#Clay Carlin
chenfordsrollisi · 9 months
South of Nowhere Master Post
I'm going to have to split the link list. So, I'm going to put the links in 3 different posts, which will have all eps for each separate season, and link them here in a master post. Season 1: Links (Alt links available) Season 2: Links (Alt links available) Season 3: Links (Alt links available)
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antlerqueer · 1 year
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South of Nowhere (2005-2008). Peak 2000s fashion.
@lgbtqcreatorscreator bingo - throwback
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sillyblondepsychos · 2 years
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sirfrogsworth · 2 years
It's weird how the anti-wokesters grandfather older media in as acceptable despite obvious "woke" elements.
Star Wars was anti-fascist. Blazing Saddles was anti-racist. The Matrix was transgender allegory. Terminator 2 made a cop the villain. Don't get me started on conservative Rage Against the Machine fans. And, of course, can't forget about Star Trek. They love George Carlin even though he would have hated them. Sure, he said Andrew Dice Clay can say what he wants and shouldn't be censored, but then criticized him for always punching down.
The best media has always been a progressive reflection of the time period it was created in. They just never consumed it with their hyper-analytical woke glasses.
If they would just let go of that they could start enjoying shit again.
They could watch episode 3 of The Last of Us and cry with the rest of us as Ron Swanson builds deathtraps for zombies, electrocutes interlopers, giggles at strawberries, and has hairy gay sex.
Don't they miss loving things?
Isn't loving things so much more satisfying than finding nitpicky reasons to hate things?
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gothicprep · 5 months
over the weekend, I was watching the big joel “conservative comedy ruined my life” video. I’ve been chipping away at a post with my objections and asides articulated, but I’ll probably lose my train of thought in the meantime. but i wanted to get something out in the case I do.
mr joel’s theory of political comedy, which states it’s a mechanism of enforcing boundaries and should be tactically used for progressive purposes, is unusual. and it makes me sort of wonder if it’s loosely based on the early 90s interview george carlin had on larry king where king asks him about andrew dice clay and his diceman character.
carlin says something to the effect of, “I won’t tell him what to do, however…” the diceman character often mocked women and immigrants. this is a realm that tracks with insecure young white men, and oftentimes these guys feel animus towards jews. andrew is jewish, and should probably be cautious about the audience he’s cultivating:
this is largely read as carlin establishing a theory of standup (“comedy is about punching up”), when I’ve always interpreted it as “be careful dumbass”.
another thing that, I think, people often forget about carlin is that he was arrested for performing his “seven dirty words” skit because of obscenity. for carlin, part of speaking truth to power was his willingness to say “cocksucker” and shit on stage. speech norms are so far removed from that and it probably matters when we posthumously interpret him.
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magentagalaxies · 3 months
Buddy Cole Profanity Report
ok so i have now watched through every recording i have of buddy cole appearing on-camera (every kids in the hall sketch. every improv from the 1980s. every tour or one-man-show sketch. and a bizarre 1999 webseries called "scottland" where buddy is the prime minister of scott's brain while he's in a coma). and i've gone through both tour scripts i have (apres le deluge from 2018/2019 and the 2024 version of KING)
just to figure out how often buddy cole swears
as i said in a previous post: i only counted the classic george carlin "seven words you can't say on television" which are shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits. some words on the list are debatable as swears and there might be words that are more widely considered swears that are omitted, but this is our data set.
with the sample size and methodology out of the way, i am proud and surprised to announce that buddy cole has only sworn 9 times. not just on the show. but in all onscreen appearances.
here are the examples broken down by category:
Buddy Cole Origins (improvised videos from the 1980s when buddy was first being developed)
Episode 2: "Buddy Outdoors" - "shit" is said while quoting someone (reading from 120 days of sodom)
Episode 3: "Graveyard" - "piss" is said as part of the sentence "the exorcism is complete. i guess i should piss."
Kids in the Hall TV Series
"Desert Island" - "shit" is said while hypothetically quoting oscar wilde's last words
"Outing Celebrities" - the phrase "pissed off" is used about andrew dice clay and eddie murphy being homophobic because they give off gay vibes
Tour Monologues
Buddy's introduction in Tour of Duty (2002) - "fuck" is not used in the actual monologue (which has appeared in multiple tours), but in Buddy's intro with the fur trappers Francois and Jacques he tells them to "fuck off"
"The Last Word" (written 2008, performed as part of the Apres Le Deluge tour) - "cunt" is used as buddy is recalling an argument with his imaginary daughter. after he calls her one, she replies "takes one to know one" and he's so proud that he lets her have the last word.
"Liquid Courage" (from the 2024 KING tour, also my new favorite buddy monologue of all time) - "fucking" is used while quoting marsha p. johnson ("i don't need validation, i need a fucking drink!")
Scottland (a bizarre webseries scott made in 1999 which is too convoluted to properly explain)
"tits" is used in a conversation about butterfly anatomy comparing the wings to tits
"fucking" is used after danny husk has been contracted to build prime minister buddy's throne, but he builds it dozens of feet high, leading buddy to say to his secretary "tell danny husk to build me a new throne, one where my feet actually touch the FUCKING FLOOR!"
So what do we make of this?
first off - i have too much time on my hands
but second, this was all prompted by scott saying on tour that "buddy doesn't swear." if you take that to mean ever, then obviously that's not true, but i think scott would agree with you on that. he would have literally said "fucking" as buddy in the marsha p johnson quote an hour earlier
so i approached this list moreso looking for how often does buddy swear, and in what context. i know my data is a bit skewed by not counting "bitch" or "ass" as swears, and words like "piss" and "tits" despite appearing in the george carlin list do not personally feel like swears to me. maybe someday i'll revisit my findings but for now i still have some key observations
first of all - if you're not being pedantic about "ever", i think scott's right about buddy not swearing, as these words are not a mainstay of the character's vocabulary. i was frankly shocked by this - i guess with the word "faggot" being bleeped in some reruns and the explicit way buddy talks about sex, i assumed "dirty language" would inherently be a part of buddy's character as well, but on the tv show itself there were only two swears, and one of them was "pissed off" which only gets you in trouble if you're ten years old saying it
second - how bizarre is it that this has been true for buddy from the beginning? so many seemingly-essential parts of buddy weren't developed until after those initial improvs. hell, buddy cole was canonically a vampire in the first one. but not only do those improv videos have the exact same number of swears as the tv show, they're the same words (shit and piss) and with the same conditions (with "shit" being said in a quote!)
i have no idea why the other instances of swearing occur when they do, outside of marsha p johnson to some extent. but generally scott doesn't count buddy quoting someone swearing as buddy swearing, so that eliminates three of our examples. and if i eliminate "tits" and "piss", that leaves us with four.
i find it interesting this buddy never uses "fuck" for the action of having sex, preferring instead to describe it in more eloquent terms. i think that might be the key to why buddy doesn't swear even though it feels like he does. he talks about subjects you would ordinarily swear in conversation about, but in circumventing the swearing he comes up with more unconventional language which makes the laugh bigger. he's not a "clean comic" by any means, but he's not going to use the same words as everyone else. this is just a hunch though, and i have yet to ask scott about this aspect of buddy's characterization.
so that's it for now. i hope you've enjoyed this exceptionally nerdy foray into every time buddy cole swears. tune in next time where i name all twenty two of buddy's siblings alluded to in buddy babylon. and if anyone wants to make their own count of buddy saying "bitch" and "ass" be my guest
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A real change of pace... To cool off... Here's a hyperfixation of mine that dates waaaaay back, to when I was little...
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I've been thinking about the show's third season (1991-92) lately, for some reason.
Season 3, as I had learned in the recent years, was filmed in two separate portions - unusual in that every season in the classic series (approximately Seasons 1-7, 1984-2003ish) was typically filmed in one go. Not Season 3, for whatever reason.
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It's been speculated by some fans that a showcase of the many props in London sometime in late 1991 impacted the filming, thus newer sets were built to accommodate the last portion of episodes. Maybe something else came up. Maybe something pertaining to the Japanese special THOMAS AND THE U.K. TRIP. Who knows...
And upon knowing the season's production history, you can't unsee it...
The first portion of Season 3, first released all at once on VHS - albeit with alternate, earlier narrations from Michael Angelis - in the UK in November 1991:
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The second portion, aired in the spring/summer of 1992:
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I kind of look at Season 3 as the coziest one. If Season 1 had a more pastoral, simplistic look with a chuffy synthesized soundtrack, and if Season 2 had a more dirty, sooty, industrial look... Season 3 is bright, colorful, cute, just warm and cozy really. Especially the nighttime scenes, which are real standouts here. Glossy models and softer faces constructed for the engine characters, too.
The music, composed by Mike O'Donnell and Junior Campbell, is what holds the season together - tonally, along with Angelis' narrations - or George Carlin's, if you grew up with the U.S. version like I did.
Sets in Season 3, Part 1 included the likes of Henry's Forest in addition to a lot of countryside paths, and a much more spacious beach. Knapford is the big station here, while Tidmouth is the big station in Part 2. The roundhouse interior is a real giveaway, too. Season 3, Part 2 seems a little greener, you have the the three-way set (bottom left), those big harbor buildings (top right), and the castle tunnel. Whatever the story called for, they built it: A scrapyard that Oliver escapes from, the China Clay Works, Bulgy's bridge, etc. Even without their major sets, they still made up for it with the new ones.
It's still quite cohesive and distinctively season 3, but someone like me? I notice the minute differences. You can easily tell which episode is 3A, or 3B.
Season 3 is one that I didn't have much of on VHS growing up in the late '90s/early '00s. I had seen pretty much all of them via tape volumes I rented back in the day, or through SHINING TIME STATION when it returned to air in 2000 to promote the movie. SHINING TIME, the show that essentially trojanhorsed THOMAS onto American airwaves. The VHS tapes... Particularly the volumes "Thomas Gets Bumped", "Daisy", and "Percy's Ghostly Trick". All grab-bags of episodes from the first three seasons - but they had those Season 3 episodes I often couldn't come by. They were elusive in a way because of that. Everything else I saw was via a compilation tape, like "Thomas' Christmas Party" and "10 Years of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends".
And years later, I would be surprised to learn that an episode like 'Henry's Forest' was from that period - it feels like it could be a stealth Season 2 episode, albeit a calmer and less industrial-looking one. Maybe because it was on the aforementioned Christmas tape, my brain - as a 7-year-old kid - placed it in that era. Ditto 'A Scarf for Percy'. When I got a little bit older, I was able to place - sort of aesthetically - where each episode fell. A skim through IMDb would also help. Most I could reckon were from the '80s, and the rest from the early-to-mid '90s. Even with George Carlin narrating the majority of them.
Something about those episodes hit different to me when I was little, for sure, so I have a bit of an odd soft spot for them despite how I feel about that season overall. I think SHINING TIME's aesthetics and look also helps. I watched STS whenever it was on, as a really young kid circa 1995-96ish? I would remember asking "Why do the trains have faces? But no cowcatchers?" Then it was just the Thomas stories on VHS after that. I wouldn't really check out STS again until reruns came to Nick Jr., again, to promote THOMAS AND THE MAGIC RAILROAD - which Shining Time Station itself was a big part of. And yet my head links that season and STS, more so than 1 & 2. The coziness of both, the nostalgic American train station setting of STS and the comfy visuals of Season 3, just goes together quite nicely. Throw in some unrelated other things I loved back then, and that's one of my nostalgia cocktails in a way lol.
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~More Ttte Design~
~The Diesels~
❤️Pip and Emma, Derek, Den, Dart, Bear, Sydney, Arry, Bert❤️
~The Skarloey Railway~
🧡Skarloey, Rheneas, Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Rusty, Duncan, Duke, Smudger, Freddy, Mighty Mac, Luke, Nancy🧡
~The Bluebell Railway~
~The Miniature Engines~
💚Mike, Rex, Bert, Jock💚
~Non-Rail Vehicles~
💙Madge, Bertie, Caroline, Bulgy, Elizabeth, Trevor, Buster, George, Jeremy, Thumper💙
~The Cranes~
💜Cranky, Carly Harvey, Rocky💜
~The Big Engines~
🩷Hank, Neville, Murdoch, Hiro, Molly, Connor and Caitlin, Flying Scotsman, City of Turo, Duchess of Hamilton🩷
~Sodor Search and Rescue Team~
❤️Flynn, Belle, Harold, Rocky❤️
🧡Charlie, Ryan, Arthur Nia, Kana Philip, Scruffy, The Spiteful Breakvan, Flora, Stanley, Aurelia, Jinty and Pug, Neil, Thomas' Special Coach🧡
~The Steelworks Engines~
💛Frankie, Hurricane, Lexi and Theo, Merlin💛
~The Misty Island Hillbillies~
💚Bash and Dash, Ferdinand💚
~The China Clay Company~
💙Bill and Ben, Timothy, Marion💙
~The Steamworks~
💜Victor and Kevin💜
~Sodor Trash Team~
🩷Scruff and Whiff🩷
~The Ulfstead Railway~
❤️Millie, Glynn, Stephen❤️
~Shining Time Station~
🧡Burnett Stone, Mr. Conductor (Alec Baldwin, Ringo Starr, George Carlin, Junior) Lilly, Patch, Billy Two-feathers, Stacy Jones, PT.Boomer🧡
~Marvellous Machinery~
💛Ruth, Cleo💛
~The Technology Thief’s~
💚Sonny, Baz and Bernie💚
~The Horrors of Hawin Lake~
💙Dane/1020, Hawin💙
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goodcryunicorn · 2 years
13 Reasons Why || Hannah Baker
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Name: 13 Reasons Why Age: 17 Relationship: Single (verse depending) Sexuality: Bisexual Job: Student Residence:  Faceclaims: Katherine Langford Blog written by: @goodcryunicorn2​​
Hannah Baker (August 28, 2000 – October 9, 2017) Hannah's suicide is the central plot of the story for the first season. She only appeared as a hallucination or in a flashback. She narrated the first season through the tapes she left behind. Through her narration on the tapes, she revealed the reasons she committed suicide. As such she appears throughout the show in flashbacks, and Clay's hallucinations and dreams.Early Life Hannah Baker moved to town two months before taking her job at The Crestmont where she befriended Clay. In "Smile, Bitches", it is revealed that in her previous high school, Ridgeview High, she herself was a bully to a girl, Sarah Carlin, who testifies on the side of the school for the trial. She reveals that Hannah Baker, Lindsay Patterson, and Alicia Morris spread around a photo of her which led the entire school to bully and tease her. Olivia desperately pleads with Sarah before she testifies, at her house, for her to not testify about her experience with Hannah.[2] Hannah and the others girls were suspended from Ridgeview High for their part in it. They turned everyone at Ridgeview High against Sarah and Hannah moved to Liberty High School. In Liberty High School, Hannah's locker was adorned with student's letters, as a memorial. The scene unfolded with Hannah's first words in "Tape 1, Side A". Clay looked across the hall and saw a hallucination of Hannah, then she vanished. Two girls took a selfie in front of the memorial saving it to social media tagging it with #NeverForget. In the first period, the teacher was talking about suicide prevention and Clay flashes back to another memory of Hannah. Clay and Hannah talked about her change in appearance, she had a haircut. VERSES
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the-n-tv · 5 years
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oldshowbiz · 3 years
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1990 - George Carlin on Andrew Dice Clay
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chenfordsrollisi · 9 months
South of Nowhere Season 2
Season 2! Episode 1&2: The Morning After [Alt Link: Episode 1&2: The Morning After] Episode 3: Behind the Music [Alt Link: Episode 3: Behind the Music] Episode 4: Guess Who’s Coming Out to Dinner? [Alt Link: Episode 4: Guess Who's Coming Out to Dinner?] Episode 5: Rules of Engagement [Alt Link: Episode 5: Rules of Engagement] Episode 6: That Is So Not Mom [Alt Link: Episode 6: That Is So Not Mom] Episode 7: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are [Alt Link: Episode 7: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are] Episode 8: That’s the Way the World Crumbles [Alt Link: Episode 8: That’s the Way the World Crumbles] Episode 9: Objects May Be Closer Than They Appear [Alt Link: Episode 9: Objects May Be Closer Than They Appear] Episode 10: Love and War and Love and War [Alt Link: Episode 10:  Love and War and Love and War] Episode 11: Love, Child, and Videotape [Alt Link: Episode 11: Love, Child, and Videotape] Episode 12: Too Many Girls, Not Enough Aiden [Alt Link: Episode 12: Too Many Girls, Not Enough Aiden] Episode 13: Trouble In Paradise [Alt Link: Episode 13: Trouble In Paradise]
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dapenguingodfather · 3 years
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funnywtfpicsandvids · 4 years
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This was when blacks and whites could make racial jokes and people wouldn't get all upset. Kiss that goodbye. Ever since Obama made that race speech, it all changed...
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gothicprep · 5 months
I’m camping and this is a queued post.
I watched big joel’s “conservative comedy ruined my life” in bits and pieces last weekend. or the weekend before? I don’t remember. part of me just thinks I’m getting old and running out of patience for, like, elevated react content. another part of me is thinking, “no! it’s laziness you can’t stand!” i know joel is a capable guy – I think “twitter and empathy” is an excellent video essay. i more or less know how YouTube sponsors work in a way that disincentivizes being thorough – “get it out by may 10th, or you’re not getting $200”. all that. maybe this was best practiced as a labor of love rather than a professional career, but I won’t digress
I think what my issues with it are stem from two questions that weren’t engaged with at all:
what makes comedy work?
what is a conservative? it’s a regionally variant thing in how it presents, after all.
If you’d like to hear me ramble, it’s under the cut. if not, i hope everything goes well for you today, and we’ll leave it at that.
alright. now the true reader time has kicked in. im getting dirty.
a lot of the framework I think joel is using here is from this out of context george carlin clip that’s shared en-masse whenever a comedian is in hot water for a tasteless joke. but I honestly think he and most people are interpreting it wrong – it’s somewhat backhanded advice from one professional to another. even if andrew dice clay meant his diceman character as a parody, he’s risking an audience who may not get that, and probably won’t think particularly high of him when they find out his surname by birth is silverman.
the work people remember of carlin’s is anti-establishment and anti-consumerism, yes. but the shtick in that era of his career is mostly about being curmudgeonly. he wasn’t trying to establish an over-arching theory of comedy via one larry king interview. and I guess, while we’re thinking about carlin, we ought to remember that he was arrested for cursing in public at his shows, like, multiple times in the 70s. his attitude towards political correctness (& supposedly what we’d call “wokeness” now) is deeply informed by this. he’d probably call a lot of the posts you’ve endorsed newfangled yuppie shit. don’t invoke the dead unless you know what they were about.
sorry for that digression, but I do think it matters. specifically in the case of joel, who I think leaned into the out of context clip and… developed a nonsense theory of comedy because of that. he says something to the effect of “comedy enforces social norms” when he isn’t talking about comedians. he’s talking about bullies. bullies and their patchwork of social allies aren’t funny. everyone thinks they’re trying too hard in a meaningless and pathetic race.
comedy is often predicated on surprise. if you pay attention, you’ll be a more intelligent person for it. and a more surprising one. funny how that works. I don’t personally believe this neo-breadtube space is inhabited by smart people. I don’t care how many masters degrees they’ll try to break my nose with pointing this out.
okay, getting to the point – the daily wire is not anywhere near the go-to source of conservative bile. their traffic has taken a massive hit since facebook de-emphasized viral news. Imagine making something criticizing “conservative comedy” and not mentioning greg gutfeld at all. fox’s viewership dwarfs that of the daily wire, but the daily wire gets undue legitimacy by way of being terminally online. if I said “Ben Shapiro” to my parents, they’d assume this is the name of some guy that worked with me rather than a pundit. 
he also does some idiot magic here where he calls matt stone and trey parker conservatives. they aren’t, they’re libertarians. these sorts of distinctions matter to people who care about gay shit like accuracy. he mostly looks at “team america: world police” as reference and says something to the effect of “they accepted the war on terror as it is”. like are you honestly kidding dude. have you seen the south park movie? they not only characterized the army as incompetent, but actively racist on top of that.
you have to wonder if he has a selective memory about the “team america” movie as well, because he frames it so strangely. because the version of the song where they’re shouting out the names of corporations as a joke is in the end credits only and…
oh. alright. you didn’t watch it. damn. that’s sad. couldn’t even ask you to sit for two hours without picking up your phone like a fidgety little rat.
and… like. as much as I do not like to pull the “I’m bipolar!! I find this gross!!” card, I’m doing it. at the end of this video, joel shows a video of a Roseanne Barr routine where she’s very blatantly wrote while having a manic episode. He calls it interesting, I personally don’t find this all that interesting. I’ve been there. It’s dumb. It’s needlessly scaremongering and dramatic. It isn’t interesting. It makes me feel uncomfortable while I watch it. I was never a conspiracy theorist type but the requisite nonsensical yapping is all too clear to me.
Uhh. That’s what I have to say. Don’t think I got my whole rant out, but this will do for now
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smallscreengifs · 5 years
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