#Cobra ryota
martincart · 10 months
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Shitpost before uuuu whatever
My area 6 commander and Attack Carrier Captain relantionship. They have a story
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the-izuru · 4 years
So this is jus a random gijinka of the area 6 commander and caiman cuz why not ft. weird noseless edit, feel free to use those as pfps
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bbdaydreams · 3 years
Courage My Love// Semi Eita
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Summary: You like Semi and come up with a plan to confess to him, unfortunately it takes a turn. You meet again a couple years later by chance.
Chapter Eight: Teenage Dream
Series Masterlist•<previous•next>
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A week into the tour and your body finally decided to allow you wake up before two in the afternoon. You stretched your body a little bit in your bunk before getting up and out to finish stretching. You checked the surrounding bunks and saw that only Haruka was still sound asleep while the others were empty. Making your way to the lounge you found your missing members and greeted them. They gave you back a robotic response while peeking out the window.
“The hell are y’all looking at?”
“The boys,” Yui answered. “I’m waiting to see if one of them eat shit.”
“Yui, what the-“
“Look, look, look!” Izumi whispered, stretching her arm behind her in an attempt to grab you to pull you towards them. You placed your knees on the bench to watch through the blinds with them.
Semi, Subaru, and Ranmaru were wearing plain t-shirts and gym shorts while Jiro wore a buttoned up blue flannel with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black skinny jeans. The three elders from the group seemed to be running back and fourth from one end of the parking lot to the other while Jiro was skating a few feet away.
“How long have they been doing this?” You asked, turning away from the window.
“No clue- oh shit!” Izumi exclaimed, jumping up and running over to the main door to hop off the bus.
“That was a bad wipeout,” Yui added, following after the bassist. You followed after them, hesitating a little bit because you had just woken up and were in your sleepwear. Saying ‘fuck it,’ you threw on a pair of slip ons before following the others.
“Jiro!” Subaru and Ranmaru yelled before running over to their guitarist.
“Dude! You good?” Semi asked, crouching down to help Jiro sit up.
“Yeah, I’m good. Where’s my board?”
“I’ll go grab it,” Yui said as she headed towards the direction of there the skateboard rolled off to.
“What happened? I heard yelling,” Haruka asked. She was stepping off the bus still in her pajamas and rubbing her eyes, making it clear that she had just woken up. Her eyes landed on Jiro who was sitting on the pavement. He looked at her with panic in his eyes as she took in his disheveled look. “Why are you bleeding?”
“I- I’m okay, no need to worry-“
“You have a giant hole in your jeans that shows your red scraped knee, you have scratches on your face, and I can see the blood droplets on your flannel!” Haruka exclaimed, turning back around getting onto the bus.
“Is she pissed?” Jiro asked.
“Nah, just concerned. She probably went to grab our first aid kit,” Izumi answered. “You should probably take off your flannel though, that’s a pretty big stain on your elbow.”
Jiro unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a black t-shirt. Haruka came back with the kit and knelt next to the heterochromatic male. She took out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and some gauze making him gulp, knowing what was to come. “Do you have to use that?” Jiro asked, gradually moving his arm away from her.
“Yes, now sit still,” Haruka responded.
“Here’s the board I ran as fast I could as soon as I saw-“
“-the brown bottle,” Yui laughed. “Guess nurse Haruka has it under control.” The rest of you laughed at Jiro’s reaction and left Haruka to tend to his wounds.
“What are you guys doing anyways?” Izumi asked the three older males.
“Oh, we were working out. Jiro does his own thing for exercise which is mostly either parkour or skating,” Subaru responded.
“Or as we call it, just Jiro things,” Ranmaru added on. “You guys are free to join us during our workouts though, makes things more fun.”
“Haruka and I might join you guys,” Yui responded.
“Pass from Izumi and I,” you spoke up.
“And why’s that? Nice pajamas by the way, very festive for summer with the snowflakes,” Semi teased.
“Leave me alone. Sweating is gross. And personally I get bored doing the same thing repetitively. I’ll go on a walk, maybe jog a little bit, but that’s about it.”
“Sweating is gross, huh?” Semi asked with a devious look in his eyes.
“Don’t you dare come near me,” you responded, taking a few steps back as Semi walked closer to you.
“What? I just wanted to give you a hug, especially while you wear your cute pajammies.”
“Stay the fuck away from me. Semi. Semi! No!” And now you were running away from the 180cm tall former setter, who you know could catch up to you at any time. You still chose to take your chances though.
“He’s never gonna let her go, is he?” Ranmaru asked Subaru.
Izumi and Yui heard him loud and clear which peaked Yui’s interest. “Ahhh so he still has feelings for our leader. How cute.”
“Keep this between us, but yeah,” Subaru spoke. “Does she have any feelings left for him?”
“Honestly, we’re not sure. She never talked about him after the whole thing went down. She’s been with other people but she’s never been over the moon for them. It doesn’t help that she’s also super independent. It makes us think sometimes that she’d rather be single. There’s nothing wrong with that either, but at the end of the day we think it’d be nice for her to find someone,” Izumi spoke, watching you run around the bus only to yell out you were going back to sleep right when Semi caught up and wrapped his arms around you. “You guys might not believe it but how she’s acting now with him is no different to how she’d act with other people. Maybe it’s because of all the touring we do but she’s so open with people that it’s hard to read her. We love her and she’s fun to be around with but when it comes to her, it’s hard to tell what she wants.”
“We see. Eita’s sort of been the same in relationships. He’s gone on dates too but he’s never been whipped for any of them. Like he’ll do his best to please them and shit like a good partner should, but if you look at him from a distance it feels almost forced. He wants to love but it’s like fake love, if that makes any sense,” Subaru spoke.
“What about your drummer girl? Also between us, Jiro still seems to like them a lot,” Ranmaru asked, deciding to bring light to the other potential couple.
“Wait, what do you mean still? From what we know, they were friends during their final year but that’s it,” Izumi explained , now confused.
“Jiro fell for her hard during that year like he would come home and talk to us about her and ask for advice if he couldn’t ask his older brother. The thing is he was labeled the dumb hooligan while Haruka was the typical quiet good girl so he didn’t want to taint her record. You know how people talk in high school. He was convinced she shouldn’t be with a fool like him, so he never spoke up,” Subaru followed up.
“Ah. Well I think they’ll be together by the end of the tour, maybe even week. I can feel it,” Yui said.
“And what about you guys? Are you single?”
“I have a boyfriend,” Izumi quickly answered. “He’s back in Japan.”
“I’m single. My reason being it’s hard finding people you wanna know more about, ya know?”
“Really now?” Subaru answered, looking at Ranmaru.
“Yui, are you sick? I think you’re lacking some vitamin me,” Ranmaru said, attempting to put his arm over Yui’s shoulders.
“No! Me!” Subaru argued.
Before either of them could touch her, Yui grabbed their forearms and tugged on them to bring them closer. When they jumped a little closer together she took their hands and placed them in each other’s before letting go. Yui looked over and Izumi who was smirking from trying to hold in a laugh. “Don’t worry about it, Dumb and Dumber. Since I apparently have you guys weak at the knees it appears you might be lacking vitamin D. You two should get to know each other and solve that problem,” Yui responded as she gave them a fake smile. “Let’s go Izu,” she laughed, turning from the boys to get back onto the bus.
Semi came back to the two white haired males and crossed his arms before speaking. “You guys are idiots.”
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“Karaoke night!” Haruka cheered when your set finished that night.
“We just got done playing and you’re this excited for karaoke? At least act tired,” Izumi whined, leaning forward to place her hands on her knees after she set her guitar down.
“Haru,” Yui started before taking a deep breath, “what the fuck.”
“Mmmm, nice cold floor,” you said, letting your body collapse on the black tiles the backstage had to offer.
“Y/n, no!”
“Get up people walk there!”
“It’s dirty!”
Too tired to figure out who said what, you let out a groan and got up. “Fine I’m up, I’m up. I need a baby wipe though. I’m all sweaty and gross.” Making your way over to your green room you bumped into One Ok Rock. “Hey guys.”
“Hello, hello. You guys sounded amazing as always,” Taka complimented.
“Thanks! Oh! Do you guys have plans after your set?” Haruka asked.
“Sleep,” Ryota responded which made the others laugh.
“Ah haha, did you guys have something in mind?” Toru asked.
“We’re all off tomorrow so we were gonna have a karaoke night on our bus,” Yui explained.
“And there’ll be booze!” Izumi added.
“We’ll try to pop by then,” Tomo answered. You wished them luck before heading into your dressing room to clean up a little bit before meeting your fans.
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Yui and Haruka were currently making dinner while while you were showering and Izumi was setting up the karaoke system.
“Oh fuck, we forgot to invite Won’t Regret,” Yui mentioned.
“I’ll text RoRo!” Haruka lit up.
“How could we forget to invite all of your guys boyfriends?” Izumi teased.
“Jiro is not my boyfriend!”
“I never said he was,” Izumi responded with a smirk.
“Does this make thing one and two mine?” Yui asked.
“Lol, yeah. Are you gonna tell them?”
“Yeah, I don’t need them annoying me. I have enough to put up with.”
Stepping out of the shower with a towel around your body you looked over at the girls and saw they were still doing what they did when you last saw them. “Hey, is dinner- oop gotta go!” You exclaimed, running to your bunks and closing the door because there was a knock at the front of the bus.
“It’s open!” Izumi yelled. Coming up the steps was Taka and Toru with smiles on their faces. “Hey! Welcome to our bus! Did the others decide to call it a night instead?”
“Yeah. They’re parents now so they age faster and need more sleep,” Toru laughed.
“No worries. C’mon in and take a seat. We just finished cooking if you’d like some food,” Haruka said, showing them a plate she had already prepared.
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“Taka and Toru just got on the girl’s bus. Wonder what’s going on over there,” Ranmaru said aloud as he glanced out the window.
“Who what now?” Semi asked, looking up from his phone.
“Oh they’re doing some karaoke tonight. RuRu just texted me to invite us,” Jiro answered.
“RuRu? Do you mean Haruka? You guys have nicknames for each other already?” Subaru teased, laughing at Jiro’s reaction.
“Look at how red he is!” Semi roared.
Subaru looked over at Ranmaru, smirking knowing he was about to roast Semi. “Boy if you don’t shut up! Go look in a mirror before judging him!”
“Eita, every time Y/n is around you put all your attention on them. It’s like you’re a bee fixated on a flower. Just non stop buzz buzz buzz around them.”
“Okay, I get it.” Semi sighed. “Is it that obvious?”
“Yes. Please just ask them out already.”
“I can’t do that, bro. It’s too soon. We’re just friends for now.”
“We have 5 weeks left on this tour. You’re gonna have to ask them out before then. Who knows if we’ll see them again after this.”
Letting Ranmaru’s words sink in he realized the reality of it. After the tour was over your band would probably go on your own tour to promote your new album in Europe, Australia, Japan and maybe even the US again whereas his band would probably only do Japan. You’d be busy touring and focusing on yourself you wouldn’t have the chance to see each other again. “Fuck. You’re right.”
“I’m always right. Anyways I’m headed to bed. Have fun at karaoke.”
“I’m going to bed too. Night,” Subaru yawned.
“Guess it’s just us,” Jiro laughed before tilting his head to ask “let’s go?” to which Semi responded with a head nod. They told their bus driver they’d be on the other bus so he could drive off if they didn’t come back by midnight.
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“Alright that’s the theme tonight?” Yui asked Izumi, covering her mouth since she was chewing. They were both currently sitting on the small kitchen counter while Taka and Toru were sitting around their dining table and Haruka was standing off to the side.
“Let’s have our guests have the honor! Hit the button to spin the wheel,” she explained as she jumped off to hand her phone to the two older men. “Ooo, looks like we’re doing ‘Women in Pop’!”
Hearing knocking from the front door, Yui yelled it was open. Semi and Jiro walked in and greeted everyone. “It smells so good,” Jiro stated, eyes lighting up once he spotted the meal that was cooked.
“Take a seat and I’ll give you a plate. Semi, would you like one too?” Haruka asked. Semi nodded his head and they both accepted the meal after thanking them for the hospitality. After they were seated Yui got them up to speed to what they were doing.
“We should probably go first to show them how it’s done,” Haruka stated.
“I kinda wanna finish my food,” Izumi mumbled which made Yui jump in and say ‘me too’. Luckily for Haruka, you had just come out of the bunk area in sweats. “Look at that, Y/n can sing with you.”
“What did I do in the first five seconds of me appearing for me to go first?” You asked confused.
“Show up. Here is your mic,” Yui responded, making you playfully roll your eyes at her.
“How do you decide what song to sing?” Taka asked.
“We just decide between ourselves. Any song is good as long as it fits the theme,” Haruka responded. You let Haruka pick and take the lead for the song as you backed her up and sang your parts while also trying to match her energy in small dance gestures. When you finished you handed your microphone to Toru who asked to go next and Haruka handed hers to Izumi. Fixing yourself a plate you took Toru’s spot and sat next to Taka while Haruka took Izumi’s spot.
“Yo,” Semi started to grab your attention, leaning forward to not speak into Taka’s face.
“Yo,” you responded.
He smirked before continuing, “nice pajamas.”
You let out a small chuckle before looking back at him. “Leave me and my comfy clothing alone, asshole. I am cozy.”
Laughing at the nickname you gave Semi, Taka decided to jump in. “Hey Eita, we should go next.”
“Eh, I don’t know. Honestly I’m not much of a karaoke guy.”
“Boo, Semi you’re no fun,” you pouted while eating your food.
“Yeah, Eita you should try it out,” Jiro added.
Semi threw his head back and grunted in disapproval before turning his head to look at you. As he leaned back you did as well and gave him a child like smile, showing as many teeth as you could with your lips curved upwards as a friendly way to encourage him. Letting out a small chuckle, he leaned forward and let his forearms rest on the table. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Yay!” You, Taka, and Jiro cheered. Izumi and Toru sang Party In the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus which had the group laughing when Toru tried to reach the high note and when he tried to mimic Izumi’s dancing. When they were done you all applauded for them.
“Do you have an idea for a song?” Semi asked Taka, taking a sip of his beer.
“Yeah, yeah. I wanna do Beyoncé! Is Single Ladies good?,” Taka responded with a giant grin.
“I’m good with that.” The two got up from their spots and you and Jiro slid into their spots so others could sit as well. They accepted the mics from Izumi and Toru, Taka stretching afterwards to ‘loosen his body up’.
When the music started, Taka started moving his shoulders from side to side while Semi lightly bobbed his head along to the beat. Taka took the lead and sang the first verse. As the song progressed Taka put his body more into the flow making you all get louder for him to cheer him on. Leaving the second verse to Semi he moved his torso more into the song but he couldn’t compare to Taka, and it made him start overthinking a little.
He’s so much cooler and better than he is. Taka knows how to rile up a crowd. His performances are better than Semi’s but then again he does have more experience so he has to factor that into their differences. He’s so chill and laid back but also open and hilarious, he’s got it all.
Towards the end of the song when they were singing the last of the “all the single ladies”, Taka got closer to where you were sitting and went to hold your hand as he sang, causing the group to hype him up even more than they already where.
When they finished, you and Yui went next, opting to do Katy Perry. As you took the lead, Semi couldn’t keep his eyes off you and agree with the lyrics you were singing. He enjoyed your facial expressions as you sang and the way you carried yourself, somehow different than how you were on stage. Unfortunately Semi also couldn’t stop the negative thoughts that obscured his brain.
Semi noticed the blush on your face when Taka had the slightly intimate gesture with you. What if he’s not good enough for you? He doesn’t want to hold you back from being the happiest person you could be. Semi knows he’s not the funniest, most charming person in the world. Compared to your ex, Tendou, he knows they’re almost nowhere near similar. Tendou was more easygoing and knew how to light up the mood whereas Semi is more uptight, always concerned about others and what they think. If anything Taka was more like Tendou, a potential better option for you than himself. But he knows you all had just met recently so who knows if Taka is just being friendly or trying to get at something. Maybe you were just going to stay a teenage dream.
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A/n: look at that an update. Sorry for taking so long, I’ve been tired but here ya go!
Taglist: @pluviophilefangirl @yourstarvic @sunaswife @mynscorner @itoshibaby @discountkiyoko @ibetonlosingcats @lilith412426 @soggyacidjuice
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thesixcommander · 3 years
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Welcome to Area 6, soldier! In this Androssian territory they call me The Commander, but the name they gave me in my home is Cobra Ryota. Feel welcome to ask me what you need or if you have questions. Maybe I can help you.
/// Yes! This is my Area 6 Commander ask blog! Free welcome to comment, ask and collab with this tiny blog! 
+ About and rules.
+ The artist 
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ashittyfanficblog · 4 years
Good Girls Go Bad (Kise Ryota)
Seriously, I wrote so much smut years ago and I'm just going through them. This one caught my eye.
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The music was loud in the club and lights flashed to the beat. People sang what lyrics they knew, shouted drunkenly and danced. Various kinds of alcoholic drinks entered the bloodstreams and lowered the inhibitions. Friends took pictures, never parting except when a desirable person came and asked for a dance.
Warm from the alcohol, you accepted an offer to dance from Him. You laughed and danced, moving closer and closer to the blond god you've been dancing with. Your dark red dress rubbed against Kise's dark jeans yet closer and closer your bodies were until his leg was between yours, arms around you and pressing you closer still. Down you went until his thigh was touching the apex of your thighs, driving you mad. Kise's honey eyes burned into your soul as his face came closer to yours until your lips connected in a desperate, hungry kiss. You couldn't help but surrender to the passion Kise offered freely, surrender to the freedom the man represented. For one night only you won't be a good girl, a good heiress and student. So, you buried your fingers in Kise's blond locks, tugging on them and relishing in the vibrations of his chest as if moaned. Your thighs clenched around his, lower body moving in a way not at all appropriate to a public setting. Kise chuckled, a sound so rough and deep.
When he asked you to come home with him, you gladly accepted. Your friends waved you away, grinning and offering joking advice. You knew they would back you up, lie to your oppressive mother and father while you had some unrestrained fun.
"Come on..." Kise breathed, pulling you in his apartment and kissing you senseless. His hands wrestled the clothes off of your body, frantic fingers making him stumble while unhooking your bra and making you laugh even as Kise peppered hot, open-mouthed kisses over your neck and upper chest. "This dress was hell to get off."
"Yeah, well," You moaned as his fingers delved into your panties, sliding neatly between your folds and rubbing, circling... "you could've asked for help."
Kise grinned, pressing one warm and rough skinned finger into you, enjoying how your hands held onto him and your body moved to gain more. Lips met again, rough and demanding. Tongues twined and teeth bit, hands seeking purchase and flesh.
Then you were on your back, spreading your legs for Kise, panting and touching yourself as he took off what little clothing was left on him before he settled between your limbs. His muscled body fit perfectly in the cradle of your thighs and you wrapped your legs around his hips to pull his lower half closer. Gently, Kise slid inside of you, swallowing your surprised gasp with a kiss. He stretched you pleasantly, filled you completely and when Kise finally began to move... Heaven and earth changed places.
Slow then fast, deep then shallow, tip, teasing... You almost begged for Kise to stop teasing and just fuck you into the floor when Kise grinned and began to /move/. His hips met yours loudly, amazingly fast that you could barely follow the rhythm.
"Louder!" Kise growled, bending and speeding up even more. "Yes! That's it!" His words were grunts and your moans weren't even resembling words you wished to speak.
When Kise cummed, the veins on his neck and forearms stood out, his teeth were clenched. The warmth of his seed inside of you and the sight of the man so... So beautiful and sweaty and flushed, pushed you over the edge and you shook like a leaf, thighs trembling and tense.
"Dude," You laughed, naked and sweaty. "I'm tired too but can we, please, move to a more comfortable place instead of staying on the god damned floor?"
"No." Kise grumbled, pressing his naked front to your back. His arms secured you against his chest but you didn't really want to move that much. After all, you were warm.
"But, Kise..."
"No, I'm comfy now."
Oh, well. You were sleepy enough not to force the issue. Plus, the carpet was so damn fluffy. It wasn't so bad being a bad girl for just one night.
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legend-of-taiyang · 4 years
Pro-bending Teams
Element Teams- BLACK UNAGI - Takumi, Kaito, Midori, Sorahi  STORM WARRIORS -  SILVER SWANS -  LOTUS PANDAS - Xiulan, Nanook, Bojing, Taiyang 
Air Teams- SKY RAIDERS - Name, name, name, Sangyey
Fire Teams- RED LIONS - name, name, name, Sorahi SUN DRAGONS - Azlon, Ryota, Kwan, Taiyang KOMODO RHINOS | FLAMING PUMAS | VOLCANO SCORPIONS | LIGHTNING PEACATS |
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I'd love to see your take on Dash or Andrew!
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[ Oh man, the first two characters I've obsessed over since entering the fandom, especially the great whinny heir to the Venom empire.
Andrew and Dash I feel like they have potential that Nintendo wasted because one of them wasn't that popular with fans and the other one didn't know how to write it right. Let's see, character who is an heir to the throne of the main villain? give me more of that! A character whose concept is "I'm not like my evil relative"? okay I need to see that!… in the end they both end badly, especially Dash's character. You can't just create a character who claims to be "different" and then say he becomes a villain like his crazy grandpa. NINTENDO YOU HAD ONLY ONE JOB.
And I will never forgive that in Command these two characters have never met face to face even though they are family and from different sides, oh the wasted potential… * hits the table with her face *
But staying on topic! With Andrew I would love to write his role in SF64 / Zero / Starlink. A young heir who trained for a long time to want to become the best soldier and pride of his dear uncle. He is proud, self-centered, passionate about fighting for his uncle and to prove to himself that he is worth too much. He is often a responsible young man and is smart when it comes to subjects, hobbies, etc. He also uses his heir status for his own benefit and to help his team (ie, ask for useful information with a private chat or weapons of the empire).
However, Andrew remains an immature boy despite being legally an adult, getting carried away with the fact that he hates being reduced to just being the teammate under someone else's side, being treated like a foolish and naive young man by the world around him and because of his self-centeredness, he causes problems with his team and with other people in the empire. He is still a boy easily manipulated by those around him (coffcoffandrosscoffcoff), he is a crybaby when everyone makes fun of him or he is not the center of attention, also being whinny on many occasions AND despite always yelling that he's ready to fight the war, Andrew is fearful and even makes it difficult for him to use a weapon…or even kill someone. Let's not forget that he is considered the worst Star Wolf pilot, and that's because he is too confident in his knowledge that he doesn't listen to advice or teachings from his boss or from Pigma.
Tbh I'm also not bothered by the fact that Nintendo uses Andrew as a comic relief character, but I wouldn't want to use him as that pathetic character that everyone should laugh at a lot of cruel or dirty jokes (* glares badly at the Star fox animations of Mashed *) though … I'm not an expert in comedy, so let's see how I do with that haha
To finish with Andrew, here is an example of my interpretation of him:
[ Commander Area 6/Cobra enters the room, Caiman accompanies him behind his back. The ruffians leave the room nervous when they see the huge serpent in behind of the heir.]
Cobra: Surely you know what I think about all this, right?
Andrew: [Continues to look in the mirror] Uh? ... Maybe yes, maybe not, I should care ?.
Cobra: Andrew, you should not be fighting on the battlefield even being a rookie in this. You're still pretty young. I order you to leave this game of yours right now.
[Andrew stops playing with his uniform. In a second he turns with a horrible grimace of disgust]
Andrew: I'm not playing, Commander Ryota! And of course I'm not going to abandon this position that the same emperor has given me with pride! Denying it would be a disgrace and a total insult to the great Andross! Also ... you should not say this to ME knowing that you started fighting in the war just being 15 years old, right?
Continuing with the second character in question! Dash seems to be an easy character to write, I still like the personality and concept of him in Comamnd, but I'll add other details since we don't see much of him besides his kindness. He would remain a young but expert piloting boy in the Cornerian army. He is quite brave, fair, polite, kind in whom he asks for his help and super intelligent of him. He sometimes becomes overconfident in soldier and pilot skills or there are times when he is insecure in fighting when there are civilians or innocents around him, but he will keep his warrior spirit to do justice and law. He is best known for being a huge fan of the Star Fox team, especially Fox and Falco. Every time he receives praise from any of them, his mind fills with stars and there is an inner cry of fanaticism. He sometimes resents being seen as a child because of his small stature, but Dash also gets to take advantage of that whenever possible in a sassy way.
Something I would like to write about him is that he becomes the new emperor of Venom, but he doesn't end up being another copy of Andross. This Dash is an emperor with a good heart and who only wants to rebuild the planet that his uncle once tried to help but without the use of evil deeds. He is willing to cooperate peacefully and politely with other planets or with Corneria's new general, and shelter the Venomians who have fled the planet at the end of the war. He would still be a big fan of the Lylat system heroes, but he knows how to control his emotions to have a nice chat with them or the next generation. There will be times when some people doubt him having Andross blood in his veins, but Dash will show them that he is not his grandfather.
xD now I would like to tell all my idea of ​​an interaction between Dash and Andrew, but the post has become very long, so I'll leave it here. I don't know if I wanted to write to Andrew since we still have a great Andrew Oikonny in our rp community, but hmm Dash is pretty underrated and forgotten here, so… ]
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BJW results for June 9, 2017
BJW results for June 9, 2017
BJW, 6/9/2017 [Fri] 18:30 @ Shibetsu-cho Sogo Taiikukan in Hokkaido (1) Yoshihisa Uto vs. Yuya Aoki ♦Winner: Uto (7:55) with a Cobra Twist. (2) Jaki Numazawa & Kankuro Hoshino vs. Shu & Kei Brahman ♦Winner: Numazawa (8:19) with a Swing style Michinoku Driver II on Kei. (3) Yuko Miyamoto & Isami Kodaka vs. Ryota Hama & Toshiyuki Sakuda ♦Winner: Miyamoto (10:27) via pin-fall on Sakuda, following an…
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martincart · 11 months
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Another concept art, another Fan character
The terrible maternal grandmother of my Area 6 commander
Not named yet
Feeling disgusted at having a mixed-race grandson and that her poor daughter is exiled from the city for having a bastard, this woman abuses Cobra, making him feel guilty for the dishonor in their family and the possible death of his mom. Her grandson will only earn her respect if Cobra becomes a great warrior and gives them honor and the respect of the city. But he himself knows that this is a lie.
his grandmother, to demonstrate the horror and dishonor that Cobra did, decides to cut off her entire hood to punish him forever.
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martincart · 5 months
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I planned to draw something small for this day, but a Drawn Together frame inspired me. I also wanted to draw my boys before finishing the year!
This year it had his it and low, but I hope to improve that in 2024! Meanwhile, I wish you a happy New Year's party and a wonderful next year!
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martincart · 3 years
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more bloody star fox 64 icons!
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martincart · 4 years
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Shiptober 2020 Day 3 - Ice cream
Area 6 Commander x Caiman
It is not a romantic drawing, I know, but tell me that situations like this do not happen on dates 😂
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martincart · 4 years
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Shiptober 2020 Day 14 - Fantasy AU
Area 6 Commander x Caiman
( Naga x Dragon AU! )
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martincart · 4 years
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Goretober2020 Day 23 - Poison
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martincart · 3 years
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Practice "realism" for these characters. Try to adapt them a bit to the species that they really are. xD I think they don't look good tbh but it was still fun to do hahaha
Close up and species of animals that are:
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Japanese short-tailed macaque
Tuffted capuchin
Uakari/bald monkey
Black spider monkey
Common chimpanzee
Komodo dragon
Spitting cobra / horned rattlesnake hybrid
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martincart · 2 years
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I finally decided to paint the sketch. I'm happy how my boys look!
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