#Costumer Racing
asexual-juliet · 25 days
no but ryo paul debut is actually making me care about paul as a character for the first time because holy fuck if a white darry & japanese american paul dynamic is not supremely compelling in terms of 1960s oklahoma race and class tensions
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jackmkelly · 3 months
i need newsies to stop being boring. put girls in manhattan. put Only girls in brooklyn. put one singular girl in the bronx. All at once. dont pick and choose. all at once.
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smile-files · 3 months
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here's the ziploc i customized so i can abide by the bfdi x ii clear bag policy in style!!
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jennyanypenny · 3 months
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My fave (because she is cool)
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madredhattie · 8 months
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“Brother, I cannot condone this particular track you are on.”
Debuting the goodies my roommate and I are making for Emerald City Comic Con this year! If you’re attending, find us for a Bug!
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urmooniee · 11 months
they ate with those costumes
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suspendingtime · 1 year
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Anthony assisting Benedict before putting his stick away.
BRIDGERTON 2.02 'Off to the Races'
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donnymeloche · 5 months
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A little fashion moment inspired by Maddy Morphosis. ✨
Donny Meloche donnymeloche.com @donnymeloche
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rabbitlegs · 7 months
Caroline costumes pt. 3
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Remember these? felt like doing more of them.
Ferry (granblue fantasy), race queen, red mage, dinosaur onesie
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mana-sama-cult · 21 days
My friend hosted a PowerPoint night and I did mine on “Why Malice Mizer is the Best Band” and used it as an opportunity to make 5 people I barely knew watch 4 pvs and look at pics od my Mana Sama shrine
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keiossance · 10 months
Looking forward (and making it a known fact) to Carlos be the fucking bulldozer he will be to overtake his way (like the smooth operator of a title he truly deserve) towards the front, racing beside his teammate (boyfriend) and all until the last lap of the race.
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merakiui · 1 year
Azul who's so self conscious about his mer form so you decide to do something about it. Just you walking to Mostro Lounge in an octopus costume lol
Either wearing a octomer costume or something like this: https://www.partiescostume.com/octopus-costumes.htm 😭
LOL he bans you from the lounge so swiftly that you have to wonder what he's thinking. T_T the minute he lays eyes on you, the words just come rushing out: "Jade, Floyd. Please escort the prefect out." and you're desperately trying to plead your case while the twins are dragging you away. Floyd's howling with laughter and Jade's doing his best to conceal his own amused chuckles. You always know how to get Azul so worked up and it's the funniest thing every time. He just gets so huffy and red-faced and flustered, struggling to keep his composure in front of so many eyes; it's really too fun to see. orz
The ban only lasts for the day, but just before closing the twins let you back in and they tell Azul there's one last customer who wants him to serve them. Azul can sense there's something not quite right, and he's not surprised in the slightest when he sees you sitting in the booth (now without the silly octopus costume and back in your uniform). Maybe you offer to help him get more confident in his mer form. If it means you'll stop tormenting the lounge in your silly outfits, it's a deal he's highly considering.
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dragandfashions · 1 year
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Category is: Famous then
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
Heathers Part 4: Rogue Heather and Conclusion
Part 3
This is my favourite option, which is why I saved it for last. This route focuses on skills Heather could much more believably pick up on her own—in fact, these are skills we already see her exhibiting in RoB. This version of Heather is very much like Arya Stark—minus the combat training—specifically, Arya when she’s in Braavos. She’s good at hiding, sneaking around, pickpocketing, etc. She would rely on changing her behaviour and appearance to fit the situation and slowly build her arsenal of disguises as she improves her skill and has more resources at her disposal. One day, she might appear as a raggedy street urchin; the next, a bawdy barmaid; then, a haughty noblewoman or cunning hunter.
Her primary use of this skill would be survival—blending into the background or standing out without people knowing her true identity—but this would also be strategic. She could get information either from being a fly on the wall no one considers being cautious around, or by being charismatic and charming people into trusting her. In more extreme situations, she could slip poison into the drink of a bar patron, set fire to the room of someone who thinks she’s their servant, or (in a version of RTTE with a more mature rating) stab someone once they’re in her bed. (I’ve written a fic about this)
I think this option makes the most sense, because it requires no retconning of her backstory and includes the most believable skillset for someone without any training. I also think that with a heavy focus on stealth, it wouldn’t make sense for her to have a large, armoured dragon with reflective scales (once again, sorry Windshear). Instead she could have a small dragon that could help her with fetching things, being on watch for danger, and shooting fire at close range. I’m thinking a Terrible Terror or something similar. Although a small dragon with similar traits to a Changewing would be really cool, like a winged chameleon of sorts—but maybe instead of becoming invisible, it just mimics different colours and textures.
In terms of costumes for Rogue Heather, it can really be anything. She’d probably need a base outfit for when she’s not in disguise, in which case, I’d go for something like the redesigns all the dragon riders except Hiccup got, which was basically putting them in the same clothes as in RoB/DoB but with different colours. I think the outfit Heather’s wearing in RoB is pretty good for a rogue type character already—just use a slightly different colour scheme that’s still faded, and keep the hood from her current design. Her disguises could be much more dramatic and could include wigs and makeup as well.
I have a headcanon that she has a favourite disguise though. Due to all the danger and insecurity she’s faced, she’s become ruthlessly ambitious—not just for revenge, but for wealth and power. She never wants to have to worry about being unsafe or scrounging around to survive. I think her favourite roles to play are rich and powerful women. In these roles, she gets to wear something beautiful—I’m thinking a deep green gown that brings out her eyes. It could also be a reference to serpents and envy, which goes hand in hand with her use of poison and her desire for the finer things in life.
I love this version of Heather. I’m currently in the early stages of writing a very long fic (that will probably just include regular Heather because the story already has a lot of OCs and moving parts), however, if I get enough inspiration, I might write some one-shots here and there about her.
Some ideas for her more fancy/aspirational disguises:
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From left to right: Labyrinth (2012), BBC’s Merlin (I always thought Katie McGrath would be a great grown-up Heather)
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(Some more historical Norse looks)
And a more everyday look:
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(From Voriagh)...tell me this model isn't LITERALLY HEATHER. I think it's the murder in her eyes.
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(Arya in Game of Thrones, tunics from Dark Knight Armoury)
Conclusion...After a Note About Combat and Women in Fantasy
Before I finish, I want to briefly touch upon another issue I have with Heather’s character. You may have noticed that the latter two options I gave have a much stronger emphasis on her intelligence and/or social skills than her physical prowess – I did this intentionally because I find that RTTE lacks characters who are not combat focused (Even Johann turned out to be a skilled knife-thrower. I miss when he was just a friendly and knowledgable—though talkative—merchant). While I appreciate that the female characters in the show are shown to be capable fighters, they don’t all need to be. I think fantasy and sci-fi writers tend to forget that making women into combatants is not the only way to make them strong, empowered, or interesting. There are so many ways that characters, regardless of gender, can have agency and be integral to a plot; these ways don’t have to include putting a heavy weapon in their hands. I’ve briefly discussed this in another post, but I think the dynamic between Viggo and Ryker would be much more interesting if Viggo were not physically strong and had to depend on Ryker’s strength just as much as Ryker depended on Viggo’s wits. And while Hiccup’s sword fighting abilities are commendable, let’s not forget that his first great achievement would never have been possible without curiosity, intelligence and empathy—the three things required to befriend Toothless—not physical strength. I love Race to the Edge, and I understand the combat-heavy focus (because “Vikings”) but I do wish there was just a bit more variety when it comes to the way characters navigate dangerous situations.
Alright, so there you have it: My 3 Heathers. I’m very tempted to draw all three of them, to get a clearer image of what their designs would look like. Which one do you prefer the most? The revenge-fuelled warrior, the unhinged alchemist, or the ambitious assassin? Let me know, and thanks for reading!
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nekropsii · 4 months
A cosplayer I'm friends with on Instagram often vagueposts on his stories with complaints about other fans cosplaying Meenah or Damara on account of it being racist to do so. (None of the cosplayers in question had done any... questionable makeup choices of any sort, they just had the usual light gray body paint approximating canon. The friend in question is white himself, as am I.) Do you think there's a genuine issue with people cosplaying characters like those ones?
I'm genuinely curious on your insights; I came to your blog for this since I find your posts both about the alpha trolls and the racism especially with them, but also in Homestuck overall, to be very well written. If this feels too much like discourse to you, you're free to delete it. (You askbox rules made me a bit nervous ^^)
This is a loaded question, which I am getting the sense is... A controversial one, and I do not feel equipped to give a solid yes or no answer on this as someone who is not a cosplayer and doesn't really know anything about the scene.
However, I do have to ask... Why specifically Damara and Meenah? There's an infinite amount of characters who are white, even within Homestuck. Why specifically dress up as characters who are without a single doubt not white? That is tacky to me. This isn't even an anime situation where it doesn't really matter until people start pinning their eyes back, Meenah and Damara - Damara especially - are depicted in a way that is straight up racist, and also some of the few characters in the comic who are just straight up not white. Like, you have other options. Most of the characters in the comic are white. Why them?
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swallowedswan · 1 year
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it’s almost october bitches
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