#Christoph Meier
phantomlover04 · 1 year
No Trust
Summary: King Byron said many times that he does not let others sway his decisions, but what if the ones closest to him are the reason there is a strain in his relationship with the Princess
Warning: Angst, tears, breakups, bad guys and fluff at the end
The sky was black, and the rain was pouring, Antoinette sighed softly as she looked out the window. She wishes that she didn’t say anything, but she couldn’t keep it in anymore, but he needed to know how they were making her feel, how he chose their point of view instead of hers, how even though he mentions many times he values her input he would never accept them and only took the advice of them. And now because of what was said, she returned the ring and he left, she told everyone that she doesn’t want to be disturbed for any reason, not even for King Ronold.
She couldn’t help but to dream of him and how much she wanted to be back in his arms while she cried herself to sleep. Back in Stein, King Byron was no better, ever since he returned from Wysteria with the ring heavy in his pocket, at first, he didn’t see what she was talking about and few days later he noticed how much Albert was slightly pushing his own agenda and trying to get a new princess for him or how Albert put it a “REAL” princess with TRUE noble blood. Byron didn’t say anything at first until a few days later when Albert and Nico were at it again as always when he suddenly stood up “Enough, now I see what the Princess was talking about, you both have influenced my decisions and especially you Albert, no wonder she didn’t felt at ease here and why she called off the engagement. Nico write to the Princess that and say that I am sorry for what I said to her and would love to see her again.” After that Byron left his office and went to the stables. He took a ride to clear his mind and prayed that Antoinette could forgive him.
It took a few days before she was able to get out of her chambers, Giles was kind enough to listen to her and one of the maids made a cake that her own mother always baked when she was upset. It was a month before a letter came from Spinner, the letter was from Nico that King Byron was sorry for what said and would like to talk to her. Antoinette gave some food and water to Spinner and while he ate, she ripped the letter and put inside a pouch with the necklace she had received from him long ago and she tied the pouch to Spinner’s leg before he flew away. “I do not want to know about anymore personal letters from Stein and Giles. You can take care of the official letters that we receive from them.” With that Antoinette got up from her desk and went back to her room for the rest of the day.
When Nico came back with the ripped letter in a pouch, he understood that it would take some time before the Princess could forgive him but when Nico pulled out the necklace that is when he felt a pain in his heart. Dismissing both of them, he took off his patch and began to cry, whispering to the necklace that he clutched in his hand for his love, his Antoinette to forgive his stupidity. Over time the mood of the Princess changed, once all cheerful to one of somber mood and never with a smile on her face. Even though she was trying to forget him she couldn’t, the love she has for him was too great and the pain of their separation was ever more that she cried herself to sleep every night since the first letter arrived and true to her request, Giles made sure that any letters from King Bryon was swiftly returned unopened. Bryon would see the returned letters, sighed and tried his best to get back to work. 
This is how it went for the next few months and everyone in both kingdoms felt the sadness from both of them and guilt was eating Albert the most that he did the only thing he thought he would never do, ask Nico for help. Nico didn’t say anything because he felt terrible as well and was more than willing to help get the Princess and King Byron back together. So when a quick dispatch was sent to Giles requesting help from them on trying to get them back together and quickly sent a response back while getting Alyn and Leo to his office to discuss the plan. A few days later, Giles arrived at the Princess’ office “What seems the problem Giles” Antoinette asked “King Ronold has requested for you and Alyn to go to the forest to investigate some disturbing reports that children have been dumped due to being illegitimate. He would have gone himself but he felt that this situation needed a delicate touch.” Giles told the lie like it was the absolute truth, when he came to the King a few days ago, asking for help, The King was more than willing to help and came up with the ruse, knowing that Antoinette would not be able to refuse to help children in need. He was right, because right after she finished the report she was working on, she quickly changed and went to the stables where Alyn was waiting for her with a horse and Hedwig ready to go.
Albert and Nico came to King Byron’s office with reports of poachers in the forest, putting his papers that he was reading down and out the door. Once at the stables he summons Spinner to fly ahead.. Antoinette and Alyn were the first to arrive at the forest and she gave Alyn a look before asking why they were at the forest near the border of Stein. “I am sorry but this is where the children are rumored to be dumped.” he shrugged as he got off, “Why don’t you go ahead and see if there is any truth to the reports, I will be there is a second,” she gives him another look before making her way into the forest. At the same time on the other side of the border, King Byron and Spinner arrived in the forest and he made his way into the forest. Unfortunately they were not the only ones there at the forest, indeed there were two poachers and were about to kill a wolf and her two pups when out of nowhere they heard the Princess call out for the children and make her way to where they were.. They were not the only ones who heard her, Byron thought he was dreaming and shook his head and continued to where he thought he heard her voice. Arriving at where the wolf family were, she was shocked and then quickly went to try to free them when she heard a dark laugh “ I would not do that if I were you, it is a wild animal you don't know when it will destroy that pretty face of yours.” Antoinette stood up and stood between the wolf and them and the wolf growling at the poachers and out of nowhere two flashes of white nose dived and attacked them, it was Spinner and Hedwig trying to protect the Princess. One of them came towards her and tried to attack her but with help of the owls she was able to use one of their weapons against him and killed him but the other one got behind her grabbing her by the neck and was about to stab her when he let go and fell to the ground dead. Antoinette turned around, dropped her weapon due to seeing Bryon with his sword out and panting because he heard everything and ran as fast as he could due to seeing the owls’ nose diving to protect his Queen. It took her a minute to register what had happened and forgetting what happened in the past, she went running into his open arms, he kissed her passionately, not letting her go and she returned his kiss with equal passion. A few minutes later Alyn arrived and got to work on healing the wolf before they left, not before howling in gratitude. When they returned to the castle, everyone from King Ronold to Albert and Nico were waiting for them.
After dinner, Byron and Antoinette went to the garden to talk. As they made their way to the garden, Byron took off his eye patch because he wanted to truly see his love, his Antoinette. Taking a seat close to the fountain, he began to apologize and explained that he now understood what she was talking about. “For now on, as God as my witnesses, I promise that you and your opinions will come first.” Looking into his eyes she knew that he was telling the truth and smiled sweetly at him. Out of nowhere he stood up as Spinner swooped down and dropped something in his hand, and Byron got on one knee “Would you do me the greatest honor and say yes on becoming my queen, my love” he places the sapphire ring on her finger “Yes, a thousand times yes” she whispers as he rose up and gather her into his arms kissed her like he never kissed her before. For the rest of the night, he proved to her that he never stopped loving her and he will never break his promise.
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midcinmancave · 7 months
Story Prompt:  “Ok, Show Me”
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Summary:  The Princess is being childish about bandaging a cut. Complete Story Source
Fictober Submission #11 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  The Princess, An Unnamed Suitor Warnings:  Slight blood, minor cut Rating/Genre:  General Audience, Romance Writer:  Robert Branche's Admin
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peachblossomsreplies · 10 months
summary : christopher is getting punished and someone related to him walks in on the sight.
muse : christopher meier, eighteen, bisexual, versatile switch, bookstore employee, jack champion fc.
while christopher was thankful his parents were out of town for the week, he hadn’t been able to get away with as much as he thought he would. he had decided to hold a rather large house party, deciding he would have enough time to clean up the inevitable mess left behind. but he was paid an unexpected visit by his uncle, the disappointment evident on his features the moment he walked in. he knew he was in big trouble. once the party cleared out, his ‘punishment’ began — an unexpected one to say the least. his uncle made it very clear that he wouldn’t tell his parents about this all, as long as he behaved. it was difficult not to comply. in the morning, his uncle had him change into a lingerie set with thigh highs and gloves and lay face down on his bed. his hands were promptly tied behind his back and a pillow was settled underneath his hips, propping his ass up. commanded to open his mouth, a cloth was promptly stuffed into it. the soft silk wad was so big that it poked out of his mouth slightly, not able to keep it all inside. another cloth was tied over his mouth and nose before a vibrator was forced in between his legs. he was left to lay there for hours on end, unable to keep track of how many orgasms he had suffered through. he didn’t even acknowledge the door to his room opening once more, completely blitzed out and drooling as he ceaselessly moaned into his gag.
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incorrectmidc · 2 years
Giles: Why are you naked?
MC: I don’t have any clothes..
Giles: *opens MC’s closet* Yes, you do! Like these dresses, these blouses, this coat, Hi Nico, oh and these socks..
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tuttocenere · 8 months
Opera videos that are 10/10 to me
Some recordings I've seen that I personally think are perfect and amazing, listed for your convenience, in chronological order. I have posted about most of these before and probably will again.
Händel, Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1724), Glyndebourne 2005
The opera: It's Julius Caesar in Egypt. Someone loses his head, Cleopatra seduces a guy, her brother is king but not very good at it. This opera is 4 hours long and a lot of stuff happens.
The video: Beautiful choreographies, strange meditations on British colonialism and gender, great costumes too. Lots of stage blood.
Notable singers: Danielle De Niese, Christophe Dumaux
Official link: Glyndebourne Encore, there's also a low res version on medici.tv, there's also a 2013 revival on Met on Demand.
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Mozart, Don Giovanni (1787), Festival Aix-en-Provence 2017
The opera: The bad man gets punished. It's Don Juan.
The video: A minimalist, "Brechtian" production. The acting is excellent, the costumes and gestures are very effective, everyone involved is super hot. The camerawork is the best I've seen.
Notable singers: Nahuel di Pierro, Isabel Leonard
Official link: medici.tv, it used to be on Youtube but alas.
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Rossini, Le Comte Ory (1828), Metropolitan Opera 2011
The opera: It's a fun farce about a youth who tries to seduce a countess and ends up in a threesome. Peak Rossini.
The video: A very Disney-esque production with simple sets and fairytale costumes, excellent acting, wonderful all around.
Notable singers: Juan Diego Florez, Diana Damrau, Michele Pertusi, Stephane Degout, Joyce DiDonato (yes, all of them)
Official link: Met Opera on Demand
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Gounod, Faust (1859), Metropolitan Opera 2011
The opera: A very simplified version of Goethe's tragedy Faust, a scholar makes a deal with the devil, seduces a girl, then regrets it.
The video: Instead of a 16th century devil, the seducer here is 20th century science. Basically Faust is a scientist who works for the military, his work haunts him and kills everyone he loves. The video itself is serviceable, I just really like the concept.
Notable singers: Jonas Kaufmann, Rene Pape
Official link: Met Opera on Demand
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Verdi, Don Carlos (1867), Paris 1996
The opera: Based on Schiller's tragedy Don Carlos, it's about a crown prince who is very bad at his job and in love triangles with literally every other character. Heart-rendingly sad. I love it.
The video: This is pure eye candy, everything is unbelievably aesthetic and well shot, the gestures are fantastic, there's a lot of stage blood at one point. Mildly 90s camp but in a good way.
Notable singers: Thomas Hampson, Roberto Alagna, Waltraud Meier
Official link: medici.tv
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* Mostly based on whether I think the opera and production and video (and audio) are good. Very much my personal taste; I'm not an expert. I'm linking to official (paid) ways to watch them, all of them can also be found on the internet in various places, but the subtitle situation might be dire. Enjoy responsibly.
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toffoliravioli · 1 year
ok serious talk time; things I noticed/what went wrong (bare with me it’s a long one) let’s discuss
if I was the coach of the devils I would be focusing on these points:
the devils were very much trying to match the rangers physically and it’s been biting them in the ass. they’ve been hitting more yes but what does hitting do? It slows you down. And what’s the devils strong suit? They’re fast. They work on speed and skill. they need to stop trying to play the rangers game/style. It’s like they’re playing this “see what they do then respond” game. How about not focusing on them and worry about what you’ve been so good at. Play your own game, that’s how you went 3/4 on them in the regular season. Literally there was no need to be physical bcuz your speed worked in your favor.
Another thing. For the love of all that is holy stop leaving Christopher “powerplay merchant” Kreider alone in front of the net. Don’t leave anyone alone for that matter. Are you dumb or are you stupid. He’s had to score on you 4 times in two games for you to figure this out? He’s literally the perfect example of a net front presence and you leave him ALONE EVERY. TIME. What the actual fuck are you doing, you’re better than that. If anything our pk has always been better than our powerplay so what are y’all doing.
Along the lines of the pk and penalties; how about you stay out of the box? Idk why that’s such a hard task but literally stop. Frustration is a mood killer. You get frustrated and then your stick ends up in the face of a rangers player or you end up hooking them, now you’re in the box oh no, instant rangers goal.
veterans need to step up. doesn’t necessarily have to be on the scoresheet but I want to know what’s being said between periods. I’m hoping you are not going into the locker rooms crying, feeling sorry about yourselves. Remember when the leafs had that sucky game against tampa last year and then spezza gave a speech before the third period and then they went out and won. yeah now give me that with palat or Haula or smith who apparently is such a great locker room presence. EVEN NICO WOULD BE A GOOD SPEAKER. He’s young but he’s the captain for a reason.
head macho man himself lindy ruff; sigh. ok I have many things to say but I’ll keep it simple. this fucking blender-made lines is ridiculous. Enough is enough. You tried every possible line combination and it’s throwing the entire team off. Chemistry will never be made if you can’t stick to one set of lines. Here’s my line suggestions:
Shara-McLeod-Bastian or Lazar
and last but not least, the dreaded powerplay. what can we even say that hasn’t already been said. shoot the puck more, stop passing something something something. you have some of the best scorers on your top line and all they do is play pass the potato with the puck. who scored tonight? Haula. A second pp unit player. Your second unit is out showing your first, make it make sense. Completely unacceptable. You have to shoot, when y’all try and set up the perfect shot you’re literally giving Igor all the time in the world to set up. We need those ugly goals, the ones he doesn’t see coming.
In conclusion I’d be a much better coach than Lindy, Fitzy this is my official job application, pls take my notes into consideration thank you very much have a lovely night have a cookie 🍪
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offender42085 · 10 months
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Post 1039
Christopher M Thayer, Wisconsin inmate 670913, born 1979, incarceration intake July 2018 at age 39, scheduled for release May 2031
In January 2018, a drunk man who refused numerous offers of rides home drove off from the Kenosha bar where he’d spent most of New Year’s Day, crashing head-on into another vehicle, killing the driver.
Friends and family of the defendant--39 year-old Christopher Thayer from Racine—and those of the victim—53 year-old Djuana Latshaw—filled the courtroom of Judge Jodi Meier to the point where the sentencing hearing had to be moved to a larger space. 
The sentence of 13 years behind bars had been recommended by prosecutor Angelina Gabriele. She said the defendant missed opportunity after opportunity to head off the disastrous outcome.  
According to the criminal complaint, Thayer turned down numerous ride offers, then snuck out of the bar before a friend could arrive to pick him up. "Everyone in that bar recognized the severe degree of intoxication of Mr. Thayer and attempted in every conceivable way to convey that to him," said Gabriele. "But he disregarded all of them." 
In her remarks, Judge Meier echoed the sentiment, saying she had a hard time getting past some of the aggravating factors in the case.
The crash also seriously injured the victim’s seven year-old grandson, who has since mostly recovered from his injuries.
Thayer owns a building company that employes nearly two-dozen people. His attorney, Jonathan LaVoy, said his client has already settled a civil suit with the victim's family, and has undergone an alcohol assessment, which found that while Thayer at times drank too much, he wasn’t alcohol dependent. LaVoy argued for leniency. "He's really shown in my estimation true, genuine remorse really from day 1," LaVoy said. "It's not remorse about 'I got caught' or 'I'd better say the right things.' 
Thayer’s wife also spoke, saying that spending hours in a bar drinking was not in her husband's charater. She described him as a kind-hearted family man and good husband. The couple has two small children.
Christopher Thayer says he has no memory of events leading up to the crash. 
Thayer's pick-up truck crashed into the victim's compact car with such force that the car got pushed into a tree. Gabriele said it was a miracle that the boy wasn't killed as well. 
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yuarose · 10 months
Here’s the ages for Inner Demons, set in the "present".
These characters would be in college or have jobs [part-time or full time]. They're listed in alphabetical order and since the list would be overwhelming as it is. I refrained from adding any more.
Also, please note there are a few name alterations to full names or just surnames for the story. Moreover, I'll be figuring birthday dates later. Very later. It's not that important.
EDITED AS OF 24.10.23: Ages changed and added a few characters.
[**] Love interests will be in bold.
[20 years old]
Bertha ‘Red’ McArthur Clyde Donovan Craig Tucker Dogpoo Petuski Eric Cartman Estella Havisham Esther Stoley Gareth Jr ‘Gary’ Harrison Heidi Turner Henrietta Biggle Kevin Stoley Leopold ‘Butters’ Stotch Leslie M. Astravia Pete Thelman Philip ‘Pip’ Pirrip Scott Malkinson Stan Marsh Thomas Evans [OC] Tsuji Yoshimi Tweek Tweak Wendy Testaburger
[21 years old]
Annie Knitts Babette ‘Bebe’ Stevens Christophe Delorne Damien T. Morningstar Dovahkiin Argento Gregory H. Barron II Jimmy Valmer Kenny McCormick Kyle Broflovski Nichole Daniels [OC] Pamela Yeong Tolkien Black Trent Boyett Y/N Tucker
[22 years old]
Darcy Jameson [Romper Stomper] Herbert Pocket Josh Meier [OC] Lucius Magné Michael Yeong Terrance Mephesto
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garadinervi · 1 year
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The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2021 = Die schönsten Schweizer Bücher 2021 = I più belli libri svizzeri 2021 = Les plus beaux livres suisses 2021, Awarded in 2022, Edited by Nicole Udry, Tan Wälchli, Samuel Bänziger, Rosario Florio, Larissa Kasper, Concept and design by Samuel Bänziger, Rosario Florio, and Larissa Kasper, Texts by Tan Wälchli, With contributions by Franziska Burkhardt, Christoph Franz, Laura Serejo Genes, Winfried Heininger, Medea Hoch, Walburga Krupp, Charlotte Laubard, Michael Meier, Alexandre Quoi, Stephanie M. Rebonati, Sereina Rothenberger, Sigrid Schade, Nicole Udry, Tan Wälchli, Federal Office of Culture Bern, 2022 [Photos: BAK/Clément Lambelet]
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fettesans · 7 months
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Left, photograph by Jakes Walters, from the editorial Protection Racket, a portrait of Richard D. James / Aphex Twin, for The Wire, November 2003. Via. Right, Christoph Meier, untitled, 2022, refractory clay, glazed, horse hair, variable dimensions. Via.
See also, Joan Jonas x (La) Horde.
Some patients can have vivid and detailed sexual hallucinations during anesthesia with sedative-hypnotic drugs like propofol, midazolam, diazepam and nitrous oxide. Some make suggestive or sexual comments or act out, such as grabbing or kissing medical professionals or touching themselves in a sexual way. Others awaken erroneously believing they were sexually assaulted. Why does this happen?
Doctors have long known that sedative-hypnotic drugs, which slow down brain activity to induce calm or sleep, can affect a patient’s perception of reality. A 1984 review of the drugs midazolam, ketamine and thiopental found that 18% of patients receiving anesthesia for a dental or medical procedure had a hard time distinguishing reality from fantasy during and shortly after administration. Similarly, a 1980 study found that around 14% of patients report some sexual dreaming or arousal while under anesthesia. It’s no surprise that together these two features of anesthesia could sometimes manifest in sexual hallucinations. (...)
While we reviewed all published cases of sexual hallucinations in the medical literature, the actual incidence of anesthesia-induced sexual hallucinations remains unknown. Given the decades that have passed since the first reported cases, more work needs to be done. Data from a very large sample size of patients will be required to understand the prevalence of sexual hallucinations under anesthesia. However, drug companies are reluctant to spend money on research that may show that their drugs cause adverse side effects.
Finally, though we limited our review to reports of sexual hallucinations during anesthesia, millions of Americans use other prescription sedative-hypnotic drugs. Benzodiazepines like alprazolam (Xanax) and temazepam (Restoril) are used to treat anxiety and induce sleep. Z-drugs like zolpidem (Ambien) and eszopiclone (Lunesta) as well as suvorexant (Belsomra) and sodium oxybate (Xyrem) are also used to induce sleep. Opioids like morphine and oxycodone and gabapentinoids like gabapentin (Neurontin) and pregabalin (Lyrica) are used to treat pain. Muscle relaxers like carisoprodol (Soma) and cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) are used for muscle spasms. All of these drugs have had reported cases of patients experiencing hallucinations while taking them.
Melody White and C. Michael White, from Scientists raise the alarm about vivid sexual hallucinations under anesthesia, for PsyPost, October 28, 2023.
Hair does not attain relic status until it is removed from the head. The act of cutting creates a literal and mystical separation between hair and body; it is a rite by which the hair is transformed into personal relic and a model of remembrance. The hair’s cut edge represents the transition from natural artefact to cultural relic, when, Oliver says ‘the present presence of the body is anticipated as a future absence.’
Karen Bachmann, from The Power of Hair as Human Relic in Mourning Jewelry, Death: A Graveside Companion, edited by Joanna Ebenstein, 2017. Via.
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entrelac · 4 years
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I'm done with you!
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amphtaminedreams · 2 years
The Best of the Runway with a Guilty Side of Pre-fall, from A-Z: RTW Fall/Winter 2022 (Part 3)
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-GCDS RTW, creative dir. Giuliano Calza-
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-Giambattista Valli RTW, creative dir.”- 
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-Givenchy RTW, creative dir. Matthew M. Williams-
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-Gucci RTW, creative dir. Alessandro Michele-
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-Halpern RTW, creative dir. Michael Halpern-
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-Helmut Lang RTW, creative dir. Thomas Cawson-
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-Hermes RTW, creative dir. Nadège Vanhee-Cybulski-
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-Heron Preston RTW, creative dir.”-
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-Isabel Marant RTW, creative dir. Kim Bekker-
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-Issey Miyake RTW, creative dir. Satoshi Kondo-
Tumblr media Tumblr media
-Jacquemus RTW, creative dir. Simon Porte Jacquemus-
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-Jil Sander RTW, creative dir(s). Luke and Lucie Meier-
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-Johanna Ortiz RTW, creative dir.”-
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-Jonathan Simkhai RTW, creative dir.“-
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-Khaite RTW, creative dir. Catherine Holstein- 
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-Kim Shui RTW, creative dir.”-
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-Knwls, creative dir. Charlotte Knowles-
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
-Lanvin RTW, creative dir. Bruno Sialelli-
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-Laquan Smith RTW, creative dir.”-
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-Lemaire RTW, creative dir(s). Christophe Lemaire & Sarah-Linh Tran-
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-Loewe RTW, creative dir. Jonathan Anderson-
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-Louis Shengtao Chen RTW, creative dir.”-
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-Louis Vuitton RTW, creative dir. Nicolas Ghesquière-
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-Maggie Marilyn RTW, creative dir. Maggie Hewitt-
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-Marine Serre RTW, creative dir.”-
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-Mark Fast RTW, creative dir.”-
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-Marni RTW, creative dir. Francesco Risso-
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-Marques Almeida RTW, creative dir(s). Marta marques & Paulo Almeida-
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-Maryam Nassir Zadeh RTW, creative dir.”-
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-Max Mara RTW, creative dir. Ian Griffiths-
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-Michael Kors RTW, creative dir.”-
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midcinmancave · 2 years
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“I chose you.”
Tragedy strikes Wysteria Complete Story Source
Fictober Story  #04 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  Giles Christophe, Leo Crawford, Albert Burckhardt, Alyn Crawford, Robert Branche, Sid Arnault, Nico Meier, Michelangelo Christophe Warnings:  Death, Angst  Rating/Genre:  General Audience, Tragedy, Romance Writer:  KoW Writer Project
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ier-6d · 5 days
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Much like a Disney sequel, we return to address the recently released remake, finding ourselves stunned to discover it's... good?? Great even???  Here you'll find fangirling over the improved love story, comparisons not only to the animated feature, but to the Broadway musical and the original fairytale, and discussions on Disney's past, present, and future offerings of fairytales that little Black girls can see themselves in.
Warning: some swearing, and descriptions of the gory details in the original fairytale.
Point of intersection found: Daveed Diggs voiced Norath Kev in Resistance and Crux in Visions.
Additional degrees found: Christopher Fairbank played Ulaf in Andor.
Uncredited amendment found: Russell Balogh played Triton Guard #1 in The Little Mermaid and had an uncredited role as Major Ralo Surrel/Red Eleven in Rogue One.
Wendy H. Meier played an uncredited Townfolk in The Little Mermaid and had uncredited roles as Theater Patron in Revenge of the Sith, Bar Patron in The Force Awakens, Village Girl in The Mandalorian, and Villager in Andor.
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r-schwarz · 1 year
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Lukas Stopczynski, Robert Schwarz, Ute Müller, Christoph Meier
18.01.2022 - 06.03.2022
MAK, Vienna, AT
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miralbusiness · 2 years
Mos speedrun cover art5
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Mos speedrun cover art5 how to#
Mos speedrun cover art5 manuals#
Mos speedrun cover art5 archive#
They don’t write about video games to assign a number of stars-or whatever it is video game reviewers assign to video games so that you can decide whether to go out and buy them. It is also not a collection of reviews because these writers are not primarily reviewers.
Mos speedrun cover art5 manuals#
This book is not a collection of instructions video games stopped coming with detailed user manuals years ago, embedding their directions within tutorial levels and progressive design. Although that may be all well and good for academics to share their insights with one another, who else wants to read that? We believe that the vast majority of people who watch television or play video games, whether they are students in a course or inquisitive everyday readers, have something to learn about popular culture from us media scholars if only we presented our ideas in a style designed to be more broadly read and understood. Most of these authors are academics, who typically publish their work as 25-plus-page essays in journals or 200-plus-page monographs, often with hundreds of citations, detailed sections on methodology, and commentary on insider debates within the field. The premise behind both of these books is to assemble essays written by very smart people with very smart things to say about popular culture, such as television and video games.
Mos speedrun cover art5 how to#
Instead, How to Play Video Games features 40 essays, each focusing on a particular video game and modeling a critical approach to understanding video games as popular culture. Look elsewhere for walkthroughs, cheats, and speedruns. That is, our book didn’t teach people how to watch television (who needs a book for that?), and these essays do not teach you how to play video games. The title of that book was the same kind of joke. We know because the format of this book is modeled on our own book, How to Watch Television. Walden, a game: Reflection Tracy FullertonĪppendix: Video Games Discussed in this Volumeįoreword Ethan Thomp s on a n d Jason M it tel l To avoid confusion, we, the writers of the foreword, wish to clarify one thing up front: the title of this book, How to Play Video Games, is a joke.
Mos speedrun cover art5 archive#
Tempest: Archive Judd Ethan Ruggill and Ken S. Shovel Knight: Nostalgia John Vanderhoefģ9. Counter-Strike: Spectatorship Emma Witkowskiģ7. Minecraft: User-Generated Content James Newmanģ5. Game Practices: medium, technology, and everyday life 31. Medal of Honor: Militarism Tanner Mirrleesģ0. Tomb Raider: Transmedia Jessica AldredĢ9. LEGO Dimensions: Licensing Derek JohnsonĢ8. Angry Birds: Mobile Gaming Gregory Steirer and Jeremy BarnesĢ7. Ball-and-Paddle Games: Domesticity Michael Z. Cookie Clicker: Gamification Sebastian DeterdingĢ5. Game Dev Tycoon: Labor Casey O’DonnellĢ4. Clash Royale: Gaming Capital Mia ConsalvoĢ3. Miyamoto/Kojima: Authorship Jennifer deWinterĢ2. industry: industrial Practices and structures 21. Borderlands: Capitalism Matthew Thomas Payne and Michael Fleisch Age of Empires: Postcolonialism Souvik MukherjeeĢ0. Sniper Elite III: Death Amanda Phillipsġ9. PaRappa the Rapper: Emotion Katherine Isbisterġ7. The Queerness and Games Conference: Community Bonnie Rubergġ5. Leisure Suit Larry: LGBTQ Representation Adrienne Shawġ4. The Last of Us: Masculinity Soraya Murrayġ3. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood: Feminism Shira Chessġ2. Representation: social identity and Cultural Politics 11. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Music Dan Golding BioShock Infinite: World-building Mark J. Don’t Starve: Temporality Christopher Hansonĩ. Planescape: Torment: Immersion Evan Tornerħ. Sid Meier’s Civilization: Realism Peter KrappĦ. Grand Theft Auto V: Avatars Harrison Gishĥ. King’s Quest: Narrative Anastasia SalterĤ. Introduction: A Game Genie for Game Studies Matthew Thomas Payne and Nina B. Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Also available as an ebook We strive to use environmentally responsible suppliers and materials to the greatest extent possible in publishing our books. Classification: LCC GV1469.34.S | DDC 794.8-dc23 LC record available at New York University Press books are printed on acid-free paper, and their binding materials are chosen for strength and durability. | Video games- Moral and ethical aspects. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Video games-Social aspects. Description: New York : New York University Press, | Includes bibliographical references and index. Title: How to play video games / Edited by Matthew Thomas Payne and Nina B. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Payne, Matthew Thomas, editor. Neither the author nor New York University Press is responsible for URLs that may have expired or changed since the manuscript was prepared. N EW YORK U N I VE RSI T Y PRE S S New York © 2019 by New York University All rights reserved References to Internet websites (URLs) were accurate at the time of writing. How to Play Video Games EditEd by mattHew tHomas Payne and nina B.
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