#Coconut Body Shimmering Oil
slu7formen · 4 months
Luke will find any excuse to be next to you, even if it’s risky for your secret situation.
slu7formen’s masterlist | luke castellan masterlist
The sun beat down on Camp Half-Blood with the fury of a thousand fires, turning the asphalt paths into giant grills for slow feet and baking the cabins insides like ovens. Chiron, being the smart centaur he is and reading the campers tired and sweaty faces like a book, declared a day off. Now the beach, usually a chill place to be at, was now a scene of joyous chaos. Laughter and shrieks echoed through the air as campers splashed, sunbathed, and competed on swimming races.
Luke, however, walked in much later, his usual smirk plastered on his face. As he approached his spot that he shared with his friends at the top of a large rock, he found his friends sprawled like a pack of sardines, their bodies glistening with water and their eyes glued to the opposite side.
“What´s so interesting over there?” he asked as he placed his own towel and belongings on his spot, right at the edge of the rock.
"Interesting?" Travis Stoll drawled, his voice breaking. "That´s not-, that doesn´t even cover it. It's like the goddess of beauty herself decided to show us how perfect her daughters are"
"Goddesses, Luke" Connor Stoll sighed dramatically, almost drooling as he didn´t even turned his head towards his friend. "Actual goddesses descended from Olympus”
Luke followed their gazes, his smirk widening as he saw the object of their collective obsession. Across the shimmering expanse of the water, a group of Aphrodite's daughters had claimed their own little oasis down on the sand. They lay draped on plush towels like exotic flowers basking in the sun, their designer sunglasses reflecting the harsh glare.
Pink bikinis, strategically revealing hidden curves and glimpses of sun-kissed skin that whispered tan lines just waiting to be discovered. Satisfied sighs escaped their lips as they surrendered to the heat, their bodies molding to the soft embrace of the towels like warm clay. Their laughter, light and airy, drifted across the water, punctuated by the clinking of ice against glass as they sipped chilled fruit juice. Perfect, rounded cherry red lips, glossed with a hint of shimmering pink, seemed to hum a silent song of invitation to those who stared too long. Lips that begged to be kissed, to taste the sweetness of a handsome camper.
Soft pop music, like a flirty summer breeze, carried the melody of carefree days and endless possibilities. The air crackled with a tension as subtle as the scent of sunscreen and coconut oil that easily reached the boys´s nostrils.
"Pink" Travis groaned, his voice thick with mock despair. "Why is everything so pink?"
Chris Rodriguez, his eyes glued to the scene across the beach, barely registered his friend's complaint. "Shh, dude, you´re interrupting"
Luke, however, couldn't help but chuckle at his friend´s dramatic comments. He scanned the scene for a second before taking a seat on his towel – the plush towels, the designer sunglasses, the perfectly manicured nails, the hair shimmering with highlights. It was a picture straight out of a beauty magazine, for sure, but it was starting to feel suffocating.
"Do you think they ever breathe?" Connor whispered.
"Doubt it" Travis chimed in, finally blinking after what felt like hours. "They probably absorb sunlight and flower perfume through their skin"
Chris snorted. "They're daughters of the goddess of beauty and love, what can you expect? They're-…"
He cut himself off, his gaze landing on one figure in particular. A girl with hair the color of spun sunshine and eyes that sparkled like the Mediterranean Sea.
“…Gods, look at that hair”
"Guys, calm down" Luke said, despite the grin threatening to split his face. "They're just girls.” He pointed out. He would´ve stopped the conversation there if it wasn´t for his friends´s stares right after he stopped talking, all of them sharing that ´Are you kidding?´ look. “Well, okay, maybe incredibly beautiful, impossibly glamorous girls, but still just girls."
"Just girls, huh?" Travis scoffed. "Those are your average looking campers? They look like they bathe in rosewater"
Chris, still mesmerized by the girl with the sun-kissed hair, chimed in, "How do you even begin to approach something like that?"
Luke chuckled, watching their exaggerated reactions with amusement. "It's not that hard, you know," he said, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Maybe if you guys spent less time staring and more time talking, you wouldn't be so intimidated."
The challenge hung in the air, a silent dare for them to prove him wrong. Connor, ever the instigator, jumped on the opportunity.
"Alright, Castellan, if it's so easy for you, do it" he smirked. "Go over there and talk to any one of them, impress them, make them laugh, do whatever you need to do to avoid getting your ass kicked”
His brother chuckled. "Let the man have his delusions, dude. He´s not-“ He stopped mid-sentence, jaw dropping open in a display of cartoonish shock.
Chris, following Travis's gaze, mirrored his friend's expression. They all stared at Luke, their eyes wide with disbelief, as he strolled down the rock towards the group of Aphrodite's daughters with a —questionable— confidence.
"What the hell are you doing?" Connor yelled, his voice squeaking.
Ignoring his friends' stunned shouts, Luke descended the rocky outcrop towards the sand. "Castellan, you madman!" Chris hollered, his voice a mix of shock and admiration. Luke wasn´t nervous, not exactly. More like a mix of excitement and the thrill of pushing boundaries. His gaze focused on the girl that was declared as his target. You.
With your hair long enough to be braided with endless flowers, and eyes that held the sparkle of the brightest diamond, were oblivious to his approach, your attention consumed by adjusting the straps of your pink bikini, a delicate task that showcased the smooth expanse of your shoulders and the tantalizing dip of your back.
He gently placed his hands on your shoulders, the heat radiating from your sun-kissed skin was intoxicating, the delicate scent of coconut oil amplifying his senses. His fingers, strong and calloused, squeezed gently, sending shivers down your spine.
"Hey, princess" he said, his voice low and playful.
You turned around, smile blooming like a summer flower as you met his gaze. "Luke" you greeted, your voice laced with a hint of surprise.
"Mind if I join you?" he asked with gentle charm.
"Of course" you replied, patting the space beside you on the towel. “Thought you were only gonna stare all day”
“Why?” he asked, not exactly trying to play dumb.
“Let´s just say that they´re a little too obvious” one of your sisters said, pointing with her chin towards the other side of the beach, where Travis, Connor and Chris, still stared at the scene with wide eyes and parted lips.
“Yeah, well” Luke started. “The scenery is definitely something" he admitted, his gaze lingering on yours for a beat too long. "But I´m the one interested in company, not just staring"
One of your sisters raised her view from the magazine she was reading, an approval head nod towards your direction.
"Smooth, Castellan" you cooed, unable to hide the pink blush on your cheeks. "Well done”
Your conversation flowed effortlessly, a mix of lighthearted banter and teasing remarks that only you two fully understood. You spoke of your day as your voices dropped to hushed tones when you exchanged details of your recent secret night encounters, and reminisced about stolen kisses exchanged in the quiet corners of the camp.
He then reached for a slice of pineapple.
"Care for some?" he offered, extending a piece of pineapple towards your mouth.
"Thank you" you said, gracefully taking the fruit between your lips, eyes on him the whole time, still shining even under your dark sunglasses. His thumb caught a bit of your lower lip, secretly wishing he could taste your lips right there and then.
You leaned back, savoring the sweetness of the pineapple and the stolen touch of Luke's finger on you. His gaze held yours, along with a red blush creeping up his neck.
Across the beach, right on the other corner over a hot rock, the Stoll brothers and Chris remained frozen in disbelief, practically jaw slacked.
"D-did he just-?" Travis stutered.
"Touch her?" Connor finished, his own voice thick with shock. "Like they´re friends?"
"Friends?" Chris scoffed. "Is that how you think that friends behave? As if they-"
His sentence was cut short as a giggle, light and mesmerizing, drifted across the water. Their eyes darted back to the scene, where Luke and yn were now engaged in what appeared to be a lively conversation. Luke, the now notorious ladies' man and best swordsman, was leaning in close, his hand resting casually on her lower back. yn, the living proof of cabin 10's grace and beauty, was radiating amusement as her fingers made their way to Luke´s curls.
“Well…” Chris began. “He actually doesn't look half bad talking to her."
"Yeah" Connor conceded, his brow furrowed in thought. "But how? Since when do they know each other and get so-, touchy?"
"Maybe they share some extra classes together" Travis offered, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Like... 'Advanced Flirting Techniques for Demigods' or something."
As the boys focused more about Luke´s flirting technique and less on the girls, your conversation with Luke kept going on and on, still fresh as the fruits you were enjoying, and as exciting as the hot sun crashing into your skin like golden liquid.
"You know," you said, leaving a piece of watermelon back on its place as you whispered, low enough for only you and Luke to hear. "you're not supposed to be here."
Luke tilted his head slightly, feigning innocence. "What do you mean?"
"You're not supposed to be talking to me" you continued, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Not after last night."
A slow grin spread across Luke's face, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Last night was quite a night, wasn´t it?" he admitted, his breath tickling your ear. "Could you make it better tonight?"
You looked at him with confused eyes. His thumb began to draw circles on your lower back. "Tonight?" you said, feigning innocence. "Do we have plans? I hadn't heard anything about it."
Luke's grin widened. "Well, it´s not like I planned it" he admitted, his voice becoming casual. You knew he has lying, of course he planned it. "But I was hoping you might be interested in meeting again"
"Another meeting, huh?" you repeated, your voice dripping with curiosity. "What kind of meeting are we talking about?"
Luke leaned in closer to your ear. "Does my cabin sound familiar to you?"
Your heart hammered against your ribs, a delicious mix of excitement and apprehension swirling within you. You both knew that sneaking out after curfew was risky, specially into someone else´s cabin, but the thought of spending another stolen night with Luke was simply irresistible.
“That could work” you managed to say. “What else?”
A playful and excited sparkle flickered in his eyes. "Bring something sweet" he whispered, a low rumble emanating from his chest. He momentarily eyed the untouched red strawberries. "Meet me by the west side after everyone's at the campfire. We can enjoy the view and then..." he trailed off, leaving the rest unspoken, his gaze dropping to your lips.
The heat of the sun seemed to intensify, mirroring the warmth rising in your cheeks. "And then?" you prompted, unable to resist teasing him a bit.
"And then," he leaned even closer, his voice barely a breath, "we can continue what we started last night."
Your breath hitched. The memory of his touch, his kisses, sent a wave of desire through you. You knew sneaking out was forbidden, a risk that could lead to serious consequences, but Gods, who cares?
"Alright, big boy" you whispered, a playful smile dancing on your lips before standing up, starting your way into the lake for your own heated situation. “See you later, then"
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s0fthunny · 2 months
🎀summer dolly essentials🎀
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Everything to keep you pretty and protected!!
Self Care
• Good body and face sunscreen!! Making sure your skin is protected is the most important part of everyday!!
My face favs: Rohto Tone up UV essence skin aqua and neutrogena clear face!!Both with spf 50!!
Body favs: Coola fragrance free spf 50, kopari shimmer spf spray
Great Deodorant: Dove and Sheamoisture
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Smelling Sweet
• Moisturizing body washes with pretty summer scents!! I always love to have some sort of sweet vanilla base or strawberry poundcake scent on me!! but for summer i do tend to branch out to sweet coconut or pineapple smells!!
• NO MATTER WHAT TIME OF YEAR USE A BAR SOAP FOR YOUR BASE TO ACTUALLY CLEANSE YOUR SKIN!! I love the dove sensitive skin, antibacterial, coconut, or deep moisture soap bars!!
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• Post shower as soon as i turn my water off I go straight in with a body oil while my skin is still wet and let it sink in while i do my skincare!
• I always follow up with a yummy smelling lotion to make sure my skin is extra hydrated!! i love the eos vanilla cashmere lotion and the nivea vanilla lotion!!
Pretty shimmery skin
• I love wearing body shimmer year round but ESPECIALLY in the summer!! I love the bath and body works strawberry poundcake shimmer spray, the hempz spun sugar and vanilla lotion with shimmer,the tree hut vanilla body butter (which has shimmer), and the tree hut shimmer mist!!
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Summer dolly makeup
I will probably end up making a separate more in depth post about this, but just some of my summer dolly makeup essentials and tips!!
• Lip scrub, lip butters and treatments, and of course flavored GLOSS!!
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• pink/peachy toned blushes
• thin brows
• pink and gold shimmer highlight!
• hydrating setting spray/ facial mist!
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gosmigenergy · 9 months
KINKTOBER 2023 / Day Four
( Will 'Ironhead' Miller x F!Reader )
Summary: Will offers to give you a massage, what you get is so much more.
Day four of @absurdthirst's Kinktober!
Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: Language, sensual massage, a dabble of anal, fingering, squirting, no use of Y/N
Word Count: 2.5k
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There was a strong possibility you could die here.
Unlike the other three, Will had specified that he wanted to learn every inch of your body, and the way he said it with his blue eyes piercing into you, you know he wasn’t lying. However you didn’t expect it to come to this.
What had originally started as a massage was now approaching it’s fourth hour.
You almost snatched his hand off when Will offered to give you a massage the next time he had you. The last time you’d had one done professionally was years ago, a birthday present from an aunt who had no idea what to get you but at the time, you worked in retail and she thought it might do you some good before the holidays approached.
This was not like that massage.
When you arrived at his place, he had already set up the bedroom ready. He asked you to go and get undressed and lay yourself on top of the bed.
You did as you were told, greeted by a low light room decorated sporadically with candles. He’d set the temperature to warm the space up so you could happily walk around fully naked without the worry of feeling the chill. The bed was draped in a fleece blanket and you threw your body down to meet the soft, bounding mattress and silky sheets. You sit up, brushing your hair out of your face and tying up the strands into a loose knot.
The door creaks and Will squeezes into the room, carrying a large bottle of water and two glasses.
“Where do you want me?”
He places everything on a set of chest of drawers, “Lay on your front.”
Straightening your legs out, you roll onto your front, making sure to exaggerate the motion of your hips, ass on full show. You glance over your shoulder to see him smiling back at you, head leaning back. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before.
He comes back to his senses.
Folding your arms, you rest your head, tilted to the right so you can still see him as he wandered the space. He comes to the side of you, leaning at the hip to see your face in the darkened room, the orange glow of a candle catching your eye.
You hum a response.
He thumbs through his phone and finds some music, the speaker vibrating gently. Taking off his shirt and jeans, he keeps his boxers on before reaching for a rectangular glass bottle, the liquid inside gold.
“Tried my best to keep it warm.”
He climbs onto the bed and out of your eye line yet you can still feel his weight as he shifts on the mattress.
You press your forehead to your arms, closing your eyes and breathing deep, trying to calm your body and relax your muscles. There has never been a time when a lover had done something like this for you, had never been this intimate. The oil hits your skin, plentiful as Will runs it along your spine like a river.
There’s a brief moment as he tightens the lid back onto the bottle.
His palms spread wide over your back as he sits gently on the backs of your legs. It’s almost like he’s a professional, working into your muscles with precise pressure and motion, deepening the oil into your softening skin. He watches as the glitter shimmers against the movement of your body, the scent of coconut and yuzu delicately wafting into your nostrils.
There’s knots in your shoulders that untangle, a satisfied moan seeping from your lips.
“Holding a lot of tension there,” he speaks softly.
“I blame work.”
He laughs, “I’m just glad it’s not us.”
Sure, juggling four guys was hard but it’s early stages, you’ll manage and right now, you couldn’t possibly complain.
He continued for a while before he shuffled back and ran the heel of his hand over your. Following the curvature of ass, he pushes the muscles around, separating the cheeks to view that tight little asshole. The tiniest drop of oil ran down and over the creases and towards your sex, instinctively he went to stop it with his middle finger.
Your asshole twitched.
“I don’t remember that ever happening in a massage.”
He chuckles in embarrassment and your unable to see his cheeks blush.
“I did say I wanted to know every inch.”
“I guess you did.”
Adding his forefinger, he drags them cautiously over your puckered hole.
“Has anyone ever taken you up the ass?”
“No,” you say nervously.
“Ever wanted to?”
You prop your head up to speak more clearly, brows knotting.
“I’ve never really thought about it. Some of the porn I’ve watched has anal and I’m curious, I just need the right person.”
Will could easily think of the right person, it wasn’t him but his brother would jump at the chance.
“Do you mind if I…”
He circled his fingers.
“Just a little.”
There was no harm in trying, his fingers were oiled up as were you. His other hand rubbed your ass and opened you up.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he whispers.
You try to, you inhale and exhale, making each breath longer. You were pretty relaxed anyway but your muscles could easily work against you. Carefully, he pushed his forefinger, only the tip as you tightened around him.
A pained noise escapes you and he immediately pulled out.
“No good?”
You shake your head, “It felt a little weird.”
“It probably takes some getting used to.”
He clambered off the bed and into his bathroom, washing his hands before returning to you. Resting at your feet, he poured some more oil into his hands and wrapped them around your ankles. He rubs his thumbs and sweeps upwards, following the lines of your legs up to where your thighs meet your ass, listening to the sigh as your head falls forward.
When he finished with your back, Will got you to flip over.
He started with your hands, his thumb kneading into your palms and spreading the pressure over your wrists and up your arms.
You were getting hot under his touch, each accidental graze of his fingers on your breasts building the desire that was brooding in your belly. Your heartbeat was quickening and though you attempted to settle that building emotion, it wouldn’t slow. As his hands ran across your chest, thumbs over the bones of your décolletage, you whimper.
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah,” your teeth sink into your bottom lip.
He leaned into you, his platinum whiskers rough against the skin of your cheek as he talks quietly into your ear.
“I’ll get there, don’t you worry.”
The words fell into your ear and your cunt clenched around nothing, the juices seeping from your opening. 
The smirk on his face as he straightened back up said it all, he knew. He took the bottle again and trailed a tiny stream of oil between your breasts to your belly button. Spreading his palms over your stomach, he rubs over the centre, outward and over your hips, fingers teasing along the line of your pubic hair.
Closing your eyes, you lift your arms over your head, opening your upper half to him.
He responds in kind, dragging his hands to your chest, scooping up the oil as he passes. Drawing circles with his fingertips, he watches as you arch to the sensation, neck stretching and glimmering as fractions of light hit the glitter on your skin. He drops his hands and cups your breast, squeezing gently, pushing them up as his thumbs go over your nipples.
Your breath hitches, a strangled groan as your nipples grow puffy.
Will continues to play with them, squeezing harder, pinching them in between his fingers to hear more of your sweet sounds of pleasure that you struggled to contain.
“So fucking sensitive.”
All you can do is nod enthusiastically, unable to comprehend words.
You shudder when he tweaks at your nipples, pulling until they slip out of his slicked hands.
His eyes flick up and down your frame, your chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. Resting back on his heels, he rolls his shoulders back, a single finger stroking the inside of your one thigh.
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”
He raises his eyebrows playfully, his free hand pressing against your other knee and gently opening you wider.
Then he stopped and the wait was torturous. His expression was unreadable but his mind was figuring out the next step before he balanced over you, chest hovering centimetres from your face. He was doing this on purpose, he must be. Reaching for a pillow, he took the plump furnishing and returned to his previous position.
“Ass up.”
You thrust your hips of the bed, “Not getting enough of a view?”
“No,” he tucked the pillow under your ass and let you drop back. “You weren’t quite at the right angle.”
He couldn’t help smiling at your confused expression.
He pushed your legs further apart, your pussy glistening up to him. Twisting his palms to your inner thighs, he ran them up from your ass and passed your folds, just missing your clit. The shiver travels quickly up your spine, the gasp throwing your head back.
He chuckled, “I barely touched you.”
“I know,” you say through gritted teeth.
This is going to be fun, Will thought.
He trailed two fingers down your chest, your belly and over your perfectly trimmed bikini line, separating them to run in between your lips. Gathering your juices in his digits, he pressed a little harder as he moved up and down.
You whine, already feeling the tingle dancing across your nerves.
Your hands flex, nails catching in the sheets as you clamp your lips together, attempting to stop the noises.
Taking your inner lips in his thumb and index finger, he rubs and watches as your toes curl, subtle twitches starting in your legs. He’s never had a girl fall apart like you, it usually took so long, took hard work and more than just his fingers. He kept playing with you, switching from individual fingers to his hand and back again. Grazing your clit once or twice, he saw the pearl swell and brighten in colour.
Your bottom half was shaking uncontrollably.
He hooked two fingers into your entrance.
Instinctively, you snatched his wrist, legs clamping shut and holding him like a bear trap.
“Fuck, Will, stop, stop, stop.”
The wave washed over you, the surge of an orgasm rolling through your hips and you choked a breath. He held himself steady and waited patiently for the sensation to pass, waited for you to come back to him.
You blinked up at the ceiling, muscles loosening and he carefully guided you apart.
You nod but feel the pinch of his fingers in your walls, your arousal seeping through them.
“Yes,” you squeaked.
Languidly, he pumps in and out of you, ensuring you feel every graze of his fingertips against your squelching cunt. You cover your face with your arms, his constant gaze burning at your skin, chest flushing as the heat rises.
His thumb flexes, pushing the hood of your clit as he circles it in a matching rhythm.
Yet the pleasure was already building.
His free hand comes along your side, trying to soothe you. It’s so light, your body so reactive that it shivers under his touch. The sound of his voice breaks through the fog and you swear you’re seeing stars against the shadow of your limbs.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart. It’s ok, just let it take you.”
You shake your head, “It’s too much.”
“We’re going to work through that. It’s going to be fucking phenomenal if you let me get you there.”
Every instinct was to fight him.
You squirmed, hands clawing the fabric beneath you to stop yourself from slapping his arms and chest, every joint locking. This sensation was different than earlier, it was overwhelming all of your senses, nothing but the sound of pumping blood rushing to your ears, sweat clinging to your skin. It was utterly tantalising yet you were somewhat terrified of the outcome, is this what the old stories have talked about, the ones where people of history have died during orgasm?
His fingers hit the spot and you entered complete bliss.
You’re pretty sure your brain shut down, not fully remembering what happened. The sentences were broken though he sung his praises, you could hear the smile on his lips and liquid. You didn’t question where is was coming from until you realised it was settling under your ass and it was your juices gushing.
You shoot up.
“Oh my god, Will,” you clamp your together and holding your arousal in. “I’m sorry, fuck.”
Will pulled out his hand, slipping seamlessly out of your grip.
“You’re fine, sweetheart,” he leant back, inspecting you.
You were the literal description of a hot mess, hair mussed, skin dewey and oily but a completely euphoric look on your face. Then he cocked his head to one side, eyes searching for something else.
“You’ve never squirted before have you?”
You pierced your lips and shook your head feebly.
“Honestly… I didn’t think I could.”
In all your sexual history, it had never happened, saying that not one lover had even tried to work you that hard, it was usually just a small amount of foreplay and then onto the ‘best’ part. After Frankie the first week and an hour long massage from Will, this outcome shouldn’t have surprised you.
“Not everyone can.”
Your cheeks set on fire.
Shuffling nearer your frame, he wrapped an arm around you, caressing your back. With his free hand, he cupped your chin, bringing your full attention to him.
“Did you enjoy it though?”
“Yeah,” you say in a sigh.
“Yeah? Good.”
He kissed your lips, deepening as you relaxed under his weight. The moment was fleeting however as he rested back on his elbows.
“And to think, I didn’t even use my tongue.”
Your eyes narrowed, “Is that a threat?”
He playfully swatted your pussy and the last of your juices flowed out as you yelped but that’s just where it began.
Will used everything in his arsenal to rip the orgasms from you, his mouth, his tongue, his cock and at some point, he pulled a toy from his magic hat. He brought you to the edge and back before he allowed you to free fall. You whined and moaned, begged and screamed his name until your body couldn’t take it anymore.
You lay heaving, barely able to fill your lungs with enough air as you settle into what you hope is your final comedown. The mattress was engulfing you as your weight sank further and further. Looking up at him bleary eyed, you focus on what you can, the single bead of sweat rolling down his abdomen, the shin of your arousal on his chin.
Yeah, if you were going to die here, you were pretty fucking happy.
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rubberizer92 · 2 months
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The air was thick with the scent of coconut oil and sea salt as the sun beat down mercilessly upon the soft, golden sand. The gentle lapping of waves provided a soothing background melody, interspersed with the occasional shriek of delight from a carefree beachgoer. It was a picture-perfect scene, one that might easily have been found in any tropical paradise the world over.
But there was something a bit...off about this particular beach. Something that set it apart from your average stretch of sun-kissed coastline. The people, for one thing. They were all dressed in a uniform of sorts, shimmering, rubberized skinsuits that clung to their bodies like a second layer of skin. The material was as thin as silk, yet it gave the impression of being virtually indestructible. And then there was the man in the center of it all.
He was stunning, in an almost inhuman way. His physique was sculpted to perfection, each muscle defined and ripped beneath the tight-fitting rubber. His hair was very short, a rich brown that glinted in the sunlight, and his features were chiseled to a razor's edge. He stood there, arms stretched wide, basking in the adoration of the crowd that had gathered around him. They were all looking at him, some with awe, others with lust, and a few with what could only be described as reverence.
He felt a thrill run through him as he took in the sight before him. He knew that he was beautiful, that he had been crafted to be an object of desire. And then, as if from nowhere, a voice spoke inside his head. It was deep and commanding, and it seemed to resonate within every fiber of his being. "You are a good citizen of the rubberized society," it said. "It is your duty to show these people the way. To arouse them with your presence, to seduce them with your charm. And, most importantly, to encourage them to wear rubber."
The man nodded, his lips curling into a confident smile. He knew what he had to do. He stepped forward, posing elegantly for the adoring crowd. His muscles rippled beneath the rubber as he flexed and preened, and the sound of appreciative gasps filled the air. And as he continued to pose, the strange, commanding voice inside his head whispered softly, "Go on...be aroused."
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getluckylana · 7 months
winter perfume recs? <3<3<3
I am glad you asked this! (Apologies in advance for the cunt I’m about to serve in this answer)
I exclusively wear Tom Ford blends. My latest scent from Mr. Ford is Soleil Blanc. Paired with the shimmering body oil.
Top notes are Pistachio, Bergamot, Cardamom and Pink Pepper. Middle notes are Tuberose, Ylang-Ylang and Jasmine. Base notes are Coconut, Amber, Tonka Bean and Benzoin
My mother used to always put Ylang-Ylang in my bath water as a child and Pistachio is my favorite flavor anything. That’s what sold me.
However I also think a pure Violet Perfume would be quite nice. One hundred pounds of violets produce only one ounce of Violet extract. Making it one of the finest scents you can own.
If you are ever in the south of France, visit the small town of Grasse (the perfume capitol of Europe) There you can create your own perfume whilst touring some of the oldest perfume factories in the world.
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The soft, alluring scent of this face, hair, and body oil will enchant your senses, the charming purple shimmer bringing your skin to life. The scent is called midnight magic; a sweet and spicy mix of coconut milk, bergamot, black pepper, cinnamon leaf, jasmine, tonka bean, cypress, cedarwood, and musk.
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positivexcellence · 1 year
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towwn: eco sunscreens 🌎♻️☀️🧴⁠ ⁠ whether you’re at the beach, a park, or simply strolling outside – even on cloudy days! – sunscreen is a must. so we rounded up some of our favorite eco-smart serums + sprays that prioritize human health + nature. all are free of oxybenzone and octinoxate, two chemicals known to damage coral reefs. did we miss your favorite eco spf? share it with us in the comments below! 💚⁠ ⁠ @everydayhumans⁠ the 1st plastic-neutral certified sunscreen, this derm-tested oil is infused with squalane, jojoba seed + vitamin e, which provide sustainable shimmer and skin protection. ⁠ ⁠ @koparibeauty⁠ this vegan + cruelty-free gel checks both beauty + eco boxes: touting a glowy, water-resistant golden shimmer + made from a plant-based blend of macadamia, hibiscus, avocado + coconut oils that offers broad spectrum protection.⁠ ⁠ @versed⁠ this mineral sunscreen covers all your bases with a special 3-way protection protocol against all the elements—environmental pollution, electronic pollution from screen time, and the sun. its nontoxic, vegan/cruelty-free + packaging is made from 79% post-consumer recycled plastic.⁠ ⁠ @albabotanica⁠ an affordable, eco-friendly choice recommended by the skin cancer foundation, the biodegradable formula offers water-resistant, spf 50 protection in a convenient spray. ⁠ ⁠ @tower28beauty ⁠ boasting 17 shades, the tinted sunny days mineral formula offers broad spectrum spf 30 protection that evens out redness + soothes uv-stressed skin. ⁠ ⁠ @lovesunbody⁠ this reef-safe, vegan/cruelty-free, 100% natural mineral formula has a seal of approval by @ecocertofficial – the *only sunscreen* with this certification. the brand recently introduced 3 new sheer body formulas to its sustainable + ethical product line.⁠ ⁠ @solaraskincare⁠ known for clinical sun protection + defense against pollution, the new “go!” collection launches in @target this summer. the brand’s eco-friendly practices offer healthy options that are gentle on the planet and your wallet.⁠ ⁠ @tula⁠ a daily broad-spectrum formula that protects from pollution + blue light. good year-round and won’t leave a white cast, so wear it under makeup or on its own.⁠
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21oclock · 1 year
Smell Like Chocolate🍫.
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Dear Twenty-Ones,
It’s only reasonable that your fragrance scents change with the seasons. You don’t exactly want to smell like “Fiji” or “Coconut Hibiscus” in December. Many people opt for sweet holiday scents such as peppermint and vanilla bean. I grew up with those particular scents being widely popular. Large bottles of perfume and lotions would be displayed at the very front of Bath & Body Works each Christmas.
One scent I never really thought to look for however…is chocolate. This season I did plenty of research and found some of the best products to layer to smell like a walking mug of hot cocoa. Not only will you smell delicious but also very different than the rest of the girls.
Here are my top picks for layering the chocolate scent:
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Philosophy: Pink Frosted Animal Cracker. ($17) This sweet vanilla, cracker scented body wash/shampoo is my top recommendation for the first step. This body wash soothes the skin and establishes a nice vanilla base scent. I found this in Marshall’s and TjMaxx!
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B&BW: Vanilla Mocha Martini Lotion. ($14) The name is as accurate as it gets. This lotion can be layered above your normal body lotion to lock in hydration and a mocha scent. It smells super sweet but doesn’t last on the skin long so you may have to reapply. This is a cheaper option for lotion.
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Fenty: Butta Drop Limited Edition. ($45) Now ladies, hear me when I say that this is the absolute best body cream I have tried in a while. It smells like cinnamon and butter. It has a nice shimmer and also makes your skin soft. I layer this after my standard lotion in areas, such as my arms, neck, and chest, that may be exposed to others. This is a more pricey option for lotion but is highly recommended. Mind you that the Butta Drop Limited Edition is only in stores for a select amount of time!
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Choco Musk Al-Rehab. ($12) Arabic perfumes have become well known within the last few years. Choco Musk by Al-Rehab is a staple perfume/oil. It smells like powdered hot chocolate with melted marshmallows on top. It has notes of vanilla, chocolate, cinnamon, white musk, sandalwood, etc. This is a cheap option for perfume and can be found on Amazon!
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Eilish by Billie Eilish. ($68) This is an amber gourmand perfume with hints of warm berries, vanilla, cocoa, warm musk, and soft spices. This is on the pricier side of perfumes. It can be found in Ulta!
Au revoir,
21 O’Clock Blog
“A woman who masters the energetics of DESIRE can have anything she wants.”
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dysrope · 1 year
Stranger in a Strange Land
[turn 13: (1+3+2(boldness))+(4+5)=15, command avatar->14]
Syfos leaves Heabrach in a hurry, disappointed by mortals continually trying to hinder its journey. It crosses the datum line, accompanied only by fishes and whales, and enjoying the calm familiarity of the seafloor. But when next it hits land, it is a land quite unlike any other: The Eyesle of Zaag.
Here life does not follow the normal rules and patterns; millennia of mutations and eldritch influences have created an ecosystem that favours the bizzarre and the uncanny - extra limbs or heads are common, even for mammals it doesn't count as excessive until you reach the double digits. Insects fractalize and merge together in kaleidoscopic swarms, shimmering in oil-slick colours. It is a place of harmony and symbiosis - chimaeras of all kinds can be found, for example, a fox-rabbit, with the rabbit head feeding off of plants and the fox head off of superfluous rabbit legs growing out of its body, or the crab-apple and the coconut-crab: both trees growing out of the crustaceans' shells, and growing fruits which carry small crabs within them.
But while all this was somewhat perplexing and curious, what truly caught Syfos' attention was the music. For somewhere at the heart of this mad continent, it could hear a melody so far beyond anything of this world that it enchanted the little stone, and drew it closer. Syfos crossed the blooming snake-fields, and forded the infinite rivers, and arrived at last at the Orrery. This was the source of the sound, the mystical movements of impossible bodies made a noise that was completely discordant with the regular music of the spheres, but held a harmony entirely of its own. In fact, the sound was not truly a sound at all, more a sequence of colours and gradients, but Syfos did not use ear to listen, and recognized music as music, no matter its form. It was transfixed, for a moment and an eternity, but not even this could halt the stone's journey, and though it could have listened to the alien symphonies forevermore, it knew it must continue.
So Syfos took the melodies, and tranformed them into sound, and it sang them out for all the world to hear, and then it left it behind, rolling onward on its journey to the east.
But the Song was not the kind of song that fades away silently. Once let loose onto the world in a shape that could better be understood (or at least a perceived) it took on a life of its own. All the creatures that heard Syfos sing it were immediately enchanted by it, and soon began humming along to it. And once the Song caught a victim, it did not let go, growing its influence steadily, until all the host could think about was the Song, and all it could do was sing it, spreading it further. But none of the creatures that heard it were as perfect singers as Syfos, and so they introduced variations, and soon there were hundreds, thousands, of Songs, all competing for ears and vocal cords, and soon a great musical war raged all across the continent. Over time, a wide variety of Songs developed, some specialized in transmitting over the buzzing of insects, some through the rustle of leaves - though the strongest would live in the voice of birds, or apes, which carry great distances and capable of good mimicry. The great war abated, and some Songs would try to coexist with each other, but a Song can only stay alive for as long as its sung, and hosts are imperfect, so the struggle for existance can never stop, and their closest kin are always their fiercest rivals.
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Chrysanta (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Chrysta by the others
The Silver Goddess by the people of Olympius
Mother by her son
Age- 46 (immortal)
Location- Forgia district, New Olympus
Personality- Very much like her symbolic element/domain she's unyielding, cool, adaptable, & wholly collected. She's also intelligent, objective, and resilient in her self-worth. She's married.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess. As the goddess of metal her other powers/abilities include metallokinesis (metal manipulation), metal mimicry (being able to change a part/entire physical state into metal), bio-metal manipulation/generation & mimicry, intrametal transmutation, ermískinesis (mercury manipulation), partial fire and heat immunity, limited matter manipulation (by affecting the metallic particles in non-metallic objects), & is being able to manipulate silver, steel, Stygian Iron, Astrean Silver, lead, tin, titanium, and platinum.
Chrysta lives with her husband & son at their brownstone in the Forgia neighborhood of New Olympus. The interior design is very sleek, stylish, and modern with colors of black & cool tones of white, blue, silver, and gray. The kitchen has a fully automated computerized island along with cabinets built out of Astrean Silver & the latest state-of-the-art stainless steel appliances. The family has a male automaton assistant named Argyris. The family also owns a vacation home in the state of Lemnos (where her husband is originally from).
Chrysta has an animal companion- a she-dragon named Elys that's known as "The Silver Queen" due to her breathtaking shimmering silver scales! Elys is usually her mode of transportation when traveling great distances.
A go-to drink for her is a classic martini. She also likes cola, ginger ale, Strengthify's ionized alkaline water, champagne, vodka margaritas, assam tea, haldi doodth (hot tumeric milk), coconut water, iced tea, and masala chai. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean is the large cinnamon chai latte & the medium mango orange splash.
Chrysta's morning routine includes a jog through Eaglepoint Park, a workout at the gym, followed by a session of acupuncture at home.
A notable thing about her is her flawless copper brown skin. She owes it all to her all-body exfoliator pumice stone that's made from volcanic rock. The Platinum Luminescence tightening serum also helps!
Chrysta has been married to her husband Aurelius (who's a Cyclops) for close to twenty years. Despite the whispers & nay-sayers amongst the public and in the pantheon, she was never discouraged from being in a relationship with a non-deity being or from marrying him. She fell in love with him, his kind brown eye that remind her of a smouldering fireplace, his warm protective embrace, and his lovingly boisterous family! With life & their jobs, Chrysta and her husband always make time for each other. Their most recent date night was at Aitnaios beach.
She loves the samosa grilled cheese (on panini bread) from The Bread Box along with the broccoli salad (drizzled in olive oil dressing).
A guilty pleasure for her are the sweet potato fries from Olympic Chef.
Chrysta has a close relationship with her son Cedalion (Lio) (demi-god of smithing ore). They both contributed ideas that went towards the final design for Argyris. Some activities they like doing together are indoor rock climbing, doing pottery at Sparkling Ember, or going to some blacksmithing workshops at the community center.
One of her favorite desserts are the earl grey macarons with lavender-honey buttercream from Hollyhock's Bakery. She also likes her husband's "magma" cake which is essentially a molten chocolate cake added with carmalized walnuts & pecans.
She loves stopping by Cocoa Delights from time to time to buy a box of dark chocolate taffy.
In the pantheon Chrysta's friends with Makris (one of The Nesoi), Pleione (Titaness of sailing & stars), Paean (goddess of physicians); they often double date, Soteria (goddess of safety), Coeus (Titan god of foresight, intellect, & knowledge), Theia (Titaness of sight & heavenly light), Mnemosyne (Titaness of memory & language), Themis (Titaness of justice), Maia (one of The Pleiades), Logos (god of stories), Astrape (goddess of lightning), Bronte (goddess of thunder), Praxidike (goddess of judicial punishment), as well as the esteemed blacksmithing cyclopes- Arges, Brontes, and Steropes. Chrysta was the official mentor to Techne (goddess of arts, crafts, & invention). She's also been impressed with the work done by Hephaestus (god of the forge) and Aetna (goddess of volcanoes). Chrysta doesn't like the goddess Dione. She never forgot the comment she overheard Dione say at her baby shower- whether her baby would be born with one eye or three.
For a main source of income she teaches metallurgial engineering at New Olympus University. For other means of income Chrysta models for/endorses Euryphaessa, Stella Ferrea (The Hyades' jewelry brand), Ouránio Théama, & Platinum Luminescence (Clymene's skincare brand). She sometimes writes for O Dianooumenos.
Chrysta was pleasantly dumbfounded when Clymene's designer luggage & handbag brand Megaleio came out with two limited edition handbags inspired by her! One of them is the "metallic chains" bag set in white gold with over 11,000 diamonds, coming with a 2.2 million drachma price tag. The other is a shoulder bag made with an all-platinum body adroned with over 2,000 diamonds. The functional strap can be removed & worn as a necklace while the 8 karat pear shaped diamond situated at the center of the bag can be worn as a brooch. It's priced at 1.9 million drachmas. Chrysta made a deal with the brand that all the proceeds from the purchases would go towards various charities and programs that supports Cyclopes.
She loves wearing the Olmorfia nail polish in "Moonshadow," a metallic silver color. She also likes the shade "Warm Amber," a dark shimmery copper color.
Chrysta decided to treat herself with a bit of a splurge, buying the silver flower shaped jeweled clutch from Diamond Ave.
In her free time she enjoys sculpting (loves doing metal sculptures), fencing, chess, doing brain teasers, lava surfing, basketball, working out, football (soccer), baseball, cooking, and spending time with her family.
Her all time favorite meal is malai kofta served with naan & white rice.
"Just because there's tarnish on the copper, that doesn't mean there's not a shine beneath."
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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Best Skin Ever in Rose by Living Libations
Also available in: Seabuckthorn, Vanilla, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Neroli, Lavish Abundance, Chocolate, Immortelle, Tropical, and Summer Shimmer Tropical (BSE + Shimmer Body Oil)
In this Libation, Rose Otto is supported in her quest to soothe skin with the healing plant-power of nature’s purest botanicals. With splendid Seabuckthorn, Holy Jojoba, quenching coconut, luscious Lavender, lovely Ylang, invigorating Vetiver, gorgeously-toning Grapefruit and pore empowering Palmarosa, Rose Best Skin Ever reveals perfectly balanced, even toned skin with improved elasticity, soothed spots, and poignant plumpness.
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bodyshopindia · 15 days
Get creative with Freestyle Colour Pigments for lips, cheeks, and eyes | The Body Shop
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Ready to break free from your boring makeup routine? Try our new Freestyle Colour Pigments! With buildable pigments in fun shades and a mix of matte and shimmer finishes, this multi-purpose makeup is enriched with organic coconut oil, making it kind to skin. Suitable for lips, cheeks, and eyes, this vegan and dermatologically tested formula is perfect for all skin tones.
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myfollowing · 2 months
A luminizing, hydrating, soft-shimmer glow oil for the body and face with a buildable, visibly blurring tint that gives a healthy-looking, visibly gorgeous glow for all skin tones.Highlighted Ingredients:- Cupuaçu Butter: Full of fatty-acids, phytosterols, and polyphenols to lock in moisture and help restore skin’s visible elasticity.- Açaí Oil: This antioxidant powerhouse is packed into one super fruit to keep skin looking and feeling young.- Coconut Oil: Melts easily into skin to visibly softe
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thestowawayboutique · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Shimmering Rosehip Rose Gold Body oil.
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kingdom-uk · 7 months
Vegan body scrub uk  with vegan exfoliating body scrub is great for weekly use.
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When it comes to skincare, many people are turning to vegan body scrub uk for their natural and cruelty-free benefits. In the UK, the demand for vegan body scrub uk has been steadily increasing as more individuals are becoming conscious of the products they use on their skin. A vegan exfoliating body scrub is a product that is free from any animal-derived ingredients or by-products. It is made using only plant-based and organic ingredients, ensuring that no harm is done to animals during its production. Body scrub vegan provide gentle exfoliation, removing dead skin cells and leaving your skin feeling smooth and rejuvenated. If you're looking for a homemade vegan body scrub, there are plenty of options available. One popular DIY vegan body scrub recipe involves combining ingredients such as coconut oil, sugar or salt, and essential oils like lavender or citrus. This simple yet effective combination provides excellent exfoliation while nourishing your skin with natural moisturizers with homemade vegan body scrub. By opting for a vegan body scrub in the UK, you not only take care of your skin but also contribute to a more sustainable and ethical beauty industry. So why not give it a try? Your skin will thank you! If you're looking for a vegan body scrub in the UK, you've come to the right place. Vegan exfoliating body scrub are becoming increasingly popular as people are becoming more conscious about the products they use on their skin and the impact it has on animals and the environment with a Body scrub vegan. A vegan body scrub uk is a product that is free from any animal-derived ingredients and has not been tested on animals. It is made using plant-based ingredients that provide gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin feeling smooth and rejuvenated with a Body scrub vegan. While there are many vegan body scrubs available in stores, making your own DIY vegan body scrub can be a fun and cost-effective option. By using simple ingredients found in your kitchen, you can create a homemade vegan body scrub tailored to your specific needs. Whether you prefer a sugar-based scrub for gentle exfoliation or a salt-based scrub for deeper cleansing, there are plenty of recipes available online to suit every skin type. From adding essential oils for aromatherapy benefits to incorporating nourishing ingredients like coconut oil or avocado, DIY vegan body scrub allow you to customize your skincare routine while being kind to animals and the environment for a Vegan exfoliating body scrub. So why not give it a try? Explore the world of vegan body scrubs in the UK or create your own homemade vegan body scrub.- either way, you'll be treating yourself to a cruelty-free and sustainable skincare experience with a DIY vegan body scrub. https://handmadefever.co.uk/product/smell-of-the-tropics-exfoliating-and-shimmering-body-scrub/ https://handmadefever.co.uk/product/vanilla-exfoliating-and-shimmering-body-scrub/ Read the full article
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shopofthemoment · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: new Sol de Janeiro ☀︎︎ Bum Bum Body Scrub ☀︎︎ Full Size ☀︎︎ Cosmo Award Winner.
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