#Copenhagen 2016
ech0lm · 5 months
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Amalie & Cecilie Moosgaard, an homage to Vilhelm Hammershøi, by Tim Walker. Copenhagen, Denmark W Magazine December 2016
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operafantomet · 2 months
Do we know how many (and if so, which) casts Gillian Lynne personally taught outside of the original London and Bway companies?
That is a good question, and something I have paid too little attention to. My GUESS is that she was at all the original / early productions, if only for a day. She would also have trained the associate and / or resident choreographer for the production.
So yes, she would have instructed the original and many later West End and Broadway casts, as seen here with Sarah Brightman:
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Then the early productions around the world - I assume both Tokyo, Stockholm, Toronto, Vienna, Hamburg etc. Here she is with Marina Prior (Christine) in Melbourne:
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And probably the US sit-down productions and tours. Here with Davis Gaines (Phantom), Lisa Vroman (Christine), Raymond Saar (Raoul) and Hal Prince (director) for the San Francisco production:
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I also think she adored Sierra Boggess, cause she was present and working whenever Sierra Boggess was present... For Las Vegas:
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...for the RAH celebrations...
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...and for Paris...
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(Sierra Boggess has also addressed that they had very good chemistry, and that she learned a lot from Gillian Lynne)
But I also know Denny Berry (original swing on Broadway, and later associate choreographer and production dance supervisor) has had a lot of responsibility in keeping Gillian Lynne's original vision alive. She has worked with POTO on four continents according to her own bio, in the US, in Hamburg, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, World Tour, Australia etc. In an interview in 2016 she said that "The detail in choreographer Gillian Lynne’s movement is well-known. And those of us who must pass it on, never, ever forget the beats and the meanings of every count.” Denny Berry was also married to Steve Barton, original Raoul, which makes the link to the original staging extra strong. Here's a photo of her rehearsing the Oberhausen cast, with Elizabeth Welch in the middle (Masquerade):
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And one from Hamburg, with Rachel Anne Moore as Elissa / Carlotta (Hannibal):
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Another original Corps de Ballet, Patricia Merrin who was in the original West End cast, has also worked as associate choreographer on Phantom and kept an eye on many a production, in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Moscow, the World Tour etc. Here she is in Cape Town, instructing Cat Lane and the Corps de Ballet there:
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And for no reason at all, two bonus photos of Gillian Lynne on stage, just because. One is with Andrew Lloyd Webber and Zoë Curlett during the curtain call in West End:
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And another with Hugh Panaro on Broadway:
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for1010101010 · 2 years
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Ballerinas of The Bodywork Company Copenhagen Story W Magazine December 2016 - Tim Walker
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glassprism · 2 months
How many different replica Masquerade choreography are there of? I swear everytime I watch a new video it changes...
I think every version has little changes here and there, just like with the costumes and the blocking, but I largely put them into the following categories.
The original choreography. What it says on the box. This featured a lot more dancing for Raoul and Christine, largely because the original Raoul and Christine were trained dancers. This choreography was used in the West End, Broadway, and a few of the earliest replica productions, as well as the Japanese production (again, with a couple tweaks) up until around 2020, but was gone for the most part by the 1990s as productions toned down the dancing requirements for their Christines. I made a gifset comparing it to the the more common choreography here.
West End choreography pre-2019. I tend to call this the "West End choreography" because that's the flagship production that has it but I see it being used in various European productions as well as the World Tours. The way I recognize this is if Christine does a little dip in Raoul's arms and if Raoul lifts Christine without moving across the stage. See the left side of this gifset for images. It's also worth noting that after 2016, the West End production changed their choreography (see below) but other productions stuck to this version, e.g. the Stockholm revival in 2016-2017 and the Copenhagen revival in 2018-2019.
Broadway choreography pre-2016. This is basically the flip side of the above, the dancing used on Broadway and the replica US tours up until 2016. Main way I differentiate is that Raoul and Christine do a little kiss and spin instead of a dip and the lift is done with Raoul moving across the stage instead of standing still. Again, I call it the Broadway choreography but it's used elsewhere, interestingly mostly in the Latin productions - Mexico City, the original Madrid, and the original and revival Sao Paulo productions all feature this choreography, though all but the original Sao Paulo production eliminate the lift. (I have no footage of Buenos Aires so can't speak to what they used.) The most recent Korean revival has also followed this choreography, including eliminating the lift. See the right side of this gifset for visuals.
Post-2016 to pre-COVID choreography. Around 2016, Gillian Lynne went in and tweaked the choreography somewhat, with the main differences that I saw being the elimination of the lifts and more general "movement" on the stage. There was a lot of buzz at the time about Lynne coming in and making these changes which is probably why I remember it and categorize it so clearly from the above. Ultimately I think it was used mostly in the West End and Broadway productions, I didn't see too much use of it elsewhere. See this gifset for a comparison of the changes made.
Post-COVID choreography. To me, it felt like a continuation of the above but with added changes, mainly: less dancing for Christine (she seemed to spend most of her time running around the stage being chased by the dancers), some more twirling, and she and Raoul get pulled in by the ensemble at one point. Like the one directly above, this is used mostly in the West End and Broadway productions after their revival / reopening. I don't have a gifset comparison but here's a video of it on Broadway.
No dance Christine. A somewhat special case, as far as I can tell used mainly in the original Vienna production and if a Christine has injured herself in a way where she can perform but just can't do a lot of the dancing (e.g. I believe Meghan Picerno did something like this in the first few days of her World Tour run). As the name implies, this is when Christine just dashes offstage for half of 'Masquerade', leaving Raoul to wander confusedly looking for her and the ensemble to show off some rather excellent moves, though she'll emerge back in time to get on the staircase. Here's a full video of the original Vienna production, just skip to 'Masquerade' to see it.
So that's how I'd divide it! Again, it's more about finding the commonalities and not getting too bogged down with the various little tweaks that occur here and there...
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Copenhagen , Februari Morning   -  Friedel Anderson , 2016.
German,  b. 1954  -  
Oil on canvas , 110 x 110 cm.
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icelandsgirl · 11 months
List of My 35 Favorite Hetalia Fanfictions
This list is mostly for me to go back to, but if you wanna check them out, I do recommend. So good. I ranked them in order of my favorites because it's my list and I do what I want.
Gutters (glassamilk, July 2010) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6122026/1/Gutters 'The Calamity' has left the world stripped and dying. Alone in a civilian bunker in Munich, Sealand will be reunited with the last known living member of his surrogate family and together, they will set out across Europe to find those they have lost.
The Danish Slaughterhouse (Decada, November 2012) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8744418/1/The-Danish-Slaughterhouse At Mathias's insistent begging, the rest of the Nordic Five decide to go visit this "new, bigger, totally badass" mansion of his and spend some vacation there. But the stay might not be as pleasant as Mathias had let on...
the Soviet Insanity series (Shadows in the Light of Day, October 2014) Part One: Interference https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10728361/1/Interference One of the unwritten laws for surviving in Russia's house is that you never, ever interfere with his punishment of your friends. Unless you're Lithuania. Then, no one's going to stop you. They're all too frightened to stand up to Russia...but Estonia is going to change that. Part Two: Latvia's Absence https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10758808/1/Latvia-s-Absence Lithuania and Estonia's punishment may be over, but the Baltics still have to survive the aftermath. With Latvia forbidden to speak to the others and Lithuania determined to unravel the mystery behind Latvia's 'disappearance', will anyone notice how strange Estonia is acting? Will Latvia be able to cope without his friends? And will they all be reunited? Part Three: Insanity https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10862382/1/Insanity Reconciled to the belief that Lithuania and Latvia do not care about him, Estonia makes a desperate plan that he believes will save them all, but may in fact destroy him once and for all. As Lithuania struggles to make sense of Estonia's behavior, he is confronted by a nation who is only just realizing what has been happening to the Baltics for years. Part Four: Web of Delusions https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11007515/1/Web-of-Delusions For now, the Baltics, Belarus, and Ukraine seem to finally be safe. However, when Lithuania's pity for Russia overcomes his common sense, he ends up even further entangled in the web of insanity that they are all trapped in. As Estonia and Belarus try to find a way to break free, Lithuania makes a last attempt to save Russia from himself.
Þetta Reddast (nicegaai, January 2023) https://archiveofourown.org/works/44430493/chapters/111752707 Berwald, Mathias, and Sigurd are cousins. Emil is Sig's little brother. All of them have the same thing wrong with them. (Maybe it's genetic.)
Evig Eies Kun Det Tapte (slire, June 2015) https://archiveofourown.org/works/4147929?view_adult=true Set 1349 → 1350 AD. During the Black Plague ⅔ of Norway's population perish. After a year of wandering his country looking for God(s), he seeks sanctuary in Copenhagen.
When I'm Falling Down (quinndalynn, February 2012) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7855439/1/When-I-m-Falling-Down Left alone by his so-called Nordic 'family' once again, Iceland grapples with the monster inside, meanwhile pondering how he only truly thinks himself to be alive when he's falling.
A Certain Sort of Loneliness (APHPuffinChild, December 2016) https://archiveofourown.org/works/8809477/chapters/20198536 Emil has never dealt well with change - it always made him feel like he was being left behind.
The World Is Ugly (KnoxInSocks, April 2017) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12461154/1/The-World-Is-Ugly Emil Steilsson has always lived with depression, but it only gets worse when he moves from his home in Iceland to America with his older brother. The only thing keeping him sane is the gorgeous boy in his class, Leon Wang, who went through a similar experience a few years before.
Cold Dark Sea (roughdiamond5, April 2016) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11908631/1/Cold-Dark-Sea Leon trusts Emil until the last beat of his increasingly undead heart.
The Monsters In Us All (Shini-chan, June 2021) https://www.quotev.com/story/9310191/The-Monsters-in-us-all-Dark-Yandere-Hetalia-x-Reader/6 "Oh dear, look what you have done. Stealing my heart and then acting like it is no big deal. Now you pay the price, love. And the price is you!"
Unstable (SwiftNinja91, July 2012) https://www.deviantart.com/swiftninja91/art/Insane-Iceland-x-Therapist-Reader-Unstable-P1-317521066 Emil seems perfectly fine... despite the occasional creepy behavior.
She'll Never Know (Alfredosauce, August 2022) https://www.quotev.com/story/10382221/Hetalia-x-reader-ONE-SHOTS/19 Everybody’s pumped for the week-long skiing trip in Switzerland. While Emil and you are back to showcasing your weird relationship— “platonically” holding hands and sharing beds, Mathias never catches the drift like everyone else does and demands the same treatment from you. Emil eventually gives in to jealousy and denounces his friendship with you the first night in. He thought he was satisfied with these developments, all until he overhears a conversation between Mathias and Lukas two days later. Seems like he wasn’t the only one pining for you. His chance at revenge arrives when he finds the Dane unconscious in the snow after a freak accident.
Lights, Camera, Action! (smileygohappy, June 2022) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39743103/chapters/99499203 Lukas is a professional adult film star who has gained a wondrous amount of recognition and fame over the past few years. To keep up that ongoing popularity, he then asks Emil for a favor—to be in one of the adult films with him.
Tall Cold Grass (Jacquzy, June 2011) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7043530/1/Tall-Cold-Grass It was wrong. It was disgusting. He was his brother, his dearest baby brother, and he could still remember how he'd first found that small, frightened child, shaking behind the tall, cold grass.
A World Without Light (Wheatley, December 2014) https://www.quotev.com/story/5769241/A-World-Without-Light-a-DarkHetalia-Nordics-story/1 When the gods gave Norway one last chance to be with the people he loved most, they told him he needed to give something up that was important to him. He gave them his sanity. Now locked in a world of pain and darkness, Norway searches for his lost ability to smile again.
Bad Decisions (Secondhandpianist, March 2023) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18148376/chapters/42914384 Eirikur generally liked to believe that he was a good and responsible person. He always paid his bills on time, he hardly ever missed work, but could he be considered responsible or even good after he found out what he’d managed to get himself into?
Texting (MeowHime, October 2015) https://www.wattpad.com/story/51275813-iceland-x-abused-reader-texting You'd lived in abuse for years, and your family would constantly remind you that you were worthless. On a whim, you joined a group chat, since socialising wasn't your strong point. There, you met a boy under the name of Iceland_Puffin. You became friends, and since then, had exchanged phone numbers and texted each other every night. Little did you know, he was transferring to your school.
Sovn, Lillebror (ReykjavikBondivik, November 2017) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12741583/1/S%C3%B8vn-lillebror Depressed Iceland is Depressed™.
the Suicide Season pair (ticcking, March 2018) https://archiveofourown.org/series/966831 Russia is slowly dying (and he no longer likes to hurt people); Puberty is hitting Sealand like a bus, and something is wrong with America...
Frogs In a Pot (Leafy_leaf, September 2022) https://archiveofourown.org/works/41793708 “Don’t let someone be mean to you. You’re a very sweet child, so I worry you’ll be taken advantage of.” His boss said. Well, he had certainly tried to avoid being taken advantage of.
Shrinking Norway (PolarbearNinja2, June 2014) https://www.deviantart.com/polarbearninja2/art/Hetalia-Fanfic-Shrinking-Norway-Ch1-458571199 Shinking Norway.
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itsloriel · 2 years
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Ballerinas of The Bodywork Company Copenhagen Story W Magazine December 2016 -Tim walker
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eurovision-facts · 8 months
Eurovision Fact #549:
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After her win at Sanremo, Angelina Mango will be representing Italy at Eurovision this May with her song "La Noia." She is a highly successful artist with "4 platinum records, two gold records, a completely sold-out tour, appearances at the top of the sales charts and some of the most played songs on the radio..."
She is the first female artist to win Sanremo and represent Italy at Eurovision in 10 years.
The last female artist to win Sanremo was Arisa in 2014, but she did not go to Eurovision, instead the singer Emma went in her place. Additionally, Francesca Michielin represented Italy in 2016, but she came second in Sanremo.
"Angelina Mango triumphs in Italy: 'La Noia' is the winner of 'Sanremo' 2024," Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Copenhagen 2014: Emma, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Stockholm 2016: Francesca Michielin, Eurovision.tv.
Sanremo Music Festival 2014, Wikipedia.org.
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unichrome · 1 year
Evil Malware
Welcome back to another episode of An Actual Post. As usual, no prior computer science education needed. Today I'm going to talk about the worst of the worst malware. A lot of things has happened since what the general population consider to be viruses; annoying and maybe steals some money or logins. Unfortunately it's nowadays way way way worse than that so prepare for some uncomfortable reading!
Since the dawn of Stuxnet (which I wrote about here), malware has gotten increasingly more real-life, with real-life complications. It could be the Pegasus spyware, that targets political activists in authoritarian regimes, or disruptive infections that put a stop to Copenhagens metro trains for a few hours. But we're merely in the beginning, because in the last few years, some nasty shit has been going down. I'm going to write about two (technically three but I'll group the first two together for obvious reasons) of the worst incidents we've seen today.
BlackEnergy and CrashOverride
This piece of malware has been around since early 2000's, for the intention of creating DDoS attacks (which I wrote about here) from infected computers. It has since then branched out in its usage, particularly into targeting infrastructure environments. Most notable is the 2015 Ukrainian powergrid incident, which occured when the Russian hacking group known as "Sandworm", infected three Ukrainian energy companies, wiping out systems and causing a power outage for over 250 000 households during winter. The attack began with just one infected document being opened in the affected companies. When BlackEnergy infected their systems, it opened up a remote connection to the attackers, making them able to control the entire powergrid opreation from inside Russia, and thereby switching it off.
That was not enough though, as the attackers also implanted another piece of malicious software known as KillDisk, which wiped out many of the ciritical operation systems, as well as cutting off the connection to the UPS units, which are backup generators in case of system outage. To add a cherry on top, BlackEnergy did what it was originally intended to do - DDoS attacks - towards the energy companies call-centers, so that customers were not able to call and ask what was happening.
The Ukrainian powergrid is quite outdated, which made the attack easier, but it was also the saving grace, as they still had manual power-switches (as opposed to purely digital, which were under the attackers control), so power was eventually restored before they had to rebuild all of their digital systems. This is more concerning for countries with modern powergrids, as manual switches have all been replaced by only digital, meaning power restoration could take weeks or months in case of a similar attack.
Besides the energy companies, three other critical Ukrainian infrastructure organisations were hit by BlackEnergy, but did not result in any operational outages.
But it didn't stop there. Just one year later, in December 2016, a similar attack struck Kiev, successfully taking down one-fifth of the countrys electrical power. Like with the BlackEnergy incident, it was quite quickly restored, but there was a far more horrifying infection this time. Named CrashOverride, the malware was much more sophisticated than BlackEnergy, did more things automatically without the need of input from a remote attacker. It was also modular, meaning that functionalities could just be added to it like lego-pieces, adapting it to whatever kind of electrical grid it was entering. This meant that it wouldn't just be able to infect only Ukranian electrical grids, but just about any country's. Furthermore, evidence points to the 2016 CrashOverride infection only being a test-run.
Last but definitely not least - Triton, the first (known) malware designed to kill.
But before we talk about it, we need to look at what happened in Bhopal, India in 1984 when what has since been considered the worst industrial disaster of all time occured. At the Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant in December 2nd, one of the gas tanks had a fatal malfunction, creating a massive gas leak of methyl isocyanate, which is extremely toxic. The leak spread to the surrounding city of Bhopal, resulting in almost 600 000 injured people, 40 000 temporary injuries, 4 000 permanent or severe injuries and over 8 000 people died within the first two weeks, with an estimated additional 8 000 deaths following due to injuries in the time after.
This was of course not caused by Triton, but it became the inspiration for the creation of the malware In 2017, a new piece of malware was discovered in Schneider Electrics industrial control system (called Triconex) at a Saudi Arabian petrochemical facility, which unravelled a horrible and complex secret. The infection chain for Triton contains many steps, so let's start with a brief overview of what the Triconex ICS and SIS is. ICS (Industrial Control System) are computers that handles all the industrial processes, computers that are programmed to do one thing and one specific thing only, unlike our regular PCs which you can play games or surf the internet and whatever. ICS will be computers who control valves, releases chemicals into vats, spins stuff around, or whatever automated processes may happen at an industrial facility.
SIS (Safety Instrumented System) are a kind of ICS that are responsible to check that everything is going alright and, if needed, will take over the process in case some ICS is failing and may result in damage, fire, injury or other disasters. So a SIS are monitoring failsafes, meant to prevent what happened in Bhopal.
Unless, of course, you program a malware intended to make the SIS malfunction.
What happened in the Saudi Arabian petrochemical facility started as follows:
The attackers successfully implanted a remote access trojan, which just like in the BlackEnergy case, makes the attackers able to control infected machines remotely. However, you can't infect a ICS or SIS this way, you need to enter a regular computer with internet access first, which is what they did. The initial machine was an engineering station, on which ICS and SIS computers are controlled. From there, the attackers wanted to plant their own software on the ICS and SIS machines, but there was a problem; the software can't be installed without someone turning a physical key on the Triconex devices, as a security measure. A second problem is that every time new software changes are made to a Triconex device, the old software will be deleted and replaced entirely by the new, which meant that the malware was at risk of being deleted if any engineer made any software changes.
So a second piece of Triton malware was made to overcome those hurdles. Instead of being save where the software should be saved in the Triconex devices, it saved itself where the firmware was installed (the piece of software that's made to have the Triconex work as opposed to where the software that tells the Triconex what to do), this not only gave Triton persistence even if new software was loaded, but also overrides the physical key as firmware always has administrator privileges. With all this in place, the attacker could execute any commands at the comfort of their home to both the ICS and SIS systems in the facility.
As luck would have it, before the attackers were able to cause any harm, the facility experienced a safety incident, prompting shutdown of the whole operation, and an investigation later uncovered the malware in the systems. Had Triton not been discovered in time, it would have been able to cause catastrophic failures similar to what happened in Bhopal. But just because it was thwarted this time, doesn't mean it's gone for good. There will always be some actor who is willing to try again.
Thank you for reading and sorry if I scared you, but honestly I think people need to be aware of the situation, as for some bisarre reason, events like these are not reported in the news. If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask!
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misshoneyimhome · 2 months
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Better In Time I Frederik Andersen
[Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3]
Summary: After discovering that Freddie had moved to Toronto, you decided to reach out to your childhood friend. And to your great surprise, he invited you to stay with him during your visit to the city.
Tropes & warnings: Frederik Andersen x reader, friendship, best friend!Freddie, smut 18+: oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex (p in v)
Word count: 2.7K
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August 2016
Five long years had passed since you last had the chance to spend time with Frederik.
In those early years, you used to spend your summers together, seamlessly picking up where you left off, whether it was at a local café, a favourite hiking trail, or just lounging around playing video games. Those times were golden, filled with laughter, shared secrets, and a comforting sense of continuity. However, as life took you in different directions, those cherished opportunities had become increasingly rare. Frederik’s hockey commitments grew more intense, demanding more of his time and energy, while you delved into your own career and personal pursuits. The occasional phone calls and text messages had become lifelines, but they couldn’t quite replace the face-to-face interactions.
And in recent years, you had missed each other more than you cared to admit, and the gap in your friendship had grown wider, each passing year adding another layer of longing and unspoken words.
You both had grown and changed in many ways, shaped by experiences and responsibilities. Frederik had become a focused athlete, his life a whirlwind of training, matches, and media attention. Meanwhile, you had carved out your own path, building a career and exploring your passions, yet always feeling a slight emptiness where Frederik's presence used to be. 
But then when you heard that he had been drafted to the Toronto Maple Leafs, a monumental leap in his career, you knew you had to make the trip to see your childhood friend.
You had always dreamt of travelling around your birth country, a plan that had been postponed for too long. But now, with the time and the financial means, you finally had the chance to turn that dream into reality. It felt like the perfect excuse to reconnect and bridge the gap that time and distance had created. 
And slightly to your surprise, when you reached out to Frederik, he responded promptly with enthusiasm, gladly offering his condo for you to stay in while you explored the vibrant city of Toronto. His eagerness to host you was a comforting reminder that despite the years and the changes, your bond still held strong.
In recent years, Frederik had become a household name in the NHL, his skills as a goalie earning him widespread acclaim. Interviews, endorsements, and the adoration of fans were now part of his daily life. He was no longer the boy you grew up with; he had evolved into a professional athlete, complete with all the fame and responsibilities that came with it. Despite his newfound celebrity, you hoped to find the same Frederik who had shared countless childhood adventures and late-night conversations.
Meanwhile, you were pursuing your own dreams. Having left the small town of Herning, you moved to Copenhagen for college, where you spent over a year living with a boyfriend. But then unfortunately, things ended when you discovered he was cheating on you.
However, now, at age 23 (with your 24th birthday approaching), you were focused on living your best life. You had a close-knit group of friends, a nice apartment in the city, and a promising first job. Nothing could derail your path, and reuniting with Frederik was the perfect way to kick off your latest adventure as you stepped off the plane and met his welcoming gaze.
And the time you spent with Frederik turned out to be nothing but fantastic. 
Although he found himself less adept at navigating the bustling city of Toronto, his new home, he did his best to ensure you had a memorable visit. He even arranged for you to meet some of his new teammates, giving you a glimpse into the thrilling world he now inhabited before the hockey training camp began.
Yet, amidst all the excitement and adventures, one thing remained unchanged: Frederik's protectiveness and the unique bond you shared. You had always been his closest friend, and he felt a twinge of unease whenever he saw his new friends showing more than just a casual interest in you. To him, it was an unspoken rule, an unwritten code – none of his mates were allowed to come near you.
And as the days in Toronto flew by, filled with sightseeing and dining out at charming restaurants, you both started yearning for some quiet time together. So, you decided to spend a whole day inside, embracing relaxation and each other’s company.
By evening, you then found yourselves comfortably settled on the spacious sofa, wrapped up in each other's presence. A comfortable silence settled over you like a familiar blanket, and you relished the warmth of Frederik's body, feeling a profound connection that had been missing for far too long.
With his arm casually draped around your shoulders, pulling you gently closer as you both watched a rom-com film, it was clear how much you had missed him—his presence, his energy, and especially his touch.
Even though you and Frederik had never crossed the line into romance, the longing to be near him was undeniable. And it was equally apparent that Frederik had missed you just as much. There, on the sofa, wrapped in each other's embrace, you both found comfort in the enduring bond of friendship that had somehow grown stronger over time - despite the distance. 
Being with Frederik in that very moment felt truly special. Despite the stark differences in your lives, lying there together made it seem like no time had passed at all. The days you spent together in Toronto felt like a seamless continuation of your past, as if you'd only seen each other yesterday and nothing had kept you apart.
So, as you shifted slightly in Frederik's embrace, his hand naturally settled on your lower back, and a familiar, pleasant sensation spread through you.
Your hand found its way to his chest, feeling the warmth of his strong arm as it drew you a little closer. And after a few minutes of this cosy closeness, you couldn’t help yourself. Your hand began to explore gently, tracing his torso before coming to rest in his lap.
Frederik shifted slightly in his seat, his attention still fixed on the film. Meanwhile, a mischievous smile played on your lips as you let your hand glide slowly down his muscular thigh, brushing over his crotch, and then up again, before settling back on his inner thigh.
And as you kept your gaze fixed on the television with a seemingly innocent expression, you felt Frederik’s breathing quicken slightly. Which only encouraged you to continue your movements.
Frederik shifted again, and you noticed the growing bulge in his grey joggers, no longer able to be concealed. So, this time, you let your hand rest on his hardening crotch instead of moving it back to his thigh.
You took a moment to ensure Frederik was as interested as you were. And with no words exchanged, he gently rocked his hips, which brought a soft smile to your lips. You gently cupped his bulge, giving it a gentle squeeze, and when you heard a light gasp escape his lips, you felt reassured to proceed further.
With a look that was almost pleading, you then turned your head slowly to meet Frederik’s gaze. And when he noticed your movement, his eyes found yours, and for a moment, you both locked into a silent exchange, the air between you charged with unspoken understanding.
Frederik took charge of the silent tension lingering and leaned in, closing the gap between your lips with a gentle, tender kiss. And as your hand moved toward the waistband of his joggers, slipping beneath the fabric only to discover he was naked underneath, the intensity of the kiss began to build.
Breaths mingled as your kiss deepened, tongues entwining. Your fingers traced the sensitive skin of his cock, feeling it respond and grow firmer in your hand. Meanwhile Frederik’s hand cupped your cheek, drawing you closer into the kiss, as you gradually increased the rhythm of your movements, shifting slightly in his lap to gain better leverage, and stroking his shaft with a steady, deliberate motion.
As his breaths grew heavier, it became clear that while Frederik was enjoying the way you were touching him, he craved a closer connection. So, with a gentle motion, he guided your hand away from his throbbing member, and his strong arms pulled you into his lap. Positioned with your knees on either side of his wide hips, you straddled him, and his large hands slid up under your t-shirt, tenderly caressing your skin before lifting the garment off over your head.
You shared a soft smile, cupping his handsome face as your lips met again in a heated kiss. And instinctively, you then slowly began to rock your hips against his, feeling the pressure of his hard cock through your tiny shorts. A smile crept onto your lips as you felt Frederik’s hand move to cup your ass, guiding and supporting your movements.
In that moment, it felt like the rest of the world had disappeared. The only thing that mattered was the deep connection between you.
Despite the intensity of the kiss, Frederik decided to once more take control. So, breaking the kiss, he swiftly lifted you from the sofa, then carefully repositioned you, lowering you back down onto your back.
You couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle, which earned a small, affectionate smile from Frederik as he hovered over you. After placing a quick tender kiss on your already swollen lips, he then shifted his attention to your neck, planting gentle butterfly kisses that traced their way to your collarbone, and then further down to your breasts. 
He continued his journey with delicate kisses on your soft stomach, stopping just above the hem of your shorts. Then with a skilled touch, he hooked his fingers under the waistband, smoothly removing both your shorts and knickers in one motion. And positioning himself between your legs, he began to kiss your inner thighs, making your breathing deepen and your heartbeat quicken.
A smirk played on Frederik’s lips as he then started to lick along your slit, causing you to let out a soft gasp. You couldn’t help but let soft moans escape as his touch sent waves of pleasure through you. It was nothing but sweet music to Frederik, so with a newfound confidence, he focused on sucking your clit, and at that point, you surrendered completely to the sensation, letting your head fall back against the couch, overwhelmed by the intense pleasure.
“Fuck…” you moaned as Frederik continued to focus his attention on your heat.
And as your moans and breaths only grew more intense, he then gently teased your entrance with two fingers before sliding them inside you, all while keeping his focus on your sensitive clit.
“Oh, yes…” you moaned louder, feeling the build-up of pleasure as Frederik’s fingers moved in and out of your tight channel, his rhythm increasing as you began to clench around them.
“Mmm… yes… Fred,” you managed to gasp between moans, the sensation of his fingers driving you closer to your climax. And with just a bit more stimulation, you reached your orgasm, releasing all over Frederik’s mouth. 
He smirked in satisfaction against your folds before giving you one final, tender lick as you came down from your high. And breathing heavily, you and Frederik shared a light chuckle, and he then leaned in to place another sweet kiss on your lips.
“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Frederik’s voice was low and husky, and you nodded slightly, biting your lower lip in response.
A newfound confidence surged through him. Over the past few years, he’d gained considerable sexual experience, learning the nuances of how to please a woman. And the thrill of making you feel powerless under his touch exhilarated him more than it probably should. 
So, with a broad grin, Frederik's gaze locked with yours as he stood up, pulling down his grey joggers and stepping out of them. He then returned to hover over you, his expression reflecting his satisfaction and anticipation.
The room was filled only with the sounds of the TV and your heavy breathing as Frederik’s large body covered yours, where he then aligned the tip of his cock with your entrance and gave you both a moment to catch your breath, while your hands found the back of his shoulders. And then gently, he pushed himself inside your warm core, your walls embracing him just like they had in the past.
Frederik had almost forgotten how good it felt to be inside you, but as he started to move slowly in and out, all the familiar sensations returned. With each thrust, your cunt enveloped him tightly, causing his mind to become hazy and all other senses to fade away.
His motions were vigorous, merciless as he picked up a rapid pace. The scent of your sweaty bodies mingled in the air, sweet and comforting, as endorphins surged through both of you. Frederik could feel his own climax approaching, the intensity of the moment overwhelming his senses as he kept hitting you deep and hard.
It felt as if your bodies were perfectly made for each other, each thrust bringing you closer to another peak as he repeatedly hit your most sensitive spot. The way his cock filled you just right was driving you towards a powerful orgasm.
“So close,” you moaned breathlessly as Frederik quickened his pace, his thrusts becoming more urgent and desperate. His uncontrolled breathing mingled with yours, his eyes nearly shutting as he struggled to hold back his own release. And sensing that you were on the brink as well, you encouraged him to let go with you. “Come for me, Freddie. Come with me.”
So, with a few more final, powerful thrusts, Frederik let out a deep groan, reaching his climax and spilling his seed inside you, harmonising with your loud moan. 
“Fuck…” he murmured into the crook of your neck, his voice heavy with satisfaction.
You both lay there for nearly a minute, catching your breath as you came down from your highs. And smiling contentedly, Frederik gently pulled out and settled next to you on the sofa, wrapping you in his arms and covering you both with a blanket.
There was a comfortable silence between you as the end credits rolled on the screen, your head resting against Frederik's chest and feeling his heart beating rapidly.
But suddenly, he broke the quiet. "I'm sorry."
You turned your head slightly to look up at him, puzzled. "What for?" you asked, concern in your voice. "Was it not good for you?" 
Frederik simply chuckled. "Of course, it was good," he said. "But... I didn’t use a condom," he admitted, a hint of nervousness in his tone.
"Oh," you shifted to face him more directly. "Is there a risk of you having something or...?" you asked, feeling anxious.
But Frederik shook his head reassuringly. "No, not at all... but, are you on birth control or something?"
Then it dawned on you what Frederik was getting at.
"Well... no, I mean I used to be on birth control," you admitted, "but I stopped after my ex and I broke up." There was a brief silence as you both pondered what to do next. And sensing Frederik’s lingering worry, you tried to offer some reassurance. "But I don’t think it’s a huge issue, Freddie," you said with a comforting smile. "I had plenty of unprotected sex with my ex, even before I started on birth control, and nothing ever happened. So, I’m sure we’re fine."
Frederik nodded, though he still felt a bit guilty for not thinking about using protection. Yet, seeing your serious and reassuring expression, he sighed and decided to trust your judgement.
And fortunately, Frederik’s concern soon faded. However, in the days that followed, as you enjoyed more intimate moments, he made sure to use protection, just to be on the safe side.
In short, the week with Frederik had been absolutely fantastic. Not only had you experienced incredible intimacy (a refreshing change after faking it multiple times with your ex), but you’d also had the chance to reconnect deeply with your best friend. And as you prepared to leave, you both hoped it wouldn’t be as long until your next meeting. Frederik was someone you truly wanted in your life, so with a heartfelt hug before you headed into the airport, you both committed to making a genuine effort to stay in touch.
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🎲 The 5SOS Show Tour Dice Roll Selections 🎲
Final Tally:
If You Don't Know: 9
Voodoo Doll: 8
Wrapped Around Your Finger: 8
English Love Affair: 6
Heartbreak Girl: 6
Heartache On The Big Screen: 5
Buenos Aires Night 1 - 19 July 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: 29 May 2016 @ SLFL Copenhagen
Buenos Aires Night 2 - 20 July 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: 30 August 2016 @ SLFL Spokane
Rio de Janeiro - 23 July 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: 15 September 2017 @ Rock In Rio
São Paulo - 25 July 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: The 5SOS Show Buenos Aires Night 1
Times played: 2
Santiago - 27 July 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Rio de Janeiro
Times played: 2
Bogotá - 30 July 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Santiago
Times played: 3
Uncasville - 10 August 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: 2015 July 22 @ ROWYSO Mountain View
Boston Night 1 - 12 August 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: 4 October 2016 @ SLFL Sydney
Boston Night 2 - 13 August 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: Live Debut
Toronto - 15 August 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Buenos Aires Night 2
Times played: 2
Detroit - 16 August 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Boston Night 1
Times played: 2
Bristow - 18 August 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Bogotá
Times played: 4
Philadelphia - 19 August 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Bristow
Times played: 5
New York City - 21 August 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Toronto
Times played: 3
Chicago - 23 August 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour New York City
Times played: 4
Cleveland - 25 August 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour São Paulo
Times played: 3
Cincinnati - 26 August 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Detroit
Times played: 3
Minneapolis - 28 August 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Uncasville
Times played: 2
Indianapolis - 30 August 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Cleveland
Times played: 4
Nashville - 1 September 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Indianapolis
Times played: 5
Atlanta - 2 September 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Cincinnati
Times played: 4
Raleigh - 3 September 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Philadelphia
Times played: 6
Hollywood- 6 September 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Chicago
Times played: 5
Houston - 9 September 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Boston N2
Times played: 2
Dallas - 10 September 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Raleigh
Times played: 7
Phoenix - 13 September 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Atlanta
Times played: 5
Los Angeles - 14 September 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Minneapolis
Times played: 3
Lisbon - 23 September 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Houston
Times played: 3
Madrid - 24 September 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Phoenix
Times played: 6
Milan - 26 September 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Hollywood
Times played: 6
Stuttgart - 27 September 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Dallas
Times played: 8
Düsseldorf - 28 September 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Los Angeles
Times played: 4
Brussels - 30 September 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Stuttgart
Times played: 9
Amsterdam - 1 October 2023
Voodoo Doll (Band's choice)
Last played: The 5SOS Show Milan
Times played: 7
Glasgow - 3 October 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Lisbon
Times played: 4
Manchester - 4 October 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Amsterdam
Times played: 8
London - 5 October 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Glasgow
Times played: 5
Luxembourg - 7 October 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Düsseldorf
Times played: 5
Paris - 8 October 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Madrid
Times played: 7
Budapest - 10 October 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Paris
Times played: 8
Gliwice - 11 October 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Luxembourg
Times played: 6
Prague - 12 October 2023
English Love Affair (Ashton's throw)
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Luxembourg
Times played: 6
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
Meet me in the Hallway
His debut's opening track - first taste the world had of solo Harry Styles. MMIH drew a line under 1D, telling the listener to not expect a teen popstar. It's slow and is still one of his more vulnerable songs.
You can hear the influence of Pink Floyd's Breathe in MMIH. Harry has long listed Pink Floyd as an influence, and he has a tattoo for the Dark side of the Moon Album cover, of which Breathe is the opening track. On 29 September 2016, while finalising his first album, Harry gave a 10 song mix tape to Another Man, Breathe was the first song.
It likens love to addiction, and includes not communicating with his partner, similar to Fine Line and Clean. It also has similarities to Only Angel. It was later referenced by both Harry and Taylor's songs about each other.
When was it written
MMIH, Kiwi and Sweet Creature were the first songs written for the album, in LA between February and May 2016. MMIH and Kiwi are in this photo of the album taking shape from before Harry cut his hair for Dunkirk.
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Live performances and emotional range
Harry hasn't played it live since July 2018, it has emotional range:
Taylor was in London, in Hampstead Health start of 2018. Harry writes Fine Line (Jan 2018) & Taylor - Cruel Summer (mid-2018).
9 March - Joe and Taylor look miserable in the US Joe hikes in dark jeans and nikes, and again in London April 8.
11 March - Harry's tour starts again and MMIH was particularly hard to perform. In Copenhagen 19 March 2018, he turned away and left:
23-30 June - Taylor 1 week break in the US, now both in the US.
1 July - He smirks in the same song and sings "Running with you" rather than thieves:
The next week, Taylor and Joe were uncharacteristically papped in Turks and Caicos. That night, Harry talked to a fan who fell in love to MMIH. He then broke up with Camille shortly after and wrote Cherry and Falling.
Meet me in the hallway Meet me in the hallway I just left the bedroom Give me some morphine Is there any more to do?
In Only Angel Harry sings about breaking a knuckle on her bedroom door, driven by hunger, here he is overwhelmed with sadness mixed with desire.
Hallways are mentioned in many Haylor songs
Harry and Taylor have stayed in the same hotel many times, when they dated they did in NY and have both attended many international awards, like the 2013 NRG awards in Cannes.
Harry likens his attraction to his muse as a heroin addition. Taylor later sang in Death by a thousand cuts Taylor refers to this "Gave up on me like I was a bad drug".
Taylor had previously likened getting over Harry to recovering from a drug addiction in the closing track of 1989, Clean. "Ten months sober, I must admit / Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it / Ten months older, I won't give in / Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it"
Just let me know I'll be at the door, at the door Hoping you'll come around Just let me know I'll be on the floor, on the floor Maybe we'll work it out I gotta get better, gotta get better I gotta get better, gotta get better I gotta get better, gotta get better And maybe we'll work it out
"Maybe we'll work it out" is almost a precursor to the chorus and end of Fine Line's uncertain "We'll be alright"
He's aware the person does not feel the same about him but is hoping that will change. Also similar to Fine Line, here is willing to be on the floor for her, whereas in the later Fine Line with great vulnerability he sings "I don't want to fight you / And I don't want to sleep in the dirt"
I walked the streets all day Running with the thieves Cause you left me in the hallway (Give me some more) Just take the pain away
Harry is lost and searching for a way to take his mind off his muse or find answers.
Taylor refers to this line in "Ready for it..?" "Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me / Stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry"
In Saint Paul he changed this line to running with you and did the pointing up motion he has in medicine.
We don't talk about it It's something we don't do Cause once you go without it Nothing else will do
He sang this verse at the start of the tour 2017 - but not in 2018.
After pleading his love to take the pain away and be with him.
A theme in many of their songs reflect on the lack of communication:
In Fine Line Harry sings "Spreading you open / Is the only way of knowing you" to reflect that are drawn to each other but don't communicate:
In Message in a bottle, Two Ghosts and Sunflower Vol 6 Harry and Taylor are Tongue Tied
In Wish you would he 'Still doesn't know what [Taylor] never said'
They have spoken in interviews about song being the most amazing unspoken dialogue, that they can say things in song they can't to each other.
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operafantomet · 2 months
Do you prefer larger or smaller stages, Like the Swedish production?
"The Swedish production" might be a bit wide term, as there has been four different Swedish production:
The original Stockholm production 1989-1995
The non replica Finnish / Swedish one in Gothenburg 2017-2018
The Stockholm revival 2016-2017
The non replica Kristianstad production 2020-2023
Of these, the latter was definitely the smallest, playing in a theatre with a seating capacity of 362. Which of course meant all seats were fairly close to the stage. It was a lovely Art Nouveau theatre, grand in style but small in size, I liked it a lot. Photo I took there:
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The Stockholm revival played in Cirkus Teater, with a seating capacity of 1,644. It's a circular auditorium, where many will be placed far at the side or quite long away from stage. I have seen both POTO and Chess there, and whereas the building itself is stunning in its turn-of-the-century-circus vibe, it is not my favourite venue for theatre. It's so many levels and stair and fences and whatnot, and a sound more suited for concerts. But it's a cool allround experience to go there, including its location at an idyllic peninsula. Photo from TripAdvisor:
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The original production played in Oscarsteatern, which has a seating capacity of around 950, but again with an intimate layout where most seats are close to stage. I did not see this production, alas, but friend Josefine loved it there, and sometimes compared it to Det Ny Teater in Copenhagen (which I adore). From their website:
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The Finnish / Swedish version played at the Gothenburg Opera's main stage, with a seating capacity of around 1,300. I also didn't see this production, but I have seen Sunset Boulevard there. It's a brand new building, a fairly tall auditorium, but with a smart horseshoe layout and a feeling of sitting close to the stage still. From their website:
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As a general note, I do tend to enjoy smaller theatres more, due to the proximity to stage. More facial expressions, more details, more concentrated sound, more acoustic sound. Ob the other hand, I think a production like POTO needs a bit of stage and space. So I probably prefer the mid/large size theatres, like Det Ny Teater in Copenhagen and His Majesty's Theatre in West End. But it also depends on the production.
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glassprism · 17 days
sorry for maybe an overly broad question, but have you answered anyone else's questions on, like, how to find good versions to watch you could direct me towards? the whole idea of trading and taking part in these well-established communities with their own etiquette and quirks and history is kind of terrifying? i don't know much about any given actor and really love the visuals so it feels like if i approached anyone personally it would be like me asking them "hello may i have your crispest mp4 please you will receive nothing in exchange by the way i don't know what's going on" which. out of the question. do i just... google it..? sorry to ramble and ask something kind of incoherent i'm just completely lost and thought you were always very helpful and patient with random fools like myself 😭
Hello! No need to feel like a fool, the trading community can feel overwhelming to get into. But also, rest assured that questions like, "What's the best bootleg to watch, regardless of time, location, or cast?" are quite common. Many people will do that for different shows, just to get a feel for it before, say, buying a ticket to see it live. For examples of previous asks I've gotten that are like that, see here and here (though I can't guarantee the links are still working, as many of those asks are years old).
For an updated answer, what I would first recommend is going to this list of full Phantom bootlegs uploaded to YouTube. A general rule of thumb if all you're looking for is good quality, is to find the most recently filmed videos, simply because as time progressed, so did camera technology. If you want my own personal recommendation and you don't care about language, then I would recommend the 2019 Copenhagen video (Act I and Act II). It's got a great cast, a great production, and was filmed and uploaded in HD. If you do want a production in English, than any of the Broadway ones from the last decade or so will do (like 2018 or 2016). The Broadway filmers were generally prolific and knew what they were doing.
I hope that helps!
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supersonicart · 2 years
Taylor Schultek's "Chaotic Neutral."
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Currently on view at Gallery Poulsen in Copenhagen until April 29th, 2023 is artist Taylor Schultek's solo exhibition, "Chaotic Neutral."
New York-based painter Taylor Schultek, who first appeared at Gallery Poulsen in 2016, has become an integral component of the gallery's identity through two solo exhibitions and numerous group shows both in Copenhagen and at international art fairs. Schultek now prepares to launch his third solo exhibition in collaboration with Gallery Poulsen, titled Chaotic Neutral, which features hyperrealist representations of contemporary urban life.
Schultek's urban landscapes weave together subcultures, modern narratives, and virtual spaces, drawing from his personal experiences in New York City, memories, and digital realms to depict our current place in time. Schultek's artistic practice is rooted in graffiti, which informed his understanding of urban life's nuances and expressions. His figurative narratives blend elements such as personal interests, intimate city spaces, technological advancements, and societal anxieties. Simultaneously, his works incorporate digital aesthetics, using back alleys, underground tunnels, trains, rooftops, and virtual spaces to construct an autobiographical space balancing between fiction and reality. While Schultek's paintings may appear dystopian, they serve as a means for both the artist and the viewer to engage with and appreciate the present moment, reflecting on their relationships with their ever-evolving surroundings.
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