#Christopher Arredondo
badmovieihave · 6 months
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Bad movie I have Weedjies!: Halloweed Night 2019
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obrother1976 · 1 year
top 10 favorite academic papers pretty please!!!!
love u anon <33 here u go:
"Taste and see that the Lord is sweet" (Ps. 33:9): The Flavor of God in the Monastic West by Rachel Fulton (this fully was a work of art. from the discussion at the beginning of what it means to taste to the fictional interlude of the reader talking to rupert von deutz.. im forever in love w this one)
WOUNDING, SEALING, AND KISSING: BRIDAL IMAGERY AND THE IMAGE OF CHRIST by Lieke Smits (didnt talk about anything else for like a week after reading this. this ones less on here for the way its written and more for what its about bc im obsessed w devotional literature and recountings of visions of christ)
Wilde's "Salomé" and the Ambiguous Fetish by Amanda Fernbach (the only thing u'll ever need to read on salome. kidding ofc but this was by far the most interesting discussion about salome that i've ever read)
Masochism and Piety by Robert M. Pierce (a classic for this blog. i've literally posted about this one time and time again and for good reason tbh. only thing that im still mad about is that i cant find the cited prayer tracts anywhere online </3)
Erotic Martyrdom: Kingsley's Sexuality beyond Sex by Charles Barker (i'll never get tired of reading about kingsley. and every time u hear the words "erotic" in a theological context trust i will be there lmao)
Praying the Rosary: The Anal-Erotic Origins of a Popular Catholic Devotion by Michael P. Carroll (this ones rlly just here bc it was so balls to the wall. personally i dont think theres much actual academic value here but i love it anyway)
Rolle's Eroticized Language in The Fire of Love by Brad Peters (could talk about richard rolle for days. & this paper is exactly about what i find so interesting about him & devotional lit in general - the reader/writer dynamic and which role the writer assigns each of them)
Sociology and the Problem of Eroticism by Chris Shilling and Philip A. Mellor (the one sociological paper in here lmao. i prommy thats not on purpose, im just more of a book reader when it comes to sociology)
Touching and Not Touching: The Indirections of Desire by Naomi Segal (esp the part about getting inside the body of the other. originally only started reading this for dead ringers related reasons but its so dear to me now. i just love discussions about the senses in general)
Totalitarian Lust: From "Salò" to "Abu Ghraib" by Eduardo Subirats, Christopher Britt Arredondo (was trying to get more into film studies and such so i just randomly typed in a few of my favourite movies to see if something popped up and then i found this masterpiece)
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dankusner · 1 month
DPS Dodges Transparency in Uvalde—Again
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By reinstating Texas Ranger Christopher Ryan Kindell in early August, Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Director Steve McCraw seems to have once and for all sidestepped a public reckoning over his agency’s role in the botched law enforcement response to the deadly May 24, 2022, shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde.
McCraw fired Kindell more than a year ago, accusing him of failing to meet department standards in responding to the active shooter who killed 19 students and two teachers in 2022.
But as long as Kindell’s appeal of his termination was ongoing—the ranger has been on paid leave pending the outcome—McCraw faced the specter of a public hearing and potential scrutiny of high-ranking DPS officials, some of whom the U.S. Department of Justice says also violated state policy on the day of the shooting.
On August 2, McCraw suddenly—and without hearing Kindell’s appeal—reversed the firing and sent the ranger back to work.
In doing so, the longtime head of DPS avoided having to explain his original decision in an open meeting before the governor-appointed Public Safety Commission, which oversees the state police.
Meanwhile, DPS is appealing a judge’s order requiring the state police to release records related to the shooting.
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“The agonizing experience this blame shifting has been for the victims’ families in Uvalde is unacceptable,” former Rangers Chief Chance Collins, who said he believes Kindell should never have been fired in the first place, wrote in a text message to the Texas Observer.
“Accountability is one of the core values of DPS and it is time the Public Safety Commission held everyone accountable that contributed to this unjustified action and unnecessary anguish.”
DPS didn’t respond to questions for this story.
A department spokesperson shared with reporters a letter McCraw sent Kindell, in which the director cites a Uvalde grand jury’s decision not to indict the ranger as a factor for his reinstatement.
The Robb Elementary memorial in Uvalde in July 2022 (Gus Bova)
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“This is very confusing,” former DPS Commander Patrick O’Burke told the Observer.
“We’re going to take responsibility, but we’re not responsible. We’re going to punish a couple people, but we’re not going to punish them. We’re not going to release the information to let others reach that conclusion.”
Ninety-one DPS personnel, including two captains and a major, were among the nearly 400 law enforcement officials who responded to the 2022 shooting in Uvalde. McCraw and Governor Greg Abbott initially praised their response as brave and effective.
As details leaked out in the ensuing days and months, however, state officials scrambled to explain why the shooter was left in a classroom with wounded and dying children and teachers while police officers huddled in the hallway.
A host of reports in the wake of the shooting have described a chaotic scene as law enforcement agents swarmed the school but waited more than an hour to confront the shooter, even as 911 dispatchers relayed urgent pleas from children inside the classrooms.
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Just days after the shooting, McCraw falsely accused a teacher of leaving a door propped open, permitting the shooter to enter the school, and placed blame for law enforcement failures on former Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police Chief Pete Arredondo.
But by August 2022, McCraw promised an internal review, telling CNN: “Every one of our officers will undergo scrutiny by the DA and an internal investigation—just because they didn’t violate the law, doesn’t mean they acted appropriately based on our policy.”
McCraw eventually told DPS’ inspector general to investigate seven officials, according to records the agency provided the Observer in response to requests under the Texas Public Information Act.
Four of them were exonerated, and their names have not been made public.
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In August 2022, former Trooper Crimson Elizondo, who had been suspended pending the outcome of her investigation, resigned.
Two months later, McCraw sent a termination letter to former DPS Sergeant Juan Maldonado, who retired rather than fight his firing.
Also in fall 2022, DPS suspended Kindell, the only Ranger assigned to Uvalde, telling him he was under investigation for his response to the shooting.
The Rangers are a division of the state police who primarily serve as major crimes investigators in rural areas of Texas where law enforcement doesn’t have a lot of resources or training.
Kindell’s suspension created problems for criminal cases unrelated to the Robb shooting that he’d investigated for 38th Judicial District Attorney Christina Mitchell, the prosecutor for Uvalde and Real counties.
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Mitchell pushed DPS for an explanation, and in September 2022 DPS Inspector General Phillip Ayala wrote Mitchell a letter trying to assuage her concerns.
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Ayala wrote that the “investigation does not include any apparent misconduct or matters related to Ranger Kindell’s integrity.”
But one of Ayala’s own investigators seemed to contradict that a month later by filing a complaint against Kindell accusing the Ranger of incompetence, according to records obtained by the Observer.
At the time, Mitchell, who didn’t respond to questions for this story, said she was concerned DPS hadn’t followed its own policies when it suspended Kindell.
McCraw fired Kindell last January based on the recommendation of the same inspector general who’d vouched for the ranger’s integrity a few months prior.
The ranger’s response to the shooting “did not conform to department standards,” McCraw wrote in the termination letter.
“As a Texas Ranger, you are expected to overcome conflicting information and accurately assess the tactical situation. … You took no steps to influence the law enforcement response toward an active shooter posture.”
Under DPS policy, Kindell had 10 days to request a meeting with McCraw to challenge his termination.
If McCraw decided to go through with the firing after that meeting, Kindell was entitled to a hearing before the Public Safety Commission.
The hearing would be open to the public, and the details of DPS’s response to the shooting would likely be put under a microscope in front of reporters.
Kindell requested the meeting, but instead of granting the meeting and hearing his appeal, McCraw essentially kept the ranger on ice for 19 months.
DPS blamed Mitchell, whose grand jury investigation dragged on until this June, for the hearing’s delay.
In January, DPS said McCraw would not hear Kindell’s appeal “until the Uvalde County District Attorney has finished her investigation and the grand jury has made a decision on criminal charges.”
But McCraw had other reasons to be wary of a hearing before the Public Safety Commission.
The Rangers’ top brass ultimately answers to McCraw, but records obtained by the Observer show that last year the division’s leaders objected to Kindell’s firing.
In a public hearing before the commissioners who oversee him—and who just last year gave him a $45,000 annual raise—McCraw was likely to have his decision-making called into question by law enforcement officers who are revered by many state leaders like lawmen in a western novel.
homer garrison
Collins, the former Ranger chief, said he would have testified on Kindell’s behalf.
“Terminating an employee and publicly humiliating them for two years should … be based upon facts of a competent investigation rather than concerns of political optics,” said Collins, who retired in September 2022.
“As a proud DPS retiree, I can say the even deeper concern here is that when times are tough and consistency in leadership is the healing expectation of our citizens and employees, it is missing at DPS.”
A public airing of the events of May 24, 2022, might have also drawn attention to the actions of high-ranking DPS personnel.
The federal Justice Department review of the response to the shooting reported that no law enforcement official, including Kindell—the report only identifies him as “Ranger 1” but the description of his actions makes his identity clear—“effectively questioned the … lack of urgency” by police on the scene.
The Justice Department also criticized other, unnamed DPS “senior leaders” on scene for not setting up a command post to coordinate between the multiple agencies responding to the shooting.
Immediately after police, led by a specialized unit of the federal Border Patrol, finally killed the shooter, top state police officials added to the confusion, according to the report.
“[T]he TXDPS regional director, and some other officers, walked past the law enforcement officers bringing injured and deceased victims out of the classrooms and entered classrooms 111 and 112 with no identifiable purpose or action, therefore compromising the crime scene,” the DOJ report states, adding that the DPS officials who wandered through the crime scene violated agency policy by not filing a report afterward.
“How did you single out the people you singled out for administrative punishment, because wouldn’t others be just as culpable?” asked O’Burke, the former DPS commander.
“For whatever policies they say the ranger violated, wouldn’t others have done the same thing? I don’t know how you thread that needle.”
In June, the Uvalde grand jury handed up felony child endangerment charges against only two officers:
Arredondo and former UCISD Officer Adrian Gonzales.
This gave McCraw an out.
Despite the DPS chief’s statement nearly two years ago that his employees would be held to departmental standards regardless of whether their conduct constituted a criminal violation, McCraw ultimately cited the lack of criminal charges for why he reversed his decision to fire Kindell.
Mitchell had “reviewed all law enforcement officers who responded to the attack on Robb Elementary School, and no action was taken on officers employed by the Texas Department of Public Safety,” McCraw wrote in his letter to Kindell. “Further, she has requested that you be reinstated to your former position as a Texas Ranger in Uvalde County.”
That’s not how internal disciplinary proceedings work, said O’Burke. Kindell “could have done absolutely nothing criminally wrong and still done something wrong administratively,” O’Burke said.
“Kindell, and this is my opinion, was made to be a scapegoat,” former Uvalde mayor Don McLaughlin, who earlier this year co-authored a report tracking McCraw’s contradictory statements and accusing him of trying to escape responsibility, told the Observer.
“[But] I’m not condoning any law enforcement officer that was there, because in my honest opinion, there was a failure of leadership across the board.”
By avoiding a public hearing, which might have examined the decision-making of high-ranking DPS officials, McLaughlin said, McCraw is preventing the type of deep dive that might actually shed light on what went wrong.
“Why not lay your cards on the table?” asked McLaughlin, who’s now running for the Texas House as a Republican. “If you made mistakes—you know, in my opinion, there’s no question mistakes were made that day—own up to them. These families deserve answers. This community deserves answers, and to still withhold information to me is wrong.”
In his letter reversing the firing, McCraw also wrote that he “decided to alter my preliminary decision based on a review of the completed Texas Ranger criminal investigation,” which formed the basis for Mitchell’s criminal cases, and “an internal review of the actions of Texas Department of Public Safety Officers who responded to the attack.”
That leaves the impression that McCraw overrode the DPS inspector general’s conclusion based, at least in part, on an investigation by Kindell’s fellow rangers.
“It doesn’t matter who investigates what,” said Jesse Rizo, whose niece Jackie Cazares was killed in the shooting and who now serves on the Uvalde school board.
“To me, what they don’t want is a tarnished record, a tarnished badge. Not only that, there’s not that much anger and movement anymore. … They know that it’s dying down.”
Rizo said that he hopes the eventual release of additional records by the agencies that responded to the shooting—the City of Uvalde was recently the first to abandon the fight to keep documents secret—as well as public trials of Arredondo and Gonzales will shed more light on what happened more than two years ago.
“Hopefully you’ll be able to hear the story at the trial about why there was such a massive failure,” Rizo said. “I think justice is coming. It just takes a little bit.”
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unnijinju · 6 years
[After School Club] Ep.277 - Samuel(사무엘) _ Full Episode _ 081517
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crisisycritica-blog · 5 years
Christopher Britt Arredondo
Desde Montaigne y Bacon, el ensayo viene siendo el género literario mejor adaptado a la expresión de los ideales intelectuales, morales, y políticos de la modernidad. En Montaigne, la modernidad toma la forma epistemológica del escepticismo. Psicológicamente propone una subjetividad reflexiva, autónoma, y soberana. En Bacon, este escepticismo auto-reflexivo se vuelve programático. En nombre de la “prudencia intelectual” Bacon lleva a cabo una severa crítica de los llamados “ídolos de la mente” y de las falsedades, equivocaciones y confusiones que generan. A su vez, propone un nuevo método riguroso –un nuevo órgano para pensar y conocer la verdad: la razón inductiva. Gracias a este método inductivo y experimental los hombres modernos habían de librarse de la ignorancia, conocer las leyes de la naturaleza y, por medio de su nueva ciencia y tecnología, convertirse en los amos de la naturaleza y de los demás hombres no modernizados. [...]
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cristalconnors · 3 years
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BACURAU- Casting by: Marcelo Caetano. Ensemble: Bárbara Colen, Thomas Aquino, Silvero Pereira, Thardelly Lima, Rubens Santos, Wilson Rabelo, Carlos Francisco, Luciana Souza, Karine Teles, Antonio Saboia, Sônia Braga, Udo Kier, Buda Lira, Clebia Sousa, Danny Barbosa, Edilson Silca, Eduarda Samara, Fabiola Liper, Ingrid Trigueiro, Jamila Facury, Black Jr., Márcio Fecher, Rodger Rogério, Suzy Lopes, Uirá dos Reis, Val Junior, Valmir do Côco, Zoraide Coleto, Jonny Mars, Alli Willow, James Turpin, Julia Marie Peterson, Brian Townes, Charles Hodges, Chris Doubek, and Lia de Itamaracá
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BLOODY NOSE, EMPTY POCKETS- Casting by: Bill Ross IV, Turner Ross. Ensemble: Michael Martin, Cheryl Fink, Marc Paradis, John Nerichow, Lowell Landes, Ira J. Clark, Bruce Hadnot, Pete Radcliffe, Felix Cardona, Al Page, Rikki Reed, Pam Harper, Shay Walker, Tra Walker, Trevor Moore, Kevin Lara, David S. Lewis, Kamari Stevens, Sophie Woodruff, and Miriam Arkin
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EMA- Casting by: Alejandra Alaff. Ensemble: Mariana di Girólamo, Gael García Bernal, Santiago Cabrera, Paola Giannini, Cristián Suárez, Giannina Fruttero, Josefina Fiebelkorn, Mariana Loyola, Catalina Saavedra, Paula Luchsinger, Paula Hoffman, Antonia Giesen, Susana Hidalgo, Eduardo Paxeco, Natalie Bakulic, Amparo Noguera, Diego Muñoz, Claudia Cabezas. Paula Zúñiga, Trinidad González, Claudio Arredondo, Gastón Salgado, Josué Rojas, Maykol Lara, Francisco Martínez, and Emilio Edwards
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EMMA.- Casting by: Jessica Ronane. Ensemble: Anya Taylor-Joy, Angus Imrie, Letty Thomas, Gemma Whelan, Bill Nighy, Edward Davis, Rupert Graves, Miranda Hart, Myra McFayden, Esther Coles, Suzy Bloom, Suzanne Toase, Nicholas Burns, Josh O’Connor, Johnny Flynn, Lucy Briers, Mia Goth, Anna Francolini, Connor Swindells, Christopher Godwin, Vanessa M. Own, Isis Hainsworth, Hannah Stokley, Charlotte Weston, Chloe Pirrie, Oliver Chris, Rose Shalloo, Amber Anderson, Callum Turner, and Tanya Reynolds
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MINARI- Casting by: Julia Kim. Ensemble: Alan S. Kim, Han Ye-ri, Noel Cho, Steven Yeun, Darryl Cox, Esther Moon, Ben Hall, Eric Starkey, Will Patton, Youn Yuh-jung, and James Carroll
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Mary Louise “MigiMo” Gonzalez April 9, 1929 - March 25, 2021 My Dear Precious MigiMo joined the love of her life, Elias “Doc” Gonzalez, Sr. today at 9:21 am. This Topeka,KS beauty—one of the five absolutely beautiful Arredondo Sisters (Loretta, Esther, Virginia and Alice) met Doc at the end of his service in the U. S. Air Force at a local dance in February 1955. Two months later, Doc asked her father, Vicente Arredondo, for Mary’s hand in marriage on her birthday. They were married in October 1955. Doc brought her back to his hometown of El Rio/Oxnard, CA. After five years of marriage, Doc + Mary had two AMAZING children, Amelia Louise “Amy Lou” and Elias Jr. “Pelon.” Doc and Mary were blessed with a gifted son-in-law, Darcy Louis Taylor and three WONDERFUL grandchildren—grandsons Jordan Hosea and Christopher Donovan, and granddaughter, Gabrielle Alexa (MigiMo and Amy Lou’s “mini me”!) After retiring to AZ in 1987, Doc and Mary met a LOVELY blonde hair-blue eyed woman from OH named Mary (née Stickle) Cox who became their “adopted”daughter! MigiMo lived a full and rich life of 91 years. She became a social media darling after her baby boy, Elias Jr., relocated to Mesa, AZ to become caregiver for Doc and Mary/MigiMo. The Gonzalez, Taylor, and Cox families are greatly appreciative of all the love, prayers, and support all of you out there have given to MigiMo, Doc and their family!!! Your ongoing care, prayer and support is appreciated. [Special thanks to Elaine Trask for her “MigiMo Mandala” created for Elias for Birthday/Christmas 2020!] #migimo #migimoment #migimoments #lovingmigimo #livingwithanonagenarian #livingwithelderlyparents #caregiver #caregiverlife #caregiverappreciation #familycaregiver #pelon #alchemist #comicsgodandtortillas #migimoandpelon (at East Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2vNawhuD-/?igshid=9kcsqmmwgsc0
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 6 years
Gigantohierax suarezi
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By Scott Reid
Etymology: Giant Hawk
First Described By: Arredondo y Arredondo, 2002.
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostaylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Neoaves, Inopinaves, Telluraves, Accipitrimorphae, Accipitriformes, Accipitridae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Within the last 10,000 years, in the Holocene epoch of the Quaternary period. 
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Gigantohierax is known entirely from cave deposits in Cuba.
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Physical Description: One of the largest species of hawks, Gigantohierax is also notable for its robust body type compared to smaller sized hawks - which would have allowed it to support its own bulk while hunting for prey. It is known primarily from parts of the thighs and rest of the leg. Its thigh bone flared out at the ends, unlike in other closely related hawks; and the bone was twisted to boot, indicating more extensive musculature and potentially more time spent on the ground. It even had more robust toe claws than close relatives at the time. However, given that hawks are aerial predators, it seems unlikely that Gigantohierax would have relied entirely on ground hunting; instead, it was probably more facultative in locomotion than its close relatives - though without wing remains, it’s hard to say either way. It is one of the largest hawks known, about twice as large as the living Great Black Hawk. This would probably have necessitated changes in its habits compared to other hawks, even on the island of Cuba.
Diet: Mainly animals such as lizards, snakes, rodents, rabbits, birds, and other small animals found on the ground; usually caught alive. Also used its large size to catch bigger animals.
Behavior: Probably similar to other hawks, but with more time spent on the ground than its close relatives. Predatory bird, utilizing keen eyesight and extended flight to catch food such as mammals, reptiles, and birds, including other examples of island gigantism in Cuba at the time. Probably diurnal.
Ecosystem: Cuba in the Holocene has essentially remained similar in climate, with tropical weather patterns and generally wet weather due to its position in the Caribbean. Recovering from the recent ice age, animals on Cuba in the early Holocene would have had more variation in temperature; however, the bulk of the epoch would have seen fairly consistent tropical weather patterns. Many animals are known from Cuba today and throughout the Holocene, though there are notable examples of island gigantism in dinosaurs that are worth mentioning - the Cuban Cave Rail, Giant Crab-Hawk, Titan Hawk, the Cuban Giant Owl, and Rivero’s Barn Owl are all known from the island at the time, and in all cases but the first would also have been large predatory birds in the environment.
Other: Gigantohierax, dubbed unofficially as the Cuban Giant-Hawk, is an example of island gigantism in birds during the last Ice Age - many species of birds, when isolated in island environments, were able to grow large in situations when usually they would have stayed small due to mammal competitors. Gigantohierax is an example of this phenomenon; unfortunately, most of these examples of island gigantism went extinct due to the climate change following the last ice age, as well as human activity; this probably also lead to the extinction of this species as well.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources under the cut
Arredondo, O., C. Arredondo. 2002. Nuevos Género y Especie de Ave Fósil (Falconiformes: Accipitridae) del Cuaternario de Cuba. Poeyana 470 - 475: 9 - 14.
Jobling, J. A. 2010. The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. Christopher Helm Publishing, A&C Black Publishers Ltd, London. 292.
Suárez, W. 2004. The Identity of the Fossil Raptor of the Genus Amplibuteo (Aves: Accipitridae) from the Quaternary of Cuba. Caribbean Journal of Science 40 (1): 120 - 125.
Suárez, W., S. L. Olson. 2007. The Cuban Fossil Eagle Aquila borrasi Arredondo: A Scaled-Up Version of the Great Black-Hawk Buteogallus urubitinga (Gmelin). Journal of Raptor Research 41 (4): 288 - 298.
Turvey, S. T. 2009. Holocene Extinctions. OUP Oxford, pg. 31.
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ACC Announces Fall 2018 Vice President’s List and Dean's List
Alvin Community College recognized students for making the Fall 2018 Vice President’s and Dean’s Lists during a reception on February 19.
To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must earn at least a 3.75 grade point average for 8 to 11 or more credit hours in a semester. To be eligible for the Vice President’s List, students must earn a 3.6 grade point average in 12 or more credit hours in a semester.
The full Vice President’s List recipients are: Angel Flores Morales, Melissa Aguirre, Muyiwa Adeyemi, Sophia Aguirre, Cole Anderson, Salvador Apud-Martinez, Rosalinda Arredondo, Lilian Avila, Mikhaila Bachynsky, Crystal Bailey, Noah Baker, Anthony Baltodano, Natalie Bardaweel, Samantha Bergman, Michael Blancas, Augustina Boako, Faith Boortz, Sarah Bowman, William Branum, Katharine Bulpitt, Zamar Burgos, Jenise Burns, John Campbell, Gladis Carrizales, Chelsea Catching, Olivia Cates, Sydney Charbula, Camille Chaves, Isabel Chavez, Dalton Christiansen, Esther Christodoss, Karalyn Clark, Katelyn Clark, Brandon Claunch, Maria Colorado-Martin, Kevin Cortes, Magan Cotham, Waylon Coufal, Lorna Craft, Claudia D'Agostino, Sophia Daily, Brooke Darden, Nishan Dasgupta, Justin Davis, Seth Davis, Hanna Angelica De Castro, Alejandro Delapaz, Edgar Delgado, Egla Delrioaguillon, Krystal Deochoa, Raul Diaz, William Duncan, Alyssa Esma, Kegan Fast, Victoria Fernandez, Nedrick Flemister, Monica Flores, Katelyn Flowers, Tiffany Forgy, Jacqueline Foster, Jordan Fowler, Kaitlyn Frazier, Shane Gaddis, Victoria Garza, Danielle Garza, Yenifer Gil, Kellie Glasgow, Crystal Golden, Ashley Gonzales, Bethany Gonzalez, Christopher Gonzalez, Collin Grebel, Allieann Greenwood, Marissa Grimes, Maricia Guevara Tigera, Emily Gutierrez, Caroline Hall, Taylor Hall, Holly Heath, Garrett Heidrich, Jacob Henry, Andrew Higginson, Thomas Hildebrand, Duyen Ho, Haden Holtje, Chase Horsfall, Rebekah Houck, Lauren Huchton, Natalie Hutchison, Katia Ibarra Gonzalez, Humphrey Ihejirikah, Alex Imber, Ardyce Jackson, Grace Jackson, Claytyn Jamison, Samuel Jasek, Zhigang Ji, Mikaela Jasm Joaquin, Dieumaitre Jules, Min Joo Kang, Nanushka Kellogg-Garcia, Denali  Klein, Merlin Kuruvilla, Chiara Lang, Miranda Lebouef, Kurtis Lecompte, Nicholas Lewin, Brittney Logan, Hannah Longoria, Justin Lovell, Clifton Lyles, Hunter Lytle, Wendy Manriquez, Linda Manyida, Aiysha Mariano, Nathaniel Marin-Esteves, Traci Martin, John Martinez, Larissa Martinez, Rachel McCall, Ashley McCool-Myers, Christopher McGlothlin, Mackenna Mcintyre, Joann McLaughlin, Matthew McQueen, Zackary Meade, Serena Mejstedt, Yolanda Mena, Julia Miles, Orlando Miller, Maximo Mireles, Preston Mitcham, Shelby Mitchell, Erica Moeller, Alvaro Monroy, Chandler Montgomery, Kimberley Mooney, Jorge Moreno Pacheco, Erica Moses, Detrick Mosley, Alex Muniz, Melissa Murphy, Jake Nelson, Phuong Nguyen, Luis Nino, Jennifer Nolasco, Gwyneth Obediente, Kennedy Obert, Brandon Oelfke, Ocean Oneil, Chiamaka Onumajuru, Garret Page, Hannah Pepin, Elena Perez, Sara Persons, Chinyere Peter-Inyang, Tamia Peters, Kessiya Philip, Joaquin Phillips, Ciara Pirtle, Paige Platt, Garrett Poston, Haylee Potts, Brandon Presley, Conner Radler, Sreyas Raju, Jose Ramirez, Mariana Razo, Stephen Reese, Kristin Rejack, Marie Resendez, Thuyvan Retzlaff, August Reyes, Hunter Roberts, Hayley Rogers, Caroline Rosario, Rebecca Rubio, Gustavo Ruiz, Ruben Ruiz, Kari Ruiz, Abigail Russell, Alicia Salazar, Gabriela Saldivar, Jena Saucier, Yelonde Saunders, Justin Schissel, Bethany Schlemmer, Jessica Scott, John Sebok, Kaylyn Sellers, Trent Serrato, Kenneth Shook, Sandra Simmons, Alexandria Simons, Cheyenne Slaughter, Paige Smith, Thomas Soliz, Oluwaseun Sonola, Hailey Stoughton, Fnu Suja Thomas, Keerthi Suresh, Celene Sweeney, Isabella Swicegood, Wilaine Tampo, Adam Taylor, Tony Thankachan, Daeja Thomas, Katelyn Thomas, Sabra Thompson, Scottie Thornley, Rebecca Thumann, Elijah Trimm, Frederick Van Zijll, Delores Vanhoose, Jacob Varghese, Tarren Vielma, Mark Villa, Atilano Villanueva, Dante Villarreal, Miranda Voss, Leah Vu, Cambrea Walker, Tierra Walker, Annaka Wiggins, Briana Williams, Daniel Williams, Buddy Wilson, Riley Wohlschlaeger, Caitlin Wollney and Michael Zamora.
 The full Dean’s List recipients are: Jennifer Alfaro, Sergio Andrade, Kingsley Agbontaen, Osasere Aigbovbiosa Ogieva, Anahi Altamirano, Jael  Anorga, Brittany Armstrong, Gilberto Arredondo, Thalia Nicole Rose Aruj, Amber Ashcraft, Cristina Ayres, Brandon Balfour, Yuanyuan Bao, Guadalupe Barba, Najat Bardaweel, Everardo Barrera, Jasmin Benitez, Christopher Bertram, Savon Blanchard, Rennyn Bradford, Elizabeth Bransom, Angela Brown, Rebecca Buckalew, Stephanie Burge, Kayla Caballa, Justin Cameron, Cristal Cano, Girel Castellon, Brittany Cephus, Patricia Champagne, Noah Chicoria, Spencer Cho, Karli Clements, Madalyn Click, Jade  Collins, Jordyn Cooper, Elizabeth  Cornwell, Hannah Crochet, Ramil Dalida, Gina Daugherty, Brenda  Davis, Roel Delgado, Eric Dinwiddie, Thao Do, Kristan Drummond, Devin Elliott, Leslie Elsberry, Kristin Ensmann, Sean Espinola, Jennifer Fakharizadeh, Andrew Ferguson, Olivia Finney, Lauryn Fly, Robyne Foster, Abigail Freeland, Nicolas Garcia, Elijah Garcia, Olivia Garrett, John Garzon-Vasquez, Morgan Gilbert, Vanessa  Godinez, Taylor Goebel, Tracy Gonzales, Mikelcey Green, Anitra Green, Crystal Guerra, Blanca Guerrero, Robert Guest, Ayat Haija, Brianna Hanley, Shelbie Hannah, Justin Harris, Kristen Harris, Alexandria Hedge, Alison Henderson, Kristina Heng, Megan Hinks, Becky Ho, Chelsea Hobbs, Kathryn Hoelter, Danielle Holguin, Hannah Horn, Adam Hundley, Jessica Hurley, James Hutson, Talon Idoux, Andrae Jackson, Kathleen James, Mejesh John, Tasheda Johnson, Mark Jones, Catherine Juliano, Kshiti Kadakia, Akunnaya Kalunta, David Kanada, Jane Kasinga, Nareemon Kasmai, Michaela Kaspar, Meredith Kaspar, Nicole Kelinske, Tyler Keller, Jacklyn Kendall, Dylan Kennemer, Kelly Kite, Rachel Kocurek, Sharon Labauve, Sharline Law, Andrea Laws, Ariana Leatherby, Emily Leon Mendez, Pilar Leyva, Amanda Lindsey, John Loise Linogao, Caleb Lira, Rudy Lopez, Rachel Lovell, Timothy Lundin, Tricia Lute, Edwin Maldonado Barron, Charles Manuel, Kennedy Martin, Julia Martinez, Gregorio Martinez, Erika Martinez, Brooke Massey, Elizabeth Maudlin, Michael McCasland, Carline McReynolds, Shannon McReynolds, Noah Meah, Julia Meah, Taryn Mensch, Helanna Mitchell, Ashley Molina, Romarico Monteagudo, Bianca Montemayor, Emily Morbach, Ashley Morrison, Lillian Nguyen, Khanh Nguyen, Anh Nguyen, Reagan Norwood, Adeline Nzeribe, Timmie Olison, Kip Olson, Mary Olubuogu, Dustin Page, Joshua Palin, Erika Penn, Christopher Perez, Stephen Perez, Kaysie Perkins, Monte Perkins, Haley Perkins, Jeremy Porter, Michael Priddy, Elizabeth Pucci, Tiffany Purl, Tonia Quackenbush, Karolyn Raj, Erica Ramirez, Ashley Ramos, Kelly Ramsey, Brenda Ratliff, Doran Reyes, Erika Riggs, Genesis Rios, Kenton Ritter, Nicholas Robertson, Christina Rodriguez, Rebecca Rodriguez, Valerie Rogers, James Ronk, Emily Rosa, Madelyne Rowe, Yashua Justine Saguin, Braxton Saldana, Roberto Saldana, Citlalli Santos, Clint Saturos, Amanda Schepp, Hannah Scott, Savannah Serrato, Elena Smolina, Stephani Solis, Raven Solomon, Hayley Spicer-Kendall, Analiese Staner, Shelbi Stephens, Leah Stiles, Justin Sunga, Jennifer Tamayo, Placid Tankie, Adeline Terry, Andrenic Tevanian, Jolisha Titus, Samantha Torres, Emily Trammel, Kaitlyn Trant, Madison Troxlar, Emmaculator Ugochukwu, Ashley Vaughn, Kayla Vero, Julie Watson, Samuel Werner, Tessa Williams, Kaysie Wilson, Timothy Wood and Sara Yan.
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blairemclaren · 3 years
Christopher Arredondo Death – Obituary, Christopher Arredondo Has Died
Christopher Arredondo Death - Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death 16-year-old Christopher Arredondo was shot to death in the 2500 block of South Harding, Little Village neighborhood, West Side on August 17, 2021. ....click link to learn more
Christopher Arredondo Death – Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death 16-year-old Christopher Arredondo was shot to death in the 2500 block of South Harding, Little Village neighborhood, West Side on August 17, 2021. Through a social media announcement, DeadDeath learned on August 18, 2021, about the death of Christopher Arredondo who has died. In the mourning spirit of this death, families, friends,…
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oldguardaudio · 3 years
Battling the Nation’s Largest Teachers Union on Critical Race Theory
Heritage Battles Nation’s Largest Teachers Union on Critical Race Theory
  NEA’s attacks with a promise to “continue to take on ideas like CRT.”
July, 2021
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The Heritage Foundation and its experts have been tireless in its efforts to fight critical race theory.
It’s not often you get singled out for attack in a resolution by one of the nation’s biggest unions. But in its zeal to shove critical race theory into schools, the National Education Association singled out The Heritage Foundation as “one of the well-funded organizations” that is committing “attacks on anti-racist teachers.”   
The resolution calls on the NEA to conduct “research” into Heritage and other such groups—a polite way of saying it plans to smear critics of CRT. We’re not intimidated and we won’t be backing away from our effective strategy to educate Americans about the dangers of CRT.  
Heritage’s Lindsey Burke, director of the Center for Education Policy, and Mike Gonzalez, the Angeles T. Arredondo E Pluribus Unum senior fellow, responded to the NEA’s attack with a promise to “continue to take on ideas like CRT.” They said in a statement:  
Heritage is proud of its comprehensive work in this field, which has always focused on explaining the facts behind critical race theory and how it is infecting all aspects of our everyday life. We stand with parents, educators, lawmakers, and other Americans who want children to learn about all of America’s history, without indoctrinating them in a toxic narrative that undermines student unity and achievement or implementing CRT’s racially divisive principles in ways that violate the Civil Rights Act and the Constitution. Efforts to treat students or educators differently based upon their skin color not only betray fundamental principles, but they also violate federal civil rights laws and other statutes.    
Only a few days later, the NEA scrubbed this resolution from its website after considerable pushback from conservative organizations, including Heritage. The NEA’s original resolution, along with the fallout, earned major��coverage in multiple news outlets.   
Before it was removed from the NEA’s website, the resolution stated:  
NEA will research the organizations attacking educators doing anti-racist work and/or use the research already done and put together a list of resources and recommendations for state affiliates, locals, and individual educators to utilize when they are attacked...  
  The attacks on anti-racist teachers are increasing, coordinated by well-funded organizations such as the Heritage Foundation. We need to be better prepared to respond to these attacks so that our members can continue this important work.  
Critical race theory, or CRT, makes race the prism through which its proponents analyze all aspects of American life, categorizing individuals into groups of oppressors and victims. It is a philosophy that is infecting everything from politics and education to the workplace and the military. In the aftermath of the 2020 protests, CRT became the rallying cry of numerous organizations, businesses, and educators.   
  The Heritage Foundation has been tireless in its efforts to fight critical race theory and numerous Heritage experts have appeared in television interviews and published several reports and commentaries on the issue. 
Last year, Gonzalez co-authored a comprehensive Heritage report on the subject with Jonathan Butcher, the Will Skillman fellow in education. The report, “Critical Race Theory, the New Intolerance, and Its Grip on America,” is one of Heritage’s most-read publications. 
Since then, Gonzalez has crisscrossed the country to bring his research on critical race theory and identity politics to audiences eager to counter these left-wing ideas. He has briefed lawmakers in Louisiana, spoken at major conservative conferences, and counseled parents how to fight back against the left’s indoctrination of their kids. In addition, Gonzalez is a go-to resource for media outlets who want sage insight on the dangers of critical race theory. 
Gonzalez has also teamed up with Burke to expose colleges of education as a source of critical theory, an offshoot of CRT. 
Heritage also published a report by Christopher Rufo, one of CRT’s leading critics, warning of its implications. The report, “Critical Race Theory Would Not Solve Racial Inequality: It Would Deepen It,” documented how critical race theory seeks to undermine the foundations of American society and replace the constitutional system with a near-totalitarian “antiracist” bureaucracy. 
Rufo spoke out against the NEA’s latest effort to smear CRT critics, naming Gonzalez as an ally, and promising to counter those who are “ruining American education.” 
Heritage’s work is getting noticed. “The Morning Call” newsletter recently praised Rufo and Gonzalez for their leadership:
Rufo and Gonzales are, almost without question, the leaders of the campaign to push back against CRT, and their efforts are (almost) entirely cultural, not political. … Rufo and Gonzalez are neither ham-handed in their calls for state intervention nor quiet and sneaky. They have the luxury of not only being right on the facts, but also of knowing that what they are exposing is largely unknown but would be rejected by the majority of the American people.
For more information on Heritage’s efforts to fight critical race theory, click here. 
Check out my new Podcast | Audio episode!
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laureavandil · 3 years
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 Located on the Zeno map drawn sometime in the late 1390s or early 1400 it appeared on later maps such as the Ortelius map in 1570 (shown here) and on other charts as late as 1660. It was believed to be located somewhere around Labrador, Quebec, and Newfoundland as they appear on modern charts. According to the Zeno brothers of Venice who claimed they voyaged there circa 1390, Estotiland was discovered by European fishermen sometime earlier in the century. They found a land named "Estotiland" whose inhabitants traded with "Engroenelandt" which sounds suspiciously like "Greenland". The brothers said "The king of this country possessed books written in Latin, which he did not understand. The language that he spoke and his subjects shared no similarity to that of the Vikings." The Zeno Brothers claim they traveled there with another man they called "Zichnmi" who has been identified by some as Henry Sinclair. The year usually given for Sinclair's voyage to North America is 1396.
 Regarding its etymology, "estotiland" was a fishermen's term used to describe stockfish grounds, also known as baccalaos. In modern Spanish "estocafis" is a commercial term for stockfish. The word could also have something to do with harpooning whales. Note on the Ortelius map at the entrance to what is obviously the Gulf of St. Lawrence a reference to "baccalaos". 
 Considering its location in the far north and its supposed discovery by fishermen, remeber the words of Christopher Columbus when he traveled to a similar place in 1477 and said "Englishmen from Bristol go there to trade."
 Also interesting on the Ortelius map between Estotiland and what is obviously the Gulf of St. Lawrence is a large bay with several rivers emptying into it. One in particular is labeled "R. de Tormenta". I could find no corresponding river on any map. However, I believe the bay is a primitive depiction of Ungava bay, which makes the River of Torment possibly Hudson Strait. Many places on that part of Ortelius map have names that are obviously Spanish or possibly Portuguese names that have been changed or lost, as there is little or no modern reference to them. 
Near the River of Torment is an inscription “TERRA COR TEREALIS”. After some thought I understood its meaning.  It should read “Tera Corte Realis” or the land of the Corte-Reals. The Corte-Reals were a family of Portuguese explorers who made several voyages of discovery in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Gaspar Corte-Real, with his father Joao Vaz and brother Miguel are believed to be some of the first Europeans to explore Newfoundland and other parts of Eastern Canada. The land was named for Joao Fernandes Lavrador, another Portuguese explorer who sailed there in 1498. The area is still known as Labrador. Upon arrival, the Corte-Reals found a land of pine trees, large rivers, and berries. 
 On the Ortelius Map, the River of Torment flows into “Baia de Medaus”. Though the meaning is unclear, that could translate to Bay of Berries. Perhaps Corte-Real saw the same vegetation Leif Erickson mistook for grapes when he named the land Vinland. Near the bay are more likely Portuguese names such as Caravielo (ship?), S. Maria and S. Marco (St. Mary and St. Mark), and S. Ioan (San Joan or St. John). These names merge into the more familiar French place names to the south but farther south two islands stand out, Dobretan and Arredondo.  While the meaning of Dobretan is unclear (it could mean “kind” or “benevolent”), Arredondo is Portuguese for “rounded”. Baia de los Condes, possibly meaning Cape of the Counts (as in the European title for nobility), is farther west and beyond that is C. de Iesus or the Cape of Jesus. These give way to more French names but even farther south near “Apalchen” (a corruption of Appalachia?) are C. de Arenas (Cape of Sand?), C. Doblado (Double Cape?), and C. de S. Ioan (Cape of St. John). 
Is it possible that in addition to the voyage of the Zeno Brothers, the Ortelius Map also records the discoveries of the Corte-Reals which later were lost? 
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transtranscendence · 3 years
2009-2010 -  We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia.
For Christopher Jermaine Scott, murdered on July 1, 2009, in Philadelphia, PA.
For Violeta Vergara Conde, murdered on July 6, 2009, in the San Francisco district of Venezuela.
For “Cesar” Torres, murdered on July 8, 2009, in El Paso, TX.
For "Judecir” Marinho de Oliveira, murdered on July 12, 2009, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on July 15, 2009, in Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil.
For "Jesús Gerardo” Ávalos, murdered on July 17, 2009, in Mexico.
For Fernanda Cerqueira da Silva, murdered on July 17, 2009 in Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on July 18, 2009, in Sonsonate, El Salvador.
For the unknown person murdered on July 23, 2009, in Penang, Malaysia.
For Bianca, murdered on July 25, 2009, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
For Archie Avis Brooks, murdered on July 26, 2009, in Hattiesburg, MS.
For Beyonce Lee, murdered on July 26, 2009, in New Orleans, LO.
For “Kleberson Allan” dos Anjos Santos, murdered on August 2, 2009, in Ribeirão Pires, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Maradiaga Snaider, murdered on August 9, 2009, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For the unknown person murdered on August 14, 2009, in Algiers, Algeria.
For La George, on August 16, 2009, in Bogotá, Distrito Capital, Colombia.
For Kanan al Muthia, murdered on August 25, 2009, in Setapak, Malaysia.
For Tyli’a Mack, murdered on August 26, 2009, in Washington, D.C.
For Paulina Ibarra, murdered on August 28, 2009, in Hollywood, CA.
For Michelle Torres, murdered on August 30, 2009, in Honduras.
For the unknown person murdered on September 7, 2009, in Algiers, Algeria.
For Carol de Souza, murdered on September 13, 2009, in Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Samara da Silva, murdered on September 17, 2009, in Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Kristina Muça, murdered on September 19, 2009, in Tirana, Albania.
For Sayda Reynieri, murdered on September 20, 2009, in San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras.
For Fernanda Miranda Mata, murdered on September 20, 2009, in San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras.
For "Rusbel Antonio" Torres Jesús, murdered on September 21, 2009, in Chimbote, Santa, Peru.
For the unknown person, murdered on October 6, 2009, in Havana, La Habana, Cuba.
For Linsia C.C., murdered on October 8, 2009, in Burgos, Spain.
For Marión Lanza, murdered on October 9, 2009.
For Monserrat ("Elder Noe") Maradiaga, murdered on October 10, 2009, in San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras.
For Carolina González, murdered on October 13, 2009, in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.
For "Rômulo Emílio" de Freitas, murdered on October 13, 2009, in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil.
For “Tamires” de Tal, murdered on October 19, 2009, in Taguatinga, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
For Meena (Hijra), murdered on October 20, 2009, in New Delhi, India.
For Vimlesh (Hijra), murdered on October 20, 2009, in New Delhi, India.
For Kimberly Medina Andrade, murdered on October 21, 2009, in Santiago, Chile.
For the unknown person murdered on October 24, 2009, in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Katherine Noriega, murdered on October 25, 2009, in Barrio de Santa Fé, Bogotá, Distrito Capital, Colombia.
For Juan Carlos Zelaya, murdered on October 26, 2009, in Honduras.
For the unknown person, murdered on October 29, 2009, in La Libertad, El Salvador.
For Wanda Fox, murdered on October 30, 2009, in Bogotá, Distrito Capital, Colombia.
For Lam, murdered on November 1, 2009, in El Zamorano, Francisco Morazán, Honduras.
For the unknown person murdered on November 3, 2009, in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil.
For the 4 people murdered between June 28, 2009 and November 9, 2009, in Honduras.
For “Wanchai” Tongwijit, murdered on November 21, 2009, in Wichit, Phuket City, Thailand.
For “Marconi William” Pereira, murdered on November 21, 2009, in Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Namanda, murdered on November 22, 2009, in Goiana, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For “Grazivaldo” Martins, murdered on November 23, 2009, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For Kelly Correa Pichardo, murdered on November 25, 2009, in Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic.
For Emanuele Fosquerau de Oliveira, murdered on November 25, 2009, in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
For Rui, murdered on November 25, 2009, in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
For La Lola, murdered on November 29, 2009, in Rivas, Nicaragua.
For Débora da Costa, murdered on December 2, 2009, in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on December 6, 2009, in Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador.
For Filhinha, murdered on December 8, 2009, in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Sabrina Drummond, murdered on December 12, 2009, in São Luis, Maranhão, Brazil.
For Estrella Venegas, murdered on December 13, 2009, in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.
For Talia, murdered on December 15, 2009, in Belém, Pará, Brazil.
For “Luis Arturo” Murillo, murdered on December 15, 2009, in San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras.
For Giovanna Fernandes, murdered on December 15, 2009, in Rome, Lazio, Italy.
For "Euzenilson Paulino" Carneiro da Silva, murdered on December 16, 2009, in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For "José" dos Santos Bispo, murdered on December 16, 2009, in Tancredo Neves, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For Paulina Méndez Cartagena, murdered on December 17, 2009, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For Renata Pinheiro de Souza, murdered on December 20, 2009, in Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
For “Luiz” da Silva, murdered on December 20, 2009, in Cuiabá, Paraná, Brazil.
For "José Javier" Quiroz Terrazas, murdered on December 20, 2009, in Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Fernanda, murdered on December 23, 2009, in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on December 24, 2009, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For D.A. Santos Costa, murdered on December 25, 2009, in Italy.
For Jô de Souza Bevenites, murdered on December 29, 2009, in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil.
For Tânia Santos, murdered on December 31, 2009, in Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil.
For Wong, murdered on December 31, 2009, in Johor Baharu, Malaysia
For the unknown person murdered on January 2, 2010, in Naples, Campania, Italy.
For “Toninho”, murdered on January 2, 2010, in Campo Largo, Paraná, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on January 4, 2010, in São Paulo, Brazil.
For "José Luis" Conde, murdered on January 9, 2010, in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
For Fernanda Correia de Brito, murdered on January 23, 2010, in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil.
For “Fernando” Vásquez Roque, murdered on January 26, 2010, in Lima, Peru.
For Lacraia, murdered on January 26, 2010, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For the unknown person, murdered on January 29, 2010, in Belém, Pará, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on January 29, 2010, in Ariquemes, Rondônia, Brazil.
For Nadia Malik (khusra), murdered on January 31, 2010, in Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
For “Josué" Arredondo García, murdered on January 31, 2010, in Zacapu, Michoacán, Mexico.
For Marcela Esteve, murdered on February 2, 2010, in Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For Derya, murdered on February 8, 2010, in Antalya, Turkey.
For “Felipe” Torrealba Castillo, murdered on February 16, 2010, in Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela.
For "Maurício" da Silva Correia, murdered on February 16, 2010, in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.
For Aycan Yener, murdered on February 17, 2010, in Istanbul, Turkey.
For Tonha “Adelino” Moura Rufino, murdered on February 19, 2010, in Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Sandra, murdered on February 21, 2010, in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
For “Italo” Bargosa Gonzaga, murdered on February 22, 2010, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For Princesa, murdered on February 25, 2010, in Via Estrutural, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
For Paola Uc Dzib, murdered on February 27, 2010, in Tizimín, Yucatán, Mexico.
For "Edmilson José" dos Santos, murdered on March 1, 2010, in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil.
For “Adelcio” Silveira Lima Polaca, murdered on March 1, 2010, in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil.
For Kelly, murdered on March 5, 2010, in Serra, Espírito Santo, Brazil.
For “Tiago” da Silva, murdered on March 6, 2010, in Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For “Rubicel” Torres Rodríguez, murdered on March 7, 2010, in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico.
For Débora Mancini, murdered on March 13, 2010, in Vila Progresso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
For Crislaine "José" Marques, murdered on March 18, 2010, in Guarabira, Paraíba, Brazil.
For the 13 people murdered from January 1, 2010, to March 18, 2010, in Guatemala.
For the unknown person murdered on March 20, 2010 in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Débora Contreras Ponce, murdered on March 25, 2010, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For the unknown person murdered on March 27, 2010, in Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
For Verônica Ferreira, murdered on March 27, 2010, in Viana, Espírito Santo, Brazil.
For Leona Fernandes, murdered on March 28, 2010, in Viana, Espírito Santo, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on March 31, 2010 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
For China, murdered on April 1, 2010, in Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador.
For the unknown person murdered on April 3, 2010, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Pitanga Malta da Silva, murdered on April 10, 2010, in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on April 10, 2010, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
For Michelle, murdered on April 11, 2010, in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil.
For Baiana, murdered on April 13, 2010, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For Dandara, murdered on April 20, 2010, in Itaboraí, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For “Adalberto”, murdered on April 21, 2010, in Tocantins, Brazil.
For Ramona, murdered on April 22, 2010, in Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For "Cleidinaldo" Silva do Nascimento, murdered on April 22, 2010, in Brumado, Bahia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on April 25, 2010, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For Renata, murdered on April 30, 2010, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For Mônica, murdered on May 1, 2010, in Stella Maris, Bahia, Brazil.
For Xara/Kelly, murdered on May 1, 2010, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For Claudia, murdered on May 1, 2010, in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.
For Sheila, murdered on May 5, 2010, in Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For Tigresa, murdered on May 8, 2010, in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil.
For Ingrid Lizeth, murdered on May 8, 2010, in Bogota, Distrito Capital, Colombia.
For “Marcos” Gutiérrez Ramos, murdered on May 11, 2010 in La Selva, Cancún, Quintana Roo, México.
For Luan Santos Xavier, murdered on May 11, 2010, in Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil.
For Michelle Silva, murdered on May 13, 2010, in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.
For the unknown person murdered on May 14, 2010, in San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic.
For Ice, murdered on May 16, 2010, in Chaweng, Surat Thani, Thailand.
For “Cesar Henrique” Vendrame, murdered on May 17, 2010, in Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on May 20, 2010, in Varzea Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
For Taira dos Santos, murdered on May 23, 2010, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For Angie González Oquendo, murdered on May 24, 2010, in Caguas, Puerto Rico.
For “Manuel” Gómez Mendoza, murdered on May 24, 2010, in Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
For Nildo Barbosa dos Santos, murdered on May 27, 2010, in Marechal Deodoro, Alagoas, Brazil.
For Batu, murdered on May 29, 2010, in Istanbul, Turkey.
For the unknown person murdered on May 31, 2010, in São Miguel dos Campos, Alagoas, Brazil.
For Yisel Mejías Silva, murdered on June 2, 2010, in La Encrucijada, Aragua, Venezuela.
For Xuxa, murdered on June 5, 2010, in Laranjeiras, Sergipe, Brazil.
For Jazmin Vega Guzmán, murdered on Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.
For “Valdeci” Ferreira de Sousa, murdered on June 5, 2010, in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.
For Fernanda Lavalle, murdered on June 16, 2010, in Actopan, Hidalgo, Mexico.
For Sandy Woulard, murdered on June 21, 2010, Chicago, IL.
For José Gerardo Palma, murdered on Comayagüela, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For "Iraquitan" dos Santos Soares, murdered on June 29, 2010, in Olinda, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Marcela Presley, murdered on June 30, 2010, in Maceió, Alagoas.
For all the other trans siblings who were murdered or went missing.
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oipolinternacional · 4 years
El Pentágono y FBI investigan a miembros de la Guardia Nacional
El Pentágono y FBI investigan a miembros de la Guardia Nacional
Más de 25.000 miembros de la Guardia Nacional serán desplegados en la capital de Estados Unidos para reforzar la seguridad durante la toma de posesión de Joe Biden. Por Alejandra Arredondo Voa News / Con la colaboración de Celia Mendoza / Edición Oipol – Washington DC – El secretario interino de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Christopher Miller, dijo el lunes que el Pentágono -con apoyo del FBI-…
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michellemagly · 4 years
Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/quantum-computers-explained-limits-of-human-technology/
Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology
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Where are the limits of human technology? And can we somehow avoid them? This is where quantum computers become very interesting.
Check out THE NOVA PROJECT to learn more about dark energy: www.nova.org.au
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Tamago231, H.H. Lewis, Kirin Tantinon, David, Max Lesterhuis, Marek Belski, Gisle, Colin Millions, Gregory Wolfe II, Lenoir Preminger, Abel X, Matt Knights, Amjad Al Taleb, Ian Bruce, Kris Wolfgramm, 麒麟 于, Christopher Shaw, 靖羊, Tomas Grolmus, Essena O’Neill, Kyle Messner, Pedro Devoto, Mark Radford, Ann-Marie Denham, Davide Pluda, Rik Vermeer, Justin Ritchie, Nicole White, Whireds, Claus Vallø, Jason Talley, Andrew Wu, Christian Dechery, Michael Howell, Michal Hanus, Cavit, Amary Wenger, JDKBot, Jason Eads, FreedomEagleAmerica, Roberto Maddaloni, TiagoF11, Harsha CS, Abhimanyu Yadav, Tracy Tobkin, Mike Fuchs, Elizabeth Mart, Jacob Wenger, Jeff Udall, Ricardo Affonso, Mauro Boffardi, Audrin Navarro, Troy Ross, Keith Tims, Santiago Perez, James, Jack Devlin, Chris Peters, Kenny Martin, Frederick Pickering, Lena Savelyeva, Ian Seale, Charles Ju, Brett Haugen, David Ramsey, Benjamin Dittes, Michelle Schoen, Albert Harguindey Sanchez, Michael King, Alex Kyriacou Alla Khvatova Thomas Rowan, Siim Sillamaa, David Bennell, Janzen,Bryn Farnsworth, Adam Recvlohe, Manuel Arredondo, Fred McIntyre, Maldock Manrique, Дмитрий, Ishita Bisht, Jake Ludwig, Zach Seggie, Casey Sloan, Myndert Papenhuyzen, rheingold3, AncientCulture, Orion Mondragon, Jan, Michael Kuperman, Alexander Argyropoulos Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology
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Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology
New Post has been published on https://computercoolingstore.com/quantum-computers-explained-limits-of-human-technology/
Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology
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Where are the limits of human technology? And can we somehow avoid them? This is where quantum computers become very interesting.
Check out THE NOVA PROJECT to learn more about dark energy: www.nova.org.au
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OUR VOICE ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ The Kurzgesagt voice is from Steve Taylor:
OUR MUSIC ♬♪ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 700+ minutes of Kurzgesagt Soundtracks by Epic Mountain:
Spotify: Soundcloud: Bandcamp: Youtube: Facebook:
The Soundtrack of this video:
🐦🐧🐤 PATREON BIRD ARMY 🐤🐧🐦 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Many Thanks to our wonderful Patreons from who support us every month and made this video possible:
Tamago231, H.H. Lewis, Kirin Tantinon, David, Max Lesterhuis, Marek Belski, Gisle, Colin Millions, Gregory Wolfe II, Lenoir Preminger, Abel X, Matt Knights, Amjad Al Taleb, Ian Bruce, Kris Wolfgramm, 麒麟 于, Christopher Shaw, 靖羊, Tomas Grolmus, Essena O’Neill, Kyle Messner, Pedro Devoto, Mark Radford, Ann-Marie Denham, Davide Pluda, Rik Vermeer, Justin Ritchie, Nicole White, Whireds, Claus Vallø, Jason Talley, Andrew Wu, Christian Dechery, Michael Howell, Michal Hanus, Cavit, Amary Wenger, JDKBot, Jason Eads, FreedomEagleAmerica, Roberto Maddaloni, TiagoF11, Harsha CS, Abhimanyu Yadav, Tracy Tobkin, Mike Fuchs, Elizabeth Mart, Jacob Wenger, Jeff Udall, Ricardo Affonso, Mauro Boffardi, Audrin Navarro, Troy Ross, Keith Tims, Santiago Perez, James, Jack Devlin, Chris Peters, Kenny Martin, Frederick Pickering, Lena Savelyeva, Ian Seale, Charles Ju, Brett Haugen, David Ramsey, Benjamin Dittes, Michelle Schoen, Albert Harguindey Sanchez, Michael King, Alex Kyriacou Alla Khvatova Thomas Rowan, Siim Sillamaa, David Bennell, Janzen,Bryn Farnsworth, Adam Recvlohe, Manuel Arredondo, Fred McIntyre, Maldock Manrique, Дмитрий, Ishita Bisht, Jake Ludwig, Zach Seggie, Casey Sloan, Myndert Papenhuyzen, rheingold3, AncientCulture, Orion Mondragon, Jan, Michael Kuperman, Alexander Argyropoulos Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology
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