#yeah he climbed me
yukipri · 6 months
Sound on for Hungry Baby Gremlin Squeaky Screams
(and Rex going "nahh" quietly in the bg)
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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wormfunkie · 5 months
really gotta say. not a fan of norman. dude has to be one of the worst dads in pokemon and the bar is already pretty low 💀
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pedripics · 3 months
what the fuck???
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This did not affect us???? Yeah I am fucking sure it didn't but do you know who it affected? Pedri
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maegalkarven · 11 months
I understand what you’re saying about the Chosen of the dead 3, but I think Orin and Gortash are in the same boat. She wasn’t part of the plan at all, she killed or tried to kill her sibling to actively be part of the plan. She wasn’t even Bhaal’s chosen, she forced into that position herself. And if her abuse is grounds for understanding, then I’d say Gortash’s abuse is too. Sold to a devil as a child and tortured for years until he escapes and he grasps at anything to be in control so no one can control / hurt him again. I think he’s a shit person that did shit things, but I do like the character. And I don’t think Orin’s abuse outweighs that of Gortash. Someone/something messed them both up really bad. Bhaal uses Orin’s bloodlust and trauma to get her to do what he wants, Bane uses Gortash’s fear and need for control to get him to do what he wants. Gortash isn’t more/less redeemable because he’s the smart one that put the plan together. Also being Bane’s chosen means if he fails, he’s tortured for eternity. After being tortured for years, I’d imagine he’d do quite literally anything to not end up there again. Either they’re both redeemable or they’re both not in my eyes at least. Ketheric is the most redeemable for sure, he started out with a decent reason at least.
Gortash is my absolute fav actually because of all the layers. He's a fucking onion.
"Trapped in narrative- escaping the narrative"wise Gortash is the only one who actively walks into His.
He could do anything he wanted after escaping Hells. He wasn't exactly chained up or forced to climb the ladder to world domination.
Back then he still had a choice, even if his mind, twisted and turned by being Raphael's captive, didn't want that choice. Because fear is a strong thing, fear can control person in the worst possible ways. I believe Gortash chose "be the worst ever so no one can hurt him again" road and narrative himself.
But he CHOSE it. (The same way, some might argue, Ketheric chose not letting Isobel go, but I think Ketheric simply wasn't able to let her go)
Orin is different because she didn't exactly force herself into the narrative; she had always been in the narrative. She was born into the narrative.
No Bhaalspawn is ever free and no Bhaalspawn is ever not Bhaal's tool. She would inevitably be put on Durge's path because Bhaal loves putting his children against each other and because only One Bhaalspawn can remain. She even tried to play by the rules and challenged Durge, who didn't take her seriously and refused.
Both Orin and Gortash are more tragic than Ketheric because they're broken children who can never let it go.
Gortash is willingly not letting it go while Orin is literally trapped in it (her family, her cult, Father Bhaal in her head).
Ketheric is someone who, if convinced he can actually redeem himself (and if Isobel is alive), would try it.
Orin can only be redeemed if you forcibly take her out of her cult and cut off Bhaal's influence getting DIRECTLY INTO HER MIND. (Bhaal doesn't really have children, only victims)
Orin could easily be on Durge's place, tadpoled and amnesiac. Tbh I feel like her losing memory is the only way she could ever break free because for her where was nothing but Cult and Bhaal. She wasn't allowed anything else. Confronted with the truth about her upbringing, she's horrified; she also had been punished by Bhaal before for disobedience, Bhaal commands her what to do and Bhaal literally strips her of her own will and body because this is what Bhaal does. But if we can claw her out of it, knock her memories away and cut Bhaal off? Then she has a chance.
That's pretty much the only way she can have it (there's a reason Jaheira calls her lost soul).
But Gortash would not want redemption because he was not forced into the path of tyranny. He chose it. He quite likes it up on the top. He's comfortable over there being the worst and selling people and giving explosives to children. The only thing better would be if he had someone to share his kingdom with, someone who gets his genius.
If put on the ground, he will try to climb right back again. He doesn't care about freeing himself because in his mind only on the very top is where he is free. This narrative not his cage, it's his castle, he build it and he's not giving it up.
That's why any attempt to actually "redeem" him would fail because he is Not Interested in That. He is interested in Power and Being the Biggest and Strongest. Also so ppl would love him, idk how he plans to balance it out with his tyranny, but he pretty much requires the gaping audience. Admire him, everyone.
I have several plots of dragging him off his high horse bc the other alternative is his death, but all these plots require things to be the way where he's actively stripped of power in some way or another bc only his own survival will make him somewhat cooperate on an equal level (one particular ally, durge or tav, but more often durge aside). He is not a team player. He pretends he is.
There are, sure, some AU salvations for him, but no redemption because He Genuinely Does Not Regret a Thing, nor will he.
Neither is Orin, but Orin is a broken doll with a god of murder in her head. She lost herself so long time ago no one even recalls it.
Gortash has himself because no one ever had him. He will do anything for his survival and this is why he does not want or require redeeming. Not dying from Netherbrain, that's another story. But he inevitably always serves his own interests first.
Orin fights for the awful love and approval of a cruel god, Ketheric's love for his daughter transcends her death.
Orin and Ketheric's narratives are two sides of the same coin.
"A child craving affection of a cruel parent" VS "parent doing unimaginable horrors bc of the love for their child."
Gortash is out of that particular narrative, his narrative is "There's No One But Me. Only I Matter. No one loved me so I will love me in excess. No one loved me so no one deserves my love".
It is an echo and awful influence of his tragic past, but it's something he actively chooses. He loves that narrative of his, even if it doesn't exactly fulfill him 100% (because it's lonely on the top. Because somewhere deep inside Enver Flymm still lives. Because he can't let Enver Flymm go no matter now pathetic that past self of his is).
His tragedy is of being lonely af and not admitting it/not having anyone to match him in his genius, but not his Tyrant Path. This one he chose for himself.
The thing is, of course gods use their Chosen ones. I think Gortash knows that, and I think he also actively uses Bane. He wears the coat protecting him from the fear and is a chosen of a Dread Lord. That's telling. He doesn't actually serve Bane, he serves himself and aligns himself with Bane for as long as it works for him.
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zeb-z · 1 year
I dunno, and I haven't read the Ascendency novels to be clear, so I can’t speak of who he was before his exile - but maybe Thrawn accepting Grand Admiral for that shitshow on Batonn sealed his fate. Maybe he wasn't the one to pull the trigger, maybe he was appalled by the needless death - he still took the promotion, even if he didn't want it. The moment he took the rank plate was the moment the blood on his hands became insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The moment where all his intentions begin to be buried by his actions.
Everyone is all about how Thrawn isn't that bad of a guy - and honestly I do agree that his character is misunderstood more often than not - but he still did terrible things with the Empire. Turned a blind eye and condoned much more with silence.
Because the fall of Nightswan and Batonn may not have been his fault - but he accepted the stain when he took his promotion.
For all you try to keep things fair, it doesn't matter if you're working in a system that is instituted to be cruel. And while Thrawn had never claimed to be a good man, and had only joined ultimately for the protection of his own people, there's something to be said of this deterioration of morality. How he doesn't understand politics, but is still shaped by the dangerous and vindictive workings of Imperial political scene, forgoing honesty for station.
Pirates and smugglers turn to insurgents and rebels. Capture turns to execute. He kills to prove a point.
He develops for the worse. For all he shapes the Imperial Navy, it shapes him all the same. I dunno. Complex character and all o that. He’s no scum of the earth true evil, but he’s no shining star either.
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I'm waiting for vets to open so I can take this cat I found in to check for microchips. Literally why do they open at like 8 am. Who does this benefit???
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marklikely · 4 months
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just sharing a collection of some pics that i really like of mac <3 unfortunately he got very sick this past month and we lost him this morning. rip to a very sweet and curious boy who loved to explore and was the only one smart enough to learn a trick so far you will be missed <3
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shima-draws · 10 months
GIVE THE OP UPDATE, how far are you and what are your favorite ships??
I JUST finished the Alabasta arc and started the Skypeia arc (skipped all the filler in between). The scene where Vivi says goodbye to the Strawhats had me feelin REAL emo man
Also when Zoro looks up on the ship and literally all of them are sticking their heads out through the rungs like “I miss Vivi :(((((“ that was such a sweet moment oh my god they love her she is their NAKAMA 😭
AS FOR SHIPS OH YEAH. I’m so invested now. Zolu is king of my heart forever but any combo of Zoro/Luffy/Sanji is also god tier. OH and Vivi/Nami of COURSE. And I keep seeing LA fanart of Shanks/Mihawk which also has me like 👀
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thestamp3d3 · 1 year
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"But...I understood then that he was extremely close to me at such a deep level...
'What is important?
'What are we willing to do to protect it?'
That is why, after all was said and done, I wanted to share my tomorrows with him.
Don't you agree, Wolfwood?"
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Imagine, you get called in the middle of the night by some very disgruntled stranger complaining loudly about your F/O and demanding you come get them (Because you are listed as their emergency contact!! / you're known as being their 'keeper' 😅 )
What has your dumbass of an F/O done?
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sameteeth · 9 months
something that i think is really interesting about billy's view of flint in s3 is that he thinks flint's death (if it's in a self-sacrificial way) will not absolve him of his sins in life but that it will make up for the hurt he's caused. or at least that billy wants it to. he pushes flint to take the maroon queen hostage so that flint will die, but flint will die for the crew. billy says in s3e6 "with all the shit that he's done, the things he's gotten away with, [flint dying to free them from the maroons] would have been fair. that would have been right" and that he wants to see "the moment the world finally catches up to [flint]" if/when he dies dueling teach. billy has a very simple idea of justice - he wants flint to die for the death and destruction he has caused, no matter how. that will make the world right, that the narrative will be balanced again.
but what billy doesn't know, and what makes me INSANE about this show is that the full quote from billy is is "I think part of the reason I've been able to stand by his [flint's] side is that I wanted to make sure I've got a good view of the moment the world finally catches up to him... and this story starts to make sense again." but to flint, what he has done is in service of his own justice. justice for the deaths of thomas and miranda and james mcgraw, for the theft of his home in london and again his home in nassau. but to billy, HIS narrative identifies flint as the villain. as the monster. for billy to get justice, flint must die. but it's SUCH a good line, because it also prompts the viewer to think - in OUR narrative, which follows flint and silver mostly, flint must succeed. we want him to beat teach and take the fleet back and overthrow the british empire. flint is shown to be a murderer but he is also shown to be deeply deeply human and we are set up to sympathize him. but it makes you consider what other voices we aren't hearing. who else has been hurt by flint's actions? what narratives have flint as the villain ? none of the characters in black sails are the heroes in every story - but to who are they the villains?
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moongothic · 7 months
There is something to be said about how whenever people point out Baroque Works "revolves around gender" and use that as "proof" that Crocodile is trans... I guess cis people assume that trans people are so obsessed with gender that they need to make everything about gender, and ngl something about that is a little. It's a little.
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daylighteclipsed · 6 days
I’m enjoying FF7 Rebirth more than Remake so far (I was so sick of being in that uglyass city), but as someone who is not familiar with the og FF7 the sudden party member affection system absolutely blindsided me
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Drizzle Season 2023 is out for Splatoon 3. You know what that means?
(Long post warning)
It means me having the totally normal immediate reaction of, "what new ingame content can I use as inspiration for Humanity's Endling and it's side stories?"
This post is gonna sorta double as both a very surface level analysis of new stuff in Splatoon 3 (mainly the new maps) and a brief look into my creative process for how I go about taking what's shown in the game and applying it to the canon of the world Kaleb finds himself in. One of my goals is to keep what happens in HE as close to the canon as presented in the game as possible, while still making very healthy use of the blank space that is things the games nor extended lore don't necessarily address, and quite obviously bending the rules a bit here and there to make the story... well, happen? 'Cause if I were 100% dedicated to preserving canon, the series would look something like this.
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they wasn't lyin, them humanitys really do be endling
Jokes aside, basically what all that means is I enjoy filling in the blanks to make the game world feel more full. Like, if possible, I wanna have the series written in a way where you could easily headcanon it as something that's happening in the background of Splatoon 3 as you are playing it.
...At least until we get to the later acts. HE ain't just a slice of life. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves here :)
But as that statement ominously implies, I have a general idea of the overarching plot for all five acts, and the process of writing is basically me ironing out the details and stringing it together into a cohesive narrative. Luckily for me, details are sometimes filled in for me by Nintendo. Speaking of which, let's look at Crableg Capital!
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You can kind of already see it just barely peeking from behind the crane on the right, but Hagglefish Market is visible from up here, and they actually added this stage into the background of Hagglefish as well, so you can actually see it from down there, too.
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From up here, you can more or less make out the exact route Kaleb came from in Act I, Ch7
I know for certain Crableg wasn't there before; I spent a frankly weird amount of hours doing recon on Hagglefish for Act I. Can't wait for this to become some New Mandela Effect meme or something. Anyways, you can see from up here that there's a lot of green grass in this city that's meant to be in the middle of a desert, so I kinda have this feeling that an ungodly amount of the city's water supply is fed right into keeping that greenery. I can see Kaleb drawing a comparison to Dubai, or maybe even Las Vegas to a lesser extent. Speaking of Vegas, you know what it has? Tons of ads. You know what this stage also has? Tons of ads!
shoutout to the paragliding jellyfish btw
Okay, well, obviously it's nowhere near as bad as Vegas. But I needed a segue, dammit. Now to be fair, I can't read any of these signs, so they might not actually be ads. Like, clearly at least a couple of them are company logos on the bigger skyscrapers. But the concrete building at the end of the clip? I don't know what those signs would be otherwise.
Like, who are they advertising to? The people in the neighboring buildings? The ads face outward, so it couldn't be that. Maybe it's extremely cheap ad space because basically nobody would see it, but then whatever in-universe powers that be decide these stages decided, "yes. of course. the actively under construction highrise. the perfect spot." I'd imagine that ad space probably skyrocketed in value, because there's no way these ink sports aren't televised to at least some capacity in canon.
Speaking of absurd spots for stages...
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Shipshape Cargo Co. At first, it looks like you're on some platform underneath an oil rig or something to that nature. Then you realize that you're somehow moving. Then you notice the bow of the ship on the far end of the stage, then it's like, "Oh shit I'm on one of those half-submersible cargo ships!"
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So not only did the folks running these ink sports decide that an active construction zone was a good spot for a stage, but they also decided to set up a stage on the back of a presumably en-route freight ship. And it's far enough north for there to be goddamn icebergs floating around. If anything, this season's maps have convinced me that an organization equivalent to OSHA does not fucking exist in the Splatoon universe. I'm aware that culturally, turf wars were at first backstreet sports and very unofficial/disorganized, and also there were stages in Splatoon 1 and 2 that would raise the same concerns (i.e. old Hammerhead Bridge, Saltspray Rig, Piranha Pit, etc.), so I really shouldn't be surprised by all this, but... I dunno, it's almost 4 am at the time of writing.
I don't have much more to say about Shipshape, though. Like, it's a very cool concept for a map, and if for whatever reason I need Kaleb to freeze to death, I'll have it in mind. Crableg is... very helpful, though.
Y'know, isn't it interesting that a lot of stories end with the hero scaling a huge tower?
Just a thought. 🙂*
Oh yeah, I also spotted this in the catalogue!
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Lola got to be a model! I'm so proud of her! 🥰
I don't have much else to say right now, though. I might do a follow-up for Big Run if Um'ami Ruins has a cool enough atmosphere to warrant it; otherwise Undertow Spillway having that alarm blaring during the last Big Run was the coolest shit ever and I can't believe I accidentally predicted it as a stage w/ it being half flooded in Act I.
By the way, I am going to be grinding the shit out of this upcoming Big Run for that gold helicopter figure, so if you wanna play with me, I'm still in the 'Endling' pool. Again, if you spot Lola herself, that's me! I tend to go pretty hard in Salmon Run though as it's actually my favorite mode, so uh... if you're not EVP and you join me, it might average out the hazard level to something a lot harder than you may be used to. So fair warning!
*all ominous foreshadowing is subject to change
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emma-d-klutz · 1 year
I believe any attraction between Riddlebat in canon is at the very most a comedically one-sided affair. With the exception of the museum scene in Zero Year. Did you guys see that? What was that about? Did you guys see that? Sparks were flying. I feel delusional (colloquial) looking at that. Like “Is it me? Did I imagine that?”
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fuzzyunicorn · 1 month
Don’t even bother looking up The Old Guard as there’s zero info on them aside from what I’ve shared today
#now do u c y I know far far more than the Hidden Knowledge stored in the Vatican#now is it apparent y each gov’t has tried many times over to kill me 😭😂#I’m gonna keep running my mouth lil Satanists there’s nothing any of u can do the Old Guard guards me 😭😂#yeah I vaporized the individuals of the Israeli government who tried killing me try hacking their shit to c the video the bloodshed was#glorious as were the pathetic Pikachu faces what did u think was gonna happen after attacking me??? 😭😂#god said 2 each of u to do no harm to his prophet & touch not his anointed ones#so to all the gov’ts watching try me again ;) my own county’s gov’t is slowly coming to terms w I’m in charge & untouchable 😭😭#god appointed n anointed me so what r u gonna do?? u’ve all proven ur no match 4 me & now factor in the 100 Old Guards protect n guide me#as they aren’t just my hit team but also my Soul Team my Spirit Guides as the same goes 4 my soulmate n our children 😭😂#what a fuckin’ plot twist 4 the Satanists 😭😂#babe don’t worry they can’t do anything 2 ur rank other than help u keep climbing Arch Angel Gabriel already told them what’s up if they#even think about doing anything to u🖤 in my past lives god set my lives up 2 where I got harmed n killed so much that in order to restore#balance to my immortal life he can slaughter the people who want to n try to hurt me in this life#and I oop! US gov’t did god just Bush 9/11 u??? yes he did :) u even think about harming me n my soulmate in any capacity u die brutally :)#& the Old Guard is out 4 blood so fuck around n find the fuck out I’ve been monitoring the high ups thoughts so I know what’s up :) try it#this is gonna go exclusively how god wants 😭😂
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