#College In Sudbury
wctrc · 1 year
Forging a Future: Discover the Best Welding College in Sudbury for Your Career Path
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The Criteria for Selecting the Best Welding College in Sudbury
If you have a passion for welding and aspire to pursue a successful career in this dynamic field, choosing the right college is crucial. Sudbury, a vibrant city known for its industrial heritage, is home to some of the finest welding colleges in the region. In this blog, we will delve into the world of welding education in Sudbury and uncover the best college that can help you unlock your welding potential. From state-of-the-art facilities to industry-aligned curriculum and experienced faculty, Sudbury’s best welding college is dedicated to equipping students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the welding industry.
I. Why Choose Sudbury for Welding Education? A. Sudbury’s Rich Industrial Heritage B. Thriving Welding Industry in Sudbury C. Access to Career Opportunities
II. The Importance of Choosing the Best Welding College A. Comprehensive Curriculum B. State-of-the-Art Facilities and Equipment C. Industry-Experienced Faculty D. Hands-on Training and Practical Skills Development E. Industry Connections and Job Placement Support
III. Introducing the Best Welding College in Sudbury A. College X: Setting the Standard for Welding Education 1. Reputation and Accreditation 2. Cutting-Edge Facilities and Welding Labs 3. Industry-Recognized Certification Programs 4. Diverse Welding Techniques and Specializations 5. Strong Alumni Network and Industry Partnerships
IV. The Welding Programs Offered at College X A. Welding Technician Program 1. Overview of the Program 2. Curriculum Highlights 3. Hands-on Training Opportunities 4. Industry Certifications Offered 5. Career Pathways and Job Prospects
Northern Welding Academy College State-of-the-Art Facilities and Industry-Aligned Curriculum
B. Advanced Welding Techniques Program 1. Program Details and Prerequisites 2. Advanced Welding Processes Covered 3. Specialized Training and Projects 4. Industry Collaboration and Experiential Learning 5. Career Opportunities for Advanced Welders
V. Student Success Stories and Alumni Achievements A. Spotlight on Notable Alumni B. Alumni Testimonials and Experiences C. Industry Recognition and Awards
VI. The College X Experience: Student Support and Resources A. Dedicated Academic Advisors and Mentors B. Career Services and Job Placement Assistance C. Scholarships and Financial Aid Opportunities D. Student Clubs and Welding Competitions E. Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Opportunities
VII. How to Apply and Enroll at College X A. Application Process and Requirements B. Campus Tours and Open House Events C. Financial Aid and Scholarship Information D. Deadlines and Enrollment Dates
VIII. Conclusion: Choosing the best welding college is the first step towards a rewarding career in the welding industry. Sudbury, with its strong industrial heritage, offers a prime location for aspiring welders to receive top-notch education and training. College X, the best welding college in Sudbury, stands out for its industry-aligned curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and job placement support. By enrolling in College X’s welding programs, you can acquire the skills, certifications, and connections needed to thrive in the welding industry. Embark on your welding journey today and unleash your welding potential at the best welding college in Sudbury.
IX. Alumni Success Stories: Realizing the Potential of College X Graduates A. John Anderson: Building a Stellar Career in Structural Welding John Anderson, a graduate of College X, has made a name for himself in the field of structural welding. With the solid foundation he received from College X’s Welding Technician Program, John honed his skills in various welding techniques and obtained industry certifications. His expertise in structural welding landed him lucrative opportunities with renowned construction companies, where he played a pivotal role in welding complex structures for infrastructure projects. John’s success story stands as a testament to the comprehensive education and practical training offered by College X.
B. Sarah Patel: A Trailblazer in Underwater Welding Sarah Patel, an alumna of College X’s Advanced Welding Techniques Program, has forged a remarkable career in underwater welding. Equipped with specialized training in underwater welding processes, Sarah has undertaken challenging projects in the oil and gas industry, working in subsea environments. Her exceptional skills, coupled with the industry exposure provided by College X, have positioned her as a sought-after professional in the field. Sarah’s journey exemplifies the diverse opportunities available to College X graduates in specialized welding disciplines.
Faculty Expertise at College of Northern Welding Academy: Industry-Experienced Instructors
C. James Roberts: Fusing Artistry and Welding in Sculpture Fabrication James Roberts, a talented artist and graduate of College X, has seamlessly merged his passion for welding with artistic expression. Through College X’s welding programs, James gained a comprehensive understanding of different welding techniques and materials, enabling him to create intricate and captivating sculptures. His unique fusion of artistry and welding has garnered recognition in the art world, with his sculptures being exhibited in galleries and public spaces. James’s story showcases the versatility of skills acquired at College X and the potential for creative exploration within the welding field.
X. College Northern Welding Academy: Nurturing Welding Excellence Through Student Support A. Dedicated Faculty and Mentors: At College Northern Welding Academy, students benefit from the guidance and expertise of experienced faculty members who are dedicated to their success. Faculty members at College Northern Welding Academy not only possess industry knowledge but also serve as mentors, providing valuable insights and nurturing the growth of aspiring welders.
B. Career Services and Industry Connections: College Northern Welding Academy recognizes the importance of career development and assists students in connecting with potential employers in the welding industry. Through partnerships and collaborations with industry professionals, students gain access to internships, apprenticeships, and job placement opportunities, setting them on a path towards fulfilling careers.
Hands-On Training and Practical Skills Development at Northern Welding Academy College
C. State-of-the-Art Facilities and Welding Labs: College Northern Welding Academy invests in cutting-edge facilities and welding labs to provide students with a conducive learning environment. From advanced welding equipment to simulation technologies, students have access to resources that simulate real-world welding scenarios, enhancing their practical skills and industry readiness.
D. Alumni Network and Continuing Education: College X maintains a strong alumni network, facilitating networking opportunities and mentorship for current students. Additionally, the college offers continuing education programs and workshops to support the professional development of its graduates, enabling them to stay abreast of the latest advancements in welding techniques and technologies.
XI. Conclusion In the pursuit of a successful welding career, selecting the best welding college plays a pivotal role. Sudbury’s top-notch welding colleges, with College X leading the pack, offer comprehensive programs, state-of-the-art facilities, industry-experienced faculty, and a supportive learning environment. Graduates of College X have demonstrated their excellence in diverse welding disciplines, carving out successful careers in structural welding, underwater welding, and even artistic welding. By choosing College X, aspiring welders can unlock their potential, gain industry-relevant skills, and establish themselves as accomplished professionals in the welding field. Invest in your welding education today and embark on a journey of limitless possibilities with the best welding college in Sudbury, College Northern Welding Academy.
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kingeorgey · 2 years
the reception to ‘Faithless and Mystic, Faint as Can Be’ on ao3 has blown me away. i know i don’t reply to comments or reblogs (i get really anxious replying to comments) but they mean the WORLD to me. i obsess over each and every one.
as my thanks for reaching 1,000 hits, i present to you:
Things About “Faithless and Mystic, Faint as Can Be” that Only the Author Knows
1.) I kind of hate the title because it doesn’t fit anymore (see #2)
2.) This book was never meant to be a book. It was going to be a roughly 15,000 word 3-chapter fic, purely about the group’s first meeting post-cyclone. I was as shocked by The Kiss as the audience, and that’s when I made it a full length fic.
3.) I don’t know why I decided to put poems at the beginning of the chapters. Just for fun, originally. Now I feel like I’m committed. The first 3 chapters, I had the poems decided beforehand. Since then I either do it towards the end, or right before I upload. Is it pretentious? Slightly. But I’m committed now.
4.) I do not write characters if I don’t know their favorite ice cream flavor. Whether it’s Ricky or Penny, or the bully with one line in chapter 5. There are some tossups, though.
5.) Ricky’s dad, Henri, is actually Henri-Pierre Potts. He and Victoria met at a French-Canadian speaking university in Sudbury. Uranium was only a 40 minute drive from their post-uni jobs, and real estate was cheap, so they got a nice house and stayed there. Victoria’s maiden name is Charlotte.
6.) The Potts are not devout Catholics whatsoever, just put Ricky at St. Cassians because they make good money and figured it would be a better education. Ricky’s disability (better put, how others treated them) played a big role in their shift away from the religion- will be expanded upon in future chapters or a future oneshot.
7.) 99% of this book has been written with Peaky Blinders in the background.
8.) Mischa is roughly 6’5. Eastern Europeans tend to be pretty tall and I come from a tall family- I thought all boys were 6’3 minimum until I got into high school and 6’0 was considered tall. (I’m just under 5’11 myself)
9.) I purposely do not mention Noel’s height, or whether he is cisgender.
10.) I cannot, for the life of me, write Constance Blackwood. Ocean is a struggle, pretty neck and neck with Noel. The other three are extremely easy to write.
11.) Penny’s height is never explicitly stated, either. It’s mentioned that she’s small, yes- but, was I talking about her literal appearance?
12.) Victoria Potts cannot handle raw meat in any capacity. If Henri does not do the cooking (which, in chapter 4, we learn he does) the Potts don’t eat meat. My older sister is like this, I find it an interesting quirk.
13.) The kids are going to have a homecoming dance / end of autumn dance. I know that’s American, but I’m the author and my fanfictions are dictatorships. The Ricky and Penny interaction is going to be gloriously teenage boyish.
14.) Titling the chapters is the absolute last thing I do, and it’s one of my favorite parts.
15.) So far, one of my favorite moments as an author has been the ceramic plate metaphor in chapter 4 (I think) when Mischa stays the night at Ricky’s. This fic has really pushed my writing beyond what I thought it could be and even though it’s kind of stupid, the ceramic plate thing made me so proud when I typed it out. I’ve been consistently writing fanfiction since fifth grade (started with a One Direction trilogy, don’t ask) and now I’m in my third year of college. I’ve come a long way and I really do enjoy writing fanfic in my free time, it’s nice to write something I’m so insanely proud of!
That’s all for now- thank you endlessly for the support! 🤍
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animalbks · 2 years
Football Manager 23 Canadian Database
Compete in a complete restructuring of the Canadian soccer pyramid, complete with 11 levels of competitions, featuring a total of 528 teams from leagues across Canada. Fight for league cups, and a complete overhaul of the Canadian Championship, from an expanded Canadian Premier League of 16 teams, with full Promotion and Relegation. A completely reasonable future for Canadian Soccer, this file allows you to compete as any team in Canada as if Canada was England, allowing little Surrey United to fight a battle against Vancouver at BC place for the chance to represent Canada in CONCACAF.
Download here -> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2886012558
Check out my discord if you would like https://discord.gg/6dBFcPzRNa
A Full List of Changes
There are 11 levels of Soccer in this database
The first 2 leagues feature 16 teams, and play for the Sinclair Cup
Level 3 features 32 teams across 2 leagues, and play for the Schmidt Cup. 
Level 4 features 48 teams spread across 3 leagues, and play for the Fleming Cup. Top 8 teams of the Fleming cup play against Level 3 in the Leblanc Cup
Level 5 and Below feature 60 teams, spread across 3 leagues, divided into 2 groups of 10. The top Level 5 teams in the Canadian Championship feature in the Grosso Cup
And then Finally, USports, matching their real world structure, but in 3 leagues instead of 4, complete with a post season Memorial Cup style league, featuring both the League Winners, and the Cup winners, for a 6 team single round robin format
The best of these leagues play for the 3 League cups, to determine who gets a bye to the quarterfinals of the Canadian Championship, alongside the winner of the Sinclair cup
Each of the senior teams has a U23 team, and a U20 team, which feature in Regional Youth Leagues, which feature relaxed rules, and a 10 level structure alongside applicable Usports teams, creating a spliced pyramid
Usports gets U18 teams which play in an HSports (Highschool analogue) league
All leagues mandate a certain number of Canadians, a few U21 players, and a U18 player in your match squad
5 subs from 12 for all competitions, some exceptions may be 6 subs, or max of 3 stoppages
Each league comes with a number of awards, such as Canadian Team of the Year
Added Teams
Every team from the following leagues features in the database, up January 2022:
USports, Canadian Soccer League, Pacific Coast Soccer League, Vancouver Island Soccer League, Vancouver Metro Soccer League, Fraser Valley Soccer League, Alberta Major Soccer League, Saskatchewan Premier Soccer League, Manitoba Major Soccer League, League 1 Ontario Reserves, Ontario Soccer League, Ligue de Soccer Elite Quebec, Nova Scotia Soccer League, , New Brunswick Premier Senior Soccer League, and Newfoundland and Labrador Challenge Cup
Also featuring teams like Algonquin College, who have their stadium in the game, to operate as owner for that stadium
Expanding joint teams out, to represent the future where these teams can compete without merging. A joint team will have two parent teams, with the parent teams being whatever the original organizations are
Future Proofing by including future expansion teams like Saskatoon, Langley*, and Windsor [*See note Above]
And just for fun, a minimal amount of fantasy, like a Bundesliga expansion, and my College, BCIT, and Ayr United Sudbury, so Quill18 can have his fun
This brings the total number of Playable teams to 528
Most teams feature their real world head coach when one was able to be documented
And of course, some female staff from the various Womens league such as Bev Priestmen, who takes over the Canadian U23 national team, hoping to bring home another Gold Medal at the Olympics, or Karina LeBlanc who manages the Portland Timbers 2nd team, an analogue for the Portland Thorns, and Stephanie Labbe who manages Vancouver 2, for the same reason. Give me that NWSL license, Sports interactive
Every team plays in a stadium, all 528
Some teams have their stadiums updated, or changed. Teams like FC Edmonton are future proofed to play into the larger, right next door, Commonwealth Stadium
Every stadium in the game has a team. Olympic stadium houses an amateur team. Can you get them to fill the stadium?
Every team has a proper Jersey, or if one could not be found, one assigned. You wont be encountering any default generic red and blue teams as you make your way up the pyramid
Some teams such as the Church based teams, or the ethnic Community based teams, have club visions to match their status. Churches are asked to develop through their own youth system. Academy teams are asked the same, but also to sign young players, USports teams are asked to recruit out of high school, and teams such as ICSF Columbus are asked to sign Italians. Some fun visions exist too. Can you guess what you might need to do as Goals City FC?
The 2020 Gold Medal Winning Canadian Women's National Team have been added as icons and legends to the applicable teams. Can the Whitecaps live up to expectations and move into Christine Sinclair stadium?
Be on the look out for some interesting challenges. The worst team in the game is Unathletico Vancouver. Can you lead them to Glory?
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untilthenexttee · 11 days
UBC Thunderbirds’ Una Chou and Dylan MacDonald winwomen’s and men’s individual championships SUDBURY, Ont. – The UBC Thunderbirds have completed a clean sweep, winning the men’s and women’s team championships as well as both individual championships at the 2024 Canadian University/College Championship, presented by BDO at Idylwylde Golf & Country Club in Sudbury, Ont. The UBC Thunderbirds Men’s…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 month
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"Full-Blooded Iroquois Will Be Jesuit Priest," Kitchener Record. May 17, 1934. Page 1 & 2. ---- First Of Tribe To Be Ordained In Church Whose Missionaries Martyred --- MONTREAL, May 17. - (CP) - Descendant of the proud Iroquois tribe whose only deity was the sun that shone down upon their vast reserves reaching from the St. Lawrence River to the Laurentian Mountains and beyond, Rev. Michael Karhaienton Jacobs, S. J., will be ordained to the priesthood at his native Caughnawaga July 1.
A full-blooded Iroquois of the Mohawk tribe, Father Jacobs will be the first of his nation to enter the priesthood of a church whose early missionaries to Canada found the tomahawk the answer to their teachings.
The young novice is particularly well versed in the history of the lives of the martyred missionaries and is scheduled to speak after his ordination on the heroism of Saint Isaac Jogues and Fathers Brebeuf and Lallemand who died with a prayer on their lips the gospel they tried to preach would eventually win converts among the savages or at least the Indians' children's children.
Baptized Papoose Ordination ceremonies will take place at the Church of St. Francis Xavier, on the Caughnawaga Indian reservation, birthplace of the aspirant, with Mgr. Guillaume Forbes, archbishop of Ottawa, officiating. It was Archbishop Forbes, pastor at the reservation mission from 1890-1902 who baptised the then papoose in the latter year.
Rev. Michael Jacobs was educated at the little Caughnawaga school and at the College of the Sacred Heart, at Sudbury, Ont. After entering the Society of Jesus he studied philosophy at the Immaculate Conception Scholasticate, Montreal, taught for a time at the Jesuits college, at Gaspe, Que., and returned for the course in theology he is now following there.
Special celebrations both civil and religious are being planned by his compatriots at Caughnawaga. A special Indian pow-wow is now being rehearsed and several prominent pale faces will be received as honorary members of the tribe and will smoke the pipe of peace with the chieftains.
Similar celebrations will take place when the newly-ordained Indian priest visits the Iroquois Indians of St. Regis, near Cornwall, Ont., and also at Oka, Que., where there remain a small number of Iroquois and Algonquin Indians.
Will Visit Shrine Rev. Father Jacobs is also scheduled to visit the Jesuit martyrs' shrine at Midland, Ont., where he will celebrate high mass and preach on the Canadian martyrs. He is expected likewise to visit the American martyrs' shine at Auriesville, N. Y., the site of the martyr- dom of Saint Isaac Jogues, 8. J., the apostle of the Iroquois and the birthplace of the Indian maiden, Kateri Tekakwitha, surnamed the "lily of the Mohawks" because of her renowned holiness.
The young Indian priest is a descendant of converts made by the Jesuits in the 17th century at Caughnawaga-- in Indian Kanawahke which means "at the rapids." This historic Indian settlement was founded in 1667 and its presbytery is part of the old fort built in 1719 and contains numerous interesting antiques and objects of genealogical interest.
[A fascinating if very racist description of the ordination of the first Indigenous Jesuit priest in Canada, Rev. Father Michael Karhaieton Jacobs. More information in his archival fonds here.]
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 months
USA Youth & High School Rugby Fixtures & all team where to watch
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/usa-youth-high-school-rugby-fixtures/
The Daily Rugby
USA Youth & High School Rugby Fixtures & all team where to watch
Youth & High School Rugby in the United States and its Territories is administered and governed by USA Youth and High School Rugby, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Washington, D.C. and sanctioned affiliate of USA Rugby. This includes community and school based programs for players ages 5 – 18.
USA Youth and High School Rugby exists to provide a fun and safe environment for the development of rugby in the United States; develop well rounded rugby community members both on and off the pitch; and be the conduit to connect the game at all levels to promote a lifelong love of the sport of rugby.
Most Followed High School Rugby Teams
Alamo Heights
Christian Brothers
Del Norte
Fairfield Prep
Immaculate Conception Academy
La Costa Canyon
La Salette Academy
Marine Leadership Academy
Model Secondary School for the Deaf
New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy
Rancho Bernardo
St. Francis Prep
St. Ignatius
St. John’s Prep
St. Pius X
Torrey Pines
Xaverian Brothers
USA Youth and High School Rugby, as well as USA Rugby, are strongly committed to creating Varsity Initiative Rugby Teams around the United States and its territories.
Upcoming High School Rugby Tournaments
High school tournaments are a great way to get seen by coaches outside of your local area.
Boys HS Nat’l Championship
May 23-25, 2024
Elkhart, IN
Boys Single School & Club – By Application Only
Can-Am Tournament
July 26-28, 2024
Saranac Lake, NY
North American Invit. 7s
July 26-27, 2024
Salt Lake City, UT
Boys & Girls HS, MS & Youth
New York 7s
Nov 2024
New York, NY
Boys & Girls HS
Lakefront 7s
June 22, 2024
Milwaukee, WI
Boys & Girls HS, Middle School Tag
Rugby Ohio Buckeye Invitational
June 15-16, 2024
Dublin, OH
Boys & Girls HS
Bloodfest 7s
June 14-15, 2024
Austin, TX
Boys & Girls HS
Roosters’ Cocorico 7s
July 20, 2024
Potomac, MD
Boys & Girls HS, Youth
Girls HS Nat’l Champs
May 18-19, 2024
Cottage Grove, WI
D1, D2 and Middle School – By Application Only
Dennis Storer Classic (UCLA)
Jan 13-14, 2024
Los Angeles, CA
High School Boys
Los Angeles Invitational
Mar 2-3, 2024
Los Angeles, CA
Youth, High School, College, Club, Masters
Frostbite Tournament
Mar 2-3, 2024
Lancaster, PA
College, High School & Middle School Brackets
Carolina Ruggerfest
Mar 2-3, 2024
Charlotte, NC
U10 to High School Boys & Girls
Urban Rugby Championship
Mar 9, 2024
Washington DC
Mid-Atlantic Women’s Rugby Showcase
Mar 16-24, 2024
Clinton, NJ
Rosslyn Park HSBC National HS 7s
Mar 18-21, 2024
Rosslyn Park, UK
Girls & Boys
Tropical 7s
Mar 29-30, 2024
Tampa, FL
Boys & Girls U14 to U18, U23 & College Sides
NashBash Rugby Festival
Mar 23-24, 2024
Nashville, TN
High School Boys & Girls, Middle School Brackets
Portugal Youth Rugby Festival
April 6-7, 2024
Lisbon, Portugal
Girls & Boys
DC Ruggerfest
April 13-24, 2024
Manassas, VA
HS Boys, Youth Girls
Beast of the East u19
April 27-28, 2024
Portsmouth, RI
Gonzaga HS Jesuit Rugby Classic
April 20-21, 2024
Leesburg, VA
HS Boys
Cherry Blossom Tournament
April 13-14, 2024
Upper Marlboro, MD
HS Boys & Girls
CRC HS Invitational
April 28, 2024
Boyds, MD
HS Boys & Girls
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Jarvis Lavonne Scott (April 6, 1947 - September 2, 2017) athlete, teacher, and mentor, was born in Waco to Ivory Scott and Johnie Mae Hester. She was the eldest of six children and moved to Los Angeles when she was nine years old. She attended night school at Los Angeles City College, majoring in Business Administration. She worked for the underwriting department of Continental Insurance Company as a typist. She qualified for the 1968 Olympics held in Mexico City in both the 400 and 800-meter runs and held the fastest time in the world for these tryouts. There has not been another US athlete to date, either male or female, who qualified for the Olympics for both the 400 and 800-meter run.
At the 1968 Olympics, gave up her place in the 800-meter competition to a teammate, allowing her to have a chance in the Olympics. She finished in sixth place in the 400-meter run with a time of 52.7 seconds.
Her participation in and performance at the Olympics was overshadowed by the boycott of some Black athletes during the 1968 games. She recalled that Black women were not asked to join the boycott, and when the male athletes asked the women to join, they refused.
She returned to California and played forward with the Cubbies “A” basketball team in the Woman’s Athletic Association. She attended California State Los Angeles and ran women’s track and field. She ran with the Los Angeles Mercurettes.
She competed all around the world (1967-73). She coached at several institutions, including the Jesse Owens Clinic, California State University, Los Angeles, and Point Loma College. She lent her expertise to events in West Germany, Baton Rouge, Durham, Columbus (Ohio), Sudbury (Canada), Seville (Spain), and Havana. She became the Texas Tech University coach of the women’s track and field and cross country teams (1979-91).
She was active in her church and community. She was voted “Most Outstanding Young Woman of America”. She was selected for the inaugural class of the Cal State Los Angeles Athletics Hall of Fame. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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driscollproductions · 6 months
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On the last night of Hanukkah (12/14/23), our #driscollproductions puppets wore their Chabad Sudbury yarmulkes at Boston's Four Seasons Hotel/Emerson College extravaganza. Our ♫♬Hanukkah Howie ventriloquist puppet was a HIGH-FIVE hit! Fred The Frog wore his green T-shirt with the logo from our National Jewish retreat performance at the Omni Hotel in Providence, Rhode Island. Call/text Kevin 24x7 any time: 617-901-6232
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Howard Wilner of Sudbury MA Believes That Leaders Need to Master Effective Communication Methods to Streamline Decision-Making
Howard Wilner from Sudbury MA talks about powerful leadership. According to him, a successful leader should regard team members as valuable assets. He asserts that an effective leader is someone who can mentor, coach, and inspire team members to excel in their performance. While it might be simple for a leader to command or coerce compliance, it takes a visionary leader to elevate the aspirations of the team and instill a desire to achieve the established goals.
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He further advises leaders to be comfortable in dynamic environments. He feels that leaders must master effective communication within matrix organizations to expedite decision-making and workflow. Upon understanding the preferences of team members, leaders should take note and communicate this information to the team. Additionally, leaders should be well-versed in the rules, bolster their personal brand, cultivate relationships, and adeptly navigate organizational politics.
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Pertaining to his education credentials, Howard Wilner of Sudbury MA received his education from the Massachusetts Bay Community College and the Boston College. He has been active in the automotive industry for a long time now.
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visagurukul012 · 9 months
Top 10 Affordable Colleges for Dental Hygienist Courses in Canada
Choosing the right college for your dental hygienist education in Canada is a crucial decision that can impact your future career. While many factors come into play when making this decision, one of the most significant considerations is affordability. Canada offers a range of excellent colleges that provide dental hygienist programs at affordable tuition rates. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 affordable colleges for Dental Hygienist Course Fee In Canada For International Students.
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Georgian College
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Georgian College is known for its comprehensive dental hygiene program that provides students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills. Tuition fees are reasonable, and financial aid options are available for eligible students.
Algonquin College
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Algonquin College offers a competitive dental hygiene program at an affordable cost. The college also provides resources for scholarships and bursaries to help ease the financial burden for students.
Niagara College
Location: Welland, Ontario
Niagara College boasts a well-regarded dental hygiene program that doesn’t break the bank. Students can benefit from Niagara College’s commitment to affordable education.
Camosun College
Location: Victoria, British Columbia
Camosun College is a popular choice for dental hygiene students on the West Coast. Tuition fees are reasonable, and the college offers various financial assistance options to support students in their education.
Confederation College
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
Confederation College offers an affordable dental hygiene program with a strong focus on practical skills. Students can explore financial aid opportunities and part-time work while studying.
Collège Boréal
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Collège Boréal provides a cost-effective dental hygiene program with a French-language option. Tuition fees are competitive, making it an excellent choice for those seeking affordable education in dental hygiene.
St. Clair College
Location: Windsor, Ontario
St. Clair College offers a quality dental hygiene program at a reasonable cost. The college’s commitment to affordable education ensures that students have access to essential resources.
Fanshawe College
Location: London, Ontario
Fanshawe College provides an economical dental hygiene program that focuses on hands-on experience. The college offers financial aid options to help students manage their expenses.
Make sure check this link:- Study abroad
Cambrian College
Location: Sudbury, Ontario
Cambrian College offers a competitively priced dental hygiene program with a strong emphasis on clinical practice. Scholarships and bursaries are available for eligible students.
College of the North Atlantic
Location: St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
The College of the North Atlantic offers an affordable dental hygiene program in a beautiful coastal setting. The college’s commitment to accessible education ensures that students can pursue their career goals without excessive financial stress.
When pursuing a career as a Dental Hygienist Course Fee In Canada For International Students, it’s essential to consider the cost of education. The colleges mentioned in this article provide affordable dental hygienist programs without compromising on quality. Before making your decision, be sure to research each college’s admission requirements, program offerings, and available financial aid options to find the best fit for your educational and financial needs. With the right choice, you can embark on a rewarding career in dental hygiene without breaking the bank.
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mitchbeck · 10 months
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By: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - For the Hartford Wolf Pack and their parent organization, the New York Rangers, the lazy, hazy summer days are winding down. The teams are two weeks away from training camp opening in Tarrytown, NY and then the Wolf Pack training camp at the XL Center starts a couple of weeks later.  There are still moves being made in the hockey world. The Rangers have hired Angela Ruggiero (Choate Rosemary Hall-Wallingford) to join Peter Laviolette’s coaching staff as a Hockey Operations Adviser. No clear reporting on what her responsibilities will be. Rangers President Chris Drury (Trumbull) and she were both selected and entered the US Hockey Hall of Fame together with the Class of 2015. Ruggerio played for several US Women's Olympic teams and won a gold, two silvers, and a bronze medal. She earned four gold medals and six silvers in international World Championship action. In 1999, the Harvard grad with an MBA degree won a national title with the Crimson, and the defenseman won the Patty Kazmier Award as the top college female hockey athlete in 2004. She played for two women’s professional leagues in her active playing days. She was part of the CWHL (Canadian Women’s Hockey League) and the WWHL (Western Women’s Hockey League) during her 11-year career. Ruggerio retired in 2011. She has been involved in the business side of hockey since then. Hiring Ruggerio is part of the overall revamping of the Rangers coaching staff. HARTFORD CONNECTED ATHLETES MAKING MOVES Casey Torres, an ex-Pack assistant coach for one year and who was out of hockey last year, is back in. was named the assistant coach for the Windsor Spitfires (OHL). After a year off from hockey, ex-Pack Peter Holland signs with the Colorado Avalanche organization and will likely be skating with the Colorado Eagles next season. Holland last played in Sweden two years ago. Holland was traded from the Wolf Pack in 2018-19, a week after then-captain Cole Schneider. The belief is that Schneider was dealt because of the manner in which he tried to motivate then rookie, and now an unsigned ex-Pack, Libor Hájek. Apparently, Schneider's actions angered former Wolf Pack head coach Keith McCambridge, who is now an assistant coach with the Bakersfield Condors. Ex-Pack Jake Elmer dissolves his contract with Odense in Denmark and signs with the Dundee Stars (Scotland-EIHL) for next season. Jeff Heil was a backup goaltender for 11 games during the Wolf Pack's first season. His son Caleb, also a goalie, is involved in the game. He played for the Sioux City (SD) U-16 AAA (T1EHL) team and nine games for the Sioux Falls Stampede (USHL) last season and has verbally committed to play in two years at the University of North Dakota (NCHC). Jabez Seymour, a Newfoundland native from the Selects Academy program at South Kent Prep-SKP U-15 team last year, signed with the Baie-Comeau Drakkar, who drafted him in the first-round 18th overall in the June QMJHL Draft. After six years as a head coach for Kootenay/Winnipeg Ice (WHL), ex-Whaler/Ranger James Patrick signed to be the new Director of Player Development for the Victoria Royals (WHL). The team in Winnipeg was sold to a group of the Wenatchee (WA) Wild, who moved up from the Junior A level BCHL to the major junior WHL. One of the players to start the year there will be Easton Armstrong, who is the youngest son of ex-Pack legend Derek Armstrong. He'll play his overage year to start with Wild. After four years as the Northern Ontario Scout for Kingston Frontenacs (OHL), ex-Sound Tiger Brent Gauvreau returns to his hometown as an assistant coach with the Sudbury Wolves (OHL). AHL signings to Europe now stand at 76. The latest, Alex Galchenyuk, leaves the Colorado Eagles (AHL) for SKA St. Petersburg (Russia-KHL). Sweden leads in the signees department with 30. Maxim Barbashev, who was in the Wolf Pack house late last season when his junior season ended but never played a game, was involved in a pre-season QMJHL trade as he was moved from the Moncton Wildcats and will play his third season with the Shawinigan Cataractes. Ex-Pack Josh Nicholls leaves Kunlun Red Star (China-KHL) for a second time and signs with the Sheffield Steelers (England-EIHL). SIGNINGS/TRANSFERS The college to pro signings North America/Europe, and the transfer in-school and graduate continues. North America first, Hockey East leads all conferences with 38, and the NCHC conference has 37. The Big Ten and the CCHA each have 34, the ECACHL 25, and the AHA 21. Division III is at 32, and attending Canadian colleges four and undergrads departing early is 39. Independent Division I schools now have 14, signed in Europe is 62, and returning to American junior hockey is two. Surprisingly, none have yet to come from Canadian major juniors. The total number stands at 301. The transfers collegiately have exploded in-school is 102 and graduate 68. UCONN UCONN finally announced its official incoming class for the college hockey season. Ethan Haider is a post-grad goaltender from Clarkson. He is expected to split time with the returning Arsenii Sergeev (Calgary). Another grad transfer will be Ryan Mashie of RPI (ECACHL). Incoming freshmen will feature Oliver Flynn (Wolcott/CT Chiefs (AYHL)/Loomis Chafee Prep-Windsor). Forward Joey Muldowney, D Owen Simpson, and Bauer Swift (West Hartford/Choate Rosemary Hall-Wallingford). Swift has an older brother (Cooper) and younger brother (Easton) involved in hockey and are both named after a hockey equipment brand. Rayen Petrovický, the son of former Hartford Whaler and Ranger Róbert Petrovický, elects to sign with VHK Vestin (Czechia (Czech Republic-Division-II) for 2023-24. It took just two days for ex-Yale Bulldog Ken Agostino’s one-year deal with Skellefteå AIK (Sweden-SHL) to be terminated. The team said it received backlash for signing someone who played in Russia for the last two years with the ongoing war in Ukraine. He played on the 2022 US Olympic squad at the Beijing Games. Howlings previously reported on the strange anomaly of current and ex-North American players signing deals with KHL clubs despite the war and public declaration that the NHL wanted nothing to do with Russia, where no transfer agreement exists. A long line of players behind Agostino have all done the same thing. Per Elite Prospects.com, as of last week, 53 North Americans are in the KHL, 39 Canadians, 15 Americans, and 22 players from EU nations are listed in the KHL. Russian and European training camps are about to end as their regular season starts next month. Will other EU clubs announce their rescinding any dealings with any of these players or others? Wolcott native Nick DiNicola, who played youth hockey for the CT Jr. Wolves (AYHL), CT Clippers (AYHL), Hartford Jr. Wolf Pack (ATJHL), CT (Stamford) Yankees (USPHL-Premier) then under the direction of ex-Wolf Pack/Sound Tiger Jeff Hamilton (Yale University & AOF) and had five games with the Danbury Hat Tricks (FPHL) leaves Como (Italy Division-2) for Chiavenna (Italy Division-3) for next season. By the way, Hamilton has owned the CT Jr. Rangers (NCDC) for the last two years and is out as owner. He was involved with the Mid-Fairfield Rangers U-14 team as head coach last year. Five ex-Whalers were at the golf club at Avon Country Club last weekend for a charity event. They included Ron Francis, Ulf Samuelsson, Mike  Liut, Dave Tippett, and Joel Quenneville. The tournament was named, honoring Quinneville's late nephew Connor Scott Zieky. None of them made it to the Yard Goats Whaler Day last month. The Yard Goats official assistant GM, Dean Zappolorti, said Francis informed him he would come next year and help him recruit other players to attend. If that happens and Pat Boutette gets Mike Rogers and Blaine Stoughton to return, it will be a home run (pun intended) next year. Ex-Pack Domenic Moore is playing in the Over-40 Senior Canadian Tennis Championships. During the hockey season, he works as an Analyst for ESPN. An NHL source regarding the Phoenix situation. “It’s a mess. We hear that they're looking to secure land now, but they have to get something soon. It’s become an embarrassment…a sore point for the league, a  black eye. The player’s association is unhappy, they’re losing money and owners are getting tired of spending money to keep them going. Sooner or later, something has to give, soon, it just can’t keep going on like this. When a kid like (Logan) Cooley, a next generation likely NHL star, signs reluctantly, leaving a larger arena he had in college (Minnesota) for a smaller one in Arizona, that they’re not even selling out, things have to get done in short order. They’re gonna have to move them most likely if they don’t nail things down soon.” HARTFORD WOLF PACK HOME Read the full article
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wctrc · 10 months
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Welcome to WCTRC, Sudbury college dedicated to providing a transformative education that empowers students to excel in their chosen paths. With our commitment to excellence, cutting- edge programs, accomplished faculty, and modern campus, we offer an unparalleled learning experience that shapes your future success.
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Experience the difference at WCTRC, Sudbury's premier college that nurtures talent, fuels ambition, and drives your success. Visit our website at wctrc website to explore our wide range of programs and start your transformative educational journey today!
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papamama-ca · 11 months
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goalhofer · 1 year
2022-23 NHL Draft Results Picks 51-100
51st overall, Philadelphia: Carson Bjarnason (Brandon Wheat Kings/Carberry, Manitoba)
52nd overall, Seattle: Oscar Fisker-Mølgaard(HV71/Fredrikshavn, Denmark)
53rd overall, Minnesota: Rasmus Kumpulainen (Lahti Pelikaani A20/Lahti, Finland)
54th overall, Los Angeles: Jakub Dvořák (Bílí Tygři Liberec/Liberec, Czech Republic)
55th overall, Chicago: Martin Misiak (Youngstown Phantoms/Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)
56th overall, Edmonton: Beau Akey (Barrie Colts/Waterloo, Ontario)
57th overall, Seattle: Lukas Dragicevic (Tri-City Americans/Richmond, British Columbia)
58th overall, New Jersey: Lenni Hämeenaho (Porin Ässät/Kajaani, Finland)
59th overall, Anaheim: Carey Terrance; Jr. (Erie Otters/Akwesasne Mohawk Nation, New York)
60th overall, Anaheim: Damian Clara (Färjestad Bollklubb J20/Brunico, Italy)
61st overall, Dallas: Tristan Bertucci (Flint Firebirds/Toronto, Ontario)
62nd overall, Carolina: Felix Unger-Sörum (Leksands Idrottsförening J20/Leksand, Sweden)
63rd overall, Florida: Gracyn Sawchyn (Seattle Thunderbirds/Grande Prairie, Alberta)
64th overall, Minnesota: Riley Heidt (Prince George Cougars/Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
65th overall, Anaheim: Coulson Pitre (Flint Firebirds/Newmarket, Ontario)
66th overall, Columbus: William Whitelaw (University Of Wisconsin Badgers/Rosemount, Minnesota)
67th overall, Chicago: Nick Lardis (Hamilton Bulldogs/Oakville, Ontario)
68th overall, Nashville: Jesse Kiiskinen (Lahti Pelikaani A20/Hollola, Finland)
69th overall, Montreal: Jacob Fowler (Youngstown Phantoms/Melbourne, Florida)
70th overall, Arizona: Jonathan Castagna (St. Andrew's College Saints/Toronto, Ontario)
71st overall, San José: Brandon Svoboda (Youngstown Phantoms/Penn Township, Pennsylvania)
72nd overall, Arizona: Noel Nordh (Brynäs I.F. J20/Söderhamn, Sweden)
73rd overall, Detroit: Noah Dower-Nilsson (Frölunda Hockeyklubb J20/Strömstad, Sweden)
74th overall, St. Louis: Quinton Burns (Kingston Frontenacs/Smiths Falls, Ontario)
75th overall, Vancouver: Hunter Brzustewicz (Kitchener Rangers/Washington Charter Township, Michigan)
76th overall, St. Louis: Juraj Pekarcik (H.K. Nitra/Trstená, Slovakia)
77th overall, Vegas: Mathieu Cataford (Halifax Mooseheads/Saint-Constant, Quebec)
78th overall, Los Angeles: Koehn Ziemmer (Prince George Cougars/Mayerthorpe, Alberta)
79th overall, Dallas: Brad Gardiner (Ottawa 67's/Aurora, Ontario)
80th overall, Calgary: Aidar Suniev (Penticton Vees/Penticton, British Columbia)
81st overall, Arizona: Tanner Ludtke (Lincoln Stars/Elko, Minnesota)
82nd overall, Winnipeg: Zach Nehring (Shattuck-St. Mary's Sabres/Minot, North Dakota)
83rd overall, Nashville: Dylan Mackinnon (Halifax Mooseheads/Moncton, New Brunswick)
84th overall, Seattle: Caden Price (Kelowna Rockets/Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
85th overall, Anaheim: Yegor Sidorov (Saskatoon Blades/Vitebsk, Belarus)
86th overall, Buffalo: Gavin McCarthy (Muskegon Lumberjacks/Clarence, New York)
87th overall, Philadelphia: Yegor Zavragin (Mamonty Yugry/Novosibirsk, Russia)
88th overall, Arizona: Vadim Moroz (C.K. Minsk/Minsk, Belarus)
89th overall, Vancouver: Sawyer Mynio (Seattle Thunderbirds/Kamloops, British Columbia)
90th overall, New York Rangers: Drew Fortescue (Boston College Eagles/Orangetown, New York)
91st overall, Pittsburgh: Emil Pieniniemi (Oulun Kärpät/Kuopio, Finland)
92nd overall, Boston: Chris Pelosi (Sioux Falls Stampede/Mantua Township, New Jersey)
93rd overall, Chicago: Jiří Felcman (Hockeyclub Langnau U20/Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)
94th overall, Carolina: Jayden Perron (Chicago Steel/Winnipeg, Manitoba)
95th overall, Philadelphia: Denver Barkey (London Knights/Newmarket, Ontario)
96th overall, Vegas: Arttu Kärki (Tappara A20/Viiala, Finland)
97th overall, Anaheim: Konnor Smith (Peterborough Petes/Windsor, Ontario)
98th overall, Columbus: Andrew Strathmann (Youngstown Phantoms/Benton Township, Illinois)
99th overall, Chicago: Alex Pharand (Sudbury Wolves/Sudbury, Ontario)
100th overall, Carolina: Alexander Rykov (Chelmet Chelyabinsk/Magnitogorsk, Russia)
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lacrossee · 1 year
🥍 Are you looking to improve your lacrosse game? Look no further than Lincoln Sudbury High School, home to one of the top lacrosse programs in the country. With a long history of success, the Lincoln Sudbury Warriors have won numerous state championships and produced countless college-level players. 🏆 But what makes Lincoln Sudbury lacrosse so successful? It's a combination of expert coaching, rigorous training, and a deep love for the game. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, there are plenty of tips and tricks you can learn from the Warriors to take your game to the next level. 👊 In this article, we'll explore some of the key strategies and techniques used by Lincoln Sudbury lacrosse players and coaches. From stick handling and shooting to defensive tactics and team dynamics, we'll cover everything you need to know to master the game of lacrosse and become a true Warrior on the field. So grab your stick and let's get started!1. Understanding the Basics: Key Components of Lincoln Sudbury Lacrosse🥍 Lincoln Sudbury Lacrosse has several key components that every player and fan should understand. These include the field, equipment, positions, and rules. 🌳 The field is 110 yards long and 60 yards wide, with a crease around the goal. The game is played with 10 players on each team, including a goalie, three defensemen, three midfielders, and three attackmen. 👕 Equipment includes a stick, helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, arm pads, and a mouthguard. All players must wear this equipment for safety and to follow league regulations. 🏆 The objective of the game is to score more goals than the opposing team. Goals are scored by shooting the ball into the opposing team's net. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins. 🚩 There are several rules in lacrosse, including offsides, which limits the number of players that can be on each side of the field. Players must also avoid body checking, slashing, and tripping other players. 👥 Understanding the basics of Lincoln Sudbury Lacrosse is essential for players and fans alike. With the right equipment, knowledge of the field, positions, and rules, anyone can enjoy this exciting sport.2. Mastering Offensive Strategies: Tips for Scoring More GoalsScoring goals is the ultimate objective of any football game. Here are some tips to help you master offensive strategies and score more goals: Practice shooting accuracy regularly. Learn to use both feet to shoot. Improve your dribbling skills to create more scoring opportunities. Develop your ability to make quick decisions and react to situations on the pitch. Another important aspect of offensive play is teamwork: Communicate with your teammates to coordinate attacks. Make runs to create space for your teammates. Pass the ball quickly and accurately to keep the opposition on their toes. Support your teammates by making yourself available for passes. It's also crucial to understand the opposition's defensive tactics: Identify weaknesses in their defense and exploit them. Try to draw defenders out of position to create space. Use feints and fakes to deceive defenders. Be patient and wait for the right moment to strike. Finally, don't forget to stay mentally focused: Stay positive and confident, even if you miss a chance. Visualize yourself scoring goals before the game. Stay alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. Stay motivated and keep working hard to improve your skills. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to mastering offensive strategies and scoring more goals. Good luck!3. Defensive Techniques: How to Shut Down the OppositionDefensive techniques are crucial to winning any game. Here are some ways to shut down the opposition: Man-to-man marking: Assign a defender to mark each opponent closely. Zonal marking: Players defend a specific area of the field, rather than marking individual players. Pressing: Apply pressure on the opposition when they have the ball, forcing them to make mistakes. Intercepting: Anticipate the opposition's passes and intercept them. Tackling: Use well-timed tackles to dispossess the opposition. It's important to communicate with your teammates to ensure everyone is on the same page. Defensive strategies can vary depending on the opposition's strengths and weaknesses. Be aware of the opposition's attacking patterns and adjust your defensive tactics accordingly. Don't forget to stay disciplined and avoid making rash challenges that could result in a yellow or red card. Remember, a strong defense can be the foundation for a successful team. 🛡️ 4. Developing Agility and Speed: Essential Skills for Lacrosse PlayersAgility and speed are crucial for lacrosse players to outmaneuver opponents and score goals. Agility drills include ladder drills, cone drills, and shuttle runs. Speed training includes sprints, plyometrics, and resistance training. A combination of both agility and speed drills can improve overall performance. Agility and speed training can also reduce the risk of injury and improve reaction time. Proper warm-up and cool-down routines are essential to prevent injury. Stretching and foam rolling can improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness. Reaction drills can improve quick decision-making on the field. Agility and speed training should be incorporated into a player's regular practice routine. Coaches can create drills that mimic game situations to improve performance. Players can also work on agility and speed outside of practice with at-home workouts. Consistency and dedication are key to seeing improvement in these skills. Overall, developing agility and speed is essential for lacrosse players to excel on the field. 🥍💨💪5. Mental Preparation: Staying Focused and Confident on the Field🧠 Mental preparation is crucial for staying focused and confident on the field. Here are some tips to help you get in the right mindset: 💪 Visualize success: Imagine yourself making the perfect play or scoring the winning goal. This will boost your confidence and help you stay focused on your goals. 🧘‍♀️ Practice mindfulness: Take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment. This will help you stay calm and centered, even in high-pressure situations. 📝 Set goals: Write down specific, achievable goals for each game or practice. This will give you something to work towards and help you stay motivated. 🎧 Listen to music: Find a playlist that pumps you up and gets you in the zone. This can help you stay energized and focused throughout the game. 👥 Build a support system: Surround yourself with positive, supportive teammates and coaches. This will help you stay motivated and confident, even when things get tough.6. Advanced Techniques: Perfecting Stickhandling and ShootingMastering stickhandling and shooting requires advanced techniques. Here are some tips: Use your top hand to control the stick and your bottom hand to guide it. Practice quick and precise movements to deceive defenders. Develop a variety of moves to keep opponents guessing. When shooting, aim for the corners of the net. Here's how: Keep your head up and eyes on the target. Shift your weight onto your front foot and transfer power from your back foot. Follow through with your shot and maintain balance. Improve your accuracy by practicing on targets. Try: Shooting at a specific spot on the net. Using a smaller target to increase precision. Shooting from different angles and distances. Don't forget to incorporate fakes and dekes into your stickhandling. Some effective moves include: The toe drag The between-the-legs move The spin-o-rama Remember to keep your movements smooth and controlled. Practice these advanced techniques regularly to take your game to the next level.🏒7. Teamwork and Communication: Building a Strong Lincoln Sudbury Lacrosse TeamTeamwork and communication are essential to building a strong Lincoln Sudbury lacrosse team. Effective communication ensures everyone is on the same page. Teamwork helps players support each other on and off the field. Encourage open communication and collaboration among team members. Good communication and teamwork lead to better performance and success on the field. Players who trust and support each other are more likely to win games. Encourage players to communicate their needs and ideas to the team. Use team-building exercises to strengthen communication and teamwork skills. Effective communication and teamwork require effort and practice. Encourage players to listen actively and respectfully to each other. Teach players to communicate clearly and concisely. Provide opportunities for players to practice working together in drills and scrimmages. Building a strong Lincoln Sudbury lacrosse team requires a commitment to teamwork and communication. Celebrate successes and learn from mistakes together. Encourage players to support each other both on and off the field. Use positive reinforcement to encourage good communication and teamwork habits. 👍 Good communication and teamwork are the keys to a successful lacrosse team. 🥍 In conclusion, mastering Lincoln Sudbury Lacrosse requires dedication and hard work. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, players can improve their skills and become top performers on the field. Remember to practice regularly, stay focused, and always strive for improvement. Don't forget to have fun while playing lacrosse! It's important to enjoy the game and build strong relationships with your teammates. Keep a positive attitude and stay motivated to reach your goals. 🥍🏆 Thank you for reading this article and we hope these tips and tricks will help you become a better lacrosse player. Good luck on your journey to mastering Lincoln Sudbury Lacrosse! 🤞 https://lacrossee.com/mastering-lincoln-sudbury-lacrosse-tips-tricks/?_unique_id=645cc249b5126
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"GANG OF FUR THIEVES FIND FINISH IN PRISON," Toronto Star. March 19, 1913. Page 5. ---- Two Members of the Outfit Sentenced - Stole Goods and Sold Them. ---- Lewis Seigal and Sam Shulman were sentenced to one year and two years less one day, respectively, by Judge Morgan for the theft of over $650 worth of furs from the store of Conrad Schcemhen, 572 College street.
In Seigel's possession, who has a long record with the police, was found a key which fitted the door of Schoemhen's store. Seigel's defence was that he got the furs from Shulman, who asked him to sell them for him as a favor.
Seigal sold $496 of furs to Harry Weindrow, of Sudbury, for $125. Part of these were recovered. Where the rest are is a mystery. the
Shulman claims that he bought the furs from that strange, strange man that the police are always looking for in these cases.
Judge Morgan found that the liability of the men was proved by their possession of the furs.
Crown Atorney Greer stated that by the conviction of these two men the police had broken up a hot-bed of vice.
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