#Colton Choi
tatortitty · 10 months
finally compiled screenshots of when ppl call gray pretty boy or think he's a girl
also I got these from desktop webtoons so if the quality looks wonky it's bc I was piecing together screenshots lol
ep 1 , Colton Choi and co.
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also ep 1 , Alex Go
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ep 3 , Eugene Gale
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ep 7
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ep 9
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ep 16
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ep 38
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ep 48
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ep 68
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ep 71 , class 1-1
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also ep 71
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ep 84
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ep 118
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ep 147
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ep 217 , the entire eunjang student body apparently
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ep 234 , i bet it's the dude on the bottom right with the slushy
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I skipped any dudes that vaguely mentioned how Gray looked bc they were flabbergasted and not questioning their sexuality lmao
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The Orange Peel Test
This is the result of scrolling through tiktok and coming across a few "orange peel test" videos. Which then made me begin to wonder how some of the characters would react in these situations. Would they pass the test or fail miserably?
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If you're with Donald it's because he chose to have you in his life. He has no room or time for anything that's not to be taken seriously, and he obviously does his homework on any venture that he invests himself into. Which, in this case, would result in already knowing the kind of person that you are and what you like and don't like. So much so, that you wouldn't have to request such small favors as peeling an orange from him. Most days, he would have a tray set on the tabletop with an already peeled orange, split nicely into slices, ready for you when you get home. It will be the same concept with him filling up items you are low on, such as your favorite granola or shampoo, to the point that you can't even remember the last time you actually bought more yourself. Now he probably won't ever leave you little notes in the way that his mom did to him as a child, because he would hold that memory too close to his soul to share or give out with anyone else, including you, but he would 100% leave encouraging and love filled notes to his own children if you both ever decide to have any.
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Jimmy would give an immediate little sneer if you asked him to peel your orange. Which would be quickly followed up with him just snatching it out of your hand, and complaining a bit about having to do it, while still actually doing it for you. He would also eat half of it himself as he splits the orange apart slice by slice. His reasoning of course would be that he did the "hard" work, so why shouldn't he have some of the reward? The other half of the orange he would stuff into your mouth mindlessly and not too gently, in a very one slice for him- one slice for you, two slices for him- one for you, etc. Once the orange is all done, he will get up to grab another one, and repeat the process all over again. This will continue until you finally tell him that you're full and don't need any more orange slices.
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You can't force Wolf to do anything that he doesn't want to do.(Unless you're Donald haha). So really it's a 50/50 chance for it to go your way if you were to ask him. But luckily for you, the one thing about Wolf that is very much in your favor, is that when he's in one of his more giving moods he doesn't hold himself back from treating those close to him. Such as when he takes out his crew for a whole "order whatever you want" type of feast. So the chances of him peeling your orange is pretty high, even with his volatile nature. Just don't ask him in a cutesy voice or by giving him some sad puppy dog eyes. That shit will end up annoying the hell out of him, and you'll end up watching him as he walks away from you, with nothing to keep you company but that sad unpeeled orange you're still holding in your hand.
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Now you know damn well that Jake would 100% peel that orange for you. Heck, he would even do it with a big smile on his face. He is one of the most openly family and friend oriented person within the Yeongdeungpo union. So he would not only peel an orange for you, but he would also be the kind of guy who would wake up early in the mornings to warm up the car for you. Just to make sure that the windows aren't frosted over and to have the inside of the car nice and toasty. Making it easier for you to just take off in the mornings to wherever you need to go. AND he would do this unprompted and solely because he wants to and because he's able to.
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Most people know Forrest as someone who's a complete asshole. Always trying to prove that he deserves the spot he inherited from Myles as Hyeongshin's school head. And truthfully he has the fist to back it up against most adversaries, so most people just try to stay out of his way. But you're one of the lucky few who has gotten to see a different side of him. Where he has been incredibly thoughtful to those close to him, and how he's even taken into consideration his subordinate's discomfort when making his moves within the Unions dealings. So it should come as no surprise to you that Forrest would have no issues with peeling you an orange. Chances are you wouldn't even need to verbally ask the question. All you would have to do is hold out an orange to him with a pleading look on your face. That alone will have him taking the orange from your outstretched hand, followed by him patiently peeling the rind away from it. Then handing it wordlessly back to you once it's peeled, and leaving to throw away all the discarded peels before you even have the chance to say thank you.
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Now you all know Colton would be a complete and total simp for whoever he's in a relationship with. And he would be SO ready to peel any oranges for you. And not just oranges either. He'll peel you some bananas or some apples. This guy will even go as far as peeling/cracking your pistachios for you! And in my opinion that's even better than peeling an orange.
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voidnoidoid · 1 year
weak hero big final showdown thoughts
long time no weak hero post how's the little fandom doing haaayyyy???
anyways bc I dont have money for fast pass ill just talk about the latest few free episodes.
not gonna lie the final big fight has been brewing for the last couple episodes and im really hyped to see the matchups. They all look pretty fair so far. I'm excited for Hwangmo v Forrest bc I haven't seen Hwangmo in action in his own one on one battle. Mild spoilers?
I find Colton becoming brave and trying to fight Forrest kinda funny and endearing. Colton's character has come so far, from cocky bully to some kinda decent dude who knows his place, to being acknowledged by Ben and trying to fight for his school. Lol Colton stands no chance against Forrest but I appreciate him trying his best!
Onto Teddy vs Grape. I really like how teddy fights more dirty now that he got beat by Gray. It's a pretty good matchup bc Grape can throw good punches, but I think Teddy has the edge over him given his experiences with Gray. Also I find it hilarious that Teddy has "evil cells" that got activated while fighting Grape. Im hyped for some ass kicking in the next episode.
Now for the big one... Jimmy vs Gerard!!!
Both boys have come a long way in terms of physical and emotional growth. Gerard recently regained the use of his hands and has adapted his fighting style thanks to Grey. So he's a lot stronger now. Jimmy has been taking L after L and has been humbled repeatedly. He is no longer blinded by his ego and is now determined to claw his way back to the top. Jimmy's fighting prowess has improved thanks to his recent battles.
Both Gerard and Jimmy put up a good fight against each other, ultimately resulting in a win for Jimmy. Noooo Gerard got knocked down! But I appreciate Jimmy winning after his losing streak. I don't think Gerard will stay down that easily though. His defeat reduced Eunjang's morale by a lot which will affect the flow of the fight. Jimmy has now reestablished himself as a force to be reckoned with.
Finally I find it amusing that both Philip and Naksung wanted to hide during the fight. I haven't seen much of Naksung as a character, but I know he depends on fighting in a group to win. All his buddies are occupied, so Naksung is alone and vulnerable. Philip can't fight for shit so he relies on his charisma and bravado to smoke his way through. Philip punching Naksung was a surprise, and I kinda want to see him win a fight against a legit opponent.
Super stoked for the next few episodes and hoping for gray and ben to make a return!!!
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weak-hero · 10 months
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Cast of Weak Hero Class 2:
Ryeoun (Twinkling Watermelon) as Humin Park/Ben Park
Lee Minjae (Crash Course In Romance) as Hyuntak Go/Alex Go
Choi Min Young (XO Kitty) as Seo Juntae/Eugene Gale
Lee Jun Young (May I Help You) as Geum Sungjae/Wolf Kim
Bae Nara (Evillive) as Na Baek Jin/Donald Na
Yoo Subin (D.P. S2) as Choi Hyoman/Colton Choi
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lucero-is-here · 8 months
A short requested by
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Thank you so much for requesting this!
Sombra had been defeated, and the Bureau was victorious, not without casualties of course.
After wounds were treated and deaths were mourned, Riley Colton, otherwise detective or inspector of the Bureau, invited all her friends to go to Pacific Bay to relax and celebrate this victory. Of course, Riley had more planned out…
While the pacific police department got to know the Bureau, Riley went over to the hacker of the department, Hannah Choi, not without being tackle hugged by Amy first.
“Riley! It’s been so so long! I missed you! I’m so happy you’re visiting!” Amy said as she squeezed Riley tightly. “Y-Yes…Good to see you too Amy..! I need to go- find Hannah for…Something! I need to…do something,” Riley muttered, her cheeks going slightly red. Amy noticed this, giggled a little, before wishing Riley luck.
“Hannah- Can I speak to you for a moment?” Riley asked, pulling on Hannah’s sleeve. “Huh? Sure,” Hannah and Riley walked off to discuss whatever they had to discuss…Jack watched as Riley and Hannah walked off, a bit confused. Meanwhile, Elliot was disappointed that the only other hacker wasn’t there to wreck havoc with him (he’s bored and restless now).
“Okay…I can definitely lend you my speakers for the time being for your confession,”
Hannah told Riley.
“Thanks so much Hannah- I really really appreciate it. This is…A really really big thing to me- and I really want to impress him,” Riley told Hannah.
“Yeah I know. You got this man!”
Hannah gave Riley a big thumbs up and a smile to encourage her friend. Riley gave Hannah a nervous nod, a crooked smile forming as he couldn’t deny the anxiety and slight embarrassment that welled in their stomach at the idea of performing a love confession to their crush. But he bas been practicing her singing and Japanese so long- they could do it! He’d make a performance that Jack was bound to love and remember for the rest of his life!
Later, everyone had gathered at the beach for a beach party! Drinks and food were provided, with alcohol free options being available for anyone who didn’t want to end up hungover the next day, and for Elliot’s sake. Jack and Lars were in the sea, playing beach ball.
“Okay Lars- I think I’m gonna tell Riley how I felt about him! She supported me during our time in the bureau, and I really really want to spend more time with him,”
Jack told Lars as he threw Lars the beach ball. Lars laughed a bit, secretly aware of what Riley was planning later.
“Yeah yeah- Good luck bro. I’m sure they like you back,”
Lars chuckled. That was when Jonah and Elliot swam over and started splashing water all over Lars and Jack- And it soon became a giant water fight. In the background at the beach, Carmen and Hannah were helping Riley get two of the speakers out. Riley was getting insanely anxious, beads of sweat trickling down their face and his hair almost seemed messier than before.
“Chill out Colton! You can do this. Stand straight, deep breaths! You could handle murders, you can definitely do this,”
Carmen said, grabbing Riley by the shoulders and giving her a “get your shit together” speech. Riley nodded.
“Yes- Thanks Carmen,”
Riley nodded, as he grabbed the microphone that Hannah had left on the speakers. Elliot meanwhile was starting to drag Jack back to the beach with Jonah, mumbling cursed and wondering why he agreed to do this, while Jack was yelling and questioning what was happening. After Jack was forcefully brought back to the beach and dried, Hannah handed him a laptop.
“Huh? What’s this for? It better not he to show me embarrassing pictures of myself.”
Jack questioned, while Hannah rolled her eyes.
“Shut up and take it. You got a performance to watch!”
Hannah gave a vague explanation while stepping away while snickering her ass off. Jack was still in doubt, but his heart almost bursted out his chest when he saw Riley standing opposite him, in his swim trunks and cardigan, holding a microphone anxiously and trying to get their shit together.
Come on Riley- You solved countless murders and dealt with obnoxious people you can do it! You can sing a stupid confession to the guy you had a dying crush on for months!
Riley thought to himself, before starting to sing. Their voice cracked at some points, as they held notes they never knew they could held. They never sang much, and they suddenly wished they practiced much more than they did.
Jack had his eyes on both Riley and the laptop’s screen, as a melody of a language Jack was foreign with spilt out of Riley’s mouth, filling his ears as the laptop translated every word that rushed out Riley’s mouth.
Jack and Riley could slowly feel their cheeks starting to burn up as Riley found it harder and harder to choke out that melody of their admiration and desires, their grip tightening over the microphone as they sang out the last lyric with as much passion and emotion they could cram into their voice without cracking from the stress and pressure. Finally, the music died down and Riley was coughing and choking for air after the stunt. They did not have the lung capacity for this. And then Jack tackled them, causing them to crash to the floor as he aggressively hugged them.
Jack yelled as he grabbed Riley’s hands desperately, like it was the last day in the world and he only had once chance to ask this.
Riley yelled as they clung onto Jack as if they had known each other for their entire lives.
“…That has got to be the corniest love confession eve- Ow! Carmen!”
Elliot yelped as Carmen slapped the back of his head.
“Let the love birds have their moment now,”
Carmen laughed, while Hannah was in the background taking incriminating photos to remind Riley of both the best and slightly embarrassing day of their life.
They spent the rest of the night at the beach drinking and eating and getting absolutely wasted. One thing for sure, Riley and Jack never let go of each other’s hands even once during the entire time. Tightly interlocked with one another, they’d never separate from one another (unless necessary of course).
Good evening, good morning and good afternoon to you all. I am your host, Mystery Meat. Pleasure to be posting again. Expect me to vanish for another few months. I apologise for delays, but I will focus on myself for a while and disappear again! Also since I have a lot more studies now and my time is running out.
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bidokja · 2 years
Weak Hero Character Names
For those who don't know, the Weak Hero webtoon anglicized a bunch of the characters' first names from Korean to English. They don't do this for newly introduced characters anymore AFAIK, but all the names they anglicized initially have been kept that way.
Since I've gotten a few people asking about the names, so I decided to compile a list of their original Korean names. You can find amost of these on their character profiles on the Weak Hero fandom page, but I figured people would appreciate having a quick reference that is all in one place. Hopefully this helps people learn/connect their original names.
Remember, this is not a full character list, it's for finding the Korean names of the characters that had their names anglicized.
The format will be:
Anglicized Name -> Korean Name (common alternative romanizations will be in parenthesis)
Eunjang High
Alex Go -> Go Hyeontak (Hyun-tak)
Ben Park -> Park Humin (Hoo-min)
Colton Choi -> Choi Hyoman (Hyo-man)
Eugene Gale -> Seo Juntae (Jun-tae)
Gerard Jin -> Jin Gayul (Ga-yool)
Gray Yeon -> Yeon Sieun (Shi-eun)
Phillip Kim -> Kim Pilyoung (Pil-young)
Rowan Im -> Im Juyang (Ju-yang)
Teddy Jin -> Jin Taeoh (Tae-oh)
Daehyeon High
Dean Kwon -> Kwon Hyeokjin (Hyuk-jin)
Jake Ji -> Ji Hakho (Hak-ho | Hagho)
Timothy Park -> Park Taegi (Tae-gi)*
Ganghak High
Jared Sun -> Seon Jongwon (Sun Jong-Wan)
Toby Kim -> Kim Dosik (Do-sik)
Wolf Keum -> Keum Seongje (Sung-je)
Hyeongshin High
Forrest Lee -> Lee Sehan (Se-han)
Myles Joo -> Joo Seungjin (Seung-jin)
Robin Ha -> Ha Minjo (Min-jo)
Sam "Grape" Lee -> Lee Gongsam (Gong-sam)
Yeo-il High
Donald Na -> Na Baekjin (Baek-jin)
Kingsley Kwan -> Kwan Seokhyeon (Suk-hyun)
Yoosun High
Harper "Helmet" Ha -> Ha Huicheol (Hee-chul)
Hugo Yoon -> Yun Hoyeong (Yoon Ho-young)
Jack Kang -> Kang Jeongyeon (Jung-yun)
Jimmy Bae -> Bae Jihun (Ji-hun)
Other Recurring/Relevant Characters
Bryce Oh -> Oh Beomseok (Beom-sok)
Julia Chae -> Chae Yujin (Yoo-jin)
Kenny Ji -> Ji Gwangseok (Gwang-seok)
Lala Lee -> Lee Minji (Min-ji)
Lily Nam -> Nam Jeongah (Jung-ah)
Oswald Yang -> Yang Seonghun (Sung-hoon)*
Sean Shin -> Shin Jeongseob (Jung-sub)*
Stephen Ahn -> Ahn Suho (Su-ho)
Wesley Song -> Song Baekkyu (Beak-gyu)
(* These names weren't on the wiki, so I looked at raws.)
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dum1s-writings · 2 years
~~~~Intro thingy I guess~~~~
Greetings from @thedum1 (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
I have once again decided to start a new sideblog. I just wanna try tossing my hat into the xMasc!Reader ring. I'll have main fandoms and on occasion fandoms, which will be allowed once in a while.
~Main fandoms are subject to change.~
The main fandoms will be marked with 💕
Favorite characters will be marked with 💋
Obey Me! Shall We Date? 💕
Leviathan 💋
Asmodeus 💋
Simeon 💋
Twisted Wonderland
All students and staff*
*Riddle, Epel, Idia, Neige and Rollo are my weaknesses
Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir 💕
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir 💋
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid 💋
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Gabriel Agreste/Hawkmoth
Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura 💋
Mystic Messenger
Yoosung Kim
Zen/Hyun Ryu
Jaehee Kang 💋
Jumin Han
707/Luciel/Saeyoung Choi 💋
Animal Crossing 💕
Apollo 💋
Julien 💋
Raymond 💋
Punchy 💋
Muffy 💋
Merengue 💋
Kicks 💋
Tom Nook
Death Note
L Lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda 💋
Teru Mikami
Misa Amane
Naomi Misora
Kiyomi Takada
Mihael Keehl/Mello 💋
Mail Jeevas/Matt 💋
Nate River/Near
Total Drama Island/Action/World Tour
Cody 💋
Noah 💋
Lindsay 💋
Leshawna 💋
Caitlin Cooke
Nikki Wong 💋
Jude Lizowski
Wyatt Williams 💋
Jen Masterson
Jonsey Garcia
Teen Titans (2003 cartoon version)
Robin 💋
Raven 💋
Beast Boy
Red-X 💋
Bumblebee 💋
The occasional slasher
Michael Myers
Cory Cunningham
Billy Lenz
Brahms Heelshire 💋
Others to be added...maybe.
The general rules:
Fandoms will have their own rules in their own separate posts
He/Him and They/Them pronouns only
I have problems with menstruation so none of that allowed as I HATE thinking of my own
Polyamorous relationships are accepted and loved here but NO cheating 😤
No non-platonic/familial child/teen x adult
No incest of any kind
No angst without a happy ending
Piggybacking off the last rule I prefer a Top/Not Penetrated reader
No matchups 😐
No OCs as main character/reader
Piggybacking again I will allow OCs as side characters
You may see mentions of my OCs as I love them
Some characters will be OOC and I have no shame about that 🤷🏾
All fanfics will have swears except for Miraculous
I'm bad at coming up with bad guys/villains so fandoms with baddies will take place during down time/right after a fight
I am slow and easily distracted so things will come out when I remember
My target audience is me first so if I don't like how a thing is turning out it won't be published
Again....this a masculine pronoun only blog. And before I get shit on by children and the feminine pronoun users........Fuck. Off. I'm here for the gays and theys. I've been on the internet for years and there's PLENTY of shit for y'all.
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fourfears · 1 year
anyone want to jump into plotting in a shared discord 1x1 server? after we chat a little and see if we vibe ofc. 21+ only pls as i am over 25. my main blog is haziest but i'm shadowbanned so i am posting here. check out my guidelines/some fcs i want under the read more and feel free to message me on discord at iranoveroprah, just tell me your url first please!
i'm called nine
i generally like playing face claims of color, and i prefer if you do too
i play any gender including nonbinary & trans muses & fcs, and i prefer if you do too
ask for my discord where (if we vibe) we can plot and make a server and headcanon and thread and stuff (i can make it if you want me to no pressure lol)
will not rp: pregnancy, anything involving babies or parenting including parents with grown children, military, historical, royal, cops, generally “taboo” topics (inc*st, r*pe, etc. but just ask if you’re unsure), fcs or muses under 20, or celebrities as themselves
i now have a list of banned fcs (sorry it keeps growing):
anyone under age 20. no exceptions. benedict cumberbatch, bts members, choi jongho, choi seungcheol (s.coups), chonnasorn sajakul (sorn), chris evans, chris pratt, colton haynes, david harbour, ezra miller, henry cavill, holland roden, jackson wang, jacob elordi, jennifer lawrence, jeon soyeon, kardashians/jenners, kim woojin, kim youngjo (ravn), kj apa, lim jaebeom (jay b), matthew gray gubler, miley cyrus, oliver sykes, park jaehyung (jae/eaJ), ryan gosling, taylor swift, tom holland, won kunhang (hendery), wong yukhei (lucas). this may be subject to change over time.
i generally like fast-moving threads, and i find <300 word threads are easiest to reply to, but i don’t mind long threads too! usually i’ll recommend doing a rapid fire thread alongside a longer thread to keep the inspo going
anything else just ask!
wanted plot dynamics/tropes:
addiction ᝰ affairs ᝰ angels & demons ᝰ codependent & toxic relationships ᝰ dumb stoners in love ᝰ grief & comfort ᝰ hauntings ᝰ impulsive confessions ᝰ long-distance & online relationships ᝰ musicians ᝰ opposites attract ᝰ poly ships ᝰ post-apocalyptic rebuilding of society ᝰ religious differences ᝰ spooky things !!! ᝰ unrequited pining ᝰ urban fantasy elements/settings.
(very niche) wanted fcs:
avan jogia ᝰ bae sumin ᝰ barry keoghan ᝰ bella poarch ᝰ brandon perea ᝰ chase sui wonders ᝰ choi beomgyu ᝰ choi in ᝰ choi yena ᝰ choi yoonah (doa) ᝰ conan gray ᝰ davika hoorne ᝰ dev patel ᝰ do hanse ᝰ dong sicheng (winwin) ᝰ evan mock ᝰ fukutomi tsuki ᝰ greta onieogou ᝰ han hyun min ᝰ hong siyoung (giriboy) ᝰ huh yunjin ᝰ hunter schafer ᝰ ivan rzhevsky ᝰ jang eunseong (dosie) ᝰ jeon somi ᝰ jeong jisu (albin) ᝰ jeremy allen white ᝰ jo gyehyeon ᝰ jonathan daviss ᝰ kai kamal huening (hueningkai) ᝰ kim gyunhak (leedo) ᝰ kim sunwoo ᝰ kim yongseung ᝰ kwak jiseok (gaon) ᝰ lee jooyeon ᝰ lee seoho ᝰ lee suyeon (sheon) ᝰ lee taeyeob (yoojung) ᝰ lights bokan ᝰ lily rose depp ᝰ lizeth selene ᝰ mae col ᝰ maggie lindemann ᝰ mat musto (blackbear) ᝰ na goeun ᝰ nicha yontararak (minnie) ᝰ oh seungmin (o.de) ᝰ osaki shotaro ᝰ park jihyo ᝰ rahul kohli ᝰ riz ahmed ᝰ tahliah barnett (fka twigs) ᝰ tati gabrielle ᝰ sen mitsuji ᝰ simone ashley ᝰ son dongju (xion) ᝰ song yuqi ᝰ thomas weatherall ᝰ xu minghao (the8) ᝰ yoo yongha ᝰ zhou xianxianye.
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kiiraes · 2 years
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bluebird990 · 2 years
Who had the best character development?? XD
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
Got polls (*oscillates at dangerous speeds*)
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dorothydalmati1 · 5 months
Family Guy Season 9 Episode 7: Road to the North Pole
Written by Chris Sheridan & Danny Smith
Storyboard by Mark Covell, Francis Dinglasan, Ralph Fernan, Mark Garcia, Jonathan Gebhart, Raul Guerra, Annie McMillan & Joe Vaux
Directed by Greg Colton; Steve Beers (live-action sequences)
Animation directed by Sun Hyang Choi, Wonkyoo Gang, Soorang Park & Ikhwan Yim
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p-syche-archived · 3 years
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why are his shoes so clean, like shouldn't they at least have some dirt on them ? or has he just been carried everywhere ?
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azusaluvclub · 2 years
no way colton mfin choi is gonna try beating up juwon ..... oh hes FUCKEDDDDDD
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hollywoodfamerp · 3 years
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Hey Famers!
Under the cut you will find your tent mates! Please remember the following:
Those on hiatus and reduced activity were still included in the list - you were just paired with someone else who is currently on hiatus as well.
If you got paired with another FC that you play, please send us a message and we’ll fix that for you right away as all pairs were made with a generator that randomizes people!
If you cannot find your FC in the list, please let us know so we can fix that as well!
If your tent mate goes inactive or leaves the RP during the trip then you will just be in a tent by yourself.
Any new FCs that join the RP during the trip will be in a tent by themself as well.
The tent mate list will not be updated during the trip as it’s only a weekend trip.
If you’re reading this list, go ahead and reach out to your partner! Please do not wait for them to reach out to you.
Please be mindful that this list can and will change prior to the trip because of unfollows, activity checks, and/or new members being added into the group. So please make sure to like this notice so you can keep track of things :)
Please like this notice so we know you’re all up to date! :)
Chris Evans and Jade Chynoweth
Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke
Regé-Jean Page and Selena Gomez
Dylan O'Brien and Adelaide Kane
Keith Duffy and Sarah Drew
Leati Joseph Anoa'i (Roman Reigns) and Carrie Underwood
Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens
Maisie Williams and Nat Wolff
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) and Lee Taeyong
KJ Apa and Lili Reinhart
Chace Crawford and Kaia Gerber
Jackson Wang and Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Sophie Turner and Jennifer Lawrence
Sebastian Stan and Margot Robbie
Jon Moxley and Jeffery Dean Morgan
Prince William and Kate Middleton
Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch
Colton Parayko and Phoebe Tonkin
Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun
Lucas Wong and Kim Jungwoo
Zayn Malik and Jade Thirlwall
Josephine Skriver and Travis Kelce
Demi Lovato and Kehlani Parrish
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) and Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair)
Kim Jong-in (Kai) and Lee Taemin
Fergal Devitt and Renee Young
Jordan Fisher and Billie Eilish
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) and Mercedes Justine Varnado (Sasha Banks)
Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook
Kim Taehyung and Cindy Kimberly
Lee Minho and Lee Felix
Dianna Agron and Grant Gustin
Tom Holland and Natalia Dyer
Bill Skarsgard and Ariana Grande
Hunter Hayes and Mats Hummels
Florence Pugh and Alex Wolff
Timothee Chalamet and Saoirse Ronan
Amy Adams and Ralph Macchio
Chris Hemsworth and Lucy Hale
Kim Hongjoong and Diamanté Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie)
Jake Gyllenhaal and Elizabeth Olsen
Normani and Nick Jonas
Nick Massie and Sofia Carson
Sophia Bush and Henry Cavill
Booboo Stewart and Cristian Roldan
Joe Jonas and Alexandria Daddario
Romee Strijd and Pedro Pascal
Zendaya Coleman and Aaron Taylor Johnson
Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne
Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin
Emilio Estevez and Mat Barzal
Justin Timberlake and Cara Delevingne
Megan Fox and Jensen Ackles
Harry Styles and Ronen Rubinstein
Taylor Swift and James Rodriguez
Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Liam Hemsworth
Jahnvi Kapoor and Park Seonghwa
Taylor Hill and Calumn Hood
Lily James and Andrew Garfield
Barbara Palvin and Joe Keery
Luke Hemmings and Dove Cameron
Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner
Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi
Christopher Bang (Bang Chan) and Hwang Hyunjin
Elsa Hosk and Alexander Skarsgard
Olivia Holt and Mark Fischbach
Anya Taylor Joy and Niall Horan
Debby Ryan and Hero Fiennes-Tiffin
Tom Hiddleston and Han Jisung
Patrick Dempsey and Zoey Deutch
Lauren Jauregui and Ally Brooke
Melisa Aslı Pamuk and Casey Cott
Kristen Stewart and Lana Condor
Finneas O'Connell and Sydney Sweeney
Choi San and Anthony Mackie
Gigi Hadid and Jennie Kim
Colbie Smulders and Christina Aguilera
Ashley Benson and Tinashe Kachingwe
Shawn Mendes and Nathan Sharp
Melissa Benoist and Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Jared Padalecki and Hailey Baldwin
AJ Michalka and Aaron Tveit
Robert Downey Jr. and Bridget Satterlee
Dylan Playfair and Meryl Streep
Naomi Scott and Kang Yeosang
Hunter Schafer and Katie McGrath
CJ Perry (Lana) and Lupita Nyong'o
Anthony Beauvillier and Alicia Vikander
Robyn Fenty (Rihanna) and Jung Wooyoung
Maika Monroe and Laura Harrier
Bella Hadid and Nina Dobrev
Tessa Thompson and Taron Egerton
Maura Higgins and Jessica Chastain
Kim Dong-young and Mazz Murray
Emily Bett Rickards and Johnny Suh
Peter Hernandez (Bruno Mars) and Sarah Hyland
Bebe Rexha and Dua Lipa
Tom Hardy and Max Thieriot
Emily Blunt and Mark Lee
Beth Behrs and Karen Gillan
Joey King and Lily Collins
David Corenswet and Taika Waititi
Madelyn Cline and Michael B. Jordan
Perrie Edwards and Xiao Dejun
Emily VanCamp and Im Chang-kyun
Olivia Rodrigo and Camila Mendes
Zoë Kravitz and Jason Momoa
Alex Morgan and John Boyega
Robert Sheehan and Chase Stokes
Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams
Jenna Coleman and Oliver Stark 
Katie McGrath and Brie Larson
Alex Høgh Andersen and Jesse Lee Soffer 
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nlrpg · 3 years
Welcome, demigods, to the Hallowed Woods Mountain Resort !!
As the demigods step through the portal, all their weekend luggage in tow, they find themselves in the lobby of the Hallowed Woods Mountain Resort in Colorado! Before them is a luxurious and grand foyer, made of gorgeous stained wood and old stone, with high ceilings and tall windows that let the sunlight from outside spill in. In fact, looking through those windows, the demigods can see the vast and breathtaking view— an expanse of snow and trees for almost as far as the eye can see. They’re nestled comfortably in the middle of these woods, private property on the side of a mountain, and the entire place is reserved just for them, though the nearby mountain town houses locals and other tourists.
Marina gathers them in the lobby, a pleased and bright smile on her face, standing next to the ever-radiant, revered, and friendly Aphrodite. The goddess claps her hands excitedly, eyes sparkling, both in delight at the fun she hopes the demigods will have on this excursion, and also because she knows the whole weekend is basically dedicated to her. She thanks the demigods for their time and their honor, then passes the baton to Marina, who happily informs them again of their room assignments, lists all the various activities and amenities available to them for the next two days, and lets them know the resort’s event hall will be all decked out for them for tomorrow’s ball.
“We sincerely hope all of you take the weekend to relax and enjoy yourselves, you deserve it more than we can say. Make some memories, demigods, and we can’t wait to see you all at tomorrow night’s masquerade!”
read below to see all the pairs for the masquerade’s mystery dates!!
James Koo & Astrid Johnson
Blair Song & Cece Bae
Alphonsine Leferve & Zara Nguyen
Amy Chu & Zach Amarin
Sibel Eren & Mira Fuentes
Nick Spencer & Simon Hong
Freya Waldron & Stormie Burbank
Nora Watanabe & Ye-jin An
Cynthia Byun & Jake Garity
Elliot Seo & Narumi Kato
Trix Collins & Theo Choi
Remy Colton & Marshal Kim
Pax Johnson & Hope Powell
Juniper Johnson & Jesse Garcia
Gigi Gautier & Peter Muñoz
- for the duration of the event, you can start roleplaying at any moment in time from their arrival to the resort all the way to the ball, but not after the ball.
- as far as room assignments at the lodge go, feel free to make any roommate plans amongst each other or give your character a room all to themselves!
- anyone signed up for a mystery date will have been given a location and time to meet their date right before the ball, feel free to plot that with your partners as well! generally speaking, no one knows who the pairs are in character, but you can make decisions on your own about how/when/if your characters would discover who their dates are.
- remember that Aphrodite only appears as her FC Jiu when she’s hiding and blending in with the demigods, but when she’s publicly showing up as Aphrodite, she takes another form so she can keep that illusion going. she’ll be around for most of the weekend, however as soon as the Masquerade Ball starts, she will be heading back to Olympus since it’s kind of awkward for her to be present at the same event where demigods will be making offerings to her all night, but she’ll feel all your blessings from Olympus!
feel free to ask any questions, and we hope you have fun! keep your eyes peeled for more things from the main coming your way!
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