ceaseless-bitcher · 5 months
Hamilton-style musical of rendition of Robert Smirke’s crew and the fallout between himself, Jonah Magnus, and the rest of them.
Ambitious Scottish upstart Jonah Magnus, plunging into the scene of higher society and academia
Interpersonal drama in the esoteric research and philosophy sphere
A power ballad aria from Smirke as he describes his grand, utopian plans for balance
Jonah seeing the wonders of this new world and getting increasingly involved in it, probably getting in some heated theoretical debates with Rayner et al. about it because, being Beholding- and Dark-aligned, their fundamental views would be diametrically opposed
A slowly-shifting musical motif for Jonah as his intentions develop over the course of the play
Barnabas pleading with Jonah through his letter; they’re in separate parts of the stage with different lightings and they can’t see each other. Jonah is reading, rather than listening to, his words
Harrowing solo as Jonah sinks deeper into fearing the possibility of rituals
More below the cut because I’m going nuts about this.
I would feel like there’s too much ground to cover (c. 1809 [estimated year Jonah gets introduced to the Fears if he established the Institute in 1818 and talked Smirke into working on Millbank 1815-1821] all the way to 1867 [year of Smirke’s death and the final decommissioning of Millbank: the year in which I place Jonah’s first attempt at the Watcher’s Crown]) if it weren’t for the several decades covered in Hamilton. It provides a pretty good guide for such a varied timeline.
More insane scenes:
Contrast of Albrecht Von Closen’s 1816 letter informing Jonah of his findings at his nephew’s estate vs Dr. Johnathan Fanshawe’s 1831 letter revealing how Jonah knowingly caused Von Closen’s death by stealing his books and got him filled with eyes
Smirke watching the group he formed fall to the Fears in turn, clinging to his alliance with Jonah and therefore being blind to his own turn towards Beholding
Jonah’s financial wheedling with Mordechai Lukas and other donors for his fledgling Institute
Jonah being so gleeful about his brand new Magnus Institute in Edinburgh, after several years of compiling statements informally
Just. all the letters we have record of. I haven’t even gotten to Dr. Algernon Moss or the conflict between George Gilbert Scott and Sampson Kempthorne
PETTY architecture drama
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gammija · 2 years
MAG127, Remains To Be Seen: "[...] as we got closer I could see that it was a single tree that was burning. A gnarled and ancient elm, that sat removed from the rest of the forest. A small crowd surrounded the spectacle. One man, who I took to be a groundskeeper, stood closer than the others, with a lit torch in his hand. [...]
... All that I could get from him was a sense of… resignation, and the insistence that his master, who I took to be Albrecht, wanted the tree dead. I’m sure that he used that word, though. Not burned, not removed, or destroyed. Dead. I resolved to ask Albrecht about it when I saw him."
...and then we never heard from it again. This tree still confuses me!! I can't connect it conclusively to anything else, but there's such an emphasis placed on it that it feels like it has to be important!
The motif of a big gnarly tree being burned echoes the tree at Hilltop Road, so even though there are no spiders, something about it feels Webby - as does the way Fanshawe mentions it, says he wants to ask Albrecht about it, and then seems to completely forget about it...
...that's a very weak connection at best, when there aren't any other indications that the Web is involved with the Von Closens at that time and place. So what else could it be? Fire could indicate the Desolation, but that has the same problem of not being mentioned otherwise, plus just burning down one (1) tree doesn't really seem like its style to do, unless this specific tree means something;
Trees and fire are also reminiscent of Gertrude's protection circle from s1, though, again, that's Web & Desolation duking it out. The tree at HTR also seemed to be connected to Agnes' death in some way, she died when it was cut down. Maybe this tree is also protecting someone, but who? why? how? Albrecht? That makes no sense, at the very least unless "the Master" is referring to someone else, but that really just opens more questions than it answers!
Maybe the tree is meant to signify another 'rift' between worlds, and it links up to the vague implication that maybe the Von Closens seemed to be unable to get children in s1, but evidently had them later on. And maybe the bastard prince actually came through from another dimension as well.... However, that's still a very big leap to take just from one odd tree and two 'mysteries' that aren't really mysteries and didn't really need solving in the first place
I'd be curious to know if this was a plot hook for future episodes which never materialized into something more, or if I'm just missing something here. anyone else have a solid theory? @a-mag-a-day
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burdontheinternet · 2 years
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I coloured the comic I posted the other day :D
Text Under Read More:
“Before I didn’t notice, but now.”
“I-I know it’s there, and I can’t forget it.”
“I-I know it’s there, and I can’t forget it.”
“I-I know it’s there, and I can’t forget it.”
“I-I know it’s there, and I can’t forget it.”
“I can feel the pressure of the water on it.”
“I-I-I can keep it closed?”
“But sometimes when I’m around p-people, or… places”
“Or… ideas”
“A drop or two will push through the cracks at the edges of the door.”
“And I’ll Know… something.” 👁
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fractal-voidling · 2 months
MAG127 - #8312111 │ Remains to be Seen
everyone's isolated, don't like this 😭
"Sometimes I’m eating.", lol
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ibenology · 1 year
man I love the magnus archives :((
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magnus-rar · 3 months
opening and closing lines of letters to Jonah Magnus
mag23: Schwartzwald – March 31st, 1816
My dearest Jonah, ... Yours in trust, Albrecht
mag50: Foundations – June 12th, 1841
Dear Jonah, ... Sincerely yours, Sampson Kempthorne.
mag92: Nothing Beside Remains – April 9th, 1824
My dear Jonah, ... Your loyal servant, Barnabas.
mag127: Remains to be Seen – November 21st, 1831
Jonah. ... Your obedient servant, Doctor Jonathan Fanshawe.
mag138: The Architecture of Fear – February 13th, 1867
My dear Jonah,
no ending to this one because he died writing it
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darkacademiaarchivist · 7 months
i'm thinking about how in mag127 - remains to be seen Basira is a bit disappointed that they saved Melanie because now she won't use her violent tendencies to protect the institute... I'm once again saying Archivist!Basira would be RUTHLESS
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ruby-cloud · 4 years
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[MAG 127]
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I'm so sorry Jonny, you're really good at reading these statements, but it actually took me several seconds to realise that that was supposed to be German. Like I kept wondering in what language Albrecht von Closen could have spoken until I realised wait, he's supposed to be German! That is not how you pronounce zurück, Jonny, I know you did your best but it's still very funny to me.
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tma-latino · 3 years
MAG127 – Caso 8312111 – “Restos por ver”
Testimonio del Dr. Jonathan Fanshawe sobre los meses que precedieron a la muerte y la autopsia de Albrecht von Closen.
[Disclaimer/ Aviso] [MAG126] | x | [MAG128]
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cursedwurm · 4 years
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~Do I need to tell you what I found, Jonah? Do I need to detail what covered his organs, his bones, the inside of his skin? What clustered together in their dozens, and all turned as one to focus on me as I opened his chest, their pupils constricting in the light, with irises of every hue and color?~
reblogs>likes, click for better quality!
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verontrei · 4 years
listening to mag127 is so funny as a german,,,,
heard the part where albrecht says "leg sie alle zurück" and with jonny's accent i straight up thought he was talking arabic or something until i read the transcript to that sjshhdshhs
jonny, i love you, but your german is horrible
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dykehozier · 5 years
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alfjakdhajsk he doesnt even deny it
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argonskies · 6 years
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“And what happens if you open the door?”
“I drown.”
Mag127 was a doozy!
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sazandorable · 6 years
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Hello I Love MAG127 Guess What Scene Is My Fave
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soveryanon · 6 years
! Belated realisation:
(MAG076) ARCHIVIST: Oh, good lord! Are you okay? MELANIE: Yes, it’s not… as bad as it looks. ARCHIVIST: What did that? When? MELANIE: Just before I came in last time. And, er, best I can tell it was a 1940s surgical scalpel. ARCHIVIST: A scalpel? MELANIE: So. Can I make my statement now? […] It was only when I felt the scalpel slice into my shoulder that I realised what was happening, and thought to scream. Next thing I knew, I was being carried away by security guards. […] The cut was nasty, but not deep enough to do any real damage. As you saw, I’m getting quite a scar from it.
(MAG127) BASIRA: But [Melanie] did want me to… apologize. ARCHIVIST: Oh. BASIRA: From her. For… the shoulder. ARCHIVIST: Oh. It, it’s fine; scalpel wounds… they heal quickly. BASIRA: Hm. ARCHIVIST: Too quickly, really. BASIRA: Already? ARCHIVIST: Just another scar for the collection!
They have matching scalpel-made shoulder scars!!
(Melanie will hate it!!!)
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