#Christian Garros
jazzplusplus · 1 year
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1956 - Birdland All Stars - Tournée européenne (programme en Français) - Lester Young, Miles Davis, Bud Powell, René Urtreger trio, Modern Jazz Quartet
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onboardsorasora · 1 year
Haven't had a whole lot of time to write lately, but I really wanted to hammer out a little update on these two idiots (affectionate). Moar Tennis AU!
Part 1 | Part 11 | Part 13
Part 12! - Figured a change in POV would be fun for this
Blake sighed and looked despondently over to an equally over it Mike. At least he had a partner in this chaos. Because clearly he was put here on this earth in this moment to suffer. 
Another breathless giggle punctuated the air and Blake watched as two grown men, two world class athletes at the top of their game in their respective sport giggle at dick jokes on a tennis court. 
“You’re kidding me, that wasn’t even funny.” Blake complained, reaching an exasperated arm out to point out the problem just in case Micheal forgot or wasn’t paying attention. The roll of his eyes was all Blake needed. 
The problems in question were on their knees in the service box, giggling so hard that they couldn’t breathe. To be fair, Blake expected this from Daniel. Daniel could hear the wind blow differently and start a chortle, sometimes (only sometimes) Blake wondered what went on between those ears. The mop of curls and bright smile disguised that the current world number one only had two modes; tennis and….whatever the fuck this was.
When they met Max, he seemed like a very straightforward fellow. Serious mostly, but clearly genial when he was ready. Unfortunately, he hadn’t anticipated that Max was truly the same brand of stupid. None of them did really. 
Scotty didn’t warn them, Mark didn’t warn them. Hell, Christian could have said something. But no… everyone said them getting together was a good thing and everyone noticed how happy they both were. Apparently Max was a lot more agreeable on the track some days, and less snappish with media on others. And that was great, truly it was. Honestly, Blake was happy for them.
But did no one care that for that to be a thing and a benefit, Blake had to put up with……..this?!
Micheal looked over unhelpfully, they watched from the covered benches, figuring it was best to just let them tire themselves out like toddlers. It was summer break for Formula 1, and tennis also had a bit of a break going as well. But Wimbledon was around the corner, so there wasn’t that much time to fuck around.
But Max had invited them all on vacation to a resort off the coast of Italy, as both a way to congratulate Daniel and his team for Daniel winning Roland Garros, taking home the whole thing. And also as a way for them to all relax a bit before everything started up again.
Daniel had been all too happy to flex his rudimentary Italian muscles. Blake had drank that first night to forget the heated look in Max’s eyes at hearing his boyfriend hold a conversation with an older lady in a different language. Apparently, that did it for him, who knew.
They spent the first two days chilling and partying and generally having a great time. That ultimately led them here, at the tennis court of the resort because dumb and dumber thought it was a great idea that Daniel teach Max how to play tennis. There wasn’t much teaching or tennis happening, between the groping and giggling. It was like watching two teenagers poorly try to hide that they were sexually aware. 
They haven’t even started drinking for the day yet and Blake felt like he already needed several shots. He wasn’t a babysitter damnit.
“What do you want me to do again?” Max called across the court, they seemed to be controlling themselves again.
“Just stand there and when I do this, you try to hit it back.” Daniel called back, mimicking a serve.
Max nodded, face focused. “Got it!”
They were quiet for a moment while Daniel presumably tried to regulate his serve to not actually kill or hurt Max when
“My name’s Jeff!” Max called out in a weird accent. The noise that Daniel released could only be constituted as a squawk, before he crumpled to the ground in tears. Again.
“The dick cannot be that good.” Michael muttered, which made Blake snort. He was massaging the bridge of his nose, not that it helped in any way, but it was useful to keep him from going over and strangling his friend slash client.
He cannot possibly suffer through any more of this. He wasn’t getting paid enough to. He wasn’t a babysitter, damnit!
“Hola todos!” Daniel screeched, which sent Max into another tizzy.
Michael and Blake released twin sighs of exasperation. They were totally babysitters because these grown ass men were children.
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jogallice · 1 month
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Aujourd’hui, mardi 13/08/24, Journée internationale des gauchers 🫲 Au niveau de vos déplacements, privilégiez vélo, trottinette, marche à pied, etc. 🌬️
Deux marchés le mardi à Annecy : marché de la vieille ville (rue Sainte Claire) de 7h à 13h et marché de la place des Romains de 7h à 19h (marché alimentaire le matin et produits divers toute la journée) ℹ️ Carré des Producteurs de 16h30 à 19h30 à Saint-Jorioz (Grand Annecy) 🧺
Activité manuelle : petit bateau en liège 🧒 Les enfants peuvent laisser libre cours à leur imagination et à leur talent artistique dans une ambiance conviviale et ludique 🎫 5 € par enfant, gratuit pour les adultes ➡️ Ce mardi 13/08/24 de 15h30 à 16h30 MJC Centre Social Victor Hugo ⛵
Dans le cadre de Mikado Plage 2024, Mikado Plage Novel : 1, 2, 3 jouez❗️Envie de sortir avec les enfants❓Ateliers créatifs, jeux de société, jeux en bois, animations sportives et musicales, etc. ℹ️ Buvette sur place ➡️ Ce mardi 13/08 de 16h30 à 21h dans la cour du Gymnase du Novel ⛱️
Kaléidoscope (trio de musiciens) & Malachite (troupe de danse)  ℹ️ Dans le cadre de la 2e édition de Plages en scène (tous les mardis jusqu’au 27/08/24) ➡️ Espace du Plant (Veyrier-du-Lac, Grand Annecy) ce mardi 06/08/24 (ouverture à 18h30, spectacle à 20h30, buvette et restauration sur place) 🎶
Big Band Christian Garros : la bande aux seize talents pose ses pupitres le temps d'une soirée pour une délirante ambiance de fête et beaucoup de swing ℹ️ Dans le cadre du 9e Impérial Annecy Festival qui a lieu du mardi 13 au vendredi 23/08/24 🎫 22, 15 et 8 € ➡️ Ce mardi 13/08/24 à 21h à l’Impérial Palace 🎷
L’opération Vital’été a repris du service dans la cité lacustre le lundi 8 juillet (jusqu’au samedi 24/08/24) : aujourd’hui (mardi 13 août), aquagym, natation, touch tennis et “Savoir rouler à vélo en sécurité” 👌 Activités gratuites et ouvertes aux adultes, profitez-en 👍
Qualité de l’air dans la cité lacustre (indices ATMO) : la canicule perdure et la qualité de l’air se détériore une nouvelle fois. Les niveaux d’ozone pourraient s’approcher du seuil de 180 µg/m3 mais ne devraient pas le dépasser, grâce à un vent régulier 💨
L’indice de risque pollinique à Annecy est moyen (armoise, graminées, plantain et urticacées : niveau 1 ; peuplier et platane : niveau 0) ➡️ Indice communal valable du 10/08/24 au vendredi 16/08/2024 inclus 🤧 Personnes allergiques : privilégiez le matin pour vos activités de plein air 😷
Les quatre dictons du jour : « Le temps du 13 août , dure quatre jours. » ou « Le temps du 13 août, dure quarante jours. » 🤔 « À la saint Hippolyte, quand l’eau abonde, la misère est dans le monde. » 💧 « C'est vers la saint Hippolyte que le raisin change au plus vite. » 🍇
Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée annécienne et un très bel été à Annecy, dans les 33 autres communes du Grand Annecy, en Savoie ou ailleurs 🏖️
Bon deuxième jour de la semaine à tous et à toutes 🐦
Bonne fête aux Hippolyte et demain aux Évrard 😘
📷 JamesO PhotO à Annecy le samedi 10/08/24 📸
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moviesandmania · 10 months
TEETH (2007) More reviews of dark comedy horror
‘It’s what’s inside that counts’ Teeth is a 2007 American comedic horror film written and directed by Mitchell Lichtenstein, about a teenage girl who has teeth in her vagina. Plot: Dawn O’Keefe (Jess Weixler) is a teenage spokesperson for a Christian abstinence group called The Promise. She attends groups with her two friends, Alisha (Julia Garro) and Phil (Adam Wagner). One evening after giving…
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youblogzz · 1 year
French Open announces prize money increase for 2023
FILE PHOTO: Tennis – French Open – Roland Garros, Paris, France – June 4, 2021 Ground staff clear water of a cover after rain stops play REUTERS/Christian Hartmann The prize money for this year’s French Open will total 49.6 million euros ($54.6 million), up 12.3% on 2022, organizers of the claycourt Grand Slam announced on Friday. The amount offered for the Roland Garros singles draws will be…
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nievesmorena · 2 years
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El 12 de octubre de 1996, en Saint Jean de Luz, moría el tenista y empresario francés René Lacoste. Nacido el 2 de Julio de 1904 en París, Jean René Lacoste se encaminaba mas a ser un intelectual dedicado a las letras que a un deportista, sin embargo a los 15 años, en una visita familiar a Inglaterra vio un partido de tenis y quedó obsesionado. A poco de dedicarse al deporte se dio cuenta que no contaba con ningún talento natural ni destreza innata para el Tenis, pero decidió reemplazarlo con esfuerzo, trabajo y dedicación. Primero se abocó a mejorar su estado físico hasta convertirse en un verdadero atleta, luego contrató a un profesor para agregar técnica y elaborar tácticas. Lacoste pretendía que su entrenador estuviera todo el día con él, pero también tenía una vida, por ello René inventó la primera máquina lanzadora de pelotas de Tenis. En 1922 solo 3 años después de iniciarse en el deporte participa en el torneo profesional de Francia, (actual Roland Garros), y se gana un lugar en el equipo nacional de Copa Davis. Cuando aún no se había convertido en una figura del tenis, un profesional de la generación de los llamados "Mosqueteros Franceses" se burló de él por tener un "Profesor", Lacoste lo desafió a un partido, su rival aceptó y le preguntó "-Por que jugamos?", René le contestó "-por tu bolso de cocodrilo", Lacoste ganó y a partir de allí lo llamaban "El Cocodrilo". A partir de 1925 llegaron sus mejores años, Ganó 7 torneos de Grand Slam y 2 Copas Davis, ganándose por fin el respeto del mundo del Tenis y lo que a él mas le interesaba, el de los "Mosqueteros" Jean Robert Borotra, Christian Boussus y Henri Jean Cochet. En 1932 abandona la práctica del deporte pero nunca se alejó de él, fue capitán del Equipo francés de Copa Davis entre 1931 y 1933 además de ser presidente de la Federación Francesa de Tenis hasta 1942. En 1933 funda la empresa de indumentaria deportiva "Lacoste" cuyo logo no podía ser otra cosa que un cocodrilo, en 1963 revoluciona el Tenis nuevamente diseñando una raqueta metálica, con ella se obtuvieron 46 torneos de Grand Slam, principalmente en manos de Billie Jean King y Jimmy Connors. Recién en 1976 fue incluido en el salón de la fama del Tenis junto a sus adversarios y aliados "Mosqueteros". Ya retirado de la administración de su empresa y de la vida pública la muerte lo encontró el 12 de Octubre de 1996 en su residencia de Saint Jean de Luz, sudoeste de Francia.
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odk-2 · 2 years
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Modern Jazz Group featuring Lucky Thompson - Tight Squeeze (1956) Lucky Thompson from: "Modern Jazz Group" (LP) "Jazz in Paris Series" (CD) (2000 Remaster Reissue)
Jazz | Bop | Instrumental
JukehostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Lucky Thompson: Tenor Saxophone Henri Renaud: Piano Benoit Quersin: Double Bass Christian Garros: Drums
Recorded: on March 7, 1956 in Paris, France
Released: in 1956 Le Club Français Du Disque
in 2000 (CD) Jazz in Paris: Modern Jazz Group Gitanes Jazz Productions
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richwall101 · 5 years
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The Jacques Loussier Trio The Jacques Loussier Trio was a French Third Stream jazz piano trio, led by pianist Jacques Loussier, that became known for its jazz interpretations of European classical music. They were commonly known in France as "le trio Play Bach" after the title of their first LPs. The trio was formed in 1959 by Loussier, bass player Pierre Michelot, and percussionist Christian Garros. They reworked mostly Baroque music, in particular that by Johann Sebastian Bach, but also by Vivaldi and other composers, to fit their own style and instruments Their amazing jazz interpretations of Bach's music is a joy to listen to...
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chien-fantome · 2 years
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elcorreografico · 3 years
Café con rosca PRO bonaerense entre Garro, Grindetti y Tagliafferro
#POlítica #BuenosAires | Café con rosca #PRO bonaerense entre #JulioGarro, #NéstorGrindetti y #RamiroTagliafferro #Juntos
Los intendentes Néstor Grindetti (Lanús) y Julio Garro (La Plata) sumaron este lunes al excandidato a senador provincial y exintendente de Morón, Ramiro Tagliaferro, a la mesa política que fundaron hace una semana, con la que pretenden consolidar un nuevo espacio político dentro de Juntos que los tenga como protagonistas de cara al 2023. La movida, un flashback de lo que fue hace dos años la…
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globalhappenings · 3 years
Green pass, Carrà and sport: 2021 in Italy as seen by Google
Green pass, Carrà and sport: 2021 in Italy as seen by Google
Green pass and booking of vaccines, farewell to Raffaella Carrà, but also Mario Draghi, Spid, Zan’s bill, Maneskin and Matteo Berrettini. In the year still marked by the pandemic but also by the many sporting successes of our country, this is what Italians have searched for on Google. The search engine publishes as usual ‘A Year of Research 2021’, a look at characters, questions, topics that…
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jazzplusplus · 2 years
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1956 - Birdland All Stars - Salle Pleyel (Paris) - Lester Young, Miles Davis, Bud Powell, René Urtreger trio, Modern Jazz Quartet
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whitewolfcraft · 4 years
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Got my finger on my pulse (it's steady)
by WhiteWolfCraft for Ricciardos
“You want me to play doubles with Gasly?” Alex asks, interrupting Christian’s convoluted explanation. Christian glares at him and Alex wants to shrink in on himself, but squares his shoulders and holds Christian’s gaze instead.
“Yes, Alex. As I was trying to say, Red Bull is one of the main sponsors of Roland Garros this year, and they want their athletes in every event.”
“And Max can’t do it instead of me?”
“Max only plays singles.” Christian says. “Look, I’m aware it’s not ideal and that you’d rather play with Russell, but Red Bull is an important sponsor. One you can’t afford to lose.”
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dimartblog · 7 years
Trois Gnossiennes
Αυτό δεν είναι τραγούδι #1060 Dj της ημέρας, ο Τάκης Φωτιάδης Το 1957, σε μια διάλεξή του στο Πανεπιστήμιο Brandeis στη Μασαχουσέτη, ο συνθέτης Gunther Schuller χρησιμοποίησε για πρώτη φορά τον όρο «Τρίτο Κύμα» προκειμένου να περιγράψει ένα νέο μουσικό είδος, κάτι μεταξύ κλασικής μουσικής και τζαζ. Βασικό στοιχείο της μουσικής αυτής είναι ο αυτοσχεδιασμός. Το 1961 ο Schuller  επανήλθε,…
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gustojazz-blog · 8 years
BWV1052 (Keyboard Concerto No.1 in D minor) by Jacques Loussier Trio, 1984.
Notice in particular the black hole the trio finds towards the end of the first movement.
00:00 1 Allegro 09:48 2 Adagio 13:44 3 Allegro
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Asamblea Legislativa entrega reconocimiento como «Hijo Meritísimo de El Salvador» al tenista sonsonateco Marcelo Arévalo
En una emotiva ceremonia en el Palacio Legislativo, el tenista salvadoreño Marcelo Arévalo recibió este galardón, luego de haber ganado su primer Grand Slam, en el torneo de Roland Garros, en la modalidad de dobles.
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El presidente de la Asamblea Legislativa, diputado Ernesto Castro, entregó al tenista salvadoreño, Marcelo Arévalo, la distinción como «Hijo Meritísimo de El Salvador», tras ganar su primer Grand Slam, en el torneo de Roland Garros, en la modalidad de dobles, junto con su compañero, el neerlandés Jean Julien Rojer.
El diputado Castro dedicó algunas palabras al tenista salvadoreño, luego de su gesta obtenida el sábado pasado.
Por su parte, Marcelo Arévalo agradeció a la Asamblea Legislativa por el reconocimiento, y al presidente Nayib Bukele por haber estado pendiente de él durante gran parte de su carrera, y también al presidente del Indes, Yamil Bukele.
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Con 77 votos, el pleno legislativo acordó declarar con título a Marcelo Arévalo por quedar campeón en la modalidad de dobles masculino en el Roland Garros.
«Gracias a personas como Marcelo Arévalo que pudieron superar tantas adversidades y alcanzar el éxito. Queremos decirle con orgullo que la Bancada Cyan lo apoyará en sus nuevos retos», expresó el diputado Christian Guevara.
Por otra parte, esta mañana, el destacado tenista ofreció una conferencia de manera de oficial con el respaldo del Instituto Nacional de los Deportes (INDES) en el que, entre lágrimas, expresó su agradecimiento por el apoyo a su carreta y además prometió brindar todo su apoyo a la infancia.
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«Después de 25 años he podido cumplir un sueño ganar un torneo de Grand Slam, esto me motiva tanto que hoy creo estar listo para comenzar a devolver parte del apoyo que he recibido de mi país», indicó el campeón de dobles del Roland Garros.
El siguiente objetivo del deportista es entrar entre los mejores 10 tenistas del mundo, en este momento se ubica como 14 del ranking mundial ATP.
«Quiero estar entre los mejores diez del mundo y ¿por qué no ser número uno?, pero como siempre he dicho, en el tenis hay que ir paso a paso y así se han venido dando las cosa», expresó Arévalo.
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