#Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
monsterpotion · 9 months
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prokopetz · 2 years
if you ever got the chance to play chuubo's, which of the pregens would you choose to play? or would you want to build your own character? (in which case, on which arc?)
Assuming you mean the pregens from the Glassmaker's Dragon campaign, definitely Leonardo De Montreal. If we're including pregens from unpublished-at-the-time-of-this-posting campaigns, Jasmine Apocynum might also be in the running, though as far as I'm aware we've only seen her mortal-tier character sheet from the Hallowe'en special – that answer might change based on what her published miraculous-tier build looks like.
(Neither of these answers should be even slightly surprising.)
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cjlinton · 1 year
🌠 A game with a mechanic I love.
📖 My favorite class or playbook from a game.
🌠 A game with a mechanic I love.
I love the keys in Lady Blackbird. I think they're a brilliant mechanic that effectively incentivize bold story and character choices without locking players into a specific advancement pathway.
I'm generally big fan of mechanics that reward players for playing their character within the framework of their journey / role / characterization. I think the most well-known example of this is weak Moves in BoB games. But my quarrel with a lot of weak (and usually token-earning) move lists in BoB games is that sometimes adhering to that token economy limits an interesting story choice: I've experienced that in a few different BoB games. I've run Lady Blackbird several times and have never had that experience with key, because they're clear and clearly bounded, but also broad: you have so much space to play.
Keys are very simple: when you turn a key, you get XP. When turning your key puts you in danger, you get 2 XP. XP can be put towards a variety of things.
Here's one of Kale Arkham's Keys:
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There is so much here. It doesn't lock players into a cycle of success / failure or repair / destruction, and leaves so much room for interpretation. I've run games where the person plays Kale as secretly in love with Captain Cyrus Vance, and games where Kale and Cyrus had an older brother / younger brother relationship, and games where they were just Bros For Life: and all of those interpretations were fun, great, and totally supported by the rest of the game's framework.
And this is just one of Kale's three keys!
I also appreciate that some of the keys acknowledge the table experience rather than being limited to the in-game world. This key of Snargle's, for example:
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I'm a huge Lady Blackbird fan and need to run it again, honestly. It's been too long.
📖 My favorite class or playbook from a game.
I am new to Jenna Moran games, but I've had the privilege of being in a Fortitude: the Glass-Maker's Dragon (for Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine) campaign this year. I was originally interested in playing the Angel of Fortitude, but @windienine suggested The Dream Witch and he was absolutely on the money with it: her playbook is a beautiful mix of a lot of things I really enjoy and just gorgeously crafted.
There's a lot to love but I'll just share one piece, The Worldbreaker's Hand:
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Love to have a magnificent and magnificently devastating power which you will simply never again use (again).
ask game to hype other people's ttrpgs »
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andaisq · 1 year
is seizhi schwan or leonardo da montreal transer greatest debate thread in history of rpgnet forums
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franticbindings · 4 months
This was originally going to be a joke about how Laios is on Indomitable and has Superior Appetite instead of Vitality, but there actually is a basis in canon for a surprising number of Indomitable abilities.
He does Paralyzing Fear a couple of times. He heals. He's got an uncanny sense via Kensuke. He's associated with a specific taboo, though he doesn't have any particular ability to sense it he does inevitably form connections with people who partake in it with him. His tribulation would probably involve monsters somehow, so Kabru's misadventures in that regard could be a representative of what that looks like.
Nothing comes to mind for an advanced technique, except maybe pushing his Monster Lore skill to a supernatural level to explain some of the insights and deductions he does. That ability is more about doing a concrete thing though, I feel.
His dog form in the dream is a bit of a stretch for Inconsipicuous Form. He'd love to have that power though, obviously.
Powers aside... BOY is he on an Emptiness Arc; holy shit. The way the story handles Laios' difficulties relating with other humans is about as perfect of an example of an Emptiness Curse that I can think of. Canon events even neatly map onto a 5 Quest Arc. I need to think on this more.
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windienine · 11 months
a gift for you!
it's more chuubo's
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Iolithae Septimian: (magic zing) "This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons and events is entirely coincidental."
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jdragsky · 7 months
There is a mystery, and its name is Goblin.
The Far Roofs, an adventurous RPG about talking rats and their faraway rooftops, by the creator of Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine and Nobilis, is coming to Kickstarter TOMORROW!! i am incredibly excited for it, and this video has me SCREAMING
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geostatonary · 4 months
wrote a quick guide to playing in the arknights setting using chuubo's marvelous wish-granting engine. requires some familiarity with both to use.
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Have you played CHUUBO'S Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine ?
By Jenna Moran
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Chuubo's is a diceless RPG logging the daily lives of a cast of quirky teenagers living in a dimension adjacent to our own, each uniquely touched by errant divinity. Gain experience points through sharing emotional moments between characters and progressing through collaboratively-written plot beats, and then use them to progress through "Quests" that unfold new phases of their lives… and up the intensity of their newfound powers.
Prewritten archetypes in the "Glass-Maker's Dragon" module include the titular Chuubo-- a kind but hapless boy who holds the power of the very stars in his hands -- and company, consisting of an imaginary friend born from a wish, a mad scientist bent on saving the world, a mysterious transfer student from our world, and the Sun (in the sky)… and more!
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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monsterpotion · 8 months
Since you added on to that Nobilis post, I don’t suppose you know where online one could find people to play with?
Aside from "in the notes of that post" (I'm secretly hoping at least one game starts directly from this suggestion, but not holding my breath for it)...
Following the Glitch Kickstarter back in 2020, a Discord server centered on the works of Jenna Moran emerged. It's probably the highest concentration of Nobilis players into one digital space. We also do a ton of other stuff there! Here's an invite link!*
If Discord doesn't suit you, I'm not sure - obviously I've seen that there's a rising awareness of Nobilis on tumblr, but it can be hard to coordinate between people hereabouts. I would encourage the would-be players reading this to organize amongst yourselves, though, like... tumblr might not be a place online where one could find people to play Nobilis now but I'd love for it to become such a place! Beyond that, well, me, personally, I'm really just a tumblr/Discord woman, for better or worse. I'm sure there are Nobilis players on Cohost! I probably even know them! But I don't know how to find 'em, necessarily. I'm open to comments from anyone with more information on this matter!
And just to be upfront about this part: the current state of affairs means that games of Nobilis tend to emerge slowly. This is something I'm hoping to change with my propaganda, certainly, but I don't want anyone to expect to roll into the Discord server and find a group day one. It might happen! Depends on how this post does, I imagine. But I don't want to give an unrealistic impression.
*this invite link is currently active and should remain so. If it is deactivated at some future point (due to spam or misuse) I will edit this post. right before I hit post I remembered I can't edit asks that I've answered. If the link don't work anymore we probably had a good reason!
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jeeyonshim · 10 months
the priest and the demon hunter
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cjlinton · 8 months
Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine rewired my brain last year so I made my co-players notebooks inspired by versions of their favorite Glass-Maker’s Dragon characters.
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Top Left: @windienine's Leonardo de Montreal, Nightmares' Angel Top Right: @geostatonary's Rinley, the Troublemaker Bottom: @jeeyonshim's Natalia Koutolika, the Prodigy, inspired by this drawing.
The notebook inserts are applique and made with fabric scraps from other projects. I nearly always do cross stitch interiors because I think in grids, so the applique Natalia's spear (jewelry wire) were fun new challenges for me.
The notebooks are bound with coptic stitch, which means they're open spine and lay flat.
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jennamoran · 6 months
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you tried google you tried
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franticbindings · 3 months
If Natasha Bedingfield's "Unwritten" is playing during the scene when you activate the Creature of the Light power "Inspire" that miracle will have an additional strike.
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