#Cor x Loqi
ffxvficrec · 2 months
by TheMaidofLight22 A woman with the face of their friend is captured after attempting a coup upon the future king and his guardians. Working alongside daemons, seemingly controlling them, she nearly struck down the team. Her power was subdued by their loyal Shield, who was able to knock her unconscious. They agreed to keep her, but contain her into a cage in the Hammerhead garage. While not the most civil way to handle her, it is the only solution they can fix up before she comes to. She is fierce, primal and raw. Shockingly, she is well read, educated and knows how to speak their language despite having an beastly complex. Gladio confides in her, showing her he is not afraid. She begrudgingly admits to him her name: Chrome Animalia. With that single gesture, her memories of a better life come back to her, before she was taken and tainted by Niflheim. As time passes in her cage, she slowly reveals her story to him. Together, they determine to unveil the secrets of her past. Riddled with guilt, trauma and grief, Chrome gradually warms up to the four. But can she be trusted? Will she continue her senseless violence against the four, to appeal to the Empire? Or will she break down and become their ally? Words: 3208, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F , F/M , M/M , Multi Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum , Ignis Scientia , Regis Lucis Caelum , Aulea Lucis Caelum , Verstael Besithia , Ardyn Izunia , Original Characters , Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , Ravus Nox Fleuret , Cindy Aurum , Cor Leonis , Iedolas Aldercapt , Dave Auburnbrie , Iris Amicitia , Astrals (Final Fantasy XV) , Loqi Tummelt Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Original Female Character(s) , Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Ive been dead on this site for years , now im back with a vengence , OC X CANON , AU for my first OC fanfic , AU , im so excited to be back in this fandom , I love you guys , i hope you like enemies to lovers cause we're doing it this time!! , book/canon ending , Enemies to Lovers , cringe OC time!! , multiships and possible fluff/smut later
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pearlpugly · 3 years
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some corqi sketches from twitter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ps.: the 🔞 is on twitter deepslowxxx if anyone wanna check it out 😏
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moonraccoon-exe · 4 years
Corqi AU
Cor and Loqi as they are in game. Cor is the Lucian Marshal, Loqi is still an Imperial Brigadier General.
Their characters are the same.
Their dynamic is the same.
Their rivalry is still a thing.
But Loqi is the one that always wins.
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mogquicksilver · 5 years
Left behind but not forgotten
Words: 680 Rating: General Pairing: Cor Leonis/Loqi Tummelt (slightly) For: @niffloqi thanks to our conversation on our server <3
Loqi had to leave behind his mech when he left Tenebrae, to move on to Lestallum. Now, ten years later, he returned to his old companion, and finally comes to terms with a goodbye. This is unbeta’d as always. Sorry for mistakes.
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Back then, Loqi Tummelt had no other chance. The world fell into chaos and his mech was heavily damaged. 
He still remembers how extremely his heart ached, like a burning in his chest that couldn't be extinguished. 
When everyone left Tenebrae to move on to Lestallum, the only city with enough light that was save enough, it was also time for Loqi to leave his mech behind. 
Loqi needed a long time to come to terms with this. Aranea kept telling him that, as soon as they found enough spare parts, they could come back to repair it. 
Now, ten years later and with the dawn returned, Loqi could only laugh about how blindly he tried to believe her words. 
There was never enough spare parts to repair it, because the spare parts he needed would have been in Niflheim. It was frustrating, angering, and damn unfair. 
Most of the people around him didn't understand why Loqi was being so emotional over 'just a mech'. But for Loqi, it was a companion, a friend that fought a lot of battles with him. And also something that he worked hard on to improve, to make his own. 
Surprisingly Cor was the only one who tried to understand, who provided supportive words throughout the long years to ease Loqi's mind. 
With the war at it’s end and the world left in darkness, invaded by daemons, Loqi and Cor had somehow ended up as a team. Unknowingly they had gotten closer with every passing year, every situation that had one of them in danger or close to dying. 
They decided to return to Tenebrae, on Loqi's wish. It took them awhile to find their way, with lots of destroyed paths but also lots of wild greens that had adapted to the lack of light. 
When Loqi recognized the well known form of his mech, he ran the last steps towards it. He stood in awe, mustering the Cuirass up and down. It was his MA-X Cuirass, no doubt about that. 
Cor stayed behind a few meters as Loqi got closer to his mech. It was covered in moss and other greens. "Ten years huh..? It was a long time." the blond murmured, softly grazing over the metal and moss. 
When he climbed up to see inside the cockpit, Loqi could hear plenty of chirping sounds. As soon as he could take a look, he noticed the little nest. Four little, fluffy sparrow chicks were fed by their mother, chirping loudly.
Loqi watched the scene for some time. He was awestruck. They must have found refuge inside his mech. He didn't know what to feel. It was overwhelming. A weird feeling kept welling up in his chest.
Was it grief for leaving his ‘friend’ behind? Was it gladness that his mech had become a safe home? Maybe melancholy, remembering old times? It seemed to be a mixture of all of these, a complexity of feelings and emotions.
His lips formed a tiny smile as Loqi gently climbed back down, patting on the metal ever so kindly. He kept his hand on the moss covered steel for a little while. “Goodbye, old friend.” he whispered into the nothingness of a purely mechanical being.
With a quick motion, the blond wiped at his eyes to erase any evidence of tears. He turned around, facing Cor in the distance, meeting his gaze. “Are you sure to leave it like this?” the older man asked, watching Loqi coming his way.
“Yes. It has found a new purpose.” Loqi answered with a new found certainty, gazing over to the sun that finally had returned. “And so have I.” Loqi said with a soft sigh, knowing too well how much rebuilding there was to do from now on.
Cor smiled down at him, tenderly moving away a stray strand of hair from Loqi’s face, showing his agreement with a nod. “You’re right, let’s go.” 
And so, they moved on again, leaving behind the mech that had been Loqi’s long companion, not looking back, but facing the new dawn before them.
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marmolita · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis/Loqi Tummelt Characters: Loqi Tummelt, Cor Leonis Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - BDSM, dom Loqi, sub Cor, BDSM, Belts, Oral Sex, Face-Fucking, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Beating, Bratty Dom, Mouthy sub, you get the picture Summary:
Loqi takes Cor's hand, but as soon as he's on his feet he socks Cor in the stomach, making him double over, then swings for his jaw. It takes Cor by surprise, and he falls back to the polished floor, eyes wide as he looks up at Loqi. "Fighting dirty, huh?" Cor asks, breathing harder than he was during the fight.
That stony face is cracked, revealing something entirely different. Loqi frowns down at Cor, taking in his dilated pupils, fast breath, and the way he's licking his lips. "Why are you-- oh." It hits him all at once, and he has to blink a few times to clear his head before he can make sense of it. "Cor the Immortal is a sub?!"
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ruiojousama · 5 years
how to introduce your short boyfriend Corqi version
art inspired by one of the sketches by @ hiru872  
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yuu-be-good · 5 years
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A commission for @asoeiki , who asked for the oh-so angsty scene from @moonraccoon-exe ‘s fic Love/Duty
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hobo-chancellor · 5 years
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Got to love a man that’s determined and has goals.
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kanrakixystix · 6 years
Sink or Swim -- Corqi
Hey it’s me. I’m alive. I’m still writing FFXV but I’m super slow at it nowadays. 
But hey! I finally have permission to post this publicly! So here we go! This was my entry for the @ffxvrarepairs charity zine I was a part of earlier this fall. I had a ton of fun writing it, too! 
Title: Sink or Swim Pairing: Cor/Loqi (FFXV) Rated: T Summary: Loqi is forced to take time off before the harrowing events that will soon befall the Citadel, so he takes the opportunity to spend time with his overseas boyfriend before the Empire completely shatters his world. What is a shame, though, is that Loqi may be in over his head in more ways than one.  Word count: 2,943
Time off wasn’t always afforded to high-ranking military officers, especially not when they were in the midst of war. There was planning to be done, maneuvers to practice, adjustments to be done to his mechs, but that would all wait for a later date. As he was told by the high commander, he was starting to look tired from overwork, and he was to take a mandatory leave, effective at the end of the week. Loqi could have argued, but the weight of this war and his efforts to ensure Niflhiem’s victory were beginning to wear on him. No measure was too great to pull his own in this war. He had has family’s name to consider, after all.
 There was the matter of deciding how to spend his impromptu vacation, however. He could simply go home and spend his days enjoying his mother’s cooking – something else that he didn’t get to indulge in nearly as much as he would like to because of this war. Staying there, though, meant that he would have to hear his father ramble about his days serving the Empire before his accident rendered him incapable of his duties as an officer. Sure, he loved a good war story now and then, but Loqi’s father had a penchant for repeating the same ones that he had heard since he was a child. He could only listen to how he assisted Chief Besithia take down the Astral Shiva and how great a victory it was so many times. Then there was the constant grilling of tactics and plans that he always wanted to discuss…
 Yes, his mother’s cooking would have to wait for some other time. Instead, he had a much more pleasant idea.
 Without cracking an eye open, Loqi’s hand fumbled along the other side of the bed, and a pout pulled at his lips when he felt the sheets had already cooled. Of course The Immortal would be up at the crack of dawn on vacation. Groaning, he rolled over in the bed, which was significantly less comfortable now that he knew there wasn’t the weight of the other man beside him. Peeking from underneath the sheet, he was met with the glow of morning reflecting off of Galdin’s crystal waves. He lie quietly for a time, watching the water ebb and flow with the tide. To Loqi, it was magical as much as it was scientific, how gravity created the flow of currents and tides, but it was marvelous all the same.  
 The slow creak of the door to their room reached his ears, followed by the smell of coffee, then the dip of the bed beside him. A strong, large hand brushed the hair from his face and trailed down his cheek. Loqi couldn’t help but lean into it. Curse his touch-starved self.
 “Is that for me?” he asked into Cor’s palm, skipping the morning pleasantries altogether.
 “Nope,” Cor smirked and tipped the mug of coffee towards him before taking a long sip from the plain white mug. Asshole. “Yours is on the table if you want it.”
 Loqi huffed, indignant as he sank further into the pillows and narrowed his eyes at him. He did this on purpose, and Loqi supposed he should give him more credit than he normally did. Cor’s ears were deaf to begging, even in the more – ahem – intimate of situations, so pleading with him to just hand him the damn mug was useless. However, if he got up an got it himself, Loqi would have to crawl over him to get to the coffee, which would not only leave himself wide open for the Marshal’s viewing pleasure, but it would force him out of bed, and that was the last thing he wanted to be. He was rather enjoying the waves crashing on the shore and staring at them from afar.
 “Let’s get moving,” Cor drawled as he stood, stretching his arms over his head. “The beach is a lot nicer up close.” Yawning, Loqi curled his legs under him and sat up, allowing the sheets to pool around his waist to expose pale, soft skin. There were some small scars on his arms and chest. Such was the price to pay as a war mechanic, but it offered Cor a view that would become commonplace over the duration of their getaway. As Loqi rubbed the sleep from his eyes, Cor grabbed the coffee from the table and handed it to him. Of course, Loqi wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of a proper ‘thank you,’ but he figured a gracious smile around the rim of the mug would suffice.
 The beach was more or less foreign to Loqi. The only shorelines in Niflhiem were frozen over and caked with snow and ice. Topless? Forget it. If you wanted to get close to any water, you needed six layers of clothes and spiked boots just to traverse the shore. Loqi recalled a particular time he had gone on a research expedition with his father to the Chorovas Rift, and they had gotten so lost that they ended up on the shore of the Sathersea. He shivered just thinking about the chill that had settled in his young bones and nearly froze him to death.
 Galdin Quey was different.
 Donned in plaid short and an oversized tank top, Loqi shielded his eyes from the late morning sun as he stepped from the hotel room. Already, there was quite a crowd, though he knew most of them were only there to get their hands on the cuisine. True, it wasn’t as good as the food at Maagho in Altissia, but it came damn near close. Still, there were the few that were there the peace and quiet Galdin had to offer.
 As he fell into step beside Cor, Loqi brushed his knuckles along the back of his hand. The gesture was simple enough, but between them, it spoke volumes. Oh, he knew the dangers of being seen in public with the enemy. Not a day went by that he didn’t think of the consequences of having fallen for a military man for the opposing side of the war. Quite often, he would remind himself that at any moment they could be facing one another in the heat of battle, and they would have to pretend that taking the other’s life would mean nothing to them. It was a hard pill to swallow, but just as subtly as he had grazed their hands together, Cor entwined their fingers – another silent gesture, but it made Loqi’s heart skip a beat, even if he wouldn’t admit that he squeezed his hand just a little to keep him close.
 He would be thankful for the potential sunburn on his cheeks that covered the blush.
 Off a little ways, people played in the water, disturbing the natural peace, but also enveloping themselves in its natural benefits. Not that Loqi believed any of them were taking a dip in the sea for health reasons, but the fact remained that there was an abundance of swimming, splashing, and his all-time favorite, screaming. Nothing drove him insane faster than the sound of a child shrieking for no apparent reason other than to hear themselves, except for Cor and his love of WATCHING them. Loqi had hoped beyond hope that they would simply stroll by them and not pay them any mind, but no, that had been too much to ask for. They idled at the end of the pier, beneath a large umbrella that casted as much shade as Loqi was with his eyes.
 “Look at them,” Cor said after a long moment of staring out at a group of children near the shoreline.
 “I see them.” Brushing his hair from his bangs, Loqi rolled his eyes and leaned on the railing in front of them. “They’re children. Loud children. Can we move on?”
 “If the Empire continues their research and plans to control the Crown City, they might not ever get to smile like they are now, again.”
 A long, irritated groan escaped Loqi’s lips.
 “I thought we agreed upon hanging up our political difference for the duration of our stay,” he chided, then turned his head to look at the older man. Cor looked distant, as though he were here, but his thoughts – maybe his memories – weren’t. Loqi admitted that he knew only a minimal amount of Cor’s past despite his curiosity. He’d ask, and Cor would always give him the same answers. “And bore you to death with the details?” “Don’t you have anything better to do than listen to me ramble?” or simply, “Not tonight.” His gaze flicked between Cor and the children, and Loqi wondered if they were seeing the same thing. He was willing to bet not.
 “Hey.” Standing upright, Loqi turned to face him fully. “We’re on vacation,” he teased quietly, and he gently swung their joined hands to and fro. “So…lighten up a little.” Loqi shifted from one leg to the other, suddenly uncomfortable with this weird vulnerability that only happened when he was alone with the Lucian.
 Slowly, Cor shifted his gaze to him, and it was then that Loqi realized how grave of a mistake that was.
 “Come on,” he muttered, taking advantage of the fact that their hands were still locked together to drag Loqi off of the pier and into the sand.
 “What are you – ? Unhand me, damn it!” Loqi demanded. Even as Loqi struggled and tried to pull him back, Cor persisted. The closer they got to the water, the more Loqi panicked, and the more he fussed. He wasn’t afraid of open water, really. If anything, he was curious what was under there. Sure, he had a particular knack for machines, but marine biology was a fascinating science. Of course, he couldn’t speak from experience. That’s just what he had read in books and essays. No, water didn’t scare him.
 As the water splashed his feet, he screeched.
 “Cor, stop!” Then, and only then, did Cor turn to look at him, as did everyone else who heard the rather unmanly yelp. Shamefaced, Loqi turned his head away. Maybe this vacation was stupid. He didn’t know what he had hoped to gain from it, or what he expected, but the more heat continued to rise in his cheeks, the more it didn’t matter.
 “What’s wrong?” Cor’s asked, but he couldn’t hear him. The steadfast thump of his heart racing in his chest and blood rushing through his veins and pounded in his ears. Finally, Loqi jerked his hand hard enough for Cor to let go – or did Cor let him go on purpose? Either way, he was free of him, but he couldn’t move. His legs felt like lead, and the longer he stood still in the soft sand, the further he sank.
 “Loqi?” Cor tried again and took a careful step towards him. He wasn’t the only one. Suddenly there were others, asking him, asking Cor, if everything was all right. Overwhelmed, Loqi forced himself to move – away from the questions and prying eyes, away from Cor. Everything was happening so rapidly, and he just wanted the space to process it. Cor let him leave, though not without keeping a watchful eye, he knew. That was okay.
 He just needed to breathe.
 Eventually, the sun began to sink into the sea. That was when Cor came for him. The crowds bearing rowdy children and nosy teenagers had slowly dwindled, leaving only the couples and lonely dwellers – hunters, fishermen, and the like. Most of them occupied the restaurant, but not them.
 Loqi let the water rush past his feet as he stood, mesmerized by the sunset. Yet another pleasantry that was only afforded to him when he set foot in foreign territory. The colors were warm, comforting. He felt like he could stare forever and get lost in the depth of its beauty.
 “You can get closer, you know,” Cor suggested softly from behind, and Loqi tipped his head. He was still a little angry, though mostly at himself for overreacting. It was just a little bit of water, after all.
 “Chasing sunsets now, Marshal?” he teased, and Cor chuckled. Loqi allowed himself to be enveloped in strong arms.
 “I need something to do when I’m not chasing you,” Cor joked back, and Loqi smirked. They were silent for a moment, taking in the atmosphere, when Cor continued. “I’m sorry for what happened earlier. I shouldn’t have dragged you out like that.”
 Shaking his head, Loqi sighed.
 “No, I should have been upfront about this from the start,” he confessed, chuckling dryly. “Truth is, I don’t know how to swim.” Loqi paused, waited for the condescending snort, laugh, something. When it didn’t come, he turned around. As he did, Cor dropped his arms from around him.
 “Now what are you doing? You’re seriously not going to try and drag me into the water again, are you? Because I swear to –“
 Loqi’s rant came to an abrupt halt as he watched Cor shed off his t-shirt, which had him flushing for a whole new reason, but he still had no sunburn to blame it on. He bit his bottom lip and inhaled sharply. He wanted to touch. Oh, did he want to touch. Slowly, he lifted his arm, fingers twitching as he reached for Cor…only for him to step just out of reach. Now pouting, Loqi watched as he stepped past him and into the water, turning to face him.
 “You want it? Come and get it.” Cor taunted, a playful glint shining in his damnably gorgeous eyes. Huffing, Loqi crossed his arms.
 “No way! I just told you I can’t swim!” He hissed indignantly, and Cor chuckled.
 “Despite what you or others might think, I won’t let you drown, Shorty.”
 If the tips of his ears weren’t already red from drinking in the sight of Cor’s half naked body, the low-blow insult definitely set them ablaze. Without giving it another thought, Loqi tore his tank top over his head, fuming as he tossed it into the sand beside Cor’s. As Cor held out his arms – which only seemed to mock him further – Loqi stomped through the water.
 “You know what? This is all your fault in the first place!” He yelled, pushing the water aside with each stride. “Just once, I wanted to come out here on peaceful terms. I wanted to get away from war and politics and not have to follow through with orders that destroy your home! But, no!” His palms slammed onto the surface of the water as he continued his advance, but Cor remained just out of reach.
 “You had to talk about how the war affects the children and then get all distant. And then I can’t even help you or relate to you because you won’t tell me what’s going on in that stupid head of yours and instead you just take off into the water without asking me if I know how to swim!” He took another step, but the ground beneath him dropped off. Before he could stop himself, he sank, and the water’s surface rested just below his chin. Quick hands stopped him from going any further, though, and Cor lifted him easily. Gasping, Loqi hastily wrapped himself around Cor, arms and legs clinging to him for dear life, and all the while, Cor roared with laughter.
 “What kind of boyfriend are you?!” Loqi squealed, and it only made Cor laugh harder.
 “The kind that won’t let you drown, as promised,” he responded smoothly. Loqi would let it slide, for now, but it didn’t change the fact that he was still seething.
 “Look,” Cor motioned out to the open water where the sun was starting to disappear into the horizon. Again, Loqi was lost in the colors. How could something so simple bring such an immense amount of peace? He adjusted, and he gave a soft, content sigh as he felt the pads of Cor’s thumbs trace small circles in his back.
 “I was one of those children, once,” Cor explained softly. Carefree, never giving war a second thought, until it took away my family. My friends, everyone I ever cared about, gone. I was alone.”
 Loqi wanted to fluster. He wanted to boast about the Empire, to tell him that they should feel worthy to have died by the hands of the glorious Niflheim. Instead, he frowned. Politics be damned, his lover was being open, for once, and he was going to be here for him. Silently, he tipped his head and kissed him. It was chaste, different from many of their past kisses that were usually rushed and left a taste just sweet enough for him to want more. This kiss was long, slow, and Loqi hoped beyond hope the it said everything that he couldn’t.
 As they parted, Cor smiled, and held him just a little tighter.
 “I’ve never told anyone that,” he confessed. “At least no one important.” As Loqi let his words sink in, he found himself running his hands through his hair, amused at how the silver hairs that were creeping in glittered in the dusk light.
 “That makes us even, then,” Loqi declared, offering him an understanding smile.
 “Even,” the marshal repeated, and leaned in, kissing Loqi again. The war was far from over, but Loqi knew without a doubt that one way or another, Cor Leonis was going to be the death of him. One day, he would make his peace with that. Today, he was going to enjoy the rest of his vacation.
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generalloqi-blog · 6 years
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My art
it's true love XD
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miryel89 · 6 years
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Everyone must read @princess-kurenai ‘s fanfics about Loqi and Cor...
Someone wants some hot chocolate from Cor ♥ ? 
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gummysungshine · 6 years
DIY [FFXV Cor/Loqi]
Fic masterlist: http://gummysungshine.tumblr.com/post/164077158169/fanfic-masterlist
Pairing: Cor/Loqi Words: 810 Rating: Teen??? Warnings: Mild domestic squabbling, unbeta’d so there might be mistakes.
Hi, hello. Did you ask for some silly, domestic Corqi? No? Well you got some anyway ~ :D This was longer than I originally wanted it.
Permalink: http://gummysungshine.tumblr.com/post/172463703839/diy-ffxv-corloqi
“Hey, wanna help me out? Get those new cabinets fitted?”
Popping his head out from the kitchen, grabbing Loqi’s attention as the younger made a move to the front door, all Cor got was some clever cheek in reply.
“I believe it’s called DIY, as in ‘do it yourself’.”
Why did he even bother to ask, Cor thought to himself, having expected nothing less.
“I’ll take that as a no then.”
“You picked them, so you fit them.” Loqi reminded him all too pointedly, grabbing his shoes by the door. “I’m off out with Prompto, so I couldn’t help even if I wanted to.”
“Right...” He didn’t believe for a minute he would anyway. “Just don’t spend all my money while you’re out.”
“Our money, you mean.” The blond corrected him, slight snark lacing his tone.
Not allowing him to bait him into a silly tiff, Cor let the remark slide as Loqi left the house, knowing it wouldn’t end well for either of them. Not only that, he’d likely get nothing done if he was reeled into another domestic squabble. Thinking on it now, he realised perhaps he and Loqi had a few too many of those to be considered healthy. He supposed it was just one of the many charms of their relationship. The man was sure he would have killed Loqi a long time ago if he wouldn’t’ve missed him, should that’ve happened.
The blond could be infuriatingly difficult to live with when he wanted to. But it was his love for him that kept Cor from throttling him on a daily basis. And there had been plenty of opportunity for that.
Especially when it’d involved money.
Watching that Loqi didn’t spend too frivolously was always a small worry nestled at the back of Cor’s mind. It wasn’t that his partner was overly materialistic, but Cor had learned that Loqi was prone to impulse buying - especially if meant flocking from store to store.
Their usual setup for shopping together involved keeping in mind exactly what they needed, where they could get it from, and how much they could spare to spend on it. Call it meticulous budgeting, but it was the reason why they hadn’t fallen into debt. Cor didn’t dare to think how bad things would be if Loqi lived alone. He was the more responsible one while Loqi provided the spontaneity, to put it lightly.
Hoping his partner would control his purchasing urges - perhaps relying on Prompto to steer him away from anything unnecessary - he knuckled down with his task of sprucing up their home’s kitchen.
Now, in hindsight, Cor realised that Loqi probably would’ve been of very little help anyway, considering the blond’s modest height. There was no way he’d be able to help with the cabinets upon the walls. In fact, he’d begun to wonder if they were perhaps a tad too high for Loqi to reach the top shelves. Maybe he should’ve taken him along to double check when he’d bought them.
Oh well, too late now, Cor thought to himself.
“I’m home.” Loqi’s voice called out, the front door rattling shut behind him.
“You were gone longer than I expected.” Leaning against the doorway of the kitchen, Cor eyed the couple of bags his lover set down on the ground. “What’s the damage then? Not too bad, I hope.”
“Oh, please.” The younger waved him off. “I didn’t buy that much. Actually, I got something that you might like.”
“You bought something for me?”
“No, it’s for me.” Loqi corrected. “But you’ll get some enjoyment out of it. That’s all I’m saying.”
Leaving it up to Cor’s imagination, shooting him a sly wink, he attempted to glance past the elder’s body as he blocked his view, tiptoeing to look over his shoulder.
“So, you finished with the kitchen?”
“Of course.” Cor moved away, offering him a small smile. “Come take a look for yourself.”
Patting the side of one of the cabinets, Cor awaited Loqi’s reaction, watching the blond eye them slightly suspiciously.
“How do you like them? Nice, huh?”
Squinting his eyes up at the very top of the units, Loqi mentally gauged their approximate height, attempting to figure out if he’d be able to reach them.
“They’re intimidatingly tall.”
And they were. Cor knew that. It was exactly the reaction he’d hoped to get from him.
“Well, I hope you bought yourself a footstool while you were out.” He took a dig at him, holding back a smile at the look on his partner’s face.
Hearing the scoff of indignation from him, Cor believed that justice was well and truly served. If Loqi hadn’t sassed him earlier, perhaps he would’ve reconsidered putting up the cabinets. But that was now neither here nor there, leaving the blond’s future struggles as a constant reminder to his choice not to help out.
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moonraccoon-exe · 4 years
Chapters: 11/11 Rating: Explicit Relationships: Cor Leonis/Loqi Tummelt
Cor Leonis, also known as the Immortal, Marshal of the Insomnia City Police Department, holds the fame of the best detective that catches all and every single one of the criminals he sets his eye on. Mafia leaders, dangerous kidnappers, serial killers, all the big fishes fall at his feet.
One day, a criminal appears in the city. It's a thief. Half his size and weight. In a circus costume.
And for the sake of all Astrals, Cor just can't catch him.
The Phantom Thief of Insomnia, a burglar like no other known before, gets what he wants, catches the people's hearts, and steals Cor's attention, enjoying through time as the Marshal desperately tries to catch him, and fails over, and over, and over again.
((A.K.A. AU where Cor and Loqi's rivarly stands, but Loqi is the one always winning and Cor is the one always losing obsessed with his nemesis and trying to win.))
Cop Cor vs Thief Loqi thank u very much this is one of my favorites pls love it with me
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ebonyphotographs · 6 years
I imagine Loqi is the type of guy to roll all over Cor in the morning when he wakes up because he's needy like a puppy and wants attention. Willing to stir his partner awake to beg for head pats and cuddles. Doesn't quit even if Cor hasn't moved all morning or night.
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rkcarts · 7 years
Loqi meets Cor
Written by the wonderful anon author of First Impressions, the main fic for this AU!
Loqi Besithia was twenty when he first met Cor Leonis. No omega in his father's pack was allowed to come to treaty negotiations until they came of age, not since Loqi was thirteen and his little brother disappeared on his first trip away from home. He was adopted into pack Izunia, his father said, and his name was quietly and quickly struck through on the family register.
Loqi still remembered the look on his mother's face when she saw her husband pick up his pen. It was the last time Loqi had seen her at all, and he carried the fury in her eyes with him always, a small, bright seed of fire that sputtered and grew in the long nights that followed.
When he was finally allowed to accompany his father to a meeting with the royal pack of Lucis, Loqi was a mess of nerves. Other packs allowed their children to grow up listening to their elders negotiate and trade with other packs: Loqi, as he buttoned up his new uniform in the changing rooms of the Lucian Citadel, could count on one hand the number of times he'd sat in on one before his brother was taken. He tugged at his sleeves, took a breath, and tried to hold himself like his father, proud and stern and hopefully a little taller than his five feet two inches. He opened the door, stepped smartly onto the stone floor of the hallway, and drove the heel of his foot into the arch of Cor the Immortal's boot. "Oh, fuck me," Loqi said. Cor Leonis was exactly as Loqi had seen him in the throne room: Stocky and straight-backed, with short-cropped hair and a stern expression that didn't change even when a foreign omega put their full weight on his foot. "That may not be the best plan," Cor said, and stepped back. Loqi stumbled, and Cor caught him in a firm grip, overwhelming Loqi with the scent of pine and... "Gasoline?" He asked. Cor smiled, a faint tilt to his lips, and shrugged a shoulder. "Just left the garage," he said. "Have to drive up to see Prince Noctis' newest omega soon. Are you a Besithia?" Loqi managed a nod, then remembered himself enough to say, in the haughtiest, loftiest tone he could muster; "And you must be Cor the Immortal." "Cor works," said the best fighter in all of Lucis, and scratched the bridge of his nose. "The meeting isn't for another hour, but I can take you--" "What kind of." Loqi stopped, suddenly aware of Cor's watchful eyes, the gaze that seemed to cut through all of Loqi's posturing and lay him bare. He swallowed thickly. "What were you working on? In the garage." "Just a bike," Cor said. Loqi tried not to let his eagerness show. Just a bike? Loqi had spent the past three years building a motorcycle practically from scratch, taking his dad's old bike apart piece by piece and rooting through scrap piles for parts. He glanced down at Cor's hands, still stained with oil, and felt that spark of heat flare in his chest. "Show me," he said, and Cor, still watching him, nodded slowly. ---------- "Easy," Cor said, a few minutes later. "Oh, fuck you," Loqi hissed back. "I'm an omega, not a delicate fucking flower. You can move." He lifted himself up by the thighs, savoring the stretch of Cor's considerable cock, and leaned forward so Cor could get a good view of Loqi's ass. He was practically fucking himself on Cor, his breath coming out short and loud in the small garage, inhaling the scent of sex and oil and sleek machinery. Cor laid a hand on Loqi's back, and Loqi groaned. "Press down, for fuck's sake," Loqi spat. "I know you aren't an alpha, but you should have half the sense you were--" Slowly, with a steady purpose that made heat rise to Loqi's cheeks, Cor slid his hand up his back and pushed him to the floor of the garage. Cor hefted Loqi's hips up with his free hand, maneuvering him into the position Loqi had dreamed of, those nights when it was just him and his hand and the line of imaginary warriors he switched out depending on his mood. Loqi let out a high keening whine, and Cor kissed the side of his neck. "Alright," he said, in a tone that made Loqi shiver and moan. "If that's what you want."
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ruiojousama · 5 years
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My valentine’s exchange with @based_moni!  A little corqi love for a change!
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