#Comfortable earbuds for everyday use
crazydiscostu · 8 months
Soundpeats Go Free 2 Earbuds
Enter the GoFree2 Open-ear Earbuds, a promising contender in the realm of wireless audio technology. The company has a proven track record for optimising their designs to fit the needs of the consumer and today we’re going to look at their latest offering. Product supplied for review purposes Go Free 2 At the heart of the GoFree2 Open-ear Earbuds lies a commitment to optimal fit and all-day…
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Roommate - [MUTI! BLLK X F!READER]
Staring: Rin, Shidou, Sae, Niko, Kaiser, Ness, Otoya, Karasu, Reo
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc (I MEAN HEAVY. forgive me, it gets a bit better later chapts i swear), bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, etc.
 Bllk as your Roomate 
It feels like he’s never home. But he is. You two always somehow eat dinner at the same time, so you eat together. He doesn’t mind :> You ask about his day (he’s not used to people caring, is secretly happy) and he’ll tell you about all the stupid things Bachira did that day LOL
He’ll even invite you to watch horror movies with him (he tells himself it’s because he can’t finish his popcorn)
If you have extra tickets to a festival, he’ll gladly come along! (he insists it’s because it’d be a waste of tickets if he didn’t) 
A/N: Imagine if he runs into bachira and isagi there LOL
Y’all know about his morning routine- right??
No need for an alarm, this rat is never late.
Will barge into your room without asking, and rant to you about his day
He’s a great listener though, and he’ll offer to do your makeup! (He will be sad if you say no :c)
Great relationship advice. You have no clue where it comes from
He can and will comment on your outfits
Will draw you (i love artist Shidou)
Brings you left-overs from when he goes out (unless he dragged u along LOL)
This man wakes up early. Too early.
He’d wake you up too (accidently) 
Used to order take out like everyday. Until you came along and actually cooked good meals. 
The first time he just eyed your food with a blank expression. You had no idea what he wanted XD
you awkwardly offered him some, he couldn’t resist and tried it
He then said he’d pay you to cook for him
When he goes out and sees smt you might like, he’ll send you a picture and ask for your thoughts. If you take too long he’ll just buy it
Will tell you about his day (after he naps)
Will often just knock and peak into your room to see what you’re doing for no particular reason other than wanting to check up
Runs to you after reading a new chapter of his manga
“nOOOOO THEY KILLED HIM😭” sorta vibes yk? If you’re reading the same thing, you’d have to stop him from giving your spoilers, to which he’d wait patiently for you to finish so he can rant to you
Share your theories on animes/mangas together
Can’t cook, but he’ll buy the materials if you need them :3
Please get this boy a plushie, I think he’d love it sm
Man has his earbuds in 24/7 tho ;v;
He’d come into your room to steal manga
Keeps calling you Ness outta instinct
This lead to you not cooking for him anymore (you’re not too sure when you agreed to cook for him in the first place, but he just kinda expected it-)
Will complain about said food, but then apologize and beg you to keep cooking once he realized you’re serious about stopping
Asks for your opinion on a lot of things “This outfit looks good right?” “Who do you think is the best striker?” “You like milk?!?!” etc. though you’re not sure if he actually cares about your answer
Kaiser would pace, rant, and talk to himself on a (concerningly) normal basis
This man would silently fold anytime you give him a genuine compliment though
He finds your affirmations very comforting, that’s why he asks you to compliment him so often LOL
He’d often give you bread. Just- bread. He’ll come home with a bagged baguette in his hands, and give it to you with a proud smile
This man does *everything* 
Ness calls you Kaiser on instinct too
Will get on his knees and apologize when he does so 
Genuinely shocked when you shrug it(the kaiser calling) off
Non-stop talking about Kaiser turns into non-stop talking about you XD 
“Omg you look so pretty today :D” “Let me dry your hair for you :3” “Can I braid it?” etc.
Has no clue what to do when you ask him about his day because no one has ever asked him before
But he’ll start ranting about it, and look over at you every few seconds to see if you’re listening and if you’re ok with him going on :>
Insists on doing all the house chores (except for cooking, he likes your cooking, but’ll still do it if asked)
…Does anyone actually want this man as a roomie??(Me.)
Would leave a mess EVERYWHERE and is genuinely shocked when you don’t offer to clean up
The way he acts has you questioning his upbringing…
Eats all your food, brings people over constantly, probably broke a plate and didn’t bother cleaning it up
The only thing he offers in return is to make out-
His jaw drops when/if you decine 
Watches TV in the living room typa guy (ik that’s what ur supposed to do, but let’s be honest, y’all are prob cooped up in your room reading this)
Whenever you leave your room and enter his line of vision, he just stares 
It’s genuinely unsettling. So like a normal person, you stare back. You’ve now been staring at each other for 2 minutes
Any/all gifts Karasu gives are things he observed from you (ex.Favourite food, scent, show, etc.) and I’m sure you’ll do the same in return 
Will message you random pics he finds funny
 “[Pic of a party hat on a trash can] haha, look at this”
If you cook for him, he’ll order takeout for you
He’s either the best roomie, or the worst-
You guys never run out of food or supplies, and always have something fun to do
He’ll take you out on the weekend to do fun stuff, and you two get along pretty well!
As long as you don’t question why he has so many toothbrushes, he’s pretty chill :> 
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A/N: no an :3
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bamsara · 2 years
#6 “this is the guy?” seems like it could be funny
Moon x Reader | Wordcount: 1,544 | AO3 Version
Pre-fire, Solar Lunacy Arc 2. Bit of some jealous Moon in there ;)
In retrospect, you kinda saw this coming.
It was a new semester in collage so you had a new set of classmates, some of which you recognized and most of which you didn't. The best thing about collage is that there's no need to introduce yourself to your classmates, you're perfectly fine being left to your own devices; most people prefer it that way. So you bring your earbuds when the proffessor isn't talking when writing notes or working on your assignment, usually the universal 'leave me be' sign that everyone tends to respect.
Except this one guy. Sits in front of you everyday, always turns around to talk to you at the start of every class and has no quarrels trying to get your attention even when you're clearly just trying to keep unnoticed here.
You're friendly to him, polite even, so you don't tell him off when he nudges you to take out your earbuds to ask you what's it like working at the pizzaplex. The jacket must have peaked his interest, and you don't mind giving him a surface level description of your job. You just wish he would be more mindful when you're trying to write the same sentence in your notebook for the last ten minutes.
He's fairely easy to avoid outside of class. That is, until the professor assigns a week-long project and assigns team members, to which you and your new classmate pester are now apart of. That's how he gets your phone number for information sharing, and that's how he starts following all of your socials. Cursed be contact scynching.
The other two members of your group keeps things proffessional, but this guy was friendlier. Maybe a bit too friendly. He sends you things a little too comfortable for someone having known each other for a week or so. You don't mind making new friends; it would be nice, actaully.
But you don't think that's what this guy is looking for. Asking to meet up somewhere to discuss the project without the other members is suspisious enough, but you can't think of a situation where a new potential friend would send you shirtless snapchats asking if 'you're up' at 2AM.
Funny enough, you recieve this damnable picture in the middle of an overnight shift, and there's a clicking, metal on metal noise as your animatronic coworker hangs upside down from you, slowly spider-maning down on the wire as he looks down at your phone screen.
Moon makes a noise that's simular to clicking one's tongue in humans. "Interesting way to spend working hours."
You look up at him, a that rotates a full spin so it's upright and inches from your own, and deadpan. "Har har, very funny. It's the person I was talking about earlier. The classmate?"
He hums in aknowldement. You talk casual things sometimes when you're working, telling him about your day and him to you. Moon tells you about how he's remodeled the nap area for his return and complains that the allergy list for the children are outdated, and you tell him about your assignemtns and the classmate that seems to have taken a liking to you, against your will.
A metal hand lowers, gently grabbing your phone and turning it upright in front of his view. The glow from the screen is comical on his faceplate as red eyes and white pupils scan the picture dully.
The phone lowers. Moon's face is twisted into something of a grimence. "This is the guy?"
"That sounds mean, c'mon." You snatch the phone from him, clicking off the image and pocketing the phone. You don't really want to reply, you'll use 'no phones on shift' rule that you made up as an excuse or something. You return to your task at hand; pushing the cleaning cart down the hallway to your next spot. "He's fine. Overly friendly, but fine."
"That is not friendly." Moon is 'moonwalking' in the air following you, upside down so his legs are upwards while his face is level with you. "That is flirting."
You sigh, and it echoes off the walls. "I know, I know."
"Do you like it?" He asks. His tone is half teasing, half serious. "The attention."
You send him a look. "Oh, please."
He snickers. "Just a question."
"I'd prefer he'd keep it proffessional." You park the cart, unloading a couple trashbags down a trash chute in the wall. "I get more than enough attention from a certain Daycare Attendant coworker who's far from a 'proffessional relationship' too-"
"Tell him." Moon cuts you off, gently. "To back off."
"I did." You emphaize your tone with a final heave of a trashbag, shutting the slide door behind it. "I was really polite about it, and he seemed understanding, you know. At first at least. Still kinda off, though. I don't want to be too harsh about it because then it's going to make the whole project really...awkward."
"Lie." Moon's arms hang down until they grip the edge of the cart, using it as a guide as you begin to push it further down the hallway. His head tilts, faceplate blocking your view. "Say you're married."
You deadpan at him. "Why? And with what ring?"
His expression breaks out into mischivious grin, fingers raising up and going into the fabric of his hat. You stop, pulling back as Moon pulls out a small package from the confines of his hat, and blink at the ringpop thrust in your face.
Your bewilderment turns to amusement, and snatch it from him. "Hilarious. How long have you had that stashed in there just waiting for the opurtune moment for a joke?"
Moon's head does a full rotation. "Is that a yes."
"A while." He lifts off the cart, upwards on the wire until the animatronic lands softely on the carpet besides you. For a tall robot, he doesn't make any noise. Even the bells are quiet when he wants them to be. "Kids like candy, and magic tricks. I can summon candy at will." He raises his hands, wiggling his fingers. "Magic."
You tut at him. "Can Moondrops give kids cavities?"
"Not my problem."
"It is if the parents complain about it."
Moon's voice starts in rebuttle, but is cut off by the telling sign of buzzing. You pause, hands searching in your clothes for the vibrating phone and bringing it out, squinting at the words on the screen that's a stark contract to the dark lighting in the hallway. Your classmate's name pops up along with the default profile picture. A couple of notifcations tells you he's been trying to text you the last few minutes, asking if you were up for a late night chat about 'homework'.
You squint at the audacity of it, and move to let it ring out in your pocket. "I'm just gonna pretend I never saw it-"
Metal fingers over your own, tugging out of your palm. "Give."
You tug it right back, careful not to answer the still-ringing phone screen. "Oh yeah? What do you have planned exactly?"
Moon doesn't answer you, but something in his eyes flicker. The phone stops ringing as you furrow you brows, just about to put the device back in your pocket until you notice the screen was still lit. On the device, it shows you were in call, but no audio was coming through the speaker.
"Hi." Moon talks, seemenly to no one. His tone reminds you a little of how sour he talked when you first met. Friendly, if not in a bit of a sourly threatening type of way. "It's very late."
Your eyes dart back between the phone screen to the grinning animatronic, and gape.
Did this fucker really just bluetooth answer your phone call-
"The boyfriend." Moon answers to something. Any attempts to hang up on the phone don't work, and the animatronic casually leans away out of reach, grinning, as you whisper yell and swat at his face like there was going to be some secret button that would end the transmission. "Okay. Goodnight. Bye."
Your phone screen goes dark. Moon's head tilts at a sharp angle, leaning back down as you stare wide eyed at what just transpired.
Moon, non-chalantly, spins his head in a rotation. "No more annoyances."
Pocketing your phone, you glare at him. "You didn't-"
"I did." Snickering, the wire lifts him up into the air, and he acends very slowly out of smacking distance. "Now. I escape."
In the best way a jester could do after such a feat, Moon flies limply like a pinata down the hallway while you half-chase him, yelling while trying to keep the cleaning cart steady while you watch the animatronic chuckle and rotate like a corndog mid-air. "Oh my god. What did you say?? What did he say?"
"Oh, so sorry." He laughs, mimicking a cracking voice. "My bad. I didn't know. So sorry."
You feel bad for lying, but you're also laughing too, so you can't feel that bad. "Oh my god. What if he asks about it later? Do you know how awkward that is-"
"Awkward is calling a classmate at 2AM."
"Moon, c'mon."
"Should have said fiance." Moon contiues to spin like a corndog. "Would have been funnier."
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hellovivirose · 11 months
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“I’d like to thank the sponsor of this post, Raykon earbuds. I use Raykons everyday. Whether it’s to listen to music or an audiobook, Raykons have you covered! Optimized gel tips for the perfect in-ear fit make them so comfortable they literally will not budge.
Go to Raykon dot com slash meowcaron to get 15% off your next purchase!”
Note: I am not actually sponsored by or affiliated with Raycon earbuds, this is purely for the sake of a dumb joke.
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evalevaeva · 10 months
Cello | Anton 앤톤
- in which the reader is a pianist, and anton is the cellist.
fic one of twenty-six.
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Music was a comfort. An escape. A sort of magnet that pulled you in every time your fingers pressed on the black and white keys, your emotions swirling with the notes in the air as you press the keys harder as the more intense parts came.
Being a pianist wasn't a chore. Instead, it was something you genuinely enjoyed. It wasn't some passing thing or a 'phase'. If it was a phase, lord, how did it last this long? You were thankful that at your Arts School, you had the luxury of being able to use the music studio to practice. It wasn't an everyday thing, but it was enough for you.
"For the 60th Anniversary of our school, we will be having student performances. Each class has to send at least one representative, and I recommended you. Do you want to perform?" Your homeroom teacher asked as you stood in the staff room, school bag on your back.
You responded with a small smile on your face, "I can't promise you anything right now, but could I tell you my decision tomorrow?".
Your homeroom teacher leaned back in her seat as she smiled, "Of course. Oh, and if you're up for it, class 4 is sending a student who plays the cello, I think having two musicians for the performance would be great".
The feeling of uncertainty seemed to creep up your back, like haunting figure. It wasn't that you didn't want to perform, but were you good enough? The many awards were plastered onto the walls, the glass separating you and the piece of paper reflecting your face.
In moments like these, you spun slightly on your chair as you got up, taking a seat on the black cushion. Your hands lifted the cover of the piano keys, revealing the familiar black and white keys. Some keys had worn out stickers on them, having been used many years ago when you started playing.
It came to you naturally. You didn't need a score or a piano sheet to play this song. It felt like a part of your soul at this point. The first ever 'big kid' song you ever played.
Moonlight Sonata. As strange as it sounds, it was dedicated to Beethoven's lover and student at that time. In your own words, a lover. You could never play it with the right emotions, always feeling like you were playing it because you knew it. That feeling of falling in love, meeting the one, knowing it's all there between two people; you've never felt it, yet.
Your eyes were closed as your fingers pressed each key with such skill that most people at school whisper about. The feeling of insecurity and worry slowly eased out as you finished the song, dropping your hands as you looked at the piano keys before looking at the application form for the school performance on your desk.
You walked through the hallway, and an earbud was stuck into your left ear, flowering by lucy playing softly as the sound of the school atmosphere overpowered it. You made a turn into the staff room as you saw your homeroom teacher seated, busy clicking on her computer mindlessly until your presence sent her jumping from her seat.
"Did you think about it?" Your homeroom teacher asked as you nodded, revealing the application behind your back, filled with your particulars.
Your homeroom teacher rolled her chair towards the next teacher's table behind a foam wall as she said, "She agreed, did your student agree?".
The looked around the staff room, distracted while waiting for your teacher. Your hands were behind your back as the song in your ear ended, causing you to take out your phone from your pocket. Someone bumped into you from the side as you nearly drop your phone, surprised by the sudden hit.
"I'm so sorry!" A soft voice was heard as you turned to see a boy with black hair, bowing as he stood back upright, him basically towering over you as he continued walking past your teacher's desk to the next teacher's desk.
Your teacher rolled back to her desk as she smiled, "The teacher in charge of class 4 and the event planning approved your song choice. It seems like the cellist from class 4 agreed to perform, too. I heard he's quite good, you should talk to him sometime. You can go back to class if you don't have anything else,".
It wouldn't be a surprise to anyone anymore if they saw you in the music room right after school ended. The school piano seemed to call out to you, like a haunting spell as you took out the piano sheet from your bag, placing it on the sheet holder as you cracked your knuckles, placing your fingers on the keys as you played.
Nostalgia by Joe Hisaishi. The feeling of remembering something in your past. For you, as lame as it sounds, it was a particular piano competition years ago. You remembered practising every day, not wanting to disappoint anyone. It was an international competition, after all, and this song had gotten you that first place that you had yearned for so badly. Nostalgia was originally played with either a violin or a cello, but you wanted to do it yourself, for yourself. You were so stubborn when you were younger that your piano teacher had always made you practice the same parts repeatedly. Those were punishments at the time, but now it simply felt like a memory.
The sound of the door clicking open made you turn to see the same boy who had bumped into you in the staff room, this time with his school bag and a large cello case on his back. His eyes widened as the both of you made eye contact, feeling like a coming of age movie scene.
Anton couldn't take it, it felt like his heart was about to fall out his mouth. The way the sun seemed to hit your face just right, and the way the piano complimented you made him want to play a love song just for you.
"I'm so sorry! I thought it was vacant, I'll find another room to use!" The boy apologised, a little louder than his usual volume but still, soft.
You turned with a smile as you stopped him, "No, you can stay. I don't own this room anyways, you're welcome to practice here. Are you practicing for the festival?".
The boy walked towards you as he placed his bag on the floor, placing a chair and a sheet stand near the piano as he placed his cello case down.
"I am, actually. It seems like you are too, you're playing the piano, I assume? What are you planning to play?" The boy asked as he took a seat, facing your direction.
"I was thinking of moonlight sonata. I've never performed it in front of an audience, and I think it's good," you replied as you took a look at his cello case.
"A cello player I see. Are you planning to play anything...Anton?" You asked as you glanced at the boy's nametag, seeing his name.
Anton looked away as he thought for a second, "I actually have no idea. Even if I were to play, I'd need an accompaniment, but no one else wants to play for the festival."
He hadn't played alone in a long time, and he highly doubted that any of the snot-faced students in school would want to hear the cello by itself. Anton glanced at the piano you were seated at, feeling a lightbulb flash in his head.
"Hey, could you play the piece on the piano right now? I want to try something," Anton asked as he got up and took out his cello from its case, his back straight as he positioned the bow.
You were confused at his sudden request but turned to the piano nonetheless, fingers once again on the keys as you played as you always had. This time, hearing the low sound of the cello along with it. It made the meaning of the song change in your perspective. It sounded like the voices of two lovers. One expressing their love, the sound of the cello, as the other simply allowed their heart to silently agree, the sound of the piano.
Anton had the sheet in front of him as he played along, putting his all into it. Every pull of the bow was filled with emotions. The feeling of wanting someone so badly. Anton was a musician, and no one could deny it, not even you.
You could feel yourself unconsciously fall deeper into the song, feeling the change of emotions with each key that met your finger.
The song had ended, but the emotions still lingered in the air. You opened your eyes as you turned to smile at Anton, who had was scratching the nape of his neck, feeling awkward after ending the song.
"You played well, do you play this piece often?" You asked Anton as he shook his head lightly, "I've had the sheet for so long but I never got to playing it".
That was shocking. He played as if he had practised it his whole life. The feeling that his playing gave you almost made you feel as if you were falling in love.
"That was... amazing. I mean, the way you played it genuinely made me feel things," You admitted as you smiled at the boy.
Anton's ears were red as he smiled, his cheekbones high as he hid his face in his hands, feeling a little shy from your compliment.
"Would you... want to do the piece together? I mean, it's really alright if you don't want to, I'll perform something I've done before.." Anton asked softly as he panicked, watching your reaction as you looked at the piano and then back at him.
"You know what? Why not? I think the cello compliments the piano really well, and we work really well together, too," you agreed as you laughed at his red face, embarrassed from his own question.
To say your homeroom teacher was happy would be a severe understatement. She was elated? Excited? She was absolutely elated when she heard that you'd be doing a piece with Anton.
"I knew the both of you would get along!" Your homeroom teacher exclaimed as you tilted your head, a little confused at before she continued herself.
"She purposely sent you to the music room so we'd meet. Isn't that crazy?" You shared the story with Anton the following day as you were sitting on the piano chair while Anton was on a chair next to the piano, his cello resting on its stand.
Anton nodded as he listened to your story attentively. After one day of being with this boy, you realised some things about him. He was quiet, but when he was comfortable with someone, he would talk a lot. He was quite strong, seeing as he could carry the cello with one hand around the music room. He was also a good listener. He has a soft voice but he has a soothing voice.
"I'm kind of glad she made me come here, I wouldn't know what to do if I had to perform alone. The cello isn't that impressive on its own..." Anton admitted as you turned to him, gasping.
"The cello on its own is beautiful. Just because it's not often played alone doesn't mean it can't. I've heard many musicians play the cello as a solo, and it's amazing. You're an amazing musician so don't doubt yourself or your instrument," You spoke truthfully as Anton felt the same feeling from yesterday engulf his chest, making his breath hitch as he said softly, "Thank you.."
The days seemed to zoom by as a week had passed, and you and Anton were on the way back from the convenience store nearby. It had become a routine for both of you. Before practice, you'd both get a lunchbox, eat, and then begin practising.
"Just because the main character is good looking and plays an instrument, doesn't mean you should like him," Anton stated as you fake gasped.
"You did not just say that Anton Chanyoung Lee!" You stated as Anton crossed his arms, nodding, "Yes I did".
You scooped rice into your mouth as you crossed your arms, turning to look away from him as your closed your eyes, feigning anger.
"Don't be like that, I'm sorry, you can like Ha Yichan all you want, don't be mad..." you could hear Anton's soft voice as you turned and opened your eyes to see Anton with a tissue on his face, about to wipe a rice grain off your mouth, but the distance between the two of you was enough to make you want to throw the piano onto yourself.
"There was a... rice grain," Anton spoke quickly as he wiped the rice grain and moved back to his spot, moving a little further away this time.
That was the first time you felt yourself questioning this feeling you felt in your chest, feeling it bloom with every moment you spent with this boy.
A day before the performance, Anton had asked you if you could accompany him to a music store to get something. You, having no plans on that sunday, agreed.
It wasn't far from your house, and it wasn't filled with people, so that was a relief on your end. Anton came wearing a black denim jacket, headphones on his neck as black rimmed glasses circled his eyes.
"Glasses?" You asked as Anton replied, "Can't I have style outside of school?".
You chuckled at the boys response as both of you entered the store, the bell above the door jingling as the store owner greeted, "Welcome! If you need any help, do inform me!"
Anton led you to the side of the store, vinyls of various classical pieces arranged neatly into cardboard boxes on tables. You ran your finger lightly on the covers of the vinyls as you picked up one.
"Winter Sonata? You seem to really like Beethoven," Anton noted as you turned your head to your right to see him peaking over your shoulder as he couldn't help but rest his chin on your shoulder. You glanced at Anton, giving his entire face a look as your ears turned pink. His black rimmed glasses seemed to bring out a certain glint to his beautiful eyes. He gave off a certain feel, something that you couldn't explain. It was something you yearned, like putting all the love and attraction in this world into one person.
"The both of you must be here on a date but you don't seem like regular music enjoyers. Musicians perhaps? Classical music?" The voice of an old man interrupted the breath-taking moment between the two of you as you stood up straight, looking at the man across the vinyls. You were about to tell the man that you were both simply friends, here on a small trip.
"Yes, we're here on a date. How did you know so easily?" Anton responded as the man laughed, looking at the both of you as if he was reminiscing. "Many couples come here but none of them have such knowledge nor passion for music as the both of you. I usually recommend Clair De Lune to couples looking for something but I see that you already have eyes on Winter Sonata? A personal favourite of mine too, should I ring you up?".
Anton ended up getting Salut d'Amour, saying something along the lines of needing it for another performance. The both of you walked down the street, silent as you still thought about Anton's words back at the store, but as you passed by a toast store, the smell instantly making you turn as Anton notices straight away.
"I'm feeling kind of hungry, should we get toast? My treat," Anton asked as you turned to him as if he had just saved you from dying of hunger. Both of you entered the store. Its interiors were white, tables white as the seats were a beige colour. Three kiosks were stationed near the entrance as the both of you walked up to one of them, pressing the start button.
"What do you feel like eating?" Anton asked you as he pressed a bacon egg toast with a side of coffee, waiting for your answer as you responded, "A chicken egg toast?".
Anton clicked on the option as he added the add-on coffee, opting for lesser sugar, just as you had told him you liked your coffee. You were a little surprised but touched by how he remembered such a passing comment you had made about your preferences.
"What do you want to do in the future, Anton?" You asked the boy sitting across from you as he hummed in thought.
"I want to be someone that can shine on stage, confidently. I want to share my music with the world, showing what I can do. I want to perform," Anton responded as he took a sip of his coffee as he shot the same question back at you.
"I want... to be happy? To live life happily. I don't see any set goals yet, but perhaps, i'd like to perform internationally. Performing with an orchestra?" You responded, unsure as you took a bite of your bread, looking out the glass front of the store as the sun was beginning to set, an orange hue colouring the streets.
Anton hesitated as he muttered, "Can I tell you something?".
You turned to the boy as you raised an eyebrow, questioning the suddenly tense atmosphere.
"What is it... is something wrong...?" You questioned as Anton suddenly sat up straight and shook his head, looking away as he took the last sip of his coffee.
The next day, the auditorium was packed. Students were seated in rows, phones in hand, ready to record as they tapped their feet, waiting for your performance with Anton. Anton was popular but his quiet nature made it hard for his 'fan club' to interact with him. You were sat on the chair backstage, knee bouncing as you felt the nerves beginning to creep in. This was important. You and Anton had practised for way too long for you to mess it up on the actual day.
"Nervous?" You heard a voice behind you as you saw Anton in a black suit. He had his hair combed straight and he wore two rings on his middle and pointer finger. Your white dress complimented his perfectly, the shiny diamonds on the chest area shining under the stage lights as you nodded lightly.
"What if I mess up and play a wrong note, or I get nervous and trip all over my piano sheets?" You asked Anton as he bent down, holding your hands in his as he pushed away some stray hairs on your face with a soft smile.
"We've practised this every single day and we've perfected it. You're the best pianist I know, and today, we'll show them exactly that. You'll do well, don't worry," Anton spoke with such sincerity that you could feel your nerves slowly leaving you. You looked up from the floor to give Anton a smile, relieved to have such a person by your side.
"Now, for the performance we have all been waiting for... let's give it up for our schools very own cello and piano duo!" The student emcee announced as Anton got up, adjusting his suit as he held out a hand.
"Let's go?" Anton asked as you took his hand, nodding.
"Let's show them," You responded as both of you walked out onto the stage, giving a bow as the both of you went to your respective instruments, getting ready to start.
You gave Anton a glance as he nodded.
One, Two, Three.
Anton glided his bow along the strings of his cello as you joined in with the piano several seconds later. The sound wasn't the same as when both of you had practised in the music room, but the feeling was the same. Something was different, not in terms of the music but, the feeling inside you.
Ah, how it dawned on you. Moonlight Sonata, now had its meaning. That feeling you had yearned for so long, it was there, and it was in the form of Anton Lee. He showed you how it felt to fall in love, feeling like you always had someone on your side, and how it felt to finally find the one.
Anton had felt it from the start. From the moment the both of you met in the music room, to the meals you shared everyday, he knew. He had fallen for you. He hadn't asked you out to the music store for fun, he was basically asking you to choose a song for him to play for you, and as the piece ended, the both of you couldn't help but make eye contact as the crowd of students and school staff erupted into applause.
You hadn't seen Anton since the end of your performance, and the festival was ending. The sun was beginning to set, the sky being the same orange it was yesterday. You walked down the hallway slowly, thinking about the performance you and Anton shared a few hours ago, until a student bumped into you.
"Anton is about to perform in the school courtyard! He has his cello and he's about to perform!" A student shouted as they ran in the direction of the courtyard.
"Anton? Perform? In the courtyard?" You couldn't help but question as you too found yourself among the crowd of students heading to the courtyard.
Everyone held their phones or were staring intensely at the boy, wondering why he hadn't started yet. You were on the second level, looking down from the hallway as you saw Anton in the same black suit, bow in hand and cello in the other. He looked up, making eye contact as you felt your cheeks rise, a smile on your face as you gave him a thumbs up, unsure of what he was up to, but nonetheless, still supporting him.
Anton closed his eyes as he pushed his bow string across the strings of the cello, the sound washing over you as you realised what the song was.
Winter Sonata.
The exact song you had gotten from the music store yesterday. Anton hadn't simply brought you there to look around or buy something for himself. He had basically made you choose the song he would use to confess to you.
Loud gasps were heard as Anton played, his soul being put into the song as he played, not missing a single note. The girl standing next to you turned to you as she whispered-shouted, "Did you know he had a surprise performance?!".
You shook your head softly as your eyes were glued onto the boy on the first floor. You hadn't had a single clue. Was he really using this song as a confession?
"Will you give me the honor of being your accompanist?" The familiar voice of the boy asked as the song ended, everyone waiting for your response as Anton looked straight at you.
Was that even a question at this point?
The both of you continued on to play in international competitions, happily winning the school multiple titles while the both of you had a reason to be with each other and be each others accompanists.
The cello and the piano, funny isn't it?
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ace-of-gay · 1 year
Little mouse in an ocean
Stucky x little reader
Word count: 1,803 words oops lol
Warnings: intense sensory overload that leads to a more internalized meltdown, loki shows up, sippy, caregiver names like daddy, and dada, little names like baby boy, and munch short ofr munchkin, fidget items, sound canceling headphones, chest binding, comfort items.
Edited to the best of my ability
Age regression is a coping mechanism, if your not knowledgeable and uncomfortable of the topic either read up on it or ignore please <3
Reader is a trans man, no weight, ethnicity or hair type mentioned, reader is at least slightly able bodied in this
Dont like it dont read it especially when theres warnings
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You’d been anticipating the event for a while so it didn't sneak up on you or anything but the Impending stress of having to mask for several hours and converse with people like it was on your everyday agenda, this was nothing of how you liked it, well beyond the several month warning, it gave you time to prepare both mentally and physically, gathering items you would need incase of a worst case scenario in a messenger bag, ranging from two different means of music, noise canceling headphones around the front part of the strap, Bluetooth earbuds fully charged and inside of the most front pouch accompanied by an infinity cube graced with rubber edges to not click like a normal cube, not wanting to bring attention to your discomfort in any situation.
Your favorite book, a couple small sweet and salty snacks depending on the situational needs, alongside a comfort snack , your smaller communication cards, a few more fidgets and essential items.
Bucky and Steve helped pack this bag for you, it being perfectly assembled for anything you could possibly need.
With that Bucky took you out to find a nice casual suit with fabrics that don’t irritate you.
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All the small things arranged, it had your mind settled enough not to stress through the remaining time.
That is until you got there, when walking into the event hall you tug on the bottom of the jacket to your suit, adjusting it, "do you even pass?", whether or not you’re shorter, curvier, if your voice is deep enough , or if your handshake was firm enough, what ever your though in comparison may have been the idea of not passing was terrifying, Steve walking on your left puts his right hand on your shoulder leaning in, "you look handsome, i promise you’re absolutely perfect" his whispers calmed the choppy waters in your mind from becoming rapids.
You worked with some of these people, you knew a good portion of faces, knew even more names, your social analyzing has you determining who is good to talk to and who isn’t purely based on how they carry themselves, the people they talk to and how people look when they walk away, all factors you use to keep you most comfortable.
The best places to be in situations are either outside separate from people or around the food table where most often people are too occupied with collecting snacks and other food items, keeping your talking to a minimum and keeping your social battery higher for longer.
You figured you’d head over that way if it felt dire but for now you stuck with Bucky and Steve.
Trailing through the large people filled room, your boyfriends on each side of you to keep unwanted physical touch to a minimum.
Director fury approaches you three, shaking each persons hands, you know fury pretty well, the conversation going quick and simple, just as easy as the night had gone so far until people started ushering Steve one way and Bucky the other, leaving you disoriented, not entirely sure who you should go with, the confused lapse in time has you loosing them in the crowd, that’s okay, you’re big right now, you can fend for yourself, maybe find Nat or Thor, maybe Thor forced Loki to come along with.
That would be nice, a silent companion to keep you company while sitting in a dark corner avoiding most interactions, actually corners probably have the most amount of echo, at least perspective wise that is, you'd be able to hear everyone and than being next to a corn means you’re closer to the sound reflection hearing it twice, that’s something that would absolutely irritate you, possibly even give you a splitting headache.
Being in this room no one by your side, having to navigate your way through a crowd of now unfamiliar faces, peoples conversations bouncing off of one another, high heels going in all directions, clicking like shark teeth in infested feeding water, social vampires, maybe not everyone but gods did it feel like everyone.
People feasting off of communication, jingling keys like lures, or maybe bells, like the service indication bell in your local comfort food restaurant, so many indications, so many people, all sounds equally intrusive you just want to shut it out but you cant until you’re in a place where no one will question why you have headphones on at a party.
A constantly shifting maze of people, hands patting your back as people pass through the crowd, a few people stopping you for conversations that you try to keep to a minimum saying you’re looking for Bucky or Steve.
Standing in such a room alone, you would be able to feel the air currents change but this room packed with more people than an official tony stark party, it felt like the air itself had stiffened and is on the brink of collapsing in your lungs, it felt suffocating to the point holding your breath would be a better means of keeping yourself together than breathing at all.
With everything swirling, people constantly touching you, talking to you, your mind slips fast, in moments like this you put on chapstick and pretend its superglue so not to make a cosmic fool of yourself if you could even manage to get words out.
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You finally make it out of the crowd only to realize most of the drinks are probably spiked, you refrain from drinking anything you don’t know, you make a b line to the patio door stepping out into the cool fresh air, the bite of cold in your lungs amongst a deep breath being the edge of the blade, it was soothing, so soothing that everything from inside broke loose, a quiet choked sob broke from your chest, if you were big right now you would know what to do but you feel so small, so very small, like a mouse in the ocean next to a baleen whale.
Your hands trembling as though electricity was pulsing through your veins, rapidly looking around, dazed vision making everything quite unclear, bumping into someone you begin to stumble back, just your luck, both big and small you know that waterfall of black locks anywhere, and he knew you.
Loki, one person who understood the entirety of the situation, carefully he leads you aside, "you’re okay, its going to be okay, we'll find Bucky and Steve" mumbling it out quietly, the first vast difference between him and the room, his voice like Bucky and Steve’s voices was safe.
He takes the headphones off the front strap of your messenger bag, helping you put them on over your ears, feeling the world go silent, sound has pressure so the lack of sound felt less like a kick drum in your ears and more like a deep breath in winter air.
Taking the communication cards out of your bag he finds two cards, showing each one, you look at him with big eyes, tears still threatening to spill you show him the mouse card.
He nods, handing you one of the small fidgets, closing your bag and taking your hand, into his cold delicate one.
He signals for you to take a few deep breaths with him and than you’re once again back into the warped room, warm of people, sharp of knowing all the sounds, he leads you through the very best route but even still people are bumping into your, patting your back when passing and trying to stop you in your tracks.
You can see Steve’s golden hair practically glowing, you let go of Loki’s hand trying to rush past people to your boyfriend but another sturdy intruding body gets in the way, bumping you causing you to drop your fidget, looking to the ground to find it.
A small mouse in the ocean amongst a group of narwhals in the eye of a thunderstorm.
Electricity raging in your hands, in your arms, in your chest and in a split second your dominant hand slams down hard onto your thigh three times just above your knee, grabbing your fidget, doing your best to hold back the electricity, you watch as Steve turns around.
Its as if he’s in slow motion, you cant get to him fast enough, you’re being held against his chest, holding tightly to his shirt fabric creasing in your grasp, he’s talking to Loki getting the most of what he can on what happened.
He has you turn around so you can walk but your eyes are closed he’s directing you through, making sure nothing touches you.
You feel the cool air touch your tear streaked cheeks cooling the tear trails.
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Sitting in the car you wait for Bucky, eating one of your snacks and drinking a water based drink Steve had poured into a spare sippy he kept in the car.
"I’m so sorry munch, i turned away and you were gone, we didn't mean to put you through that, I’m so proud of you for finding Loki and letting him help", you nuzzle further into his side, touch may be unsafe but theirs was magic.
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Bucky hops in the front seat turning to look at you and Stevie cuddled together in the back, reaching out for Bucky he takes your hand and holds it to his lips, he can tell just how small you are from how easy you are to maneuver. "Hi baby boy, daddy is here, lets go home now, is that okay?" You didn't respond, you were too busy feeling the metal plates of his hand.
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The drive home was quick, tucked into dada Steve’s side, feeling the thrum of his heart in his chest between each breath, now inside in comfortable clothes and out of your binder one of Steve’s hoodies on you with the sleeves rolled up so your hands could peek out, laying safely between both of your caregivers, the havoc of the day having tired you out.
Bucky gets a notification saying that the food he ordered was delivered, he leaves only to return with dinner and your stuffy he picked up from the living room on his way back.
Little jerks and jolts here and there from remnant electricity occasionally causing you to hold your breath only for one of your daddies to find a new way to remind you to breathe, this time dada Stevie tapped the tip of your nose causing you to quietly coo, breathing.
Words aren’t an expectation, neither are sounds, they just want you to feel better and if that means holding you safely tucked between them than so be it, they would do anything and everything to keep their boy safe.
Because they’re with you til the end of the line.
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This is twice as long as i meant for it to be but you absolutely deserve a longer fic, thank you so much for your patience and thank you for requesting <33 @valetim09
I had to fix the layout because for some odd reason it got all mixed up
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fragaria-imagines · 10 months
hi!! i’m really loving this blog omg… could i request hcs of hallritt, puruth, and sanah helping their s/o who has bad sensory issues (specifically to touch and loud sounds)? thank you so much!! <3
Hallritt would go above and beyond to help you with your sensory issues. He’ll research all day everyday on what’s the best way to support you when you’re going through a sensory overload, and will try his hardest to help you through it.
If your sensory issues are specifically to loud noises then Hallritt would have no problem with escorting you out of the premise and go somewhere more safer and calmer for you.
And regarding touch based sensory issues, Hallritt would make sure to only buy materials and fabric that are most comfortable to you, even if it means he has to make it himself.
Hallritt is a perfectionist in every aspect of his life and wants nothing more than to reduce your stress and anxiety that comes from your sensory issues, but there does a come a point in time where he realizes that he can cook your favorite meals, buy and sew clothes for you only using your favorite texture/materials, escort you out of a room if the noise is getting too much for you, buy you earbuds to cancel out the noises, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
In a perfect world, Hallritt would gladly stay by your side 25/8 but sadly he’s not able to be with you all the time due to his job as a knight, so he does his best to cherish his time with you and comfort you during a particularly bad day when he’s there.
Puruth is not one to stay at one place for a long period of time, he is always on the go, so he always makes it a point to leave you with his jacket, his coat, a beret of his, or anything that reminds you of him, as a way to remind you that he’s always there for you even when he’s not physically present.
He isn’t the type to force you to do anything that you don’t want to do so if there’s a food that you don’t want to eat because of the texture, then he has no problem with going back to the kitchen and start from scratch to cook you a meal that would satisfy your needs.
As someone who tends to wear big oversized clothing and wears mismatched shoes, he understands how your sensory issues could also affect your choice of clothing so he’s more than happy to gift you some of his clothing if they fit your needs.
Puruth is a very patient person so if you’re going through a very bad case of sensory overload then he’s more than happy to sit there and wait for you to calm down.
While he may be an extrovert, he wouldn’t mind hanging out indoors with you in the castle if going outside would be too much for your sensory issues.
Sanah is a very happy go lucky kind of guy, he’s the embodiment of happiness and positivity, and doesn’t like seeing you upset or anxious and would do anything to not make you feel that way.
However, Sanah isn’t very good at handling negativity or negative emotions in general, so owhen you were having a sensory overload meltdown for the first time in front of him, he was like a deer in headlights.
He had no idea what to do in that situation, didn’t know what to say to make you feel better, didn’t know what was the proper procedure to make calm you down, and ended up worsening the situation by talking to you during your meltdown, asking you questions like “y/n are you alright? do you need something?”, or trying to hug you to calm you down. Not realizing that talking to you or touching you during your meltdown could potentially make things worse.
However, after that initial hiccup, Sanah isn’t one to make the same mistake twice and now has a better grasp of understanding on your sensory issues and what he can and can’t do when you’re really going through it.
He knows that he best help he can give you is by being patient with you and make his presence known by sitting next to you in silence while you cool off without directly intervening for that could potentially make things worse for you.
While he is a very touchy and affectionate person he knows that you’re sensitive to touch so he won’t initiate any hugs or touches unless you initiate it first. He’s also has no problems with escorting you out from noisy places that trigger your sensory issues and going to somewhere more quieter and calmer.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What color was the last nail varnish you wore? Can’t remember all that well as I rarely have my nails painted. It might have been purple, maybe? Purple with some glitters. I kind of remember getting that done a few months ago.
^ Do you own any shirts in that color? I don’t look too good in purple so I don’t have any clothes in that color.
What color was the last lipstick you wore? Burgundy.
^ Have you/would you ever dye your hair that color? Sure, why not? I’m open to any color as long as it isn’t a neon shade.
How long have you owned the mobile phone that you currently use? Just over a year.
How about your laptop? And what brand is it? This laptop has been going strong since 2017, man. Six whole years and counting. I made the most use out of it throughout college and in my first working year, but given that I only ever use it for doing surveys these days it’s enjoying a much longer lifespan than I expected it to have.
I got some nice new mugs recently. What does your favorite mug look like? It’s this one from Starbucks:
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Do you own any mugs with a picture of an animal on them? Yeah I availed a fanmade kit from a local shop in celebration of BTS’ anniversary two years ago, and a mug was part of the inclusions. It has a number of the band’s symbols as designs, like stars and a whale.
Do you own any items that have your initial on them? No I’m not a fan of personalizing my things.
Do you own any items that have a Disney character on them? As far as I know, no.
When was the last time you had a box of chocolates? What kind were they? My mom’s godmother recently visited the country after 25+ years and she got a box of chocolates for us. I haven’t gotten to checking it out much as I’m not a super big fan of chocolate haha but it’s essentially different variations – there’s chocolate with coffee filling, another with caramel, another with coconut, etc.
How long have you had the headphones/earbuds that you currently use? It’s been at least a couple of months.
^What color are they? White.
The last time you checked the mail, was there anything for you? Nope.
Is there anyone you’ve had regular video calls with, during the pandemic? No, I hated video calls at the time. It’s only been recently when I started to be more comfortable with them.
Do you remember what you were doing at 8PM on Saturday? I was having dinner with my family.
Of all your relatives & close friends, whose birthday is closest to yours? Dev’s is just a day before mine.
Did you have a cake on your last birthday? What kind? Nope. I opted for ramen instead, haha.
What were some of your favorite foods/meals as a child? I couldn’t get enough of Pancit Canton as a kid that eventually my mom stopped getting it for a time because of how unhealthy it can be to be eaten regularly. 
What were some of your favorite drinks as a child? Eh, just water. I’m not so adventurous when it came to beverages.
Are there any foods/drinks that you loved as a child, but dislike now? For the most part it’s the opposite for me because I used to be a REALLY picky eater and now I’ve learned how to eat and love everything, hahaha. A favorite 180º change of mine would probably be curry; I used to dread it when I found out that’s what was for dinner, and now I could have it literally everyday.
Which of your physical features do you receive the most compliments on? My figure, hands, and eyelashes. What traits/qualities do you have, that you believe others appreciate? I’m good at reading people, so I go ahead of them in terms of things they might be needing help with but might be too shy to raise. It’s stuff like, “Do you need a ride home?” “Do you need me to pay for this first?” “Do you need me to go talk to her?” and the moment their eyes light up that make me think they do appreciate the initiative to an extent.
Do you have any friends that you communicate with every day, in some form? Angela is the person who best fits this. We do talk everyday these days.
When you woke up today, what kind of mood were you in? So groggy. I slept at around 3 AM, so when my mom woke me up to prepare for church I wasn’t exactly awake awake yet.
What was the last food or drink you had, that you hadn’t tried before? Wasabi powdered fries. Turned out really good and not spicy at all!
What was the last song you listened to, that you hadn’t heard before? Bittersweet by Seventeen’s Wonwoo and Mingyu, and LeeHi. Instant fan.
When do you next plan to eat something? Do you know what it will be? Probably in a couple of hours and most likely it’ll just be something light to pass the hunger.
So, to finish, what’s your favorite position to sleep in? On my side, clutching a pillow.
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TW ableism and probably internalized ableism, chronic health issues, abuse, child neglect and feelings of hopelessness I'm looking for reassurance, comfort and advice
I still need to get an appointment to confirm it, but I know my hearing is degrading. It hurts almost everyday, I get tinituses everytime I've been exposed to strong noises. It's been like that for around 3 years, and because my life is a mess I didn't get proper treatment or evalution yet. I know why it's happening, because I was just born into miserable conditions and nobody took care of me. Everyone is abusive in my family except my little brother, I've been bullied for 12 years in school, I'm autistic and my sensory issues and learning difficulties were never taken care of or acknowledged. It was just too much, so I kept using earbuds.
All the time, everyday, because nothing else kept me going and if I lost it no one would be there to help me stand back up. I knew it would hurt my health. I knew it was bad. I knew it would hurt my body. But I literally had nothing else.
The adults around me never truly cared anyways, they just got mad when I couldn't hear them. They never tried to help or understand me.
And I hate that my body is ruined now, and I technically did it, even if I had no choice. Now I only listen on speakers, and I can't stim to music for very long because it starts hurting quickly. I hate this so much, I don't know what to do or how to picture my future now.
I'm not exactly sure what I need but I guess I need this problem to exist first, before I can really take care of it. I know I need treatment, everyone says that but it's not that simple when you depend on an abusive home. I did take an apppointment in the uni medical services but I'm not sure what will come from it. I know they'll probably look at me like my life is fucked and I'm doomed to live like this now, because I was an idiot.
I just want to be listened to without judgement, I need to know it's not over just because my body is different now. If there are any resources for this problem or these feelings, I'd be willing to check it out too.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry about everything you've been through. You did not deserve to be treated in those ways. You must be in a lot of pain, not only physically but emotionally as well.
I actually live with chronic tinnitus. I will say that it's actually normal to experience a temporary ringing in your ears after hearing loud sounds. I also just want to say that there are multiple potential reasons for developing tinnitus, and in my case it's due to hereditary earwax buildup.
I don't exactly know the extent of your tinnitus, but there are treatment options available to reduce the ringing, depending on the cause. Here is a resource that explains the different treatment options. Note that it includes some things you could try at home.
I hope I could help, and I especially hope that things can get better for you. Please let us know if you need anything.
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miladyjewelia · 1 day
ENHYPEN just blessed us with the ultimate
"What's In My Bag" content, and let’s just say, they know how to keep it iconic. From everyday essentials to unexpected surprises, the members gave us a sneak peek into their personalities through what they carry around. Jungwon’s bag was all about practicality, showcasing his leader mindset with essentials like earbuds, a planner, and snacks to keep his energy up. You can tell he's always ready to handle business and treat himself in between! Ni-ki, being the fashion-forward maknae, had a mix of stylish accessories and gaming gear, proving that he’s always about that work-life balance. His trusty gaming device? No surprise there, considering how Ni-ki’s known for taking downtime to the next level!
Heeseung’s bag was all about comfort and chill vibes—headphones, a journal, and his favorite lip balm—keeping it casual yet essential. You can totally picture him vibing to music while jotting down lyrics or ideas for the next big thing. Jake’s bag, though? Filled with heartwarming touches, including Polaroid photos of the members and his favorite skincare items (because who else’s glow could rival Jake's?). Sunghoon’s bag was sleek and minimal, just like his sharp aesthetic. Ice skates weren’t in there, but we wouldn’t be surprised if they were! Instead, he packed a book, some cool sunglasses, and, of course, hand cream—because he’s gotta stay smooth at all times.
Jay brought out his inner perfectionist with his bag. Everything was neatly organized, from his grooming kit to a portable speaker, letting us know he’s ready to turn any space into a mini party. Not to mention, Jay's sense of style shows through with every piece in his bag having a story. This "What's In My Bag" episode just gave us all the insight into how ENHYPEN stays ready for anything—whether they’re on stage, off stage, or somewhere in between! Which member’s bag vibes with you the most?
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ayan-itx-sential · 7 days
Top 10 Must-Have Accessories for Your Smartphone in 2024
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Introduction: Smartphones have become essential in our daily lives, but without the right accessories, you might be missing out on their full potential. From protection to enhanced functionality, the right accessories can make a big difference. Picture this: You’re on a road trip, and your phone battery dies because you didn’t have a portable charger. Or you’re at an important meeting, and your phone’s cracked screen makes it difficult to view presentations. These inconveniences can disrupt your day and affect your productivity.
Equip yourself with these top 10 must-have accessories for 2024 to maximize your smartphone’s potential, protect it from damage, and enhance your overall user experience.
1. High-Quality Phone Case
Explanation: A good phone case provides essential protection against drops, scratches, and impacts. Opt for cases with reinforced corners and shock-absorbing materials to safeguard your device.
Why It Matters: Investing in a sturdy case ensures that your phone remains intact even after accidental drops, preventing costly repairs and extending your device’s lifespan.
2. Tempered Glass Screen Protector
Explanation: A tempered glass screen protector adds an extra layer of defense against cracks and scratches. It’s designed to absorb impact and shield your screen from everyday wear and tear.
Why It Matters: With a screen protector, you can avoid the inconvenience of a cracked screen and maintain your phone’s touch sensitivity and clarity.
3. Portable Charger
Explanation: A portable charger ensures you never run out of battery on the go. Choose a high-capacity power bank that can charge your phone multiple times before needing a recharge.
Why It Matters: Keeping a portable charger handy prevents battery-related disruptions, allowing you to stay connected and productive throughout the day.
4. Wireless Earbuds
Explanation: Wireless earbuds offer convenience and freedom from tangled cords. Look for earbuds with good sound quality, noise cancellation, and a comfortable fit.
Why It Matters: Wireless earbuds enhance your listening experience, whether you’re exercising, commuting, or working. They also reduce cable clutter, making them a practical accessory.
5. Car Mount
Explanation: A car mount secures your phone in a convenient position while driving. Choose a mount with adjustable angles and strong suction to keep your phone stable.
Why It Matters: Using a car mount ensures that you can safely use navigation apps and make hands-free calls, enhancing your driving safety and convenience.
6. Phone Stand
Explanation: A phone stand allows you to prop up your device for easy viewing. Opt for adjustable stands that can hold your phone in multiple positions.
Why It Matters: A phone stand is perfect for video calls, watching videos, or following recipes while cooking. It enhances your device’s versatility and usability.
7. Bluetooth Keyboard
Explanation: A Bluetooth keyboard connects wirelessly to your phone, providing a more comfortable typing experience. Look for compact and portable options for convenience.
Why It Matters: For those who use their phone for extensive typing, a Bluetooth keyboard can improve productivity and ease of use, especially for composing emails or documents.
8. Lens Attachments
Explanation: Lens attachments enhance your phone’s camera capabilities, allowing for wide-angle, macro, and fisheye shots. They are easy to clip onto your phone.
Why It Matters: Expanding your phone’s camera functionality enables you to capture professional-quality photos and videos, adding creativity to your content.
9. Cable Organizers
Explanation: Cable organizers help keep your charging cables and headphones tangle-free. Choose organizers that fit easily into your bag or desk drawer.
Why It Matters: Keeping your cables organized prevents damage and reduces clutter, making it easier to access and manage your accessories.
10. Smartphone Cleaning Kit
Explanation: A cleaning kit includes tools to keep your phone’s screen and camera lens free of dust and fingerprints. Look for kits with microfiber cloths and screen-safe cleaners.
Why It Matters: Regular cleaning maintains your phone’s appearance and ensures clear photos and an unobstructed display, enhancing overall user satisfaction.
Conclusion Equipping your smartphone with the right accessories can greatly enhance its functionality and protect it from damage. From protective cases to portable chargers, each accessory plays a role in making your daily smartphone experience smoother and more enjoyable. For the best selection and expert advice on accessories, visit Phonebuzz in Gold Coast. We’re here to help you get the most out of your device!
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clinkaudio · 12 days
Premium Wireless Earbuds Under 3K – Experience High-Quality Audio with Clink Audio
Looking for premium wireless earbuds that deliver high-quality sound without breaking the bank? Clink Audio offers a range of wireless earbuds under 3K, combining cutting-edge technology with affordability. Whether you’re a music enthusiast, fitness lover, or someone who enjoys seamless calls, Clink Audio’s wireless earbuds are designed to provide excellent audio clarity and comfort for everyday use.
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With long-lasting battery life, fast charging, and an ergonomic design, these earbuds are perfect for those who are always on the go. The latest Bluetooth technology ensures a stable connection, while noise-canceling features provide an immersive audio experience. If you’re in search of wireless earbuds that offer premium features at an affordable price, Clink Audio’s selection is the ideal choice.
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dranjanakalia · 13 days
Top Picks for the Best Wireless Earbuds Under ₹2000: Quality Meets Affordability
Are you on the lookout for wireless earbuds that offer stellar sound without emptying your wallet? In the crowded world of audio tech, it can be tough to find the perfect balance between performance and price. Luckily, we've got you covered with our top recommendations for the best wireless earbuds under ₹2000, all available at Dark Beatz. From robust sound quality to sleek designs, these earbuds prove that you don’t need to spend a fortune to enjoy great audio.
Here’s a breakdown of the finest budget-friendly wireless earbuds you can find.
1. Raga Dark-Beatz Earbud: Affordable Sophistication
The Raga Dark-Beatz Earbud offers a complete package for users who want style, performance, and affordability in one product. Perfect for the budget-conscious music lover, these wireless earbuds are priced under ₹2000 but still deliver where it matters most: sound.
Expect a smooth, rich audio experience that highlights every detail of your favorite tracks. Whether you're listening to pop, jazz, or rock, the Raga Dark-Beatz earbuds balance deep bass with crystal-clear highs for an immersive listening experience. Plus, the sleek design gives you a comfortable fit for hours of continuous use, making them perfect for everyday wear.
With its built-in touch controls, you can change songs, adjust volume, and answer calls on the go, without missing a beat. In this price range, you simply can’t ask for more.
2. Deep Audio: Big Sound, Small Price
Love the deep, booming bass that makes your music feel alive? The Deep Audio earbuds are your answer. Despite being priced under ₹2000, these wireless earbuds deliver an impressive punch in terms of audio quality.
Perfect for bass heads, these earbuds amplify your listening experience by delivering powerful lows without sacrificing clarity. Ideal for gym workouts, runs, or just zoning out on the commute, Deep Audio provides a snug fit so you can move freely without worrying about them slipping out.
What sets these earbuds apart is their long-lasting battery life. You get up to 8 hours of continuous playback, which means no more mid-day charging interruptions. With Deep Audio, you’re getting premium performance without paying premium prices.
3. Roar Audio: Pure Sound at a Budget
Sometimes, all you need is a reliable, high-quality earbud that gets the job done without any extra frills. Enter Roar Audio, the go-to option for users seeking simplicity, durability, and outstanding sound quality.
For under ₹2000, Roar Audio surprises with its crisp sound reproduction, making it ideal for both music lovers and podcast enthusiasts alike. With enhanced Bluetooth connectivity, you'll enjoy uninterrupted sound, and the ergonomic design ensures a secure, comfortable fit during all-day use.
Roar Audio is a perfect companion for anyone who’s on the go. Compact and light, these earbuds easily fit into your pocket, ready to deliver superior sound whenever you need it.
What to Expect from Earbuds Under ₹2000
Just because you're on a budget doesn't mean you have to settle for less. The best wireless earbuds under ₹2000 combine quality with affordability, offering features like:
Noise Isolation: Many budget earbuds now come with passive noise isolation, helping you focus on what you want to hear.
Battery Life: Look for earbuds that give you at least 6-8 hours of playback to cover your day without frequent charging.
Bluetooth 5.0: Stable connectivity is key, especially for wireless earbuds, so make sure your chosen pair supports the latest Bluetooth technology.
Comfort and Fit: Your earbuds should stay secure while being comfortable to wear for extended periods.
Why Dark Beatz Stands Out
At Dark Beatz, we understand the importance of having high-quality audio gear that doesn’t cost a fortune. Whether you’re looking for booming bass or crystal-clear calls, our range of wireless earbuds under ₹2000 ensures you get exceptional value for your money.
The Raga Dark-Beatz Earbud, Deep Audio, and Roar Audio earbuds each offer unique strengths, catering to different user preferences. Whether you’re a bass enthusiast, a casual listener, or someone always on the move, we’ve got an option that’s perfect for you.
Finding the best wireless earbuds under ₹2000 has never been easier. With models like the Raga Dark-Beatz Earbud, Deep Audio, and Roar Audio, you can experience top-tier sound, modern features, and sleek designs—all while sticking to your budget.
Don’t compromise on quality. Visit https://darkbeatz.in/product-tag/best-earbuds-for-music-lovers-under-2000/
 today and discover the perfect pair of earbuds to enhance your listening experience. For More Information Please Visit:- https://darkbeatz.in/
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arcprint2023 · 14 days
Creating a Lasting First Impression: The Power of a Thoughtful New Employee Welcome Kit
Starting a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for employees. To make this transition smoother and leave a lasting positive impression, companies are increasingly relying on the New Employee Welcome Kit. A welcome kit for new employees is more than just a collection of company swag; it’s a gesture of goodwill that can set the tone for their experience within the company. By including thoughtful, branded, and even personalized items, businesses can make new hires feel valued and prepared from the moment they walk through the door. This article will dive into what makes a great personalized welcome kit and why it’s essential for any company aiming to build a strong team.
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The Importance of a New Employee Welcome Kit
The New Employee Welcome Kit plays a crucial role in making new hires feel welcomed and connected to their new workplace. It helps to convey that the company values its employees and is invested in their success right from the start. A well-curated welcome kit for new employees helps ease the onboarding process and provides them with the tools they need to settle in comfortably.
In a competitive job market, a company that goes the extra mile with a personalized welcome kit demonstrates that it cares about its employees’ well-being. This gesture can increase morale, enhance engagement, and foster loyalty, which in turn can lead to improved job satisfaction and employee retention.
What to Include in a Welcome Kit for New Employees?
Creating the perfect New Employee Welcome Kit involves a combination of practical and personalized items. The goal is to provide your new hires with essentials they’ll need to succeed in their role while also making them feel special. Below are some ideas of what to include in a thoughtful welcome kit for new employees.
1. Branded Office Supplies
Every New Employee Welcome Kit should start with the basics: branded office supplies like pens, notebooks, and sticky notes. These are items that new employees will use daily and having them branded with the company logo can help foster a sense of belonging. Adding a personal touch, such as the new employee’s name engraved on a pen or notebook, transforms these everyday items into special keepsakes, making the personalized welcome kit more meaningful.
2. Company Handbook or Guidelines
One of the most important components of a welcome kit for new employees is a well-structured company handbook. This handbook should provide key information about company culture, policies, and expectations. Including it in the New Employee Welcome Kit ensures that your new hires have access to everything they need to know about working at your organization. A personalized welcome kit could also include a personal note from the CEO or direct manager, making the new employee feel even more valued.
3. Custom Apparel
Branded clothing like t-shirts, hoodies, or hats make great additions to the New Employee Welcome Kit. New employees will appreciate having some company swag to wear, and this helps them feel like they are part of the team from day one. To make the experience even more special, consider including custom apparel in the personalized welcome kit with the employee’s name or a motivational quote printed on it.
4. Tech Gear
Depending on the nature of the job, providing tech gear such as wireless earbuds, USB drives, or laptop sleeves can make the New Employee Welcome Kit even more functional. These items will help your new employees be more efficient and productive, and they’ll appreciate the thoughtfulness behind such practical additions. A welcome kit for new employees that includes personalized tech accessories, such as engraved phone chargers or custom mouse pads, adds a modern and professional touch.
5. Desk Accessories
Help your new hires settle into their workspace with useful desk accessories like organizers, a customized mouse pad, or a desk plant. These small touches can help transform their work environment into a comfortable and productive space. Including these items in a personalized welcome kit shows that you’re thinking about their comfort and day-to-day needs, enhancing their overall experience at your company.
6. Wellness Items
Adding some wellness-focused items to the New Employee Welcome Kit can be a great way to show you care about the health and well-being of your new hires. A branded water bottle, healthy snacks, or a reusable coffee cup are thoughtful additions. By including such items in a welcome kit for new employees, you encourage them to take care of themselves, even while they work.
Personalizing the Welcome Kit for New Employees
To make your New Employee Welcome Kit truly special, personalization is key. A personalized welcome kit that includes items specifically chosen based on the new employee’s role or personal interests makes them feel appreciated as individuals. For example, an employee joining the creative department might appreciate a sketchbook, while someone in a tech role could receive a personalized gadget.
Additionally, a hand-written welcome note from the manager or team can add a warm, personal touch. When new employees see that their welcome kit for new employees was carefully thought out with their specific needs in mind, it helps build a deeper emotional connection to the company.
The Long-term Impact of a Personalized Welcome Kit
The benefits of a thoughtful New Employee Welcome Kit extend beyond the first few days of onboarding. Employees who feel valued and welcomed are more likely to be engaged and motivated to contribute to the company’s success. This is where the personalized welcome kit can play a significant role. It leaves a lasting impression that the company is not only interested in their skills but also in who they are as individuals.
Moreover, a well-designed welcome kit for new employees can positively impact retention rates. Employees who feel connected to the company are more likely to stay, reducing turnover and promoting a positive work environment.
How to Create a Lasting First Impression
The first few days at a new company are critical for setting the tone for the employee’s journey. A memorable New Employee Welcome Kit helps establish this positive tone by providing everything they need to feel confident and prepared. Ensure that the items you choose align with your company’s brand and culture, as this will reflect what the new hire can expect moving forward.
A personalized welcome kit demonstrates that your company values attention to detail and cares about the unique contributions each employee will bring. This effort can make all the difference in how new employees view their role and the organization.
In today’s workplace, a New Employee Welcome Kit is an essential tool for making a lasting first impression. By including both practical items like tech gear and branded office supplies, along with personalized touches like custom apparel and hand-written notes, a welcome kit for new employees can create a positive, welcoming experience from the outset. A well-crafted personalized welcome kit not only helps new hires feel valued but also builds a strong foundation for long-term engagement and success within the company
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mdshariful · 19 days
The Lenovo LP6 Bluetooth headphones are an attractive option for budget-conscious users, offering a semi-in-ear design and a gamer-inspired aesthetic, all at a price of around $14. Lenovo continues its trend of delivering affordable tech products, and the LP6 stands out as a solid choice for casual use. Key Features of Lenovo LP6 These headphones offer a semi-in-ear design that’s lightweight and comfortable for extended wear. While the Lenovo LP6 doesn't boast high-end features, it does include a few standout elements, especially given its low price point. Gamer-Inspired Design: The LP6 sports a unique gamer-inspired look, which sets it apart from other budget headphones in its range. Bluetooth 5.0: With Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, users get a stable connection with lower power consumption and improved range (up to 10 meters). TWS Technology: True Wireless Stereo (TWS) ensures fast pairing and synchronized audio, providing an immersive sound experience with 360-degree coverage. Noise Reduction for Calls: The two built-in microphones are designed to reduce background noise during phone calls, ensuring clear communication. Ultra-Lightweight: Weighing just 3.5 grams per earbud, these are among the lightest headphones in their price range, making them ideal for everyday use. Lenovo LP6 Specifications FeatureDetailsDesignSemi-in-ear, gamer-inspired aestheticConnectivityBluetooth 5.0 (over 10 meters range)Audio CodecsSupports AAC/SBCLatency60ms low latencyDriver Size13 mm diameterMicrophonesDual microphones with noise reductionBattery (Earbuds)35 mAh (3-4 hours of playback)Battery (Case)300 mAh (up to 16 hours extra charge)Charging PortUSB Type-CWeight (Per Earbud)3.5 gramsColor OptionsAvailable in two colorsLenovo LP6 Specifications Battery Life & Charging The Lenovo LP6 earbuds come with a 35 mAh battery, providing 3-4 hours of playback on a single charge. The charging case, equipped with a 300 mAh battery, extends total playback time by up to 16 additional hours. The case features a convenient USB Type-C connector for faster, easier charging. Price and Availability You can purchase the Lenovo LP6 on AliExpress for under $14, with free shipping often included. For those who are looking for affordable headphones with good sound quality and decent autonomy, the LP6 is a great deal. Conclusion The Lenovo LP6 headphones deliver solid performance for their price. While they may not offer premium features, they are a great option for everyday use, especially for users who appreciate a gamer-centric design. With Bluetooth 5.0, TWS technology, and noise-reducing microphones, these budget-friendly headphones provide good value for money.
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alicewalter1 · 25 days
pgrade Your Phone: 10 Essential Accessories Revealed
Are you looking to elevate your smartphone experience? Beyond the sleek design and powerful features, there are a plethora of accessories that can significantly enhance your device's functionality and your everyday life. In this post, we'll explore 10 essential accessories that every tech enthusiast should consider.
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1. Protective Case and Screen Protector
Why you need it: Shield your device from accidental drops, scratches, and other damage.
Types: Choose from slim cases, rugged covers, and wallet-style cases.
2. Wireless Charger
Why you need it: Enjoy the convenience of charging without tangled cords.
Types: Consider fast-charging pads or wireless charging stands.
3. Portable Power Bank
Why you need it: Stay powered up on the go, especially during long trips or outdoor adventures.
Types: Choose a power bank with sufficient capacity to meet your needs.
4. Bluetooth Headphones or Earbuds
Why you need it: Immerse yourself in music, podcasts, or calls without wires.
Types: Select headphones or earbuds based on your preferred sound quality and comfort.
5. Car Mount
Why you need it: Safely and conveniently use your phone for navigation, calls, and music while driving.
Types: Choose a mount that is compatible with your car and phone.
6. Selfie Stick or Tripod
Why you need it: Capture perfect group photos and stable videos.
Types: Consider a selfie stick with a remote control or a tripod for more versatility.
7. Mobile Photography Lenses
Why you need it: Enhance your smartphone photography with wide-angle, macro, or fisheye lenses.
Types: Choose lenses that align with your photography interests.
8. Fitness Tracker or Smartwatch
Why you need it: Monitor your health, track fitness goals, and receive notifications.
Types: Select a device that offers the features you value.
9. Phone Grip or PopSocket
Why you need it: Improve your grip and prevent accidental drops.
Types: Choose a grip or PopSocket that matches your style and preferences.
10. USB-C Hub or Adapter
Why you need it: Expand your phone's connectivity options with additional ports.
Types: Consider a hub with ports like HDMI, USB-A, and SD card reader.
By incorporating these essential accessories into your smartphone setup, you can significantly enhance your device's functionality, protect it from damage, and enjoy a more seamless and enjoyable user experience.
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