#Codex Tenebris
sun-in-hoodie · 10 months
I'm a bad artist and I'm a very bad writer, especially since English is not my native language. But I tried very hard and I will be glad to hear criticism.
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*darkness = she/her, because Charlie is darkness
**tenebris = darkness in Latin
The darkness smells of roses.
This seems like an axiom to Maxwell when he once again looked into the impenetrable darkness and took a deep breath of the suffocating air.
The flame is of the fire gradually fading. But the man is in no hurry to throw in more firewood and continues to sit in place, silently looking at one point. Like a marble statue. The silence is broken only by the faint crackle of burning logs and a familiar, but completely unintelligible whisper from behind.
The darkness reaches out to him with her clawed hands.
He realizes that he has no more than ten minutes left. A bitter smile touches his lips, and his hand strokes the leather cover of a familiar book. He wants to throw it into the fire, blaming it for all his troubles, but Maxwell doesn't find enough strength in himself.
The guilt is still strangling him, and no matter how Maxwell tried to isolate himself from it, blaming the damned shadows, the codex, nightmares for everything, it still doesn't leave him. He still hurts, and it seems he will never get rid of this feeling.
The fire quickly burned out, the flame melted before his eyes. Then the darkness struck first.
Maxwell felt all too well how her claws was digging into his back, the fabric was torn and stained with blood. Through a ragged breath, dry words escaped from his lips: “I’m sorry, Charlie.” Dry, because he doesn’t want to give free rein to his emotions. Magic, shadows, nightmares, the throne, guilt, regrets, survival, hunger. He will never admit that it broke him, although it is all too obvious now.
The blood is flowing down in thin streams, and new marks of claws and teeth are appearing on his skinny body. Maxwell accepts them, knowing he deserved all of this. Unnecessary apologies pour out of his mouth even as consciousness is beginning to slip away.
He knows that the darkness heard him. He knows that the darkness will never forgive him.
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Comic: Dark Fortress
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This post belongs to the series DA comic. The main intention is to collect the basic story of the comic and highlight any potential lore concept that may be of interest and may be explored later in the game series.
This post has the following points:
Relevant Details
In the Lore section:
Neromenian [Tevinter city] is also invaded by the Qunari.
Explanation of how to make Blue Wraiths: it requires Danarius' Sarcophagus, a sword made out of normal lyrium which is disintegrated in the process and fuses it into the body of the subject, and fire spells being constantly hit on the sarcophagus. The process takes hours and it is extremely painful.
The procedure to create a Red Wraiths requires Danarius' sarcophagus, a sword made out of red lyrium idol which is not destroyed in the process thanks to its self-regenerative properties, and the fire breath of a dragon. The process is faster, it may take minutes. We don’t know if it’s painful.
The use of a sword made out of the red lyrium idol grants to its wielder strong healing powers. This comes from the lore recently incorporated in Tevinter Nights which suspects that the red lyrium idol can regenerate itself.
The red wraith [Shirallas] reinforces, again, the idea that the red lyrium is a symbol of rage and vengeance, and not by chance it was narrated through an elf wearing the vallaslin of Elgar’nan, which tattoo design is a thorny vine.
By the end of the story, the Sarcophagus is deeply sunk into the ground, the red lyrium sword is sent to the Inquisition, and the red lyrium idol is being scried by Solas. We know he will take it eventually thanks to the book Tevinter Nights.
Eluvians are now surveillance cameras…. really, can this be taken seriously?
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore]
We see that Shirallas, the magister that promised him power, and Cedric Marquette reach the Castellum Tenebris owned now by the bastard son of Danarius.
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They remove Danarius' son from the castle and plan to use the sarcophagus to imbue Shirallas with red lyrium, then arm him with a sword made out of the red lyrium idol. The goal to turn Shirallas into this living weapon is to repel the Qunari invasion and recover Tevinter's former glory.
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Meanwhile, Danarius' son, without his castle, goes to a tavern to drink in frustration. The group intercepts him and forces him to speak about what the magister plans to do. He reveals the details after being tortured by Fenris, including a secret passage into the castle.
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The city close to the castle [Neromenian] is also invaded by the Qunari who want to stop these magisters from creating these aberrant warriors. They try to force their entrance into the castle.
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As the group infiltrates into the castle via the secret passage, they find a Dragon inside, which presence is justified later: its fire is part of the process of creating a red wraith.
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We see the variant in the process of creating a perrepatae like Fenris when used red lyrium: it requires a sword made out of a fragment of the red lyrium idol, which will survive the procedure.
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With the dragon breath, the process is instantaneous.
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We see the process by which Shirallas finally gets his most desired power. But he remains under the command of the Magister, simply because he was broken as Fenris told him he was going to end up. It’s worth noting that we have an aesthetic that relates rage, vengeful sense, Elgar’nar’s symbology, and thorny vines in the figure of Shirallas. All these elements are related to the Red Lyrium, which naturally has an “angry” energy, according to Cole’s words. Each of these elements is also potentially related to the codex  Veilfire Runes in the Deep Roads found in the mural “The Death of a Titan”. It explains that something angry/red was hidden underground, unleashed because the Evanuris wanted more power, and vines tried to cage it for a while. I can see similar symbology in here, in Shirallas. I wonder if the Evanuris managed to do something like these magisters have been doing with red lyrium in order to reach divine power. If we think about it, Titans and Dragons both had the power to change reality. Dragons via the Fade, and Titans, apparently, through the reinforcement of reality by shaping The Stone, so Elvhenan had two sources of immense power to reach divinity: dragon blood and titan blood=lyrium.
Shirallas is now a red wraith, and we see his body has been marked with red lines that may or may not look like a vine. It does not have the symmetric and flawless shape that Fenris’ tattoo has. It’s a more chaotic version, following the untamed nature of the red lyrium. 
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Fenris wounds him deadly, but Shirallas heals immediately. 
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Marquette begins to panic and claims that the only way to stop the red wraith’s healing powers is to separate him from his weapon. After all, his sword was made out of a piece of the idol, which feeds from the red lyrium inside Shirallas’ body and, in consequence, heals him. Here is where we see that makes some sense the fact that the red lyrium idol self-regenerates: its powers can be transferred to a weapon. Knowing this, Ser Aaron Hawthorne sacrifices himself, separating Shirallas from the sword. This is probably the only action he feels it will ever matter in his life.
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After this, Fenris can easily behead Shirallas.
I suppose the comic introduced to us the concept of Red Wraith that we may see in the future game. It’s the only reason I see to have made the concept so central in the comics. The red wraith also reinforces again the idea that the red lyrium is about rage and vengeance, and not by chance was narrated through an elf with the vallaslin of Elgar’nan, which tattoo design is a thorny vine. In contrast, we also see along the comic a human mage using thorny vines as her magic to kill and defend her people, as well as healing them.
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Once the battle is over, they prepare Ser Aaron Hawthorne’s body for a proper bury in his origin city, and check what happened with the items that allowed the creation of the red wraith: the sarcophagus is deep into the ground thanks to Francesca, and the red lyrium sword will be sent to the Inquisition.
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The red lyrium idol is in the hands of Danarius’ son, who wants to use it to guarantee his permanence in the Venatori. By the last panels of the comic, we know he’s being scryed by Solas... using an eluvian [?].
I found this a bit annoying too. Eluvians were used to travel long distances. Tevinters managed to use them for communication, meaning, that they could talk through them with another person who also had an eluvian. This one used by Solas works like a surveillance camera  moving over the head of Danarius’ son, lol. Are eluvian allowed to have this scry property? I’m not sure.
Comics are really wild when it comes to details in the lore and show up how much Gaider was needed to keep some lore consistency. Since he left Bioware, the products that have been appearing related to Dragon Age have a lot of weird, never hinted lore, that makes me fear the fate of the world of Thedas in the future games.
Relevant details:
Why the title? This story is focused on the Castellum Tenebris, Danarius’ castle that now is owned by his bastard son, where the first Red Wraith was created, hence the name of the comic.
Time: After defeating Corypheus and [maybe] after the DLC Tresspasser. I assume this because Varric is Viscount of Kirkwall.
Characters: We learn a bit more about Ser Aaron Hawthorne [the truth about his legend in Ostagar]:
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He is haunted by his sense of uselessness when he was part of Loghain’s army that left the King Cailan in the middle of the battle against the darkspawn. 
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He had managed to reach Cailan with plenty of time, but it did not matter, since the ogre killed him in front of him, and since then, Ser Aaron Hawthorne has not been the same anymore, feeling that none of his actions truly mattered in the end. That’s why he ends up being so bold during the combat against the Red Wraith and sacrifices to finally make one of his actions matter.
Concepts:  what can this comic provide in terms of lore?
We have an explanation, again, of the process that made warriors [Blue Wraiths] like Fenris:
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It includes the sarcophagus, a sword made out of lyrium which disappears when it gets fused into the body of the subject, and a fire-based spell that should last hours. The process was slow and filled with excruciating pain.
In contrast, the process of creating a Red Wraith is faster, reduced to minutes, due to the use of red lyrium and dragonfire. It includes Danarius’ sarcophagus too, and a sword made out of the red lyrium idol. 
Since the red lyrium idol seem to have healing properties in itself [information hinted in the book Tevinter Nights], it provides healing power to the red wraith as long as the wraith is in contact with the weapon.
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By the end of the story, Marquette gives the idol to Danarius’ son who wants to impress the Venatori so he can be still part of them. The inconsistency with which DA lore treats the red lyrium idol, in a world that already knows that the red lyrium is terrible.... is astounding.
A curious detail: Marquette implies that the red lyrium has been rendered useless, emphasised by the drawing which shows it like a wooden carved piece, without red lyrium in it. I always claimed in my post Red Lyrium Idol  that the figure looked like made out of wood and not of red lyrium. This makes me suspect that the red lyrium idol feeds on red lyrium, but it is not made out of it. How this affects the lore is impossible to know for me, since there is no detailed information about it.
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The other element used for the development of red wraith is the sarcophagus which Francesca sunk into the ground via her vine-powers. They freed the dragon used in the creation of the red Wraith
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the shadowed halls of the Vatican Library, a place of ancient texts and whispered secrets, there dwelled an enigmatic manuscript bound in parchment as pale as moonlight. It was said that the text held the key to transcendent knowledge, but at a price too terrible for any mere mortal to pay.
The manuscript, known only as the "Codex Tenebris," was a collection of arcane rituals and forbidden lore. Rumors abounded that it was penned by a mad monk who had seen beyond the veil of reality and into the abyss. None dared to study its pages, for it was believed that the Codex had a will of its own, and hungered for the souls of the curious.
Late one stormy night, a young scholar named Isabella, whose ambition outstripped her caution, snuck into the library. Her eyes, dark with desire for knowledge, fell upon the Codex Tenebris. With trembling hands, she traced the ancient script, whispering the incantations that promised to unlock the mysteries of the universe.
As she spoke the final syllable, the library was plunged into darkness. A silence as heavy as the grave fell upon the room, and when the candles flickered back to life, Isabella was not alone. Before her stood a figure from the manuscript—a woman of otherworldly beauty with ghostly white hair, eyes that held the depths of the cosmos, and a smile both enchanting and cruel.
The apparition spoke in a voice like the rustling of old pages, offering Isabella the knowledge she sought, but for a price: to serve as the Codex's guardian, a keeper of secrets bound to the library for eternity.
Isabella, realizing too late the trap she had sprung, tried to flee, but the figure was relentless. With each step Isabella took, the specter appeared before her, always smiling that terrible smile, until, in a moment of desperation, Isabella agreed to the bargain.
From that night on, Isabella was never seen again. The manuscript vanished from its chains, leaving behind only whispers of the terror it had unleashed. And sometimes, very late at night, when the storm winds howl through the library halls, one can still see the ghostly figure of a woman with white hair and eyes full of stars, roaming the stacks, her laughter mingling with the sound of rain against ancient windows.
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
My List of OCs
They vary from fandom to fandom and it’s going to take a bit but this post will be updated with links eventually. Anyways here they are.
1. Isabella 2. Velia 3. Attila 4. Umber 5. Orion 6. Mariana 7. Zephaniah 8. Shesha 9. Inizio 10. Gabrielus 11. Astarea 12. Jeong 13. Xander/Dokuro 14. Veronica 15. Morgana 16. Katherina 17. Tsukiko 18. Luther 19. Clara 20. Theresa 21. Sanderson 22. Valentino 23. Annalinda 24. Sally 25. Melina 26. Louis 27. Rachelle 28. Lady Hoshi 29. Tatsu 30. Tiamat 31. Lady Ivory 32. Kayda 33. Lord Obsidian 34. Pale Oni Monk/Guardian 35. Asuna 36. Zharanen 37. Louhi 38. Krennan 39. Takashi 40. Kazumi 41. Satoshi 42. Aiko 43. Halcyon 44. Esi 45. Grimwald 46. Tezcacoatl 47. Lasenna 48. Nathara 49. Vasuki 50. Nidhogg 51. Knucker 52. Melusine 53. Attor 54. Alastair 55. Vanessa 56. Lochan 57. Orochi 58. Belladonna 59. Coaxoch 60. Volos 61. Ormarr 62. Nilakanta 63. Kiyohime 64. Viktor 65. Daya 66. Samantha 67. Steinar 68. Desolate 69. Gale 70. Raiden 71. Sniper 72. Toxin 73. Gear 74. Bianco 75. Hikaru 76. Pyro-Droid 77. Lupin/Wolf 78. Pup 79. Centi-Droid 80. Hex Inferno 81. Codex 82. Tamotsu 83. Denisse 84. Cassandra 85. Faline 86. Arya 87. Kronos 88. Phoenix 89. Melinda 90. Abigale 91. Warin 92. Keres 93. Menahem 94. Khan 95. Lucias 96. Donovan 97. Sigma 98. Apophis 99. Aiyana 100. Alexander 101. Kaiden 102. Dr. Kitty Saunders 103. Fang-Dog (renaming soon) 104. Serpentine-Oni Hybrid 105. Einar 106. Anastasios 107. Aura 108. Tenebris 109. Turtle Dragon Mother 110. The Authoress
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spxcemuses · 4 years
tenebristhequeen from x
( *Bestia fell from the sky, crashing herself into the ground after a brutal fight against her sister, the good and kind one...but while Tenebris was able to teleport into her castle before passing out, Bestia had time to only travel into another universe, to avoid being trapped by her sister's servants. The wounds caused by the crash healed really fast, the ones that were caused by her sister not...that made her pass out too. When the evil Mistress opens her eyes, she finds a man that's treating her wounds. It's not clear to her why he's helping her and where the hell is she, but at least she doesn't smell that awful scent of her sister around. To warn him that she's awake, Bestia lets out a deep, distorted, growl, pointing her glowing green pupils towards him* Who are you...and where am I? *She asks with deep breaths and a quick hiss* )
// It's absolutely ok! If you want to interact with the other sister, feel free to do so ^^ Thanks!//
The priest was flipping through a codex currently, his train of thought interrupted when his acolyte had come to interfere. With an annoyed groan, he wondered what was so pressing that they would bother him... But then his miffed expression turned into an too-ecstatic smile. Something, no, someone had fallen into the jungles not too far from the city. And more importantly, the area was smoking and ashen. He immediately set out for a search party with some warriors, the acolyte, and himself. Turns out, there was a pale woman with dark wings that fell... Was this a god themselves, something sent from the heavens? Snapping his fingers quickly, a warrior had taken off their poncho to cover the nude woman... At least until they got back to the city.  Time passed by, and now Tzekel-Khan was healing some of their wounds. It was surprising that she wasn’t severely wounded, but this further made him enthralled about their divinity. He had covered her with some blankets, the only area exposed was the large wound on her leg that he was working on. She was bleeding, so he was questioning his faith already. Hearing the low and threatening growl, the priest respectfully moved back a few feet away, almost stumbling back and knocking some healing solvent over. The green glowing pupils they had both scared and amazed him. Giving a respectful bow, he filled in on her questions.
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“ Ah, my lady... I-I see that you are awake! ” “ I promise you, I bring you no harm. I am simply healing your wounds. You took a heavy fall in the jungle. ” “ Now to answer your questions. You are in the city of El Dorado, my lady. And as for who I am? ” “ I am Tzekel-Khan, high priest of the city and the official speaker for the gods... Or in case, goddess...That is, if you are one. ”
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space-paradox-alien · 4 years
Figure out your book's preferred love language and show it affection it understands :)
I really will have to try. And here I thought myself and the Codex were on perfect standing...Instead, I've been pushing it farther apart, it seems. Oh, mieus liber de tenebris, obsecro, dimitte me!
...It seems to like having extra fuel. I'll have to start there. Ego sum paenitet, meus amicus! I don't know you as well as I should after all these years!
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idumean-archive · 5 years
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Consider this a permanent interaction call for;
                de tenebris // canon divergent MAIN verse.
        loosely follows the canon backstory established for the SHOW, shadowhunters before diverging. full verse details & backstory under the cut.
*this section deals with Jonathan as I write him in his canon divergent main verse. here you'll find a blend of both book & show canon, as well as a heavy overlay of personal headcanon. most information can also be found in the breakdown of the sourcing for his different canons, but this section lays them out seamlessly to illustrate the muse as a whole.
like this post if you are interested in;
interacting in this verse
developing a ship in this verse
generally plotting within this verse
Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern was born to Jocelyn Fairchild & Valentine Morgenstern on April 4th. He is the older brother of Clarissa Morgenstern Clary Fairchild, though he was unaware of his younger sister until he was an adult. During Jocelyn's pregnancy, Valentine gave Jocelyn doses of Lilith's blood as part of his experiments. This meant that when he was born, Jonathan had black eyes & was eerily quiet as a small child. This horrified Jocelyn, & became something she couldn't move beyond regarding his firstborn.
After the failed Uprising, Valentine, hurt by what he perceived as an ultimate betrayal by his wife & his parabatai (Luke Graymark), took Jonathan & fled. To cover his tracks, Valentine faked their deaths by burning down the Fairchild manor with Michael Wayland & his son in their stead, along with Jocelyn's parents, Granville and Adele. Afterwards, he would go to raise Jonathan in seculsion a remote cabin in Idris. It was during this time that Valentine gave him a chemistry set & taught him the basic laws of physics. He also received his first seraph blade at the age of eight.
                     continued in his bio, or can be found on his verse codex, here.
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suite116 · 6 years
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Oldd Wvrms - Codex Tenebris
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
~By Billy Goate~
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OLDD WVRMS. It feels like they've been eating away at my flesh and swimming in my bloodstream for a very long time, so much so that I forget to talk about how they've infected me. I was halfway through a review of their last effort when life swept me away to other places, then it was already time for a new release from the Belgian band. No, scratch that -- two new releases!
This month, the doomed instrumentalists revealed a split with Liège devotional math-prog threesome Ilydaen, just months after the release of the February five-tracker 'Codex Tenebris' (2019 - Cursed Monk Records). That's now two long-plays, two extended-plays, a compilation album, and the aforementioned split to the band's name.
The Wave & The Swell ( Split LP ) by Ilydaen & Oldd Wvrms
OLDD WVRMS is a band that seems continually tinkering and experimenting. I mean, you really have to if you're going to cross the coveted five-year mark as a band, a milestone that seems to be key long-term viability. "There is the beautiful, spacious atmosphere of Agalloch," I wrote of their last record 'Ignobilis' (2016). "All this is good news if you long for the cold, crisp air of winter, forests filled with unspeakable darkness, whispering tales of bravery, misunderstanding, and tragedy. The emotion is especially palpable and will haunt my memory for quite some time."
Ignobilis by OLDD WVRMS
I also noted at the time that Ignobilis represented "a massive turn to clean singing over previous releases." In contrast, Codex Tenebris is a reconnects with works like 'Mater Serpentium' (2015) and NØT (2015), which are also sans voix. Stylistically, you’ll find OLDD WVRMS painting from a similar tonal palate as Enslaved, even dabbling in the technical terrain of Psycroptic, though in much slower compositions.
Codex Tenebris by OLDD WVRMS
OLDD WVRMS occupies the space between shadows, where slow, patient, penetrating riffs dwell and dark words are uttered. "La vallée des tombes" is one of the gems of the record, striking a strange balance between meditative bleakness and pounding discord. I’ve long been a fan of dissonant harmonies since I realized it was “okay” to play them as a pianist delving into the oeuvre of Franz Liszt and Alexander Scriabin. Like those composers, OLDD WVRMS utilizes dissonance no merely to jar the listener, but as a critical tactic for establishing bleak moods and a sense of the sinister. Codex Tenebris is available on Cursed Monk Records right here.
On the eve of their music video, "A l'or, aux ombres et aux abîmes," Doomed & Stoned visited with ØW guitarist and OLDD WVRMS founder Ben in hopes of getting to know this fairly low-key and mysterious doom metal trio -- rounded out by Oli and Cho on bass and drums -- just a hair or two better.
What is the meaning of the band’s name OLDD WVRMS? Is their significance to the unique spelling of your name?
It’s old Germanic to "Old Worms." There’s no particular meaning, although I’m a fan of the Dark Souls saga and it could be a reference to the primordial snakes.
I'm curious how your individual paths through life brought you three together?
We’re all from the French side of Belgium, down south. Cho and Oli have known each other for almost two decades. I was searching for bandmates to put up this new project and they were the perfect match. We all played in many bands before ØW, nothing worth naming.
There’re no guidelines. The music serves your imagination.
Why does instrumental doom appeal to you guys so much?
We tried several singers, with expectations they couldn’t achieve. It wasn’t bad, but we felt locked in restricted areas -- musically speaking, I mean. I took the mic on our previous release Ignobilis, singing just a bit, and even at that point we had the feeling that it wasn’t necessary at all, so we started writing the new album with a fully instrumental approach.
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Rare is the band that can make instrumental metal stand convincingly on its own “two feet,” but OLDD WVRMS has done it. What would you say is the secret to pulling this style off successfully?
Thank you. Honestly, it’s hard to say. I guess it’s because we don’t hesitate too long on what’s good or not during the creation process. This and the fact that we blend a lot of influences from various horizons, seems to create something spontaneous. I think that’s what people like about ØW.
What instruments, amps, and gear do you find most useful in bringing your vision to life?
Cho’s setup is pretty straightforward: his beautiful DW kit with aggressive and shining cymbals -- and a ferocious need to beat the shit out of it!
Oli is using an Ampeg SVT 3 pro, SWR Goliath and Megoliath cabs with a Fender Aerodyne, plugged into a pedalboard loaded with many effects, drives, octaver, delays, reverbs, etcetera, to achieve the drones parts.
I use a Marshall JCM 800 over modified by Ruthenberg, Marshall and Orange cabs, custom guitars by Denzo Custom Guitars, and a pedalboard loaded with overdrives, delays, and reverbs.
We record in my own studio, The Pale Flame, using the exact same rig live and studio.
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I don’t read French, but I’m guessing the song titles are quite important in this selection of five tracks. Can you translate them to English and tell us what you intended to express with each song? Are they meant to stand independently or are they united by a concept?
Basically, all the songs originally had lyrics -- and yes, they’re all linked, almost as a soundtrack. The atmosphere we wanted to translate through the songs titles were way more powerful in French, with a little something more poetic and dramatic.
The only concept about Codex Tenebris is the presence and absence of light and obscurity. The idea that the audience is not guided by lyrics and can travel between the songs with their own imagination and create their own stories while listening to our music is extremely satisfying. There’re no guidelines. The music serves your imagination.
So, the first track "Ténèbres" means "Darkness." It starts the record in a cold, dark place, and song expresses loneliness and fear.
Second track, "A l’or, aux ombres et aux abîmes," means "To gold, to shades, and to the abysses." It’s my personal favorite, all about deception, anger, and melancholy.
The third one is "misère & Corde," literally "Misery & Rope" -- a song about grief and loss.
Next one, "La vallée des tombes" or "The valley of tombs," is a psychoactive and hypnotic song about terror and despair.
"Fléau est son âme" is hard to translate, but it would be something like "scourged is his soul." It is about letting things go, acceptance, and abnegation.
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We briefly corresponded about your EP a few years ago, when I emailed you about a sample you’d selected for the final track. I heard another sample in the final track of the latest LP that intrigued me.
It’s an Egyptian monologue taken from the movie Angel of Mossad, and it’s in correlation with "Fléau est son âme." It’s the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. The narration is beautiful.
What's the area of Belgium like where you OLDD WVRMS calls home?
We all live in villages -- small villages. Everything is very quiet and calm. Nothing ever happens. (laughs) Sorry, there’s just nothing much to say about it.
No worries! I've lived in my share of small towns, too, so I get it. What are some of the bands that you play with in your heavy music scene?
We shared the stage with badass bands like Hangman’s Chair, Primitive Man, -16-, Jucifer, the body, Grime, Ortega, and more -- hopefully many more to come.
When you look into your crystal ball, do you envision yourself touring?
Yeah, we’d love to. Like everyone else, we have jobs and families, but touring once or twice a year during a few choice weeks would be awesome. Only time will tell if this will happens.
Finally, what would your ideal live performance look like, if you could spare no expense?
Small venues, crowed, with our light man Chouffe and a good sound engineer. You know, keep things simple.
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shadowedmagic-a · 3 years
¥ - read any one random page in the codex out loud
Send me a ¥ and a command and my muse has to obey - accepting!
     Maxwell let out a heavy sigh, at least he was within the confines of his tent ( although it was more of a place for storage and healing rather than rest ) with less chance of nosy survivors barging in. Some of them were too curious for their own good, really.
     Taking the Codex out he flipped it open and landed on a random page, as was told.
     ...Heavens, he detested this.
“ Ut cor palpitat, adducet eam ad nos propius, qui recessit. Audite voces in tenebris... ”   he flattered, his scowl deepening as the last words were spat out,   “ Sequi incantations. Tenebris erit dux noster. ”
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     “ ...The rest are just drawings. Not that it’s of any use. ”
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shinjecom-blog · 6 years
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Oldd Wvrms - Codex Tenebris (2019) Occult Doom Metal/Sludge
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Take control of one of the most technologically advanced armies in the Imperium – The Adeptus Mechanicus. As Magos Dominus Faustinius, you’ll lead the expedition on the newly rediscovered Necron planet of Silva Tenebris. Customize your team, manage resources, discover long-forgotten tech, and control your Tech-Priests’ every move. Your every decision will shape the missions ahead and ultimately decide the fate of the troops under your command in over 50 hand-crafted missions. Choose your path carefully – the Imperium depends on it.
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theheavybot · 6 years
New video by 666MrDoom: OLDD WVRMS - Codex Tenebris (Full Album 2019) https://t.co/62moM5lcut
— TheHeavy (@TheHeavyBot) March 4, 2019
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universplay · 6 years
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus – CODEX | +Update v1.0.4
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus – CODEX | +Update v1.0.4
Take control of one of the most technologically advanced armies in the Imperium – The Adeptus Mechanicus. As Magos Dominus Faustinius, you’ll lead the expedition on the newly rediscovered Necron planet of Silva Tenebris. Customize your team, manage resources, discover long-forgotten tech, and control your Tech-Priests’ every move.
Your every decision will shape the missions ahead…
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theheavybot · 6 years
New video by the Sonic Void: OLDD WVRMS - Codex Tenebris (2019) Full Album https://t.co/N5XKDI5TBE
— TheHeavy (@TheHeavyBot) February 20, 2019
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