jameswebb-discoveries · 9 months
Unveiling the Mysteries of NGC 6822 with James Webb Space Telescope. Read full article here
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📸 Check out this mesmerizing image captured by the Near-InfraRed Camera (NIRCam) and Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) on the James Webb Space Telescope! The swirling yellow patterns indicate gas-rich regions, while the densely packed field of stars in this galaxy looks absolutely mind-blowing! 😍
💫 Fun fact alert: NGC 6822 has a fascinating history that dates way back! E. E. Barnard discovered it in 1884 and mistook it for a faint nebula 🤔. But Edwin Hubble (yes, the Hubble Space Telescope guy!) did some major deep diving in 1925, confirming that this beauty was way beyond our Milky Way! Mind = blown! 🤯
Read full article here-
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
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July 14, 1965, a groundbreaking mission that paved the way for exploring the Red Planet was carried out. Mariner 4 was the first to get valuable data and images that revolutionized our knowledge of our neighboring planet.
Mariner 4, a probe developed by NASA, went on a daring journey to explore Mars. She traveled for nearly seven months before arriving at her destination, covering a distance of about 325 million kilometers. This mission marked the first time humanity could take a closer look at the mysterious landscape of Mars.
As Mariner 4 approached Mars, it took a series of images, revealing a world never before seen. The images sent back to Earth have revealed a lush, crater surface, and challenged previous hairs about a more Earth-like environment. The images have provided us with our first glimpse of the Mars landscape.
Mariner 4's Mets also provided essential scientific data on Mars' atmosphere and temperature. It identified a thin atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide, and paved the way for future missions to explore the Earth's climate and life potential. The success of the mission was no less than a celebration in the space world and the whole world.
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melody4us · 3 months
Enter a world where time seems to stand still, and the cosmos itself becomes a canvas of tranquility and wonder. In 'Song of Universe: Relax, Feel & Dream,' you will embark on a mesmerizing journey that invites you to surrender to the soothing melodies of the universe. For three enchanting minutes, allow yourself to be immersed in a symphony of cosmic sounds, as celestial harmonies embrace your senses. Feel the gentle caress of stardust as it carries you through the vast expanse of space and time. The music resonates with the very heartbeat of the cosmos, inviting you to relax into a state of serenity.
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franciscoarayapizarro · 5 months
Hoy, Despierto
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En un rincón remoto del espacio, existe una civilización humana que da grandes avances en la conquista del espacio, este mundo hermano llamado Arhara ubicado en la constelación de Zenithar, esta humanidad ha extendido sus raíces a través del universo gracias a la benévola sombra de la Hegemonía. En este escenario bien particular, en un puesto de observación, se encuentra un joven científico llamado Siddhar dedicado al tedioso y aburrido trabajo de radio escucha de señales lejana del espacio, aunque es un joven talentoso,  no ha podido encontrar trabajo en el área de la investigación que más le apasiona, pero su rutinaria vida iba a cambiar, cuando rescata una antigua reliquia que flotaba cerca de la estación espacial, a punto de ser ignorado como un pedazo de basura, como una partícula cósmica sin importancia, una voz en su conciencia le dice: “¡¡ve recógela, recógela, Siddhar!!”. Con pinzas que nueve desde una cámara en la estación, toma la reliquia y la entra para examinarla, al tenerla en el laboratorio, Siddhar toca por curiosidad el objeto y de pronto en su mente empieza a tener visiones de un hombre con la piel aceitunada, el cabello tomado y vestido con una túnica al estilo de los antiguos habitantes de la antigua India, sentado en la posición del loto, este hombre irradia un aura brillante alrededor de su persona, era un ser cósmico, Siddhar lo reconoció por las antiguas leyendas de Arhara, sobre una especie de redentor que hubo hace miles de años y que enriqueció la vida espiritual de su planeta, en la actualidad, el hombre contemporáneo de su mundo dejo de creer en este tipo de creencias, ya que no tenía pruebas de su existencia. 
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En este impresionante momento, el ser cósmico empezó hablar y le dijo: “toda existencia en sí misma es insatisfactoria y lo seguirá siendo mientras no se reconozca su verdadera naturaleza. La verdad del sufrimiento es la manera imperfecta de ver el mundo que nos rodea. Todo sufrimiento proviene del apego, la ignorancia y el deseo. Entender de dónde proviene el dolor tiene el poder de reducir la insatisfacción”. De pronto, Siddhar despega su contacto físico con la reliquia y comienza a tener una reacción física a la experiencia en la que termina vomitando. Horas después, recibe un llamado del planeta Arhara de su superior, que periodicamente se comunican para rendir un reporte, en ese momento, Siddhar todavía sigue perturbado por la experiencia, tratando de sobrellevar lo ocurrido y entrega su reporte: el paso de 1 cometa y un conjunto de partículas de polvo, omitiendo su experiencia del descubrimiento de la reliquia, en ese momento, su superior, que pasa por alto su estado de ánimo, se remite solamente a su labor burocrática; tener un reporte de su puesto de observación. En su hora de dormir, Siddhar no logra conciliar el sueño, sus pensamientos se llenan con lo que le dijo el ser cósmico, ¿¿era posible que su insatisfacción en el puesto de escucha era porque perseguía un deseo que no estaba 100% inscrito en su corazón??, la reflexión y el pensamiento no lo ayudaba a calmar su mente, la única manera de acabar con su sufrimiento era saber el camino. Siddhar vuelve al laboratorio y toca con la yema de sus dedos la reliquia,  pero no lograba volver a tener las visiones, toca de nuevo y no pasa nada, así que Siddhar toma aire, respira hondo y cuando se sintió calmado toca la reliquia y las visiones volvieron: en ese momento ve al mismo ser cósmico que lo miraba con mucha contemplación, esto dejo a Siddhar extrañado, llego a pensar, quizás la reliquia es una especie de memoria de un mundo lejano: pero el ser cósmico decía: “¿¿Siddhar, te sientes bien, deseas seguir??, el asombro fue casi de miedo cuando el ser cósmico lo llamo por su nombre, en ese momento dedujo que no podía ser una memoria; tenía que ser una programa muy sofisticado que lo reconoció con una lectura de ADN como Siddhar o en verdad era un ser cósmico o un genio encerrado dentro de la reliquia que lo manipulaba, ahí seria el momento de decidir que era más grande, el miedo o la necesidad de averiguar más para poder dormir, al final se dio paso a lo segundo.
En ese momento, el ser cósmico siguió diciendo lo siguiente: Hay una forma para salir del sufrimiento, un camino en el que se comienza entendiendo que toda existencia en sí misma es insatisfactoria y lo seguirá siendo mientras no se reconozca su verdadera naturaleza. Y que la verdad del sufrimiento es la manera imperfecta de ver el mundo que nos rodea. Pero que todo sufrimiento proviene del apego, la ignorancia y el deseo.
A partir de ello aspiras a liberarte del sufrimiento, hablando con la verdad sin hacer sufrir a otros, tener un corazón recto y puro, viviendo y trabajando en sintonía con tu espíritu, esforzándose por ser cada día mejor, meditando para estar en completo estado de unidad”.
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Con estas últimas palabras, la visiones terminan y Siddhar termina con una misión clara de lo que tiene que hacer, en ese momento, empieza a meditar y su mente comienza apaciguarse, al pasar los días, lentamente su mente empieza cobrar claridad y calma, ya los rutinarios días comienzan a cobrar sentido, ya no era una tarea más, era algo que todavía puede hacerse cada día mejor.
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El joven Siddhar, que no ya era joven, sino un hombre de 40 años de edad, con su tez brillante y una mirada serena, recibe un día, el comunicado de un hombre que no era su superior con que se reportaba periódicamente, y que le da la noticia que hubo un golpe de estado en la Hegemonía, y que destituyeron a su superior, y que en pocos días, iba a ser relevado por otro hombre, la noticia fue recibida con calma por parte de Siddhar. Llegado el día que venía ser relevado, se encontró con su ex superior en la escotilla de salida de la estación, escoltado por 2 soldados, Siddhar le pregunto: ¿¿ Señor, usted que hace aquí ??.
A lo que el ex superior de Siddhar le responde: “Como era partidario de la Hegemonía fui a juicio y el nuevo gobierno me conmuto la sentencia de prisión a la de venir a un puesto de observación, no pensé que sería este”.
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Siddhar lo deja y se despide de su ex superior diciendo con calma y serenidad: “yo deseo que le vaya bien, Señor”. Tranquilamente Siddhar camina hacia la escotilla junto con los soldados dejando a su ex superior en la estación de observación, en pocos minutos la nave que trajo a su ex superior y a los soldados se aleja de la estación que llevaría a Siddhar al Planeta Arhara, en donde Siddhar rendiría un reporte, posteriormente Siddhar, dejaría las ciencias para dedicarse a enseñar lo que aprendió de la reliquia y sus años de meditación en la estación. Pero antes de eso, su ex superior encuentra la reliquia que no se llevó consigo Siddhar, la toca con curiosidad y tiene las mismas visiones que tuvo Siddhar al principio en la que ve al mismo ser cósmico que le dice: “toda existencia en sí misma es insatisfactoria…”
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shrineofwill · 6 months
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otaviogilbert · 7 months
Trust the Aliens | Beau Lucas
"Trust the Aliens" is a captivating musical piece by Beau Lucas that takes you on a cosmic journey through sound. Experience the fusion of electronic and experimental elements that defy conventional music boundaries. Surrender to the ethereal and let your imagination roam as you trust the aliens to guide you through this auditory adventure.
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epicstoriestime · 10 months
Cosmic Harmony: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Mindful Meditation
🌌✨ Embark on a cosmic journey of self-discovery and well-being through the transformative power of mindful meditation. Discover the celestial sanctuary within and cultivate cosmic clarity, peace, and resilience. Let the cosmic stillness guide you toward interstellar harmony and cosmic connections. Dive into the depths of mindful meditation and unlock its profound effects on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Join us on this cosmic odyssey and unleash your cosmic potential! 🧘‍♀️🚀 #MindfulMeditation #CosmicJourney #WellBeing #SelfDiscovery #Clarity #Peace #Resilience #InterstellarHarmony #CosmicConnections #Transformation
  Welcome, fellow seekers, to a transformative journey into the realm of mindful meditation. In the vast expanse of our fast-paced lives, the art of quiet contemplation offers a sanctuary where we can reconnect with our inner selves and cultivate a profound sense of well-being. Join us as we embark on this odyssey of self-discovery, delving into the depths of mindful meditation to unveil its…
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arjunasearth · 1 year
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~The Stars, the Sun and the Moon. We embody it all. We unify polarities. We bridge Heaven and Earth. We embody Frequency , being Sound. We are Light and Dark. The mystic , sensual , the Unknown, the Hidden, SOURCE. We are multidimensional travellers on our way home.~
~The Moon and the Sun~
Own shot & edit.
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shokorohandmade · 4 days
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🌟 Dive into the deep waters of the Cancer zodiac sign! 🦀✨Unveil the mysteries of their personality traits and explore their compatibility in relationships. 😍💑 From their nurturing nature to their emotional depth, Cancers are truly one-of-a-kind. 💞💫 Discover the incredible strengths that come with their intuitive and empathetic souls. 🌙🔮 Get ready to embark on a cosmic journey through the stars and unravel the secrets of this water sign. 💫💖 Whether you're a Cancer seeking insight into your own sign or simply fascinated by astrology, this ultimate guide will light up your path. 🌌✨ Embrace your inner crab and let the stars guide you to a deeper connection with yourself and others. 🌟💞
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brainboxschool · 16 days
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"🚀 Today, we celebrate the International Day of Human Space Flight! 🌍✨ On this day, we honor the pioneering spirit of humanity's venture beyond our planet. From Yuri Gagarin's historic journey in 1961 to the countless missions exploring the cosmos, human space flight embodies our quest for discovery, knowledge, and unity. Let's continue to reach for the stars and inspire the next generation of explorers! 🌌
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lucidbybarrett · 19 days
Lucid project
Day 1: Embarking on the Cosmic Journey of 'Lucid'
Welcome, fellow travelers of the cosmic realms, to the beginning of an epic journey through the pages of "Lucid," a tale that intertwines the essence of existence with the clash of cosmic forces.
In the vast expanse of the universe shaped by the echoes of the Big Bang, "Lucid" unravels the enigmatic narrative of Lucid himself, a warrior bound by fate to navigate the delicate balance between light and darkness. As his journey unfolds, themes of power, creation, and the very essence of existence come to the forefront, weaving a tapestry of cosmic wonder and intrigue.
Within these pages, you'll encounter a diverse cast of characters, each bearing their own unique gifts and burdens. From the enigmatic Lucid, questioning the depths of his own power, to Vivid, a soul steeped in the mysteries of darkness yet wielding the might of nature and lightning, the characters in "Lucid" embody a spectrum of emotions and aspirations.
As the creator of this cosmic saga, I am thrilled to share this journey with you. Together, we'll delve into the depths of creation, challenge the boundaries of power, and unravel the mysteries of existence itself. Join me as we embark on this odyssey through the stars and beyond, where every page holds a universe of possibilities.
Stay tuned for more updates, insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the world of "Lucid." The cosmic adventure awaits!
Until next time,
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Michael Barrett
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Embrace Stability and Protection with Our Mercury Retrograde Grounding Meditation! 🪐🔮
Navigate the cosmic currents of Mercury Retrograde with ease. Our guided meditation offers a soothing journey to find stability and protection during this transformative time. 🌌🌿 Let the celestial energies guide you to a place of calm and resilient
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astrogaurdens · 2 months
🌙✨ **Garden Tales New Moon Oracle - Sunday Self-Care Reading** ✨🌙
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Under the enchanting sway of the celestial dancers, we find ourselves wrapped in the gentle embrace of the New Moon in Pisces. As we peer into the mystic depths of the Moon Goddess card, we are beckoned to embark on a journey of cosmic alignment and intention setting.
This lunar cycle whispers tales of harmony and unity, urging us to embrace the delicate dance of duality and the sacred art of intention weaving. With each phase of the moon's gentle orbit, we are reminded of the exquisite balance between light and shadow, yin and yang.
In this celestial ballet of energies, let us adorn our intentions with the sparkle of stardust and the shimmer of moonbeams. Set forth your dreams with the tender touch of a lunar goddess, knowing that each intention sown under this Piscean New Moon carries the potential for boundless magic and manifestation.
🌟 **Lunar Tips for Manifestation:** 🌟
1. 🌑 **New Moon Phase:** Set your intentions. Reflect on your deepest desires and plant the seeds of your dreams with clarity and purpose.
2. 🌒 **Waxing Crescent Phase:** Nurture your intentions. Cultivate your goals with care and dedication, taking inspired action towards their manifestation.
3. 🌓 **First Quarter Phase:** Embrace momentum. Adjust your course as needed, staying aligned with the flow of your intentions and the rhythm of the lunar cycle.
4. 🌔 **Waxing Gibbous Phase:** Amplify your efforts. Fine-tune your plans and stay focused on your goals, harnessing the waxing energy of the moon to propel you forward.
5. 🌕 **Full Moon Phase:** Celebrate manifestation. Bask in the radiant glow of your achievements, honoring the fruition of your intentions with gratitude and joy.
6. 🌖 **Waning Gibbous Phase:** Release and surrender. Let go of anything that no longer serves your highest good, allowing space for new blessings to flow into your life.
7. 🌗 **Last Quarter Phase:** Reflect and integrate. Take stock of your journey, acknowledging the lessons learned and integrating them into your being as you prepare for the next cycle.
8. 🌘 **Waning Crescent Phase:** Rest and recharge. Surrender to the gentle embrace of the waning moon, replenishing your spirit and nourishing your soul in preparation for the cycle ahead.
May this New Moon bless you with the wisdom of the cosmos and the magic of infinite possibilities. 🌌💫
#NewMoonMagic #PiscesSeason #LunarWisdom #ManifestationMonday #CelestialGuidance #MoonGoddess #IntentionSetting #CosmicJourney #SpiritualAwakening #DivineAlignment #GardenTalesTarot 🌿✨
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aenonsprings · 4 months
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🌈✨ Tarot Tale: The Fool's Journey ✨🌈
In the tapestry of tarot, The Fool dances at the start of our cosmic journey. A carefree soul, standing on the precipice of the unknown, embodying infinite possibilities.
The Fool invites you to take a leap of faith, to embrace the uncharted territories of your life. 🌟 Pack light with dreams, and let the winds of adventure guide your steps.
🐾 The loyal companion at the Fool's side whispers of trust and spontaneity. Sometimes, it's in the folly that we find profound wisdom.
Embark on your own Fool's journey with a heart unburdened and eyes wide open. 🌈💫
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franciscoarayapizarro · 5 months
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global-education · 5 months
The Largest Galaxy in the Universe Will Shock You
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When we gaze up at the night sky, we often contemplate the countless stars and galaxies that adorn the cosmic canvas. Each one has its own unique story and characteristics, but today, we are about to embark on a journey to explore a galaxy that truly stands out from the rest. Brace yourselves as we delve into the astonishing world of "The Largest Galaxy in the Universe."
Galaxy Basics
Before we dive into the specifics of the largest galaxy, let's get acquainted with some fundamental concepts. A galaxy is a vast collection of stars, dust, gas, and dark matter held together by gravity. They come in various shapes and sizes, with our Milky Way being just one of billions in the universe.
Galaxy Classifications
Galaxies are categorized into several types based on their shapes. The most common classifications are spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies. Each type has its own unique characteristics.
Meet IC 1101
Now, let's turn our attention to the star of the show: IC 1101. This gargantuan galaxy is often touted as the largest galaxy in the observable universe. Located approximately 1 billion light-years away in the Virgo Cluster, IC 1101 is a giant elliptical galaxy that dwarfs all others.
Mind-Boggling Dimensions
To truly appreciate the scale of IC 1101, we need to wrap our heads around its mind-boggling dimensions. This cosmic titan spans an incredible 5.5 million light-years from end to end. To put it in perspective, our Milky Way galaxy is just around 100,000 light-years in diameter. IC 1101 is like the cosmic skyscraper of galaxies.
Chapter 5: Stellar Population
IC 1101 boasts a staggering number of stars. Estimates put its stellar population at around 100 trillion stars. To give you a sense of scale, the Milky Way contains about 100-400 billion stars. IC 1101's starry abundance is truly astonishing.
Supermassive Black Hole
At the heart of IC 1101 lies an enormous supermassive black hole. This colossal cosmic abyss has a mass estimated to be around 40 billion times that of our Sun. It's one of the most massive black holes ever discovered, adding to the mystique of this already awe-inspiring galaxy.
Formation and Evolution
The formation and evolution of IC 1101 have puzzled astronomers for years. It's believed that it grew to its colossal size through numerous mergers with other galaxies over billions of years. These galactic collisions and acquisitions contributed to its vast expanse and dense stellar population.
The Virgo Cluster
IC 1101 is not alone in the cosmos; it resides within the Virgo Cluster, a collection of thousands of galaxies. This cluster is like a bustling cosmic city, and IC 1101 is its shining star.
Beyond IC 1101
While IC 1101 may be the largest galaxy we've discovered so far, the universe is a vast and mysterious place. There could be even more massive galaxies out there waiting to be uncovered by future generations of astronomers.
The Mysteries of the Universe
The exploration of galaxies like IC 1101 reminds us of the incredible mysteries that the universe holds. It encourages us to continue our quest for knowledge, to keep looking up, and to marvel at the wonders of the cosmos.
As we conclude our journey into the realm of "The Largest Galaxy in the Universe," we are left with a sense of wonder and awe. IC 1101, with its mind-boggling size and secrets, serves as a reminder that the universe is full of surprises and that there is much more to discover beyond our home planet. So, the next time you look up at the night sky, remember that there are galaxies out there that can truly shock you with their grandeur.
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