#Dusting off the cobwebs so I can try to get back into writing
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The Orange Peel Test
This is the result of scrolling through tiktok and coming across a few "orange peel test" videos. Which then made me begin to wonder how some of the characters would react in these situations. Would they pass the test or fail miserably?
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If you're with Donald it's because he chose to have you in his life. He has no room or time for anything that's not to be taken seriously, and he obviously does his homework on any venture that he invests himself into. Which, in this case, would result in already knowing the kind of person that you are and what you like and don't like. So much so, that you wouldn't have to request such small favors as peeling an orange from him. Most days, he would have a tray set on the tabletop with an already peeled orange, split nicely into slices, ready for you when you get home. It will be the same concept with him filling up items you are low on, such as your favorite granola or shampoo, to the point that you can't even remember the last time you actually bought more yourself. Now he probably won't ever leave you little notes in the way that his mom did to him as a child, because he would hold that memory too close to his soul to share or give out with anyone else, including you, but he would 100% leave encouraging and love filled notes to his own children if you both ever decide to have any.
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Jimmy would give an immediate little sneer if you asked him to peel your orange. Which would be quickly followed up with him just snatching it out of your hand, and complaining a bit about having to do it, while still actually doing it for you. He would also eat half of it himself as he splits the orange apart slice by slice. His reasoning of course would be that he did the "hard" work, so why shouldn't he have some of the reward? The other half of the orange he would stuff into your mouth mindlessly and not too gently, in a very one slice for him- one slice for you, two slices for him- one for you, etc. Once the orange is all done, he will get up to grab another one, and repeat the process all over again. This will continue until you finally tell him that you're full and don't need any more orange slices.
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You can't force Wolf to do anything that he doesn't want to do.(Unless you're Donald haha). So really it's a 50/50 chance for it to go your way if you were to ask him. But luckily for you, the one thing about Wolf that is very much in your favor, is that when he's in one of his more giving moods he doesn't hold himself back from treating those close to him. Such as when he takes out his crew for a whole "order whatever you want" type of feast. So the chances of him peeling your orange is pretty high, even with his volatile nature. Just don't ask him in a cutesy voice or by giving him some sad puppy dog eyes. That shit will end up annoying the hell out of him, and you'll end up watching him as he walks away from you, with nothing to keep you company but that sad unpeeled orange you're still holding in your hand.
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Now you know damn well that Jake would 100% peel that orange for you. Heck, he would even do it with a big smile on his face. He is one of the most openly family and friend oriented person within the Yeongdeungpo union. So he would not only peel an orange for you, but he would also be the kind of guy who would wake up early in the mornings to warm up the car for you. Just to make sure that the windows aren't frosted over and to have the inside of the car nice and toasty. Making it easier for you to just take off in the mornings to wherever you need to go. AND he would do this unprompted and solely because he wants to and because he's able to.
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Most people know Forrest as someone who's a complete asshole. Always trying to prove that he deserves the spot he inherited from Myles as Hyeongshin's school head. And truthfully he has the fist to back it up against most adversaries, so most people just try to stay out of his way. But you're one of the lucky few who has gotten to see a different side of him. Where he has been incredibly thoughtful to those close to him, and how he's even taken into consideration his subordinate's discomfort when making his moves within the Unions dealings. So it should come as no surprise to you that Forrest would have no issues with peeling you an orange. Chances are you wouldn't even need to verbally ask the question. All you would have to do is hold out an orange to him with a pleading look on your face. That alone will have him taking the orange from your outstretched hand, followed by him patiently peeling the rind away from it. Then handing it wordlessly back to you once it's peeled, and leaving to throw away all the discarded peels before you even have the chance to say thank you.
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Now you all know Colton would be a complete and total simp for whoever he's in a relationship with. And he would be SO ready to peel any oranges for you. And not just oranges either. He'll peel you some bananas or some apples. This guy will even go as far as peeling/cracking your pistachios for you! And in my opinion that's even better than peeling an orange.
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Drabble: The Prefect's routine
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I wonder if Yuu's friends ever realize how awful their circumstances is, how innately lonely and scary it is to be far away from home, with a slim chance of returning?
Yuu has put effort Ramshackle dorm to make it livable. They expended time, effort, and their meager allowance to make a home out of it. It distracts them from thinking too much of their home.
Yuu can still remember the coldness of the night they first arrive. The aching of their body as they battled ghosts and the taste of dust in their tongue when they woke up. The wind blew open the window shutters, the hinges of the doors were groaning. There was no peace or comfort except from the warmth of Grim's body.
They found no rest the following days as they had to deal with the first overblot.
Then they had to deal with renovations. They had to fix the broken faucets, replace the waterpipes and throw away rusted metal or rotten wood. They had to clean every corner that they could. The cobwebs on the walls, in the corners and under the tables. One time they fell to the basement due to a rotten floorboard.
In the weekdays they had to study those they were unfamiliar with, alchemy, magic,flying, and history. They felt like a kindergartener as they knew nothing . At night instead of immediately resting they had to do their homework, which they do not understand . Then it was back to trying to fix the faucet to get some water. If the boiler wasn't working, they had to boil hot water in a kettle to take a soothing bath.
Grim and the Ghosts atleast offered them companionship. They had no phone so they take any interaction they get.
The only clothing they ever had with them were the clothes behind their back, which they used as pajamas. Crowley gave them 3 sets of wrinkly old school uniforms,one for class, one for Pe and one for ceremonies, they were ill fitting but atleast they could change . Alas, they had to sew it up together as the seams fell apart after one washing. It still smelled like dust and old mold.
They had nothing else to wear during the weekends, so they settled in sewing up old curtains into shirts. Ace and Deuce were kind enough to donate to them a pair of shorts each, taking pity when they saw Yuu struggling to fix an ancient sewing machine so they could sew more clothing.
Yuu has gotten pretty good at mending old clothes and making new shirts. They even patched up the couch and the curtains.
Then there was the roof. Oh the damn roof keeps leaking and the damn window shutters keeps banging! It drove them insane that they went and tried to fix it themselves, reading up on an old book to learn how to fix it.
That was the first time they fell off the roof.
Luckily they landed on a particularly strong branch. Their stomach was bruised the whole month, which they hid from their friends.They were resilient and stuborn to a fault.
Then theres the laundry that needs to be done. They do it all one friday night, so that if it ever rains by Sunday they'd have fresh clothes to go. The harder part was washing the beddings and the couach, the curtains and the carpets.
The worst was when the electricity turned off or the light bulb bursts. The nights were very cold and they had to huddle closer to Grim while they wait for the next day.
And let's not forget the garden, the trees needd trimming. The fence needed repainting. The gate needed replacing. The lawn needed mowing.
It was like that, day by day. Study, clean up ramshackle, find another broken thing in the dorm, fix it, do homework, do Crowley's errands, hang out with their friends.
Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.
If there was a moment of peace and quite, it never lasted long.
It surprises the others when Yuu doesn't keep a grudge against those who overblotted. The guys who were the reason Yuu had more on their plate. The persons who were the reason Crowley made Yuu write an entire report on the happenings.Alas, they still did it with no complaints.
Yuu makes sure that they do not have the time to be idle. If they hands are, their mind shouldn't .
Never ever EVER be alone with their own thoughts.
They cannot allow themselves to wallow in self pity. They had a dorm to maintain, a cat to take care of, friends to entertain and school work to be done.
Their hands have never felt rougher.Their shoulder never felt so stiffer.
But that's just the way things go.
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🪿🪿🪿🪿Dove! 🤌👏🫰 ayoooo
I’m here for the followes event —
I’d like to yhhh request prompt #3 with Jade :] 🔪
It can be fluffy/hurt/comfort honestly whichever you’re feeling (I know sometimes the writing does what it wants once you get into it lol)
Backup prompt: #4
Backup characters: Malleus, Riddle
Thankfuho you (I just wokeu p and can’t type to spell but whatever I’m just leaving it ❤️)
Discovering Old Secrets; Jade Leech
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, implied romantic relationship
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; I originally had something else in mind that used the knife emoji but my brain wasn't braining. But this, this is so much better and fluffier than I had planned /positive.
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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You were down in the basement, lantern in hand illuminating the way. The power had gone out, and of course, the fuse box was in the basement of all places. Sevens forbid the person who built the cottage you were staying in actually put it in an easy-to-access spot. Nope! They had to put it in the creepy, old, basement. And since Jade was out getting groceries, that left you to fix it yourself. So, lantern in hand, you started fiddling with the fuse box, trying to find the one that had blown. At least you had some prior experience, what, living in Ramshackle and all; you had become well acquainted with getting stubborn fuses to work for you, even jokingly calling it your unique magic. 
“Come on, work for me baby,” you muttered, and all of the lights flickered to life once again. “Ha ha! Me? One! Fuse box? Zero!” You dusted yourself off and looked around the basement, now that you could see everything.
Apparently the people who rented this place out didn’t take out all of the old owners’ boxes, and they were just laying there collecting dust and cobwebs. There couldn’t be any harm in just taking a tiny peak, never know what you could find.
As you were gently looking through the boxes — hey, they’re probably old and you didn’t want to accidentally break anything — you heard the front door open and close. Jade was back which meant you had been digging for a bit. Sighing, you stretched, and made your way to the kitchen with its bright yellow cupboards. 
Jade hummed you a greeting and chuckled a bit at seeing the dust. “What did you get into while I was away, dear,” his voice was teasing, but he was genuinely curious.
“Welllll,” you drawled, “the power went out so I had a little fight with the fuse box, I won by the way, and discovered some old boxes down in the basement and was seeing if they held anything interesting.” A loud sneeze escaped from you, a result of all of the dust. “But all I found was a tonne of dust, way too many spiders for my liking, and,” you fished around in your pocket, “this key.”
Jade set the groceries down and came over to inspect it. “Well that’s rather interesting…” he murmured. “May I?”
You handed him the key, curious about what he seemed so interested in. Sure it was pretty, made from silver and inlaid with abalone and pearls, which were now weathered with time. There must have been a good reason why it peaked his interest.
Jade wandered into the living room, and started running his hand under the shelves of the large bookcase which was built in the wall. And then he stopped, a proud and large smile gracing his face. He placed the key into a divot in the bookcase, and it swung inwards, revealing stone steps leading down. “Looks like you just helped discover an old secret, my dear,” he chuckled, beckoning you to follow him down the stairs.
Slowly, you followed him, the light from the cottage helping to illuminate the way, as well as a pale blue glow from below. And then you stopped, having reached the bottom. In front of you was what looked like an underwater sea cave, with a shallow beach. And light gently filtered from a small hole at the top, causing the blue glow that you saw.
You looked over to Jade, hoping for an explanation, but you found him looking at you instead, expression soft.
“What did you mean by old secrets,” you whispered, not wanting for something louder to break the serene scene.
Jade took your hands in his and led you to the water, just deep enough where the water lapped against your calves. “The key you found, this place,” he briefly broke eye contact so he could observe the cavern before they travelled back to you. “It opens a secret meeting place, where land and sea can live together… it was forged by the love of a human and a merfolk.”
Just like us. 
Jade continued moving deeper until you were chest deep in the water, and he dived under, changing into his merform before coming back up. “And is only discovered by those curious enough to pursue it.”
Tags; @aqua-beam @azulashengrottospiano @eynnwwyjth @hisui-dreamer @identity-theft-101 @krenenbaker @officialdaydreamer00 @savanaclaw1996 @silvers-numberonefan @twistwonderlanddevotee @xxoomiii
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horriblegoosefest · 7 months
The goose is almost here!!! 🪿
Rummage around in those folders you haven’t opened in years, dust off the cobwebs, and bring some life back to your most abandoned works. You said you’d come back to it again one day, but the days turned to years, and – what’s that I hear?
H-O-N-K, we will finish a wip today! 
H-O-N-K, write it or I won't go away! 
What is the horrible goose fest?
The horrible goose fest is borne from the many cries for accountability from fandom creators and the wish that someone hound them (or honk at them) into finishing their wips. This is a partnered fest in which one partner (creator) commits to finishing a work-in-progress and one partner (goose) commits to providing dedicated accountability. 
Great, how does it work? 
There are no prompts in this fest. It's designed to help you finish those languishing drafts and build relationships with other folks in the fandom. You can sign up as a creator and/or a goose. If signing up as a creator, you are committing to finishing an existing work-in-progress (fic, art, podfic, translation) that is not affiliated with other current fest collections or prompts/self-prompts (wips from past fest drops are fine!) If your work-in-progress is already posted to ao3, we will ask you to hide it by adding it to a private collection for the duration of the fest; it will be revealed with everyone's works during the posting period. Creators will upload their finished works to the fest’s ao3 collection. 
If you sign up as a goose, you are committing to frequent check-ins with your creator to help them finish their work in progress. This will involve ongoing discussions with your creator about their progress and deadlines. You're not expected to alpha or beta their work. Think of yourself as a particularly tenacious cheerleader. You are also committing to writing a thoughtful rec of the work upon its completion, which will be posted on tumblr.
How do I sign up?
All participants will sign up by filling out a form on airtable. You can choose your own partner to sign up with, or be paired with a partner by the mods. Participants must be 18+. Due to modly time constraints, we will be capping the number of fic sign-ups at 35. There will be no limit for art or podfic.
If signing up to be paired with a partner, sign up forms will be used to help the mods best match pairs. All HP fandom ships and characters are welcome. Creators will detail their wip plans and accountability needs. Gooses will detail their accountability style and preferred time/frequency commitment – how often and for how long can you check in, are you strict or more of a softie, what strategies and advice can you provide your creator? The form will also have a space for geese and creators to share ship preferences and squicks. We will try our best to match compatible creator/goose pairs, but as with any paired fest, you'll also need to be open, flexible, and friendly.
Can I sign up as both?
Sure! But be aware of the time commitment of both roles and be mindful of what you can realistically handle. Your partner is counting on you! 
What if there are more geese than creators? Or more creators than geese?
If we have an imbalance, and you are a good fit for more than one creator/goose, you may be assigned more than one participant to work with. We will do our best to take into account your time commitment and preferences, so please let us know in the sign up if you are willing to be paired more than once! For fairness reasons, if you are a creator assigned two geese, the two geese will collaborate on a single rec of your work at the end of the fest. You are always welcome to assemble your own team of additional cheerleaders if you’d like <3
If I'm a goose, do I have to be horrible?
The title is jokey. We're not really encouraging anyone to be unkind. Think of a goose as an accountability partner. We're hearing from lots of creators that deadlines and kind but firm expectations are what really get them across the finish line. Goosing is a big job, but in the end we're all rewarded with more works to enjoy! 
What if there’s an issue with my pairing?
To avoid this as much as possible, we encourage folks to sign up as an already-formed pair. Prior to matching, we will share a list of the participants who have signed up. Feel free to use this to form your own pairs. We will be running a discord to facilitate participants getting to know each other. Please remember to be kind, and if someone’s wip really catches your eye, don’t be afraid to reach out - they may be eyeing you!
That said, we know this might be stressful for some, so we are happy to pair you. If you have any concerns with regards to matching, or at any point throughout the fest, please reach out to us. Our goal is to make the fest a safe space for all participants in accordance with our expectations below. 
Speaking of kindness, what are the other expectations in this fest?
We ask that participants generally abide by sals, kink-tomato, and dldr, but also, in recognition of the ways these rules have been used to silence poc voices in fandom, you may be asked to tag content beyond ao3's major trigger warnings or the fandom typical disclosure of sexual acts and violence, such as racist tropes/triggers. Refusal to tag sensitive content may result in your fic being pulled from the fest. If you have questions about what kinds of content we'll ask you to tag or want a sensitivity read for your content, please contact the mods, we really are happy to help!
There will be email check-ins throughout the fest. Make sure to add our email, [email protected], to your contacts to ensure you receive these communications. Please only reply via email, not via tumblr, discord or any other messaging service. Please send any questions about the fest to [email protected] or #mod-help channel in the fest discord (do not contact individual mods). 
We will post small (optional) challenges and games to participate in during the fest to hype everyone up. These will be posted in the discord server and on tumblr, so make sure you join the server and follow @horriblegoosefest on tumblr! 
Submission info:
There is no word count minimum but we do ask that you submit one fic, artwork, or podfic. Fics should be beta-read. Remember that geese are not required to beta (although they can if they'd like to). Podfics and translations must have either blanket permission or consent from the original authors to be included in the fest.
Works can be submitted in any language. There will be a space on the sign up form to let us know what language you intend to post. If our mod team is not fluent in your chosen posting language we will contact you to discuss options to help us make sure works are beta read and tagged according to fest guidelines. You may be asked to include a disclaimer that the mods are unable to guarantee comprehensive tagging. 
Creators will submit works to an ao3 collection and the following header information should be emailed to the mods. Multi-chapter works will be revealed on a single posting day. As the fest deadline nears, geese will write a celebratory rec of their creator’s work, which will be posted to tumblr. We are happy to provide guidance on writing a rec if you need it.
Header for Fic:
Word Count:
Warnings/Content: (content warnings as well as general fic tags/enticements go here!)
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iamatinydinosaur · 9 months
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I like you
Branch was in his bunker, spring cleaning. Ever since he got his colors back he's been a lot happier. However, they haven't gone back to his true colors. But at least he got some of it back, because of you. Ever since your dance together he couldn't stop thinking about you. In the song he said I. LOVE. YOU! Then why hasn't anything changed? That's because you thought he only meant it in a friend way.
After the Bergen incident you started to develop feelings for Branch. The fact that you colors came back because of him made you realize. Yep you like him.
You were walking to the entrance of his bunker. "Branch!" You shouted. Branch heard you and ran to let you in. He climbed out his bunker. "What are you doing here? I told you I was spring cleaning today." Branch said. You held up a bucket with cleaning stuff. "Can't I help?" You pouted. Branch smiled taking your hand. "Of course."
Before long, you two were cleaning together in a comfortable silence. You two don't have to talk all the time, you just love being in each other presence. That's one of the things Branch loves about you. All the other Trolls talk his ears off, but you respect his boundaries. You're so considerate of him. Giving him space when he needs it, you push him little by little to be more social so he isn't so isolated, you make sure he eats because when he's focused of things he tends to forget about it and you always ask him to show you how to build stuff.
Ever since he found out how much he likes you he's been super nervous around you. He wants to tell you how he feels. He starts off with confessing but then changes it at the last minute. The last time went along. "I really like you....r bread can you bake some?" You started to get suspicious cause they always start off with "I like you" and then he turns it to your.
"Branch can you help me, I can't reach to dust." Branch turned around chuckling. You were on tiptoes on one foot, one leg in the air and at your highest reach trying to dust in the top corner. He walked over and gave you a boost, you sat on his shoulders and go the last cobwebs in the room. "Got them." You stated. Branch was about to set you down but lost his footing. You gripped his head as you started to fall forward (I dunno if any of you have watched Haikyu but I imagine it would look like this. 😂😂)
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Branch managed to maneuver your bodies. He did a little turn so you fell on him. All the cleaning supplies were scattered around the room, creating a huge mess. You and Branch were staring into each other's eyes. Branch went bright red. "I'm so sorry!" He was trying to push you off but you weren't having it. He had been beating around the bush for so long. You took him by his jacket and pulled him close. Branch's eyes widened. You had kissed him quickly. "Branch I swear I've been waiting for this for ages. I like you! But you've been beating around the bush for so long!" You exclaimed. Branch look astounded. "Wait I wanted to make the first move!" Branch groaned lying back down. You pursed your lips together and pouted. Branch peaked at you and noticed your face. Yeah that wasn't the reaction she wanted. Branch took you softly by the back of the head sitting up. You expression softened as you looked up at him. Branch pulled you closer and kissed you.
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"I like you too."
A/N: okay here's Branch. I fell asleep halfway through writing this last night, so I thought I'd quickly finish it. The gif I've used at the top. So I'm a massive Kpop stan and Red Velvet was one of the groups that got me into kpop. Along with BTS and Twice. The fact we got to see red velvet in it and Branch dancing to Russian Roulette sends me high!!!! Russian roulette is Soo good live!!! I saw them at a kpop festival last year they were so good.
So I'm leaving for my family's soon so that's my last piece of work for the next few days as I'll be spending a lot of time with them. When I'm back I have two requests I'll be working on.
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas!!!
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ay0nha · 1 year
The Sweet Hereafter | Peter Quill
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SUMMARY: He cursed at himself for succumbing to you again. That was just the lure you had. Miles away—galaxies even—you always found a way to lead Peter to you. It may have been subconscious, but despite the fact that you bickered, the pair of you belonged together. 
PAIRING: Peter Quill x f!reader
WARNINGS: canon typical things, descriptions of injuries, cursing, general angst, semi enemies to lovers, etc.
A/N: I had to dust off cobwebs for this one. I forget how much nonsense I write and don’t post, this being one of them...gotg v.3 got me in my feels so I’m posting this. It’s a little plotless and full of plot holes....so enjoy lol.
“Please.” Kraglin’s desperation was obvious, and had been for months. Yet, through every modulated call, he was met with disappointment. “She has no interest in staying with us, tried to get her to go—
“All she does is run off–” Peter countered just to bite his tongue. But characteristically it didn’t last, “–then I’m the one sent to drag her back.” He scratched at his growing facial hair, growing increasingly frustrated. “I’m tired of this.”
"And you think I'm not?" Kraglin snapped. Peter could see, even through the hologram before him, that Kraglin was being pulled thin.
As a new Ravager leader, Kraglin had growing pains with the position, but nonetheless carried himself well. He could handle the banter as it was a part of the life, even the new settlement of Knowhere. Yet, he could never understand how to handle you.
"We don't have space for her." Peter feigned passivity, but his voice wavering exposed his facade.
"I can try and put in a word to the Nova Corp, see if they can—
"We can’t just pass her off to the next, she's Yondu’s daughter—
Peter cut the connection before Kraglin had a chance to finish.It was a trap. It had always been a trap. But Peter fell for it all the same. Like him, you found yourself surrounded by scoundrels that’s hearts softened every time you called for help. Over the years, though, your calls became more deliberate; less for aid but more to stretch your sticky fingers.
There was something deep in Peter’s chest that made him queasy. As time went on he found it harder to say no, even if his body screamed at him. The ship was quiet, only carrying the sound of his dragging boots. Each step to the atrium of the ship, Peter struggled to quell his thoughts.
He cursed at himself for succumbing to you again. That was just the lure you had. Miles away—galaxies even—you always found a way to lead Peter to you. It may have been subconscious, but despite the fact that you bickered, the pair of you belonged together.
"Fuck." Peter cursed again, leading the unknowing crew to the last coordinates that Kraglin had sent to him.
Oddly enough, the cold floor felt relieving against your back. Pulling your arms above your head, the horizontal position elicited deep pops from your vertebrae. You were sore, your body enduring too much too soon, but in a way felt good. It meant you were still alive and breathing, more importantly, it meant that you got your way.
You perked up at the footsteps approaching you. You knew who it was, but you’d never admit the relief you felt hearing Peter’s voice echo through the dingy ship.
“And you’re tellin’ me she only now decided to tell us?”
“…You know how she doesn’t share anythin’...” Kraglin answered honestly, but it did nothing to comfort Peter. “...Well, ya know, expect that she’s Yondu’s kid.”
"She's lying."
You had a knack for twisting the truth. Lying was just a game to you, a game you were good at. It was what got you in your current holding cell. You posed as a threat even behind bars, but it was only due to the tales spun about you.
Peter knew you well. That you stumbled upon Youndu and his crew only to rob him blind with  innocent charm. It could make sense that you were his daughter, but even you didn’t want to believe it. You hadn’t until the letter found you. The chicken scratch was barely legible, but it detailed your unorthodox relation.
"She's not."
"How do you know?" Peter resisted. The man they spoke of was gone, but Peter doubted his legacy fell on your shoulders. "He didn't have any kids."
"Then what were you to him?" You didn’t need to be loud to be heard. The silence carried your suggestion. “Always good to see you, Star-Lord.”
Peter saw now how the bruise on your chin carried up onto your bottom lip. To match, just below your eye, a bruise started to form. He watched you move languidly to stand, he could see how much you hurt.
Pinching his brows together, he asked a rhetorical question. "Your boyfriend do that to you?"
"Something like that," You smirked slightly.
Quill sighed deeply, regretting the interaction. If you looked like this, Peter knew your ‘boyfriend’ was close to dead. You were the definition of reckless and something he wasn’t convinced he needed to take on. Yet, everyone in the room knew that by standing in front of you, his fate was set.
“Go on, Kraglin, show him,” You motioned your head with your words. Although you were considered one of them, they welcome you aboard with pointed blasters. In doing so, your belongings became theirs, even the tattered letter.
Peter didn’t want to read it as Kraglin unfolded it for him. He skimmed it, not bothering to look for the interesting details. Years ago, Peter would have questioned the astronomical coincidence that you had any blood relation to the man who raised him, but coincidences and beings with gauntlets scared it out of him. However, the last line resonated. Don’t tell Peter.
A bitter laugh escaped Peter’s lips. It was always like Yondu, even in death, to get the last gag. The story went as follows; you weren’t taken and forced into the life of a ravager. You were left in the safety of a Xandarian orphanage only to weasel your way out and join the life your father intended to keep you away from. You would have been better off stranded on an abandoned planet.
You got good at what you did, too good. You made a name for yourself that instilled fear in some and in others an open invitation to challenge. Challenges you never shied away from which only meant you begged for danger to follow.  
Peter tossed the letter to the side, letting whatever leaking pipe soak its material. The letter’s significance didn’t matter, years had come and gone washing away any anticipated emotion, but the only thing that held Peter’s attention was why you waited so long to reach out to him.
“Why now?”
“Had to get your attention somehow.” You frowned. He avoided you, but you waited for the perfect moment to gain his attention. “That boyfriend of mine is coming for you.”
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mickimomo · 2 years
An Acacia Blossom on a Branch of Thorns
Izogie x Doctor!Black!Fem!Reader
I cooked something up for ya @theeblackmedusa and the peeps to eat. You had me dusting cobwebs off my reader x character writing skills. 🤣 Whenever I get back on AO3, I'll toss it up so the peeps can eat over there, too.
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(E/c) eyes inspected the blood that caked the warrior's skin as they sat on a mat hidden behind a tall straw-woven screen.
Izogie watched the doctor's brows furrow as she examined the wound with a frown.
"If you frown any harder, your forehead will form a new wrinkle."
(Y/n) kissed her teeth before letting go of the warrior's thigh. "If I get a new wrinkle, it will be your fault."
"My fault?"
"How did you get such a nasty cut on your thigh?"
"It isn't nasty."
"If you tell me it has character, I will press my thumb against it until you cry."
"I will not cry."
(Y/n) arched a brow. "Oh?"
"Yes, but you'd be a terrible healer if you worsened my injury." She offered a grin. "You remember the one I got on my chest while challenging-"
"-Yes. I recall watching you bleed everywhere afterwards too." She sighed before turning to dunk a cloth into a bowl of warm water. "And patching you up after everyone cheered."
Izogie frowned at the doctor. "It is something to be celebrated."
"To the people of Dahomey, yes."
"You are one of the people too, (Y/n)."
"There isn't a healer in the world that enjoys seeing people get hurt."
"I'm sure there is one."
"Well, I am not one of them." She gently pressed the cloth against the wound.
"Do not let Nanisca hear you saying that."
"I am one of the best healers you women have." (Y/n) huffed before slowly pulling back the cloth and dipping it into the water. "If she kicked me out, you all would send for me within a week."
"You are very confident."
"When you are important, people have to deal with you."
Izogie laughed softly. "That is why I like you."
"You like me?" (Y/n) squeezed the blood out of the cloth, reddening the water before dampening it with a bottle of something.
"I do."
"Is that why you're always demanding I treat you?"
"You are the best healer we have."
(Y/n) laid the damp cloth on her wound and smiled as the warrior cursed at the sudden sting. "I'm glad you think so, Izogie."
"You are a cruel woman." She hissed.
"I try to be." The doctor teased as she focused on cleaning the wound properly. "Although, I'm sorry to say that I only like women who aren't always getting injured to see me."
"I am not always getting injured to see you."
"You have not had to patch me up in two months."
"Is that a new record?"
"Look. I know you're working hard to become miganon, so that if... or when... Nanisca retires or becomes kpojito you'll fall right into where you are aiming to be." (Y/n) sighed. "But I hate seeing you hurt and bloodied, Izogie."
Izogie frowned before lowering her voice into a low whisper. "(Y/n) I have only ever earned a few cuts here and there. I am always careful, so that I can come back to you."
"I know. I just want you to be more mindful when you're out there." She whispered before handing her the bottle of liquor to ease her pain while she worked. "Despite my compitence, I cannot heal everything. I can only do so much and.... I don't know what I would do if...."
She took a grateful gulp of the liquor before setting down the bottle with a sigh.
"Just be more careful."
"I will."
(Y/n) exhaled as she looked over the clean wound. "Well, it's not as bad as I thought."
"You have escaped stitches this time, but you must keep it clean." She grumbled as she turned to work on making a poultice with a few herbs in a mortar with a pestle.
"I'll do my best."
Izogie fell silent as she watched the woman work on making a paste, filling the air with the strong scent of turmeric and unfamiliar green plants.
(Y/n) was a brilliant woman.
And caring, despite the glares that came with it.
Izogie remembered when they first met.
She was a prisoner who had attempted to sacrifice herself to one of her Agojie sisters to save the children of her village.
Baring her teeth with furious eyes.
Holding a dagger covered in something that required an antidote as she kept the children behind her.
She was like a pantheress with cubs.
Promising death to anyone who dared to approach.
Nanisca admired her selflessness and felt she would be a great addition to their forces. So, she took her and the children in and found all of the children safe homes in exchange for her undying loyalty.
Izogie personally enjoyed watching her try to act tough as she trained to become a part of the Agojie.
No matter how hard or painful training was, she always carried herself with mature indifference and a silent lethalness that spared her an unnecessary hazing from her comrades.
Well- everyone but Izogie was deterred.
The woman was always after her.
Yet, no matter how much Izogie talked with or teased her, she always seemed unbothered.
Her clever use of fighting with acacia thorns laced with paralyzing neurotoxins and sedatives during a small mission landed her a meeting with Nanisca and her seemingly endless knowledge of medicine landed her a job with the other healers who tended to the Agojie.
Ever since then, Izogie always seeked her out whenever she was injured.
Whether it was a pricked finger or a 'nasty' gash or bad fever- (Y/n) was always hunted down to help, no matter the hour.
She was skeptical at first but quickly learned that Izogie's presence and persistence was her way of showing she was extremely interested in her.
And that interest led them here.
Izogie tilted her head as her eyes moved up the woman's body.
"Is that a new dress?"
"It is."
"Red looks good on you."
"Thank you. It's great when you're working with someone who's always bleeding."
"Is that someone supposed to me?"
"You are my most frequent patient."
"Then you're wearing that sexy dress for me?" Izogie eyed the cuts in the side that revealed her bare hips if she wasn't careful.
Like she wasn't being right now.
(Y/n) felt her face heat up at the question as she stopped grinding up the paste. "Do not flirt with me while you're all busted up."
"You're not wearing anything under it, are you?" Izogie breathed out as she eyed her hips.
"I was rushed out of bed to come see you." (Y/n) huffed. "It is very late at night, you know."
"So it is for me."
"It is not for you."
"You smell good too." Izogie noted, enjoying the saccharine and floral sent that radiated off her oiled skin. "Did you get all pretty for me, (Y/n)?"
"Am I not always pretty?"
"You're always beautiful."
(Y/n) pointed at the warrior with her pestle and wrinkled her nose. "That liquor must be getting to your head."
"I cannot get drunk on a gulp."
"Sure." She rolled her eyes before scooping up some of the poultice mixture and pressed it carefully into her wound.
Izogie laughed softly and watched her work before whispering. "I am not lying to you."
"I know."
(Y/n)'s gaze slowly moved up from the wound she had covered with the herbal paste and locked with a pair of sincere dark brown.
"You are like an acacia blossom on a branch of thorns." Izogie whispered as her eyes ventured down to her lips. "Very few things have the honor of reaching you and experiencing your sweetness."
Gentle fingers grabbed the warrior's jaw and pressed their lips together.
They both did their best to stay quiet as they pulled each other closer and deepened the kiss.
Izogie tasting strongly of liquor and (Y/n) tasting strongly of whatever herbal drink she had been sipping on before getting summoned to tend to her.
She was sweeter than honeybush, but there was an earthiness to her that made it hard for the warrior to withdraw their tongue from her soft and wet mouth.
Warm hands moved under the red dress to grab her thighs and press her sharp nails against the curve of her hips.
Sharp nails that left angry little welts across her skin until she was squeezing her ass.
The faint sting almost broke her silence as she let out the softest of gasps against her lips and Izogie devoured the sound with a swirl of her tongue.
It was taking everything in the warrior to not push her down into the floor and have her way with her now.
"Izogie, are you done getting treated? Nanisca wanted to hear your perspective on that attack."
The couple pulled apart, careful not to make any sound when (Y/n) accidentally added pressure into her wound with her hand when she tried to support herself as she moved back without falling.
"OW- fuck- what the hell, (Y/n)."
"Well if you were more careful, you wouldn't be in pain." (Y/n) scolded her before mouthing an apology.
Izogie offered a small nod before exhaling shakily as (Y/n) straightened herself up to hide any evidence of their kiss and began to inspect her wound.
Amenza rounded the corner of the straw screen and arched her brow at the two women. "How's it going?"
"She's a mean woman." Izogie grumbled. "She is rough and she scolds me all the time."
"You are like a baby." (Y/n) mocked. "And I scold all of my patients for being reckless. You aren't special just because you are Izogie."
"You say that when you're no longer getting trained to be a member of the Agojie." Izogie arched a defined brow. "You were very quiet when you were at my mercy. When I was the teacher and you were the student."
"You are now at my mercy. You are the patient and I am the healer." She offered a small smile. "So you should be extra nice to me now."
Amenza couldn't help but laugh. "You cannot bully her now. She isn't an acacia blossom, but a thorn that can mend you or hurt you." Izogie made a face at Amenza as she laughed. "I see now, that being the great Izogie gets you nowhere here, mm?"
"It's like running through acacia thorns, talking to you two." She kissed her teeth in feigned irritation.
Amenza rolled her eyes. "I think talking to us is easier." She watched (Y/n) wrap Izogie's thigh before she began to wash her hands in a bowl of water.
"She's all patched up." Amenza offered a small nod as she listened to the doctor speak. "She just needs to keep the area clean and let it heal. She shouldn't do anything too strenuous for at least a day or two. Give the wound a chance to scab over. Mm?"
Her eyes moved to Izogie. "Take care of yourself." She slapped her shoulder. "And if you tear open your wound again, I will give you stitches and keep you in my home until it is healed completely."
"Do you hear her?" Izogie grinned at Amenza.
"It is a threat you don't want fulfilled." Amenza gave her a warning look before holding out a hand to help her up. "You don't want to fall behind in training."
"Yes. I know. But who'd have thought (Y/n) could be so scary."
She grunted as she allowed her comrade to pull her up.
"She was scary before. You just lack the ability to see it."
"Do I?"
"Yes. I thought she'd slit your throat in your sleep with how much you teased her in training."
Izogie laughed as she practiced walking. "(Y/n) would never."
(Y/n) watched them leave quietly before getting up with a small smile on her lips. She looked around and began to make a mental list of how she planned on cleaning the area and her tools.
But then her mind slowly drifted to thinking about Izogie.
She touched her lips and smiled at the memory of being so close to the warrior.
Even though she hated seeing her wounded, she loved spending time with her and tending to her.
As if she were summoned by the thought, Izogie came walking back around the screen with a slight limp.
"I almost forgot."
"Forgot what-"
Her lips were on hers and she kissed her with as much passion as she could muster for a few long seconds before pulling away.
"Thank you for patching me up, beautiful." She whispered before squeezing her ass and making a fast retreat.
(Y/n) was speechless as she stared after her.
Did Izogie really come back to kiss her again?
All she could do was bite one of her knuckles and curse internally before getting to work.
Part 2 Link
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seventeenytiny · 2 years
can you do a mtl to be loud in bed? thank you :D
Okay so I know I haven't been on this blog in over a year but why not go through some stuff in the inbox. Time to dust off the old smut cobwebs in my brain. Also, I'm a bit interested in writing for Stray Kids so if you got any thoughts on them send them over. I can't promise I'll write everything though, just what peaks my interest. Another thing, I think most of this post is gender neutral except for the last little blurb at the end. and uh... so the warning should be obvious by the ask. apologies for any typos/mistakes
Warning: Sexual Themes/Smut, Minors DNI
Wonwoo - He isn't necessarily a loud moaner, but he's for sure a loud grunter. Like just imagine his hands gripping your hips, fingers almost leaving bruises on your skin. Each thrust has you moaning and begging for more and more. Husky sounding grunts leave his lips with each thrust as he lifts your hips up to fuck you at a new angle. Sweat drips down the side of his face, you swear the deep grunts coming from his mouth are enough to drive you over the edge. I think you get the point of what I'm saying
Seungkwan - He doesn't shut up in general so you can't convince me the bedroom is when he gets quiet. Unless... he's subbing and he knows any sounds that pass his lips would result in punishment. Honestly he's probably really into getting spanked and that's going to make being quiet hard for him.
Scoups - Totally not afraid to be loud, manly men don't hold back those heavenly sounds, and he's the definition of a manly man. I'm sure the whole neighborhood is well aware of when you two are fucking, he makes being quiet a real challenge for you as well.
DK - Again, like Seungkwan, he doesn't shut up in general. He's definitely more on the moaning side compared to grunting. I think he'd try to hold back at first, biting his lip until its puffy and swollen. But then you give him that look, after that he's like putty in your hands.
Vernon - He’s so loud and doesn’t even realize it. He gets so lost in fucking your pussy that he has no idea of what’s going on around him. He blocks out everything that isn’t you and focuses on all the amazing sounds you make. You’d have to remind him to be quiet when there’s a chance of someone being nearby.
Woozi - He's louder than you'd think. Little short moans would leave his lips as you pump his cock, his breath shuttering. His moans would be a bit more high pitched, almost becoming little squeaks when you tease and overstimulate him.
Hoshi - Kind of like Woozi, he's a bit more on the high pitched side. I think he'd really try to hold back all of his sounds. His voice is a bit more on the loud side so he'd try to keep quiet to not bother any neighbors. Mission is generally unsuccessful. He'd kiss you and suck on your collarbone as he fills you up just to try to muffle his moans.
Dino - Also has some higher pitched moans. He's honestly just down for a good time, he hardly notices the sounds that leave his mouth. He really just cares about the sounds that leave your mouth. He'd like everyone to know your getting fucked and that he can make you sound like that.
Mingyu - Okay so now we are into quieter territory, but don't think that means he doesn't make any sounds. He'd have really breathy moans with some softer grunts. I think the actual best part of sex with him would be watching his face. His face would contort with pleasure as soon as he puts just the tip in.
Jeonghan - Really deep and low sighs. Insanely sexy, but not super loud. As long as you can hear him it doesn't matter, he's just trying to please you. I'm sure he'd whisper praises to you as you ride him, rubbing your back to encourage you to keep going. It doesn't take much for you to push him over the edge. His eyes would roll back as a beautiful sigh leaves his mouth, his cum filling you up.
Joshua - Really, really, soft gentle moans. He wants only you to hear him, doesn't quite care for eavesdroppers. If you get too loud he'd put his hand over your mouth the help muffle the sounds. If that doesn't work he might have to get out the blindfold and gag.
Jun - Just heavy breathing, fucks you so hard and fast that his breathing is what you mainly hear. He'd hold you up as he pounds into you, just so you can feel his breath tickle your ear.
The8 - Also like Jun, fucks you fast and hard. The sound of his heavy breathing and lewd sex sounds would fill the room. I think he'd like to listen to all the sounds your wet pussy makes as his cock goes in and out of you, honestly its one of the hottest sounds ever.
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fitgothgirl · 6 months
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This was the day before yesterday; it was my first workout in 2 weeks due to being in a bit of a slump. I did a whole body workout to dust out the cobwebs, although I missed my lats and barely got my hammies & glutes, but whatever. I went down in both weight and reps from where I had left off with each respective exercise, and yet it worked me hard enough that I’m still fairly sore this morning. 😅 It is what it is though, I figured I would have to go down at least a little but it doesn’t bother me. The previous workout had been 2 weeks prior but I hadn’t really been doing enough to maintain since late January, before Costa Rica, so yeah. But at least this soreness is giving me some motivation to keep showing up to stop losing my gains!
I also really really want to get back to my bujo (also not done since January) and start writing in my nice new journal cuz yeah I still haven’t started that. 🙃 Both of those things can help me in other areas of my life too. Also been missing Duolingo… My Sunday is wide open though.
Just chuggin along right now trying to be gentle with myself while also trying to take care of myself. I don’t want to say I’ve been depressed but just the blues I guess. It’s crazy how much sunny days help my baseline lately, but of course it’s the time of year for very fickle weather lol… But today through Wednesday are supposed to be lovely so I’m looking forward to that. 😌☀️
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serenityhayato · 1 year
A Single Moment
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Pairing: Carlos Oliviera x Reader
Warnings: fluff, humor
Summary: After surviving the nightmare that is Raccoon City and a missile bombing, you and the shaggy haired mercenary share a moment...to the exasperation of Jill.
A/N: A little gift for @inafieldofdaisies for the Resident Evil Gift Exchange Event hosted by @sstewyhosseini​​! Did dusting off the cobwebs to write sound daunting? Ended up being a short drabble than a full length one shot with how many times I edited and deleted parts. I hope you enjoy it!
     “You know Carlos, I owe you one.” The shaggy haired mercenary gave out a laugh as he continued piloting the helicopter. ‘Yeah, I’ve been hearing that all day, but you have yet to deliver.” Jill rolls her eyes with a smile, clutching the vial in her hands. “You too, Jill. I wouldn’t have survived if it hadn’t been for you two.”
     “And I would be dead too if you and Carlos hadn’t risked your lives to cure me. So that makes us even.” Jill smile at you before she turns to watch the sunset. You’re interrupted by Carlos clearing his throat. “You might be even with Jill, but I don’t recall you saving me, so I’ll take that as an I.O.U.” Moving so you sat next time him in front of the helicopter, you turned to look at him. “I’m not sure owing you anything is such a good idea anymore.”
     “Oh, come on sweetheart, owing me isn’t so bad.” You crossed your arms, giving him a questioning look. He let out another laugh. “Alright when I come to cash on that I.O.U I promise not to make you do anything too embarrassing.” Shaking your head, you looked out the window, trying to stay in this moment and not linger on the destruction behind you.
     Thinking about the events the last couple of days, you realize that life’s too short and anything can happen...even a zombie apocalypse brought upon a simple pharmaceutical company. Staring out to the distance, you weren’t sure what surviving...choosing this path would lead you. You were just lucky to come across Carlos and an unconscious Jill after a couple days of terror. “You know, I’m glad to have come across you Carlos, even if you tend to get annoying sometimes.” That one drew another laugh from him.
     “Yeah me too. Would be pretty cruel of me to leave you in a Carlos-less world.” Jill snaps from the back. “Stop using that line! It’s getting old Carlos.” Carlos shouts back, “I will as long as it remains true!” Shaking your head and giving into your impulse, you raised your hand to take one of Carlos’ hands into yours. He threads his hand with yours, squeezing it in turn. You felt your cheeks heat up, but you couldn’t help the smile from growing on your face, Carlos sent you a wink when you looked up to gaze him. 
     “At least two of us believe it to be true.” You hear Jill let out a huff as Carlos continues to pilot the helicopter. Feeling slightly daring, you lean up to place a peck on his cheek. Which unintentionally distracted him causing the helicopter to jolt and for Jill to let out some colorful words. “That’s it, no more distracting the pilot. You two aren’t sitting together until we land.” Fearing Jil more than trying to soothe pouting Carlos, you moved to the back. “Don’t worry Carlos, you still have that I.O.U.” Before Carlos could get a word in, Jill beat him to it. “He isn’t cashing anything until we land. I’m not about the die after surviving the zombies because Carlos can’t concentrate.”
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avampyone · 21 hours
Prompt #24: More Mezcal
Characters: Hemlocke, Luvli and Iggy.
Synopsis: Hemlocke brings a special bottle of gin to share for a taste of Mezcal and trouble ensues.
Setting: Urqopacha, Mezcal Distillery.
Warning - Lots of drinking!
“I can guarantee you have never tried anything quite like this gin before. It is more than worth the price of a premium bottle of mezcal!”
The ceaseless back-and-forth chatter between Hemlocke and Luvli had nearly been enough to cause the Mamool Ja warrior at the bar beside him to sleep amidst his own drinking indulgences. Finally, Hemlocke reached to unbuckle and open his leather satchel to produce the bottle of gin in question – The bottle lay covered in a layer of dust with a thin layer of old cobweb remnants clinging to the dark glass. The label had long since faded with time and the writing was illegible.
Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be what looked like a haze of swirling smoke trapped within as the liquid appeared to separate like oil and water. Then, suddenly the appearance of a soft blue glow before blinking out entirely to a typical bottle of gin...
“Unusual. I have never seen anything like that before…” Although skeptical, Luvli brought Hemlocke a couple of cups from the back alongside a bottle of mezcal under one arm. Carefully, he popped open the top of the bottle of gin that let out a whispered chorus of chuckles – Or perhaps it was the sudden breeze?
Smiling softly, Hemlocke tilted the bottle to pour a few ounces of the gin – it gave an oddly thick appearance when it gooped inside the cup and with a sudden POP it dissolved down into seemingly normal liquid. It turned from blue to purple and back to clear within a few seconds, “...Are you sure the gin’s not gone bad? Hm, no harm in trying a little I guess.” The pelupelu could not seem to help her curiosity when she downed the liquid in one fell motion.
“Oh, it might have been best to try a small sip at first. Brave you are! Let me try mine.” Hemlocke lifted his glass to take a sip of mezcal for the first time ever. He hummed with satisfaction to the smooth taste that didn’t possess the sharp bite he had been expecting, “Mm, very good! It does not seem too strong either. I could have several drinks before I head to my next destination, I wager...”
Hemlocke cheerfully poured himself another glass not taking notice that Luvli had turned away with a glowing blue light setting in her wide pupils before it faded entirely. She suddenly grinned so widely and frolicked off from the bar with her arms held so merrily in the air. As she skipped away towards no particular destination, there was a low murmur amongst the bar patrons.
“It’s not like Luvli to suddenly take off like that…”
-About an hour later-
The state of the Mezcal Distillery began to slowly descend into chaos. One of the others – Molblu had taken up residence behind the bar trying to fulfill orders for the many patrons stopping by. The poor fellow typically would get the order wrong or end up dropping glasses on his way over. Hemlocke’s own bottle of mezcal was half empty, a deep flush settled on his cheeks as he unsteadily poured himself another glass.
He offered this up in cheers to the still half sleeping mamool ja beside him, “...And you recall how I said the man suddenly visited the Ossuary out of the blue to tell us a fortune teller had predicted his death and wished to set arrangements? Like clockwork, he indeed came the next day already settled with the coffin of his choosing. Let me tell you, the merchants spare no expense even in the afterlife! There he lay peacefully alongside many beautifully decorated roses he had specially crafted from gold and precious gemstones. And then…”
Hemlocke’s long ears twitching upward, his slurred words trailed off when he steadied himself against the bar top to keep from swaying having caught sight of something off in the distance. Luvli could be seen scampering off happily with a large crystalline rock carried proudly between both hands above her head, “Shiny…!”
Her joyous laughter could be heard all throughout the general vicinity. All the while several Pelupelu were seen panting, running, and trying to catch up to her to stop her but were unable to, “Luvli! What is the matter with you?! You’ve been running around collecting rocks nonstop...!”
With a mischievous fit of chuckles, Hemlocke nudged the sleepy majool ja who snorted, sitting upright suddenly before falling back asleep in another drunk induced haze, "Oh, that must be Iggy. Makes sense. Those little ones love their rocks more than anything.” He smiled warmly before reaching out to squeeze the shoulder of the mamool ja and give him a little shake.
The warrior was slumping against the bar in deep slumber now, unaware of anything going on “Oh right! To finish the story, it turns out the rich merchant concocted the elaborate ruse to fake his own death. Poor sod came running out frightened in the middle of the night from the back rooms. I cannot blame him..though living there, you become adjusted with seeing a few specters now and then...Hmm, I think he meant to run away with his chamber maid..or his mercenary..Maybe it was both?”
Suddenly standing up from his seat, Hemlocke pointed at Molblu who stopped for a break when he’d finally fulfilled all the orders and held up the bottle of gin in offer, “You look parched! Why not come and join us in a drink, mm?”
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scullysexual · 2 years
X-Files Ficmas Advent Calendar 2022
Day 6: For @agent-troi
Their prompt: "Mulder and Scully find a baby during a case and they have to take care of it until they find its family."
I just want to apologise for how badly I fucked this prompt up by not rereading it before I started writing. I knew the main part of the prompt but not when you wanted it set or what included until after the fact and for that I'm sorry. That being said, I hope you enjoy this fic regardless- I really enjoyed writing it and the concept too.
ao3 | @today-in-fic
Baby in the Bough.
A darkened house; forgotten and destitute. Whoever lived here lived there no longer. The place was abandoned, with thick layers of dust covering the surfaces and cobwebs forming in the corners. The house was cold, there was no one home anymore.
A waste of time. There was nothing for you here. You’re about to pack up and leave when a sound emanates from a room furthest away. To you it sounds like an animal- a stray cat that’s gotten in but Scully wants to investigate further. Unsure of what exactly lay in that room ahead, you follow her in, standing by the door once the room was clear.
You’re waiting to go when a gasp escapes Scully’s lips.
“Mulder…” she says bringing your attention to her. You can’t see her very well in her crouched position but when she stands you spy a bundle of old blankets in her arms.
“It’s a baby.”
You didn’t like hospitals anymore. That clinical smells brought back painful memories of the darker times; waiting for Scully to awaken from her coma after being abducted, hearing her explain her cancer to you while you stood their dumbfounded and confused, seeing her laying there weak and pale once that cancer had taken its place inside her body, the end nearing. Even after, when it hadn’t ended her, you’d stood outside a window watching her sleep next to a child that was never meant to be. No, hospitals weren’t a place you wanted to be.
Tonight, it was a necessity. You wait to be seen, sitting opposite Scully who still cradles the baby in her arms. She’s enamoured, whispering words of comfort to the little human. You’re enamoured too, seeing Scully holding her. It takes your breath away, you can’t look away. It also squeezes your chest, knowing that this is something she can never have.
You tear your eyes away with guilt after that thought. You’re the reason she can’t have children, you don’t get to feel positive about this.
For this reason you opt to say outside the doctor’s office while this baby gets checked over and they find somewhere for her to live. You watch the TV in the corner, think about the case you’ve had to momentarily abandon, you thank Scully for persistence in pursuing the noise in the bedroom, you’d have just walked away none the wiser.
Scully exists the doctor’s office, the baby still carried in her arms.
“They rang social services but they can’t get here until tomorrow,” Scully explains at your quizzical look. “They offered to keep her overnight and I even agreed but when they tried to take her off me she started crying.” You both look down at the child who is now quiet and sleeping. “So they thought it best maybe I keep her for an extra night.” She looks up at you then. “Is that okay with you?”
Honestly, you want to say no; you’re on a case, you’re not even from this town, sleeping in a hotel room. But you see the look in Scully’s eyes, how content the baby seems to be. You want to tell her that these things never work out for them but you’ve already taken away her ability to bear children, should you really take away her opportunity to care for one?
So you agree. It’s just one night.
The motel gives Scully a travel cot but the little baby refuses to settle down. On the other side of an adjoining door you listen to the cries, hear Scully try to soothe her. It goes quiet, perhaps the formula you picked up on the way back to the motel is working. A few minutes pass, you think it’s okay to lie down, but then the screaming starts again. You park yourself near the door, wait for a knock from Scully, a request for help or even to hand the baby to you to see if she’ll settle down then. It never comes.
You wake up crouched against the door, your neck is agony, and the lightest of dawn streaming through the curtains you forgot to close. You must’ve fallen asleep at some point.
Hauling yourself up from the floor, body protesting it’s usual position, you unlock your shared door and venture inside.
Her room is a mess, unlike the usually tidy and organised Scully you’ve come to know and love; clothes strewn across the floor, an open box of formula on the desk, multiple milk bottles and diapers lining the wall. You spy Scully asleep atop of the covers and also in her bed, surrounded by a wall of pillow to keep her falling over (or keep Scully from rolling over onto her) lies the baby, wide awake but quiet. She looks at you, big blue eyes only having the slightest recognition as to who you were. You press a finger to your lips despite her not having made a sound yet, for risk of waking Scully who, by the looks of it, hasn’t long since fallen asleep.
You gently ease yourself onto the bed, careful not to disturb Scully with your shifting.
“Hey, little one,” you say reaching over the lift the baby up. She makes a noise and you shush her again. Thankfully, she quietens immediately.
“You really gave Scully a run for her money last night, huh.” You glance towards your partner, who sniffs and shifts in her sleep but doesn’t awaken.
“It’s okay, you can hang out with me for a while.” The baby begins to fuss, her mouth searching for something, and it takes you a while but vague memories of Samantha as a baby come back to you. You take the bottle that sits on the bedside table and hold it up to the baby’s mouth. She sucks on it immediately, her eyes closing.
You marvel at it all- the weight, feel, smell, sounds. Sat in a bed just millimetres away from a sleeping Scully, hearing the sounds of a baby suckle on a bottle, feeling her weight dragging your arms down. If you close your eyes you could transport yourself to another room, another bed, a different universe were you weren’t plagued by a need to know the truth, Scully wasn’t plagued by the need to know what happened to her. Once were she isn’t infertile and you aren’t obsessive. You live in a house that resembles Scully’s apartment, you have a baby that wasn’t found left abandoned in some rotting house. It’s a good life. A life you want. A life you could never have.
Your arms feel empty. It feels wrong. Something is being taken away from you. Something that is yours. Something to protect and keep safe. They’re taking her. They’re taking her away from you again. You can’t have nice things, you should’ve known, this never works out for you.
You startle awake, reaching out to take back whatever’s been taken away from you.
“It’s just me,” Scully’s voice sounds from in front of you.
You blink, seeing the form of Scully begin to emerge.
“She’s asleep finally. We still have some time before we need to meet with the social worker, I was going to put her in the cot and clean up. What are you even doing in here?”
You blink again, a few more times, looking down at the baby Scully now holds- the thing that was being taken away from you in your dream. You’d fallen asleep again, this time in Scully’s motel bed. Christ, you could be an idiot sometimes.
“I’m sorry,” you say beginning to vacate the bed. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. It was quiet and I wanted to see if you needed any help. I came in here and you were asleep but the baby was awake and hungry. I must’ve fallen asleep again.”
She’s placing the baby down in the cot as she sleeps.
“I thought I would get a noise complaint. Guess we must be the only one’s here.”
“So much for her liking you,” you joke.
She throws you a look but it’s half-assed. She’s exhausted, you realise, she got what? Four hours at best. You feel shitty about your joke now.
“It was probably to do with the environment. Once I put her in my bed and she was close to me then she was quiet. I must’ve fallen asleep.” She lets out a self-deprecating laugh then. “Some great mother I’d be.”
No. No one’s allowed to say anything mean about Scully, not even Scully.
“You did a great job.”
She throws you another look, this time meaning it.
“Seriously. Not many people can find a baby left in a house and then care for it overnight. You did a good job, Scully. More than enough.”
She looks away, embarrassed by the compliment. Looking down at the now sleeping baby she says, “Well after today she won’t be our problem anymore.” You think you catch the inklings of a wish in her voice.
She almost can’t bear to part with her. Her weight is familiar, her smell, even her cries pain her as she’s gently taken from her arms. Was Emily this small, she can’t help but think. When she was handed from one person to another, did she also cry? Scully leaves the room before everyone else, before she changes her mind. This wasn’t them, this wasn’t her. She couldn’t be a mother, they’d made sure of that, more than sure. They killed one baby she couldn’t let them touch this one. She was poison and she wouldn’t let them poison this baby, not this time.
The baby’s cries stay with her, she’s hears them watching you wrap up the case, hears them on the plane back to DC. She hears them in her apartment, in the middle of the night, a motherless baby crying out for the one mother she got to know, who abandoned her just like her birth mother.
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reachfolk · 10 months
god please write for TES, I've been so depressed about Palestine and I would love to read your work in the fandom with everything happening
wait i'm actually so flattered by this comment 😭 if my writing is something that anyone feels they can turn to when they see the things going on in palestine, then i've clearly done something right. i've always used these characters to make sense of my own experiences with colonialism and displacement (granted, of course, my experiences are very different from the settler colonialism faced in palestine and the reach, but i think the core underlying it all is one and the same). that's actually a huge part of why i've been finally trying to get back to writing after a year and a half of hiatus. i can't say when i'll actually start posting again, but i am indeed digging through my old writing files and dusting off the cobwebs.
thank you for this ask, it def reminds me of why i write in the first place <3 and more importantly, thank you for keeping up with the news about palestine. i won't lie, i've also been unlocking brand new tiers of depression i've never known before, and like damn i rly thought i 100%ed that shit but NOPE. it's one of the most difficult cocktails of emotions i've ever grappled with, and i feel so silly expressing that because i'm sitting here in my comfy queen bed with a roof over my head and the heater on. but times like this really change you, and i commend you and everyone who's choosing to grapple with the discomfort.
palestine is worth fighting for, it's worth writing stories & poetry for, it's worth singing for, it's worth hurting for. i've only ever known palestinians to bring so much kindness and joy and beauty to the world, and the wider their voices spread, the more the world heals.
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lovely-lady-lumps · 2 years
Movie Night
October Writing 5
Pairing: Peter Parker x GN!Reader
Summary: Peter comes home to an October surprise
This one is very short and not well written but it's something.
Word Count: 991
  Walking through the door of his own apartment, Peter freezes, taken by surprise at the layout he sees. Normally, his very small space is bland and empty, lacking in many sentimental items. Of course he had a little more after meeting you, little trinkets strewn about, but his place has never looked as homey and bright as it does now. There are orange, yellow, and red leaf shaped lights hanging symmetrically on the wall across from his bed with a small flat screen T.V. sat on the scuffed wooden floor. He notices that the cobwebs in the corners of the room have been cleaned along with the dust building up on the baseboards. Taking up the most space is a tall purple tent set up in the middle of the room and more lights are thrown over the top of it, a blow up mattress sticking out of the front with a white sheet to cover it.
  Peter quietly sets his textbooks on the counter next to the door and sneaks closer to the tent on stealthy toes, straining his ears to hear who he knows is inside. His fingers grip the front and he quickly pulls it open with a loud “Boo!”. A squeal of surprise greets him along with a face full of blanket.
  “Hey.” Peter laughs and chucks the blanket back at you.
  You catch it in your lap, hand coming up to rest on your heaving chest. “I knew you were there! I knew and it still scared me!” You yell at him in frustration.
  Peter continues to chuckle as he takes in the sight of you sitting cross legged. “You look comfy.” You’re dressed in black pajamas covered in ghosts and pumpkins, fuzzy orange socks covering your nice warm feet.
  “There’s some out there for you.” You point in the direction of his bed. He gasps quietly, eyebrows raising. “Really? Do they match?” His voice fades as he walks to the twin mattress in the corner of the room. You don’t answer, instead waiting for his reaction.
  “They’re so much better!” He shouts. You can imagine him holding them up in front of him in excitement. It only takes a few minutes for him to get them on and happily skip back to the tent. He comes to a standstill in front of the T.V. with his hands proudly resting on his hips and chest puffed out. The pajamas are also black but instead of ghosts and pumpkins, his has a skeleton down the front, as if it’s an x-ray of his own. 
  You clap your hands together and laugh, “Here, put these on.” He’s handed a pair of black socks to match. 
  Peter grins and puts them on with incredible balance before crawling into the space next to you, leaning against you as soon as he’s in. You take the ochre blanket you used as a makeshift weapon and spread it to cover both of your laps, trying to fight off the cold that seems to cling to the apartment. He shifts to get closer to you, placing a hand on the pile of pillows you’ve stacked behind you but stops when he hears a crinkle. “What do you have?” He squints at you in amused confusion.
  “Hehe, a present.” You giggle. Your hand reaches behind you underneath the large stack of pillows. Your hand oh so teasingly slowly pulls out a full bag of halloween candy. The bright orange bag is covered in the images of green kit kats, almond joys, and pumpkin shaped Reese’s.
  “No way! You got the one with Reese's?” He snatches the bag you hold out to him and looks at the little ‘window’ on the front of it.
  “Of course! I got the best bag there is.” You smile.
  He opens the bag to avoid eye contact. “Except the almond joys.”
  His teasing works as you smack his arm, making him laugh. “What do you have against them? They’re delicious.”
  Peter’s hand is suddenly in your vision holding one of the unwrapped coconut bars out to you. You look up and stare at each other for a second before taking it, fingers brushing his soft ones. “You didn’t have to open it for me.” You mutter.
  Peter leans over and kisses your cheek sweetly. “Just wanted to.” You reach your free hand up to cup his cheek to pull him in for a peck on the lips. “Well thank you.”
  “You’re very welcome.” He grins. “What movie did you want to watch?” He turns to face the T.V., your hand falling from his cheek. You reach into the bag in his lap to grab a Reese’s, “What about Hocus Pocus?” Your other hand gives him the remote that sat between you.
  “Sounds perfect.” It doesn’t take long to find the movie on Disney+. As he presses play you give him the now unwrapped peanut butter cup which he takes gratefully. It’s gone within seconds, the whole bite shoved in his mouth quickly so that he can wrap his arms around you.
  He swallows before speaking, “Thank you for this. It’s been a long day.”
  “Anytime babe.”
  He pulls you with him when he lays back, reclined against the pillows with you pulled into his side and legs tangled. He tucks his face into your neck to place a delicate kiss behind your ear. You hum in appreciation, hand coming up to grab the hand laying across your stomach. “I love you.” Peter whispers into your ear. You squeeze his hand, “I love you too, Peter.”
  You’re pulled in tighter, a deep sigh felt against your neck as the movie plays out. Thackery Binx being turned into a cat is drowned out by the sound of Peter’s deep breathing, the feeling of safety and love after so long without it lulling him into a deep sleep with his arms still wrapped securely around you.
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artificialqueens · 2 years
[WIP] Pass the Broccoli (Sashea) - Dandee
AN: Hello! Dusting the cobwebs off my old wips, hope you like it! I started writing this like 4 years ago and come back to it sometimes. TW for blood &violent descriptions
Shea stands in the garage, hands in the pockets of her grey pant-suit. She gazes at the mess laid out in the middle of the floor, coming to nudge a mauled john’s shoulder with the tip of her Burberry lace up. His shoulder sags along the concrete, and falls back. Still fresh, somewhat. 
She gives a long, heavy sigh. Picking up her briefcase, she steps over his beaten-in skull and makes her way to the laundry room.
Tchaikovsky drifts through the halls over the clattering of the dryer, little paws jumping up to greet Shea as she steps through the door. She gives Vanya a pat on the head and opens the dryer to take a quick peek.
Just Sasha’s gardening clothes. No blood, not that she can see anyway.
Vanya’s tail wags as he follows Shea into the house, his little nails pitter-pattering against the tile. Shea tosses her briefcase onto the breakfast table and presses the heels of her hands into her eyes. 
On a Tuesday?
She braces herself against a chair and glances around the kitchen-- pristine as ever, aside from the pan in the sink filled with soap. The smell of Eggplant Parmesan fills the room, and Shea gives a short breath of a laugh.
Her favorite meal. Oh, it’s so fucking typical.
Running a hand over her sleek black ponytail, Shea heads toward the dining room— she stops, however, just shy of the doorway, and watches Sasha float about the table and angle the place settings to her personal brand of perfection. Shea folds her arms and leans against the arch.
Sasha’s perfect little ass wiggles with every move, her floral pencil skirt hugging her slender frame. From this angle it seems as if nothing’s wrong. To a blind eye Sasha would only seem like a perfect housewife, humming and setting the table with love and care, taking time to see that everything’s perfect before her darling wife comes home.
But Shea has no blind eye.
Aside from the macabre scene in the garage, Shea can always tell when her wife’s taken a job. She gets fidgety, obsessively precise and her hair-- normally a neat, platinum blonde finger wave-- always has a few curls out of place. Like a few screws come loose.
Which is pretty on brand.
Sasha shifts her gaze from the arrangement of red roses to a wine glass, lifting it to the light and inspecting it for smudges. Once it passes, she set it back down and moves to the placing of the plates. Then back to the linens, then to shining the golden cutlery with a cloth from her apron. She’s meticulous in her scrubbing, and when she seems satisfied enough, she drifts to the other end of the table. Shea can see the beginning of Sasha’s gaze coming up- and by now, after all these years, she’s learned good and well to move out of the way.
The knife flies across the room so quickly that Shea doesn’t even see it-- but the dull thud where it sticks out of the wall, inches from her face, leaves her unimpressed.
So does the little laugh that Sasha gives. She tries to cover her spook but Shea can see it all over her. Her frame buzzes with residual adrenaline, keyed up from the feet up.
“Darling-“ her fingers dance over her collarbone, “you startled me. You know better than to skulk like that.”
At that, Sasha does nothing but tilt her chin. Almost expectantly. 
Shea’s tired. It’s been a long day and she’s not in the mood to play. She eyes the knife in the wall, runs a finger along the handle and pokes at it in vain. It’s jammed into the wood like a stovepipe. 
Sasha’s heels clack slow off the tile. She comes to sidle up but not too close-- she’s doing that thing she does, when she thinks she might be in trouble. She gazes at the knife, too, and rests against the wall. 
Shea catches another resentment, at the blue eyes coming into focus behind the knife. She’s trying it, she really is. 
Her eyes come into full focus. 
Sasha’s hair brushes the wall, a smile playing at her lips. Shea holds her gaze and there they are —in seemingly marital serenity, split by a golden knife. Shea’s not going win this one and she knows it. But she’s still Rightfully Upset and she’ll make it known. 
Sasha doesn’t give a shit because she knows she’ll win. 
“How was work?”
Shea shrugs and thumbs the handle one last time, pushing off the wall. 
“Okay, I guess. No one died.”
Sasha smiles. It’s been an old joke between them, since they first partnered in the field. It’s an okay day, if no one died. It’s not right, but it’s okay. 
In spite of herself, she reaches for Sasha, she comes to her with what seems like no conscious thought at all.
Shea pulls her in, hands smoothing down her sides. Sasha’s warm pressed against her, familiar and easy. Her shoulders rise with her slow drawn breath, and Shea claps a hand at her hip.
“Edwards retired.”
“Oh, no.” Sasha lays a palm over Shea’s chest, “Did you get a card?”
Shea nods, her tired gaze falling somewhere between them. “Yeah, I picked one up,” she says, “Signed it for you. Got her a giftcard to Applebees.”
Sasha hums. “I’m sure she loved that.” Her fingers play at the lapels of her blazer. 
Shea gives a half chuckle, and nods. She looks down at her wife, who looks back at her, grinning. She looks tired, too.
This moment would have looked a lot different, years ago- a mess of tangled limbs and bruising kisses. Searching each other, feeling for gashes and wounds and breaks— clinging to one another with the desperation of a drowning man. In the beginning Shea saw most days as her last, and only prayed to God that she’d be the first one to go.
They’d been thrown on a case, two strangers living out of a Buick and dingy motels. They’d struck gold on a phone tap and busted The Bad Guys, putting four on lock and two in the ground. They came up quick, started catching the big-dog cases. Sasha began leaping from choppers while Shea secured the ground. Shea sat on scrapers and clipped grunts while Sasha went in below. They hopped from one place to another- traffickers in Laredo, narcos in Cuba.  A cute little boat raid off the coast of Bahrain, Sasha throwing knives when they ran out of ammo. Sasha had dug a bullet out of Shea more than once.
Shea had carried Sasha out of Jersey when she’d nearly bled out. She’d been sure Sasha was dead, more than twice. 
Five years in the field doesn’t seem like a lot— but dying hurts, folks. And almost dying hurts a lot more. 
And love? Bad for business. 
It didn’t take long for Caldwell to catch on. After two years partnered, the Bureau had discharged Sasha. 
Sasha took the next year off. She painted and gardened while Shea gritted her teeth through partner after partner. They dropped like flies— Zamo went AWOL in Soviet Russia smack dab in the middle of a cult investigation, Chachki took a life sentence for picking up a part-time gig in North Korea. And that kid that went missing in Bermuda? She couldn’t remember his name, he’d only been on for a month- but he was from Azuza, she knew that. Got on a boat and never came back. 
Hell, Hytes had lasted a little over a year— and up until a few months ago, Shea had really thought she’d make it. They paired well, and it was almost like running with Sasha again— but she just couldn’t keep her dick in her pants. She messed with one too many girls and boom- she found the wrong girl and got lit up like a Christmas tree in Miami, five in the chest and two in the neck, left in an alley like a goddamn modern renaissance piece. A crime of passion, they called it. 
Shea had warned Hytes, she knew that family like the back of her hand. There’s a certain amount of tiptoeing when dealing with the mob, that’s how it’s always been. The Bureau had worked long and hard to stay in good graces with The Family, and Hytes almost fucked it all up— but in a true “eye for an eye” fashion, Hytes’ case closed early, the Matteo girl got off and the world kept turning. 
It always did.
“If Alyssa’s out-“
Sasha brings her back. She cants a brow, running a finger over one of Shea’s buttons. 
“-who’s running the prostitution ring?”
She can see Edwards now, lucky fuck- she’s probably doing high kicks down the aisles of the grocery store as they speak.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Sasha shrugs, pinching the button loose.
Shea tugs sharply at her hips. Sasha sucks in through her teeth and takes tight fistfulls of Shea’s shirt. She loosens her grip after a moment, eyes dark— and coming nose to nose, she lingers. She breathes soft against Shea’s lips, and her hips roll forward.
“I always wanted that one,” she whispers.
Shea can’t help the dull ache that starts in her belly. Her lips feather over Sasha’s. 
Shea wills herself to her lips, rocking back on her heels when Sasha moves to graze over her cheek, her jaw, down her throat, to her neck- the softest of nips, in no pattern. Shea grips a hip tighter when she bites down. 
“Sasha.” Her eyes fall shut and she’s quiet in her musings. When she returns to the present, however, her gaze lands back to the knife in the wall. She sighs.
“The garage?” 
Shea, unmoving, catches Sasha’s gaze as she pulls back, coming up to meet her.
Sasha blinks, even and cool. 
“What about it?”
Shea tilts her head, tries unclenching her jaw. Sasha lets go of her shirt, hands drifting to her forearms.
“We talked about this.”
At that, Sasha shifts her eyes. She shakes her head, “I didn’t have time-“
“You didn’t have time?” Shea catches her cheek, coaxing her back up to search her face. “How did you not have time?”
“I had to— think on my feet,” she says, curling her shoulders forward. She grips Shea’s arms but she still won’t look at her.
“What do you, okay-“ Shea stammers, her chest tightening, “how is that a thing? How is this any different—“
“Don’t you think I would be clean if I could?” Sasha cuts her off. She steps back.
“I don’t know.” Shea folds her arms.
“You know I would,” she says, and finally glares at her. “You know I would do everything I could to-“
“Do I?” Shea asks. 
A bitter chuckle escapes, and Sasha shakes her head. “Don’t start.”
“No, no- I’m curious,” Shea’s getting warmer, and she shrugs her folded arms. “It’s been a while, babe, so how am I supposed to know anything anymore?”
“Jesus, Shea-“
“You know how I feel about this, we’ve been over this-“
“I know, I remember, I do-“
“-and you agreed. You agreed—“
“-but if you could just-“
“-that when we come home, we leave work. You told me, you promised me—“
“- I don’t know what you want me to say!”
Shea feels her forehead wrinkle when her brows shoot up. Sasha stands there, hands on her hips and eyes on the ceiling. 
She shakes her head, “I mean, do you even want me to say anything?”
Shea closes her eyes and pinches at the bridge over nose. It’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not these days, what is and isn’t gaslighting- but Sasha rarely raises her voice. 
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thedivinefish · 1 month
TGIWednesday: What the leak are you talking about?
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TGIWednesday News 📰
In Florida our summers are something you just endure. 🌡️ Never had an issue with the water bill before.  I cringed when I watched my little girlfriend spray the hose in the air while the birds flew through the mist. Sure enough, it nearly doubled!  I called the lovely folks at the water company that said they would re-read the meter. 🚰 The man came out, glanced at the meter and left a tag on our front door that the meter was moving and concluded that we had a leak. Thank God for video cameras everywhere 📷 because we could see how fast he haphazardly decided that. I spoke with a fast talking know-it-all at the utility that said, "You probably have a leak somewhere for it to do that."  We checked every toilet, sink and shower - all of which were bone dry.  I went out to check the meter myself and chuckled when I had to dust off the cover just to even read any numbers at all!!! 🔢 Wowza, what a joke! Will I be raising cane again tomorrow?  Of course. 😒 When dealing with relationships with folks like these you have to document things like you're registering for a patent, remain calm and persistent! At some point it is no longer about the money, but about principle!  Join us this month for our monthly Zoom as we clear off the dust, cobwebs and regret of your relationships! Oh and some of you have reported issues with paying and scheduling sessions.  Calendly, Stripe, PayPal and Shopify are the systems we use and all are ultra-reliable companies with zero down time disruption issues in the last 3 months.We ask that you check ALL your email addresses and spam folders for confirmations - and also please try your transactions from multiple devices and browsers that can do the trick and get you there faster. We all know it's Mercury Retrograde and that's a possibility too.  The most IT help I can give you is to shut everything down and reboot your phone, laptop or tablet and try again, and if all else fails please write in to [email protected].  
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ON DECK 🚢 🎂 Monday August 19th - Jimmy Mack's Annual Birthday SALE begins in the shop with a special 19% OFF all digital download products.  Thursday August 29th - Join us for our Monthly Zoom all about Relationships!  Limited seating, sign up here.!
September    Aligning With Your Cosmic Financing Flow. An astounding new Audio MP3 due out in the Fall, different from the others.. we're calling it "a spiritual re-alignment". And just like it sounds, it can transform and reinvigorate your current financial status, and perhaps catapult you into the wave and frequency of wealth, abundance for good!
Get on my schedule today and let's get you back on course!  🧭 🎣 View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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 ~ BEING PATIENT WITH OTHERS ~ I believe think, know and feel that I will be patient when dealing with others and how I relate to them. I am ready, willing and able to let go of limiting beliefs and remain in allowance and acceptance of infinite possibilities.  I know when, where, how and why to let go of expectations of outcomes and remember that Spirit has the wheel. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Remember that making a little daily progress can allow the rest of your life to be the best of your life! ▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔
 Next LIVE  Zoom Event 💻
Our Clearing the 7 Well-Springs of Life monthly Zoom series has been outstanding!  Did you miss one? Get the replays below. Call #1 - Body Clearings - Download replay Call #2 - Mind Clearings - Download replay Call #3 - Spiritual Clearings - Download replay Call # 4 - Relationship clearings (Register below) next up... Health, Money, Work/Job/Career/Purpose
THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/7w-relationships
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Call #4 Theme:  Relationship Clearings: Past/Present/Future We're basically house plants requiring air and water just with more complicated feelings and relationships!   Even if you consider yourself a loner type, human beings are all about relationships, family and we're part of the fishing tribe. Often relationships from our family and loved ones from our past haunt us and negatively affect our current ones, so it is vital to clear and recalibrate ourselves. 
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After registration, Submit your Top 3 words/statements in the format below by Wed. the 28th to [email protected]  Be kind to our editors: please KEEP IT BRIEF :)
1) Clearing out past relationships ie: Release me from past relationships and their negative, lingering, traumatic effects that haunt me like:______ (poor treatment from mom or dad, siblings, teacher, authorities, friends - including abuse, mistreatment, injustice, betrayal, gaslighting, and narcissism)
2) Clearing out present relationships ie: Release me from the ill effects of ______ (a horrible/unfair boss, fair weather friends, a cheating spouse, children who are acting out, parents' disappointment, relationship burdens, addictions)
3) Clearing the energy of future relationships ie: Release me from the fear of/or help me create ___ (I'll never find great love, that I'll get hurt by love, future pain of losing loved ones/a child, create a greater relationship with money, with nature, create a space for humans to live in harmony and care for the planet and future generations.)
During this call #4, we'll clear relationships off all kinds ...and if your relationship with family, children, pets, work/job/career and your past are flawless, that is wonderful! Please write to me, I'd love to hear about that too.  For the rest of us you'll want to join our gathering and let's co-create some profound changes together!    
Register Here - $22
FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
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COMING AUGUST 15TH  The Ascension and New World Wealth Summit with hosts Gabrielle Spencer and Nicki Hu I will be one of over 40 leading-edge speakers sharing how to expand your consciousness, elevate your frequency, and unlock the rapid potential to heal your body, mind, and soul. Free to register - Join us Now! https://pillaroflightactivations.com/Jimmy
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
From the Fish Box 📧
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     Thank you for fitting me in earlier this week!  It was probably one of the best calls I’ve had with you (but of course they're all great!) Will update you as the magic happens:) Thank you -  Megan / Florida
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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AUGUST 14TH "Today I will leave no stone unturned. I will be vigilant, checking locks, windows, and doors and the safety of myself and my family. I will make certain that everyone has brushed their teeth, buckled their seat belt and is wearing clean underwear just in case."
The Fish Market 🎧⬇️
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Our online shop is getting a makeover! Get a preview now as you look over the 40+ audio titles in our MyBeliefWorks Audio Collections. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s)  We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family. 🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection 
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. Looking for a new job?  Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one?  Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
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All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies. Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses
Visit now, Click Here!
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Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
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