#Cole nash
iliarareadssss · 9 months
Therapy is expensive, Daydreaming about fictional characters is not.
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erasurecloud · 6 months
Eli: why doesn’t Cole like us? We’re perfect for his daughters.
Remi: Your guess is as good as your lordship’s.
Cole: *remembering what Aiden and Ronan were like*
Cole: Never happening.
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mzradyer · 5 months
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lisichka X the overlord
cecily knight and jeremy volkov from god of wrath (legacy of gods #3) by rina kent
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urlocalrambler · 6 months
internally crying because rina kent is choosing NOT to write the one LOG book that i was dying for. remington // ariella would've been EVERYTHING, imagine the golden boy and the female stalker trope in action, and the amount of drama that could've occured with this one book between everyone. how did all of the King's get a book (the only book that wasn't about a King was Jeremy Volkov's and of course, that one was my favourite) but Ronan/Teal (my all-time favourite rina ship) got nothing for their one and only child.
justice for ariella // remi, their ship lives on in my brain. i have so many headcanons for them.
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lighthousepigeons · 4 months
[At Eli and Ava's wedding]
Aiden: Congratulations to the both of you.
Ava: Thank you, Uncle Aiden.
Aiden: You're family now, call me dad.
Cole, spawning out of nowhere: I think the fuck not-
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booksandspilledwine · 3 months
Reasons why I could NEVER hate Eli King
-an extensive list
Let me just start off with this excerpt from one of Eli’s chapters:
‘As I watch her peaceful expression, I almost forget that I’m married to what’s societally known as a madwoman. Worse, she doesn’t even know it. And I’ll make sure it remains this way.’
He forced organizations and companies to invite Ava to play at their events or programs so that she could rediscover her lifelong passion: the cello.
Before her performance, he texts her knowing that she’s anxious and reassures her too. 
‘My wife is many infuriating things, but she’s undeniably beautiful.’
Like hello??? SWOON.
He avoided drinking and helped Ava with her alcoholism issues.
He distanced himself from Ava because he felt that his face was a trigger to her episodes
‘I’ll carve my name beneath her skin so deeply, she’ll find me in her dreams. And her nightmares.’
Eli, Chapter 25.
“Tell me you find me beautiful.” “I find you so extremely beautiful, it hurts to look at you sometimes.” “More beautiful than your ex-girlfriends?” “I’ve never had a girlfriend and even if I had, they wouldn’t hold a candle to you.”
He memorized the letter she had written in which she confessed her feelings for him. WORD FOR WORD.
He had OCD, yet he allowed her to mess up the order of his books.
He refrained from having s3x with her because he felt that she was not in the right state of mind to consent to it. He felt like he was taking advantage of her and he did not like that at all.
He left an important meeting just because Ava showed up at the office, without caring about the consequences or what his father would say.
He stabbed a man important to his project for suggesting that all he wanted in return for his investment was sleeping with Ava for a night. He stabbed a man. IN PUBLIC. 
“You’re lucky we’re in public or that knife would’ve been deep in your throat. Look at my wife again and I’ll gouge your eyes out.”
Yet another example of him not giving two shits about the consequences and problems he’d have to face.
“You’re my wife and those who don’t respect the fact will be dealt with accordingly.” 
He literally killed a man because he sexually assaulted Ava.
He didn’t let her drive because he anticipated that she would have a panic attack and it would also serve as a trigger.
“You never treated me as abnormal and I’m grateful. No, I’m beyond grateful.”
Ava to Eli, in chapter 29.
‘And I know- I just know I’ll fuck up everything for this woman.’
Oh Eli King, the man you are.
He keeps the night lamp on because he knew how much she hated sleeping in the dark. Now, this might not seem like a lot BUT IT’S ALWAYS THE LITTLE THINGS.
“Should we go to a West End show later?”
“You don’t even like the theater.”
“But you do.”
He took care of her after every episode, bathing her, cleaning her and putting her to sleep because he knew she was in no state to do so and she couldn't even differentiate what was real and what wasn't. He did all of this without ever complaining.
No matter the situation, he, and I cannot stress on this enough, ALWAYS put her needs before his. One example is the fact that he developed insomnia because he was worried that she would have an episode at night and he wouldn’t be able to help her. That literally shows how much he cares for Ava.
‘However, the more I find, the deeper I want to go. I’ve seen her hide from her best friends just so they won’t witness her at her worst. I’ve seen her smile and laugh while her eyes were screaming for help. I’ve seen her looking in the mirror and reciting her name, age, and her love for cello while seeming as if she were staring through herself.’
He noticed every small detail about her.
“I’d never despise her.”
“Even if she’s the reason you ruin the ambition you’ve harbored your entire life?”
“Even then.”
“You’ll be destructive without a purpose.”
“I have a purpose. It’s her.”
A conversation between Eli and Leo Henderson
In the beginning of the book, we see Ava repeatedly asking for a divorce and Eli shutting that down. However, the minute Ava threatens to kill herself, he agrees to a divorce and transfer of guardianship.
He didn't want to live in a world if Ava wasn't in it. He was ready to unalive himself if she had died in her fall down the stairs. 
‘I sacrificed my peace of mind for hers, and I realize now that I would do it again in a heartbeat if I ever got a redo. Because I care about her, more than I even realized. Since she waited years for me to come around. I can do the same. For as long as it takes.’
In chapter 41, Cecily gives a long explanation of Eli’s actions. If that doesn't convince you that he cares about her, I don't know what will.
Eli would visit her at the institute every night once the doctor allowed him to. He held her hand as he sat. He would read romance books to her even though he didn't like them at all. He came back night after night, even when it looked like he hadn't slept for days so much so that Cole himself was impressed.
He took care of her plants in case she ever thought of returning.
He never took off the watch she gifted him.
“The phoenix is you. You’re a beautiful mythical being who can be born from the ashes of your illness.” “And the tree of life?” “That’s me. I believed I could contain your rebirth, every time.”
SEE?? He loved her so much that he got a tattoo for her. Also I'm just a sucker for those phoenix metaphors.
‘She might have been the one who experienced issues with alcoholism, but my addiction to her is far worse. The only difference is that I don’t wish to ever become sober.’
An excerpt from the second epilogue.
EliAva are the perfect definition of ‘Action speaks louder than words.’ Saying that you couldn't feel the love between them is just straight up stupid. If you think they didn't have chemistry, then I just have one question for you. DID WE EVEN READ THE SAME BOOK?? If you think chemistry means chasing someone in the woods, taking advantage of you, forcing some random girl who's on the verge of offing herself to give you a bl0wj0b at the EGDE OF A CLIFF, no less, then I really don't know what to say. Am I saying Eli was a good man? No. Not at all. He wasn't perfect. Every Rina Kent MMC had their own issues and were problematic. People say they want complex characters but the minute a complex character is introduced, y'all waste no time hating on them. What Eli did barely even touched the surface, especially if we compare him to other RK men. Hate on him, Ava or the book all you want but don't tell me they didn't have chemistry or that Eli never cared about her when the entire book is a testament to the fact that he actually cared about Ava a lot.
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xoxoskai · 1 year
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May 2024 is too far, and the delusion preservation is imperative.
Eli listens to classical music just for Ava.
Ava sometimes sneaks into the library at the King's mansion just to swipe a book or two that she may have seen Eli reading. Other times, she bribes Creighton.
Eli is practically adopted by Silver the moment Elsa reveals his little crush (privately, of course) on her daughter. It does not stop Cole from throwing jabs at him whenever he comes over to hang out with Aunt Silver and to spy on his girl.
During their childhood, they've been locked together by their friends/siblings/cousins in the same room/closet plenty of times.
As a sign of rebellion against her parents, Ava once dyes her entire hair pink. The mortification hits her soon after and she refuses to talk to anyone until one text, one silent drive to the salon later she's sharing her snickers bar with Eli as a form of thanks.
Eli always leaves an anonymous bouquet of pink roses (her favorite) for Ava before her recitals in her dressing room. It's the only sign that he attends her recitals at all (Eli has attended every single one of them).
Whenever Eli goes AWOL, only Ava knows he's hiding in the library in a dark nook that has space behind the shelf just enough for two people. Sometimes, she joins him. Other times, she lays her head against his shoulder as he reads in the quiet.
All the teasing garnered from her friends due to Eli's attention suddenly stops one day. Becomes more...cautious.
Eli swears he had nothing to do with it and that he would never threaten them (he's lying, he nearly makes Remi cry).
Ava, like her mom, also writes journals where a lot of pages have Eli's name written, circled, crossed and scribbled out.
For prom, RES hosts a masquerade theme but every single boy in the school is terrified to ask Ava to prom. Glyndon decides to go without a date as well and Cecily flies in to join them. Both friends pretend not to notice Ava dancing with a masked stranger on the dancefloor at midnight.
Eli never stays longer than five minutes at any of Ava's birthdays/sometimes she never finds him at all, but she always finds his gifts in her room.
Ava has a jersey with Eli's number on it that Cole secretly swipes out of her closet to burn but gets caught by Silver.
Ariella is Eli's partner-in-crime.
After Eli leaves for University, Ava shows up at the King's mansion under the pretense of hanging out with Elsa but it's just to sneak into Eli's room and look at all his awards and trophies longingly she does not miss him.
When they finally start dating, they are met with long-suffering sighs, "finally"'s and "took you guys forever."
Ava drops little hints of herself wherever she can find a place for it. Scrunchie on his gearshift. Perfume bottle on his desk. "Accidental" kiss mark on his collar. Her ring on a chain around his neck.
Ava makes Eli watch all the chick-flicks she can because she's appalled when she finds out he hasn't watched Mean Girls.
"BOo, yoU wHoRE" - Remi says, sitting next to Cecy, Glyn, Annika and Ava wearing a facemask matching theirs.
The moment Cole opens the door to see his daughter and King's spawn standing together, hand-in-hand, the first thing he says is "No"
And it's final, too. No amount of convincing from both Silver and Ava seems to work.
When he finally comes around and they all sit down for dinner, they have a "Daddy, can you pass the salt?" moment after which Eli is chased out of the house by Cole and his gün.
Eli sneaks in thru the balcony into Ava's room anyway. Both Ariella and Silver know and choose not to tell Cole.
Eli's only saving grace with Cole is that Eli would kilI for his daughter or die trying and Cole wouldn't want any man willing to give anything lesser for his Ava.
Part two?
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severe-kitty · 9 months
Eli: What are you doing here?
Ava: I could ask you the same question.
Eli: I live here. This is my house.
Ava: I should probably ask you a different question.
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aidenelsa · 1 year
may 2024 is a big month for annoying people (eliava shippers)
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stargirlie25 · 8 months
Oki dok so i have read all of the LOG books except the first one.
Mainly because imo Elites>bratva.
So i do not like Killian because he is constantly up my mans Landon. Although i love Jeremy and Nikolai....OK the real reason is because his nickname is so stupid like the other nickames i like
Landon-Little muse ( as in she is his muse bc he is an artist)
Jeremy- Lichiska (lets not talk about the english but its sounds hot in russian)
Creighton-Little purple (I dont like the little but purple is cute bc thats his girls favorite color)
Nikolai- Lotus flower, prince charming (I swear all his nicknames for his man is the best thing ever and even if it was little hippo i would stan it)
Now the one that makes me want to scratch my eyes out
Killian- Little rabbit. LIKE WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? YOU COULDNT THINK OF ANYTHING CUTE? Poor Glyn she must be jealous all her friends have better nicknames.
Im probably just going to read it tho
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pink-mask-06 · 1 year
Eli: I love you
Ava: [annoyed] how many people have you told that to?
Eli: Everyone
Ava: what....?
Eli: I told everyone that i love you
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bluetalenerd · 2 months
RES MEME (Horsemen Banter)
Aiden : Well, i must say Teal for being as intelligent as she looks, she tried to drive the wrong man to the cliff
Ronan : Are you for a fact forgetting that Elsa was my fiancée once?
Aiden *left eye twitching* :
Xander : King relax
Cole : Right, King, drink some water
Aiden : Shut up you fucked your stepsister
Cole *grits his teeth* : She wasn't my stepsister
Aiden : So you keep saying
Ronan : Anyways, Peasants, Elsa was my fiancée, Kim and Elsa almost agreed to having to threesome with me and well as for Silver i had her sight of being tied to bed i die as a happy man
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onewhothinksalot · 3 months
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mzradyer · 5 months
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ma belle x his lordship
teal van doren and ronan astor from vicious prince (royal elite #5) by rina kent
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maya-19 · 1 year
Is anyone else obsessed with the royal elite series by Rina Kent?
Because it’s been four days and I’m nearly finished with Cole and silvers book, the sixth one. HELP IM OBSESSED😭
Gonna read Johnathan’s duet. And Adrian’s trilogy. And fricking THE LEGACY OF GOD SERIES GOD IM GONNA EAT THAT UP!!
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lighthousepigeons · 4 months
Eli: You think you know it all, don't you?
Cole: Actually I know only one thing: Aiden made only ONE joke his entire life.
Cole: And it's talking to me right now.
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