#Cody still screams for his food and still sounds basically like this tho
yukipri · 6 months
Sound on for Hungry Baby Gremlin Squeaky Screams
(and Rex going "nahh" quietly in the bg)
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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wayward-wren · 4 years
The world sucks, I'm tired and have a headache, it's time to watch A New Hope again.
The opening of a star wars movie never fails to make me smile
A) the stormtroopers slipping all over the place amused me, b) the stormtroopers checking the downed troopers gives me clone feels
I love how much history and world is just implied. "The princess won't get away this time." "We'll be sent to the spice mines of kessel for sure" "
Vader's voice bring me back to being 8 and watching star wars on our little box TV.
"I have traced the rebel spy to here" Ah, must have been very difficult, running directly from Scarif. The opening is very amusing after Rouge 1
Man I love Jawas
Ooh man the CGI dewbacks are kiiiinda jarring not gonna lie.
Sunshine child Luke! It my boy!
Luke: What's this? R2, instantly, knowing full well what he means: What's what?
I firmly believe that Luke and Leia, being twins, have some Force connection even before meeting.
"I guess you're too small to run away on me if I take this off" HA someone doesn't know R2. He instantly denies having the message as well what a troll.
"He won't. I don't think Obi-Wan exists anymore, he died about the same time as your father." hhh my heart
Obi-Wan living his best life being absolutely feral in the desert what a legend
I love how the two wise old Jedi we see in the OT are introduced by one of them making weird screaming noises to scare off tuskan raiders and the other being a feral gremlin in the middle of a swamp. Legendary.
Dang i always forget his first words are literally "Hello there"
Alec Guinness is such a good actor dang.
"I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid" R2: boi you what you know me I know you know me come on now I will fight you.
I can't get over how much emotion Alec Guinness has that fits with the story so well. Like, I know I'm probably projecting a lot onto him because I know the story, but the amount of emotion he conveys without knowing Obi-Wan's story is amazing
Luke be like "I can't go to Alderaan. I have homework"
I love Tarkin but as a villian and as a horrible person to hate.
"Your sad devotion to that ancient religion..." said religion was destroyed not even 20 years ago.
Okay for real though I legit didn't realise there were skeletons of Owen and Bereu smoking outside the house for years. I don't know if we were told to look away at that point or if I just blocked it out of my mind but when I realised they full on showed their charred skeletons I was shooketh.
Everytime I see a stormtrooper with one of those orange shoulder things I think of Cody it'd be wild if the trooper Ben "These aren't the droids you're looking for"ed was Cody.
Cantina music is a BOP it's fantastic
Dang Luke just reaching across the bar and grabbing the bar keeper's shirt is just rude
I love all these iconic creatures whose designs haven't changed much really over the years. It's so cool how much you see them elsewhere and they're still basically the same!
R.I.P. Greedo.
Oh no CGI Jabba.
Oh but Boba's here also this makes it okay.
"Jabba, you're a wonderful human being" I love Han.
I did not realise Han was the first to say "this is where the fun begins" I love how many inside jokes the films have with each other.
Tarkin needs to stop touching people's face without permission. He did it to Ahsoka, he did it to Leia.
R.I.P. Bail Organa and Alderaan.
"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck" idk why that hurt me but it did because everything has gone wrong in Obi-Wan's life he's literally never been lucky in his life.
Mouse droid mouse droid I love mouse droids!
Han just casually leaning against Chewie is iconic
The way Luke leans in before saying "She's rich" is cracking me up.
Mouse droid! Chewie don't scare it
Yularan full on walks past while Luke, Han and Chewie are waiting for the elevator that's wild.
Which probably means he was in the Death Star when it explodes so rip him.
Han bluffing at the radio is fantastic "We're fine, we're all fine here, now, thank you... How are you?" and his face after he says it.
*blasts the radio* "boring conversation anyway." legit one of my favourite parts of the movie
"into the garbage shoot, flyboy" I love Leia
Everytime I see Leia's outfit I get mad at George 'There's no underware in space' Lucas the beginning of Jedi is going to send me into a RAGE. it's a shame cos the movies are so good otherwise, Carrie Fisher's treatment and they way they treated her costumes and her weight just makes me so angry and I'm gonna stop before I go on a big rant. But my flatmate refuses to watch star wars partly because of Lucas' treatment of Carrie Fisher and part of me doesn't blame her, even tho she's missing out on a fantastic story.
Anyway rant over let's keep going.
'donk' the fact that they added a sound effect to the dude hitting his head cracks me up. Also implies that he's a clone cos they made Jango donk his head when entering Slave 1 in AOTC and Rex donk his head in that one clones wars episode as a reference and that makes me Sad.
3PO thinking they're dying when they're celebrating not being crushed is iconic
I love how Obi-Wan has just been wandering around this whole time
Wilhelm scream!
Aaaand now I am getting Obi-Wan and Anakin feels again.
Honestly kinda looks like Obi-Wan is disassociating somewhat he has a very blank stare and I'm projecting emotions again but still this is the first time since Mustifar he's seen the person who was his brother he must have had many Emotions. Not to mention this all happened in like... a day, he's had his past thrown in his face in so many ways
Luke being more sad about Ben's death than the people who raised him. I mean like same, but I guess he's still somewhat in shock from all that's happened
I love R2's chuckle
"Whatddya think, do you think a princess and a guy like me-" Luke, instantly: no. What a savage.
Lookout guy on Yavin IV is me and my brother's favourite background character. I distinctly remember a conversation about throwing food up to him and him having an umbrella in case it rains.
"This will be a day long remembered" Funny that, it's the day the time is calculated from in the star wars universe
Ey! I wasn't sure if the Biggs reunion scene was in this version I feel like it's not in all of them? Either way I wasn't expecting it and it made me happy and also buildup for more sadness down the line
Lookout guy again! I love him
X-wings are legit one of my favourite ships
I really do enjoy the dogfight and all the chatter over the coms
Wedge my BOY I love him
You can see Vader's eyes a couple points in that dogfight
R.I.P. Biggs
And boom. I forgot how good that battle was.
Where's Wedge's promotion/medal tho?
Man. I forgot how good this movie is and that's saying something cos I've loved this movie for as long as I can remember. I haven't properly watched it for years and it's been long over due!
Now I'm very keen to watch Empire and Jedi again because it's been even longer since I watched those!
Imma go watch the deleted scenes cos I don't believe I've seen em and then go to bed.
Huh Red leader met Anakin, wonder if that's still canon and if so, when.
Man the cantina rough cut really does show how much editing and post production brings to it.
The Tosche station scene is awesome, seeing Luke's friends is cool. They're also kinda mean. It also gives more character to Biggs which is cool! I should have watched it ages ago.
"Listen to how quiet I am you can barely hear me" Luke you nerd
See the downside to that deleted scene is that now I'm even more sad about Biggs' death.
And that's all folks! Headache is gone and I'm feeling less depressed, so I think it worked! Hopefully Empire tomorrow night, if I'm on top of assignments.
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