coachvee77 · 8 months
Million Reasons to Stay, but 10 to Go
Million Reasons to Stay, but 10 to Go
In a realm of emotions, let me weave,A tale of contradiction, as you conceive,For there are countless reasons to stay, believe,Yet you on those that make you leave. Hypocrite, they label you, with disdain,A character drenched in duplicity’s rain,But perhaps there’s more to this intricate game,Where contradictions and truths intertwine. One-sided perspectives cloud the view,Skewing perceptions,…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Love That Never Speaks
Watering concrete does not grow trees. In the depths of our love’s embrace,I yearned for words of tender grace.A confession pure, so true and deep,But silence from your lips did seep. I longed to hear you say,That you loved in a special way.Better than the last, your heart did claim,But your words of love were never the same. Instead, you boasted of possessions grand,Material things held in…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
10 Ways, I Bet You Didn't Know You Were Being Punished
Do you feel as though you’re being treated a certain way, but can’t quite put your finger on it? 10 ways a narcissist punishes you: Withholding Affection: Covert narcissists may withhold affection and emotional support as a form of punishment, leaving you feeling unloved and unworthy. Projecting Blame: They often deflect blame onto you, making you feel responsible for their negative behavior…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
So, You're in a Relationship with a Narcissist: Common Ways a Covert Narcissist Punishes You
It’s not you, It’s them. Are you in a relationship with a covert narcissist? Covert narcissism is a form of narcissistic personality disorder where individuals display narcissistic traits in a more subtle and hidden manner. They manipulate and punish their victims in ways that often go unnoticed. In this blog post, we will explore some common ways a covert narcissist punishes you, so you can…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Happiness is Within, Not Without: Unleashing the Power Within Yourself
Welcome to coachvee77inc.com! In today’s blog post, we will take a deep concept of happiness and explore why it is that resides within ourselves, rather than being dependent on external circumstances. Understanding this fundamental truth can be a transformative journey towards a truly fulfilling joyful life. So, let’s embark on this exploration together and uncover the secrets to unlocking…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Love Not Want Not
I use to chase love Didn’t wana waste love cause I was taught waste not want not. Thought I found love only to lose love because they thought this was what they wanted until they thought not. I tried to fix the ways long nights and short days burned my heart in the midst, And tho I’ve kissed a thousand times my lips still yearns for true loves first kiss At the peak of my desire there’s an…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
"The Silent Tyranny: Unveiling the Mental and Emotional Abuse of Stonewalling"
Being stonewalled refers to a situation where someone deliberately withholds communication or refuses to engage in a conversation or discussion. This behavior can indeed be considered a form of mental and emotional abuse. Here’s an explanation of how stonewalling can be abusive: Communication breakdown: Stonewalling prevents healthy and effective communication between individuals. It involves…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Unmasking Manipulation: How Toxic Individuals Pretend to be Victims to Control Situations
Question from a reader: How does the toxic person manipulate a situation by mimicking the high road & pretending to be the victim of the abuse? Toxic individuals often employ manipulative tactics to control and manipulate others, and pretending to be the victim of abuse while mimicking the high road is one such tactic. Here’s how they might go about it: 1. Playing the victim: Toxic individuals…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
I forgive me!
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Breaking Stereotypes: The Power of Assertiveness and the Journey of Verlene Yvonne Pt 2
Verlene Yvonne’s journey towards embracing her assertiveness was not without its challenges. As a black woman breaking free from societal expectations, she faced the harsh judgment of those who couldn’t reconcile her assertiveness with their preconceived notions of femininity. Sadly, Verlene experienced derogatory comments and was even labeled as a man simply because she dared to express herself…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
The Narcissist's Blind Spot: Lack of Self-Reflection
Welcome to CoachVee77Inc.com, where we strive to provide valuable insights into personal growth and relationships. In today’s blog post, we shed light on a challenging aspect of dealing with narcissistic individuals: their inability to self-reflect. If you’ve ever found yourself entangled with a narcissist, you may relate to the frustrations and confusion caused by their distorted perspective.…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Toxic Abuse: Unmasking the Hidden Snakes and Reclaiming Personal Power
Welcome to CoachVee77Inc.com, a platform dedicated to personal growth and empowerment. In today’s blog post, we delve into a critical and often overlooked issue that plagues countless lives: toxic abuse. Toxic abusers possess a unique ability to present themselves as heroes while privately inflicting harm, leaving their victims emotionally and mentally wounded. Join us as we explore the concept…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Harnessing the Power of the Universe: Exploring the Law of Attraction and Universal Laws
Welcome, seekers of truth and believers in the extraordinary power of the universe! Today, we embark on a journey to delve into the realm of the Law of Attraction and the profound impact it can have on our lives. At the heart of this exploration lies the understanding that we are co-creators of our reality, intricately connected to the vastness of the universe and its universal laws. Join me,…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Pisces - Water - Fish - Dreamer
Pisces. Here are ten key characteristics or features associated with Pisces: Compassionate: Pisces individuals are known for their deep empathy and compassion towards others. They have a natural ability to understand and support those around them. Imaginative: Pisces has a rich inner world and a vivid imagination. They often possess a creative and artistic nature, with a penchant for…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Fool Me Once, Shame on You
The Sting of Betrayal: When Lowering Your Standards Backfires We’ve all experienced moments in life where we’ve been willing to make compromises, lower our expectations, and give someone a chance despite our better judgment. Unfortunately, sometimes these decisions can lead to heartbreak and betrayal. One of the most excruciating forms of pain is realizing that someone you lowered your standards…
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coachvee77 · 11 months
Understanding Covert Narcissism: Fragile Self-Esteem, Blame Game, and Depression
Question from a reader: Why do covert narcissists who claim to love themselves get so depressed and blame everyone surrounding them for their misery? Covert narcissism refers to a subtype of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) characterized by a more subtle and introverted expression of narcissistic traits. While it is true that covert narcissists may claim to love themselves, their…
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