#Corocoro Comics
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Out of all the characters from the franchise chosen to be in this manga, the author chose the best ones.
While I'm still talking about the Crash Bandicoot manga, this was a lot shorter than I thought it was. There's only 14 chapters, and it ends on a cliffhanger that the author never got to finish. I'm pretty sure Crash and the others only managed to get 4 crystals before the manga's end. (Which is not anywhere close to the 25 the characters were after.)
It's one thing to cancel something that's in publication. But it's something else to cancel it when the overarching plot is about to get interesting.
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chncmt · 2 years
Barcode Fighter  / バーコードファイター
Figured some people might want to have a look at this manga after Amelie Doree did a video essay about it, and since it's hard to find a working download link for it in 2023 I decided to share one myself. It's not translated though!!!!!! It's in japanese!!!!!! Enjoy.
GDrive | Mega
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The Amazing Digital Circus is receiving a manga adaptation in CoroCoro!
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Rough translation, from right to left:
Large text on right: "Where is the exit?" Smaller text on right: "The show everyone's talking about, with over 400 million views on YouTube!!" Large text on left: "The world's most popular dark comedy cartoon, fully adapted to comics!"
A few hours ago, the official Japanese TADC Twitter account revealed that a manga adaptation of the series would begin running in the December issue of CoroCoro Ichiban! (to be released on October 21st, 2024). It will also be published simultaneously in the online edition of Weekly CoroCoro Comic - despite the magazine's name, it will still be on a monthly schedule.
So what'll it be like? Well, while every magazine under the CoroCoro brand is generally targeted towards grade schoolers, CoroCoro Ichiban! in particular skews even younger, frequently featuring gag comedies. Furthermore, the author - known mononymously as "Sakura" (咲良) - has experience in that genre, having adapted Nintendo's ARMS into ARMS: Skillful Gag Fight! (ARMS スゴウデギャグファイト!) for the magazine between 2017 and 2018.
However, I'm reasonably confident this adaptation will retain the bleaker edges of the original series. Not only does the above promotional image explicitly call it a "dark comedy" (and further implies it'll be a faithful adaptation by using "完全," translated above as "full"), but this is the page they chose to release as a preview:
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Rough translation, again:
(The bit above the logo just means "New series!") [Why is this girl running...?] Gotta hide, gotta hide, gotta hide,
(As a side note: I should mention that the above two images were both taken from the artist's later tweet about the manga, since they were higher quality. They're cropped a little more, but not enough to really infringe on their contents.)
Looking over the QRTs, both Japanese and English responses were equally surprised to learn about this. A couple of Japanese Twitter users were specifically bewildered that it was running in the especially child-focused Ichiban! - here's one as an example:
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Very roughly translated:
"A Digital Circus series will run in Weekly CoroCoro Comic!" 👆 Huh?!?! Well, if it's in Weekly CoroCoro, I guess I'll check it out… "Also running in CoroCoro Ichiban! (mag for young children)!" 👆 HUH????!!!!???!!!????!!!!!!!!!?!
Finally, for completeness's sake, here's the last promotional image from the announcement:
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pretzlforpresident · 14 days
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anywaymuahahahaha · 1 year
Yeah so I HIGHLY recommend you check out the new Manpuku Pupupu Fantasy issue ????!
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art by CADAVER
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shinigami-striker · 10 days
CoroCoro Shadow? | Monday, 09.16.24
Before the manga serialization of Sonic X Shadow Generations, we got this depiction of Shadow right here.
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dawdlingsleeper · 4 months
3 Masterpost
Read from
Left <- Right
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liffy-feelin-jiffy · 9 months
So you know how some of y’all want Goggles to break from his “happy go lucky” character and snap at some point?
Here’s the idea—what if… and just hear me out for a second: but what if like the S5, I’m gonna go ahead and use all of the S5, what if they tried to bet on him? They come to Splatsville, there’s a tournament coming up, but here’s the kicker, it’s only a 1v1 tournament, meaning that it’s only single player versus another single player; no teams. Like all the other arcs, there’s a big baddie that always comes on top, let’s call her GhostSong. Not even the best eight could best her. The people of Splatsville like to use her tournament wins as an easy way to scam foreign players for their super sea snails because they never truly understand how strong she really is as a player. The S5, however, have seen what Goggles is capable of, so they really don’t hesitate when it comes down to just using him and his potential win for easy snails (and Aloha’s also in on it to try to impress this girl he likes by being all like “yeah, my friend? He’s totally gonna win this thing, just you wait), even up against another big bad because, hey, it’s just another Tuesday to Goggles, what’s it gonna hurt?
So they coax Goggles to join, and it’s really not that hard because the challenge makes him kind of excited, and his own team encourages him to do it so he’s all in on it. He beats down the first foes with ease by being the goofy dumbass he is, but then things start to get serious and it gets the S5 worried because their snails depends on this idiot winning, and they’re determined because not only is it a lot of grub to win, but they risk losing a bunch of snails of their own Goggles loses their bet. Next thing you know, he starts fumbling and just barely wins in this one match, so then that’s when they’re like “alright, we’re heading to the training field.” They start giving him grueling training, like sunrise to sunset kind of deal. Rider is making him lift weights, Army is making him do laps while reading and rereading the squidnet manual, Aloha is trying to get him to do dodging exercises, Mask is trying to teach him how to enhance his Sub weapon skills, and Skull is trying to train him to be aware of his surroundings and stay hidden… Else he’ll get sniped.
With the exception of Aloha sneaking him some protein shakes to stay hydrated and Mask lazy enough to allow him a few breaks, Goggles is just having a rough time. On top of all of that, he’s constantly being pressured by their words, too. They got the idea nailed in his head that if he loses, he’ll disappointment himself, his team, and all of his other friends, especially the S5 since they’re training him. At this point, Goggles is not only physically exhausted, but he’s mentally and emotionally exhausted because all of a sudden, this tournament doesn’t feel fun anymore… But he can’t just back out now, he promised his pals that he would win, so that he could make them and his team proud and put that so called, big bad, no good bully into her place.
… That’s the plan, right?
Of course it wouldn’t take long for Goggles’ teammates and other friends to notice the retched state he happens to be in every time he shows up for another match, and of course they’re gonna be worried out of their minds. Specs is lecturing him about not cleaning some of his scabs he got where he scraped himself on the pavement during training, Headphones is astounded by how tan his skin has become while terrified at how many sunburns he has, and Bobble is confused as to why her happy go lucky buddy isn’t as bright and joyful as he used to be, and it makes her a little sad and worried. His team, including Mitsuami tries to voice their concerns to him, and even his other friends like Emperor, Vintage, Hachi, and even all of the best eight are like “bro, are you good??? 😐” But despite it all, Goggles just shrugs it off, thinking that it’s no big deal. Really, he just doesn’t wanna have to deal with all of them being concerned for no reason—at least that’s what he believes. It’s just how training goes. No pain, no gain.
It’s all going… Manageable, but then there’s this one guy trying to heckle him. A sore loser kind of guy, and he’s trying to give Goggles hell for it. The dude makes the pretty bad mistake of hitting a nerve by making an awful joke about his mother, and next thing you know, he gets clocked right square in the nose and people have gotta hold back a snarling Goggles to keep him from tearing this guy atom by atom. It’s at that point that everyone is HORRIFIED by what’s happening, even GhostSong is shocked and is all like “oh shit 👀” because while Goggles may love his momma to pieces, he’s not the kind of person to just suddenly go off like that. Amongst the S5, Rider tries to help calm him down, but it only leads to Goggles exploding onto him. He starts ranting about how he was expecting the S5, especially Rider out of all the S5, to be proud of him. Except he’s tired, he’s been driven to the edge, and he’s just straight up exhausted with everything and he doesn’t wanna have to deal with anything for a whole month. It’s at this point that even the S5 realize that they went a little too far on him, and they all opt to let Goggles take the day off from training to cool himself down.
Although, it’s the very next day, just a day before the final match between Goggles and GhostSong, team blue decide it’s time to confront the S5. As the leader along with the co captain, Specs and Headphones are angry that a teammate of theirs is being taken advantage of by people who they looked up to and called friends. Meanwhile, Bobble is just upset with how Goggles has been acting and wants to know what happened to make him act like that. That’s when the S5 hesitantly choose to come clean about what’s going on.
Goggles happens to be taking a walk by himself to clear his mind, when he accidentally catches wind of the conversation amongst the S5 and his own team. Too curious to shy away, Goggles decides to eavesdrop, wondering what they’re talking about. Is it about him? Is it plans for their next training session tomorrow morning? Are they saying how they’re dissatisfied in him? Are they proud of him? Or-
Oh… Oh.
Yeah… I mean, you wouldn’t be happy to find out you were being used as a pawn, would ya?
So obviously, Goggles is not happy about this one bit, and in an impulsive fit of passionate anger, hurt, and betrayal, he stomps all the way up to the lobby, fighting back all the tears threatening to spill, he finds a tournament organizer or specialist, and tells them that he forfeits the match. GhostSong wins by default.
The S5 are just plain embarrassed when they find out they’ve been caught red handed, especially when Goggles shows up and announces to everyone that he forfeited the match. His team is surprised upon learning he heard their conversation, and the S5 are stunned at what he’s done, but they suddenly become a whole lot more guilty once the situation settles in an they realize, “man, we were kinda assholes to him...” Skull tries to go after Goggles to apologize, but Goggles wants none of it. No part in it, no words from him, no sorries, carry yourself back to the Asslands, land of the assholes. The rest of team Blue is chewing out the rest of the S5 in front of the ENTIRE TOWN, going on about how they used their friend for a pile of sea snails where everyone else can hear them. Even Aloha’s crush is disappointed in him. Now mans is gonna die alone 😭.
Amidst the crowd, GhostSong is actually quite displeased with the sudden change of mind from her could’ve-been opponent. That’s an understatement, she was not gonna take that as an answer. She was anticipating that match the whole tournament, she knew about team blue the whole time and she was EXCITED to get to play against Goggles because she thought she would get to experience something new for once, other than another egotistical player who she’d just sweep under the feet and kick to the curb once she’s finished beating them in the final match. So… Ghost decides to go have a little talk with him. Said talk actually turns out to be a little motivating to Goggles, and it’s actually just what he needs to get back into higher spirits. She also makes sure no bets are made so no one can take advantage of the game and trade snails. If someone still tries… Then they were gonna have a little friendly talk with her, in the alleyway.
Cut to the match. No surprise that GhostSong is the first to take the advantage and gain dominance over the stage. However, unlike any other major player Goggles ever had to face, GhostSong was playing to have fun, and she wasn’t taking anything seriously, which was a mistake Goggles was doing himself. All of his training with the S5 made him so stiff and too serious in the way he played, and he struggled an embarrassingly long amount of time from the start to the middle. Until he just, let it all go. GhostSong kinda had to help him unwind by playing childishly with him, and it gave him the confidence to unwind and do what he did best, bringing back his true self into the match.
And yeah, he probably goes on and tosses his clothes aside in the match, causing GhostSong to be like “😶” while Specs, watching from the audience is like “Yep, Goggles is back in town. 😑”
At the end of the battle… Goggles loses. Everyone is shocked, especially GhostSong, but he ends up being just fine with it, like, “Eh, I lost. Whatcha gonna do?” Because all that mattered was that he had fun. Not only that, but for the first time in a while, GhostSong smiles a real, genuine smile under her mask. A shake of hands, and the two a now a pair of good friends. (She starts noogying him hehehe NOOGIES).
A little after the match is over, the S5 take it upon themselves to come up and apologize for, well, being piece of shits and using and abusing their friend for rare currency. Goggles… Actually doesn’t forgive them at first, and he probably never will (emphasis on “probably”), as what they did was pretty scummy, but he’s not mad at them no more. He just wants to go back to playing games and having fun with all his buddies like the good ol days, and the S5 are happy with that.
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squidstrawberry · 3 days
so um amazing digital circus is getting a manga and it’s gonna be published by cococoro magazine, just like coroika (the splatoon manga) ummmmmm
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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*scan provided by @hirespokemon on tumblr
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Pokémon Manga Mania!
After a few blunders yesterday, I was finally able to get my hands on digital copies of a few Pokémon manga. One of the ones I'm really grateful for are volumes from Pokémon Pocket Monsters!
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I've got one volume from each series from Ruby • Sapphire to Sun & Moon. Apart from reading them, I also aim to translate the chapters from these stories and share them with the rest of the world.
Before I got the volumes, I also read about some news regarding Pokémon Adventures on Corocoro Comics' website. Work on a Scarlet and Violet series is finally underway. This is the first art piece we have from it:
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I'm surprised they drew the hero with blonde hair considering how they usually stick with the designs used in official artwork. Whatever the case, it feels like a refreshing change of pace. I just hope that Miraidon and Koraidon are treated as starters for the heroes in this series.
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CoroCoro Aniki (コロコロアニキ) / Shōgakukan (小学館) / Winter 2018 issue
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orechanscans · 3 months
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a lil one off chapter! not a pickup, but replacing a missing chapter on mangadex
read on mangadex here!
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animenostalgia · 2 months
News - Star Fruit Books announced that they have licensed Hiroshi Kato's shounen horror manga Psyfer for English release. The manga originally ran in Japan's CoroCoro Comic magazine for kids in 1996. Star Fruit says it will release the manga in 2 volumes in 2025.
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