#Construction Expert
kevinlaiellis · 8 months
Kevin Laielli - A Committed Craftsman
Enthusiast From sinkhole repairs to sink shots on the basketball court, Kevin Laielli excels in diverse arenas. A sports enthusiast with a soft spot for the local teams, he balances his construction career with active pursuits like boating, fishing, and golf. This energetic spirit extends to his commitment to Laielli Construction's growth.
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brandondarger · 9 months
A dedicated Professional Engineer from Lisle, IL, Brandon Darger dreams of sailing the world and has a soft spot for Iowa football.
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adviseandconsult · 1 year
Construction expert have years of experience in one, and more than likely, many areas of construction.  This experience can be key to your needs, whether it be as an expert witness in construction litigation with a defect, estimate dispute, job site accident, an insurance dispute, to name just a few.
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carsonpassey · 2 years
Carson Passey - A Construction Expert | Reddit
Carson Passey is a highly skilled sales executive who excels in leadership, customer service, team building, and sales.
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pinktinselmonstrosity · 6 months
ok i'd seen posts about and references to the tiktok tunnel girl but today i finally saw one of her videos and it is SO much crazier than i imagined???
she has actual mining equipment? people made it sound like she was just digging holes but no this is a legit mine??? what the fuck???? so many questions
+ some of my favourite comments on the video
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laielliconstruction · 2 years
Laielli Construction offers home design and sinkhole remediation solutions.
Laielli Construction is a top home building company in Florida. It specializes in custom home design, while offering additional sinkhole remediation services.
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oldschoolfrp · 28 days
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"Juggernauts are huge magical machines. They look like houses, pyramids or statues mounted on great rollers. They are magially animated and have some awareness of their surroundings, allowing them to hunt and kill." (Harry Quinn cover for D&D Expert adventure module X4: Master of the Desert Nomads by David Cook, the first module of the Desert Nomads series, TSR, 1983)
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mummer · 10 months
i see the term gender horror used alot in certain parts of asoiaf fandom and i dont think i fully get it like sure theres def a rigid and violently enforced structure to gender and sexual violence is both ubiquitous and a currency but is it just those things or is there something beyond i feel like its not clicking for me
honestly im p sure it is just those things lol you got it. i think asoiaf does take the violent structure of gender and commits to exploring it to its most remote extremes, so you get stuff like sam being chained up and bathed in blood or gilly being forced into marriage with her father or however many other examples of gendering as an abusive practice (as requiring you to either do violence (masculinity) or bear violence (femininity) to participate in society). which i think is where the horror part comes from, the extremity of it? the no-holds-barred dont-look-away blood-under-everything structural inescapability of it. idk that’s how i view it at least
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rrr-is-gay · 9 months
Hello kids, today I’d like to preach to you about the deep eroticism of The Fight, because warriormale literally lives in my mind and compels me to speak.
When Ram and Bheem wrestle outside the governor’s palace, they are releasing so much sexual energy, it’s actually insane. Hell, even before the wrestling, when they’re exchanging punches, there’s this sizzling tension that they’re both too heartbroken to actually think about, but it comes out subconsciously, in how their bodies react to each other. Bheem takes each punch standing up, then fuckin smacks the shit out of Ram, knocking him to the ground, showing his dominance. Ram whips his head to the side to LEER at Bheem before deciding his next attack.
And what is his next attack? TO CLIMB UP BHEEM’S THIGH and THROW HIM TO THE GROUND so he can MOUNT HIM. Bheem does not kick out of this hold or push Ram’s body away, he ROLLS OVER, TANGLING HIS LEGS with Ram’s, keeping him close. He refuses to go on the defensive, he must stay on the attack, to overpower Ram with the strength of his thighs. This need, this primal masculine aggression, is shared by both men as they continue rolling over each other. It is such an intricate ritual!
They are so deeply, intimately familiar with each other’s bodies. Think of how Bheem yanks open Ram’s legs so he can get right between his thighs. He knows where Ram bends and folds. He’s been here before. Think of how Bheem shoves his hand over Ram’s face to hold him down, covering his lips and nose, feeling his heat and insisting upon his submission. Think of how Bheem LIFTS RAM UP dirty-dancing-style to twirl him around, embraced by his thighs, testosterone spiking like adrenaline.
There’s a raw physicality that is shared between sex and combat that’s difficult to describe to those who don’t feel it. It is so primitive, so base, it defies logic. Ram and Bheem have absolutely no reason to be turned on during this fight. They’re both utterly heartbroken, to a point where they’re basically dying inside. And yet their bodies tingle with desire; the desire to touch, smack, yank, bite, grab, hug, roll, spread, fuck. They can’t help it! That’s why they fight so close and tight, because the magnetism pulling them together is stronger than the betrayal tearing them apart.
Absolutely nobody on this earth can convince me that I’m wrong!
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abrahamvanhelsings · 1 month
had a talk with all three of my supervisors and they said my intro was really good KEEP WINNING
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mariocki · 2 months
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Pathfinders in Space (ABC, 1960)
"Now, the remainder of us have fifteen hours of oxygen left. That leaves fifteen hours in which to complete our research here."
"Well, what's the good of all that if you can't come back with it?"
"The moon never destroys her treasures, Henderson. We shall leave a record and it'll be preserved in the vacuum of the caves. And the future expeditions you mentioned, they will find it."
#pathfinders in space#1960#children's television#classic tv#abc#malcolm hulke#eric paice#guy verney#peter williams#gerald flood#harold goldblatt#richard dean#gillian ferguson#stewart guidotti#pamela barney#irene sutcliffe#hugh evans#astor sklair#michael guest#the first sequel to the seminal (and sadly entirely lost) serial Target Luna; for reasons best known to the production team‚ despite being#a direct sequel with the same characters‚ every major role was recast for Pathfinders (and so sadly we don't get to see a young Michael#Craze). often described as a precursor to DW‚ and honestly that's hard to deny: this might be the first uk kids sci fi serial to really#nail that family friendly vibe‚ with enough interest for both children and adult viewers alike. it's a rare gift that it exists complete#and finally getting to it i found it a genuinely compelling series. it can be a little cheesy and a little silly in places (adorably‚ our#astronauts take a full tea service to the moon and regularly stop for tea) but i actually ended up learning some stuff about the moon from#this 64 yr old series. Gerald Flood's everyman journalist is a nicely constructed audience avatar but it's missing cheese expert Peter#Williams who gives the orders (and regularly imperils his own children). a lot of fun! well worth seeking out for old tv fans#also needless to say the various miniatures and fx work is frankly adorable.#and shoutout to Prof Mary Meadows‚ it's nice to have a kickass lady scientist in a show this old (and who remains cooler and more capable#than her male counterparts on more than one occasion).
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kevinlaiellis · 2 years
Kevin Laielli - Owner of Laielli Construction | Universal-sea
Laielli Construction is a Florida home design brand with extensive sinkhole remediation experience.
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brandondarger · 11 months
Brandon Darger - Construction Expert
Brandon Darger, a licensed Professional Engineer based in Illinois, is known for his fun-loving and easygoing nature. His love for the outdoors, travel, and cooking adds spice to his life. When he's not exploring new destinations, he can be found indulging in comedy movies and staying fit through exercise.
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adviseandconsult · 2 years
A construction Expert is someone who has extensive knowledge and experience in the construction industry. They can discuss and explain industry standards, technical language, and complex issues. Some professionals are licensed and certified in areas such as construction health and safety, quality control, EPA regulations, and construction management. Knowing the standard of care is important to determining liability after a construction site accident. Spire's forensic investigations are comprehensive and thorough to distinguish truth from allegations. Expert witness testimony provides reliable reports to juries, judges or panels to help clients make the best decisions.
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carsonpassey · 2 years
Carson Passey - A Construction Expert | Vimeo
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odnlb writing process/workshop
this is mainly for my own reference. however, if this post ends up helping you with yours, then even better! 😊
most of you know, i wrote this fic as a practice for using save the cat (aka snyder) structure, and so now that it's complete i have the outline to come back to in a way that i understand and can use in future wips! did i deviate from this structure? yes. a lot. did i still follow all the beats though? i think so! check out how i formatted my outline!
my starting point: marinette 🐞
want: revenge against monarque
need: replace hate with love
this gave me a very clear picture of the emotional journey she would undergo. once i figured out her emotional need and decided what she would do to fulfill that need, i was able to pretty much plot out the entire fic. we needed a hero (in her case, an anti-hero) we could follow through an entire 45 chapter fic, and odnlb marinette gave us a reason to care about her and root for her right off the bat!
here's what save the cat's 15-beat structure looks like at a glance:
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(isn't it just beautiful? 😍)
for odnlb, i combined this structure with the 3-act, 9-block, 27-chapter method:
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lol so i did not exactly stick to this, as was my plan (my huge cast of characters wanted more from me.) however, i did stick with the proper beats...it just ended up expanding into 5 acts.
this is how my outline ended up looking (orange = save the cat, purple = 3 act 9 block 27 chapters):
act 1 - ladybug meets the villains
block 1
opening image - marinette leaves a rose at chat noir's statue. her eyes are dead (like him)
introductions/setup - 6 years later, marinette works for chloe. adrien still models for gabriel & is estranged from her and his old friends
theme stated - alya says, "you're getting better." (marinette has not been focused on hatred, but her personal growth)
catalyst/ inciting incident - bunnyx steals the rabbit miraculous & draws out the villain team
debate/ immediate reaction / fallout - villain team decides to abandon plan to use rabbit miraculous & get ladybug's miraculous instead. marinette decides to get cat walker's miraculous & kill monarque with it.
block 2
actions - ladybug interrogates adrien agreste bc he is close to lila, chloe, and felix (primary suspects). he doesn't give her any information, but reassures her he is on her side.
consequences - volpina attacks ladybug, villain team overpower her
block 3
pressure - ladybug is outnumbered, cannot stand against all the holders & their power-ups. villain side: ladybug is onto them. ladybug needs an ally & turns to kagami (also close to felix), but kagami turns ladybug down (but why?).
pinch/plot twist - cat walker contacts ladybug: tells her monarque is going to resume akuma attacks unless lb gives her miraculous
break into act 2 - monarque attempts to akumatize ladybug, but cat walker saves her. realizes villains' motivations are split.
act 2 - rise of monarque
block 4
new world - luka and zoe come to town. adrien is in trouble but felix stands by him. su han abandons marinette; he cannot teach her bc she has too much hatred.
fun and games/ b story/ies - felix and adrien switch so adrien can meet his friends for drinks. chloe sneaks snake miraculous back to luka. felix and lila threaten each other. felix likes kagami.
bad guys close in - monarque akumatizes nino to punish adrien. marinette finds out cat walker is a sentimonster
juxtaposition/ old vs new - luka/aspik shows up & joins marinette's side (she's not alone anymore). adrien realizes he has to be alone bc of what happened to nino. kagami confronts felix and gets the dragon miraculous (war begins)
act 3 - adrien identity reveal
block 5
build-up - luka and marinette plot to find the sentimonster. luka confronts adrien indirectly, suspects monarque is gabriel. marinette sleuths on felix (suspected peacock holder) only to discover adrien is a sentimonster/cat walker. kagami finds ladybug & offers to spy on felix & the villain team for her. monarque akumatizes zoe to punish chloe. ryuko gets her felix's amok in the fight, but gets it back when ladybug uses it against him. to stop ladybug harming argos & ryuko, luka reveals chat noir is still alive.
midpoint - montparnasse scene: ladybug confronts cat walker, he admits the truth. stand off with monarque until aspik & mellona rescue ladybug.
reversal - marinette is no longer hate driven, but driven by love to save adrien
act 4 - angrybug reversal
block 6
reaction - due to big emotional distress, ladybug goes into the avatar state (foreshadowing 👀). luka and chloe calm her down. feligami get together. adrien pleads to his father not to harm ladybug.
action/trials (raise the stakes) - the more adrien breaks his amok, the more he breaks his miraculous. marinette is set up to "spy" on adrien for the villain team. villain team plot to corner ladybug at dj wifi wedding.
dedication - adrinette kiss scene. adrien promsies himself he will harm himself before he lets harm come to ladybug. marinette promises no more harm will come to him.
block 7
calm before the storm - lila flashback: she killed nathalie and has been akumatized/transformed for 6 years. balcony scene: marinette tries to keep adrien close to no avail.
pinch/plot twist - volpina and monarque attack chloe, luka, and zoe. vesperia and carapace get their miraculous back. ladybug tries to heal cat walker & free him with her power, but his miraculous is too broken. she can only save him by getting his amok.
everything goes wrong/ dark night of the soul/ all is lost - lila & felix flashback: lila is monarque reveal. ladybug confronts gabriel agreste & tries to kill him, but can't (bc she is no longer full of hate). realizes monarque is lila. monarque takes felix, but kagami takes the other miraculous back to ladybug.
act 5 - fall of monarque
block 8 - finale
power within - team assemble. chloe uses mouse miraculous to activate other holders. lila finds marinette's identity.
action - monarque attacks. luka sacrifices himself to get the upper hand. alya gets the fox miraculous off lila, all her illusions drop. lila akumatizes timetagger, bunnyx shows up to get him. team fights argos and his sentimonster, red moon, to the death. chloe incapacitates argos.
converge - monarque takes the senti-twins and runs. remainder of the team follow her to agreste mansion.
block 9
final confrontation/final battle - monarque tries to make felix fix her miraculous. ladybug and team show up. monarque morphs into monster and attacks. gabriel sacrifices himself to save lb, but monarque still gets the upper hand. chat noir cataclysms monarque with a broken miraculous.
climax - the broken cataclysm destroys the world, but carapace's shield protects remainder of team. with adrien gone, felix is free and emilie is awake. ladybug goes toe-to-toe with broken miraculous final form chat noir, but her power is too weak compared to his untethered destruction. then felix gives her the peacock miraculous and she uses it to create a new bond for adrien, tethering him to life with her love.
resolution/denouement - all of paris knows chat noir is alive! big parade for heroes. ladybug and chat noir do a william and kate kiss. alya shoos off su han. felix gives gabriel to chloe and decides to work for tsurugi tech so he can stay with kagami. zoe and luka decide to go back home for a bit then come to stay too. emilie wants to be close to felix and adrien, but she is def not the priority for them atm. marinette takes the butterfly miraculous back from emilie. adrinette go off on a honeymoon vacation. adrien practices his proposal on a beach.
final image - adrien and marinette playing in the water on a beach on la reunion. “camera” pans away from their silhouettes running around on the sand, back to their stuff on the beach. shows a ring box in adrien’s bag with plagg & tikki chilling.
if this helped you out, i'm so glad! it definitely helped me see how to organize a story. i think if i ever do a fic like odnlb again, i will definitely do this for it.
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