#Compiled Financial Statements
rakeshraseo321 · 18 hours
Compiled Financial Statements
Compiled financial statements, while not audited, are a crucial tool for internal management and other parties. They provide a credible, reassuring view of your company's financial health, giving you the confidence to make strategic decisions.
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rakeshraseo123 · 2 months
Compiled Financial Statements
In today’s era of managing business statements, we at ZE Global understand the importance of having the best Unaudited financial statements in Singapore. Businesses must prepare financial statements as part of their accounting and financial reports to know how their finances are performing and make informed decisions. Unaudited Financial Statements and compiled financial statements are standard terms for this process. This guide uses data from ZE Global to explore the importance of these concepts.
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sngprccntng · 2 years
10 Ways To Keep Your Accounting Services Growing Without Burning The Midnight Oil
“Never try to let your business get ahead of the financial side of your business. Know your numbers and surround yourself with Assets not liabilities.”
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There’s no harm to say, the financial tone of your business relies on how to fit and sound you can maintain all your accounting books and dealings. Though the Singapore accounting services make sure that every financial operation of your organization is correctly recorded on a timely basis, the core bookkeeping services come into maneuver when the data will be interpreted, analyzed, and properly classified.    
On one hand, these tasks quite seem easy and simple to carry out in-house, while on the other side, making the grade on bookkeeping & accounting are considered to be the most vital pillars for any kind of business. Henceforth, an experienced and competent professional hand is always in need to dig up a fruitful aftermath for a long period of time.  
Any scale of business, be it a small, medium, or large type of enterprise, it is common that executing these chores tasks certainly confronts difficulties because of obedience regulations as well as missing some kind of facts and information. Additionally, in a bid to dampen the amount of money, accounting service providers in Singapore end up spending extra by minimizing the mistakes that are done in bookkeeping and accounting. 
What’s more, you don’t need to put much drain on your mind as all parts will be carried out up to the mark. For in-depth insight, keep an eagle eye on the highlighted below and gain a perfect understanding:
How to keep your accounting services growing without burning the midnight oil 
At first, it is prime standing that an accounting firm must go through a coherent, precise, and detailed process of bookkeeping services. More and more, there are three kinds of specific steps that come under the accounts process, namely checklist, processing, and reporting what's relevant for groundbreaking aftermaths.   
Of course, your accounting situation will be settled down if you gain an open-handed vision for thriving and flourishing record studies for the past years. In general, you need to access a swift, effective, and verified organization that brings procreative results thereafter. 
Your bookkeeping services would be growing if you got timely and active one-to-one responses. More prominently, accounting professionals must converse well to setting up automatic rejoinders and building strong comprehensible trust.  
One of the most esteemed features of XBRL Singapore is to pervade with integrity and good accounting ethics. Further, the enterprise must make out the right from the wrong interpretation and always exhibit veracity right in the activities allied with bookkeeping and accounting.     
Other, key facet is to show precision and accuracy in the work of an accountant. Malposition of digits or in fact, a single comma could result in gigantic financial perils for any association. Hence, connecting with top-notch accounting firms will develop the strategy of double checking by focusing on the nitty-gritty things to generate exactness toward particular work.     
There’s not a big fact an accounting firm has to deal with a plethora of paperwork, data, and numbers on a regular basis. In order to remain on top of accessing the right information and key details, it is fair and good to implement the cutting-edge strategy by the organization in an efficient manner. 
Well, we are aware of the notion that technology is booming, keeping in view the current and former areas of accounting concepts. Henceforth, if you’re on the verge of keeping growing with agile accounting tactics, you must upgrade yourself with commendable software that's up to the spot.    
As and when you pick out the best-in-class accounting services, it has to be delivered vigorously, dynamically, and uprightly by the selected accounting organization. There should not be any hidden charges or superfluous fees while taking up requisite account services.
Another important factor is to suffuse with the quality of eternal uniformity and lucid fidelity in the arena of accounting which further indicates that the accounting firm must secure all your data confidential and up to the secured showground.
Accounting is actually an indispensable facet that deals with an array of industries and core areas. Henceforth, it is commendable to have a strong grasp of the basic bookkeeping theories. Understanding the core requirements, objectives and the way the business is being run is imperative to determine the correct path to progress with accounting tactics.  
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nspccalgary · 1 year
Review Engagement Calgary
NSPC Certified Public Accountants offers professional review engagement services in Calgary, Alberta. Our team of experienced CPAs provides comprehensive review services to businesses of all sizes, including review engagements of financial statements, management discussion and analysis, and other financial reports. We understand the importance of timely and accurate reviews for businesses, and we are committed to helping our clients meet their reporting requirements while providing stakeholders with reliable financial information. Our commitment to accuracy, attention to detail, and personalized service sets us apart, and we are dedicated to providing high
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stamosand · 2 years
Why do you need accounting and payroll services?
At Stamos and Stamos CPA, a California tax accountant service provider, they provide accounting and payroll services. The company’s mission is to assist you in ensuring that you pay the least taxes within the legal framework. You can enjoy their services, including customized tax planning, compilation financial statement, and accounting and payroll services. Their personalized services ensure you pay minimum taxes and enjoy the maximum cash flow. All you need to do is search for a California tax accountant like Stamos and Stamos CPA to avail customised tax and financial services.
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ceaseless-bitcher · 27 days
Hamilton-style musical of rendition of Robert Smirke’s crew and the fallout between himself, Jonah Magnus, and the rest of them.
Ambitious Scottish upstart Jonah Magnus, plunging into the scene of higher society and academia
Interpersonal drama in the esoteric research and philosophy sphere
A power ballad aria from Smirke as he describes his grand, utopian plans for balance
Jonah seeing the wonders of this new world and getting increasingly involved in it, probably getting in some heated theoretical debates with Rayner et al. about it because, being Beholding- and Dark-aligned, their fundamental views would be diametrically opposed
A slowly-shifting musical motif for Jonah as his intentions develop over the course of the play
Barnabas pleading with Jonah through his letter; they’re in separate parts of the stage with different lightings and they can’t see each other. Jonah is reading, rather than listening to, his words
Harrowing solo as Jonah sinks deeper into fearing the possibility of rituals
More below the cut because I’m going nuts about this.
I would feel like there’s too much ground to cover (c. 1809 [estimated year Jonah gets introduced to the Fears if he established the Institute in 1818 and talked Smirke into working on Millbank 1815-1821] all the way to 1867 [year of Smirke’s death and the final decommissioning of Millbank: the year in which I place Jonah’s first attempt at the Watcher’s Crown]) if it weren’t for the several decades covered in Hamilton. It provides a pretty good guide for such a varied timeline.
More insane scenes:
Contrast of Albrecht Von Closen’s 1816 letter informing Jonah of his findings at his nephew’s estate vs Dr. Johnathan Fanshawe’s 1831 letter revealing how Jonah knowingly caused Von Closen’s death by stealing his books and got him filled with eyes
Smirke watching the group he formed fall to the Fears in turn, clinging to his alliance with Jonah and therefore being blind to his own turn towards Beholding
Jonah’s financial wheedling with Mordechai Lukas and other donors for his fledgling Institute
Jonah being so gleeful about his brand new Magnus Institute in Edinburgh, after several years of compiling statements informally
Just. all the letters we have record of. I haven’t even gotten to Dr. Algernon Moss or the conflict between George Gilbert Scott and Sampson Kempthorne
PETTY architecture drama
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fandomestloser · 28 days
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letters from my bedroom floor
a poetry compilation by @fandomestloser
this poetry compilation is filled with various works i created over the span of several months so far, and i'm certain it will continue for many more months. the title is inspired by "emails i can't send" (an album and song by sabrina carpenter), and i think it really resonates with the messages i've portrayed in these poems; a lot of these works were created in times of emotional, financial, or interpersonal hardship, and they're works that are very important to me. do not repost any of my poetry anywhere without credit. moodboard is by me; all images belong to their original owners or creators - they were sourced on pinterest, dm for credit or removal.
poem masterlist under the cut.
💌chapter one: "many names of a teenager" a social comment on the expectations and misconceptions surrounding teenagers in the modern age. no warnings.
💌chapter two: "the things they don't tell you" what is essentially just a (poorly written) statement on the idiocy of the concept of "common sense' in a world with so many differences. no warnings.
💌chapter three: "i am not myself" a series of couplets about the challenges of presenting as somebody that you don't identify with, in a body or life that feels foreign to you. no warnings.
💌chapter four: "i want to be" the need to be truly loved. no warnings.
💌chapter five: "he is everything" a freeverse on the relationship between musicians and their fans, written specifically about louis tomlinson but pretty much applicable to any major artist. no warnings.
💌chapter six: "simpler me" a freeverse on the idea of pretending to be someone you're not, specifically revolving around gender, because it's going to be societally easier than the alternative. no warnings.
💌chapter seven: "what if?" a freeverse of self-reflection following the end of a toxic relationship (not inherently romantic). no warnings.
💌chapter eight: "star in your sky" a freeverse of the idea of, essentially, not caring what you are to them, so long as you get to be something. the idea of loving someone so desperately and so overwhelmingly that you don't even care if it's barely reciprocated, just as long as they recognise your existence. no warnings.
💌chapter nine: "torn" the idea of not knowing whether you are helping or harming; if it's worth you staying to love them, or if you are doing more harm than good. no warnings.
💌chapter ten: "numbers" a poem on the things that can be counted in the relationship, and in its ending; and the things that can't be numbered. no warnings.
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
abnormal day
| ✾ | golden plated chopsticks [prologue]
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⬙⤠ masterlist ⤝⬙
◇ a/n ◇ just fyi i feel like this series will probably have a lot of zhongli x reader chapters + found family trope. i'm so sorry i just can't stop simping this man slkfsdjl
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you can see the funeral consultant visibly tensing up. his motions are practiced and elegant as ever as he sets down his tea and turns to face you, but if you look closely you can see that he's concerned at the steely tone in your voice.
"yes, [name]? how may i assist you?"
a loud slam. zhongli blinks and catches your hand. two pairs of eyes stare at the paper you had shoved onto his chest.
fuck, your knuckles hurt.
and yet he doesn't even look winded.
"this is….?" the ex-archon blinks and fumbles with the glasses hanging on the elegant strap around his neck. squinting at the small prints of the document, zhongli gives you a clueless look, "i apologize, it seems to be a financial report of some kind? while i am familiar with doing such work back in the parlor, i'm afraid this world's customs are still-"
"that," you inhale deeply, "is my bank statement. a compiled financial report, you could say. i don't need help with that."
"then what does-"
"explain to me why i have to pay a whole three hundred dollars for a damn gold plated chopsticks, rex lapis."
he blinks and tilts his head, "well, the item has yet to arrive seeing as they had to 'ship it' from far out the land, but i assure you that the intricacies of the patterns and the craftsmanship that i have seen on the sample product was truly astounding. you would not have been able to find anything like it in all of teyvat, and not for such a low price. even the lovely chopsticks i bought for childe costed 426 times more than that. i believe it is - if i may use a word i have learned recently - 'a steal'."
he looks so satisfied with his explanation.
zhongli is anything but a himbo but at this moment you think the title fits him so well.
"zhongli. darling. i have chopsticks at home. they cost like, three dollars," you groan, "i told you how we have different currency systems here and how one mora does not equate to one dollar. do you understand how ridiculous your logic sounds now?"
he blinks and places his chin on his fist.
god fucking damn it his thinking pose is even hotter in real life.
"it… seems like the common sense of this world has escaped me again. my apologies, the moment i saw the product i thought it would make a good present for you, seeing as you have been looking extremely stressed these past few days."
"you… were about to gift it to me?"
"yes. it was meant to be a surprise, of course, but i failed to consider that you would be notified by the purchase before the item could even reach your hand," zhongli hums, "truly, this world of yours is a complex one. i wonder if the future liyue will be able to grow into such an advanced civilization. before coming here, i would have never imagined that such a world exists where one could pay for everything by simply handing over a small card and receiving it back just seconds later."
you almost can't process the next few words that leaves his mouth after his affirmation.
zhongli is trying to give you a gift.
zhongli is trying to give you a gift.
after so many gifts you've spoiled him, so many primogems wasted, and so many overtimes you pull to pay for his kit. he's trying to give you a gift.
nevermind the fact that he's trying to buy you a present with your own money.
you think you're going to cry.
"[name]. i truly apologize. i can see that this is very distressing for you and i'd like to discuss how we can resolve this. is there perhaps a way so that we can cancel the-"
to zhongli's astonishment, you sniffle and shake your head.
"i'll pay the three hundred dollars…… it's nowhere close to what i spent for you anyway."
you shudder when you remember the monthly bank statement whenever zhongli's banners roll around. he seems to have taken this gesture as your resolution wavering, and so being the considerate man that he is, his voice softens as he addresses you again.
"[name], are you certain? please know that it is never my intention to make things harder for you. i am very grateful for your hospitality thus far. if there's anything i could do to reduce your burden, please, by all means, let me know."
"you could, uh, start working, i guess?" as much as you want to take over childe's spot as zhongli's sugar daddy in this world spoil him, you're a little worried about your slowly diminishing savings.
zhongli nods resolutely, "very well. i suppose i will have to look for a different profession, seeing as my knowledge of the past will not be of use here. what do you suggest i should do? is an equivalent of a job advertisement board in the city that might help me in this endeavour?"
you sigh.
"alright, time to teach you about computers, i guess."
oh boy.
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ah, yes, how nostalgic. you never thought you'd miss the main menu music, but here you are, humming along as the game downloads its latest patches and updates.
it's been so long since you've played, mainly because you were busy with work and your roommate from another world, but today you're intent to do some de-stressing and to enjoy yourself fully! even zhongli seemed like he knew you didn't want to be disturbed somehow! he has yet to leave his storage-room-turned-bedroom since morning, and-
….. what the- where the hell are all your teams?
"[name], i believe we have a problem."
oh please not now.
"well, i have a problem too, i had a bad day at work and now genshin is glitching on me and-" you freeze on your seat right after you swivel to turn towards the entrance of your work-slash-play room.
because in addition to zhongli, there are even more familiar faces.
well, at least now you know where your main teams have gone.
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© genshrineimpact | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask or dm me!
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chaoskirin · 1 year
AI Art is *NOT* Derivative By Law. Here’s Why.
A lot of people are making the argument that AI art is derivative, but they don’t actually understand copyright law. I think they might read what might constitute a derivative work, but don’t also check the exceptions and the relevant case law to determine what is not able to be taken or copyrighted.
FIRST:  The copyright for derivative work ONLY covers the new elements of the work. AI work has NO new elements, therefore, it cannot be derivative. 
This is actually specifically so copyright holders cannot extend their copyright to prevent work from falling into public domain, but it also protects copyright holders from having their own works copyrighted by someone else. 
SECOND: The copyright holder of the original work MUST AUTHORIZE ITS USE IN A COMPILATION.
Even if the work falls under all other definitions of “derivative,” if you are using someone’s work in a compilation (and yes, THIS INCLUDES COLLAGES DONE FOR PROFIT!) you must acquire the original creator’s permission. If you don’t, you cannot copyright the work and you may be subject to prosecution.
THIRD: I think this should go without saying, but apparently it doesn’t: AI-generated works cannot be considered parody, as they are not a commentary on the original works. They claim to be all new works. 
Most copyright holders do not pursue the prosecution of derivative works even if copyright is technically violated, because they do not experience financial loss by their use. This includes fanworks (like fanart and fanfiction) because the original copyright holder generally cannot prove damages. And even if they could, they would most likely suffer more damages were they to prosecute their fans.
But copyright does not REQUIRE prosecution to maintain hold of the copyright. For example, while Blizzard is very positive about people using their intellectual property in fanart, they are allowed to decide at any time to disallow this or even prosecute people who create fanart. This is unlikely, because they use fanart as free advertising, and prosecuting would also disillusion fans and discourage use of Blizzard products.
The problem with AI art is that while it is sometimes composed in such a way as to make it difficult to tell whether any individual work has been used, the following statements are true: 
1. The original artists are not credited
2. The original artists are not compensated
3. The prevalence of AI art compilations using the art of other people has resulted in job losses for artists in general.
Because copyright holders can easily prove loss in this situation, it absolutely is something that can be litigated in court.
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I feel like it should be said that while the Plagiarism and You(tube) video isn't drama content, it is a drama video. hbomberguy literally admits to that. It's a callout post in the form of a video about another person on the platform. That's a drama video at the end of the day. There's a reason he talks about how he doesn't want to financially benefit from this, to suddenly know what it's like to have financial incentive to continue to make this content.
This should be a bit obvious to people watching the video but hbomberguy's opinion of drama Youtube in general is a bit low? I want to take that and extend it a bit further to form another thesis statement.
Drama Youtubers are not journalists, and inherently they cannot be relied upon to be trustworthy.
I want to at least start here with the group I'm more familiar with, which is speedrun drama Youtubers, aka if you keep putting Karl Jobst in front of my face I will very unpolitely ask you to stop. The big ones here that people tend to know about are Apollo Legend and Karl Jobst.
Apollo Legend for a very long time was persona non-grata in the community. Speedrunners broadly hated him, at least in part because he was the type of true bottom feeder that would make SPEEDRUN FAIL COMPILATIONS and then just steal clips from various speedruns to make it. But he eventually moved onto the kind of stuff you see more of from that ilk: the SPEEDRUN CHEATED!? videos and the videos complaining about GDQ being too woke to the videos defending neo-nazi RWhiteGoose.
*drops a gun onto the ground nonchalantly hastily engraved with CHEKOV on it*
But the drama videos were a big part of that. Cheating is just a really, really small part of what being a speedrunner involves even running into. There's not a strong incentive to actually cheat, because you have to cheat for a long time to get the kind of attention and prestige people think comes from speedrunning. It's ultimately still a pretty niche hobby, and even the idea of "having the world record" is ultimately not that important. Otherwise I'll have to make a callout post towards speedrunner and generally good person Punchy for ruining my OMORI speedrunning career by taking my world record only eight hours after I posted it.
Cheating just isn't THAT important. Most of the cheaters are really obvious, but they're also very rare. A lot of the problems you'll see in runs are genuine mistakes. They're missed rules or software difficulties.
Jobst is, well, he was good friends with known neo-nazi RWhiteGoose, believed that he should be able to say the N-word, lied about the N-word having no cultural importance in Australia, did pick-up artistry, and was actively a part in Goose's special little nazi server.
He is, at best, the kind of person who is okay being friends with Neo-Nazis and says shit like this
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(note: this is at least four years old, for transparency)
These kind of people become natural fits for being drama youtubers, because the bar for what is acceptable in that sphere is insanely low. It's an industry where there is a financial incentive to bully, to lie, and to ruin people's lives. These people aren't journalists, they are content creators delivering you stories that will get them the most clicks and views regardless of how accurate they are.
An unfortunate truth to Youtube is that the financial incentives do not primarily benefit the people who go at it completely authentically, and when someone exists to make content as a product to sell to you, you need to be highly suspicious of them.
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rakeshraseo321 · 22 days
Compiled Financial Statements
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ZE Global is prepared to help you and is aware of the compiled financial statements in Singapore. Because of the expertise of our dedicated staff of professionals, your financial reports will be accurate and in complete compliance with regulations. You have confidence that we can handle this essential part of your company perfectly due to our careful attention to detail and thorough knowledge of Singaporean financial standards and regulations. Providing ZE Global with the preparation of your financial statements gives you the confidence to concentrate on other essential parts of your business, knowing that your financial reporting is in competent hands. Allow us to make process improvements so you can focus on what matters most.
Click Now: https://www.singaporeaccountingservice.com/services/compilation-of-financial-statements-unaudited-financial-statements/
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rakeshraseo123 · 21 days
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ZE Global is a reliable tax agent Singapore that provides both individuals and companies with various services. We offer specialized tax planning, legal compliance, and advice services that respond to the needs of our clients due to a dedicated staff of professionals. Our dedication to quality guarantees successful tax planning, minimizing liabilities, and increasing profits. We provide reliable support at every stage, from preparing tax returns to managing difficult laws. For superior knowledge and comfort of mind in all your tax problems in Singapore, contact ZE Global.
Click Here: https://www.singaporeaccountingservice.com/resources/steps-to-authorise-tax-agent-for-e-filing/
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sngprccntng · 1 year
XBRL Singapore
Cost-effectiveness is one of the perks that organizations can relish once you will hire the stellar services of XBRL Singapore which offer a convenient and reliable full-time accountant or bookkeeper that fits your need as a fiddle.
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nspccalgary · 1 year
Review Engagement Calgary
An accountant's compilation report is a document that provides financial information about a company's operations, financial position, and cash flows. Our team of experienced accountants offers Accountants Compilation Report services to help clients prepare financial statements that comply with accounting standards and regulations. We work closely with clients to understand their business operations, risks, and financial reporting requirements, and compile their financial statements accordingly.
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infinitysisters · 10 months
“Moral grandiosity seems to have infected the nomenklatura class of giant corporations. It is not enough for them to ensure that the corporations make a decent profit within the framework of the law; they must claim to also be morally improving, if not actually saving, the world.
So it was with Alison Rose, the first female chief executive of the National Westminster Bank, a large British bank 39 percent owned by the British government. When first appointed to the position, she said that she would put combatting climate change at the centre of the bank’s policies and activities. Whether shareholders were delighted to hear this is unknown.
But the bank, under her direction, went further. Its subsidiary, Coutts, founded in 1692 and long banker to the rich, compiled a Stasi-like dossier on one of its customers, Nigel Farage, before “exiting” him from the bank, to use the elegant term employed by Ms. Rose. (Defenestration will come later, perhaps.)
Farage is, of course, a prominent right-wing political figure in Britain, as much detested as he is admired. There was no allegation in the dossier that he had done anything illegal; indeed, in person, he had always acted correctly and courteously toward staff. What was alleged was that his “values” did not accord with those of the bank, which were self-proclaimed as “inclusive” (though not of people with less than $3.5 million to deposit or borrow). Farage was depicted as a xenophobe and racist, mainly because he was in favour of Brexit and against unlimited immigration. That anyone could support Brexit for any reason other than xenophobia, or oppose unlimited immigration other than because he was a racist, was inconceivable to the diverse, inclusive thinkers of Coutts Bank.
Ms. Rose saw fit to leak details to the BBC about Farage’s banking affairs, claiming to believe that they were public knowledge already. She did not mention the 40-page dossier that her staff had put together, about Farage’s publicly-stated views. The Stasi would have been proud of the bank’s work, which comprehensively proved him to have anti-woke views.
Whatever else might be said about Mr. Farage, no one would describe him as a pushover, the kind of person who would take mistreatment lying down. Even the Guardian newspaper, which cannot be suspected of partiality for him, suggested that the bank and its chief executive had questions to answer.
It was not long before Ms. Rose had to beat a retreat. She issued a statement in which she said:
I have apologised to Mr. Farage for the deeply inappropriate language contained in [the dossier].
The board of the bank said that “after careful reflection [it] has concluded that it retains full confidence in Ms. Rose as CEO of the bank.”
The following day, Rose resigned, admitting to “a serious error of judgment.”
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 $𝟏 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧.
The weasel words of Ms. Rose and the bank board are worth examination. They deflected, and I suspect were intended to deflect, the main criticism directed at Ms. Rose and the bank: namely, that the bank had been involved in a scandalous and sinister surveillance of Mr. Farage’s political views and attempted to use them as a reason to deny him banking services, all in the name of their own political views, which they assumed to be beyond criticism or even discussion. The humble role of keeping his money, lending him money, or perhaps giving him financial advice, was not enough for them: they saw themselves as the guardians of correct political policy.
It was not that the words used to describe Mr. Farage were “inappropriate,” or even that they were libelous. It is that the bank saw fit to investigate and describe him at all, at least in the absence of any suspicion of fraud, money laundering, and so forth. “The error of judgment” to which Ms. Rose referred was not that she spoke to the BBC about his banking affairs (it is not easy to believe that she did so without malice, incidentally), but that she compiled a dossier on Farage in the first place—and then “error of judgment” is hardly a sufficient term on what was a blatant and even wicked attempt at instituting a form of totalitarianism.
This raises the question of whether one can be wicked without intending to be so, for it is quite clear that Ms. Rose had no real understanding, even after her resignation, of the sheer dangerousness and depravity of what the bank, under her direction, had done.
As for the board’s somewhat convoluted declaration that “after careful consideration, it concluded that it retains full confidence,” etc., it suggests that it was involved in an exercise of psychoanalytical self-examination rather than of an objective state of affairs: absurd, in the light of Ms. Rose’s resignation within twenty-four hours. The board, no more than Ms. Rose herself, understood what the essence of the problem was. For them, if there had been no publicity, there would have been no problem: so when Mr. Farage called for the dismissal of the board en masse, I sympathised with his view.
There is, of course, the question of the competence of the bank’s management. Last year, the bank’s profits rose by 50 percent (I wish my income had risen by as much). I am not competent to comment on the solidity of this achievement: excellent profits one year followed by complete collapse the next seem not to be unknown in the banking world. But the rising profits under Ms. Rose for the four years of her direction seem to point to, at least on some level, of competence. How many equally competent persons there are who could replace her, I do not know.
Still, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬, as illustrated in this episode, is worrying. Would one trust such people if the political wind changed direction? Their views would change, but the iron moral certainty and self-belief would remain the same, like the grin of the Cheshire Cat. How many meetings have I sat through in which some apparatchik has claimed to be passionately committed to a policy, only to be just as passionately committed to the precise opposite when his own masters demand a change of direction?! The Coutts story is one of how totalitarianism can flourish.”
Theodore Dalrymple
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foreverlogical · 8 months
Jeffrey McConney, former controller for the Trump Organization, is among the people who has testified in the bench trial for New York Attorney General Letitia James' civil fraud case against the company.
James alleges that former President Donald Trump and his company seriously exaggerated the value of its real estate assets — an allegation that Justice Arthur Engoron, assigned to the case, agreed with in a September 26 ruling. And McConney has offered testimony on the Trump Organization's operations.
Trump's legal team has claimed that McConney has insufficient knowledge where property valuations are concerned. But the Daily Beast's Jose Pagliery, in a report published on October 12, lays out some reasons why that claim is problematic.
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In court, Trump lawyer Jesus Suarez told Engoron, "Objection, your honor. Mr. McConney is not a valuation expert. He's not offered as a valuation expert."
But Pagliery explains, "The idea that the Trump Organization's long-time bean counter would be oblivious to the inner workings of real estate valuations seemed implausible, given that documents presented at trial showed that he was the key conduit to getting those very valuations compiled into Trump's annual statements of financial condition. That paperwork, which was signed off by outside accountants at the firm Mazars USA, was the reason that financial institutions like Deutsche Bank and Ladder Capital extended hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to Trump."
Pagliery continues, "Those funds allowed his company to seal several marquee deals, including the purchase of the Doral golf course in South Florida and the acquisition of the Old Post Office in Downtown Washington, which briefly became a Trump hotel. The inherently contradictory nature of Trump lawyers' stance on McConney underscored the sharp contrast on display at the ongoing bank fraud trial, where James is trying to bolster a case the judge has already decided has merit while Trump lawyers combat the very premise of the investigation. When investigators point to spreadsheets, the defense either shrugs, appears confused, or claims vastly inflated values are mere differences of opinion."
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