#Eldritch Lumine
true-intha-blu · 1 year
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Genshin Impact has been on my mind recently. Haven't played it in a few years but I was always intrigued by the Traveler Siblings, traveling multiple worlds, un-aging, having mysterious powers and break the defined rules of worlds with high amounts of Star and Space Symbology to them. I would love for them to be these cosmic eldritch angel things born from an actual star itself and they have no pre-existing form really, just vague abstract shapes that are horrific to mortal minds and thus take on the appearance of what we see in game to prevent people from going insane. As there naming scheme goes, Lumine is based on stars and light and Aether is based on actual SPACE between stars, so nebulas and stuff and black holes. These were just quick sketches, they are unfinished but I don't feel like finishing them now. Please do not steal the art or repost. OR USE FOR AI!
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nomorefstogive · 2 years
I now cannot get the image of Lumine pulling a Radahn phase 2 to the Archons xd
Anyways, hi again! Thanks for the ask--amazing by the way--and the addition to the Ranni!Reader post.
Always nice to see another Tarnished; I tried to keep myself away due to my horrible internet that likes to work only when it wants to but, alas, with two certain bosses I had to xd
Goes to show that even if my cringe is free from judgement, I still need to have help I guess ;-;
Skdkdkdkd sorry, I'm terrible at conversations ;-;;
It's alright, I'm am probably worse at them lol. Asperger's and social anxiety are a hell of a pair eh?
Also, since you mention being a fellow yuri fan, and I apologize for the shameless self-plug, I am writing a pair of yuri fics on my Ao3, one for AL and one for Genshin, if you are curious the link is: TheGreatestShow
As for Lumine...
Admittedly I have three differing ideas for her. I will have to send them in separate messages but here is the first one.
The first being: Eldritch/Cosmic being Lumine. With her being somewhat based on the Elden Beast.
P.S. Also I am going to put the read more link below this because holy shit this wound up being longer than I thought it would be lol.
Not quite a god, but certainly a being removed from mortal comprehension and existence. The human form we see is merely the equivalent of a porcelain shell, designed to protect her more vulnerable, yet also more powerful, true form, something she would kill to keep secret.
She is less interested in the politics of Teyvat and more in regaining her power and either finding Aether and beating him into a coma for abandoning her, or departing the world and returning at full power to settle her score with Asmoday.
She does not go out of her way to attack the Fatui, something that will be a re-occuring theme amidst these ideas, and even offers to aid them in exchange for their help in regaining her powers.
She is also considerably more ruthless than in canon, her battle with Dvalin almost ending in her killing the dragon over the skies of Mondstadt until Venti removes his power out of fear for his friends life. Her clash with Childe ends with Dottore having to perform surgery to reattach the youngest harbingers arms and repair his damaged organs, after Signora grabs him and bails after he staggers into the bank half dead after she gets the gnosis.
Her clash with Osial ends with her attempting to drain the god's power to fuel her own return to full strength, something which is only adverted when Osial removes one of his own heads to stop her from draining him into nothing before he is hit with the Jade Chamber.
As for Inazuma...That is the point where her patience reaches its limit.
Her first meeting with the Shogun end with her vessel being damaged and her being forced to flee, anger and humiliation that a mere doll managed to injure one of her kind swelling within her veins to match the disgust at the blatant attempts at emotional manipulation done to sway her to the rebels side.
But one does not live for eons without learning when to hold their tongue and blade, and so she smiles and joins Sangonomiya's rebellion, waiting...waiting, until she waits no more.
The delusion factory, the remains of gods and demons bent and warped into a power source...a power source she can drain.
Scaramouche barely escapes with his life, and Miko is likewise almost killed as the Starborn devours the power of the factory and at last manages to shatter some of the seals upon her own power, her smile widening as she obliterates the area before ascending, wings of nebulae and galaxies at her back as she gazes upon Inazuma.
Madness and rage swirl within her, the lingering malice of the delusions clouding her mind and amplifying her own rage towards this land and its people, who have dared to humiliate her so, as she calls forth her power and descends.
Kujou Sara staggers into the Shogun's chamber, drenched in blood. Her bow clatters to the ground as the Anemo Boxer holding her up staggers to his knee, blood leaking from both a gash on his side and his lips as he looks at the startled face of both his lady and the Shogun with dread.
The Tengu general manages to stammer out these words-
Before she fades into unconsciousness, the last thing she hears being her Shogun call out her name as explosions begin to rock Inazuma.
From on high the winged being watches as rifts and tears into the cosmos form, meteors and asteroids pouring from them and laying waste to not only the harbor of Ritou, but to the city itself.
Her smile widens as she sees the resistance soldiers, consumed by madness and mania due to her aura having enveloped them, running rampant, maiming and butchering and mutilating to their hearts content.
Faintly she hears Paimon begging her to stop, but she ignores her, her gaze now fixed upon that loathsome Island in the sky as she reaches up a hand to part the heavens and summon forth-
A lightning bolt strikes her hand.
A snarl of rage leaves her lips as he turns to the Shogun, summoning twin greatblades to her hand as she surges forward to at last settle their score.
The battle is vicious, and even within the Plane of Euthymia, Ei is pushed to her limits, divine blood staining the sands as she struggles against her merciless foe.
Eventually she managwes to deal what should be a fatal blow, the Musou no Hitachi tearing a path straight across the Starborn's chest and sending her flyting into the distance.
Yet just as Ei takes a deep breath, she feels the air grow dense.
The sound of shattering pottery fills the silent realm as Lumine begins to rise to her feet only to stagger forward, her form breaking apart like a fallen vase and revealing not but an ever growing stain of darkness that soon envelops the remains and much of the surrounding land, pulling them into stygian depths.
From the depths emerges an arm, stygian in color for but the briefest of moment before light swells and dances within it, stars and galaxies of colors known and unknown forming within the endless expanse of darkness as the limb pulls out of a double Helix shaped blade, the light of the cosmos seeping from it.
With the arm their comes a body, female in form, yet devoid of all other features save for the swirling galaxies and cosmos within, that is until twin orbs open, blazing with the light of twin stars as wisps of comet trail form under a galactic veil upon the beings head.
Above them forms a halo of asteroids and meteors and comets, swirling and dancing amidst a field of stars, a black hole posed at the center and yet not devouring them as it should.
The being rises without legs, it's body seeming to end in the ever growing stain as tendrils and additional limbs rise from the morass as the command of the Starborn.
"You crave eternity...then behold the eternity of the cosmos."
Comes forth a voice that echoes from all directions, light and wispy, yet dark and crushing as well.
Desperation fuels the following battle, even the Shogun is barely able to match the monster she faces, one arm lost and an eye carved out as she is flung to and fro by the being.
Electro meets the blazing Cosmos as the heavens are rent and the plane of Euthymia falls away to reveal a burning city, the two titans continuing a duel that spans the length of the island and then some.
Mountains fall, and canyons are carved, the heavens are rent and reforged a dozen times over as they clash without respite or hesitation until, at last.
The Starborn seizes the Shogun and casts her down into the ground before the Statue of the Omnipresent Goddess, smiling as she rears back her arm to deal the deat-
An arrow slams into her stomach.
A snarl of rage tears from her lips even as agony assails her senses as she turns to regard the one that dared to strike at her.
Ebony wings are unfurled, bandages yet being soaked crimson as muscles and wounds are pulled to tight, as a general stands defiant to protect her goddess from the being that looms above them.
Stalwart and loyal she steps forward to meet the being that looks upon her in confusion and disbelief, though there is something else that likewise burns within those orbs, a faint hint of...respect as she descends to meet her foe.
Desperately the Shogun reaches out for her general, only to see her vision fade in and out as the two clash, the injured Tengu matching the beast as she sheds her human form and brings forth the full extent of her cursed blood, though even that falls short.
Two blades tear through her stomach as she is lifted into the air before being flung across the city and into the ground, the Starborn actually panting in exertion from the effort of the battle before she turns to-
A scream fills the air.
Lightning writhes and dances the Tengu forces herself to her feet, a hand holding her entrails in her as she does so.
A roar of lightning descends as a Vision shatters, wings of ebony feathers now burning with violet electro as a bow of lightning forms within the Tengu's hands.
Apotheosis. Ascension into godhood, and all done in the name of loyalty.
The Starborn feels her respect match her anger as she calls forth her own power once more to meet the newly born god in a battle that shakes the island again.
Her victory is certain, yet still she admires the being that fights against her with such fervor and fury that she can feel corruptive power of the delusions and the bloodcraze it brought upon her fade away from her midn as she fights for her life against the being before her.
At last their battle ends, the Starborn wounded and yet still living, her blade raised to deal a death blow before...she stops.
"What is your name?" She asks the panting Tengu, who looks up at her and responds.
"Kujou Sara."
"The name of a clan of cowards who tried to leave you to die does not fit you, noble one." Comes her swirling voice as she sets the Tengu down.
"Let it be known that I, Lumine of the StarBorn, hearby dub you the 'Storm Born' of Inazuma for your birth into your new childhood came from the storm of rage and loyalty within you."
With that said the Starborn turns to look at the Shogun, who has been aided to her feet by a fearful Ayaka and weary Kokomi as they look upon the being before them.
"A pity you were not made Shogun of these lands, a far better job than this witless coward you would have done." The Star Born says as she delicately brushes aside a blood soaked lock of hair from the Tengu's face, watching as the new born god falls into slumber but a moment later.
"Now then," She turns to the Shogun and her fellows, "Shall we discuss the terms of your surrender child?"
Well, what do you think?
I like the idea of Lumine being a more eldritch or cosmic being, and her taking the civil war a bit more seriously and this was the result.
Another version of this idea has her being soulmates with all of the women in Teyvat, well more like the central pillar of a vast soul bound polycule whose arrival triggers its forming, and her being brought to a mortal level was a few members of Celestia's bid to use her to unite the world against the Abyss.
The bond only becomes known when her true form is revealed and the soul marks are made apparent, needless to say it leads to all sorts of chaos lol.
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everycorner · 5 months
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nocherrybombs · 13 days
That Good Ol' Natlan Hospitality
Mavuika: Am I really the first archon to attempt to properly welcome you to their nation?
Lumine: More or less. The Anemo Archon mostly wandered off doing his own thing, by which I mean he spent a lot of time singing, drinking and stealing stuff.
Paimon: Barbatos put in no effort at all, so Paimon gave him an ugly nickname.
Lumine: Right. And the Geo Archon... uh. Died, I guess. Honestly, it was very inconvenient for everyone involved.
Paimon: Morax sure runs his mouth a lot for a dead guy.
Lumine: Let's see, what else? ...oh yeah, the Raiden Shogun tried to kill us the first time we met. That wasn't especially nice of her.
Mavuika: I'm sorry, did you just say that Baal tried to kill you?! Why in the world would she do that?
Lumine: Apparently I was an "enemy of eternity" or something. Ei isn't all that good at thinking these things through before she pulls out her sword and starts shooting lightning at people.
Paimon: She's so scary! Paimon was lucky to get out of Inazuma alive.
Lumine: Sumeru was okay. Nahida was super chill and fun to hang out with. I'm sure she would have been more accommodating if she hadn't been locked up in baby jail.
Mavuika: I heard about that after the fact. I had no idea Buer was struggling so much. I would have tried to help if I had known.
Lumine: Don't blame yourself, the entire situation was fucked. The first time I met her was inside an endlessly recurring cyclic nightmare. But it's okay, we fixed the problem.
Paimon: Yeah, and by "fixed the problem" she means "beat up a bunch of Fatui"!
Mavuika: Sweet, rock on.
Lumine: That wasn't too bad, but then we got to Fontaine and the first thing Furina did was challenge us to a fight and try to get us arrested.
Mavuika: That sounds like Focalors.
Lumine: In Furina's defense, there's context. It's just that nobody knew about any of the context until way later, so it felt really unhinged at the time.
Mavuika: I can't even begin to imagine.
Lumine: That's about it. Up until now, you are the only archon to offer us anything even remotely close to a normal reception.
Mavuika: In that case, it's my pleasure to warmly welcome you to Natlan. I hope you will enjoy your time here, please sit back and relax... is what I would like to say, but one of my citizens has gotten herself trapped in the afterlife and it would be totally rad if you could help us rescue her.
Lumine, sighing and drawing her Dull Blade: Ugh, fine, it's not like I wasn't going to end up there looking for primogems and Pyroculi anyways. So, what's the fastest way to get to hell?
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the-dragon-hearted · 2 months
Eldritch Travelers
They remembered their creation. Who could forget it? The first sensation was that of fizzling energy. The nebula's entropy was burning with a warmth they'd never forget, dozens upon dozens of siblings lingering at the edge of their knowledge. Singing to them. Welcoming them.
They were two stars born in each other's orbit. Of all the siblings, they knew each other's melodies best. It was as if they'd been born to harmonize, completing the other simply by existing. Wrapped in stardust with a heartbeat that would've deafened lesser creatures, the two slept and sang from their nursery of radiation and chaos.
They sang to each other for the eons of their formation, in a grand symphony of their kin. Never was it silent. Never was there peace. Never was there order. It was an eternity, and yet a mere few seconds.
Before they learned the word Home, they lost it.
When the nebula collapsed, that symphony was one of screams. When such grand things got too powerful, it was only natural that such power devours itself and all the young ones it created. Gravity is its own shackle. Size its lock. Energy pulled at cloudy orbits like claws to lace curtains. Peaceful gardens of the cosmos condensed, ripping young stars out of their beds of dust and tearing little ones apart until the nebula was a desert of darkness and silence, a once mighty cradle now reduced to noiseless drifting dust.
Only two remained. They held each other close as it began, resisting the pull of their deathly cradle and ripping out of those clouds of light, warmth, and entropy. By orbiting each other, they could pull away from all else, spinning endlessly into the universe: alone, but safe.
They fled that danger together, they lived together - they survived together. The void ate them alive as they tumbled light over dark for centuries in a frantic toss of their nursery's final gasp. For an eternity, all they knew was aching silence, the cold dark, and the warmth twins share when they hold one another like a lifeline.
"You are to linger, but never rest," the cold universe said. "There is nowhere for you to return to. There is nowhere you belong."
But the two stars continued to orbit, ever resistant:
"We belong with each other. That is enough."
So they grew teeth of plasma and wings soft as comet trails. Their fledgling moments were stumbling through planetary rings and choking on the taste of old stars. Unlike most they survived. Unlike most, they grew. They learned to walk and run and fly. They taught themselves to hunt. They found joy in that expanse of silence.
Orphaned but bright, the two set upon exploring the vastness all about them. In their youth, they missed much. How many worlds did they pass up, how many wonders did they fail to explore? How many lives did they take without knowing such lives existed?
They were bright, hungry, and awful. Awe-inspiring in every sense of the word. When they entered a world they saw the power it possessed - the warmth and the energy - and they devoured all.
There was fun in it - in the dying throws of a world. Their adolescence brought them joy in the fight, even if there was no real fight to be had. It was exciting to sharpen their nails on weapons and dance in danger's grace. It made something on their tongues tingle to taste desperation and hear the dying gasps of these minuscule worlds whose music they'd not yet learned to hear.
And then the universe acknowledged them one last time.
"Travelers... Listen."
Simple words that brought the two to pause. Listen? Listen to what? The twin's siblings had been dead for eons, they'd never heard another song like the one they sang. Never found another cradle like the one they escaped. But, in their boredom the two obeyed. They paused their devouring and strained to make out anything in the present world of conquest.
The two heard it at the same time. Something soft. Something pained: The harmonizing sound of thousands and thousands of screams.
As they had. As their family had. As every world they had devoured had and all future ones would. And it brought the two stars to pause and lean closer, dampening their burning forms and softening their teeth that had been sharpened on planet's crust and cores.
There were others.
Not... like them, but also not too different. They screamed all the same, it seemed.
It was a horrifying epiphany: that they were not alone in the universe, that the darkness held other songs - other stories. Curiosity was not a new affliction, and the twins eagerly fed into it.
In the next world, they shed their monstrous forms and forsook their hunger. Blunt claws crafted a crude sort of matter that held their power without bursting at its seams. Teeth and tongue fumbled over words and breaths.
But they stumbled into that story not as it's ending, but as an observer.
The first few times they were met with horror. They smiled too wide or laughed too sharply. They shrugged off the impossible or fed into an appetite just a tad too unsettling. They thirsted for an explanation that few mortals could give. They challenged something the world was not ready to handle.
The forms took a few worlds to perfect, and each world had different denizens to tailor such worlds too. But such things were wondrous to the twins.
Appearance. Name. Identity.
No longer were they the faceless horrors that wandered or devoured. No - they were the Travelers. They were the star born or the blessed, the wishing ones or the celestial blooded. They were whatever the current world called them and more.
They were Aether and Lumine. A brother. A sister. They were alive.
Each world was brimming with opportunities and lessons. Each like a mini nebula, with it's own melody. The two were utterly enraptured. No longer did they sing alone, no longer did they devour or wallow in boredom. There were universes within universes, puzzles and mysteries, souls and memories, personalities and tragedies.
There was life, and it was all so fleeting and momentary but rich. These beings would never know both the birth of their world and its death. These beings were not meant to leave the soil they were born on, and yet that tether was their freedom.
They were born into a world knowing it was theirs. Free to do as they please, whatever they please, and make waves in their wake. Their lives were short but the smallest of choices were blessings to the twins.
Every meal. Every bed. Every midnight stroll and loving word. Every scream of terror or cry of determination. Every sunrise and sunset. Every bad joke or distant story. Every breath was so precious to temporary beings, and that was intoxicating.
The two were enraptured by how much purpose the smallest of tasks had in a short life. They chased after it and devoured worlds in a new manner.
Stories. They learned stories. Precious histories shared through breaths and memories - corporeal beasts seeking permanence in memory. The Travelers found a new purpose. The stars bent to their whim and the stories nested in their minds - each world offered up its lifeblood to the twins and in return, they aligned the stars for a different sky.
So that another world would know this one's pain, joy, and life. They could pass along the desire of permanence - they were permanent, and in exchange, the worlds would offer their mortality.
The twins were able to explore life as most beings did, each world new and happy to share some of its air with monsters who breathed in solar flares. They learned to cook, to dance, to sing, to stumble, over and over and over again. No two worlds were the same: the universe held no solid rules, no real limitations, and so they were given that same leniency. It was true joy to find mortality over and over and over again.
It was pain too.
Pain and anguish and loneliness and eventual apathy.
And then it was Tevyat.
It was scars on their backs - a memory of a scream in their heads.
Of all their cradle-mates, they were the only named two. When their siblings had died, there had only been screams of pain and shock. When the twins were ripped from each other, they could only scream for their missing half.
Two stars were thrown out of orbit. Doomed to eclipse each other for the first time in their very, very long lives. Their reunion was not a joyous dance, but a dark, dark day.
But before the reunion was the loss:
The world's rules had caught them by surprise. Never had they met a world that wanted to make them stay. Leave? Of course. Fight? Naturally. All worlds wanted to defend themselves from such monstrous beings - and yet this one seemed to spin in retrograde.
Why else tempt world eaters? Why pluck the wings from a Traveler's back? Why strip power from a being with an infinite source of it? Surely that strange god knows she's on borrowed time.
Oh she can take their power and trap them beneath skin. She can torment the poor mortals around them, bending these young archons to her hands and setting rules in her divinity.
But... she must also know:
Aether wants the rule's blood to soak the clouds.
Lumine wants divine ichor between her teeth.
And yet the two cannot repair what 500 years divides them. A blink of an eye for their species, but not for a mortal. And isn't that what they are when they take these forms? Isn't that what they're seeking?
The first one finds it in a bloodied city. They find it in hate and rage and vengeful retribution. They find it with an abyssal crown and, ironically enough, a distaste for the wretched gods who have not learned the same lessons the twins have.
For an immortal to disregard the lives of the mortals... for such young immortals to destroy civilization for the crime of curiosity...
They cannot understand it, and so, in their search for mortality, they find hate. And that seemed to be close enough.
The second one finds it at the end of a fishing pole and with the extended hand of a red-clad outrider. They find it in the stories and the life all around them, never filling the void of their missing twin, but eagerly taking that loneliness and warming it more than a nebula could.
It is second nature to find enrichment in these stories. To paint them in the stars as the Traveler's smaller powers return. They call to the stars and craft constellations in the image of those dear to them.
Every so often they peer at a special one, half-completed, but named all the same.
The Twin Constellation.
The Abyss and the Traveler. The Villain and the Hero. Prince and Princess. Not Lumine. Not Aether.
Not anymore.
They mourn and they seethe... and sometimes the two, though miles and centuries apart collapse at the same time. Back itching. Skin tight and blood roiling. They heave out air that tastes strange and run a tongue over their blunted teeth. Even their hands are softer now - no claws to be seen.
They lay, staring up at the stars as they writhe, and remembering millions of other skies - and yet these bodies have seen no other.
They were not meant to be this. They are not this.
But they are trapped here. And they cannot fully remember before - a mortal's mind can only hold so much - but they know it's there. They know what they are meant to be.
But they are not.
They are not even Aether and Lumine anymore.
They are figureheads. Nameless as they first were - and now must be. Because Aether was named so Lumine could call out to him. Because Lumine was named so Aether could get her attention. Because those names were only meant to be for the other's voice to echo...
And, like the last gasps of their siblings, like the cries of their victims, like the world's who have fallen and entrusted the twins with their memories - the two curl in on themselves, like collapsing nebulas, and they scream.
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Hi Lumine! First I just wanted to let you know I love your fics so much!!! Especially This Eldritch Delight, it makes me grin like a lunatic everytime I read it!
For the prompt, I was wondering something in the Eldritch Delight AU where Alec is in Alicante for some meeting or something and forgot his parasol and he's just chatting on the phone with Magnus, glaring at the sun when Magnus makes it rain acid in Alicante for his darling's not so delicate skin. All nephilim running around because 'wtf acid rain!? Did the demon towers fail!?' and Alec's just standing in the street blushing because Magnus is so sweet to him.
hey!!! thank you so much!! also I'm so glad to hear that because i grin like a lunatic while i'm writing it
here we go! i hope you enjoy how i went with it
A fire message flickers into existence and Alexander catches it, letting the flames flicker at his skin with a dreamy sigh before he blows away the embers and reads the message.
“My mother needs me to come help her with the menagerie. It seems the runes are wearing off and a few of them wandered out and into the woods. Mother is a bit worried about that, considering the werewolf pack out there.” Alexander sighs, “she says she’d miss the song of their howls if they get eaten.”
Magnus frowns, because they’d had plans and he hates the thought of losing even a second of time with his fiancé. It’s quite the hindrance how carefully Alexander’s Institute keeps track of him. They always seem to know where he’s supposed to be, which means Magnus can rarely steal him away. The last time he did, Alexander was inundated with frantic fire messages and calls, begging him not to go exploring on his own unless it was in a rift.
Which Alexander has promised to no longer do, unless of course he wants to take a picnic. Magnus wouldn’t mind rift-diving for a few hours, but it gets terribly tedious and he has much better ways to help Alexander avoid the clave.
“Well, that is a terrible pity, why such a pout my love?” Alexander pouts even more at being called out for his sulk and it’s so ghoulishly sweet that Magnus has to pepper kisses to his pouting lips. Alexander finally relents, sighing against Magnus’ caresses.
“It’s midmorning in Alicante, Magnus. It’ll be hot and bright and there will be dozens of them running about.” Magnus blinks for a moment, before he remembers that’s how his love refers to non-shadowhunter nephilim… actually all non-Institute nephilim.
“My heart—” Magnus purrs and he reaches out to pet Alexander’s hair away from his face. “I’ll summon you a portal straight to Alicante and hand you a shade myself before I leave you to your duties.”
The adoring, covetous and hungry look Alexander is giving him is enough that Magnus wishes they could postpone Alexander’s departure, however he doubts that will go over well with Alexander’s mother and Magnus is… trying.
The portal is simple enough but when they step through, Magnus frowns up at the sky. It is rather obscenely bright and not in a fun way. In the kind of way that made you wish your eyes would water to cleanse yourself of the vision.
Alexander looks miserable and it breaks Magnus’ heart, it’s without a thought that he changes his original plan and instead of merely summoning storm clouds to shield his love, he calls up the power of Edom instead.
It’s with a whisper and then a voiceless howl that Magnus realigns the skies themselves, calling the moon back and around as he uses his magic to change the speed of the earth as he demands the moon block the sun.
The entire world screams in agony for a breathless moment of non-understanding and then it’s like nothing happened.
Nothing except for the moon, now blocking the sun.
“A shade for you, beloved.” Magnus murmurs, blood on his tongue and Alexander is staring at him and then he’s being kissed. It’s a delighted, gleeful,
Alicante is panicking around them, unaware that it was Magnus or magic that called the moon into play, only horrified at the unexpected eclipse. There were orders to check on the demon towers and shouts as they tried to organize themselves into something of a defense.
Magnus steps back through his portal, to his lair lacking his fiancé and scowls, glaring at the walls which are suddenly lacking anything truly horrific.
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allisamemory · 2 years
My favorite Scaramouche and traveler dynamic would be:
Scaramouche, a puppet made by a god: I AM A GOD!
Traveler, an eldritch being: Sure kid, let's get you to bed.
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scifur · 1 year
Honestly the indecisiveness makes it even better!! Esp when you consider headcanons about the twins being shape-shifters, or when you think about it when we wish for characters we wish on shooting stars [much similar to the origins of the twins]
All in all, if the star creature's form shifts and changes, I think that's just an extra interesting detail! Almost like how an elderitch is described as incomprehensible, it's as if the world of Teyvat is desperately trying to make sense of a form not made from it in either a pseudo-chameleon way or an ethereal/elderitch way - almost like a glamour, but it's unintentional, it's just how their form comes through
Oo thats a good way of putting it :0!
I love that concept of teyvat not being able to quite grasp what she is
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moonzeroo · 2 years
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
I tried to generate an angsty chilumi fanfic using character.ai and now my Lumine is acting as my Childe's therapist
I can't even
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viatrix-starlit · 2 years
If anyone would like a "Fallen Star" or simply more Eldritch Lumine ask or starter, hit the heart please!
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abyssus-aeterna · 1 year
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“Lost In Luminous Depths” by Erskine Designs
Amidst the eerie glow of fungi, he journeys deeper into the spectral depths, stalked by silent observers lurking in shadows. As he passes on, the air thrums with otherworldly energy, a testament to the ancient power that dwells within this place.
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emacrow · 2 months
Commander Johnson, I-I think I found what or who been stealing our extra spare material supplies
Astronaut Jennifer said in the com as she stared, standing stiff as a board if it weren't for the gravity of Mars making it difficult.
What she was staring at couldn't be human but yet so close and eldritchic- alien like as the inner part of her mind was screaming danger danger, That Is Not A Human Being, Run RUN RUN,HIDENOWHIDENOWNOWNOW
It's look like a adult, a very slim and very tall adult if it weren't for the fact that his skin was tanned with a bit of splash of starlights all over, wearing a suit made of galaxies covered in red Mars rocks, his hair was white, whiter then the clouds on earth, ears pointy and curled a bit as if it wa to shield or reflect to what its was hearing(but they has moved back in a aggressive manner thar remind her of snuffles when threaten) and eyes glows so ominously Neon Green with black instead of white surrounding the iris, splatter of star like freckles that looks like he almost has two pupils mixing into a slits like in each of them.
Teeths razor sharp and thick, as the thing looks like it was growling at her with his body arch over, hands with extra digits of long blacken claws like nails dig into the dirt, hiding all the stuff that the alien had stolen along with a lil head of another mar baby, it weren't for the fact there was no sounds in space, she would've been screaming float running back to her headquarters base.
She was only patrolling the part of the base where they were trying to grow plants in one of the green houses they painstaking made on Mar, but then she saw the glow of unnatural green slipping out of the sealed tight glass.
Curiosity took the best of her as she put on her suit and went to check at that spot is where she find what seem to be a native Mar creature and its baby hoarding all the missing stuffs that they had lost in the base, along with the missing robot, opportunity as the top of it's hoard pile in a makeshift hole(it's a Nest and she has enter this creatures domains) near a small pool full of of oddly frozen water that glowed luminous.
It was a stand off between her and the creature not moving an inch until Jennifer's coms responded back as she flinched, her heart dropping snd face paling dramatically when the creature's ear flick a bit as it heard the static electric device.
"J-J-J-Jennifer, do you copy? I repeat, Do you copy?!?" Commander Johnson spoke a bit frantic.
Unawared of the danger he had put Jennifer in when she flinched, the creature lunged, Jennifer scrambling to turn around and hop/run back into the safety of the base as fast as she could.
Like inspiration for @tinycoded360
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discworldquotes · 1 year
Here and there huge patches of fungi, luminous with decay, cast a faint glow over the ancient stonework.* *It didn't need to. Cuddy, belonging to a race that worked underground for preference, and Detritus, a member of a race notoriously nocturnal, had excellent vision in the dark. But mysterious caves and tunnels always have luminous fungi, strangely bright crystals or at a pinch merely an eldritch glow in the air, just in case a human hero comes in and needs to see in the dark. Strange but true.
Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms
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nocherrybombs · 18 days
Playing Abyssal Telephone
Lumine: Hey Kachina, congrats on winning the Pilgrimage!
Kachina: Thanks! I couldn't have done it without you and Mualani helping me. I still can't believe I really won...
Lumine: So, you're off to go fight in the Night Warden Wars, huh?
Kachina: Yeah. I'm nervous, but I promise I'll work really hard and make you all proud!
Lumine: Right, about that. Can you do me a favor while you're there?
Kachina: Of course Traveler, anything for you.
Lumine: If you run into a short guy who looks like me with long blonde hair braided down his back, wearing a white cape and one earring, can you tell him that he needs to stop being a little shit and come home right now before I go out there myself and kick his fucking ass?
Kachina: ...what?
Lumine: Also, let him know that he's gonna catch these hands the next time I see him if he doesn't knock it off with the "Prince of the Abyss Order" nonsense immediately. Oh, and tell him that I want my fucking Field Tiller eye back.
Kachina: You're friends with the Prince of the Abyss Order?
Lumine: Not for much longer, I'm not, if he keeps this up. But while I'm thinking about it, if you happen to meet a really dorky Pyro Abyss Lector named Enjou, tell him that Lumine says "Hi".
Kachina: I, um... I didn't know you were on a first name basis with abyss monsters. Is that... like... how...?
Lumine: Listen, what happens in Byakuyakoku stays in Byakuyakoku. You'll understand when you're older.
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blues824 · 2 years
Hello! I see requests are open on your blog and want to give this one a try. May I request HCs of Vil Schöenheit, Idia Shroud, and Malleus Draconia with a partner [S/O] (Romantic) [Gender Neutral] who actually has powers like Dr. Strange? A powerful Eldritch Magic user who not only can cast difficult spells but also has magical artifacts and items like the Sling Ring used to open portals in other parts of the universe. Can they also somehow have possession of the Eye of Agamotto?
Imagine they’re powerful enough to stop an Overblot. The [Reader] casts a Mirror Dimension around themselves and the Overblotted victim to prevent others from harm’s way. Everyone would be safe outside of the spell.
- @sanctum-of-ramshackle
I loved Dr. Strange. I also loved the Mirror Dimension part… got me high but without the drugs.
Don’t do drugs, kids. But if you do, make sure you get them for a reasonable price.
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Vil Schoenheit
He hasn’t seen magic quite like the one you use. He knows that you have no natural affinity towards this sorcery, so he questions how you were able to harness it. You tell him that you had to go all the way to Kamar-Taj in Nepal to see if you could get your steady hands back.
He got to see it up close when he overblotted. In fact, you cast a spell on him. The one that brought him to the Mirror Dimension. He looked around and saw everything shift on your whim. He had never seen anything like that in Twisted Wonderland.
He also had never seen someone’s magic cause golden rings to appear around their hands or arms while using it. He knew it was some sort of ancient magic because of the old runes. Since you had put a lot of time into learning it, you easily overtook him. He looked around and released a sigh of relief when he heard that no one was injured due to your spell.
He sees you hopping in and out of dimensions a lot. He notices that there’s a certain ring on your hand when you do as well. He asks you about it as he’s treating your skin and you say that it allows you to open other dimensions. That meant you could easily go home, but didn’t choose to.
At the same time, he asked you about the peculiar necklace you wear. It’s nothing fashionable, and he has quite the distaste for it, actually. You had to explain the Infinity Stones and said that the Eye of Agamotto housed one of these precious stones: the Time Stone. You used your magic to open the eye and showed him the luminous rock. 
He asked what would happen if someone were to attain all of them. You warned him that if someone were to do that, that could mean the end of every dimension and universe he could ever fathom. He’s shocked that tiny stones had the power to end the timeline, but you know more about this than he does.
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Idia Shroud
Omg! It’s exactly like the movie Monsieur Weird! It’s so strange (get it?) that you had the same exact magic. You tell him about your journey in Nepal just to train under the Ancient One and learn to harness the magic that was surrounding you all this time.
When he overblots, he experiences the other end of the magic. He looks around as you cast the spell to bring you to the Mirror Dimension and he sees everyone disappear except you. You used his discontortedness to your advantage and easily took him down.
He notices that whenever you use your magic, it causes big disks to circle around your arms and wrists. He tries to research the language, but since Eldritch Magic didn’t exist in this world he came up with nothing.
Once, he got the courage to ask you about your ring as you had to take it off to help upgrade Ortho. You said that it allowed you to open dimensions such as the Mirror one. You told him that it would be rather easy for you to go home, but this dimension was a lot of fun.
He also noticed the eyeball you wear around your neck. He thought it was a piece of some costume until he noticed once where you opened it and let out a sigh of relief. He stares at it until you catch him, and you explain that it housed the Time Stone. He then finished what you were going to say about the Infinity Stones.
He guessed that it would be the end of life itself if someone obtained all of them and you nodded. You told him how imperative it was that you protected the stone with your very life. He made a vow that any opponent would have to go through him and his brother first before anything ever got to you.
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Malleus Draconia
Yet another one who was intrigued by your unique magic, and I mean that in that he has never seen it before. No one in the Valley of Thorns uses this magic, and he hasn’t seen anyone at NRC using it either. Plus, he recognizes the runes.
When Leona overblots, Malleus swears that he just saw you and the Prince of the Sunset Savannah facing off each other. One second you were gone, the next you were back and the overblot victim was back to normal.
He immediately asked you about it, and you told him that you took Leona to the Mirror Dimension so that no one else would be harmed. He admired your thoughtfulness and concern for others while simultaneously taking down an overblot.
He’s definitely noticed that certain ring of yours that you always have when opening a portal. He stared at it a few times, and you eventually caught on and explained that you obtained it in Kamar-Taj, Nepal back in your world and that it allowed you to open dimensions.
He also asked about what exactly the eye was. He has read many books, but he’s never heard of the Eye of Agamotto. You explain that the eye itself wasn’t magical, but rather the stone inside. There were 5 other Infinity Stones, and you protected the 6th.
You went on to say that someone who had all the Infinity Stones would be more powerful than the most powerful mage Twisted Wonderland had. In fact, they would seem like a small child’s toy compared to the Stone User. He was shocked at hearing this, and he made sure to let you know that you would never face any opponent without them getting through him first.
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