#Clexa theme
clexmas23 · 10 months
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Hey Everyone!
7 days of Clexmas will begin on the 17th of December and end on the 23rd this year, so get ready!
Reblog or send this post out to anyone you think will enjoy it!
How To Participate: Fanart, fanvids, fanfics, moodboards, photo manipulations, fic recs, anything that jingles Clexa - let’s see it!
7 Days of Clexmas: This will be 7 days of Christmas/Holiday/Winter-themed posts. Reblog Share Repeat! Send out ideas/prompts to your favorite writers and artists! Don’t forget to tag!
Clexmas23 #7DaysofClexa
Dec. 17 - Day 1: Basically A Hallmark Movie Dec. 18 - Day 2: Naughty or Nice Dec. 19 - Day 3: Under the Mistletoe Dec. 20 - Day 4: Snowed In Dec. 21 - Day 5: Winter Wonderland Dec. 22 - Day 6: Spiked Eggnog Dec. 23 - Day 7: Free Day
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clexaweekofficial · 2 years
Vote for your favorite themes!
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
I've had a Farm Clexa playlist that I don't think i mentioned if anyone wants to take a peak :)
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kpforpresident · 2 years
I don't have the list handy, but how about 8 if you haven't done it yet? It's my lucky number
8- in secrecy
Big blue eyes bat at Lexa flirtatiously from under the pink and blue eyeshadow,  black eyelashes fringing over the bright pink blush that Clarke had dusted on her cheeks earlier. Red lips curl up in a wicked smirk as she bends just slightly enough for Lexa to catch a glimpse of the piles of pale cleavage under her Lil Monster shirt that stretches tightly across her breasts. The top is cropped, her midriff peeking out from underneath as she turns and dances in the crowded space. 
Lexa trips after her distractedly, trying her best to dodge the hoards of drunken frat boys as she trails after her very own real life Harley Quinn. Lexa’s eyes snap automatically to the fishnet stockings that encases Clarke’s pale thighs, tight blue and red shorts barely encasing the swell of her ass that lead to a pair of patent leather Doc Martens. She tries not to drool as she follows dutifully behind, shooting death glares to any frat boy who would dare do a double take at the blonde goddess in front of her. Lexa doesn’t love house parties, especially frat parties, but Clarke wanted to come, so she went. Sirens blare on the street below, another reminder of Halloween in New York City. 
Red solo cup in each hand, Clarke giggles as she tucks herself into a slightly more secluded nook on the abandoned fire escape, passing a full cup to a very relieved Lexa. The noise fades slightly as Lexa twines herself about her girlfriend, her free hand snaking securely around the warmth of Clarke’s ribs. 
“Baby,” Lexa whines softly after quaffing an inordinate amount of cheap, slightly warm beer- “I don’t know why you’re being so weird about this, about telling your friends about us. We’ve been dating for over a month now.” 
A bottom lip peeks out from that beautiful face, green eyes shimmering with sadness. Clad in green from head to toe, golden eyeshadow coating her eyelids and vines trailing along her arms and legs, Lexa looks like she could have been plucked from a Greek tale of old. Clarke feels a pang in her chest as she reaches for her distressed girlfriend, taking care not to shower her in PBR.
Lexa gestures with frustration at their costumes as her eyebrows climb higher on her forehead. 
“For fuck’s sake, Clarke- Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are dating in the comics- anyone with a brain cell and internet access will be able to put the dots together!” 
A golden wave of beer hits the floor with Lexa’s wildly gesturing arms.
Clarke raises an unimpressed eyebrow as she flicks droplets of beer off of her boots. 
“I know, Lexa,” she says as she scuffs her shoe across the rusted metal ledge, leaving a black mark in its wake. She inches closer, snaking a hand around Lexa’s bare, glitter coated forearm as she presses a soft, reassuring kiss to her gold-dappled cheek. 
“Raven was being so weird about it all though, with her crush on Anya that she refused to acknowledge. I didn’t want it to make things awkward between us, especially since she’s my roommate,” Clarke trails off, gently setting her cup on a lower stair as her hands curl around the metal railing. A light fall breeze ruffles her hair as she closes her eyes, taking in the noises of the city as it seethes with frenetic energy. 
Lexa gravitates towards her, unable to resist. She curls her arms around Clarke, nuzzling into her neck as she breathes in the gentle scent of flowers and sunshine. 
“I just want to let people know that you’re mine.” 
Lexa’s chest aches as she recoils slightly at the vulnerability in her own tone. Starting to withdraw her arms from around Clarke, she’s stopped by a slim hand grasping her forearm. 
“I’m sorry, Lexa. I am yours.” 
Clarke turns in her arms, pulling Lexa in closer to land a sweet, but sincere kiss on her lips. Lexa sways into it as she slots herself as close to Clarke as she can. They stand in silence for a moment, breathing in each other’s heartbeats as the city whips around them. A wave of laughter pours out of the open window that they climbed out of, Raven’s laugh floating through loudest of all. 
Clarke smiles and twines her fingers through Lexa’s as she lands one more awkward kiss on her cheek, wiping away the bright red lipstick with a laugh as Lexa blushes slightly. 
“C’mon, we have some re-introductions to do, Poison Ivy.”
Lexa pauses from where she is grabbing their half empty cups of beer to meet Clarke’s gaze with an inquiring look. 
“I have to let Raven know that she won the bet,” Clarke explains with a laugh as she tugs Lexa back in through the cracked window. A smile explodes over Lexa’s face as she lets herself be led back into the hallway of crowded, costumed bodies. 
“Wait, what bet?!” is all of Lexa’s exclamation that Clarke hears as she twines their fingers together, leading Lexa forward with a massive smile on her face.
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reallygroovyninja · 1 year
Lexa Woods, a tough 75-year-old lady, is struggling with the recent loss of her dear wife, Costia, to cancer. Grief has left her feeling alone and unsure about moving forward. Wanting the best for her, Lexa's caring son, Aden, convinces her to join an adult day events program. He hopes it will help her connect with others and find happiness in her golden years.
With some reluctance, Lexa decides to give it a shot, stepping into a world full of strangers and new adventures. Little does she know, destiny has something extraordinary planned for her. It's there that she crosses paths with Clarke Griffin, a spirited and compassionate woman of 73, who has her own history of heartache. Clarke's husband, Finn, was tragically taken from her in a car accident five years ago, leaving an aching void in her life.
Despite their initial doubts, Lexa and Clarke develop an unexpected bond, finding solace and understanding in each other's presence. Clarke's lively personality and zest for life slowly help Lexa break free from her shell, encouraging her to live in the moment and let go of the past. As time passes, their connection deepens, revealing that age is no barrier to love and happiness.
Together, Lexa and Clarke embark on a journey of self-discovery, navigating the complexities of grief, healing, and the enchantment of newfound love. Through shared laughter, heartfelt conversations, and the support of their newfound community, they realize that it's never too late to open their hearts and embrace the possibility of love, regardless of their stage in life.
As they face the challenges and joys that come with aging, Lexa and Clarke prove that love can blossom even in the later chapters of life. In each other's arms, they find comfort, companionship, and a renewed sense of purpose. 
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hadtochangemyurlquick · 10 months
it's finals season which means i'm writing sooo much fanfic. i'm working on three (consistently but poking around all of them) rn, the twin au which i've posted about before, the pike au which is so depressing no one wants to hear about it, and the azgeda!clarke au which i posted about once and got no notes which means everyone wants more info. i just wrote this scene for it and i think it's probably the funniest thing i've ever written. spoilers for a fic that will likely never be written lol. clarke was raised by the ice nation so speaks fluent azgedasleng which is in italics.
“She’s in there,” One of the guards pointed to the door both groups were standing around. 
Clarke nodded and for a moment let herself hope, she clenched her hand around the doorknob and imagined that it was Lexa in there, waiting for her. 
Costia smiled as they made eye contact. She sat casually at one end of a long table, boots kicked up. 
“What the fuck do you want?” Clarke asked, plopped down at the other end of the table. Abby shut the door, and leaned against, eyes narrowed at Costia.
“I am just so delighted to see this,” Costia said. “It’s better than I could’ve dreamed. I mean, you? Wanfisa, healer of death, azgedakru supremacist, Lexa’s biggest weakness, now here? Traitor to Lexa and Azgeda? Wearing the clothes of the mountain? It’s almost too good to be true. You even brought your real mom to meet me too, that’s so cute.” 
“My real mother is dead,” Clarke said quietly and Costia’s face went blank. 
“I did hear that. And I’m sorry. She didn’t deserve that.”
Clarke nodded. “What is it you want, Costia?” 
“Mostly this, revenge,” Costia shrugged. “But unfortunately, I’m not here just for pleasure.”
Clarke crossed her arms. 
“Skaikru is fucking terrible at this. Strategies, negotiations, plans. If we lose this war Lexa’s gonna get deposed and we might not have a big enough force like this again to take on the mountain. They need to shape up.”
Clarke nodded. “So, you need me to…” 
“Come back to the war table,” Costia said and stood. Clarke raised her eyebrows as Costia made her way over. “I might hate your guts but you’re smarter than your mother by a longshot. Or any of her people. We need you to win this war.” 
“Lexa won’t be happy with that.” 
“Unfortunately,” Costia said, “she will.” Clarke’s breath caught and she stood. “Consider this a chance to prove your loyalty to the coalition. Maybe even to azgeda.” 
Abby cleared her throat and stepped forward. “Clarke doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone.” 
“The sky people have killed hundreds of innocent trikru, and Clarke is the daughter of their leader. She has a lot to prove,” Costia said. 
“She doesn’t need your people,” Abby said. 
Costia raised an eyebrow at Clarke. “I have been taking your place not just at the war table, you know. In a lot of respects.”
Clarke scoffed. “Impressive. Desperate whore goes after a heart broken woman. It’s never happened before, they’re gonna be talking about you at bonfires for generations.” 
Costia slapped her, hard, across the cheek. “You kiss your skaikru mother with that mouth azas? Lexa didn’t sound all that heartbroken when my fingers were curled inside her.”
“Away from my daughter, now,” Abby got between them. Clarke rolled her eyes and ignored the stinging on her cheek. 
“You’re a skilled hunter Costia, I can’t deny it. Maybe one day you’ll even manage to find some dignity.” Clarke said. 
“Better a failed hunter than a failed healer,” Costia said. “I’ve never hurt her the way you have.”
Clarke thought about returning the slap, but Abby grabbed Costia’s arm. “You’re out of here. Now.” Clarke stayed behind as Costia was escorted to the border and Abby soon returned, arms crossed. “You going to tell me what that was?”
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wandanatsbaby · 1 year
May you write clexa and reader as partners and the theme is sleepy cuddles? maybe reader is staying up late to wait for clexa! but reader gets tired? you can always edit the request if you want!
I'm so sorry this took so long but it's here now💀
Sleepy Cuddles
Pairing: Clexa x reader
Warnings: none
You sat on the bed and rubbed your droopy eyes as you waited for Lexa and Clarke to finish their meeting with the twelve clans.
It had been a few hours since they left and they told you that you should get some sleep but you refused to sleep without them so here you are hours later sitting on the bed and staring at the door waiting for your lovers to come through it.
After a couple more minutes of waiting you stood up with a groan and made your way to the balcony and laid on the ground staring up at the sky.
Just as your eyes began to close the door to your room opened and you quickly stood up with a smile thinking it was Clarke and Lexa. Seeing it was just a guard you rolled your eyes and made your way back into the room
"Y/n, Wanheda wanted me to inform you that their meeting is going to last a couple more hours. Head said that you should get some rest." The guard, without waiting for an answer, turned around and walked out the door, shutting it behind him.
With another loud groan you throw yourself onto the bed and cuddle up with their pillows. You were determined to stay awake but as the candle on the nightstand began to fade your eyes slowly fluttered closed.
A couple hours later you were awoken by movement beside you and your body being moved over. Panicking you sat up but voices were quick to shush you and that's when you saw Clarke and Lexa their figure illuminated by the newly lit candle in the place the old one was.
"Shh hodnes. It's only us" Lexa whispered as she gently pushed your body back down so that you were laying in the middle. Clarke claimed into bed behind you and threw her arms around you tightly as Lexa began positioning herself on the other side of you and stroking your face.
"We're sorry the meeting lasted so long. We wanted to desperately be here with you. " Clarke mumbled from her place in your neck.
"It's alright. I totally stayed up for you" You whispered tiredly as you leaned back into Clarke and reached for Lexa's hand. The two laughed and then kissed you on the cheek.
"Sure Hodnes. Now we all need sleep."
As the moon glowed down on the tower you all were cuddled up next to each other fast asleep.
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audi0med1c · 11 months
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Out-of-Context Snippets of my fanfic (2):
Clarke had already made good on her plan to get Lexa sweaty again this morning, twice.
"Clarke," Lexa moans as the blonde kisses her way back up the brunette's body, using her nose to nudge Lexa's face to the side so she has better access to the commander's neck.
Lexa feels fingers glide down her skin on their way back to her center, swollen and sensitive from coming twice already.
"Clarke, today would be a very bad day for me to not be able to use my legs."
"Shhhhhhhh" Clarke hums into Lexa's neck, dragging her tongue along the brunette's jawline before nipping at her chin. "I'm still in charge as long as you're in this bed, remember?" She coos, before planting a kiss on the girl's lips, smiling against her mouth, whispering, "And I say I'm not done with you yet."
A more fleshed out, adult-themed fix it, on both archive and wattpad that jumps in at 3x7 and further explores Lexa's character, her past trauma, and her struggle with love vs. duty.
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owl127 · 9 months
Are you working on any clexa fics? I’m Clexa deprived😭
Happy holidays!
The house was clean, white, and large. Lexa had to crane her neck to see the Christmas decorations hanging from the parapet. Over immaculate paint, silly little Santas danced now and then to music no one else could hear. Around them, a forest of leaves, an innumerable amount of wraths in the tri-color Christmas scheme, and lights as bright as the snow covering a tamed yard.
Lexa was the ugly duckling in that perfect home. Regret warmed her cold cheeks just as the door opened, and warm gold smiled at her.
“Lexa!” Clarke was not good at hiding what she felt, and in that lightly freckled face, Lexa saw exhilaration. It would be good to be as happy as Clarke could be with anything. “Merry Christmas!” Clarke was warm and smelled like cookies. There was a hint of fresh pine under her ear and Lexa allowed herself the small pleasure of Clarke’s skin. “Come on in!”
Lexa’s protest died in her throat, and she nodded. That was Clarke Griffin: no questions asked, and always so, so warm.
The house greeted Lexa with waves of cinnamon, coffee, and Mariah Carey. But besides Clarke’s blabbering of her batch of cookies, the house was empty. The large tree in the living room reigned supreme, but the gifts at its feet were unopened.
“Are you by yourself?”
Lexa regretted the question immediately at the way the excitement drained from Clarke’s face. Clarke took off her santa hat, messing with her curls. “Mom was called in for an emergency, and Dad is out of the country. Somewhere they don’t celebrate, I think.” She shrugged, and her new smile had a sheen of defeat. “Do you want to try my cookies?”
The house and smells could be different, but families were complicated for the both of them. Lexa nodded.
They ate cookies, carved through a flawless turkey (“Mom ordered it,” Clarke explained), and watched new and old Christmas movies on the largest TV Lexa had ever seen. There were no further questions , and Clarke gave Lexa clothes for a hot shower.
Clarke’s room was as immaculate as her house, with multiple closets and shelves lined with trinkets and trophies. Her bed was pristine, and everything smelled like fresh pine. Clarke wasn’t by her desk when Lexa exited the in suite bathroom, the vapors from her long shower following her into the room. 
The closet door opened and Clarke stepped inside, cheeks flushed and hands full of partially folded underwear.
“I forgot to give you one of these.” She showed her offering of Christmas-themed boxers.
Lexa chuckled and lay on Clarke’s enormous bed. “I’ll wash your joggers before returning them to you.” Clarke’s eyes did that dance when she tried to check Lexa out discreetly, and it only made it more obvious. It was cute, and Lexa swallowed at the rush of blood through her body. 
“Don’t worry about that,” Clarke said, and joined her on the bed. They didn’t touch. Whatever they were, they hadn’t talked about it yet. Friends? Teammates? Fuck buddies?
Another rush of blood.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Clarke asked, breaking the silence.
“Us?” The word tickled the back of Lexa’s throat.
“I meant why you showed up at my place on Christmas morning, but if you’d rather talk about us…”
“My parents fight a lot,” Lexa said. “Anya isn’t home, and I needed a break.”
“I’m sorry.” Clarke touched her hand. Her palm was warm, and Lexa held it against her chest.
“I’m sorry your parents aren’t here,” Lexa said.
“They do that sometimes.” Clarke snuggled closer, their bodies touching. There was no hiding Lexa’s arousal, not without a boxer. Clarke touched her thigh, and the tent in Lexa’s pants twitched in encouragement. “Is this why you came?”
Lexa breathed hard through her nose, grasping at Clarke’s forearm. “Not really,” she said. “I was alone, and I wanted to see you.”
“I think that’s the sweetest thing you ever said to me.”
Lexa kissed the spot under Clarke’s ear that smelled like an inviting forest. “I’m not good with words,” Lexa confessed to soft skin. “Can I show you instead?”
Their kiss tasted like hot cocoa.
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mangeur-detoiles · 3 days
Hi! I love your gifs! Specially the ones focused on color themes 🤗
Re: Ask a graphic / gif maker
Can you share your thoughts on 19, 20 and 37 please? Thank you! 😁
Hi! Thank you so much. I'm delighted that you love my gifs and that we share the same taste in colors :)
19.Your favourite fandom(s) to see graphics / gifs come from I follow a lot of talented gifmakers from various fandoms such as The Umbrella Academy, Star Wars, The Witcher. Although I'm not part of these fandoms, I'm a fan of these gifmakers because they are so creative and inspiring to me. Here are a few of them off the top of my head: @nataliescatorccio @cal-kestis @seance @jinxiaobao
20.Your favourite fandom(s) to make graphics / gifs for Kacy no doubt! I made gifs and graphics about clexa, Ahsoka, the English, Leyren (New Amsterdam), For all Mankind, True detective Night Country. But nothing has ever inspired me as much as kacy. I love them so much and the people in this fandom are amazing. It was a great exprerience to watch S1 with all the energy, excitement, great analysis and theories. Best experience for me since I joined tumblr. I miss your kacy posts @hatchetation @halforcdad @100hearteyes
I've already answered question 37 :)
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clexmas23 · 1 year
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Hey everyone! October is right around the corner and that means Clextober23 is coming up! 7 days of Clexa will begin on the 25th of October this year, so get ready! 
We can have all things Clexa with the spooky vibe of Halloween or Autumn sweater weather feels. Reblog or send this post out to anyone you think will enjoy it!
How To Participate: Fanart, fanvids, fanfics, mood-boards, photo manipulations, fic recs, anything that screams Clexa with a spice of Fall/October/Halloween - let’s see it!
7 Days of Clexa: This will be 7 days of Halloween/Fall-themed posts. Reblog Share Repeat! Send out ideas/prompts to your favorite writers and artists! Don’t forget to tag!  #Clextober23  #7DaysofClexa Oct. 25 - Day 1: Spirit Week! Oct. 26 - Day 2: Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice Oct. 27 - Day 3: Annual Fall Festival Oct. 28 - Day 4: Magical Nights Oct. 29 - Day 5: The Other Side Oct. 30 - Day 6: Vampires vs. Werewolves Oct. 31 - Day 7: Free Day
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clexaweekofficial · 2 years
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Here are the themes that won for the upcoming Clexaweek23! If you would like to participate, just create something (write a fic, draw some art, make a moodboard, a video edit, you name it!) that somehow involves that particular theme. Whether you create or not, please participate by supporting each other! :) Reblog posts instead of just liking, and leave nice comments on content! 
Day 1: Monday, February 27th - Childhood Friends
Clarke and Lexa were friends as children! Example: maybe Clarke and Lexa have been glued at the hip since they were five years old. They went to school together, then college, and now they have an apartment together. They don’t really understand why everyone assumes they’re dating; or why they seem to get so jealous when the other person IS dating. Maybe Clexa were best friends in elementary school, until Lexa moved away. Now they’re in their thirties, Clarke is a divorced single mother, and she’s shocked when she realized that her kid’s teacher is none other than her childhood best friend. Maybe Lexa had a very difficult childhood and Clarke was the first friend she ever made, until Lexa was forced to move away; years later, they meet again in a support group, both having lost their partners. Maybe they were best friends until a falling out in middle school; awkward moment when they realize they’re roommates!
Day 2: Tuesday, February 28th - Secret Relationship
Lexa and Clarke in a secret relationship with each other. Examples: Are Clexa rivals in public but besotted behind closed doors? Is Clarke secretly dating her best friend’s sister which is totally off-limits? Is Lexa hiding the fact that she’s been dating her ex’s ex? Is Clarke secretly dating her best friend’s worst enemy? 
Day 3: Wednesday, March 1st - Fake Dating
The opposite of day 2! Clarke and Lexa are pretending to date. Examples: Maybe Lexa desperately needs a date to bring home for the holidays to get her mom off her back, so who better to ask than the cute girl she keeps running into at her favorite coffee shop? Maybe Clarke needs some temporary arm-candy to make an ex jealous! Maybe Clarke is trying to impress a boss who seems to only want to hang outside of work with a couples’ date, so she convinces Lexa to pretend to be her girlfriend and come out to dinner with her unbearable boss because she REALLY needs that promotion! 
Day 4: Thursday, March 2nd - Accidents Happen!
I put together Accidental Kiss and Accidental marriage/relationship since they’re so close together. Bottom line is Clexa accidentally do SOMETHING. Maybe they’re rivals on the same sports team and are so swept up in the euphoria of their win that they kiss right there on the field! Or maybe they’re strangers who wake up in Vegas and are horrified to realize they’re married. Maybe Lexa’s wife left her at the alter because she claims Lexa will never love her as much as she loves someone else. A devastated Lexa has no idea what she means, but she already paid for the honeymoon so why not take her best friend Clarke with her? Except oops, in the morning they wake up hungover and naked and the ring Lexa had bought Costia is on Clarke’s finger. Maybe Clexa are just fuck buddies, friends with benefits - except one day they realize oops, it’s been ten months and I have my own drawer space at your place and my own toothbrush and shit are we dating, are we living together??
Day 5: Friday, March 3rd - Friends or foes?
Both Enemies to Lovers and Friends to Lovers tied, so what does that mean? We do both! You can choose to use one of these, or do both! Examples: Maybe Lexa HATES her neighbor Clarke, who always seems to wake her up in the middle of the night because she apparently can’t paint without listening to music. Maybe Clarke is Lexa’s best friend Clarke HATES her neighbor that always seems to throw rowdy parties, and she lets her know that (and later, makes the horrifying discovery that this woman, Lexa, is not even the actual neighbor; it’s Lexa’s sister, Anya). Maybe Clarke and Lexa are work friends until Lexa’s given a promotion that Clarke deserved, and now she hates her. Maybe they’re allies in a war until Lexa takes a deal and leaves Clarke to dry. Maybe Lexa hates Clarke, who broke her best friend’s heart - except then she realize Clarke is actually super nice and they’re friends now and maaaaybe Lexa looks at her lips too much.
Day 6: Saturday, March 4th - Workplace Romance
Clexa at work! Examples: Are they rival farmers? Are they firefighters who can’t keep their cool around each other? Do they both contribute at the local farmer’s market and their stalls are right next to each other but they’re both too useless to actually make a move? Does Clarke get hired to paint a mural in Lexa’s cafe? Is Clarke an ER doctor and Lexa the cute EMT that picks terrible times to flirt with her? Are they coworkers at some company kept vague bc all we’re focusing on is the opportunities that await us once all the items have been swept off the desk? 
Day 7: Sunday, March 5th - Free Day
For free day, you can do anything you want. You can choose a theme that didn’t win. You can even use it as an Update Your WIP day!
Here are the guidelines for participating.
I posted this on November 11th; we have exactly 3 months and 17 days until Clexaweek23! :) 
So excited to see all the new creations! Leida!
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lexa-griffins · 7 months
How do the twins' room look like in farm clexa? I miss hearing about your orange haired babies Willow and Skye
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The kids' room look very farm like general 😂 but as a starter and given they don't have a tone of money for decor, Lexa and Clarke tend to keep the rooms more simple until the kids are old enough to add their own personal touches.
And while this is the blank slate the twins start with in their grown up beds, very quickly it starts to fill up with their interests. Skye's side is filled with drawings of insects made by him and Clarke, little real insects displayed in small frames that Clarke found a garage sale and that she so happily bought for him. Willow's side is almost a continuation with frogs and mushrooms, little plants too, some dried flowers Lexa made for them, more nature illustrations, a collection of those old frog figures that her and Lexa always look for at the thrift shop, always so happy to bring a new one home. They have an incredible amount of nature books, with illustrations and explanations they sometimes insist be read to them like bedtime stories.
There's almost this vibe of nature explorers in there. Notebooks for the twins to draw the insects and critters they find, there's this old magnifying glass they love, little jars with dirt and rocks and shells. While Madi also loves animals and getting dirty, she loves it for the fun of it while the twins always seem to be wondering why and what, and their room reflects that so clearly. Its the room of two little explorers who spend their days with their knees and hand in the dirt searching for knowledge about the little life forms on their farm 🐌🦋🐛🐜🐝🪲🐞🦗🕷
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blu3haw4 · 11 months
So, i made up my mind to share something new, it's not very halloweeny, but i wrote it from a prompt list a while ago and Tumblr deleted it 😫 (along my own millón reblogs😒) so I'll just fit it into "the other side theme" to try and get some interactions 😌
Let's take it as 'the other side of the doors/cameras' as in, how different life is for celebrities behind closed doors and right in front of cameras.
So, from A ship and a number
Some anon, said Clexa 13 ...discreetly
Here you go, clexa fam! 💖
Also, this is part of my famous AU universe
As per rutine for the past several month, the group of musicians signed with Arkadia Music's made their way into the hall of the hotel as they each finished their own interviews, every room on this floor was reserved for their pre-concert activities, and soon they would be leaving to the venue.
"That was fun" Octavia smirked as the got closer and in position for their team to lead them to the next room where they were holding a press conference.
"You didn't need to be that rude, y'know?" Her band mate said with a meaningless eye roll.
"Oh please, Clarke" Octavia groaned as she turned back to her best friend "he wasn't even a good guy, he wanted dirt yet was too stupid to find a way to create it, I did us both a favor"
"I wish you could've played rude in my interview" the green-eyed singer sighed from behind the duo as their team instructed them to start moving. Clarke turned to pout sympathicaly at her girlfriend, but resisted the urge to reach out to grab her hand, knowing there were people with cameras, looking for gossip behind every door.
"Ugh yeah, what's the point of doing this together if Woods and i have to do half of it alone" Murphy said walking beside Lexa "besides the interviewer was all flirt and no bussiness, i swear there was not a single question about music... no, yeah there was one "was Bruised Knee about sex?"" Murphy rolled his eyes.
"If you have to ask..." Octavia called immediately
"It's definitely not" the group responded in unison.
"If you haven't question it..."
"It probably is!" The chanted their little mantra with laugher as they stopped before a door.
"I mean, i don't see it so unfair, though... you chose a solo career" Octavia mentioned staring an argument with Murphy that had everybody joining in. Eventually, as their tour manager's assistant told them to go in, it was Murphy and Octavia bickering at each other while the group finished their talk over it.
Before the door started to open, while Monty was finishing a question for Clarke, Lexa spoke lowly "can i get a kiss?"
The door moved open and Clarke turned to pout at Lexa, after catching her question too late for been answering Monty's question "im sorry" she whispered as they all moved into the room.
"It's okay" Lexa mouthed once Clarke turned to look at her again, she only pouted harder before turning to face the press with a smile on her face.
They greet everyone as they all took their seats and the questions started. As the conference went on, the couple leaned to look at each other from across the table often, trying to make it as subtle as posible and most likely failing miserably. Clarke kept pouting and wishing she could've heard her girlfriend earlier and complaid in kind. After all, it wasn't all that often that the famous pop start, too damage from previous homofobic management, scared of the repercussions her previous contracts might still had over her public image, and straight to the public eye, asked, fearlessly and worryless, for any display of affection in public -or at work, for that matter-
Half through the conference, as Jasper was answering a question -or something completely off topic to the question asked at him- Clarke leaned her chin on her right hand, absently looking down at her wrist where four of her tattoos laid. Unwillingly to her, one of her eyebrows lifted slightly as she felt a light-bulb light-up over her head. She held a smirk as she turn slightly to look at Lexa, as expected, her girlfriend was already looking at her, so while maintaining eye contact, Clarke leaned down and softly kissed the head of her minimalist racoon tattoo that matched Lexa lion.
Lexa resists the need to roll her eyes and equally intense need to smile at her girlfriend, she licks her lips as she looks away and around the room, with a smirk of her own she looks down at her own wrist and up at Clarke, lifting her arm she scratches behind her ear before leaning on her hand with her elbow on the table, looking around one more time she leans to kiss the lion on her wrist while looking at Clarke. The couple smile at each other before looking away and inevitably staring to blush like teenagers. They both lower their hand and after a second of consideration, move them under the table as they lay back on their chairs. This very moment, would be considered by their fan as one of the biggest "mirroring" proofs of their time. -and they would be proud of it-
Couples mirroring, def: “To put it simply, mirroring is matching someone’s behavior, whether it’s their voice, their words, or their non-verbal cues (think gestures, movement, and body posture),”
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simplykorra · 11 months
If you’re still up to it, I’d like to ask you about 17, 34, and 50 :).
thank you thank you
i already did 17 and it was a fic about ava in the orphanage cause apparently i love pain
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
depression, insomnia, struggling with a disability - i've dealt with them all at one point or another and being able to take that and put it into a fic has been both healing and very good for perspective. something about sharing your trauma with a favorite character helps immensely, that's why ava's past with her disability means so much to me
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
i want to give a shoutout to the clexa fandom, particularly the ones that i became mutuals with during my brief stint there - because that ship is almost 7/8 years old at this point and they dealt with so much shit and yet they're still running strong - doing big bangs and theme months and new content flows in that fandom regularly and seeing as i'm probably gonna be stuck in avatrice love for the foreseeable future, it gives me a lot of hope that no matter what happens with the show/revival/movies/etc that if we just keep making content with them and keep them alive, we never truly lose them <3
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booasaur · 1 year
Booasaur, I've finally burnt myself out with the Cruz x Aaliyah hotness. Fan fics are picking up, good to see. But I feel like we need some levity from the heavier themes from the show. Like one shots of Cruz and Aaliyah just dancing to a Whitney song or something. Karaoke? Cruz never had the chance to really just enjoy lighter things in life. The magic happens in these small moments. Aaliyah being a socialite, does she even know how to boil an egg :D
Aww, it's still so soon after the finale, where things were left in such an angsty place! I totally get if people want to explore that more, and even wanting to fix it requires first getting into the muck.
You know, I actually expected people to go for more AUs, partly because they ALREADY seem like the end result of someone taking a more mundane ship and trying out a tropey spy/target angsty messy smutty feelingsy kinda AU. So like, Glee fics got this kind of AU, Clexa got high school AUs, so here, you'd get to see these two falling in love without all the possible death around every corner.
Buuuut, even when it comes to that, angst is baked into their backgrounds? In the same way that even high school/college Clexa fics would have Clarke's dad be dead and Lexa an orphan, you can't get away from the circumstances that create the characters, and what created them being what now draws them together. Cruz is still gonna be tough, Aaliyah's still gonna be trapped, both still so lonely.
To go back to your point, though, for sure, the lighter one shots have their place! Not just Aaliyah learning how to boil an egg, Cruz could teach her how to drive, as the show mentioned, or perhaps self defense, given her fears of being kidnapped and of course all the other benefits. It's actually just another tragedy in a whole list that it's so difficult to imagine a scenario where they're light-heartedly enjoying themselves, when that's actually a big part of their relationship, just chatting and joking around on the beach, for example, or watching movies during the sleepover.
I have confidence that we'll see more like that, though! People just gotta work out their feelings first. :o
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