#Christ deniers
superbdonutpoetry · 1 month
Not Entirely Pointless
When people have closed their eyes and ears to what the Apostle Paul has to say, it is pointless continuing with the debate. Acts 13:50-51But the Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts. But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came unto…
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systemtermz · 2 days
Sometimes I look through a persons blog and I go ‘you would definitely think I wasn’t a real trans person because I liked dresses as a kid’ and block them.
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hotgirlscoups · 7 months
genuinely terrifying how i used to be mutuals on here w a person who has just gone fully mask off since the palestine genocide came into the news
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germiyahu · 1 month
It is absolutely disgusting to frame Jews as "ungrateful brats" for daring to (correctly) say "nobody came to our aid in WWII" while you yourself are being an ungrateful brat stomping your feet and screaming and crying that over 400,000 Americans "gave their lives to save the Jews."
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This patronizing and frankly victim blaming "community notes" on a speech made by Netanyahu is pretty damning! I smell some Hitler particles coming off of this, what about you? And we all know Netanyahu is a criminal clown but this quote:
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Was not incorrect.
It says so much about how you view the Holocaust if you agree with the American (and other Allies') perspective on the Shoah. History says otherwise. The Allies only cared about the Shoah when it was politically beneficial and convenient to frame themselves as liberators and heroes.
They turned boats carrying Jewish refugees away, the USSR sank some of them, drowning hundreds. All these governments denied entry visas. The United States allowed Nazi sympathizers to hold rallies and stage protests, while normal Americans prided themselves on their neutrality (more Americans were sympathetic to Syrian refugees entering in the 2010s than Jewish refugees in the 1930s).
American (and British) forces entering "liberated" camps were often "shocked" by what they found. And yet the world knew for years about Hitler's antisemitism, the Nuremburg Laws, Kristallnacht. So not only were they aware of the danger posed to Jews, most people as well as their governments didn't care. And their "shocked" reaction to discovering evidence of genocide should tell you they certainly weren't motivated to join the war to stop a genocide!
To demand that a people be "grateful" to you for doing nothing and then helping defeat the Nazis (for your own benefit) which stopped the genocide they faced after only a paltry 6 million people were murdered... you are the real brats. Thankfully a few brave naïve Twitter people pointed out under the predictable comments things like the Yad Vashem... or the fact that so many people saying "I've never heard a Jew thank a goyim for anything!" were met with "you probably don't know any Jews lol."
The legacy of the Holocaust/Shoah to people like this is "Worship us, sanctify our names and deepthroat our cocks forever because we think we saved you." Like how dare you think Jews should forever be on their knees kissing your feet because you deigned to "end" a genocide after 80% of Europe's Jewry was gone. Your true colors show the moment any Jews ever question America's exceptionalism and beneficence. This happens a lot. If an Israeli ever says a single thing that does less than imply sunshine comes out of America's ass, a lot of the (right wing) American non Jewish Israel supporters immediately go off the fucking rails and "threaten" to stop their support.
This is the dangerous side of American Philosemitism. Because without fail, and I mean without fail, this jingoistic kneejerk temper tantrum instinct in Americans invites literal Holocaust deniers to come out of their toilets and start spewing their vile nonsense. And do you know what all of these people crying about their peepaw's sacrifice for those ungrateful Christ Killers say in response to these Nazis? Nothing.
Their support for Jews is entirely contingent on how much Jewish people kiss their asses, or how much they perceive Jewish people to be kissing their asses, and America's ass. Childish!
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
Speaking at a rally for America First, founder and white supremacist Nick Fuentes called for a holy war against Jews on Sunday evening as well as going on an antisemitic rant, followed by influencer Sneako appearing on stage and calling him the future President of the United States.
"If a Gentile hits a Jew, he must be killed," Fuentes said as he began his antisemitic rant. "But, when a Jew murders a Gentile, there will be no death penalty."
Fuentes founded America First, a far-right organization that has questioned the number of Jews who were killed in the Holocaust and believes that Israel has a malicious influence on US policy.
"Do you think it might be a problem that the people that are running your banks, that are making the movies your children watch...," Fuentes added. "Do you think it's a problem that they believe that all Christians must die? It's a big problem. It's a huge problem."
Fuentes is a known Holocaust denier who first gained prominence after participating in the white supremacist "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville in 2017 and was banned on Twitter in July 2021, amid the platform's crackdown on far-right extremists, particularly in the wake of the insurrection at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Holy war with Jews?
Fuentes went on in his speech to call for a holy war on Jews, saying, "We're in a holy war and I will tell you this. Because we're willing to die in the holy war, we will make them die in the holy war. And they will go down."
"We have God on our side," he continued. "They will go down with their Satanic master. They have no future in America. The enemies of Christ have no future in this world."
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3rddimension · 2 months
I don't get people who are STILL very adamant with the whole thing being a bit. I even saw someone still in denial and asking for confirmation (like whut??), and say that they're being respectful and don't want crazy fans (people who believe court and shayne???) hounding them if it's a joke....brother in christ, you're the one hounding them like a crazy person...
One of the point that denier were talking is about long term prank like Arasha Marvel scam or Shayne's Chimpanzee fear. What they don't realized is that those pranks are for SMOSH EMPLOYEE ONLY and it's in just a limited time for a video. What we see is just the output of the prank and the victim is them not us. The implication would be so much bigger if they do it on the internet. Which pretty much go against their believe 100%.
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animeandcatholicism · 5 months
"Atheism, true ‘existential’ atheism, burning with hatred of a seemingly unjust or unmerciful God, is a spiritual state; it is a real attempt to grapple with the true God whose ways are so inexplicable even to the most believing of men, and it has more than once been known to end in a blinding vision of Him Whom the real atheist truly seeks. It is Christ who works in these souls. The Antichrist is not to be found in the great deniers, but in the small affirmers, whose Christ is only on the lips. Nietzsche, in calling himself antichrist, proved thereby his intense hunger for Christ…"
~Fr. Seraphim Rose
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a-faggot-with-opinions · 11 months
finding out the trans guy who made the mlm flag got (falsely) accused of being a rapist just because the flag looks kind like the lesbian flag (i mean the 7 and 5 stripe ones not the 6 stripe ones he also made) just makes me so depressed. I know if a cis guy made it that it wouldn't get half of the shit that it does.
seeing people repeatedly make jabs at trans men who like boys, calling us shit like "microseparatist gayboys" and tearing down anything that gets made by us or associated with us.... I love my other trans friends but sometimes i do wish there was a space where i could just be around other transmascs where I won't have to see us being falsely accused of rape for making some stripes in a row right next to people who say we don't face things like predator accusations...
I don't feel safe in my "community" anymore and it's breaking my heart. I was so excited to be out when I was 13 and now in my mid 20s I find myself wishing I was anything but what I am. Sometimes I want to look at these people and go "tell me where this alleged 'separatist' group is and I'll go there and stop 'tainting' your community with my transition". Even my love for other trans men is warped and demonized (because it couldn't be pure, it has to be somehow evil) or mocked as "pussy4pussy" (i'm meta4phallo)
Sorry for essentially venting in your inbox but reading those anons who are scared of being out in their own community and especially the anon who socially detransitioned because of "community" abuse/mistreatment. I'm so scared of that becoming my future and I really can't find any solution to it. I just want us all to be ok
Never apologize for venting in my inbox, or sending me a long ask about bad things. The more that transandrophobia can be documented, the less it can be ignored, and the worse its deniers will look. Thank you so much for sending me this, kind anon! (Under the cut there will be a short summary of a personal experience I had regarding sexual harassment, so if you don't want to see that, scroll past this post.)
Transandrophobia is rampant in gay communities, and homophobia + transandrophobia combined is horrible in the queer community at large. I've had multiple people lie about me, and while I've never been falsely accused of sexual harassment or assault, I have been accused of stalking and harassed over it, I've had people publicly speculate about my fetishes in front of me where I could see, with people defending the people doing that because the fetishes I "admitted" (fake screenshots) to "having" were "problematic."
Apparently that is okay to do now, because we're men and because we "chose" to be men that means we must be okay with being sexually harassed... (sarcasm)
Here's the thing. I've never heard the term "gayboy" used for a cis man, while it's used for trans men of all different ages, and while it's not inherently the most offensive term ever, its usage is infantilizing trans men and painting us as "gay man lite." We are not gay men lite, we are gay men. Them calling us separatists is really fucking weird because there are literally homosexual male separatists. They are called biphobic transphobic gay men and you can look them up here on Tumblr and find their blogs with hundreds of followers.
I wish I could crawl through the screen and punch those people who claim that false predator accusations are a transfem-only issue, because I've had it happen to me and so many other trans guys have had it happen to them too. Painting trans men as being predatory like a marginalized man stereotype and also a female invader into maleness at the same time is a very central piece of TEHM rhetoric and anyone who ignores that should be ashamed of themselves, because ignoring and erasing that such oppression exists is also a core piece of TEHM and also TERF rhetoric.
Every day I'm getting closer and closer to actually becoming a gay trans man separatist. Jesus fucking Christ. The rest of the world hates us and the rest of the queer community hates us too, and while I think that getting the queer community to unlearn their transphobia against us is important, I also think it is vital for us to have our own spaces to talk about our experiences without someone interrupting every 5 seconds saying "what about trans women?"
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wienersmosh · 6 months
how are there fucking genocide deniers on r/smosh? jesus christ being part of this fandom is actually so embarrassing sometimes.
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beepborpdoodledorp · 1 year
the way Wildchip deniers will literally break their backs bending over backwards trying to explain that they aren't gay for each other is astounding legit saw a guy a month or so ago describe their relationship as 'big bro/little bro' my brother in CHRIST Chip literally got hoisted up into Wildberry's arms and the first thing he says is how comfy it is what the FUCK type of brotherly relationship is that
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superbdonutpoetry · 1 month
Christ Deniers and Paul Deniers
Just when I thought the God deniers, Christ deniers and Paul deniers were too many and too much to handle on a Facebook group – I got this message which *made my day* ⬇️ “I wanted to push, MAD and LOL, but thought I better start with CARE!You just solved 2,000 years of Theological Debate, in a single F B Post!Please tell me/us what your definition for Grace is, and it’s source!I really want to…
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On July 7, 2023, the hosts of the Fresh & Fit Podcast had white nationalist Nick Fuentes as a guest on a pair of livestreams. During these livestreams, Fuentes engaged in his usual displays of bigotry: calling for a majority white country, condemning interracial relationships and women’s rights, praising Adolf Hitler, denying the Holocaust and, at one point, using the N-word.
The hosts of the show, Myron Gaines and Walter Weekes, often encouraged and agreed with Fuentes, and would play a sound effect of a cash register whenever Jewish people were mentioned.
During the first Fresh & Fit Podcast livestream, which was three hours long and aired on both YouTube and Rumble, Fuentes said that “women shouldn’t be getting educated” and shouldn’t have the right to vote. Myron Gaines said that women should be able to vote, but added that a “female’s vote should be half of a man’s vote” because men register for selective service.
When asked for his thoughts on “mass immigration,” Fuentes said he was “totally against it,” claiming that America was “founded, built, inhabited by white people” and “should remain that way.” Fuentes asked where white people will be “evacuated to” in the event that America is “taken over” and “they’re killin’ white people and we’re 30% of the population.”
Gaines also asked Fuentes if he’s actually an anti-semite for criticizing Israel or Jewish people since, in his opinion, a “small group of” Jews are “overrepresented” in certain careers or industries. Fuentes complained that if you suggest the Holocaust was “exaggerated,” or accuse Jewish people of dual loyalty, or suggest that Jews are part of a global conspiracy you’re considered anti-semitic.
“The FBI, the State Department says you’re an anti-semite if: Holocaust exaggerated, you think Jews are loyal to Israel, if you think Jews conspire in the world — which they do!” he exclaimed. “I mean what’s the World Jewish Congress? I mean what is that other than a global conspiracy?”
Fuentes blamed Jewish people for the murder of Jesus Christ (a belief renounced by the Catholic Church in 1962), and voiced support for the Judeo-Bolshevik conspiracy theory which posits that Jewish people carried out the Russian Revolution of 1917. “So it’s not just any group that’s running the society, it’s not just any group that wields its influence,” he said. “It’s a group that hates God. It’s a group that hates Christians. It’s a group that, historically, has hated Europeans.”
Co-host Walter Weekes chimed in to say that Jews “will inevitably bring about the end of the world,” and cited the Book of Revelation. “So what did the Devil do? Everything opposite [of what God wants],” Weekes added. “What are the Jews doing? The opposite.” Myron Gaines said he looked at the issue from a “geopolitical angle” and claimed that there is “100% proof that there was Israeli intelligence involved in” 9/11.
In a second livestream that lasted four hours and is now set to private on the Fresh & Fit Podcast YouTube channel, which has over 1.4 million subscribers, Gaines and Weekes included Fuentes on a panel alongside several Black women.
Early on in the show, Fuentes told the other panelists that he “support[s] most of” what Adolf Hitler did, and that he doesn’t believe that the Holocaust happened. Later on when they revisited these comments, Fuentes called Hitler a “good guy” and cited the work of David Irving, a notorious racist and Holocaust denier, to suggest that the Nazis did not carry out a genocide.
Irving denies the existence of Nazi gas chambers and once remarked that “I don’t think there was any overall Reich policy to kill the Jews. If there was, they would have been killed and there would not be now so many millions of survivors.”
Fuentes referred to Irving, who unsuccessfully sued historian Deborah Lipstadt for libel after she called him a Holocaust denier, as “one of the preeminent World War II historians in the history of the world.” Fuentes cited Irving’s false claims that Nazi concentration camps were not, in fact, “death camps,” and that Jewish prisoners mainly died of disease and starvation.
“And so when you see these pictures of people being shoveled in and the mass graves and things like that, maybe it’s not gas chambers. Maybe it’s not an extermination. Maybe these were people who still, unfairly and in a discriminatory way, were locked up for being Jewish. But maybe these technological horrors are exaggerated. Maybe the numbers are exaggerated,” he said, summarizing Irving’s position.
Fuentes concluded that “it’s a lot more plausible that this is being used to bully people into not talking about certain topics.”
Three hours into the livestream, in response to a viewer question about whether Fuentes had “support from a black / hispanic [sic] audience,” Fuentes replied that “Blacks love me because I’m honest.” When other panelists reacted to his use of the word “Blacks,” Fuentes said that they didn’t “want to hear my second choice.” After being egged on by other panelists, Fuentes then said the N-word into his mic.
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lutrinae9 · 4 months
Mercredi des cendres
“ Tu es poussière, et tu retourneras à la poussière.”
Genèse 3:19
Nous mes frères, à qui le combattant invaincu a dédié l’auguste pratique du Carême, repoussons nos désirs charnels et matons notre corps par les jeûnes, pour nourrir de vertus nos âmes. Que jeûne en nous le funeste amour des plaisirs , que jeûne toute injustice , que jeûne l’odieux esprit de rivalité , renonçons aux festins, mais renonçons plus encore à nos vices. Soyons tempérants, abstenons-nous de vin, pour éviter de céder à l’ivresse des plaisirs. Que sert en effet d’observer le jeûne quarante jours durant, et de ne pas respecter la loi du jeûne ? Que nous sert de déserter les banquets , et de passer tout le jour à des procès ? Que sert-il de ne pas manger le pain qui vous appartient , si vous dérobez la nourriture des pauvres ? Le jeûne du chrétien qui s’impose des privations doit être une nourriture spirituelle. Le jeûne du chrétien doit alimenter la paix et non pas les querelles. A quoi bon ne pas manger de viande , si de ta bouche sortent des injures pires que tous les aliments? A quoi bon sanctifier ton estomac par le jeûne si les mensonges souillent ta bouche ?
Tu n’auras vraiment le droit de fréquenter l’Eglise,ô mon frère, que si l’usure rapace n’a pas égaré et emmêlé tes pas dans ses mortels filets, tu n’auras le droit de prier ton Seigneur que si tes prières ne rencontrent pas l’envie dans ton coeur , tu n’auras le droit de te frapper la poitrine que si tu en as chassé toutes les volontés mauvaises.
Tu ne donneras un denier au pauvre en toute justice que s’il ne vient pas d’un autre pauvre.
C’est là, mes très chers frères, la faim vraiment religieuse, c’est là la nourriture des âmes fidèles Dieu, de celles où la chasteté sanctifie le jeûne , où la charité le rend joyeux , où la patience l’embellit , où la bonté le réchauffe, où l’humilité lui donne tout son prix . Autant que nous le pouvons, imitons le Carême du Christ par la pratique de ces vertus, afin d’attirer toujours sur nous, par ces deux jeûnes jumeaux du corps et de l’esprit, la grâce divine.
Saint Maxime de TURIN
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postbadbadassqueen · 1 year
Kallen's second Character song "One More Chance" Analysis
Kallen's second character song went out with the R2 sound drama 4 and brought some great information for all Kallen and/or Kallen/Lelouch fans, so I had to make a post about this song.
First off you have to know that while the beat of the song is very cheerful, the song in itself is rather depressing as it is basically Kallen singing about the new life someone she can't reach anymore gave her; And while she tried to enjoy and adore it, she can't help but feel his absence and long for his presence. As usual, as it was the case with every Kallen side material, this song caused flame wars on the internet, on the english and japanese side of the fandom because of Kallen's words (her song was released right after the ending of the show so those were her first words after the ambiguous Geass ending, and what words they were.)
Let's see the lyrics ~
The city will now awaken and I sense a new wind blowing While I shut a number of lost dreams deep in my breast
This one is pretty easy to decipher, as she talks about a new day/a new world, so that's actually pretty hopeful but then she has to talk about lost dreams she had (sadness is never far with Kallen post R2 material) and that she keeps quiet; You can try and guess about those lost dreams; Lelouch made her brother's dream come true, what are/were her dreams actually ?
Thank you for your love, for how you supported me All you people whom I've met up 'til today Thank you for your love, for I can't forget The person with a strong and beautiful heart
And there it is, at the very beginning the verse which caused torrent of R A G E and talks over the internet lol;
Kallen basically thanks those who supported her and that she met till this very day, so we can guess it's the resistance folks, the black knights, her friends in ashford, basically everyone who cared, loved and supported her;
And then she single out a person with a strong and beautiful heart she can't forget, and she also thanks him for his love; Honestly I've seen people try and try to debate about this verse, ultimately those who denied the possibility of Kallen thanking Lelouch for loving her had two arguments : 1/ He loved her like Jesus loved everyone (Yeah Lelouch became Jesus Christ superstar apparently) 2/ Kallen is delusional (don't laugh because most of the deniers of her side material went this way with everything that came out about her; the whole point of Kallen's side material would be to show how delusional she is.) Now of course, I think noone of those argument make sense, Lelouch loved his friends in various ways, but he wasn't some sort of demi god, for Kallen to single him out and thank him for his love, she just...thank him for his love. And while some will always deny he felt some romantic feelings toward Kallen, i'd say the point where I'd agree with them is actually that the nature of this love is still up in the air; Love doesn't mean romance after all (but that's when other Kallen's side material come into light and give more and more weight to the idea that Lelouch and Kallen definitely shared something more ambiguous than some would like to admit.)
We ended the battle but I still can't shed tears Not until that day when I've climbed our promised staircases
This one is a bit tricky; first off we have as usual Kallen trying to be strong and hold back her pain, because that's who she is, she is selfless and tried her best, all the time and...she talks about reaching a promise staircase; Now as far as we know, Kallen never made any promise to anyone...or did she ? We know two things came from Lelouch ; he wanted her to live on, and he had a personal little wish for her, to live her own dreams. (You can find the post about this on this link) ; So one could think she turned that into a promise, that she would indeed go on and do as he wanted for her. Just a thought.
I will try again, even when I stumble Push on my back so that I walk forward I will try again, and once day I'll catch up with you Encourage me by telling me I'm not alone, okay?
Just like most of Kallen's side material, this song is quite centered about her and Lelouch so there is next to no doubt she is asking for his support, even when she stumbles through life, as most people who lost dear ones hope they'll watch over them in the afterlife; The second part of the verse is quite sad as she talks about reuniting with him someday (so at the time of her death since in the anime canon, he is fully dead.) and ask for him to tell her he is still by her side. ...I don't get how anyone would actually try and pretend Gino/Kallen was a believable ship after R2. If anything Kallen seems even more in love with Lelouch after he died than she was during R2.
One more chance The dawn will come To the stars I want to wave to Yes, one more chance Shine again okay? Under the sky
So it's Kallen once again singing about this new chance at life she has (she got given) one can certainly overanalyze that and put more Lelouch in there but he is all over this song so no need for me.
Honestly, I want to see you And weep into your chest...
This part is pretty sad since she eventally let out her truth; while the whole song is about her being grateful for this life, asking him for his support and thanking him for his love she eventually gives up the pretense and just admits she wants to see him and cry in his chest. Kallen being honest there. To think some argues she only liked Zero.
One more chance Gaze at me So I can advance on the path I believe in Yes, one more chance Just once more I'll try living your share of life, too
Once again she talks about her new life, she asks Lelouch to watch over her, to give her the strenght she needs and she concludes by the fact she'll try to live for him as well. Urgh. That's pretty heartbreaking but that also means living to the fullest so while it's sad, it's also full of hope for Kallen's future.
One more chance The dawn will come To the stars I want to wave to Yes, one more chance Shine again okay? Under the sky
And that's the conclusion of the song with this repetition. That's about it for Kallen's second character song; While her first character song, platinium end, was about her being dere dere and full of admiration for her masked commander, her second character song is more mature and sad, with a Kallen trying desperately to be hopeful and glad about what she got, while still missing her special someone.
Kallen really ends up being a tragic character eventually, and her side material only intensify that.
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Just had to yeet a friend for sharing a YouTube video of David Icke talking about energy stuff and then *deleting my comment warning her that he’s a fucking antisemitic holocaust denying piece of shit* and THEN texting me telling me not to start a fight on her post AND THEN saying she wanted to invite him round to her house/retreat space.
Not knowing who Icke is is one thing (and would that no one knew who the fucker was)
Deleting a fucking comment warning someone who he is is already beyond complicity and into the territory of actively helping the guy continue to spread AFTER FINDING OUT HE’S A FUCKING HOLOCAUST DENIER.
And then texting me telling me not to start a fight? WHO IS GOING TO FIGHT ABOUT THAT, FRIENDO? who. The fuck. Exactly. Is. Going. To. Fight. About. That.
And maybe take a hot fucking second to consider why they’re doing that.
And inviting him round to your place?? Jesus fucking Christ I cannot fucking even.
Maybe at some point I will feel sad about losing that friendship and be able to remember why we were friends in the first place but at the moment I am just so fucking livid.
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trmpt · 8 months
“At every stage of his career, as an attorney and a state and a federal lawmaker, Johnson has immersed himself more deeply in a world where reality doesn’t matter and any wild belief is plausible. Hate thrives in that world, and so it was a relatively simple matter for it to embrace Trump’s drive to stay in power after he lost the 2020 election. The science denier became an election denier. When Johnson urged fellow House Republicans to oppose the results of the election, he did so in religious terms, Politico reported. “This is a very weighty decision. All of us have prayed for God’s discernment. I know I’ve prayed for each of you individually,” he allegedly told them. That is who Mike Johnson is: a polite extremist, who is no less radical than anyone who stormed the Capitol on January 6. The disciple of Christ is now a disciple of Trump.”
Sarah Jones
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