#Chuya nakahara x reader
yuyinesque · 29 days
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everyone stfu rn — imagine hispanic!reader or spanish-speaking!reader referring chuuya as… besito? b… because the “chu” sound? is the sound of a kiss in japanese? and beso is kiss in spanish? a-and “ito” at the end of most spanish words (amorcito, hermanito, putita, etc.) concludes that the noun is small? a-and he’s like 5’3…? and… and y’all are dating and and and and it’s just sooooo embarrassing!!!! especially when you do it around his subordinates!!!! exasperated, covered in crimson kisses and spanish adulates, roseate cheeks, smoke from the ears, promising to kill you after they leave, smooching him more… he’s mortified and it’s great!!!!! LET ME COOK!!!!!
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mitsies · 1 year
synopsis: chuuya nakahara has a little crush on you. to his misfortune, dazai catches on.
sfw 15 era!chuuya x reader but chuuya's a little bitch LMFAO, mega jealousy, falling in love, in dazai we trust, confessions, fluff!
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chuuya nakahara didn't get jealous.
he likes to think of himself as cool, and easy-going, and even-tempered. he's not too sure as to why everyone around him disagrees- he thinks he's pretty reasonable.
yes, he gets mad sometimes, but doesn't everyone? and it's not like it's his fault that everyone around him is insufferable and incompetent.
he's only 16, but somehow more capable than most everyone else in the port mafia- this generalization, though, doesn't include you.
you're a year older than him, and probably the most competent and normal person he's met thus far. you're quick-witted and sharp, with a killer smile and a silver tongue. you're agile and a good fighter, and you're kind- a trait he's seen a horrifying lack of in his new field of business.
you're a member of the flags, a port mafia subgroup that chuuya had happened to become close with in his brief employment. the flags consisted of unsavory characters and unlikable men- you were an exception.
eventually, though, he found that you accompanied him on more missions than you did with your own group. and surprisingly, he didn't mind it all too much. in fact, he even appreciated your presence and input.
so while you were one of the few port mafia members he didn't deem completely inept, that didn't exclude the company you kept. namely: dazai osamu.
he's not too sure when or how you two became close, seeing as you, a subordinate, would have little business with the port mafia's boss' pupil- but you and dazai had recently been spotted in each others' company more frequently.
and chuuya hated it.
you were so nice, and intelligent, and a being far superior to the likes of dazai, who was horrid and cruel in every sense of the term. but chuuya nakahara wasn't jealous. no, he simply knew that you deserved better than dazai- you deserved better company, you deserved him.
you and chuuya spent time together on missions a few times a week, sure, but never anything outside of business, whereas you and dazai hung out on evenings and any free moments in the port mafia's lair.
he despised seeing you and dazai laughing in empty rooms, and he abhorred watching the both of you converse in the corners of gatherings. he thought he did a pretty good job of hiding it from you, though.
he'd never bring up dazai to you, and you didn't mention him often either. but you seemed so much more subdued around chuuya and it grated on him to think that you might be more comfortable around his rat-faced companion than him.
and speaking of dazai: chuuya could hide his not-jealousy from you, sure, but keeping it from the demon prodigy was a whole other story.
in fact, he didn't even have a chance of keeping it on the down low. dazai simply found out, just like that.
"oh my god," he had started out of nowhere. chuuya and dazai were walking to meet a car that was meant to take them home from their mission. he'd frozen in his steps and his eyes held a familiar glow- a shimmer of condescending amusement.
"you like her."
chuuya sputtered. "i do not, you ugly horse. i don't like y/n."
"who said anything about y/n?" dazai's grin grew tenfold and chuuya lacked the words to defend himself.
from then on, dazai had been a relentless tease about the situation. after he'd caught on to chuuya's crush, his jealousy-not-jealousy was easy to pick up on.
"careful with your staring," dazai had playfully chided at some point, sidling into the seat next to chuuya, "your eyes might fall out of your head."
chuuya scowled. "i wasn't staring."
"so you were just watching me and her talking. and making a gross face when i put a hand on her shoulder. i see."
if they weren't in the middle of a crowded meeting hall with a surplus of port mafia members, chuuya would strangle dazai. "i wasn't watching anything."
dazai smiles. "careful, chuuya. some people are going to start catching on, and envy isn't a good look on you-"
he's promptly cut off by chuuya slamming his fists on the table with fury written all over his face. "i am not-"
he stops himself. you're hurrying over to where the both of them are seated, glancing around furtively.
"chuuya, dazai," you all but scold, "how about you save that for later? maybe when a whole room of people aren't watching?"
dazai stands from his chair and feigns a sigh, flopping onto your shoulder. you laugh and it sounds like music and chuuya feels a vein pop in his forehead.
"my sincerest apologies," dazai bemoans, "it's just that the little one here seems to bring out the worst in me."
chuuya's clenching his jaw so hard that his teeth might grind themselves to ashes, and you playfully shove the taller boy off you. "play nice."
dazai sits back down and you take the empty seat next to him, and chuuya looks straight ahead as he listens to the two of you blabber on about some nonsense.
he's mad, he's really, really mad because he can't find it in himself to insert himself into the conversation and you look so happy talking to dazai. and really, who wouldn't be happy?
dazai was charming and charismatic, even if he was a piece of shit. he was humorous and actually kind of easy-going (looking past the murderous tendencies) in a way chuuya only claimed to be.
chuuya was angry, angry enough to admit yes, maybe he was a little jealous of dazai's closeness with you. but he had no idea what the hell to do.
chuuya can't decide if he's lucky or unlucky when the answer falls right into his lap.
it's a sunny day in january, something rare and unusual. chuuya's day has been pretty normal for a 16-year-old boy. so far, he's overseen 2 jewel trades and still had daylight to spare. he's unhurried as he wanders the hallways of the port mafia headquarters, looking for something to occupy him.
that's when he runs into you.
you're leaning against the wall of a common room, tapping away at your cell phone with your headphones on. they're sitting on your hair oddly, making the strands stick out in an awkward way. he bites the inside of his cheek, despising how the littlest things endeared you to him.
he calls your name, and you look up. a bright smile forms across your face. "hey chuuya."
"hey. not doing anything?"
you shake your head. "nope. i was about to leave, actually, to go grocery shopping. you?"
"i finished early today."
"ah. cool."
chuuya hates how stale this conversation is. he knows he can do better but the way you look at him ties his tongue in knots and he can't seem to muster the words he wants to. he thinks that if he were dazai, it would be easy to get out what he wants to say. luckily for chuuya, though, you do it for him.
"if you're not busy," you say, "would you want to come with me? i can make you lunch back at my apartment, if you'd like."
chuuya smiles and it takes his whole being to not beam at you with all his teeth. "that sounds good."
the walk to the local grocery store is uneventful, but a constant chatter is exchanged. you talk and chuuya replies, and he feels the ice in his throat melting.
this, he realizes, is the first time he's been in your company outside of an assignment. he thinks he loves it.
you're quick to fill silences, and there's never a lull in the conversation. you laugh and smile and you seem so genuine that chuuya's heart is thundering in his chest whenever you do.
the grocery store itself is small and quaint, with windows lining the walls. sunlight filters in and stains your skin with its gold. it's peaceable, chuuya decides, the way you lead him around and gather products in your basket. it's lovely, he thinks, whenever you look at him. he could get used to this.
but chuuya is not a lucky man, it seems, because a very loud and very familiar voice cuts through whatever you were saying:
"oh, i didn't expect to see you both here, outside of work! chuuya, i'm impressed, you finally told y/n that you're hopelessly in love with her?"
chuuya freezes, staring straight ahead at the apple shelves. you straighten, wide eyes looking at him. dazai is grinning.
"you fucking piece of shit," chuuya snarls, whipping to face him.
dazai raises his hands in the air with a serene smile. "not in public, chuuya, please! think of the children!"
dazai grabs an apple from the stands and takes a bite. he turns to leave without paying. "i hope your relationship is wonderful and prosperous!"
chuuya stares at his shrinking figure, hoping that the other boy can feel his gaze burning through his back. his endeavors are only interrupted by your voice calling his name.
his attention snaps to you, and he opens and closes his jaws like a fish. "uh, yeah?"
he hates how dull and hesitant his voice sounds. he hates how confused you look. he hates dazai.
"what was dazai talking about?"
chuuya puffs out his chest, sensing an opportunity to lie his way out of this. "i have no idea, i guess that blubbering idiot has finally gone fully insane-"
"no, tell me truthfully, please."
he resists the urge to curse, having forgotten how perceptive you were. "uh... well..."
"you like me?"
silence. chuuya looks at you. you look at him. he's not sure what else he can say.
you blink. and then you smile. "okay, cool. i like you too."
and just like that, you move on, continuing your search for the scallions. chuuya's still frozen, so he jogs to catch up with you.
"wait, so like," he spouts disbelievingly, "for real?"
"just like that?"
"it was that easy?"
chuuya sighs deeply and you giggle. "chuuya, i'd have said yes if you asked me out the day we met, if i'm being honest."
he gapes at you. "serious?"
"mhm. and i knew you liked me, by the way. i was just waiting for you to say it. i guess dazai got impatient."
he is flabbergasted. "what gave it away?"
you shrug your shoulders, gathering a bundle of scallions and a few heads of garlic to place in your basket. "you don't hide your envy well."
chuuya huffs. "i don't get jealous, actually."
"sure you don't."
"really, though! i don't!"
chuuya protests but he's smiling, and you are too. you bump him with your shoulders and his hand finds its way around your waist.
okay, so maybe chuuya nakahara got a little, tiny bit jealous- but for you? he thinks it was worth it.
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
Could I request Dazai and Chuuya with an s/o who can't stay still when she sleeps?
He’s a pretty light sleeper. So it keeps him up at night. Maybe it’s from his Mafia days, always needing to stay alert for an attack, or maybe it’s just general insomnia, but every time they move he wakes up. It helps some if he wraps his arms around them, but there are times when Dazai has considered “Ricky & Lucky beds” for their bedroom.
Doesn’t care because he doesn’t wake up. You could let off firecrackers in the room and Chuuya would not wake up. They honestly don’t have that much room to move with him starfished out. He takes up most of the best and cannot be moved. Luckily they just move over him and neither one is the wiser until the next morning.
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confession time!
okay can i tell you how much i adored this request? <33
[ ft. sigma, atsushi, twain, chuuya ]
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Sigma... was panicked, to say the least. What if you say no, what if it wasn't perfect like he meant it to be, what if he stumbled over his lines, what if he didn't brush his hair enough this morning (impossible), what if his shirt was ugly (also impossible, he looks gorgeous always)? He's acted this since your first few meetings, but it took some time before the thought came to his mind that he was in love. He didn't even know when or how he could confess! This was an ordeal that, to Sigma, required extraordinary amounts of planning. Every detail had to be perfect, it if wasn't, what if you said no? The thought of confessing, let alone the thought of you, was enough to make his head spin. Sigma hardly even needed a confession, he already trailed after you in his free time like a dog, and always bought you the most expensive things. If that wasn't enough to show how he was head over heels, he went red in the face every other conversation. Needless to say, when he knocks on your door with the cheesiest confession and a bouquet of your favorite flower (no matter how rare), you kiss him.
[ sigma is precious, please cherish him ]
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Twain has always been confident. Flirting with you, always acting laid back. Key word: acting. He's had to act calm since the moment he saw the way your eyes shine and he couldn't stop the scarlet from spreading to his cheeks. This man was dying inside. He was not calm, not when you were smiling at him like that. When he finally got the balls to confess, he finally fully buttoned that damns shirt (highly unusual, you were shocked you could make such a thing happen) and shoved his pride up his ass for a minute. He didn't even have it in him to ask someone for advice. He showed off what he could do, and then when you looked to be in enough awe, he tried his best to express his feelings and keep a straight face (no, he did not keep a straight face).
[ you can probably see that i adore bullying this man ]
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It was obvious to everyone from the very beginning. He was a young boy who was starting to figure things out in life, and a gorgeous, considerate person like you would obviously attract someone like him. So he followed you around, always offering his aid, time, money, and whatever else you could need. You always made him feel appreciated and seen, what's wrong with returning the favour? Dazai attempted to give him advice on it, but it was really just the entire rest of the agency picking on him. You could see from a mile away how he stuttered, flushed, and stammered when he talked or looked your way. You knew he probably couldn't get the words out of his mouth, so you asked him if you could take a walk on evening and said everything there. He was still speechless, but at least it was said. (He also cried quite a bit, so you tried to buy him ice cream but he finally got the courage to say he'd pay for both of yours <33)
[ you can probably tell by length how much i adore this precious boy ]
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Dazai immediately noticed the way Chuuya felt about you. It took a little while for Chuuya to fall for you, however, but once you two were close, it didn't take much for Chuuya to start feeling more than just platonic things. In short, there wasn't one moment when Chuuya realised he loved you, just a piling up of affection. Chuuya tried to show how he felt in any way except for telling you, solely because he believes actions speak more than words. He wouldn't necessarily be stumbling over his sentences, but he'd probably be busy buying you that expensive first edition poetry book (please say you caught that). Chuuya knew that Dazai knew, and whatever "advice" Dazai gave was nothing that Chuuya would actually trust. Chuuya was actually pretty confident he could make you smitten too- he's pulled plenty, trust me. He knocks on your door one night and asks if you'd like to go try out some restaurant (I shouldn't say some restaurant, it's an expensive one that you mentioned wanting to try sometime). He makes the confession on the spot- it's more honest and meaningful that way, he hopes. You accept, and make out later soon after.
AAAA I loved this prompt, I love writing lovestruck and lovesick people. Also Atsushi and Sigma are precious, not in a way that they're clueless or can't handle themselves; they're just perfect. As always, requests are always welcome, likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated. Have a wonderful day/night! Love you all <33
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simpforchuchu · 4 months
Stay by my side
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Prompts: DAY 2 - solitary confinement @febuwhump Characters: Chuuya x reader Fandom: BSD Summary: He found his lover in a dungeon…
A/n for prompts: Hello guys! This is my first time trying a prompt challenge. I hope you like the short fics I wrote. I will finish them by writing some of the requests I have. I love you 💜
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of fights, torture, blood and killing…
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The young mafia executive ignored his rapidly beating heart. Fear took over his entire body. He killed all his enemies in the building, and his men were taking care of the rest. He was searching for the most valuable person in his life.
He was sure that he had checked all the floors and looked behind every door. But he couldn't find y/n anywhere. He was about to cry. He wanted to scream in fear, but he couldn't. He seemed speechless.
He quickly went down to the ground floor and headed for the door. But as he was running, he noticed an area on the ground making a strange noise and stopped.
It was as he expected. There was a secret door. He lifted the lid and noticed the stairs leading down to the basement.
He shouted as he descended the stairs in fear.
“Y/n! Can you hear me ? Y/n, baby if you are here please give a shout!”
The young man opened his eyes with fear when he saw the dungeons in the basement. All dungeons were empty. He walked quickly to the end of the corridor and saw one of them’s door was closed.
The door was not locked. He opened the door and saw that someone was hanging on chains from the ceiling of the dungeon. He shouted to the men coming behind him.
“Turn on the hallway lights, now!”
After a few seconds, the lights turned on and Chuuya shouted in fear.
Her lover was hanging by a chain. He ran inside and examined the young woman. Her face was bloody, it was obvious that they tortured her.
He wanted to scream, cry, blow this place up. But first he had to take her home.
It wasn't hard to break the chains. He gently took the young woman in his arms and quickly took her out of this dark dungeon.
When they got out, he took her to the car and ordered the driver to drive.
His eyes filled with tears as he looked at the bloody face of the woman in his arms.
“I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. This happened because of me."
He caressed the young woman's face in fear. He hugged her gently and kissed her hair.
“I promise you, they will suffer much more than the pain they caused you.”
Chuuya had fire in his eyes. The feeling of revenge was so strong that he did not notice the young woman waking up. Y/n slowly reached out and caressed the young man's face.
“I just want you to stay by my side.” She whispered.
Although Chuuya was startled by the young woman's fingers touching his face, he softened with her words. Because he didn't want her to be afraid anymore, he kissed her palm and whispered.
“I'm not leaving you and going anywhere. Don't worry my love.”
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vintageflowerangel · 28 days
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Poly! Relationship with CHUUYA NAKAHARA and PM! DAZAI OSAMU
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♡ A relationship between the two is just pure chaotic... You have two boys fighting over you all the time, a hot head, and a suicidal boy. (Tug of war wow-) 
♡ There's always back and forth arguments and bringing you in the middle of them just to see who's right or who's dumber than the other. 
♡ Arcade dates are a must in the relationship. The three of you have a little bet that whoever loses the most has to pay for dinner, and it's either you and Chuuya who lose because Dazai always jacks up the games to win. If you lose, don't worry! Chuuya will offer to pay so you won't have to spend your money. (He'll threaten Dazai that he won't pay for his meal but still pays either way.) 
♡ They're both really possessive over you. Sometimes, it can be overbearing, but they're just overprotective (it's mostly because they're jealous), not appreciating the way people glance at you out of interest or people talking to you like friends as an example. 
♡ There is no serious fighting in the relationship. It's mostly for fun and games, but if anything serious happens, they'd comfort you or give you some space, whatever you prefer. 
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Date: 4/13/2024 
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anqelically · 1 year
wait for me | chuuya nakahara x gn!reader
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content: no manga spoilers, angst to fluff
word count: 0.6k
navi | bsd masterlist
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it was snowing.
flurries of white fell from the sky, sticking on the first surface they could reach. the air felt dry, and hard to breathe in. it was also quiet, everyone basking in the warmth of their homes instead of spending time outside.
things were different for a certain port mafia executive. chuuya nakahara trudged through the snow with heavy feet as he became lost in his thoughts. yes, he was freezing his ass off, literally, but he continued walking on in that weather.
his hands, clad in black gloves like they always were, were colder. in this weather, he’d keep one hand in his pocket and the other in your hand, but you weren’t there.
you were gone, long gone. from his life? hopefully not permanently. but for the past 2 years, your presence has been absent from his life. after some problems involving mori, the port mafia’s boss, you quit. for good.
not only did you leave the port mafia, but you left the beloved city you called home. a home, once stained with the blood of someone you love, is hard to stay in.
for being so close to each other, chuuya felt like you were standing quite a distance away. after everything that has happened, he saw this conversation coming. he knew it before the words could even leave your lips— you were leaving.
your arms held him close while you held your breath. this would be goodbye until you meet again. if you meet again.
“wait for me, okay?” you removed your arms from his waist and cupped his cheeks. “i promise i’ll come back. i don’t know when, but-“
“i get it, i do. go ahead. i’ll be right here.”
his thumbs traced your lips, then your cheeks, under your eyes, down your jawline. although chuuya already had every dip and curve in your body memorized, he wanted to get a good look one last time. oh, how mesmerizing you were under the moon.
chuuya’s lips made it to yours, giving you a soft kiss that spoke a million words. for however long you’d be gone, he’d wait.
the orange-haired man continued to walk through the snow towards his loft, which the two of you once shared. his cheeks were a bright red by the time he arrived. his gloved hands opened the door. wait—
“i see you’re back.”
upon hearing the familiar voice, chuuya paused in his spot. he let his guard down before he turned to the side. you stood there with a large brown bag in your hands. the smell of food wafted throughout the air and reached his nose.
“i’m back? you’re back, y/n…” he stood in shock. there was an awkward silence before chuuya asked, “so, uh, how are you?”
you laughed at his attempt to make conversation. you clutched the paper bag a tad tighter while he furrowed his brows. he questioned you, “hey… what’s so funny?”
you smiled, “nothing, nothing. i’m just happy to see you again, you know. but, um, are you happy to see me?”
you shifted your weight as you anticipated his answers. you thought that 2 years was plenty of time to get over someone. he told you he’d be waiting, yet you let doubt plant itself in your mind.
“happy?” chuuya started to walk towards you. “it’s way more than that, damn it.”
swiftly, chuuya grabbed the bag from your hands and held it with his left arm. his right hand slithered up your neck, the feeling of the cool leather sending shivers down your spine. you tilted your head, meeting chuuya’s lips.
he brushed his thumb slightly before moving his complete whole hand to the nape of your neck. you buried the tips of your fingers into his hair, also holding his neck in a similar fashion.
 “i’ve missed you so damn bad,” chuuya spoke once you broke apart.
you buried your head into the crook of his neck, “oh chuuya, i’ve missed you too. thank you for waiting.”
“of course, i did tell you i’d wait.”
a smile graced your face, “i’m glad you’re a man of your word. but… there is one thing i need you to do.”
he raised a brow, “name it.”
“give me one more, please?” you noticed chuuya’s confused expression. “a kiss, silly. you don’t know how much i’ve missed them— how much i’ve missed you.”
the tips of his ears turned red as he exhaled. chuuya looked at you through his orange strands of hair, “that was the plan from the start, when we get inside.”
as you turned towards the door, chuuya hand gently cupped your chin. you felt him leave a kiss on your jawline, a smug smile forming on his face as he opened the door before you could.
“that should suffice for now, shouldn’t it?”
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note: first chuuya work so hopefully it isn't all that bad?? but i actually liked writing it so- request here
reblogs are appreciated + join my taglist !
@nagicore @enomane @er0ses @spenzitz @wineaddict2904
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system-to-the-madness · 2 months
Cherry Blossom Walks 🌸 Nakahara Chūya x Reader
Pairing: Nakahara Chūya x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: fluff Word Count: 2 360 Warnings: mentions of death + illness + poverty Summary: Chūya takes you on a date but things don’t quite go as he expected
Sakura Festival Masterlist - Masterlist
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All of a sudden, Chūya wasn’t so sure anymore, whether it had been a good idea to bring you to this park. Two years, that’s how long he had waited for the perfect time to ask you out, you a member of the armed detective agency. Two years in which he had scraped together his courage again and again to talk to you, only to always be interrupted by this idiot of a bean stalk called Dazai. But finally had done it, asked you to accompany him on a nice walk in the park to watch the cherry blossom together.
Chūya had been fairly certain he had made himself clear enough so that you would understand he had a romantic interest in you, but still he had been uncertain about how you would interpret the situation. Just to be sure, he had brough you a small bouquet of flowers when you had met up in front of the closest train station.
Now you were holding the flowers in your arm, a mix of whites, pastel pinks and light greens; a perfectly romantic, not too heavy, lighthearted spring bouquet. Your other arm was linked with his, rather formally he noticed, and not at all as close as he would have liked, making him question everything he had said and done in the past twenty minutes since you had met up.
You had seemed to be so happy about the flowers, had taken his arm so casually when he had offered it to you, had laughed so unashamedly at his dry sarcasm. But ever since you had first stepped through the gates of the park, you had stiffened up. Did you not like the park? He was sure he had told you where he intended to take you for your date. Had something happened here, and coming back made dark memories resurface? Did you not like the flowerbeds, filled to the brim with all the colours of the spring? Were you allergic to the cherry blossom that was in full bloom over your heads?
Just as you had reached a point, from where the water of the bay below reflected the already low sun beams in orange and golden sparks, and glittered through the pink petals of the Sakura trees, you suddenly stopped walking. Chūya, who had been about to suggest sitting down on a bench, got startled out of his thoughts. Confused at your sudden halt, he finally fully turned his head to take in your expression, which he had avoided doing in the past minutes, only glancing at you from the corner of his eyes until then. Shock raced through his body when he saw tears swimming in your eyes.
“What’s wrong,” he asked so quickly that he stumbled over his own words, not even caring about the way his voice hitched. Quickly he pulled away from you, placing his hands at your shoulders instead and chasing your gaze as you closed your eyes and turned your face away from him. “What’s wrong, talk to me, please.”
“Can we sit down for a moment,” you asked instead of answering him.
Your voice was quiet, but Chūya quickly nodded his head, gently but firmly guiding you to the closest bench. Warm afternoon sunlight flickered through the branches of the trees above you, making your skin glow beautifully. A tear ran down your cheek, catching the sunlight and glittering like a diamond.
Chūya’s heart broke at the sight of that tear; he was sure the crack had to be loud enough for you to hear.
What had happened?
Why where you crying?
Had he done something wrong? You had wanted to sit down, maybe your shoes were hurting your feet? No, he thought after a quick glance down, you were wearing sneakers. Unlikely that they would hurt your feet enough for you to cry. Maybe you had a stomach-ache, or cramps. Or a headache. Or all of that at once? Or had he had done something wrong? Said something wrong? Had you expected him to-
Before his thoughts could spiral further out of control, you suddenly spoke up.
“Do you even know how beautiful this park is?”
The question caught him off guard. He had expected a lot, had hoped you would address the cause of your distress, but you wanted to talk about the park? Alright, he would indulge you.
“I mean, it’s a beautiful park,” he shrugged, his eyes wandering over the plants and small pathways before you. “I like the colours and the way the sunlight reflects in the harbour.”
“I never could have imagined something so beautiful to exist in the world.”
Chūya blinked. Was that why you were crying? Because you thought this place was beautiful?
“How long have we known each other, Chūya? Two years?”
“Two years, three months and about one week,” he mumbled, although he wasn’t sure you had actually meant it as a question.
“Did you keep track?” The amusement in your voice lessened some of his anxiety.
“Of course not.”
Of course he had. Two years, three months and one week since he had first met you, since he had watched you burst into a semi-serious fight with Dazai and continue to scold Dazai for just running off and apologizing to Chūya for any inconveniences Dazai might have caused. At that point you obviously hadn’t known about Dazai’s and Chūya’s intertwined past, but Chūya had immediately known that no matter what anyone else thought, you had to be the closest thing to an angel that existed in this twisted and cruel world, and he would do everything to make sure you were taken care of and looked after.
How many times had he sent out someone to make sure you were kept away from the most dangerous fights? How many times had he threatened a very amused and smug Dazai to protect you and make sure you got home safe? More times than he could remember. But it had paid off: you were here with him now. Only that you were crying, and he still wasn’t quite sure why.
“So two years, three months and one week,” you repeated. “How much do you know about my past?”
Chūya blinked again, turning back to you. Your eyes were open now, looking past the stems of the trees and staring into the sparkles of sunlight on the water of the bay in the distance.
“What does the past matter,” he asked. “The present is all that counts.”
“But the present is built on the past,” you disagreed.
Chūya bit his lip. The reason for your sudden change in emotions lay in your past?
“I know that you joined the ADA when you were seventeen,” he slowly spoke. “Edogawa-san was the one to recruit you.”
“And before that?”
Chūya felt like he was being quizzed in a classroom in front of the entire class. And hadn’t studied.
“I know you were living on the street for a while, but-”
“I grew up in the slum of Suribachi City.”
Your sudden interruption made him shut up. The slum? He hadn’t known that, and honestly, he had trouble imagining you down there, with the scum of society.
“You know Suribachi City, don’t you?”
Chūya nodded. He had spent enough time there, between the corrugated iron huts and carton shelters.
“The slum is the deepest part of the City. Down there, the smog is so thick, you can barely see the next corner of the street. Rats and other pest live between humans like their pets, and the sheds stand so close that sunlight barely reaches down there.”
Chūya had only been to the slum of Suribachi City once. Back then it had been only out of curiosity, but that had quickly been satisfied when the stench in the air had made it hard to breath. The hems of his trousers had been stained with mud and other unidentifiable liquids, which he never got to wash out properly and he had ended up throwing that pair of trousers away. Back then, he had only seen a couple of criminals lingering in the shadows between barracks, but the thought that children might be living down there had never crossed his mind.
“My parents ended up down there – I don’t know how – and had me. I was born on the coldest day of the year and my mother always said that’s the reason why I ended up surviving the rest of the winter. We barely had anything when I was little. We were living so far down that even the concept of sunlight was reduced to a faint shimmer within the fog.” You closed your eyes and tilted your chin up, letting warm sunbeams brush over your cheeks. “Most days we didn’t have any food. I can count the days, in which I went to bed with a full stomach on one hand. My parents… they were the best parents anyone could wish for. They both worked hard, and still made sure to spend time with me. There was never a moment where I needed them, or wanted their attention, in which they weren’t there for me.”
Your voice had grown rough over the past sentences, and Chūya reached out a hand, wrapping his fingers around yours. They were so cool that he could feel it even through his gloves.
“The first time I saw the sun without the smog of the slum… I must have been six or seven years old. The first time I saw a flower, I was twelve, the first time I saw a tree… fifteen. That was after my parents had died.”
“How did they die,” Chūya asked, realizing too late that his blunt question might upset you. In his head he was already plotting to bring justice to whoever had taken their lives.
“It was the autumn of that bad flu outbreak,” you answered. “All three of us had it. First dad, then mum and then me. We all got sick within a week, and two weeks later they were dead. I could barely move, but I made it out into the street, trying to find help. That’s how Ranpo-san found me. He brought me to Yokohama to a hospital, got me a job at the café, got me a private tutor to teach me how to read and write, and eventually convinced Fukuzawa-san to employ me at the Agency.”
“I didn’t know…” Chūya gently tightened his gloved fingers around yours, relieved when you returned the soft squeeze.
“Other than Ranpo and Fukuzawa, hardly anybody knows,” you shrugged. “Dazai probably figured most of it out, but only the broad timeframe. The others… they don’t pry. And I like it better that way.”
“Then I have to thank you double for trusting me with your story,” Chūya said, slowly lifting your hand to his lips and pressing a small kiss to your knuckles.
When he looked up and found you were watching him, his breath hitched in his throat and quickly he lowered your hands again.
“I’m just sorry for making things awkward,” you sighed, holding a little tighter to Chūya’s hand, when you felt him trying to let go. His fingers immediately wrapped back around yours. “It’s just… I spent so long living without proper sunlight, no knowing what trees looked like, how songbirds sound or how roses smell, that sometimes… it’s all a little overwhelming.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Chūya shook his head. “There’s nothing to apologize for. And you didn’t make things awkward. I was just worried I had done something to upset you.”
“You didn’t,” you reassured him. “Quite the opposite really.” You took a deep breath. “I know you waited for a long time to go out with me, and now all I’m doing is crying because everything’s so beautiful here. That must be quite disappointing.”
Chūya chuckled. “Don’t worry your pretty head about that. You’re beautiful even when you cry.” Admittedly, he had seen you ugly-cry before during a shared mission, and even when your eyes had been swollen from crying, he had never felt anything other than affection for you, and the urge to sooth those sobs that had left your split lip. Now your lips were smooth and so soft looking. The thought that he wanted to know what they tasted like crossed his mind. He quickly shooed it away. Not the right time. “But if you want to cry some more, I have tissues.”
“You’re an awful man,” you gasped in mock offence, before scooting closer to his side and resting your head against his shoulder. It was warm and heavy against him, and he carefully turned his head to press a kiss against your hair.
“Do you want to stay here,” he asked after a while. You had started playing with his fingers, your cool fingertips exploring the leather of his gloves absentmindedly as you looked out into the park opening before you.
“As nice as it is,” you sighed, “we should get up. We’ve been occupying this bench for long enough.”
You were attempting to pull away, but Chūya held tighter onto you. “If you don’t want to get up, we don’t have to. There are enough empty benches all around. If people want to sit, they can do it on another bench.”
“Even though we have the best view?”
“Well, if they want this view, they’ll just have to wait,” Chūya decided, hiding his smile against your hair as you relaxed back against him. You had not seen proper parks for the first fifteen years of your life, you deserved to enjoy the most beautiful views for as long as you wanted, and he would make sure you got all the time you needed.
As pink cherry blossom petles drifted through the air, catching the sunlight which made them seem to glow from within, and your breath evened out as you slowly fell asleep against Chūya’s shoulder, your hand still in his, the flowers he had brought you on the bench next to you, Chūya was sure, it had been the perfectly right decision to bring you to the park for your first date. 
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hutaoscoffinn · 2 years
hi i saw you started writing for bsd and you really are providing! i was wondering if i could request chuuya + dazai with a virgin/ inexperienced s/o.
also you should start putting your work on x reader tags (e.g dazai x reader chuuya x reader) so that your amazing work gets more notes!❤️
SOBS YALL ARE SO SWEET and I do already include x readers in my tags but omg this was so cute and I love this idea omg its SO CUTE AND YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE AND SWEET okayokayokay
Warnings: very filthy, GN! Reader, this is genuinely so smutty oh my god, 18+, Dazai is a whore, Chuuya is a god of romance, fluff
Characters: Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya
Requests: CLOSED
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He would feel so soft knowing you trusted him with your first time oh my god
Dazai has hella trust issues and he knows that it can be hard to trust someone
Especially trust them enough to give them your first time and to take good care of you and make it something memorable and hopefully not shitty
So goddamn he felt so much of your love when you trusted him with that
That moment when you trusted him with your first time and gave him your virginity is also when he knew you are the one he wants to spend his life with
This is still Dazai so your first time is absolutely not conventional
If you think it happens in a normal bed you’re absolutely wrong
Your first time definitely happened at the ADA because this is Dazai we are talking about
Nothing about your relationship is normal or conventional because its Osamu Dazai
He is an enigma that nobody can figure out even you but you’re still the closest to figuring him out sorry Kunikida you still know nothing
Now this doesnt mean that he won’t take the best care of you the whole time
Need him to go super slow for you and take his time? He will absolutely do it
If you want him to be rough and fast? He’s more than down
Just need him to be gentle and extra loving with praise constantly dripping from his lips? He will absolutely do it
Dazai will do anything for you he’s just so happy you’re trusting him so much
And even though your first time is definitely taking place on the small couch in the ADA office, he will do everything to make sure you are comfortable physically and emotionally
I mean sex isnt fun unless both people are enjoying it
Dazai has definitely been looking forward to this moment for a while now
I mean hes a horny mother fucker and he finds you extremely attractive, hot, sexy
You probably breathe in his direction and his dick stands up higher than the goddamn Eiffel Tower
Now as far as how it happened
It was most likely a day you felt extra needy for his attention and affection, attention he is more than happy to provide
And Dazai finds you longing for his love and presence adorable and extremely attractive
Hes a man whore ofc he loves attention especially from you
So when you visit him at work, following him around and sticking close to his side holding his hand or giving him small kisses when the others aren’t looking, he cant handle it
And thats how you ended up pressed against the door of the dark side computer room Kunikida always seems to beat Dazai up in
“You’ve been driving me fucking crazy,” his voice is low and husky as it rasps into your ear. His hands slide up and down your sides as he presses his body against yours, trapping you between himself and the sturdy wooden door.
He’s breathing heavy, almost panting into your ear and you can hear his heart beat racing. Heat climbs up your neck and your face flushes with warmth. Your cheeks feel hot and you can feel his hard-on straining in his slacks. Your senses are heightened, heart beating faster as want and desire pools inside of your body as your eyes meet those of the man you love.
Dazai’s pupils are blown out with lust as he looks down at you, his face flushed with want and his lips trail down your neck.
You practically whine when his tongue swipes up your pulse hotly and Dazai feels as though he has reached heaven when he hears your voice. And yet, nothing can compare to how his heart fluttered when he hears you utter your next words.
“Osamu, baby please take me,” you beg desperately as you grip onto his trench coat, tugging him impossibly closer. He breathes in sharply as soon as the words he’s been waiting to hear fall from your lips.
He pulls back with a lazy smirk on his face, eyes dark as he leans closer to your face. The next words he whispers into your ear makes your body shiver in anticipation.
“Darling, I will ruin you.”
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Unlike Dazai, Chuuya prefers to do things a more traditional and romantic way
Your first time with Chuuya is beautiful
Rose petals spread onto the bed, sweet candles lit all around your bedroom. Fresh, soft sheets on the bed and the finest silk pillowcases.
Chuuya adores you, you are his baby, his angel, his everything. He will always go above and beyond to ensure your comfort and to make sure the mood is as sultry and romantic as possible.
Your first time with Chuuya wouldnt happen as soon as you tell him you’re ready
He’s a patient man and he asks for your patience too, to let him make something special so that your first time is something pleasurable and rememberable
Something fit for royalty
He whisks you away for the whole day before he decides to end your night tangled up in the sheets and each other
Throughout the day he will use subtle touches he knows will rile you up as he treats you to fine dining and his time
Chuuya is a busy man, being an executive in the mafia doesnt exactly come with a lot of off time
Thats why he wants to make this entire experience so special, so that it doesnt seem like an afterthought, so you know that you aren’t an afterthought to him
He cherishes you so much, loves you so deeply, so he takes a whole day and dedicates it to just being with you before he ends it by showing you pure heaven
Chuuya will be slow and sweet, taking time to completely explore your stunning figure before he sinks inside of you
His lips will linger on your neck before he begins to slowly undress you and then worship every last inch of you
He wants to tease you, take things slow to make sure the mood is just right and that every inch of you is ready to be devoured by him
If you want roughness that will come after he has sunk inside of you and after the first round
Because there will be more than one
Chuuya is a greedy man, he will take and take and take until your body is unable to give him anymore, and every moment will be pure bliss
You dont know how long you have been on Chuuya’s lap, lips pressed messily together as he kisses you greedily. Every time one of you pulls away to breathe, the other almost immediately leans in after a split second.
“You, my angel,” he mumbles between your sweet kisses, “are my world.”
His hands trail up and down your body, gloves long discarded as his nimble fingers slip up your shirt to feel your smooth, soft skin. He grips at your hips and tugs you closer, pressing your core against the bulge you can feel straining in the fine material of his suit pants.
“Your body was crafted by the hands of the gods themselves,” he mumbles as his lips pull away from yours and he presses wet kisses to your cheek, trailing down to your jaw and then to your neck. Chuuya gently nips at your collarbone and he sucks gently, enjoying every last gasp and moan that leaves your lips.
Your back hits the silk sheets gently as he lays your body against the bed, hovering over you. His gaze slides over your body in a way that makes you feel vulnerable. He smiles slightly as he lifts the back of your hand to his lips, pressing a sweet kiss to it as his eyes flit to yours. He leans down and his lips brush against your ear making your heart speed up and face rush with warmth.
“And I am going to guide you back to the heaven you descended from my love.”
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tangyangie · 9 months
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desc. chuuya x reader, very fast burn !!! gn!reader, mentions lipstick so take that as you will (doesn't mention reader's pronouns)
notes. mwahaha welcome to the first part of my red (taylor's version) event! this is actually so cool i'm going to have so much fun with this
lyric. and i never saw you coming / and i'll never be the same
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no one expected you two. not even the stars in the sky could have predicted this—you certainly didn't.
it started with longing glances, with deep, blue eyes looking into your own. you were preoccupied in your own conversations, yet you couldn't help but look around. those looks landed on a lovely redhead.
even the extremely dim lighting of the large room couldn't conceal the eyes he was already giving you. with a flushed turn of his face, he broke the sudden eye contact. although being interested, he didn't want to creep you out. he's smart enough to know that would drive you away.
and yet... you still came.
you were the most unlikely couple of that entire room, and you still hit it off. chuuya didn't think it was possible to fall in love so quickly. but from the moment you stepped into his vicinity, he wanted to lift you off your feet and bring you to some romantic cafe on a rooftop.
although you weren't at that point just yet, you definitely were moving faster than usual. by the end of the night, chuuya had a lipstick stain on his cheek, and yours was a tad smeared. being the gentleman he was, he drove you home on his motorcycle. you thought he'd let you go home in a taxi? absolutely not.
you had no clue when he got your number, but the next day, he somehow texted you. not that you were opposed to it!!
you met up on a bench in the subway tunnels, before taking a walk together through the crispy autumn air. although you couldn't see your own breath just yet, it was definitely close to being that cold.
your conversation went on for hours, barely taking time to breathe in between different topics that switched as soon as something else was mentioned. before you knew it, the evening had fallen upon you both once again.
and—for the second time in a row—he drove you home on his motorcycle. the difference, this time? instead of a kiss on the cheek, your goodbye was a bit more intense.
your hand slipped past his hair, pulling him in close as you closed the distance between you two. with your sudden connection, he lets his hands rest on your cheeks, softly gliding his thumb along your face.
it might not have been defined by both of you as love at first sight, but it sure as hell was close to it.
you two were inseparable after that moment. sure, you had your disagreements and arguments. what couple doesn't? but you always owned up to your mistakes. chuuya hates to see you upset—it breaks his heart.
we already know he's old fashioned, so if he ever does something wrong, expect a large bouquet of flowers and an expensive date with a price that he doesn't even bat an eye at.
lots more pampering comes to you that night. expect to wake up the next morning feeling like a cloud and being brought breakfast in bed.
you can't imagine life without each other now. it's worth it to keep fighting your differences every day—you're like puzzle pieces. although, one piece is wearing a hat 365 days of each year.
you definitely never saw him coming, and you'll definitely never be the same.
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notes. ngl this was shorter than i wanted but whatever !
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sojuyae · 1 year
uhaw (tayong lahat)
summary: (And if his fingers graze at his lips in the quiet of the night as it twitches from the memory of today, then there’s no need for you to know.)
chuuya nakahara / reader
notes: suggestive themes, fluff, late ‘finally-free-from-the-uterus’ day gift for my chuuya, this fic was supposed 2 be yandere sob sob, not proofread
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"Close your eyes, let me take care of it.” Chuuya huffs, his brows furrowed as sweat races on the side of his face. 
His fingers hold your jaw, thumb gently brushing over your cheekbone leaving a trail of warmth in their wake, seeping through his leather-clad hand. You feel an unwavering focus on your face as he traces its lovely shape, drinking in your appearance and committing it to his memory. 
He looks divine this way, you think. With the way the sunlight is seeping through the curtains, shining upon the once unseen dusts and veiling his form as though he descended from the heavens himself.
“Don’t move.“ he says, his hand abandons your jaw, now resting at the juncture that connects your shoulder and neck. His grip doesn’t loosen — rather, it tightens further. The mafioso then pushes you swiftly to the soft cushion of his swivel chair, the cotton upholstery tickling your skin as he leans closer to you, his form blocking the sunlight. 
So much for your birthday. 
His breath hits your face and —
“Chuuya...“ Your voice breaks the silence. His stomach easily filling with flutters as an outcome of the velvety and sweet sonant that leaves your tongue. 
"[Name]," He replies, and you're uncertain if it's truly your name; he draws on each vowel with a degree of familiarity and reverie that you wonder if he had mistakenly uttered a divine being's epithet rather than yours.
(He whispers your name late into the night like a prayer, every syllable that comes out of his lips keeping him grounded when his hair sticks to his forehead from sweat and his stained hand trembles upon the duvets.)
“Chuuya,“ You repeat, this time however, its hinted with a tone of seriousness. A fissure that pierces him out of his stupor.
“You don’t know how to put on a lipstick, do you?“ Chuuya’s face falls comically at the jab, face reddening as his hand that had been holding the cylinder tube freezes in the air — and you’re right, the lovely tubed pigment is still retracted.
“Did I not tell you to close your eyes?“ He grunts, before twisting the decorated bottom of the cosmetic, a soft ‘click’ reverberating in the silence of the room. A delicate and sweet scent permeating the stagnant air.
Smiling to himself as you let out a grunt before closing your eyes shut, curved lashes pressing against your skin. His hand returns to your cheek, the soft pads of his gloves pressing tenderly on the side of your face. Only now does he understand the time and patience women take when applying cosmetic to their faces. His eyes narrow when his hand abnormally starts to quiver as the colorette nears your lips. God, is it supposed to be this nerve-wracking? He can clearly hear his own heartbeat thumping against chest.
He gulps hard, watching as the tint melts on your lips, feeling the softness of them through the tubed pigment, letting out a shaky exhale. (He’s full aware that his own lips can’t pigment like one, and only now does he weigh the cons of buying a lipstick for your birthday — it’ll have more privilege in touching and feeling you than he ever will!) 
The lipstick he bought for your birthday slides effortlessly as he applies the exquisite color of coral, making sure to get every nook and cranny, watching as it flows similarly to that of a paint. Breath being stolen away from him as he worked, the supple of your mouth blooming with every swipe of his fingers, a rosy color shading them bewitchingly. He daubed them gently, his gaze following each stroke with unrelenting concentration.
You soon feel his warmth leave you as does the tubed cosmetic, the sunlight regaining it’s place in the room through the curtains as he leans back. You are to pull back your eyelids — when an all too familiar leather glove cups the top of your face, covering your field of sight.
It happens so fast, it is one of those days when Chuuya chooses his mind over matter — there is no line of thought that encompasses his head when he presses his lips against your tinted ones. The motion so tender and loving — a motion too human for him to act upon.
You can smell his perfume — a combination of vanilla, pine, and cinnamon components, the scent wafting in your head. The beat of his heart matching yours, a memory that won’t easily be forgotten.
He can feel the creamy texture of the lipstick, confident and sure that the matte finish of the cosmetic is now smeared and has unbalanced the subtle color of coral all over your lips. Chuuya makes an attempt to concentrate more on his most innocent fantasies, this kiss, is only the tip of the iceberg of his imagination. 
Suddenly, too sudden for your liking, he pulls away, warmth leaving you yet letting you regain your eyesight in the process. 
You stare at him, wide eyed and mouth agape as you watch him turn around, composing himself with his back facing the window as he coughs awkwardly in his fist.
“I-I, ahem, I had put too much lipstick on your bottom lip,“ He explains hastily, and had it not been you, his words would’ve come out as incomprehensible.
Finally, finally, his form faces you, yet his eyes avoid you actively —  darting back and forth at the floor and the earthly toned walls. ‘Has the floor ever been this shiny?’. God, he looks like a kid who got caught eating something they were forbidden to. “I wiped it away with my gloves, I hope you don’t mind.“ He says, and your eyes drift to his lips.
And you smile knowingly, eyeing an unnatural pigment in his lips.
Had he known more about cosmetic, particularly lipsticks, he would’ve known that there are transferable and non-transferable tints. 
And the lipstick he bought, belongs to the former.
“I did not know you also liked to put on lipstick, Nakahara-senpai.“ Higuchi hums to herself absentmindedly. “Is it a new style?” Fixing herself tea. “What brand is it?“ She probes further, unaware of the redness on her superior’s face.
“Get to work!“
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mitsies · 1 year
lover ; nakahara chuuya
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chuuya didn't realize how much he wanted to be loved until he met you.
chuuya nakahara x gn reader, pining, falling in love, first kiss, confessions, reader is a bartender, new year's eve - wc: 4.2k
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nakahara chuuya is usually a talker.
he’s many things, really- a talker, a fighter, a killer, a worker- but typically, he talks.
he talks about big things and even bigger pictures, about his strengths and his prowess. he can also be classified as an egotist on occasions.
but today, he is none of those things.
today, nakahara chuuya is a watcher.
he observes you from his barstool, head laid out on the cold, polished counter. you flicker about your domain, pouring new glasses of intoxicating beverages and laughing with customers.
besides chuuya tonight are his colleagues, who are all unsure what to make of their friend's sudden spell of silence.
they laugh and ask, "is your head on right," with a jovial smack on the back. chuuya snorts in response and resumes his watching.
you move around your bar like a dancer, with a practiced ease and familiarity that would take years to build, but you can't be much older than him.
your eyes sparkle like diamond when you crack jokes with customers, like they're the funniest people in the world. there is an intelligence behind your expression, a sense of awareness beyond what you allow yourself to present.
you seem a little inhuman. chuuya wonders if that's the alcohol talking.
his friends are chatting amongst each other, leaving him to sit on his lonesome with his empty glass of red wine. he's almost surprised when you slide over to his corner, with an unwavering semi-smile plastered on your face.
"doing alright over here, nakahara?" your voice is honeyed and he meets your eyes, rising from his slouched stature.
"i'm pretty good."
you look like you don't believe him, but you maintain your customer-service grin. "you sure? you seem a bit slumped."
chuuya allows himself to return your smile. his is equally as manufactured, and he thinks you can tell. "everything's alright. worry about yourself, you've got quite a business going."
he refers to this establishment, a new one opened and operated by you- one where he's already a regular. you turn your head bashfully.
"i'm telling you, it's the wine. i get the good shit, y'know."
chuuya laughs and means it. "i can drink to that."
you smile again, but this time, it's real. you pour him another glass of wine and slide it across the counter. "this one's on me."
he lifts the glass with a nod, before taking a sip. "i owe you, then."
"i'll keep that in mind."
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you have, unknowingly, made chuuya's life a living hell.
in his line of work, he can't afford to be distracted, or soft, or human in any sense of the term. he really, really should not be letting anything get under his skin in the way you have managed.
your smile creeps along the edges of his thoughts. your laughter sounds throughout the seams of his brain. he can't seem to get you off his mind, no matter how hard he tries.
it's bad, to the point where others are catching on- he has noticed. his colleagues have noticed. you have noticed.
every night, he and his rotating group of companions visit your bar, where you happily serve them and converse like you're old friends. and in your presence, chuuya falls silent.
it's something that takes even him by surprise- chuuya is a talker. he's a fighter. he's a man of many words and even more opinions, but around you, he can't seem to speak with his usual brazenness.
it's maybe a week after chuuya has noticed his subdued personality, and he's sitting in your bar again, mulling over his usual glass of red wine.
you, as per usual, are in your dance around the counter, a blur of practiced smiles and pouring drinks. the air smells heavy, laden with the fragrances of alcohol and vanilla.
again, he is watching you, and again, you pause in front of him.
you stand still for a beat, and chuuya realizes he hasn't seen you hold on for a moment until now. you wear a contemplative expression as you try to think of what to say. you lean across the counter, resting on your forearms, and look at him.
(chuuya isn't sure what the effect you have on him is, but it's amplified tenfold now. his heart feels like it's burning in his chest and his blood is warming underneath his skin in a way he's unfamiliar with. he doesn't know what's wrong, but he thinks he likes it.)
"you've been off recently, nakahara. i asked you this a bit ago, but are you sure everything's fine?"
chuuya resents your kindness, and he despises how his stomach turns and how his heart thunders and he is suddenly speechless again, only because you care a tiny bit about him.
"promise. everything's okay." you don't reply, and you look like you don't believe him, so he continues:
"work's just been kicking my ass recently. nothing i can't handle."
with this, you allow your concern to fade off your face. you glance behind you, and call out to your coworker. they yell something back and you nod, smiling again at chuuya.
"give me a minute?"
you don't give him a chance to reply, already slipping out from behind the bar through a backdoor. you haven't even been gone a second, and chuuya still feels a strange emptiness inside him, like the latch containing it had been opened.
and then, you reappear through another door, this time outside the bar's area and chuuya feels like himself again.
"let's go out back, yeah?" chuuya didn't speak, he simply stood and followed you out a back door.
the alleyway that you had stepped out into was a sudden chill. chuuya had almost forgotten the late hour and the yokohama winds within the warm ambiance of your bar. he bites back a shiver as you remove something from your pants pockets- a pack of cigarettes.
you glanced at him. "want one?"
and for a reason unbeknownst to him, chuuya declines. he's never been one to turn down a cigarette- what changed?
(he has a sneaking suspicion that it's the sudden shock of warmth that appears when you look at him, that makes him feel more alive than he thought he ever could.)
he stands next to you in silence as you produce a lighter from the same pocket, flicking the spark wheel with your thumb. little embers fly, highlighting your face in the night, as you keep trying to light your cigarette to no avail.
"here- let me."
chuuya's not sure where his head is at when he steps infinitely closer to you, taking the lighter from your hands. the cigarette hangs from your lips like the words at the tip of his tongue.
the cigarette lights after a few attempts, and you smile at him. "thanks, nakahara."
you are both still standing close enough to feel each other's breath, and probably way closer than he needed to get to accomplish the task at hand, but he doesn't step away. neither do you.
chuuya nakahara is a talker, he reminds himself. he is a talker and a fighter, and he is not usually a watcher. he decides to do what he's best at. he turns to view the street from the alleyway. he speaks.
"i always forget how beautiful the city is at night. with all the lights and everything, y'know."
you take a drag and nod. "i agree. but honestly, i think i prefer the countryside."
at this, your companion looks at you disbelievingly and you let out a huff of laughter. (chuuya hopes you don't notice how he suddenly feels lighter than air. he made you laugh. he did.)
"don't get me wrong," you start, "i would never live there. i don't think i could. i visited a friend there once, and it was so... mundane."
you recall the memory with a faux shudder, and chuuya has never wanted to hear a person speak more than he has right now.
"it might be interesting for some people. but the city- it's so much more exciting, i think."
there is a small silence as your words are considered.
"does it ever bother you? how dangerous it is, here especially?"
chuuya isn't sure why he cares about your answer. he's never cared about one person's concerns or safety above anyone else's, so he's not too sure why he's asking. he doesn't dwell on it for too long, opting to ignore the hidden emotions underlying his actions.
"i think it makes it more fun."
he's almost surprised when he hears your voice, so lost in his own thoughts that he'd all but forgotten the question. and upon processing your answer, he's even more confused.
smoke fills the air once again. the two of you watch it billow away into the night sky.
"i'm probably joking," you smile. "it does worry me, a little. but i try not to think about it."
the quiet settles around you once more, and chuuya takes the opportunity to look at you. he thinks you look close to angelic underneath the moonlight, and his feelings are confirmed when you look at him, cigarette at your lips, eyes sparkling as you grin.
"and besides," you continue, looking him in his eyes, "it's my home. someday, i want it to be my family's home."
chuuya was a talker. he was a fighter. he was a killer. he was a worker. he never thought of himself as anything but- your words, though, were a brick through his pane of glass.
he allowed himself to entertain the idea of himself, chuuya nakahara, as a lover.
never before has he considered this, but maybe it's a time for change, and previously, you've seemed to be a catalyst for such development. you made him feel things he's never felt, you made him consider a new option of living- maybe you could make him a new him.
chuuya nakahara, the lover. he smiled at the thought.
you seemed to take his silence, though, as something else.
"eugh, sorry, i didn't mean to get all weird and sentimental there," you said, the manufactured customer service laugh slipping back into your speech, and chuuya frowned.
"no," he says, cutting through your backtracking, "it's not weird. i like hearing what you have to say."
you don't reply. a grey plume escapes with your next breath, as you tap the cigarette out on the brick wall next to you.
"nakahara chuuya," you start. he looks at you for what must be the hundredth time this night, but it still feels like it's the first.
"you might be the death of me."
he smiles.
"you might be right."
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chuuya's unsure of when exactly he realizes the feeling he holds for you is love. he doesn't like to think about it too much, but he's pretty sure that it was a build-up of the words and colors and stars you made him feel.
he thinks it happened slowly, over the course of his time as a regular since that night you'd first spoken personally. every day since then, during his visits, you'd take him out back, and he'd light your cigarette.
the two of you would talk aimlessly about nothing, conversations lighter than air and amicable teasing sweeter than sugar. these nights became his favorites, and when he was unable to participate, he found himself missing them with a fervor he didn't think himself capable of- your absence grated on him, like knives on a cutting board, and chuuya found that you were the only remedy.
and despite this plainly obvious fact that he was head over heels for you, the local bartender, he'd never say a word.
and that was because you were the local bartender. you were sugar-sweet and honeyed like candy, and you were too good for him in every sense of the phrase.
you'd never killed anyone. you loved the city. you had friends you bought trinkets for. you dreamed of visiting jakarta, indonesia. your favorite subject was history. you loved music, and you used to play an instrument. you wore vanilla perfume. you were good, so good, and chuuya hardly believed he was human.
he was mori's lapdog. he was a killer. he was a port mafia executive. he was a fighter. he was arrogant, and mean, and selfish, and he was decidedly not good- and as much as chuuya wanted to be a lover for you, just for you- he didn't think himself capable.
but he kept coming down to your bar around 9 on weekdays, and he kept ordering red wine, and he kept talking to you and lighting your cigarettes, all as if he wasn't hopelessly in love with you.
he told himself that this would help him get over it. he told himself that he was doing himself a favor. but he really, truly wasn't, because every time he looked at you he became a little more infatuated.
he really couldn't help himself from returning to you every night he could. it was like an addiction- he could never get enough of you. he'd never be sick of your smile when he entered through the door, and he'd never tire of your bountiful conversation and intricate ideas.
sometimes, chuuya would even allow his mind to wander to the impossible depths of his dreaming. he'd find himself picturing you behind the bar, with him by your side. the both of you chatted and slung drinks, and he pictured the passing touches and lingering hands that would be allowed if you were his.
chuuya nakahara wanted to be a lover for you. he wanted to work with you, he wanted to live with you, he wanted to kiss you.
but he couldn't have that.
his current position and his dedication and devotion to the said position would never allow him to leave. being a port mafia executive was demanding as it was dangerous. in good conscience, chuuya couldn't allow you to become roped up into that.
you were so human, your blood ran red and your eyes shone with mirth. you wanted to have a family in this city, and chuuya was part of the organization that made this city so dangerous.
(you were too good for him, too good to be true. and as much as chuuya wishes to join you, he doesn't think he ever could- he wants you to be safe more than he wants you to be his.)
he thinks that now that he's recognized his infatuation with you, he's gotten better at being subtle about it, though. chuuya's never been the greatest at keeping secrets, but he's pretty proud of himself for holding it together thus far.
that is, he's proud until he accidentally spills it all.
it's a slow saturday at your bar. save for a few people scattered throughout the tables, your establishment is almost empty. at the bar, chuuya sits alone, talking with you whilst you prepare drinks.
he likes tonight, he decides. for the first time in many nights, your pace is slowed and calm, and an air of peace hangs around the bar. the only noises are the quiet chatter of the scarce customers, the buzzing of the dim overhead lights, and the hum of music coming from the speakers in the seating area.
"i'm surprised you don't have anything going on tonight," you drop casually in conversation. chuuya blinks.
"is tonight something special?"
you give him a bemused look, nodding. "it's new year's eve. in like, two hours or so, it'll be a new year."
chuuya isn't sure how he missed that. he takes a sip of his wine. "new year already, huh? that's..."
"wild." your voice is soft. he nods.
"i guess i forgot about it."
you lean across the counter, so you're closer to him. he notices that you're wearing something sparkly on your eyelids. he resists the urge to touch your face.
"been busy?"
he laughs. "yeah, the usual. work and everything, y'know."
you smile sympathetically. "i get it."
except you don't get it. you don't understand the work he does and the stress he's under and you don't understand how much he loves you, because even he doesn't fully get it.
chuuya wants to kiss you, right then, as you meet his eye across the bar counter. he almost doesn't realize when his gloved hands move to brush a piece of hair behind your ear and out of your face.
your lips part like you're about to say something, but no words come out. chuuya wants to kiss you, and he must be drunker than he remembers, because he's fumbling over his words clumsily when he says:
"i like your face. it's so... nice. it's so... i like it. can i touch it?"
you blink, but you don't pull away. "you've had too much wine."
chuuya's hand wanders toward your cheek. it presses against the skin of your face, and he feels how hot your skin is underneath his touch.
chuuya knows he shouldn't, and so he pulls away. the air smells like red wine and vanilla, and clarity strikes as soon as you're out of his hold.
he watches as you rebound, back snapping straight, turning to clean a shot glass to hide your flushed face.
chuuya is stunned, and a little disturbed by his own actions. he wasn't right to touch you, he shouldn't have- he stares at the red fluid in his glass, not speaking a word.
he wants to kiss you. he wants to kiss you, but he can't. and he can't lie about why anymore.
"have i ever told you what i do for work?"
you glance back at him. lana del rey's voice hums quietly from the speakers. "no, i don't think so."
he empties his glass, tasting the blood in his mouth mixed with the wine as he bites the inside of his lip.
"i'm a port mafia executive."
your gaze hasn't left chuuya, and he feels your eyes boring into his skull. he can't quite look at you. he feels ashamed, for some reason, to tell you his job which he'd previously been so proud of. he wants you to keep looking at him, even though your eyes sting.
"i figured."
now, it's chuuya's turn to look at you. he's surprised when he sees no disgust, hurt, anger, nothing of the sort written on your face. "you did?"
you meet his eyes and smile. "the things you talk about, the way you avoid certain conversations- yeah, i kind of guessed you were affiliated with the mafia in some way. you're not the best liar."
a flush of indignity spreads across chuuya's face, and he's suddenly feeling a little embarrassed. "okay, woah, hey-"
but then you laugh. you laugh like chuuya didn't just tell you his biggest secret, and you laugh like he didn't just basically tell you he kills people for a living. you laugh like nothing's wrong, and chuuya is again hit with the urge to kiss you- instead, he just laughs with you.
"why didn't you tell me earlier?"
your voice cuts through the dulling amusement. he doesn't sense any resentment or hatefulness in your voice- just a genuine curiosity.
he feels his own consciousness settling back in, and he takes a moment before deciding how to respond. chuuya was a talker, sure, but he's never been quite graceful with his words.
"because i think," he hesitates, "i think that i thought you'd hate me."
you tilt your head, urging him to continue, so he does.
"hell, i don't like the things i have to do. i figured you'd see me like.. like i am. like i'm cruel and inhumane and all that shit."
and suddenly, your hand is on his, and you're leaning across the bar counter again. your skin is cold and his is warm, and he feels whole.
"i don't think i could ever think that." you pull away just as quickly as you'd arrived, and chuuya feels infinitely colder without you there.
but the warmth is regained throughout the night. the conversation begins to flow like it always has, but with an unspoken breach in the dam- there are no secrets tonight.
it's perfect and quiet, and the bar slowly empties as closing draws near. it's 11 pm at night, an hour until the new year, when you exit your place from behind the bar and flip the sign to 'closed'.
chuuya stands and helps you close. you put the chairs up on the tables after he wipes everything down. he washes glassware and you make sure all the lights and signs are off.
this isn't the first night chuuya has assisted you with making sure everything's in order before you both leave for the night. he often stays when he can, relishing any extra time he can spend with you.
but tonight is different. the new shattered tension creates a dip in the gravity around you both, a lull that pulls you together. he finds you by his side more often. he catches you staring every now and again, and it takes everything in him to not make a stupid comment about it.
it's almost midnight by the time the both of you are done. it took longer than usual today, perhaps because both of you had taken liberties with conversation more than usual.
"tonight was nice," you sigh, slumping against the outside of the bar counter.
"it was quiet," chuuya agreed. you glance at your phone, eyes widening.
"everything good?"
"yeah," you say, showing him your phone screen. "it's just 2 minutes til midnight."
he looks at you, and he thinks you look gorgeous in the lack of lighting. your hardly face is illuminated by the dim yellow lights from the back storeroom behind you, but your eyes still glitter and your smile is still bright enough to burn the whole room down.
"it's funny that we're both here, then." chuuya isn't sure what's possessing him to be bold, but he thinks that it's because he doesn't have anything left to be scared for now.
you raise a brow. "how so?"
he slides a step closer and faces you. "it's funny because i've wanted to kiss you for the longest time, and now we're both here, on new year's eve."
this is the first time tonight you've looked surprised. your lips part again in a word that you don't speak, and suddenly you're looking at his mouth with an expression he thinks he loves.
you gather your bearings for a few beats, before replying. "what was stopping you?"
chuuya's gloved hand finds its way to your waist. "i guess i was nervous," he shrugged, "but not anymore."
"so... can i kiss you?"
the clock strikes midnight, and before chuuya can react, your lips are on his. once he realizes that you're kissing him, he reacts instantly, his other hand flying to your jaw.
you smell like vanilla but taste like smoke, and chuuya realizes that he wouldn't mind growing old with you.
it's a new year when the both of you finally pull away, faces flushed and skin hot. you're the first to speak. "well, happy new year to you, chuuya."
he grins crookedly. "yeah. you too."
both of you stand for a few moments. unmoving, until he starts.
"so... be my girlfriend?"
and you laugh again, and god, he thinks he's in heaven. "yeah, sure, i don't see why not."
"okay. cool. cool."
"yeah. cool."
"i guess i, uh," he begins, glancing toward the door, "i should probably go."
"don't." your answer is quick and blunt, and you catch him off guard. he looks at you, amusement dancing behind his smile as your lips pursed in embarrassment.
"what i'm saying is don't go out now, it's late and people are always drunk off their asses. you'll get hit by a car or something."
"didn't i just tell you i'm port mafia? i can deal with some drunks."
"i know but," you trail off, looking away.
it clicks for him, suddenly. "oh. you live in the apartment building above this bar, right?"
"i do."
"so let's go."
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chuuya nakahara thinks he might be a lover when he sees the way you unlock the door to your apartment.
he thinks he might be a lover when he watches you almost trip whilst kicking your shoes off by the doorway.
he thinks he might be a lover when you laugh and joke with him about your home.
and chuuya nakahara knows he is a lover when he is lying next to you in bed.
you're cold against his warmth, and you fit so perfectly next to him that he thinks he might've been born a lover, just for you, in the way he'd always wished he was.
you wear long flannel cat pajama pants and an oversized white shirt, having changed out of your work clothes. chuuya mumbles words into your arm as you talk ceaselessly about every little thing.
at some point, you fall asleep in his hold. and at some point, chuuya nakahara finally believes that he isn't just a talker, or a watcher, or a fighter, or a killer- he believes he can be your lover, too.
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author's note: don't pay much attention to the fine details 😊 happy new year!
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thewritetofreespeech · 5 months
Could I request Dazai and Chuuya with an s/o who's ability lets her see future events ranging from a minute to a year?
Dazai doesn’t like spoilers. So he obviously doesn’t like their power.
He appreciates that it’s helpful sometimes, but what’s life without uncertainty and risk. Always having the answer is boring.
They also get it wrong a lot. Since future are uncertain, based on present actions, there is a margin of error. The closer to the future, the less margin for error, but he’s been stung before. Which he doesn’t like.
Not as adamantly against it as Dazai but Chuuya isn’t a fan either.
It’s more that he feels like they are telling him what to do, since they’ve seen the outcome, and he hates being told what to do.
Purposefully ignores them sometimes, to his own detriment, to prove a point but typically does listen to their future sight advice for safety.
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would they use pet names?
[ ft. verlaine, poe, ranpo, dazai, chuuya ]
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Probably not. He'd want to remember you by your name alone; he could recognize it anywhere and it only belonged to you.
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He'd call you all sorts of things, but he'd certainly remember you by your name, or maybe a nickname if he thought your name wasn't fitting enough. Regardless, he'd never forget it.
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Poe could call you every positive adjective in the dictionary and more. He'd write a poem every time he thought about you (which is almost every waking moment... anyways. He's down bad, but he prefers uncommon words that sound gorgeous (not quite on your level, nothing is according to him, (no word is on a higher level than your own name, but sometimes he doesn't feel worthy to use it) but I digress).
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Ranpo will use pet names when he feels like it. Sometimes he'll call you his angel, precious, everything, or times you're just idiot or your own name. The best days are when he shares his candy with you, not when he's calling you angel so you can get his candy.
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Chuuya prefers doll, or names to show how precious you are to him. Words aren't his thing so much, but if you need him to tell you how gorgeous (YOU ARE) he thinks you are, then he'll reassure you of how beautiful you are to him however many times you need.
AAAAA hello again!
two posts in one day... damn I'm feeling inspired lately. i love seeing you all, soooooo likes, reblogs, and comments are all appreciated. remember that requests are open, and i LOVEEE to chat with you all whenever in general. <33 love you all, and have a wonderful day/night! :)
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cheriiyaya · 5 months
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 uh oh, what do the BSD boys do when they're a little too jealous of the attention you're getting?
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 Contents: Fyodor, dazai, and chuuya x Fem!reader (separately), sfw but suggestive (except in fedya's bc he's a "good christian"),they all wanna kill the guy "flirting" w you (fyodor actually kills him lmfao), uh not proofread so excuse any spelling errors, kinda a test run for me writing for fyodor, reader knows Russian in fedya's part, fyodor being kiiinda manipulative, religious themes in fedyas
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 A/N: was this an excuse for me to write them a lil possessive?...yeah it was. anyways this is my first time writing something suggestive so i hope it's good (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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Dazai Osamu
Dazai is indeed, a rather selfish man. While he's not so selfish as to be extremely possessive of you, he does get jealous. Most of the time it's petty; small pouts and whines that are easily remedied when you pepper kisses onto his face and spoil him with your attention that he loves so much.
this was not one of those times. Right now, he can't believe what he's seeing:
A client of the detective agency, flirting with you.
Dazai watches in cold silence as the man laughs at something you said The man leans over a little too close for dazai's liking and whispered something in your ear, causing you to clamp a hand over your mouth to stifle a laugh.
If he was his teen self, dazai would've stuck bullet after bullet in the man's head.
He clenches his jaw and narrows his eyes in your direction, trying to pull you attention away from that man and towards him with some unknown pull. But you were too engrossed in conversation to notice, fluttering pretty lashes with every blink of your eyes and tilting your head in that endearing way as the man was telling you something..
There was a sensible part in dazai's mind that told him that you weren't reciprocating the man's advances, saying that it wasn't that big of a deal, but he couldn't ignore the curl and twist in is stomach and heart watching you and this man.
Then after a minute or two he just couldn't take it.
He gets up from his desk abruptly, ignoring the few pens and papers that fell off his desk as he strides behind you. He plants his chin on the crown of your head, cocking a lopsided smile that read more like a hidden threat towards the man.
"Bella'! Ah, socializing I see, aren't we?" He runs his bandaged hands down your arms, squeezing the squishy flesh on your upper forearm. His eyes were trained on the client, who was now blinking, looking at you then at dazai for a few time before realizing his error. The man scrambles up, chuckling awkwardly before walking away, and from the look on his blood-drained face you can tell he'll probably ask another one of the detectives in the agency to help with his case.
Once the man leaves you look up at dazai, a crease forming in between your furrowed eyebrows." Osam-" You were cut off by a sharp kiss, dazai hooking a finger under your chin and drawing you closer to him. Letting out a muffled cry of surprise, you try to pull away, which succeeded doing absolutely nothing. With a breathy shudder dazai digs his nails into your shoulders, pulling you flush against his chest and teeth nipping your bottom lip which elicits a soft whine from the back of your throat. He presses his lips onto yours roughly, sucking away the breath in your lungs and only pulling away when he's red in the cheeks and breathless. He pulls away slowly and you draw in a shaky breath through swelling and parted lips, the world around you spinning and your limbs trembling furiously. He runs a thumb over your bottom lip, rubbing it and pressing down onto its soft plush. Dazai draws you close and whispers against your ear, breath brushing against your neck and causing your hair to stand up on end as he speaks;
"My, my bella', seems like you've forgot who's girl you are, hm? Don't worry, I'll make you remember soon enough, juuust wait."
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Nakahara Chuuya
Oh god he was so going to kill mori after this.
The two of you were sent on a mission to collect information from a man, which landed the you two in an expensive bar in the heart of Yokohama.
He's repeating the same few words over and over again in his head like a mantra: "it's only a mission, it's only a mission" as he watches you sit flush besides the target, a young man in his late twenties.
But he felt seething envy curl up like flames in his stomach and sear his thrumming heart.
"No, it's just the alcohol." He mumbles, taking a sip of the expensive wine he had ordered, his thoughts drowning out the noisy chatter of people and music and the bright lights of the bar to an incessant buzz. He wasn't...envious or anything. That's quite stupid you don't even like that man! Yet he just can't help but look at the two of you, the way your pretty lips curled into that sweet smile chuuya loves so much as you placed a hand on the man's arm and giggled bashfully at whatever joke the man had told you.
Probably wasn't even that funny. Chuuya bites down on his tongue, resisting the urge to pull you away from that man as he took a sip of the wine that burned down his throat and settled a warmth in the pit of his stomach.
That warmth that brought drowsiness did not help the flare of envy chuuya felt as the man tugs you onto his lap. The man had one hand just under your ribcage and one in between your shoulder blades, tugging you close to him and whispering against your ear.
Bad idea. A very bad idea indeed.
In a flash chuuya weaved his way through the crowd of patrons-or rather shoved his way through with no regards to anyone-over beside you and glared at the man, eyes piercing holes into the man as he pulled you off his lap.
"Don't ya think you're a little to drunk doll?" He chuckles, but he did a terrible job at hiding the bitterness in his voice. This was so stupid, it would jeopardize the whole mission but chuuya didn't care;
Right now, the only thing on his mind was you and jealousy.
You look up at him, blinking and opening your mouth to protest against your alleged intoxicated state when chuuya pulled your through the crowd of people by the arm and out into the cool night street. Once out, you looked at chuuya with wide eyes and mouth agape from shock.
"Chuuya! What are you doing, you could've ruined the mission!" You scoff, blinking a few times before realizing something from his silence and the stare he's giving you.
"You're jealo-" Your chuckle of disbelief was cut off by his lips meeting yours, chuuya pulling closer to him. He mumbles in between kisses, ranging from short and sweet to hungry and harsh. A gloved thumb dragged from the corner of your mouth to your cheekbone as chuuya pulls away from your lips to leave desperate kisses over your face and jaw. Somehow in the midst your fingers found their place tangled in messy ginger strands and you only realized this fact once he pulls away, leaving you breathless with redden cheeks.
"Ha, can't believe some guy would try to take this sight from me, huh pretty girl? Better keep you by me all times now, can't let some guy think he has a chance with my sweet girl."
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
Fyodor is no jealous man. Envy was one of the seven cardinal sins, and Fyodor was a man of God. Besides, what is there to be jealous of for a man like him?
Until, he feels an unfamiliar feeling stir inside him as he sees you with another man as you waited for Fyodor.
The way your face lights up in that way when you flash a mirthful smile to that man as the two of you chat about some mundane things. The way delicate fingers tuck stray strands of hair from your face and hold them there as you talk to this stranger causes fyodor to feel something that he hadn't felt in a while (or perhaps just blocked out).
You hadn't realized fyodor coming up behind you until you felt him tap you your shoulder.
"Ah, who is this, milaya?" He smiles in that unnerving way, not the soft smile he'd give you after you beg him to take so rest from his work. This smile read more as a threat.
To you or to the man you were speaking to, you couldn't tell.
Fyodor tugs you to his side, quickly telling the man you were waiting for him before he pulls you along with him.
"Who was that? What were you telling him myshka?" He spoke in Russian, the sharp pronunciation vibrating off the walls of your ears.
"mh, just a man, Fedya. Why?" You tilt your head, furrowing your eyebrows. He sighs and smooths his thumb over the crease, offering a smile to ease your troubled expression
"Ah, just worried. Don't talk to strangers, who knows what kind of intentions they may have." Intentions such as distancing you from him. He brings your hand up to his mouth,, gently kissing your knuckles and rubbing soothing circles onto your palm.
No matter, there would be no way anyone would take you away from him. You were his little doll.
The next day, Fyodor offers to stay inside all day saying that he wished to spend time with you.
How naive for you to believe that, instead he kept you in to keep you unaware of the news of the man dead on the banks of a river.
Wrath, another cardinal sin yet there was no sin great enough that Fyodor wouldn't commit to keep you.
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©Cheriiyaya 2024
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chocsra · 19 days
oh my fucking god.
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this is chuuya nakahara coded. i repeat CHUUYA NAKAHARA CODED. heavy ahh texts
(credits to st4r.1una on tiktok)
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