#Cosmic Lumine
nomorefstogive · 2 years
I now cannot get the image of Lumine pulling a Radahn phase 2 to the Archons xd
Anyways, hi again! Thanks for the ask--amazing by the way--and the addition to the Ranni!Reader post.
Always nice to see another Tarnished; I tried to keep myself away due to my horrible internet that likes to work only when it wants to but, alas, with two certain bosses I had to xd
Goes to show that even if my cringe is free from judgement, I still need to have help I guess ;-;
Skdkdkdkd sorry, I'm terrible at conversations ;-;;
It's alright, I'm am probably worse at them lol. Asperger's and social anxiety are a hell of a pair eh?
Also, since you mention being a fellow yuri fan, and I apologize for the shameless self-plug, I am writing a pair of yuri fics on my Ao3, one for AL and one for Genshin, if you are curious the link is: TheGreatestShow
As for Lumine...
Admittedly I have three differing ideas for her. I will have to send them in separate messages but here is the first one.
The first being: Eldritch/Cosmic being Lumine. With her being somewhat based on the Elden Beast.
P.S. Also I am going to put the read more link below this because holy shit this wound up being longer than I thought it would be lol.
Not quite a god, but certainly a being removed from mortal comprehension and existence. The human form we see is merely the equivalent of a porcelain shell, designed to protect her more vulnerable, yet also more powerful, true form, something she would kill to keep secret.
She is less interested in the politics of Teyvat and more in regaining her power and either finding Aether and beating him into a coma for abandoning her, or departing the world and returning at full power to settle her score with Asmoday.
She does not go out of her way to attack the Fatui, something that will be a re-occuring theme amidst these ideas, and even offers to aid them in exchange for their help in regaining her powers.
She is also considerably more ruthless than in canon, her battle with Dvalin almost ending in her killing the dragon over the skies of Mondstadt until Venti removes his power out of fear for his friends life. Her clash with Childe ends with Dottore having to perform surgery to reattach the youngest harbingers arms and repair his damaged organs, after Signora grabs him and bails after he staggers into the bank half dead after she gets the gnosis.
Her clash with Osial ends with her attempting to drain the god's power to fuel her own return to full strength, something which is only adverted when Osial removes one of his own heads to stop her from draining him into nothing before he is hit with the Jade Chamber.
As for Inazuma...That is the point where her patience reaches its limit.
Her first meeting with the Shogun end with her vessel being damaged and her being forced to flee, anger and humiliation that a mere doll managed to injure one of her kind swelling within her veins to match the disgust at the blatant attempts at emotional manipulation done to sway her to the rebels side.
But one does not live for eons without learning when to hold their tongue and blade, and so she smiles and joins Sangonomiya's rebellion, waiting...waiting, until she waits no more.
The delusion factory, the remains of gods and demons bent and warped into a power source...a power source she can drain.
Scaramouche barely escapes with his life, and Miko is likewise almost killed as the Starborn devours the power of the factory and at last manages to shatter some of the seals upon her own power, her smile widening as she obliterates the area before ascending, wings of nebulae and galaxies at her back as she gazes upon Inazuma.
Madness and rage swirl within her, the lingering malice of the delusions clouding her mind and amplifying her own rage towards this land and its people, who have dared to humiliate her so, as she calls forth her power and descends.
Kujou Sara staggers into the Shogun's chamber, drenched in blood. Her bow clatters to the ground as the Anemo Boxer holding her up staggers to his knee, blood leaking from both a gash on his side and his lips as he looks at the startled face of both his lady and the Shogun with dread.
The Tengu general manages to stammer out these words-
Before she fades into unconsciousness, the last thing she hears being her Shogun call out her name as explosions begin to rock Inazuma.
From on high the winged being watches as rifts and tears into the cosmos form, meteors and asteroids pouring from them and laying waste to not only the harbor of Ritou, but to the city itself.
Her smile widens as she sees the resistance soldiers, consumed by madness and mania due to her aura having enveloped them, running rampant, maiming and butchering and mutilating to their hearts content.
Faintly she hears Paimon begging her to stop, but she ignores her, her gaze now fixed upon that loathsome Island in the sky as she reaches up a hand to part the heavens and summon forth-
A lightning bolt strikes her hand.
A snarl of rage leaves her lips as he turns to the Shogun, summoning twin greatblades to her hand as she surges forward to at last settle their score.
The battle is vicious, and even within the Plane of Euthymia, Ei is pushed to her limits, divine blood staining the sands as she struggles against her merciless foe.
Eventually she managwes to deal what should be a fatal blow, the Musou no Hitachi tearing a path straight across the Starborn's chest and sending her flyting into the distance.
Yet just as Ei takes a deep breath, she feels the air grow dense.
The sound of shattering pottery fills the silent realm as Lumine begins to rise to her feet only to stagger forward, her form breaking apart like a fallen vase and revealing not but an ever growing stain of darkness that soon envelops the remains and much of the surrounding land, pulling them into stygian depths.
From the depths emerges an arm, stygian in color for but the briefest of moment before light swells and dances within it, stars and galaxies of colors known and unknown forming within the endless expanse of darkness as the limb pulls out of a double Helix shaped blade, the light of the cosmos seeping from it.
With the arm their comes a body, female in form, yet devoid of all other features save for the swirling galaxies and cosmos within, that is until twin orbs open, blazing with the light of twin stars as wisps of comet trail form under a galactic veil upon the beings head.
Above them forms a halo of asteroids and meteors and comets, swirling and dancing amidst a field of stars, a black hole posed at the center and yet not devouring them as it should.
The being rises without legs, it's body seeming to end in the ever growing stain as tendrils and additional limbs rise from the morass as the command of the Starborn.
"You crave eternity...then behold the eternity of the cosmos."
Comes forth a voice that echoes from all directions, light and wispy, yet dark and crushing as well.
Desperation fuels the following battle, even the Shogun is barely able to match the monster she faces, one arm lost and an eye carved out as she is flung to and fro by the being.
Electro meets the blazing Cosmos as the heavens are rent and the plane of Euthymia falls away to reveal a burning city, the two titans continuing a duel that spans the length of the island and then some.
Mountains fall, and canyons are carved, the heavens are rent and reforged a dozen times over as they clash without respite or hesitation until, at last.
The Starborn seizes the Shogun and casts her down into the ground before the Statue of the Omnipresent Goddess, smiling as she rears back her arm to deal the deat-
An arrow slams into her stomach.
A snarl of rage tears from her lips even as agony assails her senses as she turns to regard the one that dared to strike at her.
Ebony wings are unfurled, bandages yet being soaked crimson as muscles and wounds are pulled to tight, as a general stands defiant to protect her goddess from the being that looms above them.
Stalwart and loyal she steps forward to meet the being that looks upon her in confusion and disbelief, though there is something else that likewise burns within those orbs, a faint hint of...respect as she descends to meet her foe.
Desperately the Shogun reaches out for her general, only to see her vision fade in and out as the two clash, the injured Tengu matching the beast as she sheds her human form and brings forth the full extent of her cursed blood, though even that falls short.
Two blades tear through her stomach as she is lifted into the air before being flung across the city and into the ground, the Starborn actually panting in exertion from the effort of the battle before she turns to-
A scream fills the air.
Lightning writhes and dances the Tengu forces herself to her feet, a hand holding her entrails in her as she does so.
A roar of lightning descends as a Vision shatters, wings of ebony feathers now burning with violet electro as a bow of lightning forms within the Tengu's hands.
Apotheosis. Ascension into godhood, and all done in the name of loyalty.
The Starborn feels her respect match her anger as she calls forth her own power once more to meet the newly born god in a battle that shakes the island again.
Her victory is certain, yet still she admires the being that fights against her with such fervor and fury that she can feel corruptive power of the delusions and the bloodcraze it brought upon her fade away from her midn as she fights for her life against the being before her.
At last their battle ends, the Starborn wounded and yet still living, her blade raised to deal a death blow before...she stops.
"What is your name?" She asks the panting Tengu, who looks up at her and responds.
"Kujou Sara."
"The name of a clan of cowards who tried to leave you to die does not fit you, noble one." Comes her swirling voice as she sets the Tengu down.
"Let it be known that I, Lumine of the StarBorn, hearby dub you the 'Storm Born' of Inazuma for your birth into your new childhood came from the storm of rage and loyalty within you."
With that said the Starborn turns to look at the Shogun, who has been aided to her feet by a fearful Ayaka and weary Kokomi as they look upon the being before them.
"A pity you were not made Shogun of these lands, a far better job than this witless coward you would have done." The Star Born says as she delicately brushes aside a blood soaked lock of hair from the Tengu's face, watching as the new born god falls into slumber but a moment later.
"Now then," She turns to the Shogun and her fellows, "Shall we discuss the terms of your surrender child?"
Well, what do you think?
I like the idea of Lumine being a more eldritch or cosmic being, and her taking the civil war a bit more seriously and this was the result.
Another version of this idea has her being soulmates with all of the women in Teyvat, well more like the central pillar of a vast soul bound polycule whose arrival triggers its forming, and her being brought to a mortal level was a few members of Celestia's bid to use her to unite the world against the Abyss.
The bond only becomes known when her true form is revealed and the soul marks are made apparent, needless to say it leads to all sorts of chaos lol.
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{Am I…a God? Neat!}
-Chapter Three: The Stars Align Once More-
A simple meditation was all Aether wanted. A quiet moment to gather himself after the events of the Dvalin confrontation that went array. That abyss mage's whinny voice was still ringing in his ears like a faint bell but that wasn't the main thing he was worried about. The static like noise that rung out in his head a few moments ago when he was at the Adventure's Camp near Dragonspine was his main concern. It sounded so familiar and the aura that came with it was unmistakable.
Aether opened his golden eyes to glace over to Paimon as she floated near him devouring a chicken-mushroom skewer. Even she'd heard and felt the sensation, so Aether knew he wasn't losing it. To think that just maybe his guardian was alive after all these years provided the young man some comfort. Because if they were here, they'd know where Lumine is and who the Unknown God was that attacked the two. He released a sigh as he slightly hardened his face into a frown.
'Why Dragonspine of all places Cosmi...?' He thought to himself. The mountain was unforgiving and he with all honesty hated traversing it. From the sheer cold feeling too much like the day Cosmi died to the near constant stream of enemies that all but always used the environment to their advantage.
Paimon sent a worried look over towards her blonde-haired companion. While she was used to him being semi-mute the silence was normally comfortable, but this silence was nerve racking. She still can't comprehend there being a god this old and strong being connected to Teyvat let alone having created it. Though to be fair before Aether went silent, he commented a bit on what the feeling meant and reassured her that everything was fine.
"Paimon thinks we should head to the peak as soon as possible...Did you hear Iris mentioning seeing the Fatui pulling out of the area and adventures cheering about a lack of monsters as well? This may be our only chance to get there was very little resistance..And besides we shouldn't keep them waiting this tugging sensation is getting stronger...."
All she got in response was a nod the blonde still seemed to be not talking seemingly lost in thought. She decided to take this time to fill the tense air with her chatter and question to hopefully make Aether relax a little or at least get some more answers from him. "So, Aether what are they like?" He paused his movements for a moment scanning the snowy area for a bit before humming," Cosmi was....is the most understanding yet unfeeling being I've known...They seem distant but there's a fondness and closeness that always told me I was loved...when my sister and I would travel the world's they created they'd always give us this knowing smile and some items that would help us on our journey in that world..."
Paimon nodded her head processing the information," Hmm they sound pretty great--Wait what is that?!" Her gray eyes caught sight of a weird creature that was floating near them. It was mainly a mint green with blue. It looked similar to a seelie and slime mixed together. It had what appeared to be two large bulbous arms that weren't connected to it but moved in tandem with it. The creature floated closer slightly closer raising one arm like a covering one's eyes from the sun before releasing a sharp chirp like sound and all but charging in their direction.
The white-haired child released a squeak as she zipped behind Aether who took a protective stance pulling out his sword. The creature then stopped a few feet in front of them. Close enough that They would clearly see it but not close enough for Aether to swing his sword and attack. It waved its arms in an excited motion twirling happily and overall appeared to be dancing. "What the heck is that?!?!"
"I'm not sure, but at least it appears friendly...?" Aether said quietly. He wasn't too sure of his claim but was at least semi confident he could take it out if it came down to a fight. The creature then released a soft jingle as it floated around Aether seemingly trying to communicate. The blonde's face held a mild smile as he tried to hide his confusion and concern though his eyes betrayed him. Paimon's face suddenly lit up and her small halo gained a soft golden glow as the stars turned white.
As the lights dimmed bit Paimon seemed to gain a smug smile to her face as the creature then began to give a series of jingles and she began to nod her little head. She then placed a hand on her chin eyes closed in apparent contemplation before she smirked a little as she spoke," He said his name is Polaris and he can help us get to the peak...he says someone named (Y/n) tasked him with gathering all the creatures of the mountain to the peak as well..."
"Wait isn't that the all-creator? What do they want with hillichurls and slimes?" Paimon asked curiously. The creature now known as Polaris, released another set of jingles causing the floating child nod again as she spoke," Yeah that makes sense...He said that the (Y/n) wanted to personally introduce themselves to the inhabitants of Dragonspine and also get a head count of every being that lives on the mountain..."
Aether's expression suddenly dropped hearing this," So I will have to wait to speak with them then..." He was a bit miffed at the thought of having to wait to see his parent again especially since he knows where they are, and he has no clue if they really know of Lumine's disappearance or not. The boy decided it would be best to focus on something else, so he began to speak, "Well how are you going to help us reach the peak? It's blocked off by a barrier of pure cryo energy..."
At his question Polaris waved his gelatinous arms in apparent glee before wrapping them around both Paimon and Aether as it glowed a soft golden color. "Hey, wait what are you?!" Paimon attempted to screech as the golden light blurred their vision before fading showing a large exit of a cavern with a waypoint statue nearby. There was an unprecedented number of enemies from slimes and whooper flowers to the cryo hypostasis and lawachurls. To say it was unsettling to be around such strong creatures and so many at that would be putting it lightly.
Polaris then let go of the two as it then shot into the air towards a figure that was floating above the ruins. Its soft jingles could be heard though faintly, Aether looked over at Paimon for a possible explanation as to what it was saying but the girl just gave her own unsure shrug turning her attention back towards the creatures that were all now definitely staring at them.
Aether nervously stopped himself from grabbing his sword before his thoughts were drawn towards a figure that was casually approaching the two. His eyes slowly adjusted to spot the unmistakable figure of arguably the most important being in his life next to his sister, standing (Well relatively speaking they were still floating a bit off the ground) in front of him that same calm and gentle smile on their face. Though looking at their eyes he knew they were exhausted.
The young man wordless charged towards them as they opened their arms embracing their son. "Oh, Aethereal it has been many a nova since we last saw each other hasn't it...I've missed you as well..." It was at this point Paimon decided to cut in, "Oh wow so you're the all-creator? It's nice to meet you! Paimon has been taking good care of Aether while you were away! Does Paimon get a reward?"
(Y/n) did their best to hold back a chuckle at the small child's words. Rubbing their son's back as the young man was still clinging onto them, they spoke," Just a moment Paimon...Though I thank you for giving my dearest starlight a reliable companion in such a difficult time in his life..." While they meant what they'd said they soon regretted speaking it out as Paimon all but seemed to glow from the praise.
At seeing the little fairy puff up in pride (Y/n) turned their attention back to their son," Aether dear I'm not going anywhere you can let me go..." Though they tried to pry the blonde's arms from them it did little to stop Aether from hugging tighter as he began to shake. The tears he was shedding having barely settled. This drew a sigh from the older being as they gave him a tired smile softly pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head.
"You were always the more sensitive one of you two...Oh how this reminds me of when you were little..." At the start of the sentence Aether moved his head a bit trying to hide his embarrassment releasing a small whine of protest. "Oh, it's nothing to be embarrassed about Aethereal~" They teased as the boy then moved a bit letting go of the hug but still clinging onto the sleeves of (Y/n)'s shirt.
(Y/n) took the silence that grew over everything as an opportunity to speak freely," I know where Luminous is, but it will be difficult getting to her as I am now...I'm sorry there isn't more I can do...being dormant for so long as drained much of my power for regeneration..." Aether seemed to shake his head a bit before softly speaking fearing his voice would betray him, "Cosmi...It's fine as long as you know where she is I-...I'll be okay.." Taking a moment to wipe the young man's tears (Y/n) gave another soft smile.
"Now Paimon about that reward of yours...hmmm" The ancient being closed their eyes for a spilt second before sticking a hand towards Paimon in a giving motion. For a moment nothing happened until the halo upon the floating child's head glowed a soft gold once more before the light faded," There that should be adequate enough..." The white-haired child tilted her head confused," But Paimon doesn't feel any different...?"
Her reaction caused (Y/n) to release a small chuckle," Try thinking of something you want most little one" They said as they held an amused look. Paimon seemed to think for a moment," Paimon could go for some sticky honey roast right about now..." At the child's words her halo glowed the same soft gold as before as a plate suddenly appeared floating in front of her. On it a plate of sticky honey roast sat as if it were pulled fresh from the oven.
The floating child's eyes seemed to pop out of her small head as she didn't know how to react to the dish's sudden appearance. "Oh, and one more thing little one...use this little gift wisely while it may be tempting to use all the time too much and you'll tire yourself out..." Paimon nodded her little head so fast Aether was sure it would fly off before she dug into the roast that was oddly still warm despite the chill of the mountain.
"Back to more important matters now...Aethereal you'll have to introduce me to your new friends I'm quite interested in meeting them. And as far as the issue with Dvalin goes I will assist in curing him..." Aether's mood seemed to greatly increase at that, "Of course Cosmi...and I'm glad you're back..." The old god smiled as they spoke, "Me too little star...me too"
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kestarren · 10 months
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Sprites over storm, Levadia, Central Greece. Photo by Panagiotis Tsouras.
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euphorictruths · 2 years
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WR 124 (Wolf Rayet 124) in the constellation Sagitta; 2023
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samuelfarrand · 11 months
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true-intha-blu · 1 year
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Genshin Impact has been on my mind recently. Haven't played it in a few years but I was always intrigued by the Traveler Siblings, traveling multiple worlds, un-aging, having mysterious powers and break the defined rules of worlds with high amounts of Star and Space Symbology to them. I would love for them to be these cosmic eldritch angel things born from an actual star itself and they have no pre-existing form really, just vague abstract shapes that are horrific to mortal minds and thus take on the appearance of what we see in game to prevent people from going insane. As there naming scheme goes, Lumine is based on stars and light and Aether is based on actual SPACE between stars, so nebulas and stuff and black holes. These were just quick sketches, they are unfinished but I don't feel like finishing them now. Please do not steal the art or repost. OR USE FOR AI!
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fantasyhopperhea · 1 month
Why can't I get Cosmic Voyager Triplets out of my head?
Aka Aether and Lumine has a third sibling who has been separated from them (for some reason I can't think of right now) and has caught up to their siblings' current location: Teyvat.
Beautiful world. Wonderful creatures. Strong people.
Wait, what do you mean their sister is the princess of some Abyss or whatever? Is that a gang? ... It's a group that is against that floating island in the sky?
It's just a floating island, why can't their sister just blast it out of the sky? ... The sky's fake too?!
Oh? Their brother is a world famous Traveller who helped nations solve their problems? Wonderful! As expected of their bro-- He was pulled to join their sister's 'war against destiny'?
What destiny? What war? The triplets have a mission, they have to—
What do you mean they can't leave until the war's done? Fine! Let the third sibling join so they can get these things done faster–
What do you mean they need to journey — to hell with it! They just got done with their journey, now they have to go on another one?!
No. If they can't join their sibling, then the lone triplet is having an impromptu vacation. Ha! How do you like–
The third sibling is baffled, eye twitching, and laughed hysterically. Are you telling them their sister created trouble, their brother is in trouble, and now THEY have to pull them out of trouble?
Or where the third sibling has been away from their beloved twins for so long that all they want to do is enjoy a feast, drink good alcohol, exchange stories, then leave to go to the next world. Only to find out something happened to the two and they have become a part of some great machinery of fate that could decide the future of Teyvat.
With the third there, they could either tip the scale's balance or just remain neutral and do whatever strikes their whim.
And who are these strange people/men/women? Why can't they leave them alone to enjoy the peace while their siblings run amok in the background doing who knows what?
Flowers, poems, compliments, alcohol, good food, great adventures, amazing sceneries, cute memorabilias, savior, hangouts, subtle attempts at turning it into dates, touch too intimate, eyes so soft, words so sweet—
Sorry, but looking for a lover is the last thing on their imaginary list–
Wow, this is what it takes for you to appear to them again? Brother, sister, are you afraid of me eloping or something?
Just wow.
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I... Have no words for what I just wrote right now. Um, let me... Just leave it like this.
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archived-diegesis · 6 months
"..... I think I should avoid looking at a mirror for a while"
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Akivili knew this person and didn't , She was far to old and held to much pain. This person in the mirror was not lumine....she wasn't even akivili. No this person was far to sad and broken to be anyone but a walking corps.
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pupmusebox · 4 months
Ship pair tag dump 1/?.
{ Darling Collared Pup of Mine - Crewel x Dez } { Endearing Human of a Dark Flower - Malleus x Dez } { Bright Starlight to Sushi Dreams - Belphegor x Ming } { Endearing Drifting Cosmic Partner - Belphegor x Atieno } { Dark Flower Inbetween Charming Demons - Lucifer x Dez x Diavolo } { Beautiful Dark Flower and Loving Human - Lucifer x Dez } { Beloved Darling Human and Queen - Diavolo x Dez } { My Sweet Darling Human - Hector x Dez } { Golden Treasure of Dragonic Goddess - Mammon x Sothis } { Darling Thief of a Human After My Own Heart - Lucifer x Ren } { My Starry Sweet Traveler - Xiao x Lumine } { Beloved Demon Bird and Morningstar - Yuki x Lucifer } { Dearest Dragon Royal and Mate - Lucifer x Diavolo } { Stardust Lover of a Human - Belphegor x Yuno } { Dear Human Sweet As Honey Nectar - Aristaeus x Dez }
{ Heavenly Treasure of an Angel Dove to a Greedy Demon Crow - Mammon x Angela }
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{Am I...a God? Neat!}
-Chapter Eight: Of Cracked Stone & Shattered Faith-
"So, tell me...not that I don't already have an idea, what is this meeting for?" The older of the beings asked as they sat floating on the air like a chair. Zhongli's eyes narrowed slightly in minor confusion but also annoyance. "I would like to ask what you are doing here...and if you plan to interfere with my plans for Liyue.." All he received in reply was a hum. (Y/n) made a gesture as if pondering how to answer before shrugging. "Well little dragon that entirely depends on how you answer my question...and if I like your response."
The air surrounding the two became tense as Zhongli began to exert his godly aura. "And you think I would let you so easily?" The old god laughed to themself finding his attempted display of dominance amusing. Their face began to distort as a cracking noise permeated the air. The vessels face was gone leaving behind a black void. It seemed the replacement "face" absorbed all light. Zhongli felt himself growing weak as a malicious pressure began to compress his heart. It was like this entity was grabbing it and pumping it by hand.
The void face then gained a single eye or was it multiple. He couldn't tell the little lights that seemed to float around were hard to distinguish from stars or eyes. For the first time in a while, he felt genuine fear. He couldn't focus on anything other than the presence of the primordial being in front of him, but one thing was clear, he did not feel safe in the slightest.
And just as quickly as the atmosphere changed it was reverted back. The entity in front him returned back to their initial appearance and he retracted his aura back. "Hopefully now that that's out of the way we can continue our discussion...What are your thoughts on Celestia and its rules? Honesty only or it might end badly for you and your lovely little nation." (Y/n) said with a smile, though it did not fully reach their eyes.
Zhongli could only stand as he tried to process the situation at hand. He remembered vividly what Guizhong would tell him about the entity she learned of and subsequently worshiped. That while they can be nice, they can be equally as cruel, and their ire was not something to be taken lightly. On the same hand he remembered what Celestia did to past nations that defied them, a fate he did not wish to repeat for his people.
And yet he began to speak. Giving the ancient god his unfiltered and honest thoughts about the castle in the sky. He spoke of his unease and resentment, of his regrets and hopes. The dragon was shocked with himself when he finished speaking a truth that he agreed to keep hidden. He felt he'd broken the terms of his contract something he didn't think was possible, and something he feared more than even erosion.
(Y/n) smiled and hummed in thought before they stood grabbing both of Zhongli's shaky hands. They gave a small reassuring squeeze and let go before speaking," Worry not little dragon your contracts do not apply to me for I have asked of you the truth...Liyue will not suffer the spear of Celestia...in fact the information you've given me has only aided in my plans to get rid of the parasite plaguing this world."
They nodded as they moved towards the cliff's edge that overlooked Liyue," I'm sure you can already feel that I have taken your gnosis, worry not for I've replaced it with a fake so your deal with the Fatui will still be completed...and another thing you are not to relay this information to them it would be such a shame if my only source of entertainment were to turn hazardous."
Zhongli could only hum in mild dissatisfaction feeling his voice would fail him. This reaction caused (Y/n) to chuckle," At a loss for words are we well it's a good thing you are about to fake your death in 5 minutes...Let us part here but know this I will be watching" The male's face held a worried frown as he watched them dissipate into shadow like wisps that faded soon after. He wondered if he should rethink his decision to step down as archon but figured it was too late to change the events that were set in motion.
~A few moments later~
"Starlight are you sure you don't want me to handle this little ginger?" (Y/n) asked their son as he stood with the 11th of the Fatui Harbingers. They found the whole situation entertaining from the guards chasing them and their kids to the ginger coming to their "rescue". The blonde merely shook his head at his parent hoping he could handle this himself, though he wondered what they had in store for the harbinger should he change his mind.
Childe's face held a nervous smile as he looked between the two conversing in front of him. He noticed that the blonde was hostile to him after mentioning his affiliation with the fatui but also that the other person was indifferent to his presence. From what Signora informed the Tsarista the blonde was of little consequence but the other person, the boy's parent, was not only dangerous but someone to be avoided.
While he loved a challenge, he wasn't entirely sure if fighting someone who gave off the same energy as the hostile environment of the abyss was worth it. He would make his final decision later. Since they accepted his help, he gave them the Sigil of Permission and directed them to Jueyun Karst in search of the Adepti. All the while he felt eyes boring into him. Childe knew deep down who the cause of it was, but he hoped the longer he ignored it the more likely they would direct their attention away from him.
"Well, my little starlight we have our assignment let's be off then but first I need to talk a bit more with Childe, so I'll meet you outside the gates alright?" (Y/n) said as they pat the blonde's hair down gently and nudged him and Paimon towards the stairs. Deciding against fighting his parent on it, Aether gently grabbed Paimon by her collar and rushed towards the gates of Liyue to avoid being spotted.
Once they were sure the children were out of ear shot the god turned their full attention back towards Childe. "I know of your intentions Ajax, and I will only say this once...hurt my children and you will deeply regret...also keep your agents away from them as well it is a waste of resources seeing as they won't ever report back." As they finished, they smiled before beginning to walk away," Oh and by the way...if a spare is what you want, I shall oblige when the time is right..."
With that they walked off leaving Childe alone to his thoughts. The ginger could feel the power raiding off them as they left. It was stronger than the abyssal creatures, hell it was even stronger than the displays of power from the Tsarista herself. He felt himself in mild turmoil, sure staying loyal to the Tsarista wasn't entirely a priority outside of keeping his family safe. And he loved the thrill of the fight, but now he wasn't sure how to proceed.
It was very clear that he wasn't simply threatened but promised. He was also off put by how they knew of his true name, a name he only uses with family. 'What are they...could they be that god from those reports...?' He thought to himself before heading inside of Northland Bank away from prying eyes and ears, though he felt, no he knew that they were still watching him, and they were listening. He'd never been more excited for a confrontation before, though for now he'd keep it civil.
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cloverstarsys · 6 months
(This entire intro post is quite out of date; we will update at some point and just straight-up remake it. Assume everything is inaccurate minus our boundaries/dni. So to save you time: no anti-endos (neutral is on thin ice), no rqs and/or transids or active supporters of either (neutral is fine, supporting but not posting about it is on thin ice), and no nsfw-focused blogs. There's no reason to read the rest of this right now. )
Hey there! We're the Clover Star System. We're an at least partially endogenic system--We're not in a place to explore that so we will be sticking to calling us endogenic--of 22 (or 19, depending on how you count).
Edit: our main blog is @pastelwolfy so follows will come from there!
We have a website! At the moment, it isn't very mobile-friendly, despite how hard we tried lol. And we don't have images of us added yet. But outside of that, it's complete!
There's a list on the website about our boundaries and stances, but the main things to be aware of (outside of the standard dni stuff) are just these two: no anti-endos, and no nsfw-focused blogs. We are bodily a minor.
Tag details are under the cut. All tags are used on this for navigation purposes, but keep in mind we recently (as of making this post) changed our tag system so this won't help in finding older posts.
Our tag system is simple: the headmate's emoji and then their name. That's it.
The list is:
#💧franziska von karma
And some that may not ever be used (due to dormancy):
# ️☁️neka
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robster2016 · 6 months
Extraterrestrial Eden at Eventide
As the esteemed head of Galerie Lumière Céleste, nestled in the heart of Paris’s vibrant Le Marais district, it is with great pleasure that I, Étienne Lefèvre, offer my insights into the captivating oeuvre titled “Extraterrestrial Eden at Eventide,” an extraordinary otherworldly landscape painting. My tenure in the Parisian art world has been marked by an insatiable quest for works that defy the…
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timespanner · 1 year
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samuelfarrand · 11 months
Dimensional Shift
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starfoam · 2 years
//Anyway I still have Bullet Train brainrot and I desperately want to put Lo in a Situation
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