#Christopher Carey
chrispydreams · 24 days
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.. Enough said
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missmimii · 3 months
so when are we gonna stop pretending that Justin isn’t fine as FUCK? when’s the jig up???
bouta deal him all the right cards 🫡
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sturnsiolos0 · 3 months
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colorthecosmos444 · 3 months
Family Game Night
Summary: Reader, Matt and the rest of the Sturniolo family have a family game night together playing all their favorite games. 
Genre: Fluff, suggestive 
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 2322
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The living room was crowded as the entire Sturniolo family, Nate and I were having a family game night. Justin finally made it home and Marylou wanted to spend time with all of her kids, including Nate and me. So far, we have played Jenga, Apples to Apples and Monopoly. However, monopoly was only short lived due to the boys quickly getting into an argument and Marylou shut it down. Chaos now ensues as we are currently playing charades. My team consists of Chris, Justin and Jimmy, while Matt, Nick, Nate and Marylou are against us. At the moment my team is winning by two points, thanks to Justin and I having almost a telepathic experience between us. Chris is too busy screaming over everyone else to actually get an answer right and Jimmy is just laughing at everyone. 
Matt is over on the other side of the room frustrated as hell, because he has Nick and Nate who both have the attention span of toddlers. Marylou is actually the only one contributing something to their team. 
It’s Matt’s turn to have his team guess and he walks up to the front of the room, running his fingers through his hair a couple of times, figuring out what he wanted to do. He nods his head as he realizes what he’s going to have them guess and holds out one finger. 
“One word,” Marylou says. Matt nods and spreads his legs, holds his arms out and starts jumping up and down. 
Chris and I look at each other and we burst out in giggles as Matt moves around ridiculously. Matt just rolls his eyes and continues his movements, motioning with his head for someone on his team to guess. 
“I don’t know, are you a clown?” Nick jokes looking extremely confused.  Matt shakes his head and continues jumping up and down. 
“Give us something else, we clearly don’t know what you’re doing,” Nick mocks. Matt sighs and starts moving side to side. 
“Are you a racecar driver?” Marylou asks. Again, Matt shakes his head and gets frustrated. He then takes his left arm and pretends to take a hat off of his head and makes circles in the air. 
“Ooh, I know! A cowboy!” Nate shrieks jumping up off of the floor. 
“Yes!” Matt cheers and gives Nate a high-five.
 “How ironic, that’s yours and y/n’s favorite position to fuck in,” Chris teased. 
“What?!” Nick screams covering his ears. My face instantly turns red, and Matt’s eyes grow wide. “Shut the fuck up, Chris,” Matt chided. I cover my eyes because I don’t even want to look at his parents. “Yeah, man, way to go!” Justin chuckled, standing to dab Matt up. 
A puzzled Matt takes his hand and half-hugs his older brother. The fact is that it’s not even true, but Chris just had to say something to embarrass us in front of their parents. Chris, who’s sitting next to me is laughing his ass off. Matt trudges in front of him and smacks the side of his head. 
“Come on bro, that was too good you have to admit it,” Chris snickered. 
“Have some respect, mom and y/n are right here,” Matt scolded. 
“Chris, watch your language,” Jimmy warned. “Don’t talk like that.” Chris settles down and pulls my hands away from my face. 
“I’m sorry, y/n. I really just wanted to fuck with Matt, not you.” He confessed, recognizing that I wanted to crawl away in a hole and die in this moment of embarrassment. 
“I'm going to fix myself a drink. Does anyone else want something?” Marylou breaks the awkward silence that envelops the room after Chris’s apology. 
“I’ll take something! I’ll come with you Marylou,” I responded, practically jumping off of the couch and sprinting behind her into the kitchen. I follow her as she reaches into the cabinet above her and grabs two stemless wine glasses. Already knowing what she wants I open the fridge and reach for the unopened bottle of Merlot that Matt and I bought for her. She smiles and hands me the wine opener and I pull the cork from the bottle. 
“I’m really sorry about that, Marylou,” I apologize, pouring us both a glass of the red wine. 
“Oh, honey, there’s no need to apologize. Chris doesn’t know when he crosses the line sometimes,” She reassured, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “Just ignore him. That’s what I have to do sometimes,” she chuckles while taking a sip from her glass. “Let’s go back and see if the boys calmed down.” We proceed into the family room, Matt has taken Chris’s spot on the couch and Chris is on the floor leaning against the wall petting Trevor. I take a seat next to Matt, letting him wrap his arm around me while Justin gets up to let his mom sit in between me and Jimmy. 
Matt leans down and kisses me on the temple. “Hi baby,” he mutters and pulls me into him. “Chris is on a time out.” Matt motions to Chris who perks up and gives a small wave. I giggle and wave back to Chris. “Don’t worry he won’t be saying anything stupid again.” Matt soothed as he gently grabbed the glass from my hand and took a sip. 
“Are you sure about that? Chris always has something stupid to say,” I teased. Matt smirks, “You’re right. He won’t say anything about us though, I made sure of that.” He leans in to kiss my cheek this time. I flush under his touch, my sweatshirt making me ten times hotter. 
“Are we ready to continue?” Nick asks. “I am ready to kick some ass.”
“I’m ready, only if we switch up the teams,” Matt answered. “I’m tired of losing. Plus, I'm comfortable on this couch now.” He rubs his hand over my waist and squeezes my side. Nick huffs but we all agree that we needed a change. We decided to have Chris, Nick, Nate and Justin on a team versus Matt, Marylou, Jimmy and I. Matt wanted more “sane” people on his team and I could tell that he was getting annoyed with his brothers. We start the next round, everyone taking their respective turns. Soon, the madness begins again, and everyone is either screaming, laughing or guessing. I love spending time with Matt’s family. They are my family. I couldn't imagine myself not being in this room with them, being a part of their little family. I know that I belong here, and Matt belongs with me. Everything just feels so natural. Matt and I are holding hands on the couch as we watch Nick trying to act out something to his team. He looks utterly ridiculous, and I feel at home at Matt’s side. Laughing along with his parents as Nick gets louder and louder, thinking that it would help his brothers and Nate determine what he is acting out. 
I can’t help but look up at Matt, observing his features as he takes in the hysterical scene in front of him. His head leans back into the plush couch, his eyes squeeze shut as he laughs, and my body absorbs the warm vibrations from his chest. I lean my head onto his shoulder, wanting to be as close to him as possible. He glances down at me, noticing my movements, and tightens his hold on my waist, pulling me further into him. 
The night carries on and we finish playing charades, now uno has been brought out onto the coffee table. I opted out of this game because I was beginning to get tired. The boys sitting on the floor surrounding the table, Marylou and Jimmy sitting on the other end of the couch, my head laying on Matt’s lap and my legs curled up on the cushion. Trevor is sleeping in between Marylou and me. The night starts to become more relaxed. Charades must have used up all the energy in Nick and Chris because they are pretty chill now. Soft conversations are happening while a couple candles are lit in the room. Jimmy grabbed a blanket for me and covered me up. Now, my eyes are starting to grow heavy. I don’t know if it’s from the wine that Marylou and I have been drinking, almost finishing the whole bottle, or the fact that I couldn’t be in a more comfortable spot right now. Matt threads his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp as he holds his cards in his other hand. 
I am halfway between sleep and reality, silently listening to the family talk about their day and the plans for tomorrow. I hear Justin say “uno” and everybody sighs as this will be the third time he wins. 
“Can we play something else?” Chris whines. “Uh-uh, I’m tired and I'm sure y/n wants to go to bed too,” Nick responds, throwing his cards down on the table. “No, I'm okay right here, really,” I reply softly. Matt sets the cards down, “Are you sure? I can carry you up to my room if you want.” He whispers, rubbing my back. I shake my head and pull up the blanket to my shoulders, readjusting myself on his lap. “Continue playing, I like laying right here.” I mutter, my eyes still closed.
“Well, I’m going to bed so goodnight, everyone,” Nick announces and stands up to go to his room. “I think I'm going to go to sleep too,” Justin yawns, following behind Nick. We all say goodnight to Nick and Justin, and Jimmy suggests that the rest of them play phase 10. Chris grabs the game and deals out the cards and Matt resumes lightly scratching my head, lulling me back into a dreamy state. 
Some time passes as they play the card game, and Marylou leans over to Matt, “You know you picked a good one,” she whispers, “I mean a really good one. Please don’t ever let her go.” 
I know that Matt is blushing, he gets flustered whenever someone compliments me or him. “Thanks mama, I know. I won’t ever let her go.” He promised, lightly rubbing my back. I smile to myself, pretending that I'm fast asleep. “You know I would be happy if you two got married tomorrow, but there’s no rush.” Marylou prodded. 
“Mom! Stop!” Matt quietly sputtered. “We are not getting married tomorrow.” 
“That’s okay, take your time. Take all the time you need,” she replies sarcastically. “Mom seriously, you will get your grandbabies one day just not now.” Matt laughs. 
“But those babies would be soooo cute.” she gushes. 
Chris throws his head into his hands, “That’s enough! No more baby talk, it’s sickening.” he griped. “I thought you liked babies?” Marylou questioned. “Yeah, but not when you are referring to my brother and his girlfriend, that’s too much for me to handle.” Chris grunted drawing a card. Marylou and Matt chuckle at Chris’s reaction. 
“I think it’s okay for them to wait a couple years,” Jimmy interjected. “I don’t think she’s going anywhere unless Matt does something stupid.”
“Dad!” Matt blurted. Jimmy raises his hands up in defense, “Well son, she’s not going to do anything dumb so it would have to be you.” 
Nate and Chris snicker at Jimmy’s words and I'm having a hard time keeping my composure at the fact that everyone is discussing Matt and I getting married and having babies. 
“I mean I guess you’re right,” Matt confirmed. I let out a small giggle, ruining my peaceful cover. “Are you awake?” Matt exclaimed, leaning over to look at me. I opened my eyes and nodded, looking up at him. “So, you heard everything? He asks. I let out another giggle. “You don’t want my babies?” I tease. Matt rolls his eyes and leans into my ear, “Of course, just not right now,” he mutters so Chris and Nate don’t hear him. His face turns red, and he is embarrassed. 
“Hmm okay, I guess that’s fine.” I teased him again. “You know, I'll take you up on that offer and have you carry me to bed. I am exhausted.” He smirks and shakes his head. He puts one arm under my legs and the other behind my back and lifts me up. 
“I’ll be back,” Matt sighed, “got to take the princess to bed.” 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Marylou says softly. I wave everyone goodnight and Matt makes his way up the stairs into his room. He gently lays me on the bed and kisses my forehead. “Goodnight, baby,” he murmurs.
“Wait!” I reach out my arms, trying to grab onto him. “Don’t leave yet.” I pout, patting the bed next to me. Matt rolls his eyes, “Okay fine, but sit up. Let me help you get into your pajamas.” He motions for me to get up, and I lift my body forward, allowing him to take my hoodie off. He grabs one of his t-shirts from his dresser and hands it to me along with a pair of my pajama shorts. I change my clothes and climb under the warm covers. Matt lays down next to me, wrapping his arms around my body. “You know, it’s going to be my turn pretty soon and they aren’t going to want to wait for me down there.” Matt murmurs, kissing my forehead. “Just lay with me a few more minutes, I’ll be asleep pretty soon.” I say groggily, snuggling into the crook of his neck, my hands wrapping around his waist, slipping under his t-shirt. “I just want to cuddle you.” 
“Mmm, fine. Just a few more minutes.” He mutters, pulling my leg over him and rubbing the back of my thigh. “Just until you fall asleep. Okay, baby?” 
He doesn’t get a response, as I am already fast asleep, our limbs intertwined. “Mmhm, that’s what I thought.” He whispers, kissing my forehead and closing his eyes, hugging me tighter.
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
here's the link for the rest of the Boston Series
ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ: @aurora-merritt @spideylovin @watercolorskyy @esioleren @luvbotsblog
𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 <3
A/N: Sorry, this took so long!! Work has been crazy and sleeping during the day really messes with trying to write. But I hope this was okay! Thank you to each one of you that reads and likes my posts, it means so so much!! If you want to be on the tag list let me know!!
love you all to the stars, cece ★
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sturniololoco · 7 months
can you do one where justin is in la visiting and all the boys start doing stuff (going out to eat, going shopping, etc) all without her and she starts to feel left out so she isolates herself until chris starts to notice and does something to make her feel better (her and chris are the closest)
Left Out
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo triplets
warnings: crying, angriness, jealousy, fluff, etc.
Today was a big day for my brothers and I: My oldest brother Justin was flying into LA to spend the week with us.
We were in the car, heading to the airport to pick him up.
Nick pulled out the camera and began filming an intro to the blog they were filming while he’s here.
“Are you excited?” Nick asked me, leaning over and holding the camera to show the both of us in selfie position.
“Heck yes!” I said, leaning over and smiling into the lenses with Nick.
“That’s good because we’re almost there!” Matt said as we passed under the green sign that said we were taking the exit to get to the airport.
“Hey guys!” Justin said as he saw us parked in the back of the parking garage.
He gave each of my brothers a hug, smiling into the camera that Nick had rolling.
I sat there excitedly, waiting for my hug from my big brother.
But it didn’t come.
“Sis, you cool with sitting in the back?” Chris asked me as he put the very back seat down before throwing Justin’s bags in the trunk.
“Oh-um yeah.” I said, not seeming like I had much of a choice, I quietly climbed in the back of the car.
I was pretty quiet on the ride home, giving up on trying to but into the conversation.
As we pulled into the driveway, everyone got out, except for me who was waiting for Chris to put the seat down so I could climb out.
But he didn’t.
He walked inside, carrying Justin’s backpack as they walked inside, leaving me in the car.
I tried to tell for him, text him, call him, but I didn’t get any response.
I eventually sighed and spent the next 10 minuets forcing my body through the small opening between the headrests to get into the trunk.
I eventually got and found the emergency exit button in the trunk.
“Mother fucker,” I mumbled under my breath as I rubbed my knee that I banged on the window of the car.
“What happens to you?” Chris laughed as I walked in, an unpleasant look on my face.
I rolled my eyes and mumbled,
“I’m gonna take a shower, I’ll be right back.”
After doing my skincare and hair routine and getting into some cozy pj’s, I walked down stairs,
To be met with an abandoned house.
I looked around, checking my brothers room which we’re completely empty.
After defending the stairs to the garage, I found that my brothers left me here by myself.
I had no notification from them either.
I slouched down on the couch and pulled out my phone, dialing Nick.
He didn’t answer till about 20 minutes later.
“Where the fuck are you?!” I shouted into the phone, letting my anger out.
“okay, chill the fuck out.” He said sarcastically back to me.
I rolled my eyes and responded.
“You just left me here! Where did you go?”
“We took Justin out to dinner and we’re on the way to top golf now.” He said.
At this, I felt my hear shatter.
I quickly hung the phone up, not even responding.
I willed the tears not to come, but they did anyways. They rolled down my face as I though about how they just left me out.
They didn’t even bother telling me! Justin hasn’t even talked to me once.
As the tears kept falling, I feel myself drifting off to sleep.
I feel myself being picked up and carried up the stairs. I open my eyes to see myself pressed against Chris’s chest.
“Shhh, go back to sleep.” He said as he opens my door and walked me to my bed.
As he played me down, he pressed a kiss to my forehead, saying his good nights.
But then it came flooding back to me.
I feel the tears come again as he pulls away. He noticed and kneeled down beside me, brushing some hair out of my face.
“Hey, what’s wrong sweet girl.” He asked, grabbing my hand and looking at me with a sad face.
“Y-You guys just left me here! A-And I was scared when Nick didn’t answer. And Justin doesn’t even wanna see me, he’s only here to see you guys and I-“
I began to rant, letting my feeling pour out. He climbed into bed next to me and pulled me into a hug, saying,
“Shhh, I promise that’s not true. And I’m so sorry we left you bud.” I nodded into his chest, hugging him back tightly.
As I drifted off to sleep again, I hear Chris’s soft words say,
“tomorrow will be a better day. I promise.”
The next morning, I was being lightly shook awake.
I opened my eyes to see Justin’s smiling at me.
“C’mon! We’re gonna go get donuts!” He whispered, signaling that it might be early.
I quickly shot up, smiling before throwing on a hoodie and following him out to the car.
“Hey kid, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. We left you out and I feel really bad.” Justin said as we pulled out of the Duncan drive through.
he grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze before looking at me with a sympathetic smile.
I smiled back, but mine was sincere.
I didn’t say anything, all I did was lean into him, resting my head in his shoulder as he held my hand.
“I love ya kiddo.”
Note: kinda short fluffy one. I’ll have some GOOD fics out tomorrow 😏
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq @idkhowtosleep
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averysturniolo · 2 months
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Becoming a Matt girl
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Promising Young Woman (2020)
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smashpages · 3 months
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Plastic Man No More #1 (DC Black Label, September 2024) preview art by Christopher Cantwell, Alex Lins, Jacob Edgar, Marcelo Maiolo and Becca Carey
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newx-menfan · 10 days
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fxrvernxw · 6 months
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rammingthestein · 10 months
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Danny Carey from TOOL, Chad Smith from Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Christoph celebrating the life of Taylor Hawkins in 2022.
source: Danny's Instagram
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querenciasturniolo · 9 months
brb, quitting my job to watch this
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borderlinemediocre · 1 year
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Sept 27, 2022
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aunt-ninny · 11 months
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/>♡𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝟙𝟘𝟘 𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕥♡<\
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