#Gen clan
dappleclans · 6 months
First Patrol and First Moon
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Deputy Yellownight and Clan leader Pikestar along with his apprentice Okapaw venture out on patrol.
After a while of walking they find themselves near Thunder Path, they are about to venture their but Yellownight finds something ahead, she investigates and sees a injured cat, a kitty pet.
“We should takes them with us back to the clan” Oakpaw insists “no, kitty pets are not to be trusted” Yellownight says looking down at the young apprentice.
“Maybe Oakpaw is right, we should bring them back, they are injured” Pikestar says with a convincing look to the deputy.
Yellownight sighs “fine we’ll take them back to be healed”.
The three help the kitty pat back to the clan and the medicine cat Giantheart, he heals them and the kitty pet decided to stay and is now newly named Partrideflood.
Soon a moon goes by and all the young cats are growing.
Flutterkit is now Flutterpaw and has started his apprenticeship and his mentor is Wetdusk.
Oakpaw has finally reached Warrior age and had his fully name, Oakthroat. They will be a great warrior.
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Moon 1 -> Moon 2
Fern Clan Masterlist
Divider by Firefly Graphics
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lotusfurliveson · 1 year
Newtstar was not sure who was more excited, Oakkit and Bluekit to step up to being apprentices or himself for his first ceremony as clan leader. His tail twitched while climbing up to the high point on the the wrecked ship that marked the edge of their camp. Calling his clan to him the pride he had felt since stepping into the position of leader pulsed through him. He glanced over to Milkweedflare who sat near by showing her support.
Newtstar gained more confidence as he named the former kits, Oakpaw and Bluepaw, and declared their mentors. Ospreylight and Rosechase. He knew Rosechase was young but she was an excellent fighter and everyone needed to start somewhere. It was time to see how well she could teach.  He thought of his own apprentice ceremony and how he trembled with excitement. How he had tripped over his own paws. He had to give the new apprentices credit. They were both obviously excited but neither trembled nor tripped while touching noses with their new mentors.
Oakpaw held the gaze of her new mentor as he purred in greeting. She could not wait to go on her first patrol. She wanted to prove to the rest of her clan that she was the best apprentice they would ever see. They could hunt! And she could catch a big fat rabbit for the fresh kill pile. Or maybe there would be a fox sighting. She could prove her bravery by chasing the beast off. Her tail twitched. She would impress the clan, she knew her destiny was going to be great.
Blue paw inhaled Rosechase’s calming scent. He hoped that she would be a calm and cool mentor. He hoped that whatever task she assigned they wouldn’t be boring. He didn’t have dreams of valor or glory but he also did not like gathering moss or tick duty. They bored him so much.
[2 moons]
Screen shots from the game
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officialclangen · 6 months
Something is rustling in the grass...
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Hello, dear furends, gather round! The breeze off the lake is cool and refreshing, and the freshkill pile is stocked full. All cats will eat well tonight— though in leaner times, harsher times, purrhaps some cats may find themselves lashing out at their Clanmates... The world is wonderful, ever-growing, but all the more dangerous fur it. It's time ClanGen expanded to match.
ClanGen v0.11.1 has released, available now via auto-updater or https://clangen.io/download
Feature: Freshkill pile & nutrition system
Feature: “Destroy accessory” button
Content: Lakeside Forest Background
Content: Murder for the new year
Content: expanded scars: "HINDLEG", "BACK", "QUILLSIDE", "SCRATCHSIDE", "TOE", "BEAKSIDE", "CATBITETWO", "SNAKETWO", "FOUR" Expanded tortie: 'FRECKLED' white patches: 'BLAZEMASK', 'TEARS'
Content: Sibling and constrained patrols
Content: weights and mates
Content: expanded war events
Content: more patrols
QOL: Cat List UI Update
QOL: same sex setting update
QOL: update for freshkill switch
QOL: Patrol type decision enabled in classic
QOL: updated credits list
QOL: change to poetry
Plus many more bug fixes, tweaks to events and patrols, and more!
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giuranza · 5 days
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Sketches from last year when I was playing a lot of ClanGen. It was fun drawing my cats from Dew Clan.
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sparrowclangen · 8 months
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The two young cats, fur dappled by the sunlight filtering through the leaves, explored the sunny forest with wide-eyed wonder. The vibrant green foliage created a canopy overhead, casting a playful dance of shadows on the forest floor. As they meandered through the underbrush, Riverpaw caught a glimpse of something colorful peeking out from behind a cluster of leaves.
Eagerly, the feline approached the hidden treasure and discovered a bush laden with ripe, juicy berries. Excitement bubbled within him as he carefully plucked the berries one by one, his nimble paws working with precision. The berries were a rich purple, promising a sweet and delectable treat.
Unable to contain their enthusiasm, the cat bounded over to their friend, who was exploring a nearby patch of soft moss. With a triumphant meow, they proudly presented the bounty of berries to their companion. Crestpaw, momentarily distracted from their mossy exploration, looked up in surprise and delight at the colorful display.
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carboniila · 7 months
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I've been playing with lifegen, it seems really fun so far!
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honeystar-is-alone · 6 months
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Moon 0 | Catastrophe
The camp had bern upwind of the fire, set down in a hollow where no cat had much of a chance to take note. Honeyfoot had panicked- of course he had, everyone had taken to shouting and fretting- and nobody had wasted the time it would have taken to organise.
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He’d grabbed Phloxkit and run out onto the plains- trying not to fall behind or be trampled, knowing he could meet up with the others once the danger had passed. She didn’t protest for long, understanding his fear, if not the situation.
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But they were exhausted, and the camp had burned so very hot, and Honeyfoot had run till his paws bled, and covered quite the distance. . As rain started to fall, bringing an end to the white-hot terror, and the two cats found some meagre shelter, Honeyfoot promised himself- and Phloxkit- and they’d search for survivors tomorrow.
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kittiecatts · 2 months
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Moon 11.2
Unofficial refs for Hollychase’s kits!! They’re all definitely cutie patooties
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apathysack · 2 months
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Looks can be deceiving
Love will make you blind
Be careful what you wish for
You won't like what you find
I will be your ruler
Hallowed be thy name
And now the king has spoken
Everyone obeys
Little diamonds in the sky
Can you see me through those eyes?
Twinkle, twinkle, you can't hide
I'm the devil in disguise
Eklutna my beloved ❤️ She didn’t die, she simply ascended to a higher form 😔.
I think we all treat @loudclan-clangen ‘s Eklutna like a malevolent villian when she’s more of the ill fated religious fanatic in every Stephen King story. (Mist AU where Eklutna turns a grocery story into a cult lol)
This is my actual artfight submission! I’ll add it to the art fight website later, I just think uploading to tumblr is easier since artfight is so buggy
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echoes-in-echoclan · 7 days
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Finally!! At long last!! The next page!! Took me long enough huh
Anyway new cat alert!!
 Moon 46.2 - Moon 46.4
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clangenrising · 10 months
Hey everyone.
Today, many of you are celebrating American Thanksgiving, but I wanted to take a moment to use this platform I've somehow stumbled into to do something different. Today is the National Day of Mourning, a day where we take time to remember and mourn the suffering and deaths of the indigenous American people who were brutally colonized by the founders of the country. It is also a day to remember that their descendants are still suffering, that their struggles are not over.
Now, I am very white and living on stolen land. I am not the expert here and I don't think it would be my place to explain the struggles the indigenous Americans are facing.
But I do run a fairly popular Warrior Cats blog and I do think it would be worthwhile to highlight the fact that Warrior Cats and its fandom are full of Anti-Indigenous bigotry. You may notice that I use the term "Healer" instead of "Medicine Cats" and that's because the original term is blatant and disrespectful cultural appropriation that I don't want to take part in. And that's just one example.
HERE is a link to a comprehensive article researched and written by an All-Native/Indigenous team of Warrior Cats fans that details the harmful stereotypes the Erins use and suggestions on what you can do to avoid contributing to them. Please, read this document and take some time to think about what it says.
I also encourage any Native/Indigenous people who find this post to add to it or link places where my fans can support you and your communities.
Thank you for your time.
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dappleclans · 6 months
Fifth Moon and third patrol
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Nothing much really happened this moon but the patrol went well
Oakthroat, Partridgeflood, Yellownight, and Quitegaze went on patrol and Oakthroat found footprints of a route and they drove them off
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Moon 1
Moon 5 -> Moon 6
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You’re doing amazing sweetie!
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@loudclan-clangen ‘s Siltsplash deserves a break, a snack, and some self-care. Medicine cats orders 🫶🏻
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officialclangen · 4 months
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Time for a trip down memory lane, with images for an old scrapped mechanic that never saw the light of day. What do you think these could have been used for?
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sleepywantscookies · 5 months
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Two character designs of my current clan IvyClan on ClanGen! meet Goldenstar and Morbiusstar. >:]
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sparrowclangen · 8 months
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The young feline cautiously made her way into the dense woods, her senses heightened as she searched for the herbs her clan desperately needed. The air was filled with the earthy scent of moss and the sweet aroma of wildflowers. As she moved through the underbrush, the rustling leaves beneath her paws masked her quiet steps.
Suddenly, a faint cry reached her ears, carried by the wind. The feline's ears perked up, and she instinctively followed the sound. The cries grew louder, and a sense of urgency overcame her. She quickened her pace, navigating through the thick foliage.
The cries led her to a secluded clearing where the dim light barely penetrated the dense canopy. In the heart of the clearing, she discovered a heartbreaking scene. A small kit, deflating with its last breath, nestled beside the lifeless body of a queen. Crestpaw felt a pang of sorrow as she approached the somber scene.
The queen's fur was matted, and her once bright eyes were now dull and vacant. The kit was too young to reasonably be so thin, yet it lay starved next to its mother. The young feline's heart ached as she surveyed the devastating sight.
As she turned to vacate the morbid scene, the wind carried whispers of the forest, a poignant reminder of the fragility of life. The young feline retraced her steps, her thoughts heavy with the weight of the newfound responsibility she now bore.
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