#Coin Developer India
jamesright002 · 1 year
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Polygon Token Development Company is a cutting-edge firm that specializes in creating and deploying custom tokens on the Polygon network. With its experienced team of developers and blockchain experts, Coin Developer India offers a wide range of services including token creation, smart contract development, audit, and security assessments
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dunitechsoftsolutions · 3 months
Digital coin development cost by Dunitech
Dunitech provides competitive pricing for digital coin development services, ensuring cost-effective solutions. With a skilled team, Dunitech delivers efficient creation of digital coins. Leveraging expertise in blockchain technology, Dunitech offers transparent pricing customized to clients' requirements, ensuring affordability and value for money.
Unit #403, 3rd Floor Chandralok Tower, Kapoorthala, Aliganj, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
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aisappdevelopment · 2 years
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nobodys-saviour · 4 months
Lemuria: in game, and how it compares in real life
The Lemuria of the game is a lost civilisation that's incredibly high tech. If one remembers their lost continent theories, it sounds a lot like Atlantis. It is also the underwater country housing mermaids and the sea god, in particular. In 2034, evidence of its ruins emerged, but that's about all we know of it.
Now, what is Lemuria in real life?
Origin of Lemuria
Lemuria was a name coined by Philip L. Sclater, a British ornithologist. On his essay "The Mammals of Madagascar," which appeared in "The Quarterly Journal of Science", he wondered how a lot of lemur [1] fossils in Madagascar and India, but not in Africa or the Middle East. That is when he proposed the Lemuria: a lost continent that connected Madagascar to elsewhere in the world. [2] ([1]Nowadays we know Africa and India doesn't even have true lemurs, but that was not the case before. [2] However, Sclater was correct in saying that India and Madagascar were once part of a larger continent.)
Origin of Mankind
Ernst Haeckel, a Darwinian taxonomist, wrote the book Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte (History of Creation). In there, he postulates Lemuria as the cradle of humanity. "The probable primeval home or "Paradise" is here assumed to be Lemuria, a tropical continent at present lying below the level of the Indian Ocean, the former existence of which in the tertiary period seems very probable from numerous facts in animal and vegetable geography. But it is also very possible that the hypothetical "cradle of the human race" lay further to the east (in Hindostan or Further India), or further to the west (in eastern Africa)."
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Philosophy and Spiritualism
Madame Blavatsky, occultist and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, wrote and published "The Secret Doctrine." In it, she claimed that the continent was the homeland of the human ancestors, whom she called Lemurians.
Land of Mu
From there, the concept of Lemuria was developed in detail by James Churchward, a British writer, inventor, engineer, and fisherman. He referred to Lemuria as Mu (stealing it from Augustus Le Plongeon, who uses it to refer to Atlantis) and identified it as a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean, instead of the initial place in the Indian Ocean.
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cookiesuga55 · 1 year
The Weight of the World
horny brain time~ (disclaimer: these are generalized cuisine stereotypes! Just horny fun for this lil au <3)
The idea that (along with genetics) people get a certain kind of chubby based on their cuisine. A certain ✨Flavour✨ of fat, if you will uwu
Uni Jungkook signs up to be part of this international relations exchange program where he gets to do a few semesters abroad, and he's going with his best friend Jimin. He's always been an admirer, and eats too much himself. The only other person that knows about his feeding kink is Jimin, who- by exposure from Jungkook- has also developed a love for the pudge in his own tummy and likes seeing pretty boys grow. They definitely feed each other's kinks. It's not all that uncommon for Jimin to flash Jungkook a grin and eye him up, and make a comment about how he's looking fatter than last month... and it sends Jungkook's bunny cheeks burning bright and his thighs trembling. He gets Jimin back with a playful slap to his hyung's dumptruck ass, and they both break into fits of laughter with half hard-ons. They have a mutual love for a few favorite streamers online, and watch together while chowing down bowls of rice and delicious meat.
Jungkook has never really thought about how- even though Jimin's weight settles in his thighs and ass first, and Jungkook's in his belly- they're both sort of... the same kind of fat. Jimin is so squeezable, all of his skin is soft and stretched, and his ass and hips wobble from the littlest touch. Jungkook's gut is the same. He's soft and fat in his middle, with a rounded waist that bulges out of his jeans and jiggles when he breathes.
On their study trip, Jungkook and Jimin can't help but... admire all of the chubby cuties that they see. And try all of the food, of course. Slowly, things start coming together. They spend a few months in America, a few in the United Kingdom, some in Europe, a couple in India and China, and three weeks in Japan before coming back home.
Jimin drags Jungkook to parties and bars despite the younger being shy and whining that he wants to just snuggle up at home and eat noodles. Jungkook notices that in America, the boys have flabby stacks of rolls that he wants to sink his hands into. He watches their newly-made friends chow on fast food and slurp gallons of soda. Jimin especially drools over the way that their guts are firm and bloated in the middle and hang heavily over their belts. Jungkook affectionately coins it the "McDonalds belly," after seeing so many university guys inhaling the greasy burgers.
Up next, they fly away from the flabby boys and land in the UK. Jungkook can't help but take up Jimin's job and drool over what his hyung calls the "potato belly." Guys with cute accents down pitchers and pitchers of thick beer. They chug dark, rich Guinness like it's water and, naturally, they need something fatty to munch with it. Jungkook gnaws on his lower lip as the university guys there inhale baskets of thick french fries called chips and practically live on potatoes. Fried fish and chips. Chips for lunch. Loaded chips. It's the go-to drunk food and devoured as a late-night snack. Jungkook wants to eat up the porky, slobby boys. Hearty wedges of greasy starch have built up in their tummies, and make them round and thick, just like the shape of a potato themselves. Boys belch and shamelessly wear their guts that push out full and demand attention, filled with fattening potatoes and beer. Jungkook has to sit on his hands to keep himself from groping them, and Jimin teases him relentlessly.
Jungkook pouts when they have to leave behind the shameless fatties, but he gets the chance to tease Jimin again as they step foot in Europe. Everyone lives on bread. So much fucking bread. Carbs for breakfast. Carbs for lunch. Carbs for dinner. Jimin gets addicted to the fluffy, sweet croissants that everyone eats for breakfast. Jungkook encourages him with glee as Jimin gains pounds of fluff right at the crest of his belly, making him even more adorably soft. His shirt sneaks up for the chub to squish out. Jungkook pinches it and makes the older squeak and tug down his shirt with flushed embarrassment and arousal. While the constant buttery pastries plump up his friend, Jungkook admires how squishy the cuties are here. Everyone munches on sandwiches that are mostly bread, and it makes them soft and curvy. Jimin and Jungkook's body types fit in best here, and they enjoy their own rounding tums as they hit up the bakery every morning. Jimin's soft cheeks puff out adorably from so many pastries.
Jungkook didn't realize that the type of food so heavily influenced how people's bodies soften out and fatten up. But they both worship the different shapes of chubbies in each country.
"Hyung... what kind of fat are we? What do we call our tummies?" Jungkook asks in Korean so know one at the restaurant will know as he brings another bite of creamy pasta to his lips. Jimin's cute chin doubles as he glances down at his own middle, squishy and round on his thick thighs as it rests in his lap- a new feat that had him whimpering and demanding for Jungkook to feel.
He giggles and touches the extra pudge. "Right now I'm growing my French buttery croissant belly... but you-" He openly ogles Jungkook and assesses him up and down, narrowing his eyes as he focuses on the way that Jungkook's tummy bulges from too much dinner. The attention makes his cheeks heat, despite being the one to ask the question. Jimin's answer warms him from the inside out. "You're pure Korean, Jungkookie. Home. Yummy and comforting. Fat on rice and tteok-bokki and spicy beef." Jimin's small hand sinks into the squishy swell of Jungkook's middle. Jimin cooes and pats his chub lovingly. Jungkook bites down on his lip to make sure he doesn't whine in public as a ripple goes through him and his belly jiggles happy and fat.
"F-fuck-" Jungkook uses the English word, and Jimin cackles, just to dig his fingers in and squeeze. He gets an ample handful. There's so much more pudge to grab than Jungkook remembers... is that new? Maybe Jimin isn't the only one who has been filling in on their 'eat the world' trip.
"Stuffed piggy~" Jimin teases in Korean. Jungkook sputters around his forkful of pasta.
Despite his teasing, they both waddle back to their shared room with bellies that are too full, stuffed and completely content.
In bed, Jungkook rubs his stomach and admires the curve beneath the blanket. His fingers sink deeply into the soft flesh. He curiously shakes, and a fat layer of warmth wobbles inside of him. Apparently he has been thickening up.
"All of this international food has been nice..." Jungkook turns his head lazily to see Jimin snuggled into his pillow like a chubby kitten.
"Mmmmm~" Jimin agrees with a sleepy nod, eyes closed.
"But- I kind of can't wait to stuff myself with real food-" Jungkook whispers into the safety of their room, imagining his belly full of hot bulgogi, comforting jijigae stew, and mouth-watering fried chicken. He moans at the thought. Heavy and filling. Just how he likes it.
"Mmmm- nothing beats home cooking, does it? I'm going eat a mountain of samgyeopsal when we get back. Gonna stuff myself until I can't move." Jimin mumbles and snuggles in deeper to his pillow.
Jungkook smiles at the thought. Both of them pinned to the couch, fat with all of their favorite dishes. It's such a warm and comforting image that it pulls Jungkook down into sleep, where he dreams of eating his way through a feast of familiar, home-cooked meals.
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stephensmithuk · 29 minutes
The Sign of Four: The Strange Story of Jonathan Small (Part One of Two)
I will split this in two parts as I've got a lot to cover here.
CW for discussions of nasty prison conditions.
The depth of the Thames is about 6.5 metres at low tide in Woolwich, near to the Plumstead Marshes as they were then. However, the river has strong currents and very little visibility, so it would be a risky operation even with 2024 diving technology for some rather small objects.
The rupee originally was a silver coin dating back to ancient times in India, becoming something of a standard currency during the Mughal period. The East India Company introduced paper rupees and while there was an attempt by the British to move their territory to the pound sterling, they soon gave up, minting their own rupees with the British monarch's head on. The currency was also non-decimal. India retained the currency post-independence and went decimal as well.
Mangrove trees are very common in equatorial coastline regions - they can remove salt from the water, which would kill many other trees.
Prisoners set to the Andaman Islands penal colony were forced to work nine to ten hours a day to construct the new settlement, while in chains. Cuts from poisonous plants and friction ulcers from the chains would often get infected, resulting in death.
The convict huts on Ross Island were two-storey affairs, with the bottom as a kitchen and took area, the prisoners sleeping on the upper floor. Designed this way as an anti-malaria measure, they however leaked and the prisoners themselves were constantly damp from the rainfall, offering them little protection from the mosquitoes in any event.
Ague is an obsolete term for malaria; adults experience chills and fever in cycles.
The British would conduct experiments with quinine as a malaria treatment by force-feeding it to the prisoners. This caused severe side effects.
The British would make use of locals as warders, who wore sashes and carried canes. I'd imagine they could probably be quite brutal.
Pershoe is a small town on the River Avon near Worcester. It has a railway station with an hourly service to London, taking just under two hours today.
"Chapel-going" in this context means that the people attended a non-conformist church i.e. not one part of the Church of England.
"Taking the Queen's/King's shilling" was a historical term for joining the armed forces - for the army this was officially voluntary, but sailors could be forcibly recruited, being known as "press-ganged" until 1815. You would be given the shilling upon initial enlistment or tricked into taking it via it being slipped into your opaque beer. You would return the shilling on your formal attestation and then receive a bounty which could be pretty substantial in terms of the average wage, although a good amount of that would then be spent on your uniform. Some enlisted, deserted and then reenlisted multiple times to get multiple payments. The practice officially stopped in 1879, but the slang term remains.
The 3rd Buffs refers to the latter 3rd Battalion, Buffs (East Kent Regiment), a militia battalion that existed from 1760 to 1953, although it effectively was finished in 1919. However, in reality, they did not go to India to deal with the rebellion, instead staying in Great Britain to cover for the regular regiments who did.
The British never formally adopted the Prussian "goose step" instead going for the similar, but less high-kicking, slow march.
The musket would possibly have been the muzzle-loaded Enfield P53, a mass-produced weapon developed at the Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield. It was itself was the trigger of the Indian Rebellion in 1857 due to the grease used in the cartridges. They would also be heavily used in the American Civil War on both sides, especially the Confederate one as they smuggled a lot of them, with only the Springfield Model 1861 being more widely used. As a result, they are highly sought after by re-enactors. The British used them until 1867, when they switched to the breech-loading Snider-Enfield, many of the P53s being converted.
The crocodile would likely have been a gharial, which mainly eat fish. Hunting and loss of habitat has reduced their numbers massively, with the species considered "Critically Endangered" by the IUCN.
"Coolie" is a term today considered offensive that was used to describe low-wage Indian or Chinese labourers who were sent around the world, basically to replace emancipated slaves. Indentured labourers, basically - something the US banned (except as a riminal punishment) along with slavery in 1865. In theory they were volunteers on a contract with rights and wages, however abuses were rife. Indentured labour would finally be banned in British colonies in 1917.
Indigo is a natural dark blue dye extracted from plants of the Indigofera genus; India produced a lot of it. Today, the dye (which makes blue jeans blue) is mostly produced synthetically.
I have covered the "Indian Mutiny" as the British called it here in my post on "The Crooked Man".
The Agra Fort dates back to 1530 and at 94 acres, it was pretty huge by any standards. Today, much of it is open to tourists (foreigners pay 650 rupees, Indians 50), although there are parts that remain in use by the Indian Army and are not for public access.
"Rajah" meaning king, referred to the many local Hindu monarchs in the Indian subcontinent; there were also Maharajahs or "great kings", who the British promoted loyal rajahs to the rank of. The Muslim equivalent was Nawab. However, a variety of other terms existed. The East India Company and the Raj that succeeded them used these local rulers to rule about a half their territory and a third of the population indirectly, albeit under quite a bit of influence from colonial officials. These rulers were vassals to the British monarch; they would collect taxes and enforce justice locally, although many of the states were pretty small (a handful of towns in some cases) and so they contracted this out to the British. As long as they remained loyal, they could get away with nearly anything.
562 of these rulers were present at the time of Indian independence in 1947. Effectively abandoned by the British (Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy, sending out contradictory messages), nearly all of them were persuaded to accede to the new India, where the nationalists were not keen on them, with promises they could keep their autonomy if they joined, but if not, India would not help them with any rebellions. Hyderabad, the wealthiest of the states, resisted and was annexed by force. The ruler of Jammu and Kashmir joined India in exchange for support against invading Pakistani forces, resulting in a war. A ceasefire agreement was reached at the beginning of 1949, with India controlling about two-thirds of the territory; the ceasefire line, with minor adjustments after two further wars in 1965 and 1971, would become known as the Line of Control, a dotted line on the map that is the de facto border and one of the tensest disputed frontiers on the planet.
India and Pakistan initially allowed the princely rulers to retain their autonomy, but this ended in 1956. In 1971 and 1972 respectively, their remaining powers and government funding were abolished.
Many of the former rulers ended up in a much humbler position, others retained strong local influence and a lot of wealth. The Nizam of Hyderbad, Mir Osman Ali Khan was allowed to keep his personal wealth and title after the annexation in 1948 - he had been the richest man in the world during his rule and used a 184-carat diamond as a paperweight, at least until he realised its actual value. The current "pretender", Azhmet Jah, has worked as a cameraman and filmmaker in Hollywood, including with Steven Spielberg.
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xtruss · 2 months
How Old Are Taxes? Older Than You Think
For Thousands of Years, Human Civilizations Have Been Collecting Taxes, in One Form or Another. From Grain to Beards to Rubber Balls, Governments Always Found New Ways to Collect Their Due.
— By Editors of National Geographic | April 11, 2024
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Thanks to the detailed records in the Matricula de Tributos, historians know exactly how the Aztec paid their taxes in the early 16th century. Photograph By History and Art Collection, Alamy Stock Photo
Every April in the United States, predictable signs of spring appear: budding flowers, chirping birds, and … taxes. They may be as certain as death, but taxes aren’t a recent phenomenon; they date back thousands of years.
Over the centuries, different governments all over the world have levied taxes on everything from urine to facial hair—and officials accepted payments of beers, beds, and even broomsticks. These payments went to fund government projects and services—from the pyramids of Giza to the legions of Rome.
First Taxes
Taxation has existed for so long, it even predates coin money. Taxes could be applied to almost everything and might be paid with almost anything. In ancient Mesopotamia, this flexibility led to some rather bizarre ways to pay. For instance, the tax on burying a body in a grave was “seven kegs of beer, 420 loaves, two bushels of barley, a wool cloak, a goat, and a bed, presumably for the corpse,” according to Oklahoma State historian Tonia Sharlach. “Circa 2000-1800 B.C., there is a record of a guy who paid with 18,880 brooms and six logs,” Sharlach adds.
“Circa 2000-1800 B.C., There Is A Record of A Guy Who Paid [His Taxes] with 18,880 Brooms And Six Logs.”
Creative accounting of in-kind payments helped some cheat the tax man as well. “In another case, a man claimed he had no possessions whatsoever except extremely heavy millstones. So he made the tax man carry them off as his tax payment.”
Pharaohs' Tax Preparation
Ancient Egypt was one of the first civilizations to have an organized tax system. It was developed around 3000 B.C., soon after Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt were unified by Narmer, Egypt’s first pharaoh.
Egypt’s early rulers took a very personal interest in taxes. They would travel around the country with an entourage to assess their subjects’ possessions—oil, beer, ceramics, cattle, and crops—and then collect the taxes on them. The annual event became known as the Shemsu Hor, or Following of Horus. During the Old Kingdom, taxes raised enough revenue to build grand civic projects, like the pyramids at Giza.
Ancient Egypt’s taxation system evolved over its 3,000-year history, becoming more sophisticated with time. In the New Kingdom (1539-1075 B.C.), government officials figured out a way to tax people on what they had earned before they’d even earned it, thanks to an invention called the nilometer. This device was used to calculate the water level of the Nile during its annual flood. Taxes would be less if the water level was too low, foretelling a drought and dying crops. Healthy water levels meant a healthy harvest, which meant higher taxes.
Tax Amnesty In Ancient India
In India's Mauryan Empire (ca 321-185 B.C.) an annual competition of ideas was held—with the winner receiving tax amnesty. “The government solicited ideas from citizens on how to solve government problems,” Sharlach explains. “If your solution was chosen and implemented, you received a tax exemption for the rest of your life.” The Greek traveler and writer Megasthenes (ca 350-290 B.C.) gave an astonished account of the practice in his book Indica.
Like most tax reform efforts, the system was far from perfect, Sharlach notes. “The problem is that nobody would have any incentive to ever solve more than one problem.”
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A statue of Emperor Vespasian, who notoriously taxed Rome's urine trade, oversees the Roman Baths complex in Bath, England. Photograph By Travelbild, Alamy
Render Urine Unto Caesar
The Roman emperor Vespasian (r. A.D. 69-79) may not be a household name like Augustus or Marcus Aurelius, but he brought stability to the empire during a turbulent time—partly through an innovative tax on people’s pee.
Ammonia was a valuable commodity in ancient Rome. It could clean dirt and grease from clothing. Tanners used it to make leather. Farmers used it as fertilizer. And people even used it to whiten their teeth. All this ammonia was derived from human urine, much of it gathered from Rome’s public restrooms. And like all valuable products, the government figured out how to tax it.
Some wealthy Romans, including Vespasian’s own son Titus, objected to the urine tax. According to historian Suetonius (writing around A.D. 120), Titus told his father he found the tax revolting, to which Vespasian replied, “Pecunia non olet,” or “Money does not stink.”
Itemizations For Aztecs
At its height in the 15th and 16th centuries, the Aztec Empire was wealthy and powerful, thanks to taxation. Historian Michael E. Smith has studied its tax collection system and found it to be remarkably complex, with different kinds of items collected at different levels of government.
All taxes made their way to the Aztec central governing body, the Triple Alliance. There they kept meticulous records of who had sent what. Many of these records survive today. The most famous are found in the Matrícula de Tributos, a colorful illustrated registry filled with pictographs showing exactly how many jaguar skins, precious stones, corn, cocoa, rubber balls, gold bars, honey, salt, and textiles the government collected each tax season.
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Tsar Peter I tried to make Russia more "modern" by making men shave their beards or pay a tax. If they didn't pay, the police could forcibly shave them, as shown in this 18th-century Russian cartoon. Photograph By Ann Ronan Pictures, Print Collector, Getty Images
Russia’s Fashion Tax
Widespread use of coins and currency had a leveling effect on taxation systems, but rulers were not above applying some taxation muscle to achieve their ends. In 1698, Russian reformer Peter the Great sought to make Russia resemble “modern” nations in western Europe whose clean, close shaves Peter equated with modernization. After he returned to Russia, the tsar instituted a beard tax on his citizens, who favored beards.
Any Russian man who wished to grow a beard had to pay a tax—peasants paid a small fee while nobles and merchants could pay as much as a hundred rubles. Men who had paid the tax were also required to carry beard tokens wherever they went to prove that they'd paid their taxes for the privilege. Peter the Great’s beard tax did not last. Catherine the Great repealed it in 1772.
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Tarot 101: History and the Arcanas
Lets go over a quick summary of Tarot's history and Arcanas
Brief history
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The history of tarot can be traced as far back as Egypt, back to the great Library of Alexandria where scrolls were housed by the famous librarian, mathematician, Philosopher and astronomer, Hypatia. Within the library were scrolls of the book of thoth which is said to contain texts written by Thoth, the Egyptian god of knowledge and writing. The illustrations of the tarot cards at the time are said to contain secret teachings which is presented by the major Arcana that represents a course in personal and Spiritual Development.
The minor Arcana appears later in time and has history in different areas of the world   In the Fourteen hundreds Italian Aristocrats use the cards called “trionfi” to play a game called “Il trionfos”. Artists were commissioned to create the cards that were either hand-painted or printed on wood blocks. Players took the themes shown on the cards and composed poems about each other. One of the earliest decks that still exist is the Visconti Tarot that was commissioned by the Duke of Milan in the mid 1400 that was printed on gold and silver foil.
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Tarot cards also existed in areas of Asia such as India. It is hypothesized that cards were brought over to Europe by the Knights of Templar; there were also suggestions that the cards were brought by Romani travelers from the east to Europe in the Middle Ages. Tarot also appeared in Islamic playing cards from a card game in the 14th or 15th Century that was popular among the wealthy and higher class. One deck was called the Mamluk deck that had an important influence in Tarot cards today. The deck consisted of four suits: the coins, the cups, the swords and polo sticks, as well as 10 numbered cards and 4 Court cards per suit. However, It is only assumed that this card game was used for fortune-telling.
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In Spain, the Spanish nobility in the fifteenth century played a game called Juego de Naypes that came with 49 cards. These cards specifically were used to tell fortunes and reveal Secrets especially in the matters of love. These cards were divided into four suits that were based on women. These suits were called maiden's, wives, widows and nuns and were used to show what someone loved or desired most. Each card would have a verse or poem that had the same amount of lines as the card number. These cards began to be used by fortune tellers and were laid out in a similar way as modern tarot spreads today.
The most common tarot card deck known today is the Rider -Waite-Smith Tarot which was developed in 1909 by Arthur Edward Waite, who commissioned Pamela Colman Smith an artist and Theatrical designer to create the deck. Smith produced 78 paintings which became the cards of the Tarot deck; the deck was then published under the London company William Rider and son in 1910. The deck became noticeable for it's storytelling scenes that were depicted in the major Arcana as a way to convey their meanings. This design allowed readers to read the card intuitively and since the original publication of the deck a number variations have been created since then. And while many have made different designs and types of Tarot deck, the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck is one of the more popular cards today.
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The Cards
Standard Tarot decks consist of seventy-eight cards, divided into two groups called the Major and Minor Arcana, the word Arcana meaning Secret. The major arcana consists of 22 cards, and the minor consists of 56 cards. The major arcana often reflects events in your life that are important and long lasting, “major” events in your life. While the minor arcana often depicts day to day events. It can also be seen as aspects that can affect you more personally in comparison to the minor arcana that may not.
The major arcana is numbered from 0 to XX or twenty. It follows the journey of the fool all the way to the completion of the world. Unlike the minor arcana, the major arcana does not correspond with the suit of playing cards, they slightly vary depending on the deck. The minor arcana correspond with the suits in traditional playing card decks as well as the four elements of water, fire, air and earth.
The suits
There are four suits in the minor arcana that are numbers from 1-10 with the Ace being the first card and the court cards known as the page, the knight, the queen and the king of the suits in traditional tarot decks.
The Wands are often associated with the suit of clubs and are represented by the element of fire, it is also a representation of your higher self or your higher realm, or in other words the spirit. They are also associated with the season of spring and in terms of time represent days. The qualities of the wands are elements such as action, creativity, energy, enterprise, intuition, hope and potential. In astrology they are represented by the signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius that are also fire signs.
The cups are associated with the suit of hearts and are related to the element of water and represent a person’s emotions. In terms of timing it is associated with the months And is associated with the season of Summer. The qualities of the cups contain such keywords such as, love, relationships, happiness, harmony, sensitivity, emotion and fulfillment. In astrology they are represented by the zodiac signs of cancer, pisces and scorpio.
The swords were associated with a suit of Spades and are related to the element of air and represent a person's mental plane. In terms of timing the cars can be associated with weeks and are associated with the season of autumn or fall. The swords represent qualities such as ideas, communication, conflict struggle , separation resolution and change. In astrology they're represented by the zodiac sign of Gemini Libra and Aquarius.
The Pentacles are associated with the suit of diamonds and are related to the element of Earth And represent a person's physical self. The Pentacles can be associated with the timing in terms of years and is related to the Season Winter. The storage represents keywords such as money, work, talent, reputation, achievements, stability and material wealth. In astrology they are represented by the signs of Taurus Virgo and Capricorn.
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vijayasena · 5 months
No one's pov..
They were probably way more far away from the city, it was the starting of summer so the humidity and heat just made everything much more worse and unbearable...
Ram wiped the sweat off his back of neck from his handkerchief as he panted heavily they already walked more than 8 miles today..
It was getting on His nerves now, he hated missions like this and the cherry on top they weren't getting any closer to their objectives..
General Warren Hastings the new trading officer was elected for the capital of the prosperous hindustan to transport the Manchester made clothes and spices ..
Without having any kind of permission letter or a trial notice from the Constitutional monarchy officers..
But this wasn't something they were concerned about.. the migration of indentured labour had abolished six months ago yet he was getting constant complaints about how people from local and rural areas were forcefully taken to Europe and on the land of whites to work in their factories, and fight for their Britain...
The fact that it was unjustified. If Britain wants war then it should use his own local citizens and people..not the innocent people of their motherland..
And here he was doing something which was against all of this appointed to transport guns and weapons as well as indentured labours to the main department of East India company so that they can help in so called ..
Britain's economic growth.. and development how ironic?...
He scoffed at himself how much more this will gonna take place..
But he knew this wasn't gonna happen, the only thing that used to kill him was his own emotions and the Hatered he held for himself. The disgust he held for himself...
The pain was just for sometime but the guilt, the disgust the Hatered for himself in his conscience was still present no matter how many times he made himself realise that it was all for a bigger purpose..
That he will gonna thank himself, that it's all gonna be worth it when the 1700 sterling silver coins of bullet which crossed seven seas to reach their beloved motherland..
And how those filthy whites consider it expensive enough to not kill a innocent brown..
Because they weren't worth it .
How peaceful he will gonna feel after gracing their heart with that bullet
glancing at his brother like figure Bheem.. who was looking here and there walking carefully and occasionally talking about how much he miss Jenny . Well they were Definitely so cute together..
And he always used to mend their conversation that they fitted perfectly with each other.. Jenny was definitely a sweetheart and someone whom Bheem deserved..
He deserved every happiness of this earth, every wish he had to fullfill he deserved everything.. how happy and carefree he had been with Bheem..
He was just too sweet too observing and too adorable and his talks were soo innocent sometimes ram used to feel like he is best with a five year old.
holding Ram's hand Bheem looked at him and like he sensed his discomfort the second he held his hand .
"Everything is gonna be alright! Don't worry we got this and then you can rest forever all your sacrifices will gonna be worth it and we are always without you"..
Ram almost cried with the amount of innocence and kindness and generosity drip from Bheem's voice and he realised how hard he had been on himself..
How much he hated himself?
How much he hated himself for being like this ?..
He knew this Bheem will gonna do everything in his power to be with him.. to make sure ram is not alone ..
he smiled at him, because he was here to help him, always here to be with him to hold his back, to never let him fall ... And never let anyone else make him fall..
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jamesright002 · 1 year
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enkhanthor · 1 year
*Note: English isn't my mother language and I’m not an expert in idiomatic expression. So if you find any errors or something weird, please forgive me and let me know on “ask me” if you want.
Tradução para Português aqui.
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Around 12,000 years ago, geological and astronomical events such as the younger Dryas impact caused profound climate changes, leading to global warming, rising sea levels and enabling the development of agriculture. Man ceased to be a hunter/gatherer and began to settle in settlements, becoming sedentary. The first cities, ceramics, the calendar, coins (initially clay chips) and later, writing appeared.
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The oldest city in the world is believed to be Çatal Huyuk in Anatolia (Turkey) dating to 7,100 BC, although older settlements such as Tell Abu Hureyra already denote the existence of Pre-Pottery Neolithic communities of Natufian culture in the Levant region and northern Mesopotamia between 13,000 and 9,000 years ago. These were probably seasonal settlements of semi-nomadic hunter-gatherer groups who practiced rudimentary agriculture and domestication of animals, while Çatal Huyuk was a more sophisticated town of around 10 thousand inhabitants, with a sewerage and rainwater channeling system. Their houses were about 25 m² (269,0977 ft²) in size and were built adjacent to each other with openings in the roof, accessed by stairs. The city had no walls, sidewalks, streets, market squares or cemeteries. Their dead were buried under the floors of houses. Art was very important to the local population. Mural paintings and several animal sculptures were found, mainly bulls and women, probable symbols of fertility. One factor that may have favored the establishment of a matriarchal culture is the city's location on the migration route between northern Mesopotamia and the European continent. However, as men spent more time at home and cities emerged, social relations began to change, forming the basis for the patriarchal society that was established since antiquity. The man's space was defined as public, while the woman's became private. Marriages began to be frequent and women became a bargaining chip.
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In Anatolia, the first major constructions also emerged, the Temple of Gobekli Tepe, dating from 9,500 BC, and astro-religion (a set of mythological beliefs based on the observation of the sky and constellations). It is speculated that there was a religious belief at that time, which originated from syncretism all the gods and myths of antiquity. In this way, there are parallels between Ea and Chronos, Zeus and Thor, Ra and Apollo, Ishtar, Astarte and Aphrodite, Hermes and Thoth, Enki/Enlil and God/Devil, Jesus Christ and Krishna and several narratives that talk about a great flood in different cultures.
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It was formerly believed that agriculture spread from three centers of expansion: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China. Today, Harapa (India), Central America and New Guinea are added. The earliest known civilization flourished in the fertile crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where, around 5500 BC, the Ubaid culture developed through the fusion of the three cultures: Samarra (fisher-hunter), Hassuna (practicing irrigated agriculture) and Halef (shepherd potter nomads), later becoming Sumer. The Ubaidians founded the city of Eridu in 5400 BC in southern Mesopotamia and are probably responsible for the oldest metallurgical processes known from copper smelting. Genesis also mentions that the Garden of Eden would be located next to a river that would divide into four, two of them identified as Tigris and Euphrates. This could mean that there was a place of peace and tranquility in this region attributed by the Hebrews as the cradle of humanity. New research has also found submerged ruins that suggest the existence of even older civilizations in Duarca (India) and Yonaguni (Japan), but little is known about these archaeological remains.
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The rules I wrote are for the Neolithic and early pre-Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia because of the archaeological records. I tried to have a base that had sources to research or at least a speculation of how people lived. Another point is that I wanted to diversify the ethnic groups. It is worth remembering that Prehistory in Mesopotamia ends with the invention of writing around 3500 BC, while in Europe it lasts longer. Stonehenge, for example, dates to 3100 BC to 2000 BC (about 6 millennia after Gobekli Tepe).
Being based in Mesopotamia also means some problems. Doesn't have custom content for Sumeria (I'll need to make). I am inspired by Morbid Gamer's Ultimate Decades Challenge and playing 10 thousand years considering every 4 Sim days as 1 human year would be crazy. So I'll adopt the human-based Sims lifespan only when starting historical records. Prior to these records, the Bible and the Sumerian King List suggest that men lived for hundreds of years. So, consider that your Prehistoric Sims lived thousands of years and ancient Sims lived longer than current Sims. I have established each Sim day as 1 year of Antiquity. The amount of generations after completing the basic tasks of this Age is optional and you can also disregard this calendar suggestion.
1 - Gradual progression:
The main rule of this Era is:
1.1 - Changes should happen slowly, gradually and look like progress is being made. No more sleeping in a cave with furs one day and the next day in a brick shed with elaborate clothing and jewelry. Let your Sims conquer things slowly.
2 - Heir, Matrimony, Maternity and Primogeniture
2.1 - The Sim that starts this Era would be the youngest after the Founding Matriarch of Prehistory completed the life cycle. If you've played multiple generations in Prehistory, you can choose another descendant, as long as he's of the Matriarch's blood lineage.
2.2 - The first heir can be a woman, but the next ones will all be men.
2.3 - If you have The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle expansion pack, the "Free Love" action plan is prohibited.
2.4 - Female sims must marry young (teens in the game). Yes, they can marry with elders.
2.5 - It would be nice for men to marry young, but it's not mandatory.
2.6 - Beauty is not fundamental to marriage, fertility yes. Young women with wide hips are preferred. But if your Sim doesn't find their spouse attractive (Wicked Whims or Wonderfull Whims attractiveness system), you can marry them anyway.
2.7 - Marriages can occur by exchanges. I'm not considering the dowry, but the exchange for some more expensive item you need or want.
2.8 - Your Sim can have more than one wife. This rule is valid for women also until the day marked as 2300 BC in the Sim Calendar (see item 4). Polyandry was outlawed under the penalty of stoning around 2300 BC in Sumer.
2.9 - In Simvilization, women must have aspirations of being a Superparent or a Big Happy Family and being mothers. They can have other aspirations and do business with other Sims (through the store or sales table) only when widowed or old (adult), in the absence of a husband.
2.10 Every time a Sim gets married (male or female) roll a D100. If you roll 100, that Sim is infertile and will never be able to have children. Check the option in the CAS so that he cannot have children.
2.11 - If the Sim's wife is infertile he cannot get a divorce.
2.12 - If you use Wicked Whims, Wonderfull Whims or Pregnancy Overhaul you cannot use contraception. I didn't adopt the rule of always “try for a baby” instead of “woo hoo” because surely there must have been methods of preventing pregnancy in the old days, although not as effective as the modern ones.
2.13 - Homosexual relationships gradually begin to be viewed with prejudice. These relationships must be hidden. I'm not sure if this is true for all of Sumer, but it was true for the Hebrews (Bible). So the foundations must have started with marriage.
2.14 - If your inheriting Sim dies, the Legacy passes to the firstborn child.
2.15 - If the heir's eldest son dies, the Legacy passes to the next eldest son.
2.16 - If all of the heir's sons die, the Legacy passes to the closest male Sim.
2.17 - If all male Sims descended from the Matriarch die, the Legacy passes to the eldest daughter or closest female relative, assuming the husband will plan her estate. Upon the death of that female Sim, the Legacy passes to her firstborn male child. If the husband has other children, with another woman, these are not considered, as they are not descendants of the Matriarch.
2.18 - Use rules 2.16 and 2.17 with wisely. A female Sim close to the main family is still more important than a male Sim descended from the Matriarch in a distant world. If you don't have contact with the male Sim's family branch, Legacy passes to the female Sim.
2.19 - If your legacy Sim dies without completing an Age task, the next Sim who takes up the Legacy must carry on that task. The previous heir's skill progression doesn't count. If the heir dies with gardening level 9 and the new one has only 2, you will have all the skill progression effort again.
2.20 - The second son or another male Sim can compete with the heir Sim for the Legacy. A fight must ensue. The loser dies or is exiled. The winner must continue the tasks, applying rule 2.19.
2.21 - I'm not considering the regent yet. In some cases, when the mother is a widow and the heir is a child, a regent (the uncle or second husband of mother) may be appointed to complete the tasks of the Age. But I don't know if this is suitable for this Age or just Roman Empire and Middle Ages. It is more likely that this wasn't important until there was a great accumulation of simoleons. Perhaps, if your family becomes exceptionally rich… Use this idea wisely.
3 - Aspiration and Sim Skills - Agriculture Expansion, Object Crafting and Animal Taming
3.1 - Your Heir Sim must have the Freelance Botanist aspiration and the Super Green Thumb reward trait to complete the Agricultural Age.
3.2 - Your Heir Sim must reach level 10 in Gardening skill.
3.3 - Complete the Harvested Interest achievement.
3.4 - Have a plantation with all plants in your world. It must not be an organized plantation. Just a bunch of plants that grow where you planted them and shouldn't be moved in build mode. You can organize the crops after completing level 10 gardening.
3.5 - Plants with insects cannot be cared for and must die. No pesticides.
3.6 - It is not allowed to buy seeds by the gardener. No buying on phone and computer too, please.
3.7 - Your Sim can travel to another world to gather herbs, fruits and vegetables, but he must stay outside for days with his campfire and tent. Only for worlds with similar climates. If your Sim lives in Willow Creek, he can travel to Newcrest, Windembug, and Henford-on-Bagley. If he lives in Oasis Springs he can travel to Del Sol Valley and Sulani. Granitte Falls are equivalent to the mountains and can be visited by everyone, but Selvadorada isn't.
3.8 - After you reach level 10 in gardening, you can acquire wheat with this branzelotus mod if you want. It's like your Sim traded with merchants.
3.9 - Your Heir Sim must have Handiness Level 10 to purchase the Sales Table (as if your Sim crafted it with Woodworking Skill) which is equivalent to starting business transactions and currency (see item 5).
3.10 - If you have The Sims 4 Cottage Living expansion pack, I recommend using mods to replace the cow with a goat and the llama with a sheep.
3.11 - To own any farm animal (The Sims 4 Cottage Living required), bee box (The Sims 4 Seasons required) or insect farm (The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle required), your Heir Sim must have level 10 Fishing and Gardening skills and enough money (see item 5).
3.12 - Polemic - Exception to rules 3.9 and 3.11 - You can also exchange the sales table, a farm animal or some item by giving one of your daughters in marriage. This rule will apply to almost any object for many Ages to come, especially the poorer your Sim.
3.13 - Sims can have candle fabrication skill. In the Neolithic your Sims remain in the dark if they don't create their own candles. You can only purchase one permanent candle (lighting session in Buy Mode or custom content) for each Sim who reaches Fabrication skill 10. All other candles must be crafted. This rule applies to your main lot, other lots can be customized with permanent candles.
3.14 - All past Age skills are allowed: Gymnastics, Singing, Dancing, Animal Training, Painting, Cooking, Fishing, Charisma, and Mischief. If you have The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat game pack, you can have herbalism too.
3.15 - Skills from mods consistent with the Early Simvilization are allowed: honey production, cowplant farming, for example. Cowplant farming requires level 10 gardening skill and obtain a base game cowplant through fishing or grafting.
4 - Worlds, Weather and Sim Calendar:
4.1 - Choose a world to settle in. Henford-on-Bagley represents Great Britain; Windemburg, the Rhine region of Germany; Newcrest and Willow Creek, Western Europe; Tartosa, the Mediterranean; Oasis Springs and Strangerville, Egypt. In the absence of a suitable world, Mesopotamia can be represented by either Oasis Springs or Sulani.
4.2 - I suggest you stay away from the roads or use a mod like Timeless, always covering modern items with stones with the help of tool 2.6.2.
4.3 - In the Neolithic seasons lasted 7 days, completing 1 Sim year, this will allow the creation of the Sim Calendar.
4.4 - You can set the start of the calendar in the spring of the next year, after you reach level 10 in gardening skill.
4.5 - The Calendar marks the Start of Early Simvilization. The Sim year has 28 days and is divided into p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7 for spring, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7 for summer, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o,7 for autumn and i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7 for winter, where each number corresponds to the day of the week. On the front put the year number. Thus, 1p1 equals the first day of spring in year 1 and 25v5 equals the fifth day of summer in year 25. Follow the calendar tab of my spreadsheet to understand better. Each Sim day at Start of Simvilization equals 1 human year. So at this stage the challenge runs faster than the Ultimate Decades Challenge, considering that events are occurring faster in Sim History than in Human History.
The day 1p1 equals 3500 BC, which date we will establish as the invention of proto-writing in Sumer (although the Ubaid period started in 5400 BC):
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4.6 - As time goes by, build lots in your neighborhood and populate them with random Sims from the game (duly customized) or descendants of other families.
5 - Lots, Money and Bills
5.1 - At the start of Agricultural Age you can now build a rustic shelter. Suggestion: a simple square block with holes for ventilation or just a hole in the floor. Over time and as you earn money, you can add windows, thatched roofs and improve your shelter.
5.2 - At the beginning of Simvilization, money matters. From 1p1, you must zero your family/group money. To do this, have handiness level 10 and buy a sales table (The Sims 4 City Living, The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure or The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle required). Now, press shift+c, enable testingcheats.true and type money 0.
5.3 - After purchasing the sales table, the Sim can no longer sell items from their inventory. You always need to sell the item to another Sim that your Sim can interact with (Yard Sale).
5.4 - To sell items in construction mode, you need to have a store (requires The Sims 4 Get to Work). Unless you know an easier way to sell these items to Sims your Sim interacts with.
5.5 - You cannot sell your harvest. Just pick the fruits and vegetables for your own consumption and sell some through the sales desk.
5.6 - You can ignore bills, always paying and discounting the amount through cheats, as if you had never paid bills. Look at the family/group simoleons before paying the bill. Pay the bill. Press shift+c, enable testingcheats.true and type money observed value. The amount paid on the accounts will be added.
5.7 - The lot you live on does not belong to you, it has no land value. You simply found unclaimed land and built on it. This means that when you leave, you must deduct its value from your initial money. In the same way, when changing lots, you don't have to pay for it. Press shift + c, enable testingcheats.true and use the command FreeRealEstate on.
5.8 - Own the “Off the Grid” and “Simple Living” lot challenges (Simple Living requires The Sims 4 Cottage Living). Again, you can only remove “Off the Grid” if you use a custom content stove because the game interprets the stove as electric. Therefore, prefer barbecue grills.
The rules below apply to Mesopotamia, not Europe:
5.9 - Polemic - You can create a lot that will serve as a house of pleasures. This lot can have a bar, dance floor and music. Female Sims who don't have a husband and the means to support themselves can be dancers and join "the oldest profession in the world". These types of environments cannot be frequented by married women and daughters of patriarchs. The women of the pleasure houses also cannot live with other women from outside, they are unfortunately not well socially accepted. (This case is not sacred prostitution allegedly practiced by Sumerian priestesses in temples.)
5.10 - You can create an Astro-religion temple. The Gods are based on the constellations and forces of nature: Sun God, Moon Goddess, Thunder God, and The Watcher from The Sims Medieval.
5.11 - Other lots allowed as the Simvilization progresses are restaurant (requires The Sims 4 Dine Out game pack), market community lot (requires The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle) and stores (requires The Sims 4 Get to Work), duly customized.
6 - Build Mode Objects and Custom Content
6.1 - All stone and skin items from the past Age are allowed.
6.2 - You can use the woodwork table to craft objects. Destroy in-game items and exchange for custom content items, then these items will be free (you can add your value to the family/group money through cheats). Prefer rustic objects at the beginning (tree benches, for example), but objects with metallic connections (nails) are allowed at the EarlySimvilization.
6.3 - To have a bathtub you need to create it on the woodwork table. Delete it from the game (since you can't sell it in construction mode) and replace it with a more suitable CC.
6.4 - You can have a grill and stove with custom contents.
6.5 - Refrigerators to preserve food are still not allowed. You can have one just for cooking because the game requires it. You can only store fruits and meat (mod olde cookbook v.0.3) as if they were dried fruits and salted meat. Uneaten food must sit out of the refrigerator and spoil (except in winter in places where it snows).
6.6 - Scatter Lump of Clay around the lot to pretend Sims are molding pottery. You can discount the value of the Lumps through cheats and sell them on the sculpture model at the sales table. Mud is free, ready-made pottery is worth something.
6.7 - The Sim can have a loom.
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7 - Create a Sim Items
7.1 - Fur clothes with leather or metallic parts are now allowed.
7.2 - The snowtato loom is a computer in disguise. You can increase writing skill with it. As you level up in writing, you can change your skins for clothes that appear to be woven or made of wool and cotton. One piece per level.
7.3 - In some warmer regions, women can only wear skirts with their breasts uncovered and, over time, cover them up more. Despite that Sims can no longer walk naked, or shower in the rain near other Sims.
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Leaves or Skins? - only consider the first few minutes of video, not the most elaborate outfits.
7.4 - Transition from disheveled hair to neater hair or hairstyles.
7.5- Transition from mandatory to optional body hair for women.
7.6 - Men should still have a beard, except for beardless teenagers or future Egyptians.
8 - Birthdays, Life Expectancy, Deaths and Illnesses
Living in Simvilization made life easier for the Sims, but not so much. No more the devastating danger of starvation, animal attack or homelessness, but now there are plagues, attacks by bandits or other rival cities and the misery of wars and social inequality. Of course, there are always good Sims out there to help those in need, just as much as there are evil ones. Life expectancy has improved compared to prehistory, but remains aggressive.
At Early Simvilization you must change the life stage duration in the MC Command Center settings, based on the life expectancy below:
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8.1 - From day 1p1 of the Calendar, make the modification bellow considering normal and short life time (MCC cannot modify the short life time, if you want to play in the short life time, you must play in normal mode with the change indicated for short):
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8.2 - Always grow the Sim one day after his birthday or let him grow alone (you can remove the forgotten birthday buffs with cheat). Thus, all Sims in the world grow equally, because EA's default is to delay growth by one day.
8.3 - The elder life stage can be left as default, 27 days on normal, or you can simply roll a die to decide how many days your Sim can live.
8.4 - From 1p1, when your Sim grows up, replace the Prehistory dice roll with the dice roll in the table below:
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8.5 - If you roll one of the dice from the table above, it means that your Sim will die at this stage of life. Deaths in childbirth, newborns and the elderly occur on the same day. For the other stages, roll the dice again or spin the roulette wheel with the number of days that the respective stage lasts to find out on which day the Sim will die. That way Sims don't always die on the same day.
8.6 - If you use a mod that adds disease to the game, you can choose to roll the dice only when your Sim gets sick, instead of inventing deaths.
8.7 - For pregnancies with twins, triplets or more, the mother must roll the dice for each baby.
8.8 - Newborns can survive when their mothers die in childbirth (even twins), if you have a domestic animal that generates milk or a pregnant woman or with a child of nursing age (baby and toddler) nearby.
8.9 - If the pregnant woman gets a 5, it means that it was a complicated pregnancy and she is very sick. Roll the dice again the next day. If she survives, she will be sterile. Check the option in the CAS so that the Sim can no longer have children.
8.10 - If you ignore the rule 8.9 and the Sim becomes pregnant again, it is a death sentence. At the time of birth she will surely die.
8.11 - A sorcerer can save your Sim from death (requires The Sims 4 Realm of Magic). With a sorcerer on your lot (belonging to the family group/or not) you can beg for your Sim's life to Mistress Death or roll the dice again, taking a good number, the previous die is nullified and your Sim survives.
8.12 - Sorcerers can also cure infertility. Visit or invite a sorcerer to your lot. Get any potion from the reward shop. Pay 1000 simoleons for the potion (as if you bought it from the sorcerer) and you can lift the CAS restriction and "try for a baby" once. Do not abuse this rule.
9 - Attacks by Bandits or Other Peoples, Natural Disasters, Crop Losses and Diseases
It is assumed that with the sedentary lifestyle and the accumulation of food and products, groups of looters also emerged. Bandit attacks can occur by decreasing your game's Sim population. Life in cities without modern hygiene habits and living with animals also facilitate the transmission of diseases. Your Sim doesn't yet live in beautifully finished homes, fully protected from nature. Natural disasters such as landslides, floods, severe storms, heat waves, etc. may occur. At least one of these events must happen at some point in this Age.
9.1 - If a bandit attack happens, roll the dice or heads and tails for each Sim in your world. Sims can be killed or taken as slaves (mostly women and children).
9.2 - If your Sims are taken as slaves, you can choose to delete them or move them to another world, continuing their descent away from the main family/group.
9.3 - When bandits attack you also lose your plantation and part of your money. Roll a D100 to find out what percentage of money you should withdraw from your account. Taking 1 is 1%, 10 is 10%, 50 is half and 100 is total loss.
9.4 - In case of a disease outbreak, roll the dice or flip heads or tails for each Sim in your world, deciding who lives and who dies.
9.5 - The Sims 4 Seasons: Strong storms or excessive heat can make you lose your plantation and consequently your harvest. Roll a D100 to find out the percentage of the loss.
10 - Animals
I tried researching the oldest dog races and this is what I found, though not from reliable sources, but from articles on the internet:
Basenji (this breed is supposed to have emigrated from Africa and was represented through cave paintings in Libya 6000 years ago), Akita-Inu (its ancestor Matagi-Inu existed from 8000 BC to 200 BC), Alaskan Malamute (bred by the Mahlemut tribe 2000 or 3000 years ago), Saluki (dates back to 329 BC in Egypt, it is believed that it was used by tribes of nomadic hunters for its strength, endurance and agility), Siberian Husky (followed the Chukchi tribe in the region of Siberia), Samoyed (used to pull sleds and hunt by the Samoyed people of northwestern Siberia), Shar-Pei (hunter of wild boar and protector of livestock) and Chow-Chow (its name Songshi-Quan means "bellied lion dog". Pictured on a bas-relief from the Han Dynasty (150 BC -200 BC)). Of these, only the Basenji would have been common in the Mesopotamia region and excepting the Saluki, the other dogs belong to peoples with oriental physical characteristics such as almond-shaped eyes and straight black hair.
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Basenji - Origin and Migration.
10.1 - You can have a dog that looks like a wolf or another wild animal (requires The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs).
10.2 - You can have a Basenji dog in Oasis Springs or Sulani.
10.3 - You can have a dog that looks like Akita, Samoyeda or Siberian Husky if your ethnicity is oriental.
10.4 - Prehistory rules continue. If your pet gets sick, wait a day and roll the D20 dice for it. On a roll of 5 or more, it must survive and acquire resistance to that disease. Watch the symptoms and the next time it has the same illness he won't need to roll the dice. You can press shift+left mouse button and restart it to remove the disease.
10.5 - Even in Simvilization, the sick animal cannot go to the vet, but if you have a socery on your lot (requires The Sims 4 Realm of Magic), he can cure the animal. Roll the die again, rolling 5 or more, your pet is healed even if you rolled a negative dice the previous round.
11 - Occults
11.1 - If you have The Sims 4 Realm of Magic game pack, you can create a sorcerer Sim to be a temple priest, or even considered a God. Socerys can also heal people, sell potions through the table sale, and trade skills (magic item repairs) for Simoleons. A fridge that looks like a wooden cabinet with bad contact in a time when there was no electricity and a stone bathtub leaking water seem like items taken by evil spirits, don't they? Add 50 simoleons every time you fix a broken item in someone's house.
11.2 - If you have The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack, you can have an Alien and consider him to be an Anunnaki, an ancient alien. I particularly think they match the paintings of the Egyptian god Osiris. But the gods were astronauts?
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11.3 - The myth of the Vampire was present in Sumeria through Lamashtu. If you have The Sims 4 Vampires game pack and fishing the Vampire Squid or Batfish in the Oasis Springs secret lot, you can come into contact with the vampirism virus and become a vampire. Use cheats to do this, or create a vampire to transform your Sim as if the fish had bitten him. You can delete the vampire later.
11.4 - Tiamat was also the mother of sea monsters, or perhaps mermaids (requires The Sims 4 Island Living).
12 - The Simvilization
If you've made it this far, your legacy Sim is already level 10 in Fishing, Gardening, and Handiness. You already have a calendar, a shelter, and a neighborhood. His life expectancy improved a little bit. Congratulations, now your Sim's challenge will no longer be taking a shower in the rain at the risk of being hit by lightning and needing to fish to roast a fish over the fire and not starve to death. His new goal is to earn money so he can build a successful legacy. Trust me, making money without being able to sell through Sim inventory and build mode is hard.
12.1 - The aspirations for this stage are Fabulously Wealthy and Successfull Lineage, you can alternate between them.
12.2 - Male Sims can have fisher and gardener careers.
12.3 - You must complete a base game crystal collection if you live in Oasis Springs and a shell collection (requires The Sims 4 Island Living) if you live in Sulani. Or both if you want to travel between worlds as a merchant.
12.4 - Complete the Rosebud achievement, while you upgrade your outfits and main lot.
13 - Expansions, Game Packs and Stuff Packs:
13.1 - The Sims 4 Seasons (essential). Organize Sim Calendar.
13.2 - The Sims 4 Cottage Living (optional). “Simple life” lot challenge and farm animals.
13.3 - The Sims 4 City Living (optional/essential). Have a street vendor table.
13.4 - The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle (optional/essential). Have a community market lot, sales table and insect farm.
13.5 - The Sims 4 Island Living (optional). Live in Sulani (equivalent to the Fertile Crescent) and have a mermaid.
13.6 - The Sims 4 Get to Work (optional). Having an Alien and store.
13.7 - The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure (essential if you don't have The Sims 4 City Living or The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle). Have a street vendor table.
13.8 - The Sims 4 Realm of Magic (optional). Having a sorcerer to be a priest of the Astro-religion.
13.9 - The Sims 4 Vampires (optional). Having a Vampire.
13.10 - The Sims 4 Dine Out (optional). Have a restaurant.
14 - MCC settings:
14.1 - Enable marriages between men and women and more than one spouse.
14.2 - Women marry in adolescence, men at any age from adolescence.
14.3 - Female Elder Sims are not eligible to have children. Male Elder sims yes.
14.4 - There should be a higher percentage of pregnancies in the teenage and young adult stages compared to adulthood.
14.5 - Enable parenting skill for teenagers.
14.6 - Enable children can take care of babies.
14.7 - Increase the number of children per family/group from 3 to 6.
14.8 - Change the duration of lifespan from Sim Year 1: Newborns 6 days, Infants 20 days, Children, Adolescents and Young Adults, 27 days each, Adults, 55 days and Elders 27 days.
15 - Recommended mods:
- MC Command Center by Deaderpool - Manages various game resources.
-Timeless by Pandora - Removes some post-1900 modern items. Appropriate for Victorian Era historical saves.
- Tool v.2.6 by Twisted Mexi - Add and edit objects in the world.
-Sulani Hiders by Simplified Modding - Hides modern items in Sulani.
- Invisible Crib (default) by Severinka - hide the cradle.
-Miscarriage Chance by LittleMsSam’s or Miscarriage & Pregnancy Loss Pregnancy Overhaul Module - There is a chance the female Sim will experience cramps and miscarriage.
- Personalized content consistent with the Era. You can check the list of CPs I found at CC Links LHC Directory in my home page (I'm always updating).
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"BRICS" has really come apart since 2000, or whatever ancient year it was coined in -- Brazil seems about as it was, plus some decades of political turmoil with a plausibility of democracy but all the rest of them don't really make sense here -- Russia's become annoying to trade with because of the war, China might be recognized as a superpower these days but has trade and investment issues all their own, India looks kind of like those two, in the sense of "huge semi-developed economies thrust into the Information Age", but I think that obscures differences rather than helping clarify -- the economies of India and the US have only grown more entwined, not just in trade, but at the firm level since, while China has drifted so far away. South Africa is probably the least impressive on this list and it was added as an afterthought because of reasoning like, "What do we have for Africa? Africa's huge, that's massive potential" and South Africa was the least foreign at the time. Probably still is, but it's been seriously eclipsed by Nigeria since then.
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ingek73 · 1 year
Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex
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Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex is a feminist, champion of human rights and gender equity, and global role model. Her lifelong advocacy for women and girls remains a constant thread she weaves through both humanitarian and business ventures. She is noted as one of the most powerful and influential women in the world, topping lists such as TIME Magazine’s Most Influential People, The Financial Times’ 25 Most Influential Women, Variety Power of Women, and British Vogue’s Vogue 25.
She and her husband, Prince Harry have also been the recipients of the NAACP President’s Award as well as the Robert F. Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award. Meghan’s global impact, and strong stance on resilience, equality, and compassion through action, have made her one of the most iconic public figures of this generation.
Born and raised in Southern California, Meghan attended Los Angeles based all-girls Catholic School, Immaculate Heart, which she continues to support as an alumna, before moving to Chicago to attend the prestigious Northwestern University. While there, she double majored in Theater and International Relations, and went on to intern at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well as to study abroad in Madrid, Spain. After graduation, Meghan turned her focus to the entertainment industry, landing her big break as a lead actor on the hit series, ‘Suits’ which she starred in for seven seasons. During her time off between filming, Meghan travelled to Rwanda, India, and across the globe working on humanitarian missions, and serving in key roles such as: UN Women’s Advocate for Women’s Political Participation and Leadership, a World Vision Global Ambassador, and a leading Counsellor to One Young World, where she inspired youth and women around the world through her passionate advocacy and hands-on approach to being of service. She also travelled to support the military community on a USO Tour, visiting six military bases in seven days including Bagram, Afghanistan.
In 2018, Meghan married Prince Harry, becoming The Duchess of Sussex.
An accomplished writer, she has contributed pieces to publications in the UK, US, and Ireland, and parlayed that skill into the creation of the successful lifestyle website, ‘The Tig’, where her thoughtful and inspiring op-eds cultivated a global fanbase. The Duchess of Sussex was the first guest editor in the history of British Vogue for their July Issue in 2019, which was the fastest selling copy in the history of the publication.
She and Prince Harry founded The Archewell Foundation in 2020 to support communities in need at a micro and macro level, in both moments of crisis as well as for long term aid. At The Archewell Foundation, they hold the value that charitable work should not simply be ‘a handout, but rather a hand held’, a phrase which Meghan first coined when supporting UK charity Smart Works, of which she is patron, that uplifts and prepares underserved women to enter the workforce. Meghan and her husband also founded and oversee production company, Archewell Productions and podcasting arm, Archewell Audio.
In 2022, Meghan launched ‘Archetypes’, a record-breaking podcast exploring the labels that try to hold women back; ‘Archetypes’ debuted at Number 1 in The US, UK, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand, and topped the charts as the Number 1 podcast in 47 countries, demonstrating her unparalleled global reach. After its first season, Archetypes was awarded The People’s Choice Award in the podcast category.
She is a NY Times Best Selling author, publishing her highly celebrated children’s book, ‘The Bench’, and “Together: Our Community Kitchen” a publication she spearheaded with the women of the Hubb Community Kitchen in the UK, who were displaced after the tragic Grenfell Fire. True to her character, The Duchess of Sussex mobilized to turn pain into purpose, working alongside this dynamic group of women to help them heal, grow, and develop their own business enterprises in the face of adversity. In addition to topping the NY Times Bestsellers list, “Together,” also debuted as number one on the UK’s Sunday Booklist, with proceeds going to the Kitchen.
Meghan’s influence in fashion has been coined “The Meghan Effect” with items selling out within hours of her wearing them. Her ‘effect’ has transcended fashion, shifting cultural conversations as seen with her op-ed for the NY Times “The Losses We Share.” The piece detailed a heartbreaking personal loss which spiked the conversation surrounding miscarriage to the highest it had been spoken of in over two decades at the time of publishing.
Meghan is a passionate advocate for mental health and family care, the holistic support of women and children’s rights, and the immeasurable value of one’s self worth. Her core belief that representation matters, and her connection to community through the lens of learning, healing, and inspiring have helped define her as a cultural catalyst for positive change.
Meghan resides in California with her husband and their children Prince Archie Harrison and Princess Lilibet Diana, and their three dogs.
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tourajdaryaee-blog · 1 year
A Note on Šahrwarāz in Egypt
Šahrwarāz was the general involved in the conquest of the Roman Empire in the early seventh century CE and became a main actor in the “Last Great War of Antiquity.” Šāhrwarāz, along with the other Sasanian general, Šāhēn were instructed by king of kings, Khosrow II to conquer the eastern territory of the Roman Empire. Indeed, these generals were able to do what was planned by the court and the king and by 619 CE, Šahrwarāz had reached Egypt and the Persians would be in control there till 628 CE. While we have Pahlavi, Greek Coptic papyri from the period of Sasanian presence in Egypt, and we know that in 630 CE Šahrwarāz ruled as the king of kings, we do not have any coins or images of this all-important person. In many ways the Sasanian Empire was brought down by the coup and the probable complicity of Šahrwarāz and not the invasion of the Emperor Heraclius. Understanding the developments in Sasanian Iranshahr between 626 and 630 CE is a key factor in the history of the period. I would point to W. Kaegi (2003) and James Howard-Johnston (2006) whose attention to Heraclius and the great war of the world in the seventh century have given us the basic outline of what took place. The historiography of Šahrwarāz now been masterfully presented by Hameen-Anttila (2022), where we can trace the historiography of Šahrwarāz as presented in the Roman and Iranian based sources. Still, no pictorial images of Šahrwarāz is available and a biography of his is needed to be written.
     Šahrwarāz’s name appears in various forms, such as in Persian as Šahrbarāz and his title Gurāz “boar” in the Šāhnāmeh. This is however one of the titles of the man whose real name is Farroxān, who is the Šāhnāmeh is mentioned as Ferāyīn, and in the Armenian and Georgian sources as Xrean and with similar forms. Tabari states that Farroxān had the rank of Šāhrwarāz (Tabari 1999, p. 319), meaning “Boar of the Empire,” But it is interesting that he may have had other titles, for example Razmyōzān (Tabari 1999, 318), meaning the “War Panther,” variously appearing as Rozmyōzān, Ruzmiozan, Rozmi-Ozan, Razmiołan, Ruzi Bahan (Noldeke 1879, p. 292, ft. 2 : Justi 1895, p. 277 : Hübschman 1893, p. 622-624 : Dowsett, 1961, p. 77, ft. 2).
     It is also interesting that the highest ranking Sasanian personage in the Pahlavi papyri from Egypt (619-628 CE), who carries the title of Kārframān ī dar, a “Chief of the Court,” has the title or named  Σαρϱαλανεοζᾶν / Saralaneozan, which renders Šahr-Ālānyōzān (Sanger 2011, p. 654), and this person has certainly been identified as Šahrwarāz by J. Banaji (2019). But what is to be meant by Šahr-Ālānyōzān? Of course the simple answer is the “Alanian Panther of the Empire.” This affiliation remind me of the Georgian The Knight in the Panther's Skin of Shota Rustaveli and his heroic deeds who took place in lands of Arabia and India. We should be reminded that there are other generals with similar feline titles in the Sasanians period, for example Sar-palang “Leopard Head,” which again reminds of the Georgian Vakhtang Gorgasali.
     There are new finds which suggest the strong Persian presence in Egypt, most notably a Sasanian plate (Azarnouche, Fragaki, Grenet 2020). The Getty Villa had an amazing exhibition and a catalogue on Ancient Iran, edited by J. Spier, T. Potts, and S.E. Cole. One of the pieces that caught my eye there was a bone plaque found in Sohag, in Upper Egypt (2022, 315). The piece is certainly Sasanian in style and the catalogue suggests that it is an “enthroned king.” Leaving aside that the plaque may be post-Sasanian, I noticed that while the figure is seated like a ruler, he is not wearing a crown! So, the figure is seating on a throne, but with no crown; it is from Egypt and most likely from the Sasanian period. Who could this person be? To my mind a strong possibility would be Šahrwarāz.
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From the Persian: Ancient Iran and the Classical World, Getty Villa Catalogue, eds. J. Spier, T. Potts, S.E. Cole, 2022.
This is just a blog!
Shall write the article soon.
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