#Christ crucified
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Christ on the Cross – Eugène Delacroix // Saint Julia – Gabriel von Max // Choreomania – Florence + the Machine
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arinewman7 · 1 year
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Christ Crucified
Diego Velazquez
oil on canvas, 1632
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
I'm surprised I can't find any fan art of Sir Pentious being crucified on a cross. He did die for our sins but came back and ascended to Heaven.
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otepotirenaissance · 19 days
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Taken by me, 2024
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ichverdurstehier · 3 months
Just had a Fanart Idea!
The crucifixion, but with TGCF characters. Xie Lian is Jesus ofc. Idk who else was there. I should have posted this back around Easter
Anyone who wants to draw this, pls tag me when you do it. Make it humourous, angsty, sexy, anything! I am not a good drawing artist so I cannot be picky.
Also I have only read volume one so far
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rottendust · 1 year
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More trinkets ^^
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Laura Makabresku – The Light of Contemplation
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tonreihe · 7 months
“Balthasar’s form of negative theology is close to the fierce Lutheran conviction that it is only in that concrete otherness to God embodied in the abandonment of the crucified Messiah to death and hell that the divine difference, both within God and between God and the finite order, can be seen.”
—Rowan Williams, “Balthasar and difference,” in Wrestling with Angels: Conversations in Modern Theology
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liliesofeden · 7 months
“In giving Christ to die for poor sinners, God gave the richest jewel in His cabinet; a mercy of the greatest worth, and most inestimable value. Heaven itself is not so valuable and precious as Christ is!”
- John Flavel
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 8 months
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
Japanese Spider-Man died for our sins
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Yes this is real and official.
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Christ Crucified d.1632 by Diego Velázquez.
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📍Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Diego Velázquez was a Spanish painter in the Baroque period. He studied under Pacheco at age 12 and was accepted into the Painter's Guild of St. Luke at age 18. He married Pacheco's daughter and his reputation grew in Seville. In 1622, he was summoned to the court of Philip IV to accept the vacant court painter position. He went to Italy for a period in 1629, studying the Renaissance masters. He returned to Madrid and continued his work at Court. He returned once more to Italy where he painted Pope Innocent X. He was the most important Spanish painter in the 17th century and his artwork became a model for 19th century Realist and Impressionist painters.
Baroque is a style of painting and other arts that flourished in Europe from the beginning of the 17th century to around the mid-18th century. In the territories of the Spanish and Portuguese empires it would last until the beginning of the 1800s, however. The Baroque style featured use of contrast, movement, exuberant detail, deep colours, grandeur in order to achieve a sense of awe. It was encouraged by the Catholic Church during the Counter-Reformation, in opposition of the simplicity and austerity of Protestant art.
The painting follows the accepted iconography of the 17th century: four nails, feet together and supported against a little wooden brace in a classic 'contrapposto' position. The painting is understated, with a dark background. The cross is plain and lacks any adornment. Christ himself is similarly unadorned. Both arms are slightly curved, instead of forming a triangle. The loincloth is small, showing the nude body as much as possible. His face rests on his chest, showing just enough of his face. Much is covered by his hair, perhaps foreshadowing death. A small hint of divinity lies in his modest halo. It lacks the typical characteristics of a Baroque painting.
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captainpirateface · 1 year
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rottendust · 1 year
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got crucified at the Beyoncé concert
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rukthedarkelf · 1 year
Good Friday
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