss on the soft spot behind your ear, followed by another a little further down, along the side of your neck, and yet another on the back of your shoulder.
Chris's hands slowly moved down to splay flat against your lower belly, his thumbs tracing soothing little circles along the inch or so of skin that lay exposed there, due to your sleep shirt riding up a bit.
The way his hands moved, the gentle seduction of his words in your ear, all of it was much too nice, and you felt your blinks slowly getting longer, almost against your will.
"Oh, Chris, man, she's dozing off," Ricky observed in a soft whisper, a grin playing at his lips. His bandmate gave a soft hum of agreement, gently tugging you down so you were now lying in his lap, your head resting on the pillow.
His hands moved up, grazing lightly over your stomach, your breasts, stopping at your shoulders. Again, his thumbs were tracing little circles along the skin there, slowly coaxing you off into sleep.
But wait, sleep- you didn't want to sleep-
You struggled to keep your eyes open, fighting back a yawn. "But I don't wanna go to sleep-" you mumbled.
Chris softly shushed you, leaning down to place a kiss against your forehead. "Shh, don't fight it, Y/N. Be our good girl and go to sleep."
"Yeah, we'll still be here tomorrow, I promise," you heard Ricky agree, his voice getting closer. Out of the corner of one half-open eye, you saw the guitarist reach down, pulling a blanket over you and tucking the edges in around you. "Get some sleep, babygirl. We're not going anywhere," he murmured.
You watched as he took a seat on the floor next to you, leaning back against the couch, his head resting against your thigh.
"Ricky's right, we're not going anywhere. Get some sleep for us, baby, please?" Chris said softly. You let out a soft grumble in response.
You really didn't want to fall asleep, but fuck, Chris's lap was so comfortable, and ugh, the way Ricky smelled right now-! Everything was so nice, too nice...
Maybe an hour or two wouldn't hurt...
You yawned, before allowing yourself to relax and sink further into Chris's lap, pulling the blanket closer around you.
As your eyes fell closed, you could've sworn you heard Chris murmur, "That's our good girl..."
And as sleep finally claimed you, your mind drifted back to his and Ricky's earlier words, a smile gracing your face.
They better live up to their promise and reward you good for this tomorrow...
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🎃 TAGLIST: @synthetic-wasp-570 @circle-with-me @thesazzb @tearfallpixie @beaker1636 @motionlessindoubt @motionlessomens @nixwolfe @bobateaandchocolatepudding @annateagan @kingdxmxfcxrds @talialovesmiw @bxrnthyfears @nerdraging4point0
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chemical-killjoy · 9 months
Greetings Dear Reader! Right now the majority of the fics on my masterlist are from my old blogs, @immrbrightsideeee and @remingtonisleithal, so most links will take you to that, any and all notes on those posts I am not likely to see for a bloody long time, so please message me or send an ask or something if you really liked the fics/want a sequel or are anything! Also if you like my writing, check out @smiling-girl and @fandomfoodiedancer, they're amazing <33
Requests are OPEN
(and encouraged lol)
I write for a whole bunch of fandoms, but here's the ones I can think of: arcane, black veil brides, maneskin, marvel, motionless in white, my chemical romance, palaye royale, pierce the veil, the artful dodger, the raven cycle (books), and supernatural :)
If you like my writing, here's the link to join my taglist (It's very important you guys fill this out if you wanna join my taglist as I do write some serious, dark topics sometimes) and here's a link to buy me a coffee
updated: 15/12/23
Damiano David:
*A night to remember 1/2
smut. Damiano is attracted to reader singing iwbys
Movie and a kiss
the reader had a fight with their family and Damiano looks after them
Fast Car (trigger warning)
Honestly this is just angst and emotional and if you don’t cry I have failed as a writer. But it’s got a happy ending!!
Vic de Angelis:
Knight in Shining Armour
Vic saves the reader from a creep at a bar
Remington Leith:
*Caught in the Storm
reader and remington share a bed in a storm. What ever will happen?
Feel better
comfort fic, remington takes the reader on an adventure to feel better
*Only one answer (part two of Feel Better)
I will find you
mesmerized by someone in the crowd, remington has to find the reader
Something beautiful (part 2 of I will find you)
I Just Need Some Air*
young!Remington and the reader are at a party and after confessing their feelings things get heated.
Better Than Nutella
Remington is hooked on his new friend’s cooking, and smile.
Movie Night
Remington and Y/N have a movie night
Morning Light: (this is a collab with @cursivetalk)
vampire Remington, based on the tonight is the night I die video. Series, currently being written.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Emerson Barrett:
Teach me
emerson teaches the reader the drums
Andy Biersack:
Don’t go (trigger warning) (there is comfort)
I Don’t Wanna Be Alone (trigger warning) (with comfort)
Love isn’t always fair *
After a concert Andy reveals his love for his best friend
Mortician’s Daughter (trigger warning)
Thomas Raggi:
Moonlight’s Curse (part 1)
werewolf!thomas, a series being written :)
Mistakes and Misunderstandings
Ronnie Radke:
pwp really, Ronnie meets Y/N in a bar and things happen
Vic Fuentes:
Hell Over Me (trigger warning) (happy ending)
Frank Iero:
Not A Kid *
TW brief mention of abuse, age gap. Y/N works for MCR and it turns out Frank likes her just as much as she likes him
Gerard Way:
Cemetery Drive
TW for suicide and self harm. Y/N visits her ex’s grave, and is surprised to find him there
Hang Em High
Cemetery drive part 2
Demolition Lovers
Part 3 and final chapter of Cemetery Drive
Kisses and Coffee
Coffee shop and accidental kiss AU
Dean Winchester:
Life In (Rose) Pink
Dean is a romantic cliche trying his hardest
Chris Motionless:
Eternally Yours *
Based on the music video
You Decide
Reader has a breakdown and Jinx helps them
Jack Dawkins/Dodger:
Healing Kiss *
Reader is in hospital, but Dr. Dawkins is there to heal her. TW for self harm, suicide and mentions of abuse.
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fandombandomfics · 5 months
Motionless in White One Shots/Preferences
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Collection of Motionless in White One shots/preferences. Still on going and has 18 chapters so far!
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Rules and guidelines
Please read the rules so you requests can be accepted. I also respond to messages if you want to make sure you are asking correctly. 
For those who requested please be patience, I will get to your idea eventually. 
Here are all of my pics, oneshots, imagines and head canons - MASTERLIST 
Rules for requesting imagines:
request has to be in the form of reader x someone. Does Not have to be in a relationship can be platonic or family member. In case of a family it needs to specify who the requests is meant for (example - Cullen family - specified for Alice´s sister - other members will be mentiont but I need to know who to focus on)
I do requests for most fandoms and people that I KNOW. My masterlist has a lot of people that don't have a piece yet so that can help you as a guidance. But I do most of them so you can request I will let you know if I can do it.
I do most types of fics - SMUT is age restricted that also comes with the age of people that you are requesting. I will not do an hypothetical imagine as if they get old and of age.
You can request a person with a type of imagine (Fluff, smut, anst,..) with a line. I have done that before and it's fun so don't be afraid to be creative.
I will not do scenarios like he/she bullied you, cheated on you and now he/she apologized and you made up.
You can request it anonymously or with your profile. After the imagine is published I will answer the requests so you know it's done. If you are requesting anonymously and don't have enough symbols to request just use symbols and send to - ½ - so I can understand what you mean. Don't worry, I will connect them.
I CAN and WILL say no to requests I simply don't WANT to do or I am not comfortable doing.
DO NOT spam you requests - I will NOT do them in that case.
English is not my first language - be respectful
I do not do follow for follow
I will take as much time with requests as I want. Open box is always open but I have a job, hobbies and friends so I will do it when I am in mind space for it. BE PATIENT
I do NOT do a TAG list. Only tags are for the people that requested with a profile. They will be tagged to their piece.
Be RESPECTFUL to other people and their requests or you will be BLOCKED
I will NOT TOLERATE disrespect, racism, homophobic behavior or bullying
This is my space and I make the decisions.
I DO NOT AGREE WITH CANCER CULTURE - If I disagree with something that someone I did piece at does I will remove the piece and that's where it´s end.
DO NOT send me messages about somebody getting canceled for something you WILL GET BLOCKED.
Keep YOUR opinion on people to YOURSELF and don't force them on others you WILL BE BLOCKED.
If YOU don't agree with this and don't respect this then YOU get to leave on YOUR OWN or I will REMOVE you. Have a lovely day :)
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ladyveronikawrites · 3 months
@nerdraging4point0 and I bring you ::
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Pairing: Coach Davis!Noah Sebastian x Female Readerx Coach Cerulli!Chris Motionless
By expanding the post, you consent to being over the age of 18.
CW: .This is an alternate universe story with only names and likenesses used in creation of a character. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction. Please review the content warning before proceeding. 18+ MNDI, any minors interacting with my work will be blocked, this is for your safety as well as my own.
Coach/athlete au, coach athlete sexual relationship, [all parties regardless of being fiction are of legal age of consent]
The National Women’s Soccer League Anti-Harassment Policy: This policy prohibits the use of coercion, force, intimidation, or Power Imbalance to pursue sexual contact or an intimate relationship of any sort.
The story includes: POV switching, oral (male and female receiving), vaginal fingering, unprotected p in v sex, cum eating, panty sniffing, swearing, alcohol consumption, a little subby Chris, it's filthy and smutty threesome
If I missed anything please let me know💜
This is real person fiction; Fiction based on real people in fictitious situations.
word count: 6k PART ONE
A/N: Huge shout out to @nerdraging4point0 for collaborating with me on this. EVERYONE GO FOLLOWER HER AND READ HER WORK THANK YOU! also thank you to @tearfallpixie and @beaker1636 for cheerleading and all of your support!
I had no idea a part two would come from this, but here we are.
With love,
Lady Raging🗡️
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With an iron grip, Kate yanks you by the wrist, plowing through the swarming mass of bodies that is quickly consuming the bar. Only minutes before, you had been nestled in bed reading until she disrupted your peace.
 "You fucking graduated college, and all you do to celebrate is read?! Bitch, let's go." And here you are, knowing damn well that in 2.5 seconds, she's going to be up some guy's business trying to get dicked down one last time before she moves, and you will be left alone once again at the bar. 
She raps her knuckles sharply on the lacquered wood, flagging down the harried bartender. Not wasting a second, she barks an order for a round of shots, her foot tapping impatiently to the pounding music. You scan the cramped space, anxiety rising as you take in the crush of people, loud and suffocating. "Let's drink to your 4.0!" Her grin is wide, and she means well. But the dark romance novel still calls your name back home. There was a biker gang…tall, muscular tattooed men….
"Fine," you huff, sending a death stare her way as you plop down on the stool. "Just one."
Thankfully, Kate had ordered something sweet to make the experience a little more tolerable; you still wince when the saccharine liquid coats the back of your throat. You shake yourself as the burn subsides, the alcohol numbing your nerves almost instantly. 
"Wanna play a round of pool with me?" Kate asks, giving you her sweet puppy eyes, adding a pout for extra flare. Because Kate can't do anything less than over the top. 
"Please!" She sips the first of many fruity concoctions of the night, waiting for your response. 
You look at the pool table and back to her. So far, no one is playing, but there are a lot of people nearby drinking and laughing, minding their own business. That's a lot of people who will definitely be judging you for how you play. Especially next to the Pool Goddess herself. Kate doesn't let you win; she makes you work for it. Even tonight, on this special day. And you know why she asked you; you are her bait to get dicked down by some helpless guy that walks into her trap. 
Kate is smart, beautiful, and cunning. 
Your mind drifts back to the ruthless MC, four best friends covered from head to toe in tattoos..what I wouldn't do to get between all of them…do whatever they ask…
Kate clears her throat, effectively yanking you from your lusty daydream about fictional characters from a book. 
"Ok, fine, go get the round set up, I'll be over, but I need to pee, or I'm going to burst." You scramble to the bathroom before she can question your sanity. 
Your trip to the bathroom is quick but might as well have been hours with the sudden change in atmosphere. The bar is packed now, bodies pressed together, the buzz of drunken chatter filling your ears. You emerge from the bathroom into the pulsing crowd, your eyes scanning the sea of strangers for Kate. 
There - in the corner by the pool table. Some tall, faceless man has her pinned against the felt, hands on her hips, breath hot against her neck as he pretends to show her how to hold the cue. She's lapping up the attention, giggling coyly like she's never played a game in her life.
The sweaty bodies press in on all sides as you slide through the crowded bar, eager to escape the suffocating heat. You need air. Now. Claustrophobia claws at your gut, urging you to flee this den of iniquity. But just as you reach for your wallet to pay the tab, a gruff voice rumbles behind you.
"Congratulations, captain."
You whirl around, ready to unleash your frustration on the presumptuous stranger. But the words died on your lips - tall, muscular, with a chiseled jawline barely visible under the shadow of his black baseball cap. Aviator sunglasses obscuring his eyes, even in the bar's dim light.
Who wears sunglasses inside? What a fucking ego.
But then you see the crooked grin spreading across his face. No. It couldn't be.
"C-coach Davis?" you stammer, taking a desperate gulp of whiskey to steady your nerves. The alcohol burns your throat but does nothing to dampen the fire now raging inside you.
Damn him. Just his presence made you weak. Made you want. Made you remember all those secret, stolen moments in the equipment room after practice. The way he'd pin you against the lockers, claiming you with rough, urgent kisses.
Your shudder consumes you, equal parts irritated and aroused. You needed to get out of here before you did something stupid. But with him blocking your path, escape would not come easy.
The noisy bar closes in around you as he leans over. His shirt grazes your skin, the scent of his cologne enveloping you, as familiar as the day he left. The stubble on his jaw and down his neck makes you want to reach out and touch him. With a crook of his finger, he catches the bartender's eye, commanding a shot without a word. 
He says nothing, silent, as he tilts his head back and lets the liquid slide down his throat. His tongue darts out to catch the last sweet drop, reluctant to let even a taste escape. Setting the empty glass down with a quiet clink, his lips curve into a heated smile—your heart races as you meet his gaze, cheeks burning under the intensity of his stare.
"How about one more extra…practice to celebrate all of your victories?"
His words are like smoke, low and tempting, beckoning you into his flames. Nodding, breathless, eager to let him take the lead.
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I watch him strut over to her at the bar, his determination palpable despite the sunglasses under his cap. His movements like a prowling beast zeroing in on its next victim. I'd warned him to back off; he'd sworn to me he would. After I toss back another shot, adding the glass to the graveyard already cluttering my table. As I rake a hand through my hair, there’s a whiff of fresh hair dye—a drastic change for me, but one I'd desperately needed. Feeling my unease amplify as I observe their encounter unfold, equal parts fascinated and unsettled. Though I itch to intervene, some twisted part of me craved to see how it would all play out.
 Temptation has a way of slinking into your life when you least expect it, like a tiger on the prowl. I knew that danger all too well. I'd walked that path before, thinking I was in control, only to get mauled for my troubles. The scars still ache on cold nights.
So when I saw Noah falling under that spell, I felt a familiar unease. Could this alluring creature be his undoing, too? I watch them leave the bar hand in hand, her fingers intertwined with his. The sight triggers memories I thought I'd left behind. I throw some money on the bar and follow, unnerved but unable to look away. Some lessons you just have to learn the hard way. But maybe, just maybe, I could keep Noah from the same fate. This time, I had to try.
My throat tightens as I raise my hand to knock, my pulse quickening. I don't want to jeopardize my friendship with Noah, but if he's in there with her...this could ruin him. I take a deep breath and rap my knuckles against the door. When it swings open, my eyes widen at the sight - Noah and her, tangled together, eyes blown wide and lips bitten red. Noah recovers smoothly, clearing his throat as he untangles himself from her embrace. He's straightening his shirt with shaking hands, his hat and shades gone, and I feel my eyes roll. 
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"What's up, Cerulli?" he asks lightly, but I can hear the strain in his voice. I quickly shove my raised hand into my pocket, glancing at the floor as my thoughts begin to spiral. I shouldn't have come, but now that I'm here…
Your mouth falls open as you stare at the man just outside your door. It's Coach Chris, but he barely resembles the mentor you knew just months ago. His once-neat blonde hair is now shaved on the sides, the remaining purple locks wild on top. You swallow hard, knowing there's no rule against being with Coach Davis now that you've graduated. But the shame still burns hot on your cheeks as you meet his eyes.
"C-Coach, I…” you stammer, unable to find the words to explain yourself under his dark gaze. You've let him down and the weight of it crushes your chest, leaving you anxious and tongue-tied before the man you once admired.
He crosses the room toward you, and an unfamiliar expression clouds his rugged features. It's a look you've never seen on his face, a heady mix of desire and urgency that makes your pulse quicken. With feline grace, he brushes past Coach Davis, those muscular arms reaching and grasping until his large hands cradle your face in their warmth. His lips crush against yours, claiming you in a searing kiss that steals your breath away. You melt into him, kissing him back feverishly, your body igniting at his touch.
The soft click of the door barely registers through the haze of lust. You open your eyes to see Coach Davis leaning against the wall, his heated gaze devouring you both. Spurred on by his attention, you press yourself harder against Coach Chris’ firm body, moaning into his mouth. Noah hisses in response, his eyes dark with longing from across the room.
Chris pulls away from you abruptly, leaving you stumbling backward, breathless, as your back slams against the wall.
"I-I'm s-s-so sorry, I shouldn't have-" His breath catches, words faltering as his tattooed fingers brush over his lips, still burning from your kiss. 
“No more apologizing. Just kiss me.” You push off the wall and charge at Chris pressing his body against the edge of the counter. Enough with the stalling. You just want to be devoured by these two tattooed giants. 
Pulling yourself up on your tiptoes at the same time you wrap your arms around his neck, you pull him in close. His lips are still and hesitant and when you glance up at him, you find a storm raging behind his big brown eyes. 
“I just graduated Summa cum laude,” your confidence falters.  “Now fuck me... Please,” Your harsh demand fades into a whisper when his eyes darken. 
A shiver of excitement ripples through you as Noah takes his place behind you, pressing you firmly into Chris, trapping you between their hard bodies. Chris's resolve breaks, and he leans down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. At the same time, Noah's hips grind against your ass, his hard cock pressing against you as he grips your hips and pulls you closer. Your hands wander under Chris's shirt, fingers grazing over the hard planes of his chest.
"Ah fuck!" you cry out as Noah's teeth graze the sensitive skin of your neck, nibbling and sucking.
"Don't focus on him. Look at me," Chris commands, grasping your chin with slender, tattooed fingers. "Feel what I'm doing to you." He punctuates each word with feather-light kisses along your cheeks and mouth, teasing, tempting. You lean into him desperately, craving more of his touch and taste. Dizzy with desire, you're caught between them, Chris's lips igniting your nerves while Noah marks your neck with rough, claiming bites.
"More," you breathe, drunk on the ecstasy of their passion.
Your body is alight with need, every caress and kiss pushing you closer to the edge. Noah answers your plea by gripping your waist and turning you around to face him. Once he has you where he wants you, his hands come to the sides of your face, tilting your head up slightly to meet his lips, rough and relentless as he pushes you back against Chris, his tongue spearing your lips apart. His parted lips muffle your moans as another pair of large hands snake down your front to work your buttons and zipper loose of your denim shorts.
“I bet you're dripping for us, hmm?” Chris’ husky voice mixes in with the wet sounds of bitten lips and battling tongues. Sliding your panties aside, he parts your silken folds with two thick fingers. “Fuuuuck,” he groans as he thrusts his fingers inside you, his harsh movement pulls you against his chest, detaching your mouth from Noah’s. Noah doesn’t miss a beat as he moves to nibble at your neck. Your mind is overwhelmed by their touch, both soft and demanding.
“Coach, want a taste?” 
The sudden rumble against your back makes your eyes pop open wide. Your stomach tightens as insecurity washes over you as his words penetrate the hormonal haze in your brain. What if he doesn’t like the way I taste? What if-
Time slows around you as you watch Chris present Noah with his glistening fingers. Noah’s hands don’t leave your hips as he leans down and starts to lick at the other coach’s inked digits. He moans approvingly as the fingers slide further down his throat. The sounds the two men make as you stand sandwiched between them has your pussy throbbing.
Noah’s cheeks hollow as Chris’s digits fall slowly off his parted lips. With a lustful sigh, he pulls you close to his body, lips crashing to yours as his tongue pushes forcefully past your lips. The taste of you is still on his tongue as your mouths dance. You melt against him, caught up in the heat of the moment, as he claims your mouth hungrily. Chris pulls your hair aside kissing the small exposed spaces of your neck and shoulders. 
Your heart sinks when Noah pulls from you, but when his hot breath brushes against your ear, your thighs clench together. 
“I need more,” he growls before nipping at your earlobe.
“Answer him, champ- do you want to give him more?” Suddenly the men step away from you giving you space to breathe, to think. You look between your two coaches.
Your usual confidence, the one you use to lead your team, returns to your voice, “Yes, Coach, yes I do.” 
Your lips curve into a seductive grin as you watch the pair devour you with their eyes. Even in the short time the coaches have worked together they have found their rhythm and you can't wait to see what they have planned for you. 
Chris spins you around pressing your bodies together his hands sliding down your body. With commanding hands, he grips your thighs and growls, "Up." You eagerly jump into his arms, craving his touch. Your legs wrap tightly around his muscular waist as the three of you move together in perfect sync.
Noah removes your shirt, his fingers working swiftly. The bra straps slip down your shoulders. Chris’ forehead presses against yours, his eyes gazing deeply into your own. 
"Bedroom?" he whispers.
You nod eagerly, tongue darting out to wet your lips. With a push off the kitchen counter, he’s crossing the living room with you in his arms. Your mouth seeks his tattooed skin, kissing, tasting. From behind, Coach Davis' eyes dark with lust. Eyes locked with his, you melt into Chris’s embrace, anticipation rising. The bedroom door closes, sealing the three of you in ecstasy.
Chris tosses you to the bed flopping on the mattress with such force you bounce off the soft blankets, the two coaches standing at the edge of your bed staring intensely down at you. You watch as Chris’ tattooed hands grip the hem of his shirt. 
“Stop, allow me.” His hands freeze in their place, eyes tracking your sudden movement. The world slows around you as you rise from the bed, the air thick with tension. Your hands push him away as you take hold of the fabric. You look up at the man who’s coached you throughout college, who’s been leading you since day one. His devilish smile softens as you lift the hem of his shirt. He sighs when he pulls the rest of the shirt off, his breath quickens as your hands explore his tattooed skin.
“Oh fuck,” your mouth pops open as you take in the coach you've known for years. 
You had no idea he was covered in tattoos. You've seen the exposed skin of his arms and neck when he wears his short-sleeved cotton shirts, but nothing could have prepared you for this.
Instinctually, you reach for the button of his pants, but he gasps your wrists in his large hands. “Easy tiger, not yet...” You huff, disappointed looking down at your bound wrists, suddenly aware of how large he is compared to you. 
“We have all night,” he smirks. 
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The scales are tipping back and forth in my mind as I weigh the pros and cons of my current situation. How did things go from me trying to talk Noah out of this to him convincing me it's a good idea?
She's been one of my top players since her freshman year. I've worked closely with her for eight months now, when she became captain, strategizing plays and positions. I told myself she was just another student-athlete. I had a responsibility, an obligation. She trusted me. But I didn't trust myself.
I've been down this road before. When I was coaching softball, there was a student I fell for. I didn't think I would sleep with her, but I did. I quit soon after - I was filled with shame and regret. Worse still, I couldn't bear seeing her every day and not wanting her each time she passed me in the hall. This time, when those late-night practice feelings arose, all I had to do was text her. I'd take care of my needs at home and that would be the end of it. But my tiger called things off last spring; something about getting engaged and not wanting to hurt the guy like that. As if she hadn't been sexting me behind his back the whole year they dated. Women can be complicated.
Everything has changed. The old rules and limits that held me back are gone. For the first time, I can pursue my desires without guilt or shame weighing me down. There's a thrill in getting what I want with no consequences, but I know that freedom comes with a price. But at this moment, nothing is complicated.
Her pants slide down her hips as my fingers find the elastic waistband, tugging them off in fevered jerks. Our kiss doesn't break for a second as she shimmies to help me undress her. My hands are greedy for the feel of her bare skin. We're both breathing hard, lost in this heated moment.
The warmth of her body beckons as she sinks onto the bed's edge. I kneel before her like a man at worship, guiding her legs onto my shoulders with a reverent touch. Her fingers run through my hair but hold me back as I push her panties aside.
"No, no, don’t fight me," I whisper, leaning closer, inhaling her scent.
She whimpers at the first touch of my tongue, tightening her grip on my hair. I feel her thighs tremble, threatening to close, but I lick deeper anyway. She tastes of honey and spice and everything nice.
Sensing her resistance, I grasp those luscious thighs, knowing my force will leave marks on her come morning - marks she'll press her fingers to and remember this night. A throaty moan escapes her lips as I claim her. 
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“Lay back, it’s Coach Davis’ turn.” Chris coos as he wipes your release from his chin. 
Hungry for more, you flash Noah a wicked grin before sliding off your lace panties. Something mischievous sparks in you and you ball up your panties and toss them at him. With his tall frame, he barely moves a muscle, effortless when he brings them up to his face and sniffs. 
You shake your head giggling to yourself as you lay back on the bed. A small yelp tumbles from your parted lips when soft lips brush against your thigh. Looking down, you find Noah right at home between your thighs.
All of a sudden, Chris' slender fingers grip your chin pulling your attention from the brown-haired coach kissing and nibbling at the tender flesh of your thighs. His lips wander closer and closer to where you want him most. 
Your vision fills with dark brown eyes like walking in the thick forest after it rains, it’s eerie yet calming at the same time. Slowly, your gaze shifts to the mirror behind him, sucking in a breath at the erotic sight your mouth drops to the floor - Noah buried between your thighs, his tongue working its magic while Chris’ tattooed hands and painted nails settle around your throat.
"Doesn't he look pretty like that?" Chris purrs, his voice dripping with lust. His grip tightens ever so slightly as you start to writhe with pleasure.
"Fuuuuck.” The vibration of Noah’s voice against your slick flesh makes you shudder.
Chris moves to sit beside you, one hand still wrapped around your throat while the other roams greedily over your body. You cry out as he pinches a hardened nipple, the sting blending deliciously with the pleasure mounting inside you.
"Relax," he breathes, trailing kisses up your jaw that leave you melting into the pillows. You obey, giving yourself over completely to the ecstasy they're creating.
"That's it," Chris praises, his smile wicked and hungry. 
You're lost in a haze of passion, every nerve singing as they play your body like an instrument. Chris leans in, ghosting his parted lips over your cheek before nipping at your earlobe. “Can I kiss you again?” he whispers in your ear. A shiver spider crawls up your spine as he ghosts feather light kisses to your ear then trailing down your jaw, waiting for your answer. 
“Answer him, darling,” Noah grunts as he thrusts a finger inside your slick walls.
“I-uh-” your brain short circuits, overwhelmed by the pressure building in your core and the proximity of Chris’ lips to yours. His breath is hot against your skin; the intoxicating concoction of his spicy cologne and his body heat makes your eyelids flutter. 
You jolt up suddenly, as another slender finger is thrust inside you. “Answer… Him.” Noah punctuates each word with a thrust of his fingers. 
"Yes," you moan, the word spilling desperately from your lips. You lick them, trying to wet your parched mouth. "Please," you beg, voice stronger with need.
Chris smiles, his mouth hovering just out of reach. "Ask nicely," he purrs.
Noah thrusts deep inside you and you arch up with a cry, lips seeking Chris's but denied at the last moment.
"Yes, please," you plead, drunk on desire, "I need you, please."
Noah's lips and tongue hungrily ravage your aching clit as a primal growl erupts from his chest. Chris grabs your face and crushes his mouth to yours in a searing kiss, forcing his tongue between your parted lips. His thumb caresses your cheek with dominant possession, his hand still gripping your throat. Waves of pleasure course through you and you swear you could come right at that moment. Noah clamps down on your trembling thighs with his elbows prying your legs apart wider. You clench around Noah’s fingers. 
“I’m so close!” you whine into Chris’ parted lips. 
“That’s it champ, you can do it.”  He leans over you to pin your hands against the headboard, leaving you at the mercy of Noah’s fingers and tongue. “Stop holding on and let go.” His command is soft yet firm enough to break you. Your eyes roll back as your climax wrecks through your body; Noah licking and sucking your sensitive bud as he finger fucks you through the aftershocks. 
Noah sucks at your throbbing clit once more while his fingers continue to thrust in and out of you. He lifts his head to meet your gaze, his pupils blown wide with primal desire. “Come on captain, give me all you got.” Out of nowhere, another orgasm plows through you. Noah is quick to swap his fingers with his tongue, licking and sucking every last drop you give him. When he’s satisfied, he rises from between your legs wiping your sticky release from his chin. 
“I’m going to grab us some water, ok?” Noah turns and trots out the door before you can respond in your blissed-out state.
You roll over to your side with a satisfied sigh, your gaze tracking Chris’ hands at the waistband of his jeans. Adjusting to sit upright on the edge of the bed, your breath hitches as you reach out to him once again, you hesitate- heart pounding and when you look up you find a small smile on the coach’s face and he nods. Licking your lips, your fingers work quickly to set his cock free. Chris moans softly when you push his pants and boxers down around his hips. Your eyes roam over the expanse of his tattooed body as he steps out of his clothes. 
A subtle flush colors his cheeks when he catches you staring at him; his a little larger than Noah but not by much- his tip red and angry ready for teasing. Chris’ eyebrows furrow slightly when you rise from the bed, his chest heaves with anticipation as you close the distance. He doesn’t say a word when your hands find purchase on his hips, or when you press your tummy against his erect cock, now chest to chest. Pulling yourself up on your tiptoes you tilt your head back and part your lips slightly. He answers your silent plea, lips pressing onto yours, tongues dancing wildly. You could drown in the taste of him, the feel of him pressed hard against you, but you decide it’s your turn to take charge. 
You push Chris onto the bed, and at first, his eyes widen, but when you point to the center of the bed- he obeys. The air around you is electric as you crawl over him, settling your thighs on either side of his hips. He hisses when your still slick pussy rubs against his throbbing cock. You know you don’t have much time alone with him and you don’t know how long he will let you take the lead. Forever grateful for the hair tie always around your wrist, you quickly toss your hair into a messy bun before leaning down to kiss him. Your lips graze against his, you pull back when he tries to kiss you back. A small whine tumbles from his parted lips and it ignites a fire in you. You lick and nibble at the script ink on his jaw, teasing your lips closer and closer to his mouth. And then you hear it.
“Please.” It’s hushed and a little strained. 
“Please what?” You whisper in the singer’s ear causing his neck and shoulders to quiver. 
“K-kiss me, touch me, fuck me.. Please,” he rushes out, his words a jumbling mess as you rut against him. You know you can only give him one thing as you hear footsteps pad through the hallway. You pull his face to yours, smashing his lips, tongues fighting for dominance, lungs begging for air. You rock your hips faster, clit aching for friction, heart racing as the footsteps get louder- you don’t stop as Chris writhes underneath you until-
You freeze, lips still locked when the door creaks open.
“Having fun without me?” Noah huffs a laugh, but you still hear a trace of envy. You part from Chris and watch as his gaze shifts beyond you. You try to turn your head but a pair of hands cover your eyes and grip the side of your face keeping you in place. 
“What the hell!?” 
“Shhh, relax,” Chris purrs into your ear, and his dominance returns in an instant.  Suddenly, something frigid and moist is pressed against your inner thigh. “The fuck?!” you shriek as your body tenses and shivers. “Please I-” and as soon as you start, the cold is gone only to be replaced by warm hands caressing the tender flesh of your thighs. “Fuck you,” you curse when fingernails dig into your skin. 
“She’s a mouthy one, coach,” Chris chuckles darkly in front of you. All of once the hands leave your eyes and thighs. Before you, Chris holds a bottle of water, and the bed creeks as Noah shifts behind you. 
“Drink up champ.” You begin to grasp at the bottle but he pulls away. “Uh uh, open up.” Your brows furrow in confusion until he opens his mouth and sticks out his long tongue. 
Tilting your head back, you shut your eyes tight, and pop open your mouth wide. Cool water trickles down the back of your throat, soothing you instantly. Once you’ve had your fill, you push away his hands to signal you’re finished. 
“Good girl,” he beams, then takes a swig from his bottle. 
“How am I doing coach?”
“You’re a real MVP.” He winks at you before turning to set his and your water down. 
The calloused fingertips dancing across your still moist lower lip, send shivers down your spine. Chris' husky voice tingles your ears as he purrs, "What else can this filthy mouth do?"
Before you can respond, Noah's strong hand encircles your throat, firm yet gentle as he lifts you from your slouched position in Chris' lap. You rise to your knees, back arched, eyes locked with Chris’ penetrating gaze. Noah gathers your hair from your messy bun in his tattooed fingers, gripping tightly as his other hand grasps your jaw.
"Open up, baby girl," he growls. You comply eagerly, slackening your jaw.
"Wider," Chris demands, his voice thick with lust. You obey, mouth agape, pulse racing.
"Just like that," Noah praises in your ear. "Good girl."
Ecstatic groans fill the room as Noah guides you down to Chris’ throbbing cock, eager fingers tangling in your hair. Chris’s length pulses against your lips, velvet heat enveloping him as you take him deep. Your tongue caresses every ridge, relishing his taste, his scent, losing yourself in this act of pure pleasure. Noah’s breath is hot and urgent in your ear, his words kindling the fire within. 
“That’s it, good girl.” 
Chris’s fingers tighten in your hair as Noah releases his grip, hips bucking, chasing that sweet oblivion. You ache to give it to him, to drive him over the edge with your mouth alone. Every muffled cry fans the flames of your own desire. Noah’s hand trails down your back following the curve of your ass to drop between your legs. Sliding two fingers into you, your walls stretch around his thick fingers until he’s down to the knuckle, making you surge forward thrusting Chris deeper in your mouth, it’s all so much to take in. Noah moves his fingers skillfully as you continue to bob your head back and forth.  Nothing exists beyond this room, this bed, beyond Chris swelling heavy on your tongue and Noah’s lips tracing the shell of your ear. 
“Come for us,” Noah whispers, and you shudder with need, ready to obey.
Noah's hard thrust of his fingers sends you surging forward, lips wrapped tight around Chris's thick length. "Mmffuck," Chris groans, fisting your hair to keep you still, slowing his urgent pace. Noah's lips graze your back in a tender kiss before his palm cracks sharply against your ass.
"Open up," he commands gruffly. You obey, spreading your legs wide, aching for him. With one powerful stroke, he's buried to the hilt, hips slamming into your ass. You cry out around Chris, drowning in bliss, loving their dominance. Hands gripping, cocks filling, they own you completely.
Your body trembles as Chris fills your mouth, his swollen cock sliding over your tongue. You moan around him, taking him deeper with each bob of your head. Behind you, Noah's thrusts quicken, pushing you further onto Chris with every slick slide.
"That's it, champ," Chris hisses, fisting your hair. "Relax for me."
You try to obey, loosening your throat as Noah's pace pushes you down Chris's length. Tears prick your eyes but you breathe through your nose, focused only on pleasuring them both.
"So beautiful like this," Noah groans, his nails digging into your hips. You clench around him, so close to the edge.
Chris hits the back of your throat and you swallow instinctively. "Fuck. Gonna come down this tight little throat."
You moan eagerly at his words, your own climax rushing up to meet you. You want them to use you, to take their pleasure, and mark you as theirs. You suck Chris harder, ready to swallow every drop as Noah pounds you from behind, driving you right over the edge into dizzying ecstasy.
You feel your orgasm building as you moan and scream around Chris's cock, still hard inside your mouth. Noah is pounding into you from behind, his thick length filling you up. "Fuck," Noah groans. "You're gonna come for us, huh baby girl?" You nod desperately, unable to speak with Chris's grip on your hair.
Your body tenses, muscles clenching as you hover on the edge. You hear Noah cursing as he gets close. Opening your eyes, you look up at Chris. His eyes are closed in ecstasy. You tap his thigh, wanting him to watch you come undone. When his eyes meet yours, it pushes him over the edge. "Jesus Christ," he moans, spilling down your throat. You swallow every drop, milking him as he trembles.
"Shit," Noah growls as he finds his release, pumping you full of his seed. Chris pulls out of your mouth and you gasp for air, jaw aching. Noah slides free and you collapse back onto your heels, thoroughly used and satisfied.
“Come on, champ we gotta clean you up.” Together, the coaches pull you up from the bed, looping their arms around your shoulders, they work in tandem to walk you to the bathroom. 
Chris turns on the shower while Noah distracts you with his teeth and tongue. Your body is set ablaze once again, despite already being thoroughly used. Suddenly, you’re being torn away from Noah and another pair of lips claim yours. The sound of slapped skin echoes through the small room as Chris is pressed against you with force. He moans into your mouth and a small giggle erupts as you imagine what Noah saw when he smacked Chris’ ass. Fingers grip around your wrist and you feel your body being pulled toward the shower. You don't mind being passed around like a soccer ball passed from one coach to the other.
“Let’s clean you up, captain,” Coach Davis’ tone of authority returns but softens with a wink and a peck to your lips. He guides you into the shower, the warm water envelops you as you close your eyes and let it soothe you. You melt into the touch at your hips, moaning into a pair of lips on yours. You don’t care who it is, you know they will take care of you, even if it’s for only tonight. Your thoughts sour at the idea of them leaving, each of them supporting you and pushing you to be the best player out on the field. You know they can help you be the best version of yourself. You are pulled from your melancholy when two hands grip your hips and twirl you around. Stumbling, over your feet from the slick floor you crash into another solid chest; sandwiched between two coaches again.
“Easy there tiger,” Chris growls in your ear. 
You barely have time to process what is happening when another pair of lips capture yours. Pressed up against a firm chest, your head rolls back when you gasp for breath. The air around you is hot and thick from the steam and the large bodies closing you in. Melting into Noah behind you, you close your eyes just for a second focusing on filling your lungs with air. You shiver slightly when his arms brush against your sides, pressing Chris’ firm body and hard-on against your tummy. His dick twitches making you giggle, but suddenly your suck in a breath when you hear wet noises above you. When you peer through your lashes you find the two coaches kissing. It’s rushed and sloppy with bitten lips and dancing tongues.
“Fuck.” Your pussy flutters at the erotic sight, which is only heightened by the water dripping down Chris’ hair turning it dark violet. You raise your hand to brush his hair away from his eyes, but yelp when it's gripped by another and yanked backward at the same time Chris’ hands clasp at your face pulling you into a searing kiss. 
“I need to wash these, princess,” Noah coos in your ear as he brushes his fingertips up and down your arms. Your only response is a loud moan when Chris nips at your lower lips as Noah begins to wash your body. You let the men take turns kissing and cleaning you. By the time the water runs cold, the three of you are thoroughly clean and satisfied once again.
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beaker1636 · 11 months
So no clue where this came from but it just happened like a month ago and I haven’t had the guts to post it yet but my friend Paige keeps telling me to soooo here’s a very smutty Chris fic.
Please be gentle, I don’t write smut at all, this is my first attempt. And I absolutely hate it despite paige and another friend saying it was really good. Also sorry if formatting gets fucked up, I type these on my laptop but can’t remember my tumblr password so I cut and paste it from a document on my phone into tumble so sometimes it gets wonky.
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“Hey baby, I am sorry but things are not going how I wanted so I will be done late, we will have to move our date to another night. As soon as we finish this song I will come to your place and we can watch a movie or something,” you read the message from your boyfriend Chris for a second time, your mood instantly dropping.
This is the third time he has had to cancel date night in the last couple weeks that he has been home so that they can continue working on the new album at night. You understand that this is what he does for a living but you are getting really tired of this happening all the time. Honestly, it is making you start to feel like you arent important to him and that maybe he doesn’t want you around as much as he used to.
You sign, before responding to him. ‘Okay, don’t worry about coming over tonight if you are going to be late, you can go home and rest so that you are ready to work tomorrow.”
You get a response rather quickly, catching you off guard. “I want to come see you, I feel like we haven’t had any time together with both of our jobs.”
That message is what finally breaks you, that makes you snap and let out all your frustration in one strongly worded message that you send back.
“And that is somehow my fucking fault, YOU are the one who has cancelled on me yet again. Go fuck yourself, I don’t even want to see you tonight now,” you type out, fighting tears of frustration that are threatening to fall as you hit send.
You quickly shut your phone off and throw it on your living room table so that you don’t have to see what his response is. You had a rough day at work and really needed to be with him tonight but that doesn’t matter anymore, nothing matters anymore.
Storming off to the bathroom you start to wash your face of your makeup, its just going to get ruined when you eventually stress cry, which you know is going to happen. You also say fuck it and change into pajamas, theres no reason to be dressed up just to spend the night alone in your apartment.
You follow this all up with getting a large glass of wine before going to your room with your new romance book to read and drink your feelings away, hoping that it would give you a much needed distraction so that you don’t spend your night sulking about your fight with Chris.
About an hour later it has worked, you are so drawn into the story that you don’t hear your front door open rather hashly, nor do you hear the footsteps leading to your bedroom until your bedroom door slams open.
You look up and gulp when your eyes lock with Chris’, his eyes showing you very quickly just how pissed off he currently is.
“This is seriously what you have been doing while ignoring my texts and calls? Reading a book?” He seethes, glaring at you to the point you are uncomfortable and glance away.
Fighting the tears that are now threatening to fall down your cheeks, you decide to be quiet for a minute to think about what you want to say.
“Maybe if you actually made time for me and didn’t always put me second I wouldn’t want to ignore you.” You finally say, quietly, feeling rather small in the moment. You hate confrontation so to know that Chris is upset with you really has you anxious.
“You know we are recording and have deadlines we have to meet, I can’t just leave in the middle of a song,” He spits out, growing more frustrated.
Feeling like Chris isn’t even listening to you and not wanting to get yelled at even more you decide to go back to reading your book, this conversation can be finished once he has calmed down some.
This is the last straw for Chris however, who is not going to let you continue to ignore him. He storms over to your bed and quickly rips the book out of your hands in annoyance, his eyes scanning the text on the page that you currently had the book opened to.
“Seriosuly, you are ignoring me so that you can read about other people fucking eachother?” His eyes darken as they scan your face, watching for your reaction.
Finally having enough of his tantrum yourself you finally crack. “Yeah, I am. It could have been us if you would actually show up for a fucking date.”
If he wants to fight then fine, you will fight back. He doesn’t get to be a dick when it is his fucking fault that you are upset and fighting right now. You match his glare, not wanting to be the one to back down at this point, too riled up to give in. But slowly his glare turns into a smirk, and he makes his way to the other side of your bed, climbing in next to you.
“You want to read your book so bad, fine. Read it, out loud,” he challenges, thrusting your book back into your hands.
“What? No I…. I can’t. That just, what? No Chris,” you struggle to come up with a coherent response, feeling awkward and honestly embarrassed at the thought of reading out such a dirty scene out loud in front of him.
“Why not? You seem like you have plenty to say tonight, so come on. Put your words to good use and read it to me,” he teases you. Chris knows that if he pushes you enough that you will do exactly what he asks you to, because you always do.
“Ugh fine,” you grumble.
You know Chris well enough to know that he is playing some kind of game with you but what exactly? You aren’t sure.
“‘You’re already so wet for me,” he whispers, his tongue running flat alone the darkening marks along your neck. He drags his fingers up the length of your heat’”.
You cut off suddenly with a gasp as Chris slips a hand inside your pajamas and your panties to do what you just read to you, removing the garments from your body.
“Keep reading, you wanted to ignore me for your book so bad so lets see if you actually can,” his voice grows deep as he continues to tease you.
You suck in a shakey deep breath before you continue.
“‘What do you want me to do to you,” he asks, your thighs shifting around his wrist. “Hmm?’
‘To touch me,’ you whisper, your voice barely audible in the quiet room.
‘You’re going to have to be more specific,’ he informs you. ‘And aren’t you forgetting something?’
‘Much better.’ He nod his head and you withhold a sigh, you’re never going to remember that. Before you can utter another word, two thick fingers are inside of you, you being wet enough to where he has very little resistance as he thrusts them knuckle deep.’”
You hesitate, swallowing as you try not to make a sound as Chris yet again does what you just read. You don’t want to give that cocky bastard the satisifation of knowing what he is currently doing to you.
He stops moving, glaring at you again. “You stop reading, I stop touching you.”
“‘ He pulls his hand back enough only to thrust them back inside you roughly, causing a deep whine to leave your throat at the sting of pain and pleasure, shivers immediately crawling up your spine.
He pulls away slightly, watching you under a heavy lidded gaze as his fingers continue to thrust into you, rough, forceful and unforgiving…”
You cut off, finally giving into Chris, whispering fuck this, throwing your book onto your bedside tabe before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.
He resists, not giving you the kiss that you are craving so desperately.
“I always get what I want,” he says with a chuckle. “And don’t think that after the way you spoke to me that I am going to let you cum that easily.”
You try to hide your disappointment when his fingers leave where you need them most.
“Now clean up the mess you made,” he demands, holding his hand infront of your face.
You learn forward, taking his two fingers between your lips, tasting yourself. You decide to take your time to make sure you actually get them cleaning, hoping that maybe if you do what he says that you will get what you want from him. He removes them, resting them on your lower lip.
“Good girl, now tell me, how bady do you want me y/n?” He asks, his eyes meeting yours.
“Badly, please Chris,” you whine, deperate for him to touch you again, to take care of the ache that he has created.
He slides your shirt off, smiling at the fact that you had already taken your bra off when you changed, leaving you bare as he stands up.
“Then how about you show me how much you actuary want me,” he commands, making you shiver at his tone of voice. “Get on your knees for me baby.”
You don’t hesitate to get up and do just as you were told. Reaching out to open the button and slowly slide the zipper down on his jean before tugging them and his boxers down in one movement, his hard cock finally free much to his relief.
He tugs your hair harshly, pulling you forward and silently urging you to do something, anything, just as desperate as you are for what is to come.
You wrap your hand around the base of his shaft before running your tongue along the underside, only to then teasingly lick around his head tasting the pre-cum there before dipping lower, not missing any of his length.
“Stop teasing,” he groans at your actions, growing frustrated as you continue to do so. You want your revenge for him doing just that to you earlier.
You can’t help but smirk up at him, glad that you could make him crave you just as much as he makes you crave him.
Finally you decide he has had enough and take him into your mouth, slowly lowering as your hands strokes what you can’t quite take. He tugs on your hair to make you look up at him as you hollow your cheeks and start to actually bob your head, ready to drive him crazy like he does to you. His eyes meet yours as you take him even deeper.
“Fuck, I love how great you are with your mouth,” he groans, knowing that the praise always motivates you, makes you work harder in hopes of receiving more of it.
He starts to pull on your hair, taking control away from you as he urges you to go faster. You gladly let him, loving that he is making you do what he wants, taking what he wants from you with no restraint.
He groans, pushing deeper, your eyes watering as you keep swallowing around him, trying not to choke as he gets rougher and rougher with you.
His eyes close as he leans back slightly, letting you deep throat him as he shudders, getting right to the edge. After a moment his grip on your hair tightens again as he pulls you away from his throbbing cock, you gasping for breath.
“Get on the bed, hands and knees for me baby,” he growls as he helps you up, pulling his shirt off as you crawl on the bed, looking over your shoulder at him.
You tense in anticipation when he climbs up behind you, pulling you back towards him by your hips and making you both groan at the friction that it creates. His hands pull you up by your hair o that your back is pressed against his chest, leaving kisses that trail form your neck to your ear.
“I’m about to fuck you, hard,” he whispers as he reaches around, cupping your breasts before pinching your nipples which makes you jerk back into him, causing the much craved friction between you both again.
You fail to fully process his word as all you can think about is your want, no your need to finally cum.
He gives you a kiss before letting you go, you falling back on your hands as he enjoys the view of your ass and the fact he is able to have his way with you without you putting up much a fight.
He can see just how wet you are as it glistens in the dim light from your lamp. It pleases him to know how much he can make you crave and need his touch, that only he can do this to you.
He cam tell that you are growing impatient as his fingers make their way to your hips yet again.
“I bet you still want me to go home, don’t you,” he murmurs, not wanting to give you what you want just yet.
You glare over your shoulder at him, barely holding on to what little resolve you still have left, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how badly you actually crave him.
“Use your words y/n, I want to hear you beg for me before I even consider touching you. You wanted to use them so badly to get me to leave earlier” he demands of you, harshly thowing back your words from earlier in your face.
You still refuse to answer, which just frustrates Chris, so he harshly smacks your ass, instantly making you whine at the sting.
“I still don’t hear you.”
“Oh come on, you can clearly tell how much I fucking want you. Just fuck me already,” you groan, annoyed that he is making you do this. Any other time you don’t mind begging but the angry part of you is still holding on weakly, making you want to put up a little more fight that usual.
“Good girl, thats more like it,” wraping his fingers around himself, practically pulsing from how close you had him with your mouth.
Without warning he roughly enters you, making you gasp in surprise. You press your face in your arm, jaw clenching at the sudden sting from the action.
He starts out rather slowly, deciding that he is still going to tease you before he finally starts to get rougher and rougher with each thrust, pulling your body back to meet his with each movement.
You lose your breath and close your eyes as you get closer and closer to the edge. Enjoying that he is being so forceful that it almost hurts, loving this new and rougher side of Chris that you have not seen before.
He’s slamming into you with no restraint, pulling you right to the edge but still not giving you enough to actually cum yet, the need tormenting you at how close you are.
His fingers slip around your waist to tour clit, making you cry out from the pleasure as he enjoys the sight of the bruises forming on your hips from the hold he just had on them.
You suddenly clench around him, making him groan.
“Please, Chris, I’m” you cut yourself off, not able to finish what you are saying as you beg him for your release, knowing that the only way he would give it to you is if you do.
“Fine, cum,” he demands as he presses his body down into yours on the mattress. “Cum.”
You finally do, your vision going a bit blurry as you cry out, loud enough that Chris secretly hopes that your neighbors have heard you.
His rhythm slowly becomes erratic as he can’t take it anymore and spills himself inside you with a low groan “fuck”.
His arms slip around you as you both go limp, him gently rolling you over onto your back as you lay there for a few moments, catching your breath, still pressed together as you lowly regain control of yourselves.
He slowly pulls away, gently helping you get more comfortable as you let out a sign in exhaustion. You barely notice that he left the room until he returns with a damp washcloth, helping you clean up the mess that you both let on your now very sore thighs.
“y/n, do you need anything? Are you alright?” he asks after he finishes, laying down next to you in the bed, pulling you into his arms and bruising your damp hair out of your face.
You nod, not quite ready to answer his question.
He gives you a very gentle kiss, almost as an apology before speaking.
“I’m sorry I haven’t had much time for you, I promise that I will take tomorrow off to spend with you, just us,” he says softly, toying with your hair in the way that he knows you love.
“Thank you,” is all that you mange to get out, not feeling like any other words need to be said as you oth lay there, slowly falling asleep next to eachother, glad that the fight has ended.
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ciginatree · 2 months
Update for This Place is Haunted
Sorry y’all this going to be a LONG story hope you’re ok with that 😅. It doesn’t feel right to split it into two parts so I think I’m gonna keep it one long ass one shot. I’m about halfway ish done with the rough and then it’s on to editing so my goal is to have it out by (at the latest) April 30th but hopefully sooner 🤞
In the meantime
I am just about done editing a smutty Vinny one shot that should be posted tonight. Lmk if you’d like to be tagged in that as well.
(If you haven’t been tagged in either and would like to be leave a comment and I’ll add you to the list)
@rumoured-whispers @black-damask-1999 @thewarmisice @skulliecadaver-blog
Followers who didn’t ask for tags but I’m gonna tag them in this one post anyway:
@tearfallpixie @dragon-chica
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windhamsrotunda · 2 years
Chris Motionless fanfic / headcannon, anyone?
Does anybody want to read a Chris Motionless fanfic / headcannon from this blog or on my Wattpad?? Thinking about updating my Wattpad plus blog. :)
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