#Clexa twins
sassymajesty · 9 months
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A series of one shots that follow Clarke and Lexa as they navigate motherhood with their three children: Aden and the twins, Madi and Becca.
previously a patreon story, now on ao3.
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Where do Saige's bunnies live? Are they not in her room? I can see Saige gets the idea of hiding the bunnies in her room from her older sister Saige's habit with hiding the chickens
They do not have the space to be in her room, she shares it with Madi, its a rather cramped room already 😅. Her bunnies are in the barn, Clarke and Anya built a whole little enclosure for them and they have plenty of space to hop around in there. When it gets too cold they'll keep them inside in the kitchen.
Its usually during the colder months that Saige sneaks them upstairs, Lexa and Clarke will retrieve to the living room or the sunroom when the kids are asleep so Saige can sneak downstairs and go to the kitchen to grab them. But Lexa always cheks on the bunnies before going to bed, and the moment she doesn't see them in the playpen, she knows Sauge takes after her big sister and brought them upstairs. She has a princess curtain since she has the bottom bed so she thinks there's no way mommy will know the bunnies are in there with her.
Luckily Madi prepared Lexa for these type of shenanigans 😌 shdndkf
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hadtochangemyurlquick · 10 months
clexa au where clarke has a twin.
avery and her were able to regularly switch places because they were identical and Avery took much more after Jake so was very techy. after clarke got arrested, however, she was forced to live under the floors. Post season 1, so avery came down with everyone else and pretends to be clarke while clarke's stuck in the mountain.
Avery as Clarke's reminder of who she once was, avery learning about the actions of her mother, avery grieving wells's death, avery falling in love with earth during a war, avery plunged into a war bc overnight her nerdy loser sister suddenly because a general? an amazon? a warrior woman? Clarke looking at avery and seeing youth, idealism, feeling older than the girl who was always literally in parallel with her entire life, trying to preserve her sister's image of her and incapable of doing so, people dying so quickly, people dying even faster, clarke the reason for it, my sister my responsibility
and don't even get me started on lexa, lexa who loves clarke the moment she sees her, lexa who has had to force her tender heart into a metal vault because the second someone touches it again it shatters. lexa meeting clarke who's idealistic and kind but knows what war is and lexa meeting Avery who is just, a child. an eighteen year old that has never left her mother's arms for any real length of time, never grappeled with the value of a human life. and avery is plunging herself into danger at every point. bc you know who it would make sense to go into the mountain to spy? the person with a background in tech, who the 100 would trust, who the mountain won't be looking for, who can handle tight spaces. it's not avery's fault, it's hard to be grounded when you've been on the ground for less than a month, it's hard to contemplate mortality when you never got to see your own father die, when you didn't have to sing atom to sleep, when you didn't have to pull a lever that could've killed your closest friends, when you've just been with your mother,
don't even get me started on raven, raven who abby hires because she can't lose another daughter, avery who finds out much later, and has to grapple with that, raven who has to grapple with that. that there's a hierarchy of importance and raven places third on it, and yes that's something that's obvious but it's hard, and maybe she would be able to walk without a brace, and avery who's mom killed her father and who still doesn't trust avery to fix a ship, who let clarke fall off the ark but wouldn't let avery, who chose clarke as the name to register on the ark's database bc clarke was ten minutes older, clarke who always comes first, and avery who never gets let go.
so maybe she goes into that mountain to get away from her mother, maybe she goes into it because watching raven hobble around makes her sick, maybe she goes into that mountain because she is an expendable version of Clarke, she always has been, and if she dies in that mountain she'll be doing what she was born for, and if she lives maybe she'll finally be done, and can be anyone else, maybe even no one.
avery as the one clarke leaves behind. avery as clarke's shadow, clarke as avery's shadow.
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bababaka · 1 year
Clexa x reader headcannons
Part 1
English is not my first language, so if you catch a grammar mistake or have any tips to help me improve, just send me a message.
This was meant to be a fic i was writing but i'm lazy and wouldn't finish it. This is best second thing. I wrote this cause i wanted to read it. Write the fic you wanna see in the world.
If ends up being too OOC i apologize. Its been years since i watched the 100 and i was too eager to write and post this to do any research of the plot and Lexa and Clarke personalities.
That's it. Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: violence, mention of child abuse and death. 
- You are an assassin.
- Some would call your methods cowards ones, but they couldn't deny they were efficient.
- You were from Azgeda.
- A fierce assassin. Trained since you could remember.
- The first things you could remember was your trainer hitting and toughing you up. Molding you.
- The twin knives you had were what gave you comfort.
- The lifeless gaze of your victims was what gave you purpose.
- You were a puppet of Queen Nia. With no mind of your own. Not really. What she said was what you believed.
- So when she said "the Heda is weak. She must be dethroned". You didn't bat an eye. You sneered at the thought of Heda.
- When they kidnapped Costia. You were there. You didn't get to torture her. But you watched.
- Costia never said a thing. Screamed. Begged. Yes. But never said anything about Heda.
- You felt disgust, disdain. She was pathetic.
- You had been through this many times. As a part of your training. You wonder why she couldn't hold herself. You did this when you were a child. She is a woman, in her 17 years old. She was just a disgrace to her lover.
- But, somewhere deep and hidden within you felt respect. She was loyal. You could see in her eyes. She knew something and yet she never told. You could admire that despite her making such a mess.
- She just was caught in a dangerous game.
- Ronan was your bestfriend. He was your greatest rival and greastest ally.
- He gained your respect when he bested you.
- And gained your friendship when he protected you from a punishment.
- He was the one to gift you your twin knives.
- He was soft. You knew that. But he still did what needed to be done.
- Until he didn't. He tried to free Costia, to run away with her.
- He didn't suceed. He was exiled. She was killed.
- You were on a mission when that happened. They sent Costia's head to Lexa then.
- Once you came back and learned of Ronan's betrayal, you were livid. disapointed. Alone.
- He was just too soft. Not fitting for the prince of the great Azgeda.
- The Queen Nia told to send for you. She had another mission for you.
- Heda forgave Ice Nation, therefore there was no war. So, she came up with another plan, perfect for your skillset. An assassin and spy.
- You were to serve Lexa, gather information, and when the time was right, assassinate the Heda.
- So along with other gifts, you were "given" to Heda as an "apology".
- Gustus and Indra didn't like you, they distrusted you.
- Titus was indiferent.
- Lexa hated your guts. Because of what you represented. Costia's murder.
- It takes a long time for you to get Lexa to even look at you. Let alone speak to you.
- When Queen Nia gets insastified with the lack of progression, you come up with a plan to get Lexa to see you as more than your nation.
- You plan something like Gustus did.
- A meeting of the clans is about to happen. But before that, there is a feast. And that's when your plan come to fruition.
- You poison Heda. "Save" her. Blame one of your companions. They take the fall without a complaint.
- When they look at you, awaiting for Lexa's final blow. They see the words forming in your mouth "Glory to Ice Nation".
- Lexa begins to trust you. And bit by bit, you two start to form a relationship.
- And slowly worm your way into Lexa's heart. And secrets.
Relationship with Lexa
- Angst :)
- Enemies to friends to enemies to lovers
- Lexa hated you and you hated her.
- To you, she wasn't deserving of being the commander.
- She was no Heda. Not your Heda.
- To her, you were a reminder of what was done to Costia. Her suffering, her murder, her severed head in a box.
- She may have allowed Azgeda to enter the coalition, but she didn't forget what they'd done. And she didn't forgive them. She couldn't.
- Before your plan, she wouldn't look at you. After it, she looked and talked to you, but distant, cold.
- But, oh well, it was something. And you tried to take advantage of that.
- You tried to talk. To aproach the Costia subject. To apologize.
- She almost cut your tongue right off.
- You don't try that again.
- None of your tricks to get her trust and sympathy were sucessful.
- What worked was something you didn't plan.
- Your interactions with the young natblida. Especially with Adrien.
- You liked children. Being among them. Playing and laughing as if everything was alright and nothing mattered more than having fun.
- You didn't have a happy childhood. It was robbed from you. And some part of you yearned for that.
- Kids reminded you that life could be good. If only you let yourself believe.
- Until one mission went wrong. You had to kill a mother and her child. Now, you couldn't bear to look at kids. The guilt consuming you.
- But, in Lexa's castle(?) you sometimes had to interact with them. To care for them.
- And, with time, you warmed up to them.
- You watched them train, and tried to give some pointers but not too much to reveal you were a very capable fighter.
- You started talking with them. At first very formal and to the point, but as time went on and they started to annoy and try to lure you into conversations, you somehow became a part of their group.
- Pranks, fights, and some missdeeds. All of that far from Titus of course. And near you.
- And sometimes, there were times in which you caught tears streaming down your face. Your heart squeezing. In those times, you always leave early.
- Lexa found you there. Playing fight with the natblidas.
- You built a bond with them.
- And when she saw you with Adrien, laughing so carefree, enjoying the ausent adults, she thought that perphaps, you were not that bad of a person.
- And that way, finally, your attempts at talking with Lexa were met with answers.
- At the begining, the thing you talked the most was the natblidas.
- That was how you found out how Lexa was protective and wanted to change things for the next generation. To be better. For them.
- And, slowly, little by little, your view of Lexa began to change.
- She was smart. Driven. Fierce. Strong. Determined to do whatever it takes to protect her people.
- Lexa was a stoic person. Not one to laugh easily or to joke and play around.
- There were few moments you saw her smile. Most of them were around Adrien.
- And you loved when she had a smirk in her lips.
- You start hunting together. And you had to downplay your real abilities.
- Still, there were times you tried to impress Lexa. And you did. She just didn't make a big deal out of it.
- Then, like a fire or a star falling from the sky, a new threat apperead. The skaikru.
- And you realized Lexa trusted you when she asked your opinion of them.
- She also took you with her. To meet those people who fell from the ceilling.
- You sure were an oddity. Normally helpers weren't brought along. Considered an annoyance, you received a few ugly looks, but you weren't bothered by it, you were used to a lot worse.
- Despite being busy trying to deal the best way with the skaikru, you tried to spend time with Lexa.
- Help her. Sooth. Plan. Train. Prepare. Talk.
- One night, she talks about Costia.
- She was so bare. Vulnerable. So genuinely sad. Your heart broke for her.
- And the guilt came like a snow storm you didn't prepare for. It buried you alive.
- And when she slept and you looked at her, you knew at that moment. You couldn't bring yourself to kill her. To pierce a knive in her heart.
- She did it to yours first.
- Queen Nia found a way to contact you. Eager for information on the skaikru.
- But once she learns Heda intends on forming an aliance to rescue the people locked in the mountain, she sets her plan in motion.
- This happens shortly after Gustus death
- You tried to stop it, but it was too late.
- The army was ready and coming towards you.
- You talk to Queen Nia, subtly trying to convince her to at least delay her attack. But to no avail. It was happening.
- You didn't want to. But as Nia looked into your eyes with ones hard as ice, unmelting and unrelenting as the cold, you were reminded of your duty. Of your purpose. Lifeless gaze. But, for some reason, imaging it on Lexa's green eyes sickened you.
- The attack started and you awaited in Lexa's tent. Full gear. Your knives in your hands. And your heart on the ground. Shredded to pieces for what you'd have to do.
- Lexa enters in a haste. An enemy army was attacking. Azgeda.
- Not only preparing to fight, but to make sense of what was happening. To make a plan.
- When she sees you.
- And her expression of despair. Of urgence. Of worry falls as soon as she realizes the blades in your hands. The light armour on your body.
- Her expressions hardens then. As her heart breaks as she comes to an understanding.
- You don't talk. Nothing you could say would be able to remend the situation. Or your heart.
- As you lunge for her, she dives for her sword, in the far corner in the room. And as soon as she gets it, you know you're in disadvantage
- Lexa was an acomplished warrior. You were an assassin. You were quick, silent, deadly. She was strong, resistent, powerful. And deadly.
- Either way, you held your ground. As did she. Though you didn't really think you could overpower her.
- Until she slipped. And you took advantage of it. You disarmed her and pinned her to the ground. A knive to her neck.
- If she wanted, she could throw you over. Switch positions.
- If you wanted to, you could slit her throat.
- Yet, you both stood still. Panting. Waiting for the other to make a move.
- You heard footsteps.
- Whatever was your decision. You needed to do it now.
- You tensed. Gritted your teeth, trying to steel your resolve, still your trembling hands. But it all came tumbling down when you locked eyes with that emerald green.
- And you were reminded of that little smirk on the seldom times she'd make a joke.
- Of the strong and beautiful woman, that wanted to do good. That thought of Adrien as a little brother, but would tell no one. That would bring down anything and anyone that disturbed the peace and threathened her people.
- A great leader. The Heda.
- Your Heda.
- You couldn't kill her.
- So you fleed. Got up and before Lexa could say or do anything, you ran.
"What about Clarke???"
Worry not, she's a lot more on the part 2 :)
Part 2
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owl127 · 9 months
Do fire forest Clexa and their pups celebrate Christmas?
Holidays was at Triku that year. The wooden lodge was a quieter affair compared to the teasel explosion that had become The Ark Clan’s pack home.
Lexa didn’t have to argue much for a simpler, intimate celebration with just the four of them.
The kids had their noses white with milk as they ran around the small, sparkling tree. Their girl was fast, loud, and brilliant, just like her shining red coat. Larger than her brother, she used her size to tease him endlessly. But that was barely an advantage; the younger of the twins was silent and precise, tricking his sister into taking the blame in most of their shenanigans. But Lexa caught up to it early, being the source of the sagaciousness of the kid, and his reign as the innocent younger child was short-lived.
Clarke, however, was soft-hearted for the young boy.
“You gave them another hot cocoa, didn’t you?” Lexa’s voice lacked the strain of a reprimand, but Clarke flinched nonetheless. 
“He said they hadn’t had it yet.”
“They had whipped cream on their noses,” Lexa said, sitting on her mate’s lap on the couch by the fireplace. The kids continued their sugar-fueled loops around the tree. Their tails wiggled high in the air, their sharp canines reflected in the silver and golden baubles. Clarke laughed, planting a kiss on the warm spot under Lexa’s chin, peeking from her scarf. “You’re too soft on them,” Lexa said, joining her mate while watching their kids. Their gas slowed down, and the pups tripped and remained on the floor in a heap of gray and red. Their giggles slowed, and their breaths eased as they dove into slumber.
“It worked out,” Clarke said, reaching for another kiss. Lexa’s skin prickled under her lips.
“You celebrate as if they won’t wake up at 3am demanding presents.”
“It means we have six hours to do whatever we want.” Another kiss, wet and lingering.
“Six?” Lexa challenged, one eyebrow up. Clarke cleared her throat.
“There’s foreplay,” Clarke argued, heat rising to her cheeks.
“Do you want hot cocoa for a sugar rush?” Lexa teased, earning a light bite on her shoulder. She clamped her mouth, so her surprised laughter wouldn’t wake up the pups.
“I want a different sweetness,” Clarke whispered under a small ear. Biting her lips, Lexa stood up, offering her hand to her mate.
“Six hours and counting,” she whispered, and ran to the stairs on silent feet. Clarke licked her lips and followed.
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bengiyo · 2 years
8 Shows to Get to Know Me
The rules seem pretty simple, just to list 8 shows to get to know me. Some people have explanations and some don't so we'll see.
I was tagged by: @negrowhat, @farewellnverland, @wanderlust-in-my-soul, and I think @introvertedkeni. I’m sorry for putting this off, but I have watched so much stuff in my life. 
1. Star Trek: Deep Space 9
I’ve been watching Star Trek since I was seven days old with my dad, and Deep Space 9 remains my favorite series. I like how it makes the future feel like a real place that people live in. Unlike the other shows, we can’t just fly away from our problems. We have to live with them and with our differences. I admired Benjamin Sisko so much. I have a deep love for Nog, and he and Jake are one of my first ships. I regularly return to this Star Trek more than any of them, and it’s an easy way for me to mention Babylon 5, without which this show would not exist. This may be the black sheep of Star Trek, but it is the show that I think legitimizes Star Trek the most. 
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2. Yu Yu Hakusho
I grew up in the heyday of Toonami, and I find myself returning to Yu Yu Hakusho even as an adult. It’s one of the rare shows I think is actually more enjoyable in its English dub. I just enjoy how different each arc feels, and the Dark Tournament is still one of the most compelling tournament arcs in anime history.
Also, Smile Bomb is still the best intro song ever used IMO.
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3. Black Sails
I put this show just under the Wire in terms of how well I think it built on its own mythology over its runtime. The philosophical ideas at the core of this show are so potent, and it’s one of the few shows that isn’t necessarily about the queer experience in which the desires of queer people are the driving forces of the narrative. It’s amazing to think that this is a Treasure Island prequel blandly described as “Wet Game of Thrones,” but it’s one of the most compelling shows about anti-imperialism I’ve ever experienced. 
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4. The Fosters
I started watching this show because I saw two lesbian civil servants raising all dem kids. In this show we have a black assistant principal and a white police officer who are raising the cop’s oldest son (a pianist), their adopted latinx twins Mariana and Jesus, and then they pick up Callie and Jude. Jude was queer, and I was thrilled to finally see a show about queer people raising a queer child. The actor who played Emmett on Queer as Folks (Peter Paige) was one of the showrunners. I think this show became a hot mess after season 1a, and instead started focusing on the kids way too much. However, I have an undying love for Stef and Lena, and the Jonnor pinky touch is still the best we’ve ever had. 
This show is objectively not that good, but this is one of the few shows during the time of the Clexa Incident and the Great Lesbian TV Purge that went through that unscathed. I also spent a great deal of time fighting off Brallie fans in the era; I do not miss that. We just didn’t have a lot of options at the time, and this show was a beacon of frank queer life that I desperately needed.
This is another show who I think has a perfectly selected intro. This show also is a case study in the shift from ABC Family to Freeform. 
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5. Avatar: The Last Airbender
I was almost 15 when this started airing. It was my first time having to track a show down because of the erratic airing schedule. I think this show has one of the most satisfying arcs in all of TV history, and it is my default show to use when I talk about how to do a serialized story well. Avatar fans can refer to specific episodes so easily and quickly, and yet we can appreciate how each episode contributes to the global narrative. It really is a masterpiece.
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6. What Did You Eat Yesterday?
As much as I have fun with BL, it’s really the queer shows that stick with me. A show about two gay men in their 40s trying to maintain a committed relationship despite their differences, and grounded around the meals they share together? This was always going to be one of my favorite shows of all time. I adore Shiro and Kenji, and I hope to have a partnership as good as theirs someday.
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7. One Day At a Time
I’m a sucker for a good sitcom. I was excited about the revival of this classic and centered around a Cuban-American family in which the daughter comes out as a lesbian. Also, Rita Moreno is here. This is one of the Netflix cancellations I will never forgive. The finale of the second season is one of the most memorable cries I’ve ever had in television. I adore this cast so much. This is a show that is so much greater than the sum of its parts.
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8. Moonlight Chicken
This is Aof at his best, and I don’t foresee anyone making anything that will replace this show for me. If I Told Sunset About You fixed the Love of Siam (2007) sized hole in my heart, Moonlight Chicken is the intergenerational queer family drama that I need as an adult. What we need as adults more than anything is a little bit of kindness and a great deal of compassion. Aof has so much care for all of his characters, his actors, his crew, and the viewers. This is one of the most gentle stories I’ve ever experienced about some extremely difficult topics. The intergenerational love flowing out of this show is so strong. I have been forever changed by this show. 
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tagging: @shortpplfedup, @liyazaki, @flukenatouch, @kyr-kun-chan, @elnotwoods​, and anyone else who wants to participate.
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warriornunsgirlfriend · 7 months
Oh damn what a coincidence, i am currently rewatching because i got my friend to Finally try the show (she watched two episodes years ago and hated it) so i believe in your plan!!! You can do it!!
We are now at 1x12 and she Loves It, we're finishing s1 tomorrow and i cannot wait for her to finally see Lexa. Keep up the good work (reblogging sad gifsets), good luck on the mission!
🫡 I will keep at it. Truthfully I’ve been rewatching it myself. It was a great distraction while I sat through IV treatments this last month. Nothing like clexa to take your mind off nausea inducing medicine being pumped into your veins to keep u from dying 😩
I hope your friend loves Lexa! I think we all need that little push. My twin had to drag me kicking and screaming to finally watch the show in 2021 and I only regret not watching it sooner. Let me know what your friend thinks!
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bottom-lexa · 11 months
How did clexa's friends and families react when they found out Lexa's pregnant?
It's high fives all around from her friends. she was trying to get a human pregnant but it felt like a long shot and her friends were very up in her business when they started dating. asking if they had had sex yet. so they're all very happy for her.
with clarke's family, we have her parents and siblings. both her parents are alive and well and they are very happy for clarke too. a little apprehensive because initially this was just supposed to be for the greater good or whatever, and they didn't want clarke to have a baby just because that's what she thought she should do. they wanted her to be in love with the person she mates with and originally, that wasn't the case. but now that they see clarke and lexa's relationship, they're much more at ease. Jake especially loves lexa.
werewolves have big families. clarke has 8 siblings (9 including her). she's the first born from a litter of four. she had 2 younger brothers and a sister from that litter. then there are twin brothers from the second. and 2 younger sisters and another younger brother from the last litter. they're all very close, the type of siblings who have a family group chat and are each other's best friends. if something is wrong, their siblings are the first point of contact. or if there's good news too. i would say clarke is particularly close to her younger sister from the same litter, they just have a special bond. and yes, they're all incredibly happy for her. i'm just realizing now that i have to come up with names for 8 people. fuck.
lexa's parents passed when she was either in her late teens or very early twenties. so yeah. her friends are. surprised. they knew lexa was planning on a baby, but everyone thought that meant she was getting financially prepared for artificial inseminateion. lexa had only joked with anya about taking someone to bed and essentially tricking them into getting her pregnant. so no one was expecting this. they know clarke. they like clarke. she's a little mysterious and its intriguing. but they had only been together for under a month when lexa got pregnant so its a little ??? for her friends. they're still supportive though. anya does ask if she was serious about bedding a stranger to get a baby and if that is what her intentions were with clarke. it was. but lexa says its ok coz they both had the same intentions and its fine coz they're actually really into each other and in love.
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This is a clexa fic. All I remember was that Clarke chose to live alone and one day someone asked for her help. A young mother was giving birth and Clarke's mom was away. It went well with Clarke's help..and the motter gave birth to twins. The last thing I remember was that she was summoned by Lexa?
Fandom: The 100
Pairing: Clarke Griffin/Lexa
Please, help us find this fic! Leave your suggestions in the comments. Thank you! 🙏😊
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ao3feed-the100 · 1 year
Origin Story
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Q6tIkq3
by Paperback_Librarian
Polis is a city inhabited by heroes, and villains. When Lexa, part time vigilante and full time disaster gets hurt while on assignment, she finds herself slowly falling for her new physical therapist, Clarke. Now she must balance her life between her night job, a newly blossoming romance, and the constant scrutiny of her father. But Clarke has secrets of her own. Can they keep their lives separate and the fire between them burning? Or will it all turn to ashes?
Words: 1180, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Luna (The 100), Anya (The 100), Octavia Blake, Indra (The 100), Nia | Ice Queen, Ice Nation | Azgeda
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, AU modern, Clexa, Slow Burn Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Non-Canon Relationship, Overbearing Parents, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Kick ass and take names, Luna Lexa Twins
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Q6tIkq3
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sassymajesty · 6 months
Hear me out- southern AU clexa at a family barbecue
texas hold 'em (youtube)
i'll be honest, i've been obsessed with this song ever since it came out and since i saw your message, i haven't stopped thinking about southern au because listen (spoilers ahead)
in a not-as-distant-as-you'd-think future, when costia has found the love of her life (it sure wasn't lexa, even if she thinks so right now) and they have twin baby boys who love their godmothers more than anything in the world and squeal and waddle over to them whenever they hear lexa's old truck coming down the road. that family barbecue?
the boys are fast asleep, they've lit the fire pit, costia is cozy in her wife's arms, and clarke and lexa are staying the night because they're three sheets to the wind. then costia sees her opportunity and seizes it with both hands — why hasn't lexa taught clarke to line dance yet?
"yeah, why haven't you?" clarke turns to her then wife, words tasting like the spiced bourbon with red wine cocktail costia had kept pouring in her never-empty glass.
because lexa learned how to line dance with costia, way back in high school, when they were trying to impress each other and take their time with their love. and lexa is just the right kind of drunk that she gets up, grips the waist of her jeans like there's a big buckle there, and walks clarke through the steps with that song in the background
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Aden is going to be so loved by his mommies and siblings 🥺 my heart wants to burst out of my chest at that sweet headcanon you wrote for farm clexa
He is :') he already is truly :'))) his first few days will be spent with four slightly bigger hands trying to hold his, and constant head kisses from his siblings, not to mention all the attention from his mommies. Until then tho, the kids will demand to kiss Lexa's belly goodnight and constantly ask when their baby brother is gonna be here. Clarke will sing to him while he's still inside and spend so much time feeling him kick and talk to him like she has done with all the kids before. And Lexa will enjoy and soak in all the small moments of the pregnancy, the kicks and the cravings and the simple genture of caressing her own stomach and feeling him move around, just her and him before he is out here in the world and their farm, where a moment alone can be hard to get by.
He's the last baby, the rainbow baby to complete their not so little family. And oh how loved is he 🥰
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The Clexa Twins AU Chapter 6 is live! 
Expect the conclusion next week!
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hailhedaleksa · 8 years
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Quality fam time: Heda and Wanheda taking their mini-me’s out for a nice stroll in the flower field after a morning council meeting
Meet Alex and Jake. Greatly inspired by @effortlessly-opulent‘s Skaiheda fic ;)
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owl127 · 2 years
I never said I wasn't yours is a fave of mine. Would you care to write something from this universe, maybe another parents teachers meeting with Clexa as a couple now. Anything would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Original story here
As morning light broke the grayness of dawn, dew graced the front lawn, and birds chirped the night away. The cat and the dog napped peacefully on the kitchen rug, a pile of fur and soft snoring. Before alarms disturbed the new day, barely a sound could be heard in the house.
But not for lack of trying. 
Lexa bit hard on her palm, muffling her moans as Clarke worked diligently between her legs. One hand was tangled in blonde tresses, tugging and pulling, warning her that it was a weekday morning, but nothing deviated Clarke from her goal.
"Clarke," Lexa begged, unashamed, because waking up to her wife going down on her was great, yes, but in less than an hour she would have to drive four kids to three different schools. Clarke met her eyes with her nose buried in Lexa and lifted her head slightly to say,
"Focus on me, my love. It's just us. "We have a little time." Clarke's chin glistened with arousal, and Lexa bit her tongue.; she nodded. She kept a palm over her mouth as her head fell back on the pillow, and Clarke made good on her promise. Lexa came with shudders and a whine, and Clarke kissed the trailing end of it.
"I just need a minute," Clarke grunted, and Lexa spread her legs farther, inviting, aware of the time but even more aware of her mate. "Fuck, you feel so good," Clarke moaned as Lexa welcomed her, all warmth and want, and left over after glow. "I love you," she whispered into dark hair, and Lexa met her hips in rushed bliss.
Lexa heard the knocking first, her hips stuttering in their search for momentum. Clarke didn't stop, though, as close as she was, rutting mindlessly into her wife.
"Wait." Lexa’s finger grasped at a bulging bicep. "I think I heard something."
"It's just the cat," Clarke panted, her hips always moving. "Babe, please, I'm—"
There was no mistaking the soft knock now, followed by the tiniest voice. "Mommy?"
Lumi. Their youngest. 
"Shit," Clarke cursed louder than she wanted, and Lexa widened her eyes at her. "Shit, shit." Clarke pulled out, hard and frustrated, and made her way into the bathroom.
"Don't be so dramatic," Lexa whisper-laughed, covering her nudity with Clarke's robe.
"Says the one who's got to come!" Clarke huffed from the bathroom and closed the door.
Lexa opened the bedroom door to a fidgeting five-year-old, her stuffed rabbit being dragged by the ear at her side. 
"Good morning, darling." Lexa picked her up, noticing the frown and pout. "Is everything alright?"
Lumi shook her head and latched her small arms around Lexa's neck. "What happened, baby?" Lexa coaxed her daughter with a peck on the cheek.
"There's something wrong with Serah," Lumi whispered, then pulled back to hug her always-present bunny. "Samson thinks she's sick."
Lexa nodded, making her way down the hallway to the stairs. The twins and Lumi had their bedrooms upstairs, but their just-turned-15-year-old teenager had her own room downstairs. Lumi adored her sister though, and constantly escaped to spend part of the night in the den with Serah. 
There was an edge to Lumi, a concern half-formed, as if the youngling did not comprehend the concept of real worry. Lexa bristled. "Why don't you get changed for school, honey? I'll go check on Serah. We already picked your clothes last night, remember?"
Lumi lit up at that, since changing clothes was one of her favorite pastimes. Lexa only wished she would stop doing it in public. "I'll call you for breakfast."
Samson's head bounced on the carpet as the pup ran back to her room. Lexa tightened the robe's knot around her waist and made her way downstairs. Nuggets and Quiet were at the window, fixated on a neighbor leaving for work, and Lexa opened the door to the den. The bed was unmade, which was not atypical. The bathroom’s door was locked, and she heard faint whining.
"Serah? Are you okay? Open the door," she ordered in her mother tone, knocking twice. "Serah."
"Go away."
Well, at least she was alive.
"Serah, open the door."
"I said go away!" The plea was followed by a low growl, and Lexa bristled at the sound. She gritted her teeth, her jaw aching. Her nose itched with something new, something heavy, and she blinked it away.
"Serah, honey, what’s going on? Please open the door."
"Can you call mom?" The growling from the voice was gone, and all that was left was a pitiful wine. Her daughter was in pain, and Lexa rattled on the doorknob, as useless as it would be.
"Are you alright? Serah, please open up."
"Just call mom!" the teen yelled, and Lexa felt a shiver go down her spine. Heavy steps echoed behind Lexa, and she watched Clarke, her hair dripping from her quick shower, climb down the stairs holding a shirtless Lumi.
"She claims her shirt escaped," Clarke said with a grin, but it morphed into a frown when Lexa looked at her. "What’s going on? Lumi said Serah is sick."
"Samson said it," the young omega corrected, and Lexa picked her up.
"She locked herself in the bathroom," Lexa explained in a whisper, adjusting her daughter on her hips. "She’s asking for you."
Clarke’s eyebrows came together in worry, and she stepped up to the bathroom door. Her button-up was outside her jeans, and she was only wearing socks. Lexa made peace with the fact that everyone would be late that morning, and that was just the way mornings went sometimes.
Clarke knocked on the door a couple times, louder than Lexa did. "Honey, it’s me," she called, exchanging a glance with Lexa. "What’s going on?"
"Is mom still there?" Her voice was small and scared, and Lumi tightened her grasp on Lexa’s neck. "I only want to talk to you," Serah said, a small voice beyond the wood. Lexa shook her head, and Clarke shrugged.
"Start with breakfast and get the kids ready. I’ll deal with this."
Lexa wanted to protest. She was always overprotective of the kids, and Serah would always have a special place in her heart. Serah was her first; it had been only the two of them for five long years.
"Please." Clarke touched Lexa’s shoulder, her palm warm and steady. "She’ll be okay."
Lexa’s jaw ached, but she nodded.
Clarke waited until Lexa had left the basement before knocking on the door again. "It’s just me."
It took a minute, but the door unlocked with a soft click. Clarke took one deep breath and understood, hiding her grimace with a cough.
"Oh, honey. It’s okay." She opened her arms, and slowly, weary, Serah accepted the hug.
The teenager had on a black t-shirt picturing whatever band was hot on the radio. The cloth was damp with sweat, and the collar tugged and pulled enough to sit loosely at her sweaty neck. She had a towel around her waist, one hand holding it tight.
Clarke checked her red eyes, took note of her heated forehead, and helped her to bed.
"When did it start?" Clarke asked, holding one hand next to Serah but giving her the option to touch it or not.
"Sometime last night." Serah’s voice was rough, all gravel and tiredness. "It just…" She hugged her own belly, sniffling. Clarke tried to put a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it away. "It hurts."
"I know." Clarke cleared her throat. "I’m going to get supplies and make some phone calls. Why don’t you take a shower and dress up in something light? No tight underwear."
Serah nodded, defeated, in pain, and ashamed. Maybe a little angry.
Yep, all the signs were there.
Clarke made her way back upstairs to find Lexa filling up bowls of cereal. She left the twins to their breakfast and approached Clarke, still in her robe. "What’s going on?"
"She’s alright." Clarke kissed her cheek. "I’ll take the day off to stay with her. Can you pick everyone up today?"
"Clarke, what’s going on?" Lexa’s cheeks were rosy with either anger or fear, and Clarke looked at the twins—who were focused on their sugary meal—and Lumi, who was making her own mess with a banana. She lowered her voice and said the only thing Lexa did not want to hear. "Serah is having her first rut. The first time it’s just pain and being uncomfortable. It will take her another year or so to mature her knot."
Lexa swallowed dryly, nodding, numb.
Her baby was rutting.
"I’ll pick up the twins and Lumi. Can you call Serah’s high school?" Lexa said, hoping turning on the 'mom mode' would help her focus.
Clarke nodded, her eyes calm and understanding, and Lexa hated her a little bit because of that.
"I know this is not easy for you—"
"It’s worse for her," Lexa said harshly, making her way to the stairs. "She’s at age. It’s normal. It’s normal, right?"
Clarke nodded, following her wife.
"She’s growing up. And she needs you now," Lexa said.
"You’re an alpha, she’s an alpha; you deal with this."
Clarke watched her trot up the stairs. She knew that had been a fear in Lexa’s life when it had been just her and Serah; how would Lexa deal with a rutting alpha teenager? Lexa had an entire plan by the time Serah was three, with Abby and Raven as emergency contacts. Everything changed when they reconnected, but that fear, that feeling of not being enough, was still present in Lexa’s heart.
And the plain rejection earlier did not help. 
"Lexa?" Clarke called, and Lexa’s shoulders rose as she stopped at the top of the stairs. "She loves you. That never changed."
Lexa’s shoulder lowered, but she didn’t stop, walking straight to their bedroom.
Clarke sighed and palmed her pants in search of her phone. It was going to be a long day.
Lexa had a horrible day.
She couldn’t concentrate at work and didn’t add a single development to any of her cases. She constantly checked her phone for Clarke’s updates, but in the end, that was what really bothered Lexa: there was nothing she could do.
Her baby was growing up and didn’t need her anymore.
At least she had another three that would need her for a little longer, she thought, as she parked the car blasting Paw Patrol’s songs.
"Okay, one more time," Lexa said, eyeing the twins and Lumi through the mirror. "What are the rules?"
"We leave Serah alone," the three repeated in bored monotone. 
"Okay, good. Now let’s get inside because your mom made dinner."
The twins look at each other and gag.
"It’s pasta!" Lexa completed, and she watched her boys shrug and run inside. She took her time freeing Lumi from her car seat and followed her children inside.
The house was eerily quiet. 
"In here," Clarke called from the kitchen. "Dinner is almost ready." The twins and Lumi had disappeared upstairs. Lexa pecked Clarke’s lips, noticing her sports bra and shorts. "She’s napping. We went for a run. A long run."
Lexa nodded. "Is she… Is she okay? Is she in pain?"
"I asked the boys not to laugh at the ice pack on her crotch and warned them their time would come."
Lexa tasted the boiling red sauce and added herbs from their spice cabinet. "Is she not going to join us for dinner?"
"Probably not. She ate some already." Clarke placed her chin over Lexa’s shoulder, stretching a little to do so. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. Busy day."
Clarke hummed, unconvinced. "Let her come to you."
"If she ever does that." Lexa tasted the sauce and added a pinch of salt. She turned to kiss Clarke’s cheek. "Call the kids. It’s ready."
"Don’t take the glory for my dinner."
"It’s canned tomato sauce and pasta, Clarke."
"Which I boiled perfectly to al dente." Laughing, Clarke left to gather their family for dinner. Most of their family, at least.
Serah didn’t leave her room until late in the night. The shower upstairs was running for Clarke. The twins were wrapping up their homework, and Lumi had been asleep for an hour. Lexa scrubbed pasta that had dried in the bottom of the pan, so focused on scrapping the offensive carbs that she didn’t hear the den’s door opening and closing. 
Lexa stopped her endless scrubbing, turning to see Serah by the door. She hug one arm over herself, curls that were the identical copy of Lexa’s damp from a recent shower. 
"Hi, love." Lexa dropped the sponge and wiped her hands, her heart full and hurting at the dark circles under Serah’s eyes. She made to hug her daughter, but Serah flinched. Lexa tried to hide the hurt, but Serah’s eyes widened in guilt.
"You smell different," Serah explained. "I wasn’t expecting it."
Lexa breathed easier in relief. "A few things will change about how you scent alphas and omegas. It can be a little jarring at first."
"Mom told me." Serah sat at the kitchen island. "I’m not sure I like it." She wrinkled her nose, tired green searching Lexa and then moving away. "Can I feel it again?" Lexa sat next to her and held her hand. Serah approached carefully, her nose sniffling quietly next to Lexa’s neck. "Is that mom’s claim on you?" 
Blushing, Lexa nodded. "Yes. You will be able to tell mated pairs most of the time."
"It’s…" Serah got even closer, her nose brushing Lexa’s skin. Lexa couldn’t resist and kissed the top of her messy curls. "It’s fresh."
Lexa cleared her throat. "Well, I do share a bed with your mother." She felt the heat in her cheeks and watched as Serah pulled back, grimacing.
"Oh my god, am I going to be able to notice when you two—" She fake gagged, and Lexa smirked.
"Not really, and not all the time. But your instincts are wired to notice another alpha’s claim."
Serah closed her eyes and leaned down on the cold marble of the island, her forehead hitting the stone with a soft thud. "This is weird."
"Welcome to adulthood."
Serah turned and looked up at her mom. "I’m sorry about this morning." Her high cheeks were flushed pink. "It was really hurting."
Lexa ran her fingers through her daughter’s hair. She had a fuzzy undercut at her nape that was always soft to the touch. "It’s okay. I was worried about you."
"I’ll do better next time." She straightened up and threw herself into a hug. Lexa accepted it, inhaling the maturing alpha scent from her daughter’s neck. "Do you want to watch a movie downstairs?" 
Lexa hugged her closer. More than a decade ago, they would sometimes fall asleep watching something on their bed. When it used to be just the two of them. "Of course."
As Lexa watched some old animation movie with her daughter asleep on her chest, she realized that some changes are for the better. She wasn’t a single mom fighting to be enough for a rebellious teenager; she had a mate and a wife to help her with that. And no matter the changes Serah would go through, she would always be her little girl. Even if she was taller than Lexa already.
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clexa aren’t ~soulmates~ she was a pivotal person to clarke.
she was her teacher, who taught her how to be a leader for her people and that they were allowed to make mistakes despite being leader. she helped teach her that life is more than surviving.
she was her greatest enemy, who’s initial jus stein jus daun never left clarke. who’s belief that love was weakness made a fatal imprint on clarke with how she handled her relationships moving forward.
she was the one who forced clarke’s hand into mercy killing her first love then replacing him in clarke’s heart, after which she has to focus on her filial love for the rest of the series. clarke was so busy trying to save her family she never got the chance to fall in love again. her 6 year gap was spent being a mother not falling in love.
Lexa kim Trikru was not her soulmate. But she was a little bit of everything to Clarke. A teacher, an enemy, a love.
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