#Cookie run kingdom headcanons
cammy-mcspammy · 4 months
I've been playing cookie run long enough to finally have a ship (EVERYBODY ACT SUPRISED)
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I just think they're neat..
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gaycookiesnstuff · 8 months
if the old ancients follow the ''character is their relative'' pattern, can ice juggler [master of lying through their teeth] be related to shadow milk
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[Edit hi this got traction uuy uh follow me pls I draw gay cookies]
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lalovi · 6 months
One shot idea since I got a guess aaaaand I just wanna see your version but I'm curious if shadow milk would ACTUALLY be like this or no? If not I wanna see how he actually acts buuut just to show you my guess on what shadow milk is like:
Shadow milk when he is sick: lalala! I'm perfectly fine! Just cuddle me and I'll be okie dokie, darling! Hehehe! Never stop the fun! (Or short meme version: I sleep)
Shadow milk when y/n is sick: bed, soup, medicine, love, sleep, now! Can't have my beloved feeling all icky! No playtime, only naptime! Sleepytime! You get all the cuddles you want if it helps you sleep but no games, just relax and drink your soup! (Second part of meme version: real shit)
Tldr: shadow milk when he is sick treats it like a joke and a game and not serious...he stops treating illnesses like a joke the moment his s/o gets sick. Think he is gonna joke around when his s/o feels like shit? Nope, he is keeping his s/o relaxed and napping and constantly giving them their favorite soup until he is 100% sure the sickness is out of their system!
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AN: I'm pretty sure both of you suggested similar things, which was a shadow milk cookie x sick reader. Been waiting to do this one!!
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Shadow Milk Cookie x Sick! Reader
Oneshot (Headcanons below)
Warnings: (Kinda a part two to the sick shadow milk cookie, so some parts might be a little confusing.) One dirty joke 😔 (I couldn't resist, sry)
-Take Care-
"I just have to spend some time alone, haha. Nothing out of the ordinary!" You would say with an awkward smile.
Shadow Milk Cookie would look at you with an unbelieving look.
"Doll, you're not a very good liar," He'd say while crossing his arms.
"Come on, just- for like a few days?"
"A few days? How am I supposed to live without you for a few days when I can't even live without you for a few hours!?"
Shadow Milk Cookie would put a hand on his forehead, feigning a dramatic pose.
"But seriously. What's wrong?" He cupped your face and look at you with those concerned eyes.
The eyes you were in love with, and the eyes that you didn't want seeing your weak and sickly state.
Your face was was much warmer than usual, but he didn't think much of it.
"Ah, could it be-? You just don't like my company!"
"No! It's not that!" You would refute quickly, backing away from him.
"Then what's wrong? Come on dove, you know you can tell me anything."
You sneezed shortly after that, but didn't say anything.
Everything clicked in that moment for Shadow Milk Cookie.
He would instantly start panicking, beginning to look around the house for different types of medicine and other things that might come in handy.
"It's not really that bad- I can take care of myself..."
He would pick you up bridal style and take you to a couch, wrapping blankets around you.
"My little doll shouldn't need to lift a finger while they're sick. Please, allow your favorite jester to do the work for you!"
He kept digging through cabinets for medicine and ingredients for a soup he'd eventually end up making.
"How come you're taking my sickness so seriously when you didn't even take care of yourself last time?"
He came back with a bunch of ice packs, like.. twenty of them. You didn't even own twenty ice packs.
"Why wouldn't I take your illness seriously? I must make sure that you are safe and happy at all times, and I can't do that if you feel icky."
He offered one of the icepacks to you, which you accepted and just held for a while.
"I don't need this many ice packs, Milk," you would tell him.
"You can never be too sure! And of course, I offer my 200% when it comes to my most beloved."
"I don't even own this many ice packs."
"Now you do! ...Don't look into it that much."
He skipped off to the kitchen again, looking as cheerful as ever.
Of course, it was just a facade. Internally, he was panicking. He barely knew how to care for himself, and now you were sick. What if you died?! Okay, he was probably overreacting, but normal cookies are so fragile. That's why he had to do everything in his power to keep you healthy.
He didn't know what was and wasn't needed, so he just took a lot of everything.
Came back with one of each medicine type that you owned.
"So uh, which one is the one you need?"
You pointed to one of the bottles, and Shadow Milk swiftly measured the correct dosage.
"Alright, so I got you an ice pack, blankets, and you took medicine. What else do you people do while sick?" He would ask while putting a hand on his chin.
"I don't know. Normally they eat soup," you told him.
"That's right! You are so smart, button. Alright, I'll do just that, then." He gave you a kiss on the forehead before wandering off into the kitchen.
Did he even know how to cook? You've never seen him try before, but he's lived for so long, that surely he knew how to... right?
Oh well, he did eventually end up coming back with the food. It actually ended up looking edible.
"Ta-da~ It looks amazing, right? Of course it does! It was made my yours truly." He sat down on the couch next to you, scooping up some soup in a spoon.
"Now, say 'ah'" He held the spoon infront of your mouth, waiting to feed you.
"I'm not doing that."
"Yes you are. Now open your mouth before I shove the spoon down your throat."
"You can shove something else down my throat."
"Haha, very funny. But maybe when you're feeling better~"
Eventually, after a lot of back and forth, you ended up finishing the soup. It wasn't half bad, actually.
Now, the both of you were cuddling on the couch. A movie was playing in the background, and Shadow Milk Cookie was resting his head in your lap.
"Doll, how come you didn't tell me you were sick sooner?" He would ask.
"I just didn't want to be a burden, I suppose."
"You would never be a burden to me. There's a reason I treat you so much better than the others, and it's because I care for you. I know I'm all about deceit and stuff, but this is the honest truth, okay darling?"
You couldn't help the smile on your face. "Okay."
《☆》 Fin
He's panicking 24/7
Even if you tell him you don't want to get him sick, he says he doesn't care
Everything has to be ready for you, and you have to be comfortable
Absolutely no chance of you going out that day
Legit coddles you or is always near you
Even if it's just a small cough, he's canceling all of the things you have that day
Bro is so paranoid
If you're ever bored he performs small puppet shows for you
Makes you go to bed early
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 4 months
Can we get more info on Dark Choco’s 5th B-day?
Oh absolutely! So, one random headcanon I have for Dark Choco and Cacao is that Cacao forgot his son's 5th birthday. I like to think of it as a genuine mistake that Dark Cacao still regrets to this very day, while Dark Choco was left with another reason to not like his father or kingdom.
When Dark Choco turned 5, no party was held for him like he hoped for. All of the watchers were, as usual, quite busy with keeping everything under control, and so were the servants. Which left him alone like any other day, but he just couldn't understand why no one was wishing him a happy birthday. It was supposed to be a day all about him! He completed all of his chores, he didn't interrupt his father's meetings, he was good throughout the week! Then, how come he was being so... ignored?? Why were his efforts so ignored??
As the hours passed by that day, things didn't get any better as he continued to feel worse and worse. Dark Choco was left to celebrate his birthday, all alone with no one but his toys as company. He even had to throw himself a birthday party in his room. No gifts, no cake, nothing. Only sadness and his toys as guests.
Meanwhile, Dark Cacao was left with mounds and mounds of important kingly duties that couldn't be ignored, leaving him with no time to see his son. Once the moon arose from the mountains, he finally went to see his little boy, only to see two warriors in his room, celebrating his birthday. Two little warriors had found out that it was Dark Choco's birthday through the cries of anguish coming from his room and decided to join his little party... even though they weren't invited. As they sang happy birthday to his only son, Dark Cacao's heart dropped... he had forgotten his own son's birthday...
However, he waited until Dark Choco's party was over because he knew his son would yell at him to leave when he wasn't invited. He didn't want to induce more pain than he already had... Once the party concluded, he walked in to see his son, smiling from ear to ear that no one had truly forgotten his birthday... but that smile fell and twisted into a look of anger and sadness once he saw his father.
Dark Cacao tried his best to explain that he never meant to forget Dark Choco's birthday, but his son wasn't having it. He yelled at him for what he did, screaming that if it weren't for his kingdom, he would've had a big party, with eyes and attention entirely on him. After a good few minutes of screaming, Dark Choco broke down into his father's arms as Dark Cacao promised that he would never EVER make the same mistake again... only time could tell if he ever kept that promise...
To this day, Dark Choco still remembers his 5th birthday and will never forgive his father for what he had done. Left hating his own birthday because of how it was forever ruined by his father. He also blames the watchers and servants who were too busy to even notice his cries that day. All except for two little warriors who celebrated with him... (If you're wondering, it's Carrow and Crunchy lol)
I think this helps explain why he hates not only his father but his kingdom as well a bit more. Fuck, I'd hate the place I lived in too if this had ever happened to me. Thanks for the ask! I'd love to discuss my headcanons a lot more with you guys while you wait for the next comic page!
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tvccreator · 7 months
Shadow Milk Cookie Headcanons
I've been working on a few stories with Shadow Milk, so I thought I would compile some of my headcanons to share with you all. Hope you enjoy! (It's a bit of a long read, so I apologize. ^^')
Shadow Milk is a massive theatre nerd and poetry buff. He constantly makes theatre metaphors and will sometimes be caught quoting famous poets and plays.
He's dramatic as all hell. Shadow Milk thrives on being the center of attention and gets insanely jealous if cookies aren't paying attention to him. He'll often create havoc with his puppets just to get someone to notice him.
Shadow Milk's emotions tend to jump wildly between extremes if he gets worked up. He can easily go from calm and collected to raging psychopath in the span of milliseconds.
He loves to terrorize cookies. If he believes that he can get a reaction from you, you'll quickly find yourself being targeted by the Beast of Deception and his mind games.
His greatest weakness is his pride. He's completely egotistical and sees himself as above other cookies, especially due to his status as one of the five Beast Cookies. Flattery and praise will immediately distract him from what he's doing, and he's a sucker for discussing literature and theatre with anyone who approaches him asking for advice.
Shadow Milk is a naturally baked storyteller, and it shows especially when he's interacting with children. He can easily entertain children for hours on end if need be, and he'll even team up with Eternal Sugar to lull the rowdier children into sleep. (Although you really shouldn't have your kids near Shadow Milk in the first place.)
He's extremely stubborn. While not necessarily the leader of the Beast Cookies, the other four can't tell Shadow Milk what to do or when to do something... with a slight exception.
Eternal Sugar is the only cookie Shadow Milk will listen to, but even then, she only really ever tells him to calm down when he's going on a rampage.
On rare occasions, Shadow Milk will lock himself away in a private space and spend hours simply writing poetry or creating new screenplays. If you haven't heard from Shadow Milk for over thirty minutes, he's most likely working on a project. However, do not disturb Shadow Milk under any circumstances when he's writing. Whenever he gets interrupted, he has a 90% chance of losing his train of thought and will immediately attack the person who interrupted him.
In Battle:
Either a Bomber-type or a Ranger-type, in the Middle position. He specializes in hitting multiple times and in quick succession. While he's not all that strong physically, he makes up for it with his speed and stamina.
Since Shadow Milk used to be the Virtue of Knowledge before his corruption, he is insanely smart on the battlefield. He doesn't like going into battle personally, though, instead opting to sit on the sidelines and relying on strategy and his own silver tongue rather than brute-forcing it (like Burning Spice.)
Shadow Milk will try to use his power to send the entire battlefield into darkness. After all, it's a lot easier to lie to other cookies if they can't see the truth.
If he's rendered desperate enough, Shadow Milk will join the battle himself. However, if he does, consider yourself crumbled. He's not known as a Beast Cookie for nothing; his strength, speed, endurance, and stamina are inhumanely (un-cookie-ly?) high thanks to his former power as a Virtue, and once he enters the battlefield, Shadow Milk won't hesitate to drop all of his lies in favor of bashing cookies' heads in with his staff.
If he's fighting alongside the other Beast Cookies, he tends to tag-team with either Eternal Sugar or Burning Spice. When he's with Eternal Sugar, he uses his powers of deception to get cookies to lower their guard so Eternal Sugar can ambush them. When Shadow Milk and Burning Spice team up, Shadow Milk uses his reality-warping abilities to manipulate the landscape for Burning Spice to cause as much destruction as possible.
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k1ttygam3r · 10 months
Cookie Run: Kingdom, Golden Cheese Kingdom cookie headcanons
Feel free to make art or stories based off of these headcanons, but be sure to credit me if you do.
(CW: Mentions of death)
- Burnt Cheese Cookie’s name wasn’t always like that. After being brought back by Golden Cheese Cookie via the Golden City, he chose that name for himself, both as a “badge of honor” for how he fought for his kingdom until he was inevitably killed (hence the “Burnt” in his name, suggesting he was burned alive, which would also explain his ash-like dough color), and a show of loyalty to Golden Cheese Cookie (hence the similar “(adjective) Cheese Cookie” name style).
- When the Dark Flour War occurred, Fettuccine Cookie was not killed, but wounded to the point of unconsciousness. Blinded by her grief, however, Golden Cheese Cookie put Fettuccine in a sarcophagus anyhow, believing her to be dead. The lack of air within the sarcophagus and Golden Cheese Cookie’s accidental neglect for her wounds caused Fettuccine Cookie to eventually perish within her sarcophagus. However, with the uprising of the Golden City, Fettuccine Cookie’s soul awoke once again. And she wanted out.
- Smoked Cheese Cookie and Burnt Cheese Cookie are brothers. They used to care for each other but after the Golden City Siege incident and Smoked Cheese Cookie’s spiral into insanity, they’ve grown distant. Smoked Cheese Cookie wants nothing to do with his brother. Burnt Cheese Cookie also doesn’t want anything to do with Smoked Cheese Cookie, but not out of resentment. He avoids him out of guilt for letting his brother’s ambitions boil to a point where he descended into madness. Because of this, his jackals became somewhat of his emotional support animals that help him cope with the guilt.
- Mozzarella Cookie enjoys singing when she’s alone or anxious. Many residents of the Golden City could usually tell whenever she was nearby when they hear her whimsical, melodic humming as she walks around an empty hall or room.
- Being half-cheesebird, Golden Cheese Cookie has some bird-like behavior, despite being mainly humanoid. Such behavior includes habits from softly purring when happy, to squawking when startled and flapping her wings vigorously when frustrated: all habits she’s had since she was a fledgeling.
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damselettism · 1 year
Relationship Headcanons !!
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Cherry blossom cookie is a sweet girlfriend, the common dates she'd plan for you two are obviously picnic dates.
"Do you want something sweet?"
I forgot to mention that she probably gives you alot of sweet goods, but if you hate sweets she will hand you something else that you like.
She's a little whiny though. Only when you don't finish the food she gives you she'd encourage you to eat it, but won't force.
Even though she likes sharing/talking about things, your cherry wifey is also a BIG listener.
You have something to share? All her attention is on youuuuuu, she'd listen like a love struck fool and if other people are speaking over you she'd go full teacher mode if yk what I mean
"QUIEEET" (yeah that)
Cherry Blossom cookie likes kissing you she will sprinkle you with kisses everyday, why? Because your face is so kissable and because she looooooves you.
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This is so short I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted!! But thank you sm anon for requesting
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roselakeyt · 1 year
Reminder: These are my own personal hcs, you can disagree, but please do in a respectful way.
Character 28: Dark Choco Cookie
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sweetstarart · 2 years
They've been driving for 6 hours
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Dark Choco Cookie Headcanons
 ... But they’re all very specific to how I interpret his character and includes self-projection, because I am due for a reality check and God has not been vibing with my rancid maladaptive daydreaming.
(PS: I won’t be doing any headcanons regarding the Strawberry Jam Sword because all of my headcanons are tied to one of my OCs, so yeah)
TW (CW?) for mentions of suicidal ideation and eating disorders (there’s nothing too in-depth or detailed, but they do get mentioned). If there’s anything I missed you can add them in the tags
- He’s demiromantic asexual
- The “Young Prince” costume/stage of his character represents his teenage years. I’m thinking from about... maybe 14-18? When do people in South Korea get officially recognized as adults? (since, y’know, Dark Cacao Kingdom is based on Korea)
- He was an absolute menace during his teenage years. I’m talking an absolute GREMLIN. Absolutely feral. If there’s a way to get into trouble, he’s doing it. Dark Cacao Cookie had to get a child leash for his TEENAGER
- This man cannot cook for shit. If any of you play Genshin Impact, think of the Raiden Shogun and how you literally cannot use her to cook, except its worse. You guys know those jokes about people cooking and some unknown substance comes out, but it’s actually alive? THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS. You let this man make ANYTHING, be prepared to deal with the Living Abyss 2.0 because he’s recreating the Licorice Sea in that pot
- With that being said, there’s even a sign in the Black Citadel and COD’s lair that reads “Dark Choco Cookie, NO”. Bro isn’t even allowed to step foot into a kitchen anymore (the Cookies of Darkness learned the hard way)
Poison Mushroom Cookie: Do you remember... the Shroomies incident?
Pomegranate Cookie: We agreed to never speak of the Shroomies incident ever again.
- Similar to how I headcanon Dark Cacao Cookie, Dark Choco Cookie is actually fully resistant/immune to the cold. If anything, it just makes him stronger. On the contrary, he doesn’t do well with hotter temperatures and will literally get sick is exposed to heat for too long
- He is... gender~ (when I picture him in my head, I do not picture a man nor a woman. I picture gender)
- When he was younger, he had a music box that he treasured a lot. It would help him fall asleep as a child and the nostalgic value carried into his teenage years. It’s still in his old bedroom, collecting dust, and playing it will only give a sad, broken version of the once lovely melody
- He knows how to dox (is it spelled dox or doxx) people, but he’s never done it because he doesn’t have a reason to (just you wait Pomegranate Cookie)
- Bro probably has insomnia and an eating disorder, or had them at some point in the past
- He has a weird obsession with lemon-scented cleaning products. If it doesn’t smell like lemons, or at least like some kind of citrus, he’s not using it
- He has/had a habit of running his hand through his hair, playing with his hair, chewing his hair, and just... holding it in his mouth. After his hair got cut short, he would instinctively reach back to grab his hair, only to grab nothing
- He has severe ADHD and autism (if I have to suffer them so does he)
- He has a math-related disability. The numbers just don’t compute, the logic doesn’t work. He can do basic math and that’s it (same as above)
- He plays Skyrim and somehow always ends up as a stealth archer thief
- He watches ASMR compilations to fall asleep and never ends up falling asleep
- He gets the crispy chicken sandwich from McDonald’s
- His favorite sodas are Dr. Pepper and the cherry Pepsi and Coke
- He listens to a combo of Melanie Martinez, Vocaloid, Billie Eilish, Twenty One Pilots, you get the idea
- When he was younger, he was very curious about the Licorice Sea, almost to a concerning degree. There were many times where he would try to sneak away to the shore to get closer to it, in some cases being caught trying to go into the sea. During the COD’s mission, even though he was able to keep himself from wandering off, they noticed how he seemed to absentmindedly stare into the horizon of the ocean. To this day, no one knows why he was kept in such a trance by the cursed waters
- When he was younger, like teenage years, he struggled with intense pyromaniac tendencies. He could not be left alone with matches, lighters, explosives, anything
- While he’s not actively suicidal, he is passively suicidal
- He has maladaptive daydreaming (bro imagine how boring and empty his childhood was)
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personal cookie run headcanons!! :0
My drawing tablet's arriving soon so I guess I'll have to share some of my personal headcanons in cookie run as promised (most of them are clotted cream cookie's,,,, ehehe-)
admittedly, it's a pretty "short" list but I will update this once I thought up with new ones :>c without further ado, let's start those headcanons~! ٩(⊙‿⊙)۶
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┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐ ➽─────────❥
- Clotted Cream Cookie owns a stuffed teddy bear/jelly bear as a gift from his mom from childhood / v \ He still holds onto it to this day and doesn't want to admit that he still owns that due to embarrassment ahaha.. He hides it in his room (specifically under one of the pillows in his bed) and pulls it out whenever he was having such a hard time
- Clotted Cream Cookie doesn't know modern slang or anything that Cookies around his age do for fun in the casual. He was raised in a much higher-class so he was only taught proper manners and eloquence. If he was exposed to such stuff, he'll be extremely confused or fascinated and wanted to mimic it himself (basically he's a young boomer lmao, but he is learning~!)
- Clotted Cream Cookie is a bit of a book nerd, as he always reads books (ranging from fantasy books to history books) during his leisure time. He also has his own reading area in his room!
- He never shows it to anyone, but Clotted Cream Cookie is surprisingly vocally talented (in other words, HE CAN SING-). Though he never does sing in front of anyone because he's self-conscious ahaha. He usually sings alone whenever he's in his room or during work aaa,, though Financier Cookie did hear a little bit of it (although it was very faint and didn't believe it was Clotted Cream Cookie at first) (uhuhuhu this is just me inserting the "secretly vocally talented but is too afraid to show it in front of anyone" hc ;v;)
- I'd imagine Clotted Cream Cookie to be around in either in his early 20s or just about to turn 20 (19 years old)
- Clotted Cream Cookie does have a biological father... but let's just say he isn't in the picture anymore, although Clotted Cream Cookie is very much traumatized. not gonna elaborate on that due to how dark it is. (well not yet at least)
ok that's enough Clotted Cream Cookie headcanons for this post HHSDSJDFDK let's continue~!
- Espresso Cookie and Affogato Cookie are related as brothers, but they have long been since separated each other. They don't even know if they know of each other's existence as brothers, but Affogato Cookie does recognizes Espresso Cookie a bit and has a soft spot for him, just a little bit. (I'd like to imagine that only some of the coffee cookies are indeed related to each other. not all but some.)
- Financier Cookie being a big sis to, not just the orphan cookies, but to other cookies as well ehehe (Kouign-Amann Cookie and, to a lesser extent, my cookie run oc for example)
- There were a lot of times where Licorice Cookie kinda regrets being in the Cookies of Darkness All he ever wanted is some sort of validation.. He had no other option after all. He wanted to turn to the good side but Licorice Cookie just believes there's no way for him to be good. I mean, Licorice Cookie isn't all that evil- He's just now trapped on his own decision.
- Cream Puff Cookie sometimes visits the shore to play with Peppermint Cookie during her days in the Parfaedia Institute. Though ever since she became an alumna and busied herself with studying her magic further, alongside protecting the city. She never had time to visit the shore, Which made Peppermint Cookie a little sad.
- I'd like to see that Madeleine Cookie and Financier Cookie are a little bit older than Clotted Cream Cookie (maybe 24 or 25 respectively)
【☆】 ★ 【☆】 ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯ 【☆】 ★ 【☆】 I think that's it for now ahdshasd, I told you this is gonna be a short list, ;v; thank you if you read this far ~! I'll probably think of some stuff but for now, here's the current list this definitely tells that Clotted Cream Cookie is my favorite character lololol
fun fact, the bit about Clotted Cream Cookie being secretly talented at singing and is reluctant to sing in front of everyone is based on the crk 2nd anniversary stream where his eng va, aaron dismuke (aka miyuki shirogane in kaguya-sama love is war s1-s2 and william james moriarty in moriarty the patriot), was asked to sing in-character but he straight up refuses HAHSHSAHD
the last headcanon was based on the drawing I saw on twitter where young Madeleine Cookie disturbed baby Clotted Cream Cookie. In the drawing, Madeleine Cookie was depicted to be a kid and Clotted Cream Cookie being a baby Which means that Madeleine Cookie is older than Clotted Cream Cookie and I just personally find it both cute and hilarious
The bit where I mentioned my cookie run oc... I might reveal it here on tumblr sometime. But not right now.
once again, thank you guys so much for reading these stupid headcanons of mine ahahsdhsd
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gaycookiesnstuff · 7 months
idk what this flavor of writing shadow milk is but its my new fav way
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nightmarearian · 2 years
anyways, my mind's on (spider) Licorice again so.
Before the Licorice Sea was aggressive, the Licorice tribe sorta tended to it/acted as it's keeper. Something along those lines. Maybe something religious?? Probably not but maybe sometimes it's used as a curse or something. Like: "Holy mother of Seas!" or "What in the Abyss is that." (...Seas, ...Abyss, ...Amalgamates,)
The Lico seas were still an amalgamation of spirits stuck in molasses; It wasn't a particularly happy or content existence, but there wasn't anything they could do about it. I mean, what, are you going to kill a sea?
There were some aggressive souls in there, and the occasional collective enough mental breakdown that made the seas aggressive, but that's what the Abyss Keeper is there for!
Of course, since it's the Licorice Tribe and the Licorice Seas, there is a connection there; I wouldn't call it a blessing, but it sorta works like that, so. Basically, certain cookies, usually more magic-ranged based, can be "blessed" by the seas. They can either:
-Summon part of the Abyss/Spirits from the Seas to help (Think sorta like Lico, or Crunchy Chip. Summons). -Use/Summon "appendages" (Sorta like Squid Ink's ability) -Or just have additional molasses limbs and/or have one of their appendages be powerful and molasses. (Like Red Velvet or Truffle; The second option of this includes hair. Hair hand. Think about it.)
Even if the Licorice Seas are an amalgamation of dead, melted, souls, most if not all of them collectively favor their tribe; They help enough to try and calm them.
So of course, like in canon, the Beast Yeast absolutely fucks them up; All of them become aggressive.
Due to the close proximity to the seas, the Licorice Tribe (and then some) were dragged in the amalgamation, willingly or not.
Some were able to escape, mostly just due to the fact that they weren't there at the time. (cough cough, Licorice Cookie at the academy or something, cough cough).
Licorice had also been sort of one of the "blessed" ones by the Seas, and maybe being trained as an apprentice as the next Abyss Keeper? Up in the air right now if they'd be happy with that or not. So. But lets just say right now, since the Seas are as content as a melting hivemind of an Abyss can be, they aren't as attached as they will be, so right now (the "blessing" part (power of "blessing" or the "blessing" itself) is sort of proximity based. It can, in fact, not be proximity based, but "right now" it isn't. So.
The "blessing" basically goes like this: [Character] is grabbed by the Seas, and, depending on how strong the "blessing" is, is either lightly-heavily enveloped or legit dragged into the seas, yet doesn't completely melt into the Amalgamation. They're then either released from the Seas' hold or, if they were dragged under, they rise back to the top, standing on the water/molasses. This is usually pretty quick, the quickest being a second and the longest being around a minute or 2. (Either way any "blessed" are able to basically walk on the seas in some capacity.)
Lico is able to control the Seas in canon, chp. 14, or something, right?
So, the main reason the original Lico Tribe was dragged into the abyss was cause when Licorice themselves weren't was basically:
You know when [character/thing] is affected by something and it goes into a frenzy or something at first and takes some time to come down from the immediate frenzy? Yeah; Just instead the first-time high just means non-discriminate murder. The "calm" after that just means I kinda mourn when I'd be half calm and won't murder certain people (cough cough Remain Licorice survivorscough cough)
So uh. Yeah.
When the COD (Velvet is here btw) make it to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, when they near the Licorice Seas (Lico didn't say anything about it's power; Coming back to a ruined, empty home is... something.) Lico legit just gets dragged into the seas, outta nowhere. They sorta expected this, but still, holy abyss, a warning next time???
Dark Choco, after a moment, immediately makes the connection, and, even if the traditions and stuff of the now "extinct" Licorice Tribe was vague and now lost, he was preeetttty sure there was something about the Licorice Seas in there.
So while (some of) the COD freak out for a second, DC is like; Okay... hear me out... but like chill for minute. These are the Licorice Seas, after all.
And then Pomegranate is like: the Licorice Seas?! And none of you decided to mention it?? DC, in his defense, (basically) says, first of all, this was part of the dangerous background I told you about, second of all, blame Licorice out of everyone here bitch fuck off.
So Lico is legit submerged and sorta kinda not but also is melting the Abyss for like straight 5 minutes and then comes out of it with:
A general power and/or cosmetic upgrade
More powerful Licorice Minions
The ability to summon the Licorice Abyss
More limbs made of molasses
May or may not be half Lico. Abyss/half melted.
Half-Traumatized again and then some
Lico gets such a powerful "blessing" cause the Abyss is also sorta in eternal mourning because they killed the only ones that try and help, no matter how insane-inpain-angry-aggressive they are from the beast yeast, so they're attached and latching on onto the basically if not the last remnant of the Lico Tribe.
Oh also the Licorice Tribe's funeral rites were usually either the usual Dark Cacao Kingdom's or, usually if they were "blessed" and/or the Keeper, given to the Abyss
Lico knows they'll still follow that, but I mean now they sorta have mixed feelings.
Anyways I'll add some art to this later when it isn't 3:47 AM anwyays.
COD and later on the main 5 ('Brave & crew) are like wtf cause man is literally melting and half/part of an amalgamation but I mean move on from it cause there's nothing they could do.
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lalovi · 6 months
Hello, can I request Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader who likes to dance pls? Since I imagine Shadow Milk Cookie dancing around a lot, I thought a dancing Reader would be perfect for him!
Have a nice day/evening/night! 👋🏼😁
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Shadow Milk Cookie x GN! Reader. ONESHOT
Warnings: None
Stars shone whimsically in the sky, and the cool night breeze could be felt all around you. A quiet melody was playing from the stage inside. Standing on a balcony was you, elegantly twirling and stepping from side to side. Though your eyes were closed, you did not need them. It was song that guided you, not your sight. It was peaceful, until somebody grabbed one of your hands and forcefully spun you around.
Your eyes shot open and you could see the person who interrupted your dance standing right infront of you. Cold hands, shades of blue, crazed eyes. It was none other than Shadow Milk Cookie.
"Is this what my doll has been up to? You know, I've been looking all over for you," he would say. One of his hands were on your waist while the other was holding your own. His eyes looked deep into your eyes, and a smile could be seen on the blue cookie's face.
"I thought you were still doing your show," you would explain to him.
"Dove, I finished a while ago. I wanted to meet up with you immediately after, but you hid away on this balcony! I was a little worried," informed Shadow Milk Cookie.
"Ah, sorry." You would smile wryly.
"What's that look for?" He'd snap, beginning to pout.
"It's just funny how much you want to be around me. I didn't think you liked me that much!"
Shadow Milk would roll his eyes.
"You are so silly. Why wouldn't I enjoy being around my favorite doll? You're perfect."
He would spin you around once again and start the steps to a familiar dance. The two of you would recite this dance all of the time, so the steps have already been memorized by heart.
It was the first dance that Shadow Milk did with you.
"Dancing again? You seem to like it a lot," He'd chime as he continued to spin around with you.
"That's because I do like it a lot. Though, it's much more enjoyable with you."
Shadow Milk Cookie couldn't help but snicker. "I know. I'm a joy to be around~"
He would dip you backwards and stare into your eyes.
"But, I suppose I also enjoy our time together."
He would bring you back up to your feet and continue the hypnotic dance.
How much time has past since you two first began dancing?
The two of you had no plans on stopping any time soon, but it just had to start raining. It wasn't even a light mist that would make things more romantic. It was heavy.
"Uhg, what a pain." Shadow Milk would say through a glare. He quickly lead both of you back indoors, but the damage had been done.
"I'm so sorry doll. If I knew there was going to be rain, I would have lead us inside earlier."
"It's fine, really. I was starting to get sleepy anyway," You'd explain to him.
His eyes would widen for a moment before he picked you up into his arms. You would have started shouting at him to let you go, but something else caught your attention first.
"Ack! Shadow Milk, you are freezing!"
He couldn't help but snicker.
"Sorry button, I run cold."
Shadow Milk Cookie would place a kiss on your forehead before starting to walk both of you to your shared room.
After the two of you changed into more dry clothing, Shadow Milk immediately wrapped you up in a bunch of blankets.
"I can't have my little doll getting sick now!" He'd say as he began to cuddle up next to you.
"You're still cold.." you would whine, trying to scoot away from him.
"I know that, silly! That's why you have to share the warmth..." He'd say back, holding you closer.
He was so annoying sometimes.
But of course you still loved him.
Loves dancing with you so much!
Sometimes he'll see you randomly dancing on stage, and he can't help but join in
Will 100% spin and dip you
But if on the off chance you spin him...
He gets flustered
Will make up the excuse that it just caught him off guard
But you know he's flustered since his hands turn warm...
He is NEVER warm
Loves to flirt with you while you dance
And likes giving you silly little nicknames like: button, doll, dove, star, and when he's in a silly mood, silly billy.
His favorite greeting is spinning you around or random hugs from behind
Acts like a cat
He's clingy and needy like one as well
Seriously panics if he loses you for over an hour
You have to make up for it with kisses
Man also gets jealous SO easily.
Death stares and constant harassment towards the other party
He never does this infront of you though
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 2 months
Ngl I tried this bot and it turned into a version of y/n x projection dark choco so fast and now it got me wondering...idk if you do hca or not but just something to do a funny brainstorm of since I daydreamed about it...what would a y/n x this dark choco be like? Like if dark choco and/or (preferably and) the projection fell for y/n? Sorry for thought out of nowhere but wanted to ask incase the creator of this amazing character and this amazing bot themselves had any ideas...unfiltered ideas that aren't controlled by an ai lmao! If ya don't do hcs, that's OK! I just wanted to spark up a fun thought lmao!
That is a great question in all honesty. To be frank, I honestly never thought of Projection Dark Choco x Y/N headcanons before, since I mainly focus on his character and lore. I've always considered Projection Choco Aroace or at least on the Ace spectrum like Dark Choco (Dark Choco is canonically ace in this AU), but this looks like a fun challenge!
Here are some that I could come up with:
-Projection Choco never really cared much about romance since his existence is nothing but spreading pain and misery to others (*cough cough* Dark Choco-) and always saw it as just a form of weakness and "disgusting" in his own words... but that all changed when he met y/n.
-A MAJOR flirt. Projection always sees flirting as a game of establishing dominance over another, like threatening someone but socially acceptable. He loves seeing others cower before him in fear, but seeing y/n redder than his cuffed wrists just makes his heart sing.
-Even though he is a major flirt... that doesn't mean he can handle what he dished out. Pin this spirit to a wall and that will be MORE than enough to rile him up!
-A big tease! He loves teasing y/n whenever he's bored or when Dark Choco refuses to acknowledge his existence.
-This spirit is 100% touch-starved and does not know how to handle physical affection. So, whenever he gets a hug or a smooch on the cheek, that'll make his face go red and he'll be left absolutely dumbfounded that someone dared to show him affection.... he does like it tho.
-Poor guy has a shit ton of problems since, well, y'know: a literal incarnation/reflection of Dark Choco's trauma and stuff? Not to mention that he's been left alone for YEARS until Dark Choco picked up the sword, so my guy needs some love. That doesn't mean he'll stop bullying Dark Choco tho...
-Call him an it and he will get very offended and will get grumpy until y/n apologizes. He thinks people calling him an "it" is EXTREMELY offensive and rude. So what if he's a spirit who psychologically torments his other half because he wants to get revenge against Dark Cacao? That doesn't mean you get to call him an "it"! You big meanie!-
And there you go! This was pretty fun to do! If you guys want me to make more of these headcanons then let me know! (Helps keep you guys occupied while I work on the next comic page lol)
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llulubunn · 2 years
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I headcanon Moon Rabbit Cookie as bungender/cakegender/moon gender, autistic (like me) and she uses she/they/cake/moon pronouns ~☆ I was bored so I did this for fun ~ ☆
bungender since she's half-bunny half-cookie, she feels a big connection with rabbit-kin and she kinda behaves like a rabbit (for example they jumps to express their happiness like a rabbit)
cakegender since they adores rice cake and, personal hc, it's a safe food for them (hc : they're hypersensitive to food textures since they're autistic)
moongender since she has a big connection with the Moon (they literally takes inspiration from the legend of the moon rabbit) and personal hc, space is one of her main special interests (mostly the Moon)
(first flag is bungender, second one cakegender and last one moongender)
(+ winter/christmas edition)
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