gippslandpaw · 8 months
Cicadapaw! Do you know where you are? Where your sister is? What’s your fondest memory of your family? Do you have fond memories?
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"I miss her.."
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cynth1c · 1 year
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If you do not follow my deviantart, you have not seen me writing and drawing my journey in clangen. It's been so long I've transferred the clan from two previous updates (I just think that's neat, lol). If you'd like to view the full descriptions/events for each moon, you can CLICK HERE. And, if you'd like to see these early, you can follow me there.
Anyways... I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy making them!
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pikaclan · 5 months
Moon 204
Mass Extinction is Toggled On
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Hushember's grief is beginning to lessen
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Graydrift got some sweet moves apparently
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Warmghost gets rejected and reasons that he has a greater duty that does not involve romance
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Stormbrook is punished to camp for a moon
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Onefin didn't make it through leafbare
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Splintershell is immediately expecting kits!
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Apprentices! Micapaw is apprenticed to Midnightdash Hootpaw immediately does not have a good day and there are rumors about what happened while out touring the territory
really surprised at the hootpaw/halfmark issue cause halfmark has like no feelings towards hootpaw and is loving hootpaw dislikes halfmark tho understandably
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Dreamcatcher healed but died anyways
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We steal Lupinepaw from LionClan
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undergroundclangen · 6 months
Moon 0 Part 1
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it's going to be a bit longer than moon 0 exposition comics usually are, so I'd just like to get this out there, because I am so excited
Next Page
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highcicada · 1 month
Cicadakit - Cicadapaw - Cicadasong
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LEADER: BlightStar - a medium furred dark ginger speckled she-cat 
     Apprentice: MilkcapPaw
DEPUTY: AntDapple - a short-furred white trans tom 
     Apprentice: BerryPaw
BubblingFern - a long furred silver rosetted she cat 
     Apprentice: ThornPaw 
WillowNose - a medium furred dark ginger smoke and white tom 
     Apprentice: KinkPaw 
DeerPatch - a medium furred brown tabby she cat 
       Apprentice: EelPaw 
RobinFlight - a long furred light brown tom 
       Apprentice: ElmPaw 
ShadeJaw - a short furred black tabby she cat 
       Apprentice: SplashPaw 
WildBreeze- a short furred white and dark  brown Tom 
       Apprentice; StormPaw 
TimberStone - a short furred pale grey marbled tabby Tom 
       Apprentice: StormPaw 
GhostPipeGarden - a long furred white and brown ticked tabby she cat 
       Apprentice: KrillPaw 
MilkGoose - a medium furred white smoke and white tom 
       Apprentice: GuppyPaw 
TurtleKite - a medium furred pale grey bengal tom  
        Apprentice: CicadaPaw 
BurntFoot - a medium furred black tom 
        Apprentice: HollyPaw 
BlueTail - a short furred silver torbie she cat 
        Apprentice: BadgerPaw 
DroughtPond - a medium furred white and grey tom 
        Apprentice: ErminePaw, RatPaw 
Sunwatcher - a short furred silver torbie she cat 
StormPaw - a medium furred white marbled tabby and white she cat 
KinkPaw - a medium furred brown tabby Tom 
CicadaPaw - a short furred golden she cat 
ErminePaw - a long furred white and brown smoke nonbinary cat 
GuppyPaw - a medium furred brown marbled tabby Tom 
HollyPaw - a medium furred black tabico she cat 
ThornPaw - a short furred brown bengal tom
DaisyPaw - a short furred light brown ticked tabby nonbinary cat 
BadgerPaw - a short furred dark brown she cat 
SplashPaw - a long furred grey she cat  
BerryPaw - a medium furred light brown torbie she cat 
KrillPaw - a medium furred brown ticked tabby she cat 
ElmPaw - a medium furred brown bengal she cat 
EelPaw - a medium furred light brown bengal Tom 
ThrushPaw - a medium furred ginger she cat 
RatPaw - a long furred silver she cat 
HoundDrop - a medium furred ginger bengal she cat 
FlameKit - a long furred dark ginger bengal Tom 
MouseKit - a medium furred white and pale ginger Tom 
LakeKit - a short furred dark ginger speckled Tom
CloverKit - a short furred dark ginger and white Tom 
LarchSwipe - a long furred ginger tabby  she cat
Dan - a long furred black smoke cat 
Nova - a medium furred silver smoke tom 
GlowClover - a long furred white marbled tabby she cat 
Union - a medium furred ginger tabby she cat 
RockHeart - a short furred dark Grey bengal she cat 
Breeze - a short furred brown Tom 
AntDapple suffers from arthritis and is demoted for safety reasons, DroughtPond is the new deputy! 
KinkNight, StormSwipe, CicadaWings, ErminePrance, MilkcapDapple and GuppyDust earn their names! 
FlamePaw starts their apprenticeship 
ShadeJaw is killed by bloodthirsty rogues while on patrol! 
Overcome with grief, TimberStone convinces DroughtPond to send an extremely large patrol of cats to attack LarchSwipes group. The two clans fight viciously, and LarchSwipe is killed. 
With the flooded newleaf river banks, the battle turns to the water and the rogues are executed, drowned. 
ThrushPaw, SunWatcher, FlamePaw, ThornPaw, StormSwipe, AntDapple, TurtleKite, WildBreeze are killed, and BlightStar looses two lives, but the rogues are defeated.  The clan is devastated, but finally free to patrol without fear. 
HollyPants, DaisyBright, BadgerFur, and SplashKite earn their warrior names 
HoundDrop was bitten by a snake protecting a kit and died 
BerryBite, ElmDrop, and KrillSpeckle earn their warrior names.  
EelMoth has earned their warrior name 
MilkCapDapple brings their mate named Vox who joins the clan 
MousePaw, LakePaw, and CloverPaw start their apprenticeships 
DaisyBright is murdered by TimberStone! 
MilkGoose finds an abandoned kit and names them LarchKit 
DroughtPond and TimberStone confess and shyly become mates 
BlightStar lost a life falling out of a tree 
RatTail earns his warrior name 
The loner LizardNeedle joins the clan, bringing AloeKit, CedarKit, MorningKit, DripKit. 
ErminePrance, LakePaw, RobinFlight, DroughtPond, and HollyPants die of a greencough outbreak! 
WillowNose becomes deputy 
CloverPaw switches to a medicine apprentice 
MilkCapDapple went missing for a few days and brings home their kits with Vox, HalfKit and ShellKit 
CloverPaw let the kits sleep in her nest last night 
LarchKit and CloverKit become close friends 
LarchPaw starts their apprenticeship as TimberStone’s apprentice 
The whole clan is at rest, prey is rich in leafbare and kits are healthy 
BurntFoot is developing a crush on WillowNose 
LarchPaw is vengeful! She swears to get her revenge, but for what? 
MouseDust and CloverRose earn their names 
AloePaw, CedarPaw, and MorningPaw, DripPaw start their apprenticeships 
ElmDrop brings a kit home, ShadeKit 
Vox and MilkcapDapple break up after Vox chested! 
Vox brings home one kit, FirKit 
poor TimberStone
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lotus-clan · 1 year
LotusClan Year 21
Dawnwatcher has been resistant to retiring, but the aches and pains of old age have worn her down. She approaches Stonestar, and is honored for her tireless service.
Mosspaw is nearly late for his ceremony, but Stonestar names him Mossheart for his graceful and open heart. Rowanpaw is named Rowanshine for her bright golden pelt. Sappaw is named Sapstorm for her shamelessly ambitious personality.
Flutterpaw has been taken to the Mooncliffs by Hornetsting to receive her medicine cat name. She is soon called Flutterfeather.
Pearlight travels to BurdockClan to resolve some recent personal disputes. However, no progress was made.
The Clan cheers for the newest warriors: Duskdash and Sleetstripe.
Cicadapaw is made into an apprentice, mentored by Saplingwhisper.
Mistlebreeze and Pearlight travel to LarchClan and JayClan respectively to settle hunting disputes. Mistlebreeze manages to fix the issue, but Pearlight seems to have made the issues worse.
Pumpkintail announces she is expecting kits, and joins the nursery. She has no mate, and the Clan is suspicious.
Pumpkintail welcomes two new kits to the world: Shinekit and Oakkit, both toms. The kits look surprisingly like Mossheart, and the two announce their intentions to become mates.
Mothtail has died from infected wounds. The Clan mourns.
Rootburst got her stuck in a Twoleg trap, and was heavily injured.
Ravendapple has announced she is expecting kits. With whom, the Clan doesn’t know.
Whisperriver was taking a peaceful stroll outside of camp to gather some herbs alone, when he was attacked and killed by a dog. Although the Clan mourns, he reunites with his mate Tansyspark in StarClan.
The Clan welcomes Cicadawing as a new warrior.
Dawnwatcher was out taking a walk when she saw Strikewhisker being attacked by an enemy warrior. She helps Strikewhisker escape, but not before gaining many wounds. They return to camp and inform Stonestar about the decision, for it was a LarchClan warrior who attacked them.
Frogleap has been resistant to retiring, however, he decides it is time, for he is growing weaker. He approaches Stonestar, who honors his tireless service.
Ravendapple has given birth to a litter of 3 kits: Crowkit (female), Oatkit (male), and Sorrelkit (female). She confides in Stonestar that they are half-Clan, as their father was from LarchClan.
Dawnwatcher has announced she is expecting kits.
Mistlebreeze travels to LarchClan in hopes of finding out who the father of Ravendapple’s kits is. However, she has only made LarchClan upset.
Shinepaw and Oakpaw are apprenticed to Cicadawing and Fireclaw respectively.
Crowkit has died from kittencough. Ravendapple is inconsolable, almost to the point of her abandoning her other kits. In her depression, she steps down as deputy.
Stonestar chooses Fireclaw as the new deputy, but the Clan does not know if she is good for the role, due to her being so young.
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Newleaf. Spring, as he used to called it. Pinestep could spend hours contemplating the differences between then and now if he wanted to.
This time last year he was bringing Cicadapaw and his siblings out to meet Kia, because she'd insisted he do so. Now, a little bundle of black is playing alone in the little clearing that he often meets Kia in. Oakkit is getting her apprentice name tomorrow. Thunderjaw will be her mentor, he thinks. He smiles as she chases a little bug.
"Stay close, Oakkit."
She giggles and runs back to him.
"Da, what do you think my warrior name will be?"
Pinestep laughs softly, "It's a bit too soon to be thinking about that, don't you think?"
"Mmm... I wanna be Oakclaw!! Or Oakgrowl!!" She bares her sharp little teeth as she growls.
He laughs, "I named you after the Heart Oak, so what about Oakheart?"
She sticks her tongue out, "That's too eeeeeeasy!!"
"I see..."
The little kit continues, chattering her head off about scaring loners and rogues and kittypets and badgers and--
Pinestep flicks an ear as he hears something move nearby. He glances over and sees the familiar shape of his friend stalking in the bushes. His kit isn't paying attention. He gives the she-cat a little smirk. A go-ahead.
Oakkit bounces a little too close to the bush...
And a squeal rips out in the little clearing.
"What was that about scaring kittypets?"
The tiny kit looks as fluffed as a sootsprite, her blue-gold eyes wide as she stares what her little brain considers death in the face.
Pinestep laughs softly, "Gotta pay attention to your surroundings."
Kia lets the little one up, watching her bolt back to her dad's side. Pinestep wraps his tail around his paws and smiles at Kia, "I was almost worried you wouldn't show up."
Kia looks around the clearing and pauses, mouth open to talk. It takes her a second to consider before she remembers herself, "It was a rough winter. Or, uh... what ever you call it now."
"Bareleaf. You know I don't care what you call it."
"Well, I mean..." She motions a paw to the little kit who is still staring at her, absolutely gobsmacked.
"It's fine. She's young, not stupid."
"...only one kit want to come out? I expected you'd bring your whole litter, like last time."
"..." Pinestep sighs. He starts to say something, but he's interrupted.
"They're dead." Oakkit deadpans.
"O-oh... Oh, Paresse... I'm so sorry..." Kia doesn't catch herself. But Pinestep doesn't mind.
"...It was a rough winter. For everyone." He sighs, "But Oakkit is strong enough for a whole litter herself, hm?"
The shadowed stare of the little black kit breaks almost instantly as she enthusiastically agrees and starts bragging about the time she caught a mouse her mom had brought in for her to practice on. Kia settles in to listen and play along. The heavy talk can wait for another day.
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longnose-gar · 1 year
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Bicolorclan(II) at 90 moons (ClanGen edit)(Og ClanGen)
A loner leaves their litter with the clan, Gulljaw adopts them as her own. Curlkit Starlingkit Fadingpath, Nectardapple, and Ivyhawk have earned their warrior names
Nectardapple is injured by Cliffstar for disobeying orders Flaxstalk has decided to move on from Smokeivy Dunepool is found dead near camp
Omeletpelt announced that she is expecting kits Smoresface has retired to the elders den Stormheart has earned his warrior name Cicadapaw has started her apprenticeship, she is being mentored by Elmspots Flaildusk gives Cicadapaw some cicada wings to adorn her pelt Curlpaw has started his apprenticeship, his is being mentored by Nacrepool Starlingpaw has started her apprenticeship, her mentor is Boughtail
Acornholly brings a litter of kits back to camp, the kits smell of Brindleclan Moonkit Aspenkit Firepaw has started her apprenticeship, her mentor is Cherrybreeze Slitpaw has started his apprenticeship, his mentor is Lowpounce Gulljaw was found dead after not coming back from a patrol
Omeletpelt has a litter of two kits with Martenheart Crestedkit Hopkit Nacrepool is cruelly injured by Cliffstar to make an example out of them Embercloud has retired to the elders den Falconpaw has started her apprenticeship, her mentor is Rattletail Crestedpaw has started her apprenticeship, her mentor is Cliffstar (oh no) Amberpaw has started his apprenticeship, his mentoer is Patchclaw Fidgetkit was found alone by the border, he is taken back to camp
Peatpaw has started her apprenticeship, her mentor is Mockears Fishdaisy, a former Glowclan cat, has joined the clan Elmspots is found dead near the Glowclan border Warmbite, a rouge healer, joins the clan
Bleakfang is injured by CLffstar for disobeying orders Crestedpaw is injured by her mentor while practicieng with their claws out Fishdaisy is injured during an unsupervised traning exercise
A kittypet named Purry joins the clan, they change their name to Shaderun Crestedpaw is hurt by enemy warriors after being ordered by Cliffstar to go over the border Moonpaw has started their apprenticeship, their being mentored by Cliffstar Aspenpaw has started their apprenticeship, they are being mentored by Acornholly Boughtail dies from eating poisoned prey Crestedpaw is found dead in the middle of the territory Falcon joins the clan
Cicadashine has earned their warrior name Curlclaw has earned their warrior name Starlingpelt has earned their healer name Aspenpaw is injured by Cliffstar to make an example out of them Anitabrook was killed while trying to save the Brookclan deputy
Firestep has earned their warrior name Silthaze has earned their warrior name Aspenpaw lost their tail to a badger while following Cliffstar's orders Lowpounce and Aspengaze die from eating tainted prey Firestep was buried in a landslide
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gippslandpaw · 8 months
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Cicadapaw is officially open for asks.
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cynth1c · 1 year
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If you'd like to view the full descriptions/events for each moon, you can CLICK HERE. And, if you'd like to see these early, you can follow me there.
Fun Fact: The moon 9 cat is named Pajamas!
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dappleclans · 3 months
Fern Clan-Master List
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Leader: Pikestar
Deputy: Yellownight
Warriors: Qiuetgaze, Wetdusk, Pepperneedle, Oakthroat, Partridgeflood, John
Medicean cat: Riverwillow
Apprentices: Flutterpaw, Cicadapaw
Star clan cats: Lotuswind, Giantheart
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Moons and Patrols
Moon 1 (and first patrol)
Moon 2
Moon 3
Moon 4
Moon 5
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pikaclan · 5 months
Moon 209
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Midnightdash immediately gets another mate
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Yew(crackle) joins the Clan. He is intact
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Cicadapaw is named Cicadatalon
Micapaw is hostile towards a kittypet
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Rowanpaw almost has an accident but is saved by Skipraven
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Heart of Darkness: Nightfall || Allegiances and Prologue
The dark shadow of war looms over the Clans… 
Wolfpaw of ShadowClan is separated from his sister Cicadapaw after tragedy strikes. 
Owlpaw of ThunderClan is having strange visions - but not from StarClan. 
Meadowpaw of SkyClan is a simple daylight warrior who knows more than she should.
MOOSESTAR—a lanky brown tabby tom
HOUNDFLARE—ginger and brown tabby she-cat
LYNXLIGHT—pale silver tabby nonbinary cat
HAWKFLIGHT—ginger tabby tom
TALLTHORN—lanky golden tabby tom
HONEYGLOW—golden tabby she-cat
BLACKTHICKET—black tabby tom with amber eyes
SPECKLEHEART—mostly white she-cat with calico speckles
JUNIPERSONG—dark ginger tabby she-cat
OAKBREEZE—brown tabby tom with green eyes
BIRCHLEAF—pale brown tabby nonbinary cat
OWLPAW—brown and cream tabby she-cat
Mentor: Honeyglow
DUCKPAW—tuxedo tom with pale yellow eyes
Mentor: Hawkflight
GOOSEPAW—tuxedo tom with dark orange eyes
Mentor: Oakbreeze
YARROWBACK—dark brown tabby she-cat
Expecting Birchleaf’s kits
LEAFSHINE—pale brown tabby tom
SABLEPELT—brown and ginger calico she-cat
SNAILTAIL—black long-furred tom
SPOTTEDNOSE—mostly white calico she-cat
SWANMASK—a white she-cat with black markings
PUDDLESTAR—a blue-gray and white she-cat
COYOTECRY—a pale brown tabby she-cat
DANDELIONPELT—a fluffy white tom
SUNHUNTER—a ginger tabby tom
LIGHTNINGSTREAM—black and white tuxedo nonbinary cat
MOLEFEATHER—brown tabby tom
PATCHFLOWER—calico she-cat
PEPPERSTRIKE—mostly ginger tortoiseshell she-cat
SMOKESNOW—a white seal point tom with blue eyes
POPPYPAW—a red ticked tabby tom
APPLEPAW—a cream mackerel "pseudo-tabby" tom
STARLINGPAW—black and red caliby she-cat
FOXBRIAR—a red mackerel tabby she-cat Mother to Molefeather’s kit: Olivekit
RAVENHEART—a black she-cat with gold eyes.
Mother to Smokesnow’s kits: Snowkit and Blossomkit
ASTERSTONE—a blue she-cat with amber eyes.
OLIVEKIT—mackerel tabby tom
SNOWKIT—white she-kit
BLOSSOMKIT—black and white she-kit
FROSTSTAR—a large white and gray tabby tom
RATSPIRIT—lanky blank she-cat
IVYBEE—gray tabby and white nonbinary cat
GRIZZLYSTEP—large dark brown tabby tom
TADPOLEFOOT—black and white tom
JACKALHEART—golden classic tabby tom
MINKSLIP—brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
PONDNOSE—gray tabby tom
HAILSTRIKE—white and gray she-cat
MAPLESTEP—ginger and white she-cat
SEDGEFLUFF—spiky-furred gray tabby tom
HAZELBRANCH—brown tabby she-cat
APRICOTFUR—flame-point she-cat
MOSSYTAIL—dark brown tabby tom
WOLFPAW—dark brown and ginger tabby tom with blue eyes
Mentor: Hailstrike
CICADAPAW—dark brown and ginger caliby she-cat with amber eyes
Mentor: Minkslip
THISTLEPAW—spiky-furred gray and white she-cat
Mentor: Maplestep
PIGEONPAW—black tabby nonbinary cat
Mentor: Mossytail
LIONFUR—a red ticked tabby she-cat with long fur and amber eyes.
ADDERNOSE—a short-haired chocolate tom with gold eyes.
DAWNSTAR—a heavily scarred flame-point she-cat
TROUTFIN—black spotted tabby tom
SNOWTAIL—white tom with hazel eyes
ROWANFACE—a long-haired dark ginger flame-point tom
MUDTHROAT—dark brown tabby tom
SOOTFANG—black tom with gold eyes
PLUMSTREAM—black tabby she-cat
OTTERBLOOM—sleek brown tabby she-cat
MINNOWSHADE— gray tabby tom
DOVEMARCH—gray tabby nonbinary cat
HERONPAW—dark gray and white she-cat
ALDERPAW—dark brown tabby tom
CORMORANTPELT—black she-cat
Expecting Rowanface’s kits
STARLINGCALL—gray and white she-cat
Expecting Troutfin’s kits
BLACKLEG—a black classic tabby she-cat with gold eyes.
SPIDERTAIL—a black she-cat with yellow eyes.
RAININGHEART—a blue mackerel tabby tom 
TANSYFACE—a cream-spotted tabby tom
GOLDENSTAR—ginger calico she-cat with gold eyes
BLACKSTORM—a black she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes.
GINGERSTRIPE—a red classic tabby she-cat
BEEPELT—a blue and cream caliby she-cat 
NIGHTTAIL—a long-haired black she-cat
RAVENNOSE—a long-haired black tom
SPIDERSTONE—a black mackerel tabby she-cat 
STARLINGFUR—a white tom with gold eyes
YELLOWBLAZE—a cream tabby tom with yellow eyes
MINTPAW—a blue she-cat with green eyes.
SANDPAW—a cream mackerel tabby she-cat
HOLLYBRIAR—a blue and cream caliby she-cat
Mother to Starlingfur’s kits: Asterkit and Oatkit
ASTERKIT—a blue tabby tom
OATKIT—a cream and white she-kit
SLUGPELT—a short haired, black mackerel tabby she-cat, with gold eyes.
SANDSTONE—a cream classic "pseudo-tabby" tom, with curly fur, and gold eyes.
MEADOW—caliby she-cat with one blue eye
NOODLE—calico tom with paralyzed hind legs; uses a cat wheelchair
BELLA—brown tabby and white she-cat
MISTY—gray tabby tom
RAIN—dappled gray tom
POPPY—orange tabby nonbinary cat
NIGHTSHADE—black tabby she-cat
-- -- --
“Froststar still hasn’t returned?” asked Dawnstar, the leader of RiverClan. The heavily-scarred flame-point she-cat was sitting beside her deputy Troutfin. 
“That’s correct,” sighed Ratspirit, the current deputy and acting leader of ShadowClan. 
“He said that StarClan would be guiding his adventures,” explained Grizzlystep, one of ShadowClan’s medicine cats and Froststar’s cousin. He wasn’t there when this alleged message was given to Froststar, and having known the tom for his whole life, he found it a little bit difficult to believe that this was the entire story. Nevertheless, Grizzlystep would defend the leader of his Clan. “He’ll be back when he receives his message.”
“And of course, Minkslip is trying to police my every move,” Ratspirit continued. Despite being the deputy, she wasn’t very good at keeping the peace, and was prone to bitching about her Clanmates whenever the opportunity arose. Of course, that’s what a mediator is for.
“Minkslip thinks she’s helping,” Tadpolefoot, ShadowClan’s mediator, explained again to Ratspirit. His tone was patient, even though he had already had this conversation with her privately more than once. 
“Just because she’s his mate doesn’t mean she knows everything…” the scrawny black she-cat grumbled, but then fell silent. It wasn’t worth a fight; besides, she couldn’t show weakness in front of all the Clans!  
The nearly-full moon hung over the Gathering Island, where a small group of cats sat in the approximation of a circle. They slightly clumped together into their respective Clans; Dawnstar of RiverClan was flanked by her deputy, medicine cat, and mediator, and the other leaders had their high ranking cats sitting near them in a similar fashion. 
It wasn’t the entirety of the five Clans that had gathered tonight, just their high ranks - with the notable exception of Froststar. Instead, Ratspirit took the position of leader, with Ivybee, one of the medicine cats, by her side the way a deputy would be. 
“I’m sure you can save the mediating for later, Tadpolefoot,” mewed a large and lanky brown tabby tom. Moosestar, the leader of ThunderClan, didn’t want ShadowClan starting another fight tonight.  
Moosestar did not want to be here. Neither did Houndflare, his deputy. ThunderClan was still recovering from Leafbare. 
It had been one of the longest and hardest Leafbares that any cat could remember. It began snowing before Leaf-Fall was fully over, and continued snowing for two moons nonstop. The snow eventually mounted to a blizzard which claimed several lives across all the Clans, but had hit WindClan especially severely due to their lack of shelter. And of course, after the blizzard came a greencough epidemic. Many cats lost their lives, and all five Clans were still hurting severely. 
In fact, that was why Puddlestar of SkyClan had called the meeting. She was a new leader; SkyClan had lost both their former leader and deputy to greencough. Despite her inexperience, the Clans liked her - elders often remarked that Puddlestar had a good head on her shoulders, and cared about what was best for all the Clans. 
She decided it would be best to be blunt with her proposal. 
“SkyClan is going to be recruiting daylight warriors again,” the blue-gray she-cat mewed simply. Almost immediately, the group interrupted in chatter; she could hear curses and expressions of disbelief. She stood, and the group fell silent, wondering what she would say next. “SkyClan is hurting, badly; all of the Clans are. Daylight warriors are an important part of our heritage, and I believe that by returning to our roots, SkyClan will become stronger than before and prosper once again.” 
“Do you really believe that?” Moosestar asked sarcastically. 
“What’s a daylight warrior?” asked Goldenstar of WindClan at the same time. 
“A daylight warrior is a kittypet or loner who trains with SkyClan during the day, then returns to their home at night,” Puddlestar explained simply. 
“A kittypet?!?” exclaimed Ratspirit. “That’s ridiculous!” 
“We haven’t had a need for daylight warriors since leaving the gorge long ago.” The SkyClan leader sat back down, having had the expected response. 
“I think it’s an interesting idea,” Goldenstar remarked. “Puddlestar, will you tell me more?”
“Of course!” the small blue-gray cat replied happily. “Unless anyone has anything else constructive to say, this meeting is adjourned.” With that, Puddlestar stood again and flicked her tail, signaling for her high ranks to walk with her. Goldenstar and the WindClan representatives followed closely behind. Puddlestar and Goldenstar fell into step together, heads leaned towards each other as the two conversed about the merits and downfalls of accepting daylight warriors. 
Moosestar glared at Ratspirit and the ShadowClan high ranks as he stood. Houndflare did the same, mirroring her leader’s hostile attitude. 
“How are the herbs running, Ivybee?” asked the ThunderClan deputy, eyes glaring in anger. “Found any catmint recently?”
During the greencough pandemic, ThunderClan had asked their neighbors for any spare catmint to treat their ailing leader. SkyClan had barely enough to treat their own cats, and said they had received some from ShadowClan. By the time ThunderClan had begged ShadowClan for help, there just wasn’t enough to go around anymore, and eventually Moosestar had lost a life from greencough. 
ThunderClan had refused to believe that, instead claiming ShadowClan was refusing to offer them help. ShadowClan refuted the accusation, sticking by their claims that there just was not enough. Moosestar and Froststar had been at each others’ throats since then, with their deputies backing them up, all of them looking for excuses to fight. 
ThunderClan and ShadowClan were on the brink of battle. It would only take one wrong move to ignite an all-out war. 
As the moon soared above them, a massive white and gray tom made his way into ShadowClan territory, his pawpads aching. He had had a long journey, and he was ready to come home.
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artishardwhydoidoit · 3 years
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Kiss me quick, I'm off, good-bye POP! Goes the weasel!
Monsters are now real in @swamp-cats
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gougarpaw · 4 years
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“It’s ok!” She takes a couple steps closer to her, and the border, a purr rumbling in her throat. “I’m just glad to see you again!” Her gaze moves down to the toad at Cicadapaw’s feet, and she can’t help but smile widely. “This must be Littlehop!”
"It is! I put a rock in his pot, so maybe if someone checks on him, they'll mistake the rock for Littlehop! I really wanted you to meet him!" Cicadapaw beamed.
Cicadapaw and Littlehop belong to @rosey-rue
Spiderpaw belongs to @artichokiiie
This scene was brought to you by Oh I’m Crying Please My Heart Can’t Take This AKA @crackedstoneswcrp
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