#Colombo Records
galerymod · 5 months
The story of HER is characterised by massive successes and tragic strokes of fate, by triumph and tragedy in equal measure - but ultimately it is above all the story of a friendship: that between Victor Solf and Simon Carpentier.
German-born Victor and Frenchman Simon met back in 2007 - they were still at school - and the two hit it off like brothers. When they started making music together, their sound was equally influenced by classic soul à la Otis Redding and hip-hop from the post-"Yeezus" phase. They gave their project the name HER in 2015.
Their music became instantly recognisable when the early song "Five Minutes" was used as the soundtrack for Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaign - which ultimately earned them more than 6.7 million streams on Spotify. The duo from Rennes with Franco-German roots then released the EP series "Her Tape #1" and "Her Tape #2", which were peppered with highlights such as "Quite Like", "Union" and "Her" - which in turn meant more than 20 million additional Spotify streams for HER. Behind the seductively provocative visuals that adorned their covers was a subtly dreamy newer wave sound, minimalist, somewhere between pop and soul, in which jazz elements also flickered - and so the two best friends circled the globe several times, presented the EPs live and also made a decent wave in the States.
So much for the numbers, the impressive successes of the last two or three years - because in the midst of all the hustle and bustle, Simon lost a long, hard, silent battle against cancer, which hardly anyone outside his closest circle of family and friends realised: he died a few months ago, in August 2017.
"The whole of last year was incredibly hard because Simon was so unwell," reports Victor. "For example, it was incredibly difficult for him to do our tour - but he also thought it was important to carry on and give concerts! He just didn't want to give up, he didn't want to stop... he battled with this illness for six years. And we didn't actually talk about cancer or death that much during that time: We wanted to talk about life instead. And now, I think it's my job to continue this line and this approach. It's really difficult for me, but I'm doing my best - for myself and for him."
With the support of his late friend, at least in spirit, Victor went back into the studio and continued working on their debut album "HER", which will be released by Republic Records in 2018. He put the finishing touches to the existing songs and also returned to the stage in between: among other things, he played a stunning, deeply moving set at the Rock En Seine Festival in Paris - a festival, incidentally, where HER had always wanted to perform. More shows followed all over Europe and then the album was as good as finished: "Most of the songs were already finished beforehand; they just needed some fine-tuning on the vocals, the background vocals...", he reports. "It was just important to me that Simon's voice, Simon's vision and his guitar playing remained virtually untouched and really sounded exactly how he wanted them to in the final version. I worked on that."
With the single "We Choose", HER have already released a significant album harbinger in advance: Simon's unmistakable voice spreads out over an extremely minimalist, light and smooth production, meaning that his presence can be felt immediately and his signature is unmistakable. "The strange thing is that this was the very first song we wrote as HER - and also the last one I recorded with Simon," explains Victor. "We wrote it just as our previous band was coming to an end. We wanted to make a real statement with it: that you can't lose hope, that you have to hold on to what you love. We were working on new ideas every day back then, and this song just stood out because we were also about holding on and carrying on - after all, there were people back then who thought we were going to stop completely now that the other band had ended. Well, we didn't stop. And I think now is the perfect time to release 'We Choose': Because even when things are bad, there's still one thing - hope. The song is kind of the prologue to the next chapter. A chapter that will hopefully continue the way he would have wanted it to."
While the band started this new chapter with a sold-out concert at the Bataclan in Paris, the music of HER remains the best and most tangible proof of how unique the chemistry and bond between the two band founders was.
"It's just extremely important that this album comes out," Victor concludes. "It's the only way for me to come to terms with his death. This is music forever, for life."
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garadinervi · 8 months
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Mads Emil Dreyer, Forsvindere 2 (Radio Edit), [from Disappearer (2024), with NEKO3 and flutist Michaela Hansen], Dacapo Records, 2023
Plus: Forsvindere 2, (live, video, 8'46''), Recorded live at Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium, March 2019, Performed by NEKO3 (bandcamp here)
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copperbadge · 2 years
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Pictured above: the Amerigo Vespucci, a three-masted tall ship, encounters two US aircraft carriers: the Independence (black and white image, 1962) and the George H.W. Bush (color image, 2022). 
Built in 1930 for the purpose of sail training, the Italian Training Ship Amerigo Vespucci is designed after 18th century 74-cannon "ships of the line”, naval warships common to the Age of Sail. She carries a standard crew of 16 officers, 70 noncoms, and 190 sailors; she has an overall length of 101m/331ft and a maximum width of 15.5m/51ft with a steel hull and a top speed of 10 knots (19km/h). The masts are steel but carry traditional canvas sails and use only hemp rope; mooring lines are synthetic per port regulations. Currently she carries both diesel and electric engines. More details and specifications at Wikipedia. Her sister ship, the Cristoforo Colombo, was given to the USSR as war reparations after WWII. 
There is a commonly-repeated story that when the Amerigo Vespucci encountered the USS Independence in 1962, the Independence signaled the Amerigo Vespucci to ask, “Who are you?” 
The ship replied, “Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, Italian Navy.” 
The Independence then is reported to have responded:
“You are the most beautiful ship in the world.” 
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Well, they weren’t lying about that. 
Wikipedia’s only truly useful citation for this encounter is a YouTube video of the USS George H.W. Bush meeting the Amerigo Vespucci in 2022.  
This encounter was also documented in a US Navy press release from September 2022, which has better information for the initial exchange. The 1962 photo leaves no doubt the Independence and the Amerigo Vespucci did encounter one another, but the exchange of communications does not have strong visible documentation. The press release states that the NHHC website has a record of the encounter, but does not link to it. 
The NHHC website, which is a massive pain in the ass to use, has a records page for the black and white photo above, but that appears to be the extent of its documentation. Presumably there’s a logbook for the Independence or the Amerigo Vespucci or both, but that’s beyond my ability to locate. I have not been able to find a record that isn’t embedded in 21st-century documents which don’t have strong citations. There is no record of who on the Independence felt the need to compliment the Amerigo Vespucci, or how the ship responded. The Italian Navy’s history of the Amerigo Vespucci, now available only through Archive.org, does not mention the encounter.
The earliest record I could find of the Amerigo Vespucci referenced as “The most beautiful ship in the world” comes from a post at VisitVenezia, which Google believes was posted in 2004 (there’s no date on the post itself). The earliest reference to the actual meeting of the two ships is a vague reference in a blog from 2012, which merely states that “another ship once radioed, you are the most beautiful ship in the world.” There is no citation for the story’s origin at that post. If the exchange did happen, the story of it appears to have surfaced to civilians only in the 21st century. Most other records 2012-2022 eventually trace back to Tumblr, actually. 
The USS Independence’s Crew Book for 1962 has been digitized; reading through it there is, as they say, a lot to unpack, but despite numerous pages dedicated to the sights of the Mediterranean, there is no mention or photo of the Amerigo Vespucci that I could find. It does list the two commanders of the Independence, Melvin R. Etheridge and Bob J. Robison, as well as the full 1962 crew. And if you like men in uniform, 60s military technology, or poorly printed photos of Europe in 1962, it’s a fun way to spend an hour or so. 
In any case, the Navy says it happened, and it’s a great story. We do have documentation, both in the video above and in the September 2022 press release, of the 2022 encounter. The USS George H.W. Bush, captained by Capt. David-Tavis Pollard, asks via radio, “Sailing vessel on my starboard side, please identify yourself.” 
The ship responds, “This is Italian Navy ship Amerigo Vespucci.” 
The US ship asks, “Are you the one that sailed by the USS Independence in 1962?” 
To which the Italians reply, “Yes we are. We are the senior national vessel in active duty.” 
The US ship responds, “Amerigo Vespucci, you are still after 60 years the most beautiful ship in the world.” 
To which the Amerigo Vespucci answers, “George Bush, we are flattered and express fair winds and following seas for your deployment.” 
I’d love to know who sent the original messages, and where it might have been recorded; if folks have access to documentation or know sailors who served on the Independence or the Amerigo Vespucci in 1962 who might remember it, please feel free to let me know. After all, I’d like the story to be true. 
And she is, then and now, a beautiful ship.
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odinsblog · 1 year
(by @saradannerdukic)
1970s & 1980s: wave of Russian criminals arrive in New York and begin interfacing with established American organized crime networks (La Cosa Nostra/The Five Families aka Bonanno, Genovese, Colombo, Lucchese, Gambino) (source)
1977: KGB reportedly opens file on Donald Trump (source).
1979: Construction begins on Trump Tower.  Trump purchases overpriced concrete from mafia bosses Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno and Paul Castellano of the Genovese and Gambino crime families (respectively). (source)
1980: Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn, introduces Donald to Roger Stone. (source)
1982: New York City Housing Commissioner Anthony Gliedman received what he described as an “abusive and profane” call from someone angry that Gliedman had opposed Trump’s request for a $20 million tax abatement. Gliedman reported the call to the FBI, saying the caller was “threatening his life.” (source)
June 3, 1983: Rudy Giuliani becomes US attorney for SDNY
January, 1984: Vladimir Alexandrovich Kryuchkov, First Chief Directorate of the KGB arm responsible for gathering foreign intelligence, urges his officers to be more creative with agent recruitment - and to use money and flattery vs. alignment with Soviet ideology.  Additionally, he gives the directive to find "U.S. targets to cultivate or, at the very least, official contacts...The main effort must be concentrated on acquiring valuable agents." (source)
1984: Russian émigré David Bogatin pays cash for five apartments in Trump Tower. (source).  Bogatin's brother ran a $150 million stock scam with Russian mafia boss Semion Mogilevich (source)
1985: Trump reportedly “apoplectic” when he loses bid to re-develop the Coliseum at Columbus Circle to Salomon Brothers-backed Mort Zuckerman. (source)  More on Trump’s proposal here.
October 1985: Trump's helicopter pilot indicted on drug trafficking charges. Trump doesn't fire him.  Instead, he leases his personally-owned unit in Trump Plaza Apartments to him with an agreement of half the rent is to be paid in cash, the other half in unspecified helicopter services.  Trump also writes a letter on behalf of his pilot (Weichselbaum), calling him "a credit to the community.”  Who does the case end up with?  Federal judge Maryanne Trump, Donald's sister. (source)
Autumn, 1986: Trump meets Soviet ambassador Yuri Dubinin.  And per Trump's own account in Art of the Deal, “One thing led to another, and now I’m talking about building a large luxury hotel, across the street from the Kremlin, in partnership with the Soviet government.” (source)
1986: Trump makes the rounds in the news offering to negotiate with the Russians (source), and also angles for a Soviet posting in the Reagan administration (source)
March 16, 1987: Bogatin (who had purchased multiple apartments in Trump Tower for cash) pleads guilty to taking part in a massive gasoline-bootlegging scheme with Russian mobsters. The government seized his five condos at Trump Tower, because he'd used them to “launder money, to shelter and hide assets.” A Senate investigation into organized crime later revealed that Bogatin was a leading figure in the Russian mob in New York. (from New Republic)
April 3, 1987: Trump excluded from bidding on Australian casino deal because of mafia connections (per Australian police) (source)
July 4, 1987: Trump flies to the USSR for the first time after being personally invited - the trip is arranged by the Soviet government (source).
1987: Trump talks extensively in an interview about nuclear bombs, and states that his pilot used to work for Qaddafi.  In the same interview, Trump describes the type of bomb he thinks will be possible in the future: "Carry it in your briefcase, right. I’m not even talking about airplanes and missiles. You’ll walk in with your damn tape recorder,” he says, pointing to my innocent Sony, “and you’ll say it’s a tape recorder and nobody will be able to tell the difference. I mean, that’s where it’s going to be in 20 years.” (source)
1988: Trump starts talking about running for president on Oprah (source).
1988: Trump purchases a yacht from Adnan Khashoggi, the uncle of Jamal Khashoggi (source) (source)
1988: American Media Inc. (AMI) comes into being after Enquirer owner Generoso Pope dies. (source)  Among the interested parties are Robert Maxwell (source), the father of Ghislaine Maxwell - Jeffrey Epstein's partner. (source).  Among the trustees of the Pope estate are Peter G. Peterson, a partner in the Blackstone Group (source) - a private equity firm founded by Steven Schwarzman (source). (More on Schwarzman and his relation to Trump here).  According to Pope's son, Paul, The Enquirer was started with a $75,000 loan from the mafia (source).
October 11, 1989: helicopter crashes with 3 Trump casino execs aboard (source).  Trump claimed he was supposed to be on it, but then changed his mind at the last minute. (source)  After their deaths, he blamed them for the failure of his Atlantic City casino (source) The helicopter's pilot was identified by the state police as Robert Kent of Ronkonkoma, L.I., and its co-pilot as Lawrence Diener of Westbury, L.I.  b/b
1990: Wall Street bond house Salomon Brothers advises institutional clients to sell bonds issue from Trump's Castle Casino in Atlantic City, due to debt and performance concerns. (source)
1991: Trump declares bankruptcy (source)
1991: Trump sells his yacht to Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (source) (source)
December 17, 1991: Fred Trump gives Donald an interest-free loan by purchasing $3.5 million worth of casino chips at Trump Castle casino, circumventing bankruptcy rules and enabling Donald to make the interest payment due on his bonds. (source)
1992: Trump declares bankruptcy an additional 3 times stemming from various properties he's over-leveraged. (source)
1994: Trump allegedly rapes and beats a 13-year-old girl at a party with Jeffrey Epstein, multiple times.  In the filed complaint, the 13-year-old was threatened to be "disappeared" like another young girl had been if she told anyone. (source)
October 20, 1994: Christine Seymour, Roy Cohn's secretary (Cohn was Trump's mentor), who was set to publish a tell-all book, dies in head-on collision with tractor trailer (source)
1995: Trump reportedly in Moscow to discuss matters related to Okhotny Ryad underground mall on Manezh Square. (source)
The trip is also reference in this article: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1997/05/19/trump-solo
1995: Trump sells Plaza Hotel to Alwaleed bin Talal (source) Barbara Corcoran brokers the deal (source)
June 8, 1995: Vyacheslav Ivankov arrested (source).  Ivankov was known to be a notoriously brutal gangster in the upper echelon of the Russian mafia. (source) After having difficulty finding him, the FBI picked up his trail at Trump Taj Mahal, and then discovered that Ivankov had a luxury condo in Trump Tower. (source)  According to Robert Friedman in his book, Red Mafiya, Friedman viewed Ivankov's personal phone book containing "a working number for the Trump Organization’s Trump Tower Residence, and a Trump Organization office fax machine." (this is listed as a citation at the end of the book).  Ivankov is also mentioned in this 2003 DOJ paper on organized crime, with a forward by Bruce Ohr (pp 49).
1996: Trump goes to Russia with Howard Lorber (source).  Lorber later donated to the Trump inaugural fund (source).
1998: Trump Taj Mahal fined for currency transaction reporting violations (source)
February 1999: Evercore Capital Partners L.L.C., headed by former Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger C. Altman, acquires American Media, Inc. and places David Pecker at the helm. (source)
1999: Trump's first run for president (source)
2000/2001: Mark Burnett in negotiations with Putin for a show called "Destination Mir." (source)
October 2001: AMI offices in Boca Raton are attacked with anthrax (source).  Later, in 2004, a cleaning company owned by Rudy Giuliani is contracted to clean up the anthrax, with his company, Bio-One, slated to rent/occupy the building after cleanup. (source)  The contract later ended in a feud. (source)
2002: Mark Burnett begins talks with Trump regarding The Apprentice. (source)
2002 - 2011: The Bayrock Group partners with the Trump Organization on developments including the Trump SoHo hotel (source).  Principals in the group include Felix Sater - believed to be connected with Semion Mogilevich (source) - and Tevfik Arif (source).
2004: Trump declares bankruptcy again. (source)
Spring 2004: The Apprentice debuts (source)
May 2004: Diamond dealer and former Trump Tower tenant (1 year prior he'd lived right below Kellyanne Conway) Eduard Nektalov is shot on 6th Avenue (source).  He was reportedly cooperating with federal authorities on a money laundering investigation (source)  More on money laundering and Trump properties here.
2005: at the same time Trump is unable to get a 25 million pound loan from Bank of Scotland due to being a credit risk (source), Deutsche Bank (who later is hit with massive fines for money laundering) loans Trump nearly one billion dollars. Trump's banker at Deutsche Bank is Justice Kennedy's son. (source).
2006: Felix Sater escorts the Trump children during their trip to Russia (according to Sater) (source).  Later, in emails to Michael Cohen, Sater says that he'd arranged for Ivanka to sit in Putin's chair. (source).
2006: Paul Manafort buys unit in Trump Tower (source).
2006 - 2009: Trump makes multiple attempts (and fails) to get a loan from the Bank of Scotland to purchase Hamilton Hall.  The bank executive "expressed concern that Trump would hold the bank to 'future ransom'” (source)
2007 - 2016: Buyers tied to Russia make 86 cash purchases at Trump properties. (source)
2008: Soviet-born (Moldovia) Orly Taitz helps bring suit regarding Obama's citizenship/birth certificate. (source)
2008: Junior brags that they're getting a lot of money from Russia. (source)
2008: Russian oligarch buys a Palm Beach mansion from Trump, paying twice the value (source).
August 27, 2008: a small-time scam artist transfers a Beverly Hills, California, mansion to Donald Trump for $0. (source)
November 2008: Unable to meet his obligations for the nearly 1 billion dollar loan they gave him, Trump sues Deutsche Bank saying he shouldn't have to make good on his promise because of the economic crash. (source)
2009: Trump declares bankruptcy again. (source)
2009: a lawyer representing Trump Atlantic City casino creditors says he got threatening phone calls. The FBI traced one of them to a payphone outside the “Late Show With David Letterman,” where Trump was appearing.
“My name is Carmine,” the caller told the lawyer, Kristopher Hansen. “I don’t know why you’re fucking with Mr. Trump but if you keep fucking with Mr. Trump, we know where you live and we’re going to your house for your wife and kids.” (source)
July 23, 2009: Stormy Daniels' political advisor's car explodes (source).  This was approximately 3 years after her affair with Trump (source).
August 2009: After multiple tries dating back to 2006, Trump denied a final time for loan for 25 million pounds from Bank of Scotland because the bank considered it "too risky." (source)
2010: Tevfik Arif, a principal of the Bayrock Group - which at this time is partnering with the Trump organization on a variety of projects - is arrested in a Turkish prostitution sting. (source).  Charges were later dropped by Turkish authorities.
July 25, 2011: President Obama issues executive order declaring organized crime a national security emergency. (source)
2011 - 2015: Deutsche Bank, who 5 years previous had given Donald Trump nearly 1 billion dollars when Bank of Scotland wouldn't loan him 25 million pounds, is laundering billions of dollars with the help of Russians. (source)
2011: Eric Trump brags that they have access to millions of dollars from Russians. (source)
2011 - 2015: Donald Trump begins paying for his properties with hundreds of millions of dollars in cash. (source)
January 1, 2012: former Trump bodyguard dies from apparent overdose (source).
2013: Trump walks out of a BBC Panorama interview when asked about his connections with Felix Sater. (source)
April 16, 2013: Preet Bharara, then US attorney for SDNY, announces charges against massive Russian organized crime ring operating out of Trump Tower. (source)
June 16, 2013: Trump announces Miss Universe pageant will be in Moscow. (source)
November 9, 2013: Miss Universe pageant (source).  One of the fugitives indicted in the Trump Tower organized crime ring in April, ALIMZHAN TOKHTAKHOUNOV, is a guest of honor there. (source)
2014: Steve Bannon, while at Cambridge Analytica, orders testing on Putin messaging with Americans. (source)
February 10, 2014: Trump praises Putin on Fox & Friends. (source)
March 6, 2015: Trump Taj Mahal fined for money laundering. (source)
2015: Michael Cohen threatens a reporter covering Trump's divorce with Ivana.  “I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting,” the Daily Beast’s Tim Mak, recalled Cohen telling him. “You write a story that has Mr. Trump’s name in it, with the word ‘rape,’ and I’m going to mess your life up … for as long as you’re on this frickin’ planet.” (source) (source)
April 18, 2015: Trump's former pilot dies in head-on collision (source).
November 3, 2015: Felix Sater, who is believed to work for Semion Mogilevich (source) writes Michael Cohen stating that he'll get buy-in from Putin and that they'll engineer Trump's presidency. (source)
November 5, 2015: former head of RT Mikhail Lesin found dead in DC hotel room with blunt force trauma to head, neck and torso.  He had a meeting with DOJ scheduled for following day. (source)
January 23, 2016: Trump tells the crowd at a rally that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose voters. (source)
February 23, 2016: Trump tells the crowd at a rally that he'd like to punch a protestor in the face, and "I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.” (source)
March 29, 2016: Paul Manafort joins Trump campaign. (source)
April - May 2016: George Papadopoulos in communication with “high ranking Russian official” in an attempt to set up meetings between Trump team and Russian reps, w/the promise “that the Kremlin had 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails…” (source)
May 2016: Stephen Schwarzman flies to Riyadh to meet with Mohammed bin Salman - then the deputy crown prince of Saudi Arabia - about infrastructure, and presumably the $20 billion fund that's announced a year later. (source) More on Schwarzman's relationship with Trump, and Saudi Arabia here.  More on Schwarzman's links to Russia and Rosneft here.
Summer 2016: Stefan Halper, an FBI informant, approaches Trump campaign officials. (source)
June 9, 2016: Trump Tower meeting with Russians, Manafort, Kushner, Don Jr.. (source).  Present at the meeting was Nataliya Veselnitskaya, who at the time was representing Prevezon (source), a company implicated in a money-laundering case at SDNY (source)
June 14, 2016: News breaks that the DNC has been hacked by Russians. (source)
June 14, 2016: Michael Cohen cancels his planned trip to Moscow to discuss Trump Tower Moscow (source)
Sometime after July 19, 2016: Trump warned by FBI that Russians will try to infiltrate campaign. (source)
July 2016: FBI opens counter intelligence investigation into Trump campaign. (source) (source)
September, 2016: Trump and Cohen discuss hush money and contingency for if guy gets hit by a truck. (source)
October 31, 2016: Mother Jones reports "A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump"
November 7, 2016 (one day before election day): Connie Watton, maid of Stephen Schwarzman - a Trump AND Kremlin friend - is pushed in front of a subway. (source)  The woman who pushed her is assigned defense attorney Mathew Mari, known for his legal work for the Bonanno crime family.  More on Schwarzman's relationship with Trump, and Saudi Arabia here.  More on Schwarzman's links to Russia and Rosneft here.  Schwarzman had also financed Kushner projects and gave Jared Kushner a loan (source).
November 8, 2016 (election day): Russian diplomat Sergei Krivov found unconscious at the Russian Consulate in New York and died on the scene. (source)
December 2016: FSB officers arrested in Russia. (source)
December 2016: Jared Kushner instructs Michael Flynn to sabotage US foreign policy. (source)
December 1 or 2, 2016: Kushner tries to set up secret back channel with Russians using Russians' secure facilities. (source)
December 1, 2016: Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn meet with Sergei Kislyak at Trump Tower (source)
December 13-14, 2016 (date not confirmed): Jared Kushner meets with Sergey Gorkov, "a graduate of the academy of the Federal Security Service, or FSB, the domestic intelligence arm of the former Soviet KGB, who was appointed by Putin to the post less than a year before his encounter with Kushner." (source)
December 19, 2016: Russia's ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, is killed. (source)
December 19, 2016: Russian diplomat to Latin America, Peter Polshikov, is killed. (source)
December 20, 2016: Methbot white paper published. (source)
December 26, 2016: Ex-KGB chief Oleg Erovinkin, who was suspected of helping draft the Trump dossier, found dead in the back of his car. (source)
December 29, 2016: Obama expels 35 Russian diplomats. (source)
December 29, 2016: KT McFarland sends email stating that "If there is a tit-for-tat escalation Trump will have difficulty improving relations with Russia, which has just thrown U.S.A. election to him," (source)
December 29, 2016: Flynn calls Kislyak to discuss the expelling of the diplomates and asks that the Russians not retaliate. (source)
January 6, 2017: Trump, McFarland, Pence, Flynn, Priebus, Pompeo and Bossert briefed with classified intelligence report by Brennan, Clapper, Comey. (source)  That same day, DNI releases this report.
January 9, 2017: Russian Consul in Athens, Greece, Andrei Malanin, found dead in his apartment (source)
January 10, 2017: Buzzfeed publishes Steele Dossier. (source)
January 24, 2017: Peter Strzok interviews Michael Flynn. (source)
January  27, 2017: Russia's Ambassador to India, Alexander Kadakin, dies. (source)
January 30, 2017: New York State Department of Financial Services fines Deutsche Bank $425 million for massive Russian mirror trading scheme. (source)
February 2017: Trump's bodyguard, a Trump Organization lawyer and a third man raid Harold Bornstein's office, taking Trump's medical records. (source)
February 20, 2017: Vitaly Churkin, Russia's ambassador to the UN, dies suddenly in New York (source)
March 2, 2017: Ukrainian businessman with links to Trump found dead from undetermined causes.  Oronov was Michael Cohen's brother's father-in-law, and Cohen did business with him. (source)
March 11, 2017: Trump fires Preet Bharara, who as US Attorney of SDNY had led the breakup of a massive Russian organized crime ring operating out of Trump Tower. (source)
March 16, 2017: laptop stolen from Secret Service agent's car while parked in her driveway.  The laptop contained highly sensitive information including floor plans and evacuation protocol for Trump Tower. (source)
March 20, 2017: It's learned that the FBI had launched a counter intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign and Russian links in July of 2016. (source) (source)
March 21, 2017: A lawyer for a Putin-foe, Nikolai Gorokhov, reportedly thrown from a window in Moscow. Gorokhov was set to testify as a U.S. government witness in a money laundering case initiated by SDNY (led by Preet Bahrara). (source)  "The alleged vehicle by which these dirty assets were washed clean was a Cyprus-registered company called Prevezon Holdings Ltd." (source)  Prevezon is represented by Nataliya Veselnitskaya at the time that she attends the Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016. (source)
March 23, 2017: former Russian MP, Denis Voronenkov, shot dead in Kiev. (source)
March 30, 2017: FBI raids Trump-linked casino in Saipan. (source)
March 30, 2017: Mike Flynn asks for immunity. (source)
May 1, 2017: Scott Christianson, investigative reporter for McClatchy, publishes this:
May 9, 2017: Trump fires FBI director James Comey. (source)
May 2017 (date unclear): FBI opens counter intelligence investigation into Trump. (source)
May 10: 2017: Subpoenas issued to Michael Flynn by Senate Intelligence Committee. (source)
May 10, 2017: closed-door meeting in Oval Office with Russians. (source)
May 10, 2017: Roger Ailes falls in his home at Palm Beach Country. (source)
May 11, 2017: FBI raids GOP consulting firm in Maryland. (source)
May 14, 2017: Scott Christianson dies after falling down the stairs at his home (source)
May 14 2017: Republic operative Peter Smith found dead in Minnesota 10 days after speaking with WSJ (source)
Smith had said he'd been working with Michael Flynn (source).
May 17, 2017: Robert Mueller appointed special counsel (source).
May 18, 2017: Roger Ailes dies from head injury he'd sustained 8 days earlier (source).
May 20-21, 2017: Trump takes his first overseas trip as president to Saudi Arabia.  During this trip, it's announced that Blackstone, led by Stephen Schwarzman, will manage Saudi Arabia's $20 billion investment fund. (source)  Most of the investment will be in US infrastructure (source)  During that trip, Trump also meets with Kirill Dmitriev of VEB bank (source)
July 4, 2017: body washes up on shore of Trump golf course in California. (source) (source)
July 26, 2017: Paul Manafort's home raided (source)
July 27, 2017: George Papadopoulos arrested. (source)
August 3, 2017: Secret Service kicked out of Trump Tower (source).
August 23, 2017: Russian ambassador to Sudan, Mirgayas Shirinsky, found dead. (source)
September 1, 2017: fire at Russian consulate in San Francisco (source).
September 14, 2017: Junior ditches Secret Service to go to Canada (source).
September 25, 2017: Richard Beckler, Trump's appointee as General Counsel of GSA dies (source).  Beckler is the GSA staff member who'd assured Trump that requests for materials/emails from special counsel would not be honored (source).
September 27, 2017: Paul Horner, fake news writer who took credit for Trump’s win, dies of apparent overdose (source)
October 2017: Trump muses that he'll likely get to place 4 justices on the Supreme Court because of future health issues they may have (source).
October 16, 2017: Panama Papers journalist killed with a car bomb. (source)
October 25, 2017: Jared Kushner leaves on unannounced visit to Saudi Arabia.
October 26, 2017: Investigator (Catherine Hunt, a former FBI agent) working on behalf of 9/11 families suing Saudi Arabia interviews Jamal Khashoggi.  Khashoggi texted Saudi officials that same day.
(as claimed by the lawyer working on behalf of the families)
October 28, 2018: Jared Kushner returns from unannounced visit to Saudi Arabia.
October 30, 2017: Papadopoulos guilty plea revealed (source)
November 3, 2017: Alex van der Zwaan is interviewed by the FBI. (source)
November 4, 2017: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman consolidates power and arrests several princes, including Prince Alwaleed bin-Talal. (source)  Trump had previously sold his yacht (1991) and the Plaza Hotel to Alwaleed bin-Talal (source).
November 2017: Trump picks fights with North Korea. (source)
November 17, 2017: Brett Kavanaugh added to short list of SCOTUS nominees. (source)
December 1, 2017: Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the FBI. (source)
December 5, 2017: It's reported that Deutsche Bank received subpoena from Robert Mueller (source) In-depth Rachel Maddow segment on Deutsche Bank and the subpoena here.
December 16, 2017: Trump learns that Mueller has in his possession all of their transition emails on the .gov domain, obtained via the GSA. (source)
December 22, 2017: House Intelligence Committee interviews Rhona Graff
December 30, 2017: Fire at home linked to Ivanka's diamond business (source).
January 8, 2018: Fire at Trump Tower (source)
January 20, 2018: Former spokesman for Rick Gates, Glenn Selig, dies in Afghanistan hotel attack.  Selig was a well-known Tampa Bay Area TV anchor. (source)
January 25, 2018: It's learned that Dutch intelligence had infiltrated Russian hacker group Cozy Bear and witnessed in real time as they attacked the State Department as well as the DNC. (source)
January 27, 2018: Steve Wynn resigns as RNC finance chair amid sexual assault allegations (source).
January 31, 2018: chartered train carrying GOP lawmakers to retreat crashes into truck (source).
February 16, 2018: Indictment of 12 Russians, outlining their methods of election interference (indictment sealed). (source)
February 20, 2018: Alex van der Zwaan pleads guilty to making false statements to FBI. (source)
February 22, 2018: Paul Manafort and Richard Gates indicted. (source)
February 23 - 27, 2018: Trump Tower Panama standoff with physical altercations and armed guards (source).
Week of March 4 - 10, 2018 (date unclear): FBI raids Trump-linked casino in Saipan a second time. (source)
March 4, 2018: Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, found poisoned on a park bench in Salisbury. (source)
March 16, 2018: FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe fired. (source)
April 7, 2018: ANOTHER Trump Tower Fire - art dealer Todd Brassner dies (source); Michael Cohen texts Dennis Shields with a warning to "get out ASAP" (source).
April 9, 2018: FBI raids Michael Cohen's home, hotel room, and office (source).
April 13, 2018: RNC Finance Chair Elliot Broidy resigns in midst hush money payoff scandal (source).
April 15 or 16, 2018: Matthew Mellon (finance chair, NY RNC, and who made his fortune in cryptocurrency) dies of apparent overdose (source). Note - original link/story is now gone; here are alternate sources for that story: https://twitter.com/business/status/986135482013769728
April 24, 2018: Devin Nunes sends classified letter to Jeff Sessions regarding FBI informant (source) who is later revealed to be Stefan Halper. (source)
April 28, 2018: Fire at Trump Tower Azerbaijan (source).
Week of April 29, 2018: Devin Nunes issues subpoena to DOJ seeking information about FBI informant (later revealed to be Stefan Halper). (source)
June 20, 2018: New York State Department of Financial Services fines Deutsche Bank $205 million for "unlawful, unsafe and unsound conduct in its foreign exchange trading business." (source)
June 22, 2018: Trump-backed Katie Arrington seriously injured in head-in collision (source).
June 27, 2018: Justice Kennedy, whose son was Donald Trump's banker, unexpectedly announces retirement. (source) Trump and Kennedy reportedly had a special relationship (source).
July 4, 2018: delegation of Republicans go to Moscow. (source)
July 9, 2018: Brett Kavanaugh nominated to SCOTUS. (source)
July 14, 2018: Indictment of 12 Russians/internet research agency unsealed (source).
July 16, 2018: Maria Butina criminal complaint unsealed. (source)
July 16, 2018: Trump meets with Putin in Helsinki. (source)
July 17, 2018: Secret Service agent dies in Scotland.  After falling ill at Trump's golf course in Turnberry, he died the day after the Helsinki meeting (source) (source). (obituary)
July 25, 2018: dead body found in waters off Trump NYC golf course (source).
August 6, 2018: Rand Paul goes to Russia. (source)
August 10, 2018: Dennis Shields - the same guy Cohen texted back in April - found dead in Trump Tower (source)
August 15, 2018: Trump revokes John Brennan's security clearance. (source)
August 16, 2018: mystery case before grand jury initiated. (source)
October 2, 2018: Jamal Khashoggi murdered on orders from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. (source)  Trump later disputes the findings of the CIA and stands with MBS, stating that too much money is at stake. (source)
October 3, 2018: Nikki Hailey resigns, but resignation is not yet publicly announced. (source)
October 3, 2018: The Russian deputy attorney general (Saak Karapetyan) who reportedly directed Natalya Veselnitskaya (the lawyer who met with the Trump campaign in Trump Tower) dies in a helicopter crash (source).  It was later reported that the pilot of the helicopter had been shot. (source)
October 9, 2018: Internet Research Agency (aka the troll farm) named in DOJ indictment (unsealed July 14, 2018) set on fire. (source)
October 9, 2018: Nikki Haley announces resignation.
October 9, 2018: New York Times reports that Saudi Arabia had ordered Khashoggi's murder.
October 17, 2018: Don McGahn resigns. (source)
October 19, 2018: "Project Lahkta" (Russian election interference) criminal complaint unsealed (source)
October 21, 2018: John Bolton goes to Russia to meet with Putin. (source)
October 22 - 27, 2018: week of terror begins with bombs at the home of George Soros. (source).  It was followed by bombs sent to Bill and Hillary Clinton (Oct. 23); Barack Obama, CNN, John Brennan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Eric Holder and Maxine Waters (October 24); Robert de Niro and Joe Biden (October 25); and Cory Booker, James Clapper, Kamala Harris, and Tom Steyer (October 26). It ends with mass shooting at Tree of Life synagogue on October 27 (source).
October 30, 2018: Whitey Bulger killed. (source)
November 21, 2018: head of GRU agency accused of DNC hacks and Skripal poisoning dies, reportedly after a long illness. (source)
November 27, 2018: Methbot indictment unsealed at EDNY. (source)
November 28, 2018: Miami Herald publishes Perversion of Justice investigative report.
November 29, 2018: Michael Cohen pleads guilty. (source)
November 29, 2018: Massive raid at Deutsche Bank. (source)
November 29, 2018: FBI raids offices of Trump's former tax attorney, Chicago Alderman Ed Burke. (source)
December 4, 2018: Epstein trial set to begin.  It is settled at the last minute, avoiding testimony from witnesses. (source)
December 13, 2018: FBI allegedly raids Chicago Alderman and former Trump tax attorney Ed Burke's office a second time (FBI neither confirms nor denies whether raid took place) (source).
December 22, 2018: Government shuts down. (source)
January 8, 2019: it's learned that Manafort passed polling data to Kilimnik in the summer of 2016. (source)
January 11, 2019: it's learned/reported that the FBI had opened a counter intelligence investigation into Trump in May of 2017. (source)
January 23, 2019: Michael Cohen postpones testimony before Congress, saying it's because Trump has been threatening him. (source)
January 25, 2019: Roger Stone arrested and indicted. (source) (source)
February 21, 2019: Judge rules that federal prosecutors (including Trump labor secretary Alex Acosta) broke the law in Epstein case. (source)
February 27, 2019: Michael Cohen testifies before Congress that Trump had directed him to threaten people as many as 500 times when he worked for him. (source)  He also testifies that Felix Sater's office had been located on the 26th floor of Trump Tower - the same floor as Trump's office - and, in the location that would eventually become Cohen's office. (source)
And let's not forget the acid in Steve Bannon's bathroom: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/bannons-vacated-florida-home-had-a-bathroom-destroyed-by-acid-washington-post-report-985356
Or how Michael Cohen threatened this reporter: https://twitter.com/cherijacobus/status/974831949285031936
Or the threats Stormy Daniels received: https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/25/politics/stormy-daniels-threat-60-minutes/index.html
A short history of Donald Trump's threats: https://www.propublica.org/article/a-short-history-of-threats-received-by-donald-trumps-opponents
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389 · 1 year
BLUNDERDOME AUG 2023 DJ MIX HOUSE / GARAGE / BREAKS / BREAKBEATS / BASS / TECHNO Dynetic - Changing Forces [Global Cuts – GC 36] DAWL - Beats Intravenous [Furthur Electronix – FE 015] Andy Toth - Temporal Distortion [Interdimensional Transmissions] Overmono - Bby [XL Recordings] Breaka ft. Adam Pits - The Show Must Go On [space•lab] Nocturnal Sunshine - Foundation [I/AM/ME – IAMME024V] Aaliyah - Rock The Boat (Mikey B Bootleg) Janzon - Poetry In Motion [Code Is Law] Disaffected - Sublimation [Palms Out Sounds] Anybody Anytime - Where The Head Goes (Ruff Mix) Dayzero - Daruma [Livity Sound] Static. - Back to the Start [Moot Tapes] Prince Josh - Let It Go [Nervous Records] Justin Jay - Swarm [Shall Not Fade] BFTT - iOSMIDI6_Droplets (broken iPhone in the club mix) [Mutualism] Colombo - Get Ready [Distorsion Records] Usurper - Back In Time (Baithead Remix) [Omertà Records] Mani Festo - Eraser [Sneaker Social Club] Pangaea - Fuzzy Logic [Hessle Audio] Hiroaki Iizuka - Beatpoint [ARTS] Overmono - BMW Track [Poly Kicks] Stenny - Lights On [ilian tape] White Afghani - Styrum [Noorden] Full track-list and links here: https://www.buymusic.club/list/ivnn-blunderdome-aug-2023
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Maserati 250F 2.5
Grand Prix racing wins
1954 Buenos Aires (Fangio)
1954 Spa (Fangio)
1956 Monaco (Moss)
1956 Monza (Moss)
1957 Buenos Aires (Fangio)
1957 Monaco (Fangio)
1957 Rouen (Fangio)
1957 Nurburgring (Fangio)
Forever associated with five-time Formula 1 World Champion, Juan Manuel Fangio, the Maserati 250F is the quintessential front-engined Grand Prix car. Designed principally by Gioacchino Colombo and Valerio Colotti, and introduced for the 1954 season, the 250F was constructed around a tubular ladder-frame chassis, with independent front suspension and a De Dion rear axle, and was powered by a 2½-litre double-overhead-camshaft straight-six engine.
Fangio secured two Grand Prix victories with the 250F before leaving for Mercedes-Benz, ending the '54 season as Formula 1 World Champion for the second time. Having secured a further two F1 World Championships, Fangio was back behind the wheel of a 250F, by this time further developed by Giulio Alfieri, for the 1957 season. Fangio drove to four more World Championship victories that year, including his legendary win at the Nürburgring where he overcame a 48-second deficit following a botched pit stop, passing race leader Mike Hawthorn on the penultimate lap. In doing so he broke the lap record ten times. Fangio's final win, this performance at the wheel of a Maserati 250F is often regarded as the greatest drive in Formula 1 history.
The late Sir Stirling Moss, who achieved his first Formula 1 victory at the wheel of a 250F when he won the non-Championship Oulton Park International Gold Cup in 1954, described the Maserati as "the most beautiful Formula 1 car in the world", an assessment few would disagree with.
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inzertbackups · 5 months
Inzert live DJ set - Remiz Radio Show @Tilos Radio - 2014-05-24
Évente egyszer-kétszer rámjön, hogy kéne menni zenélni.... Olyankor felmegyek, a saját mixeimből meghallgatok kettőt és elmúlik :D
#1. Remiz Radio Show - Jingle #2. Neo - Record Straight (Fine Cut Bodies remix) #3. BSD - Paramnesia #4. Dopamine - Brave New World (Psure remix) #5. Geon - Additions (Colombo remix) #6. Future Funk Squad - Cold Matter (feat. Refracture) #7. Beatman, Ludmilla - In Breaks We Trust #8. Colombo - Gods #9. Colombo - You Don't Stop #10. Hyper - Take Me Away (Karl Sav remix) #11. Disclosure - Defeated No More (Blanilla Breaks edit) #12. Jurassik - Like This (Rektchordz remix) #13. Chevy One - Mambo Twang #14. Kombainer - I Don't Have Enough Money (4Kuba remix) #15. Mark Knight, Wolfgang Gartner - Conscindo (Kwerk rerub) #16. Geon - Perpetual Motion (Colombo remix) #17. Tonysoprano - Silence (F-Word Breaks remix) #18. Dual Boot - Crank It (Ghettface remix) #19. Lee Coombs - Lilly In The Sky #20. ILS - Next Level (Karl Sav remix) #21. The Crystal Method - Play For Real (LeftRight, Digital Pizza rmx) #22. Quadrat Beat - RAW #23. Colombo - Clubbing #24. Dirty & Acid - Gorras Voladoras #25. Drumattic Twins - LFO Soup #26. Dylan Rhymes - Nightbreed
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beatleslegend · 11 months
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Violist Caroline Buckman died without ever knowing that she had participated in the recording of a new Beatles song.
Violist Caroline Buckman died without ever knowing that she took part in the recording of the Beatles' new song "Now and Then", CBC.ca reports. "It is sad. On the other hand, I’m very proud,” said her mother, Erica Buckman.
In April 2022, more than a dozen musicians received a mysterious message from a music contractor in Los Angeles. They were asked if they could come to the studio in three days. “This is about Paul McCartney,” the invitation said.
The musicians were offered a so-called one-time contract for three hours, under which they would be paid at the rate. Those who received the message abandoned everything they were doing.
“Of course we all wanted to do it,” said violinist Charlie Bisharat.
Cellist Mia Barcia-Colombo performed at a concert in Miami on the eve of a morning studio session, rushed to the airport, got to Los Angeles by 6:00, rested for an hour and a half with her parents (they lived closer to the studio than she did), and went to record.
“It became a family matter to make sure I got there on time. (My parents said, 'Anything for Sir Paul,'" Mia recalls.
At Capitol Studios, the musicians were given sheet music for the song “Give & Take.” It was claimed that this was McCartney's solo project.
After the session, Sir Paul stayed and chatted with the musicians. “Wonderful person. This cannot be said about every artist,” Bisharat said.
Then the musicians had to wait. And wait. And wait some more. For 18 months, Bisharat searched the Internet and could not find any news about the project. In any case, the session participants had something to remember.
For example, Buckman received a copy of the sheet music autographed by McCartney. She framed it. As the violist’s partner Mitch Brown said, Caroline never asked her colleagues for an autograph in her entire career, and she worked with, among others, Brian Wilson, Neil Young and R.E.M.
At the time of working in the studio with Sir Paul, the violist had been battling breast cancer for five years. Unfortunately, the disease took over. Buckman died on March 5, 2023 at the age of 48. “For four minutes and eight seconds, which is how long one incredible song lasted, Caroline Buckman was a Beatle,” the publication writes.
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Script and sound design for the animatic + Updated storyboard
Panel 1: Back in the 17th century, this building complex
Panel 2: was filled with the sounds of doctors and nurses bustling around, their shoes click-clacking as they rush to attend to patients,
Panel 3: accompanied by the smell of medicinal herbs, a strong scent of cinnamon floating through the air. On the other hand, there was idle chatter inside the rooms, echoing down the halls through the open doors. Drowned out by the sounds of wheels rolling on the hard stone floors... medicine boxes being open and shut as the drugs and herbal mixtures inside are handed over to the staff.
(Sounds : Footsteps, background noise)
(to the storyboard add silhouettes of doctors and nurses)
Panel 4: (sound interrupted by a bag rustling) Now, over 300 years later the heavy sounds of sighs and prayers carrying the weight of lives that have been lost and saved
Panel 5: have since been replaced by the joyful
Panel 6: rustling of shopping bags filled with the local handmade arts and crafts from LakShilpa, sparkling ornaments from Colombo Jewellery Stores and lets not forget all the exquisite Spa Ceylon beauty products.
Panel 7: (Sounds : include the audio I recorded) The sounds of cutlery against dishes instead of medical equipment against trays, happy children walking around with their parents instead of being bedridden as patients are the renewed sights and sounds of what is now called the Dutch Hospital shopping precinct.
Panel 8: Surrounded by the trees and streets of Colombo the scents of the old Dutch hospital
Panel 9: have since been replaced with the aroma of delicious cuisine from the Ceylon Curry Club or perhaps the
Panel 10: Ministry of Crab which are some of the restaurants that now reside within the decade old walls.
Panel 11: The spacious courtyard flooded in sunshine, the warm aura complimented by the huge green trees peeking from above the roof, guiding the rays of sunshine through the pillars into the long corridors...
Panel 12: where if you go walk to the other side
Panel 12: you will see, that at night,
Panel 13: the coloured lights come to life and you are transported into an entirely different atmosphere
Panel 14: (Audio I recorded of songs playing) it's the time for the nightlife in Colombo to come alive. The club music blaring, the crowds laughing as they sway to the beat,
Panel 15: the sounds of champagne glasses echo through the night
Panel 16: as people gather at the precinct's pubs and bars after a hard day of work.
From the panels I have, each four panels can be 1 min each. Will add more if needed.
Each panel - 15seconds
Update : It'll be more than one minute because the script turned out to be rather long.
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In order to describe the sights and sounds I had to reimagine for the first few panels of my storyboard which are set in the past, I had to research on what equipment and medicine they used back in the 17th century. They used a lot of spices, especially cinnamon which has been highlighted in the pdf. It was mentioned in this pdf that they did Ayurvedic treatments with the only modern-ish drug being opium which was imported.
They also used to store medicine in locked boxes/chests which only the head doctor had the keys to. He would unlock them and let the staff take what’s necessary and lock the box up again as there were very strict rules on the use of drugs.
Documentary style : Poetic documentary
Sound design :
Some audios I recorded at Dutch Hospital so I can add them in as ambience.
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galadriel1010 · 8 months
Buying things at real life auctions is always a bit of a gamble, partly because the shopping costs are always ridiculous but also because eBay sellers provide much better detail. I won an Orient Line Record of a Voyage and some photo albums last month. Was really worried that they'd be totally irrelevant, but they arrived today and I'm super happy. One of the photo albums is unrelated and most of the ephemera is outside my era, but the photo album contains pictures of an England to Australia return trip of 1939. Real people! And they broke the journey in Colombo and Egypt, which is even better
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On December 12th 1939, 9 miles off the Mull of Kintyre, the D class Destroyer, HMS Duchess was sunk after a collision with another ship.
This is the story as told by a survivor. It was an icy, black, December night and the destroyer, "Duchess" was heading home to the north of Scotland. Only another hour and she could dock at Greenock, at the end of a spectacular, record - breaking passage from East to West. The declaration on of war on Germany in that ; September of 1939, had been the signal for the flotilla of nine ships --all 'D' Class destroyers -- to leave their Chinese port, with the instruction to set sail for the 'friendly' waters of the U.K. with "the greatest possible speed". It had been a rare experience, an impressive and morale - boosting sight for the crew of the "Duchess", as they had steamed away in single file and at thirty knots, heading for refueling at Singapore On they had gone at break-neck speeds, beyond Colombo, Aden and into the Suez Canal. Here, the other shipping had been halted to ensure the flotilla's unimpeded progress to Malta. At Malta, three of the destroyers -- "Duchess", "Dainty", and 'Delight" -- were detailed to escort the Battleship "Barham" from Gibraltar to Scotland.
The "Barham" was a mighty ship. A veteran of previous skirmishes with the German fleet at Jutland in 1916. A massive vessel of some 31,000 tons, she dwarfed her escorting destroyers. The battleship and her escorts followed the usual pattern of submarine - avoidance by zigzagging, making it difficult for an enemy submarine to obtain a 'fix' on the ship. It had been a lightning trip -- perhaps the fastest East - West passage ever recorded and the crew of the "Duchess" were rightly proud of their achievement, as, in the early gloom of a December morning, she zigged and zagged her way towards the Hull of Galloway. The majority of the crew were below, asleep and the Petty Officer on watch had closed down all but one of the gunnery implacements, held a roll - call of his ten gun crew and ordered them to go below, to secure their hammocks, To clear the way for their messmates at breakfast. Only a young Ordinary Seaman, a 'boy sailor' called Ernest Swinhoe, was left up top at the 'A' gun. He was the 'communication number', the sailor on watch at the 'fore - gun. As the junior rating, he had been given the icy, early morning duty and he envied his gunnery mates their chance to go below into the warmth of the mess.
Ern had been lucky to join this destroyer, to be a part of the friendly crew of the "Duchess", along with his good friend Peter Port. Peter was his best mate, the lad who had shown him the sights of Hong Kong, before they had left the East,
They had both felt privileged to be a part of this record- breaking destroyer flotilla. As an electrician, Peter was fortunate, he thought, to be below in the warmth of the low power room. Safe from the biting chill of a Scottish strait.
It was 04OO hours now, and the watch had begun. Only an hour of this and they would be home and dry. Ern stood in the shelter of the gun shield, to avoid the wind.
There was a blackout and the absence of moonlight made it a coal-black night. He adjusted his headphones and looked aft. It 3. was then that he saw the massive shape of a ship's prow bearing down on him out of the darkness.
It towered over the diminutive destroyer and with a sickening sound, hit the "Duchess" at about half way and with such tremendous speed, that she simply turned the destroyer over. As she. 'turned turtle' Ern dived into the cold black sea, as other, half - naked sailors scrambled desperately round the rolling hull.
The "Barham's" searchlight lit up the scene, It had been her towering form that had pushed the "Duchess" over. Her crew felt sure that they had hit an enemy submarine, as the "Duchess'" upturned asdic domre looked just like a conning tower. But, when her searchlight beam moved aft, it revealed the awful truth -- the sight of a ship's screws, still turning --and her horrified crew began to sweep for survivors. The water was freezing and oil - ridden. There had been no time to grab lifebelts and Ern pushed off his rubber boots and overcoat, alternately treading water and floating on his back. Out of the blackness, a drowning shipmate struggled towards him. He was naked and desperate and Ern realized from his 'Ganges' training, that the condemned boy would use him as a lifebelt - and so, condemn them both.
Ern swam away to a reasonable distance, until the poor fellow disappeared. The light from the "Barham" lit up the side of the upturned "Duchess" and Ern could clearly see the faces of frightened men, shouting through tiny portholes, from which they were unable to escape. On the fast - disappearing hull of the "Duchess", men were clinging on, until the "Barham" pulled alongside, plucking them to safety, only moments before the boilers of the "Duchess" blew and she disappeared. beneath the waves, taking her entombed crew with her. The "Barham" and her other destroyer escorts, lowered boats and Ern began to shout to them. He realized that he had been in the water for some time now. His chances of survival were diminishing for every minute he was left in that icy waste. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a rowing boat and a coxswain shouting, "Oars!" The men stopped rowing now and the coxswain shouted again for silence.~ Ern summoned up ~'what little strength he had left and called for help. He was aware of a ship's lifeboat coming alongside and pairs of arms reaching out to pull him into the craft. He felt numb as the cold air hit him and he pleaded with his rescuers to put him back into the water, where it had felt warmer. When he reached the safety of the "Barham' he was a shaking mass, unable to warm himself through.
He was severely hypothermic and had 'been lucky to survive. His rescuers had pulled him out of the water at some minutes after 0500 hours, which meant that he had been in the water for an hour -- beyond a reasonable amount of survival time for conditions such as those on that December night. As he recovered, Ern learned that he was one of only twenty - three survivors from the ill - fated "Duchess" and, her crew of a hundred and sixty men. His fate had rested on the timing of his watch duty. He had possibly been the only sailor aboard to see the fateful collision, when the zig and zag of the two vessels had coincided. His heart went out to his mate, Peter Fort, who had been below at the point of impact. He couldn't possibly have survived and Ern hoped that he had known little of what was happening,' as he and a hundred and twenty - three others perished in what was officially described at the time, as, "One of those unfortunate accidents of war." More than fifty years have passed since that accident and my father --
Ordinary Seaman Ernest Swinhoe still remembers the events of December 12th. 1939, as if it happened yesterday. He can recall the cold, misery and confusion. The anguish of seeing entombed sailors shouting from tiny portholes, the pain of losing a good friend and the guilt of seeing a shipmate drown before his eyes. Since that day, however, ships have had escape hatches built into their sides, to prevent the fate that befell many of the "Duchess'" crew. While her demise had not been as 'newsworthy' as that of the "Hood", the "Bismarck", or -- later -- the poor old "Barham" herself, lessons had been learnt from this awful night in 1939.
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redtail-lol · 1 year
My favorite historical figure is Leroy Colombo because I did a report on him and he's really fucking awesome
Kid was 7 when he got spinal meningitis and became deaf. His family helped him learn to walk again through swimming. He became a lifeguard in Galveston, Texas, and then he went on to break the record for most lives saved by a lifeguard, ever.
He did some crazy shit too. Like he saved people on a burning boat once. It had hit an oil tanker and caught fire and the Captain and the First Officer were trapped so he went and saved them. Also iirc he would also go retrieve cars sometimes when people parked them too close to the shore. But that might be me misremembering something.
Overall just a really cool guy who did some awesome stuff despite almost dying as a kid (and being deaf, though some suspect his deafness just meant less distractions and made him a better lifeguard)
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gilly-laughs · 2 years
Poker Face Ep 1-4 Review
I have watched all four episodes of Rian Johnson's new crime mystery show Poker Face. In my previous blog post I questioned why four episodes had been dropped all at once. I'm still not sure but I wanted to share some of my thoughts on these episodes. Mild spoilers to follow.
The first episode has the unenviable job of introducing the main character, her circumstances, her personality, and the hook for the rest of the season. It does this while also having it’s own crime mystery for Charlie to solve. The opening is very Colombo showing off the entire crime before rewinding a bit and shifting to Charlie’s perspective. Seeing the time of the crime from her pov without cutting to the crime really grounds the audience in the character. We know what really happened but we get to see Charlie poke at the pieces she sees.
The aesthetics of the show are perfect for the “seventies/eighties weekly crime mystery show” style they’re going for. Frost Jr’s suits are perfect and the casino also has slightly outdated look. Natalie and Charlie’s cars are older models that invoke that past time period. And the Mother of Pearl handle gun is just chef’s kiss. Despite the older aesthetic, smart phones and tablets do show up in the episode and are smartly integrated into the plot. The villain is smart enough to erase evidence from a phone and even check that he isn’t being recorded at one point but slips up in other ways.
The ending of the first episode is strong. Charlie solves the murder of her friend and gets back at the men who killed her. Her victory is short lived after Frost Jr kills himself in disgrace, which puts her on Mr. Frost’s short list. Thus the premise of the show, Charlie Cade, human lie detector, on the run from Mr. Frost’s men, is established.
Watched the second episode and I loved it. It’s very Incredible Hulk or The Fugitive with the main character wandering from town to town getting mixed up in the local crime of the week. I really like that the show isn’t afraid to spend time (17 minutes this episode) setting up the crime before Charlie shows up in the episode at all. The one thing I’m missing is a short intro explaining the premise; not because the show needs it but because it would fit with the style of the show and be fun.
Something like, “Charlie Cade is a human lie detector. Her best friend was murdered by the men who run Las Vegas. She uncovered the truth and now she’s on the run from Mr. Frost and his right hand man Cliff. They will stop at nothing to find and kill her.”
I like the recurring bit with Charlie not being able to remember a word. They did it a couple of times in first episode and once in the second. It’s a fun audience participation moment; the grownup version of a Muppet asking you to sound out the word on the screen.
Charlie’s lie detector skill is used but it isn’t the crux of the show. She does plenty of boots on the ground information gathering and investigation; mostly using her skill to ferret out contradictions (in a very Colomboesque manner).
The episode’s ending is a little week because Charlie has to run before seeing Jed getting arrested. The fact that we do see the police pulling up, lights and sirens blasting, lets us know he doesn’t get away with it after all.
Episode three is the first episode not directed by show creator Rian Johnson who wrote the first episode and directed the first and second episodes. The show’s style is so well defined that I did not see a noticeable difference. Plus it can be hard to say what differences are from directing, writing, or editing.
I was sad about the dog until it turned out to be a “MAGA dog”. It’s a funny bit and lessens to blow of the dog’s apparent death (spoiler the dog lives but is still racist). I thought the dog was going to stick around as Charlie’s “sidekick” but thankfully it gets a home at the local radio station.
The music cues while Charlie was tasting the different woods was a very interesting way to convey that information. Later when she first smells the cinnamon floss we hear an air horn which calls back to George calling it an air horn at the symphony which Charlie literally calls back to in the scene a minute later. And then later the lack of a sound becomes instrumental in unraveling the murder conspiracy.
It’s a little funny that this show, that streams on Peacock, would include Okja, which was a Netflix movie, as a plot point.
In this episode unlike the last one, Charlie gets to stay on the scene until the police show up giving her and us closure before she fades away. Overall I think I liked this episode a little bit more than the second but all three episodes so far have been very good. On to the next episode.
The fourth episode feels like the weakest episode so far. It’s still good but lacking some of the complexity of previous episodes. The murder is fairly straightforward and so Charlie’s investigation doesn’t have many twists to uncover.
I expected Ruby to deny Gavin wrote the song and for that to lead to a gotcha moment but it didn’t because she just admitted it. She checks out the amp and sees that it has the three prongs. So it should have been safe, which again felt like it should have lead to a gotcha moment but also just goes no where. And when Charlie realizes the whole band was in on the murder not just the one guy, that felt like it should have raised the stakes but she just accuses the whole band and gets kicked out.
Cliff showing up also was kind of anticlimactic. The villain’s right hand man catches up to her and she easily evades him and escapes.
The ending, where the song’s melody is revealed to be copied from the sitcom Gavin was watching and having the whole murder plot exposed by a true crime podcaster, was the best part of the episode. Still an enjoyable episode and if I wasn’t writing this review I probably wouldn’t have thought to much about it.
So, did Poker Face need a four episode drop? No, I don’t think so. The first episode is outstanding and has a strong story hook to bring back the audience in the following weeks. If they had wanted to play it safe, dropping the second episode as well to give a taste of the weekly format wouldn’t hurt. I just don’t know what is gained by dropping almost half the season, four out of ten episodes, on the first day. I’m not complaining to hard because the show is great and I plan to keep watching it in the upcoming weeks.
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muvindu · 2 years
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" DEAD LAXMIIS " The greatest Sri Lankan underground punk band that never happened. (Swipe to see all 👉) . . . Back in 2001, the central city of Colombo, Sri Lanka was suddenly disrupted by the presence of an all-female punk rock band. "Dead Laxmiis" arrived with the intention to make a statement, and they certainly did. Their music was loud, distorted, and high-energy — a beautiful contrast to the traditional climate of the city. Despite opposition from traditionalists, Dead Laxmiis quickly rose to become one of the most influential underground punk bands in the area. The band had two driving forces - "Yadvi" and "Pig Crusher Pink", or "PCP" for short. Known for their theatrical makeup and politically-charged lyrics, these two women were determined to speak out about issues such as social equality and women's rights. Together, they pushed Dead Laxmiis to become a powerful symbol of female empowerment in the face of adversity. The band had a short-lived career, disbanding in 2003. They only managed to record one EP called "Amma! I started the fire!". #deadlaxmiis #punk #srilanka #lka #colombo #jaffna #contemporary #contemporaryart #saskiafernandogallery #muvindubinoy https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm8XHpfINti/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
An overflow crowd packed the Upper Arlington Board of Education meeting Tuesday at the city building's council chambers as dozens registered support or displeasure over a secretly recorded video of a school official discussing how diversity, equity and inclusion education is handled.
More than 40 residents took an opportunity to speak for five minutes each and the public comment section lasted for nearly three hours. The board meeting lasted about three and a half hours, though no action was taken on diversity initiatives or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director Matt Boaz's employment status.
Residents offer differing views on video, fallout
Many in attendance Tuesday wore red shirts to show support for the school district's diversity and inclusion initiatives, saying that outside extremists are using Upper Arlington school district to create controversy and wage a larger war on public schools.
"(Upper Arlington) schools are a perfect example of public education, adequately funded and supported by the community," Catherine Kennedy, 41, said. "We are a beacon district and that is why we are the target of extremist groups."
Kennedy said she wanted the Upper Arlington school district leadership to continue to stand against "extremist groups who don't want what's best for our children and want to further their own political agendas."
"They are dragging the reputation of our community and our school district through the mud and creating an environment of fear among our educators," Kennedy said.
Randy Walters, 70, who graduated from Upper Arlington and has grandchildren in the district, said he believed the "ultimate goal was to defund public education and the Upper Arlington School District."
"This is not about DEI, this is not about Critical Race Theory, this is not about LGBTQ .... they are all just a means to an end," Walters said. "Their goal is to defund public education and put our tax dollars in their pockets."
Others expressed their shock and disappointment with Boaz's statement, saying they were concerned material outside of approved curriculum will be secretly added without parents awareness or knowledge.
Carrie Colombo, a former substitute teacher and Upper Arlington parent, said she felt deceived and that the board needed to take action to restore confidence in their child's education.
"Transparency is required to build trust," Colombo said. "Regaining the trust of parents will take time and hard work. The damage done by this short video lasts a long time."
Sally Boyer, 62, said she understands that the video was secretly recorded and doesn't condone the practice, but said the comments made in the video either reflect a lack of judgment on Boaz's part, or in the worst case, that he is searching for loopholes to bypass potential state law.
"Administrators at our school need to be held at the highest level of accountability," Boyer said. "We need real clarity on what DEI looks like in our district and and what are the details and initiatives that we want to put in place to accomplish measurable goals."
Suburban Columbus schools target of right-wing media group
Accuracy in Media claims the controversial video, which was filmed without the knowledge of local suburban school officials because Ohio allows one-party recording, reveals "public school administrators who are determined to advance the principles of critical race theory even if it becomes illegal."
Interim Superintendent Kathleen Jenney in her statement last month said the district and the school board "are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and ensuring our schools are places where every student is welcomed, respected, celebrated and supported while receiving the highest quality education."
"This is a crucial part of ensuring that we live out our mission — to challenge and support every student, every step of the way," she added.
The right-wing media group also placed a video truck outside the Republican-controlled Ohio Statehouse in recent weeks, playing the video on loop.
"These radicals are being paid by your tax dollars to deceive you," Adam Guillette, president of Accuracy in Media, says in the video. "These public school administrators are devoted to promoting social justice in classrooms. They are devoted to teaching your children that America is systemically racist, that capitalism is inherently racist."
Accuracy in Media, which reported about $2.1 million in revenue in 2021, seeks to combat what it views as bias in the mainstream press. The Washington D.C.-based group is led by Guillette, a former vice president for development at Project Veritas, which is known for conducting ambush interviews against liberal groups and journalists.
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gracefireheart · 2 years
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A collection of me either trying to make a scene that happened in RP, or just making up a scene of my own. Also yes, all of these are focused on one character; Ryan Parker (aka my blorbo)
Keep reading if ya wanna hear context behind each of these (and something else that I found out and still find funny)
First drawing (drawn June 26th 2019) - I can’t 100% remember exactly what happened, but it was something about how Reid- Ryan’s friend at the time- had to tell them that they couldn’t hang out anymore due to Reid being part of a biker club and needing to prioritize that instead. So Ryan ran off and was emo for a moment before... something happened. Like I said, can’t quite remember, but the two got to hang out again.
Second drawing (drawn July 13th 2019) - After the last drawing, Ryan and Reid became a couple! It was fake at first so they could hang out, but the two eventually fell in love. So I made this scene up- with the help of Sims 4 to replicate the office they had in the biker compound- and then these fucking streamers [affectionate] that plays these two characters recreated this scene in my drawing AT THE END OF THEIR STREAM. BRUH. I was a giggling mess to say the least :’> ... And then the (RP) war happened on the day after o(-(
Third drawing (drawn July 17th 2019) - Tldr; A war broke out between the bikers and a group that called themselves “Cop Killer Records”, and in the center of the war was sadly Ryan. Who ended up held up by the opposing group, got something carved into his chest, and was shot down. While he laid unconscious in his own blood, EMS on their way to his location, someone came up to him. A man by the name of Norman Bones, who sorta signified death. And if I remember correctly, before Norman left Ryan, he said “Not yet.” So uh, yeah. Intense shit.
Fourth drawing (drawn July 25th 2019) - I- along with others- needed some fluff after a week or so of angst from these people due to the war, so I ended up drawing this. Just Ryan and Reid, sitting in the former’s beach apartment, and watching a movie together. I also added a couple of lil’ easter eggs to those who watched these guys as well. One of them being the wedding invite to Mia (Ryan’s best friend) and Colombo’s wedding (which uh... never ended up happening orz). The other being the bloodied map at the right side of the drawing, which Ryan recieved from Reggie’s will (who was a biker who died during the war that just happened).
Fifth drawing (drawn August 29th 2019) - Honestly, just wanted to draw Ryan and Mia together, just chatting shit and doing makeup or whatever :’>
Sixth drawing (drawn December 10th 2019) - Another scene where I just wanted to draw some fluff. This I had to rebuild how the streamer playing Reid built his- and Ryan’s- home in Sims 4. It was a fun drawing to do~.
Seventh drawing (drawn January 23rd 2020) - Ah yes. The voldemort timeline as I named it. ‘Cause- at the time- I don’t think Ryan was a lot around ‘cause the streamer behind him had to play his cop character for a while, so Reid (and the streamer behind the character) was joking around about divorcing Ryan. ... Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, they got married during a bank heist where they played DnD. He didn’t divorce him tho’, and Ryan got to come around here and there again.
Eight drawing (drawn Febuary 25th 2020) - Another scene I made up ‘cause I went around in GTA 5 and took a bunch of screenshots of places I would want to try and draw at some point with either just Ryan or both of them. This screenshot is of their home, which is in Sandy Shores.
Ninth drawing (drawn March 27th 2020) - Yet another place I screenshotted, tho’ I think it was ‘cause they found this place in RP, but I can’t say for sure. Anyways, thought it would be cute to make the lil’ room you can go inside of the destroyed plane at the junkyard into a cozy hangout spot. That’s about it.
Tenth drawing (drawn May 24th 2020) - One of my favorite drawings while I’ve been in this fandom! <3 Again, Ryan couldn’t be played for a bit, so I drew him relaxing at his and Reid’s home. Also, there’s that snake again that I really love. (Which I think can be found in the Yellow Jack, and also, Gazz- another biker and Reid and Ryan’s adopted son- named the snake Sheila)
Eleventh drawing (drawn May 27th 2020) - Basically just Ryan and Reid cuddling in bed. That’s about it.
Twelth drawing (drawn May 30th 2020) - I guess I got tired of fluff at the time and just wanted to draw Ryan having some sad boi hours™. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Eleventh drawing (drawn July 17th 2020) - At this time, I got CSP! So, I got to test out it’s 3d features thingy that could help out immensely with the background, which it did and still does! I don’t quite remember if this was a real scene or just me wanting to draw the old ladies (Ryan, Paddy (the redheaded guy) and Lucy (the redheaded lady)) and JP (who’s another biker) just going grocery shopping. It was really fun to draw, tho’ a lil’ frustrating ‘cause of the setting o(-(
Twelth drawing (drawn September 27th 2020) - With Ryan having been in the racing scene a bunch, I just wanted to draw him being a tease while also holding a sandwich or something :’>
Last drawing (drawn September 29th 2020) - So, this scene didn’t happen either. But! There had been times where Ryan had threatened to stab people with a lockpick if they did some shit towards him, his lover, or his friends/family. Which is why I drew this :) (Also, the text is in reference to the fact that a lot of cop characters think that Ryan is 100% a pacifist due to how much he refuses to use a gun/carry a gun with him)
And that’s about that! The funny thing I did want to tell y’all about is how- a month or so back- I found out that Ryan and Reid has been divorced for a while now, but from the looks of it, are still friends? I think? It doesn’t say a lot on the wiki, but does state that Ryan is associated with the biker gang in some way still. Idk. What I do know was that it made me laugh so hard when I found that out :’]
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